#Wooden Cases in Kolkata
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jk-wood-wool-industries · 10 months ago
Wooden Storage Cases
JK Wood Wool Industries is pleased to offer its expertly and carefully manufactured wooden storage cases. These cases are ideal for arranging your area with a dash of organic elegance because they combine practicality with aesthetic appeal. They promise longevity and classic style because they are made of premium wood. If you're looking for storage solutions that combine functionality and quality, choose our Industry line.
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E-623, 24, Phase 7, Focal Point Phase 6, Focal Point, Ludhiana, Gobindgarh, Punjab 141010
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blessed1neha · 2 years ago
SRILA BHAKTI SIDDHANTA SARASWATI GOSWAMI'S DISCIPLE CAME BACK FROM YAMAPURI-Hell This is an incident which happened in the 1930s. There was a disciple of Srila Prabhupada Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur who got initiated in 1933. He was from Guwahati, Assam. He followed all the principles of devotion and chanted Harinaam on the chanting beads given to him by Srila Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur disappeared from this world on 1st January 1937. After the disappearance of Srila Prabhupada, the disciple started to deteriorate in his devotional practices until he got engaged in anti-devotional activities of consuming meat. It was his downfall that he even stopped chanting Harinaam. But laws of karma had some other plan for him that within a few years he had fallen sick and died. As per Hindu-Indian tradition, the dead body is burnt in the cremation ground. Hence, the body of this person was also lying in the cremation ground within the wooden logs which were supposed to be set to fire. Suddenly the dead man came to life and started shouting his beloved Gurudev's name "Prabhupada! Prabhupada! Prabhupada!". People present there were astonished to see this unnatural incident and started to flock away thinking him to be the ghost. He went to his home immediately and told his family that is renouncing from the material life to serve his Gurudev's words. Life after death had changed him completely. He shared his amazing experience of life after death. He shared his story as follows. When he died he saw two gigantic and horrifying figures (YAMADUTAS) who came and took him away from this world to another unknown world - YAMAPURI. On the way to YAMAPURI, he felt thirsty because the way to YAMAPURI was deserted and with the scorching sun on his head. When he asked for water from YAMADUTAS, then they showed him a pond to quench his thirst. But when he went near to the pond then he found it full of vomit, blood, and pus. On complaining to them that how could he ever drink such filthy things, they replied that he can get only vomit to drink on his way to YAMAPURI and nothing else due to his past karmas. Feeling depressed he moved on with them to YAMAPURI.
After reaching YAMAPURI, he was made to stand in a queue where Chitragupta, the assistant of YAMARAJ, was opening the accounts of karmas for all standing in the queue. He was horrified to see that every other person standing in before him were immediately sent to hell by Chitragupta upon seeing their accounts. At last, when it was his turn, he was sent to YAMARAJ as a special case. He was astonished. When he was brought to YAMARAJ, the devata of death, asked him if had performed any good deed in his life ever which he could recollect. He answered that he got initiated from Srila Prabhupada. Upon hearing Srila Prabhupada's name YAMARAJ closed His eyes and remembered Srila Prabhupada and the most amazing thing happened that Srila Prabhupada appeared in YAMAPURI even for such a disciple who had betrayed Him by not following His instructions. YAMARAJ asked Srila Prabhupada for the next course of action to be taken for His disciple. Before answering to YAMARAJ, Srila Prabhupada directly chastised His disciple for ignoring Harinaam and getting involved with anti-devotional activities of consuming restricted things. Upon hearing Srila Prabhupada's chastisement, he asked for forgiveness. His Grace Srila Prabhupada showed mercy to his disciple upon asking forgiveness and ordered him to go back to earth and again accept Harinaam from His beloved disciple Srila Bhakti Dayita Madhav Goswami Maharajji in Kolkata. As soon as Srila Prabhupada asked to take re-initiation, he came didn't remember what happened after that and he got up in cremation ground shouting Prabhupada! Prabhupada! Prabhupada!. After that, he renounced his worldly life and immediately went to Kolkata to see Srila Bhakti Dayita Madhav Goswami Maharaj Ji, a Godbrother to A. C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Founder Aacharya of ISKCON, who at that time was in vanaprastha stage of life. So he went to Kolkata for accepting Harinaam from Bhakti Dayita Madhava Goswami. When he went into the room where Srila Bhakti Dayita Madhav Goswami Maharaj Ji was present and started to narrate his story of life after death, Srila Bhakti Dayita Madhav Goswami Maharaj Ji stopped him from narration saying that He was already aware of what had happened and gave Him Harinaam mala(chanting beads) to chant. He stayed in the math after that and kept chanting Harinaam always for 8 years until he again left this world.
We have seen so many insurance policies in this world but such an insurance policy of saving a fallen soul from hell is not possible for anyone to provide. This incident proves the eternity of Guru's relationship with His disciple and His boundless mercy upon his disciples. Does this story ring a bell in our life of what we are supposed to be doing in contrast to what our engagements are in our daily life? Guru can show the path and mercy but a disciple has to follow His instructions to chant Harinaam and stay away from anti-devotional activities to save himself/herself from hell. - Excerpt from a lecture given by a Vaishnav at Sri Chaitanya Gaudiya math in Sri Jagganath Puri on the holy disappearance day of Srila Bhakti Dayita Madhav Goswami Maharaj Ji 15 Feb 2018.(translated from Bengali)
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brajeshupadhyay · 5 years ago
Over the last six weeks, they have crept into our consciousness. They have inspired pity, anger, hectoring and indifference. That they lived all around us was a detail we were barely conscious of before the nation-wide lockdown was put into place. They cleaned our homes and washed our cars, served us at restaurants and eateries, sweated and slaved away in the many small and big factories and workshops that one finds all over the urban sprawls that our cities have become. Many of us were similar to them in that we too do not hail from the cities that we now live in. We, or someone in our family, had moved there to seek employment or start a business and then stayed put or ‘settled down’ as we, the well-heeled, put it. We then grew roots, purchased an apartment or built a home, sometimes two, and came to feel that we ‘belonged’. ‘They’, on the other hand, were birds of passage who did not put down roots or try to belong. Sure enough, when the lockdown was announced, and then later, extended, they sought to ‘return’ home. The stories of their journeys which have been documented in the news and on social media have been gut-wrenching. Walking or cycling for days on end, on little food and water, families and meagre possessions in tow, sometimes collapsing and dying with their destination in sight, mowed down by trucks and run over by trains, the migrants have been the lockdown’s most unforeseen casualty. A century-and-a-half ago, many Indians — indentured labourers all — made similar journeys in cattle-like conditions on steamships, hoping to find paradise in a distant land where they would have sufficient food, perhaps a plot of land and enough money to tide them through rainy days. Most ended up being cheated and denied a fair shot at life. The journeys of migrants during the lockdown mirrors those journeys across the seas. One was the shame of the British Empire, which had set out to ‘civilise’ the ‘natives’ but ended up enslaving many of them. The current dispensation has shamed the citizens of the Republic of India and the hallowed Constitution, which the citizens gave unto themselves. The system of indentured labour (a ‘second slavery’ as many scholars have rightly termed it) originated in the 1830s when slavery had run its course in most of Europe and the larger public had expressed their outrage at the persistence of such an exploitative system. The destinations for indentured labourers were the Caribbean islands, Mauritius, Africa (Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa), South America (British Guyana and Suriname), Fiji and Malaya. This system sought to legitimise itself on the back of a contract, unlike slavery, which treated human beings as commodities. That the contract specified exploitative terms — poor wages, limited or no leave, loopholes in the clauses concerning release from contract etc — was given little consideration, since the parties were entering into it ‘willingly’. But given that those who assented to this contract were unlettered men and women, mostly from India and China who did not understand the contract’s fine print, was a detail that was conveniently swept under the rug. A second slavery was thus put into practice, and in 1834, the first group of indentured labourers was shipped to Mauritius. To find workers willing to under such contracts (or ‘girmit’ – a homonym for ‘agreement’), a recruiter (‘arkati’) fanned out into India’s poorest districts painting a pretty picture of their work destination. For a desperate populace on the verge of starvation, it was a chance worth taking. Then came the process of explaining to the workers the terms of their contract — a shambolic process. Often, groups were brought in front of a magistrate who inquired if they had understood the contract, without bothering to inquire further. Coached to say ‘yes’, almost all labourers assented and placed their thumb impressions on a sheet of paper. Few knew what they were getting into. The ordeal then began. Before the advent of the railways and its penetration into the Indian heartland, labourers walked from their villages in present-day Uttar