askprosecutie · 4 years
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Sure do! Can’t beat a good apple, ‘specially from the Apple family ☆~(ゝ。∂)Whatcha need done, pal? 
(bg cred: x)
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itskaylapony · 4 years
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sunnystarlight · 6 years
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( I cant believe I finished this a year ago and forgot to post it. Its the amazing prosecutie, who was one of the first blogs I found and really liked way back. I think they’ve gone quiet though. )
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ask-the-chan-family · 6 years
The Adventure of Sherlock Thomas and Dr. Prosecutie Watson
April 3, 1904, once again Dr. Prosecutie Watson and I are stuck yet another sticky situation. After meeting up with our good friend Jacob Wisp at Diamond Dog town, he was able to give us more information about the Diamond Dog that rob the jewelry store, and the location where he usually hangout at. When Jacob Wisp escorted us to the nearby pub, we were able to locate the Diamond Dog we been looking for, and try to come up a plan to ask him some question. When Jacob Wisp was able to get some answers from the Diamond Dog for us, the Diamond Dog already notice Dr. Prosecutie Watson and I from a distance, which force him to call his friends, and fight us. Usually I’m not the type that like to fight very often, I rather use my head then to prove myself with brawl strength, but once you’re dealing with thieves that barely use their mind that much, you really don’t have much a choice. During our engagement with the Diamond Dog and his bar buddies, Jacob Wip was able to knock out a few of them like it was nothing. It a good thing that Jacob gotten use fighting against them, since he usually see a bar fight now and then. Dr. Prosecutie Watson was using his magic to make a shield to protect our young friend Sepian Tone from danger. As for me on the other hooves, I’m doing my best at dodging some of their attacks, while searching for the diamond dog we been searching for. I remember before the fight even started, the Diamond Dog was able to call out his friends to face us, but instead of joining the fight, he was manage to slip through the crowd, and escape somewhere in the pub. While dodging their attacks, I was able to fly over some of the goons, and take a quick look around to see where he ran off to. Before I had the chance to look further, I notice that Dr. Prosecutie Watson, and Sepain Tone side were surrounded by a bunch of goons, and it look like Dr. Watson was running out of energy to keep up the shield. I know I need to search for the culprit, but my priority need to be change and have to head over to help them. I manage to fly over to them, and see what I can do to help them. There was too many of them for me to fight alone, and Jacob Whips was busy facing off a few gryphon that got a hold of him. I use eyes to see if there was anything I could use, and finally notice a set of candle lantern were hanging about where the goons are. I use my brain to come up a simple solution, and fly over to where the rope was holding the candle lanterns. I saw from the distance that Dr. Watson was out of energy and had no choice but to lower the shield down. The goons were happy that the shield was gone and gotten closer to them. Sepian Tone hid behind Dr. Watson, hoping they won’t hurt her. Dr. Watson try conjure a bit of magic to see if he can push back a few of them. Just before they even got a chance to harm them, I was able to call goons out, just to let them know that the great Detective have them fooled. When they look at me for a moment, they didn’t relies that I was loosen a rope that was tie up by the wall, which fly up in the ceiling. The goons had no clue what going on, until one of them look up ceiling and saw the candle lanterns were falling a top of them. Relief that my little planed work, and both Watson, and Sepain were safe. I walk over to them, and see if they were doing alright. Sepian Tone walk towards me and gave me a gratitude hug, thanking me for saving her and Watson. Dr. Prosecutie Watson finally reach up to us, and stand by my side, I was thinking he was going to than me, but gave me one of his could had done something simple lecture. Dr. Prosecutie Watson: Mr. Thomas, you know you sort of cutting that a bit short there. Sepian and I were this close going to get hurt by the goons. Sherlock Thomas: I know Watson, and I apology for cutting a bit short. I was doing my best to calculate a simple solution to save you both by using my brain to knock them out with the candle lanterns from the ceiling. Dr. Prosecutie Watson: well I have to say it was a brilliant idea you did there, but maybe next time do it a little faster. Sherlock Thomas: *he tap Watson on the shoulder* and I’m happy to save you, and young Sepian life. Dr. Prosecutie Watson: …… Sigh, it a good thing we are good friends Mr. Thomas. That all I’m going to say. Sherlock Thomas: indeed we are my dear Watson. Now then, Ms. Tone I presume, I’m a bit curious of why are you doing here, instead with Ms. Notepade we spoken with a little while ago. Sepian Tone: I’m sorry for coming here Mr. Thomas sir, but Ms. Tone assist that I follow you guys, and see if I can gather something for her paper. Dr. Prosecutie Watson: is she crazy to send a young child on a dangerous mission like that. Especially we were heading for Diamond Dog Town. Sepain Tone: I know Ms. Notepad make some bad choice once awhile, but I had dealt with much worse situation before. I’m just glad that you and Sherlock Thomas saved my life. I’m forever in your debt. Sherlock Thomas: we’re happy that you’re safe Ms. Tone, but I’m afraid that we need to hurry and search for the Diamond Dog, before he get the chance to escape. Jacob Wisp: no need to fear Lads and Lassie. Your dear of friend Jacob Wisp is here to save the day. When all of us hear Jacob Wisp, we and notice that he was carrying someone over his shoulder. When Jacob Wisp reach up to us, he drop the person on the floor, and it was our man of honor the Brown Diamond Dog we were looking for. I was impress that Jacob Wisp was able to capture, which Watson and I congratulate him. Sherlock Thomas: excellent work on capturing him Jacob Wisp. Dr. Prosecutie Watson: a splendid job indeed Jacob, we thought for sure that Diamond Dog was going