#With a heavy dose of the Kenshin Friend
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ikesenhell · 7 years ago
Tag Yourself! Warlord Edition
What Warlord Friend are you? Tag yourself! 
NOTE: This was conceived in a LiveWrite! Please come and visit next time! We will play more stupid tag games. 
+The Nobunaga Friend: Always in charge, taking possession of the whole day, ordering your friends around, generally accepted as the Alpha Friend. Looks like A Whole Snacc™ in everything. Is capable of killing people with a glare.
+The Hideyoshi Friend: Moms everyone. Will pull their hair out worrying about you. First person to throw down and fight whoever is fucking with you. Reads labels. Is the first to remember who is allergic to what.
+The Masamune Friend: Shows up and yells ‘GET IN THE CAR!’ at you. Climbs churches for the hell of it. A wonder they haven’t been arrested. Cooks tasty stuff. Uses lingo incorrectly just to watch you squirm. 
+The Mitsunari Friend: How do they exist without help? Forgetting everything. Can’t remember to eat to save their life. Responds to sarcasm with a bright “Well, actually!” and doesn’t get why everyone laughs. Sweeter than chocolate cake. Will take you at your word. 
+The Ieyasu Friend: Would probably fling themselves off a cliff before admitting that they had a crush/liked someone/thought something was really attractive/talked about their feelings. Can roast someone within an inch of their life. Really smart! Fluent in sarcasm. Also the kind of person that probably has a secret stuffed animal collection.
+The Mitsuhide Friend: WHAT DO THEY DO IN THEIR OFF TIME? You aren’t 10000% certain they don’t sell drugs. Knows way too much about everyone around them. Can teach you how to internet stalk someone. Has a bevy of information at their disposal that only writers and criminals usually have off the top of their head. Always has a “guy for that”. Sexy in weird ways.
+The Kenshin Friend: Who wronged you? Who made you upset? They’ll die. That teacher was shitty? They can meet me in the parking lot. The living incarnation of a beta fish: very pretty and always wants to fight someone. Probably should be either a model or some kind of an MMA fighter, if not both. Unnaturally lucky. You’re pretty sure they have a legion of people willing to throw down for them.
+The Shingen Friend: Talks you into trouble as often as he talks you out of it. Literally IMPOSSIBLE to tell if they’re lying. Dodges questions with the precision of a laser cutting machine. Why are they so good looking? Is it real or is it Maybelline? Who knows? Has a very quiet, simmering rage to them. You won’t know they hate someone until they smile a little too long, and then you just know.
+The Yukimura Friend: Always exasperated. Why are you doing this? Why are you all like this? The less patient cousin of the Hideyoshi Friend. Makes Very Rash Choices. Once kissed someone while drunk, panicked, and pretended they had amnesia for about six months to try and get people to stop roasting them. Employs their common sense more than most of their friends.
+The Sasuke Friend: Encyclopedic knowledge of Memes and their origins. Almost impossible to tell what they’re thinking and still calls themselves ‘an open book’. Fluent in Vine references and drops in “Mr. Brightside” lyrics mid conversation to see if you’re paying attention. Probably has four degrees. Practically blind without their glasses. A lil’ noodle with a lot of Can-Do attitude.
+The Kennyo Friend: What are people? They’d really like to just sit here and feed their birds, thanks. Animals are the best. Low key a Disney Princess. Reacts to being upset or sad by going straight to plotting bloody revenge. Says things like, “I’m a very calm person” with a straight face when you’re pretty sure they just got done keying some awful person’s car. Speaks fluent cat. None of your pets like you as well as they like them.
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Taco the Town
How’s it going everyone! Here’s part 3 of my current Modern AU Series - The Part Timer. If you’re looking for the first two parts jump down and check out the tag “The Part Timer Series” or you can scroll through my Master List that houses all my other Ikesen works. 
Credit for the title/name for the UT forces’ restaurant goes to @ikesenhell who talked through these concepts with me over some nourishment. They’re very clever and I appreciate all the idea bouncing we were able to do.
As a brief reminder Zhari is @one-eyed-captain-kinky ‘s character and Akiharu belongs to @elievalentine. 
Gonna drop it under the cut for clutter purposes :) have a great night honey bees! You all deserve it! 
Tagging @little-mini-me-world 
Keep those ‘Trick or Treat’ requests coming in! There’s still plenty of slots open :) If you have no clue what that is check out my previous post here.
Taco the Town - p3
You had been putting in hours almost regularly at Azuchi, and you finally had a Saturday afternoon off to go grab a meal with your friend who was in town to visit her parents.
“This place is amazing!” Ginny purred “Very Tex-Mex.”
“You’re sure I’m not underdressed for this?” you cocked an eyebrow looking over at your friend. Her blonde hair was styled, so it laid in neat waves, make-up done, smelling faintly of roses. To top the look off, she was in a pair of very short waist high jean shorts, a loose fitting crop top with an unknown logo on the front, and the most pristine white sneakers you had ever seen.
“Not at all, you look fine!” exclaiming as she smiled to herself.
“Last time I checked, fine, wasn’t a sought-after description Ginny.” you were now profoundly regretting your wardrobe decision. In a simple pair of black shorts, a lilac cotton tee, and your favorite pair of flip-flops that was not complimented well by the mess of a ponytail tumbling down your back you sighed and followed your friend around the corner.
You were led to a large yellow and red adobe building with “TACO THE TOWN” in bold letters hanging above a window that showcased, is that an antler chandelier? Oh heavens, how dose she find places like this?
“I know what you’re thinking,” she laughed and continued on reaching for the heavy glass door in front of us, “and the answer is my mom recommended it.”
“Your mom? I didn’t think she liked places like this.”
“She usually doesn’t, but apparently the staff is totally gorgeous!”
Before you could protest, she walked over the threshold. Following your friend dutifully, the crisp air from the air conditioner hit you as fast as the scent of fajitas and citrus. Weird combo, not bad, just weird.
