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shammah8 · 3 years ago
God’s Work Will Stand
“In this hour you will see My true work stand out from the false and counterfeit. That which I have endorsed shall carry on, and My work through your life will remain steadfast as a beacon of light in this season!”
Prophetic Scripture
…For if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought: but if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God (Acts 5:38-39).
It can be difficult at times to dis
cern what is from God and what is not. When the early apostles were persecuted for presenting a new and unheard message, a Phariseenamed Gamaliel reminded everyone that if what they were preaching was genuine it would survive long-term. While there are many ways to discern the genuine things of God, one way is that God’s work can’t be overthrown. One major modern example is regarding the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Many groups have persecuted it; however, the Pentecostal or Charismatic movement has continued as the most rapidly growing movement worldwide since the Azuza Street Revival in 1906. Groups and denominations everywhere are constantly experiencing some form of Holy Spirit renewal. If this movement was not of God, it would have dwindled long ago, but instead has lasted over 100 years and keeps spreading.
When God endorses something, His work will stand. If God has given you a call or mandate to work for Him, you don’t need to worry about whether or not it will survive. If something is truly from God, it will prosper long-term despite setbacks. Have the assurance today that God’s work in your life willways stand!
Father, help me discern the genuine work of Your spirit for my life, and I take authority over every hindrance against it. I declare that Your work all across the earth shall stand strong and every counterfeit shall be cut off! In Jesus’ Name, amen.☕️Brenda Kunneman
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tremendouslypurplepeace · 5 years ago
I probably will ask in this way. たぶん、、このようにお願いします。
I will answer in the following way. 次の通り、回答します。
I will not allow that way of doing things. 私はそのやり方を許さない。
I will find my way to that station. 私はその駅にたどり着く。
We will prepare it in that way. 私どもはそのように準備します。
They will run all the way to that station. 彼らはその駅まで走ります。
That will turn out in this way. それはこのような結果になる。
There's no way I will forget you. 私があなたを忘れるはずがない。
I hope that it will become that way too. 私もそうなることを望みます。
I will do my best in my own way. 私は私なりに頑張ります。
We will shop on the way back. 私たちは帰りに買い物をします。
That will get way better than before. それは今よりずっとよくなる。
I will walk all the way there. 私はあそこまで歩きます。
I will maintain the way I am now. 私は今の自分を保つ。
I will get in the way of your work. 私があなたの仕事を妨げる。
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luckytime777 · 5 years ago
WillWay ウィルウェイ
Where there's a will, there's a way. 成せばなる
I will show you the way. 案内して上げよう
There will be a lottery by way of entertainment. 福引の余興あり
She will have everything her own way. 娘がわがままで困る
I will look in on my way home. 戻り路に立ち寄ろう
We will walk the rest of the way. これから先は歩こう
Then, we will do it this way. それではこうしよう
I will look in by the way. ついでに寄って来よう
Love will find a way. 恋には不可能はない
A willful man will have his own way. 這っても黒豆
Where there's a will, there's a way. 意志ある所に道あり。
Show me the way, will you? 案内してくれますか。
Which way will you take? どちらの道を行きますか。
In them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, which says, ‘By hearing you will hear, and will in no way understand; Seeing you will see, and will in no way perceive: イザヤの預言は彼らの内で果たされている。こう言われていた。
They will find a way around! 彼らは道を見つけるでしょう!
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nerdylibertarian928 · 3 years ago
I love Willway and Elizabethino's
we really got a scene of Will kneeling before Elizabeth and kissing her legs..anyway fellow willabeth stans how does it feel living on a diet of 
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globalfilmlocations · 5 years ago
Only Fools & Horses Filming Locations - Part 2
Only Fools & Horses Filming Locations – Part 2
Part 2 of the Only Fools and Horses locations with many more yet to come.
