#Winter Bird by Aurora
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keydekyie · 6 months ago
if you're not cranking up the volume on your favorite songs and imagining elaborate and epic music videos featuring your OCs then what are you even doing with your life???
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leehallfae · 11 months ago
i waked across an empty land
i’m in my lonely light
please don’t try to find me
walking in my sleep
now dissolve me
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dawneternal · 2 months ago
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Viviane // my tears are always frozen, I can see the air I breathe
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abirddogmoment · 5 months ago
I love seeing Rory run in the field!! Bird dog doing bird dog things!! You said in the tags you had different training and priorities with her vs Mav re: offleash running like that. What kinds of things did you do differently with Rory to be comfortable having her offleash at a distance with reliable recall?
I was writing a whole novel but really it boils down to this chart. Under the cut because it's (vertically) long.
In short, it's just as much about what I didn't do with Maverick as what I did do with Aurora.
(Edited to add: I am extremely fortunate to live in the prairies where the kind of visibility I need is easy to find. Use my experience to inspire your own training if you like, but don't use it as a recipe. I have my own goals and my own priorities and those are likely different than yours.)
🔵 Supremely confident from day 1
🔵 Came home in August (extremely good and exciting time for outdoor adventures)
🔵 Prioritized specific sports behaviours over foundational building blocks like engagement and cooperation
🔵 Learned bad habits from my older dog at the time (prey drive > recall)
🔵 Was indiscriminately prey driven. If it moved, he wanted to kill it.
🔵 I phased out treats too fast and didn't want to use an ecollar or long line
🔵 I focused on "social media dog behaviours" (think like walking extremely close to me on trails) and got frustrated when we couldn't meet these rather than meeting my dog where he was at. This created a lot of frustration in our dog adventures.
🔵 I practiced recalls constantly when I didn't have to, making them a tedious behaviour for him. I would recall him 20-50 times a hike for everything from "you're too far away from me" to "I want to take a photo".
🟣 Came to me a little insecure and looked to me for reassurance
🟣 Came home in December (a cold and relatively boring time for outdoor adventures)
🟣 I prioritized engagement, cooperation, and name recognition from day 1
🟣 Practiced good habits by walking offleash in the snow either alone or with Pike (amazing recall)
🟣 Is extremely birdy, but is very very focused. She easily calls off deer or people/dogs in the distance because she mostly cares about birds.
🟣 Literally always gets offered a high value snack for recalling or voluntary check ins (I will never phase this out, I will carry chunks of cheese on offleash walks for the rest of her life)
🟣 I never practice recalls if I don't need them. This one is hard to explain, but once Rory understood that long whistle = come back as fast as you can, I don't whistle unless I really need to. I recall her an average of 0-3 times per hike (*based on visibility or wildlife*) and trust her to make good decisions otherwise. I keep my eyeballs on her 100% of the time and choose areas with good visibility, but I don't recall her just for being far away.
🟣 I limit hikes where I have to nag her often (think, in the woods where I dont have a great line of sight and have to remind her to stay close to me) to a few times a month or less so she doesn't start getting frustrated about it.
🟣 I trust the training I put into her and choose to run her in areas with (relatively) reduced risk if she makes the "wrong" choice. I don't nitpick everything she does and I let her make her own choices, within reason.
🟣 I have an interrupter cue to ask her to stop doing something before I call her back (if she's digging a hole and I want her to move on, I use "Rory, enough! Here!") instead of whistling at her.
🟣 I don't force her attention on check ins. If she runs back to me and doesn't want a snack and wants to run straight back out, I let her run back out.
🟣 I have anticipatory cues for the end of a walk so I don't have to recall her when we get to the end of the field.
I want to say that it's nerve wracking to watch my dog sprint at full speed hundreds of yards away from me. I have to fight the impulse to recall her just because she's far away. It's an exercise in trust because I'm always worried about her going over the horizon, or running into a wildlife, or falling into a hole, but it's an important thing to work on if you have a dog that needs that trust to thrive.
Mav and I were a good team, but I never fully trusted him outdoors. I always had my finger on the ecollar buttons ready for him to do an evil and need to be vibrated. It was exhilarating to watch him in the field, but it wasn't really fun or relaxing.