Pradesh and Bihar to Calcutta (Kolkata), where a ship awaited them. This first leg of the journey took 30 to 40 days, almost entirely on foot. Journeys from the districts of present-day Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu to Madras (Chennai) were shorter, but grueling nonetheless. Sometimes, if there were no ships ready to sail, migrants waited at the emigration depot for up to three months housed in less than favourable conditions. These potential emigrants were kept under close watch and not allowed the free run of the city. Desertion upon hearing horror tales of the ‘promised land’ was a possibility, as also the chance that they would contract contagious diseases, thereby laying waste the efforts of the ‘arkati’. Once a ship was available, a medical examination followed, and then hundreds of labourers boarded the ship. In the early years, wooden sailing vessels of teak were used. Conditions on the ships were similar to those on slave ships. Totaram Sanadhya, who spent years in Fiji, writes in Fiji Dveep mein Mere Ikkis Varsh (My Twenty-one Years in Fiji) of the cramped conditions in the ship – each person had ‘a space one and a half feet wide and six feet long’. Four ‘dog biscuits’ and ‘one-sixteenth of a pound of sugar’ (about 150 grams) were handed out on boarding, a ‘welcome package’ of sorts. The ship then sailed. On the seas, the labourers were expected to make their own meals with the provisions provided. The toilets too had to be cleaned by them, and refusal to do so resulted in beatings. Two bottles of fresh water were handed out daily. The question of asking for more water in case of need did not exist. One had to make do or suffer silently. Sea journeys ranged from ten to 20 weeks (journeys to Malaya were shorter than ten weeks). An 1878 British Guyana report records that in that year 17 ships arrived. The length of their voyage ranged from 78 to 128 days and the number of passengers varied from 493 to 652. Deaths on the ship were a common occurrence, dysentery, measles and cholera being the frequent causes. Bodies were thrown overboard when deaths took place. Perhaps a religious-minded fellow traveller uttered a short prayer. Otherwise, there was little dignity in death. In 1878, 18 deaths (including 15 children) out of a total of 611 passengers took place on the Hesperides. That the ship had taken 128 days to complete the voyage probably had something to do with it. That same year, 19 deaths took place on the Plassey, which took 92 days to complete the voyage and had embarked with 627 passengers. Still, these conditions were better than the conditions in 1856-57, when the average death rate for Indians travelling to the Caribbean was 17 percent. As many as 11 children were born on the Hesperides during the course of the sea voyage. The Plassey witnessed nine births. To begin with, most of the labourers were men. Only a few women made these journeys. How these women managed the exigencies of childbirth on board a rollicking ship with little water, food and privacy is too terrible to imagine. Given that almost every one of these ships records the deaths of children, it is perhaps fair to assume (since no clear details are available) that many of these deaths were of newborns. More horrors awaited the labourers when they reached their destinations. Poor wages, pathetic living conditions, insufficient food and the dishonouring of the terms of their contracts were commonplace. The indentured system was a system of continuous and prolonged exploitation. When the system came to an end in 1916, close to 1.5 million had made the journey. A significant number had perished en-route or in their new homes. Many stayed back after their contracts ended. A small number returned. Every single one of them had undergone untold suffering. Even as a callous government and an even more callous middle class continue to wallow in utter indifference, a tragedy has unfolded in our times which historians of the future will use to pass judgment on our generation. The indentured system was a telling comment on the tyranny of the white man, the excesses of the Empire and the blood and sweat on which the pretty structures of the West have been built. The current tragedy is our Fall from our fraudulent Garden of Eden.
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wesafaiwale-blog · 5 years ago
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A Complete Guide On Pest Control Services That You Should Know
With the changing of weather, rodents and pests look out for a warm and Cozy place to hide. This practically means that they end up being in the home or building and further create a lot of nuisance for the people staying there.
These creatures intrudes a lot of objects such as food products, paper and wood. Hence, in a long run it can cause a lot of problems to you as a home or business owner.
So, today in this blog, we would be covering different kinds of pest controlservices and benefits of hiring a professional for pest control services in Delhi NCR, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata.
So, let’s have a look:-
What are the most common types of pest control services?
There are different kinds of pest control services but the most common of them has been mentioned below:-
·        General pest control
Pests these days are found everywhere i.e. our offices, homes and restaurants and thus it causes a lot of damage. Additionally, it can cause serious health effect to individuals and their respective families.
Also, the pest problems can certainly vary from house to house in India and thus it is very important to implement the correct plan such that all the pest control needs can be covered.
There are many professionals such as Safai Wale that can offer you great pest control services at a very affordable price.
Termite control services
Termites are segmented as the insect group that rely upon the dead plant animals and they come up with cellulose digesting ability. Further, in search of food the termites enter into the homes and further cause a lot of destruction.
You can notice termite damage on kitchen cabinets, door frames, wooden flooring and staircase and thus it gets necessary to take proper action against the termite.
So, you can follow up with an expert who has proficiency in termite control services. They would safely remove all the termites from your property and at the same time safeguard all the precious belongings that you might be having.
When should the termite treatment be taken?
If you find flying termites in the foundation of a wall or in the house, then it would indicate a termite infestation and thus immediate action should be taken for the same.
Some of the other signs infestation are woodwork with hollow sound, mud tubes on walls, discarded termite wings and damaged wooden furniture. It is advised that you regularly monitor your surrounding and property such that you can keep them unfavorable for the termite infestation.
So, just in case you notice any signs of termites, then get in touch with an expert such as Safai wale to fix up the issues.
How to get rid of termite?
In order to get rid of termite, two methods are followed. They are pre-construction and post-construction anti-termite treatment. These treatments would ensure that your property and home is protected from the destructive termite treatments.
#Pre-construction anti-Termite treatment
With the assistance of the pre-construction anti-termite treatment, you can peacefully move to your office or home as your property would be very well protected from the termites. With the pre-construction anti-termite treatment, you will get the peace of mind against the attacks of termite.
How is pre-construction termite treatment executed?
Once the property is in the preliminary stage of construction, then pre-construction termite treatment is executed. The basic aim of this treatment is to create a barrier for termite underneath the structure of the building. Further, it can protect your property from the damages that is caused by termite.
Additionally, the areas in and around the concreate base are sprayed with a specialized solution that creates an anti-termite barrier which indeed have a very good effect.
# Post-construction anti-termite treatment
The post-construction anti-termite treatment works quite well against the damages that is caused by termites for business premised and existing homes.
Safai wale uses termite treatment chemicals that are only government approved. This makes sure that a safe environment is created before and after the treatment.
A basic clean-up is also provided once the service is completed.
How is post-construction anti-termite treatment executed?
The post construction termite treatment is executed on existing properties in order to intensively and proactively protect the homes and offices against the termite infestation. In this method, termite are detected using various methods and further liquid termiticide is injected by the trained technicians.
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Rodent Control services
Rats are quite harmful and they spread different kinds of infections such as Rat bite fever, Hantavirus, Salmonella and Murine typhus. Besides this, they damage the buildings and stocks with the sharp teeth and thus cause a lot of problems.
You can opt for a good pest control contractor who would understand the danger that rat possess and further they would adopt innovative plans which can control the rat growth.
A lot of contractors adopt the rat control, management and elimination process which starts with the property inspection. They would further inspect the path through which rates enter the room. Further, they would close the areas through which rates enter the property.
Rats in general are underestimated by a lot of people but to be honest, they are quite harmful and they result in a number of diseases.
The crew members of Safai wale would completely inspect your property and based upon that, they take proper action. With the use of safe chemicals, all the rodents and rats would go away from your home.
Further, we also use sanitation and exclusion tactics that helps to get rid of rodents in a cost-effective and safe way. The best solution would be to keep the rodents out from your place. We also seal the different entry points which prevents the rodents/rats from entering the property.
