gear-project · 1 year
Remember when I said I was gonna write EVERY POSSIBLE WINQUOTE that characters were missing in GG Strive in classic Guilty Gear win quote fashion...
Well, here's my first attempt:
(I wrote all of these In-Character to the best of my knowledge… you can take them with a grain of salt… but I hope you appreciate the attempt all the same!)
Sol Badguy VERSUS SELF: You're lucky the Bounty on me was fake, I'd have cashed it in myself years ago! VERSUS KY: Just because you can use Dragon Install doesn't mean you're stronger than me… VERSUS AXL: At this point I should be the one with the handicap! VERSUS GIOVANNA: I knew somebody like you in the CIA… she dug too deep though. VERSUS MAY: You've gotten stronger since last we fought… wanna go again? VERSUS CHIPP: I don't actually SMOKE anymore… I quit a long time ago. VERSUS FAUST: PHYSICIAN HEAL THYSELF! VERSUS RAMLETHAL: I see you've gotten more vicious… but you're kinder underneath. Not bad. VERSUS POTEMKIN: Wait a minute, you're a Pilot? How can you fly when you're THAT big? VERSUS LEO: You've toughened up since last time, huh? Keep working at it. VERSUS ZATO: You and Death just don't get along. Stay out of trouble. VERSUS MILLIA: So you work for the Government, now? Don't dig too deep. VERSUS BAIKEN: You've mellowed out some since last we fought… but your sword is as sharp as ever! VERSUS ANJI: As usual you're a pain in my neck. Stay out of my business! VERSUS BEDMAN?: This hunk of junk is still walking around!? Wait, you're KEEPING IT? VERSUS TESTAMENT: Last time we fought you were on a holy crusade… you've changed a lot. VERSUS GOLDLEWIS: I'll go back to 'playing dead' soon enough, if it gives YOU less paperwork! VERSUS BRIDGET: You got a patent for that thing? Trust me, the rules are pretty strict nowadays. VERSUS JACK-O': C'mon don't be like that… I'll buy you dinner and roses when we get back. VERSUS I-NO: Even if you're not who you were in the past, you're still FREE. VERSUS SIN: Copying my moves, eh? Well it's better than nothing, I guess. VERSUS NAGORIYUKI: I never thought a Katana could outpace Gear Cells… guess I've got more to learn. VERSUS CHAOS: Maybe you think the world needs you… But you'd be dead wrong. VERSUS ASUKA#: Why do I have to deal with your leftover crap, anyway? VERSUS ASUKA: After all that's happened between us… I just feel better having punched you in the face.
Ky Kiske VERSUS SELF: You probably don't realise it but my family depends on this sword of mine. VERSUS SOL: Not holding back… I finally understand what you meant. VERSUS AXL: You've got new tricks, I see… I can't tell where you'll appear next! VERSUS GIOVANNA: This is the first time someone has stopped my sword with their foot! You're strong. VERSUS MAY: Once someone figures out who they need to protect… they can only get stronger! VERSUS CHIPP: You used to be so hot tempered, then again, I wasn't much different. VERSUS FAUST: I see you've paid a great price to get stronger… Don't waste it, but take care. VERSUS RAMLETHAL: Your style is still much like Sol's but you've refined yourself even more. Impressive! VERSUS POTEMKIN: At this point I can afford to entrust my back to you, that's how strong you've become. VERSUS LEO: I never said I was a genius, or that I was handsome… HEY STOP WRITING STUFF DOWN! VERSUS ZATO: So you've dedicated the remainder of your life to being a Knight. Protect her with your heart, not just your power alone. VERSUS MILLIA: So you've found a place to 'exist'. I'm glad for you. VERSUS BAIKEN: You've matured a lot since last time… I'm glad you have something precious to protect now. VERSUS ANJI: You're still a bit of a mystery to me… How exactly did you get those Zessen OutRage? VERSUS BEDMAN?: The boy who once rode in this monstrosity sacrificed his life to protect his sister… I'll never forget his sacrifice. VERSUS TESTAMENT: I suppose at this point you're like a Brother-in-Law? Or a Sister-in-Law?!? VERSUS GOLDLEWIS: It is my HOPE that Illyria and America can continue to keep the peace of this world. I hope the feelings are mutual. VERSUS BRIDGET: Someday I hope you'll work up the courage to introduce me to your family. VERSUS JACK-O': Even if your past is tied to things you don't connect with, you can still make up the difference by being yourself. VERSUS I-NO: Even if you were given the role of a God… Humanity and Gears still have the freedom to live on their own terms. VERSUS SIN: I noticed you've been trying to copy my techniques too… if you want to practice I'll help you-- (….he got away again…) VERSUS NAGORIYUKI: Bushido still has a place in this world for those of us who fight to protect those we care for. VERSUS CHAOS: It's a shame. You were blessed with the world's greatest wisdom but you squandered it. Maybe it's time you sought to atone for your past. VERSUS ASUKA#: I've fought Robot copies of myself, so you'd think I'd be used to these situations… Unfortunately I'm not. VERSUS ASUKA: This is the first time I've exchanged words with someone who knew Sol for far longer than I have. I'm somewhat impressed.
Axl Low VERSUS SELF: I won't be giving Megumi up to you, just to have you know! VERSUS SOL: Chief, I'm just glad you have my back through thick'n'thin… VERSUS KY: Oi-Oi.. This King has a lotta Time on 'is 'ands if he wants to drink Tea with me! VERSUS GIOVANNA: You really need to work on your manners… it's rude to pick a fight you know… VERSUS MAY: I expected Sea World from you, but all that jumpin' makes you an easy target… VERSUS CHIPP: You say you're Japanese but live in AFRICA??? But you're actually a bloody American? You're confusing, mate. VERSUS FAUST: Is it just me or have you gotten even taller? And you can make portals like me now!??? VERSUS RAMLETHAL: So the girl who declared War on the World is now a HERO?? Politics, I tell ya… VERSUS POTEMKIN: I didn't mean nothin' by callin' you a Gorilla… but the similarities are very striking… VERSUS LEO: A SPEEDING TICKET!? FOR TELEPORTING? What kinda bollux speed trap is this??? VERSUS ZATO: So can Eddie do party tricks? Can you make him look like me? VERSUS MILLIA: I almost regret asking Megumi to trim her long hair… almost. VERSUS BAIKEN: Havin' family's important… it gives you a foundation to live. VERSUS ANJI: Been a long while, Mate. I didn't expect you'd figure everything out after the last time we met, but here we are. VERSUS BEDMAN?: I spoke with Romeo, you know. He was dead set on destroying the world if it meant protecting you, Delilah. I just hope you can find peace after all that's happened. VERSUS TESTAMENT: Just how many new hobbies have you GOT, Mate!??? VERSUS GOLDLEWIS: My Chain Sickles are lightweight for a REASON… I'd throw my back out if I swung around something THAT heavy, Mate! VERSUS BRIDGET: Sorry, I don't make it a habit to show the solutions to MY TRICKS! VERSUS JACK-O': Jacky! Do me a favor and keep Chief outta my hair… He's a bit much for me to handle! VERSUS I-NO: It's not like it never occurred to me to ask you out on a Date… I just didn't want to Cheat on my Girlfriend is all! VERSUS SIN: I suppose wielding a flagpole DOES improve your attack range… slightly. VERSUS NAGORIYUKI: Becoming a Human isn't really that hard… You just gotta trust people a bit more is all. VERSUS CHAOS: You gross me out, Mate… I can't believe I met the "human version" of you in 2192… VERSUS ASUKA#: You mean I could make a COPY with MY powers? Of myself!? That's wild, mate! VERSUS ASUKA: I know you made the Gears, but did you ever expect the world would turn out like this? Amazin' how Humans bounce back, ain't it?!
Giovanna VERSUS SELF: If you can't even tell which of us is real, why'd you even try? VERSUS SOL: Don't even try it. I'll kick you so fast your "Bandit Revolver" will seem like a Squirt Gun. VERSUS KY: You're the type who causes misunderstandings with women, aren't you? VERSUS AXL: You're pretty nosy, butting in to peoples' business… but I'm not too different. VERSUS MAY: Love's important… but so is strength and speed. VERSUS CHIPP: I outran a Cheetah that was faster than you! VERSUS FAUST: Sorry, my insurance doesn't cover kicks to the face… that is your face, right? VERSUS RAMLETHAL: I'm not interested in your past, but you better believe you'll make it up to the future. I'll see to it. VERSUS POTEMKIN: I've heard you're an artist… can you dance, too? VERSUS LEO: Rei, hold him down so I can handcuff him…. He's coming HOME with me! VERSUS ZATO: I'm not really sure if Rei is the same as your Eddie here, but at least he's house-trained! (Thank god…) VERSUS MILLIA: I'm not really the type to hold back towards Secret Agent types, sorry… It's my line of work. VERSUS BAIKEN: The War is in the past, but it's hard for people to forget isn't it? I know. VERSUS ANJI: You're a pretty good dancer, but you get distracted when expecting people to be impressed by it. VERSUS BEDMAN?: In this line of work you never know what you have to face… Sorry, if I damaged it too much. VERSUS TESTAMENT: Your Scythe is pretty scary, but I don't see the point of drinking Tea… I guess it's a culture thing. VERSUS GOLDLEWIS: Boss… I know what you're gonna say… But, I got my own trail to follow! VERSUS BRIDGET: Being 'yourself' in this world is pretty tough, but hang in there, okay? VERSUS JACK-O': Rei isn't exactly a "ghost" or a "servant" in a traditional sense… No lectures, please… VERSUS I-NO: You cause trouble and expect people to be lenient… We're human, but even WE have LIMITS. VERSUS SIN: You're pretty energetic, kid… But if this were a race, I would have LAPPED you. VERSUS NAGORIYUKI: My job involves a lot of things, but it's not like I don't have time to help people like yourself. VERSUS CHAOS: Sorry but… CAN YOU PLEASE GO DOWNWIND? YOU SMELL LIKE A CORPSE… VERSUS ASUKA#: I could actually tell you weren't the real thing, believe it or not you have a different scent. VERSUS ASUKA: You've probably been through a lot, but sorry to tell you, I'm just doing my job here.