to manage to escape from us for sure. Jacob Wisp: it’s no problem at all you two. When I first saw him trying to escape the pub, I did my best to catch up with him, but a few lads were in the way and I thought for sure I was going to lose. But lucky for me my dear sweet lass Scoria who own the pub was manage to knock him out for me. Dr. Prosecutie Watson: Oh that right! Lady Scoria is the owner of this pub. I guess I see why you come here very often. Jacob Wisp: but of course, my dear Scoria family own this pub for many generation, and she does her best to keep this place running. Sherlock Thomas: you do your best by making sure there is no bar fight, right? Jacob Wisp: *he laugh nervously* well not all of us can be perfect Mr. Thomas. Sherlock Thomas: ….. I guess so. Now then, if we done chatting for a moment, let see if our dear friend here can chat with us for a moment, and tell us a little more about our dear friend Moriarty. Jacob Wisp was able to manage to wake our dear friend from his doggy nap. When the Diamond Dog woke up, he notice that he was surrounded, and had no chance of escaping from us. I notice on his face that he wasn’t happy that he got caught, and started to say some harsh towards us. Diamond Dog: I can’t believe that blimey brawd manage to catch me off guard like that. Jacob Wisp: best watch you said about me girl lad, or you want her to come over her, and show you a true meaning of fear. Diamond Dog: easy mate, I was only kidding about that, you and I both know how dangerous she can be when she mad. Sherlock Thomas: then perhaps it time for you to answers more of our question, or I allow Jacob to call Lady Scoria over, and we allow her to finish the job. Diamond Dog: alright, fine. Go ahead, and ask your stupid question MR. Thomas. Sherlock Thomas: very well then, did you and several of your Diamond Dog friends rob a jewelry store on Wednesday Morning of April 2? Diamond Dog: yes, me and some of me mate were planning to rob the jewelry store on that day. The boss gave us the proper plans of how to rob the place, without causing the alarm to go off. Dr. Prosecutie Watson: that why the place wasn’t damage too much. Usually Diamond Dog cause more damage than planning. Sherlock Thomas: but that Jewelry store still had some still had some priceless jewelry the Diamond Dog could had easily stolen. Tell me why neither you, nor your friends didn’t bother stealing the other jewelry? Diamond Dog: that because the boss order us only to steal certain jewelry. We ask the boss if we can steal some other, but he only care about the one he want, and nothing else. Sherlock Thomas: I see, but we did notice that one or two jewelry were stolen from a display, which I found a trace of your hair. Diamond Dog: ….. That could be anyone hair, you can’t prove that could me mine. Dr. Prosecutie Watson: do you really want to test his skill good sir. Especially he was able to find you here without a problem. Sherlock Thomas: with some help from our friend Jacob Wisp. Jacob Wisp: thank you. Diamond Dog: *he snarl* ok so I did stole a few diamonds from the one the boss doesn’t want. He didn’t pay us very well from that heist, so I had no choice to steal a few, just to make a few extra coins. Sherlock Thomas: figure as much. Your greed is the main reason why we were able to find you very easily. Diamond Dog: oh yeah! How so smart guy? Sherlock Thomas: your boss plan of robbing the jewelry store was very well planned. You and your co-host go inside at the right proper time, and steal the certain jewels that he needed, but thanks to your greedy instinct, you stole some extra jewelry for yourself, which your fur got caught from the display glass, and left it for us to find you. Diamond Dog: ……… Lucky guess. Dr. Prosecutie Watson: not luck good sir, pure skills. Sherlock Thomas: Thank you Watson. Now good sir, since you kept on mention about your boss, care to tell us that this boss of yours is actually Professor Valo Moriarty, or someone else that impersonating him, or someone else that pulling the string? Jacob Wisp: and you best answer him quickly lad, I’m in a mood for another round. Diamond Dog: Ok, don’t try to kill me. Yeah the one that running that heist is Professor Valo Moriarty, and yes he is most definitely alive. When the Diamond Dog said those key words, everyone in the room were silent for a moment. I on the other hand already figure that Moriarty was indeed alive all this time. When you face someone like him your entire career, they never stay silent, until their true mission of crime was satisfied. Dr. Watson was a bit nervous of what the Diamond Dog said and him personally if he was lying. Dr. Prosecutie Watson: you got to be kidding, there is no way for Moriarty to be alive, I was there when Mr. Thomas and Moriarty fought each other, when his castle was caught on fire. Sherlock Thomas was lucky to escape that place with his life. Diamond Dog: *he laugh* well you have no idea how dangerous the boss really is. He may have defeated him that night, but he manage to find able to beat death, and come back for another round. Sherlock Thomas: if he did come back, what is your boss planning? Diamond Dog: don’t know, I was only there for the jewelry heist. The only few people that actually know his true plan are. When he was about to tell us the name, he stop in the middle of his sentence when he felt something strange was happening to him. I notice that he had his paw holding his chest, like someone was hitting on it too much. Then I notice that was coughing a lot, and spitting out some foaming substance from his mouth. We all had no clue what was happing to him, but Watson and I are well aware of what going on. Dr. Prosecutie Watson stand by the Diamond dog side, and see if he can help, but before he could do anything to help him, the Diamond dog was already gone. Everyone were shock to see the Diamond Dog died in front of us, especially young Sepian Tone who not use to see something like that very often. Jacob Wisp was nice enough to stand by her side, and does his best to comfort her. Dotocr Watson and I on the other hooves try to examine the situation, and figure how the Diamond Dog die in front of us. Dr. Prosecutie Watson: I can’t believe the Diamond dog died right in front of us Mr. Thomas, and just when he was going to tell us something important Sherlock Thomas: indeed, it ashamed that the Diamond dog had to die so suddenly, but