“What lovely ladies. How many will we have the pleasure of serving today?” the host purred.
Ginny openly swooned next to you, and you had to admit, the tall redhead gave Hideyoshi a run for his money in the friendly greeting department. He was tall and broad with a smile and stance that oozed confidence.
“Just the two of us.” Ginny giggled, and you fought a blush
He grabbed two menus out from what you surmised was a shelf inside the podium he was standing at. Picking up a pen he tapped a button on the wall, as he pulled away a small light was visible underneath. I wonder if that’s how they let the wait staff know what tables are active. That’s pretty clever.
You followed the host to a small booth for two along a wall of windows. Placing the menus down he stepped back so gracefully he had to have been floating, there was no other way to describe how he moved so fluidly. You took your seat and grabbed one of the menus, flipping it to the back page where the drinks were located.
“Might I offer to get you started with something to drink?”
“I’ll have a Coke or a Pepsi, whatever you’ve got is fine.” your friend chirped across from you, giving her best smile.
“Of course, and for you princess?”
What? Princess? Was he talking to you? There was no way, not with Ginny dressed to the nines right across from you. You felt their collective gazes burning holes in you as you struggled to give an answer.
“Uh-um, can I just- Can I have a glass of water please?” you forced yourself to make eye contact while you placed your drink order. Was it warm in here? You had to be blushing, there’s no way you weren’t.
“Absolutely. I will have Yukimura bring that right out. My name is Shingen, please let me know if he gives you any trouble.”
“What?” A voice rang out from the opposite side of the restaurant “If anyone's giving people problems it’s you Shingen. You flirt. Leave those poor girls alone already.”
The host whose name was Shingen winked at the two of you before making his way back to the front of the restaurant. Not even a beat later drinks were being thrust in front of you.
“That’s me.” you smiled and sheepishly raised your hand.
He placed the glass down with a thunk following quickly with Ginny’s drink, dropping straws down between you. “Are you two ready to order or do you need a minute?”
“Can we get a minute please?” Ginny smiled up at him from behind the menu.
“Sure. I’ll be back in a bit. My names Yukimura just give a shout if you need me.” and then he was gone, stomping back towards the kitchen.
The moment he was out of earshot your friend lowered her menu and started using it as a fan. “Wow, both of them were soooo hot." She whispered through her teeth.
She wasn’t wrong. The young man, Yukimura, who had just waited on you was shorter than the host but was still tall in his own right. He had soft brown hair and eyes that matched. He may have been a bit brusque, but he seemed friendly. You found yourself smiling.
The food had come out in a timely manner, and Ginny and yourself had decided to split two dishes to better spread the wealth of flavor. So one large order of empanadas and another plate filled with chimichangas stuffed full of pulled pork and you should have been sufficiently stuffed, but that had never stopped you from dessert before.
“The Chocolate Pecan Pie for two?” a young man appeared seemingly out of thin air beside your table with your dessert, two spoons, and coffee for the both of you. This particular waiter wore slim black frames and had hair the same color as the chocolate on your pie, sporting a smaller frame than anyone you’d seen working here so far he looked approachable and slightly familiar.
“That’s ours' thanks.” Ginny, nearly squealed across from you as the man gracefully placed the desert between us.
“Yukimura stepped away for a bit, unfortunately, so I will be taking over until he returns. My name is Sasuke. Please don’t hesitate to call-” Sasuke was nearly through his introduction when there was a commotion behind us grabbing everyone's attention.
“What do you mean it wasn’t cooked all the way?” A young man with ice blonde hair and hetero-chromatic eyes, one the color of the deep sea and the other a vibrant shade of jade stared down the young couple at a table across the restaurant.
“Like I said!” the patron raised his voice “I wanted it well done. This is pink.”
“How can you tell? You haven’t even cut into it yet?” the blonde brought the large kitchen knife he was carrying up above his head before swiftly bringing it down into the man's dinner.
“If you’ll excuse me.” Sasuke bowed and scurried towards the commotion. “Kenshin!” calling after the man.
As it would turn out Sasuke had gone to high school with you and Ginny, he informed you that the four you saw today had been college friends of his and were all co-owners of the restaurant. Which you never would have known had Sasuke not come back after he de-escalated the situation with Kenshin. While they each have a stake in ‘Taco the Town,’ they all prefer to assist in the ways they can. It doesn’t always go smoothly since their such big personalities, but it had still been a good time, and the food was great. 
Leftovers in a bag Ginny and yourself walked back towards your houses. Maybe you’d go back together sometime, or you’d take your new work friends with you. You were sure Zhari or Akiharu would like the food there.
You smiled and chatted all the way to Seventh Street where you and Ginny took off in separate directions. Her parents lived on the other side of town from your current home. Passing by Azuchi on your way back to your place Mitsuhide crept up next to you.
“You should take more care than to walk these streets alone at this hour little mouse.” he eyed your bag before slowing his pace to match yours. “On your way home from dinner?”
“I am, a friend is in town so we met up and went to get food.” you smiled up at him “Isn’t Azuchi the other way? I wouldn’t want to get you in trouble for being late.”
“You act as if Hideyoshi would be mad at me for making sure our new employee gets themselves home safe.” a mischievous grin graced his features “besides I enjoy teasing them and this is the perfect bait.”
“I’m not entirely sure what you mean by that but thanks for walking me back.” you turned to him once you reached your driveway. “This is me so I can take it from here. See you tomorrow?”
“Mhh,” he hummed a response. “Not going to invite me in for my trouble?”
“I know better than that.” you wiggled your eyebrows at him. “Unless you actually need something that is?”
“No little mouse, not tonight. Enjoy your evening.” He turned and started walking back down the road before you pulled your keys out. Stepping into your kitchen, you placed your leftovers in the fridge and headed off to watch TV before bed.
After all, tomorrow was the start of another busy week.
