#Womens Treatment Hospital In Satellite
snehhospital · 22 days
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eretzyisrael · 1 year
Good News From Israel
In the 15th Jan 23 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
An Israeli hospital treats heart patients with a hi-tech body suit.
Israeli doctors flew to Nigeria to treat children with eye-cancer.
An Israeli charity provides digital skills to the disadvantaged.
An Israeli NGO has distributed hundreds of generators in Ukraine.
Showstopping Israeli innovations at CES in Las Vegas.
Israeli plant-based products include canned tuna and electricity.
Israel has raised $2 billion to help achieve zero emissions target.
Israeli archaeologists unearthed more historical and pre-history treasures.
Read More: Good News From Israel
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There has been so much more happening in Israel recently.  A higher number Israeli startups than ever were on display at CES Las Vegas, which handed out more CES awards to Israeli innovators. There was more European funding for Israeli agricultural technology; and another Israeli satellite was successfully launched. In the health arena, Israeli doctors have again been treating patients in Africa; a further 1000 Europeans and Israelis can walk without pain thanks to Israeli knee implants; and a UAE sheikh was more than happy with the medical treatment he received in an Israeli hospital. Elsewhere, Israel sent another hundred power generators to Ukraine and even more are on their way; more Israeli women are being encouraged to pursue careers in hi-tech; and $2 billion of extra funds were raised for Israel's zero emissions target.  Finally, additional archaeological discoveries are further evidence of Jewish links to the Land of Israel. I'm sure that's more than enough for this introduction. The photo is another view of Israel's Hula Valley, currently hosting hundreds of thousands of migrating birds. Here you can see cranes, planes and buffaloes - so much in one photo!
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Women’s History Month: More Nonfiction Recommendations 
The Woman They Could Not Silence by Kate Moore
1860: As the clash between the states rolls slowly to a boil, Elizabeth Packard, housewife and mother of six, is facing her own battle. The enemy sits across the table and sleeps in the next room. Her husband of twenty-one years is plotting against her because he feels increasingly threatened - by Elizabeth's intellect, independence, and unwillingness to stifle her own thoughts. So Theophilus makes a plan to put his wife back in her place. One summer morning, he has her committed to an insane asylum.
The horrific conditions inside the Illinois State Hospital in Jacksonville, Illinois, are overseen by Dr. Andrew McFarland, a man who will prove to be even more dangerous to Elizabeth than her traitorous husband. But most disturbing is that Elizabeth is not the only sane woman confined to the institution. There are many rational women on her ward who tell the same story: they've been committed not because they need medical treatment, but to keep them in line - conveniently labeled "crazy" so their voices are ignored.
No one is willing to fight for their freedom and, disenfranchised both by gender and the stigma of their supposed madness, they cannot possibly fight for themselves. But Elizabeth is about to discover that the merit of losing everything is that you then have nothing to lose...
The Book of Gutsy Women by Hillary Rodham Clinton & Chelsea Clinton
She couldn’t have been more than seven or eight years old. “Go ahead, ask your question,” her father urged, nudging her forward. She smiled shyly and said, “You’re my hero. Who’s yours?”
Many people - especially girls - have asked us that same question over the years. It’s one of our favorite topics.
Ensuring the rights and opportunities of women and girls remains a big piece of the unfinished business of the twenty-first century. While there’s a lot of work to do, we know that throughout history and around the globe women have overcome the toughest resistance imaginable to win victories that have made progress possible for all of us. That is the achievement of each of the women in this book.
So how did they do it? The answers are as unique as the women themselves. Civil rights activist Dorothy Height, LGBTQ trailblazer Edie Windsor, and swimmer Diana Nyad kept pushing forward, no matter what. Writers like Rachel Carson and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie named something no one had dared talk about before. Historian Mary Beard used wit to open doors that were once closed, and Wangari Maathai, who sparked a movement to plant trees, understood the power of role modeling. Harriet Tubman and Malala Yousafzai looked fear in the face and persevered. Nearly every single one of these women was fiercely optimistic - they had faith that their actions could make a difference. And they were right.
To us, they are all gutsy women - leaders with the courage to stand up to the status quo, ask hard questions, and get the job done. So in the moments when the long haul seems awfully long, we hope you will draw strength from these stories. We do. Because if history shows one thing, it’s that the world needs gutsy women.
Wonder Women by Sam Maggs
You may think you know women’s history pretty well. But have you ever heard of:
• Alice Ball, the chemist who developed an effective treatment for leprosy - only to have the credit taken by a man?
• Mary Sherman Morgan, the rocket scientist whose liquid fuel compounds blasted the first U.S. satellite into orbit?
• Huang Daopo, the inventor whose weaving technology revolutionized textile production in China - centuries before the cotton gin?
Smart women have always been able to achieve amazing things, even when the odds were stacked against them. In Wonder Women, author Sam Maggs tells the stories of the brilliant, brainy, and totally rad women in history who broke barriers as scientists, engineers, mathematicians, adventurers, and inventors. Plus, interviews with real-life women in STEM careers, an extensive bibliography, and a guide to women-centric science and technology organizations - all to show the many ways the geeky girls of today can help to build the future.
The Daughters of Kobani by Gayle Tzemach Lemmon
In 2014, northeastern Syria might have been the last place you would expect to find a revolution centered on women's rights. But that year, an all-female militia faced off against ISIS in a little town few had ever heard of: Kobani. By then, the Islamic State had swept across vast swaths of the country, taking town after town and spreading terror as the civil war burned all around it. From that unlikely showdown in Kobani emerged a fighting force that would wage war against ISIS across northern Syria alongside the United States. In the process, these women would spread their own political vision, determined to make women's equality a reality by fighting - house by house, street by street, city by city - the men who bought and sold women.
Based on years of on-the-ground reporting, The Daughters of Kobani is the unforgettable story of the women of the Kurdish militia that improbably became part of the world's best hope for stopping ISIS in Syria. Drawing from hundreds of hours of interviews, bestselling author Gayle Tzemach Lemmon introduces us to the women fighting on the front lines, determined to not only extinguish the terror of ISIS but also prove that women could lead in war and must enjoy equal rights come the peace. In helping to cement the territorial defeat of ISIS, whose savagery toward women astounded the world, these women played a central role in neutralizing the threat the group posed worldwide. In the process they earned the respect - and significant military support - of U.S. Special Operations Forces.
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sleepysera · 2 years
7.16.22 Headlines
Ukraine: Missile strike on Ukraine space plant in Dnipro kills three (BBC)
“Russian long-range cruise missiles killed three people in Ukraine's central city of Dnipro when they hit a space rocket plant and a nearby street, local officials say. About 15 people were injured and nearby residential buildings damaged. Dnipro's Yuzhmash plant also builds satellites - with one launched into space by Elon Musk's SpaceX company. Russia's defence ministry said the factory made parts for Ukrainian ballistic missiles.”
Europe: Wildfire rages in Bordeaux; fire pilot killed in Portugal (AP)
“Strong winds and hot, dry weather frustrated French firefighters’ efforts Saturday to contain a huge wildfire that raced across pine forests in the Bordeaux region for a fifth straight day, one of several wildfires scorching Europe this week. Among the worst fires have been in Portugal, where the pilot of a firefighting plane died Friday when his plane crashed while on an operation in the northeast. It was the first fire fatality in Portugal this year but the blazes have injured more than 160 people this week and forced hundreds to be evacuated.”
Haiti: UN votes to ban small arms sales (BBC)
“The UN Security Council has voted unanimously to ban some weapon sales to Haiti, rocked by deadly gang violence. The resolution calls on UN member states to prohibit the sale of small arms, light weapons and ammunition to what it calls "non-state actors". But a proposal by China for a full embargo on weapon sales was rejected. Since last week, 89 people have been killed in the Port-au-Prince capital region alone.”