May VERSUS SELF: You'll never beat me when it comes to LOVING JOHNNY! VERSUS SOL: You lived a rough life, so I heard. Maybe what you need is a trip to the BEACH! VERSUS KY: You're MARRIED NOW!? Time sure flies… VERSUS AXL: It takes more than Luck to find someone who loves you… You have to work hard. VERSUS GIOVANNA: (Johnny likes cool busty ladies, better make sure he never meets her…) VERSUS CHIPP: If I keep training like this, maybe I'll get to wear cute Ninja clothes too??? VERSUS FAUST: I'm sorry about your past (and misjudging you as just a 'baldy')… I hope things turn out better for you, someday! VERSUS RAMLETHAL: I finally found out the truth, thanks to you, but I'm still glad I heard it, even if it was harsh. VERSUS POTEMKIN: They say you have to be HUGE to be strong, but I'm pretty small and STILL strong. Did I eat something weird? VERSUS LEO: Even though you're a rough guy, you think about others… you're not so bad! VERSUS ZATO: Explaining what 'Love' is is pretty tough, actually… I'm not sure what to tell you… VERSUS MILLIA: You're what they call a "real professional", aren't you? I hope I get to be like that someday… VERSUS BAIKEN: I still haven't found my 'original family' yet, either… but I hope we can both find peace… VERSUS ANJI: You sure know a lot about the past… What other stuff do you know? VERSUS BEDMAN?: (This girl's a little creepy, but I doubt Johnny would be interested…) VERSUS TESTAMENT: I'm not sure if I can give permission for you to join the Jellyfish Crew (Johnny, HELP!!!) VERSUS GOLDLEWIS: Whoah… YOU HAVE AN ALIEN IN THERE!??? CAN I SEE IT?? CAN I, PLEASE!??? VERSUS BRIDGET: Your "real family" will always be there for you in a pinch, like me and Johnny! VERSUS JACK-O': These little guys are really cute… can I take one home with me? VERSUS I-NO: Just because you're feeling bored doesn't mean you get to pick on others! VERSUS SIN: Using a flagpole isn't too much different from an anchor… I don't think? VERSUS NAGORIYUKI: I can't say I've ever tried Onigiri before… (even if I'm Japanese…) VERSUS CHAOS: ---AND THAT'S WHY YOU DON'T MESS WITH THE JELLYFISH PIRATES!! (Oops, did I go overboard again…?) VERSUS ASUKA#: This is… totally weird. I half expect to run in to a ROBOT COPY of myself… shivers VERSUS ASUKA: I don't hold grudges for past mistakes… But I hope you'll continue to do good for people…
Chipp Zanuff VERSUS SELF: SHADOW CLONE JUTSU DISPERSE! Huh!? You're NOT part of my Jutsu!???? VERSUS SOL: Maybe you quit Smoking, but you really should work on your Endurance, old man… VERSUS KY: All leaders have a heavy burden… I know that now… Stay cool, though… VERSUS AXL: My armblade isn't quite the same shape as your chain scythe, but if I can move faster than you, it can slay demons! VERSUS GIOVANNA: I sense a spirit possessing you… and… he is a good boy. VERSUS MAY: It takes more than trust to form a bond with your familiar… You gotta keep up with their pace as well… VERSUS FAUST: I didn't realize this before but your techniques are a form of ancient martial arts aren't, aren't they? VERSUS RAMLETHAL: You're still learning how to interact with people, but don't try too hard, it makes them uncomfortable. VERSUS POTEMKIN: As usual, you're a slow-poke… but at least you're good at holding your own pace. VERSUS LEO: You wield those swords almost like Armblades… you've gotten stronger since last time… VERSUS ZATO: I've mastered shadow manipulation now, as well… Can you sense me when I 'disappear completely'? VERSUS MILLIA: You've gotten faster since we last raced… Keeps me on my toes! VERSUS BAIKEN: Okay, I'll admit I was raised in America, but my Master was Japanese… he was like a father to me! VERSUS ANJI: You need to learn your limits against some people… Especially against Demihumans and ME… VERSUS BEDMAN?: I met your brother, once… he didn't say much, but I sensed he had a strong conviction… He has my respect. VERSUS TESTAMENT: It's one thing to be curious, but don't just mess with Humans just for the heck of it! VERSUS GOLDLEWIS: Give Erica a message from me: I'm BUSY. SEE YOU! VERSUS BRIDGET: You can use that winch to maintain air in the sky… I might borrow it for a little while… VERSUS JACK-O': I sense two souls in one body… what the heck is this!? VERSUS I-NO: The heart of the Mother of Origin… To think you were someone like that… it's tragic. VERSUS SIN: Using all your energy in one go isn't a good idea… only save it for THE PERFECT MOMENT! VERSUS NAGORIYUKI: My Master taught me everything about Ninjutsu… just who are you to him!? VERSUS CHAOS: Purity and Sinlessness are two different things… I'm not here to judge you, I'm here to STOP you. VERSUS ASUKA#: It takes more than that to form a stable Bunshin, you need more practice! VERSUS ASUKA: Thanks for keeping Erica safe… But don't expect me to vouch for you…
Ramlethal VERSUS SELF: Understanding the uniqueness of oneself is a lot more complex than I realized… VERSUS SOL: I don't expect you to forgive me, but I will fight for the future… VERSUS KY: You gave me and my sister a home… I will repay this debt… VERSUS AXL: Even you have your own unique struggles… I learned something new today… VERSUS GIOVANNA: You wield a powerful energy in your kicks… I must continue to learn… VERSUS MAY: I explained things because you asked it of me, but I hope you're… feelings… weren't hurt. VERSUS CHIPP: I still don't quite understand what a Hero is… but I am still learning… VERSUS FAUST: Even if your past is a unique burden… it is still your OWN past and not anyone else's… VERSUS POTEMKIN: You've gotten sturdier since we last fought… but I won't lose here… VERSUS LEO: I hope I can wear my Pride on a Belt like you one day… VERSUS ZATO: You lost many things, but still gained insight that few others have… I must learn more… VERSUS MILLIA: Not having a place to be 'human' made you decide to become 'superhuman'… how noble… VERSUS BAIKEN: I'm not sure the swords I wield are strictly Katanas… but I still desire their strength as such… VERSUS ANJI: You dodged my attacks like they were nothing to you… you have a lot of skill… VERSUS BEDMAN?: Your brother taught me the value in being unique… I will never forget that lesson. VERSUS TESTAMENT: I've never encountered a Gear like you before… and you are very mild mannered as well… VERSUS GOLDLEWIS: I'm aware that some rare humans are blessed with unnatural strength… but you've surpassed that limit, you know. VERSUS BRIDGET: It seems like every day I encounter new and unique people… VERSUS JACK-O': To be like a 'Mother' or 'Sister'… I'm still learning what Family is supposed to be like… VERSUS I-NO: Maybe I'm in no position to say, but: you lost track of what it means to be Human and isolated yourself. VERSUS SIN: It's important to respect peoples' uniqueness, Sin… you can't… "copy people's moves"… (?) VERSUS NAGORIYUKI: Friendship involves the strength to support those who cannot support themselves… I am strong enough to support you if you need me. VERSUS CHAOS: Someone irresponsible like you created Mother… it is no wonder she rejected humans… VERSUS ASUKA#: I've been told I am a replica of Justice, but we look nothing alike… how does it feel to look identical yet be different? VERSUS ASUKA: It is not my place to say if your role in history was Divine or not… But if you hadn't I wouldn't have existed, so I offer my thanks.
Potemkin VERSUS SELF: Conviction, Pride, Strength… If you only focused on even two of these concepts it still wouldn't be enough to surpass me. VERSUS SOL: There was a time when I struggled to keep up with you, but it seems that Time has caught up with you at last. VERSUS KY: It is thanks to you in part that I continue to fight the good fight, so I offer my thanks. VERSUS AXL: My simulations can't seem to predict where your portals will appear next. You're an enigma to me. VERSUS GIOVANNA: Despite your hard-tack demeanor, you have the sincerity of a true soldier, it serves you well. VERSUS MAY: It takes a great deal of focus to master Water Magic, you've grown since last we met. VERSUS CHIPP: It's impressive that you've finally begun to take responsibility for your actions… but your personality is still rather abrasive. VERSUS FAUST: I know little about what sort of past you had, but refining yourself to this extent is dangerous… VERSUS RAMLETHAL: You've become someone very significant since last we met… Your strength is comparable to mine now… VERSUS LEO: For a King you are very honest… I can respect that. VERSUS ZATO: Your perception of others has changed a lot… Impressive, even if limited by eyesight. VERSUS MILLIA: I would ask that you maintain your distance from Leon Mining, he has his own agenda as a former Zepp Exile. VERSUS BAIKEN: Forgiving the past is not something easily done, however what you've done is calm the storm in your heart with the feelings of others… Commendable. VERSUS ANJI: You always struck me as unconcerned with others, but in reality you seek the Truth that History has hidden. VERSUS BEDMAN?: The President taught me to grow from my past failings, but I somewhat feel guilty facing them like this… If you need repairs, let me know… I will assist you. VERSUS TESTAMENT: There was a point when both of us fought one another mercilessly, but now you've mellowed out some… The World has become more peaceful, hasn't it? VERSUS GOLDLEWIS: I must admit… your strength pushed me back quite a distance… But I won't back down! VERSUS BRIDGET: If you struggle to be acknowledged, simply be yourself… others will see you eventually. VERSUS JACK-O': So the power of your Servants comes from the Backyard… I've learned something new. VERSUS I-NO: There was a time when I lamented being called a "monster", but compared to you… "being human" is a lot more complicated than people think it is. VERSUS SIN: I wield my strength for those who need to be protected by it… Your strength still requires a solid direction. VERSUS NAGORIYUKI: Fear is the rejection of the unknown, which makes it all more important to gain knowledge of that unknown. You should seek to learn more about the modern world you've found yourself in. VERSUS CHAOS: I suspect you have ulterior motives for doing everything you did, but none of that can truly justify it. VERSUS ASUKA#: At one point I fought Robotic replicas of myself… embarassing as it is to admit, but I still overcame them. VERSUS ASUKA: So you've resolved to clear away all doubts and dangers, sparing no expense… I cannot say I have that kind of fortitude.