I’m still surprise that he lived long enough, just before the poison take effect. Dr. Prosecutie Watson: hold on a second Mr. Thomas, are you saying that you knew he was poison? Sherlock Thomas: not at first, but when we were having our conversation with him, I notice a few sign that was out of the ordinary. Dr. Prosecutie Watson: really! Like what for example? Sherlock Thomas: for starter, I notice that his body was starting to sweat a lot. I know Diamond Dog are in the same species as normal dogs, and they don’t have the same ability to sweat from the body. The second thing I also notice that his eyes were becoming a bit more red than usual, At first he must the smoke, but I haven’t smell any type of material for him to do that. Dr. Prosecutie Watson: that right, I did see his eyes were a lot redder than before. But if he was poison, how on earth would poison him, and do it right under our noses. Sherlock Thomas: by my guess, it could be one of Moriarty allied could have done this, but it got to be someone who is an expert that dealt with poison. Dr. Prosecutie Watson: Jacob, do you happen to know someone that dealt with poison? Jacob Wisp: I know a lot of lads that dealt with the stuff, but none of them aren’t even that good of poisoning someone like that. I do know one person that could have the information on the person you seek. Dr. Prosecutie Watson: and who that might be? Sherlock Thomas: I already know who he going to say Watson, and I’m not in the rush of meeting her. Do. Prosecutie Watson: what do you mean by that Mr. Thomas? Jacob Wisp: oh come now Mr. Thomas, you know the lass like you so much, that she been bugging me to ask you in person to pass by her bar for special treatment. Sherlock Thomas: and she already know the same answers I told her before. Dr. Prosecutie Watson: Mr. Thomas, can you please tell me what going on. Who Jacob Wisp is talking about. Sherlock Thomas: ……….. Sigh, Rhetta Stone, that who Jacob was talking about. Do. Prosecutie Watson: Rhetta Stone, as in the Rhetta Stone. One of the most notorious griffin gang leader of London. You actually know her. Jacob Wisp: he more than know her, if you actually catch my drift *he laugh* Sherlock Thomas: Watson didn’t need to know about that Jacob Wisp, but yes, Rhetta Stone and I had some acutance in the past, but that was long time ago, and continue on our own personal life. Dr. Prosecutie Watson: ok then, but it doesn’t sound like Rhetta Stone went on her own life that much, since she still have a crush on you. Sherlock Thomas: which why I want to do my best of not meeting her. WE will find some way to locate Moriarty a different way, like we always do. Dr. Prosecutie Watson: and even if we do Mr. Thomas, we back to square one, and the only person that can lead us to the right direction, is killed by one of Moriarty allies. Sherlock Thomas: true, but we still have that particular riddles that he left behind. If we can solve that riddle about the puzzle cube, we might have an extra edge against him. Speian Tone: oh I just relies something Mr. Thomas sir, I was able to figure out the riddle about the puzzle cube. Sherlock Thomas: brilliant Ms. Tone, I knew I can count on you. Speian Tone: do you want to hear it right now? Sherlock Thomas: not here, it best to tell it at our place, it a lot safer there then here. Dr. Prosecutie Watson: I agree Mr. Thomas, since we had no clue if the coulprit that poison the Diamond Dog, could be hiding in this very pub. Sherlock Thomas: Elementary Dear Watson. Jacob Wisp, you be alright dealing with the body, until Scotland Yard pass by? Jacob Wisp: of course Mr. Thomas, I stay here until the copper pass by here. I tell them what here, including the dead body as well. Sherlock Thomas: excellent, and if you see Inspector Lestrade, just mention my name, and she will deal the rest. Dr. Prosecutie Watson: is it wise that we let him tell Dashie that we were here. You know how she warn us of not getting involved. Sherlock Thomas: true, but right now we have a much bigger case than the jewelry theft. Valo Moriarty is alive, and he is up to something. So we have to be ready for anything. Things have finally gotten very interesting. At first it was going to be a simple case, but after hearing Moriarty was alive, I already know that this going to be the biggest case I ever solved. To be continued. Well that was fun, Valo Moriarty is indeed alive, and they were this close to find out more. Lucky for them that their young friend was able to solved one of the key clue they needed. What clue they going to get, best to stick around to find out more. This story was done for valo-the-pony-drawer Special guest character Prosecutie: @ask-prosecutie Wisp the diamond dog: @ask-wisp-the-diamond-dog Sepian Tone: @ask-postmodernpony
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Sweet Disaster in Book Of Celndon Mistry
somting really want to try for long time makeing posters art and need say looking very nice i have to say too myself on this posters you see is our friend Sweet Disaster inn library hall she saw somting very nice book she like too read and it is Detective mystery book she opend it up but somting is going on.The Book slowy being using Magic pulling our firend Sweeti inn world of Celndon Twon there she meeting one of gret Detective pony is Sherlock Thomas and his good friend Dr. Prosecutie Watson inn this world our firend Sweet Disaster have too find way get back home and same time help out Sherlock Thomas with his mystery puzzle help from Jacob Wisp the Diamond Dog and faceinghis Nemesis Professor Valo Moriarty.
Sweet Disaster @asksweetdisaster
Wisp the Diamond Dog @ask-wisp-the-diamond-dog
Prosecutie @askprosecutie
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asksketchysentient · 7 years
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Ok I know I said no horse stuff, but the other day I couldn’t help but draw another possible dragon form for Sketchy. It’s just a chibi version, so that’s why its got a snoot like a hognosed snake💕
There’s also a lil sleeping prosie for size reference~
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parchnposies-mod · 7 years
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a commission from @redventure for @askprosecutie. I was delighted to receive this commission since i’m a really big fan of theirs! 
Please full view
My commissions are currently open until June 8th, 2017! 