Traffic: 2 kids among 6 dead in Montana highway pileup, 8 others hurt (AP)
“Two children are among the six people who died in a Montana pileup after a Friday evening dust storm caused blackout conditions on Interstate 90, a major route in both Montana and the Western U.S. Montana Highway Patrol Sgt. Jay Nelson said investigators so far have found no other factors that contributed to the pileup that also sent eight other injured people to hospitals.”
Abortion: Laws spark profound changes in other medical care (AP)
“Even in medical emergencies, doctors are sometimes declining immediate treatment. In the past week, an Ohio abortion clinic received calls from two women with ectopic pregnancies — when an embryo grows outside the uterus and can’t be saved — who said their doctors wouldn’t treat them. Ectopic pregnancies often become life-threatening emergencies and abortion clinics aren’t set up to treat them.”
LGBTQ Rights: US agencies temporarily barred from enforcing LGBTQ guidance (AP)
“A judge in Tennessee has temporarily barred two federal agencies from enforcing directives issued by President Joe Biden’s administration that extended protections for LGBTQ people in schools and workplaces. U.S. District Judge Charles Atchley Jr. in an order on Friday ruled for the 20 state attorneys general who sued last August claiming the Biden administration directives infringe on states’ right to enact laws that, for example, prevent students from participating in sports based on their gender identity or requiring schools and businesses to provide bathrooms and showers to accommodate transgender people.”
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jeintalu · 6 months
Statistics of Gaza
Thursday, January 11, 2024
• 97 days of a genocidal war.
• 1,968 massacres committed by the occupying army.
• 30,469 martyrs and missing individuals.
• 23,469 martyrs who reached hospitals.
• 10,300 child martyrs.
• 7,100 female martyrs.
• 337 martyrs from medical teams.
• 45 martyrs from civil defense.
• 117 martyrs among journalists.
• 7,000 missing, 70% of them are children and women.
• 59,604 wounded.
• 6,200 injuries requiring travel for treatment to save lives.
• Only 707 wounded managed to travel for treatment.
• 10,000 cancer patients facing the risk of death.
• 99 arrests of healthcare professionals.
• 10 journalists in detention.
• 2 million displaced people in Gaza.
• 400,000 infected with infectious diseases due to displacement.
• 134 government offices destroyed by the occupation.
• 95 schools and universities completely destroyed.
• 295 schools and universities partially destroyed.
• 142 mosques completely destroyed.
• 240 mosques partially destroyed.
• 3 churches targeted and destroyed by the occupation.
• 69,200 residential units completely destroyed.
• 290,000 residential units partially destroyed.
• 65,000 tons of explosives thrown by the occupation on Gaza.
• 30 hospitals put out of service by the occupation.
• 53 health centers put out of service by the occupation.
• 150 health institutions partially targeted by the occupation.
• 121 ambulances destroyed by the occupying army.
• 200 archaeological and heritage sites destroyed by the occupation.
- Gaza Now
I am wondering why the EU banned the news "Gaza Now".
Anyway, the UN, Red Cross and other international organisations have not contested such statistics of the Gaza Strip.
Quite to the contrary, some of the numbers have been confirmed.
Moreover, the scale of the destruction is seen in videos and satellite images.
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afeelgoodblog · 2 years
The Best News of Last Week — October 3, 2022
1. The Ice Bucket Challenge wasn’t just for social media. It helped fund a new ALS drug
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The ALS Association said that $2.2 million of funds that were raised from the Ice Bucket Challenge went into funding the development and trial of the new drug that the Food and Drug Administration approved this week for treatment of ALS, which is also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease.
The drug is not the only one benefitting from the challenge. More than $115 million were raised from the trend, and the ALS Association said it is funding 130 research projects in 12 different countries, as well as 40 potential treatments that are in development.
2. After 40 days in a bomb shelter, two Ukrainian refugees and 17 dogs are ready to start a new life in Poland
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Aaron Jackson, the founder of the non-profit Planting Peace, traveled from his Florida home to Poland shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine. He estimates that he has helped find housing for some 300 refugees, including many dog owners who struggled to stay with their pets.
Jackson learned that dogs coming from Ukraine had not been allowed to mix with local dogs in Polish shelters due to concerns about disease. So, he recently found an animal shelter sitting empty in the city of Poznan and received permission to take it over.
3. A new Indian cervical cancer vaccine with a 90% efficacy, that’s roughly 87% less expensive — it’s a “game-changer”
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The Serum Institute of India (SII), the world’s biggest vaccine maker, has developed the country’s first cervical cancer shot that will hit the market soon, the company and the government said on Thursday.
Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer among women globally, with an estimated 604,000 new cases and 342,000 deaths in 2020, according to the World Health Organization. About 90% of the new cases and deaths worldwide occurred in low- and middle-income countries that year.
4. Man saves cat as Ian’s floodwaters rise around him
A fearful-looking cat with orange and white fur sat hovering atop a mounted air conditioning unit while a steady stream of water rushed beneath it. Mike Ross, 29, spotted the frightened feline from a window, and immediately ran outside.
5. NASA successfully smacked its DART spacecraft into an asteroid
After nearly a year in transit, NASA’s experimental Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission, which sought to answer the questions, “Could you potentially shove a asteroid off its planet-killing trajectory by hitting it with a specially designed satellite? How about several?” has successfully collided with the Dimorphos asteroid. Results and data from the collision are still coming in but NASA ground control confirms that the DART impact vehicle has intercepted the target asteroid.
6. Museums on prescription: Brussels tests cultural visits to treat anxiety
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From this month, psychiatrists in one of the Brussels’ largest hospitals have been able to offer patients “museum prescriptions”, a free visit with a few friends or family members to discover one or more of the city’s cultural institutions.
Museum prescriptions, Newell stressed, were a voluntary addition to medication, psychotherapy, individual or group therapy, as well as exercise, healthy eating and other forms of relaxation. “It’s just one extra tool that could help people get out of the house: to resocialise, reconnect with society.”
7. Lastly I want to recommend this newsletter: Storywhale Bedtime Stories
story whale bedtime stories
From an independent writer who posts twice every week new and original bedtime stories.
. . .
That’s it for this week. This newsletter will always be free. If you liked this post you can support me with a small kofi donation:
Buy me a coffee ❤️
Have a great week ahead.
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just-stop · 3 years
The founders of Australia's first women-only mental health hospital say women are avoiding treatment because they feel unsafe in mental health wards housing both genders at a time when the pandemic has driven family violence and serious mental health issues to record highs.
Sharon Sherwood, Cabrini's chief of mental health and outreach services, said feeling at risk in mixed wards was causing women to miss out on urgently-required medical care.
"A lot of women don't get help because the thought of having to go into a shared mental health space makes them feel unsafe," Ms Sherwood said. "The increase in domestic violence has reinforced the need for gender-specific mental health care."
Cabrini's 30-bed centre, Australia's first women-only mental health hospital, will specialise in the treatment of depression and anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and addiction and offer gender-targeted therapies. The private hospital will open in September and offer stays of up to 10 days.
Cabrini Health CEO Sue Williams said the Lisa Thurin Women's Health Centre would offer 24/7 admission. She expected demand to be high as women's mental health had fared worse than men's during the pandemic.
In September 2020, psychiatrists reported a record number of Victorian women were requiring mental health treatment, including many who had not previously reported problems.
"Particularly during the pandemic, the incidence of mental health problems has increased extraordinarily; we already know women are twice as likely to have anxiety or depression and two times more likely to experience PTSD and a whole range of [other] things," Ms Williams said.
