#Wolverine & Deadpool
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The Worst Logan
Logan Howlett x Reader!Loganverse| smut | 5.8k words
Summary: You are the deceased-anchor-being-Logan's lover, having found yourself with Laura in the void, you navigate meeting the variant of the love of your life. Sweet dick kicking angst with gratuitous smut, cause we all know Logan eats pussy like a CHAMP. 😤
This is self indulgence at its finest, but it had be to done. 7-years ago, the movie Logan broke something within me that has finally been fixed! 🤠💕
Warning: Explicit - smut. canon death, depression, angst, spoilers for Logan / Wolverine and deadpool, cunnilingus, unprotected p in v, creampie, all the good stuff. 18+
The first time you see him again, the new him, the other him you mean. It’s in the cave accompanied by a man who talks far too much.
You recognise his voice in an instant when the mouth finally allows him to get a word in edgeways. His voice.
You’ve heard it nearly every night for the past seven years. It's a few octaves deeper than you remember and filled to the brim with vitriol but it's definitely his. The realisation that your memory has been warped by time is a blow to the gut but you continue towards the sound all the same.
When finally you round the corner Logan stands before you in all his glory. For a moment you are rendered utterly unable to form a single sentence as he leans against the wall, a bottle of bourbon in his palm and adorned in yellow and blue.
Your mind can't reconcile this figure as the man you buried. He has the same sneer, the same broad shoulders, he even has the same stance - but Logan, your Logan, would rather die than wear that garish yellow suit and admit to being the hero he always was.
His nose flares in what you believe to be recognition as he smells your presence, you allow your powers to retreat and reveal yourself. As your invisibility ebbs away Logan snarls in surprise as the talkative man in red gasps theatrically and begins jumping on the spot.
Your fears are proven well founded when your eyes connect with his across the room, instead of the love and recognition, you find only open hostility and rage.
Your heart had bulldozed all logic, you were in the fucking void, of course it was a variant.
This Logan looks younger; his hair not so grey, his face unscarred and his eyes not so tired.
This not-quite-Logan stares right back at you seemingly ill at ease with the stranger who is currently taking an inventory of his face.
“Logan, that's them. It’s X-23 and Y/N, the one’s I told you about.” You graze your palm along your daughter's back in support as you come to stand beside her.
“Her name is Laura.” It’s a knee jerk reaction; your correction. Your girl wasn’t the sum total of an experiment, she was her own person with her own thoughts and feelings, not a weapon to be utilised.
The Wolverine’s gaze darts between the two of you, it’d be comical if you didn’t feel like you were about to regurgitate your lunch. They land on Laura, and linger there for a few moments, before they return to you, it's as if he’s trying to find you in her features.
You barely hear the man you will later come to know fondly as Wade Wilson, question how you all ended up in the void.
“There was a knock at the door TVA sent me here, saying my world was dying … and I never even got the chance to fight for it.” Blade explains remorsefully.
“They sent us here because they knew we’d put up a fight.” You utter distractedly, finally breaking your staring contest with Logan as he takes a swig from the bottle he’s currently white knuckling.
“People like us don’t go quietly, TVA knows that so they took us out.” Elektra attests.
“The answer is yes, I’m in.” Wade declares.
“In what?” Blade questions bemused by the man in red.
“A team up, you me, me you, all of us together, lets get the fuck outta’ here.”
“Don’t listen to him, he’s a fucking liar!” Logan growls, furious at the other man.
“It was an educated wish!”
“HA!” The loathing behind it makes you pause, he was so angry.
The heat in his voice, the resentment, it burns you. You supposed even your Logan had his fair share of rage.
When he arrived at the mansion all those years ago, fresh faced and wild, you had adored him even then, though Logan was far too preoccupied with Jean to notice the torch you carried for him back then.
It was ironic that It had taken the utter annihilation of the X-Men to bring you together. Charles’ accident had left the two of you as sole survivors. Over the years in hiding your ability to mould force fields managed to keep the worst of the effects of Charles’ seizures at bay, but Charles Xavier was one of the most powerful telepaths to grace the earth and your powers had limits.
Those years were some of the darkest and yet the best of your life, you found yourself growing to love the man the world called The Wolverine.
You realise you’ve entirely tuned out Wade’s rousing speech and have spent the time analysing the man wearing your love’s face currently gargling bourbon though your name pulls you out of your reverie.
“Laura, Y/N? What’s it gonna’ be girlies?”
“Lets fucking go.” Laura agrees heartily, you simply nod still dazed.
“YES! LET’S FUCKING GO!” Wade shouts back fist pumping.
“You’re all fucking dead.”
Much later in the evening when the sun has finally set you seek him out. When you come across the father and daughter duo before the campfire you hold back, your skin slowly begins reflecting light, fading from vision as you call upon your powers to hide in the treeline.
They both needed this and it wasn’t something you were about to get in the way of. They talk for a little while, before they part ways, both a little teary. Laura nods your way despite being unable to see you as she heads back to the cave, her nose just as keen as her fathers.
So it shouldn’t surprise you a few moments later when you hear Logan's voice call across the clearing.
“You gonna’ stand there all night, Bub?” The man sounds utterly exhausted.
You say nothing in response, only dismissing your powers and revealing yourself as you advance. You take Laura’s seat at the fire, not quite having the courage to look at him just yet.
“You hear all that? Should mind your own damn business.” You remembered this Logan well, the one aching for a fight, desperate to shed his vulnerability and bloody his fists.
“I didn’t hear a thing, Logan.” Your voice is barely above a whisper, you haven’t had to gentle parent The Wolverine in a while but it’s like riding a bike. “I wanted to let the two of you talk, she needed it and I think maybe you did too.”
“What do you fuckin’ know.” He growls dismissively, swigging from his bottle of what now appears to be scotch. “You can skip the speech and go back up, I’m not looking for company.”
“I’m not here to tell you what to do, Logan.” Finally, you look away from the fire and find his eyes fixed on you, you swallow the lump in your throat before you speak. “I just wanted to see you.”
“See me?” He questions incredulously. “Well, keep the change, bub. Good night.”
Despite your smile at his words, you can’t help the tears that begin to cloud your eyes. Your mind and your heart have been locked in a constant battle since setting eyes on him. This man by all rights is Logan. The man you have mourned relentlessly and yet in every way that matters he isn’t.
“It’s like seeing a ghost.” Is the only explanation you can give him, his response is a stoic cheers with his bottle before he takes a deep gulp.
Finally either his curiosity or the alcohol gets the better of him as he questions. “You her Mother?”
“Yes and no.” His stare doesn’t leave your face as he waits for you to elaborate. “Her biological mother was a woman from Mexico City that the fuckers in the lab exploited, all we know is that she disappeared after giving birth. After … you … after everything that happened in North Dakota…” You trail off.
Your voice is suddenly thick and your words get stuck in your throat as you try to make them form. It's utterly embarrassing as you feel the traitor tears begin to form.
A bottle of Johnny Walker enters your field of vision from where you sit staring at your clasped hands in your lap. Startled, you glance up to find the Wolverine standing before you, casting an impossibly large shadow as he holds out the bottle.
You accept the offering from his gloved hand, your fingers grazing his in the transaction as you take a swig or two (or three) before passing it back. He looks thoughtful when he places his lips on the place where your own had just lingered, as he retakes his seat. With amber courage coursing your veins, you continue.
“She was all I had - if not for her, I-.” You wipe your nose, staring back into the fire. If it was a struggle to meet his eyes before, it was impossible for you now. “I just couldn’t see the point in being alive anymore if everything just slowly gets stripped away; the X-Men, then Charles and then Lo-”
You don’t know it, but you’re preaching to the fucking choir with your words. It was rare to find a soul, going through the exact same torture as yourself. Logan found himself softening to you, it was as involuntary as it was unwelcome, but he couldn’t help it as you described a battle so close to the one he fought daily.
“-she reminded me what I had to live for. Laura she is fierce and so fucking kind; she is everything I loved about him.” You cut your trauma dumping to a swift end as you remember yourself. “So no, to answer your question. I’m not her biological mother, but she’s my daughter in every way that counts.”
Silence reigns for a moment as neither one of you knows what to say to the other.
“You loved him?” Logan’s voice is deeper than before when he speaks the sentence. You raise your eyes from the fire to find his for the first time since you began monologuing. They’re filled with something you can’t quite name.
“I did.”
Logan seems to contemplate this, mulling it over as he continues drinking. Finally, he seems to reach some sort of conclusion. “You should get some sleep, big day for you tomorrow.”
“Can I stay here … with you for tonight?” The words slip out before you really even mean them to. Tomorrow you might be going to your death and the ghost of the love of your life is here alive and real, what do you really have to lose?
Logan does a double take, not quite expecting those to be the words that leave your lips. “I’m not him, Darlin’.”
“No, I suppose you’re not.” You sigh, “but could you please just hold me whilst I sleep, James?”
A huge part of you expects him to tell you to fuck off back to the cave and leave him to his booze fueled pity party. However, against all odds, he doesn’t do that.
Logan simply lifts the half full bottle of scotch to his lips and downs every last drop. He’s a little unsteady on his feet when finally he stands up to his full height and turns towards the blankets he’s laid out on the ground.
“Fuck it.” He growls and drops himself like a sack of potatoes onto the pile with little regard for his own body. You’ve certainly had nicer invitations into his bed but when he waves you over with a lazy gesture, you can’t help but hurry before he changes his mind.
Before you know it you’re tucked into Logan’s side. His gloved hand doesn’t quite seem to know where to go, more accustomed to brutality than tenderness these days as it hesitates for a moment suspended in the air. After some careful consideration he delicately places it on the dip in your waist securing you to him.
Logan’s breath is uneven, though he’s doing his best to seem unaffected by your closeness. It has been years since someone has touched him with such easy affection and the way your body curls around his own as if it was created to do just that is driving him crazy.
You are completely at ease with him, you trust him so entirely it almost breaks his fucking heart. Logan's stomach is heavy with something he can’t name, you fucking terrify him. Yet, he doesn’t move because you feel so fucking good as he holds you.
It's scary, you realise, how easy it would be to pretend this was your Logan as you melt into his embrace. He smells exactly the same as you bury your face in his neck, the roughness of his beard feels the same pressed against your forehead.
This Wolverine’s arms are a little fuller and his chest a little firmer, but he still holds you the same. You make a decision to not focus on such difficult philosophical concepts as variants and the morality of switching out your Wolverine. You decide to live in the moment, to just enjoy the furnace of his body keeping you warm and his arm encircling your waist protecting you from the world, it’s so easy to pretend that this was your Logan, so you do.
And you fall asleep quicker than you have in years.
It is still night when you awaken, it's not quite dawn but the fire has burned out to a low smoulder. You’re not sure what has awoken you from the best sleep you’ve had in a long while, that is until you feel the arms wrapped around you and the sleeping Wolverine holding you in a death grip against his chest, his half hard appendage digging into your hip.
Everything is still hazy; you’re floating in that sweet spot between waking and dreaming, you forget about North Dakota and, god forgive me, Laura.
You’re back in your bed at home and Logan is holding you.
There's no my logan, new logan, old logan.
He’s just Logan.
You bury yourself deeper in his neck.
It’s only for a moment though before it all comes flooding back and the agony overwhelms you like a blade to the gut.
Instantly tears flood your cheeks as you shake from your silent sobs.
“...Y/N?” Logan's voice is thick with confusion and sleep, his grip has loosened somewhat to allow you to breathe but he doesn’t release his hold on you. “What’s wrong darlin’?”
That affectionate name is the last nail in the coffin it fucking ends you.
All teary, and regrettably maybe a teensy bit snotty, you lean forward and kiss him. Kiss isn’t the right word but it’s your intention. Your lips touch one anothers before he’s pulling away and holding you back.
“Y/n… Darlin’ you don’t want this… I’m not-”
“But you are Logan. You’re him just as much as he’s you.” Your hands rise to his jaw, running your finger along its familiar sharp edge. “You’re Logan.”
“Y/N… I’d be taking advantage…” His voice is firm yet gruff as he tries to inject reason into the conversation. As usual being the good guy he’s constantly telling everyone he’s not.
“I am so goddamn sick and tired of being sad, please Logan.” This time when you capture his lips, he doesn’t rear back. You’re not sure what’s going through his mind, but his self control seems to snap within him as he begins returning the kiss in earnest.
Logan’s tongue swipes along your bottom lip begging entry, entry you swiftly allow. You’re breathing heavily through your nose as he plunders the depths of your mouth, exploring your mouth with his quick tongue.
Deciding to make the next move you push yourself up, throwing a leg over him to straddle his lower stomach. He’s lifted the top half of his body to ensure he doesn’t lose your mouth, your teeth clash slightly with the movement and you can’t help a bubble of nervous laughter. He pays it little mind though as he swallows the noise, his hands coming to rest on your hips.
Instantly, you grind your hips downward on the growing bulge that lurks below. Logan lets out a deep groan at the friction and his hands on your hips raise to the bottom of your tee in response, his thick hands tugging at it requesting your permission.
Nodding, you pull back causing him to groan at the loss of your hot mouth on his. Though it's only for a moment as the second the tee is over your head, he’s back on you, only it's your bare neck he’s lashing with affection now.
Logan breathes in deep your scent mixing with the heady aroma of your arousal. He’s nipping and licking along the smooth skin, soothing his bites as quickly he makes them. It's the animal instinct within him, telling him to devour you entirely; make you his.
“Logan…” You gasp, your eyes are clenched shut in pleasure as he bucks his hips upwards into your jean covered centre.
Logan pulls back to take you in, writhing above him in the moonlight, you’re fucking beautiful, though the flash of familiar metal between your breasts catches his eye, unable to stop himself, he catches it in his fist.
Dog tags; his old dog tags.
‘LOGAN’ is etched into the aged metal and they’re warm to the touch from living beneath your shirt over your heart.
The realisation hits him like a freight train, not only was he loved by you, but for his other self to have given you these, he fucking loved you.
He’s not sure why it didn’t occur to him before, that the other him was as devoted to you as you were to him. He’s not entirely sure how to feel about it, but he twists his hands, careful not to snap the metal string, but using it to pull you close.
For the other dead Logan, the hero he’s heard so goddamn much about, he decides he’ll give you the treatment you deserve.
As if you weigh nothing at all he flips you onto your back, his hands dropping the dog tags and falling to the waistband of your jeans. His dexterous hands undo the button so quickly, that your trousers are peeled from your legs before you know it, leaving you in an unimpressive unmatching set of underwear beneath his roaming eyes. Though Logan couldn’t give a fuck as he groans at the sight of your body exposed to him.
Logan begins by kissing down your stomach before his hands linger on your black panties, he can't help but grin at the tiny barely there bow in the middle of them; you’re like a gift all wrapped up for him.
His eyes lift to meet your own as he begins sucking at the fabric that's keeping your pussy from him, it's already damp with your arousal and by the time he finishes, absolutely sodden with his saliva.
“Logan, please…” you whisper desperately as your hands find his ‘tufts’ for a lack of a better word. They were new, but you liked them, plus they now seemed pretty functional.
He takes only a moment to remove his gloves, before they return eagerly to your body. Those thick hands traverse the planes of your thighs, they’re quick in their passing as they make their way up to the waistband of your panties, he hooks them over his thumb and reveals your soaking core to his hungry eyes and he’s right back to wanting to fucking devour you, and boy, fucking does he.
Enthusiastic, would be the word, earth-shattering would be another - the word to describe how Logan eats pussy.
Logan without much preamble dives into your centre, his tongue slips into your hot wet heat, lingering for a moment on your clit, circling it reverently before he dips that talented tongue inside of you. His nose knocks against your clit several times, each more delicious than the last as he utterly devours your pussy. He moans, grinding his hips into the dirt and readjusts pulling you closer, his thick muscled arms locking under your thighs as you buck against his mouth.
You're a complete goner the second he slips a single long thick finger inside of you.
“Fuck, Lo, I’m gonna-”
“Come, baby... I got’ya.” He mumbles into your pussy. And fuck me, he does. He carries on lapping at you all the way through your orgasm, drawing it out of you like the pied fucking piper of pussy. It feels like you’ve been falling for hours by the time you finally come down, only Logan doesn’t allow you any reprieve before he’s back to lashing your clit with his quick tongue. Your hands find those faux ear tufts once more and he groans as you pull on them a little more sharply than you intend in your shock, in answer Two fingers bury themselves deep inside of you.
“One more.” He’s negotiating orgasms, but you have no qualms as he rubs his nose side to side with affection against your sensitive bud. His tongue and nose moving in pace with his fingers, currently fucking in and out of you.
It's when he scissors those thick long fingers inside of you, hitting that spongy spot within you that makes your back arch.
Your top half has left the ground, he grunts in annoyance, suspending your hips back to his mouth at the angle he likes. Those deep hazel eyes meet yours from between your thighs, crazed and animalistic, driven wild with arousal as he eats your pussy with gusto.
It's that image that thrusts you over the edge once more, your back hitting the ground as your body seizes, thrusting your hips against his mouth.
Without any preamble a third finger joins stretching you deliciously. The hand not currently fucking you, leaves your hip to caress your stomach stroking the flesh there, not quite able to reach your breast.
“Lo… fuck… yes… right… right fucking there.” You cry as he draws your second orgasm of the night out, only when you tug at his tuft due to overstimulation does he acquiesce and pull back, only of course, after cleaning up your gaping desperate hole.
He sucks his fingers clean as he sits back on his knees, his cock thick and tenting against the yellow bottoms of his suit. Your arousal has soaked through his beard making his chin slick, he wipes it with a single swipe with the back of hand though, it does very little for his sodden chin.
Tired of not touching him, you sit forward grabbing at his belt. It's a difficult contraption that confounds you, though Logan is far too wound up to find any humour from it.
He replaces your hands unbuckling the thing before finding the hem of his shirt and pulling it over his head.
There, finally in all his glory, he is exposed to you and you’ve never been a religious woman, but Mary mother of fucking christ, he is gorgeous. Logan’s chest is fucking… transcendant to behold, it's like he’s been sculpted by god herself, the light isn’t the best out of here, but you hope to god you don’t die tomorrow simply for wanting to take your time and lick each and every single one of those muscles on his stomach.
Its your turn to leap forward onto your knees and join his mouth with yours, he tastes distinctly of you and his chin is still sodden, but you couldn’t give less of a fuck, you love the fact your desire is still marking his skin.
Your hands trace the firm abs at your disposal, before dipping into his now open trousers and underwear to find him rock hard.