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I didn’t know about that but if they are happy  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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theamishpirate · 7 years
werewolf: how do you deal with your inner demons?
 Not how I used to deal with them! Which was bottling everything up, refusing to seek help, and trying to beat them through sheer force of will and self-deprecation alone. :’D
 The last few years, I’ve learned a lot about myself, and how to deal with nasty thought patterns. I see a psychologist regularly, and she helps me to untangle my thoughts, put names to the problems I’m facing, and guide me towards healthier ways of thinking. I also talk things over with some of my close friends, and together we help each other through our day-to-day struggles. As it turns out, many heads are better than one.
I’ve also found that writing my thoughts out is a great way to process things. If I leave thoughts to bounce around in my head, they have a tendency to spiral and never go anywhere useful. Just getting out of my head and down on paper does wonders. It even helps me get my thoughts in order if I want to talk them over with somebody later. I keep a physical journal with me at all times, and I have several folders in Google Docs devoted to journaling. Makes for good re-reading and reflection too.
Oh! I nearly forgot; exercise. Running and cycling especially. It’s really meditative for me. It’s just enough activity that my brain has to focus on it, but not so much activity that my thoughts can’t wander while I do it. Plus, I love the feeling of pushing myself during a good run. It’s like all the stress gets flushed out of my system, leaving me tired and content. Yay endorphins!
Last, but not least, my faith is a tremendous help to me. Whether it’s wisdom for dealing with difficult times, comfort for when I’m hurting, or joy in the little wonders of life, God has been with me through thick and thin. Slowly, but surely, He’s been building me up and helping me bop my demons, and I am ever-thankful for his steadfastness in the face of my stubbornness. :P
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llimus · 7 years
lace, oil paints, combat boots
lace: when was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you?
A long time ago, I’m sure... One of my best friends.
oil paints: what would you title the autobiography of your life so far?
The Shoes Over the Lot
combat boots: are you a very forgiving person? do you like being this way?
I dunno’ if I’d say “forgiving”
sometimes, yeah… most times I just stop caring
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askprosecutie · 4 years
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This is feelin’ more like an escape room...(; ・`д・´)
(bg cred: x)
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askprosecutie replied to your post: help i need to find smitty werbenjagermanjensen...
Bleehh. Jokes about death really kill the mood :/
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ask-the-chan-family · 6 years
Thomas and Princess Celestia Wedding Anniversary
Inside the royal throne room at the Canterlot castle, the two royal sisters Princess Celestia and Luna are tight in the middle speaking to the citizens of Canterlot, hearing about their everyday problem. The reason they are listening to their problems, is because every once a month that the citizens from Canterlot to Manehatten can meet with the princess and tell them about the minor problem in their town or major issue with the laws. Princess Celestia and Luna had no problem talking to their subject, but Princess Celestia was a little anxious, because today was a very important day to her and she wanted to have a little time to spend with a particular pony, that she been thinking about all day. After finishing talking the two pony couple, Princess Luna check on her older sister and see how she doing, so far she notice that Celestia was day dreaming about something, while an earth pony was waving it hooves. Princess Luna sigh to herself and already figured what her sister was daydreaming about, she use her magic a little and try to read her mind, hoping to contact her a little. Princess Luna try to see what her sister dreaming about, but after seeing the image of what it was, she regret even looking at it. Princess Celestia finally snap out of her day dream and notice the pony was still standing in front of her, plus many others as well. Princess Celestia started to blush, feeling embarrassed for dozing off like that, while ponies wanted to speak to her. Princess Luna held her lunch long enough, before losing again and stare at her older sister, with a disappointing look in her eyes. after finishing talking the last few ponies, Princess Celestia was relief that she was done talking and can finally head out to town and try to see if she can still get something before later tonight. Before she can even leave, Princess Luna stop her sister and try to talk to her about her behavior in the throne room today. Princess Celestia: what the matter Luna, is there something I did wrong Princess Luna: oh you sure did something wrong alright, I saw you day dreaming, when a pony was trying to talk to you. Princess Celestia: that crazy Luna, you well know I don't day dream like that. If I was day dreaming, I would have someone looking through Princess Luna: ..... Princess Celestia: please don't tell me that you saw my dream did you Princess Luna: as the princess of the night, it my sworn duty to check on everyone dreams and make sure that no one have any bad dreams. But once I saw yours, I will never want to see or eat another cake, as long I live. Princess Celestia: oh dear, you must the saw my chocolate cake with Tommy wommy dream. Princess Luna: I did sister and I have to say, your mind is very twisted when it comes to dessert and your husband. Princess Celestia: I'm so sorry Luna, you know how I am when I think about Tommy wommy and cake at the same time, especially when I get bored with silly meeting. Princess Luna: those boring meetings you say, are very important big sister. Everyone in Canterlot count on us for guidance and making sure the city move smoothly. As for you being the head princess of this kingdom, you need to concentrate on your duties, then day dreaming about your husband all day Princess Celestia: I know Luna, but you know I can't help it. Whenever I think about him, I sometimes wonder if he still think about me. I know we're been married for a whole year now, but I feel like I'm neglecting our relationship and not spending more time with him. Princess Luna: ... sigh, look Tia, I may not know him better than you do, but I do know that Thomas is a loyal husband and always care about you. He was able to talk to our father to get his permission to marry you and he always put his life on the line to protect you and anyone that he care about. Princess