"Because of social isolation and financial hardship, the increase in mental health issues has just grown and will be a longstanding problem for the next 10 years."
Reported rates of violence against women during the pandemic increased, with police recording an overall rise in family violence incidents of 9.4 per cent in 2020 compared with 2019.
"Because we are a mission-based organisation, we thought it was important to address unmet need for those vulnerable women," Ms Williams said.
The centre will operate from a refurbished property owned by the group in Elsternwick and will include up to five beds available to patients in the public system. Ms Williams said stays in traditional mental health hospitals lasted an average of 18 to 20 days, but under the Cabrini model women would stay for a maximum of 10 days, then be "intensively" supported with a mix of telehealth, home visits and day programs run by case managers to try to help them avoid readmission.
Ms Williams said feedback from doctors, psychiatrists and the community on the venture had been so strong that Cabrini was already considering ways to expand the service or to build a satellite centre in another part of Melbourne.
Ms Sherwood said women who had experienced "addiction by stealth" during the pandemic - creeping dependence on substances including alcohol - could be helped by the new hospital.
"For a cohort of middle-class females, there's a lot of stigma around [addiction]. You don't tell anyone. It's the same with domestic violence; people think in the ‘leafy eastern suburbs' there is not as much domestic violence. It's in there just as much as in other areas of Melbourne, but it's hidden," she said.
Ms Sherwood, who moved to Cabrini recently from the public system, said female in-patients at mixed mental health units often witnessed physical abuse, particularly in acute units where men experiencing addiction, including to the drug ice, were also present.
"They're violent places, as a ... female who has an addiction problem or is suffering from PTSD or some kind of complex trauma, do you really want to put yourself in that situation to get better? They're not trauma-informed environments."
Four psychiatrists have been hired for the hospital, which is being housed in a former rehabilitation home owned by Cabrini. Rooms in the hospital will be named after prominent Australian women.
In September last year, Professor Jayashri Kulkarni, who runs The Alfred hospital's women's mental health clinic, said: "We have been absolutely flooded with cases of women seeking support."
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youthincare · 5 years
Every two weeks, a group of 50 or 60 men cram into a makeshift bingo hall in Vancouver's poorest neighbourhood, the Downtown Eastside.
They share a hot meal, play bingo, get free haircuts — then they get real about their health, talking about everything from prostate cancer to sexual abuse, in sessions led by doctors and nurses.
It's called DUDES Club, an acronym for Downtown Urban Knights Defending Equality and Solidarity.
"We have this phrase, 'Leave your armour at the door,'" said long-time club member Robert Chippeway, 54.
"You just leave all your toxic masculinity at the door, feel free and everyone's at the same level. And that's where the magic happens."
Chippeway was in rough shape when he first stumbled upon the group in 2010. After a decade of living in the Downtown Eastside, he was an alcoholic with a cocaine addiction, living with HIV and Stage 2 cirrhosis of the liver.
"My mental health was all over the place," he recalled. "I was powerless and I felt hopelessness."
But he was encouraged by the club's welcoming atmosphere, so he kept returning. He credits his fellow dudes for helping get him back on his feet again. "It's very important, crucial, to my recovery," he added.
The program is now fielding inquiries from community health providers worldwide who wonder if the key to improving men's mental health is as simple as good, old-fashioned male bonding.
Overcoming loneliness
The Vancouver Native Health Society started DUDES Club in 2010, after male patients at its HIV drop-in clinic repeatedly talked about being lonely.
"They all identified loneliness as their main mental health concern … it manifests in substance use, depression, anxiety, and PTSD," said Dr. Paul Gross, a family physician and co-founder of the men's health group.
"So, [we were] just trying to be a sanctuary, a safe space where men can come and connect."
In addition to the bi-weekly dinner and bingo, the men take outings to sports events and go camping.
But the backbone of the program remains discussions about health. Once a year, the dudes also gather for a wellness fair, where medical tests are offered.
Gross says the club's social aspects are essential to coaxing men to open up about health.
"There's an expectation, constructed over centuries, of what is expected of men. Stoicism and courage in the face of any suffering. And don't show emotion, don't show weakness. Don't ask for help if you absolutely don't need it," said Gross.
"That narrative has been responsible, we believe, for a lot of the trend over the past decades in terms of toxic masculinity, gender-based violence and harassment in the workplace."
Brotherhood of solidarity
About two-thirds of DUDES Club members identify as Indigenous.
Sandy Lambert, a member of Tallcree First Nation in Alberta and DUDES Club resident elder, says he's met many Indigenous men who avoid hospitals and medical clinics, even if they require urgent care.
"They just didn't feel any trust with the health-care system because of all the stigma and discrimination that happens. I thought, 'Well, maybe, as a human being, I can help my brothers out there.'"
Persuading men to talk is no "overnight fix," says Lambert, but he believes it helps to combine Western medical treatment with Indigenous healing traditions such as the medicine wheel.
"I know my people used to sit in the teepees, and the men and women would have their own talking circles. So, for generations and generations, we did that," said Lambert.
Research suggests that the DUDES Club model shows benefits. A three-year study by the University of British Columbia found that participants' mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health improves in the program's safe, non-judgmental environment.
"Part of what we try to do is to encourage men to move along the spectrum from curious to serious about their health and wellness," said Gross.
CROSS COUNTRY CHECKUP | What's preventing men from talking about their mental health?
'It's OK not to be OK': Mental health campaign puts the spotlight on men
Elders and cooks receive honoraria, but the group relies primarily on volunteers, including Gross, which allows the club to operate on a budget of approximately $25,000 a year.
The program's cost-effectiveness has led to the launch of satellite clubs in seven communities across B.C., including Kamloops, Smithers and Prince George.
'It reconnected me to my spiritual being'
Robert Chippeway still marvels at how the brotherhood helped him clean up his health, recalling a critical moment in his recovery that took place one evening at DUDES Club.
"I stood up there and said, 'Hey guys, this is really good for me. I'm actually one-year sober today.' The whole group applauded … I was super proud."
Chippeway has been sober for nearly four years, and he's managing his HIV with medication. He also began exploring his Ojibway heritage, which he'd long felt alienated from.
"I'm more involved in singing and making drums and going to sweats and stuff like that. It reconnected me to my spiritual being," he said.
Chippeway also reconnected with his family, eventually moving to Coquitlam to live with his brother, sister and father.
He was recently named a DUDES Club Champion, which means he helps organize dinners and plan outings for the men. Though he no longer calls the Downtown Eastside home, Chippeway still makes time for the dudes.
"Just the bonding, being in a room full of men with men, the messages from the doctor … it's just amazing," he said.
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lokis-lady-death · 5 years
Stark Tower Layout
Lady Death: This is a little snippet I did which originally began as a reference for some future snippets I’ve been working on for a Loki x Reader (Ice Mutant).
If you’re interested in a story this is based on: Click Here and read the first installment.
It’s been months since Thanos’s defeat and Tony Stark has built a second Stark Tower for the Avengers in Brazil, deep in the forest. It’s built similarly to the tower in New York, but has less of a skyscraper feel. The outside is coated in a reflective material manufactured similarly to the camouflage used to hide the kingdom of Wakanda and was specially developed with Shuri’s help. This feature, however, is only to keep it from being seen from above by satellites as the facility itself is not in a secret location.
