#Wooden Memento Award
ajaygiftkyade12 · 1 month
In the contemporary world, where environmental awareness is on the rise, every effort towards sustainability, no matter how small, is significant. It may not be a widely discussed topic, but the awards we present to honor accomplishments can contribute to this movement as well. Let's explore the eco-friendly advantages of choosing wooden mementos for awards.
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flippinpancakes64 · 2 months
hey can i request romantic moments between cullens and reader? btw i love your works🫶🏻
Romantic moments with the Cullens
Thank you so much! I think I’ll always be shocked whenever anyone says they like what I do so thank you.
And this one was a lot of fun to make! I did get a bit carried away at some points tho… I tried a new form of writing for me so hopefully it's good
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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You and Edward had been dating for almost two years now
You were about to graduate high school, your first time and his 100th
You had talked about doing so many things to memorialize your senior year
A scrapbook, a picture every day, a custom t-shirt
Literally everything
But you just kept forgetting
Between all of the stress of moving into your final year, saving up for college, working your part-time job, and all of your extracurriculars, fun stuff just slipped your mind
And now you were helping Alice set up for your graduation party and you’re realizing just how empty the place is
Not that there aren’t decorations, which there definitely are, it’s just nothing you wanted
The place was covered in black and gold and your favorite color
There were piles of your favorite foods
But then you looked at the empty table where all of your mementos are supposed to go
You have everything you technically need
Your baby pictures, all of your awards, your school picture from every year, and your acceptance letter to your future college
But it was still missing something, all of those little projects you had been wanting to do so badly but simply didn't
You turned away from your sad little table tucked away in a corner of the Cullen house when you see Edward standing in the doorway
He's carrying a huge box in his hands, stuff overflowing from the top
"Edward, what is all of that? Don't tell me it's more streamers, we don't have room. Unless you want to cover the entire house in them-"
"Shh. It's not streamers I promise. It's for you. I promise you'll love it."
He sets the box down on your memento table and instantly you recognize it all
The wooden box with your name on the side carved in fancy cursive lettering holds everything you wanted
You pull out a leather-bound journal, opening it reveals picture upon picture of you from every single day that year
Next is a basic white shirt, but scribbled all over it are signatures and notes from all of your friends and your favorite teachers
Underneath that is a framed picture of your senior parking spot, though it looks like Edward redrew it because you don't remember yours looking this good
In the bottom of the box lies a Build-a-Bear of your favorite animal dressed in a little cap and gown
You were speechless. He remembered every single thing that you wanted, all of your dreams that you forgot to fulfill, and he did them for you
"I have so many questions, but for right now just come here and give me a kiss"
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Today was your one-year anniversary of being turned into a vampire
And for your surprise, Alice decided she would take you to do something that you had always told her you wanted to do
Sit on the bottom of the deep end of the pool
And naturally, Alice went all out
You were out at the store with Esme when you got a call from Alice telling you to put on the clothes she laid out on your bed and to go into the backyard when you got home
To say you were confused would be an understatement
But you did it anyway
After you and Esme got home and you helped her bring in the new couch she bought, you trekked up to yours and Alice's shared room
Laying on your bed was a swimsuit that you had never seen before
It was your favorite color and it was adorned with jewels
Queasily, you wondered if they were real diamonds
Fake or not, you were still careful pulling it on
Of course it fit like a glove did you expect anything else
You walk out the back door and you see Alice sitting next to the pool, the sun reflecting off of her shiny skin with a big smile on her face
In her lap there was a small bag that was zipped tightly shut
"Okay, what's all this?"
"Well, remember when you were still human and you used to tell me all the time how all you wanted was to just go to the bottom of the pool and take a nap down there?"
"So that's what all this is? I can't even sleep anymore"
"Oh shush I know that, of course I have something else planned"
With that, she grabs the bag and dives headfirst into the pool
You can see her bright purple bikini as she makes her way to the bottom of the pool only stopping once she's 12 feet deep
You hesitate as you're about to follow her
You know that logically you'll be fine, but a human part still exists somewhere inside of you
Swallowing back your fear, you jump in, swimming down to the bottom to join Alice
"You don't need to hold your breath, silly. Go ahead, let it out"
You didn't even realize you were holding your breath
"Now, for the main event. Since it's your anniversary, I figured we could have a nice romantic dinner down here."
With that, she pulls out a small battery operated candle and flicks it on, the water above making it just barely dark enough for the candle to be visible
Next, she pulls out two pouches that have screw-on lids
"What is that?"
"Blood, of course. Fresh from the moose I caught this morning."
She hands you one, and underneath the pressure of the warm water, huddled around your little candle, you have the most romantic dinner of your life
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To be honest, you were having a terrible week
You completely forgot about a really important essay that you needed for one of your AP classes, your favorite shirt got eaten by the washing machine, and now, your friends cancelled on you last minute when you were all supposed to go to the fair
You were sitting on your bed, still dressed in the outfit you were going to wear for the day, staring down at the text message from your friends
And you just started sobbing
It was too much
Jasper was downstairs at the time, he could feel your creeping sadness, but when your tears erupted, he knew he had to step in
He flew up the steps and stopped just outside of your door
He knocked and waited until you permitted him to come in
"What happened?"
"My friends... what are the chances that all four of them had something come up so suddenly? Do they hate me? I bet they do..."
He just took your hand and crept his ability into your mind, easing your sadness at least a little
When your sniffling finally came to an end, he grabbed your face to look at him
"Do you still want to go? To the fair, I mean"
You just looked at him shocked
"But, Jasper, you hate being out in public. I would never ask that of you"
"That's why you're not asking, I'm offering. Come on, let's go"
With that he pulls you out to the car and drives you to the fair
You drag him everywhere
From all of the food stands to every single ride, he goes willingly
If he is uncomfortable being around all of the sweet-smelling humans, he makes no indication of it
As the night is coming to an end and the blinking lights on the tents illuminate your face, you stand in front of a Pop-The-Balloon game
Just within your reach, so close you can taste it, a giant orange monkey stuffed animal hangs on the edge of the stall
The only thing between you and the monkey is your terrible darts skills
You've easily gone through 50 bucks, Jasper next to you always ready to hand the Carnie another couple of bills
"Are you sure you don't want me to try at least once?"
"I got this, Jasper. One more try, this next one is the one I can feel it."
He just sighs and fishes another couple of dollars out of his wallet
Of course, this round goes just as well as all of the other ones, leaving you even more frustrated
"Now can I try?"
"Ugh, go for it"
He pops every single balloon so fast you wonder if he used his super speed to race behind the counter to pop them all
The Carnie reluctantly handed over the monkey, and you were all too eager to take it
You didn't even care that you were still in a very public spot, you pulled Jasper in for one of the biggest kisses you've ever given
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You had been talking for weeks about buying a one-of-a-kind action figure from a seller online
There was someone on ebay who repainted various dolls and sold them
There was one that you had been eyeing specifically because it reminded you of Rosalie
Personally, she didn't think it looked like her at all but whatever
The two of you were laying in bed one afternoon peacefully when all of a sudden you shot up and screamed
She is on her feet instantly, looking around for the threat
But then you turn your phone screen to her, screaming about how someone outbid you at the very last moment and that now the doll is gone
"You can't just scream like that! You scared me"
"But Rose! It's gone! I can't believe it this is so unfair"
Cue the waterworks
She feels bad, she tries to console you, but you can't be reasoned with
Over the next couple of days, she tracks down every single detail that she can find about the person who "stole" the doll from you
She hacks into ebay's security system to find their address
And then she tells you that her and Alice are randomly taking a road trip
When she comes back, she invites you out to a nice dinner
She books out the entire dining room of a fancy restaurant and brings you there
As your appetizer and entree come out, you two talk
She makes up some made-up story about her "road trip" with Alice
Just as the waiter leaves with your dessert order, you see Rosalie pull out a wrapped box with a silver bow around it
"What's that?"
"A gift for you"
She hands you the package and on the inside is the little Rosalie look-alike and one more doll that strangely bears a striking resemblance to you
"Is this... is that... oh my god"
"I didn't go on a trip with Alice. Well, technically I did. But we drove to that guy's house and stole the doll back. Since he stole it from you in the first place, it's only fair you got it back."
"And this one? Where did this one come from?"
"He had a couple more in his house, I thought you might like that one too."
So now there are two dolls standing on one of the shelves in your room <3
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You had no clue why Emmett was being so weird today
He seemed fidgety all day
That morning he woke you up with a plate of pancakes in bed, drizzled with syrup that he made himself
Then he took you out to the mall
He took you to a really fancy clothing store and had you pick out the most dazzling outfit you could find
He even got it custom tailored to you
After that he took you to the spa where you both got a deep tissue massage
You had tried to ask him multiple times what all this was for, but he never answered
He would just usher you on to the next thing
Now you were in one of Edward's nice foreign cars and he was driving you to somewhere else
"So... as much as I appreciate everything you've been doing today, really, what is this all for?"