Celestia: ....... Princess Luna: sister, you got to put more faith in yourself, like you put a lot of faith in me. Thomas will always be by your side and he won't leave you, no matter how much he try to push himself away. Princess Celestia: your right Luna, I guess I was worried about it too much, I try to have more faith in myself that our relationship is great, but even my doubts get the best of me. But I promise to have a little more confidence in myself Princess Luna: that good to hear Tia, now let head to the royal hall, we had another meeting with some members from the embassy, who wanted to ask us some important information about the weekly income taxes Princess Celestia: ....... sure thing Luna, right after I head for the kitchen and grab some.... cake Princess Luna: are you serious big sister, you just had two slices of cakes before the meeting with the citizens, your still hungry now Princess Celestia: I can't help it Luna, I been having a lot of craving as of late and it been hard to get rid of it. Princess Luna: well you been asking for more cakes then usual and you pack a lot of weight around the waist area. Princess Celestia: I know and no matter how much I work out, it still there, even my hooves start to swollen up a bit and getting some pain on the side Princess Luna: did you check with the doctor, maybe it might be something more than just simple weight princess Celestia: I don't need to go see a doctor Luna, I'm perfectly fine. Now go ahead and I will meet you later, this princess got some cakes to eat. Princess Luna was still worry about her older sister health, she see that Celestia added a lot of weight by the stomach area and she been sleeping a lot more than usual. Luna feel like that there something wrong, but the only answer she had in mind, but feel like it was a long shot. Princes Luna wanted to investigate this more, but when dealing with the members of the embassy, they tend to hate waiting for a long period of time. Across from the other side of the castle, inside the Royal Kitchen, Thomas and Prosecutie friend Wrangler were both hard at work making a special cake, for Celestia wedding anniversary gift. After several hours searching different type of cake recipes, they were able to find the right one and place the batter in the oven. While waiting for the cake to be finish, Thomas and Wrangler both start cleaning up the kitchen, so that way no one know what they were doing and keep it as a surprise from Princess Celestia. Thomas the writer: thanks again for helping me out Wrangler, it mean a lot that to me Wrangler: it no problem at all Thomas, after you guys saved me from Sera winter shadow creature, I thought I was goner. Thomas the writer: it wasn't only me that saved you Wrangler, it was a team effort of stopping my false sister, from completing some sort of evil plan. Wrangler: speaking of sisters, is your little sister Nova is visiting you today or she at home? Thomas the writer: no clue, Nova could be anywhere these, usually I get a call or two from her and she tell me what she doing or she need help with something. But why did you ask about her Wrangler: ..... *he blush* well you know, your sister stop by at the house, but she disguise herself as Prosecutie and ... well. Thomas the writer: *face hooves* you don't need to explain the whole thing, I got the picture. Wrangler: wait, so you already know that your sister can do that? Thomas the writer: apparently yes, Nova tend to transform into any other creatures she wants to, but Nova like to transform into other ponies and pretend to be them for fun. Since you told me about Nova little prank, Prosecutie must the learned about her special abilities and ask her to prank on you just for fun. Wrangler: .... sigh, we'll if you ask me Thomas, her view of fun, wasn't funny at all. I was acting nervous like crazy and I wasn't sure what to do. Thomas the writer: again I apologize for what Nova had done, after I surprise Tia our wedding anniversary cake, I will have a good talk with her, so that she doesn't do that sort of thing again. Unless Prosecutie feel like pranking you. Wrangler: alright then, but speaking of wedding cake, do you think the cake is done. When Thomas was going to answer Wrangler question, his nose puck up a burnt sent, like something was over cooked. Thomas look to see where the burning smell was coming from and notice some burnt smoke was coming from the oven. Thomas and Wrangler ran towards the oven, hopefully that the cake didn't burnt that much, but once they open the oven the cake was completely burnt. Thomas grab some oven mittens and pull the cake out from the oven, Wrangler examine the cake and then shake his heading that the cake is already gone. Wrangler: sorry Thomas, the cake completely burnt to a cripes. Thomas the writer: sigh, we'll that just great, the cake was meant to be Tia perfect wedding anniversary, what am I going to get her now. Wrangler: we could try to bake another one Thomas the writer: I wish that would be easy, but I don't think we got enough time to do another one. Celestia and Luna are in a middle of several meetings and knowing Tia, she going to try to sneak here and grab a snack or two. Wrangler: but what are the chances for her to stop here? Just when Wrangler was about to finish his sentence, they both heard some hooves step from the distance. Thomas was familiar hearing those hooves step and already know that they belong to his wife. Thomas and Wrangler were both freaking and trying their best to see what they should do next. Thomas look at the broom closet nearby and came up an interesting idea that might work. He grab Wrangler and head for the broom closet, he started removing some of the stuff inside, and so it would have enough space for Wrangler to hide. Thomas the writer: OK Wrangler, in you go Wrangler: are you sure I could fit inside there Thomas Thomas the writer: I understand you don't want to hide inside the broom closet, but it the only hiding place I could think up right now. Wrangler: but how about I just hide under one of those Wrangler doing his best to finish sentence, but heard the hooves step getting a lot louder. Thomas didn't have much choice, so he push Wrangler to the broom closet and close the door behind him. After helping Wrangler hide inside the broom closet and remind himself later to apologies for pushing him in there, Thomas finally remembered that he forgot to toss out the burnt cake and clean up the mess around the oven. When he reach back to the oven and start clean up the mess, he noticed that someone was already there and who would have guess it, it was none other than his wife Princess Celestia. Thomas notice that his wife was trying the burnt anniversary cake, he sometimes forget that Princess Celestia like cake so much, she doesn't care if it burnt or not. Princess Celestia still continue eating the burnt cake, but stop for a moment and notice her husband was behind