1st Floor:  The Entrance
As anyone could expect, the entrance to Stark Tower is incredible and, simply put, extraordinary. Entering the main floor, the first thing visitors see is an arc reactor the size of a car along with words illuminating across the top in bright fluorescent “Avengers Assemble”. Tony said it was cheesy but it puts a smile on Steve's face every time he sees it. Elegant glass staircases on either side of the arc reactor lead up to the second story. It is all completely open and bright with massive windows that let in the brilliant sun rays, even showing a beautiful sky when it was taking thanks to specially manufactured glass invented by Shuri.
2nd Floor: Tourist Center
Stark had specifically chosen to create a tourist center in the lowest levels of his complex for the simple reason that he knew the Avengers needed to maintain face (and Pepper insisted it was a good idea to keep up appearances without holding press conferences on the regular basis). They were icons, symbols, and most of all heros. All profits made go towards hundreds of different charities around the world, usually those pertaining to Avenger related missions. Once of the most popular destinations at Stark Tower for visitors is the world renowned gift shop that houses random images taken of the Avengers with unrelated daily quotes they have made. The most notable include: Black Widow “I can’t, I’m afraid of spiders”, Captain America “You can’t do the fondue unless you have protection”, Spiderman “Oh, geeze guys, I don’t know”, Ironman “ Excelsior “ 
3rd Floor: Accounting Department
Because a building this large, this full, and this advanced requires money. It is nearly entirely made up of Tony's own pocket change, but sometimes a grateful nation or wealthy family the Avengers saved will make a donation to housing (but that secretly gets donated back to the community around the Stark facility, such as orphanages and hospitals).
4th Floor: Loading Dock and Med Bay
This is the floor where most of the Avengers tech is kept (beside things that are personal such as Sam's wings). It also houses a well stocked armory that contains anything as weak as bean bag shotgun shells (used for low level crooks) to much more lethal high caliber assault rifles (for more complicated cases). Any weapon repair would happen here, as well as any medical treatment that the Avengers could need. It can be used in emergency cases for the rest of the workers at the tower but so far that has not been necessary.
5th Floor: Training Rooms
This floor contains a fully loaded gym, a jacuzzi tub, steam room, and stall showers that are accessible to everyone at the tower. There were however, rooms separated for special training that was only used by the Avengers that included a holographic simulator that, while not as physical as the microbots, could use a projection on an android dummy, perfect for one on one training when you don't have a partner. As a joke, Tony had programmed the only reflection the dummy was capable of to be Secretary of state Thaddeus Ross. As an extra joke, someone (no one knows who but suspects Bruce) reprogrammed the boys to instead show Tony, repeating sarcastic comments and rolling his eyes. Steve said he had never had such a great workout partner.
6th Floor: The Simulator
The simulator, which takes up the entire sixth floor, requires special access passes not every Avenger has. This floor is most notably used for team training and uses microbots to create simulations of different villains and scenarios. Only Bruce or Tony themselves are capable to turning on the simulator because of its complexities. This rule came after a near disastrous event with Sam nearly creating a lethal replica of Thanos in with the Simulated Microbots, an event Steve brings up regularly. “You’re just mad cause the giant eggplant kicked your ass. Again,” Sam would snapback.
7th Floor: Avenger Academy(because Tony couldn’t think of a better thing to call it)
The classrooms are more technical than academic, but make for a good show for when Aunt May allows Peter to come stay at the tower. It has several computers set up for any of the Avengers team or Stark Tower’s employee to use. There is also a small library tucked away, because while Tony insisted everything be electronic, Pepper thought some of the tower inhabitants could use the nostalgia of a good hardback book.
8th Floor: Individual apartments (Dubbed the Geriatric Floor) Bucky, Steve
Because, let's face it, they're lost without each other so of course they're on the same floor. They insisted on having the lowest level apartments in the complex so “If someone attacks” they would be the first defense. Their apartments are very similar in style, with simple amenities, painted in patriotic colors, and decorated with several old pictures and framed special news articles the old school men enjoyed. Even the electronics in their apartments are simplified, with Friday always there to help the boys with any questions they had for new age tech.
9th Floor: Individual apartments (Dubbed the Experiments-gone-wrong Floor) Wanda and Vision, Bruce
Wanda and Vision were apprehensive about moving into the tower at first, but once they officially had their apartment set up, they couldn't imagine calling anywhere else “Home”. Vision especially  enjoys Bruce being across the hall whenever he is in the mood for discussions, usually ending with some bizarre, other world innovative ideas that they would run by Tony when he comes by the tower. Wanda has come up to join young and Nat in your late night lounging.
10th Floor: Individual apartments(Dubbed the Deadly Women Floor) Reader, Natasha
You weren't sure what living on the same floor with Black Widow would be like, but it turned out the two of you made fast friends. It was nothing for you to go over to her apartment in the late hours of the night to enjoy some wine and girl talk, or for her to come by so you could both binge watch murder mystery shows, almost always challenging each other to guess the murderer by the end of the shows. The two of you go on a girls’ nights out with Wanda and Pepper every other weekend, usually spending your time comparing the men you had to put up with on a regular basis. Everyone agrees Pepper is a saint for dealing with Tony. On rare occasions, Gamora and Shuri join you, but those stories never get shared with the rest of the team. There is a rumor, while out enjoying one of these legendary evenings, your small group overthrew an evil dictator and liberated a country in the throws of civil war, but that never made the news so no one could confirm it. Viva la revolution.
11th Floor: Guest rooms: It is strategically located in the middle of the avengers team so they are secured at all times.
Most often used for Clint and his family during family friendly events such as Christmas and Thanksgiving. Everyone, including Scott and his daughter,come every New Year to watch Stark light up the sky with his endless supply of iron suits. Dr. Strange has also stayed, but only after a party since he is usually plastered and goes around asking guests if they would like to watch him conjure a demon. So far the answer has been no but Clint's kids have asked him to pull a rabbit out of his hat. He normally goes to bed after the jokes are made. The Guardians have stayed once after a party, but no one is allowed to talk about that night. Ever. T'challa and Shuri come to every single party and even the tower has, but it always ends the same way: the brother and sister in a head to head match on one of the many competitive games in Sam's apartment. And every single time, Shuri wins at the last second. Peter Parker comes during family events with his Aunt May, but has been known to sneak into the tower during the more adult parties. He has even started a tradition of “Movie Night” where they set up a projector screen on the balcony and play movies (usually big name classics that Peter annoyingly quotes halfway through, but every once in a while they play The Notebook because Clint cries every. Single. Time).
12th Floor: Individual apartments (Dubbed the Bachelor Pad) Sam, Thor, Loki (newly moved in)
Sam and Thor always got along well and once they found something they enjoyed in common, they became quite the unexpected besties. Turned out they both enjoyed video games. Sam keeps an assortment of gaming consoles that he regularly plays through with the god of thunder between missions (and anyone else that dares challenge their gaming skills). Sam was, however, less than thrilled when Loki took the apartment across the hall from him. He has a hard time getting along with the god of mischief and they would constantly bicker, a fact that was not made better when Loki consecutively defeated him and Thor at Super Smash Brothers. Loki tends to either stay locked away in his room, but every once in a while he will sneak away to the library.
13th Floor: Tony Stark’s Closet (named by Pepper)
It’s really more of a workshop for Tony's suits but Pepper considers it Tony's closet (and was quite adamant that they were not to be kept on their living foor). It also houses the main lab. Tony only allows full access to Bruce, Vision and Shuri because he thinks any other Avenger may “mess up the intricacies of the numerous sensitive technological advances” he has made in that lab. Steve doesn't take the secrecy personally, just makes comments that they better not be working on an Ultron 2.0 (he is extremely proud of this 21st century tech joke).
