#Wily Wars
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jolikmc-stuff · 2 months ago
Originally posted on 01/05/2025 at 9:03 AM EST
Rockman Mega World… But You're a Little Girl? by Jo Li KMC on YouTube
Ever wonder what it would be like if Roll stepped up to fight Dr. Wily instead of Rock? Well, here's how one person sees it going~
Come join me on Monday, 9 AM EST, to See me tackle the entirety of Rockman Mega World as Roll-chan~!
Special thanks for Zynk Oxhyde for making this, of course. 💚
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jolikmc-thoughts · 2 months ago
Wait. Hang on. In fact, come to a complete stop.
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… has this always been an option in Rockman Mega World?! Like… what the heck? I never knew! And the Window is the only one you can un-set, too! (For obvious reasons.)
Consider my mind blown!
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switch347 · 3 months ago
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Bluesky Link
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you-cant-fuck-megaman · 2 years ago
i'm curious about why the robofuckers couldn't get their hands on mega water s. gotta need an explanation for this one
are you familiar with the phrase "plowing water"
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jayextee · 2 years ago
Mega Man: The Wily Wars
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Because of course my journey through classic Mega Man would take me through the versions officially made for my favourite console ever.
Wily Wars is an odd beast. On paper it's fine; a Megadrive remake of the first three games with some additional content for those who complete said trio of titles. They look fine enough and sound okay (YM2612 variants of the tunes are in my eyes a large case of Your Mileage May Vary™) but they've got some weirdness about them for sure.
To start with, the visuals are usually wonderful in their own way; not really showcasing the Megadrive's visual flair as much as they could, but servicing as a slightly-fancier redraw of the originals. Mega's sprite looks a little weird though, and there's some slight hitbox dissonance that may throw-off fans of the original. By and large, I've no problem with the rest; it's sometimes actually kinda nice to see a large boss sprite without a flat black background accompanying it. But then again, other times have a completely different atmosphere because of this. Again, it's fine.
And they sound fine, too. As in 'okay' -- the Megadrive renditions of the tunes largely being inoffensive and having minimal 'twang' associated with the format; but as a side-effect of this, very few of them are memorable. Indeed, the only tune I can bring to mind right now is Shadow Man's from MM3, because dat Megadrive bass actually does wonders in giving the piece a funky new feel. Most of the rest are serviceable, forgettable, alright.
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Gameplay, then; the most-important element of any videogame (ignore the haters, all three of them, it is!). Mega controls fine, perhaps a little on the sluggish side when trying to 'twitch' toward a platform edge for a further jump, but nothing majorly serious. Firing, however, is another story. Most of the weapons function fine, but there's the odd occasion (Hard Knuckle I'm looking right at you) where the speed is so out of whack that it becomes almost unusable as it was in the original game. That, plus the plain old buster shots seem to move in slow-motion, three of them lingering onscreen; especially when running in their direction; for much longer than desired. As if to knowingly 'fix' this little problem, the potential firing rate of them has been slowed down from "almost as fast as you can mash" to something like 1/4 a second. It's not ideal, although it serves as something of an incentive to use the special weapons more, I guess.
It's worth noting that a fan-created patch exists that fixes the buster shot speed among other things. I may play with this in the future, if it improves the proceedings, but I digress here.
So the three games are fine-but-not perfect. If you want a 1:1 recreation of the NES trio, it's probably better to stick to those unless you really want the fixed Top Spin this collection has. But! There's that 'Wily Tower' thing, a whole new minigame unlocked when beating the three main titles, as something of a challenge for those who've mastered them.