If his physique impressed you, you had a big storm coming, because his cock was a fucking resplendant beauty and it was plain to see from the swelling Logan really liked eating pussy.
Your fingers barely touched as you pumped him, once twice, spreading the copious amounts of precum along his shaft.
“Fuck.” He grunts into your mouth. You lean down, positioning yourself to take him in your mouth, though he stops you in your tracks grabbing your shoulder. “No sweetheart, I want your pussy.” You clench around nothing at his filthy words, this man will be the fucking death of you.
You reach behind you and free your tits from their confines, another moan leaves his throat as he pushes you backwards. On his hands and knees he’s deliberate with every move as kicks the bottoms of his suit off as he prowls towards you.
Finally, he’s in between your legs naked as the day he was born. His hands are on your breasts, exploring the new plains exposed to him, playing with your nipples alternating between sucking and twirling them between his fingers.
So lost in his skilled hands, you barely notice when one disappears to line himself up, it's a shock, the sudden intrusion, but not an unwelcome one as he thrusts himself forward and as deep as he can go.
You moan his name into his ear, doing your best to keep your volume down.
He has prepared you well, you’re so worked up that he slides home through your tight slit. The sheer size of him means it's a stretch that borders on uncomfortable, but the second his hand finds your clit you’re clenching around him and grinding forward, desperate for more. Unable to control himself, his claws extend, he grunts pulling you close and thrusting them down into the ground.
“Fuck, you’re tight.” He grunts into your neck, where he's busy lavishing the flesh once again with bites. Your neck is going to be black and blue tomorrow, but you can’t find it in you to give a single fuck.
The two of you are so fucking close his bare skin so deliciously hot against your own, but you want more, you need more.
Logan pulls his hips backwards, pulling out of you until only the tip remains before slamming home and spearing you wide open his cock. Your moans blend together as you lose yourself in each other's bodies.
Logan is worked up from eating your cunt, so it doesn’t take long for the sensation to hit him.
“Fuck, where do you want it?” He grunts into your neck, as his hand descends to rub quick circles on your clit. He pulls your ass up, making sure to hit the spot inside of you that makes your toes curl.
You know he’s teetering on the edge, desperate to make you cum before he does.
“Inside - come inside me, baby.” You whimper into his neck as he pounds into you reaching your deepest recesses with his thick cock, his hammering, it’s unforgiving with his enhanced strength but it pushes him deeper into spots you couldn’t have imagined. He groans at your words, sounding every bit the wounded animal he is. Your shared groans and the sound of his balls slapping against your ass as he takes you again, and again is all that can be heard in the clearing.
Finally as he joins your lips in a kiss, you come hard on his cock. Clenching around him as your body writhes uncontrollably.
Logan adjusts his hold on your thighs, now he uses your body, drawing out your pleasure but ultimately chasing his own. The pace is fast as he grunts and groans erotically into your neck, he fucking growls as his hips stutter against your own, and you know you should be more careful, but the thought of him cumming inside you has you gripping his cock like a vice once more. You give him a tight sheath to come in, and he pumps you fucking full of his cum and its a big fucking load. Logan thrusts a few more times, pushing his seed deep inside of you as he claims your mouth once more.
You run your hands through his hair as he lets his body fall against yours, he’s supporting his own weight, thank god, you don’t think you could handle his muscle, let alone the adamantium skeleton. He’s still sheathed inside you as the two of you revel in the closeness.
The silence stretches on for an amount of time you can’t quite quantify. The two of you take in your surroundings, listening to the quiet of the forest, until your breathing has finally calmed down.
Logan lifts himself up on one arm, and pushes your hair back from your face. You stare at him in the moonlight for a long moment, unable to help yourself as you trace his familiar features. His strong nose and the curve of his brow, your finger dances along his flesh.
Logan’s eyes close, so touch starved he basks in your affection.
“I-” Logan goes to speak, before you drop your finger on his lips.
“It’s okay. Whatever happens tomorrow, happens. I’m okay with it.” You smile at him, there's a chill to the air but you’ve got your Wolverine warming you up. “I just wanted one night to be about something other than death.”
He takes your hand from his lips and kisses along the back of it and up your wrist, though It's a slippery slope as he hardens inside of you again.
Logan manages to pull two more orgasms out of you before dawn.
When your time has run out, the two of you finally dress, not wanting to be found in a compromising position. Logan curls his body around yours and buries his face in your hair as he spoons you from behind.
Just when you’re just on the cusp of sleep, he finally speaks into the night. Logan opens up about his world tearfully, instantly you reach your hand down, finding his own thicker one resting on your belly and you intertwine your fingers with his. He tells you of the mutant hunting as you draw comforting circles on the back of his hand, it's not much, but it's more than he’s ever had whilst reliving his worst day. When he has finally bared his soul, the two of you fall back into silence.
After what has been an emotionally, not to mention physically taxing night the two of you finally fall asleep if only for a few more hours, two incredibly damaged souls offering one another comfort.
It’s later in the morning when you finally awake. The sun has risen that much is clear but you're slow to awaken from your comfortable position in Logan's arms, his warm strong body coiled against your back fighting off the worst of the early morning chill, his face still buried in your hair as he snores peacefully.
There’s a sensation niggling at you, you think it's what woke you up in the first place; you can’t shake the sensation of being watched.
Lazily you open your eyes, only for your heart to drop to your asshole when you find Wade Wilson about 10-inches from your face lying on his side, his head supported by his hand.
“Mornin’ sleepy head, have a good night?” You can hear the smile in his voice.
“AGH!” Unable to stop both your cry of fear and your fight or flight response in progress, you throw yourself backwards, your powers activating of their own accord, and slamming your body into Logan’s chest. He startles awake, with the telltale ‘snikt’ of his claws extending as he orientates himself, his arm coming out to block you from the threat, despite not being able to see you.
After your brain catches up, you call your power back, but Logan doesn’t do the same, keeping his claws out seemingly ready to slice up his not-so-best friend.
“Get the fuck outta’ here, Wade.” Logan growls harshly at the other man, his voice is filled to the brim with hatred.
“Hmph - this is what I get for acting altruistically. I thought a good stress relieving bone in the woods with your cherie amour would really sort out that bee in your bonnet, but you sir are just a very unpleasant man and I’m worried that-”
“WADE.” This time Logan’s voice is a threat as he shouts at the man. You place a hand on his muscled arm to steady him. Though he may have stopped your heart with his antics, Wade isn’t doing anything particularly outrageous. Logan shakes your hand from his arm and allows his claws to retract as he stands.
“Thanks for jumping to my defence there, Y/N. Great to meetcha bt-dubs, huge fan.” You’re disoriented from the wakeup call but you shake the hand he offers you. Honestly, you’re still trying to process the head-fuckery of the past day, so you don’t have a quick response for him, though the mouth doesn’t seem to mind as he continues. “That mean lil’ lady is asking for ya’. Thought I’d come and check you and big yellow weren’t still bumpin’ uglies. Didn’t want her to see you and Papa going to town on each other's fun parts.”
“Uh - Thanks… Wade?”
“That’s me.” He theatrically begins bestowing multiple kisses on the back of your hand he still had in his grasp, which you retract gently. “Oh, and we’re done.”
Pushing yourself up, you go to stand though Logan offers you his newly gloved palm. You lock your fingers around his and the two of you stand together, inches apart and your fingers still intertwined, neither quite sure what to say to the other. Wade’s ‘awh’ over your shoulder shatters the moment and he drops your hand instantaneously.
After a beat or two Logan leans forward, placing a single solitary kiss on your forehead. “See ya’ around, bub.”
“Where’s my smooch, Logie-bear?”
“Go fuck yourself, Wade.” He calls as he walks around, Logan doesn’t look back as he heads off into the forest.
You still had faith he’d turn up for the fight, Logan always turned up when it counted and you knew this time would be no different.
“Hate to see him leave, but love to watch him go.” Wade sighs linking his arm with yours.
“Mmh, You can say that again.” You agree with the clown watching Logan’s ass as he walks away, you swear you see his step falter thanks to his impeccable hearing, but he doesn’t turn back.
The two of you turn and you begin walking back to the cave arm in arm with the strange man to prepare for the assault on Cassandra’s lair when Wade finally asks the question you know he’s been dying to ask since meeting you “So, Y/N just between us girls… how big is it?”
LOGAN TENDER HAIR TUCK SUPREMACY RISE. I'll use it in every fic, don't think I won't.
Thanks for reading xxx
Graphics by my pal - @saradika-graphics 💕
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Say Yes to Heaven
[Logan Howlett x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Sometimes all it takes is one look. One gesture. One word. One action. To remind them that not everyone sees them the same, and It's enough to send a person over the edge.
WC: 3690
Category: Fluff, First Kiss, Logan’s POV
Another Grumpy!Logan x Sunshine!Reader because it’s my comfort trope ✨���
He never realized how much he wanted someone to care for.
It was something he didn't know he desired. A year ago, he didn't care for a single thing. He felt nothing. He was so numb. So empty.
He was an angry man. The kind of man people kept their distance from. Wade ruined that; he aggravated him so much that Logan started actually caring about his life. And for as much as he despised his fugly ass, he was internally grateful for him. He started to open up more and more.
Wade had a part in taking him out of rock bottom, as they say, but you… you aggravated him in the most endearing way possible. You were so bright, so happy, and full of life. Logan couldn't understand how someone could be like that, and he hated you for it. He thought it was so ignorant of you.
"I mean, come on, how could she be that happy all the time? It's fucking dumb. She doesn't even know me!"
That's what he said to Wade, but his roommate only laughed. He found his frustration hilarious and made fun of him constantly.
And don’t even get started on the way you spoke. Never once have you raised your voice at anyone. You always talked softly, and even if you were pissed off, you still found a way to make your words sound gentle.
The man couldn’t wrap his mind around the way you acted, you weren’t a mutant, but you damn well could have been with that forever customer service smile you wore every day.
The level of patience and understanding you held for people was insane to him, especially the amount of patience you held with him.
He was constantly telling you to fuck off, and you took no offense; you just returned that stupidly kind smile and told him that if he needed anything, you were there for him.
You had no clue what he’s done, what he's capable of, and yet you treat him with the utmost respect. And being a mutant, respect, and kindness were two things he hadn’t received in a very long time.
It made him realize things—about himself and others. He started noticing you a little more—the way you looked and the way you acted. It started out as simple confusion and disgust… the typical reactions one would have when one sees an overly happy person.
But it evolved slowly into intrigue and curiosity.
Then something else. Something he couldn't describe.
His first instinct was to push it away. To try and convince himself, he was disgusted. He did this with everything he felt, but he couldn’t keep lying to himself.
It wasn't disgust.
He couldn't name it; he wasn't ready to, but he knew it wasn’t that.
Wade had noticed the change in him, the way he looked at you, the way he started being a little less rough with the words he chose to say. He didn’t bring it up, but the shit-eating grin he gave each time Logan walked in and saw you was more than enough proof that he had picked up on it.
Of course, it only resorted to grins because the one time he opened his mouth, Logan didn’t restrain himself. He popped his claws and had to go couch shopping the next day.
So, with Wade keeping his mouth shut after being chewed out by Blind Al and Logan trying his best to push away the foreign feelings, it finally reached a point where he could no longer ignore them.
He didn’t understand why, of all nights, it had to be this one, but it was.
It was 3 am, and his old nightmares had come back to haunt him. He was restless, sweaty, and couldn't take another second of sleep.
It took a rinsing of the bathroom sink and a pitiful glare at his reflection for you to return his gaze.
He froze for a second.
You were wearing a large T-shirt, with a pair of shorts underneath. Your hair was messy, but it looked so soft, and your face was clear of makeup, leaving the imperfections of your skin that made you all the more beautiful.
Always wearing a smile. Always greeting him with a soft voice, sometimes a little raspy if just waking up, butnonetheless soft.
But once he rubbed his eyes and let out a tired yawn, you weren’t there anymore.
Because you were never there, you lived across the street. You were in your apartment, sleeping, with no idea that, at that moment, the man who constantly told you to fuck off realized he couldn't stop thinking about you.
The same man who would grunt, scoff, and throw away every kind gesture now realized he secretly cherished them.
He stood there for a moment, just pondering his thoughts. His eyes were still on the spot he saw you in.
His head turned to the right, seeing the digital clock that rested on the nightstand.
3:02 am.
You were asleep…. most likely asleep. You would be unhappy if he came over and woke you up, wouldn't you?
He looked back at the sink.
You could be upset, but you could also be happy. You could give him that smile. That sweet, warm smile.
It would be worth it, right? Just for that?
3:04 am
He didn’t think about it. Not even for a second. Ironically, it started raining as if to test him, but the man was determined.
He put on a jacket to cover his bare chest, threw on some random shoes, and was out the door before his mind could stop him.
3:13 am
He knocked on your apartment door. He was completely drenched from the rain. His hair was messy, his jacket sticking to his body, and his shoes were so wet that the squelching sound they made was the only thing audible.
He heard shuffling. Soft steps coming closer. He could smell your scent. It shocked him how easy it was for him to recognize it.
You unlocked the door. Your brows furrowed in confusion.
His mental image of you being in sleepwear, messy hair, no makeup, had been confirmed. You were beautiful.
You had a tired look, one of the many looks he wasn’t used to. But it was still a good look, and it still held your signature kindness.
He had a feeling it would.
You didn't look too shocked, just tired and confused.
You spoke. "Logan, is…? Are you okay?"
Your voice was even softer than usual, the raspiness it held only making it more comforting.
You were genuinely worried about him, and it hit him then that he was being an asshole. Making you wake up in the middle of the night, and for what? Just because he wanted to see you?
Just because of that, he should’ve given you a reason. An explanation.
He should've asked. He should have done so many things differently, but he didn’t.
His head was in the clouds, and all he could think about was you.
You. That was all.
But his expression gave away that he was in a daze, and your worry only grew.
"Logan? What's wrong?"
You stepped out into the hallway and reached a hand to him.
His heart jumped a bit when you did so. It was just a gesture—one simple act of compassion.
He wasn't worthy of that, but he couldn't resist. He didn't want to.
Your fingers barely brushed against his upper arm before he moved. He grabbed your wrist.
His grip wasn't hard. His hold was gentle, as he had no intentions of hurting you. You could’ve easily pulled your arm away if you wanted to, but you didn't.
His eyes locked with yours. He wasn't sure what possessed him, but it felt so right, so he followed his instincts.
He tugged at your wrist, causing your body to fall into him. Your chest pressed against his. His arms wrapped around you, one hand cupping the back of your neck, the other resting on the small of your back.
The embrace was so sudden, and he knew the situation was far from ideal, but his senses were overflowed by your presence, your scent, your softness.
His chin rested atop your head, and his eyes fluttered closed.
It wasn’t the first time he ever hugged someone, but it was the first time he hugged someone in such a way. He held onto you tightly, his grip possessive but not painful.
He was afraid to let go.
He felt your hands press against his chest. You were probably going to push him away, he thought, and he tried to prepare himself. He told himself he would let you go because it was the right thing to do, yet he didn’t need to.
You hugged him back, and he almost lost his footing.
How long had it been since he last received a hug? Since the last time, someone held him and showed him affection?
Too long.
Your hands went inside his opened jacket and held onto him. Your fingers pressed against his skin, and your soft, warm breaths caressed his neck.
He could stay like this for eternity, and he would never grow tired of it.
Your voice reached his ears.
"Logan, did something happen?"
He had been standing there for quite a while. He wasn’t aware of how long. Time seemed to freeze around you, but he didn’t mind. He wasn't one to believe in such nonsense, but when it came to you, he was ready to accept it.
Your hand rested on his arm, and he knew you were subtly prompting him to move, and so he did.
He pulled away from the hug just enough to look at you.
Your lips were turned upwards. The corners of your eyes creased.
It was then that his actions registered—how utterly close the two of you were, how intimately you were holding each other. He was already warm just from genetics alone, but now he felt everything around him heat up.
He didn't know what to say. It was like he was back in that bar, drinking away every thought. He couldn't think. There was nothing. Nothing but the feel of your body against his.
But what truly sealed the deal was when he felt your thumb gently caress his knuckles. It was a small movement, barely noticeable, but it was centered exactly on the scars his claws made.
That little movement made his brain short-circuit. His hands twitched. His grip tightened. He held onto you with his entire body as if scared to let you go.
"What happened?"
You were patient with him. The fact that he hadn’t even answered any of your concerns said enough.
But, eventually, he did find some words to respond with. It wasn’t the answer you were searching for, but it was a response.
"Why are you always being so fucking kind?"
It was such a simple question, and yet the amount of pain it carried was overwhelming. He knew you could hear every word behind it. Every word he couldn't bring himself to say.
He didn’t deserve it. He wasn’t a good man. He did horrible things, and sure… he made an attempt to make up for it. To be better, but it couldn’t have been enough, could it?
You were still here, looking at him with those soft eyes.
Why couldn't you look at him the way he deserved to be looked at? Like he was a monster.
Why did you have to look at him with those goddamn beautiful eyes?
"You deserve kindness, Logan. We all do."
And then, your voice became even softer and a little shaky. Your hands went back to massaging his knuckles. His scars.
"Just because you see yourself a certain way doesn’t mean the rest of us do. I see the good in you. Always have since we first met."
You spoke so softly, yet your words were heavy with emotion.
"I know it's not easy, but try to have a little more faith in yourself."
You didn’t deserve the harsh words he always threw at you. You didn’t deserve any of his anger. You didn't deserve him.
"Why?" He repeated his question, his voice strained, and you didn't miss the way his jaw clenched. "Why should I?"
His arms loosened their hold around you; his hands moved down your sides, and his touch feathered light. He wasn’t sure what he was doing, but he couldn’t quite let go just yet.
You paid it no mind. Only staring back into his eyes with the same kindness he was so used to, the one he had grown to treasure.
"You have a right to feel the way you do, Logan. And I can't claim to understand what you've been through. I can't begin to imagine. But you are a good man. A little rough around the edges, maybe, but you’ve shown me time and time again that you're trying."
A smile crept its way onto your face, and a soft giggle escaped past your lips.
Now, to be fair, he was used to hearing your laughter. With your… odd sense of humor, it wasn’t an uncommon occurrence. But, this would be one of the firsts to add to his collection.
The one reserved for him and him only.
Your laughter wasn’t loud, or annoying, or anything like Wade's. It was soft, sweet, and oh-so pleasant.
You were looking at him. Staring up at him with such love and warmth. You didn't even realize it, but he did.
"Besides, who wouldn't be a little grouchy waking up to that handsome face every morning?"