14th Floor: Tony and Pepper’s Penthouse
This is where the Avenger’s have their major get together. It opens up to a wrap around balcony and is the only access to the rooftop Helipad, which is mostly for Tony and Pepper's personal use when getting to and from Stark Industries in New York. Though they don't live at the tower full time, Pepper come at least once a week to check on things. Tony comes so often it's easy to forget he doesn't live there. He has been known to come in the early morning hours to work on new suits, but Pepper doesn't know that.
Floors located under the compound:
Garage: where every type of vehicle you could imagine is stored, nearly all of them donning the Avengers logo. There are anything from motorcycles (including a special edition Harley-Davidson RL 45 Steve picked got for Bucky), ATVs, cars, trucks, and one massive speed jet used to transport the whole team. The garage is only accessibly to the Avengers team and has a massive ramp that opens up 100 meters away from the normal front entrance of the tower. 
Basement: Located an extra 50 meters below the garage, no one ventures this low in the tower. It is used to mostly house old tech Tony has developed, unused suits/weapons the team has no use for that is too dangerous to dispose of, and even some left over alien artifacts collected over the last decade.
Like my garbage? Read more of it! Master List
Let me know if you wanna be tagged if I decide to do a sequel!
I tagged anyone who might like the story this will be used in. It won’t be some intricate, detailed story line sort of thing, more like random snippets of stories that happen in the tower, but they will all be based on Loki x Reader (and won’t all involve Jotun Loki)
LOKI TAGS: @socialheartbreak @kcd15 @maladaptive-ninja-returns@nephalem67 @jessiejunebug @woodyandbuzz20-01 @bambamwolf87   @kitsuneharo12 @yzssie@macbetheliza @lokilvrr @lokixme @li-ssu  @j-u-s-t-4  @letskillthefuhrer
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irnbraw · 5 years
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Another SNP Ex-MP Goes Down
Some might say ‘ ‘Whit - ANOTHER SNP turns out tae be a crook?!? This is too far!’, some may say ‘Is this a record, the number of top SNatsis that end up in custody/under investigation/under arrest or forced out!?!’..?  I say - no. - its no record and its not far enough.
Demagogues Swindlers Cheats Hypocrites Liars Crooks Abusers Bigots - and Rapists?
Fact is the SNP is cobbled together from some of the (if not quite ALL of the) worst elements - the bottom dregs of Scotland.  Lumbering pro-IRA morons who can barely conceal their support for the murder of British servicemen - even if they are Scots soldiers; low level swindlers, opportunist con-merchants who stalk the elderly and the vulnerable to bilk them from their homes and savings; wanton lawyers, milking their public status while Deacon Brodie’ing their clients money behind the scenes; grab-ass perverts, under the cover of high office stalking, harassing and demeaning women - all as preludes to their ‘Droit du seigneur’ dominion over their victims; expense padding £ junkies, living high on the public purse, using First Class as their daily travel out of the impoverished areas they claim to represent; menacing bullies - online and in person - who not only run with the mob, they incite it; practiced liars, pretending to be one person to one audience while in fact being a completely different person (a MUCH more viscous, untruthful and unprincipled person) in reality; Unprofessional ‘professionals’, like doctors who will concoct complete fabrications about patients, treatments or hospitals, just to further a political agenda; the tricksters who set up charities, either to con the public or milk the state, either way the money never goes where it was supposed to;  the deranged who will physically attack that with which they disagree - be it a building, a monument, a flag, private property or even a private person - but always under cover of darkness, of course; race-baiters, experts at the dog-whistle who expend their breath on Goebbels-esque twists of the English language to call anyone who stands apart from them, stands up to them or stands in their way “traitor”; the phony moralizers, proclaiming a ‘new, clean’ politics - a new moral order’ all from their three-in-the-sack-teenager sex romp or from the cozy bedroom of their journalist-tryst shared with fellow SNatsi adulterers; the hyper-hypocrites who rail against tax avoiders while they perfect their own tax avoidance, or rail against sales of weapons, while raking in weapon-sales dividends; or the bigots who set themselves upon a high place to offer judgment upon others, while the banners of their own bigotry literally hang upon the wall behind them throughout; etc. etc....  
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You know who they are: you know each and every one of them.  You see them daily on your television, in your newspaper and your social media feed.  You have become used to their double-talking, duplicity.  To their say one thing - do something entirely different.  From the long litany of ‘New Fund’ announcements, heralding all sorts of new benefits (that NEVER materialize) to the endless declarations of ‘my TOP priority’ by top liars - who instead spend their time in meditation on their all-consuming transcendental obsession.
You know them - and your know their calumnies - yet you have grown tolernt of them.  Just because politicians elsewhere also lie, because ‘lying politician’ is a cliché - none of that means we Scots have to put up with being governed like a backwater ex-Soviet satellite, in the hands of a strongman regime with ugly crooked henchmen.
Remember - we used to be envied in the UK and elsewhere - for our education, our caring civil society, our health care, our culture, our traditions... Now all of those have been tainted or wrecked - and all by the SNatsis.  A SNatsi party that is willing to see Scotland in ashes - so long as they get to rule the rubble.
So I say NO - not enough of these cheap-mafioso are yet in jail or under investigation or out of office.  Let them have NO MORE of Scotland to ruin.  No.  lets have more of them in jail...!
No, more...
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antoine-roquentin · 6 years
At least 55 people, including women and children, have been killed in Yemen's Red Sea port city of Hodeidah in air raids carried out by a Saudi and UAE alliance battling Houthi rebels,  the rebel-run health ministry said.
In a statement issued late on Thursday, the ministry said the attacks, which targeted the city's Public al-Thawra Hospital and a busy fishing port, wounded at least 124 Yemenis.
The Reuters news agency put the death toll at 28 late on Thursday, while China's Xinhua said it stood at 70 early on Friday.
Taha al-Mutawakil, the Minister for Public Health and Population in the Houthi-led administration, said local authorities were struggling to cope with the number of casualties, and ambulances feared transporting the wounded to Sanaa or other provinces due to fears of being targeted by air attacks.
The International Red Cross, which supports the al-Thawra hospital, said it sent surgical supplies that will be enough to treat up to 50 patients who are in critical condition.
"What we have seen in Hodeidah is a heinous crime," Mutawakil was quoted by the Houthi-run SABA news agency saying.
He added that US shared responsibility for the deaths.
With logistical support from the US, Saudi Arabia and the UAE have been carrying out attacks inside Yemen since March 2015 in an attempt to reinstate the internationally recognised government of President Abu-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.
At least 10,000 people have been killed in the fighting.
For the last few weeks, the UN had been trying to broker a deal in a bid to avert an assault on the city, which it fears would further hinder Yemenis' access to food, fuel and medicine - worsening the world's most urgent humanitarian crisis.
Hodeidah has been under the control of the Houthis since 2014, and was responsible for delivering 70 percent of Yemen's imports - mostly humanitarian aid, food and fuel - pre-2015.
Mohamed al-Hasni, the head of Hodeidah's fishermen union, told Al Jazeera that there were no military targets in the area and "the targeting of fishermen was not expected".
"The port and market were full of people. It was a massacre," he said.
"There was no military presence in the area. No armed men were around at all. The targeting was aimed at spreading fear and terror.
Fatik al-Rodaini, a charity worker at Mona Relief, an aid group that operates in hard-to-reach areas of the country, said two civilians, one of whom was seeking medical treatment after being injured in the fish market raid, was among the fatalities.
Al Jazeera's Mohammed Adow, reporting from neighbouring Djibouti, said "rescue workers told journalists how they saw body parts all over the fish market that was the target of the air attacks.
"The fish market is just 20 metres away from the al-Thawra hospital, which is one of the handful of medical facilities that are still operational in Hodeidah."
