#Willie: threads
immortalmuses · 23 days
for @himbohotel, from here
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ㅤㅤㅤ“oooh—” Willie's quirked grin widens, a flash of bright teeth and impeccable dimples, “— quoting MacBeth at me? That's pretty hot, I'm not gonna lie..”
ㅤㅤㅤThe skater's fingers are long and slim and calloused, closing around Alex's hand with a surety that suggests he'd be loathe to let go again. Tilting his head, Willie's cheeky expression softens, and he gently tugs the drummer forward, walking backwards as he guides them both towards the nearest bus stop.
ㅤㅤㅤ“-- Y'know, I lived on the east side of Los Feliz my whole life.” Willie purses his lips, rolling his eyes as if to make fun at his own expense, “..but it wasn't until I kicked it off this mortal coil that I went and discovered all the cool stuff Los Angeles has to offer.”
ㅤㅤㅤThey're at the stop now, and just in time for an arriving bus on the inner city line. Without waiting for the doors to open, Willie hops onboard (ignoring the logical fallacies of standing on a bus that you can also pass right through) and pulls Alex along with him. The Skater grins winningly at the other ghost, swaying into his space as the Bus starts up again along its route.
ㅤㅤㅤ“….you ever been to the LA Grammy Museum?”
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lockedtowers · 10 days
actually now thatvall prior starters are either posted or queued, a NEW starter call here bc im gonna need to queue a buncha stuff come thursday kthx
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transmetal-tk · 1 year
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Mayhem Collection Octopunch
Transforms into the first octopus-themed tank in the Transformers franchise
"Tako Tank"? No thanks, I'm not hungry
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passengerpigeons · 8 months
in a fascinating era where I think people need to realize more that copyright/intellectual property is ultimately an imperfect solution. masters tools and such. like sure it provides protection for artists in an imperfect system but first and foremost it exists to protect the Capital of Capitalists and your argument shouldn't rely on it as an Absolute Ethical Truth. Walt Disney isn't going to fuck you. Some people really see AI and start dick riding copyright law instead of formulating a position based on ethics and power.
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elecctricsugars · 1 month
Saw the affection meme so.. 🔄🫂
Gestures  of  affection   [to  pick  my  muse  up  and  twirl  them  around + reverse]
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Without much of a warning, Willy strode up alongside the seamstress and lifted her into the air, making sure he had a secure (but gentle) grip on either side of her body. Soon he was twirling her along despite no music playing in the room. Well, none that could be heard. It was more of a feeling, mind, as were a lot of things with one Willy Wonka.
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"My, I must confess I thought perhaps I'd never be able to do this with you again—" DANCE, he meant, dance his heart out!
"Our heartbeats make for an excellent melody, as they're our natural metronome you know... and the slight variation between yours and mine..." He removed his hat, placed it atop Melody's head and pressed an ear to her chest as he continued sweeping her above her feet.
"Well, that's..." He exclaimed suddenly, his voice briefly rising and slightly deeper. "Ahhh! Lost my train of thought..." He got flustered whenever that happened, and unfortunately it was happening quite a bit, lately... Lately... whenever Melody was around...
Slowly setting her back upon the ground, Willy licked his lips as he searched for an apology. He didn't owe one, of course, but he felt like he'd been onto something when the idea was snatched away as quickly as it had come to him.
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larkgarciaoak · 1 year
Screaming yelling and obsessed with theorizing over what will happen if and when Scary DOES communicate with the Doodler. Imagine Scary passing that 40 wisdom saving throw (or yk, however Anthony ends up working that mechanic) and not only is Scary not consumed by terror the way Willie was by the doodler, but maybe she befriends it, they share a common goal and maybe they understand each other; Scary told Willie “Well, like, the Doodler's like a… kind of cool punk rock chick. Y’know? She's just like really misunderstood. And the more she craves love, the more she pushes other people away. And she doesn't know how to receive it right. Y’know? She's just like so misunderstood and edgy and cool.” Just imagining how insanely powerful Scary would be if they worked together!
I’m still not ruling out the crack theory that the Doodler is actually Scary’s patron and Willie’s just taking the credit as another means to wield power over her/convince her she needs him. Just… imagine
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starkfish · 5 months
Imagine leaving a snitty, snarky comment on a fic written over a decade ago by someone you've never interacted with because you didn't like the way they tagged it, like just imagine the audacity lmao.
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Which is trending and viral from July 5 yesterday on social media
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wiredsmi1e · 1 year
watching movies without wifi = abi thinking about a ton of unnecessary aus for suzie
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leschanceux · 1 year
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@immortalmuses asked " whatever you've been told about me, whatever you've heard or seen or listened to... none of it's true. " -
Alex doesn't know what to trust at the moment; the days he's spent with Willie had been some of the best he's ever experienced, so vibrant and light that Alex almost felt alive again --- but those memories have all soured now, a tinge of uncertainty dulling everything as Alex tries to analyse every micro-expression and turn of phrase used when they were together.
Now all he has is this pain that strikes randomly, every bolt of agony driving the sense of betrayal further into his mind.
"How do I know that's true? How can I trust whatever you say next, Willie?"