Leo Whitefang VERSUS SELF: I've a new ENTRY IN MY DICTIONARY for YOU: A POSER! VERSUS SOL: I took your advice to heart and improved my defenses… but I must say as usual you are hard to talk to during a fight. VERSUS KY: I want EVERY NEWSPAPER IN ILLYRIA to have this Fight on the FRONT PAGE! VERSUS AXL: You might have the ability to Teleport, but that doesn't mean I'll condone you appearing… in my office. VERSUS GIOVANNA: I must admit this is the first time someone has appealed to my ego so passionately… I'm somewhat taken aback! VERSUS MAY: You've a misunderstanding about me… I am NOT HERE to simply "boss people around"… I'm HERE BECAUSE… (She walked away… How RUDE!) VERSUS CHIPP: While it is true your Speed is worthy of Note… where you appear AFTER you've speed up is rather PREDICTABLE. VERSUS FAUST: Are you sure you yourself don't need an Ambulance? You look ready to topple over at any moment! VERSUS RAMLETHAL: I see you've found yourself a good team of subordinates… I hope they serve you well… VERSUS POTEMKIN: I don't actually 'hate' Gears, you know… It's just in my job description to not normally trust them… VERSUS ZATO: Whether you can see me or Not:… I HAVE BOTH MY EYES ON YOU AT ALL TIMES. VERSUS MILLIA: I didn't expect to find such a capable subordinate such as yourself… I look forward to working with you in the future… VERSUS BAIKEN: In truth, Humans nearly created their own demise, as painful and humiliating as that is to point out. VERSUS ANJI: So you've got your own Investigation underway? I'd ask you to show your hand, and if you're lucky, I might just show MINE! VERSUS BEDMAN?: I understand you have complicated circumstances… but there is a LIMIT to how IMPERTINENT one LITTLE GIRL CAN BE! VERSUS TESTAMENT: So it seems you knew Commander Kliff in times past… Maybe we can catch up on old times? VERSUS GOLDLEWIS: I've never actually taken stock of all the "unmentionables" that fell in to Area 42… So, how is Area 51 in your country? VERSUS BRIDGET: Dedicating yourself to the Ideals of your Parents, while commendable, should still have its limitations… I hope someday you'll face that fact. VERSUS JACK-O': You're a lot stronger than Frederick gives you credit… Keep him out of trouble for us, please… VERSUS I-NO: Normally I would have Arrested you under normal regulations… But this is FAR from a Normal situation! VERSUS SIN: You're not quite exactly what I'd call a Phalanx Guard, but with some training I hope you'll fit the part! VERSUS NAGORIYUKI: I don't think I have an entry on "Bushido" in my Dictionary yet… Let's see: "Doesn't know when to stop". How's that? VERSUS CHAOS: It seems to me I haven't proven how much of a BEAST I can really be… I'll have to make an EXAMPLE out of YOU! VERSUS ASUKA#: In case you didn't know, we have a statute of limitations on cloning… I can STILL ARREST YOU. VERSUS ASUKA: I can't say I'm very fond of Math… or Magic for that matter… BUT I WON AND THAT'S WHAT MATTERS!
Zato=ONE VERSUS SELF: Even in Eddie's case, he strove to differentiate himself from me and become unique. What about you? VERSUS SOL: Death holds little meaning to someone who has seen Hell multiple times… VERSUS KY: Although my sins have piled up… thanks to you and King Daryl I can at least reduce the stack somewhat. VERSUS AXL: A past long gone and a future that should not be… and yet you continue to support this world after it rejected you… VERSUS GIOVANNA: Eddie is closer to a 'shark' than a Dog, at least by my estimation… he can take any form he likes, after all… VERSUS MAY: Shadows can still exist in the Ocean, so I hope you won't underestimate my abilities… VERSUS CHIPP: It was not my intent to kill your Master Tsuyoshi… I will atone for the rest of my life for it, however… VERSUS FAUST: I sacrificed my eyesight for power… but I see there was even more to sacrifice if I ever wanted more… VERSUS RAMLETHAL: Your strength and sense of identity has improved… I hardly recognize you from before. VERSUS POTEMKIN: I must thank you for your President's Hospitality from last time… He saved the world, after all… VERSUS LEO: Even if my life is in your hands… I would have still given it freely… I deserve to die for what I've done. VERSUS MILLIA: Accepting that you can protect your own life has been hard for me… But I hope you'll still accept my intentions. VERSUS BAIKEN: It is a bizarre sensation to be the object of vengeance and yet still not share the desire of revenge myself… VERSUS ANJI: For once you have your own sincere objectives, it goes against your very nature… VERSUS BEDMAN?: Bedman was once one of my greatest enemies… But that conflict was resolved, so I will leave it in the past. VERSUS TESTAMENT: So even a Ghost of the Crusades can still talk of Family and a Future… what a world we now live in. VERSUS GOLDLEWIS: So they really DO exist… I had almost given up searching… VERSUS BRIDGET: Your precision and cunning are not to be underestimated, but somehow I doubt a fight is what you wanted. VERSUS JACK-O': Your presence is familiar to me… as if I or Eddie met you in some other lifetime… VERSUS I-NO: I gave up human traits for power because I looked down upon myself… perhaps the same is true in your case. VERSUS SIN: You have an insight that belies your age… But trusting in the darkness is still not without risk. VERSUS NAGORIYUKI: Lord Slayer taught me Dandyism at a young age, however I must admit you have me at a disadvantage for having practiced the philosophy for much longer… VERSUS CHAOS: It seems you are the foremost authority on Magic despite your reputation. I would talk at length with you about it, not that it matters. VERSUS ASUKA#: Eddie is an approximate copy of my Soul, in case you wondered… not that it actually matters… VERSUS ASUKA: If I had known the true potential of the Tome of Origin, perhaps I would not have been misled by the Conclave for believing in the 666 Arcanum's power… In the end, it no longer matters…
Millia Rage VERSUS SELF: I never asked for this power, but I will take responsibility for it. Can you say the same, yourself? VERSUS SOL: At this point you might as well retire… Don't worry, I'll cover the paperwork… VERSUS KY: So now it's my job to keep you on your toes, is that it? You're pretty easy-going for a King… VERSUS AXL: We've both been through quite a lot, but I would appreciate it if you took this a bit more seriously… VERSUS GIOVANNA: They say meeting new people broadens horizons, but at the very least I expect some manners… VERSUS MAY: So you've begun to work with the Mobile Brigade? We expect big things from you… VERSUS CHIPP: Your insight and instincts still amaze me, but you need to work on your patience with others… VERSUS FAUST: Don't think I've forgotten what you've tried to do to save me… I won't forget my debt. VERSUS RAMLETHAL: Your strength and abilities are amazing, but what amazes me more is your current work ethic… looks like I have a new rival now! VERSUS POTEMKIN: We still owe you and Gabriel much for harboring us in our time of need… let's both keep working towards a better future. VERSUS LEO: Even if it's just superficial, I can't imagine you holding back against anyone… then again, I'm like that too. VERSUS ZATO: Protecting someone skilled means covering their blindspots you know… Can you even find mine, I wonder? VERSUS BAIKEN: I have much to make up for in my past, even if it means easing your pain somewhat… I'll do what I can. VERSUS ANJI: You tend to remind me of a certain Dandy Vampire who sticks his nose in other peoples' business… I'd stay out of things if I were you. VERSUS BEDMAN?: After all this time, I finally get to see the monster that Venom destroyed… Don't worry, I'm not here to gloat, just understanding. VERSUS TESTAMENT: So what has living in an ancient forest taught you after all this time? I hope you learned something at least… VERSUS GOLDLEWIS: America's Home Security still has a few gaps, but in your hands I'm still somewhat optimistic. VERSUS BRIDGET: The original purpose of the P.W.A.B. was to support Bounty Hunters in their task… I'm looking forward to working with you. VERSUS JACK-O': For someone who hasn't seen much of the world, you're pretty skilled… Have you considered becoming a Bounty Hunter, yourself? VERSUS I-NO: I haven't forgotten how you manipulated Eddie in the past… don't expect any mercy from Angra, either! VERSUS SIN: So you're a Phalanx Guard, now? You really should act the part more… Professionalism is important, you know. VERSUS NAGORIYUKI: I'm still not all that interested in Dandyism… but I somewhat understand the Romantic appeal Vampires have towards it. VERSUS CHAOS: To think someone could still wield Guns like a Gunslinger in this modern age… Venom would be thrilled if I told him about your skills! VERSUS ASUKA#: At this point you'd think I'd be able to clone myself with my own hair… but I really don't want to think about it. VERSUS ASUKA: So you're the holder of the Tome of Origin… Do you think it's possible to undo the Curse on my Hair?