Adow added that authorities in Hodeidah said these air attacks "were largely unexpected because both the Houthi fighters and the Saudi-UAE alliance had announced that they were going to cease hostilities in and around the port of Hodeidah to give UN peace efforts a chance".
Colonel Turki al-Malki, the alliance's spokesman, told the Saudi-owned Al Arabiya satellite news channel that it did not carry out the attacks and its military campaign "follows a strict and transparent approach based on the rules international law".
However, in June alone, the Saudis and UAE carried out at least 258 air raids on Yemen, nearly a third of which targeted non-military sites.
The Yemen Data Project listed 24 air raids on residential areas, three on water and electricity sites, three targeting hitting healthcare facilities, and one targeting an IDP camp.
The spokesman for the Saudi-UAE alliance did not respond to Al Jazeera's request for comment.
very comedically, the saudis blamed this airstrike on the houthis, which reuters and the nyt then ran with in their headline, Saudi-Led Coalition Says Houthi Behind Killing of Civilians in Hodeidah, Yemen
the article has at the top a correction, “5/8/2018: A previous version of this story stated that more than 100,000 children have died from extreme hunger and starvation. That was incorrect. In a June 2018 report, UNICEF said it fears that more than 100,000 children may lose their lives if the current situation continues to escalate.” 100,000 is likely an accurate count however, given that save the children estimated last year 130 children die daily in the country, and 130 a day over 2 years is just under 100,000. 
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Retirement in Puerto Vallarta - What is Heading on South of the Border?
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Consciousness, toddler boomers never be late for the celebration! If you have not observed what's possible on south of the border, possessing only read through about illegal immigration north of the border, the subsequent may perhaps probably show to be fairly awakening and insightful.
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, a sleepy insignificant Mexican fishing village positioned in the foothills of the Sierra Madres on Banderas Bay alongside the Mexican Riviera is no longer sleepy or insignificant. The populace has in essence exploded due to the fact the filming of "The Night time of the Iguana" in 1963. Vallarta has grown from two,000 inhabitants prior to 1963 to the most recent decide of 350,000 inhabitants in 2007. Suitable now, the populace of much better PV would make it the subsequent most significant town in the Mexican condition of Jalisco, only driving Guadalajara. You should refer to the pursuing graph in purchase to check this explosive improvement and its projection for the adhering to 10 many a long time: (Make confident you pay back a pay a visit to to the web web page under for graph facts) Placing this in issue of view, you are going to discover the earlier pointed out chart implies that Vallarta has now attained the sizing of St. Louis and assuming the projected growth retains accurate, it will be equivalent in proportions to Cleveland in just ten many years. The sizeable just take take note of curiosity is that St Louis, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, and so forth., will all most likely display minimum to no, it's possible even detrimental growth, whilst PV is expected to develop by still an additional 50% all through the upcoming 10 many many years. Now, we inquire, what is heading on down there? First, permit us look at who's moving there. The complete sector of Vallarta is dependent on tourism and the immigration of North Us inhabitants. The US information from the IRS returns implies a development from two hundred,000 US citizens a number of yrs ago to 750,000 Men and women in america residing in Mexico in 2005. Of the 750,000 Us people, we can only estimate that fifty,000 Men and women in the us and Canadians now get hold of Vallarta household. With the tens of many quantities of condos and villas at this time beneath developing or in the ten 12 months placing up section, we can only envision that by 2017, the North American inhabitants in better PV will be someplace relating to a hundred,000 and a hundred and fifty,000 retirees. The adhering to are some of the very good motives for this explosive progress: Local climate--The 7 month "exceptional time" of November by implies of Might well has an regular every day temperature of seventy three*F with nearly no probability of rain. Environment--Vallarta, positioned in the foothills of the Sierra Madres on the Banderas Bay, a person specific of the best and most amazing bays in the globe, is in the center of the Mexican Riviera on the Pacific Ocean. Beautiful seashore locations, rocky cliffs, mountain sides overlooking the bay, tropical bouquets and wildlife, and all the sights that a human being would hope to obtain in Paradise. Protected--With tourism getting the existence blood of the economic technique, North People today in the usa are "off restrictions" pertaining to any style of authorized workout. Because guns are strictly prohibited in Mexico, burglaries, robberies, etcetera., are pretty much unheard of. The principal aim of most all of the youthful technology of natives is to ensure all North People in america a pleasurable and safe just take a seem at to Paradise so that they are likely to return shortly and usually. Stress of a terrorist attack in Vallarta? Ignore it! Friendliness--In 2001, a viewers poll taken by Conde Nast journal in depth Vallarta as the friendliest vacation resort wanted destination in the world. The locals take care of North People today in the us with dignity, respect, and as mates, household, and basically as royalty. Cleanse up Foods and H2o--The explosive populace expansion has triggered a full revamping and rising of the town infrastructure. This functions the freeway method, electrical power period and distribution, and of education course, consuming drinking water treatment and distribution units. The water is pure and harmless to consume from the tap during the city. All meals things merchandise are now available in the pretty a several new contemporary supermarkets equivalent to the very best in the States. Foodstuff for home or restaurant consumption is intently monitored for cleanliness and managed as in North The usa. Health care treatment method--Two new enormous modern hospitals and just a person lesser present day-day clinic in Vallarta are totally capable of handling all emergencies as proficiently as challenging surgical strategies. Contemporary dental clinics are also in Vallarta offering crowns, caps, implants, as correctly as all the basic dental solutions. When you loved this information along with you wish to be given more information about Fishing in Vallarta generously pay a visit to our own site. All of the wellness pros and dentists converse English and loads of of them have professional at the pretty the very least some qualified coaching in the States. Good friends--Every single single North American that you see in Vallarta, and they are easy to location, is maybe on family vacation or retired, i.e., none of them have to go to accomplish tomorrow! They are all open up to new friendships and new comers are frequently welcome. It can be 1 substantial party with no looming pressures of the business workplace or the commuter vacation in the morning. Language--Due to the fact the general overall economy in PV is based mostly on tourism, it is crucial to connect English. As a outcome, it is estimated that at the really least 80% of the youthful era is now conversing or at least knowing English. Dialogue is not a concern in Vallarta and there is no have to have to come across out Spanish. Vacation Time--Even with the truth that Vallarta is on the equivalent latitude as Hawaii, it is only two to 3 a number of several hours from most of the US cities. All the highways coming down from the US are now super fashionable tollroads and the generate to PV can be manufactured in two instances from the border. Connectivity--With higher velocity on line help available citywide, on the internet primarily dependent telecommunications, and satellite Television available all about the position, you have the correct very same get in contact with with the entire globe that you would have where ever in the US or Canada. Actions--Overall planet class deep sea fishing has been for a number of many years, and will commonly be, a big activity in Vallarta. There are now 7 lovely golfing plans with more beneath enhancement. There are hundreds of tennis courts, h2o pursuits, night day to day residing galore, and as nicely a lot of golf equipment and providers to level out. If you have nothing at all to do in PV, it actually is only for the reason that which is your alternate! Benefit of Residing--The expense of common staples is about the comparable as in North The united states, even so, housing is roughly fifty % the price and housing similar taxes are a portion of these in the States. All products and solutions and products and services are a 50 % to a third of these in the US like specialist healthcare and dental remedy just simply because labor fees are so substantially decreased. The selling price of eating, outdoor routines, and so forth., are really substantially in line with folks in the States. Financial Security--The Mexican peso, at somewhere all over ten.8 pesos per US dollar, has held firm for the earlier 10 a lot of decades. There are no devaluation troubles at this time as the Mexican economic system booms. Political Stability--The PAN occasion has ruled in Mexico specified that 2000 and will remain in energy at minimum right up until 2012, assuring a twelve calendar year consecutive operate of Mexico getting to be governed by Harvard graduates! Avoidable to say, they are specialist-US and pleasant to the North. Economical expense--Residence values have tripled for the duration of the earlier ten yrs and are envisioned to double once again all via the future 5 yrs. With the booming all round financial state, the Mexican inventory marketplace has also tripled by the past 10 quite a few a long time. There is no gradual down of progress in the foreseeable impending. With any luck ,, the earlier described 15 merchandise will offer some rationalization for the booming financial process and explosive expansion in Vallarta. They say that the party's not previously mentioned, that it has only just began. The Mexican Countrywide Tourism Improvement Basis (Fonatur), has specified a 30 mile stretch of pristine Pacific Ocean shoreline north of Vallarta as the new Riviera Nayarit, anywhere a lot more than five billion kilos will be invested throughout the pursuing 10 quite a few decades building 30,000 new occupations as they develop shut to twenty,000 new condos, villas, motels, and so forth. As the North Men and women continue on to flock to Paradise, the infrastructure advancement and forthcoming scheduling functions continue at a torrid tempo.  