Fiddlers, Willway Street, Bristol (The Down By The Riverside Club)
Google Maps Co-ordinates: 51.443026, -2.592407
Margate Harbour Arm, Harbour Arm, Margate
Google Maps Co-ordinates: 51.390886, 1.378523
Galley View, Brook Ln, Herne Bay CT6 6EZ (Halfway House)
Google Maps Co-ordinates: 51.364939, 1.196136
View On WordPress
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mabuchioukou · 5 years ago
馬渕教室 5ch 2017 ウィルウェイ 5ちゃんねる 大阪 塾 馬渕教室 馬渕教室 5ch 滋賀 塾 馬渕教室 馬渕教室 スレ 馬渕教室 2ちゃん 東海 馬渕教室 5ちゃん 奈良
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mabuchi2chan · 5 years ago
馬渕 5ch 京都 塾 馬渕教室 馬渕教室 2ch 東海 馬渕教室 2ch 2017 馬渕教室 5ch 京都 馬渕 2ちゃん 馬渕個別 5ちゃん ウィルウェイ 2ちゃん
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tanqueraylocc · 6 years ago
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Real advice from the homie @willways. . . #credit #buildcredit #credittrap #minimumpayment #creditscam #scam #business #goodbusiness #businessminded https://www.instagram.com/p/BrGGYERFQSo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=188hldavcrru5
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shammah8 · 2 years ago
Your Tenth-Hour Visitation
“As the disciples did abide with Jesus at the tenth hour of the day, so I call you to abide with Me in your tenth hour. For when it seems the day is winding down, keep abiding and you will surely see breakthrough in your tenth hour, even when a heavenly visitation seems far overdue.”
Prophetic Scripture
…They came and saw where he dwelt, and abode with him that day: for it was about the tenth hour (John 1:39).
In John 1, when the disciples as
ked Jesus where He lived, He took them to His house. This occurred at the tenth hour of the day, which was between 3 and 4 o’clock in the afternoon according to the time-telling method back then. The tenth hour is that transitional period we traditionally see as a time when wearen’t expecting too many more appointments or events. It represents an hour of winding down the business day to begin preparing for evening. For Jesus’ disciples, it was too late for any travel, so they stayed with Jesus for the night.
Spiritually speaking, a tenth hour can be when we give up expecting anything divine to happen because it seems the needed miracle is overdue. Yet it is often the very moment when we are positioned for a heavenly visitation. That’s when we need to abide close to the Lord and refuse to think it’s just too “late in the day” for God to come through. If you feel you are in a tenth-hour situation, abide even closer to the Lord and hold fast to His promises. Then remind yourself that you are right in position for a tenth-hour visitation.
Father, I thank You that You are never late. I abide in You and will not give up on Your promises, even when it seems to be a tenth-hour moment. I know You willways come through with a divine visitation. In Jesus’ Name, amen.☕️Brenda Kunneman
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tremendouslypurplepeace · 5 years ago
There is really no way he will be become able to think on his feet. 彼はとても即戦力にはなりえない。
If I keep going this way, I will end up fainting from heat stroke. このままだと、熱中症で倒れてしまいます。
However, I will send those the way they are to them. しかし私はそれをそのまま彼らに送ります。
He will buy a boxed lunch at the convenience store on his way back. 彼は帰りにコンビニで弁当を買ってきます。
We will not say it in that way. 私たちはそういう風には言いません。
I will think about what the fastest way to manage that. それをどう処理したら一番早いか考えます。
I will go eat on the way back home from work today. 私は今日は会社の帰りに食事に行って来ます。
In what way are you thinking it will develop from now on? あなたは今後の展開をどの様に考えていますか。
Our coping with that will be in the following way. それに対する私たちの対応は次の通りです。
I strongly wish that it will be that way. 私はそうなることを強く願っています。
Will you catch the school bus on the way home today? あなたは今日の帰りはスクールバスに乗りますか。
I think problem will be resolved one way or another. 私はその問題は何とかなると思っている。
I will move that to somewhere it won't get in the way. 私はそれを邪魔にならない場所へ移動する。
By the way, will you go to school tomorrow? ところで、明日あなたは学校に行くのですか?