"Oh come on, don't act dumb. And before you even ask, no, I don't need anything in return"
"You're literally not even making sense. What is today?"
"You know what day it is :) "
After that he doesn't answer any more of your questions
You just hold your complaints in the passenger seat as he finally parks the car in a spot along the pier
Out on the water, you see multiple couples floating in those pedal-powered swan boats
And then you see the grin on your idiot boyfriend's face
"Ugh, Emmett. Are we really getting on the swans?"
"Yes we are now come on and stop complaining"
You sit across from him floating atop the water, the fairy lights twinkling across your face
Emmett is smushed into his seat, it clearly wasn't made for someone as beefy as him
"So. Now are you gonna tell me what all of this was for?"
"Do... you really not know?"
He sounds hurt
"No I don't. I've been racking my brain all day. It's not my birthday and it's not yours. I haven't won anything recently or been promoted, and it's not an anniversary. Just help me out here"
"It IS our anniversary, though. Our three year anniversary!"
"Our anniversary is SEPTEMBER 28th... not August 28th"
You start cracking up laughing, doubling over in your little swan seat, the boat rocking with how hard you're laughing
He apologizes over and over again for getting the date wrong
You reassure him that it's fine
You spend the rest of your 2 years and 11 months anniversary seeing how fast you can make the swan boat go
You both get kicked out and blacklisted
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A while back, you watched Bridgerton
The plotlines and characters didn't really stand out to you too much
What really stood out was the clothing
You made Esme sit down and watch it with you
The whole time you were just raving about the costume design and how much you wish you could wear what they were wearing
Time passed and you eventually forgot about it
Working, going to school, watching different shows, you know, life
You were sitting in the living room, lounging on the couch while some random cooking show played
Edward and Bella were sitting on the couch too, not really watching either
All three of you were just sort of zoned out until you heard Esme yell your name as loud as she could
You and Bella jumped, Edward probably heard it before it happened
Instantly, you shot up and ran down the hall to Esme's workroom
You flung the door open and looked inside
"Esme! What's wrong, what happened?"
"Wrong? Nothing's wrong! In fact, it's all perfect! Come here, come here"
You stepped inside of her studio and instantly spotted it
In the corner was a mannequin that seemed too specific to your height and weight measurements to be a coincidence
Hanging off the mannequin was a beautiful outfit
It looked straight out of the 1600s, made out of fine silks, golden fabrics, and fine linen
There were various imperfections on it, the wrong color of thread used here, a hole in the fabric there, but it was beautiful regardless
"A while back you mentioned that you wanted to look like someone from that show, so I made you this! I hope you like it, if not I can change anything you want me to"
"You made this, all by yourself?"
"Yes! I watched so many tutorials and I even went to the tailor shop in town to ask them for some tips. It's obvious that I'm no seamstress, but I'm still pretty proud of myself"
"Proud? You should be overjoyed! This deserves to be in a competition, on TV, at craft shows, anywhere!"
When you tried it on after a couple of minutes of insisting that she did a wonderful job, you were blown away once more
It fit perfectly, you looked like you just walked out of a fairytale book
Her next project is making one for herself
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You had a little habit of leaving notes in Carlisle's packed lunch for when he goes to the clinic
He didn't need the food, but he did need to keep up appearances
It's already not a very human look when the best doctor in town willingly works almost every shift and is always on call and ready to work
So he needs something to bring him back down
You found out not too long into dating the little routine
Esme packs him a sandwich and a bottle of water, she takes it to him at work, eats it in the very public break room for everyone to see, pukes it up cause his body can't digest it, and then comes home
So the cycle continues after that
The first time you saw Esme making a little ham and cheese sandwich, you were confused
After she explained, you asked if you could put something in there too
So you started your own routine of writing Carlisle a cute little note
Usually just about how much you loved him, sometimes accompanied by a little doodle
A couple of times when he would come home, he would thank you for your note
But other than that, you thought that was it
Until one day you were admittedly snooping in his office
You were just bored and wanted to see what fun stuff there was to read in his office
You were pulling book after book off of his shelves, flipping through them, and then putting them back
But then you stumbled across a small book with only the word "Love" written on the front in the handwriting you recognized to be Carlisle's
Inside was every single note you had ever given him
Each one was lovingly placed on the page, making a collage
Some pieces of paper were lined, some plain
Some notes were written with black ink, some with whatever other pen was lying around at the time
The only similarity was that underneath all of them, Carlisle had dated them
You flipped through every page, until you got to the second half of the book that was still blank
Your heart surged, this man
"You caught me"
You whipped around to see Carlisle standing in the doorway, his white lab coat still hung across his shoulders, and a slight smile on his face
He walked over to you, grabbing the book gently from your hands
He set it on his desk and sat down in the chair, you peered over his shoulder
From his breast pocket, he pulled out the note that you wrote that morning
He opened the book to the next page, and glued the slip in
He dated it with a flawless ease and swiveled to look up at you
You just tackled him with a kiss
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Vampire! Bella:
You were really worried
You'd been dating Bella for a whole year now, but she still hasn't seen your bedroom
That wouldn't be an issue if she wasn't coming over today
And if your room wasn't a fucking mess
You knew that Bella would be coming over for like a week
You told yourself days ago that you had to clean your room for her
But now the day is here, Bella is on her way
You were frantically running around your room, trying your best to round up all of the dirty clothes on the floor, get all the trash picked up, and light a couple candles
But it was too late
From downstairs you could hear the front door open and your mom called up the steps that Bella was here
When she opened the door, you had a bundle of dirty clothes in your hands as you attempted to at least get one more thing done
"I'm so sorry, Bella. Really, it's not usually this bad, I promise. I just forgot to clean my room yesterday and the day before and this morning and-"
"Woah! Calm down!"
She walks over to you and takes the dirty clothes from your hands, throwing them effortlessly into the hamper across the room
"I promise, I don't mind. You should have seen my room when Edward left me a couple years ago... ugh, terrible"
"No, I'm- I'm so sorry. It's so bad in here. I promise it's not usually this bad. This is not the first impression I wanted to give you"
After some more back and forth, but really more of her being stubborn, you finally agree to let her help you clean your room
It only takes about 5 minutes
The place was covered in dirty clothes before, dishes piling up, trash on every surface
And now it looked brand new
You were cuddling on your freshly cleaned bed and watching a movie
"You know, that was pretty fun. You should call me the next time your room gets really dirty"
"... are you a psychopath?"
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mooshkat · 1 month
let me try it on for you
Buck finds a surprising photo of Tommy from when he was younger that leads to fun, new explorations.
explicit | 5.6k words | with paired art from @bigfootsmom, check it out! | part of the @911actions gotcha for gaza fundraiser, prompted by @hatamighijyab !
Buck didn't mean to go snooping through Tommy's personal things while he moved in.
Really, he didn't!
The wooden box had almost been knocked off when Buck set his bag on top of Tommy's—their dresser, though, and he instinctively reached out and caught it. It looked so worn and the hinges didn't even squeak when he lifted the lid before he could think about it, as if it'd been opened and closed a million times.
It’s a box of mementos; the Medal of Valor that Tommy had been awarded sits on the top of the pile, and Buck feels his cheeks warm, remembering the way they'd celebrated together after the ceremony. The medal had swung in his face as Tommy had leaned over him, hips snapping as he’d fucked Buck into the mattress.
Underneath the medal are Tommy's dog tags, and Buck can't help but run his thumb across the engraved letters of Thomas Kinard as he pulls them out and places them next to the medal.
The most interesting thing in the box is the stack of photos he finds at the bottom. Buck pulls them out and sets the box aside so that he can flip through them.
A photo of Tommy in his fatigues, with what Buck is assuming is his old troop.
A photo of Tommy with his arm around a woman he faintly recognizes from other pictures he's seen, both of them in graduation caps. He can't tell if it's high school or college, but he looks young.
A photo of Tommy when he was younger; most likely before the army as he's leaner than Buck has ever seen him, not nearly as bulked up as he is now with muscle mass. He's shirtless in the photo, shoulders curled inwards as he lights the cigarette held between his lips. His pants were hanging low on his hips, and…fuck, are those panties?
continue reading on ao3 !
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Preserve Your Special Moments With Customized Mementos
Custom mementoes are a great way to recognize and celebrate the collective excellence of every special moment and the best way to tell a unique story. Whatever the occasion, whether it is a sporting day, event, corporate honours, or even academic excellence, the right award makes all the difference. The corporate gifts industry company, a reliable wooden memento medal wholesaler in India provide stylish and high-quality custom solutions for every required environment and they also handle bulk orders. Our mementoes are a flexible option for any awards ceremony as they honour successes in academic, artistic and extracurricular activities.