Baiken VERSUS SELF: I gave up on my journey to Hell recently, thanks to a certain 'mirror'… Can you look at yourself in the mirror and do that too? VERSUS SOL: You'd think I'd be mad after all this time of putting up with you… But right now I'm just disappointed. VERSUS KY: You were always getting in my way whenever it came to vengeance… I suppose I should thank you for that. VERSUS AXL: All the power in the world and you still can't figure out how to fight properly? Keep training… VERSUS GIOVANNA: Looks like I wasn't the only one dealing with poverty and a past I want to forget… VERSUS MAY: Just because I owe you for your help last time, Short-stack, doesn't mean you get a FREE WIN… VERSUS CHIPP: I've lost track:… you're an American Ninja living in Africa… who thinks he's JAPANESE??? VERSUS FAUST: You burned yourself out looking for the perfect balance, eh? Guess I know what to avoid from now on. VERSUS RAMLETHAL: To think just a month ago you were trying to destroy the world… you've changed a lot, kid. VERSUS POTEMKIN: I'm guessing all that heavy armor is meant to help you "hold back your strength"? Can't say I don't sympathize, but I can't hold back, either. VERSUS LEO: I'm used to getting chased around by the Police, but this is the first time someone's asked me to give a consultation? VERSUS ZATO: So even a dead corpse like you can find peace in this world… Guess I should smile more often! VERSUS MILLIA: Your hair's gotten sharper… can't even trim it with my sword… Then again, I'm not a barber… VERSUS ANJI: I suggest you not hold back against me if you want to live… Holding back's not something I'm good at with this sword. VERSUS BEDMAN?: C'mon Delilah… Training Time's over… lets get some Dinner… VERSUS TESTAMENT: I can't say I'm fond of European Tea… I prefer Sake (Rice Wine) to be honest… VERSUS GOLDLEWIS: I've killed my share of Demons… but you're bigger than most Oni… what'd you eat to grow that huge? VERSUS BRIDGET: Look, kiddo… you're too young to be worrying about such huge problems… relax a little. VERSUS JACK-O': I used to hold a grudge against Justice for taking my family… but now she's gone and there's just you left, hunh… I don't have it in me anymore… VERSUS I-NO: Pain is proof of being human as a survivor… If you can't handle it, you shouldn't be fighting in the first place… VERSUS SIN: You have a WEIRD outlook on life, Sin… But I suppose that's what everyone likes about you. VERSUS NAGORIYUKI: My sword's called "Regret" because it'd be regrettable to cut anyone at this point… It's a broken Katana. VERSUS CHAOS: I won't kill you… but that doesn't mean I'll ever Forgive you… and you WILL pay for what you did. VERSUS ASUKA#: So Demons and Shadows walk hand in hand… You seem to have a lot of time on your hands… VERSUS ASUKA: So you had a hard choice to make in the end… If it weren't for Anji and his hard-headedness, I would've cut you down without learning the truth.
Anji Mito VERSUS SELF: I move with the flow of Nature itself… Your dance can barely make the wind blow. VERSUS SOL: You really should get used to hanging around other people… Being that unsociable is unhealthy. VERSUS KY: I used to think of you as uptight and strict, but I guess everyone changes when their priorities do. VERSUS AXL: I used to outpace you in foot-races, but now I can barely keep up… Where'd you even get that power? VERSUS GIOVANNA: You're not the ONLY ONE with God-like Feet, you know… VERSUS MAY: You've gotten even MORE cheerful since last we spoke… I'm glad things are going well for you! VERSUS CHIPP: Boss… now that I've won this match, can I get raise? VERSUS FAUST: Unfortunately, my dance can only calm the spirit, it cannot heal the body. Take care. VERSUS RAMLETHAL: If you're wondering how I dodged your attacks, it's because you kept attacking in the same spot. VERSUS POTEMKIN: So long as I stay outside your main range, I have plenty of chances to fight back… VERSUS LEO: For a King, despite your strength you're pretty sensitive… You should toughen up your Spirit and Heart… VERSUS ZATO: Perhaps I should add "Shadow Dancer" to my list of skills from now on! VERSUS MILLIA: The problem with your attacks is that the opponent just has to guess correctly and counter to win… VERSUS BAIKEN: I promised you I'd find out the Truth… and I mean to keep that promise. VERSUS BEDMAN?: Delilah, you have no idea how much you remind me of Big Sis… it's uncanny… VERSUS TESTAMENT: You've become more Human-like since we last spoke… I'm glad you've lightened up. VERSUS GOLDLEWIS: I'm gonna find out what they've hidden in Area 51 one day… and I'll let the WORLD KNOW… VERSUS BRIDGET: Dancing and Tricks aren't the only things that bring a smile to someone's face… so does Kindness and Heart. VERSUS JACK-O': You've had to face the world from many angles and still come out as yourself. My condolences. VERSUS I-NO: When you're a victim, that doesn't give you an excuse to do what you want… it means you have to face the truth and keep on moving forward with respect to others. You're not alone. VERSUS SIN: I can't say I agree with the notion of copying others' moves… but if you make it your own style, it might give you a chance to break out and get recognized. VERSUS NAGORIYUKI: I know I sound like a little kid, but I really DO love Samurai and Bushido… you're just really COOL! VERSUS CHAOS: If you think you can escape, go ahead and try… but no matter what Alias you try to steal, I'll always know it's you… and you won't EVER get away from me. VERSUS ASUKA#: Last time we spoke, I had a feeling I didn't have a good sense of who you were… Was it a Copy I was talking to the whole time? VERSUS ASUKA: I'm actually really glad I finally got to talk with you… It's been an enlightening experience.
Bedman? VERSUS SELF: (Delilah): I can't tell if this is Mine or my Brother's power at work… But you gotta disappear now. VERSUS SOL: (Delilah): My brother actually lectured you!? He always told me he HATED long conversations! VERSUS KY: (Delilah): My brother gave me a chance to live in this world, so I'm gonna make the best of it… Maybe I'll become someone important like you… VERSUS AXL: (Delilah): Thanks for talking with my brother despite his situation… It means a lot. VERSUS GIOVANNA: (Delilah): Look, you got your business I've got mine… I just wanna go home. VERSUS MAY: (Delilah): I'm NOT INTERESTED in being your friend… just leave me alone… VERSUS CHIPP: (Delilah): My brother suggested you were fast enough to keep up with his Teleports, guess not though… VERSUS FAUST: (Delilah): So your Guilty Conscience led you to me… We both got our circumstances, I guess… VERSUS RAMLETHAL: (Delilah): I can see how my Brother entrusted his Bed's fate to you… you were strong enough. VERSUS POTEMKIN: (Delilah): My Brother beat you last time? Well, now I really feel sorry for you. VERSUS LEO: (Delilah): Oh great… now it's destroyed a King… am I gonna get arrested for this??? VERSUS ZATO: (Delilah): I can't picture a deadpan guy like you having a grudge against my Brother… VERSUS MILLIA: (Delilah): I'm not interested in joining your underground clubhouse… I just want to go home! VERSUS BAIKEN: (Delilah): Big Sis, you gotta keep your promise… Dinner is on YOU! VERSUS ANJI: (Delilah): You might not be like my Brother, but, thanks for helping me out… VERSUS TESTAMENT: (Delilah): You love sticking your nose in other peoples' business… how annoying… VERSUS GOLDLEWIS: (Delilah): This isn't a UMA… it's just a Bed… No, you can't "collect" it. VERSUS BRIDGET: (Delilah): If the Bed won that means I don't have to pay for your "trick". VERSUS JACK-O': (Delilah): So my Brother "erased his ID" in the Backyard? What else do you know about him? VERSUS I-NO: (Delilah): Maybe you feel like the world owes you something, but the world took MY brother, too! VERSUS SIN: (Delilah): You get along with everybody… I'm just not strong enough to do that… VERSUS NAGORIYUKI: (Delilah): This was an accident, I swear… We'll be leaving now… Wait, you want to learn the Bedframe's fighting style? Huh!? VERSUS CHAOS: (Delilah): No matter how many lives you think you'll save… you'll never make up for the lives you TOOK. And I will NEVER… EVER… ACKNOWLEDGE you. VERSUS ASUKA#: (Delilah): You'd think I'd be used to all the weird stuff in this world… Nope… VERSUS ASUKA: (Delilah): So Chaos messed up your life, too, huh? He needs to be stopped…
Testament VERSUS SELF: Have we evolved to the point of being able to replicate ourselves? Gear Cell potential seems limitless! VERSUS SOL: We used to think you had no room for others in your life… But you've changed a lot. VERSUS KY: We still think about Father (Kliff) now and then… He was like a father to you too, wasn't he? VERSUS AXL: We'll confess we still don't like your fighting style and methods, but at least you resemble a true Reaper more… VERSUS GIOVANNA: No time for Tea? Americans are always in such a rush… VERSUS MAY: We've never actually thanked you for how much you've helped us, so we really appreciate it. VERSUS CHIPP: You think we're being "too normal"? But humans are pretty strange to begin with. VERSUS FAUST: All those years past when we entrusted that Scalpel to you, we never expected you to master it so well… VERSUS RAMLETHAL: We've fought our share of fellow Gears, but this is our first time encountering a Valentine… it feels different somehow… VERSUS POTEMKIN: We've certainly had a long history between ourselves… It is our hope we can become friends at long last… VERSUS LEO: We never expected an encounter with royalty to be so… frivolous… VERSUS ZATO: We've wanted to sit down and have a conversation with both of you after all this time… the Crusades left a mark on all of us. VERSUS MILLIA: We're sorry but we don't have an immediate answer for your Curse… But we will try and help search for one. VERSUS BAIKEN: We used to think revenge was the only answer too… After all this time so much has changed… VERSUS ANJI: When we still hated humans, we never considered the possibility that they would try to meet us half way… You were one of the first to try that, so thanks. VERSUS BEDMAN?: A machine with a mind of its own? Well, it's not the first time I've encountered odd beings like yourself. VERSUS GOLDLEWIS: We have NO INTENTION on being locked away in some VAULT, thank you very much! VERSUS BRIDGET: Whether others accept the difference or not isn't as important as accepting your individuality for yourself. VERSUS JACK-O': You feel similar yet different to our old Master (Justice) somehow… You are much kinder than she was, which is for the best. VERSUS I-NO: As an individual we once longed for our past as a human, but we never regretted continuing to live. Consider your own value. VERSUS SIN: As we were SAYING: There is value in training for self-improvement, but it would be best if you focused and studied more. VERSUS NAGORIYUKI: We didn't mean to treat you like a spectacle, but we couldn't help but be curious about a Human who became a Vampire! VERSUS CHAOS: Having the World's Wrath directed at you might seem like the correct course, but we have other opinions on the matter… VERSUS ASUKA#: It was the Bureau (P.W.A.B.) that turned us in to a Gear, but we don't exactly know which Scientist it was for certain… sound familiar? VERSUS ASUKA: We still have to thank you for saving us from a life of mediocrity… Giving Gears more power than they are created for is uncommon, if not extremely rare.