And, now, he was repulsed by the unwelcome vision of a certain masked man making his way into his head. He was so disgusted by the thought he didn’t bother responding. He didn't want to.
So, instead, he moved.
He had a habit of moving on his own and not thinking about it. It went from his hands going to your sides, and now, his hands reaching out to press against the door behind you.
You were pinned against the door, and the way you looked at him didn’t change. Of course, it didn't. Your eyes were always kind. They always were.
You were leaning against the door. Looking at him, waiting.
And he stared back.
He was so close, and he was tempted to pull away. To take a step back and leave. It would be the best for both of you; at least, he thinks so.
He couldn't give you anything.
He had nothing.
There was only himself. His body. His mind. His past.
His claws, too, if that counted for anything.
But, besides those, there was nothing.
He wasn’t a bad man, but he wasn't good either. Not like you were. He couldn’t possibly begin to match you, not even if he tried.
Which is why he had no intention of trying.
Yet, even as he thought that, his body moved even closer. The dog tags he had never taken off since he was given them hung loosely, dangling in front of your face.
One of your hands was on his chest, the other gripping onto the material of his shirt.
You spoke his name so softly. Almost a whisper, and yet, the sound of it was all his senses were focused on.
Your gaze shifted between his eyes and lips, and the hand that had been holding onto his shirt moved, reaching up to his shoulder.
The touch was light, as if hesitant, and it caused him to lean even closer.
It was so close. You were so close. You had been before, but never like this. Never in the way he wanted.
He wanted you so badly.
And you were right there. Looking at him with those eyes, with a soft, tender smile, and with an expression he didn't recognize.
He knew that was an invitation. You were always an open book, and your body language was no different.
And it wasn't the first time you did so.
There were many times when you looked at him. Your eyes trailing over his face. Your gaze went downwards, lingering before you snapped out of it and looked away.
He always saw it, always knew it was there, but he just chose to ignore it. He wasn’t in the right mind, then. He was just another broken man, struggling to get by, trying his best.
Trying to find some meaning in his life.
But, even now, he was still hesitant. Even after coming all the way here and making his intentions clear, he struggled with it.
"Are you sure?"
Because you were so much better than him.
Because he could still remember the day the two of you met. How much of an asshole he was, how rude, how angry.
It wasn’t until the seventh time you approached him that he realized that he had met someone who genuinely, wholeheartedly cared.
It wasn't until the twentieth time you approached him that he finally accepted it.
He could never forget the way you smiled and spoke to him, even though he had given you no reason to.
"Hi, Logan!"
You would say.
"Good morning!"
You would wave.
"Have a nice day, Logan."
You would nod, even though the man himself chose to ignore you. Goddamn it. You were so much better than him.
Much purer. Much more innocent.
You had a heart of gold, and a soul as white as snow. You were so good, so kind, and the thought of soiling you, of ruining your light with his darkness, it scared him.
It was the sole reason he didn't give in, even now, with you offering yourself to him.
He didn't want to ruin you.
No hesitation. No second thoughts.
Your eyes were so kind. So full of love, and the same emotion reflected back in his own.
But, even with the clear sign of assurance, he still felt the need to create one last line of defense.
With the hand against the door, he peeled it back enough to have your eyes catch sight of the fist it made.
In a millisecond, he unleashed his claws and slammed his fist against the door, the sharp adamantium easily slicing through the wood, causing the door to crack.
And, yet, no reaction. Not a single flinch, not a wince, not even a hitch of breath.
You weren't afraid. Not at all. Even as the claws were mere inches from your face, you weren't scared.
The corners of your mouth twitched. Upwards, and it soon bloomed into a bright smile.
He retracted his claws, and gave you another once-over, just to be sure, and you responded by lifting your hand, grasping the metal chain hanging from his neck.
Your fingers grazed against the cool metal, and your smile softened before turning into a small grin.
"For a man who states he isn’t scared of anything, you sure have a lot of defense mechanisms, Logan."
Teasing. That was a new one for you.
He liked it.
"Say it again." Now, finally, you showed a different expression. Confusion mixed with curiosity. You were wondering what he meant. "My name."
For you, his actions were mere seconds. You had no time to process the feeling of his breath against your lips. The feeling of his stubble tickling your skin. The feeling of his warm, dry lips pressed against yours.
But, for him, it was a slow, steady motion. He took his time. He pulled you closer, his hands moving from the door and cupping the back of your head and your waist.
The kiss was soft. Gentle. Nothing rushed.
He held you like you were fragile. Like you were made of porcelain and could break at any moment. He could, theoretically, but he would rather go through Cassandra’s entire repertoire of torture than hurt you.
He lifted you up. Your legs wrapped around his waist, and your arms around his neck, his own pulling you closer, his fingers digging into your skin.
You tasted exactly how you were. Pure. Sweet.
Like heaven.
He was sure he was leaving that of the bitter alcohol he had downed on your lips, but you didn't seem fussy about it.
Not that he could focus on anything else, anyway.
He was too distracted by the way his tongue danced with yours.
Too focused on the taste of your mouth.
Too distracted by the way your hands made themselves a home in his wet hair. They would tug every once in a while, releasing a groan he hadn’t known was there.
He was too distracted to care.
He was too lost in your scent. Wade always called him that character from that shity vampire movie due to his nose.
He always disagreed until you happened to mention the resemblance. Then, and only then, did he see the logic.
And you saw the logic here, too—the logic of how good you melted together. Experiencing it now made him question his decision to stay away.
If it was always going to be this good, this intoxicating, he should’ve done it a long time ago.
He should've taken the chance.
It would've saved the two of you a lot of frustration, and a lot of headaches.
But it didn't matter. He was here now.
And, as his foot broke into the door, mouth still latched onto yours, with him figuring his way about your apartment, he thought:
It doesn't matter.
As long as I’m here.
As long as you’re in my arms.
It doesn't matter.
Fortunately, that meant he didn’t have to wake up to that toupee-stapled face every morning, as he had so dreadfully imagined.
Unfortunately, it also meant that the next time he saw Wade, he would have to deal with him talking his ears off about what had transpired.
But, for now, he could live with that.
He was more focused on the fact on making sure you weren’t regretting your choice.
Because he sure as fuck didn’t.
#logan howlett#wolverine#deadpool 3#deadpool and wolverine#deadpool#hugh jackman#wolverine x reader#wolverine fic#logan howlett x reader#logan howlett x you#logan howlett xmen#xmen#xmen fanfiction#xmen fandom#xmen x reader#marvel#marvel fic#marvel fandom#wolverine imagine#wolverine drabble#marvel x reader#x reader#reader#fluff#hugh jackman x reader#deadpool x reader#the worst wolverine#first kiss#mcu x reader#wolverine deadpool
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this man has aged like FINE WINE.
1K notes
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I'd let him dick me down– (im so sorry I'm ovulating)
#ashlinxloves#`linsblob°`#ash rambles#hugh jackman#ngh#i love old men#thats the only thing that will fix me right now#please one chance hugh#hugh jackman wolverine#logan wolverine#he'd fix my daddy issues#hugh DADDY jackman#😩😩😩#he’s so 😩😩😩#please 😩😩😩#wolverine deadpool#wolverine#deadpool and wolverine#x men#x men movies
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One Night Repair
A/N: Hey so I've had this idea of !WorstWolverine meeting someone at a bar and having really aggressive sex to blow off steam... it gets pretty cute at the end in my opinion so I hope you like it. Takes place post time ripper.
Pairing: Worst!Logan Howlett x Female!Reader
Word Count: 5.3k
Summary: You meet Logan at a bar, and he ends up wrecking your apartment. You'd usually object in the morning but... he had something else in mind.
Content Warnings: 18+ SMUT MDNI, swearing, p in v, creampie, fingering (fem! receiving), light choking, multiple orgasms, oral (f + m receiving), literally words of pure nasty smut, idk I'm h*rny, porn w/o plot, no use of y/n. porn & somewhat plot (in between the lines), actually y’all i apologize this is just pure smut i think, rough sex, overstimulation, slapping, pussy slapping, tiny hint of arousal from crying, Praise kink, Pet names (hun, baby, doll, sweetheart, darlin’, angel, honey, bunny), Squirting, Body worship, slight use of restraints, Dom x Brat... If I missed anything please tell me.
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The evening dragged on like any other. Another late night shift, another bar full of drunk bastards. You like that the owner would let you wear what you wanted to work, and tonight, you opted for a simple black tank top and black workout leggings. They hugged your curves well enough to get decent tips but didn't expose you enough to get groped by strangers, not that any of these bastards were smart enough to not touch you like that.
Most of the evening was normal, your regulars ordered their usuals, and you kept up your friendly facade as you worked.
Unfortunately for one patron, he decided to grab you as you leaned over the table to deliver his group's next round of drinks, earning a concerned brow raise from Logan, who was sitting at the bar. You had tried making small talk when he ordered his drinks from you, but he preferred to stay quiet. You shrugged it off as him not wanting company and carried on with your orders.
"Excuse you, I am not on the menu." You bitch rather loudly, grabbing his hand and pinning it to the table with a rather quick motion. Tonight was not the night to fuck with you. You were itching for a fight, but not enough that you'd be willing to lose your job.
"Ey, ey easy sweetheart! Just trying to have a good time!" He groaned, pulling his hand free from the pressure grip.
"You're done." You said calmly, "You leave your money and you get the hell outta here." You release his arm, and saunter your way back to behind the bar, cursing to yourself under your breath.
"Nice technique," Logan speaks up. "But next time you should break his wrist." He takes a swig from his beer.
You turn your head from the drink you were mixing to look him over. You toss him a half smile. "You wanna be next?"
He chuffs. "Tempting."
You roll your eyes and serve the mixed drink, moving on to cleaning some stacked-up glasses. He eyes you out of the corner of his, nursing his beer. He noticed how your attitude had changed, your responses to the patrons weren't nearly as friendly as they were when he arrived.
Closing time finally rolled around, and Logan couldn't help but wait outside with a cigar in his mouth. You cleaned up the bar, and as you locked up, you spotted the tall stranger leaning nearby.
"You lurking?" You put your hands in your jacket pockets as you turn to confront the stranger.
"Walkin'" He said. "Thought you'd want an escort." He puts out his cigar on the cold brick wall, also putting his hands in his pockets.
"I can handle myself." You scoff.
"Heh, Yeah, I saw that," He admitted, stepping a bit closer. "But I didn't like how that guy eyed the alley on his way out."
You roll your eyes, shake your head, and begin walking toward your apartment, which is only a few blocks away.
He followed from a safe distance, but not too far so he could still be there if something happened to you.
"I don't need a bodyguard." You call over your shoulder.
"I know. I'm walkin' home too." He replied with a smirk.
You roll your eyes and continue your path home. He continued behind you, just a few steps away. You stop at a traffic light, and he stops next to you.
"I never caught your name..." You say looking up toward him.
He smirks and faces you. You can't help the way your eyes dilate as you take in his features. He was handsome, in a rugged way. Something about him made you want to climb him like a tree but, you weren't that easy... were you?
"It's Logan." You hum a response and turn to face the pedestrian light that changed to allow you to walk. He followed a bit closer now, but making sure to read your body language to make sure he wasn't making you too uncomfortable.
"Why did you really follow me home? Hmm? looking for somewhere to crash?" You decide to at least make some small talk.
"Like I said, thought you'd want an escort." His replies were brief, which was relatively aggravating. Thankfully your apartment complex was only a few feet away.
"And like I said, I can handle myself." You toss back. You twirl quickly to meet his gaze, causing him to stop abruptly. "So thank you but no thank you, you can fuck off now, Logan"
His eyes darkened as you cussed at him. His brow raised at your boldness. His lips were inches from yours, and his breath fanned over your flushed cheeks.
"Say that again." He growled.
"Say what?" You stood your ground, not allowing your body to falter. You kept a strong stance, eyes fixed on his. "Logan?" You smirked, enjoying how worked up he seemed.
He pressed closer, pushing you against the door to your apartment. You sucked in a breath at the forced proximity, your eyes glancing at his lips briefly.
Logan loved how defiant you were. He would've left you alone at the door had you not whipped around on him and sassed him like that.
"Say the word, and I'll walk away," He leaned in closer, his large, muscular arm bracing his tall frame against your door.
Your legs rubbed together to soothe the newfound ache between your thighs. 'Fuck it...' you thought. If he was gonna tax your time and patience after a shit night, the least he could do for you is be a good lay.
You arched your back into him, allowing your lips to connect in a rough, passionate kiss. His teeth graze your bottom lip, his tongue following suit, as he attacks you. His free hand meets your waist, pinning you to the door. You can’t help the soft whimper from escaping you, as his hand slides down your thigh and pulls your knee up to his waist.
He moves down and sinks his teeth on the sensitive spot on your neck, pulling a sharp gasp from your lips. Your hands move to his neck, holding on for some kind of grounding. You open your eyes, coming down and realizing you are still in the hallway. “Fuck…” you groan.
“Such a dirty little mouth…” Logan growled into your neck. He took a moment to catch his breath.
A shiver ran down your spine, and your hips buck involuntarily. Logan smiles against your flushed skin. “Oh… You like that?” He purred.
God, you hated this guy. He is so cocky but he’s so fucking attractive you can’t help but want him. “Oh shut up…” You groan.
“Do you not want me, pretty girl?” He cooed.
You don’t reply. You do want him, but you couldn’t let the smug bastard have that satisfaction. He leans back to meet your hazy gaze. He licks his lips at the sight of your swollen lips, and at that, you find yourself turning around to unlock your apartment door.
Logan removes his arm from the door and watches as you go inside. He’s more respectful than you thought. He actually fucking waited for you to invite him inside. You look at him, half exasperated at his cockiness, and half desperate for him to come in. You stand there holding the door open.
“May I come in?” He asks with a sly smile, leaning against the door frame.
You roll your eyes and grab him by the jacket, pulling him inside. “Oh Fuck you.” Your lips crash into his as he enters your apartment. The door shuts behind him, and his hands immediately find your hips. He growls and harshly pushes you against the wall. You thought you were just crazy, but he threw you against that wall so hard, he dented your wall.
“Filthy fucking mouth…” He growled between the fight of your lips and teeth. His words pull a moan from you, your legs automatically wrapping around his waist. Logan’s hands grip your thighs firmly. You whimper when you feel his very hard cock pressing against his jeans into your core.
You tug off his jacket and throw it aggressively to the floor. Logan’s hands wander to your tank top, making quick work of removing it. His hands roam your body, almost as if in silent worship.
“Fuck…” You groan. You lean forward and bite his neck hard, causing Logan to buck his hips and punch the wall. A growl ripped from his throat as he gripped your hips and ground into your core, pulling another needy whine from your throat.
“You want this?” He growled, grinding into your core again. “You fucking want me to fuck you pretty girl?” He bites your neck back pulling another moan from your lips.
“Mmh fuck you… fucking asshole.” You whine. You grab his shirt and pull it off, ripping some of the threads as you do. He allows it, before his hand wraps around your throat, holding your head against the wall, squeezing hard enough for you to get a slight high from the pressure.
“I’m gonna fuck that attitude right out of you, dirty girl. The only curses you’re gonna make are pleas to god.” Your eyes meet his, and you bite your bottom lip.
“Is that a promise?” You grind your hips against him again, a fierce need building quickly, Logan growls again.
“Needy fucking thing…” He curses to himself. He spots the couch in the dim room and throws you on it. “Take ‘em off.” Logan orders. You bite your lip as you watch him remove his belt expertly. He starts to wrap the belt into a figure 8. “Now.” His eyes flicked from your pants to your eyes.
Defiance shone in your eyes. “Make me.” You smile devilishly, crossing your arms. Logan let out an annoyed huff, and yanked your legs to him, spreading you wide. He started to kiss you passionately again, and just as you thought you got away with it, Logan raised his hand and slapped your heated core.
The sound that escapes your lips is a mixture of pleasure and pain. “What the hell?!” You whimper. Logan’s eyes are dark.
“I said, take, em’, off.” His voice left no room for discussion. You stare at him as your thumbs hook the waist of your pants, and slowly pull them down, exposing your soaked undergarments. The scent of you filled Logan’s nose. He let out a low growl. “Good girl.” His hand glides up your thigh feeling how wet you were. “Mmh look at you. Already soaking wet for me. Such a pretty little fucking thing.”
Goosebumps rose over your body, his words sending shivers throughout your body. Or was it his hands? Where one hand was grazing your cunt gently, the other was pulling on your hair slightly as he held himself up over you. He grabs your hands and pins them over your head. He slides his belt over your wrists, tightening it.
He places rough kisses down your body, biting here and there. He hovered over your cunt, releasing a hot breath over it, making you arch your back and whine. Logan smirked. “Mmh look at you, so wet for me.” He hooks his arms around your thighs, holding them open for him. He inhales and runs his tongue up the length of your cunt, over your soaked panties.
A moan escapes your lips, your hips bucking from the contact. “Now are you gonna be a good girl and do as I say?” He licks his lips.
“Maybe” you reply.
Logan grunts and leans forward. You cry out as a sharp pain emits from your cunt, where Logan just bit through your garment.
“Rule one.” He looks into your eyes from his position between your thighs. “You do as I say. You be a good girl, and you get pleasure. You be bad?” He licks over the sensitive spot he just bit. “And you get pain. Understand?” He holds eye contact, waiting for an answer.
“Yes…” You say through a breathy moan.
“Yes, what?” He grazes his thumb over your trembling lower half.
“Yes… sir.” You bite your lip and gaze at him through hooded lids.
“Good girl.” He smiles and pulls your underwear down your thighs. You whimper as the cool air of your apartment meets your aching core, and Logan watches as you clamp around nothing. “Such a needy little thing, I’ve barely even touched you and you’re already aching for me.” He smirks and lazily strokes your inner thigh, avoiding all the best spots on purpose. You groan in frustration.
"Ah ah ah... patience counts toward you being good, you want to be good for me don't you kitten?" He rubs his thumb over your clit, pulling another stuttering gasp from your lips.
"Y-yes s-sir." You whisper. He smirks and glides his tongue up the length of your cunt, flicking your clit gently with each stroke. A silent praise for your good behavior. You moan as he laps up your pussy, acting like a man starved. You instinctively roll your hips, but Logan keeps them firmly planted under his arms. His thick biceps hold you down with ease.
You begin to feel that familiar ache in your lower belly, as he draws little circles with the tip of his tongue around that sensitive little bundle of nerves. He adjusts his arms, one placed over your lap and the other begins teasing your entrance. He slides his middle finger in and groans at how you squeeze him.