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swiftwidget · 8 years ago
Collapse - Chapter Two
Cowritten and Proofread by @aoimikans​
“You only have to go with them and record what happens on your phone,” Atsu-nii said, pushing Hatoko toward his scary friends, “This is very important spy stuff, okay? I need you to do this for me.”
“Wh-what about you?” Hatoko clung to Atsu-nii’s good arm.
Atsu-nii gently shook off his grip and rubbed his shoulder, “I can’t go with you… but they promise to bring you back to me. Alright?”
“… Alright.”
Hatoko’s wings flapped frantically in the cold air, tears streaming down his face. Looking for anything, anything familiar.
Gotta find Kohana!
“This way,” Kurogiri waved his arm and the room disappeared. When Hatoko opened his eyes, he was in a parking lot by the ocean.
The big one - ‘Noumu’ - he hurt the cat-faced man from Hatoko’s pictures that morning. Noumu ambushed and knocked him to the ground, making him shout.
Before he could get back up, Kurogiri sent the man away.
Hatoko jumped when a hand squeezed his shoulder just by his neck.
“Compress said you were useful,” Shigaraki pointed to the railing overlooked the beach, “Stay there and record everything. When we have what we want, we’ll take you back to your Atsu-nii .”
“What… what are you going to do?” Hatoko asked, voice and shoulders trembling.
The grip on his shoulder tightened, and the finger Shigaraki held up twitched, “We’re just going to play a little game.”
He lied.
Hatoko landed in the center of the street, ignoring the shouts of pedestrians as he ran toward the nearest police station. Throwing open the doors, he stumbled into the lobby.
Panting and wings sagging with exhaustion, he stopped in the center of the room.
“H-help!” he wailed.
A young lady in uniform rushed over to him, “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
“Not me! Them! On the beach!” Hatoko shook his head, sniffling and heaving a sob, “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!”
The young officer reached behind herself and pulled a box of tissues from midair.
“Shh,” she cooed, dabbing the tears from Hatoko’s face and wiping his nose, “Can you tell me what you need help for, sweetie?”
“I need to find O-Officer Kohana,” Hatoko hiccuped, lower lip trembling, and held out his phone, “I did something bad.” 
Toshinori’s awareness wavered, vision swimming in medicated twilight. His breathing was slow and deep, despite the tools clicking around in his mouth.
The doctor sat beside him, wavering in and out of focus. He leaned away for moment, picking up a tool from the tray beside him.
The sound of metal scraping metal echoed too loud in the small, tiled room.
“Now these are interesting,” the doctor said, turning back. He reached over and moved Toshinori’s tongue to the side with cold, sterile tasting tongs. Adjusting his headlamp behind his faceshield, he looked closer, rambling softly, “Looks like they opened up recently. Holes by your sublingual glands… Let’s see.”
The doctor pulled his tools from Toshinori’s loosely open mouth and picked up a metal kidney dish. Holding it in front of Toshinori’s face, he turned and pressed down on his acid sac.
Toshinori’s gut clenched, and twin streams sprayed from his mouth.
Wh…what was…? He looked down.
A small puddle of bile-tinted acid swirled at the bottom of the bowl.
“Yes, that’s what I thought. If you take after her, the tubes run along your esophagus and connect to your acid sac.” The doctor nodded, setting the bowl aside and wiping acid from Toshinori’s lips. He grunted when the paper towel began smoking, and he tossed it into a covered wastebin. Checking his gloves, he pressed at the underside of Toshinori’s tongue, “That’s where your acid was always meant to come out. I wonder if that healing quirk closed them. Well,” he grinned behind his mask, “No noumu is perfect.”  
Toshinori weakly grimaced at the sour taste of acid and latex, and he turned his head away.
The underside of his tongue stung.  
“Nnh…” His claws twitched as he pulled at his arms.
“Goodness! Is it already time for your next dose?” the doctor asked, rolling Toshinori’s head back in place, “Ah, of course,” He reverently brushed his hand over Toshinori’s scarred side, “I didn’t take into account that your tolerance would be higher. Give me just a moment.”  
Toshinori’s breath quickened, and he weakly kicked his legs.  
H… how long…? Where are… they?
His gaze darted unsteadily around the room, looking for any sign of the time that passed. Tools were moved. A large machine sat in the corner of the room, and a brain scan cap was connected to the machine by dozens of wires.
Pain pricked his arm again.
Sh… shit.
“Little bit of a higher dose,” the doctor explained conversationally. He pat his shoulder, “And something extra. Sorry to say you won’t enjoy this one bit; I, however, am very excited to see how you react. In the meantime…”
Toshinori’s arms grew slack, and his eyes rolled as his vision faded.
Sirens wailing, Naomasa sped through the streets of Musutafu. Gray clouds hung ominously low and heavy with rain. Naomasa checked the GPS location again - the small blue dot pinging “I’m here! I’m here!” - before making a sharp right turn.
Almost there.
Hold on, Toshinori.
Naomasa turned down another urban street, sweat collecting under his collar, Just hold on.
Passing under the silver line train, he made another left turn.
There! A police blockade was only blocks away. Lights flashed and officers dashed about putting up police tape and directing pedestrians to stand back.
Quickly pulling over, Naomasa threw his car in park.
“Wright, I need you to drive back to the station,” Naomasa said, roughly yanking off his tie and throwing it in the back. He grabbed his coat and pulled it along as he jumped from the car.
“What’s going on?” Wright asked, quickly exiting the car, confusion and frustration strained his voice, “Does this have to do with All for One? The investigation? I need to know, Tsukauchi!”  
Naomasa dug into his coat pocket and fished out his badge. Clipping it to his belt, he shook his head, “I don’t have time for a full explanation, and I don’t need you here. Someone will fill you in later. Now go!”
He turned and ran toward the blockade, ignoring Wright’s indignant expression.
Sorry, Wright. I can’t have you here if shit hits the fan.