Rory and I built a much stronger foundation of trust (I personally never would have been able to do this if I had more than one dog). She doesn't know any tricks yet, but I'm super confident in her recall and ability to take direction in the field, even when she's sprinting as fast as possible.
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peregrinefalconlady-art · 2 months ago
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While out on an evening flight on the night of her hatchday, Sam is very pleasantly surprised by the sight of the Aurora borealis—an uncommon occurrence in her region, especially to such an intensity!
Today is my birthday, and I made this as a lil special treat for myself! It’s one of my bucket list goals to see the Aurora borealis in person (sadly, I missed the two opportunities I had to see them from my area irl this year) one day, but for now I’ll just have to let my sona witness them.
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quinnfrankephotography · 5 days ago
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Some scenes from my walk today. It was nice to get out with the camera again. There is still so much snow that getting around is challenging on foot. But hopefully it will be melting soon.
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bijuutamer · 1 month ago
Winter Bird WIP
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punisheye · 1 year ago
no big post about this, just want to say wolfwood's guardian for this event is a raven!
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lanadelreyscokewhor3 · 8 months ago
as a fantasy lover i need you to understand how important this song is to me. if she doesn’t play this at my show i might cry
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gaycactusscoundrel · 2 years ago
Song of the Day 8/29/2023
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kaytaygayquirks · 9 months ago
Oh thank the gods I can add more music by reblogging this
Siren Call: This quirk gives its user the ability to call anyone who hears their song toward the nearest deep water source by singing, the quirk works best on those with a lower willpower but if the user is stronger willed and/or closer they can still be affected. The people affected go into a trance and will ignore all noises around them heading straight towards the nearest large water source, the person affected does not need to know where the nearest water is nor does the user and will walk in the direction of that water source until they find it. The downsides of this quirk are, if the affected person is shaken they will go out of their trance, if a person can only barely hear the singing they will feel pulled to walk towards water but is unlikely to unless they themselves willingly enter the trance, when quirk is overused the user loses their voice and becomes mildly dehydrated.
LandWater: this quirk gives its user the ability to exist underwater as if they were flying on land, the user is able to see everything underwater the same as they can see on land they can also move themself around as if thery were floating, when the user is touching someone else and go under with them the other person has the same abilities as the user until they stop making physical contact with the user. The downsides of this quirk are, the user can only bring two people under water with them at a time, the user has no special abilities when not underwater, the more polluted the water their in is the harder it is to breathe underwater.
Warning signs: this quirk gives its user the ability to see even the smallest of signs signaling something that’s about to happen in the next five minutes, this thing could be good or bad depends on the situation but the user will always know whether something bad or good will happen. The user is able to use their quirk in close combat to be able to tell when and where their opponent will hit them. The downsides of this quirk are, the user is only able to guess where the thing will first happen or come they cannot tell what it will be, the quirk is always on unless a quirk suppression cuff is used or something similar otherwise the user can always tell when something will happen like their friend entering a room or the microwave beeping.
Also I forgot to mention I’m doing the deluxe which is why I’m including half the world away and wisdom cries but I’m not doing any remixes since they have the same lyrics as the originals
Im making quirks based off each song from the album All My Demons Greet Me as a Friend by AURORA on Spotify and Apple Music
Illusions: this quirk gives its user the ability to create illusions of anything they’ve seen or heard, the illusions they create can be visual auditory or both. The illusions can appear as a persons friend as a fake wall meant to confuse enemies, or as a voice telling a person something. The downsides to this quirk are, once the illusion is touched is dissolves, when quirk is overused the user begins to hear voices in their head and also becomes tired and drowsy.
Broken: this quirk gives its user the ability to cause anything they look at to break when quirk is on. The user can cause a vase to break just by staring at it or they can as much as cause a person to break mentally though it is much more difficult. The downsides to this quirk are, the more items the user breaks the longer it takes for them to break which can get quite awkward if you’re staring at a glass for thirty seconds just waiting for it to break, when quirk is overused the user starts to break and becomes weaker physically and mentally.