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Cockroach treatment services
Cockroaches can be found everywhere  in homes, restaurants etc. Generally, they follow electric lines and water pipes through the walls from one room to another and often one apartment to other.
Cockroach species generally invade from sewers, drains or from outside. Also, most of the cockroaches tend to stay on woods rather than any other surface.
Further, you need to make sure that all the food items and dishes are removed from shelving before you treat the cockroaches. Good sanitation would ideally make the cockroach population more susceptible to baits and treatments.
# Managing the cockroach treatment
The professionals start off by inspecting and treating the places where cockroaches commonly live. This includes wall voids, electric motors, electronic equipment, false ceilings and accessible cracks to name a few.
Furthermore, at times vacuuming is also used in order to cut down on the cockroaches. Additionally, various application methods and techniques are then used to provide the best in class cockroach treatment.
Some of these treatments include crevice and crack treatments, baits and void treatments.
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Mosquito fogging services
Mosquitoes are quite dangerous and they are known for spreading different kinds of diseases such as dengue, malaria, cerebral malaria to name a few.
If a mosquito infestation has taken place in and around your proximity, then it can indeed be a dangerous situation for you and your family.
The primary aim is to keep your families and homes safe from mosquitoes.
Mosquito fogging is a larvicidal treatment that can kill the mosquitoes before they even mature. Moreover, they can give immediate relief from mosquitoes.
Mosquito fogging is generally based on integrated and scientific approach to get rid of mosquitoes. To start off, inspection is carried out on the areas that are affected by mosquitoes.
Further, a plan of action is drawn and executed using non-chemical, chemical and biological control methods.
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Why you should hire a professional pest control company?
Pest control companies have great expertise in removing bugs from your company. Besides this, they do it in an efficient way without harming you or your family members. While, you might be tempted to do it on your own but to be honest the professional pest control company can give you the peace of mind and actual security.
So, below are the five reasons why you should hire a professional pest control company.
1)    They are professionally trained
Pest control companies have great experience under their belt in exterminating bugs. Besides this, they are trained in a right way to handle different kinds of situation.
The best part is that they have the right equipment and knowledge to remove the pest from your property without causing any kind of damage to you or your home.
So, at last it is always safe to hire a professional pest control company rather than to go for a hit and trial by yourself.
2)    Price
You may feel that paying for pest control service is a bit costly but in the long run you are going to save a lot of money. Termites infestation can cost you thousands of rupees if not treated.
The professionals in the pest control company are aware of the signs to look out in order to find the infestation and further they are trained in a right way to handle all your problems.
3)    Safe use of chemical
The professionals at the pest control company are trained in a way to use the chemicals safely in and around the house/ office. They are aware of the places to spray the chemicals and they are more useful compared to the over-the-counter product that you use.
Hence, you won’t have to worry at all in terms of the harmful chemicals affecting you and your family.
4)    Time and energy
You may try to eliminate the pest problem by yourself but in the process it can take a lot of energy and time. Hiring the reputed pest control company is always a safe choice as it can save you your much needed time and energy.
Moreover, most of the companies would also offer a certain time duration guarantee and they would come back if you face the same problems.
5)    Identifying the pest
Most of the people don’t have an idea in terms of the pests that might be present in their home, let alone anything else. Also, there are specific species of pests that require different type of bait.
Hence, it can get quite difficult for you to deal with the infestation yourself. On the other hand, pest control professionals can easily find the particular category of pest and therefore use the right technique to eliminate the pest from your property.
So, hiring a professional pest control company can save you a lot of time and money as well as give you the peace of mind. You might catch the pest somehow but it is never safe to try out the infestation on the own. Thus, you can get in touch with a professional pest control company and they would help you to deal with all your problems.
What are the things to expect from a pest control company?
Here are some of the things that you can expect from a pest control company:-
·        An inspection of your property
·        Identification of risks and activity
·        Implementing different methods and techniques for controlling the pests.
·        Recommendations for preventing and limiting the pest activity.
Final Takeaway
Pests can be annoying and they can cause significant damage to you and your property. Above in this blog, we have discussing various type of pests and the reason you should hire a pest control company.
So, if you are looking for a reliable pest control service, then it is recommended that you get in touch with Safai wale through call or email as they have rich experience in this industry and they can efficiently help you to deal with pests.
Besides this, if you have any queries/questions to ask , then do let us know in the comment box below.
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vaastumangaalkolkata · 2 years ago
Vastu Consultation in Kolkata Explains the Harm of NP 7 Entrance!
Having conflicts in a family is normal and unavoidable but in some case vastu consultant in Kolkata finds that too much hostility gets involved into it. There are some vastu defects of home that might be causing the same. For instance if the main gate is present in the north pada 7 then it can bring severe conflicts between the parents and the children of the family, especially the grown up girls. It takes no vastu consultant in Kolkata to understand that gone are the days when parents used to marry off their daughters at a very young age and the girls would spend a lifetime listening to the others. Today we live in a modern era where the girls stand equally to boys and even their families support it whole heartily. But still sometimes the girl stands opposed to the parents. It might happen due to many reasons. However the most severe thing happens when the grown-up girls in the family go beyond the traditional beliefs and culture of their family. It might include having an affair or wanting to be in a live in relationship or so on. It is important to correct it as soon as possible because. You see this not only creates problem for them; but also for the younger daughters of the family. For them the rules become more strict then before in order to avoid the repeating of such behaviour in the future. How to correct this defect effectively? This defect is considered as minor since its side effects are not as severe as reduced lifespan or poverty etc. But still it is important to correct it on time to ensure a healthy and happy life for the family. Thankfully vastu consultant in Kolkata can correct this defect with simple step only. This remedy is called space surgery technique and all you need to do is get a strip of 5 mm thickness of its native metal. The native metal for this zone is Aluminium and install it under the gate. The strip should touch both ends of the wooden frame for this remedy to work effectively. Contact the vastu consultant in Kolkata to know more such remedies of the underlying vastu defects. The experts of Vaastu Mangaal stand with you to solve all the problems that might loom over your personal and official properties. Reach out to top vastuvid of Vaastu Mangaal now!
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carsai-precisionparts · 3 years ago
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anikalee · 4 years ago
Home Moving During Monsoon Season? Here's the way to Development in the Rainstorm
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Moving to another home could pass on blended notions to individuals. Unquestionably, they feel cheerful about going to another spot and enjoying new working environments and highlights there. Obviously, individuals need to design their movement consummately, so they can complete it no issues. Climate hopes to be an essential part in home moving. Home moving itself is a staggering endeavor and in the event that you are up to move your home in a turbulent season, nothing is more maddening than this.
Individuals reluctant moving their home during rainstorm seasons, yet in the event that they should complete it, they can't keep away from it.
The going with focuses will reveal to you how to move your home in a violent season.
• Advance Planning – Planning is a key to move your home appropriately and without any disfigurements. You need to design intentionally ahead of schedule since home moving during the swirling season makes it altogether more fundamental to make the best course out of activity. Late getting sorted out could never help you shift your home real to life. You will be in a rush a second back thusly you will negligence or leave behind an uncommon possibility something. In like way, you will get no extra an ideal opportunity to sit and consider your moving.
• Pack Your Items with Plastic Covers – If you needn't waste time with downpours to harm or wreck your things on the squeezing boxes, by then you need to cover each and every one of those holders with plastic covers. These plastic covers will safeguard your things from getting soaked in storms. For the gigantic things go for zipped plastic sacks. Appropriate stacking your item with plastic is amazingly principal as critical storm would hurt your things. Attempt to purchase the best and reasonable squeezing supplies to pack your things so it doesn't tear in the halfway. For added security, you can comparatively utilize tapes on the cases. With sheets and covers, you can get your wooden products.
• Keep your Raincoat or Umbrella with You – This is an incredibly commendable declaration as different individuals essentially dismissal to pack their umbrella/coat. Furthermore, now and then they wind up stacking those with different assets so it gets hard to take those out during crisis. You ought not load your umbrella or coat with different things. Be it the stormy season, you may require your parka and umbrella whenever, so keep these with you or on your vehicle for clear taking. Moreover, it is particularly burning-through to diligently take them in and out. Thus, it's fitting to keep the umbrella or parka nearby you.