A familiar officer lifted the tape as Naomasa rushed through, badge raised.
“The Endeavor Hero Office members are already inside the building,” Officer Kyouko Akiyama said, following close behind Naomasa. “It used to serve as a government office, and is currently a private pediatric clinic. We have the blueprints on record.”
Naomasa looked up at the building. It was an older building, four stories tall with modern additions. Large windows looked into the lobby where sidekicks from the Hero Office were rushing civilians, young and old, from the clinic.
He paled.
Another hospital.
“Any word from the inside?” Naomasa asked and stepped up to the makeshift command center behind two patrol cars.
“They haven’t been inside long,” Akiyama said, “Can I see your phone?”
Naomasa passed it to her while he scanned the edge of the cordoned off area. Photogs and reporters dotted the edge, setting up their cameras. A live-truck pulled up to the edge of the tape with another small news crew.
Damn it…
“Patch him in,” Akiyama said, holding Naomasa’s phone out.
One of the technicians, Kenshin Nishimura, took the phone, briefly plugging it into his computer before handing it back with a headset.
“Here,” Akiyama said, “They can hear you inside.”  
Naomasa nodded and quickly pulled on the headset.
“This is Detective Tsukauchi,” he announced, bending to look at the blueprints displayed on the technician’s computer, “I need an update on the situation inside.”
“Tsukauchi?” A familiar low voice growled over the headset, “Care to tell me how the Hell All Might was captured?”
“The building, Endeavor,” Naomasa snapped. There wasn’t time for the flame hero’s snide remarks, “What are you seeing?”
Endeavor clicked his tongue, and the roar and crackle of his flames grew louder.
“The floors above the basement level were clear,” he said gruffly, “Low life pawns were stationed in the basement guarding the entrance to a series of maintenance tunnels.”
“Any sign of All Might?” Naomasa asked.
There was a roar of flames and a pained shout.
“No. Just one of those noumu creatures,” Endeavor said, “But it was dead already.”
Naomasa’s heart plummeted, cold in his stomach.
“What…” he steadied his voice, “What did it look like?”
“Short legs, three arms. Recent injuries on its neck and thighs,” Endeavor ticked off, “Died fighting by the looks of it.”
Naomasa’s shoulders sagged in relief.
It’s not him. It’s not Toshinori… Unease crept up his throat, But Endeavor doesn’t know…  
“Listen to me, Endeavor,” Naomasa swallowed roughly, brows furrowed.
This is for Toshinori’s safety…
“For certain reasons, All Might doesn’t look the same as before-”
“No shit!” Endeavor hissed, “I remember how he looked after Kamino.”
“No not- !” Naomasa pinched the bridge of his nose, “Since then. He looks -”
There was another sudden shout.
“The tunnel ends up ahead,” Endeavor interrupted, “There’s a door and no more thugs guarding it.”
A door smashed open.
Silence crackled faintly in Naomasa’s headset, “Endeavor- ?”
“What… the fuck? ”
“What is it, Endeavor?” Naomasa asked, glancing down at the blueprints - searching across the wireframe building as if he could find Toshinori that way, “What do you see?”
“What the fuck is this Tsukauchi!?” Endeavor roared, flames deafening over the headset.
“Goddamnit Todoroki!” Naomasa snapped, “What do you see!?”
Toshinori was drowning.
Arms clutched around Izuku, he kicked and thrashed his tail in the freezing water. Higher and higher. Water roared past his ears and pressed down on his shoulders.
Below him the water was a heavy void, dark and endlessly deep. Above, the surface rose, further and further away, faster than he could swim.
Bubbles burst from his throat, and he choked.
Izuku seized, going limp in his arms.
Wait!  Toshinori frantically shook Izuku, Wake up, my boy! Just a little longer! Nearly there!
Izuku’s eyes stared, half-lidded and empty.
“No! ” Toshinori jerked, eyes fluttering open.
He was back on the table, dry and warm. Dust covered the restraints tied around his body. Cobwebs clung to the corners of the long-abandoned examination room.
They forgot him.
                Forgot-                     Weren’t coming.
                                                                                 “It’s alright now! For I am here!”
                                  “I’m still here!”
His voice reverberated strained and broken in the small space.
                                                                        “I’m still- !”
His watch lay in pieces on his folded coat.
“I wonder,” the doctor’s voice echoed in his skull, “Who saves the Symbol of Peace?”   
Cold water rushed over his toes.  
Tos-inori jolted, looking around. He was alone on the beach.
Rubbing his wrists, he looked up.
The sky, clear and dark, was a host to a great swath of twinkling stars stretching from horizon to horizon. The bright full moon shone down and turned the shore silver.
                          “Did I… forget something?”
The more he chased after the feeling of memories, the less tangible they felt, slipping away like water through his fingers.
Brows furrowed, he took a hesitant step forward and immediately swayed, balance uncertain.
Lifting his hands, Tos-in-ri stared at his calloused fingers, gaze lingering on their blunt, rounded tips. He curled and uncurled them into fists.
Digging his toes into the sand, he rocked back and forth on his heels.
A cool breeze tousled his hair. Absently, he smoothed it down and scratched at the back of his bare neck.
He paused, brushing his fingertips over the smooth skin and rolled his shoulders.
Something was missing.
“You’ve had it rough, Toshinori.”
He whirled and -
Heart pounding, he stumbled back. Water splashed at his feet and lapped his ankles, warm and inviting.
Frowning, he took a step back toward the shore.
The water followed, rising above his ankles.
Unease rose in his chest as another, larger wave rushed past and reached up to his knees. He turned -
The shore was so far away!
“No, wait!” Tos-in-r- called out, stumbling. Water sloshed against his thighs, the only sound across the silent waves.
Distant pain raced up his legs, and his claws dug into the sand-
              Claws? Wasn’t that- ?
                               Different, just different.
A wave crashed against his back and pushed him to his knees. Water soaked up to his hips.
