westeroslive · 3 months
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due to failure to post within the allotted time, failure to resume activity or mun decision please unfollow:
the following roles and faceclaims are now available for application:
ben barnes
lord/lady/liege stark
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simsnot · 3 years
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this pack brings me so much seratonin 
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steffystah · 4 years
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Humble beginnings... or endings
Harley just lost her husband and to make it worse, had to give everything back because of debts she couldn’t pay off. So she took her two daughters and the few bucks left to start a new life for the better. Or the worse.
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whattheplumbob · 5 years
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Fall has arrived in the town of Sunset Valley Get ready for Spooky day and horror stories!
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bloomskii · 6 years
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Super cute family selfies!
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winter-serqet · 3 years
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Azurey Srinivasan was shocked by the bartender that night. However, she was not shocked about the other unusual event taking place in that exact same bar.
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gingerpowerss · 8 years
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Guess who’s back!
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thebuckybrigade · 9 years
Winter’s Legacy Excerpt Ch12- Stitching of Wounds
Kyra shook her head, "They can't do that. Someone else has to have figured this out! SHIELD has the information I gave them, they would have figured this out, right?" she asked, desperate, her gaze pleading.
Ian sighed, wishing he had a better answer, and shook his head, "No. I hacked into their systems and they don't have nearly the information we do. And I don't think they're going to pursue this…I think you're right about not being able to trust everyone there. There are some agents discussing this in code that shouldn't be."
Kyra stood, wincing as her ribs creaked in pain, and shook her head, "Shit! What do we do?"
Any response Ian would have given was cut off by Jarvis's entrance into the room. "Sir, there are SHIELD agents at the entrance of the building attempting to gain entry to the rest of the building. I have slowed them down for now, but they will not be placated by security for long."
Ian stared at him for a moment and then nodded, "Which agents are here?"
Jarvis tilted his head for a moment and then focused back on Ian, "Agents Tipper, Lear, Caige, and Dawson."
Ian frowned, "Have they stated who sent them?"
Jarvis nodded, "An Agent Fournier."
Ian's frown deepened, "Not Coulson then…that's not good."
Kyra grabbed her jacket and shrugged it on, hissing in pain, shaking her head when Ian looked at her, "I'm fine. We need to go."
Ian nodded, "Jarvis, initiate full building lockdown, do not let them get any farther than they have gotten. I want all information from my workstation dumped onto my secure remote workstation. We're taking the Skimmer and getting out of here."
Jarvis nodded and walked to the workstation, placing a hand on it, and within moments the lights in the building went out, to be replaced with red strobe lights, and his voice echoing through the building, "Attention, this is not a drill. All personnel should exit the building in the next five minutes. After that time the building will be in full lockdown. All stairwells and elevators will be locked and there will be no release. Please proceed calmly out of the building."
Ian grabbed the damaged StarPad and shoved it into Kyra's bag and threw it into a large duffle bag he had pulled out of a steamer trunk. Holding out his hand to Kyra, he gave her a tense smile, "Time to go."
Nodding, she took the offered hand, her fingers icy, and followed him out of the room through a panel hidden in the wall and down a long, dark hallway. "What about Jarvis?" she asked quietly.
"He'll meet us there" Ian whispered back. Nodding, Kyra gripped his hand tighter, her heart pounding. A few minutes later, the floor sloped downwards and they emerged into an open area, and Kyra's brows rose.
"Are we at the river?" she asked.
Ian nodded, "It's a quick escape route, and a necessary one in this case." Pulling a fob out of his pocket, he pressed a button and a sucking, bubbling occurred from the water, and Kyra watched in awe as a craft rose to the surface.
Turning to stare at Ian, she found him grinning at her. Despite the situation she laughed, "You sneaky bastard! The government would kill to have this technology!"
Ian laughed, "Of course they would. Which is why they don't. Now, it's time to get in and get the hell out of here."
He pressed another button and a door opened on the ship, allowing Kyra to enter the surprisingly roomy quarters. She sat down in the seat next to Ian and strapped herself in. When the door shut, Ian began to press buttons and after a moment, the ship purred to life and began to sink below the water again.
Kyra drew her feet up into the chair and rested her chin on her knees, watching the water go by, filled with fish and piles of trash. The Potomac had always been a polluted river, and over the decades, it had only gotten worse.
Peering out the window she asked, "Won't SHIELD, or Chimera be able to pick us up on radar?"
Ian shook his head, "No, this ship is completely undetectable whether it's in the water or the air."
Kyra turned her head to stare, "Excuse me? It flies?!"
Ian laughed, full and throaty, "Yea, it flies. Once we get further from the city I'll get us out of the water and into the air. Then the cloaking mechanism will shield us from prying eyes."
Kyra stared at him incredulous, "You…are way smarter than you let on, you know that?"
Ian grinned over at her, "Thanks. Glad I finally found a way to impress you."
Kyra sighed and dropped her head onto her knees, "How long until we get to where we're going?"
"Twenty minutes" Ian said softly, they were cruising at a good speed, and he planned on flying even faster. He had no desire to have SHIELD on their tail…or Chimera.
Kyra nodded, "Mmmkay. I'll…I'll just chill then."
Ian looked over to her, worried at her tone. She hadn't had any time to process what had happened to her, or her dad. They were running from danger on all sides, and she was forcing herself to stay strong. He knew her walls could stay up for only so long.
Want to read more? Find Winter’s Legacy here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11102842/12/Winter-s-Legacy and here: https://www.wattpad.com/165990990-winter%27s-legacy-stitching-of-wounds and here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7379875/chapters/17216014
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steffystah · 4 years
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The Winters
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whattheplumbob · 5 years
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Meanwhile in the bedroom: Uhm, guys.. I don’t think this is the time or place for you 2 to.. No, you’re still gonna do it..? Okay?
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