Man, he's had more than his fair share of shitty things thrown at him over the course of his life, but this takes the absolute cake ( even his parents' rejection after he came out doesn't match up to this ). And just as he's dealing with the pain in his heart at that acknowledgement, a fresh wave of the other pain takes over, leaving him to groan his agonies through gritted teeth.
"I... I need some space right now."
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stonedgilbert · 1 year
my favorite game to play with @seesgood is the "are jeremy and caroline dating in this verse or is caroline highkey concerned about jeremy's choices in men" game bc really both occurrences happen about equal amounts of time
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icybreaths · 1 year
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Damn shame the division she's apart of thrives on and romanticizes violence. Lives for it. Had she been a different soul, maybe she wouldn't view broken bones as a love note to get stronger.
Each splinter in her heart's cage a whisper that says 'I will break you.'
And every red hot shot of debilitating pain that blooms through her screaming, 'I am breathing and I refuse to die.'
Too stubborn to.
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zmeydeva-arch · 2 years
i know you guys want me to shut up about veils but for zoya’s wit/cher verse specifically i have been thinking about veiling in the context of religion. how very obviously they are commonly used as a mechanism for modesty but in this universe in particular where zoya has spent most of her life either in exile or seen in either her dragon or tiger form it is used as a way to make her seem like less of a human and more of a deity.  when the faithel come to her rescue and venerate her as a mortal avatar of baal-zebuth she is veiled from then on as a her human face is seen as...  a false idol in many ways. they worship the dragon not the girl it inhabits  ━  though the two are one in the same  ━  her followers believe the two to be separate entities. this is just a long winded way of me saying that zoya’s appearance matters so very little in her wi/tcher verse and her beauty is almost inconsequential to her storyline here as she seldom is ever seen without veiling when she is not transformed.  i would say this is the universe were she grows up and is socialized the least like she is in her main timeline. her loneliness is more prevalent, her ache for companionship more pure,  but this is also offset by the fact she is nearly ancient and yet so inexperienced and young in many ways. she is just as vicious but it comes from a place of insecurity rather than self-assuredness 
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fragmentmemories · 3 months
@rosewulf liked for a starter
The theatrical clownery of this traveling entertainer is, undoubtedly, amusing. It's why he's been allowed to stick around--But he does like to push lines and boundaries when he can. Hence, his sudden recitation of poetry:
"But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?" He holds his hand to his chest, the other out, reaching for perhaps that aforementioned light--And no, now he is holding out to Lyanna herself. "It is the east, and my lady is the sun."
A small flower blooms from the pads of his middle finger and thumb (a cheap parlor trick, surely), as he extends it towards her.
Howl doesn't know how to say hello like a normal person. It would be worse if he had an instrument on his person; Lyanna should count herself lucky.
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hcrv3lles-a · 5 months
how does wallace feel about the winchesters?
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wallace wants to hate them. feels like he should hate them, right? i mean . . . if it weren't for them, jo and ellen would have never had to have died. or at least, that's what he tells himself. feels like ever since they showed up, nothing but darkness and horror has graced their doorstep. all domino effecting from when john practically watched bill die.
and yet? wallace can't find it in him to hate them. and lord does that make him feel guilty in regards to his brother. because, here will is resenting the winchesters. has a deal over his head because he had to risk his own life to bring back jo from something that was mostly caused by dean and sam. and wallace is struggling to have anything but anger towards them. anger that they didn't do more to keep jo and ellen from that situation. anger that the situation escalated to what it was. anger that the harvelles really couldn't ever help themselves but help and protect the boys.
does wallace know that jo probably couldn't have been saved so she wouldn't have made it anyway? yes, of course he does. does that stop him from fighting tooth and nail to say that there could have been something done regardless? no, not at all. so he does try in regards to the winchesters. so you can imagine the tension between wallace and will.
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lockedtowers · 8 months
&& @llimerrence ;; nausica
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"why i'm the one who's been tasked with this, don't ask. i don't know. truthfully, i don't care, either. personally, i believe professor click should have come to you with her.. concerns, herself. yet, here we are." hands clasp together as he leans against his podium, watching her-- half-heartedly. there was plenty he could be doing in place-- failing the students that bothered him that day, put together a half-arsed lecture for homeroom the next day, or most importantly, return to building new assets for the capitol. yet, here he was, wasting his time on what professor click described as a potentially distracting crush.
"listen here, i don't give even a fifth of a shite whether you 'stare too long at mr. snow', as she put it, or seem a bit too friendly with the plith's son, nor do i really care what you do in your free time. but if i don't keep you here for at least the next ten minutes, professor click will throw another fit, which will draw even further time away from my project. instead." the lanky figure quickly waves his hands around, lips pressing together as he glances up at the ceiling for a moment, then returns his attention to nausica.
"ah, i know. my rabbear's. use of music to lure, cute as a rabbit to distract, then the jaw expands like a bear's to tear it's prey apart. what, in your opinion, would be a good... companion, or, better yet, antithetical to that creature. there's plenty of animals to combine, a wolf, a fox, a duck-- or, chicken, perhaps. chickens are often used as food, perhaps a chicken that can create food on its own, owners would never go hungry-- or, a singing fox? keep the owner entertained for ages. what thoughts do you have in that undeniably bizarre mind of yours?"
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