He shuddered, sensation stretching outward as another wave pushed him forward. A long, pale limb swept past, tipped with a tuft of blond.
Salt water crashed against his back, spraying up his spine and the back of his head.
His shirt popped and tore.
Pointed ears flicking the water off, he pushed himself to stand and his hands dipped into the rising water.
Claws curled from his hardening fingertips.
“Shore,” T-s-in-r- panted as he waded and slashed through the waist deep water, watching his slowed footsteps, “Need to get to shore.”
The sand suddenly dropped away with rumbling whoosh , leaving deep darkness below.
T-s-in— sank with a muffled yelp.
Water filled his nose and mouth, rushing into his lung, and the broken light of the moon glinted on the surface, growing more and more distant.
He gasped for air, bubbles rising from his mouth.
Then he blinked…
He could breathe.
Tick.               Tick.               Tick.               Tick.               Tick.
Muffled voices echoed in the water, coming from everywhere at once.
                                                            “Let me give you a ride back to U.A.”
T-s–n—’s heart pounded as he whirled, searching for the source of the familiar voice.
Naomasa? Are you -?
A faint light illuminated Naomasa’s entry. Naomasa leaned against the wall, back turned to T-s-in—.
                                                            “It’s alright. I can manage.”
His eyes widened, and he reached out a ghostly, clawed hand.
That’s me…
The person in the doorway huffed and opened the front door, hiding a grin from his closest friend.
                                                             “Goodnight, Naomasa.”
T-s–n— jerked in the water.
No! Don’t! Stay with N-
His other in the doorway shook his umbrella open and stepped outside.
No! Salt water turned to pelting ran as T-s–n— stumbled forward, No no no! Don’t get in-!
                                                              “Thanks for picking me up Hibiki…”
Not again! Please!
All for One chuckled.                          “No problem at all…”
Shackles clamped around T—-n—’s limbs, and dragged him back through a wall of water, knocking the air from his lung. The rain, the car, the other all disappeared and left T——– surrounded in darkness.  
Fog, grey and thick, crept from the murky void.
——— curled on himself, hugging his legs and tail, claws digging against his skin as the fog pressed closer.
H- felt a deep hole in –s chest…  Impossibly heavy, hollow, and far too cold.
— breathing slowed as – felt the fog creep closer.
-’m tired…
A gentle hand rested on — shoulder. It was solid, while h- grew translucent.  
“Smile, Toshinori.”
H-s eyes widened.
“You’re the strongest right?”
He knew that voice…
“I should’ve been there, you know. To scold you. What were you thinking? Letting him provoke you like that!”
A bright cape fluttered in his line of sight, and T—-n–i trembled.
“Well… Better late than never.” She stepped around him and bent down, pressing at her lips in that all-too-familiar way, “Come on, Toshi. Give me a smile!”
Warm tears ran down his hollowed cheeks, and he let out a choked laugh.
“Mast- ?” He hiccuped, rubbing at his eyes with the heel of his palm.
“Shh…” She brushed away his tears and smiled softly, “It’s going to be alright. He’s safe you know. Your boy.”
Her cape billowed, and the fog rushed away.
“He’s waiting for you.”
The water shook.
Pulling off her glove, she turned her arm and glanced at her wrist.
“It’s time to get up, kid.”
Metallic black and gold glinted in the glimmering light from above.
Tos-in-ri stared.
That was his…
Tick.                Tick.                Tick.
Toshin-ri blinked, “I-is this…?”
The water roared past his ears.
“Wake up, Toshinori.”
He broke through the surface.
Toshinori’s ears twitched.  
                        “-leave it behind.”
“So, this was all for nothing?! ”
        “-’re already here. Shigaraki-”
  “-probably chipped like a pet. It’ll just lure them again.”
Toshinori groaned, skin crawling. Nausea curdled in his gut.
                                               “Just kill-”
     “-waking up…”
Chest heaving with wheezing breaths, Toshinori’s eyes fluttered open.
The doctor stood over him, dissatisfied. Spots of light and shadow danced around his head, and cracks appeared in the ceiling.
Not real…
                    Tick.                                 Tick
His ears twitched, and he shivered as a shadowy figure hovered in his blind-spot.
“I loathe leaving my work unfinished,” the doctor said, clicking his tongue, “But you were clever, I’ll give you that.”  
“Doctor, you’re the last one,” Toshinori heard Kurogiri say, “They are closing in.”
Toshinori’s brows furrowed. The last one…?
Hushed whispers echoed all around.
“One moment. One moment, ” the doctor said irritably, stalking away.
Toshinori heard shuffling and the pops and clicks of a new syringe.
Sh-shit… He pulled at his restraints, claws curling and tearing into the armrest.
“Goodness, your tolerance is high. But perhaps you can be useful,” The doctor turned to Kurogiri, waving the syringe, “What do you think? Strike at their pride? Killing him now would be… wasteful. ”
Kurogiri bristled, “I don’t care. You know Shigaraki’s thoughts on the matter. I had a hard enough time convincing him to abandon this hold to begin with, now let’s go .”
Toshinori flinched, hissing through his teeth as the doctor plunged the syringe needle into his thigh.
“All for One’s stubbornness came in handy this time. Imagine the looks on their faces when they recognize him…”
“Doctor, ” Kurogiri warned.
“Hold on. Hold on. Just one more thing,” the doctor said, unfastening the strap around Toshinori’s right wrist.
Before Toshinori could feel puzzled, raw energy seized him.
Fuck! His back arched, hackles going rigid and claws curling.
“Might even die in the process,” the doctor chuckled as Kurogiri’s mist surrounded him, “Two birds. One stone.”
A harsh noise ripped from Toshinori’s throat, and his heart pounded unevenly in his chest, shooting tremors across his body.
“Adre- ?!” Adrenaline?!
Wheezing, he bucked against the chest straps.
Can’t … breathe!