WolfWalker: this quirk gives its user the ability to become a wolf when ever they please. The user is also able to heal others by touching the wounds with their hands and howling, the user is able to become friends with any wolf they meet and can also understand and speak with them. The downsides of this quirk are, when the user becomes a wolf their human body falls asleep and is unresponsive until the user becomes human again, if the user’s human body is injured the injury will also appear on their wolf body and vice versa.
This quirk is actually based of the movie that Running With The Wolves is in, it’s called Wolfwalkers on Apple TV I think? Anyway it’s a fun movie I watched recently.
Lucky: this quirk gives its user the ability to make themself or someone around them extremely lucky. When the quirk is on whoever has been made lucky will always land a hit on an enemy and the enemies hits will always miss along with any debris that could’ve hit them will barely miss them instead. The downsides of this quirk are, the user can only make one person lucky at a time, when quirk is overused it causes the user to become very unlucky.
Winter: this quirk gives its user the ability to cause the area surrounding them to become winter. When quirk is on everything in a two hundred foot radius around the user becomes colder and it starts to snow, the leaves quickly fall off trees and it becomes cold enough for your breath to become visible. When it’s actually winter the quirk makes everything even colder than it was before and the user is even able to cause a blizzard though it takes a lot of concentration. The downsides to this quirk are, during summer the quirk is weaker since the quirk can only lower the temperature sixty degrees lower than it was originally, the user is able to handle much colder temperatures than most but cannot make their friends be able to handle the cold temperatures they cause.
Love: this quirk gives the user the ability to cause people to love them. When quirk is turned on the user can make someone of their choice to love them, the user can choose for the person to love them platonically or romantically. The quirk lasts until the user turns it off if the user doesn’t turn it off it won’t end. The user can make as many people love them as possible but the longer they make someone love them the love that person feels slowly becomes permanent. The downsides to this quirk are, the quirk does not work on people who the user loves, the longer the quirk is used on someone the more their love for the user becomes real until the quirk fades and the person truly loves the user.
Soul Of A Child: this quirk gives its user the ability to cause other people to temporarily think like they did as a child. The person affected will also only have the memories they did when they were a child and will act as if they were one. This quirk can make someone think like they did when they were five at the youngest and twelve at the oldest. The downsides of this quirk are, the person affected won’t remember who you are or where they are whilst the quirk is on since they only have their memories from when they were that old, the quirk lasts for a week at most and ten minutes at least and the user can affect up to thirty people at a time, the user affects someone with the quirk by touching them so if untrained the user could accidentally turn someone into a child for a couple days.
Warrior of love: this quirk gives its user the ability to strengthen the love between two people, for example if a couple is falling out of love the user can strengthen the live between those two to keep them together. The user can also do this to people who aren’t already couples and make them love each other. The downsides to this quirk are, you cannot use this quirk on yourself or make others love you. Once quirk is used you cannot turn it off.
I already did warrior so I just copy and pasted it
Finger Gun: this quirk gives its user the ability to use a finger gun as if it were an actual gun, just by putting their fingers in the shape of a gun and pretending to shoot the user can actually shoot someone as if with a bullet, this finger gun acts like an actual gun with the exception of it not having to be reloaded since it does not actually use bullets. When the gun is shot it hits whatever it was aimed at almost as strong as a real gun. The downsides of this quirk are, the range of the quirk is shorter than a real gun and can only fly as far as fifteen feet before losing momentum, the gunshots from this quirk are nearly as strong as a true bullet but work best when used in close range, the farther the gun the weaker the hit, when quirk is overused the users hands become shaky and the gunshots get weaker even in close range.
Resurrection: this quirk gives its user the ability to bring back anyone who has passed for a certain amount of time. The user simply has to say the persons name out loud and the person will appear in front of them fully alive, the user decides when to cut off their temporary life and turn them back into a ghost but can only keep them alive for a maximum of one day at a time before needing to send them back to the grave, the user is also able to see ghosts of anyone who passed and can speak to them though the user can only touch those ghost if they resurrect them. The user can resurrect as many people as they want though they cannot resurrect the same person more than once a day. The downsides of this quirk are, the user can only keep someone alive for twenty four hours before sending them back to the grave, the user cannot control the people they bring back from the dead, the user is able to be touched by the ghosts they see but cannot touch them themself.
