beamysaurus · 1 year
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2/2 owed art for @heart_sketch1 of their OC Monty
i went a bit overboard from doing a simple flatcolour headshot to well this big piece XD probably the only time ill do a a background and shading/lighting for months XD they are still my nemesis
Art by me Character belongs to @heart_sketch1
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vanillaswirl6 · 25 days
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Doing all 50 states like this (eventually) since I finished designing them all. I hope you like my designs! Starting from W so it's in order.
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mrsdooggle · 3 years
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Beta, my wolfpone oc!
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peaceandlove26 · 3 years
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my sweet sweet wolfpony i finally obtained… designed by the amazing occultusion <3!
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Trans man Batpony Rarity and wolfpony Princeblueblood 😐,, they are in love
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they are VERY much in love<3 -mod twilight
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casti-al · 3 years
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These are two of my Oc's :D
Alexel Duff is the blond one. He's a guitarist and can turn into an wolfpony
Andrew Skov is the pegasus and the best friend of Alexel :) He has some anger issues but is a lovely boy
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gothshy · 6 years
Curious Plots: [drabble] Flurry and Snow in Zebrica
;; Have some Snow Flurry fluff with a side of Horror Adventure! Yes, I’m on a roll! If you don’t ship these two now you have no heart. About 3 pages when typed out. So Under cut for length. Enjoy!
Flurry and Snow’s globe-covering journey to act as young diplomats took them to the heat of Zebrica where Flurry found herself overheated and fanning herself. She stuck by Tempest and Snow closely in the long grass where she could and whenever they reached settlements she stayed as quiet as she could. The zebras did not frighten her. But the atmosphere of the landscape was alien to her. Raised in the Frozen North, she had never been somewhere so hot and full of wildlife before. Mirages from heat seemed to creep up everywhere and the best she could do to keep from being whiny was ask questions to Snow for him to ask to their tour guides.
Unfortunately, Snow was not so gentle going into the hot day. The heat agitated him and the lack of understanding Equestrian in most corners grated on his patience, unfair as it may be. The tour guide did what he could do translate between the ponies and native zebras but Snow found himself stamping his hoof in impatience at needing to wait for constant translation at everything.
On top of this the zebras knew what he was on sight. Batponies native to this area looked distinctly different from him. So none were fooled by the “batpony” excuse and knew him to have vampiric blood. Magic symbols and utterances of good luck were made as he passed. Were he not with the princess and Tempest he was sure he would be chased from the village.
For this reason he became ornery and rude. It saddened Flurry who had not yet found it in her heart to correct the behavior. She herself was frightened and far from home. Though the president of the nation would not be found among these peoples, showing comradery with them would look good to him, so Cadance had suggested Flurry’s company stay with the local tribe near the capitol that night.
Sitting around a small fire the chief told the ponies why the villagers were on edge around Snow, in so many words.
The tour guide translated, “He said the hyena-zebra has every zebra frightened. You should stay in tonight. The creature comes out at night.”
“Hyena-zebra?” Flurry’s feathers puffed up. “Are you sure that’s what’s going on? You’ve been having trouble?”
The conversation took a turn for discussing the supernatural and there seemed to be little doubt a particularly large and particularly nasty hyena-zebra something akin to a the wolfponies of Equestrian lore, was running amok in the area. Snow tuned out halfway through and began petting the local dog. A rudeness for someone who had come for negotiations. Flurry narrowed her eyes and went to scold him but thought better of it. It was in public and she didn’t want to make him ashamed. Perhaps later in private.
At the night’s end where they observed some of the tribal rites and customs, the ponies were dismissed to huts of their own. Flurry decided not to broach the topic of Snow’s rudeness yet, as it was late. They could all turn in and put the hyena monster and agitation out of mind for now…
 But the night brought with it, a cackle. The high pitched laughter stirred Flurry from her sleep. She looked around her hut to find nobody else present and a chill joined her where she lay. She stood slowly and poked her head out the hut to see if anything was the matter. A dull fire burned at the center of the circle of huts where she and her friends were settled. But digging through the bags of things a gigantic head. It lifted its gaze from the contents of the bag and gleaming eyes locked Flurry in place as their glances interlocked.