• Hire Packers and Movers – If you have no an ideal opportunity to do these things on your own then you can consider using best movers and packers kolkata . There several squeezing and moving associations open, so going before using take as much time as fundamental, go to different zones, consider the rates and a brief timeframe later close who to pick. Also before development enquire them on the off chance that they have the entirety of the focal kinds of gear expected to relocate in the whirling season. Packers and movers offer unmistakable squeezing and moving associations including pickup and transport associations. Oddly, you need to pick the confided in movers. Tolerating you use packers and movers, they will do the things that are needed to achieve your move finely.
• Hire Closed Body Truck – Most of the time packers and movers bring open body trucks which are not a shrewd idea during the twirling season, in this manner you ought to dependably pick a shut body truck from the packers and movers you use. The shut body truck would be more secure to use in the twirling season. You can check your truck for any openings or harms going before putting your things on it. During development this will ensure the thriving of your things.
• Use rainstorm footwear – You need to go for slip attestation or whirlwind footwear on the off chance that you have arranged for rainstorm development. Make the entirety of individuals who are going out to move wear it. The covered shoes will shield your feet from germs as rainstorm brings a colossal heap of mud and soil. Similarly while going around for moving you may slip and damage yourself really, yet in the event that you wear rainstorm shoes, it will diminish the chance.
Read More- Important Tips to Pack and Move Safely During Covid-19 Outbreak
• Wash garments as of now – Your pieces of clothing set aside a more loosened up effort to dry in fierce season by virtue of the soaked, soggy climate. No one requirements to take the wet dresses nearby them since it damps different assets. Further adding to the weight, wet garments being more in weight will make the groups pointlessly significant. As such it's a wonderful blueprint to wash your garments which you are expecting to take in your new space as of now and dry them going before squeezing.
• Keep a track of the item you are moving – Most of the packers and movers are cautious. Despite being secure and remarkable, loads can occur whenever. It's not possible for anyone to tell when a weight may emerge, and despite the way that packers and movers in patna is solid, you should screen the item you are moving. Astonishing impediments can emerge essentially during the violent season, because of the frail state of the streets. As such it will be not difficult to manage the circumstance and recuperate the occurrence in the event that you have a good track of all that you are passing on.
• Load and dump things under a rooftop – Loading and unloading under a rooftop isn't all around conceivable, at any rate it is valuable in the event that you do it. It requires some dare to stack and deplete your item with no underhandedness. In any case, this joint effort can be executed considerably more effectively if there is a rooftop at where you will stack and dump.
Start your excursions early – You may save longer effort to appear at your objective considering the way that tempestuous season prompts interminable traffic issues. Despite the way that expecting you leave early you will not need to flood, and you can arrive at your space securely and as expected. In any case, it will incite pointless deferral also as channel the energy altogether out of you on the off chance that you start your outing late.
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plywooddealers · 4 years ago
Amazing Benefits and Uses of Plywood
Plywood has made many improvements to the building industry. Walls, flooring, kitchen cabinets and chairs are the most common applications provided by Greenply Plywood Dealers in Kolkata. Plywood is a wooden board made of more than one sheet, which is pressed and bonded together with grains of layers arranged in such a manner that they are at right angles to each other.
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There are four types of plywood; structural plywood, which is mostly used for the building of beams, subfloor, roof mounting, wall mounting and shipping crates; external plywood, which is usually used for roofing, wall mounting, outdoor flooring and stalls; interior plywood, which is used for indoor furniture, ceiling and indoor cladding; and, ultimately, marine plywood, which is used for the manufacture of docks. In today's construction, plywood plays a vital role in making work faster and smoother. The following are some of the benefits provided by plywood:
One of the advantages of plywood is that it is comparatively sturdy compared to its equivalent, solid wood. If you have furniture made of plywood by Green MDF Dealers in Kolkata, you will be able to testify to this fact. The alternating pattern of grain in plywood makes it stronger. This grain therefore means that the power is uniformly spread through the whole piece of plywood. In addition, the fact that it is made from hardwoods and bonded together using stronger phenolic adhesives further increases its strength.
Plywood earns a higher consumer rating thanks to its sleek and appealing design. The smoothness has offered a stunning look to the furniture and floors. The fact that it is made from a solid, high-quality veneer plays an important part in its visual appeal.
No one needs to have to repair their furniture all the time when it's wearing out. Strong trees also have little ability to survive collisions or misuse. On the other side, owing to its equally spread strength, plywood can survive falls or even impacts by other heavy objects. Plywood saves you both time and money so it will last for a long time before it gets worn. This is one of the key influences in the appeal of plywood.
Availability in large sizes
If you're out on the street trying to diligently search for 8 x 4 sturdy flat wood, you're likely to hit a dead end. Strong trees are relatively small and of minimal scale. However, with the invention of plywood and Green Marine Price in Kolkata, people have sought a solution to this restriction.
Plywood comes in greater sizes, allowing it to be used in a range of building projects. You can conveniently locate plywood with a wide size of 1800mm in length and 1200mm in width.
Lighter than solid wood
Given its greater size, plywood is comparatively lightweight and easier to carry. This advantage makes it more popular in the manufacturing of furniture pieces, such as kitchen cabinets or cupboards.
Wider area coverage
Thanks to its large size, plywood can fill a wider area. You don't have to cut it constantly. This minimises the damages that can be caused due to the disposal of plywood material.
Plywood conserves environment
The use of plywood in the building and processing sectors has contributed to an immense decline in deforestation. The utilisation of solid forestry allows more trees to be cut down. Plywood products by Greenply Plywood Dealers in Kolkata, however, do not use a great deal of wood. This is a great benefit with regard to the protection of the climate.
Plywood is used in various types. Flexible plywood, for example, is a type of plywood that can be bent to accommodate curved surfaces. If you really intend to build a house with a curved roof or wall, there's no need to think about it. Strong wood may have made it difficult for you to do this, but now lightweight plywood is the perfect option.
Plywood is more durable and it's inexpensive and affordable. In addition, it will manufacture premium goods that would fall under the reach of most citizens. This is obviously one of the reasons why plywood is doing so well on today's market.
Plywood can not only be used at home but in a range of other manufacturing uses, such as ship making, flooring or concrete shuttering.
Now let us check out some of the common uses of plywood:
Plywood is commonly produced as softwood and hardwood, and is available in varying grades of finish based on its intended application. Here are only a few examples of how plywood is used and why this is such an outstanding source of material for such uses:
Exterior Wall Sheathing
Popular wall construction on new homes consists of a 2-foot x 4-foot or 2-foot, 6-foot, plywood sheathed exterior frame. Plywood panels of Green MDF Dealers in Kolkata are used to connect to each stud to provide strength to avoid vertical or horizontal moving, keeping the frames intact and square. This technique shapes a system that works well during high winds and during earthquakes due to its resilient properties.
Interior Walls
Certain types of plywood are ideal for wood panelling or for framing interior stud walls. In most cases, the plywood would not be visible with the final finish; however, some highly polished A-grade plywoods are very suitable for inward facing and can be painted or decorated to provide a beautiful natural wood finish.
Roofing and Flooring
Plywood is widely used for sheathing roofs and as a subfloor for many internal flooring projects. On the floors, plywood panels can have tongue-and-groove edges that are slotted together to allow them to support the necessary load without shifting or moving while, on the roofs, they may serve as a very sturdy and suitable skin prior to laying of tiles, metal or membrane. Plywood is perfect for both uses.
Other Construction
It is not rare to have eaves and soffits coated with plywood or made entirely of plywood. Any of the plywoods are designed especially for use as a siding component to look identical to the reverse board siding. Builder builders often use plywood for the building of detached garages and sheds, wooden floors and concrete shapes.
Plywood can be a very practical and cost efficient building furniture material. In cases where one side wants to look good, high quality plywood should be used while for the rest of the structure, the lower grade finish is perfect. Plywood is ideal for virtually any furniture project imaginable within reason, so it is not surprising to see it used in custom-built dressing rooms, wardrobes, media centres, cabinets, bookcases, console tables... in fact, the list is almost infinite!