I think problem will be resolved one way or another. その問題は何とかなると思っている。
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luckytime777 · 5 years ago
Give a way to us or else we will kill you using a blade. 「道を譲れ。譲らぬと斬るぞ」
Then you will find your religious way.' 「信仰の真の道ひらけるぞ。」
The house lies in my way, so I will look in on my way home. その家は路に当たるから帰りに立ち寄って行こう
If you don't know the way, I will show you the way. 道がおわかりなければご案内致します
I will explain it to him in a way that he will understand. それについて彼に分かるように説明する。
Similarly,the foreground for ``entry4'' will be half-way between white and red, and the background will be half-way between green and white. 同様に、``entry4'' の前景色は white と red の中間色になり、背景色はgreen と white の中間色となる。
This agreement will go a long way toward bringing about [will contribute greatly to] world peace. この協約は世界の平和に資するところが大であろう.
Will you tell me the way to the station? 駅までの道を教えていただけますか?
Will you tell me the way to the station? 駅までの道のりを教えてくれますか?
This way we will probably make more progress. この方法で私たちは多分もっと前進できるだろう。
Will you tell me the way to the station? 駅までの道を教えてくださいませんか?
If there is a way, the boss will know. もし方法があるなら、ボスが知っているでしょう。
I hope you will be able to find your way easily. 簡単に道が見つけられますように。
I will probably go shopping on the way home. 私は多分仕事帰りに買い物をします。
By the way, it will soon be O-bon in Japan. ところで、もうすぐ日本ではお盆をむかえます。
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5axismachiningchina · 8 years ago
WI - WR - Historical Bristol Street Directory 1871
Posted from 5 axis machining China blog
WI - WR - Historical Bristol Street Directory 1871
Check out these china machined part shop suppliers images:
WI – WR – Historical Bristol Street Directory 1871 Image by brizzle born and bred Mathews’ Bristol Street Directory 1871
Wilder Street, North Street to Grosvenor Road
John Smith, lath render J. T. Ball and Sons, maltsters, etc John Summerville, builder, etc Charles Pitman James Merry, black smith John Tucker Thomas Davis, chimney sweep
William Sherring, nail manufacturer William Nichols – In October 1884 he was 14 years old, living with his parents in Baptist Mills and working at Messrs W Sherring of Wilder Street, a nail manufactory. Whilst carrying iron from the bins he slipped and fell against the flywheel. By the time the machine was stopped, he was dead. There was a fence around the machine, but the workers were in the habit of ‘pushing it aside’.
Withy & Co. ginger-beer, lemonade & soda-water manufacturers James Williams, 1, Cave street cottages Eliza Snow, fly proprietor, 2, Cave street cottages Joseph Johnson, carpenter & undertaker, 3, Cave street cottages George Smith, boot maker William Lambert, grocer, etc Joseph Chard, baker & flour dealer J. Andrews, chimney sweeper Ann Winniatt, shopkeeper Joshua Williams, builder George Mico, grocer Mary Weston, greengrocer James Seamer, beer seller
Mrs William Paul, vict, Two Trees 1794. John Lewis / 1806. Isaac Phipps / 1816. Stephen Seager / 1820 – 22. J. Morrosson / 1823 – 32. Samuel Morrosson 1834 – 45. James Vickery / 1847 – 61. James Bale / 1863. Edwin Hamber / 1865 – 69. George Lambourne / 1871. Mrs. Paul 1872 – 75. George Wintle (jnr) / 1877 – 78. Sarah Sowden / 1879 to 1882. John Sharp / 1883. C. Tomkins.
George Howard, vict, Albion Tavern 1841 – 53. Elizabeth Morrison / 1858 – 66. Henry Couzens / 1867 to 1868. W. Watts / 1869. Francis Virtue / 1871. George Howard 1872 to 1875. S. Barton / 1876. T. C. Manning / 1877. S. Balderson / 1878. C. Wyman / 1879. Samuel Harris / 1882 – 83. William Tarr 1885 – 88. William Bailey / 1889. George Clohesey / 1891. Sarah Ann Knight / 1892. Rosina Pollard / 1896 – 99. Charles Spiller 1901. Edward Coles.
