#Wolfgang Junior
mapecl-stories · 1 year
Der Strahlende Liebreiz
Es war einmal im beschaulichen Örtchen Kleinhausen, wo Herr Wolfgang ein ebenso charmantes wie kurioses Häuschen besaß. Vor dem Häuschen thronte stolz ein Gartenzwerg, der mit einem verschmitzten Lächeln und einem zu großen Spaten bewaffnet den Vorgarten schmückte. Doch das Auffälligste an der Szenerie war zweifellos das Kernkraftwerk, das unerwartet seinen Platz neben dem Zwerg gefunden hatte. Nun, das nannte man wohl "strahlende Vielfalt".
An einem sonnigen Tag ereignete sich im beschaulichen Kleinhausen etwas, das die Dorfbewohner in helle Aufregung versetzte. Die Tomaten von Herrn Wolfgang wuchsen auf einmal in den Himmel und waren so prächtig wie der Riese aus den Märchen. Sogar der Sellerie wurde zum Wunderwerk der Gemüsewelt und versetzte die Dorfgemeinschaft ins Staunen. Besonders Herr Wolfgangs Frau in dritter Ehe, die gute Anette, war außer sich vor Freude. Als jemand, der von Cäsium und Plutonium so viel Ahnung hatte wie ein Zwerg von Raketenwissenschaft, feierte sie die prächtige Ernte in ekstatischem Entzücken. Sogar der arme Peer, der Hund der Familie, konnte dem Gemüsewachstum kaum standhalten und verschwand kurzzeitig zwischen den Tomatenbergen.
Aber es sollte noch erstaunlicher kommen: Eines Tages kam der lang erwartete Nachwuchs der Familie zur Welt – der kleine Wolfgang Junior erblickte das Licht der Welt. Doch es war, als hätte der Neuling die Großzügigkeit der Natur auf einmal für sich beansprucht. Der junge Wolfgang hatte links und rechts drei Ohren, auf seinem Köpfchen prangte ein Pilz, er schien eine Vorliebe für überzählige Zehen zu haben, und auch seine Hände waren mit einem Überschuss an Fingern ausgestattet. Manch einer konnte schwören, er habe einmal Klaviertöne aus dem Kinderzimmer vernommen – oder war es nur ein Zufall, dass die Melodie von "Für Elise" erklang?
Trotz der bedenklichen Anzahl von Körperteilen und den unerwarteten musikalischen Einlagen wuchs Wolfgang Junior heran, genoss sein Dasein und nahm den Titel "Menschlicher Nachttischlampenersatz" in seinem Kinderzimmer eifrig wahr. Während der Sohn also nachts strahlte, genossen die Eltern ihren "Spar"-Tarif bei der Stromrechnung.
Als der Junge schließlich heranwuchs, waren auch die Pickel auf seinem Gesicht so zahlreich wie seine Finger. Eine Suche nach Liebe gestaltete sich für ihn schwierig, bis er auf die gleichfalls strahlende Amalia traf, die mit einem Hauch von Tschernobyl-Charme gesegnet war. Gemeinsam strahlten sie in den Hafen der Ehe – ein strahlendes Paar, sozusagen.
Die Liebe zwischen Wolfgang Junior und Amalia blühte auf, und das Paar fand Freude in ihrer außergewöhnlichen Gemeinsamkeit. Selbst die Anzahl ihrer Körperteile konnte ihre Liebe nicht aufhalten – sie waren eben einzigartig, zusammenpassend wie zwei Puzzleteile aus einer seltsamen Dimension.
Und so endete die Geschichte von Herrn Wolfgang, seinem strahlenden Häuschen, den prächtigen Tomaten und der außergewöhnlichen Familie. Kleinhausen war vielleicht ein wenig anders als andere Dörfer, aber das machte es nur umso liebenswerter. Denn am Ende des Tages zeigte die Geschichte, dass die wahre Schönheit und der Liebreiz im Besonderen liegen können – selbst wenn es ein bisschen mehr als nur "drei, zwei, eins" davon gibt.
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loveofstelena · 7 days
Multicouples • No High
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(Bad Juju is teaching Juju Junior about wishes)
Bad Juju: The concept of wishes and those who grant them is a varied one. There are the benevolent, like my fellow Skylander, Ninjini, who grants the desires of others not for personal gain, but out of the goodness in her heart.
Bad Juju: There are the malicious, like many a dark wizard, who only use their power to inflict suffering upon others. Even asking for something as simple as a glass of water could be twisted into a dark fate by their evil hands.