Goldlewis Dickinson VERSUS SELF: Sorry but, dressing like me isn't gonna give you clearance… I'm going to have to escort you off the premises… VERSUS SOL: We were chasing a ghost like you for years, it seems like… It's just too bad I didn't get to finally arrest you for Breaking and Entering! VERSUS KY: It's an honor, your highness… But I still have my own Duty to serve, if you don't mind. VERSUS AXL: Are you SURE you're not a Cryptid? Those powers of yours say otherwise… VERSUS GIOVANNA: Back to your post, soldier… Secretary's Orders. VERSUS MAY: You'd think I'd be conscientious about wielding a heavy weapon, but seeing a young kid like you… It's encouraging somehow… VERSUS CHIPP: Sorry, it's Erica's orders… you're to report to base, like it or not! VERSUS FAUST: Personal Report: UMA encountered… Capture successful… Unsure of UMA's condition… VERSUS RAMLETHAL: Never thought the world's most wanted little girl would end up becoming a Soldier for the Good Guys… It's an honor. VERSUS POTEMKIN: As you can see, I don't budge, despite my age. I hope you've learned something new today. VERSUS LEO: For a King you're pretty relaxed… I can appreciate that. VERSUS ZATO: For a while there I really did think of you as a UMA, until I read that P.W.A.B. report on you… you really ARE a ghost. VERSUS MILLIA: It's definitely a tough job in this line of work, but earning your keep will pay off eventually. VERSUS BAIKEN: If I was a bit younger I might've liked meeting someone classy like you, it's too bad we didn't meet sooner… VERSUS ANJI: No matter what theories you cook up, I'm not talkin'… It's in the job description. VERSUS BEDMAN?: Sorry little lady, I sometimes can't hold back my own strength… Is your… uh… pet… okay? VERSUS TESTAMENT: Death hasn't quite kissed me just yet… But she's held me in her arms and danced a few times… VERSUS BRIDGET: I try my best not to make assumptions, but it also helps to have friends who'll believe in you. VERSUS JACK-O': I've chased and bagged my share of poltergeists, ma'am, but even so, you're pretty spooky! VERSUS I-NO: Even if it looks like the world turns it back on you, you can still face the music on your own terms. VERSUS SIN: You've got guts and potential, kid… Still, you might want something better than a flag pole to fight with… VERSUS NAGORIYUKI: I've read my share of history books, but I never met someone like YOU raised as a Japanese before… Y'learn somethin' new every day… VERSUS CHAOS: I've caught my share of bounty marks, but you take the cake. You're not gonna EVER leave your cage AGAIN. VERSUS ASUKA#: I've heard stories that there were multiple "Men" behind the Crusades, but are you sure you're not a UMA? VERSUS ASUKA: Given the circumstances and who you are, I can't just let you roam scott free… I have to keep an eye on you, you understand…
Bridget VERSUS SELF: Trying to steal my tricks is gonna cost you EXTRA, you know! VERSUS SOL: Sorry for thinking you still had a bounty on your head… Fake bounties are way too confusing! VERSUS KY: I promise! I'll put on a show at your Castle that'll impress the whole crowd! VERSUS AXL: I have a lot of tricks, but "disappearing" isn't one of them… I should study Magic more… VERSUS GIOVANNA: Threat assessment? I'm not a threat! These are just Yo-yos… "Street Legal Permit"? What's that? VERSUS MAY: Maybe someday I'll become an OFFICIAL MEMBER of the Jellyfish~! Is that hoping for too much? Do I STILL need Johnny's approval? VERSUS CHIPP: Despite what others may think, these AREN'T NINJA WEAPONS… I don't know where those rumors started… VERSUS FAUST: Sorry, but… I'm not ready for a Physical Examination just yet… VERSUS RAMLETHAL: Roger says he wants to look at your swords… Don't worry, we won't do anything to them… VERSUS POTEMKIN: I actually haven't completed a 'World Tour' enough to go back to Zepp for an encore… Maybe one day… VERSUS LEO: Sorry but… I don't reveal my tricks to anyone… not even ROYALTY! Hehe~! VERSUS ZATO: You had a bounty on your head, but records said you were dead… what's going on here??? VERSUS MILLIA: I'm still a bounty hunter despite moonlighting as an entertainer… but sorry, I won't be so easily scouted. VERSUS BAIKEN: If I've made you smile even ONCE today… I've done my job! VERSUS ANJI: Are you sure you've never wanted to work in Entertainment? You have the physical muscles for it. VERSUS BEDMAN?: Roger says: "No hard feelings." I hope that's okay by you. VERSUS TESTAMENT: You used to be so grumpy… I'm so glad you've brightened up! VERSUS GOLDLEWIS: We talked a lot… but I hope you get to talk with your brother someday… I hope I get to talk with my brother too! VERSUS JACK-O': Wow… how do you move like that? Are you an acrobat? How did you train? VERSUS I-NO: There were times when I hated the whole world too, but… hate isn't good for your heart. VERSUS SIN: I don't actually mean to use these as weapons you know… and no, you can't copy MY moves either! VERSUS NAGORIYUKI: You've never seen a Yo-Yo before? REALLY!? Wow… Where've you lived all this time? VERSUS CHAOS: Not all plots have to be dramatic and tragic, you know… A good entertainer knows when to brighten the crowd… VERSUS ASUKA#: I'm not quite sure I get it, but you're a… copy? Well, I'm a copy of my brother too, I guess, since we're Twins and all… VERSUS ASUKA: Sorry, but you can't dismantle my Yo-Yos… I've put a patent on them (good thing I took Sol's advice)…
Jack-O'Valentine VERSUS SELF: Synchronizing with my other self might seem beneficial, but as expected, Aria hasn't reacted to it. VERSUS SOL: You're "retired" so start acting like it, you hear me! VERSUS KY: Thanks for the advice… Thinking I wasn't human was getting in the way of actually BEING human… VERSUS AXL: So you've finally found your niche and someone you cared for… I'm so glad for you! VERSUS GIOVANNA: It took a while for me to accept who I am… You've got a strong heart to accept yourself so quickly… VERSUS MAY: I never thought you'd get this strong… even Justice would be impressed! (Oops, I shouldn't say that…) VERSUS CHIPP: It's just a theory, but you have the potential to exceed the sound barrier! VERSUS FAUST: Perhaps if I had dedicated my life to others more, I might've ended up like yourself… scary to think about. VERSUS RAMLETHAL: I suppose you can think of me as an "older sister", despite my memory records, that is… VERSUS POTEMKIN: I never knew you were an artist as well as a pilot… I really should get myself a new hobby… VERSUS LEO: I have nearly 200 years of knowledge on history, but I've never actually compared it to what's in books… VERSUS ZATO: We would've been enemies in another time and place… but I'm so glad the Great War is long over… VERSUS MILLIA: I've never heard about the Crusades from your perspective… What was it like, living in Darkness for so long? VERSUS BAIKEN: I'll never make up for that destructive past of mine… But I'll do my best anyhow… VERSUS ANJI: You're the first person I've ever met who wasn't afraid of Justice… Just what is your perspective on history? VERSUS BEDMAN?: Oops! My servants overdid it, didn't they? Sorry, they got over-protective. VERSUS TESTAMENT: I can't say I have many past memories of you (as a Gear), but I'm sorry you had to bear that burden… VERSUS GOLDLEWIS: Sorry but, these little guys aren't aliens… I summoned them from the Backyard… "Where's that?" you ask??? VERSUS BRIDGET: I've never actually thought about working as an Entertainer… Frederick doesn't want to draw any crowds… VERSUS I-NO: You fought so hard for a past you lost… But for me, I can't afford to focus just on myself… VERSUS SIN: Erm… for the record, I'm not exactly your "grandmother"… But well, we are family, anyway… VERSUS NAGORIYUKI: Maybe if I had had more courage like you, history might have changed… VERSUS CHAOS: I'll be the first to admit I made mistakes in my own past… But being irresponsible isn't the way to do things! VERSUS ASUKA#: I'll admit, chasing down the original Asuka is kinda fun… It's like Hide and Seek! VERSUS ASUKA: Frederick still has a hard time accepting everything you did… Please give him more time…
I-No VERSUS SELF: I don't have the TIME for bootlegs, you understand… VERSUS SOL: You gave up all that power just to keep living with someone… If only I had met someone like you sooner… VERSUS KY: Sorry, but can you give your "Holy Crusade" a rest, please… You're getting annoying… (I should've never changed his timeline…) VERSUS AXL: You could never maintain a true duet with me, dear… VERSUS GIOVANNA: Can't say I've ever listened to much Brazillian Heavy Metal before… Can you keep up with my thrashing, though? VERSUS MAY: All that noise you're making isn't music… it's just noise! VERSUS CHIPP: Your tempo isn't even consistent… you're not even improvising properly! VERSUS FAUST: I should've left your corpse back in the old timeline… VERSUS RAMLETHAL: No matter how many times I tried to kill you, you kept coming back… This is getting too boring… VERSUS POTEMKIN: In one timeline, I almost became a soldier like you… glad I changed my tune! VERSUS LEO: You couldn't even hum a marching theme right… How sad… VERSUS ZATO: Doom Metal just isn't my thing… VERSUS MILLIA: So there's even people like you who accept the life of a monster… while I'm still trying to become "human". VERSUS BAIKEN: Can't say I've tried to play a Shamisen… maybe next time… VERSUS ANJI: Wind Instroments just don't do it for me anymore… VERSUS BEDMAN?: Sorry if I "broke" your "toy", kid… Ahahahah~! VERSUS TESTAMENT: Death Metal is up there on my list, but I'll play my OWN music, thanks! VERSUS GOLDLEWIS: Sorry, but I'm just not fond of COUNTRY music! Hahah! VERSUS BRIDGET: Nowadays you have to "risk your life" in Show-Business~! VERSUS JACK-O': You think you're special just because the world gave you a chance? Try looking at things from MY perspective… I never GOT a past! VERSUS SIN: You wouldn't exist if I didn't change the timeline for dear old dad… You should be thanking me~ VERSUS NAGORIYUKI: For a bodyguard you sure don't do your job properly… Then again, you could barely scratch me… VERSUS CHAOS: Just because you're a sacrifice doesn't mean I owe you anything… Don't forget your deal in all this… VERSUS ASUKA#: So changing the timeline can even grant him THIS kind of power… How interesting… VERSUS ASUKA: I've finally caught up to you… You're going to be serving ME from now on, bookworm…