"Fuck..." He growled between laps. "So tight..." He can only imagine the feeling of sheathing himself inside you later. He knew he needed to work you up to that though. So after a few soft thrusts, Logan slides his ring finger in, pulling a desperate moan from your lips. He curls his fingers expertly till he finds the spongey sensitive spot in your core. You arch your back as he finds it. "There it is..." He moans. He wraps his lips around your clit and sucks hard while offering soft flicks of his tongue for relief. He feels your walls quaking around his fingers. He knows you're close.
"FUCK!" You moan out. Logan's merciless attack on your most sensitive spots sends you barrelling toward your climax so fast it's dizzying. Your moans grew louder and more desperate as he continued his attack.
"You wanna cum baby?" He growled, his words muffled. "Ask me, baby, nicely, and I'll let you."
"Fuck you!" You cry, your body hot and writhing. Logan bit down on your clit again, pulling a pained wail from your lips.
"I said behave pretty girl. That's the only way you're gonna get what you want." He thrust a third finger in aggressively.
You moan louder at the intrusion, digging your nails into your palms. "Fuck! P-Please.. pleaseeee..." You whine, your body so close to its release.
"Please what?" He lifts his head off your cunt for a moment to hear you better.
"Please.. please can I cum? Please Logan I want to.. I need to cum...." You whine. The need to finish overwhelming your iron will. Logan, now satisfied with your pleas, lowers his head and continues to flick your clit with his tongue, pulling the most pathetic little sounds from your lips. Your walls flutter around his probing digits.
“That’s right baby,” he cooed “let go for me…” your toes curled at his words. The final push your body needed to release a cry of his name, followed by a mumbled jumble of curses. He smirks and laps up the excess fluids spewing from your body as he relishes in the mess he’s making of you. His fingers slow, and he raises to place a hard kiss on your lips. He trails down to your jaw, giving your clit soft circles with his thumbs as he helps you ride it out. “Goooood girl…” he moans into your neck.
You whimper as he removes his hand from your cunt. He uses his free hand to grip the back of your head and pull it back slightly, earning another gasp of pleasurable pain from your lips. “Open,” he growls.
You whimper and look into his eyes for a moment, unsure what he meant. He furrows his brow and pulls your hair a bit tighter. “Open your mouth, pretty girl.” He says again. You whimper but slowly open your mouth for him. He slides his fingers into your mouth and you suck them clean. He grins, releasing a breathy groan as he watches you greedily suck on his fingers.
"Atta girl, atta girl..." He smiles and pulls his hand away, replacing his fingers with his lips and tongue. You moan as he wraps his arms around your waist. He lifts you off the couch to your feet. He places you down on your feet. "Can you walk?" He says in a low growl.
"You think I can't?" You reply sarcastically, catching your breath. He chuckles and removes the restraints in your hands.
"So feisty." His eyes graze over your face, which was defiantly looking back at him. You smile and bite your lip, as a wicked idea crosses your mind. This fucking man just made you a whimpering mess and you intended to do the same to him. Before he catches on, you turn and shove him onto the couch. "Hey wait-" You grab him through his jeans and smile up at him from your knees.
"What? Do I have to ask for permission to suck your cock too?" You smirk. He smiles and chuckles to himself.
"I suppose not." He unbuttons his jeans and you help him pull them off. You suck in a short breath when you spot how big he is. You run your hand over his bulge and hook your fingers in the waistband. You expose his member, as it springs free with a loud *thwack* against his toned abdomen. You bite your lip at the sight. You inhale deeply and grip him firmly, bringing him to your lips. You lick up the length of him, flicking the tip that's dribbling with pre cum. He lets out a breath of relief and lounges his arms across the back of the couch.
'The smug bastard' you thought. You'd be lying if you said you hated how he immediately took control of you, but now was time for your revenge. You look in his length, allowing him to slip into the back of your throat with ease. You smile at the buck of his hips, and glide your teeth back up his shaft, earning a hiss. He looked down at you with a glare, and you simply smiled at him innocently. You wrap your lips around the tip and suck while pumping his shaft with your fist. You work him slowly at first, enjoying how he groans at your touch.
Now that you've got him, you start bobbing your head on his cock. The sound of his dick hitting the back of your throat, paired with his groans fill the room. When his moans get particularly loud you graze your teeth along his shaft once more. He growls and grabs your hair at the base of your head.
"Behave..." He warns. You smile innocently again.
"I am behaving." You tease
"Little fuckin' brat..." He mumbles.
Your mouth is replaced with your fist, however, you're quick to occupy your mouth. You dip your head between his legs, holding his glistening cock so it's pressed against his belly as you press your wet tongue onto his balls. He bucks his hips and groans, tugging at your hair.
The sounds he makes above you are downright filthy, deep moans and filthy praise that have you moving faster. The lewd sounds of your actions fill the room along with the rising sounds escaping Logan's lips. His moans are deeper, harsher, and you can feel his pulse through his cock. He's close. You work him perfectly, syncing your bobbing head with your hands, stroking and massaging.
"F- Fuck!" He growls. He bucks his hips up while grabbing your head and holding you in place. "Stay still, stay right fuckin' t-there." He strains. With another flick of your tongue, he unloads into your mouth. You drink him greedily and smile. The sweat dripping down the side of his face was enough for you to know he was spent.
When his grip on your head loosens, you smirk and graze your teeth along his shaft once more. The smirk on your face is quickly wiped away when Logan hisses and grabs your head again.
"I told you to behave." He growled. "And look at you, all smug because you think after one little orgasm I'm done with you?" He catches his breath and unsheathes a claw. "Little do you know brat, I'm just getting started with you." He cuts the center of your bra off with his claw, and grabs your now exposed breast aggressively. You bite your lip to hide the moan that threatened to erupt. Fuck, this guy was hot.
He pulls your head closer to his, causing you to crawl up the couch over him. "Get. In. Your. Bed." He growled in your face. His eyes demanded you take him to your room, so he could finish what you both started.
Oh but you, ever the defiant one. "You don't wanna take me here? on this couch?" You talk-back.
"You deserve to be properly bedded, even if you are a little brat." He pulls you in for another kiss. He nibbles on your lip and rubs your head, worried he may have hurt you the last time he tugged. You smile, pull off of him, and lead him to your bedroom.
The sounds of your footsteps fill your ears as you try to keep yourself together because fuck, he can't know how goddamn turned on you were at his words. Or rather, everything about him. Once Logan knew which room you were taking him in, he picked you up and threw you onto your own bed, earning a soft yelp from you.
Logan strokes his cock as he gazes over you, laying helplessly in the bed. "Look at you... so fuckin' pretty. I hope you don't have to work tomorrow..." he smirks, pulling you to the edge of the bed.
"Why is that?" You say, raising your arms to cover your exposed breasts.
"Because..." He grabs your arms and pins them above your head. He leans in, where he's mere inches from your lips. "You won't be able to walk in the morning." He leans down and crashes his lips onto yours. You feel him grind against your core, still slick from his previous actions. You buck your hips as he grinds over your sensitive clit. "So sensitive.." He works his way down to your neck and bites down hard as he sheathes himself.
"Fuck! Fuck, Logan I didn't do anything what was that for?" You cry out. He chuckles and licks the spot he bit.
"You tried to hide your body from me... You broke rule 2." He purrs.
"You never said there was a second rule..." You whimper. Logan smirks.
"Didn't I?" He smirks, and thrusts harshly into you once more, pulling yet another loud moan from your lips.
"FUCK! Gods I fucking hate you... You cocky bastard..." You groan. Logan's smirk returns.
"Don't worry pretty girl, if you're good, I'll be gentle." He teases with a slow thrust.
"And what if I don't want you to be gentle?" You challenge.
"Mmmm that can be arranged. I can make a rule you'll keep breaking. Over and over and over." He pumps again, slowly.
"And what rule might that be?" You arch your body into him, gaining some more friction than he was currently giving.
"Rule 3. No cussing. Not for you, brat." He smiles, giving you a knowing look. You whimper at the new rule, knowing he's got you pinned.
"You don't fuckin mean that..." You whine.
Without hesitation, Logan takes one breast in his mouth and pinches the other between his fingers, earning a sharp cry from you. "Oh I assure you brat, I do." He smiles and licks the abused nipple. "Now, be a good girl and hold onto something."
Logan grips the backs of your thighs and raises your legs high in the air. He slides his hands down and grips your waist. He pistons into you mercilessly, and your moans fill the apartment.
He grunts. “So tight,” he praises. “Fucking perfect little cunt...” He pumps in and out of you harder, faster now, letting himself go.
Your hopeless little whines drive him further. "Fuck.. Logan..." You whimper. Logan raises his hand and slaps your face. Not too hard as to hurt you, but enough to register as punishment for breaking a rule.
He twitches inside you when you moan louder at the slap, and your walls flutter around him. His lips find yours again, biting, kissing you bruisingly. You struggle to keep your mouth shut, as it seems to have formed a more permanent 'O' shape as he fucks you relentlessly.
Your walls contract around him, squeezing him as he sinks deeper inside you, hitting exactly where you need him most. You’re so close, ready to come undone. “Fuck, L-logan,” you whine as he pounds into you. “I’m gonna—” He cuts you off with another slap. You whimper and he leans down to kiss your red cheek.
He feels you contract around him, and he growls. "Come on brat, cum for me. You can do it." You can feel his pace growing faster, his cock pushing deeper, stretching you out as he plunges into you. “You feel so fucking good,” he groans, kissing your pulse point again. “So fucking beautiful.”
It’s all too much, him, his cock, his words. Your skin is on fire, and the friction is absolutely delicious. You’re already so close, just a few steps away from the ledge, and you’re ready to fall. Your pathetic little "uh uh uh's" meld into soft "fu- fu-fuck's" and Logan wraps his hand around your throat.
That move alone sends you careening over the ledge. You scream out his name as he grips the pressure points in your neck making you see stars. Your heavy pants turn to squeaks as you slowly come down from your high.
“That’s it,” he murmurs. “So fucking tight, so fucking sensitive.” His praises are muffled in your ears, the blood roaring over anything else. He slows his pace a bit, allowing you a moment to come down. He rubs your quivering legs, humming soft praises.
Liquid pooled from between your thighs. It took him a moment before he realized you came so hard, that you squirted all over him. He stared at the sight. Your cheeks flush red at the realization of what you have done.
“Did you just-“ Logan whispers, a soft smirk on his lips.
"I am so sorry... I-" Logan cut you off with a rough kiss.
"Don't you dare apologize." He stared into your eyes intently. A new gleam of excitement entered his features. "Think you could do it again?" He chuckled darkly.
“I didn’t know I could do it in the first place…” You whisper softly, trying to steady your breathing. Logan slams into you with that confession, burring his head in the crook of your neck.
“Fuck…” he growled. His chest swelled with pride at the admission. Knowing he was taking you further than you ever had been before was entirely too intoxicating for him. He bit down on your neck, pulling more pathetic little sounds from you. He lifted off of you just enough, so that he could shove your legs down, practically folding you in half.
He resumed his brutal pace, watching as you jiggle underneath him. He takes in every curve, every feature, every sound that escapes you, including the vulgar squelching coming from between the two of you.
He leans down and grabs the back of your neck, forcing you to look at the sight between you.
“You see that princess? See that pretty little mess you’ve made? Such a good girl…” he praises.
Your eyes lock at his impossibly large member penetrating you. Tears prick your eyes as he releases your neck, and guides his hand to your over stimulated bundle of nerves, stroking soft circles. You throw your head back, releasing louder, almost pained moans as he continues to push you.
“Come on baby, I know you can give me another…” He said between pants.
“I-it’s t-to muuuuuuch!” You cry.
“Shh baby I know you have another one in you… just let go for me. I’ve got you.” He lowers himself down again, silencing you with more sound swallowing kisses.
Your hands find his shoulders, digging your nails deep into his skin. He groans and bites your lip, dragging his tongue over the stinging sensation.
You drag your nails down his back, trying to ground yourself from this impossible high he’s got you on. You feel your white hot release coming, and with just a few more thrusts, he’s got you careening over the edge again.
Logan’s fist meets the wall with a loud *thump*. His release came on him so hard from the way you were scratching and sobbing for him, that not only did he cum hard, he punched the wall even harder.
He stills while still inside you, panting loudly. You can feel him twitching inside you, and you can’t help the disappointed whimper that escapes your lips as he slowly pulls out.
“Shh baby.” He leans down and kisses you gently. “Wait here.” You felt Logan get up. It’s not like you could see him. Stars clouded your vision from your most recent orgasm. You couldn’t hear much either honestly, and just as you think you heard him leave, he reenters your room with a warm rag and a glass of water. He places the water on your bedside table. He smiles at the mess on the bed, the mess you both made together. He gently crawls over you, placing gentle kisses up your leg as he softly wipes your swollen cunt. He smiles and hums as your hips buck, your core still entirely overstimulated. He places a soft kiss on your clit, and wipes the rest up.
He kisses your breasts, then your shoulder, and then your lips. If it weren’t for those kisses, you would’ve passed out right there, lulled to sleep by his gentle demeanor after being utterly obliterated.
He brings the cloth to your face, turning it over to make sure he was using a clean side.
“Are you alright?” He asks as he wipes away the tear trails from your cheeks.
“Mhmm…” you respond.
“Ah ah… use your words baby girl.” He strokes your forehead with his thumb.
“M-ok” you manage to mumble. “N-you can stay if- if you want.” Your small, dazed smile makes Logan laugh softly.
“Don’t worry about me, pretty girl. You need to rest.” He strokes your hair and moves some of it out of your face. He loved seeing how cock drunk you were, and the scent... he couldn't get enough of how your entire apartment reeked of sex.
You didn't need much convincing, because you quickly drifted to sleep. Logan smiled and looked up at the hole in your wall. He silently cursed to himself, already pissed he had done the same thing to your living room wall.
The next morning when you woke up, your apartment smelled like paint. You looked around to see you were alone, and your heart sank. You lift your head enough to see a small piece of paper next to the untouched glass of water from the night before. You slowly reach for the letter, eyes straining to focus on the scrawled handwriting.
*Good morning pretty girl. I'm sorry I had to go. I repaired the holes we made in your walls. Call me, if I missed a spot, or... if you wanna make some more. 111-111-1111 -Logan*
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#logan howlett#logan howlett x reader#logan howlett x you#worst logan#worst logan x reader#worst logan x you#wolverine x reader#wolverine you x#wolverine deadpool#wolverine smut#wolverine x you#wolverine#james howlett x reader#james howlett#james howlett x you#wolverine deadpool fanfiction#wolverine fanfiction#logan howlett smut#james logan howlett#james logan howlett x reader#deadpool and wolverine#fem!reader#selfcarecap#logan howlett x fem!reader#logan howlett xmen#logan howlett fanfiction#hugh jackman#logan xmen#logan x reader#ovaryacted fics
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August Walker spanking reader for following him on a mission?
Henry!Holmes caning reader after acting like a brat in public?
Stay put.
⚠️: spanking, anger kink [idk], fem!reader x August walker, august yelling at reader, 2nd person pov.
He told you not to go on the mission, but you couldn't help yourself when he found out he was so mad he yelled at you in front of the whole team when you got back to headquarters. You just couldn't take it anymore. You raised your hand and slapped him across the face.
Everyone opened their mouths and shock.
Oh my god did i just slap him?
You thought he looked you in the eye the silence so loud you could hear the birds outside, he dragged you away to his office, he sat you in his chair as he stood over you.
"Whar the fuck why would you embarrass me like that in front of everyone they already think im the little girl of the group, god I fucking hate yo-" he cut you off with his hand over your mouth.
"You're going to go home for the rest of the day, and I swear to God if I see you here, I'm going to punish you harder." After that, he picked you up, gave you his car keys, and put you outside his office. The team looked at you as you stomped out headquarters
Later that day....
You couldn't help but wonder what he meant by 'punish you harder.'' he's never hit you, and he's never been the BDSM type. You continued wondering until you got to your bed and decided to binge and tot in bed until he came home.
After watching almost every boring show on Netflix, you hear the keys jingling in the door.
"Where are you?!" You heard from downstairs
He walked in suddenly, looming over you, his broad shoulders casting a shadow as he crossed his arms. His brows furrowed, and his jaw tightened as he glared down at you.
“You think this is a joke, don’t you?” he said, his voice deceptively calm—too calm. “Disobeying orders, slapping me in front of everyone—everyone—and then stomping out like a spoiled child.”
You blinked up at him, feigning innocence, though you could feel the heat radiating off him. “I said I was sorry,” you drawled, your voice dripping with sarcasm. “And for the record, I wouldn’t have slapped you if you weren’t such a jerk.”
His eyes narrowed. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me.” You tilted your chin up, challenging him. “You yelled at me in front of the whole team like I’m some rookie. Like I’m not capable of handling myself out there.”
“That’s because you’re not,” he shot back, his voice rising. He took a step closer, forcing you to lean back slightly. “You’re reckless, impulsive, and you don’t listen. You could’ve been killed.”
“Well, I wasn’t,” you retorted, crossing your arms defiantly.
He let out a sharp breath, pacing the room as if trying to keep himself in check. “You don’t get it, do you?” he muttered, running a hand through his hair. “You never take anything seriously. I swear you do this just to get under my skin.”
You bit back a smirk, even as you pushed further. “Maybe I do.”
That stopped him. He froze mid-step, turning to face you with an incredulous look. “What did you just say?”
“Maybe I like making you mad,” you said, tilting your head with a bratty grin. “You’re kind of cute when you’re angry.”
His eyes darkened, and in two steps, he was in front of you again, towering over you as you sat on the edge of the bed. “You think this is funny?” he said, his voice low and dangerous.
You shrugged, biting your lip to hide the smile threatening to creep across your face. “A little.”
“God, you are unbelievable.” He leaned down, his hands braced on either side of you, effectively caging you in. “You think this is a game? That pushing me like this won’t have consequences?”
You met his gaze, unflinching, your heart racing but refusing to back down. “What are you going to do about it?” you taunted, your voice soft but laced with challenge.
His eyes locked onto yours, and for a moment, neither of you moved. The tension between you crackled like a live wire, thick and suffocating. His expression was a mix of frustration and something else—something darker, more intense.
“You don’t want to find out,” he growled.
“Maybe I do,” you whispered, the words slipping out before you could stop them.
He stared at you for a long moment, his breathing heavy, his control visibly slipping. “You really want to test me right now?”
You didn’t answer, just gave him that infuriating little smirk that you knew drove him crazy.
Suddenly, he grabbed your chin, tilting your face up to meet his. “You don’t know when to quit, do you?”
“Nope,” you replied, your voice airy as you stared up at him through your lashes.