Plywood is perfect for building kitchen cabinet carcasses, bedrooms and more. Strong quality plywood is more than suitable for use on the backs and sides of the cabinets in most instances and is a material much superior to the conventional chipboard or MDF, since it lasts longer, does not break and is much more durable.
General Projects
Thanks to its flexibility, plywood is great for many other home ventures, from constructing skateboard ramps to rabbit huts to dog houses. Home DIYers love plywood as it is suitable for constructing useful items such as workbenches, sawhorses, basic step-stools and storage bins.
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loyallogic · 5 years ago
Webinar on Intervention & Support of MSME through IPR post COVID-19: 11th May 2020
Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) are important instruments to foster a culture of innovation. IPRs essentially protect brands, inventions, designs, creative, and literary works from being copied and commercially exploited by third parties. They grant exclusivity to the creators or owners of IPRs to commercially exploit their works. The exclusivity and potential gains by commercial exploitation of the IPRs act as an incentive to promote innovation in various fields. IPR protection grants legal rights in favour of the rights owner who may restrain third parties for using his IPRs and also claim damages.
MSME sector is one of the largest contributors to the Indian economy, however, awareness about IPRs is lacking in Indian MSMEs. IPRs include trademarks, copyrights, patents, geographical indication and industrial designs and protecting them enhances the competitiveness of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Intellectual Property Awareness Scheme was launched by the Cell for IPR Promotion and Management (CIPAM) in association in association with the MSME-Development Institute, Kolkata under the Ministry of MSME, Government of India with an objective to enhance the awareness of IPR in the MSME Sector by conducting seminars/workshops covering topics like international filing procedures, impact of counterfeiting and piracy, promote government schemes for filing of IPRs and how to use IPR as an asset to grow business.
During this global pandemic, these small scale enterprises have shown tremendous economic potential in the form hosting their businesses on online platforms to increase consumer outreach. A business that has a trademark or a logo or any mark that distinguishes them from their peers, among their customers/clients, and registering it can just ensure that nobody else in their trade or industry is able to use that mark anymore, and this exclusivity allows the MSME to attach goodwill, of quality product/service, to that mark at lower costs. This is the time to advertise these protected assets to the masses in order to gain recognition and demand in their respective industries.
Some examples include- Copyright on any original literature, from regulatory to marketing literature such as brochures, pamphlets, package insert, product manuals etc, restraining anyone else in their industry from using that patented product, machine or process in their (competitors’)factories, Geographical Indications (GI), held by a collective such as an association of industries or handicraft makers like Banarasi Silk, Darjeeling Tea, Chanderi Fabric, Udayagiri Wooden Cutlery, allow the MSMEs of that geographical region by which these GIs are identified to use the related marks and/or logos on their products, and preclude MSMEs of other regions from branding.
Besides, the various speakers from MSME Department, Govt.of India and the Federation of Associations of Small Industries of India, the eminent IP Attorney Biswajit Sarkar who is widely regarded in the industry circles will speak for the program. He is having wide experience of handling complicated matters in IPR and successfully completed two world-renowned cases, such as registration of a particular address as trademark of 6 Ballygunge Place and creating copyright protection for Missionaries of Charity founded by Mother Teresa. Mr.Biswajit Sarkar is empanelled with different Embassies, Consulates and Chambers of Commerce.
To give back to the society, his firm regularly takes interns from law institutes countrywide. Mr.Sarkar is regularly invited by Universities, Law Colleges, National Judicial Academy, Government  Bodies and various Chambers of Commerce to give lectures to spread awareness of the role of IP in modern business.
LawSikho has created a telegram group for exchanging legal knowledge, referrals and various opportunities. You can click on this link and join:
Follow us on Instagram and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more amazing legal content.
The post Webinar on Intervention & Support of MSME through IPR post COVID-19: 11th May 2020 appeared first on iPleaders.
Webinar on Intervention & Support of MSME through IPR post COVID-19: 11th May 2020 published first on https://namechangers.tumblr.com/
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best-interior-designer · 5 years ago
Top 7 Commercial Interior Design Trends
Commercial interiors have increased a great deal of significance as of late as the improvement of organizations and the business structures are occurring by a wide margin. The insides of an organization assume a significant job in not just giving a mitigating inside in an office or business focus yet it is likewise an effective way to advance a brand.
Commercial interior designers are these days found in all the level I and II urban areas of India as they give the creators lucrative chances to work. At the point when you search for a commercial interior designer in Kolkata, consistently check in the event that they can give you the popular plans. Some driving patterns of commercial interiors are given below:
Eco-accommodating structures
Eco-accommodating interior structures in the workplaces, hotels and restaurants have of late gotten very trendy. At present, the majority of the inside planners are utilizing things like wood, glass and sandstones to make the insides. These upgrade the viewpoint of the plan just as advance vitality effectiveness.
Colour co-ordination
Colour co-ordination is carefully wanted by the customers who manage a brand for which shading assumes a fundamental job. Thus, legitimate colour co- ordination is constantly viewed as trendy.
Spacious work environments
For the most part, enormous business substances ensure that the representatives can work with a definitive solace. Accordingly, structuring extensive work environments is in pattern now. On the off chance that you are running an organization, it is significant for you to make huge work areas, open rooms in the workplace with the goal that your representatives don't confront any issue.
Putting LED lights
Corporate interiors are most likely inadequate without LED lights in right now. One can discover these in the corporate interiors in Kolkata. The best piece of these lights is that they are vitality productive.
Decentralized seating plan
The decentralized guest plan is one of the most trendy things in interior planning. In such a condition, the representatives of the organizations get the chance to sit serenely at wherever in the workplace and accomplish their work. There is no predefined seat for any representative.
Including modern furniture
The modern furniture that the greater part of the business inside fashioners are joining in the structure initially has a place with the 1960s and 1970s. Tables, seats and pantries that are to a great extent utilized these days are agreeable and expend less room.
Wall mirrors and glass furniture
The use of glass furniture and wall mirrors have transformed into one of the conspicuous patterns now. Including a mirror in the dividers upgrades all the more light during the daytime and assists with sparing force around evening time. Also, unbreakable glasses are accessible these days that can help the workplace home proprietors to set aside a ton of cash as wooden entryways are increasingly costly.
In the event that you are intending to embellish your commercial interior at any point in the near future, it will be the best choice for you to stick to the above structuring patterns. In any case, consistently attempt to have a detailed talk with the interior designer in regards to the kind of structure you need to go for.
Know More about Commercial Interior Design Services in Kolkata.
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besthouseliftingservice · 5 years ago
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The lifting of houses is necessary for these days because the old house is built at ground level. The housing survey will not only protect your home from manual and natural disasters but will also give it a new look. Everyone wants to protect their dream home from any kind of threat and if your home is in flood-prone areas, be sure to get the house lift services as soon as possible. In Kolkata, MSBL house lifting is known for its excellent work at low cost and with the responsibility of the job.
Equipment's used for house lifting:-
Unified Hydraulic lifting Systems.
Hydraulic Jacks.
Steel beams/girders.
cot(wood or concrete blocks)
Helical piers, posts, columns.
Is an entire house can be lift without any destruction?
The answer is yes, nowadays the companies become so advance that their fewer chances of the damage to your building. As companies provide a guarantee according to their terms and conditions. There’s no need to worry about your building.
How much time approximately needed for house lifting?
Nowadays it takes approximately 1 or 2 months to lift your house by companies. Take your time; make a backup so that you don’t have to have company to hurry.
The profits of a good company:-
Homeowners are not required to leave their homes months in advance or weeks later. When local officials and public services are cooperative, homeowners only need to vacate a week or two instead of months.
The process is a “sustainable solution” because new timber resources are not used; existing ones are simply “recycled” to a new height.
Our Sandy Bracket helical system offers a secure base, especially when connected to a sloping beam. This offers greater “rolling mitigation” and peace of mind on windy days, compared to houses elevated on wooden piles.