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bensontrophy · 4 months
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trophy manufacturers in mumbai BENSON TROPHIES is a leading trophy manufacturer in Mumbai, all over India and Middle East. We offer elegant and top-quality trophies and awards at very reasonable price. Our expertise lies in offering all types of Trophies like acrylic trophy, crystal trophy, cup trophy, silver trophy, football trophies and all other awards and trophies.
We are among the topmost trophy vendors in Mumbai and the one of the most reliable trophy manufacturers in mumbai. Our innovative manufacturing technique and strong logistic support make us a well-known trophy supplier in Mumbai among thousands of other trophy suppliers and manufacturers.
We never compromise with quality and we guarantee you for providing intriguing designs and aesthetic finish in all our products like acrylic trophies, crystal trophies, cup trophies, silver trophies, football trophies, metal trophies, corporate gifts, wooden trophy, medals, mementos, awards, badges and all other highly demanded awards and trophies.
Why we are best trophy manufacturer in Mumbai : Superior and eye-catching appearance. Competitive pricing. On time delivery of your product. Intriguing designs and aesthetic finish. 100% reliable & trustworthy trophy manufacturer
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benson-trophy · 5 months
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BENSON TROPHIES is a leading trophy manufacturer in Mumbai, all over India and Middle East. We offer elegant and top-quality trophies and awards at very reasonable price. Our expertise lies in offering all types of Trophies like acrylic trophy, crystal trophy, cup trophy, silver trophy, football trophies and all other awards and trophies.
We are among the topmost trophy vendors in Mumbai and the one of the most reliable trophy manufacturers in mumbai. Our innovative manufacturing technique and strong logistic support make us a well-known trophy supplier in Mumbai among thousands of other trophy suppliers and manufacturers.
We never compromise with quality and we guarantee you for providing intriguing designs and aesthetic finish in all our products like acrylic trophies, crystal trophies, cup trophies, silver trophies, football trophies, metal trophies, corporate gifts, wooden trophy, medals, mementos, awards, badges and all other highly demanded awards and trophies.
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amanrathour · 5 months
Earn Entry Into Winner's Circle with Gurgaon Trophy's Best Trophies and Awards
Introduction: The effectively evolving city of Gurgaon in north India has been acclaimed for being the most favourable choice for those who wish to excel, become winners and have their significant achievements acknowledged by the world with a touch of modern style.
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The Gurgaon Trophy is the best destination to order customisable trophies, mementoes or awards and has gained reputed recognition for its outstanding trophies, medals, certificates, coins, awards and much more to serve all celebrating occasions that demand the deserving recognition of winners. By becoming the first choice for everyone who wishes to celebrate success with a class apart and elegance, Gurgaon Trophy provides the convenient option to buy mementoes online along with various corporate award trophies, sports awards or trophies or medals which can be delivered swiftly to your doorstep.
A Diverse Range of Exceptional Trophies and Awards:
At Gurgain Trophy we acknowledge and appreciate the fact that every victory is different from the other for all people and that it deserves to be celebrated in its unique style as well as an exciting way to be remembered for life. This is why we have a wide selection of mementoes, trophies and esteemed awards that you can select and even customise to satisfy the taste of your special occasion’s needs and fulfil all its requirements. Whether you want to reward your hard-working employees with beautiful metal/acrylic/wooden/crystal trophies or distribute certificates and medals for your sports event, our wide selection of mementoes, trophies, medals, certificates and much more will make your event stand out from the rest as well as make winners compete more dedicatedly to own the beautiful trophy at the end.
Some of our Exceptional Products For Winners in Gurgaon: -
• Metal Trophies:
Our Metal Trophies are designed and crafted by using the best quality metals like brass, aluminium and stainless steel, by expert craftsmen for these heart-winning trophies to inspire winners. These are inscribed with meticulous detail to perfection and made with advanced manufacturing technology for supreme precision.
• Wooden Trophies:
For anyone looking for natural beauty in their trophies for any occasion, our wooden trophies are the perfect choice. These are manufactured from the best-selected timbers from durable and reliable timber forests in India and these trophies are all made by hand with detailed inscriptions to match your occasion of celebration.
• Acrylic Awards:
If you require smart, clean, and multifunctional awards, then our acrylic awards tick all boxes of the modern events and awards ceremonies with their distinctive attractive look. It grabs people’s attention effortlessly with its vivid colours and clean details making it a perfect companion for winners.
• Crystal Trophies:
Our beautiful crystal trophies glitter, shine and sparkle with unmatched clarity which makes it crystal clear for some ceremonies to have them handy for winners. These trophies are made from fine optical crystal, which means that they will always stay beautiful and attractive forever.
• Certificates and Medals:
Our certificates and medals range is customizable to offer the perfect fit for your event. Our wooden certificates are hand-carved and perfectly primed for all award-related ceremonies, and our medals are made from the best materials to last their shine and remember victory in style.
If you need to buy mementoes online or wish to have corporate award trophies delivered to your doorstep, we can achieve it for you. We have a lot of products for everyone and for every occasion when you choose us as your celebration companion, we will deliver the best there is for your special occasion and make winners feel blessed to own their well-deserved victory recognition.
Why To Choose Gurgaon Trophy for Your Special Occasions:
When you choose Gurgaon Trophy for your awards, trophies, medals, and more you're choosing prime quality, expert craftsmanship, and durable excellence. Our commitment to delivering the best is reflected in every trophy we craft, from its initial design to finished production. With a team of skilled and experienced artisans and craftsmen, we can confirm that each of our products is crafted with perfection. Some of the top reasons to choose us for your awards, mementoes or similar needs are: -
• High-Quality Materials:
At Gurgaon Trophy, we use only the finest materials to create your trophies and awards. Whether your requirement is metal, wood, acrylic, or crystal, you can rest assured with us that your trophy will be made from the highest quality materials available and will pass the test of time.
• Customizable Designs:
We acknowledge that every achievement is different and unique, which is why we offer customizable designs to suit your event's specific needs and preferences. If you wish to add a personal touch with engraving or inscribe your highly detailed company logo, we can accommodate all your special requests.
• Easy Online Ordering:
With our user-friendly website, ordering your trophies and awards is effortless, quick and easy. Simply browse through our wide selection, choose your preferred design, share any customization requests, choose the quantity and place your order online. We offer fast, safe and reliable shipping all across India to ensure that your trophies arrive beforehand for your event.
• Excellent Customer Service:
At Gurgaon Trophy, we always aim to offer excellent customer service just like our excellent products. Our team is always available to assist you with any questions, doubts or concerns you may have regarding your order, and we will deliver an experience which is nothing short of exceptional.
Conclusion: Get Your Victory Going and Join Winners Circle with Gurgaon Trophy
When it comes to honouring significant achievements and celebrating collective success, Gurgaon Trophy is the one-stop destination for all your trophies, awards, medals, certificates, mementoes and much more. With our diverse range of sports or corporate trophies, awards and mementoes, high-quality and experienced craftsmanship, and excellent customer service, we are always committed to helping you honour your auspicious accomplishments in style and attract winners from all dimensions. So, if you wish to buy mementoes online or want your corporate award trophies to be delivered to your doorstep, you can count on Gurgaon Trophy to deliver exactly what you need along with everything your event truly deserves.
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xpertawards · 6 months
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Superior Craftsmanship, Fine Materials:
At Xpertawards, we think that every accomplishment should be honoured with the best materials and skillful workmanship. Our wooden trophies are expertly crafted from premium materials, guaranteeing a long-lasting product in addition to an amazing appearance.
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Personalised Designs for Any Event
We recognise that every accomplishment is unique and deserving of a trophy that honours it. At Xpertawards, our design team takes great pride in producing a wide variety of wooden trophies, each specially designed to fit a particular occasion. We have the ideal wooden trophy for you, whether it’s for a sports achievement or corporate recognition.
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Personalisation for a Unique Touch
Our dedication to personalisation is what really sets Xpertawards apart. We provide a large selection of customisation choices so you can give your wooden trophies a unique touch. We make sure every trophy tells a unique story of achievement, from adding your organization’s logo to engraving names and dates.
Discover trophy store near me
Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Decisions
Xpertawards moves in the direction of a greener future in a world where sustainability counts. Our wooden trophies encourage environmentally friendly behaviours without sacrificing quality because they are made from materials that are sourced ethically. Acknowledge your accomplishments with a trophy that respects the environment in addition to your success.
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Competitive Pricing for Unmatched Quality
Xpertawards provides wooden trophies at competitive prices, dispelling the myth that superiority comes at a high cost. Since we think that everyone should be able to recognise excellence, our pricing reflects this dedication to affordability without sacrificing the calibre of our trophies.
XpertAwards: Where Quality Sets Us Apart
Our wooden awards serve as a testament to our commitment to excellence, genuineness, and the love we put into each piece we make. Discover the XpertAwards distinction in each trophy you submit.