His thumb brushed over your jaw, his grip firm but not harsh. “You think you can just push me until I snap, and I’ll let you get away with it?”
He let out a low, humorless laugh, shaking his head as his face hovered just inches from yours. “You’re playing with fire, sweetheart.”
“Good,” you shot back, leaning in just a little. “Maybe I like the heat.”
The room was silent except for the sound of your shallow breathing, his gaze burning into yours. You could feel the restraint in him, the effort it took for him not to completely lose it. He didn’t move, didn’t say a word—he just watched you, as if waiting to see how far you’d go.
"What did you mean when you said you were going to punish me?" He looked back down at you and got to eye level with you
His grip tightened on your wrist as he leaned in closer, his breath hot against your ear. "You know exactly what I meant," he growled, his voice low and dangerous. "You've been testing me, pushing my buttons, and now you're going to learn what happens when you don't listen."
Before you could protest, he yanked you over his lap, your body landing awkwardly across his thighs. You squirmed, but his hold on you was unyielding. "Stop moving," he snapped, his tone leaving no room for argument. "You need to learn your place."
The first slap landed hard against your ass, the sharp sting radiating through your body. You gasped, your hands instinctively reaching back to protect yourself, but he caught your wrists and pinned them to the small of your back. "No," he said, his voice firm. "You don't get to stop this."
Another slap followed, and then another, each one landing with precision. The pain was intense, but beneath it, an unfamiliar heat began to build, pooling low in your stomach. You bit your lip to stifle a moan, but he noticed.
"Ah, so you like that, do you?" he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Well, we're not done yet."
He released your wrists and slid his hand down the back of your pants, his fingers brushing against the sensitive skin of your ass. You shivered, your body betraying you despite your protests. "Please," you whispered, your voice trembling. "I'll listen, I promise."
"Too late for that," he said, his fingers slipping beneath the waistband of your underwear. He traced a slow, deliberate path down the crease of your ass, his touch both gentle and invasive. "You need to learn to obey, and I'm going to make sure you remember this lesson."
His fingers found their target, sliding into you with a practiced ease. You gasped, your body arching involuntarily against his hand. "That's it," he murmured, his voice dark and commanding. "Take it. But don't you dare come."
The pressure inside you built rapidly, your body begging for release, but he kept his fingers moving with relentless precision, never letting you reach that final peak. "No," he said, his voice a harsh command as you felt yourself teetering on the edge. "Not yet."
You whimpered, your body trembling as the tension coiled tighter and tighter. "Please," you begged, your voice breaking. "I can't—"
"You can," he said, his voice cold and unyielding. "And you will. Because you don't get to decide when this ends. That's my job."
His fingers continued their relentless rhythm, driving you closer and closer to the edge, but always just out of reach. The frustration and desire warred within you, leaving you breathless and desperate. "You're going to learn," he said, his voice a low growl. "And you're going to remember."
Did you like it because I loved writing this <3333
#billy loomis#girl blogger#hugh jackman fanfiction#hyper feminine#wolverine deadpool#deadpool#hugh jackman#hugh jackman x female reader#hugh jackman x you#logan howlett#august walker x reader#henry cavil x reader#henry cavill#henry cavill smut#henry cavill fan fiction#sexy gurl
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Like…I know that this happens like A LOT
Im really in love with this pair
#drawing#my art#digital art#fanart#2000s style#2000s aesthetic#artists on tumblr#poolverine#deadpool 3#deadpool#deadpool and wolverine#deadpool x wolverine#wade wilson#logan howlett#deadpool movie#deadpool marvel#wolverine mcu#wolverine#wolverine and deadpool#wolverine art#wolverine deadpool
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Since the new Deadpool movie is coming out I felt like drawing these two goobers in my style <3
#creepycute#demon kin#digital artist#morute#my art#oc art#tumblr fyp#xenogender#artists on tumblr#art#deadpool#wolverine#wolverine deadpool#wolverine x deadpool
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Can you write Logan SFW and NSFW headcanons of seeing being with a shy s/o please
Of course I can my sweet anon 💕 MDNI THERE IS NSFW UNDER THE CUT!!!
Logan Hc's with a Shy S/o
He thinks it's the sweetest thing <3
Obviously is more protective of you because you have a hard time standing up for yourself
If your by his side he had a hand on you always, wether it your shoulder hip or his hand in yours
If your overwhelmed by a place/setting and want to leave he will scoop you into his arms and take you wherever you want
He loves to hear your heartbeat speed up, doesn't matter why he just loves seeing you so shy and your face red
If your too shy to order your own food he'll order it for you! He doesn't mind at all, he loves you too much!
When he flirts with you and you go quiet and blush profusely!!! Omg does he think your the cutest thing ever!!
Literally he's just so happy your with him he doesn't even know how you guys got together your shy and sweet and he's the opposite lol
"C'mon Sweetheart don't hide your pretty face, lemme see you"
OMGGGGG does he love seeing you so embarrassed when he's deep inside you and whispering dirty things in your ear
When you get really nervous to do any kind of sexual act even when you really want it, but your nerves make you freeze up it drives him crazy
Like you finally build up the courage to give a handjob and your biting your lip and looking at him for reassurance. He tells you to grip harder so you do, but your afraid of hurting him so you loosen your grip. He just had to let out a chuckle "C'mon bub I promise you that it doesn't hurt"
When you give him a blowjob and it's kinda sloppy. Oml the whimpers you let out and the way you look at him make him go feral. He's praising you and encouraging you. After your done he tells you what a good job you've done.
He knows that your so shy and get nervous that he needs to be in control. And he doesn't mind one bit infact he fucking loves it<3
#x reader#gender neutral#gender not specified#gender neutral reader#deadpool and wolverine#wolverine#x men wolverine#wolverine deadpool#wolverine x reader#wolverine x you#wolverine xmen
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Hello! I'm still alive xd

#art#artists on tumblr#drawing#my art#open comision#traditional drawing#fanart#digital artist#animation#comic#x men#x men 97#x men comics#xmen fanart#xmen wolverine#wolverine#wolverine fanart#wolverine deadpool#deadpool 3#deadpool and wolverine
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The Honda Odyssey
Logan Howlett x Reader | smut | 6k words Summary: The car fight reimagined and it only needed to be like 10% more erotic than the original.
I got carried away. I just love Wolvie so much. I'm so happy Logan is getting the adoration he deserves. Long live the Wolverine renaissance.
Warning: smut, p in v, ass play, foul language.
If you had to pinpoint a moment when your life became the shit show it had steadily developed into, you’d say it was the moment you auditioned for X-Force.
In your tenure as besties with Wade Wilson, it's fair to say things hadn’t gone smoothly. The man was a conduit to all things fucked up, but you adored his loose morals and quick mouth. The idiot in red had weaselled his way into your heart and became something of a brother to you and more recently a roommate.
Now, if you’d have told your younger self you’d be in your late twenty’s sharing an apartment with a burn victim who regularly staples a toupee to his fucking head and a coke-head, blind, old African American woman, you’d have laughed in their fucking face.
So, you’d like to think that as these things go you are pretty damn well adjusted but traversing the multiverse was a bit of a stretch, even for you.
One moment you’re at Wade’s surprise party, the next your ass has been zapped to the TVA and you’ve been given a sacred mission; to accompany Marvel Jesus (Wade) and protect the sacred timeline.
Naturally you’re fucking mind blown, you’re a low-level mutant, fuck, you couldn’t even join the X-Men. Your particular set of skills were a dime a dozen and your flagrant disregard of rules had made you a ‘poor candidate’.
No, the mutant powers you had been graced with weren’t extraordinary by any means. You were basically an off-brand Captain America, just without the gorgeous cheekbones, patriotism and righteous need to do good.
In layman terms, you are strong as shit and have an accelerated healing factor. Not quite the same level as Wade’s mind you. You have, give or take, an inconvenient five-minute turnaround on the more fatally debilitating wounds.
To say you were unqualified was an understatement and to say you were reluctant was a simple fact. A fact you repeated, loudly to anyone that would listen as you were bathed in rich black leather.
“I think maybe you meant to grab negasonic teenage whatchacallit… she’s great, super powerful!” You continue. “Did you mean to get Domino or Colossus or maybe one of the X-Men? “
“No Miss Y/L/N. We have not got the wrong person for the job.” The man you later find out is called Paradox, calls out as you re-enter the operation headquarters. “Mr Wilson requested your presence; he wanted your assistance on his mission.”
“Y/N/N… ten out of ten, baby girl, I one hundred percent would bang. I’m talking raw dog, Barry White on a rug, let’s go all fuckin’ night.” Wade hollers in his own brand-new suit and even you must admit, you look fucking amazing. “Sweet angel, we’ve just gotta’ come up with a superhero name for you!”
You are enrobed in rich thick black and teal leather, your first ever hero suit and it’s a fucking good one. It doesn’t cling, but instead pulls you in securing your flesh and extenuating curves, ones you hadn’t entirely realised you had. The bottom half your face is concealed with a mask, carefully crafted to follow the contours of your nose and cheekbones.
You’d barely recognised the mysterious figure in the mirror.
“Right?! Tailor was pretty handsy though!”
“Oh yeah, ha! - that man is indeed a predator.” Wade says with a chuckle and a fond sigh.
It shames to you to say but that’s when you stopped fighting this whole thing. You looked the part of a hero; you thought that maybe the TVA knew what they were doing. That they had seen something in you and knew that you had a good heart under all the darkness that lingered on the surface.
You were just a demand Wade had made. He wanted his number one disciple at his side whilst he carried out his sacred mission. You were part of an attempt at appeasing him whilst they destroyed your timeline.
Little more than a pawn to be used whilst they manipulated him into a false sense of security.
Thus, you were thrown into a series of events far beyond your control when Wade being Wade decided you were hunting down a Wolverine to stabilise the timeline, only to be once again fucking zapped into some place they called the void by that little English shitbird named Paradox. It’s entirely accurate to say that you were a little less sturdy than your compadres.
Unfortunately for you, the fall from such a height into the void was fatal. When you finally awake in the desolate wasteland to the sounds of blades clashing it is disorientating to say the least.
Forcing yourself to your feet you lower your mask and gasp in the sweet strangely stale oxygen as you stretch out your newly healed spine with a groan. It was impossible to tell how long you were out as you take in the scene before you; Wade and the Wolverine are engaged in a heated battle. From the looks of it, Logan is winning this fight despite being the human equivalent of a knife block with Wade’s katanas protruding from his chest.
For a moment you pause, perhaps its head trauma that hasn’t healed (He’s fucking Deadpool, he can look after himself for two minutes) and appreciate his form, the Wolverine the two of you had kidnapped was gorgeous. Tch, as if there was any other kind.
Sure, you were biased you’d always been somewhat of a fangirl, but the Wolverine was objectively breath-taking.
You’d indulged in comics whilst growing up but when you found out he was real and looked the way he did, hell, Wolverine was your sexual awakening. He was the first man to make you feel that tingle in your lower stomach. Yes, you may have been thirteen years old, a ball of puppy fat and social anxiety but you’d been waiting for him ever since.
You’re snapped out of your reverie when Wade loses baby knife in Logan’s shoulder blade, finally you spring into action. In good time as well as you’re not sure if even Deadpool can survive decapitation.
In the singularly most stupid act of your life you throw yourself in front of your friend’s body. “Wait, Wait! Please!”
Wade has paused behind you, you can feel him weighing up the situation, pausing for a moment to see what you’re going to pull out of the bag.
“The TVA they can fix it, whatever you did, whatever made you the worst Logan, they can fix it! – They have the power to end universes, but they also have the power to fix yours! Help us get back there and we can fix both of our worlds! I promise, they can fix it.” You plead, it’s not quite a lie exactly, more of an Educated Wish than anything.
Okay it is a lie, but you’re sure that the TVA can most likely, probably, maybe fix his world.
Logan’s eyes lock with yours in that moment you can see that he wants to kill you both and be done with it, but that hope won’t let him. You feel a smidgen of guilt for the deceit, but frankly you’ve done worse for less. Your world was on the line it wasn’t the time to pull your punches.
Fast forward four exhausting hours, two periods of unconsciousness and one flaying to find yourself sat opposite Wade gagging down cold spoonful’s of Spam in some dusty ass diner.
You were no better than a man as you watched the Wolverine.
Those arms, those thighs, the way he had beheaded Sabretooth without even breaking a fucking sweat. You wanted him to wrap those instruments of death he called hands around your throat and fuck you dirty until the sun came up.
It had been a long exhausting day and you had been soaking wet for most of it.
Shit, could he smell that? Does that count as sexual harassment? You’d have to ask Wade.
Logan, however, was utterly dismissive of your advances in the face of what was undoubtedly utterly horrific past trauma. Something you were trying to be understanding about, but self-pity in a man, it just turned you on. I said you had some surface layers of darkness.
Unable to help yourself you gaze at him as he opens a bottle of rubbing alcohol. You are utterly entranced, watching the thick chords in his throat bob as he takes a swig.
That tanned skin where his jaw ends and neck begins, slick with sweat and dirt. You’d love to sink your canines into the strip below his ear. He must feel your stare on him as he looks up and catches your eyes dark with lust already surveying his person.
It should embarrass you, that every time he peers your way, he catches you gaping at him like a lovesick puppy, but there’s something about Logan you can’t quite put your finger on. The man heats your blood like nothing you’ve ever experienced before, maybe it’s that torch you’ve carried for him since girlhood, maybe it’s the thick thighs you’d kill to ride – who can say for sure?
In what you assume is against his better judgement, he comes to perch on the booth beside you. His broad shoulders cast an imposing figure as he gets close enough that if you were to move your hand a couple of inches to the right, you’d finally be able to touch that yellow fabric that plagued your tween dreams.
You’re burning up at the thought of him, unable to stop yourself you part your legs slightly to ease some of the pressure. Logans nose twitches, his head swivels your way and his eyes catch your own.
Welp - at least you have your answer about him smelling your arousal.
Deciding that you were most likely verging on sexual harassment charges you decided to focus back in on the task at hand, gagging once again at another spoonful of spam.
“Be a good girl and swallow, Y/N/N, you know the rules!” Wade jokes, your chortle was your only response. What could you say? He always hit your funny bone despite the ocean that was raging in your panties.
Logan stares at Wade for a long moment before turning to your way and addressing you for maybe only the fourth time today?
“What are you doing with this fucking clown? You his sidekick? Following him round to laugh at his stupid fucking jokes whilst he gets kids killed?”
“Why I have never.” Wade is faux outraged at his words, clutching his imaginary pearls as the Wolverine throws around accusations that aren’t entirely untrue.
The Wolverine’s expression remains stern as his eyes track your face. They seem to be evaluating your character and from the flare in his nose and crease in his brow you can guess he finds you lacking. You’re embarrassed to admit how much that deflates you, so you do what you do best; you deflect.
“I could follow you around and laugh at your jokes instead, if you like?” When you speak your voice has a sultry edge to it and there’s no mistaking your intentions.
Logan seems to think on your proposition for a second or two, before he huffs grabs his rubbing alcohol and unopened can of Spam and heads over to sit at the bar.
“Holy hot ham and cheese on rye, Y/N, you fucking slut.” Wade berates you though his voice is as light as it’s always been as he boots your shin under the table. “Trying to your holes filled by Wolvie during a world saving mission, Marvel H Christ, stay on fucking task!”
You swear you hear Logan mutter a Jesus Christ from the bar.
Though as Wade continues irritating the hero hunched against bar, you can’t help the realisation that he didn’t say no.
“You’re uh… well regarded in our world.” Wade complements, being real doesn’t come easy to him. You appreciate the effort.
“Well, I’m not shit in mine.”
“I tried to join the X-Men because of you.” You speak up finally joining their conversation. Wolverine’s back goes rigid, but he doesn’t respond. You’re not sure if he’s waiting for you to continue or hoping you’ll stop. “You made a difference to this world, made me think I could do the same. I just never quite make the cut.”
Logan doesn’t seem to have a response.
It seems your words have an effect as you catch him watching you more often. When Wade makes his jokes, he looks to you for validation of his withering looks.
You’re probably more distracted by this revelation than you should be when the three of you come across a real nasty variant of Colossus seeking out Wade for… you want to say… revenge?
The not-so-gentle-anymore-giant flips the Honda and tosses both Wade and Logan through the treeline as they advance on him as if they were little more than toys his mother had asked him to pick up.
One by one your bullets ricochet from his metal skin as he comes towards you. You aren’t built for this fight; you are completely and utterly outmatched.
All you’re doing at this point is buying yourself some time for your backup to pull themselves from the rubble, however during a particularly spirited cartwheel the metal oaf finally gets his hands on you. Colossus’ metal palm is cold on your throat, and you could swear you hear your neck snapping before you feel it.
With a gasp you return to life to find a slightly dishevelled Logan standing above you. By the grace of god, his sleeves have been worn away in the fight, his arms, oh sweet lord, his arms are on full display.
“Thought you were a goner.” He offers you a hand when you simply stare mutely his way. Locking your fingers around his wrist he pulls you to your feet. You don’t release your hold on him and neither does he.
“Don’t throw the party just yet, eh?” You joke weakly, for a second you could swear there’s a slight raise of the corner of his mouth, imperceptible, if you didn’t know what you were looking for. In the past few hours you had become an expert on Wolverine’s face.
Your mouth is dry as you take in his thick sweat laden biceps.
“Where’s Wade?” You query whilst rolling your aching neck as you haven’t heard his voice in a record thirty seconds, Logan suddenly remembers himself and drops your hand.
“’fraid Metal man took your clown, was pissed with him and can’t say I blame the guy.”
“Shit.” You sigh rubbing your temples as you kneel to pick up the dismembered arm of your best friend. “Well – fuck. That’ll take him a few hours at least to grow back – He’ll be so sad about his suit.”
You peel the fabric from the limb and tuck it under the breast plate of your own suit. Wade will want his glove back when it grows back.
“He say where he was taking him?”
“Oh yeah, that along with his plan for world domination...” Logan huffs as if your mere presence annoys him.
“Thought you didn’t like sarcasm.”
“I like sarcasm just fine, Bub. It’s you I don’t like.” You can’t help but smile his way at the comment made at your expense, his brows crease. “You’re a strange one.”
“Can you do your sniffy thing?” Its impressive, you thought he’d reached the limit with his scathing looks towards Wade, yet he somehow manages to pull a deeper frown out the vault especially for you.
“Sniffy thing?” His words are spoken with such derision, it turns you on a little. You realise that perhaps you are in fact a deeply troubled individual.