Bad Juju: And then there is an in-between, like the paw of a monkey. Someone could use it to wish themselves wealthy, but then lose a beloved family member to whose fortune they would inherit. These will grant your wish exactly as you worded it, but will take something away in return.
Wolfgang: (stumbling in with a black eye) Hey Bad Juju, I used a monkey’s paw to make a wish and then it punched me in the face. Is that bad?
Juju Junior: …Momma, what would that mean?
Bad Juju: (pulling out a notepad) Of course, there is also the type that is just plain incomprehensible. I say we keep an eye on him to see what happens.
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shesthespinstersimmer · 3 months
Graduates (7)🎓
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Harper Ramsey
Business Major / Feng Trust Recipient / Future CEO of the Year Recipient 🥇 / Feng Hall / Foxbury
Icon, indeed. Harper Ramsey is coming for it all. She didn’t plan to get engaged, but when you fall in love with the son of one of the most powerful families, you adjust your to-do list. With a little planning, she can tackle some wedding fans too.
Her mother Drea always taught her to depend on no one; anything she wanted she had to get for herself. And if they still say no? Build her own. That’s precisely what she plans to do.
Her older sister Everlee may have missed a stop by having kids with a loser, but Harper is determined to pull her up and give her independence again.
Nonetheless, watching Harper graduate with honors today fills them with pride.
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Vanessa Langston
Interior Design Major / Architecture Club / Feng Trust Recipient / Feng Hall / Foxbury
The future Mrs. Dreamer has learned a lot; chief among them is that she does not want to be an interior designer. Sure, she’s learned a of tips for redecorating her penthouse, but she’s not sure she wants it to be her career. But fashion? That might be it. Either way, her fiancé, celebrity Dirk Dreamer is ready to support whatever she chooses. Nice work if you can get it.
Her mother, Tamika is still trying to come to terms with the fact that her little baby is about to marry one of the biggest celebrities of the worlds, but having her partner Denz here is helping. So long as their baby girl is well taken care of and happy, they’re winning, right? Maybe she can stop worrying and take a little more time enjoying her life with Denz and what Del Sol has to offer. 
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Suzu Masami
Business Major / Feng Conglomerate Pick of the Year 🥇 / Arts & Culture Club / Feng Trust Recipient 🥇 / Feng Hall / Foxbury
Suzu has got her eye on the prize. She already has a junior executive position at the Feng Conglomerate, and she plans on using those tools and resources to build her own business.
If that goes well, possibly her own label.
We don’t doubt for one moment that she’ll succeed .
She and Wolfgang are still keeping it, casual; it works for both of them. She’s already taken her signing bonus and paid for her condo in Del Sol .But what will happens when she’s in close proximity to other… Interests? 
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"Garrett Hedlund on Brad Pitt in Troy and Friday Night Lights | Screen Tests | W Magazine"
Original Transcript by W Magazine
Edited Video Transcript by @ casual-video-transcripts is under the cut
[0:00] [Text on screen reads "W SCREEN TESTS WITH LYNN HIRSCHBERG"]
[0:02] [Text on screen reads "GARRETT HEDLUND"]
[0:03] Garrett Hedlund: I was raised on a farm, so...
[0:05] We only had like three television channels.
[0:07] I don't really remember the first movie I saw.
[0:11] I loved what films did.
[0:13] I would constantly,
[0:14] you know, go to the back of the VHS's
[0:16] and the address for Universal Pictures
[0:19] or MGM would be on there,
[0:21] and I'd just start writing to the studios,
[0:23] asking if I could be in their, you know, in a movie.
[0:27] And then...That's more of a what I remember, yeah.
[0:31] I don't remember my first audition really well.
[0:33] I just remember that I didn't do very well.
[0:36] You know, I think the phrase was after, "you sucked pond water".
[0:39] And that's a ridiculous phrase, but.
[0:41] [Garrett sputters.]
[0:43] I moved to Arizona when I was 14 to live with my mother,
[0:46] and I always wanted to be an actor,
[0:48] but being in Arizona, I was only a state away.
[0:51] I'd been flying from Arizona to Los Angeles
[0:55] for two or three years for auditions.
[0:58] Yeah, by myself.
[0:59] I'd get out of school and I'd fly into Burbank Airport,
[1:02] I'd get in a taxicab, I'd go to the audition.
[1:04] I'd taxi back, I found out I didn't get it,
[1:07] and then the whole while I'm back on Southwest, you know,
[1:10] flying back to Arizona, go to school the next day.