Experience the timeless allure of our wooden trophies, which combine distinction and skillful craftsmanship. Wood, a representation of sturdiness and strength, gives your awards a hint of organic refinement. Every trophy is painstakingly sculpted to capture the spirit of your achievement.
Timeless Appeal: Wooden trophies are a lasting reminder of your achievements because they radiate a timeless elegance. Their timeless elegance guarantees that your accomplishments will be cherished for years to come.
Versatility: Wooden trophies come in a variety of styles, from classic and rustic to sleek and contemporary. Tailor the engraving and finish to reflect the special qualities of your occasion or award.
Eco-Friendly Decision: Choosing wooden trophies demonstrates your dedication to environmental preservation. Our trophies are made from wood that has been ethically acquired, encouraging an environmentally responsible method of celebrating achievement.
Warm Aesthetics: The inherent warmth of wood gives off a very friendly vibe. It gives your accolades a more intimate feel and speaks to the sincerity of your accomplishments.
Memorable Keepsake: Unlike trophies made of other materials, wooden trophies serve as treasured keepsakes in addition to being rewards. Recipients will exhibit these mementos of appreciation with pride, creating a long-lasting link between them and the importance of their achievements.
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gurgaontrophy · 8 months
Gurgaon Trophy: Mementos and Corporate Award Trophies Online in Gurgaon 
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Nothing makes a dedicated human happier than making dream achievements come to life, this happy memory is often cherished with an award, trophy, medal or a beautiful certificate which acts like a source of inspiration for many. In today’s world turning an ordinary occasion into an unforgettable one depends on beautiful souvenirs, awards, and trophies given to desirable and talented candidates who earned it. In the city of Gurgaon, the Gurgaon Trophy can be said as the best place to get an award, trophy, medal, corporate gifts, signage products and personalised products for every special occasion, festival and corporate achievement. With a wide variety of products offered by Gurgaon Trophy, it is the one-stop solution to fulfil all the unique demands. Providing the comfort of online shopping, Gurgaon Trophy invites everyone on a journey where recognition is appreciated, and every success story is celebrated with a touch of elegance as well as a hint of modern style.
Unlocking the World of Recognition:
Stepping into the realm of today’s limitless potential, the Gurgaon Trophy unfurls a wide collection of recognition awards and intricately designed mementoes for businesses. The appeal of timeless trophies blends seamlessly with their striking custom acrylic rewards in the eyes of the beholder. By accommodating diverse tastes uniquely, Gurgaon Trophy ensures that each worthwhile celebration elevates elegance and honour without any compromise.
Corporate Award Trophies – Symbolizing Excellence:
Gurgaon Trophy's options of professional achievement trophies represent the accomplishment of a milestone achievement in life and go beyond basic acknowledgement. These precisely crafted corporate award trophies are more than just tangible graphical representations; they are reminders of dedicated commitment and outstanding achievement. Being awarded these success emblems has never been easier thanks to Gurgaon Trophy's online platform where anyone in Gurgaon can order these online and get them delivered to their front door.
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Buy Mementos Online – Effortless Celebration:
Gurgaon Trophy firmly feels that honouring remarkable achievements should be a more regular practice in today's world of endless opportunities in various fields. You can simply browse its wide collection on smartphones and purchase mementos online using its user-friendly website. The Gurgaon Trophy makes it possible to celebrate as well as recognize every extraordinary accomplishment with its high-quality mementos crafted to perfection and beyond. By ordering beautiful souvenirs from the Gurgaon Trophy, you can amplify appreciation and correctly honour the wonderful occasion in Gurgaon.
Trophies in Gurgaon – Local Excellence, Global Standards:
Gurgaon Trophy offers trophies in Gurgaon that have a touch of international standards for people looking for internationally recognized excellence around them. One can explore the enormous variety of trophies from metal, wooden, acrylic, crystal trophies and much more with ease thanks to the convenience that comes with shopping online, and an individual can be certain and confident to locate the ideal award that tastefully represents the accomplishments in style and exquisiteness.
Custom Acrylic Awards – Modern Elegance:
The use of acrylic is made to increase many products' durability and long-lasting new appearance with bright colours which when used for awards or trophies to be handed out in a prestigious ceremony stands out as the most attractive as well as certified to pass all the tests of time. The acrylic trophies from Gurgaon Trophy can also be personalized to match a special occasion or any design for which the blueprint can be laid out flat and square, making Gurgaon Trophy exceptional in providing the best acrylic trophies and awards with cutting-edge magnificence.
Practical Prestige: Gurgaon Trophy's Limitless Options for Corporate Gifts
Beyond providing several options on the choice of material and unlimited customizable options in stunning trophies and shining medals, the Gurgaon Trophy also provides a noteworthy selection of considerate corporate gifts or if corporations need to buy mementoes online which are planned to be given to every worker for a boost in motivation which strengthen business to work efficiently hand-in-hand flawlessly and create an ever-lasting impression. Its wide range includes sophisticated tabletop decorations, useful sippers and bottles, customised stylish card holders, custom-printed trendy key chains, adaptable lanyards, and the most durable ID card holders all available to be ordered in bulk or limited quantity. But the range doesn’t end here, to keep work activities better organized, the variety also includes useful work-related products like customised undated notebooks, unique convenient notepads, and well-designed organizers and planners to better utilize the time of an employee. The list doesn’t even end here! Gurgaon Trophy also offers high-tech gifts like custom-printed smartwatches and other smart devices for smarter employees. Every piece demonstrates the Gurgaon Trophy's dedication to fulfilling the unlimited unique needs of small, giant and medium-sized businesses in all budgets.
Gurgaon Trophy's Marvelous Medals and Certificates Collection
Gurgaon Trophy being the best trophy and award manufacturer in Gurgaon, offers a prestigious selection of highly detailed as well as polished medals and beautifully framed paper or wooden certificates which are intended to celebrate excellence and achievements distinctively. For those seeking a more personalized as well as detailed touch, the Gurgaon Trophy also presents a range of customized medals and coins, allowing individuals and organizations to choose the art for the medal or coins which once approved crafts unique expressions of recognition. Complementing these medals, the Gurgaon Trophy presents an attractive array of certificates to officially recognise important milestones with beautiful colours making everyone look twice to appreciate it, ranging from elegant paper certificates with matching frames to expertly sculpted classy wooden certificates. Enriching the experience even further, the collection also includes innovative LED certificates, making a significant achievement always shine in the dark as well. These LED certificates are visually striking which adds a touch of advanced technology to immortalize achievements 24X7.
In Conclusion:
Gurgaon Trophy crafts tangible excellence into intangible yet significant celebrations. As the best trophy and award manufacturer in Gurgaon, it renovates ordinary moments into lifetime-remembered memories of success and prestigious recognition. Its products range from corporate award trophies of metal, wooden plaques, acrylic, and crystal representing the excellence of modern awards with the latest technology innovation. Beyond crafting cherished trophies, their limitless corporate gift options enhance professional relationships with practical elegance for every budget. The customisable medals and certificates collection are also offered by Gurgaon Trophy. Whether an esteemed occasion requires traditional medals, eye-magnet LED certificates, or stylish custom-printed corporate gifts, the Gurgaon Trophy ensures each need is fulfilled with a unique masterpiece. Celebrate success, share festival happiness and practically nurture gift-deserving employees with a wide range of products which can also be ordered online from the Gurgaon Trophy.
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delhitrophyindia · 9 months
Best Trophy Manufacturers in India: Delhi Trophy- One-Stop for Every Achievement Needs
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Life as a wise man once said is a combination of highs and lows on this Columbus ride known as life. The most memorable moments in life are one’s achievements and successes, which are often remembered by medals, certificates, trophies, and any other tangible memorial of the auspicious occasion of unforgettable stories. The Delhi Trophy stands as the one-above-all of excellence in perfectly crafted memories and teleporting ordinary moments into the realm of most cherished extraordinary celebrations. Delhi Trophy is the go-to choice for those seeking top-notch customisable trophies, corporate gifts, mementos and much more they are known as the best trophy manufacturers in India, making it the most reliable and one-stop high-quality destination for all the demands and requirements of a special occasion in life whether private or official.
Delhi Trophy’s various options for customisable trophies and well-crafted portfolio of awards, medals, mementoes, corporate gifts and more demonstrate its commitment to delivering top-quality trophy production for all of India. Regardless if it is a conquer from corporate or the recognition of religious milestones or festivals being celebrated. For every special occasion, there is a product from Delhi Trophy, that makes an indispensable contribution in creating lifetime memories.
Metal Trophies & Awards — Timeless Elegance:
Through a symbol of enduring grace, metal trophies and awards from Delhi Trophy are a class apart. Being constructed methodically, these special occasion ornaments are equal to physical tokens that celebrate success in both corporate conquests as well as memorable personal achievements. If you are searching for a metal trophy, boost your chances with the undying charm of the highest quality metallic craftsmanship in the realm of successful Indian trophy producers.