Apparently there’s an audio limit so I’m gonna reblog this to try and finish the album
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esoteric-chaos · 1 year ago
Spring Equinox Masterpost- Spoonie Witch Friendly
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Art Credit: Anastasia Catris
The Spring Equinox, also called the Vernal Equinox or Ostara, is usually celebrated between the 21st of March in the Northern Hemisphere (In the Southern Hemisphere around September 20th or 21st)
In 2024, Ostara and the Spring Equinox land in the Northern Hemisphere on Monday, March 19th.
The Spring Equinox celebrates the arrival of spring. Celebrating balance, growth, and new beginnings as Winter has finally ended.
Spring Equinox Correspondances
Light Green
Sunny Yellow
Light Blue
Pastel Pink
Apple Tree
Cherry Blossom
Birch tree
Ash tree
Salad greens
Spring veggies
Fresh berries
Edible flowers
Baby Chicks
Clear Quartz
Flowering or Tree Buds
Spiritual meanings
Cleansing (removal of stagnant energy)
Good fortune
Floral scents (rose, lilac, jasmine, etc)
Herbal scents (rosemary, basil, mint, etc)
Gods / Goddesses / Spirits
Eostre –  (Anglo-Saxon)
Aphrodite - (Greek)
Gaia - (Celtic)
Gaea - (Greek)
Venus - (Roman)
Athena - (Greek)
Aurora - (Roman)
Eos - (Greek)
Isis – (Egyptian)
Freya - (Norse) 
Persephone - (greek)
Cybele - (Roman)
The Green Man - (Celtic)
Odin – (Norse) 
Osiris – (Egyptian)
Pan – (Greek)
Thoth – (Egyptian)
Adonis – (Greek)
Apollon –  (Greek)
Apollo - (Roman)
Need some suggestions to celebrate? I've got you covered.
High energy celebrations and ritual
Deep cleaning of the hearth and home
Nature hikes
Visiting farmers markets
Making preserves
Create a fae garden
Create a seasonal altar
Abundance/Prosperity ritual
New beginnings ritual
Low energy celebrations 
Wear pastels
Create flower crowns
Light a candle with scent correspondence
No spoon celebrations 
Opening a window
Journaling Prompts
Keeping hydrated
Drink floral tea
How you celebrate the holiday does not matter. You can choose to do any activity that feels right. These are only suggestions and remember that you're enough no matter what.
Also please note some stuff is UPG. A great book is Year of the Witch by Temperance Alden for honouring the celebrations and if you wanted to work more seasonally. It's not Wiccan-based and has plenty of resources for every witch.
Feel free to post how you celebrate in the comments or reblogs!
Want to see more of my posts? Check out my Wheel of the Year Masterpost or my Main Masterpost.
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kedreeva · 2 months ago
There are good things in this world still
Today, when we went to pick up bird feed, Sark spotted a Calder's dairy store, and we picked up a half gallon of the richest, most decadent chocolate milk you've ever had, and a pint of eggnog so thick it may as well be drinkable yogurt (and it was DELICIOUS).
Today, when I checked on Aurora, who has been having treatment for a mouth problem, I finally can't see evidence of the problem anymore. She'll still have to be on meds for a little while longer, but I get to call the vet tomorrow and report that it looks like she's recovering despite her age.
Today, I picked up some extra bedding for the birds, for the cold snap coming in. I will pick up more tomorrow, but I got shavings for them since they like napping in a pile on them.
Today, Sark and I built a little aquarium together in minecraft, and went on an adventure to collect fish.
Right now, I am going to go put some words on my story before I go to sleep.
When I go to sleep tonight, I will get to sleep beside Sark, who is basically a furnace. It's the middle of winter and he's usually not even covered by a blanket when I go in. And instead of complaining, when I put my absolutely freezing feet on his leg, he covers them with his other leg to warm them up faster. That's love.
There are good things left in this world, however small. This is your opportunity to reblog this and share your good things with each other, or check the notes if you need a reminder.