What people do after their house lifted:-
In maximum cases, the house lifting is done to prevent the house from the floods. In some areas due to the increase in the level of the road the sewage water enter the house hence cause odor, smell and other problems
Sometimes instead of flooding reasons, the peoples just want to build a new foundation under house, to shift the house or removing the problems of underground water that enters the house.
For more information visit our website https://bit.ly/38kphgv
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printina-blog1 · 5 years ago
Golden future of India's Printing Industry
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The Indian Printing Industry has constantly evolved for the last 15 years. It has flourished at the rate of 12 percent a year after year which consists of 2,50,000 broad, moderate and compact printers. Hence mentioned below are the yearly estimation that has an effect on packaged printing business as its spreading 17percent yearly estimation, 10percent on monetary printing and 30percent increase in digital printing.
Printina is one of the Printing & Product Development Manufacturers with a wide range of products, distributing its services from rural India to Metro cities. It has experience diversity in demand and supply, product patterns, Investment in various regions of India. The brief about it helps to put light on how, where & why the printing industry has become a booming business in the market relevant to other industries from Food to Beverages, to Commodity transport by all paths available i.e. sea, land, and air.
In the primitive India year where leaves were considered the original and natural form of packaging, it evolved it by the usage of paper, cotton, jute bags and in 1990 it came to wooden carts, boxes for transportation of heavy material supported by leave and paper packaging within, of delicate good and perishable food item. This method was mostly followed in rural India and got to developed towards urban cities.
If we look at India’s Map you can imagine the way it has been developed. Printing Manufacturers in cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Punjab, Bengaluru Kolkata, etc adapted themselves for cutting edge technology which is constantly upgrading and customer demands fluctuate, printing businesses can sustain and grow only when equipped with the latest technology.
The reason of urbanization was observed more in the above-mentioned states and cities in India as it was considered as the business development states and cities from the global point of perspective. Then when the metro cities were formed so did the commute and accessibility for transporting goods advanced. With increasing population and technology the packaging industry was initially a small scale business most dominated by food, beverages, and pharmaceuticals industries even though the computer and internet were introduced and the online purchase was done by manufacturers and wholesalers and retails or business class people mostly, but in millennium generation the e-commerce and e-retail was introduced for one and all even as middle-class population was able to buy any product online. The E-Commerce opened the avenues for all kind of work, Business-to-Business (B2B), Business-to-Consumer (B2C), Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C), etc
With this kind of sudden rise in e-commerce the print industry was seen in light as a career path to success, growth, and evolution. Economic times stated that the annual turnover of the Indian packaging industry would reach $32billion by2025.
But as we said it is a diversified industry even though business opportunities are more like the same in most of the states. However, access to funds to purchase the latest printing equipment and upgrade technology is a major challenge for small & medium scale Printing manufactures in the market. Further to that maintaining demanded printing quality unable to deliver. Consider a small village or town in Rajasthan or North-East India, developing towards urbanization during the journey many small retail firms, local business & job opportunity were created, many corporate firms will consider this city as a new business destination. But challenges come when the city has limited resources to provide quality service for development. In this case, these industries or organizations opt for outsourcing quality products & services. The same happened in the printing industry. If remote, rural areas, small cities have the facility to provide quality & cutting edge results for local businesses, no one can stop them to the huge contribution to India Industrial Economy.
Now, look at the new avenue, called e-commerce where it just not limited to buy or sell daily utility product but also provides print manufacturers access to affordable options in order to acquire any kind of printing service, the product they need from metro cities in from any corner of India, the best example is printina.in. This is an era where, any small-scale printing manufacturer places an order on a click and avail quality at doorsteps whether it is printed collaterals, files & folders, bags, stationery, boxes hospital stationery, banner, flex, etc.
Now let’s sees how this culture will influence Printing Industry in India Economy
Thanks to the internet E-commerce and E retail market there has been an increase in the virtual method of purchasing. In the traditional approach, it's was only chain if Manufacturers -Wholesalers -Retailers- Consumers.
Even though this single strand of the issue is there it has touched globally and has helped in the rise in India's Economy. It has given employment, good quality purchase with affordable methods and the power in the hands of consumers of all class populations. To help sustain the printing industry maintain the Eco-friendly environment.
At Printina, we welcome all printers and suppliers all over India to join us.
With your Strength of marketing in the regional market, and our strength in manufacturing & creating new products "Let's Grow Together"
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myfireflyme-blog · 6 years ago
What is the Difference Between Traditional and Digital Textile Printing?
With the onset of digital printing, traditionally printing methods are slowly withering away. They are employed by the digital print fabric retailers in Kolkata. Read to know more.
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Over the years, the processes of textile or fabric painting have undergone huge innovations. There are block printing, rotary screen printing and dry heat transfer printing ruling the market for a long time. Since the global market of textile is dependant more on fashion, the invention of new methods of fabric printing fastens up the word according to the latest trends.
Printing fabrics have been around for many decades, mostly using cylinders and blogs. Clay blocks were used which duplicated the paintings or designs which were meant to be printed on the fabrics. This technique has been administered to numerous types of fabrics like cotton, khadi, Kolkata designer silk sarees, linen, etc. Today, the employing of digital printing on fabrics renders a fresh outlook to the clothes, which is how it gradually gained popularity in the fashion world.
Traditionally, three major printing techniques were followed by fabric manufacturers and retailers. Block printing was one of the most commonly used methods of fabric printing. However, the process was very slow because of which the manufacturers could not yield the desired results. Incised wooden blocks were used for transferring colors and designs on to the fabric material. Each color had to be imprinted separately so that it does not look haphazard. This made the procedure very slow and tedious. However, a major advantage of this was that the prints were made in great details and clarity. Moreover, they looked very artistic.
Screen printing is another traditional form of printing fabrics but it is still in use today. It involves creating a specialized screen where a stencil is used to apply layers of colorful ink on the printing surface. For every color employed, different screens are used to achieve the final outlook. This method is used for printing fabrics in bulk. The dye color is applied in a thicker layer, which results in brighter color shades.
Roller printing is a traditional but efficient method for printing long pieces of fabric. Here, an engraved metal roller is used with printing paste and is rolled on the fabric. The paints are fed through a machine and put inside separate rollers for different colors.
Today, the fashion scenes are changing rapidly, as every new season demands new styles and designs of clothes and fabrics. Since fashion is an important factor dominating the market, the methods and means of printing also underwent a modification so that the demands could be met faster than possible. Thus came the miracle of digital printing. It is cost-effective and enables the manufacturer to print a diverse variety of surfaces using plates. It is basically done using the computer. The most common tools used are lasers and inkjet. In this case, unlike the traditional paints, the medium does not penetrate. Rather, it sits on the surface of the fabric and slowly dries down after getting heated.
The use of inkjets helped create digital images on fabrics by the method of shooting the drops of ink into the fabric. There are big-sized, professional inkjet printers meant to create big format printings and recreate artwork. Laser printers are also used where the printers make use of laser for projecting the image on the fabrics.
laser for projecting an image onto the electronically charged drum of the printing machine. The charge is removed from the areas that are hit by the light, with photoconductivity. Toner or the dry ink particles are pulled to the charged areas. The drum puts the image to the printing surface using heat so that the ink is infused into it. These digital printers can print on almost all fabric types, using the laser for exposing the image on the surface of the fabric.
For the best kinds of digitally printed fabric, one can visit the store of Firefly, one of the best digital print fabric retailers in Kolkata.
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villasinlazagaleta-blog · 6 years ago
How to Enhance The Functionality of Kitchens at Apartments For Sale?