Except it's not. The interesting thing it does offer is a user-chosen 'loadout' of eight weapons chosen of any of the game's selections; plus three of the various support items, be they Magnet Beam or the numbered Items or the Rush support tools. However, probably because of this, Wily Tower is actually very easy indeed. It's little more than a curio, and not too interesting one at that; the mix-and-match nature of the weapons extends to the level gimmicks and enemies and gives the minigame more than a little of the same feel a fangame or hack may have. It's there if you want more Mega Man, but it won't absolutely Rock (Man) your (Mega) World or anything. 3/5
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michael-h-art · 10 days ago
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Brain is still slightly on a Megaman kick after beating Wily Wars so... Have a Protoman y'all
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sweaters-and-vertigo · 1 year ago
me, a future child psychologist, watching the bad batch:
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kutaka, kyouko, lily, luna, mai, mamizou (K, L, M)
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missjukebox8bit · 1 year ago
I think there was a brief period where Dr. Wily genuinely tried to better himself by studying classic literature, but then he read Journey to the West and his takeaway was “WAIT A MINUTE, I COULD MAKE SOME EVIL ROBOTS OUT OF THIS!”
and the Genesis Unit was born
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jolikmc-stuff · 2 years ago
Mega Man: The Sequel Wars (v1.1) - Brightman Stage as Super Roll by Jo Li KMC at YouTube
This might be the coolest thing I've discovered so far.  Seriously!  Even without actual sprites, this is just so cool~!
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jolikmc-thoughts · 9 months ago
Do You Comprehend Game Mechanics?™
The "Peterchy" enemy in Mega Man 3 on the NES changes direction if it gets 48 pixels away from the player's current X position or bumps into something solid (a wall or screen edge). However, the "seek" behavior also resets if it bumps into something solid.
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(Yes, I disabled the flashing lights. They're annoying.)
This can lead to a situation where a Peterchy might seemingly turn around and walk away for "no reason" at all. (Actual reason being that the player triggered its "seek" behavior while it wasn't "paying attention".)
In The Wily Wars, the "scan range" is about 51 pixels. Peterchy can't be made to reverse direction by letting it bump into a wall then walking out of range. However, a different bug exists.
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Just like in the NES version, if a Peterchy bumps into a wall, it will "lose interest" in the player. However, if the player doesn't walk out of, then back into, the Peterchy's "scan range" from the opposite direction it's traveling, it will just keep on walkin'.
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Surprisingly or unsurprisingly, Peterchy just keep mowing forward in Mega Man World 2 with absolutely no interest in seeking the player, no matter what. I guess Thinking Rabbit didn't do their research.
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crabsinvideogames · 1 year ago
Mega Man 2 / Mega Man: The Wily Wars
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The Claw robots appear near the end of Bubble Man's stage, floating down a waterfall. They also appear in Mega Water S's stage, in The Wily Wars's Wily Tower mode.
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michael-h-art · 19 days ago
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Morning warm up for the day. Wanted to redraw the Megaman 1 title screen pose cause i've been playing the Wily Wars on NSO of recent
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megiddo-ichi · 2 years ago
[Now Live with Mega Man: The Wily Wars]
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Now Set up for the New Adventures of Jump & Shoot Man.
Hopefully it won't rock me to my core like Rondo and Chronicles have, but CV and MM are notorious for that.
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the-monkey-ruler · 2 years ago
Mega Man: The Wily Wars (1994)ロックマンメガワールド
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Date: October 21, 1994 / April 26, 2002
Platform: Genesis / Nintendo Switch /  Game Boy Advance / Wii U     
Developer: Capcom / Inti Creates Co., Ltd.
Publisher: Capcom
Genre: Action / Platformer / Action-Adventure
Theme: Sci-Fi / Cyberpunk / Post-Apocalyptic
Franchises: Mega Man / Mega Man Classic / Mega Man Zero /
Aliases: Rockman Mega World / Rockman Zero 
Type: Appropriation
Mega Man: Wily Wars is a remake of the first 3 Mega Man games for Sega Genesis. It also features some extras. 
Mega Man: Wily Wars features remakes of Mega Man, Mega Man 2, and Mega Man 3, with improved graphics; however, it also features Wily Tower, a new mode in which Mega Man may use any weapon he wants and defeat new Robot Masters from the Genesis Unit.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mega_Man:_The_Wily_Wars
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8HDHzjA0KE&ab_channel=NintendoComplete
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kintatsujo · 9 months ago
...it's really funny to think that being from my dad's second marriage means 9~12 year old Kinta was already getting Gay Divorced Vibes off cartoon characters but when I look back
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