Charles King, vict, Royal Oak 1832 – 34. Henry Watkins / 1869. George King / 1871. Charles King / 1872 to 1874. Mabel King / 1875 – 83. Isabella King 1885. George Knott / 1886 – 1909. Frederick King / 1914 – 17. Ellen White / 1921 – 25. Angelina Reed.
James Newman, vict, Crown 1860. John Yeandel / 1866 – 82. James Newman / 1883 to 1887. Kate Morgan / 1888 to 1891. Kate Rowles / 1892. Thomas Dinan 1896 – 1901. George Jenkins.
James Nash, vict, Royal George 1860. Ann Mundy / 1863 – 72. James Naish / 1874 – 81. Joseph W. Keall / 1882 – 87. William Clements / 1889 – 1901. James Thatcher.
Harry Dimmock – Living at Wilder Street, he was buried at St Paul on January 19th 1839 aged 71.
Ann Roach – Aged 21 in November 1842, she was taken to the Infirmary as while she was crossing Wilder Street she was knocked down by a fly (cab) which passed over her leg and injured it severely.
Wildgoose Cottages, St Philip’s Marsh
Wilkin’s Cottages, Folly Lane
William Street, Grosvenor road to Ashley Road
1. Maria Fuller 2. William Barter 3. Samuel David White 4. Henry Critchett 5. George Hill 6. James Wilmot 7. Herbert Cousins 8. George Browning 9. Charles Williams 10. Henry Hobbert 11. John Edward Sollis 12. Henry Tom Moody 13. David Bank Edwards 14. William Henry Thomas 15. John Goodeve, tea dealer
G Drake – Lived at 31, King Square. On 2nd March 1899 wrote to the newspaper stating that John Drake carpenter convicted of theft at the assizes was no connection. He did have a son called John who was also a carpenter who resided at 25, William Street, St Pauls.
William Street, Dings
Samuel Isles, beer retailer (Off Licence) Francis Evans, grocer
William Street, Pylle Hill, Totterdown
2. Edwin Nott, haulier 3. George and Henry Roe 74. Henry Haskins, baker, Victoria house
1. Gilbert Babbage, vict, King William Hotel 1868 – 69. Aaron Davy / 1871 – 83. Gilbert Babbage / 1885 – 88. Matilda Morse / 1889 – 91. Henrietta Thomas 1892 to 1896. John Southwood / 1897. Joseph Gair / 1899. H. Smith / 1904. Emily Newman / 1909. Joseph Gullock 1912 – 21. Florence Annie Geh / 1925 – 38. Frederick Grove.
Williams’ Court, off Barton Street
Richard Excell – Aged 46 in 1818, a shoemaker living with his wife in Williams’ Court, Barton Street, they, were receiving relief payments from St Peter’s Hospital.
Willway Street, Philip Street, Bedminster
Robert Lewis, grocer William Morgan, mason
George Parker, vict, Willway Tavern 1871. George Parker / 1872 to 1886. Herman Tozer / 1887 – 89. Elizabeth Tozer / 1891 – 1906. Alfred Tozer 1909. William Saunders / 1914 – 21. Leonard Wyatt / 1925 – 31. Robert Wyatt.
Samuel Hardwick, vict, Eagle Tavern 1871 – 77. Samuel Hardwick / 1878. Eli Bowditch / 1881 – 82. William Fewings / 1883 – 91. William Hill / 1892. Joseph Wring 1896. Mary Jane Wring / 1899. Henry Nichols / 1901. William Bryant / 1904. M. Broomsgrove.
Jesse Bumbold, vict, Chequers Tavern Whitehouse Lane / Willway Street. 1865 – 87. Jesse Rumbold / 1888 – 99. Benjamin Rowse / 1901. Henry Pillinger / 1904 – 06. Mary Hampton / 1909. Henry Hampton 1914. William Bailey / 1917 – 21. Albert Evans / 1925 – 28. Nellie Catherine Foxwell / 1931. Gabriel Biggin 1934 – 38. William James Rowland.