[1:14] Hee...
[1:15] I was 18 or 17-18, and I'd skipped
[1:18] my junior year prom
[1:19] to be this...to be this extra,
[1:25] and then by my senior year when prom was to go on,
[1:27] I was out in Malta, filming Troy.
[1:29] You know, it was funny, because, you know,
[1:32] the character Patroclus was,
[1:34] you know, [I'd] see little things, you know,
[1:37] references to him being a poet,
[1:39] and so I'd go up to Wolfgang and Brad the next day
[1:41] and I'd be like, "well maybe instead of this shot,
[1:43] maybe you could just have me on that hilltop over there
[1:45] just kind of writing a little bit."
[1:47] And... they were just, "yeah...
[1:50] yeah, that's a good idea."
[1:51] [Garrett pats the air like a one-hand shoulder pat and then chuckles.]
[1:53] Then after, you know, Troy, I went on to...
[1:56] go do Friday Night Lights, the football film.
[1:58] I played football for just a year in Minnesota
[2:01] and then a year in Arizona.
[2:03] But...
[2:05] I don't think was ever a -
[2:08] I think I, I was never really, I don't think I was ever the starter.
[2:10] Heh.
[2:11] I played like defensive end.
[2:13] I was always on defense, so
[2:14] I wasn't the glorious position.
[2:18] I wasn't the ball carrier, I wasn't the quarterback.
[2:20] I wasn't, you know, the one making the touchdowns,
[2:23] so I think that's where, you know.
[2:26] What draws me to certain different roles
[2:28] are the extremities.
[2:29] I mean, doing something completely different.
[2:31] I don't feel during the day that I'm the same person,
[2:34] you know, on Wednesday as I am on Monday,
[2:37] and our minds change, our ideas change,
[2:39] our opinions change constantly.
[2:42] I've been signed on to On the Road since 2007 or so,
[2:46] and I just,
[2:47] I remember reading the book in high school.
[2:50] I mean, I went online and looked,
[2:52] and it said Francis Ford Coppola's directing this,
[2:54] and I was like, "man, I'll never get a chance at this".
[2:57] [And] I still, I mean, we're halfway through filming
[3:00] and I still can't believe I'm a part of it.
[3:02] I auditioned in like March of '07,
[3:05] [and then] I found out on my birthday
[3:07] in September that I'd gotten it.
[3:09] I'd had to land in Chicago for a layover,
[3:11] and when I got to Chicago, my dad called me,
[3:13] sang me all of Happy Birthday,
[3:16] and then I land in L.A.
[3:17] and I get another call from
[3:21] home in Minnesota,
[3:22] and [it was]
[3:24] you know, it was news telling me that my father
[3:27] had dropped of a heart attack
[3:29] [Gasps from behind the camera]
[3:29] Garrett: after he got off the phone with me.
[3:31] So I was just like, I called him up in the hospital
[3:33] and I said, "you know, you can't do this, you know, it's my birthday."
[3:37] And he goes, "I know, son."
[3:39] And I said, I just got On the Road"
[3:40] [Garrett laughs softly.]
[3:42] He's like, "that's great, son."
[3:43] [Garrett sharply inhales.]
[3:44] So it was, you know, a weird balance
[3:47] of... you know...you know, when there's a great amount of good
[3:53] it can also be evened out by
[3:55] a great amount of sort of bad in a way.
[3:58] I sat down with lunch with Jeff Bridges.
[4:01] [Phone chimes.]
[4:02] Garrett: Sorry about this.
[4:03] [Garrett pulls his phone out of his pant pocket and then throws it away. You can hear the phone thunk against the floor.]
[4:06] [Multiple staff members behind the camera laugh and giggle.]
[4:07] Garrett: Hehe, sorry.
[4:08] If it was a car, it'd be out the window.
[4:10] [Someone behind the camera laughs.]
[4:11] Garrett: Just phones and gadgets and stuff,
[4:12] I'm not good with them.
[4:13] I don't appreciate them the way others do.
[4:16] It's like for me, you know when somebody gets a new car
[4:19] and they're so worried that scratch, you know,
[4:22] that first scratch, but after that everything's fine.
[4:24] I'm just saying, you know, everything to me in life
[4:26] is like the second scratch.
[4:30] [Text on screen reads "W"]
[4:31] [Text on screen reads
cinematographer SCOTT SANS
production assistant KALVIN LAZARTE
film editor BRUNX
production company LEGS"]
End of transcript
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Video Channel: W Magazine
Video Description:
In this Screen Tests interview, actor Garrett Hedlund (Tron: Legacy, Troy, On the Road) explains how he blew his first audition (the reaction, "you sucked pond water") and how he blew off his senior prom to shoot a movie with Brad Pitt.
