thebuckybrigade · 9 years
Winter’s Legacy Excerpt Ch12- Stitching of Wounds
Kyra shook her head, "They can't do that. Someone else has to have figured this out! SHIELD has the information I gave them, they would have figured this out, right?" she asked, desperate, her gaze pleading.
Ian sighed, wishing he had a better answer, and shook his head, "No. I hacked into their systems and they don't have nearly the information we do. And I don't think they're going to pursue this…I think you're right about not being able to trust everyone there. There are some agents discussing this in code that shouldn't be."
Kyra stood, wincing as her ribs creaked in pain, and shook her head, "Shit! What do we do?"
Any response Ian would have given was cut off by Jarvis's entrance into the room. "Sir, there are SHIELD agents at the entrance of the building attempting to gain entry to the rest of the building. I have slowed them down for now, but they will not be placated by security for long."
Ian stared at him for a moment and then nodded, "Which agents are here?"
Jarvis tilted his head for a moment and then focused back on Ian, "Agents Tipper, Lear, Caige, and Dawson."
Ian frowned, "Have they stated who sent them?"
Jarvis nodded, "An Agent Fournier."
Ian's frown deepened, "Not Coulson then…that's not good."
Kyra grabbed her jacket and shrugged it on, hissing in pain, shaking her head when Ian looked at her, "I'm fine. We need to go."
Ian nodded, "Jarvis, initiate full building lockdown, do not let them get any farther than they have gotten. I want all information from my workstation dumped onto my secure remote workstation. We're taking the Skimmer and getting out of here."
Jarvis nodded and walked to the workstation, placing a hand on it, and within moments the lights in the building went out, to be replaced with red strobe lights, and his voice echoing through the building, "Attention, this is not a drill. All personnel should exit the building in the next five minutes. After that time the building will be in full lockdown. All stairwells and elevators will be locked and there will be no release. Please proceed calmly out of the building."
Ian grabbed the damaged StarPad and shoved it into Kyra's bag and threw it into a large duffle bag he had pulled out of a steamer trunk. Holding out his hand to Kyra, he gave her a tense smile, "Time to go."
Nodding, she took the offered hand, her fingers icy, and followed him out of the room through a panel hidden in the wall and down a long, dark hallway. "What about Jarvis?" she asked quietly.
"He'll meet us there" Ian whispered back. Nodding, Kyra gripped his hand tighter, her heart pounding. A few minutes later, the floor sloped downwards and they emerged into an open area, and Kyra's brows rose.
"Are we at the river?" she asked.
Ian nodded, "It's a quick escape route, and a necessary one in this case." Pulling a fob out of his pocket, he pressed a button and a sucking, bubbling occurred from the water, and Kyra watched in awe as a craft rose to the surface.
Turning to stare at Ian, she found him grinning at her. Despite the situation she laughed, "You sneaky bastard! The government would kill to have this technology!"
Ian laughed, "Of course they would. Which is why they don't. Now, it's time to get in and get the hell out of here."
He pressed another button and a door opened on the ship, allowing Kyra to enter the surprisingly roomy quarters. She sat down in the seat next to Ian and strapped herself in. When the door shut, Ian began to press buttons and after a moment, the ship purred to life and began to sink below the water again.
Kyra drew her feet up into the chair and rested her chin on her knees, watching the water go by, filled with fish and piles of trash. The Potomac had always been a polluted river, and over the decades, it had only gotten worse.
Peering out the window she asked, "Won't SHIELD, or Chimera be able to pick us up on radar?"
Ian shook his head, "No, this ship is completely undetectable whether it's in the water or the air."
Kyra turned her head to stare, "Excuse me? It flies?!"
Ian laughed, full and throaty, "Yea, it flies. Once we get further from the city I'll get us out of the water and into the air. Then the cloaking mechanism will shield us from prying eyes."
Kyra stared at him incredulous, "You…are way smarter than you let on, you know that?"