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The world of home design and architecture have undergone a tremendous shift from earlier concepts and one among them is to bestow equal emphasis to kitchens and bathrooms of a house. Architects of premium apartments for sale in India are preparing structural designs of kitchens taking into account personal tastes and requirements of buyers. In this article, we have disclosed tips to maximise the utility of kitchen space. 1. Clutter-Free Kitchen Space Ask home designers! What is one of the biggest problems of modern homeowners? Stashed up storage space with articles no longer in use. Ultra-luxurious apartments are designed by renowned interior designers. Builders try to excel buyers' expectations and incorporate features according to their unique tastes. Keeping in mind all such combined efforts, buyers should try to keep room space (in this case a kitchen) as much clutter-free as is possible. 2. Vertical Storage Options Nowhere else can you experiment with vertical storage options more than in kitchens. Wall space above sinks can be optimally utilised by installing mounted dish drying racks and hanging pot racks. You can hang aprons, oven mittens, towels etc. on rods or hooks installed in other parts of walls. The best thing with vertical storage options is that they do not encroach floor space.  If you have any type of questions relating to where and the best ways to utilize marbella golf villas for sale, you could contact us at our own page. In addition, such storage options help you store articles that are regularly used within your reach. 3. Trends Wooden made kitchen islands, cabinets mounted on walls and those below countertops look classy. Many interior designers of premium apartments for sale in India experiment with ideas and mix-and-match wood with mosaic. Kitchens have long shaded their singular functionality that of a room to prepare food. Nowadays, kitchens are also places to spend quality time with friends and families. Hence, kitchen islands can also function as dining tables. 4. Enough Light A dark kitchen sucks out excitement. Hence, there should be enough provision for light. A natural source of light is ideal. However, light from any source will suffice. Warm lights can turn-on mood and ward-off tediousness from cooking. It no longer seems like a task. You can also install app-enabled bulbs in kitchens and control light intensity. 5. Wallpapers Rock Drabness can be easily ward-off by changing wallpapers. Seemingly nsignificant wallpapers can make a big difference to the look and feel of kitchens. Better to replace all white wallpapers. This is a well-known fact that white is hard to  aintain colour. Without a regular upkeep, white wallpapers a hard to maintain. If you choose one accent wall, you can also keep the budget low. 6. Unique Displays Similar to rest of other rooms, why not we think of glammed-up versions of kitchens? Curated articles can easily deck-up kitchens. In fact, some top interior designers are exploring this idea and even demarcating exact sections of walls to display them. They mostly prefer to leave 12-inches from the top. Ultra-luxurious living is at present doing the rounds in higher echelons of society in India. Hence, quite a few numbers of such projects are coming up. Unlike in past, eastern India is also witnessing a rise in the number of high-end residential projects. Buyers are having a gala time in choosing from best Kolkata premium apartments. Owners are customising their kitchens according to latest trends. THE 42, is a dream destination for buyers who are looking for ultra-luxury apartments in Kolkata. Selective premium apartments for sale are available here.  
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tbckolkatablog · 8 years ago
The Beloved Community Blog – Entry 6, January 6, 2017
Our first trip to the village:  Jorden and I arrived in mid-December and about a week later Sumit & Tamal took us to the village.  The first week here, I was exhausted from getting ready to leave Binghamton; health forms to process, seeing my doctor and her wonderful nurse, Alice, & keeping other obligations.  I was completely tired out from the long plane travel and 12 hour layover in Doha, Qatar.  Jorden might have been as tired, but he had a heavy week of final essays and papers to post to his professors at the School for Community Policy and Leadership at Binghamton University (can’t remember if this is the name for the school – I should know since it is rooted in the work of George Yonemura, my professor & mentor & beloved friend).  
Sumit ordered a car to drive us to the village. I had gone once before, a number of years ago, by train.  It seemed much longer by car.  We went over a skyline expressway out of Kolkata and drove curvy roads filled with trucks, cars, motorcycles, motor rickshaws, and horns, all vying with high speeds for the slimmest of spaces.  In about two hours, we hit a continuous string of village towns making sharp turns and adding to the traffic, bicycles.  Sharp up against shops-lined streets, on both sides, we delighted in the panorama of bright colored goods hung along the rafters of the open shops.  In front of the shops were crowded Bengalis in red, gold, green, multi-colored saris, old men in worn-white cloth of ballooning pants and long shirts, men in all styles of dress, though no Western suits.
We arrived to a welcome that exploded with people. Immediately, Kamini, a mother of four adult children, and a clear leader of the village, took my left arm with force and scooted away a teen-aged girl taking my right side.  Leading me down the path to the wider village, Kamini set me down in a chair among a set-up for the four of us.  The children crowded around us, some furtively trying to touch my white skin.  
Sumit introduced Jorden and me and then had the children sing the National Anthem of India.  As they sang, I thought about the time several years ago when Alanna (my assistant for the Marist Public Praxis Project for Global Citizenship ), Heather, my daughter, Tom, her husband, and I visited the Sree Durga dump to celebrate with the people New Year’s Eve.  That time, too, Christopher had the children sing the National Anthem.  I remember being mad inside as I looked at the dump, Alanna spotting a couple of rats, with these innocent little children in front of us, singing with all their hearts the country’s Anthem, when they were relegated by this very country to live in a dump.  The people living there had bagged all the garbage along the back, swept the ground as clean as they could, laid a beautiful wide cloth at the entrance, cleaned out the big wooden cart with which they hauled trash, and filled it with Bengali cloth.  They greeted us at the entrance and led us to the cart, helping the four of us to sit on the cloth with mothers leaning over the side handing us their babies to hold. We lived an unforgettable moment, when before we left, all the children, including older teens and young adults, suddenly presented to us bright gold, purple, and red roses – a palette of colors against the dusty grey of the dump.
The village children, all smiles, finished singing. Sumit and Tamal had all the children who had attended school for the week queue in lines.  Titi, an older student in one of the higher grades and very able, opened the record book with all the children’s names, and as Sumit called each one, those who had been in school received a little gift.  With their thumb print they marked by their name that they had received it.   This system was terrifically successful.  Right away, those who hadn’t been sent to school by their parents, began crying to Sumit, “I want to go to school!”  In a few months, Sumit and Tamal had increased school attendance to 70 from under 55 from months before.  
Before leaving, Sumit invited a father who had asked if he could meet us, to come forward.  He was carrying a boy, who couldn’t control his muscles, walk, or talk. I was surprised to learn that the boy was 8 years old.  He seemed much younger, but I could see that he was getting heavy for his mother and father to carry around.  The father holding the boy sat in front of us in a chair.  I desperately wished that I had the gift of healing and that I could reach out put my hands on his head and he would get up and walk.  I did put my hands touching his head and said a quick prayer in Jesus’ name (just in case), but I had an uncomfortable feeling that to pray in Jesus name might be seen as  disrespecting his own religion (I believe Hindu).   I am not sure what the father was asking, and I wasn’t sure what I could do to help, nor what I could promise to do.  But later when the rest of our group arrived, the idea came to us that we could get him a wheelchair as a gift from the Beloved Community.
The troops arrive, next!
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born2battle · 4 years ago
My Innings as Commander 27 Mtn Arty Brigade (Part 1)
     I departed from Wellington after the customary farewell in the first week of Aug 2000. My thoughts during the journey upto Pune, fluctuated between fond memories of my professionally enriching tenure of two years at the Staff College & the expectations of my next challenging tenure as the Brigade Commander. I availed my “Joining Time” at Pune and discussed our future options with the family members for their move as a family to, only after our Brigade would move back to it's permanent location at Bagrakote. After a well deserved break of 10 days, I left Pune for Jammu via Delhi. I planned my arrival at Jammu to coincide with the Independence Day.
     Thereafter, I was escorted in a special convoy upto 27 Mountain Artillery Brigade, located on the outskirts of Pathankot. The welcome ceremony in the Brigade HQ was indeed special, since I was returning to the Gunners family after a gap of six years. I was introduced to the Staff Officers of the Brigade HQ & all my Commanding Officers. Next three days were busy in the handing/taking over procedures. Finally, on 19 Aug 2000, my predecessor accompanied me to the Division HQ for my formal welcome by the GOC 27 Mountain Division. I was promoted by the GOC who complimented my selection to the coveted rank of Brigadier, attained by just 10% of the officers in any Batch!! He wished me the best of luck in shouldering my higher responsibilities and expressed confidence that the Artillery Brigade would continue to excel in the "Striking Lion Division".