Transcript I was raised on a farm, so. We only had like three television channels. I don't really remember the first movie I saw. I loved what films did. I would constantly, you know, go to the back of the VHS's and the address for Universal Pictures or MGM would be on there, and I'd just start writing to the studios, asking if I could be in their, you know, in a movie. That's more of a what I remember, yeah. I don't remember my first audition really well. I just remember that I didn't do very well. I think the phrase was after, you sucked pond water. That's a ridiculous phrase, but. I moved to Arizona when I was to live with my mother, and I always wanted to be an actor, but being in Arizona, I was only a state away. I'd been flying from Arizona to Los Angeles for two or three years for auditions. Yeah, by myself. I'd get out of school and I'd fly into Burbank Airport, I'd get in a taxicab, I'd go to the audition. I'd taxi back, I found out I didn't get it, and then the whole while I'm back on Southwest, flying back to Arizona, go to school the next day. I was , or , , and I'd skipped my junior year prom to be this extra, and then by my senior year when prom was to go on, I was out in Malta, filming Troy. You know, it was funny, because, you know, the character Patrick was, you know, I'd see little things. References to him being a poet, so I'd go up to Wolfgang and Brad the next day and I'd be like, well maybe instead of this shot, maybe you could just have me on that hilltop over there just kind of writing a little bit. And, they were just, yeah, yeah, that's a good idea. Then after Troy, I went on to go do Friday Night Lights, the football film. I played football for just a year in Minnesota and then a year in Arizona. But, I think I, I was never really, I don't think I was ever the starter. I played like defensive end. I was always on defense, so I wasn't the glorious position. I wasn't the ball carrier, I wasn't the quarterback. I wasn't the one making the touchdowns, so I think that's where, you know. What draws me to certain different roles are the extremities. I mean, doing something completely different. I don't feel during the day that I'm the same person on Wednesday as I am on Monday, and our minds change, our ideas change, our opinions change constantly. I've been signed on to On the Road since or so, and I just, I remember reading the book in high school. I went online and looked, and it said Francis Ford Coppola's directing this, and I was like, man, I'll never get a chance at this. And I still, I mean, we're halfway through filming and I still can't believe I'm a part of it. I auditioned in like March of ', and then I found out on my birthday in September that I'd gotten it. I'd had to land in Chicago for a layover, and when I got to Chicago, my dad called me, sang me all of Happy Birthday, and then I land in L.A. and I get another call from home in Minnesota, and it was you know, it was news telling me that my father had dropped of a heart attack after he got off the phone with me. So I was just like, I called him up in the hospital and I said, you know, you can't do this, it's my birthday. And he goes, I know, son. And I said, I just got On the Road (laughs). He's like, that's great, son. So it was a weird balance of you know, when there's a great amount of good it can also be evened out by a great amount of sort of bad in a way. I sat down with lunch with Jeff Bridges. Sorry about this. If it was a car, it'd be out the window. Just phones and gadgets and stuff, I'm not good with them. I don't appreciate it them the way others do. It's like for me, you know when somebody gets a new car and they're so worried that scratch, that first scratch, but after that everything's fine. You know, everything to me in life is like the second scratch.
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Garrett Hedlund on Brad Pitt in Troy and Friday Night Lights | Screen Tests | W Magazine
CVT Disclaimer: None of the videos I transcribe belong to me. They belong to the content creators and the crew behind the videos. Please keep in mind that my transcripts may not be 100% as I am not a professional. I'm just someone who wants to provide video transcripts for people to understand and enjoy these videos. For this video, I focused on the speaker.
If there are any corrections you would like me to make, let me know in the comment section of the post or through my ask box (if my ask box works).
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Casual Video Transcripts' Personal Notes: Hello everyone again, apologies for not posting the mera video transcript. The mera video transcript will happen eventually... I've been focusing my energy and time on other projects. It's been nice. I want to take my time and not rush it. In the meantime, I hope you all are okay with these other posts. There may or may not be a lot of movie-related video transcripts already in the works.
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snakemanaustralia · 3 months
A fake scientist named Jane Melville has engaged in taxonomic vandalism in an attempt to unlawfully rename nine species of Australian dragon lizard.
They are listed below.