Ian grinned over at her, "Thanks. Glad I finally found a way to impress you."
Kyra sighed and dropped her head onto her knees, "How long until we get to where we're going?"
"Twenty minutes" Ian said softly, they were cruising at a good speed, and he planned on flying even faster. He had no desire to have SHIELD on their tail…or Chimera.
Kyra nodded, "Mmmkay. I'll…I'll just chill then."
Ian looked over to her, worried at her tone. She hadn't had any time to process what had happened to her, or her dad. They were running from danger on all sides, and she was forcing herself to stay strong. He knew her walls could stay up for only so long.
Want to read more? Find Winter’s Legacy here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11102842/12/Winter-s-Legacy and here: https://www.wattpad.com/165990990-winter%27s-legacy-stitching-of-wounds and here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7379875/chapters/17216014
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thebuckybrigade · 9 years
Winter’s Legacy Excerpt Ch 11- Plots Plans and Pain
"Your dinner and tea Miss Barnes" Kyra jumped at the sound of Jarvis's voice, her body twitching in fright. 
Ian's hand reached out to rest on her knee, "It's ok, it's just Jarvis."
Kyra nodded, smiling weakly as the AI butler came around the couch to hand her the tray of food. He smiled warmly, "Here you are miss. Is there anything else I can get you?" 
Kyra shook her head, "No, I'm good thank you Jarvis."
Kyra picked up the mug of tea and inhaled the scent of Earl Grey with a hint of lemon, exactly as she liked it. Sipping it slowly, she let out a moan of delight and smiled up at Ian, "How in the world did he know how I like it?"
Ian grinned, "Remember about a month ago when we had that big meeting here? You had a cup that my secretary Lindsey got you. Every person's drink preference was logged into the system by Jarvis and memorized. Now he was able to make it for you, down to how much sugar you like."
Kyra nodded, "Well, that's…somewhat disturbing."
Ian laughed, "I didn't intend for it to be."
Kyra shook her head, "Ian, how are we going to do this? How are we going to get my dad back and stop this group…this Chimera?" She rubbed a hand across her face and sipped on her tea, sighing deeply. She felt like crying she was so tired and achy.
Ian lifted his hand from her knee and grabbed her hand, squeezing gently, his eyes intent. "Kyra, I swear to you we will stop them, and we will get your dad back. SHIELD will help us find him and get him back."
Kyra shook her head emphatically, "No! We can't work with SHIELD! They were corrupted by Hydra once; it's guaranteed that they're corrupted by Chimera now! We can't trust them!"
Ian looked shocked, "Kyra, we both know Coulson wouldn't let that happen! Or Steve, Natasha, Clint or my dad!"
Kyra shook her head, "That's what they said the last time, and hundreds of people died, our government was nearly crippled by the revelation that Hydra had been insinuated inside of it. I will not put my trust in an organization that crumbled once, and then got my mother killed! I will not."
Ian stared at her, seeing the fear and anger in her eyes and swallowed his own fear, nodding. "Okay, okay. I promise, we'll do this without SHIELD. But we need to be cautious, okay?" he spoke softly, his tone soothing.
Kyra nodded, her eyes wide, her pulse thrumming in her throat. Ian shifted forward in his seat and took the tea cup out of her hands, setting it on the tray. He moved slowly, wrapping his arm around Kyra's shoulders, drawing her into his embrace, feeling her shudder.
Kyra trembled, feeling the safety of Ian's embrace, and began to cry. She clung to his shirt and buried her face in his shoulder, her body shaking with her sobs. Ian held Kyra tighter, his heart aching for her; he wanted to destroy the men who had done this to her and her father.
He would do anything to protect her, and he was going to help put a stop to this Chimera, if it was the last thing he did.
