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thefernbi · 11 months ago
[Why is the effort to remember so important in todays times?]
Effort of rememberence, especially in the context of historical events like the holocaust and other crimes against humanity is important for different reasons:
Conscience and education: The confrontation with history and the reminding of past horrific acts create a consciousness for the consequences of discrimination, racism and intolerance. It aids the aids the public education and promote critical thought and empathy
Protection of the human rights: remembering historical crimes shows that there are baseline principles for human rights and humanitarianism that need to be protected. The deference for diversity, tolerance and justice are values that must be protected.
Empowerment of democracy: remembering unjust regimes strengthens democratic values and their institutions. Through analysis of past and present can communities bolster their democratic structures and move against antidemocratic movements.
Integration and reconciliation: In communities that were affected by conflict the effort of rememberence can help support understanding and reconciliation between groups. It is a important step on the road of healing trauma and of creating one united future.
All in all, the effort of rememberence contributes to a open, democratic society in which respect for human rights and tolerance of diversity are put to the forefront. It teaches us the lessons of the past, so we may activly work for a better future
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It is crazy to me how I could wake up one day and go to uni only to read things like this. This seemingly full awareness about why it's important to remember crimes past. Why it is important to uphold the memory of those lost. How 'never again' exist to activly prevent from such atrocities to happen NEVER. AGAIN.
But yet here we are. An absolute double Standard. Its sad, sickening and demoralizing. All the points listed here are violated. I don't see a conscience. I don't see humans with their rights upheld and protected. I do not see the will of the people being what steers this country. I don't see anything being integrated in a peaceful constructive matter. All i see are victims, more cruel deaths ushering in by the second while this country preaches all the values above just to be at the back and call of the perpetrator of a genocide.
Ich finde es einfach verrückt wie ich einfach eines Tages aufstehen kann, zur Uni gehen kann und sowas lesen. Das es doch eigentlich so klar ist warum es wichtig ist sich an vergangene Verbrechen zu erinnern. Warum die Erinnerung an die verloren aufrechterhalten so wichtig ist. Das 'nie wieder' dazu dient, aktiv dafür zu sorgen das solche Grausamkeiten NIE. WIEDER. PASSIEREN.
Aber davon ist nichts zu sehen. Absolute Heuchelei. Es ist traurig, widerlich und entmutigend. Jeder dieser genannten Punkte wurde hintergangen. Ich sehe nichts von einem Bewusstsein. Nichts vom Schutz irgendwelcher Menschenrechte. Ich sehe nicht wie das Volk in der Lage ist ihren Willen durchzusetzen. Nichts von Versöhnung und Verständnis. Alles was ich sehe sind Leute die jede Sekunde einer Grausamen Mühle des Todes zum Opfer fallen wärend unser Land Gott segne es alles daran tut den Vebrechern des Genozid rückendeckung zu geben.
Fuck Israel
Fuck German
Fly high Palestina
From the river to the sea, you WILL be free
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