her. She use her magic to find a napkin to clear her mouth and walk up to him for a big hug. Princess Celestia: it good to see you Tommy wommy, I was surprised to see you here in the kitchen, I thought you went out at Canterlot, so you could meet up a friend Thomas the writer: I did, I meet up Prosecutie friend Wrangler at the Canterlot café, we chat for a little while, but he told me that he had to go somewhere important, so I figure I back home and work at the kitchen for a little while. Princess Celestia: is that so *she look at the burnt cake* so I'm guessing you’re the one that nearly burnt a perfectly good cake then. Thomas the writer: yeah I'm sorry about that, I was trying to bake a cake for you, in honor our wedding anniversary. At first I wanted to get you a nice gift, but figure I bake you a cake instead. Princess Celestia was shock of what her husband was trying to do for and all she wanted to do is hug him for the kind. But she stop herself for and moment and realize something that she thinking about since her conversation with Luna. She felt guilty that her husband did so much for her and haven't done anything for him at all. She closed her eyes in tears, knowing that she never would reach his level of kindness. Thomas was confuse of what going on with her, she walk by Celestia side and ask her to see what wrong. Thomas the writer: is everything alright Tia, why are you crying. Princess Celestia: *sniff* oh Thomas, you done so much for over the years, that I feel so bad that I haven't done a single thing for you. Thomas the writer: come now Tia, that not true. Princess Celestia: it is Tommy woomy, you always there when I'm sad, always there when I have things to deal with. No matter what people say to you or the things I ask from you. You just do it no matter what. Thomas the writer: that because I love you Tia. I do those things because I love you very much and I'm happy to help you out no matter what, because you would do the same thing for me, if I ever had problems doing things on my own. After hearing those kind words, Princess Celestia she'd more tears and have Thomas a big hug, squeezing him by her large stomach. Once she was done crying for at least a second, said something to him that she been wanting to say for a long time. Princes Celestia: I always love you too Tommy wommy, you’re the best husband a Princess could ever ask for. I promise to do my best to help you as well, even if I don't do that much. Thomas the writer: *he did his best to move his face away from Tia fur* thanks Tia, but would you mind let me go, I can't breathe. Princess Celestia: sorry about that dear, just give a *before she got a chance to say anything, she felt something moving in her stomach, that force her not to move at all* oh no. Thomas the writer: Tia, is there something wrong? Princess Celestia: I'm not sure, but it feel like something starting to move on its own and it won't let me *she started to feel the same pain again, but this time a lot stronger* mother of me! This pain is really bad. Thomas try his best to move, but Celestia was holding him tight and can't move a single muscle. While trying his nest, he was able to feel Celestia stomach and felt something was moving inside, not just one but two movement at the same time. Thomas the writer: Tia, I think I figured out what going on. Princess Celestia: what that dear? Thomas the writer: I think you’re pregnant, and you’re going to have twins. Princess Celestia: but that can't be right. I know for sure that I'm a little chubby, but I can't have *she felt another pain and this time she scream her lungs out* ok, you and Luna were both right. I am pregnant, and I been denying it for a while. Thomas the writer: *he was able to find an opening and got out from Tia hooves for a time being* wait so Kuna knew you was pregnant, why didn't you tell me about it as well. Princess Celestia: I don't know, I guess I was afraid that you don't wanted to have any more kids, since I kept our son Sunrise from you. Thomas the writer: Tia, you silly mare, I had no problem starting to have a family with you. Sure I haven't been with Sunrise that much, like I do with Dashie. But if you wanted to have more kids, next time we talk about it first Princess Celestia: of course dear, but how about after I have these kids first. They kicking like crazy and I can't take it anymore. Thomas the writer: I better get help, trying to carry you on my own won't be before he could able to finish his sentence, Thomas heard a crash noise, that was coming from a distance where he was standing. He looked at where the noise was coming from and saw Wrangler on the floor, hanging half way from the broom closet. Thomas walk back where Wrangler was and try his best to help him up. Thomas the writer: sorry about that Wrangler, I wasn't sure if you was going to fit there Wrangler: it quite alright, I just old you and the Princess some brooms and mops I broken by mistake. So how the wedding anniversary going Thomas. Thomas the writer: well good so far, especially the part where Celestia is having twins and they're going to born as in right now. Wrangler: wait, what! Princess Celestia: hello there Wrangler, I would mind asking to see why you was doing in the broom closet, but I can forget the whole thing, if you both help me please *she had one of her hooves by her stomach* Thomas, they're coming and they want out NOW! Thomas the writer: don't worry Tia, we are heading for the royal infirmary, and you will deliver the child in no time. Hey Wrangler, can you help me out, by escorting Tia to the Infirmary? Wrangler: I wouldlike to help you out Thoms, but if you haven't notice, I'm kinda stuck. Thomas the writer: .... Whoops. After Thomas did his best to pull Wrangler out of the broom closet, they both help escort Princess Celestia to the Royal Infirmary, so she can get the proper medical assistance, bring the twins to the world. Once they reach the Royal Infirmary, Thomas and Wrangler waited outside, so the doctor and nurse work their magic, to help Princess Celestia pregnancy. Thomas was standing in front of the door, waiting to see if the doctor or nurse was coming to meet him. Thomas concentrate staring at the door a little, until he lost his focus, when Wrangler got his attention. Wrangler: are you doing alright Thomas? You seem a little down, when y Thomas the writer: .... sigh, I'm alright Wrangler, just a little worried about Tia and the twins. Wrangler: why should you be worried? For a father of two kids, you should be use to this sort of thing. Thomas the writer: I know, but the problem part with that, I never been around whenever my children are born. Wrangler: really! How does someone like you that care so much about their family and friends, is never around when? Thomas the writer: ...... sigh, I'm a very complicated pony to understand Wrangler. All my life I ever do, is running away from my problems. No matter how far I go or try