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wodania · 2 years ago
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“Lay me by the frozen river, where the boats have passed me by. All I need is to remember, how it was to feel alive.” ~Winter Bird, AURORA
Lyanna Stark, the She-Wolf
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thelampisaflashlight · 6 months ago
Some casual, domestic ghoul thoughts, because why not? Let's go.
-Mountain has a trunk of blankets at the end of his bed; It's this big, chunky box he's had forever, a family heirloom, maybe, but even he isn't sure of its origins, and, inside of it, are all these handmade, knit or woven blankets and handstitched quilts that he only breaks out during the fall and winter months.
They all smell distinctly of the wood the box is made out of and a sort of softer, cool scent that's hard to place but somehow feels... familiar and soothing.
He only ever hang dries them, and he repairs them himself if any of they get stained or torn.
Sometimes, if one of his fellow ghouls isn't feeling well, he'll grab one of the lighter quilts to tuck them into their beds with, and while it doesn't have any sort of magical healing qualities, the comfort and smell often helps the others sleep a little better.
-Dew can knit, and makes a lot of hats, gloves, and scarves when he's bored, which he usually donates once he's done.
He has a couple sweaters he made for himself that he usually wears around the abbey once it gets cold out, and once knit a teeny tiny baby sweater with a matching hat and booties as a baby shower gift for one of the sisters of sin, because he wanted to test the crochet pattern... so he could make a sweater for his Baphomet plush.
Some of his "scrapped" knitting projects can be found throughout the ghouls' den, including, but not limited to; Two sets of potholders, about a dozen mug covers, one of those chunky yarn blankets you make using your arms as the needles, and three failed crochet Baphomets in varying stages of completeness.
-Cirrus collects small, carved figurines of animals, and has even made a few herself; She started her collection after she found a frog carved out of soapstone at an antique shop in one of the towns they passed through on tour, and it's grown since then.
She usually just displays them in her room, but she also likes to pop them into little nooks and empty spaces in the den to make it feel more "homey" to her.
As for the ones she's made herself, Cirrus usually takes a bit of wood and whittles it down over the course of an afternoon to make various little creatures and the occasional woodland scene.
Additionally, she's also gotten into pyrography, aka wood burning, and has made a couple art pieces that she's sold on the sly in the town nearby the abbey.
And lastly;
-Aurora took up pottery not long after she was summoned, using it to connect herself to her elements and feel more whole in the process, but it became a fun hobby as well, and now she makes little knickknacks and things that for gifts or just to spruce up her room.
Sometimes, when she's bored, she'll make weird clay creatures or ones based off of folklore and set them out in the common room's mantle, with an everchanging story being played out with the figures.
She has also made clay figures of her packmates, usually basing them off of photos, and displays them instead of putting pictures on the wall.
Her first sculpt lives on Copia's desk in his office, and is of a small, slightly wonky looking bird.
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softiisakvaltersen · 11 days ago
in honour of the golden raven's imminent release I wanted to share the tracklist of my jean yves moreau themed playlist (peer reviewed!) in case anyone wanted something to accompany their reading!
somebody else [ruelle]
i live in patterns [taylor janzen feat. alix page]
just another way [novo amor]
first [harry was here]
angel [keshi]
seneca [novo amor]
begging for rain [maggie rogers]
are you with me [nilu]
bitter [palace]
tomb [angelo de augustine]
i won't fight it [andrew belle]
carousel [5 seconds of summer]
you are the coffin [flatsound]
hunting season [chelsea cutler]
repeat until death [novo amor]
landfill [daughter]
hospital [lydia]
blue [keshi]
wolf [now, now]
o violet [greyson chance]
state lines [novo amor]
i went too far [aurora]
moodswings [5 seconds of summer]
i don't feel alive [chelsea cutler]
same color as the sun [flor]
sun bleached flies [ethel cain]
cold kind hand [the paper kites]
could you love me while i hate myself [zeph]
to belong [daughter]
flightless bird [jolé]
the witching hour [the ready set]
block me out [gracie abrams]
winter [daughter]
sister [andrew belle]
passenger [noah kahan]
are you home? [amber run]
headspins [hannah brewer]
silver spoon [erin lecount]
live well [palace]
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