Sin Kiske VERSUS SELF: THE MAN IN THE MIRROR IS BACK AGAIN… God, just leave me alone! VERSUS SOL: Old man, THIS TIME, you owe me a STEAK! Extra Salt and Sugar, please! VERSUS KY: Dad, you really should try this recipe… Trust me, it'll taste GREAT! VERSUS AXL: Man you're getting good at disappearing, Uncle Axl… How'd you get so tricky? VERSUS GIOVANNA: So like… that Dog on your shoulder, does he eat meat too? VERSUS MAY: If I ever wanted to go swimming my old man would just throw me off an airship in the nearby ocean… It was fun the first few times… VERSUS CHIPP: So, I gotta ask… what does being a Ninja have to do with saying Haikus? Do Haikus make you stronger? VERSUS FAUST: Whoah… you've gotten really thin since I last saw you… you eating right, doc? VERSUS RAMLETHAL: You're so much better at math than me… how'd you get so smart, anyway? VERSUS POTEMKIN: It was a shock the first time I found out you were human… What exactly did you EAT to grow that huge? VERSUS LEO: So you're a king like my Dad… They aren't overworking you at the castle, are they? Do they make you run across the whole continent like my old man does? VERSUS ZATO: Well, even if someone tricks me… as long as they can get a better life out of the deal, it's worth it. VERSUS MILLIA: I can't picture my mom wearing your hairstyles… Wait, my mom's hair can do that TOO!?? VERSUS BAIKEN: Getting used to Gears probably took you some time, right? Well, getting used to humans took a while for me, too. VERSUS ANJI: To be honest I prefer running, climbing, and jumping over dancing… VERSUS BEDMAN?: We've been through a lot, but if I can help maybe we can track down where the rest of your "brother" went… VERSUS TESTAMENT: I used to think the old man was the scariest "Gear" I'd ever met… but I guess I have to meet more people and get stronger yet… VERSUS GOLDLEWIS: So did you have kids when you lost your eye? What? The eyepatch is FAKE!? You tricked me! You shouldn't lie to your kids… YOU DON'T HAVE KIDS!?? VERSUS BRIDGET: I've gotten used to being around unusual people, really… But you're pretty normal… You're the first person I've met to smile like that… VERSUS JACK-O': Don't get me wrong… I'm not just copying the old man's moves… I'm gonna put a whole new SPIN on 'em… Prepare to be amazed! VERSUS I-NO: Just because my Lightning's black doesn't mean I'm black-hearted… Do you even get what I'm saying… You don't have to live that way… VERSUS NAGORIYUKI: Onigiri? Do you put hot sauce on it? What about meatballs? Or, I know… dip it in SALT and SUGAR… VERSUS CHAOS: My old man said some old guy broke the state of the world to make it this way… I get the feeling it was you… VERSUS ASUKA#: If I run fast enough, I can see a copy of myself… No, that's not quite right… Let me try again… VERSUS ASUKA: I get that the old man has some history with you, but you seem like a nice guy to me… Sorry but… that Math stuff is over my head…
Nagoriyuki VERSUS SELF: To keep my Bloodlust Sealed, you had to be made manifest… I guess I must cut down ALL my desires… VERSUS SOL: I never expected to encounter a man as brazenly strong as you… I suppose I should be thankful for the fortune as a Vampire… VERSUS KY: So even a gentle soul like yours must carry a burden of power… But if I have helped temper you, I'm glad to assist. VERSUS AXL: I've lived long enough to be considered having lived in the past and the future… but I suppose it's not the same for your case… an entirely new reality… how intriguing… VERSUS GIOVANNA: Despite our duel, you held back… I understand where you are coming from, but I'm not sure I can reciprocate… VERSUS MAY: You fight with strong emotions, but at the same time want to maintain peace… I wish you could have met my Master… VERSUS CHIPP: Master Tsuyoshi from what I remember was a private man… but he still sought to teach others for their benefit… I would have you teach me what you've learned as well… VERSUS FAUST: To think that even a Doctor in the Medical Arts could also be so skilled in the Fighting Arts… you astound me… VERSUS RAMLETHAL: Perhaps if I had met someone as strong as you in my own past, I would not have made so many mistakes… It's regrettable… VERSUS POTEMKIN: You bear such burdens proudly, almost without a care… but I can see you still seek strength… If I can, I offer my services… VERSUS LEO: For someone who fought so valiantly, you seem to have suffered a great deal… I would hear your story… VERSUS ZATO: My understanding of Dandyism is a bit vaguer than you might anticipate… I am actually out of practice… VERSUS MILLIA: So you chose to serve others in order to find your place… I can sympathize, my past was similar… VERSUS BAIKEN: Your sword is strong, and your heart… even stronger… I would ask that we train together again some time… VERSUS ANJI: Your frivolity hides a cunning I haven't seen in some time… are you familiar with my Master's history? VERSUS BEDMAN?: While I do not know what past you and your brother suffered, I would ask to hear your story… not just for your sake, but for my own as well… VERSUS TESTAMENT: And they called ME a grim reaper when I fought… I just didn't quite look the part, it seems… VERSUS GOLDLEWIS: I was once tasked to carry a coffin with me wherever I went… I didn't expect someone would take it literally… VERSUS BRIDGET: Your cheerfulness surprises me… despite our battle you continue to seek to impress your techniques… I'm learning something new. VERSUS JACK-O': Despite the fact I sense TWO SOULS inside of you, one appears to be the more dominant one (and there is even a THIRD?)… How exactly did this come about? VERSUS I-NO: You would have me fight for nothing except your desire for power and infamy… I am no one's weapon save my Master's. VERSUS SIN: You wield a pole comparable to the length of my sword… Have you ever considered wielding a spear? You don't know what a spear is??? VERSUS CHAOS: Despite your obsession with humanity I would see to your death a thousand times… and a thousand times more if I must! VERSUS ASUKA#: The mystic arts and sciences confound me, if I'm being honest, I am just a humble warrior by comparison… VERSUS ASUKA: I never knew that your teacher created such a burden on you… If I had, I would have defeated him sooner…
Happy Chaos VERSUS SELF: Oh yeah, I saw this paradox coming a mile away… Just don't expect any favors… VERSUS SOL: This isn't exactly an audition, you know… I'd scrub you from my script if I only knew how… VERSUS KY: I've heard your sob story a billion times at this point… Had to rewrite the script a few times to get it just right though. VERSUS AXL: To keep a scale in balance, you have to make sure both sides have the same weight… the same story… Did that sting a little? VERSUS GIOVANNA: You're the type who doesn't even READ the script… get off my set! VERSUS MAY: I suppose you think bleeding hearts would eat your story up… BORING! VERSUS CHIPP: The fact you saw through to the real me is surprising… but I don't like people who READ SPOILERS FIRST. VERSUS FAUST: Is there even a POINT to giving someone like me a Medical Check-up? Is this a comedy sketch? VERSUS RAMLETHAL: You had your time in the spotlight, but now it's time for the understudy. VERSUS POTEMKIN: Someone like you should be a key grip… get it? Yeah, I'm not good at film jokes. VERSUS LEO: Throwing an amateur script like yours in to my story wouldn't be worth the print… VERSUS ZATO: Maybe in some other lifetime you would've made a great protagonist… guess I was a little slow… VERSUS MILLIA: Sometimes you meet people who were MADE for the big screen… You've got the icy EYES at least… VERSUS BAIKEN: There's always a critic… And there's always someone out there who doesn't watch movies… VERSUS ANJI: Chasing after MY story, are you? I'm afraid I can't let you see the final script… VERSUS BEDMAN?: At this point you two are just a sub-chapter prologue… Now if you'll excuse me I've got more Drama to publish… VERSUS TESTAMENT: We can't exactly have gawking bystanders on to the film set, can we? VERSUS GOLDLEWIS: You've probably got a conspiracy theory or two, I imagine… But I don't believe in any single conclusion… VERSUS BRIDGET: C'mon, SCRAM! AM-SCRAY! Get lost, kid, ya bother me! VERSUS JACK-O': I gotta say I'm impressed with my prized student's handiwork… Just too bad I couldn't tweak your script, myself. VERSUS I-NO: Being Creative isn't easy you know… you need to have a VISION. Ambition is only one part of the creative process. VERSUS SIN: You're one of those family-friendly stories, aren't you? Sorry, but my script is more ambitious than that… VERSUS NAGORIYUKI: I scouted you because your Drama practically writes itself! Even if I'm a dead man, I'd write for you any day… VERSUS ASUKA#: I've seen parodies and characatures before, but this is hardly a rewrite… (he really needs practice). VERSUS ASUKA: History isn't written by peace-lovers… it's written by survivors… Humanity will lose if it doesn't Evolve…