to change my life, the problems from my past tend to find me all the time. When I first met Dashie at Uncle Shop and she told me that she was my daughter, I wasn't sure if I was ready to be the father she been looking for. Wrangler: but you are the father that Dashie been looking for Thomas, and a good one at that. Thomas the writer: what do you mean by that? Wrangler: you may not remember this, but long ago that Prosecutie and his father don't always see eye to eye. His father had done some bad thing in the past, he even try to ask Prosecutie to do some illegal action, for a friend that done a serious crime. Thomas the writer: oh yes, I still remember about Prosecutie father. The royal guards and I had a warrant on his head. We discovered that he possess some illegal documents, that he kept at his personal office. The documents attain some valuable information on ponies that work in Canterlot or other higher office. Wrangler: that right, when his father had gone to court for having those kind of documents, Prosecutie was the lawyer that gone against him, making sure that he pay those crimes he done. Thomas the writer: Prosecutie did a good job in court, but his father have powerful friends, that was able to free him from going to jail. But that still doesn't answer of what you said earlier. Wrangler: you remember the back alley by the court house. That night after Prosecutie heard that his father was free, Prosecutie father had a talk with him, but he wasn't alone. Thomas the writer: of course I do, I saw Prosecutie was cornered by several tough pony, who were plan to best him. I was hoping that Prosecutie would use his magic for self-defense, but part of him still care about his dad, even if he was a terrible pony. Wrangler indeed, I still remember Prosecutie told me that his father said some me an thing to him. Saying that he betrayed him, trying to send his own flesh and blood to prison. But Prosecutie told his father that he doesn't care if he was flesh and blood, he does his best to follow the law, and he will do whatever he can to stop him for good. Thomas the writer: I was able to hear that from a distance. Prosecutie was brave to stand up to his father, even knowing that he was going to get hurt. Wrangler: but he didn't, you was there in the neck of time to arrest Prosecutie father and his friends. Prosecutie was happy that you was there to watch over him, knowing that you could have left any time. Thomas the writer: I would never would do that to him, or anyone else that needed help. Wrangler: *he walk by Thomas side and gently place his hooves by Thomas shoulder* especially your children that always ask their father for help. Thomas the writer: ....... Wrangler: Thomas, don't lose hope on yourself, just because of past mistakesyou done. You’re a good pony that deserves a second chance, and seeing that you’re going to have twin kids, is a sign for a better future. Thomas stood white for a moment, thinking of what Wrangler said. He know that he still question about his ability to be a good father. But with all the good things he had done, and been a great father to both Dashie and Sunrise, there might be a little hope for him yet. Thomas was about to thank Wrangler for the kinds words, but before he got the chance, he notice the door in front of him was started to open. He saw a nurse unicorn named Pera Medic approach in front of him and Wrangler, while removing the medical mask on her face. Pera Medic: greeting Sir Thomas and friend, sorry to keep you both waiting this long. Thomas the writer: how is Tia, is she and the kids are doing alright? Pera Medic: Princess Celestia is doing fine and well. She gave a successful birth of twins, and which by the way are both girls. Thomas the writer: girls you say. Wrangler: congrats Thomas, you’re a father of twin girls. Thomas the writer: *he laugh* thanks Wrangler and thank you Nurse, for telling me the great news. Pera Medic: it my pleasure, it also a big honor to meet you too, since I'm a big fan of some of your books you wrote. Thomas the writer: Oh! Thanks, happy you enjoy my work. If you ever interested of more, you always welcome to my bookshop at downtown Canterlot Market Street. Pera Medic: *she squealed* thank you. Wrangler: look like you got more fans that enjoy your work Thomas. Thomas the writer: *he laugh*I can see that. Oh by the way, what type of breed my daughters are, I'm very curious if both of them became alicorn, like their mother. Pera Medic: actually sir Thomas, both of your daughter born a little differently. One was born a Unicorn, while the other was born an earth pony. Wrangler: A unicorn and a earth pony, that something else. Thomas the writer: not a big surprised there, don't forget my father was a Unicorn and most of his family members were earth ponies and pegesi. It was bond to happen to have my twins to be born different. Pera Medic: true sir, in fact your daughter also carry some high level of magic within themselves as well. I'm guessing being daughters of a powerful alicorn, they would have some serious magic. Wrangler and Thomas look at each other and start to laugh a little, knowing that Thomas have some serious magic within himself. When done laughing, Thomas look back at the nurse and ask her a few more question, before she get the chance to leave. Thomas the writer: is it possible to see Tia and the twins? Pera Medic: of course sir Thomas, but for now it only you and family members can come inside. All none family members had to wait outside, until the princess and the twins be ready to see everyone Thomas the writer: are you sure, Wrangler is a good and he should be able to see them. Wrangler: it's alright Thomas, you can go ahead and see them. Thomas the writer: are you sure Wrangler: go Thomas, your wife and new born are waiting to see you. Thomas understood what he said and walk inside the room with the nurse, so he can see Princess Celestia and the new born. Wrangler waited by the door for a little, hoping to see the new born too. He wish that his friend Prosecutie would have been there to see Thomas twins. Maybe he might be done of whatever work he was doing, so he could pass by and see them. While busy thinking to himself, Wrangler sense a present that someone was behind. He look to see if it was Prosecutie, but it was none other than Thomas daughter Dashie writer. Wrangler is surprised to see her here at the castle. He remember that she try to dodge the castle all the time, since she still haven't gotten use living in a very big place. He notice Dashie was walking towards him, carrying on her back what look like some flowers she pick up. Once she reach up to him, Dashie fix her glasses a little and greet him of a hello. But instead of a simple, Wrangler gave Dashie a nice hello hug. Wrangler: Dashie is hood to see you Dashie writer: it good to see you too. Sorry for being late, after dad told me that Tia was in labor, I had to pass by to get