Hand freed, he clawed at the straps, snapping them. Sitting up, a wave of nausea and dizziness crashed against him.
A shadowy figure crept closer, and Toshinori lashed out with a snarl, claws passing through the image like smoke.
Not real? Not real.
Chest heaving, he fumbled with the strap. Hand trembling and eyes darting around to keep track of the shapes, he gave up on the buckle and clawed through the leather around his wrist.
Moving to the restraints on his tail and legs, he ignored the loud bang behind him.
Not real. Not real.
“Not real…”
Heat scorched his bare back. A distorted voice shook the walls, tiles crumbling.
Toshinori shook his head, briefly covering his ears as the voice roared louder.
Drugs. Just the damn drugs.
Nausea pressed at the back of his throat.
Fight it Toshinori!
Claws sliced through the last strap, and Toshinori pushed himself from the examination table. Pain shot up his left leg, and it collapsed under him.
Keep moving!
A hand closed around his arm.
Yelping, Toshinori swung his arm, claws grazing something solid. The grip slipped away, and he crashed onto his side.  
Air whooshed from his lung.
He retched and groaned as acid and blood dripped from his lips.
The room spun, swelteringly hot.
Toshinori’s limbs shook as he pushed himself onto all fours. Looking up, he hissed in pain, snapping his eyes shut.
He ducked away from the too bright hand, hackles rigid, and slammed his tail against the floor. Heart pounding, he limped backward.
At the edge of his vision, one of the shadows lunged. Tensing, Toshinori swiped at it. Claws swung through empty air, and he lost his balance. He fell onto his scarred side, knocking the breath out of him.
For a moment, he lay there panting, eyes wide as the walls contorted.
A hard grip closed around his arm again, and the voice growled by his ear.
Too loud… Toshinori grit his teeth, breath coming in short wheezes as he weakly pressed at the hand.
Something caught in his chest, and he coughed, legs buckling under the force of the fit.
“Get up!”
Toshinori’s brows furrowed. He knew that voice…
“Tsukauchi,” the voice continued as the hand yanked Toshinori up, then wrapped around his chest, “You bastard. This is what you meant by different? ”
Toshinori stumbled, claws dragging along the floor as the too-bright person hauled him from the small room.
The familiar voice clicked their tongue and spat out, “He’s drugged out of his mind. Just have a vehicle ready for him. There’s no one else here, and I’m bringing him out now.”
End… Endeavor?
Naomasa rushed for the front door of the clinic, shooting a glance at the gathered mass of media personnel. A bell clanged as he shoved the door open, and dry heat rushed past Naomasa.
“Tsukauchi!” Endeavor’s enraged voice roared across the small waiting room as he stepped in from a side hall. Nearly dangling from the flame hero’s side, Toshinori limped along as Endeavor hauled him across the room.
Naomasa quickly shrugged off his coat, frowning at the loose cloth wrapped around Toshinori’s bony hips.
“You knew about this,” Endeavor growled, flames crackling.
“Not now, Endeavor,” Naomasa snapped, glaring briefly at him, before gently hooking his arms under Toshinori’s.  
Endeavor let Toshinori go, stalking toward the exit, “I’m not done.”
Naomasa glowered at the flame hero’s back as he threw open the door and left, then he shook his head.
“Toshinori,” Naomasa said with soft urgency, gently patting his cheek, “Hey, can you look at me?”
Toshinori’s brows furrowed slightly, ears twitching. He lifted his head weakly, and it wobbled as if it were too heavy for his neck. His eyes were unfocused, pupils blown out.
“N.. Nao?”
“Yeah, Toshinori. It’s me,” Naomasa said, carefully pulling him closer.
Toshinori gripped Naomasa’s shirt, “This… is real?”
Oh Toshi… What happened? Naomasa’s heart squeezed in his chest, “Yes. This is real.”
Toshinori nodded slowly, “… knew you’d come…”
Naomasa froze, hands trembling as he nodded, “Of course . We’d never leave you here.”
Toshinori hummed faintly in reply, legs trembling.
Naomasa draped his coat over Toshinori, quickly cinching it around his waist, “There are press outside. Just stay under my coat, alright?”
Toshinori flinched, shoulders tensing.
“It’s going to be okay,” Naomasa said, pulling Toshinori’s arm over his shoulders, “I’m right here.”
“Midoriya…” Toshinori rasped, jerking as his muscles seized, “Where- ?”
“Safe at the station,” Naomasa looped his arm around Toshinori’s lower back, “We need to get you to the car. Think you can make it?”
Toshinori gripped at the fabric over his chest, claws piercing through the coat, and grimaced, “Y-es.”
Straightening slowly, Toshinori gasped and leaned heavily to the side, “ Shit. Sorry…”
Naomasa looked down to Toshinori’s feet and spotted a bruise - dark purple and dotted with sickly yellow - that spread from his left hock to mid calf.
Damn. Okay.
Naomasa nodded, “It’s alright, I’ll help you the entire way.”
Toshinori grunted and adjusted his stance, pressing against Naomasa. His tail lifted and loosely wrapped around Naomasa’s waist.
Pulling up the coat collar, Toshinori gave his waist a small squeeze.
“Okay,” he wheezed quietly, “Get me out of here.”
“One step at a time, alright?” Naomasa replied, carefully watching Toshinori’s feet as he took a few steps forward.
The grip around Naomasa’s waist tightened as Toshinori limped beside him, tenderly lifting his injured foot after each lurching step.
Naomasa cast a wary look out the lobby window, hand hovering over the doorknob.
“It’s going to be alright, Toshinori,” he said, pulling the door open.
Cameras flashed, reporters gestured to them as they passed, and uniformed officers maintained the line.
Toshinori tensed at Naomasa’s side, ducking his head and pulling the collar higher.
“Detective Tsukauchi!” Shouted one journalist, notepad in hand, “Who is that man?”
“Isn’t that the same person who caused the panic in the Rishi Shopping District?”