The nine illegally coined names are as follows: Lophognathus horneri Melville et al., 2018 is an illegally coined junior synonym of Lophognathus wellingtoni Hoser, 2015 Tympanocryptis argillosa Melville et al. 2019 is an illegally coined junior synonym of Tympanocryptis optus Hoser, 2019. Tympanocryptis darlingensis Chaplin, Wilson, Sumner & Melville, 2023 is an illegally coined junior synonym of Tympanocryptis deniselivingstonae Hoser, 2019 Tympanocryptis hobsoni Chaplin, Wilson, Sumner & Melville, 2023 is an illegally coined junior synonym of Tympanocryptis courtneyleitchae Hoser, 2019 Tympanocryptis einasleighensis Chaplin, Wilson, Sumner & Melville, 2023 is an illegally coined junior synonym of Tympanocryptis karimdaouesi Hoser, 2019 Tympanocryptis osbornei Melville et al. 2019 is an illegally coined junior synonym of Tympanocryptis lineata Peters, 1863. Tympanocryptis petersi Melville et al. 2019 is an illegally coined junior synonym of Tympanocryptis snakebustersorum Hoser, 2019. Tympanocryptis rustica Melville et al. 2019 is an illegally coined junior synonym of Tympanocryptis lachlanheffermani Hoser, 2019. Tympanocryptis tolleyi Melville et al. 2019 is an illegally coined junior synonym of Tympanocryptis vodafone Hoser, 2019. Also it is worth noting that Jane Melville also illegally renamed the genus Melvillesaurea Hoser, 2015 as Tropicagama in 2018 as well. She has been getting people to use that name as correct since then, fully aware that her name is an illegally coined synonym of Melvillesaurea and that Melvillesaurea is in fact the correct genus name.
To learn more, see: Hoser, R. T. 2024. Taxonomic vandalism by Wolfgang Wuster and his gang of thieves. Yet more illegally coined names by the rule breakers for species and genera previously named according to the rules of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Australasian Journal of Herpetology 72:47-63. That can be downloaded at: https://www.smuggled.com/AJH-72-pages-47-63.pdf
Also see: Hoser, R. T. 2019 11 new species, 4 new subspecies and a subgenus of Australian Dragon Lizard in the genus Tympanocryptis Peters, 1863, with a warning on the conservation status and long-term survival prospects of some newly named taxa. Australasian Journal of Herpetology 39:23-52. That can be downloaded at: https://www.smuggled.com/issue-39-pages-23-52.pdf
See also: Hoser, R. T. 2019. Richard Shine et al. (1987), Hinrich Kaiser et al. (2013), Jane Melville et al. (2018 and 2019): Australian Agamids and how rule breakers, liars, thieves, taxonomic vandals and law breaking copyright infringers are causing reptile species to become extinct. Australasian Journal of Herpetology 39:23-52. That can be downloaded at: https://www.smuggled.com/issue-39-pages-53-63.pdf
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thefandomentals · 2 months
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mariacallous · 2 months
Top diplomats from the United States’ foreign allies are flocking to the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Wisconsin this week to make inroads with a Republican Party that some fear could abandon them under the ascendant MAGA movement.
Ambassadors from around 20 European countries plan to head to the convention with pitches on the value of alliances that they hope are tailor-made for former U.S. President Donald Trump’s Republican Party—with talking points that emphasize how they are beefing up defense spending and toughening their stances on China. What’s unclear is whether their messages will get through to the skeptics.
“It’s our last-ditch pitch to the MAGA wing of the party,” said one European official, who, like many of the more than a dozen officials whom Foreign Policy spoke to for this story, requested anonymity to discuss sensitive diplomatic matters. “We have a lot to offer. I just hope they are willing to listen.”
For supporters of Ukraine, the RNC got off to a rocky start. On Monday, the convention’s opening night, prominent Silicon Valley venture capitalist and political donor David Sacks took to the stage to bash President Joe Biden’s Democratic Party—including through jabs about the war in Ukraine that mirrored narratives frequently seen in Russian propaganda outlets. Biden “provoked, yes provoked, the Russians to invade Ukraine with talk of NATO expansion,” Sacks said. (All NATO allies sharply dispute this characterization and say that Russian President Vladimir Putin launched the war unprovoked.)
It’s common for diplomats from U.S.-allied countries to attend both the Republican and Democratic conventions in election years. But this election cycle has taken on a new level of urgency for European allies due to the prospect of Trump and his newly anointed running mate, J.D. Vance, taking the White House in November.