Wooden Trophies & Awards — Natural Prestige:
If you’re looking for a bit of nature-infused recognition, Delhi Trophy’s wooden accolades and recognitions are the perfect choice. Each item is masterfully crafted with natural elements combined with expert artistry, representing celebrating milestones on the road of life in an earnestly polished manner. Delhi Trophy epitomizes quality over quantity which makes them outstanding and the best trophy manufacturers in Delhi that sincerely highlights your victory.
Acrylic Trophies & Awards — Modern Aesthetics for Lasting Impressions:
Delhi Trophy blends present-day attractions with continuing charm in its range of acrylic trophies and awards. These extremely detailed pieces elevate the level of attraction to your festivities, promising that your accomplishments are recognized appropriately as well as fashionably. If you choose the finest acrylic trophy makers across India, you are certain to have an unforgettable experience.
Crystal Trophies & Awards — Stylish Shining Symbols of Success:
The crystal trophies and awards from Delhi Trophy gleam as radiant emblems of victory which will be immortally cherished. The flawless purity of high-end materials and skilled artistic craftsmanship unite into beautifully stunning gifts to remember a remarkable achievement. These beautiful trophies and awards are always on display in offices and homes of extraordinary people.
Medals — Wear Your Victories with a Champions’ Pride:
The medals of the Delhi Trophy aren’t just ornamental add-ons to the perfect uniform for any occasion. They symbolize victory throughout history and that is why they are given in the Olympics to the champions. Delhi Trophy’s medals range from traditional beautifully crafted styles to personalized struck special coins as well. Paddle to the medal with the Delhi Trophy.
Certificates — Documenting Achievements for Every Milestone:
When your achievements are inscribed with golden words in a beautiful style makes a perfect display centre-piece on the walls of an office or home. Make every celebration worth it with Delhi Trophy’s eye candy certificates which can also be customized. With the growing need for frames with certificates, Delhi Trophy provides a wide range of certificates on paper with frames, wooden certificates, or customizable templates for every unique celebration.
Corporate Gifts — Elevate Your Business Relationships:
Beyond sculpting attractive awards and trophies, Delhi Trophy also provides a huge collection of corporate gifts to choose from. They offer anything and everything to meet every individual business demand ranging from desk decorations to digital gadgets or even custom-branded high-quality products of all kinds. Also, small or bulk orders are delivered punctually soon after the order is placed and confirmed for font, style, materials and products.
Signage Products — Enhancing Event Presence:
With Delhi Trophy’s iconic signage products, you get many attractive to choose from banner standees, acrylic signboards, brochures, and danglers, to enhance your special events celebration. Make a lifetime-lasting impression with eye-catching displays from the Signage products offered by the best trophy manufacturers in India.
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In Conclusion:
Delhi Trophy is more than just a producer of the most attractive memorabilia for every celebration, they narrate a tale of victory for champions. Through every trophy, medal, certificate or corporate keepsake, the commitment to high-quality products and expert craftsmanship is what makes the Delhi Trophy the best choice for celebrating certificates, corporate gifts, medals, mementos, and so much more under one roof. Being the premier architects of trophies and awards in India, Delhi Trophy makes sure that each accomplishment of any scale whether large or small gets officially acknowledged in a stunningly hand-in-hand memorable manner. Choose Delhi Trophy to craft amazing celebrations and create some of the most cherished memories in one’s life. Let your victories down the road be embellished with their diverse collection of detail-oriented and beautifully crafted prizes. For trophies and awards of customisable materials, medals, coins, mementos and among other products. At Delhi Trophy you can place your order online and get them delivered in protected packaging to your doorstep. Thus, if you are looking to highlight any celebrating achievements then the Delhi Trophy is the perfect choice, because it firmly believes every victorious tale or up-to-the-mark achievement deserves supreme honour and has been delivering outstanding products since its inception.
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ajaygiftkyade12 · 1 month
Choosing the right awards for corporate events is crucial. They not only commemorate accomplishments but also serve as lasting symbols of recognition and appreciation. In the business world, giving corporate awards for special events is an important part of any successful business. 
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Indian Corporate Gifts  are the biggest Manufacturers of Trophies, Awards & Mementoes supplying in Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, all across India. We offer elegant and top-quality trophies and awards at very reasonable price. Our expertise lies in offering all types of Trophies like Acrylic trophy, Crystal trophies, Cups, Wooden trophy, Sports trophies , Medals, All types of Badges, Star trophy and Awards, etc. We have a wide variety in all types and top it all they can be Customised and Personalised in Size, Shape and Price when ordered in bulk quantity. We are the Best Trophy  manufacturer with Top reputation based in New delhi, Pan India. Our reliability is un-matched among all the  trophy manufacturers in India. Our innovative manufacturing technique and strong logistic support make us a well-known Top Quality and ON time Delivery Trophy supplier in Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon and all other cities in India.   Top Quality, Unique Designs, Ontime Delivery- The Perfect Combination  : We never compromise with quality and we guarantee you for providing intriguing designs and aesthetic finish in all our products like acrylic trophies, crystal trophies, cup trophies, Silver trophies, football trophies, metal trophies, wooden trophy, medals, mementos, awards, badges, Shields and all other highly demanded awards and trophies. Just browse through our trophies catalogue below and let us know. We will be more than happy to help you. 
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mxpowerplay · 2 years
Quick Tips & Ideas to Simplify Living Room Décor
The living room is the heart of any home’s setting, a place that hosts family time and creates the backdrop for moments that differentiate a home from just another apartment. Be it leisure time watching your favourite movies or a get-together with close friends, this living area is at the core of creating precious memories. This is why decorating a living room and buying online furniture for the living room needs some serious thinking. This can be made simpler by keeping a few tips and ideas in mind. The discussion will help you refurbish your living room and add a fine decorative touch to it:
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Invest in Classy Leather Sofa Sets over the Ordinary
Since a sofa set is often the biggest piece of furniture in a living room and is used almost every day, investing in a superior-quality sofa becomes necessary. Rather than choosing fashionable sofas that are high on style and low on actual performance, it is advisable that you choose a sofa that offers both enduring functionalities as well as a trendy vibe. Choose a sofa set like the Lucifer Fabric 2 Piece Sofa Set Antique Brown that allows you to sit straight and is well-proportioned for working while still being cosy enough to help you relax and recuperate. The premium construction of the Lucifer Sofa Set further ensures that it delivers everlasting comfort for years. 
Choose Complementing Coffee Tables
Once you have selected the perfect sofa set for your living space, complement it with a matching coffee table. A sleek and simple wooden coffee table can instantly add a warm and inviting appearance to your living room. Choose something like a Norton Wormy Chesnut Coffee Table that not only has a stylish appearance but also looks perfect with all styles of sofa sets. Please note that without a coffee table, the living room can look ordinary, and somewhat incomplete. 
Opt for Space-saving Ideas with Console Tables 
A living room console table is a perfect solution for all your living room’s decorative and storage needs. Place it against any wall in the living room, hallway, or entryway. It exudes a sophisticated vibe and beautifully accentuates your showpieces. Designed with two large drawers, tables like the Santo 1200mm Tassie Oak Hall Table, provide ample space for storage to keep the clutter away, and still, such tables help to accent the living room. Console tables should not be confused with coffee tables. The latter is more functional, positioned lower, and meant to offer a working countertop. Console tables are set a bit higher, and a lot sleeker, they are meant to be more decorative, ideal to showcase your collectibles or artsy pieces. Finding a console table with storage is just about perfect as it blends the best of both worlds!
Choose Wooden Entertainment Units for Contemporary Settings
In addition to being a highly functional piece of furniture, wooden entertainment units play an integral role in defining the living room’s decor. Set up a television within the entertainment unit and decorate it with your favourite books, awards, mementos, or showpieces. One option is the Mustang Wormy Chestnut TV Unit which comes with four drawers, offering enough space to pack away wires, cables, batteries, remote, and things that tend to clutter the living room. While being multifunctional, the entertainment unit is at the core of any contemporary living room’s appearance. 
Try Minimalism for Elegance
Minimalistically designed furniture is the best option for people who like to keep it sober rather than things that tend to grab attention. Minimalism can be established with furniture pieces that come in a basic design, sleek framework, and lighter shades. For a minimalist approach, you may opt for something like a simple wooden table or lamp table. One popular option is Santo 600 Tassie Oak Lamp Table which will be a practical addition to most living rooms. While the drawer offers ample space to store your essentials, the flat top surface and sturdy wooden legs add to the functional features. 