Flurry froze in place. This creature stood towering on just four legs. If it decided to stand she could guess she might faint. The fanged equine was hyena in face and posture, its back hooves still horse-like but its front legs now claws. Its wide maw hung open and spittle dropped the ground. To Flurry’s relief its gaze broke from her and looked to the chief’s dog tied to a pole nearby. The dog whimpered and stood, barking bravely at the monster.
Quite suddenly Snow was at Flurry’s side, his feathers standing on end.
“—the bloody hell?”
“…the hyena-zebra!”
“I know. But is it about to do what I think—”
It made a lung for the dog but found itself attacked by a swift kick to its forehead by Snow, who had launched himself by wing at the animal. His lithe build allowed himself to fly at his opponent in a flash and then fly back into the sky. Flurry took the cue to use her magic to untie the dog and release it. The dog wasted no time in running away. The monster recovered from the kick but, unable to find what had struck him, and with Flurry now out of sight and in the air, he took after the dog, the first moving target in sight.
Flurry looked to Snow. “Fast thinking…that poor dog…”
“That dog isn’t being eaten…” Snow shot after the monster’s direction.
“Snow, wait!”
Flurry flew after the speedy dhampir.
But through the tall grass and well into the surrounding wilderness, the two ponies could not find the monster or the dog. At last Snow wrapped his tail around a branch and swung down to the ground where he grunted and stalked about in frustration.
“…we had to do it, Snow…” Flurry told him, downtrodden. “It would’ve attacked us or the village.”
“It’s a stupid pest they can take care of at any time and they’ve let it come to this. A were-creature is nothing of concern. What is this bloody culture of fear?”
“They don’t know it could be dispelled so easily, Snow,” Flurry argued. “We can explain how in the morning. If you know how to take care of it you should tell them.”
“Why should I?” he growled. “If they can’t learn for themselves then—”
“Stop!” Flurry exclaimed.
At that Snow froze as though slapped. She had not yelled or said it harshly. But she had raised her hoof and closed her eyes painfully.
“I can’t… I can’t take the bitterness anymore.”
Snow stared at her. He looked off in the distance. “Flurry…I…”
From out of the forest the hulking figure of the hyena-zebra roared, knocking the thin dhampir against a tree with a thud. Flurry screamed and jumped back.
The monster set a heavy paw atop the dhampir. Flurry felt her horn sparking and the winds around her kicking up. Several trees bent, the sky opened up with rain and the alicorn grunted as she zapped at the creature. It tumbled to its side, missed by mere inches. Flurry took wing and began aiming again at it.
This time she missed on purpose. She was chasing it out of the forest and away from Snow. But her ultimate goal was to save whoever was inside that monster. So sedating it would be best. Unfortunately the thing headed right back towards the tribe where Tempest and the zebras she had met were sleeping. She zoomed ahead on wing and landed in the center of the village. She stomped a hoof on the ground, creating a crystal-like shield on the ground which expanded until the village itself was covered in a glass-like dome of protection. The creature was met with a shield too hard to shatter.
Her shielding work done, Flurry reappeared some distance from the creature.
She ducked and folded her wings. She would try now. She had to. She could never bring herself to kill. At least she did not think.
“…please. If you’re in there… let us help you. I know you must be a zebra during the day. You don’t have to live like this….”
She let down all her shields and stayed put on the ground to show she was not going to fight. She reached a hoof out to the hyena-zebra.
The monster stared back at her and the cackle filled the night just before it lunged at her, jaws opened wide for an attack. But like a black streak in the night, something jumped on the monster’s back and sank fangs into its neck. Arms locked around the monster’s neck to hold it into place and when it had fallen on its side, the dhampir’s back hooves kicked repeatedly. All the while blood was draining at a steady rate from the monster. The laughter grew fainter. And the struggle died until there was only Snow draining the life from the monster.