Asuka R# VERSUS SELF: Creating copies of myself, I now see that only the original can give me insight in to my own existence. VERSUS SOL: You noticed that I'm more talkative as a Copy… how perceptive of you… I just wish that animosity was aimed at me. VERSUS KY: With Sol as your rival, did it ever occur to you that such a relationship would galvanize you to the heights of power you now enjoy? VERSUS AXL: Even if I am not the genuine article, I can still relatively look and "act" the part… so you didn't exactly "catch the wrong actor". VERSUS GIOVANNA: The morality of some people confounds me… and I must confess that seeing someone "look defeated" has been refreshing for me. VERSUS MAY: I'm not sure I understand the concept of Love, though I do have concerns… For example, I have a concern for the results of this fight. Was it as edifying for you as it was me? VERSUS CHIPP: I must confess, subterfuge is lost on someone like me, who can use Magic to detect anyone even at long distance. VERSUS FAUST: Most likely I am the last person to end up as a Patient on your Docket. Do forgive my intruding on your schedule. VERSUS RAMLETHAL: My creator was fascinated with the method of your creation, which resulted in ME… though I doubt he created me to be as durable as yourself. VERSUS POTEMKIN: It fascinates me that not even Nature itself can predict the forms it takes… While you are an outlier of Humans, you are a great specimen of one. VERSUS LEO: My creator spent a large amount of time immersed in books, however I can't find myself to continue hiding behind them… Perhaps something is "wrong" with me. VERSUS ZATO: You make your vast knowledge out to be frivolous and meaningless, but in actuality most of what you are aware of STILL has great value. You can thank the Backyard for that. VERSUS MILLIA: I am still seeking my own purpose in this life granted to me, so I can understand your desire to belong. However, I'm not sure I can endure the opinions of others as easily as you do. VERSUS BAIKEN: Perhaps, upon seeing a copy of yourself, you found your own sense of enlightenment? Or was it just a coincidence? I wish I had that kind of fortune. VERSUS ANJI: You seek to be what others call a "friend", and yet you somehow end up getting in to trouble for your efforts… It's unfortunate the world rejects you that way. VERSUS BEDMAN?: If I had understood your brother's powers, perhaps I too would've made an Absolute World of my own… It's strictly speculation, however. VERSUS TESTAMENT: There are many generations of Gears that my Creator is responsible for making, however you weren't among them… I'd like to hear your story. VERSUS GOLDLEWIS: Being aware of your own mystical abilities is usually beneficial, but somehow in your case, the opposite is true. How does that even work??? VERSUS BRIDGET: If the world was as secretive as you about its myths, knowledge, and legends, I fear Science would never make any progress… VERSUS JACK-O': Even if you are a construct… merely existing is its own significance, I hope you'll find your confidence in that. VERSUS I-NO: I suppose I have you to thank for my own existence… if you had not changed the timeline, my creator would have never found the power and abilities to create me. VERSUS SIN: Does a change in perception of the world really work? I can't find any of your logic to make any sense, however I do appreciate the theories you've presented… VERSUS NAGORIYUKI: The real Asuka was never a man of physical efforts, however I am more than the sum of him, but even I must confess you've given me quite the workout… VERSUS CHAOS: The meaning behind "existence"… while I am starting to understand your point of view… your explanation of it is quite lacking… where's your Thesis? VERSUS ASUKA: If I had asked you to "forgive yourself", would you have taken this fight any more seriously? Somehow I doubt this.
Asuka R. Kreutz VERSUS SELF: Not a construct I created: but an actual paradoxical existence from another timeline? When did this event occur and HOW!?!? VERSUS SOL: While I do regret our history… I do not regret saving you, and I will never look back and own up to my responsibility. I hope that will someday satisfy you. VERSUS KY: I've always known Frederick to not be the most likeable of people, but I never knew he was able to inspire others… Thank you for this knowledge. VERSUS AXL: I still haven't taken you up on the idea of going for some Tea and Snacks… I've perfected my materialization method… care to try my recipe? VERSUS GIOVANNA: Your simple methods of using gravity and inertia to increase your damage output are fascinating… Though I have my own ideas and methods. VERSUS MAY: If I could make up for the tragedy of Japan, I would do my utmost to make amends… I hope to meet your expectations one day. VERSUS CHIPP: It never occurred to me that someone born and raised in another culture could have their own culture be completely rewritten… your life story fascinates me. VERSUS FAUST: While I have chosen to atone in my own ways, I cannot make shortcuts or sacrifices hastily… In order to properly atone, I must keep living. VERSUS RAMLETHAL: I must confess I went a little "overboard" when I was inspired by your creation… I'll try to keep out of trouble if I can manage it. VERSUS POTEMKIN: Honor-bound as a soldier, I imagine your history is what made you exactly what you are… and I still seek the truth behind that history as well. VERSUS LEO: I suppose you have every right to resent me for burdening you as I did during the War… But I will do what I can to repent and atone… you have my word. VERSUS ZATO: We both have our roles to play in atonement, don't we? We should both work our hardest, then. VERSUS MILLIA: My condolences to your mother. I am to blame for the loss of many families… I won't ever forget this… I won't ever let history repeat itself on my watch. VERSUS BAIKEN: That day when you came to me, sword drawn, in any other circumstance I would have let you kill me… But now I have a purpose to atone for… and I hope one day you'll find peace at last after learning the Truth. VERSUS ANJI: I owe you my thanks. You were resolute in seeking the truth, and without your insight a lot of history would still be hidden. I am in your debt. VERSUS BEDMAN?: So my teacher is once again to blame for this… I will do everything in my power to make up for this… I swear this to you. VERSUS TESTAMENT: It is a great regret of mine to see other Gears I did not create, but I still hope your lives are not in vain. VERSUS GOLDLEWIS: Fighting an unseen war is something I'm all too familiar with… I hope we both make progress in our objectives. VERSUS BRIDGET: It is almost refreshing to see someone practically unaffected by the past dark history such as yourself… I hope you'll be a beacon to people who need it. VERSUS JACK-O': We were BOTH stubborn in our beliefs, but making mistakes is still a HUMAN TRAIT… Just as making up for them is. VERSUS I-NO: I wish you could have waited for me… just a little longer. I hope your future does get fulfilled, however… VERSUS SIN: The last time we met, you were racing through the Backyard Gate to save Sol… I hope you've been doing well, Sin… Also, Math isn't that scary a concept, trust me… VERSUS NAGORIYUKI: I must say I've never kept much track of the history of Vampires or Nightless such as yourself… I will have to brush up on my history of them. VERSUS CHAOS: I'm afraid I can't let you roam about as you once did in the old days, Teacher… please, cease your actions at once… VERSUS ASUKA#: To be honest, you've surpassed all my expectations… I did not foresee power of this magnitude manifesting, though your lack of morality is worrisome…
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silentsanctummanga · 19 days
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Sodom and Gomorrah....or something!
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bison2winquote · 1 year
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Keicho Nijimura, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle R (CyberConnect2)
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sketchypeppers · 8 months
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extra ordinary
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xrd · 17 days
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tillman · 2 years
inhuman anime girl ass eddie noise 
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kingofdinosaurs · 1 year
I'm not like a mitsuru/akihiko guy (i see them as just close friends) but shadow akihiko and mitsuru in arena were like in some kind of crazy toxic thing i swear
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sunkern-plus · 2 years
winquotes that make me go feral
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[image description: black text on a white background from google translate. the text reads “I don’t take orders from anyone! You listen to what I say!” end image description]
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keep thinking about the Slayer winquote from XX against Venom lately that's like "If the prince never showed up for snow white, would you be satisfied with just that?" due to circumstances and I'm coming up as "No I wouldn't. You're right grandpa thank you."
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occasionaltouhou · 8 months
Why didn't Yukari ever try to take over Japan when it was trendy for youkai to do that? Wouldn't that be a good way to get humans to believe in youkai, if the easiest way to convince humans that youkai are a real problem is to kill them? Also, why does she want to do all that anyway? Lots of other youkai are mad at/scared of humanity, like Mamizou. (Doremy mentions that in her AoCF winquotes against her.) Yukari definitely isn't the only one to have figured out the impact of belief by now, so why aren't other youkai trying to do what she is?