“Sir! Are the rumors true that that man is All Might?!”
Toshinori jerked, ears drooping and gritting his teeth, “ Sh-shit… ”
“Just answer the question! Is that All Might?”
“Look over here!” Camera flashes lit up the side of the street.
“Sir! Tell us why you were in that building!”
“Show us your face!”  
“Keep walking,” Naomasa said, adjusting the collar and angling Toshinori away as he groaned and swayed on his feet.  
A wall of flame flared up and surrounded them, blocking out the reporters, “Back off you lot!”
“The public has a right to know!”
Naomasa’s lips pressed in a firm line, and he pulled at Toshinori, “We’re almost to the car.”
Toshinori nodded slowly, limping up to the back of the police van.
Uniformed officers opened the rear doors, reaching out to Toshinori with barely concealed shock.
Toshinori took one man’s hand, and Naomasa helped lift him into the back of the van.
Naomasa grunted as Toshinori’s tail suddenly tightened its grip.
“I’m right behind you,” he said, stepping up into the back of the van, and he closed the doors behind him. Reaching back around Toshinori, he gently nudged him down onto the bench-like seat set against the side of the van.
Naomasa thumped the roof, “Drive!”
Kneeling as the van rolled forward, he took Toshinori’s hands in his own, “Hey, hey, can you look at me?”  
Toshinori wheezed, eyes half-lidded in exhaustion, but he squeezed Naomasa’s hands back, claws just pressing against his skin. Fingers twitching, Toshinori shuddered and closed his eyes, “Sorry… Give me … a moment.”
“Okay, just take your time.”
Toshinori swallowed roughly, teeth bared. His hackles rose, and his tail clenched around Naomasa’s middle.
Hhng! Naomasa stifled a winded grunt, letting go with one hand and patting his tail, “T-Toshinori?”
A full body shudder wracked Toshinori, and his tail fell limp to the floor.
“Tosh-!” Naomasa jolted, reaching out to catch Toshinori as he slumped forward, unconscious.
Naomasa pushed Toshinori back to lean against the seat, cupping one of his hollow cheeks, and brushed his bangs from his face. He pressed the back of his hand to Toshinori’s forehead.
Naomasa tensed. He hadn’t realized one of the officers stayed in the van.
The officer - he had bright red hair and horns that twisted back around his head - held out a large water bottle and a cloth. He said nothing, did not pry. He only gestured again for Naomasa to take the items.
“Thank you,” Naomasa said, accepting the water, and quickly soaked the cloth. He dabbed Toshinori’s forehead and wiped the blood from his chin.
Wheezing deep and slow, Toshinori trembled. A sheen of sweat coated his skin and soaked into his hair.
Naomasa gently gripped his fingers, brows furrowing at the pinky claw. It appeared to be roughly clipped to the quick. A small scab already covered the spot.
Shit… His breath caught in his chest, and he bowed his head, I almost lost you again. I can’t-
Toshinori’s grip twitched in Naomasa’s own.
He took a deep breath.  
He’s here… Naomasa sighed, running his thumb over the back of Toshinori’s hand, I swear, I won’t let this happen again. I’ll find them. I promise. 
Shortly after being carried into the police department, Izuku was taken to a small, quiet room and laid on a cot. A young officer - he introduced himself as Officer Noboru - brought him a change of dry clothes and a medical kit.
Feeling slowly returned in Izuku’s arms and leg as Noboru treated his cuts and bruises.
“Let’s get you changed,” Noboru said and helped push Izuku into a sitting position against the wall.
Grimacing, Izuku’s muscles twitched as he pulled at the hem of his damp shirt. He clicked his teeth when the hem slipped from his fumbling grip.
“Don’t force it,” Noboru said, easily pulling Izuku’s wet clothes off and helping slip on the pair of dry sweatpants, “You can’t expect to recover instantly.”
Izuku pursed his lips and nodded stiffly, “Is Detective Tsukauchi here?”
“Not currently,” Noboru said.
Izuku’s numb fingers twitched, and he bit his lip.
“What about Officer Tamakawa,” Izuku weakly shifted, trying to help lift his arms as Noboru slipped a dry, gray shirt emblazoned in dark blue letters MPD down over his head, “He was with us. Is he- ?”
“He’s wounded, but alright,” Noboru said quietly, tugging the shirt down around Izuku’s hips, “Nothing life-threatening, so please don’t worry.”
Izuku bowed his head as another wave of guilt crashed against him.
Couldn’t reach…
“Hey, it’s going to be alright,” Noboru said, rubbing Izuku’s shoulder, “How’re your arms? Feeling any better?”
Izuku hummed and nodded, shakily lifting his left arm a few inches before it fell back in his lap.
Noboru smiled, throwing a towel across Izuku’s neck and began drying his hair, “Good progress. You’re handling getting hit with a paralysis quirk better than a lot of rookie officers. You U.A. kids are sure tough.”
The door opened, and another officer poked her head inside.
“Hey, Noboru,” she said softly.
Officer Noboru turned, pulling the towel off Izuku’s head, “Ishii, what do you need?”
“We need to clear out the other room.” Ishii pushed the door further, stepping inside. Sleeping in her arms was a young boy. Dirt and grime dusted his white wings and the feathers on his head.
Kneeling in front of Izuku, she smiled.
“I’m Officer Chiyoe Ishii. Do you mind if we move little Hatoko in here?” she asked Izuku, keeping her voice low, “He just needs somewhere to sleep for now.”
“S-sure?” Izuku said with an uneven shrug.
“Thanks.” Ishii stood, gently cradling the unconscious kid, and carried him to the spare cot.
“Here we are,” she mumbled, setting the boy down, “Let go. It’s alright. There we go.”
Hatoko made a small distressed noise, eyes screwed shut. He quieted when Ishii brushed the feathers on his head back, smoothing them down.
Izuku stared, curiosity a welcome distraction.