He pulled off and looked at Flurry, wings sagging.
Flurry stepped up and caught him before he could stagger. They stared at the deceased threat.
“Why isn’t he turning back to a zebra?”
“No zebra left probably. Sometimes the demon has been there so long…there is nothing left but the…” Snow trailed off. “Couldn’t find the dog…” he began to stagger back to the village.
Flurry put a wing around him and they returned to her hut.
Flurry assumed it best not to wake Tempest and tell her of the night’s events yet. They could wait until morning. For now Flurry did her best to check Snow over for any damage from being struck.
“I’m sorry I yelled,” Flurry told him.
“You didn’t. I…I had not realized my melancholy seeps over so much into everything I do…” Snow told him. “I will try better.”
“Thank you…” Flurry smiled at him. “Snow…”
“Thank you.”
“Thank you.” He said in reply.
The two began to lean in when the chief’s dog stepped in panting and sprawled out across their laps for pets. At that the two young adults became awkward again and Flurry replied “I-I-I better get some sleep. I’m not nocturnal, after all.”
“I’ll be here,” Snow told her, petting the dog. “Just call if you need.”
“I will…” Flurry told him.
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wavenetinfo · 7 years
As a Harry Potter fan, you may have read a tale of “petty revenge” featuring the books’ author, J.K. Rowling, and Stephen Fry (V for Vendetta), the narrator for the U.K. edition of her series’ audiobooks (Jim Dale narrates the U.S. edition) in which she gets back at him after he’s “condescending” to her during the recording process.
But as the author stated on Twitter on Tuesday, the whole thing isn’t true at all.
“Good story, but it isn’t true!” Rowling clarified. “Stephen Fry wasn’t condescending, he was completely lovely, and the phrase isn’t in four books!”
As the story went (detailed in the tweet above), Fry hadn’t read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone — or Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone if you live across the pond — so when he came in to record his audio narration for the first book and Rowling told him she was writing a sequel, he’d supposedly responded, “Good for you” in a condescending manner.
However, as the now-debunked story continues, years later when the book series was already quite popular, Fry later ran into a small hiccup while recording the audiobook for the third book in the series, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. The QI host had some trouble pronouncing the phrase, “Harry pocketed it.” Instead, he’d keep saying “Harry pocketeded it” unless he attempted to say it very, very slowly.
So as the now-fake story goes, Fry called Rowling and asked her if he could say, “Harry put it in his pocket instead, to which Rowling said no and hung up, before going on to include that specific phrase in each of the next four books.
The tale was first related by two different Reddit users waywardwoodwork and Wolfpony a year ago, after they’d attended one of Fry’s live stand-up shows where he’d first relayed the story. Since then, the tale has spread like wildfire throughout the Harry Potter fandom and the rest of the Internet, in large part thanks to the Tumblr “Petty Revenge Stories” which first shared the story, with many people seeking to determine its veracity. But now, thankfully, Rowling has now publicly settled the matter.
30 May 2017 | 1:30 pm
Nivea Serrao
Source : EW.com
>>>Click Here To View Original Press Release>>>
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mrsdooggle · 4 years
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Beta my wolf pone looking super cute
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mrsdooggle · 5 years
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(Throwback to my wolfpone Beta)
Beta: it happens to be comfortable shifting weight from hood to hoof also you must lift it to walk.
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mrsdooggle · 5 years
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Chihiro: did you guys see that full harvest moon on Friday the 13th? I felt it through my whole being.
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mrsdooggle · 6 years
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@tamauge Frankie: what is it???
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mrsdooggle · 6 years
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@tamauge Frankie: I love it! Th-thank you!
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mrsdooggle · 6 years
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Frankie: no reason to be sorry
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mrsdooggle · 6 years
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@tamauge Frankie: I guess I owe you a date lol.
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mrsdooggle · 6 years
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Another request with Bab!
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