“Oh, sorry.” You pretend to clear a frog in your throat. “Please, oh, please, beautiful, handsome Wolverine, please can you locate my bestest pal with your heightened sense of smell?” His face doesn’t break despite your hands clasped in front of your chin.
“You’re just as fucking annoying as that moron.” He huffs “Get in the fucking car, we’ll follow his trail.”
“You can smell him from the car?”
“The blood, Jesus Fucking Christ, there’s a trail of blood.”
“Ah.” Is all you reply as you find your seat in the passenger side and start your own one on one team up with Wolverine. Its not exactly the way you imagined it, but beggars certainly can’t be choosers.
After a few moments of sullen silence, you decide that there’s no time like the present to form a long-lasting bond.
“What’s your world like?”
“None of your fucking business.”
“Okay... What’s the first thing you’re gonna’ do if they can save your world? I bet its something boring as fuck, like team-“
“What did you just say?”
“I bet you’re gonna do something boring like-“
“No before that.”
“What’s the first thing you’re gonna’ do if they save your world?” You question, his sudden interest in your words takes you by surprise as he has been vacant from your conversation.
The breaks suddenly shriek as the car comes to a stop.
“What do you mean if?”
“You said they could fix my world. Undo it all, is what you fucking said.”
“I mean I think they can!”
“You fucking liar.” The edge to The Wolverine’s voice is terrifying. The realisation trickles down your spine, Logan has been nice to you all this time, you’re finally meeting The Wolverine.
“I didn’t lie!” For some reason you’re ashamed of your deceit, you’ve murdered countless people and still, you’ve felt less remorse. Logan’s eyes pin you in your seat as disgust clouds his face. It hurts more than you can fathom. “Not exactly, I think they can fix your world! – I needed your help and if you killed Wade there was no hope for my universe!”
“I don’t give a flying fuck about your universe!” He spits your way; his hands are gripping the wheel in what seems like an effort to keep his cool.
“I know, but I do!” You cry back at him. “You know how to save the world, you’re the fucking Wolverine! I know how to kill people, but this hero shit, this isn’t me!”
“Ha! No shit.” There is pure hate in the man’s eyes as he stares back at you.
“Please, you’re Logan. Whether you’re the worst one or not - You’re still better than me.”
“Get out of the fucking car.” The words come from between clenched teeth and are filled with warning.
“No – fuck you.” Your rage breaks the banks to meet Logan’s. Perhaps it’s the guilt, maybe it’s the fear for Wade but something within you snaps at his constant bad temper. “It was an educated guess and a fucking reasonable one at that, get the fuck over yourself you big bird wannabe geriatric fucker! “
He slams his palms on the steering wheel, his nose flares and his teeth clamp together. “Fuck me? Fuck you – you sad pathetic excuse for a side-kick. No wonder the X-Men wouldn’t take you, and they’ll take fuckin’ anyone. You are a ridiculous, immature, moron who spends her days following around a fucking clown to avoid facing the reality that you are no one. I have never met a sadder, more attention starved asshole in my entire life. You were right about one thing, you’re no fucking hero.”
Its shameful the way your stomach drops, and your eyes involuntarily begin to tear. To hear your hero say the words you’ve thought about yourself whilst laying awake at night. It’s a knife to the gut.
“Nothing to fucking say, huh, Angel?” The use of Wade’s nickname for you is like sandpaper on your skin, it rubs you the wrong fucking way.
“I am going to hurt you now.” Your voice is barely a broken whisper.
“You’re going to hurt – “His faux chortle is cut short by a swift punch to his face. You’re worried you may have been overzealous with your swing when his nose begins bleeding. The Wolverine is stunned for only a moment before he grabs the back of your neck and proceeds with smashing your face into the dashboard and those concerns are quickly put to bed.
The old fucker is strong, but you don’t think he’ll kill you, yet another educated wish.
“Not so tough now…” He shouts as the radio channels change with your skull. Pulling a knife from your leg strap you embed it in his thigh and pull the lever to recline your seat whilst he’s distracted, luckily, you’re not there when he swings for retribution.
Though one of his fucking steak knives catches your upper arm slicing through the leather. Warm blood trickles down your arm, staining the beige interior of the poor Honda.
Your legs are your strongest asset, so when he attempts to restrain you with the seatbelt, you are presented with your window of opportunity. You wrap them around his neck as you pivot your hips slamming the Wolverine headfirst into the metal of the door. Once, twice, three times - on the fourth he lands a fist to your gut, luckily, he has retracted his claws.
If he was willing to kill you, you wouldn’t stand a chance.
You’re winded struggling to catch your breath from the gut punch, but you manage pull the knife from his thigh that is nestled between your legs and thrust it into his neck, you aim for the spot you’d fantasied about kissing before he’d torn your character apart piece by piece, now you just want to bathe in his fucking blood.
It was the pain that instantaneously made his claws extend. He’s quick to move them, though he slices through the sides of your suit as he buries them in the chair behind you. Your ribs are a bloodied mess though you don’t care, in a few hours they’ll be good as new.
Logan has seized the opportunity and has your arms pinned to your sides, his blood has cooled a little more than yours, he doesn’t seem to want to murder you over an argument.
Perhaps he’s more well-adjusted than yourself, that thought alone should concern you, except it just enrages you further.
“You stupid fuckin-“The Wolverine starts admonishing you, before you swing your head forward and headbutt him.
You really do that.
You headbutt the man with the adamantium fucking skeleton– at full strength. Its sheer dumb luck you don’t crack your own skull in the process– maybe Logan was right, you are fucking dumb.
“Fucking fuck!” You cry grabbing your forehead and writhing. Noone wins with a headbutt, except Logan apparently.
“Fucking stop that.” Your writhing has pushed your core against his crotch, and he is already packing quite the heat at what feels like half-mast. He grabs your hips to stop your movement, but it only seems to push you closer. “Stop fucking moving.”
The constant arousal you’ve felt since meeting him returns in double time, Logan’s nostrils flare and his eyes darken. It’s debased and you’re ashamed that you want him, you haven’t stopped wanting him, despite the awful fucking words that left his mouth minutes ago.
“Like … a little pain Wolvie?”
Its relief you feel, you think, when instead of answering or punching you in the face, he closes the gap.
The Wolverine’s claws retract, and he grabs at your chin. Logan’s mouth utterly devours your own, your front tooth clashes with his own as you push yourself upwards, you pull your knife out of his neck, catching his grunt of pain on your tongue as you begin licking your way down his thick throat.
The vein you’d spotted hours ago is throbbing freshly healed, you sink your canines into the flesh and its as good as you’d fucking imagine. His groan is utterly beast-like as he wraps his arms around you, pulling you flush against him.
The Wolverine’s throat tastes like salt and iron. Thick, tangy and warm on your tongue as you soothe the bite. It drives Logan wild, thrusting his hardened member against your warmth. One of his gloved hands rises to lock on the back of your neck to pull you into yet another earth-shattering kiss. His sharp hot tongue slides against your own, exploring the expanses of your mouth like its his to claim.
You bite at him again then, your teeth catching his bottom lip sharply. Logan groans into your mouth before you use every ounce of your enhanced strength to throw him backwards against the dashboard.
He is taken utterly by surprise as his head slams into the windscreen cracking the glass with a grunt. When he looks your way Logan’s eyes are blackened with desire, he is utterly wild.
Slowly as if afraid to make any sudden moves, you unzip your combat boots, your eyes never leaving his. One boot and then the next.
You thank the TVA’s tailor for making your suit a two piece as you shuffle backwards into the backseat, pushing the thick leather down your legs all whilst maintaining eye contact with the beast leaning against the dashboard.
“You sure you want this Darlin’?”
“Darlin’?” You question mockingly, your voice lowering to imitate his own, as you wantonly spread your legs, your bare leg resting next to the headrest. Only a pair of black cotton panties separate him from your most intimate parts and his eyes are locked on your clothed core. “a second ago it was ‘Pathetic Moron’ to you.”
Your head tilts in question as his eyes lock back on your own, you think perhaps for a moment something akin to regret passes over his face, but you’ve never been entirely comfortable with feelings, so you drop your hand into the waistband of your panties, you’ve barely circled your opening with your pointer finger before he’s on you.
“That’s my job, you fucking Moron.” He plunges two bare thick fingers into your heat. Gasping you throw your head back against the headrest, it’s a tight fit and its been a while but the slight burn eases some of the aching in your core. “You’re fuckin’ soaking wet, you like it huh, bub? Making me bleed?”
Your grab his jaw, your nails digging into his flesh. “I’d like to bathe in-” He scissors his fingers finding that spot inside you and you let out an embarrassing noise, somewhere between a gasp and a moan. “-Your fucking blood… you mean motherfucker.”
You’re an absolute goner when he starts rubbing your clit, after a day of foreplay your body seizes, and you grab at the nape of his neck trying to find something to anchor you down. But as fast as the build was you come tumbling down just as quickly, when he cruelly withdraws his hands.
“No! - Wha- what the fuck?!” You’re almost crying as your torn from the precipice.
Logan flips you over onto your stomach before you can complain any further, your face down on the filthy upholstery as he pulls your panties from your hips. You can’t see him from this angle, though you can feel his warm hands tracing the globes of your ass.
You force your knees further apart, pushing your bare soaking pussy against the tight bulge of his yellow suit. If you had enough of your facilities about you, you’d be embarrassed that you’re currently rubbing your cunt against The Wolverine like a bitch in heat after he’d chewed you out only minutes ago.
Logan’s hand dip between your thighs, his fingers swirl along your hole, dragging your wetness along to your aching clit.
“You think I’d make it that easy?” He asks as he continues the journey back and forth. On the second pass he dips his finger inside of you for a fraction of a second before resuming its path. “What do you want, darlin’?”
You weren’t going to beg, in fact you bit your tongue to stop the traitorous words from forming, this man had already made you abandon most of your self-respect, he wasn’t having this.
“Logan…” At your breathy words the man leans forward, pressing his fabric covered cock into your ass as he folds his body over yours. One hand comes down next to your shoulder, the other explore your tits as he rocks himself into your throbbing core. It’s the perfect storm as he nuzzles into your exposed throat but somehow you manage your words. “Fuck me or don’t, I’m not begging, bub.”
He exhales through his nose in what you guess is equal parts amusement and annoyance, but you’re far beyond caring. He places a bite on the spot where your throat meets your shoulder as his body pulls back. Momentarily his hands leave your hips to deal with his own pants. You hear the clank of his belt hitting the car floor moments before you feel the head of his cock, running along your folds.
The head of his cock is thick, and it feels hot to the touch as he runs it along your slick. All of a sudden Logan pushes forward and sheathes himself inside of you with a single thrust.
You try your best to hold in your incoherent moans but to little avail as he pulls back before slamming full force back into you. If you were a human woman, your pelvis would’ve shattered from the force of his hips against your ass, instead you gather your strength and push back, allowing him deeper. The both of you moan in unison at the depth he reaches.
You grab onto the foam of the seat, ripping through the fabric with your bare hands desperate for an anchor as Logan unforgivingly pounds into you from behind, once again he folds his body over yours, wrapping a palm around your clawed fingers.
“.” He grunts something incoherent into your ear as he picks up the pace, slamming into you repeatedly, slowly picking up his pace. Your core is positively aching as you throb around him, pulling him deeper within you. If you were expecting any further explanation, you’re sorely disappointed.
The wolverine pulls back, gripping at your hips keeping you still as he resumes his powerful strokes. Logan’s hand dips to your clit, rubbing quick circles sending you barrelling back towards your orgasm. As you begin to clench around him, he pulls your body upwards, his head brushing against the top of the car as he holds you against him his fingers never leaving your clit.
“Come on my cock, Angel.” Unable to stop yourself you clench around him, hearing him talk like that does something primal to you.
You fucking loved Logan’s mouth, you bet he ate pussy like a champion if he played the clit this fucking well.
You stopped fighting it and threw yourself from the cliff, shattering in his thick muscle veined arms as he held you up against him, his cock still viciously plundering your depths.
“You’re so fucking tight.” He whispers against your neck whispers peppering it with bites.
Logan gives you a few moments to come down from your high before he resumes his punishing pace, you think perhaps you’ve reached your limit of pleasure, that the threshold can’t possibly be topped until he whispers into your ear in that gruff voice.
“What was it Wilson said? Filling all your holes?” The Wolverine asks, his eyes meet yours over your shoulder meaningfully, asking permission as he offers you his thumb. You merely moan your approval and wantonly draw his finger into your mouth, soaking the pad in saliva.
Logan yanks your head into a vicious kiss. It’s a messy one, filled to the brim with need. The hand not currently locked on your neck holding your face to his, travels down your back, through the valley of your bodies. The pad of his pinky runs appreciatively over the globe of your ass, before his hand dips into the crease.
Logan’s thumb runs teasingly against the tight ring of muscle, it’s a foreign experience which makes you startle slightly.
“Anyone ever fucked you here?” He asks as he bites down your neck, delicately pushing you forward until your head rests on the backseat. You shake your head as your eyes close, his cock is buried balls deep within you as he plays with your asshole.
When his thumb finally breaches your tight hole just past the nail, he begins his thrusts once more. His cock fills your pussy from behind and suddenly you feel so fucking full, Its far too much for you.
“Fuck… Logan.” You gasp almost on the verge of tears as pounds you into the back seat. It seems the ass play has gotten to him more than expected, as his pace has increases.
“Where?” He asks breathless from the exertion as he pulls his thumbs from your ass and takes a handful of the meat on your hips.
“Inside…. Please … Logan.” You practically beg though you’ll never admit it, his rhythm becomes stunted as his hips slam into the back of your thighs.
“Give me something tight to come in, Darlin’.” Moaning at his words you’re eager to obey as you reach your hand between your own legs and rub mercilessly at your clit. The unforgiving pounding, the grunting and the fingers currently bruising your hips and the burning of your now vacant ass send you sailing over the edge.
You clamp down on him like a vice, groaning unable to hold back your whimpers anymore as he finally bites your neck and pumps his seed deep inside you as far as it can go. Logan grunts like a beast as he pulses deep inside of you.
Logan collapses beside you. Dents in the interior of the van you don’t even remember making have appeared from where a stray elbow or knee has hit the metal in the throes of passion.
The Wolverine tucks his cock back in his suit. Ever the gentleman, he uses your black panties to wipe away the cum dripping from your thighs, you haven’t got the heart to tell him that when you’re commando redressed in your suit that you can still feel him dripping from you, your pussy uncomfortably slick against the leather.
After dressing, the two of you sit in contemplative silence. Neither one of you has the emotional complexity to discuss what happened and neither one of you will accept fault for your argument that led to it, so, silence reigns.
The tension is sliced in two as Logan leans forward and pushes an errant lock of hair behind your ear in an act so goddamn endearing, you melt. You still wouldn’t apologise for lying, because you didn’t lie but you can meet him a quarter of the way.
“I’m sorry for calling you geriatric.” You whisper catching his eyes, a small spark of humour leaps into them, you’ve seen more emotions from your hero in the past half an hour than you knew he was capable of.
“I shouldn’t have-“ Logan’s heartfelt apology is cut off by the lead of this goddamn story.
“Well, well, well. Would you look at this, My best friends, Ha! I get fucking kidnapped, an arm ripped off and you’re nowhere to be found? I thought don’t worry Wade, they won’t leave you, Y/N/N will come around that corner any second."
Wade has appeared through the passenger side window; he looks a little worse for wear and has a child’s arm growing from his stump, its kind of gross to look at.
"What if Colossus had had his way with me? What then Y/N? I expect this from Wolvie, but not from you! No, no heroic rescue for old Deadpool. I have to save myself because you fuckers are too busy playing hide the adamantium bone! Thanks for nothing guys. Now the car has old man sex stank to it, as if this hunk of shit Honda could get any worse!”
#deadpool#wolverine deadpool#wolverine x reader#logan howlett#logan howlett x reader#james howlett x reader#worst logan#logan howlett x you#wolverine smut#wolverine x you#graphics by saradika
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baby girls <3
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Please read part one to understand part two! ⚡️🐺 if you choose to be lost that’s your business but I warned ya!
***I do not consent to anyone translating, copy and/or repost my work!!!
Warnings 18+: Cursing , Angst , Mentions of Death , Blood , Smut - Logan being an absolute MONSTER (this is very graphic) & Ororo being folded like a pretzel, lil bit of Voyuerism , Oral(Female Receiving) Face Sitting 😁, Scratching , Fingering/Masturbation , Minor Begging , Basically, Pray for her pussy. 😭
Pairings: Logan Howlett (Cavillrine) x Ororo Munroe also known as Storm
Description: Logan & Storm have a heart to heart. ⚡️
Word Count: 6.8K
Song: Earned it by The Weeknd
Side Note: Ororo's thoughts are in Italics Bold and OG Logan's voice is in orange italics.
Side Side Note: There are some elements taken from the X-Men movies but this is my own twist on it. I do not own the rights to those films or the characters. (Halle Berry is also not the Storm here)
Part two
Since Ororo’s arrival on Earth 199999, the weather has been less than satisfactory. The humans either blamed the wrath of Mother Earth or “Those Damned Mutants.” There was no in between but they were right about one thing.
The Storm goddess did have parts to play in why the weather was the way it was. Ever since she’d been here, her powers have been obstreperous; unpredictable and uncontrollable. It took her almost 20 years to get it right back home. And now here she was again starting from scratch.
But the weather wasn’t the only thing that she had a hard time with. Nightmares haunted her at night; leaving her companion as exhausted as she was. She screamed, wept, and even had full conversations.
On occasion, he’d get up from the large sectional that he slept on and drag himself to the bedroom. He wouldn’t dare wake her though, he’d just watch as she would cry and struggle to breathe. A part of him was afraid to wake her up while she was in such a state. He’d prefer to have his insides raw instead of scrambled like an egg.
As much as it pained him so, he’d watch her suffer until she quieted down. And by then, twilight had come and sleep was no longer an option.
Today was a regular day for both of them. Logan was tucked away in the garage working on something that’d aid his boredom. While Ororo was focusing on peeling the clouds out of her view. Her eyes white as snow and focus dead set within.
With her straining came the grunts and the gritting of her teeth. Blood began to drip from her nose and her headache returned. ‘Almost—‘ She huffed as her held up palms began to shake as if they were holding something heavy. And finally, the clouds disappeared from view.
Letting out an exhausted sigh, her eyes returned to normal and her arms dropped to her sides. They felt so heavy. And the headache remained. But on the bright side, she’d finally made progress and plucked a big rain cloud out of view of the blue sky.