Look for Sustainably Crafted Furniture Pieces 
Whether it is your lifestyle or your furniture, there is always an eco-friendly option awaiting to be discovered. For instance, you can opt for sustainably crafted furniture pieces that come with the assurance of reduced impact on the environment. Popular websites like Roomlane feature highly durable furniture for living rooms that are made using sustainably-sourced Australian hardwood timber. The furniture comes with a fine design, and it can give you the pride that comes with having made well-informed, eco-friendly decisions.
Choose Natural Tones that Blend Better 
Apart from being popular for the high quality and durability that wooden furniture provides, it is also widely known for its unique, natural finish that cannot be replicated. Folks who prefer natural colours and tones can pick wooden console tables and wooden entertainment units that offer an exquisite appeal. The warm tone of the timber tables looks more appealing in any type of living room setting and likewise, it offers a rustic touch when placed in small or sprawling living rooms. 
Accessorise your Living Room with Rugs, Ottomans & Cushions 
The simplest way to bring a decorative vibe to any room’s interior is by adding stylish accessories. Pick something like a wide area rug for the space under the sofa and coffee table. For walls with dark colours and printed wallpapers arrange lighter-coloured cushions on the sofa and place a plain-looking ottoman beside the coffee table. You can always mix and match styles by opting for modern printed rugs and cushions. Accessories like ottomans similarly come in a variety of patterns and also serve as an instant seating option for unannounced guests and impromptu parties.
Concluding Thoughts…
When you get home from a long day at work, the living room should look like your sanctuary, exuding the warmth that can help you relax. You can create the perfect lounging area for yourself by picking furniture pieces that help you create an inviting living room decor. Yes, being updated about the latest home decor trends is necessary to make smarter buying decisions but you also need to bookmark some reputed retail spaces where finding the latest and time-honoured furniture styles is easy. Try scrolling renowned web stores like Roomlane that offer a variety of styles along with the promise of expedited shipping and order processing. 
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bluecrystals3d-blog · 3 years
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Blue Crystal is a top leading trophies and awards manufacturing company in Bangalore, India. Offering you variety of design in acrylic, crystal, wooden and glass in very affordable price. 
For More Info Visit : https://www.bluecrystals.in/acrylic-trophies.php
Call Us On :  080-26861069/9448088511
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Request: Celebrating Valentine’s Day with BTS
Tags: BTS, Bangtan Boys, Bangtan Seonyeondan, Bulletproof Boyscouts, Beyond the Scene, BTS drabble, Valentine’s Day, BTS x you, Fluff, Boyfriend Au, Husband AU, Seokjin x you, Yoongi x you, Hoseok x you, Namjoon x you, Jimin x you, Taehyung x you, Jungkook x you
Genre: Fluff
Title: Happy Valentine’s Day
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“I can’t believe we didn’t even get to do anything on Valentine’s this year!” You complain into the phone, as you struggle to adjust your backpack on your shoulders, fumbling for the key to open your apartment door. 
“I know, jagi. I’m sorry we were both so busy.” Your boyfriend’s apologetic voice sounds through the phone, as you finally locate the right key and unlock your apartment. 
Pushing the door open with a sigh, you adjust the phone at your ear, as you fumble for the light switch on the wall beside the door. “It’s not your fault, Jin. I had school and exams all day and you had practice. The timing just didn’t work out.” 
Flipping on the overhead light, you glanced up from setting down your backpack and let out a loud gasp. 
“Kim Seokjin! What the hell is this??” You squealed, partly surprised and partly ecstatic, as you glanced around your living room. 
The walls of your small apartment were covered in pictures of Jin, from concerts and shows and selfies, and littered among them were pictures of the two of you, pictures you had taken of him and pictures he had taken of you, from dates and nights in and awards shows. 
Everything was covered, from floor to ceiling, with mementos of your time spent with Kim Seokjin. 
“Jin?” You questioned, mouth still open slightly, as you walked to get a closer look at the pictures, realizing he hadn’t answered your first initial outburst of questions. “When did you have time to do this? And what is it??” 
You whirled on your heel and dropped the phone in surprise as none other than the man himself sounded from behind you, standing in your open doorway, sheepishly grinning at you, as he held out a gift bag and a large bouquet of roses. 
“Holy shit.” You exclaimed in shock, suddenly feeling a little choked up, as you darted across the room to throw your arms around his middle, burying your face in his chest. “I didn’t think I’d get to see you today!” 
“I know. Me too.” Jin laughed, the sound rumbling beneath your ear, as you pulled back to look up at him in awe. He leaned over to kiss your lips briefly, before he flashed you another bright grin. “Happy Valentine’s Day, love.” 
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“Yoongi.” You whine, as you step blindly, your husband’s hands covering your eyes. “I thought we agreed that we don’t do Valentine’s Day.” 
“I know, I know.” You hear Yoongi huff from behind you, his breath tickling the back of your neck, as he pulls you to a sudden halt. “But this is different, I promise.” 
“What, so you got over your thinking that Valentine’s is just a commercial holiday and now you’re in the holiday spirit?” You grumble beneath your breath teasingly, as you feel him come closer behind you, chest pressed warmly against your back through your jackets. 
“Shut up will you?” He mutters good naturedly, before he drops his hands from your eyes to reveal your surprise. 
You gasp as your eyes fall onto the small yacht docked before you, glimmering with strung lights, music wafting over the waves toward you, the smell of something cooking drifting to your nose over the smell of the river. 
“Min Yoongi, what have you done?” You ask, glancing over your shoulder at him in shock, as he grins at you, the gummy expression sending warmth pooling in your stomach. 
“Look, do I need an excuse to plan a romantic evening for my wife?” Yoongi asks, pressing his hand into the small of your back as he steers you down the dock toward the waiting boat. “I don’t believe in this holiday, sure, but I sure as hell believe in spoiling you.” 
“No, but seriously.” You stop once more, steps faltering just short of the boat. “What are we doing?” 
“Baby.” Yoongi sighs, the sound laced with suffering amusement, as he comes to stand in front of you, eyes dark beneath the brim of the beanie he wears. One side of his mouth quirks up into a soft smile, revealing his teeth and gums once more. “We’re gonna go have a romantic evening on this yacht. Just the two of us. Someone’s gonna cook us dinner, we’re gonna relax, and we’re not gonna worry about anything. Get it?” 
You nod, swallowing down another question, as you glance past him once more to the boat, glittering in the dark of the evening. “Okay.” 
Yoongi nods, before taking you hand and pulling you with him once more toward the boat, as he says gruffly, “Good. That’s my girl.” He glances at you over his shoulder as he takes the first step up onto the boat. “However, I know you have a dozen more questions, but try to keep them to yourself at least until we leave the dock, okay?” 
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“Listen, woman.” Hobi says, trying to be serious, as you stumble leading him up the stairs blind, giggling as you tug excitedly on his hand. “I don’t like surprises.” 
You scoff as you reach the top landing, pushing open the door as you glance over your shoulder at your boyfriend. “That is a downright lie, Jung Hoseok. You’re the biggest damn fan of anything surprise that I know.” 
He laughs, grin wide and heart shaped beneath the blindfold you had tied across his eyes earlier when you got out of the car. “You’re right. You got me.” 
Pulling him inside the room beyond the door, wooden floor squeaking beneath your sneakers, you bounce in place as you come to stand before him, excitement coursing through you, as you reach up to finger his blindfold.
“Ready?” You ask, glancing over your shoulder at the woman who watches the two of you from in front of the long wall of mirrors, a smile on her features. 
“Come on, baby.” Hobi whines, his long fingers covering your own where they hover over the blindfold. “You know I’m not patient.” 
Laughing, you rip the blindfold from his eyes, and he blinks several times to clear his vision, glancing around the large, empty dance studio with surprise, before he asks, “A dance studio?” 
“Okay, hear me out.” You hold your hands out at your sides, looking at him imploringly, as he focuses back on you. “You’re a great dancer. Everyone knows this. But.” You motion to yourself, as you pull your hoodie over your head to reveal your workout tank beneath, causing Hobi to raise a curious brow in your direction. “I’m not so great. So I thought we could take a couples dance class.” 
Hobi’s face lights up, as he catches sight of the dance instructor waiting behind the two of you next to the mirrors. “Really?” 
“Really.” You nod, determination on your face. “Dancing is your passion, baby, it’s not mine. But I’m willing to learn so we can do something you love together.”��
“Yah!” Hobi sweeps you up into his arms, spinning you around as you start to laugh and beg him to put you down. “This is the best Valentine’s gift I could ask for!” He finally sets you down, steadying you as you regain your balance, as he flashes you a grin full of sunshine. “Thank you, baby. And next, I can take one of those cooking classes with you.” 
You chuckle, pulling him toward the mirrors. “One thing at a time, one thing at a time.”
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You glance up at the glittering strings of lights lining the darkened street, still surprisingly bustling for the time of night, before your gaze drifts to the man beside you, large hand held in your own. 