Trump has repeatedly criticized NATO allies and vilified the European Union as an arch economic rival, rather than a valuable ally, of the United States. Vance, the junior senator from Ohio, has parted with many Senate Republicans in calling for a halt to U.S. aid to Ukraine—a point that has unnerved U.S. allies and energized Russian media circles as the war in Ukraine drags into its third year. The bulk of Republicans in Congress support NATO and Ukraine, but the faction of the party that is skeptical of alliances and continuing support to Ukraine is rising, particularly with Trump’s pick of Vance as running mate.
Jovita Neliupsiene, the EU ambassador to Washington, is currently in Milwaukee and downplayed the narrative of a Europe gripped by anxiety over a second Trump term. “You have to keep a cool head and do your work,” she said in an interview. “Yes, it takes a bit of effort to explain how interlinked we are,” she added, but her message this week to skeptical Republicans is that “we would be better off together.”
Ukraine—and many NATO allies—rely heavily on the U.S. military and its massive defense industry to keep supplying Kyiv’s defense against Russia and deter attacks on NATO’s European allies. Many allied countries believe that Ukraine would quickly lose ground if the U.S. cut off support—and Moscow could set its sights on invading other countries on the alliance’s eastern flank next if it is victorious in Ukraine.
“I cannot think of a moment in time over these long years where the presence and role of America in European security has been more important than at this crucial moment in history, where we have an ongoing war with a nuclear power in the heart of Europe,” said Wolfgang Ischinger, a top German foreign-policy thinker who runs the Munich Security Conference. (Ischinger flew to Milwaukee on Tuesday to host his own MSC events on the sidelines of the RNC. He noted that he will attend the Democratic National Convention in Chicago later this year, too.)
Yet the view that Europe has for too long freeloaded off U.S. military might and still isn’t spending enough on defense has taken root in the populist faction of the Republican Party that has shown up in force in Milwaukee for the convention. Some hawkish pro-NATO Republicans, such as former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, joined the roster of speakers at the convention.
Yet skeptics of Ukraine aid and European alliances also got their own top speaking slots—indicating that Europe’s battle for the narrative in Milwaukee was far from a done deal. These skeptics included Florida Rep. Byron Donalds, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (who has repeatedly parroted false Russian conspiracy theories on Ukraine), and the influential conservative commentator Tucker Carlson.
Like much of Washington, European governments were caught flat-footed by Trump’s surprising victory in the 2016 presidential election, leading to the surge in engagement at this year’s RNC.
“Embassies do not want to be in the same place they were in 2016,” said Heather Conley, the head of the Washington-based German Marshall Fund think tank. “They were surprised and just did not have connections into the administration,” she said, “so this time it’s clear they learned their lesson and are trying to make new contacts, reach out to folks in the Republican world they do not know.”
For European ambassadors, the RNC also represents a unique opportunity to pitch the importance of trans-Atlantic ties to the Republican Party machinery outside the Washington bubble—if the skeptics are willing to engage and listen.
One main pitch is focused on the Republicans’ top foreign-policy priority: countering China. On Tuesday, the EU’s ambassador to Washington, Neliupsiene, the EU ambassador, hosted a meeting in Milwaukee on U.S.-EU ties with China with Republican Texas Rep. Nathaniel Moran and Elbridge Colby, a prominent conservative foreign-policy thinker. Colby has ties to Trump campaign circles and has called for the United States to step back from supporting Ukraine and redirect military resources to confronting Beijing.
“The best 5G technologies, apart from Chinese [options], are in Europe. If we’re serious on de-risking from China, we have to work together, the EU and U.S.,” Neliupsiene said.
Another focus for allies at the RNC, officials said, will be driving home the message that Europe is taking its own defense more seriously and ramping up investments in its militaries—a main thorn in the side of U.S.-Europe ties during Trump’s first term. (In 2014, just three member states met the NATO threshold of spending 2 percent of GDP on defense; this year, 23 of the 32 allies are slated to meet that target.) The British, German, Swedish, and Canadian ambassadors will speak at an event about NATO on the sidelines of the RNC hosted by Politico on Thursday, fresh off the heels of a NATO summit in Washington last week that was overshadowed by doubts about Biden’s own ability to stand for a second term given his age.
Ischinger said that Europeans need to stop hand-wringing about the prospect of a second Trump term and muscle through managing trans-Atlantic ties.
“I will spend quite a bit of time in the next couple days trying to tell my Republican friends: ‘You should actually dispatch smart people from the Trump camp to Europe in the coming months before the election to explain [that] the world is not going to end if the Republicans take over the White House again,’” he said.
