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creativespiritmiles · 2 years ago
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As part of my final project, I wrote a short story about the importance of living in the present moment. I have been referencing this story on my Tumblr throughout the year and discussing the topic in various posts and assignments. The idea of cherishing the present moment has dramatically improved my mental health, even though it seems simple. Unfortunately, however, we often get distracted by past worries and other concerns. Thank you for taking the time to review my work.
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creativespiritmiles · 2 years ago
P1: “I’m not hyping that shit up, they are not doing anything.”
P1:“I’m not hyping that bullshit up they’re not even from the P (South Philly)”
P2: “I’m just having a good time, why are you hating?”
P1:“Cause you can’t dance”
*Person 1 & 2 have a dance off, Person 2 wins*
P2:“I’m just having a good time. Why do you even care? it’s a party”
P1:“You’re all wack and scared to fight me!”
*Person 1 demands a rematch*
P2: “You’re more worried about how i’m dancing than the party itself”
P1: *inaudible complaining*
*Silence for a few seconds*
*Person one walks off after no one reacted*
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creativespiritmiles · 2 years ago
Week 12 Conversation:
Conversation between two people at a party in a group dancing circle
P1: “I’m not hyping that shit up, they not doing anything.”
P1:“I’m not hyping that bullshit up they’re not even from the P (South Philly)”
P2: “I’m just having a good time why you hating?”
P1:“Cause you can’t dance”
P2:“I’m just having a good time why do you even care? it’s a party”
P1:“You’re all wack”
P2: “You’re more worried about how i’m dancing than the party itself”
P1: *inaudible complaining*
*Silence for a few seconds*
*Person one walks off after no one reacted*
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creativespiritmiles · 2 years ago
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crate I used to move in which is now used to store boxes so I can package items that I sell online charge free, also holds my skate gear.
Wall with the board Jahmir brown gave me who is a pro skater. It was originally a command hook using to hold my book bag but is now used to hold the board with fishing wire.
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creativespiritmiles · 2 years ago
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creativespiritmiles · 2 years ago
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creativespiritmiles · 2 years ago
"True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future, not to amuse ourselves with either hopes or fears but to rest satisfied with what we have, which is sufficient, for he that is so, wants nothing." - Seneca.
I will live by this quote until my last breath on earth.
I strongly believe in this quote because once I stopped beating myself up about past mistakes, worrying about how the future will pan out, and letting my anxieties control me, I could truly enjoy the gift of the present moment. No amount of fixation on the past will change it, and dependence on the future will only rip you away from the present moment. By living in the present moment, I can only focus on what is in my control and disregard what is not. What happens in the future is out of my control, and I cannot change that. What's happened in the past is already done, and I can learn from it but still cannot change it. I take any opportunity to learn new things, explore nature, meet new people, spend time with friends and family, take photos, skateboard, listen to music, and read philosophical literature. These are my passions, which I have complete control over. What the future has in store for me is ultimately unpredictable. I can shape my vision, build habits, and do everything in my power and capability to control it, but that only goes against the universe's flow. Tomorrow isn't promised to a single soul on this plane of existence. Therefore I'll stake everything on the line now with love, satisfaction, and appreciation toward what is presented to me now. And live as if there's no tomorrow through both fortune and misfortune.
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creativespiritmiles · 2 years ago
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I’ve come to realize i’ve taken the atmosphere of Philly for granted a bit. There’s so much to explore throughout this city and it truly is a historic place where many talented people have came from. A stepping stone place for films, music and art. Ranging from The street performers, I’ve taken the sound of the acoustic instruments for granted for the longest. I’ve come to realize just how much i love listening to the sound of strings strumming together whether it’s a violin, electric guitar or a banjo. These sounds are making my world and bringing me to realization just how much I love rock/midwestern emo music. Chandeliers shine so bright yet I’ve never taken the time to admire the amount of work and effort it takes to create such masterpieces, Art murals are awesome but i never took into consideration just how long it takes for people to create these murals. Everyone on this earth is talented & creative in their own way I’ve come to find out.
so here are my spandrels
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creativespiritmiles · 2 years ago
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creativespiritmiles · 2 years ago
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creativespiritmiles · 2 years ago
The mind is a pond
A flourishing one
Filled with purpose, peace, and love
Fill it with negativity and it turns into a swamp.
To become preoccupied with upsetting and unsettling thoughts
Or ponder on the past questioning what’s already happened
Will turn even the cleanest pond into a swamp.
Hold onto the positives and be thankful for now.
Take everything into account and make it last
We’re where we need to be and the pond is still flowing
Branching from the Tree of life and we’re all still growing
This life is no race, we all have a finishing date
So go at your own pace.
Not a single day can be turned to waste.
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There’s plenty to appreciate
For that is the present moment
A pond is a gift to the entire world.
How will you show it?
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creativespiritmiles · 2 years ago
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creativespiritmiles · 2 years ago
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creativespiritmiles · 2 years ago
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