“I cannot believe we did this.” You voice again, for the third time that night, as you sigh and lean your head against Namjoon’s shoulder as you walk leisurely down the street. 
“I can.” Namjoon says, flashing you a smile, as he shrugs beside you. “You always wanted to visit London. What better day than Valentine’s Day?” 
“I know but.” You pull him to a stop, looking at him with a raised brow, as you bite back a smile. “Taking the company’s private jet? Just coming out here on the spur of the moment? That’s kind of ridiculous if you think about it, Kim Namjoon.” 
“Well.” He shrugs again, dimples deepening with his lopsided grin, as he pulls you against his side and starts walking once more. “We can do it, so why not?” 
There is a comfortable silence for a moment as you continue to walk, the old architecture of downtown London drawing your gazes, the sound of soft music and warm yellow light drifting across the street from a local pub, bustling with late night customers celebrating the weekend. 
You sigh again, fingers clasped tightly in your boyfriend’s, and you have to admit, it had been the perfect way to spend the holiday. 
“Namjoon.” You say his name softly, the atmosphere of the warm, still night causing your voice to be subdued. 
“Hmmm?” He hums under his breath, fingers stroking nonchalantly across your knuckles, as you near the water of the river, the cooler air accentuating the sound of the waves splashing against the concrete wall. 
“Thank you for making life so special.” 
He looks down at you as you come to a stop beside the river, standing in front of a lone bench, dark and welcoming in the calmness of the night. “You don’t have to thank me, jagi. I could say the same to you.” 
You pull him down onto the bench beside you, his arm going around you as you once again rest your head on his shoulder. “Well, thank you anyway. Happy Valentine’s Day, Joonie.” 
“Happy Valentine’s Day, jagi.” He responds in turn, brushing a fond kiss across the skin of your forehead. 
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“Jiminie.” You complain, flopping down onto your bed, letting out a long suffering sigh as you hold your phone up above your head, the video of your boyfriend filling the screen. “It’s not the same without you here.” 
“I know, and I’m sorry, baby girl.” Jimin’s voice breaks up over the phone as the facetime video lags momentarily, and then he is back, clear and as beautiful as ever, as he runs a hand through his blonde hair and pulls his full lips into a pout. “Trust me, there’s nothing I’d rather be doing right now than snuggling with you.” 
“Nothing?” You ask mischievously, raising a brow at him, as you turn to lay on your stomach, propping your chin up with one of your hands. 
“Well, I mean.” He grins dangerously, eyes flitting down the screen to where your pajama shirt gapes slightly, revealing the start of your cleavage. “There’s something else I’d rather be doing, but I can’t talk about it. Jungkook’s here.” 
“Hey!” Jungkook’s voice rings out from where he lays on his bed in the background of the video, and you laugh, as he flips Jimin off without looking up from his phone screen. “Get a room, hyung. Preferably one that I’m not in.”
Jimin grins, before turning back to the screen, ruffling his blonde hair once more, as his silver rings glint in the lamp from the bedside table. “Anyway. Did you do anything fun with your roommates? Since I’m not there to spoil you?”  
“Ugh. Don’t get me started.” You whine, rolling your eyes. “Lisa had a date and Jennie was here all day with her boyfriend, making out on the couch. I wanted to puke.” 
“Ah, baby.” Jimin chuckles, leaning in closer to the screen, pursing his lips as if he’s giving you a sympathetic kiss through the phone. “I’m sorry. But have you considered the fact that maybe you’re simply salty because it’s Valentine’s Day and your boyfriend is millions of miles away?” 
“Um, yes.” You say heatedly, trying not to notice how hot said boyfriend looks right now, reclining on the hotel bed, loose white t-shirt showing off enough tan chest that you can imagine everything else in perfect detail. “I had thought of that. But thanks for reminding me once again, Park.” 
“Sorry.” He shrugs, before he grows serious, staring at you through the screen of the phone, and suddenly, you feel as if he’s there, even though he’s on another continent. “I swear I’ll make it up to you, baby. Only two more weeks.” 
“I know.” You sigh, before mustering up a smile, blowing him a kiss. “I love you, Chim. Happy Valentine’s Day, lover boy.” 
He manages an eye crinkling smile for you and returns the kiss. “Happy Valentine’s Day, baby girl. I’ll be back before you know it.” 
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“Holy shit, Tae, I’m so scared right now.” You whimper, clenching his fingers even more tightly between your own, as you screw your eyes shut and try not to focus on the fact that you’re hundreds of feet above the ground right now. 
“Hey, baby.” You feel Taehyung scoot closer to you, his hip brushing yours, fingers never leaving your own. “Look at me, baby.” 
You manage to open your eyes, and taking a deep breath, ignoring the faraway ground beneath your feet, you glance over at your boyfriend, who offers you a comforting, boxy smile. 
“Listen, okay?” He reaches out to swipe a loose strand of hair back from your forehead, the ropes and equipment of the bungee jumping harness that connects the two of you jingling with his movement, and making your body clench up. “You can do this. I’ll be with you the whole time.” 
You take in a deep breath, eyes watering from the wind that is whipping across the platform suspended above the river, and force yourself to keep looking at him and not look down. “I thought this was great idea. Now I’m regretting all my life choices.” 
Taehyung waves to the man waiting several feet back on the platform, and your fingers instinctively clench harder onto his, as you feel the rope begin to raise and tighten above your heads, as he shoots you another grin and a wink. “All your life choices?” 
“Well.” You gulp, as Taehyung moves closer to you, and the man behind you shouts out that you can jump whenever you’re ready. “Not you, of course.” 
“That’s good. I’m relieved.” Taehyung teases, and you wonder, briefly, how he manages to be so jovial and carefree when you’re about to jump blindly off a platform that’s hundreds of feet above the ground. “Baby, listen, okay?” He reaches up, tugging your chin in his direction, so you have to focus on him. “I’m going to count to three.” 
“Tae.” You say warningly, heart pounding in your chest, as your fingers reach up to tangle into the straps that stretch across his chest, thinking, vainly, that if you can tug closer to him, maybe you won’t be so terrified. 
“I’m going to count to three.” He repeats firmly, hands going up to cover the arches of your cheekbones, long fingers tangling into your hair. “And then I’m going to kiss you, okay?” 
“What....” You start to ask, caught off guard, but before you can voice the rest of your question, he has already begun the countdown. 
Your fingers scrabble at Taehyung’s harness, and one of his hands drop from your face to snake around your waist, pulling you tightly against his body.
His other hand finds purchase on your jaw, lifting your face to his, and you can feel your panicked breaths brushing across his skin. 
Taehyung’s mouth covers yours, and then you’re falling into space, the breath sucked from your lungs, and as the bungee cord snaps taut, you’re suddenly swinging across the river below in a wide arc, and Taehyung is releasing you, and all you can feel is exhilaration, as the wind whips your hair and you splay your arms wide. 
The arc of the swing dies down, and Taehyung glances over at you, eyes wide and bright with exhilaration and delight, as he asks you, “You okay, baby?” 
You nod, still slightly breathless. “Let’s do it again.” 
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 You pull your paddle board up onto the shore beside Jungkook’s, and pushing wet hair back off of your forehead, you grin and say, “That was so fun! Seriously, Kook, this has been the best Valentine’s ever.” 
Jungkook glances at you shyly from beneath dark, wet bangs, bunny teeth appearing as he returns your smile, before he replies, “It’s not over yet.” 
You look at him curiously, as he carefully moves to wrap a towel around your shoulders, hand finding your own as he leads you back in the direction of the campsite where the warmth of the tent and campfire are waiting. 
Shivering slightly now that the sun has set and the air has cooled down, you take a seat on a log that Jungkook covers with a blanket for you, and watch him, as he silently begins to dig through a cooler you hadn’t noticed before in the back of the truck bed. 
“What are you doing?” you ask, reaching out of the safe warmth of your towel to grab a handful of chips from one of their bags. 
“Cooking.” Jungkook shrugs casually, as he crouches before the fire, breaking up a pack of ramen noodles and placing them into the pot of boiling water he had been preparing. 
“You’re cooking for me?” you ask in slight surprise, as he blushes, and nods, before moving to stir the cooking noodles with a wooden spoon. “Kook, that’s so sweet.” 
He shrugs once more, glancing at you with a grin before he moves to dump some more things into the pot. “Yoongi hyung has been teaching me a few things so I could prepare.” 
Warmth fills your stomach at his words, knowing he has been using his free time to learn how to cook for this special occasion, free time which Jeon Jungkook does not have a lot of. 
Jungkook stirs the noodles once more, the ramen starting to scent the air, and nodding to himself, he places the lid back onto the pot and comes around the fire to sit beside you where you’re not leaning against the log, the warmth of the fire having broken the remaining chill left from the lake. 