‘Y’know, we could’ve used someone like you back in the day.’
Ororo whipped her head around but stumbled slightly when the dizziness came just as quick. ‘Mmm.’
‘Whoa, easy.’ Logan said as he reached out and grabbed her waist, helping her catch her balance once again. He took a good look at her, ‘You’re bleeding…’
She wiped her nose with her wrist and looked down at the bright crimson blood, ‘Oh… yeah. Looks like I am.’ She uttered softly.
‘You don’t seem surprised. Lemme go get you something to clean that up with.’
Letting out a gentle sigh, she leaned against the wooden railing for support when he let her go. Her mind felt like mush and she felt like she had a cinder block placed atop her head. And those moments of him leaving her side had felt like an eternity.
His heavy footsteps brought her out of her thoughts and she was able to pull herself upright to face him. In one hand he had two cream colored, large pills and in the other was a glass of water with a white wet cloth thrown over his wrist.
‘Jeez! What the hell are those?!’ Her eyes grew at the sight of the drugs.
Logan smirked, finding humor at her reaction, ‘its acetylsalicylic acid.’
Ororo’s brows tugged into one as she took the glass of water into her palm, ‘Aspirin.’
Giving her a nod, he outstretched his hand for her to take them.
‘Fuck, they feed these to horses?’ She pinched them up into her fingers before dropping them into her mouth and taking a big gulp of her water. She swallowed in hopes of swallowing both of them, but only swallowed one. ‘Ugh! They’re so hard to swallow!’
Logan laughed, ‘Only cause you’re thinking too hard! Drink some more water.’
She knocked back another gulp of water and swallowed hard. With her hand on her chest, Ororo whimpered and glanced up at him, ‘That went down hard. That’s super gross too.’ She took the cloth and wiped her nose free of the smeared blood.
‘Well it’s medicine, Ororo it’s not supposed to be tasty.’ He chuckled deeply once more as he rested his weight on his arms, leaning against the wooden rail.
‘It—‘ she paused for a second and did the same. She glared at him in a knowing glare. He’d been calling her Storm for weeks on end. But he said it right as if it came naturally.
‘You said my name right.’
Logan looked over at her, ‘I’ve been practicing. Besides, you call me James and I think it’s only fair that I address you by your name.’
Aw, she couldn’t help but feel a twist in her chest when he said it. It sounded just how James would say it. Effortless and again, natural. Easy. A smile curled on her lips, ‘Well, that’s thoughtful. Thank you.’
‘Mmm.’ He hummed softly before peeling his eyes away from hers to look up at the sky. ‘Seems like you’ve made some progress huh? It feels good to see some sunshine.’
She brought the glass up to her lips once again to take a sip then placed it down next to her. ‘I guess the world has me to blame for that.’ She grumbled with a gentle pout.
‘I don’t. I think the gift that you have is extraordinary.’ He smiled at her softly, ‘If you don’t feel like carrying the burden of how the world thinks of you, we can always switch?’
Ororo laughed and shook her head, ‘I don’t think I’d manage well with being one of the heaviest mutants on Earth. I’m already clumsy as is. Me falling will send me to hell I’m sure.’ The both of them laughed once more before they grew quiet again. ‘Thanks.’
Since she’s been conscious, Logan has been making it his responsibility to make her feel as comfortable as possible. It was the right thing to do. She came from an entirely different world and landed dead center in another one. He couldn’t imagine going through something like that alone, so he’d figured that she didn’t have to.
‘I want you to meet some friends of mine.’
Raising a brow, Ororo laced her fingers together. ‘Friends? You mean—‘
‘Yes, them. I don’t know what happened to the Xavier on your world but, there’s one here… and he can help you with controlling your abilities.’
A soft smile curled on her lips. It was a thoughtful gesture. She couldn’t really say that she was surprised. Beneath that hard exterior, her James was just as kind. ‘My X—…’ she sighed softly as the memories played back in her head.
It was a death she could never really heal from. He was like a father to all of them. And she would’ve never thought she would’ve been the one to do it.
‘Professor Xavier died long before…’ she bit into her bottom lip and glanced away.
‘Before?’ Logan pressed as he placed his large hand at the center of her back.
His touch had seemed to bring her back to reality. She blinked away the tears and cleared her throat when she felt herself choking. She knew that she was gonna have to talk about it eventually. She couldn’t be reticent about her past forever.
Soft thunder grumbled in the distance causing Logan to look up at the sky. Once again, the sun vanished and light gray clouds took its place.
‘Here, let’s go inside. I heard ladies like tea. I think I have chamomile.’ He held his hand out for her to grab.
A feeble smile curled up on Ororo’s features. This look had come quite familiar to him. He witnessed it everyday. But perhaps today, he would try playing a part where he can bring joy behind her smile, instead of sadness and dismay.
Instead of taking his hand, she gave him a nod and walked towards the patio doors and pulled it open.
Logan watched her walk into the house before scooping up the glass that she left behind and followed suit. He closed the slide door behind him before placing the cup into the sink. Then, he filled up the tea kettle and placed it on the burner.
Ororo plopped down on his recliner and pulled her feet beneath her as her grief became her ailment once again. Her brown eyes were sad and she sported this foreboding frown.
She sat there, her mind thinking about the day that Charles died. Things weren’t supposed to go down that way. Jean was supposed to willingly come home with them. She was supposed to get help. But Magneto was there. And he brought back up with him.
‘Here.’ Logan deep voice uttered as he held the mug out towards her.
Ororo looked up at him before taking the warm mug into her hands. She gave him a hesitant smile before turning her attention away once again.
He walked to the sectional that sat across from her. ‘I see you’re comfortable?’
She was dumping her tea bag into the water so the herbs could soak better. ‘Hmm?’
‘The recliner. You like it?’
Ororo gave him another fake smile, ‘Yes, it sits well.’ Her bleakness was quite telling. He knew that when she became cold and short, that she was more than likely fighting her inner demons. Those demons being the torturous memories of her past life. The good and the bad.
Logan sat there quietly, his elbows resting on his knees, slouching over with his silver dog tags hanging as he tried to figure out what to say to her. One would think after losing so many people, he would know what to say to her. But it was different when one of the people that she’d lost was actually him in another timeline.
‘You don’t have to say anything…’ she said softly as she toyed with her tea bag, swirling it around in the now flavorful hot water.
Ororo’s eyes flickered up from the substance in the mug to his face, ‘You don’t have to say… anything.’ She paused, ‘I’ve been here for almost two months and you deserve to know more of the truth.’
He sat up straight, looking up at the ceiling when the storm caused the lights to flicker on and off. He then glanced down at her, ‘Uh— you sure you wanna talk about this? The um—‘
‘It’s fine.’ Rain began to beat down on the roof of the cabin and its windows. It would’ve made the perfect lullaby, but they wouldn’t be doing much sleeping tonight.
‘Jean Grey… killed Charles Xavier where I’m from. And she’s also dead… because James killed her.’
Logan’s face hardened at the news. He was taken aback from it. The people that were alive and well on this Earth, were dead and gone on hers. ‘Wh-How did she do it? Was he not-‘
‘No. Previously before Jean’s death, she died before that… or so we thought. Drowned at the bottom of a lake to save us. She killed Scott—‘
‘Cyclops?!’ He sounded a little less surprised this time.
‘Yes… her lover.’
‘Pfft, well. That would make sense he’s a dick.’ He uttered before taking a sip of his tea and placing it on a coaster.
Just as she thought he’d say. That alone caused a tiny smile to quirk up on her lips for a short moment before she nodded, ‘Anyway, she was brought back to the school so she could be nursed back to health. But when she came back she… she didn’t come back whole. Someone— something else resided within her. She was cold, evil, impulsive— just out of control.’
Logan was listening intently.
‘Tuh—‘ Logan clicked his tongue as he sat back against the sofa, ‘He a problem in every damn universe?! Jesus Christ!’
As much as she wanted to laugh, Ororo kept herself under control. This was a serious conversation and it was a very important moment for her. ‘Unfortunately so. Magneto got ahold of Jean. Thinking that he could manipulate her into standing side by side with aiding the civil war against the humans for the cure.’
‘The cure? You mean like…?’
‘Yes, exactly what you’re thinking.’
Logan never understood the thought process behind “curing” mutants. But he felt that mutants had the right to protect themselves from those who wished to do them harm.
But the code of honor of the X-Men went against that principle because then, they appear to be what the humans paint them out to be. The fine line between them had often crossed when he was involved.
‘But even she was too powerful for him. We went to Jean’s childhood home in hopes of bringing her back to New York. But we were already too late. Magneto was there and things got out of hand.’ Her heart ached as she remembered just seeing his suit laying there before her and James. ‘Magneto’s men kept us busy and by the time James got to them… Charles was… dead.’ Tears filled her eyes but she quickly wiped them away with her thumb.
‘Wh-‘ he began, ‘Ororo, I’m sorry to hear that. That must’ve been… that must’ve been very hard for the team. I couldn’t imagine losing him like that. And Jean… man. That was deep.’ He let out a shuddered breath.
‘Yeah…’ she trailed off before looking down at her tea again. ‘Then uh— a few years later, the sentinels took over and well— that’s how I got here.’
‘Sentinels? I’ve heard you mumble their name in your sleep.’ Logan paused and narrowed his eyes, ‘What were they?’
Looking back up at Logan, she instantly was reminded of their appearance when she heard their name. They were what fueled her nightmares. They held nothing behind their eyes. No compassion, no feelings not once or ever. They were created out of hate and were programmed to do a job that the humans had been trying to do for centuries.
Swallowing her spit she started, ‘In 1973, Mystique murdered Senator Robert Kelly.’
‘Good!’ Logan said cheerily, ‘He’s also a Grade A dick.’
‘No, not good. He was proposing a bill… a bill that the government would create an army of robots to eliminate the race of mutants. The United States was kind of hesitant at first and considered it such an inhumane situation. But all he had to do was die. So, after his death they hunted her down but not because she was a fugitive but because she possessed something that could aid the cause.’ She sighed softly before continuing, ‘Her ability to take the appearance of anyone and even possessing their abilities.’
‘When they caught her… they killed her. They took her DNA and remodeled it around the idea of “Mutants are dangerous and shall be put down, no ifs ands or butts about it.”. And so, the Sentinels reigned. They began with the lookers… anyone that didn’t fit the human appearance. But that didn’t matter anyway, because they even put humans on their hunting list.’
‘Jesus Christ.’ He murmured as he ran his hands over his face.
‘He wasn’t there… all hope for that was gone. We had an idea to go back in time to right the wrongs. But they found us out and killed everyone except me and James. We got away but then they found us again by detecting our abilities. Strange created this portal but no one knew where it led to. But they were already waiting for us there. Those damn things… always one step ahead.’ She scoffed and shook her head.
Go!!! I’ll hold them off!
No, no, no, no! I’m not leaving you, James!
You have to, Storm. If you don’t then who will continue our legacy?! You have to go!
His words stung just as they did then. She didn’t want to leave him behind. The intention was for both of them to go. But James made for a hell of a distraction. Tears fell down her face and she sniffed.
Logan automatically put two and two together. Because if James wasn’t here but she was… the unthinkable happened.
‘He sacrificed himself to save you.’
She wiped her tears and nodded. ‘Yeah.’
‘Fuck. Jesus — Storm, Ororo. I’m sorry. That’s… that’s rough.’ He sighed as he tore his eyes away from her. After absorbing all of that information, anyone would think she was losing her mind or perhaps it may have been a figment of her imagination. But her behavior. The nightmares, her grief.
Even he felt the pain from all of her loss. No one could fake something like that.
‘I don’t — I don’t even know what to say other than… you are probably the strongest person I’ve ever met.’
Ororo scoffed and wiped her nose, ‘Thank you, Logan. I just thought I’d never be without him… y’know?’
Logan cleared his throat and nodded, ‘Well uh…You’re not exactly without him. He’s with you in spirit.’
A smile curled up on her face softly and as she nodded in agreement, ‘Yes, yes I suppose he is.’
Their conversations about their contributions to society had been drawn into the night. They laughed and talked about what the craziest things they’ve done to save people and the craziest things they’ve seen in general.
‘Well, I’m gonna shower. I’ll be out for dinner in a little while.’ Ororo gave him a smile; now cheered up after the much needed talk. She placed her empty mug down on the coaster and pulled herself up from the comfortable chair and started down the hall. Then she stopped in her tracks and turned back around to face him. ‘Oh, Logan—‘
He’d picked up their mugs by their handles and stood up before turning around to face her. ‘Yeah?’
‘Thank you… for everything.’ The rain had come to a light drizzle and the thunder ceased to exist. A big pretty grin curled up on her lips before she spun around and walked towards the bathroom.
As he watched her walk away, he let out a gentle sigh as he felt his heart palpitate in his chest. The uneasy feeling caused him to clear his throat.
She stood in the bathroom, staring at herself in the mirror. She felt like there was a time for a change. Time for her to start the process of moving on and healing the way she wanted.
Memories of James running his fingers through her locks and how he’d learned how to braid her hair so it would stay out of her way when they’d fight. How he used to tug it when…
Opening the medical cabinet, she rummaged in there until she found a pair of surgical scissors. Bringing the legs into her fist, she contemplated what she was about to do. Doing this, would be the start of cutting the old James out of her life… and letting the new one in.
Taking the scissors to the spots where the dreads began, Ororo began to snip them off until she was left with nothing but a small pixie Afro. She felt lighter physically and metaphorically. She'd miss all of her hair. It was down her back and it became a part of her identity. But it was time that she made a new one for herself.
Scooping up all of the hair, she placed them in the bathroom’s waste bucket.
Ororo couldn’t believe what she’d done. Taking scissors to her hair like that; hair that was way past her rump and took her 15 years to grow.
But she wanted to start anew. There was no escaping her new life and it was time she stopped running from it and heal the right away. And to do that, she had to let him in.
Her brushed out hair. It was cute and brought out the roundness in her face. It also made her appear youthful.
She turned on the hot and cold knob before stepping into the spacious walk in shower. She reached over and grabbed her body wash, lathered it up in an African bathing net and began to scrub herself as if she were cleansing herself of her past instead.
Mmm, you smell so good.
Tell me how you want it baby.
That’s it, my little storm cloud.
Ororo shut her eyes, ‘Mmph!’ She hummed as she felt a familiar tingling sensation in her lower belly. She let out a gentle whimper as titillating memories clouded her mind.
Her heartbeat began to pick up when his voice flooded her ears. This was James' favorite place. It’s where he would wash off the labors and hardships of the day or in some cases, weeks. And it was also James’ favorite place to fuck. She could practically feel the ghost of his hands all over her body. Gentle sighs and suppressed moans rumbled in her chest as her hands followed while the water rinsed away her suds.
Meanwhile down the hall in the living room…
Logan was sitting on his leather recliner where she’d left him after their emotional conversation. His reading glasses rested at the tip of his nose as he read some of his mail. ‘Yadda, yadda—‘ Then he paused. A particular scent filled the air. Taking over his senses that instantly caused goosebumps to trickle over his skin.
Then, the whimpering and whining followed.
With his own heart ramming out of control, he took off his glasses and let out a deep, shaky breath. He could feel his animalistic urges creeping up on him. And the more he tried to conceal them, the more carnal they became. His body began to heat up and his cheeks became flush.
‘OK—‘ Logan grumbled as he ran his fingers through his curly locks. ‘Just be… cool. You’ve been around plenty of women.’ Well, she happened to be the first woman he’s been attracted to in a while.
‘I want you so bad right now!’ She whispered.
He snapped his head towards the door down the hall. An unwarranted growl vibrated in his chest as he slowly began to give into his lascivious urges.
‘God, please don’t make me do this.’ He uttered to himself as he brought his hair into both of his fists and tugged at it; walking into the opposite direction to walk out the front door.
But as soon as she called his name…
‘Mmm, James!’
That was the green light for him. ‘Goddammit.’ He hissed as he quickly tore off the wife beater, then his belt and jeans. Socks and his briefs were gone by the time he’d even made it to the bathroom door.
Not even bothering to knock, he gently pushed the door open to see her brown silhouette through the patterned shower glass door. Glancing to the right was her long white dreadlocks sitting in the trash can. He’d be sure to ask why she got rid of them later. But right now, he had more pressing matters that he must attend to.
Ororo was in a deep trance as her own hands made love to her body as if they were James’ instead. A mewl left her lips as she unknowingly turned to face him in the shower; putting on a show for him.
Inhaling deeply at the sight of her gorgeous body he could feel the familiar numbness creeping up his spine. He watched as the water trickled down the peaks and valleys of her body. Oh how he’d wished he were in its place instead. To be able to touch her like that.
He also took note of the battle scars she possessed and the others that came naturally; her stretch marks on her hips and waist, thighs, her belly and breasts. God she was perfect. Logan swallowed before he slammed the shower door hard enough to grasp her attention.
Her eyes slowly opened as a harsh gasp escaped her chest. She quickly covered her pretty brown tits with her arm and hid her crotch with her free hand and thigh. ‘Logan! What are you doing?!’
‘You called, I came.’ He said as he took a step forward.
She took a step back, ‘I—I did not! I—I said…’ Ororo looked up into his dilated, hooded eyes. The same eyes James used to give her when it was time for him to breed her.
‘Hmm?’ He hummed as he took another step forward.
‘I said… I said James! I wasn’t—‘
‘You weren’t talking about me? Yet, I’m the only James here… and we—‘ he walked forward through the water as her back was finally pressed firmly against the cool tile. ‘We are practically the same… right?’
Practically would be an understatement. From the way they wore their hair and clothes to how he spoke. The only thing that set them apart were their eyes. And she could admit, his eyes were quite unique. Blue like the sky with just a touch of brown as if God spilled a little bit of honey into them.
‘I—I—‘ Ororo was stuck in his gaze. She felt as if she were to take her eyes off of him, she’d die. His eyes were her lifeline in this moment.
Logan brought his hand up and rested it against the wall to trap her there. ‘You’re gonna allow me to do what he can’t?’
Ororo let out a gentle shudder as she slowly dropped her hands to reveal her body to him once again, inviting him in.
He scooped her up in his arms, earning a surprised gasp from her lips and a gentle giggle followed. ‘Fuck, you smell so good.’
She wrapped her legs around his waist, ‘So that’s how you found me out… you smelled me.’ Ororo teased.
‘I did.’ Logan smirked, ‘That’s what animals do right?’
The woman had no idea what had come over her in those next few moments, but the longer he held her in his arms like this, the more aroused she became. Leaning in, she parted her lips before slipping her tongue into his mouth. He welcomed her lips into his as their tongues instantly massaged at one another.