Why is he here? He’s so thin…
Straightening up, Ishii popped her back and sighed.
“Thanks again,” she said quietly to Noboru and Izuku. She bumped Noboru’s shoulder, “Kohana will be here in an hour or so to take care of him. He was asking for her. I need to get back. Patrol in fifteen.”
Noboru nodded, lifting his hand briefly as Ishii left. Then he turned to Izuku, “Are you alright to rest here a while? Comfortable?”  
Izuku swallowed, brows furrowed in thought, but he nodded, “Yeah.”
“My desk is just outside,” Noboru said, gesturing to the door, “Give me a shout if you need anything. Of course once you can, you are free to move around, but it would be best if you stayed in here unless you need the bathroom. And that,” he motioned over his shoulder, “Is just down the hall to the left.”
“Thanks,” Izuku said quietly, “You’ll… you’ll tell me when they find him?”
Noboru wrapped a plain blue blanket around Izuku’s shoulders, stood, and smiled, “Of course.”
Izuku sighed in relief, “Thank you.”
When the door shut, Izuku bowed his head, a stubborn frown on his face. Sweat beading on his forehead, he lifted his arms, curling and uncurling his left fist first. Then he slowly pried open his right fist.
What- ?
Something small and pale rolled from his palm and fell into his lap.
Izuku stared down at the object, fumbling to scoop it back into his palm. It was not quite as long or as thick as his pinkie finger. Thicker at the bottom, it tapered off to a dull point. Except for the red-dotted base, it was cream colored, like a … bone.
Nausea seized Izuku’s stomach, tears welling in his eyes. Clutching the small spike in his fist, he pressed it to his chest and covered his mouth.
My fault! His shoulders shook with quiet, gasping sobs, I said we should go to the beach. I made him stop. Commanded him. Commanded him.
Tears rolled down his cheeks and onto his lap. Sliding against the wall, Izuku lay on his side on the cot. He hiccuped, weakly pulling his legs up, and pressed the fist holding All Might’s spike to his forehead.
Come back.
Bring him back.
Canvas 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Catalyst 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Control 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Collapse 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
Contained 1 / 2 (WIP)
Find the whole series on Archive with fanart at the end of each chapter HERE!
Check out Aoi’s and my sideblog @toshinoumu for more series content!
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ikemenotaku82 · 7 years ago
Reblog cuz I find it hilarious 😁
And it makes good headcanons plotline too, be using it and will credit it to @ikesenhell
Tag Yourself! Warlord Edition
What Warlord Friend are you? Tag yourself! 
NOTE: This was conceived in a LiveWrite! Please come and visit next time! We will play more stupid tag games. 
+The Nobunaga Friend: Always in charge, taking possession of the whole day, ordering your friends around, generally accepted as the Alpha Friend. Looks like A Whole Snacc™ in everything. Is capable of killing people with a glare.
+The Hideyoshi Friend: Moms everyone. Will pull their hair out worrying about you. First person to throw down and fight whoever is fucking with you. Reads labels. Is the first to remember who is allergic to what.
+The Masamune Friend: Shows up and yells ‘GET IN THE CAR!’ at you. Climbs churches for the hell of it. A wonder they haven’t been arrested. Cooks tasty stuff. Uses lingo incorrectly just to watch you squirm. 
+The Mitsunari Friend: How do they exist without help? Forgetting everything. Can’t remember to eat to save their life. Responds to sarcasm with a bright “Well, actually!” and doesn’t get why everyone laughs. Sweeter than chocolate cake. Will take you at your word. 
+The Ieyasu Friend: Would probably fling themselves off a cliff before admitting that they had a crush/liked someone/thought something was really attractive/talked about their feelings. Can roast someone within an inch of their life. Really smart! Fluent in sarcasm. Also the kind of person that probably has a secret stuffed animal collection.
+The Mitsuhide Friend: WHAT DO THEY DO IN THEIR OFF TIME? You aren’t 10000% certain they don’t sell drugs. Knows way too much about everyone around them. Can teach you how to internet stalk someone. Has a bevy of information at their disposal that only writers and criminals usually have off the top of their head. Always has a “guy for that”. Sexy in weird ways.
+The Kenshin Friend: Who wronged you? Who made you upset? They’ll die. That teacher was shitty? They can meet me in the parking lot. The living incarnation of a beta fish: very pretty and always wants to fight someone. Probably should be either a model or some kind of an MMA fighter, if not both. Unnaturally lucky. You’re pretty sure they have a legion of people willing to throw down for them.
+The Shingen Friend: Talks you into trouble as often as he talks you out of it. Literally IMPOSSIBLE to tell if they’re lying. Dodges questions with the precision of a laser cutting machine. Why are they so good looking? Is it real or is it Maybelline? Who knows? Has a very quiet, simmering rage to them. You won’t know they hate someone until they smile a little too long, and then you just know.
+The Yukimura Friend: Always exasperated. Why are you doing this? Why are you all like this? The less patient cousin of the Hideyoshi Friend. Makes Very Rash Choices. Once kissed someone while drunk, panicked, and pretended they had amnesia for about six months to try and get people to stop roasting them. Employs their common sense more than most of their friends.
+The Sasuke Friend: Encyclopedic knowledge of Memes and their origins. Almost impossible to tell what they’re thinking and still calls themselves ‘an open book’. Fluent in Vine references and drops in “Mr. Brightside” lyrics mid conversation to see if you’re paying attention. Probably has four degrees. Practically blind without their glasses. A lil’ noodle with a lot of Can-Do attitude.
+The Kennyo Friend: What are people? They’d really like to just sit here and feed their birds, thanks. Animals are the best. Low key a Disney Princess. Reacts to being upset or sad by going straight to plotting bloody revenge. Says things like, “I’m a very calm person” with a straight face when you’re pretty sure they just got done keying some awful person’s car. Speaks fluent cat. None of your pets like you as well as they like them.
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