#Wood Sandpiper
sugiichi · 15 days
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Tringa glareola [タカブシギ,Wood Sandpiper]
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besidethepath · 4 months
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Shallow waters with a marshy bottom on the North Sea - and there are plenty of wading birds. All very busy.
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birdblues · 1 year
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Wood Sandpiper
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richs-pics · 28 days
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Wood sandpiper
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michaelnordeman · 1 year
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Wood sandpiper/grönbena. Murstensdalen nature reserve in Västmanland, Sweden (May 8, 2023). 
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relishes-in-vibrancy · 4 months
Wood sandpiper (Tringa glareola)
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blogbirdfeather · 2 years
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Wood Sandpiper - Maçarico-bastardo (Tringa glareola)
Vila Franca de Xira/Portugal (6/10/2022)
[Nikon D500; AF-S Nikkor 500mm F5,6E PF ED VR; 1/2500s; F8; 400 ISO]
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subbalakshmisastry · 1 year
Cute Wood Sandpiper in Kukkarahalli Lake / Kere Mysore || Beautiful Nature
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ifelten · 1 year
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Tinksmed (Tringa glareola)
Wood Sandpiper (Tringa glareola)
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dansnaturepictures · 6 months
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March end of month post 3 of 3: Ten of my favourite wildlife photos I took this month of; Mediterranean Gull at Hayling Island, Lapwing at Pennington, Mel the Peregrine at Winchester Cathedral, Marsh Harrier and Roe Deers at Testwood Lakes a key species seen a lot for me this month, Cetti's Warbler at Fishlake Meadows, Red Admiral at Lakeside Country Park, Great Spotted Woodpecker at Lepe, Grey Squirrel at Lakeside and spider at home.
March was another amazing birdwatching month for me as springtime birds coming into my year such as many Mediterranean Gulls seen, Blackcap and Razorbill mixed perfectly with valuable time with winter birds that I've had a great season for such as Brent Goose, Wigeon and Redwing. Mesmerising owls Little Owl at Portland and Short-eared Owl at Keyhaven, Jack Snipe, Linnet, Sand Martin, Purple Sandpipers, Shag, Gannet and Knot were other stellar additions to my year this month as my year list thrived being in positions in terms of numbers on dates that only my record year list of last year could better which was brilliant. Marsh Harrier and Cetti's Warbler two birds I've had an extraordinary year for so far kept on giving with many wonderful experiences hearing and seeing them in March. Other standout birds this month included Ruff, Greenshank, Avocet, Lapwings, Oystercatcher, Golden Plover, Curlews, Water Rail, Moorhen, Great White Egret, Great Northern Diver, Eider, Pintail, Gadwall, Song Thrush, Dunnock, Treecreeper, Nuthatch, Long-tailed Tit, Lesser Redpoll, Mistle Thrush, Ring-necked Parakeet, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Green Woodpecker, loads of Chiffchaffs being about a treat to the eyes and ear and Red Kite. It was a true honour to witness Winchester Cathedral's Peregrines in very dramatic times as newbie Mel killed longstanding female Winnie in a scuffle as well as Great Crested Grebes at Lakeside elegantly courting and the stunning humbug chicks of one pair emerging. With me upgrading my camera this month it's been great exploring with it and in particular it's really good for birds in flight so that's been a strong theme this month.
I had a fabulous butterfly month too seeing Red Admiral, Peacock, Small Tortoiseshell, Brimstones and Speckled Wood in the extremely exciting early spring days as these flamboyant insects enter nature's stage. It was great to see bees a lot this month too as well as crane flies and spiders and Grey Silverfish at home. Fallow Deer, Wood Mouse and thrilling views out the front at home of Hedgehog and bats have been other mammal highlights.
On Friday night and last night the other parts of these end of month posts posted about flowers and fungi and landscapes for me this month. Happy Easter all and wishing you a great April.
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sugiichi · 18 days
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Tringa glareola [タカブシギ,Wood Sandpiper]
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ceruleanvulpine · 2 years
huge respect to @myxinidaes for reblogging that post with 100 birds
#ok im gonna try to list 100 birds. house sparrow song sparrow fox sparrow white-throated sparrow dark-eyed junco#robin. ovenbird. hermit thrush. carolina wren. cardinal#carolina chickadee. house finch. purple finch. goldfinch. white-breasted nuthatch#red-breasted nuthatch. hooded merganser. american coot. wood duck. mallard duck#surf scoter. ruddy duck. black duck. northern shoveler. common loon#crow. fish crow. raven. turkey vulture. bald eagle#feral pigeon. mourning dove. turkey. quail. AMERICAN WOODCOCK#solitary sandpiper. herring gull. great black-backed gull. piping plover. killdeer#yellow-rumped warbler. pine warbler. palm warbler. black and white warbler. i cant think of a fifth warbler. red tailed hawk#cooper's hawk. osprey. barn swallow. tree swallow. blue jay#peacock. egyptian goose. peregrine falcon. merlin. canadian goose#green heron. starting to struggle here. flamingo. skua. albatross. great blue heron#barn owl - snowy owl - great horned owl - barred owl - WHAT was that little owl in central park called - uhhh mandarin duck#chicken. california condor. rose finch (there are many but i dont remember any of the weirder species). adelie penguin. emperor penguin#northern mockingbird.. starling.. grackle.. african gray parrot.. monk parakeet#stellar's jay ... baltimore oriole.. argh what's the other oriole we get. DOWNY WOODPECKER.. hairy woodpecker... pileated woodpecker#red-headed woodpecker. red-bellied woodpecker. ruby-throated hummingbird. scarlet macaw. whooping crane#whippoorwill. snowy egret. great egret. european robin. bird of paradise#there's a warbler that's just 'yellow' right? yellow warbler? cormorant...#struggling with some where i cant remember the exact name like was it a 'double crested' cormorant or something else.#zebra finch .. blue-footed booby... pelican....#australian magpie. The Other Magpie. ibis (nonspecific). potoo. EASTERN BLUEBIRDDDDDD !!!#ceruleanrambling#now i can go read yours
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birdblues · 2 years
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Wood Sandpiper
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pmg227 · 5 months
Favorite Bird Shots of April '24
Pileated Woodpecker Wood Duck ducklings Ducklings and Otter Wood Duck pair Red-winged Blackbird White-eyed Vireo Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (male) Red-headed Woodpecker Great Blue Heron (notice the fishing line around his legs) Solitary Sandpiper Red-shouldered Hawk on nest (I paid for this shot. When I turned my back, she dive-bombed me and hit me on the top of the head. I thought a coconut…
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etchif · 1 year
It's so humiliating that withdrawn IDs on iNaturalist don't disappear now everyone's gonna know I incorrectly identified this blurry photo of a vaguely snipe-shaped bird as a wood sandpiper when in fact it was a green sandpiper
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themorningowl · 2 months
63°25'19"N, 21°04'08"E
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July 4, 2021 25°C. Sunny. Notes: An Eurasian hobby hunting swallows + first sighting of Arctic tern of the year. Wood sandpiper, common redshank and common curlew at the water's edge, looking drowsy in the heat. A bat that stuck its head out of a nest box but returned in horror at the sight of us! In the water closest to the shore shoal after shoal of small, small perch.
Valsörarna, Finland
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