Had it not been for Logan holding her up in her arms, Ororo was sure that she would’ve crumbled to her knees. But it was delicate and languid as if they were exploring and learning about one another. The kiss felt familiar but so different at the same time. She ran her fingers through his wet curls as a moan rumbled in her chest.
Logan broke the kiss and looked up at her with lust induced eyes as he sank his teeth into his bottom lip. ‘I love your hair like this.’
‘Yeah?’ Ororo purred.
‘Oh yeah.’ He chuckled before meeting one another’s lips in a much more greedier, confident manner. As they devoured one another, Logan reached beneath her and began to rub at her cunt.
She gasped sharply as she ripped her lips away from his.
‘Tell me how you want it baby.’ He uttered as he gently worked his fingers against her pussy.
Just like James.
Licking her smile, she demanded, ‘Why don't you do a taste test hmm? See if I taste as good as I smell?’
Logan grinned and placed her down on her feet, ‘I like the sound of that.’ He snatched her lips up into hers one more time before he took her hand and spun her around gently. Lightning bolts for stretch marks danced around the curvature of her juicy ass. And just like that, the growling returned.
Huffing like a hound, Logan got on his knees and assumed the position for her to mount his face.
Being that he was still tall even on his knees, he had to help her onto his face. His mouth opened, tongue out and flat for the proper seat while his nose nestled right against her asshole.
Ororo’s head fell back as her eyes fluttered closed as a naughty little moan slipped from the home of her lips. Steadying herself, she placed her hand on his stronger shoulder as one arm held her upright.
With her free hand, she reached behind him and ran her fingers through his semi-wet dark hair. Her toes curled as Logan began to lap and drag his thick tongue from her clit all the way to her ass.
‘Ooh fuck.’ She shuddered out as she reached up to cup her breast in her hand.
He had a tight lock on her thighs as he let her take the reins with her hips so she could control how much pleasure she wanted to feel. But that all changed when he decided to take the control back and lick, suck and kiss on her pussy as if it were her pretty mouth instead. ‘Mmm!’ He groaned, damn she did taste even better than she smelled.
It was like a big grizzly bear finally finding the jackpot of rich honey. And he couldn’t get enough!
‘Logan, oh—‘ she hissed as she felt the tingling sensation in her clit as he began to suck and flick his tongue over the sensitive numb. ‘Aaaw!’ Ororo tried to move but he had her locked in so tight, she couldn’t even move if she wanted. So he kept devouring her until she finally erupted in his mouth.
They haven’t even gotten to the penetration part of the session and she was already aspirated; out of breath and shaking from the very first orgasm that she had in what felt like forever.
Placing kisses on her inner thigh as they shook, Logan unleashed her from his deathly hold and helped her unmount from his face as if it were a saddle.
Ororo held onto his shoulder as he rose to his feet. Her knees were wobbly and she was smacking her lips together. ‘I’ve — I’ve got cottonmouth.’ She pouted up at him.
Logan towered over her as he wiped her juices off of his lips with his thumb and sucked it off. ‘You won’t have it for long.’
The shower was turned off and he had her legs wrapped around his waist again. Their tongues and mouths molted together as they indulged each other sloppily. Not being able to make it to the room, Logan carried her off to the sofa. Cool shower water dripped from their bodies and he laid her down on the couch.
When he ripped his lips away, Ororo was finally able to take in some air. She brought her trembling swollen lips between her teeth as she finally took in his body. Her desperate hands slid from his shoulders to his wet hairy chest where his dog tags rested against him. She drug her fingernails down his pecs to his abdomen. Spreading her thighs nice and wide, Logan placed one of her legs atop the cushions of the sofa.
She was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. Watching as her huge tits rose and fell with each anxious breath. If she hadn’t been touching him, she’d think this was all a figment of her imagination. She just couldn’t get enough of his godliness. How the droplets of water only defined his body.
Suddenly, Logan sank his middle finger and ring finger inside of her; palm side up.
Her eyes fluttered close, whining as her head fell back against the arm of the sofa. ‘Mmm fu—oh!’ Massaging and kneading her walls from the inside out, Logan pressed his thumb against her clit and rubbed it in circles to add to the pressure. Low animalistic growls echoed in his chest and his black pupils were the size of marbles.
This was no longer the Logan that she felt comfortable with but an animal with one purpose. To mate and breed.
‘S-shit—‘ Ororo stuttered as she looked between her thighs to watch him finger fuck her g-spot. ‘Ooooh Logan! I’m gonna cum!’ She wailed; her legs twitched and spasmed as he stroked her sweet spot. Her eyes fluttered up to look at him as her body began to tense against her will. ‘Oh—GOD!’ Heaving fast as her eyes dropped down to the massive member that stood high in attention; leaking with his own pre-cum. The way it throbbed and jumped as Logan edged her on further.
A filthy, guttural cry escaped from her lips; her hips rose as he continued to rub it out of her. ‘Fuuuuck!’ She crooned. Dropping her hips back down onto the sofa; breathless as all get out. Ororo watched as he gently tugged his thick fingers out of her. Covered in her sweet stickiness, he wielded no hesitation as he sucked his fingers clean.
Was she in disbelief? Yes. But surprised? Not really.
Were they this disgusting in every universe?
Snarling at her tart taste, he snatched her waist and pulled her closer. Taking a hold of his long, girthy cock, he slapped the erected muscle against her clit. A gentle groan left his lips as he rubbed himself against her clit. God, he was losing it.
‘Logan.’ Ororo whined out.
His head snapped up as his ears perked up at the sound of his name. Like an excited puppy. So exhilarated, that if he had a tail it would wag violently. But he didn’t let his excitement get in the way of the true task at hand.
‘Beg.’ He demanded.
Ororo let out a shuddered sigh as she watched him grab one of her ankles in his large hand. ‘Pl-please?’ Her lips pouted just a little and she never took her gaze off of his.
Logan growled lowly in approval, ‘Good.’ Adjusting his hips, he placed his hand behind her thigh, right above the back of her knee. He kept her legs spread as he pressed his fat mushroom tip against her slit. Her needy pussy pulled him in a warm embrace, earning a loud grunt from him.
She hiccuped as she inhaled too much air as she felt the pressure and pleasure merge into one. ‘Mmmmph!’ Her thighs began to tremble the deeper and deeper he descended. ‘Ugh!’
He gritted his teeth together as his eyes fluttered shut. He wiggled his hips a little as he made room for himself inside of her. ‘Grrr—od—‘ he let groaned eagerly as he finally bottomed out within her. ‘—Dammit!’
Goosebumps covered their bodies as if they were connected to one another. He leaned down and pressed another sloppy kiss on her lips. As their lips collided, he stalled his hips as her comfortable walls held him tightly.
Breaking the kiss, Logan looked down into her eyes as he pulled his hips back and rolled them into her. A strangled moan left her lips as she looked up into his animalistic crazed eyes. His dog tags dangled and rocked above her as he began to slowly pick up the pace of his hips.
‘Ooh, Logan. Shit yes!’ The heaviness of his hips ramming into her was so familiar. It left her in a reminiscence of how James used to train her to take him the way she was supposed to.
You have to get used to me lightning bolt. Fuck.
And so she did! Who knew that he was prepping her for this moment?
Logan pumped his hips in and out of her like an animal in heat. Husky grunts and groans fell from his lips as his large hands held the back of her thighs. He was so deep inside of her this way.
‘Mmm, so fucking wet for me. Shit!’ He sputtered as he dropped his dick into her deeper again while his hairy balls smacked against her puckered asshole.
A high pitched shriek left her lips in surprise when he began to beat at her cervix. Sinking her teeth into her bottom lip, she rested her hands atop his for leverage and squeezed tightly. Sweet aspirated grunts and mewls graced her lips as she bit into her bottom lip. She was holding back screams and sobs.
And when Logan noticed that, he brought his hips to a sudden stop. He leaned in close to her, his nose touching hers; eyeing her carnally. ‘You can scream… it’s not like anyone will hear you.’ Now he was determined to snatch her voice by the end of the night.
Ororo didn’t know if she was turned on or scared. Perhaps she was both but he placed a sweet kiss on her lips, she was reassured that he would take good care of her.
Logan began to pick up the pace again, earning a string of filthy curse words from his Goddess lover. His body pounded into hers as he panted harshly; mirroring the sound of the thunder claps outside. Lightning struck very close to the cabin as he fucked her so stupid, she couldn’t even form words.
‘Fu—huck, ye— eah! Mmm, uh!’ She looked down between them, watching as his dick delved balls deep into her over and over again. Her chest heaved as her hooded eyes peered back up at him. ‘My Gods, Yes! James!’ Ororo tightened her hold on his hands as he began to fuck harder, faster.
A loud and rough groan left Logan’s lips before he nestled his furry face into her neck where he placed gentle kisses. ‘Fuuuuck—‘ he grumbled as he retreated his hips and pulled his cock all the way out.
Huffing heavily, he found himself dripping with precum again. ‘Jesus fucking— look at what you’re doing to me.’ He laughed mirthlessly. He sounded so esurient though; hungry and desperate for her. Logan was losing his mind.
A tiny giggle left her lips before he slipped his sticky dick right back inside of her. Her back arched as he made home within her again. Her whining came shortly afterwards. ‘Fuck. Me. Logan! Yes! James! Yes!’ Part of her felt like she was fucking the old James. But something about how inhuman this one fucked her was brand new. He was relentless! Diligent and persistent in how he pleased her.
James used to give her a moment to catch her breath but this one wasn’t so kind.
He was desperate to please her and that's all he gave a damn about.
Mine, mine, mine.
‘Mine, mine, mine!’ He growled hungrily.
Just like him.
Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as their bodies began to heat up with their salacious work out. She brought her face into her hands, digging her nails into his cheeks as he began to steal her breath away. Her mouth fell as her womb began to twist. Her walls began to tremble and her spine grew numb. A silent moan escaped her lips as her eyes rolled to the back of her head.
Logan hissed as she began to draw blood when she clawed at his cheeks; healing just as fast as the wounds opened. But he never turned his attention from her. It only fueled that beastly desire more! ‘Yeah, that’s it baby! Cum on that dick!’ He gritted through his teeth; his warm flesh covered in a thin sheet of sweat and the veins in his neck popped into view. ‘C’mon!’
A tear fell down the side of her face as he stole another orgasm from her. ‘OH FUCK!’ She’d finally released a loud sob from her chest as he rutted into her as if it were his last time.
The pair fucked as if they were trying to build a family. Nasty, naughty sex filled their evening which landed them on the floor, and the bedroom. Ororo left Logan empty with nothing else to give. Logan beat down Ororo’s walls til her orgasms had become painful. They’ve done everything from Doggy style (Logan’s favorite) to Cowgirl. They were spent.
Laying in the king size bed, tucked beneath the warmth of the comforters, Logan had his heavy arm draped around her holding her close. Ororo smiled softly as her head rested against his hairy chest. She gently picked up his silver dog tags and ran her thumb over the numbers. All of the numbers but the last two were completely different from James.
‘You’re still thinking about him?’
Turning his head to look at her, he raised a brow with a small smirk curled on his lips.
Letting out a gentle sigh, ‘I’m only thinking about you.’ Part of that was true. She was thinking about him and how mind blowing their sex was. But she was also thinking about him. Not in the way one would think.
Ororo was coming to terms that this was going to be her new life now. Everyone she’s ever known in her previous life or… timeline was gone. There was nothing left for her on that Earth anymore but here, she could make something of herself. She could get her power back under control. She could heal and live a happy life. By his side.
Looking up at him, her small smile had turned into a grin. And when he’d return that grin, she giggled happily. Logan ran his thick fingers through her short white coils. ‘I really do like your hair like this, thundercloud.’
Her dimples deepened in her cheeks at the nickname. ‘Good, then I shall keep it that way.’
Stay there.
Honorable Tags: @milknhonies @capswife @augustsprincess @peternoonewantsthat @raccoon-eyed-rebel @multi-culti-girl @multiversxwhore
#henry cavill#Wolverine#Cavillerine#deadpool and wolverine#Deadpool And Wolverine spoilers#deadpool & wolverine#deadpool & Wolverine spoilers#dp spoilers#cavillrine#Wolverine x Storm#logan howlett#Logan Howlett x Ororo Munroe#Ororo Munroe#james logan howlett#Henry Cavill x Black!Female#James Howlett x black!female#Logan Howlett x black!female#black!female#x men#Wolverine x men#wolverine deadpool#Storm X Men#storm x wolverine#henry cavill fanfic#henry cavill fanfiction#henry cavill smut#Logan Howlett smut#Henry!Wolverine#Wolverine!Henry
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hugh jackman is really hot but wolverines hair makes me giggle i cannot take him seriously its so stupid not even in an endearing way its just. goofy.
#wolverine#hugh jackman#the greatest showman#wolverine deadpool#logan howlett#les mierables#x men movies#girlblogging#coquette#hyper feminine#tumblr girlies#this is a girlblog#lana del rey#2014 tumblr#cinnamon girl#lizzy grant#girl interrupted
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in my head, this is how they take pictures.
⭑this is my art, if you share it please show the courtesy to credit me :)
#poolverine#deadpool and wolverine#deadpool fanart#deadpool movie#wolverine fanart#deadverine#wade wilson#logan howlett#logan howlett wolverine#wade wilson deadpool#deadpool 3#wolverine vs deadpool#wolverine and deadpool#wolvpool#deadpool wolverine#deadpool wade wilson#deadpool three#deadpool y wolverine#deadpool posting#deadpool art#deadpool drawing#deadpool fandom#deadpool x wolverine#deadpool comics#deadpool vs wolverine#deadpool marvel#wolverine art#wolverine patch#wolverine deadpool#wolverine hugh jackman
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Hi, it’s the anon that requested the short!reader request, 10/10 thank you so much 🕺
Sounds like a 2part to me lol
T.w.⚠: rough sex, fingering, reader is kind of anxious, Dom logan, dirty talk.
Part two to this story
Logan was coming home today and you couldn't stop thinking about what you said last night, you were just really horny last night and didn't mean to say that but Logan didn't know that.
You were teaching a class when he came home, he stood in the doorway then sat in one of the empty seats in the back of the class.
You felt your breath hitch and saw him smirking at you, you were so flustered but kept on teaching.
After class, he spoke as he walked over to your desk. "So, y/n, do you have something to say?" He stood over you as you sat in your chair and looked down at the floor not wanting to face him.
He lifted your face to look at him as he knelt in front of you. "Come on, Logan, you know how I get, and we can't have sex here. What if someone hears." He started to rub your inner thigh as he held his eye contact.
"Yes I do know how you get but," he pulled you closer as he whispered in your ear. "You know how I get." With skilled fingers, Logan begins to unbutton your blouse, revealing the lace of your bra beneath. He takes his time, savoring the moment as he exposes your creamy skin inch by inch. His touch is gentle yet possessive, making you ache with need. "You're gorgeous, Y/n," he breathes, his lips trailing kisses along your collarbone.
You gasp as his fingers glide beneath your bra, cupping your breasts and thumbing your hardening nipples. He teases them, rolling and pinching gently, until you're squirming with pleasure. "Please, Logan," you beg, your voice hoarse with desire."Not yet," he whispers, his breath hot against your ear. "I want to taste you first." Logan slides down, kneeling before you, and hooks his fingers into the waistband of your skirt. He tugs it down your thighs, revealing your lace-clad thighs and the moist fabric of your panties.
You're wet, and you know it. Logan's mere presence has you dripping with anticipation. He runs his fingers along the edge of your panties, making you shiver as he traces your slit through the silk. "So wet already," he growls, his voice thick with desire.
Logan hooks his fingers into the sides of your panties and slowly pulls them down, exposing your glistening pussy. He leans in, his warm breath tickling your sensitive skin. "Beautiful," he murmurs, before his tongue makes contact with your clit, sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body.
His mouth is hot and skilled, licking and sucking your sensitive bud. He teases you with light, feathery touches, making you squirm and moan. You grip the edge of the desk, your knuckles turning white as you struggle to hold on as his tongue works its magic.
"Oh, Logan," you cry out, your hips thrusting involuntarily as he sucks your clit between his lips. He inserts a finger into your wetness, curling it to find your sweet spot. Your body tightens around his finger as he strokes you from the inside, bringing you closer and closer to the edge.
"Come for me, Y/n," he urges, his voice muffled against your core. He adds another finger, stretching you, filling you with a delicious fullness as he continues to lick and suck your clit. You're on the precipice, teetering on the edge of ecstasy.
With one final, firm flick of his tongue, you explode, crying out his name as your orgasm rips through you. Your body shakes, trembling with the force of your release, and Logan continues to lap at your sensitive flesh, drawing out every last drop of pleasure.
As your breathing slowly returns to normal, Logan stands, his eyes dark with desire. "My turn," he growls, his voice laced with hunger. He wastes no time, unzipping his pants and freeing his thick, throbbing cock. It stands proudly, already glistening with pre-cum.
He positions himself behind you, his hands on your hips as he guides his cock to your entrance. "Tell me you want this," he demands, his voice hoarse.
"Yes, Logan, please," you plead, craving his possession. He teases you, rubbing the head of his cock against your slick folds, making you whimper with need. Then, with one firm thrust, he buries himself inside you.
You gasp as he fills you, stretching you deliciously. Logan's hands grip your hips, guiding you as he sets a relentless pace, pounding into you with primal urgency. The desk creaks beneath you as he fucks you hard and deep, each thrust pushing you closer to the edge.
"Fuck, you feel so good," Logan grunts, his breath hot on your neck. He reaches around, finding your clit with his thumb, and begins to rub in circles, sending you spiraling towards another climax.
You cry out, your body tensing as the pleasure builds. "I'm gonna come, Logan!" you shout, your voice echoing off the classroom walls. He pounds into you harder, his own release imminent.
With a final, powerful thrust, Logan empties himself inside you, his hot cum filling your pussy as your orgasm crashes over you. You cry out his name, your body shaking violently as wave after wave of pleasure washes over you.
As your breathing slows, Logan leans in, his lips brushing your ear. "That was one hell of a lesson, Y/n, I missed you" he whispers, his voice satisfied.
Anyway I loved writing this thank you for reading bye<3333
#logan howlett x reader#hugh jackman#wolverine deadpool#worst logan#logan howlett x you#dbf!logan#wolverine smut#hugh jackman x female reader#sexy gurl#hugh jackman fanfiction#logan howlett#logan howlett masterlist#ryan reynolds#hugh jackman x you#old man logan x reader#logan howlett smut#logan wolverine
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