Willway Street, Whipping Cat Hill to Lucky Lane
15. Thomas Chinnock, dairyman Wethered, Cossham, and Wethered, coal merchants, Railway yard
16. J. Gazzard, grocer and beer retailer, vict, Beaufort Arms grocery, bakery and beer house. 1870 – 76. Joseph Gazzard / 1881 – 86. William Bowyer / 1888. H. Maynard / 1888 – 89. John H. Kennard / 1891. Charlotte Baker 1892. George Dunn / 1899. Elizabeth Gulley / 1901 – 06. Hannah Underdown / 1914. Harry Stubbins.
Wilmot’s Crescent, Rose Street, Great Gardens
Wilmot’s Vale, Pipe Lane, Temple
Wilson Avenue, Wilson Street to Cross Gardens
(Beaufort Cottages)
Mark Appleby Charles W. Porter John Woodward, carpenter and builder Elizabeth Thomas
(Beaufort Place)
John Purnell George Dowling, smith Charles Cockle James Bailey Thomas Wright Edwin Mutton, boot maker
Wilson Court, Wilson Street
Wilson Place, Wilson Street
John Gore, 1, Wilson villas William Mortimer, 2, Wilson villas John Edwards, Aldine cottage M. Bendell, Gloster cottage John Cockle Joseph Baker John Kirby M. Fowler William Thompson John Southern John Cudler, mason Joseph Davis, painter
Wilson Street, Portland Square to Cross Gardens
1. Charles D. Hall, relieving ofiicer 2. George Higgs Masters 3. William Wills, (post office) 4. Mrs Parry 5. Angus Cameron, draper 6. Henry Jones, carpenter 7. Miss Louisa Roberts 8. James Perry, boot maker 9. Joseph Griffin 10. William Ackland 11. William Smith 12. Charles Allen 13. David Griffin 14. Amos Deacon 15. Edward Taplin 16. Thomas Jones (Gideon Cottages Intersect) 13. James Burrell 14. George Winterson, mason 15. Charles Cuthbert 16. Daniel Chapple 17. James Larcombe, grocer & beer seller 18. Mrs Cox 19. John Routley, grocer & beer seller (cross over)
St. Paul’s National School, Henry George Clevely, master, Miss Wood, mistress – see below
19. John Clark 20. Mary Smith 21. John Marsh, wood carver 22. Samuel Pullin 23. David Williams 24. John Wakley, mason 25. Thomas Wall 26. Jane Ash 27. Elizabeth Holder 28. James Kingcott, tailor and draper 29. Frank Webb 30. George Adlam, junr. 31. Charles Phillips Robert Nicholls 32. John Evans 33. Priscilla Mainwaring 31. Malcombe Robertson, tailor, etc 35. Sidney Sprod 36. John Postance 37. R. S. Deacon 38. Nathaniel Davis
Wright and Butler, lamp manufacturers of Birmingham. 1875 exhibited petroleum heating stoves at the 1875 Smithfield Club Show. Oil lamps with the American-style circular ‘The Union Burner’. By 1913 they had been taken over by Falk Veritas of London but use of the Trade name continued.
Parochial Schools, Wilson Street, St Pauls In 1883 225 boys, 162 girls. In 1898 185 boys, 162 girls. Some members of staff as listed in directories, etc: George Vernon (Teacher), Miss F Perry (Teacher) 1861 Mr Clevely (Teacher), Miss Roberts (Teacher) 1883.
Notes: In 1858 John Henry Trinder who had been a pupil teacher at the school was made a Queen’s Scholar, being entitled to 3 years’ education at one of Her Majesty’s Training Colleges free of charge. At the annual school treat in July 1861 400 children were present in the morning when they were examinaed in Scripture by Rev H Rogers, the incumbent and in grammar, gepgraphy and arithmetic by their respective teachers. In the evening there was a substantial tea in the school room which had been decorated with flowers and mottos. In the centre was suspended a white silk banner with a bridal rosette in the middle, as a token of regard of the incumbent’s daughter, Mary Anne Rogers, who had married Thomas Byard Winter Sheppard the previous week. The banner bore the words ‘God bless our pastor’s daughter – Happiness attend her’ in blue lettering.