Read more Winter’s Legacy here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11102842/11/Winter-s-Legacy and here: https://www.wattpad.com/163724489-winter%27s-legacy-plots-plans-and-pain and here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7379875/chapters/17215969
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thebuckybrigade · 9 years
Winter’s Legacy Excerpt Ch 10- The Returned
Kyra sat on the floor of the den with her head resting on her knees, the background noise of the SHIELD agents and her uncle speaking barely penetrating the chaos that was swirling through her head.
Her entire body was one aching wound, and her head throbbed, but she pushed the pain away, trying to focus on the image of the patch that had been on the men's arms that had been interrogating her. Just when she thought she had it, there came a loud noise and her head snapped up towards it, to find SHIELD agents deploying small flying robots to investigate her father's house.
They gave her sheepish looks and guided the robots more carefully through the house. Kyra looked around the room numbly, and found Steve in a heated argument with Natasha across the room. She couldn't tell what they were saying but it appeared that whatever he wanted, he wasn't going to get.
Steve shook his head in disgust and walked away from Natasha. He couldn't believe that after everything he had done for SHIELD Coulson wouldn't grant him the courtesy of working this. This was his best friend, his brother.
He wiped a hand across his face, grief and fear gripping his insides, but he pushed them aside when he saw Kyra sitting alone, her face bruised, cut and swollen. He felt a swift wave of rage at the men who had done this to her and wished he was able to kill them again. But knowing they were dead was small comfort; knowing there was someone out there turning his best friend back into the Winter Soldier….he didn't know how to make that okay for Kyra.
Steve walked over to her and crouched down in front of her, laying a gentle hand on her knee, "Kyra, hon, we need to go." She looked up at him through eyes glazed with pain and whispered, "Okay Uncle Steve", her voice small and childlike.
Steve held out his hand and helped her to her feet, noting when she winced and clutched her ribs. She might have a cracked rib or two, poor kid-Steve thought to himself as he watched her walk in front of him. Steve grabbed one of the agents outside and commandeered their car, overruling the young man's weak protestations.
As they drove, the silence grew until Kyra asked, "How did you know that they didn't kill dad?"
Steve swallowed hard, "Because the machine they had him in, is the one that Hydra used to turn him into the Winter Soldier, and to keep him under control. Whoever is doing this to him must be former Hydra."
Kyra nodded, "That makes sense with what he said, "We didn't behead the beast", don't you think?"
Steve nodded slowly, "Yea…Kyra, when you were gathering emails and phone conversations, did you get anything that would indicate Hydra was involved or another group?"
Kyra sighed, "I don't think so…I-I don't know. I'm sorry, I'm just not sure." 
Steve shook his head, "It's fine sweetheart, don't worry."
Kyra nodded but stared out the car window, biting down on her knuckle to keep from crying. It wasn't ok, she needed to do better. She needed to find her dad and save him.
Interested in reading more? Find Winter’s Legacy here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11102842/10/Winter-s-Legacy and here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7379875/chapters/17161577 and here: https://www.wattpad.com/162996925-winter%27s-legacy-the-returned
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thebuckybrigade · 9 years
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Winter’s Legacy Excerpt Ch 5 -
The next three days passed quickly, and before Kyra knew it, it was Friday. She and Bree had called and emailed and had nailed down their plan. Kyra had pulled Ian aside after a meeting that week and had told him he could make things up to her by taking her out to dinner on Friday evening, and he had smiled at her so brilliantly it had made her stomach flutter for a moment, before she stomped it out and reminded herself of just how she had felt on that table.
That evening, after work, she and Bree stood in her closet assessing each item of clothing, desperately trying to figure out what she should wear. It was still bitterly cold out, but Kyra wanted to wear a dress that would catch his attention.
They finally settled on a wool fire engine red 1940’s style dress with a sweetheart neckline and three quarter length sleeves that came just to Kyra’s knees. Paired with nude stockings and black stilettos, Kyra was warm(ish) and a knockout.