“We’ve had too much panic-driven commentary in European thinking,” he said. “There are problems, yes, and they need to be discussed … but we have solved them for almost 80 years, and we can do so again.”
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southsquaresims · 3 months
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Click for better quality! Might try pngs next post to see if it looks better
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Malcolm Landgraab
Junior - 16
Malcolm: What do you want, Wolfgang?
Wolfgang Munch
Junior - 16
Wolfgang: What do you think Malcolm? Sell me something.
WG: How much do you want?
M: Wolf, whatever you have isn't enough, you can't afford me
WG: Well... can I convince you to give me a discount?
M: Fuck, just don't say anything to anyone, okay?
WG: Yeah, I got it
M: I'm serious
WG: I know, I know
M: Good.
WG: Sooooo can I have a discount?
M: Y-yea, sure
WG: sweet
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😴: Somehow, Vanilla and their niblings have wound up at a circus in Orre, the head act none other than the regionally-renowned... Victoria Clownzap, accompanied by The Incredible Junior. The act itself is impressive and fully sold out, trainer and Pokémon in perfect sync. At one point, Sidon even calls out, "That's my aunt!", only to be met from the stage with an enraged, "I'm not your fekkin auntie!" The entire crowd roars with laughter, and the dream fades.
😨: It was pretty inevitable that an intern of three Justice Pokémon and a self-labeled villain who treated Pokémon cruelty as a hobby would cross eventually. Vanilla was prepared for that. What they had forgotten to bargain for is that Victoria Gonzap excels at revenge. It's in the early hours of the morning Vanilla's phone rings violently, flooded with calls and texts from people he barely knows at a furious pace. There's only about two words they need to make out, and that's "stream" and "Wolfgang", before they frantically tap a link.
...It's exactly as bad as, if not worse than, your imagination.
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wellenklavier · 2 years
i love "kraftwerk is cool/calm on stage" sentiments bc i mean it IS true to an extent but it doesnt eliminate the truly pervasive dweebazoid nature which saturates each and every one of them especially early on. for example (from my last post)
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ralf is beating the shit out that synthesizer
wolfgang is dressed for junior prom
karl the cyber vibraphone warrior
florian was normal in those photos but point still stands
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mapecl-stories · 1 year
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icarian-angel · 10 months
and just when i thought novs couldn't get any cooler i find out he's a junior firefighter and his middle name is wolfgang. i didn't think it was physically possible to be that epic but he is out here doing it every day
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re: Lee/Rolf: "are you flirting with me?"
Thank you for specifying, Anon! I'll be honest, Lee/Rolf was a hard one, but I did my best, sorry it's kind of short. Rolf is always incredibly fun to write for, at any rate, no matter who he's with.
I like to imagine either Rolf forgot about all the scary encounter he had with them or they just didn't happen lol. Either way I set this at a high school dance.
#21 - "Are you flirting with me?" Lee/Rolf
What a flunk this school dance turned out to be, Lee thought bitterly to herself as she watched Eddy, the unrequited love of her life, dancing about with Double Dee.
What a traitor…
Sure, she knew her feelings for him were extremely one-sided, but she was hoping for at least a little action here tonight, and Eddy was the perfect target to shove her affections on, as per usual.
Beside her, Marie scoffed. She too appeared to be annoyed by this unforeseen turn of events.
“Go figure, a school dance and our two dates go off and dance with each other instead of us…” she sneered. “Unbelievable.”
“Who’da thunk, eh?” Lee chatted. “We been fighting for our boyfriends this whole time only for them to run off with each other… typical love triangle if ya ask me.”
And who were they to stop them? Even the two sisters could see just how happy they were dancing with one another. That didn’t help with the growing pain of loneliness building in their hearts all the same.
At least for Lee, that was about to change.
“Well, hello~” Came an accented voice, emerging from above the bellowing music. Lee and Marie turned their heads to find they were in company of a tall, dark and handsome man they recognized as one of the teens from the cul-de-sac… Rolf, his name was… they think.
For junior prom, he’d worn a hideous atrocity of an outfit, some form of fish suit with sticky spikes all over it that wound up shutting the scene down all together. They’d seen him a few times before that, once when he attempted to steal back May’s boyfriend, but other than that he was simply the oddball that few people could understand.
It was hard to believe this man standing before them was the same person.
For the high school dance, he’d actually dressed up in fancy clothing with his vibrant blue hair slicked back. He actually appeared rather attractive, if the girls were honest.