some flowers. Wrangler: it quite alright Dashie, it good that your here either way. Your father be happy that you made it. Dashie writer: same here, but where my dad go anyway, I thought I was going to see him here. Wrangler: He is already inside the room with Princess Celestia and the twin daughters. Dashie writer: twin girls huh, well that be interesting to have little sisters around. Did dad said anything about giving them names. Wrangler: not quite sure, but knowing him and Princess Celestia, they will come up a good name for them. Dashie writer: I see, well then, I do hope dad named them something interesting. Because he doesn't, he going to have a good talk with me. Wrangler laugh at what Dashie just said, he notice her personality is almost similar like her father. He look at Dashie for a quick moment and sense something from her. He saw that Dashie was feeling a little sad, which was wasn't there a moment ago. Wrangler think to himself that Dashie might be upset with something, so he walk up to her and see if When doing alright. Wrangler: are you alright Dashie, you see m a little sad. Dashie writer: I'm perfectly fine Wrangler. What make you think there something wrong? Wrangler: One minute you was happy, then the next minute feeling sad. I feel like something is bothering you, and I want to help you feel better. Dashie wanted to say a simple excuse that she was fine, but that opportunity was gone and she had no other choice to tell him. She sigh to herself and gain the courage of what in her mind. Dashie: I'm just having a hard time feeling uncomfortable with all this going on. Wrangler: uncomfortable, why you said that. Dashie writer: I wasn't there when my dad got married, and I know my dad did sense me I was there, but I wasn't myself at that time. I was something else. I know Princess Celestia have a special room for me at the castle, but it just too big for me, from the room dad had for me back home. Wrangler:that one I understand, Prosecutie was able to see you living by a tall bush, where you made it your home. Dashie writer: *she laugh* dad been bugging me to come inside the castle all the time and I keep on saying no. But we did compromise together and allow me to tmstay there, but I have to come inside the castle, whenever it rain. Wrangler: *he laugh* but I still sense some sadness from you Dashie, what still bothering you. Dashie writer: I guess it still bothering me that I going to have more siblings again. Wrangler: siblings again? You have siblings before Dashie. Dashie writer: yeah, but a long story and a little complicated to explain. Wrangler: …… Ok then, I guess. But I do hope you’re not jealous of your sisters being born. Dashie writer: why I want to be jealous for, I’m happy for my father and Tia of having kids again. Wrangler: that good to hear Dashie, but I’m still curious of why you still feel sad. Dashie: writer: ….. Sigh, I guess I’m still thinking about my mom a little bit. Wrangler: your mother huh, you and your father rarely talk about her that much. Dashie writer: there nothing much I can say about her. My mom left my dad for personal reason that I will never understand, then she lost her life protecting me from danger. I was very young at that time, so my memories of her is a little hard. Wrangler: if you barely know her that much, why you still feel sad for her. Dashie writer: *she remove her glasses and clear some tears from her eyes, before she put them back* look Wrangler, my childhood is very complicated like my dad. I sometimes try my best not to talk about my past. I love my mother, but not a lot like I do with dad. She was a stick in the mud and overly protected with me, but she was someone that was able to teach of how to stand on my own, while no one was there to watch me. Wrangler: … I understand, it must be rough living on your own like that, but at least your mother did her best to help you, even it was a short period of time. Dashie writer: yeah, but thanks to her for telling me stories about my dad, I would never had the courage to leave the woods and search for him. It wasn’t for her, I would be staying those woods, for the rest of my life. Never meet my dad, or meet ponies like you and Prosecutie. Wrangler smile and then gave Dashie a hug. Dashie was able to hug him back, thanking him for the talk. Dashie felt more tears coming out her eyes, but not tears of sadness, but happiness and joy. While they both hug for a bit, Thomas stand right in front of the, while holding his new born twin daughters. Thomas wanted to say something, but figure to let them hug for a little while longer. Thomas look at his twin daughters, resting in his arms. Thomas gave both of them a soft kiss and said a few words to them. Thomas the writer: welcome to the world Rebecca and Mia, welcome to our happy family. The End Hey guys it been a while since we last chat. Firstly sorry for the long delay on a story, been really buys and stuff, so it a lot harder for me to get any projects done that I was hoping to do. So I have a story here that I was plan to do, is make it a wedding Anniversary for Thomas and Princess Celestia, but I figure to change it around a little bit, to make it the day Rebecca and Mia were born on their anniversary. I have to say it turn out pretty good. I got a bunch more stories coming up soon, and thank you for being patient with me. Special guest character Wrangler: @ask-prosecutie
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Proscutie and Colt Drawer Valo inn bath for him As Proscutie being to wash Clot Drawer Valo inn bath alot nice blueberry shampoo on his fur easy way take mud way but Clot Drawer Valo he bit grumpy becos he like more fun playing on mud but he need good wash becos they haveing visit by som pony inn hous who will need wait and see. Colt Drawer Valo:..humf....i like too play more on mud....Proscutie...way i need take bath.... Proscutie: becos we haveing nice visit today you need be ready for them i mean them i mean one of princess sun and moon of cos.. Colt Drawer Valo: really h-how long they com here...? Proscutie: hmm minit i ting so...be nice see one of them..*smile* Mod:.and we back again inn this nice backstory of Clot Drawer Valo and this time he need nice bath for meet one of princess sun and moon but withs one you my ask who know need wait and see abut thet.
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asksketchysentient · 7 years
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P: [working] S: OuO P: Whoa... Have you always had those? S: Apparently! They're soft... Wanna squish em? P: P: yes It's been confirmed. Sketchy actually has toe beans! Of course, the first person they'd tell is their bestie! @askprosecutie
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asksugarkisses · 8 years
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『AAAAAare you---are you talking about yourself?』
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