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as ever, there are things to be clarified here. in a sense, i suppose this question is a response to all the other questions i've gotten recently, the vacuous "who would win" question. that question, though, has assumed something important: that the youkai are playing on their own turf, because if they're outside, they don't stand a chance.
but first, here's the questions at hand:
why didn't yukari take over japan during the heyday of the youkai, when ooeyama was at its prime and the oni rampaged through the cities?
why does yukari want to enact the youkai expansion project?
why aren't other youkai trying to do that? why didn't other youkai think to do that?
there are answers to these.
why didn't yukari take over japan when the youkai were at their most powerful?
there are multiple possibilities to these, some of which contradict others. we'll never really have a canonical reason, of course, because it's not something zun is concerned with.
first and foremost - who's saying she didn't try? she attempted to invade the lunar capital, after all. there seems to be the general assumption to believe she did this to teach the youkai humility, but yukari is absolutely hubristic enough to attempt to seriously take down the gods. a failure to do so would absolutely have caused her to rethink her strategy. i'd say that an earnest attempt to defeat the lunarians is more likely, honestly, given the fact that he holds a grudge over it more than a millennia lately.
you might say that the lunarians and the surface are unrelated, but that assumes knowledge that we know in the present. there's no reason that yukari wouldn't have thought that the lunarians would have opposed her should she move against the humans.
another reason, though, is that even yukari might not have realised the exact relationship between belief and youkai existence at the time. it's not necessarily the most intuitive idea, after all, and although the hifuus discuss a lot of things, they never quite touch on that. in general, they - especially renko - seem to assume that gensokyo is an alternate dimension, rather than a pocket of their own? which makes sense, y'know. yukari may merely have been more aware of the fading of the youkai during the sengoku period's war-driven modernisation, and made the connections quickly enough based on her understanding of what the future was like.
also, there's a big step between "human faith sustains youkai" and "to maintain human faith, we need to control humans" - especially in an era where humans are already, to some degree, being controlled to believe those things. there are a lot of unintuitive ideas at work here that we can take for granted because we have the hindsight - and the outside perspective - necessary.
finally, she probably just didn't want to? with few exceptions, youkai don't really build societies, and the idea of building a youkai kingdom probably doesn't really sound that appealing to most of them. it's telling that the sages built gensokyo so that they'd have to do as little as possible to actively maintain it; the idea of youkai building armies and policing populations and doing all the things necessary to maintain a youkai rule over japan is inherently kind of absurd. that's just not what youkai do, after all, and youkai doing what youkai do is crucial to their nature
why does yukari want to enact the youkai expansion project?
in the 1400s, a group of youkai and kami came together to discuss the fact that, not now, but far into the future, they would fade away. and they began to develop a counter-measure. they created an enclave, hidden away in the mountains of japan, and began to gradually influence its culture. after another few hundreds of years, entailing who knows how many discussions between countless other kami and youkai, the great hakurei barrier was raised.
yukari is not alone in her fear and anger at humanity. she is not, in that regard, particularly unique. her primary value was that she knew, definitively, that youkai and kami would vanish from society unless something was done. that foresight was the seed of gensokyo. gensokyo is another rather unintuitive idea, required to be developed centuries ahead of the time in which it would actually be needed. the expansion project (at least, as i envision it) is similarly unorthodox, because it requires the knowledge that the human society that has no need of spirituality would be incomplete as a result. it exploits that weakness, the boundary of common sense, the idea that humans would be fundamentally, spiritually, emotionally unsatisfied by the world they built for humans. again, it's an idea that requires foresight.
but we can assume that at least the majority of the other sages were on board with this! probably a few other major youkai, too. youkai are fundamentally selfish, after all. they won't be satisfied with living in a little bubble forever. but they can wait. they just need to wait a little bit longer...
but that raises a question, of course - what about those who didn't come along? what about those youkai who remained outside? why didn't they join in? and, more to the point, didn't they try to fight their own end?
why aren't other youkai trying to do that? why didn't other youkai think to do that?
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the short answer is that these days, there simply aren't that many youkai left outside. mamizou is specifically noted to be exceptional - kanako is surprised there are any youkai tanuki left. that's unsurprising, though, since mamizou's got a lot of credibility to her; it's implied pretty regularly that she's danzaburou-danuki, who's one of those Big Deal Youkai (though not quite on the level of ibuki-douji or tamamo no mae, of course). danzaburou's even enshrined - though good luck finding a source on that in english.
so what happened to the other big deals? there's myths on youkai getting exterminated, of course, but that doesn't really seem to stick - just look at suika - so it can't be that. unless, of course, they tried to pick a fight once it was already too late, and they'd already begun to fade. therein lies the problem, really; youkai are antisocial beings by nature, which is the real reason gensokyo is so unorthodox, because it requires the collaboration of hundreds, maybe thousands of youkai.
and, as noted, many of them simply became humans, too. they disguised themselves and lived as humans so long that they became human. that, too, is a kind of fading away. and yet... mamizou's fear leads to the belief that that's not all there was.
humans hunt youkai, and youkai hunt humans; as early as iamp, suika states that this is the Arrangement between the two. but this became imbalanced, as youkai grew weaker and humans more numerous. the youkai began to die when they were killed, and the system broke down. who knows how many were destroyed, not even trying to fight back, but merely trying to live the way that they always had? when would it have occurred to those dying creatures to reshape society? how could it have occurred to them? and to those who remained, what an absurd idea that would be! it's taking everything they can simply to survive, after all. there's a difference between recognising the problem and knowing what to do about it; and, perhaps, even trying to do something about it now would be too little, too late, expending the last breaths of a handful of dying creatures in a futile effort to prevent their own annihilation.
but fortunately, yukari came from the future and made a nature preserve, so it all worked out! yay!
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"Although I personally headcanon them as nondysphoric genderfree (as in lacking gender in a fluid, free, whimsical way) I can see so many cases for Dan to be a trans woman or transfeminine nonbinary it's not even funny. To start off, although their appearance is heavily based off the very masculine Ryo Sakazaki and Robert Garcia (albeit chubbier than the two), their personality is based off the very much a tomboyish with a girly streak girl Yuri Sakazaki. In addition, starting from IV onward, they say lines that very much imply they lean in a transfeminine direction, albeit without changing their pronouns like an onee character (those characters are typically transfeminine or transfeminine coded) would. For instance, in one of their winquotes to C. Viper, at least in English, they say "you're a businesswoman? That's what I do too!" Implying they at least partially see themselves as a woman. Street Fighter V takes this even further with lines in the shop quotes (they run the in game shop) implying they have worn schoolgirl skirts, implying they want to wear a bikini, and even saying "You know who would look hot as a woman? If you guessed me, give yourself ten points!" in reference to the Demitri costume Ed has as DLC. The Japanese version of this quote takes it a step further with them calling themself a "number one bijin" in reference to the costume, with bijin being a gender neutral leaning feminine term for beautiful person. I rest my case." - @sunkern-plus
Reminder: Submissions are always open!
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gear-project · 2 years
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Sol will NEVER stop Smoking. He'd sooner Melt the Icecaps!
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mustdie · 8 months
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random doodles. read this akihiko winquote
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bison2winquote · 2 months
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Neco-Arc, Melty Blood: Type Lumina (French Bread/ Type Moon)
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sang8262 · 3 months
okay i've been trying to keep thoughts about Bison MOSTLY reserved until we get more details in game, but seeing as we got blasted with his trailer, gameplay, and theme... behold! thoughts:
SF6 is my first SF, even though i've been playing fighting games for a while. So my nostalgia for the series is non-existent. But I was vaguely aware of the story / characters enough to know some stuff about Bison. All that said, I think the direction they're taking him in this game is super interesting, and I NEED, HIS STORY, IN WT, NOW, AGH Anyway, since I like JP, I'm obviously going to be looking for as many connections there.
Bison is shorter than him!!! 182 cm (6'0) to JP's 191 cm (6'3). But he's definitely more muscular, weighing 112 kg (247 lbs) to JP's 97 kg (214 lbs).
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I wasn't expecting this cause Bison has such an intimidating presence and build. Also just shows how tall JP is I guess (????) But I think it's kinda cute tee hee
Bison's winquote at JP!
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All I can muster is a more literal translation: "If you're someone who is useful, I shall make use of you."
And I CANNOT tell what this implies at all about JP's stance towards Bison, at least, not until we see his win quote, and also WT hopefully. I expect JP to show up in it, I mean, at least a name drop I think.
Based on Famitsu interviews with the devs about the upcoming content and Bison's character specifically, I REALLY REALLY hope that they keep what makes JP so different and interesting for me as a villain. Namely, how he doesn't actually swear such undying loyalty to Lord Bison, as someone such as FANG would.
I can see JP put on an act of reverence, to take advantage of Bison's amnesia (which btw, really suspicious that JP's most notorious special is named Amnesia, as is the cyber terrorist group he heads with the same name, Amnesia...).
But I feel like it'd be redundant to have JP also sacrifice everything to revive/ return Bison as leader of Shadaloo. And the whole thing with Ed being the new leader: something that JP seemingly supports enthusiastically. He also seems to be testing Ed (as per Ed's arcade mode banter with him), perhaps to see if Ed is fit to lead? Or perhaps the strength and quality of his Psycho Power?
I kind of hope Bison as he is currently, has no interest in Shadaloo politics, not really wanting to lead but more keen on taming his strength and pursuing great power. FANG, I'm curious if he'd support Bison no matter what, or if FANG has his own idea of what 'Lord Bison' should be like... and try to get him to remember the glory days. Try to get him to reclaim his throne, revive the organization...
Again kinda boiling down to "we have no idea what JP actually wants as a villain", which I do hope gets cleared up with Bison's story!!! Because now Bison is here: what will happen with Ed sorta-kinda leading Neo Shadaloo... but not in service of JP? If JP tries to get on Bison's good side... for WHY would he do that/ what goal?? Oh I'm also worried about potential reveals on why JP joined Shadaloo/ wanted Psycho Power. It'll be really cliche if he pulls some sob pity origin story.. though, I can also see him saying shit like that as a deliberate lie.
I think that's the biggest thing to keep in mind, is that JP is an unreliable narrator and deceiver. It's hard to take what he says and claims at face value.. But also, the writers/ devs intentionally put certain things in story so. I just think that's why it's so fun to pick apart JP in particular, and I fear they might ruin what makes him an interesting character (for me, but, apparently for a lot of other fans too. Seeing comments on Twitter wtih similar sentiments of "please keep JP the way he is").
but yea i'm going insane over here waiting for more details help
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tillman · 1 year
i really really enjoy all interactions of eddie w the guild cus theyre rare now but like . the way eddie like ... refuses to admit hes fond of millia is so fascinating. like that zatos fucking hatred of her was so strong that eddie can barely fucking help himself from also like... putting on a face that he does too. its insane to me. and then despite that while dying the only person eddie will let comfort him is her. literally the only person he lets even have a glimpse into how hes actually feeling . insane shit . man whys the dog got emotional problems.
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