Bree helped her curl her hair, pulling it half up and securing it with a glittering clip. Kyra did a smoky eye and a sultry red lip, and when she turned to show Bree, her friend shook her head, speechless for a moment.
“Girl, you know who you look like?” Bree asked.
Kyra shook her head, “Who?”
Bree smiled, “Your mom.”
Kyra looked in the mirror and smiled, “Yea, kinda.” 
Bree let out a soft shriek as the doorbell rang and stage whispered, “OH MY GOD IT’S HIM!”
Kyra laughed, “Really? I had no idea!”
Bree smacked her on the arm and then shoved her towards the door, handing her the purse they had chosen, “Go! I’ll be there when you need me. Knock him dead!”
Kyra laughed, “Okay okay!”
Smiling as she made her way to the door, Kyra swallowed nervously and adjusted her necklace, checking her appearance in the hall mirror before opening the door.
She had a moment of satisfaction at the stunned look on Ian’s face when he took in her appearance, his gaze travelling over her outfit, his eyes lingering on the way the dress hugged her curves.  
Clearing her throat she smiled as he started and then smiled unevenly at her, “Uh, Kyra. You look stunning.” 
Kyra smiled demurely, “Thank you. Not too shabby yourself.” Grabbing her coat off the hook, she slid it on and tucked her clutch under her arm.
Stepping out into the hallway she smiled up at Ian, “Are we ready to go?”He nodded, still looking uneasy and offered her his arm. Taking it, she pulled the door shut behind her, knowing Bree would be leaving later and the alarm system would activate again.
As they made their way to the car from the elevator, Kyra realized that she was now nearly as tall as Ian in her heels. Glancing at him out of the corner of her eye, she saw him staring at her again, and watched him glance away.
Seated in the car, Ian held up an empty glass to her, “Drink?” Kyra nodded, “Please.”
Remembering her last request, Ian poured her drink as he had before and handed her the glass before pouring himself a glass. Kyra raised her glass for a toast, “To better acquaintances.”
Ian smiled, “Not better friends?” 
Kyra smirked, “We’ll see how tonight goes.” 
He nodded and grinned, “Fair enough.” 
Read more Winter’s Legacy here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11102842/5/Winter-s-Legacy and here:https://www.wattpad.com/157894543-winter%27s-legacy-devilish and here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7379875/chapters/16955256
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thebuckybrigade · 9 years
Bucky Brigade Updates:
Hello dear Brigaders! Brigadiers? I haven't settled on which is right yet. Ella and I are excited to have all of you with us and are enjoying having you all follow us, reblog and like our works. We hope you all will continue, and will submit some asks as well! (We're talkative people, so we look forward to chatting with you!!) 
I hope everybody is getting through their week, and you have been enjoying the oneshots and the SHIELD documents we have posted. 
Ella is amazing and has worked incredibly hard on those, putting up with my crazy nit pickiness, so I give a huge shout out to my co-admin and friend for putting up with me and coming up with such amazing works of art. There will be more to come to pair with Winter’s Legacy, which is in progress on fanfiction.net
The transition chapter from A Long Winter, Shattered Ice- will be posted shortly so that you all can read about Kyra, and hopefully get to know her and be eager for her awesome story. 
Here is a short description on Kyra’s story: 
Winter's Legacy centers on Kyra Barnes, age 28. It is the year 2043 and after decades of overpopulation, wild environmental change, and the discovery of a hospitable planet ripe for colonization, humanity is desperate for a second chance. As Chief of Staff to a Senator on the US Subcommittee on Science, Space and Competitiveness, Kyra slowly uncovers a vast conspiracy that will threaten Earth, and the only chance at survival humanity has, colonization. Racing against time and an unknown foe, Kyra must battle her own demons, and those dug up by her enemies.
Interested? Check out the in between chapter, Shattered Ice, for an introduction to Kyra, and stick around for more updates on Kyra, Bucky and other familiar faces! 
xoxox Stella 
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