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newstfionline · 6 years
Saudi campaign to abduct and silence rivals abroad goes back decades
By Kareem Fahim and Loveday Morris, Washington Post, November 4, 2018
ISTANBUL--Faisal al Jarba fled his native Saudi Arabia late last year as the danger drew near--after his patron, a powerful Saudi prince, was arrested and after a friend died in suspicious circumstances while in government custody.
Jarba, a leading sheikh in a large tribe, traveled to the Jordanian capital, Amman, joining relatives there. But that was not nearly far enough. Jordanian security officers surrounded his house one evening in early June and took him away for questioning, assuring his family he would be back soon.
Within days, however, he was driven to the border with Saudi Arabia and handed over to the Saudi authorities, according to two people familiar with the details of Jarba’s forced repatriation, which has not previously been reported. There have been no charges filed against Jarba, 45, and in the five months since he was captured, his family has received no proof that he is still alive, the people said.
The killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul last month by a team of Saudi agents dispatched from Riyadh has prompted fresh scrutiny of the kingdom’s pursuit of Saudi nationals abroad, from ordinary dissidents to defectors from the tight ranks of the royal family.
The effort to silence Saudi critics abroad stretches back decades and over the tenure of several monarchs. But Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the kingdom’s de facto ruler, has pursued the practice with an especially ruthless zeal since gaining his position last year, analysts said, even making the return of dissenters abroad a formal policy of the state, according to a Saudi official, who insisted such returns were to be negotiated rather than coerced.
To repatriate its critics, the Saudi government has tried to lure them back or enlisted friendly regional governments to arrest them or even carried out brazen kidnappings in Europe.
Saudi nationals have vanished from hotel rooms, been snatched from cars or had planes they were flying on diverted. One Saudi dissident prince said in a court filing that he was injected in the neck and spirited away on a private jet from Geneva to Saudi Arabia. Years later, after he managed to leave the kingdom, he disappeared again and has not been heard from since.
“We know they can kill you; they can destroy your family or use them against you,” said one Saudi women’s rights activist who applied for political asylum in the United States last year. “It’s always been like this,” she said, adding that Mohammed’s aggressive pursuit of critics had further rattled an already paranoid community of Saudi expatriates.
Jarba was not a dissident, but he may have been wanted because of his association with a branch of the royal family that had fallen out of favor with the Saudi leadership, according to the two people familiar with the circumstances of his capture.
He was a longtime friend and confidant of Prince Turki bin Abdullah, a son of the late King Abdullah. Turki was arrested last November as Saudi authorities detained hundreds of people, including royal family members, business executives and government officials, in what was billed as an anti-corruption operation.
Although Jarba’s friends and relatives have had no contact with him, they have been able to piece together some details of his journey after he was taken into custody in the upscale Abdoun neighborhood in Amman. Following his arrest, Jarba was briefly held in the Saudi Embassy in Amman before being escorted to the border. Once in Saudi Arabia, he spent several weeks in Jiddah, which serves as the government’s capital during the summer months. At some point, he was taken to Turki’s house and asked to open secured vaults inside. There were conflicting accounts about whether Jarba was able to do so.
Jarba had assumed he would be safe in Amman, the two people said, in part because he was a sheikh in a large tribe, the Shammar, that had strong relations with the Jordanian monarchy.
A spokeswoman for Jordan’s government did not immediately reply to a request for comment on Jarba’s case.
But Jordanian officials would later tell Jarba’s family that they had been powerless to stop his abduction, according to one of the people briefed on Jarba’s case.
“This is bigger than us,” the Jordanian officials reportedly said.
The first reported case of state-sponsored abduction by Saudi Arabia came on Dec. 22, 1979, when the country’s first major opposition figure, Nasser al-Saeed, disappeared from Beirut. He had fled the country after spending time in prison for organizing workers’ strikes and revolts. He continued his criticism while in exile and praised the 1979 capture of the Grand Mosque in Mecca by militants as a popular uprising.
After he vanished, Saudi Arabia, ruled by King Khalid bin Abdulaziz at the time, said that reports that Saeed had been abducted and returned to Saudi Arabia by private jet were unfounded. It described Saeed as “insignificant.”
While many who vanish are not heard from again, one victim, Prince Sultan bin Turki bin Abdul­aziz, a grandson of Saudi Arabia’s founder, was able to make his kidnapping public, lodging a criminal case against senior Saudi officials in a Geneva court in 2014.
The complaint laid out details of an audacious abduction in 2003, during the reign of King Fahd, and named the king’s son, Abdulaziz bin Fahd, and the Minister of Islamic Affairs, Saleh bin Abdulaziz Al-Sheikh, as participants in the plot.
Sultan, whom friends describe as a larger-than-life character--the kind of man who would order strawberry pie in the middle of the night--had been in Geneva for medical treatment. While abroad, he had been publicly critical of the kingdom, calling for economic reform and highlighting human rights issues.
“He was warned to stop and told to come back and everything would be fine,” said Clyde Bergstresser, a lawyer based in Boston who was retained by the prince. But Sultan refused to return, so the king’s son and the minister were sent to persuade him.
Sultan was invited to a residence of King Fahd on the outskirts of Geneva, the prince later recalled in interviews with Arabic satellite television channels.
He arrived with his German security guards, who later gave evidence that they watched Sultan speaking with a cousin at the swimming pool, before the two men walked into the library without the guards. A short time later, five masked men arrived.
“He was thrown to the floor and injected with an anesthetic in his neck and intubated,” Bergstresser said.
Sultan’s security guards were told he had decided to go back to the kingdom voluntarily.
After seven years, during which Sultan said he was held largely under house arrest, prison or in hospital, he was allowed to leave Saudi Arabia after becoming gravely ill with a respiratory disease. He flew to Boston for medical treatment and later lodged his legal case.
However, on Jan. 31, 2016, he made the mistake of boarding a Saudi plane, organized by the embassy in Paris, after his father invited him to visit Cairo.
Monitors on the aircraft that showed the plane’s route to Cairo suddenly went dark, according to Bergstresser. And the plane landed in Riyadh, the Saudi capital. “He was forcibly taken off the plane, yelling and screaming. I’ve not heard from him since,” Bergstresser said. He added that members of the prince’s entourage were held for several days and then released.
Around the same time, two other princes based in Europe disappeared. The cases were first reported by the BBC last year.
Prince Turki bin Bandar, who was known for his salacious tirades against the Saudi royal family, including accusations of murder, disappeared in 2015 after he had fled Saudi Arabia following a land dispute and taken up residence.