He places his arm around you, and you snuggle closer to the heat of his body, burying your face into his chest as you close your eyes briefly, enjoying his presence and the warmth of the fire and the quiet of the dark forest around the two of you. 
“Kook.” You break the silence, and he glances down at you in question, dark eyes reflecting the firelight. “Thank you for today. It was perfect.” 
He offers you a soft smile, ducking his head under your praise, before he leans into you, nose going into your hair as he says, voice slightly muffled, “You’re welcome. Thanks for coming with me.” 
You laugh, and he grins against your hair, fingers clasping yours warmly beneath the tent of the blanket, as the fire crackles and the soup bubbles in the background. 
“Happy Valentine’s day, jagi.” He murmurs, balmy breath stirring your hair. 
“Happy Valentine’s day, Kook.” You reply, snuggling deeper against his side if possible as you sigh with contentment. “I love you.” 
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davewalthertravels · 3 years
Who wants to do this trip? Book it through Walther Travels now.
Welcome to New Orleans! At 6 pm, meet your Tour Director and traveling companions for a welcome drink.
NEW ORLEANS City sightseeing with Local Guide this morning, followed by free time for lunch.
WAVELAND Visit the Ground Zero Hurricane Museum.
BAY ST. LOUIS Free time.
BILOXI Free time this afternoon before a regional dinner at a local restaurant.
BILOXI YourChoice Excursions include one of the following activities of your choice:
FLOAT: For the Birds
Follow us into the wild at the gateway to the Pascagoula River -the largest free-flowing river in continental U.S.--with a visit to the Pascagoula River Audubon Center. Through the efforts of The Nature Conservancy, this 70,000-acre wildlife sanctuary is home to a wealth of protected wildlife, including animals and plant life unique to the region, and more than 300 species of migrating birds. Watch for bald eagles, blue herons, pelicans, and the swallow-tailed kite, to name just a few in this beautiful bayou paradise. Your visit includes a 2-hour kayak float trip to spot the magnificent birds that call these waters home.
GAZE: Artistic Vision
A guided tour of the Ohr-O'Keefe Museum of Art celebrates the innovative and creative spirit of its namesake, Mississippi master ceramist George Ohr, aka "The Mad Potter of Biloxi." Predicting the ultimate recognition of his artistic genius, Ohr created innovative ceramic designs from 1883 to 1910, which became central to the artistic heritage of the Gulf South and American Art at large. More than 100 years later, Ohr is considered an early pioneer in the American modernist movement. In a tribute to Ohr's contributions, famed artist/architect Frank Gehry designed an award-winning museum campus of bold, intriguing, and self-contained buildings to offer visitors separate exhibits that together create a unified vision through an expansive brick plaza and majestic Southern live oaks on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.
DELVE: Maritime Mississippi Queens
Experience an ocean of exhibits at the Maritime & Seafood Museum. Dive deep into the history of shrimping, oystering, recreational fishing, wetlands, marine resource management, charter boats, marine blacksmithing, wooden-boat building, net making, catboats/Biloxi skiff, shrimp-peeling machine and an in-depth collection of historic photographs and artifacts. Relive the traditions of the Mississippi Gulf Coast as you step on board an authentic replica of a Biloxi Schooner for a 2½-hour sailing. These "White Winged Queens" sailed the Coast from the late 1800's to the early 1900's.
Afternoon sightseeing includes a guided tour of Jefferson Davis’ home and presidential library, Beauvoir. Free time this evening.
MONROEVILLE Sightseeing in the hometown of authors Truman Capote and Harper Lee includes the Old Courthouse Museum in the “Literary Capital of Alabama.” Learn how Monroeville served as the inspiration for Lee’s 1961 Pulitzer-Prize-winning “To Kill a Mockingbird,” examining the historical prejudice of the deep South and loosely based on the life of the author’s father—a state legislator and county lawyer who defended two black men accused of murdering a white storekeeper. Free time this afternoon.
MONTGOMERY Free time this evening.
MONTGOMERY The capital of Alabama, Montgomery is historic as an important place in the fight for voting rights, with the Alabama State Capitol Building having served as the ending point of the third march for voting rights from Selma. See the sights with a Local Guide this morning, including the State Capitol Building, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, the Civil Rights Memorial, and the Rosa Parks Museum. Take a docent-led tour of the courthouse where Judge Frank M. Johnson Jr. first legalized the desegregation of buses in 1956 and ruled the march from Selma was a legal protest to be allowed in 1965 (based on availability). Next, enjoy true Southern comfort food with lunch at Martha’s Place—born of one woman’s dream to overcome personal adversity and give back to others in her native Montgomery. Feed your soul with authentic, made-from-scratch Southern specialties—from fried chicken to fried green tomatoes, to black-eyed peas and pecan pie. Free time this evening.
YourChoice Excursions include one of the following activities of your choice:
DELVE: Moving Memorials
Go deeper into the history of the U.S. Civil Rights movement with a visit to two important sites. Visit the National Memorial for Peace and Justice, the first memorial of its kind, which recognizes the thousands of enslaved black Americans who suffered lynching -many of which went unreported or unprosecuted. Gain a deeper historical perspective with a visit to the Legacy Museum, highlighting injustices from slavery to mass incarcerations, located near one of the most notorious slave-auction sites 19th-century America. Be moved by the exhibits reflecting the effects of racial injustice of the past and its impact today.
STROLL: Everything Old is New Again
Walk through Old Alabama Town on a guided tour to see history preserved in more than 50 authentically restored and refurnished 19th- and 20th-century homes and structures spanning six blocks in downtown Montgomery. Stroll the nostalgic neighborhood and be transported in time, with interpreters available along your route to shed light on the historic preservation here. Take an inside tour of the block's 1850s centerpiece, the Ordeman-Mitchell-Shaw House, and follow your complimentary map and guide to see the 1895 Adams Chapel School; the 1892 Corner Grocery Store; and the stunning, circa 1850 Ware-Farley-Hood House.
CLAP: Lovesick Blues
Home to country music legend, Hank Williams, Montgomery is also the home of The Hank Williams Museum. Visit the museum on a guided tour for a glimpse into this country-music legend's life and legacy through the most complete collection of Hank Williams memorabilia. Hear how Williams' classics like "Your Cheatin' Heart," "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry," and "Hey, Good Lookin" continue to influence musical artists today.
MONTGOMERY Travel the National Historic Trail of 1966 between Montgomery and Selma, which served as the route of Dr. Martin Luther King’s 1965 Voting Rights March.
SELMA Join your Local Guide to visit the National Voting Rights Museum and the Slavery and Civil War Museums. Also visit the historic Brown Chapel A.M.E Church and walk across the Edmund Pettus Bridge—a National Historic Landmark and site of the infamous “Bloody Sunday”—where over 600 non-violent marchers, led by the late Freedom Rider and Congressional Representative John Lewis, were brutally attacked by police while attempting to cross the bridge.
BIRMINGHAM Free time this afternoon before continuing to Muscle Shoals.
FLORENCE (MUSCLE SHOALS) Free time this evening.
FLORENCE (MUSCLE SHOALS) Join in a guided sightseeing tour of Florence—“the gem of the South”—and learn about the “Muscle Shoals Sound” produced here since the 1960s with state-of-the-art recording studios for iconic artists and producers. See the old town and the home of W.C. Handy—the “Father of the Blues.” See the original Muscle Shoals Sound Studios building, and tour the Alabama Music Hall of Fame with a docent. Enjoy free time this afternoon.
YourChoice Excursions include one of the following activities of your choice:
GAZE: Symmetry in Motion
Visit the Rosenbaum House on a guided tour of renowned architect Frank Lloyd Wright. The only Wright structure in Alabama, the house offers rare access to the prolific architect's design with free time to explore the grounds and shop for mementos.
DELVE: A Miracle in the Making
Take a guided tour of Ivy Green, birthplace of Helen Keller. Where she lived and learned in what would become an incredible story of tenacity and triumph with teacher Anne Sullivan. Born without sight or hearing, Keller overcame her disabilities to become one of the world's most inspirational women. See her living quarters and the well where her first breakthrough began a life of achievement as a baccalaureate, activist, and author. Now a museum, Keller's home at Ivy Green was the setting for her autobiography, "The Story of My Life" -adapted for stage and screen as "The Miracle Worker."
CLAP: Laying Down Tracks
Tour the Florence Alabama Music Enterprise (FAME) with a guide. See where Rick Hall created a blend of Southern soul music, which became the hailed as The Muscle Shoals Sound." A who's who of musical greats have recorded here -from Etta James to Aretha Franklin, Paul Simon, and the Rolling Stones, to name a few. The studio - home to more than 80, "Top 10" records - continues to be in demand by countless musicians today.
Farewell dinner this evening featuring live music.
This morning, travel to Nashville International Airport or the Westin Hotel Downtown. Please schedule departing flights after 1pm.
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