“Well, well, if it isn’t Wolfgang Mc-what’s-his-face,” Lee greeted in an almost sing-song tone. “What’s a happenin’ stud like you doin’ with a couple lonely little birds like us, eh?”
“Rolf too shares in your loneliness,” he told them. “And as such, Rolf wishes to partake in the ceremonial shimmy of youth-time awkwardness.”
Lee exchanged glanced with Marie, who looked positively baffled. “What’d he say??”
Lee looked Rolf dead in the eyes, and he didn’t falter. Unlike the countless other men she’d tried to woo, he showed no fear.
“Why us, eh? There’s plenty of other fish in the sea, Romeo,” she scoffed.
“Back in Rolf’s home country, the women whose temperament is rivaled by that of mother nature is the most sought after. She who is strong in many ways is the one who builds a strong home, no?”
Lee paused. She’d been called many things by other men, but none ever complimented her on her strong attitude, in fact, they usually ran from it. She narrowed her eyes, though she doubted he could see that under her luscious bangs.
“Are you flirtin’ with me?”
“Rolf may be attempting to win your affections, yes.”
Marie dismissed him with a wave of her hand, visibly gagging as she stepped away.
“Hard pass.”
So, Rolf remained with Lee in a moment of dreadful silence. If he felt nerves, he showed no signs of it as he waited patiently for what she had to say. Finally, Lee held out her hand with a lopsided smile.
“I do love me an honest man. Sweep me off my feet, you dog.”
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cometcrystal · 2 years
peanuts 2nd gens. a work in progress
ludwig wolfgang van pelt - the schrucy kid obviously. they had him relatively later so he’s a bit younger than the other kids (subject to change). he’s an annoying theater kid (actor = The Audacity + the arts, so his parents combined). fairly quiet overall but once you get him talking he’s a strange feller. having 2 celebrity parents and not going to public school will do that to you.
junior “mint” reichardt - the pat/marcie kid. junior mint is entirely milo @ectoviolet‘s idea so i cannot take credit for that name. Junior is his legal first name. dont have a personality for him yet but he is worth mentioning
april and june gray - violet and patty’s twin girls. they are the “twins that can read each others’ minds and talk without speaking” trope. they walk down the sidewalk in perfect unison. i also think they’re the oldest out of the kids; theyre adopted
the miller clan - sally and my OC lorraine’s kids. they have a gaggle of about 7 i think? i dont have it fleshed out further than that but they have lots of babies and they all love their uncle charlie (theyre the only ones who call him by just his first name)
those are who i have so far but i think i want charlie brown and franklin to have a little girl? and maybe ill give linus and janice kids too. ive got a couple other pairs but im not invested enough to give them kids. not yet at least
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in-the-red-notebook · 5 months
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Junior Survey
first two are new-ish images I think I'm going to include in the final. I have a transparency of my grandpa that I also am considering including, but I forgot it in the non-silver lab. The rest are images I've already shown but I toned some of them. Ignore the little objects in the corners of some of the images, the photos were just too curled to see.
Again trying to provide some more context around my project with the new photos. Toned the images so the brown ones are from my own perspective and blue ones to be more of a criticism of the West. The criticisms are on the left where the middle finger is more readable, right side is more images that bring me comfort. The text accompanying the painting was written by my brother when my grandpa died. He was a diplomat and lived with us when I was growing up. I think he's an important part of why I try to create representation for Nepali people.
Artist Statement:
Through my work I create a personal narrative that is tied to my identity as a queer Nepali artist living in the Western world. Growing up mainly in the Midwest and always being a minority left people questioning my gender, race, ethnicity,  and overall existence. After having so many questions aimed at myself,  I aim to shift the narrative back onto the audience: white supremacy. Utilizing image and word I create a sense of confrontation invoking curiosity surrounding context and intention. The audience is left questioning themselves and their own knowledge surrounding queerness and South-Asian identities, something that is largely forgotten, erased, or ignored, in a way that demands acknowledgement and thoughtfulness. 
The collage-like installations mimic the spread of bedroom walls, generally the only sanctuary people who feel isolated in their identities have to explore themselves and their interests without being judged. Creating collages in my own bedroom walls surrounding my interests was a common practice while moving from state to state while growing up. This also sparked an interest in creating drawings and paintings to hang up. The work most commonly consists of digital photographs relating to my own personality and identity growing up in a digital age, while also utilizing cyanotypes and other more dated modes of working to reflect the lasting sentiments found in the work.  The work is inspired by the likes of: Baseera Khan, Wolfgang Tillmans, and Deanna Lawson.
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