Another minor royal, Saud bin Saif al-Nasr, also vanished after he urged reforms in the kingdom and publicly endorsed a letter from an anonymous Saudi royal widely circulated in 2015 calling for regime change. He was persuaded to board a private plane to Italy for what he thought was a business trip but has not been heard from since, the BBC reported.
In an interview with the Russian news website Sputnik last year, Prince Turki al Faisal, a senior royal who heads the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies, dismissed the cases of the “so-called princes,” saying there were Interpol notices issued for their arrests.
“We don’t like to publicize these things because we consider them our domestic affair,” he said. “Of course, there were people who worked to bring them back. They are here; they didn’t disappear. They are seeing their families.”
The government of Morocco recently said it had extradited Prince Turki bin Bandar to Saudi Arabia to comply with an Interpol warrant.
But in a statement, Interpol said that it had not issued a notice of any kind for him or Princes Saud and Sultan.
Like Khashoggi, who lived in Virginia, many self-exiled dissidents flee as far as they can from the Middle East, fearing that Saudi Arabia’s allies could extradite them.
In an interview with The Washington Post several months before his death, Khashoggi discussed the case of Loujain al-Hathloul, a Saudi women’s rights activist who was stopped in March while driving in Abu Dhabi, where she had been studying, and subsequently returned to Saudi Arabia and told to stop posting on social media. A few months later, she was arrested, imprisoned and branded as a traitor in the state-run media.
As Hathloul was accosted in Abu Dhabi, her husband, Fahad Albutairi, a stand-up comedian, was kidnapped from his hotel room in Jordan and returned to Saudi Arabia, according to two people with knowledge of the incident.
“It is intimidation,” Khashoggi said. “Teaching these people a lesson, making people fearful.”
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my-access-florida · 3 years
Free Health Care Alternatives
It is important for you to know the clinics for people without health insuranceIt is essential that you receive medical attention even without insurance, it is your life, your health and you cannot play, so you are looking for them and below you will find a list so that you can go to them despite not having insurance that covers you.
Alternative clinics for people without health insurance
If you do not have insurance, in addition to clinics for people without health insurance accounts with health insurance alternatives, for example:
ER, is an emergency room that you can go to in the event that you suffer a very serious injury or life-threatening illness, go to the ER closest to your home, as you do not need to have medical insurance.
The medical hospital has an emergency room where you can go, since no public hospital will deny your care even though you do not have insurance, as it is different from a private hospital where your emergency condition will be considered.
If you do not have insurance and in the hospital you receive a treatment or surgery after which they provide you with a bill that you cannot pay because it exceeds your financial situation, you can speak with the billing department to reduce your bill or have it forgiven or at least you can request an interest-free payment plan.
The HRSA, through the health center program of the administration of health services and resources, has health centers in the United States where you can go if you suffer an injury or illness considered minor, that is, you can consult a doctor at a free clinic.
Health centers that offer low-cost and free services including oral health services, care for substance use disorder, mental health care, pharmacies and primary care participate in the program.
HRSA also offers support and prevention of health problems and treatment services including education.
You can go to retail health care clinics without an appointment. They offer you health care at a lower cost than an office visit and at a discount in emergency rooms.
You can go to urgent care centers including weekends without having to have insurance. They are health care centers that include fractures, infections, allergic reaction, animal bites, flu, etc. And they’ll even see you faster than in an emergency room.
Direct Primary Care Providers is one way for you to obtain uninsured health care by paying a low monthly, quarterly, or annual fee directly to a professional for a number of primary care services and for office visits.
You can also enroll in Medicaid, depending on your income you can access free or at least low-cost health coverage that is provided to low-income children and families, the elderly, people with disabilities and pregnant women.
However, depending on the state where you reside, the Medicaid program was extended to people with an income level that is less than 138% of the limit that is considered poverty.
To find out if you are eligible you can access heslthcare.gov or by Medicaid agency which corresponds to your state.
What are the free clinics for women?
In turn there are several free clinics for women What:
The Institute for Family Health at 17th Street: 230 West 17th Street, New York, NY 10011. Phone: (212) 206-5200
California Fertility and Surgical Associates: 2428 Santa Monica Blvd. Phone: (310) 453-8500.
Thumos Health Center: 984 St. Pacific Palisades Monument. Phone: (310) 927-2792
Santa Monica Eye Medical Group: Blvd. Santa Monica 1908. Phone: (310) 829-5475
5 . Women’s Health Services: 1233 N Vermont Ave. East Hollywood. Phone: (323) 666-5116.
Los Angeles Women’s Health Center: 1513 S Grand Ave. Downtown. Phone: (213) 742-6400.
Hollywood Mobile Clinic: 6430 Selma Ave. Hollywood. Phone: (323) 237-8732.
My Choice Medical Center: 4903 W Pico Blvd. Mid Wilshir. Phone: (866) 397-3070.
Your medical clinic: 1414 S Grand St. Downtown. Phone: (213) 747-4391.
Hollywood-Sunset Free Clinic: 3324 W Sunset Blvd. Silver Lake. Phone: (323) 660-2400.
Marine Women’s Medical Group: 12555 W Jefferson Blvd. Playa Vista. Phone: (310) 822-5066.
Claris Health: Phone: (310) 499-2708.
Women’s Health FPA: 601 S Westmoreland Ave. Wilshire Center. Phone: (213) 738-7283
Van Nuys Women’s Care. Phone: (818) 785-1890.
Westside Travel Medicine and Immunizations: 2001 Santa Monica Blvd. Phone (310) 315-1855.
What is cliniCommunity Community Clinic?
The community clinic is the Community Clinic, which has been operating for more than 20 years providing quality health services at affordable prices in Benton and Washington counties.
Their health services include pediatrics, primary care, physical care, behavioral health dental, and prenatal care.
It offers its health services in both English and Spanish with forms of insurance such as Medicare, Medicaid and others, as it also offers a discount program to patients depending on their income and the composition of their family, since it aims to offer medical care to those who need it regardless of their ability to pay.
You can make an appointment with a community clinic by calling 1-855-438-2280 or you can send an email to [email protected]
If you need medical attention you can register on their website and within 48 hours you will receive an email to set up your patient account and request your appointment, you will see the record of doctors and you will be able to communicate with your provider.
What is the Hispanic Community Clinic?
The Hispanic community clinic is the Hispanic Lutheran Hospital Clinic where you can receive bilingual health care services.
The objective of the clinic is to provide the Hispanic community with medical attention from education, consultations and the prevention of diseases for the patient, extending it to his family.
List of clinics for the uninsured in Miami
The following list of Miami Uninsured Clinics They are community health centers that are based on patient income and aimed at the uninsured or low-income, for example:
Camillus Health Services – Miami: Miami, FL – 33128. Phone: (305) 374-1065.
Salvation Army – Miami: Miami, FL – 33142. Phone: 305-637-6720.
Ponce Family Health Center – Miami: Miami, FL – 33146. Phone: 305-351-1316.
Norland Medical Center – Miami: Miami, FL – 33169. Phone: 305-694-6270.
Mother Teresa Sister of Charity – Miami: Miami, FL – 33136. Telephone: (305) 326-0032.
Mbchc Center for Haitian Studies – Miami: Miami, FL – 33138. Phone: 305-538-8835 x1.
John A. Ferguson Senior Sbhc – Miami: Miami, FL – 33185. Phone: 305-408-2700.
James E Scott Satellite – Miami: Miami, FL – 33147. Phone: (305) 637-6400.
Helen B Bentley Family Health – Miami: Miami, FL – 33133. Phone: 305-351-1316.
North Family Health Center – Miami: Miami, FL – 33147. Phone: 305-694-6900.
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