    My first priority was to visit my Brigade HQ & all my Regiments and the supporting sub-units. The program for these visits had been prepared already which was just awaiting my approval. I considered it an opportunity to be briefed by each CO about our operational role and get a first look about the living conditions of all the Units  since the entire Brigade was in a tented camp layout. The Units were in the final phase of training prior to the Practice Camps scheduled to be conducted in Kalith Field Firing Ranges in Sep. I dedicated three days for completion of these visits as per the program and felt so happy interacting with each CO and his team of officers & JCOs. The standard of routine administration in each Unit  was very commendable, despite the constraints.  I reminded myself to resist any  temptation of ordering any drastic changes or initiate any new procedures within the first two months. I had decided to view every situation from a higher pedestal & take judicious decisions after consultation with my Staff Officers & the COs.
     Next month, the whole Brigade, deployed in Kalith Ranges, located 45 kms from Jammu, for Field-firings & Practice Camps. The standard of deployment and firing of Guns was outstanding. At the end of all the Practice Camps, we conducted the Technical Day during which all the COs of all Units in the Division witnessed the display of Firepower of 90 guns of my Brigade. It gave all of us a tremendous feeling of confidence and assurance of our Combat potential. I conveyed my congratulations to all my Regiments, on the radio set, in the traditional Gunner style --- “Good Shooting from Bull!!” On conclusion of this major training event, we returned to Pathankot. Thereafter, each Regiment participated in the Collective Training Exercise with the affiliated Infantry Brigade.
     In mid-Oct, Sanjivani along with Ashvini and Aditya came to Pathankot during Diwali vacation. It was destined that we would celebrate Diwali Festival with the Gunner Family within the Camp environment. Next day, we proceeded to Amritsar which was just 100 kms away. Our first visit  was obviously the Golden Temple. It was an overwhelming experience as we sought the blessing of Satnam Waheguru followed by the customary Langar. In the evening, we visited Jallianwala Bagh & witnessed an impressive Sound and Light show.
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 Next day, was spent in local sightseeing & savoring Punjabi cuisine. In the evening, we attended the magnificent ‘Beating the Retreat’ ceremony at the Wagah-Attari Border. The pomp and pageantry of the ceremony showcasing the change of guard was truly an amazing spectacle. The most captivating moment was the simultaneous lowering of the National Flags at sunset,  closing the gates on both sides of the border followed by the illumination display amidst thunderous chorus of ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’. Next morning, we returned to Pathankot with a bundle of memories of our inspiring trip to Amritsar. 
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     Soon, after celebrating Ashvini’s birthday, Sanjivani & the children returned to Pune for resumption of their academic sessions.  In mid-Nov, we were delighted to receive the much awaited orders from Army HQ pertaining to our move back to the permanent locations. I conveyed this good news to Sanjivani & the children who were really excited to prepare for their move as well. The move of 27 Mountain Division was to be carried out by military special trains for which we had to project the specific requirement of rolling stock.
     In case of the Artillery Brigade, we prepared an elaborate plan for the move of all the Regiments to respective locations. It was a complex exercise to plan the move of one Regiment each to Barrackpore & Kanchrapara (near Kolkata), one Regiment each to Sevoke Road & Oodlabari (near Siliguri), a Regiment to Panagarh (about 150 km from Kolkata) & the Brigade HQ and the Signal Company & Field Workshop to Bagrakote. Separate plans were prepared by the Division HQ, all the Infantry Brigades & the supporting Units for moving back to their respective locations. The final move orders  were received from Army HQ. The execution of move was carried out systematically and completed by end of the year. It was indeed a massive logistic experience involving move by military special trains, from different entraining stations near Pathankot to multiple detraining stations in West Bengal.
     Just before leaving Pathankot, I got a chance to visit my parent Regiment (98 Field Regiment) which was located at Dehradun. The warmth and hospitality extended to me by the Jat Balwan family was indeed commendable. I felt so nostalgic as I renewed my association after a gap of six years. It was indeed a journey down memory lane!! 
     Thereafter, I travelled by air from Jammu to Delhi & onwards from Delhi to Bagdogra. Subsequent  travel upto Bagrakote was refreshing, specially after crossing the Tiger Bridge,  which connects West Bengal with the North Eastern states. Bagrakote was a small Army campus at the foothills of undulating ridgelines. I was particularly impressed when I entered my fully furnished residence, traditionally designated as the “Gun House”.  My first reaction was to take several photos of my beautiful residence and send them to Pune by speed post (since WhatsApp technology did not exist at the time). It facilitated a virtual tour of our new Home, which further triggered the desire of my family members to come to Bagrakote as soon as possible.
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     After the initial settling down process, I went to the Division HQ at Kalimpong for an operational briefing, since I had never served in this Sector. Thereafter, I proceeded for my familiarisation recce in Nathu La Sector of  East Sikkim. The recce was completed in one week, in high altitude terrain during the snowfall season. Subsequently, I visited all my Regiments sequentially, as per the dispersed locations. It enabled me to  gain first hand knowledge about various problems being faced by each Unit. I focused my attention on the improvement of administration  and welfare of all troops & families. Thus, I could allot funds for urgent repairs and new projects for improvement of habitat in each location. 
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     In the last week of Mar, I went on casual leave to Pune and returned along with Sanjivani and Aditya. Our luggage took a long time to reach because of the move across the country. Ashvini and Nandini shifted to a Girl’s Hostel and were planning to join us later. On return to Bagrakote, I got involved in preparing for the forthcoming War Game and Operational discussion which was to be conducted at Kalimpong. It was a major event in which all Brigade Commanders and Commanding Officers had to participate. Hence, I proceeded to Kalimpong for another week, leaving Sanjivani with the responsibility of settling down in our new abode. 
                                 Our Beautiful ‘Gun House’  
     We could not move to Pathankot along with Vivek in August, since the Artillery Brigade was doing the Annual Practice Camps & collective training. Entire 27 Mountain Division was awaiting orders for move back to the permanent location. Moreover, Ashvini and Nandini were already pursuing their college education and Aditya was in the Army Public School, Pune. We felt happy when the Brigade returned to Bagrakote in end of Dec. Consequent to this news, we decided to shift Ashvini & Nandini into Paying Guest accommodation, at a central location in Deccan Gymkhana. Thereafter, in the last week of March, only Vivek &  myself, Aditya and my mother-in-law (Badi Mummy) moved to Bagrakote.  Our long journey was very entertaining, particularly because our pet dog (Maxi) also travelled with us. Incidentally, the journey involved all modes of transport: by air from Mumbai to Kolkata, by overnight train upto New Jalpaiguri (NJP) and by road till our destination. The road journey was specially enchanting after we crossed the Tiger Bridge (also called Coronation Bridge) on the Teesta River. The view of the valley, forests and the tea gardens astride the road was so fascinating. Finally, after two hours, we reached the “Gun House” & were welcomed formally in the Brigade Officers Mess. It was a unique feeling to be called the “First Lady” once again!!
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   Our Bungalow was unique in design & internal layout. It was constructed on stilts, had wooden flooring, wooden walls, wooden roof with a false wooden ceiling and wooden furniture! At the entrance, there was a huge lawn having a waterfall, a small pond & a Gazebo. In the backyard, there were several Litchi trees and a Bamboo grove. The Officers Mess & the Guest rooms were just adjacent to our residence. We were thrilled to observe the scenic view of the ridges & spurs, the riverfront and the tea gardens in close proximity. It was a privilege to have a guard of 12 soldiers at the “Gun House”, who were on duty 24x7. In addition, there was a cook & the Buddy from 98 Field Regiment (Hav Khajan Singh), who provided necessary assistance. I realised that I will have to get used to these facilities gradually, while settling down to our new lifestyle in the lap of nature. 
     On completion of the War Game, I returned from Kalimpong. I was impressed to see the transformation of the “Gun House” after completion of the settling down process. It appeared that the stage was set for Ashvini and Nandini’s arrival during their Summer Vacation. Meanwhile, I planned the itinerary for our family visits to Nathu La, Darjeeling and Kalimpong. Simultaneously, I prepared the schedule of my Adm Inspections of all the Units during May/June. Sanjivani visited the family quarters of the Brigade Camp and interacted with all the families when I was at Kalimpong. In addition, she visited Army School, Bagrakote and laid out a plan for further improvement of the School. We now awaited the arrival of Ashvini & Nandini and were at a stage of ‘Get, Set, Go’ for our tour to pristine Sikkim.
                                                                                    To be continued...
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