George Vernon was Master for 18 years and in July 1868 he left to take up the Mastership of the Earl Ducies schools at Tortworth. Several of his past students started a collection and in the end there were 169 subscribers who gave a total of £25. He was presented with an English gold lever watch with guards and appendages and there was enough left over for a pair of vases for Mrs Vernon. At the presentation on July 20th he was also awarded an illuminated text. Edward William Clevely was the second son of George and Emma Clevely. He died aged 22 in October 1884. In July 1886 Ada Reilly Sims passed the examination for admittance to Red Maids.
Henry Flower – A groom in the service of Mr Tucker of Surrey Mews. He lived at 10, Wilson Street, St Pauls. In July 1885 he was riding a horse through Cumberland Street when the animal slipped and he sustained a compound fracture of the left leg.
Wilson Terrace, Wilson Street
1. Joseph Bridges 2-3. Harriett Thomas 4. George Case 5. William Blake, tailor 6. S. Barrett, painter, etc 7. Alfred Tucker 8. James Stokes
Windmill Hill, Whitehouse Lane
Edward Edgar, beer retailer Edward Parsons, grocer James Webber, boot maker, Clifton view cottage Mrs Gummer, shopkeeper Albert Stone, Bethel Chapel (Congregational) founded 1855. Windmill Hill Board School. Architect A R F Trew.
Sarah Annie Jones, vict, Rising Sun Alfred Road (Windmill Hill) 1853 – 63. William Old / 1871 – 72. Sarah Jones / 1874. William Cheeseman / 1875 to 1888. William Allen / 1889 – 92. John Crossman 1896 – 1917. William Haines / 1928 – 31. James Templar / 1933 – 50. William King / 1953. Walter Lippiatt.
William Bray, vict, Friendship Windmill Hill. 1871 – 1909. William Bray / 1914. Henry Bray / 1917 – 21. Maurice Gould / 1925. Rosina Gould / 1928 – 31. Rosina Parfitt 1935 – 38. Frederick Burchill / 1950 – 53. Frederick Thorne / 1960. R. C. Loveridge / 1975. D. W. Hooper.
Edwin Griffiths, vict, Saddler’s Arms 1871. Edwin Griffiths.
(Providence Place)
Ann Callow, grocer George Merritt, butcher
Stephen Hopper Hemmings, vict, Spotted Horse Providence Place (Mill Lane) 1842 – 58. Henry Wakefield / 1860 – 69. Samuel Barber / 1871 – 72. Stephen Hopper Hemmings / 1874 – 78. William Davey 1879. George Parker / 1881 – 97. Isaac Gould / 1899. William Brayley / 1904 – 38. Alfred Giles / 1944 – 50. Albert May 1953. Ernest Edward May.
Henry Parker, vict, Colston’s Arms Providence Place, Mill Lane. 1775. Evan Williams / 1792. John Cox / 1837 – 40. James Parker / 1842 – 87. Henry Parker / 1888 – 1901. Charles R. Parker 1904. Frederick Bishop / 1904 to 1908. William Hamlyn / 1909 – 21. Thomas Horner / 1925 – 44. Edwin Nathaniel Watkins 1950 – 53. Frederick Prideaux.
John Cox (d. January 1899) Aged 43 of Alfred Road, Windmill Hill, found dead in bed. Inquest revealed he suffered pains in his chest. Verdict cardiac failure.
John Howell (d. February 1872) He was 46 when he was found dead in a limekiln on Windmill Hill. His wife Eliza, who had been separated from him for 5 years said he had formerly been a cooper, but due to drink he had had a paralytic seizure and had been put in the workhouse.. He had however left the day before and slept in the kiln where he was found dead by George Rogers a limeburner, on arriving for work.
Windmill Hill Terrace, Windmill Hill
New Mission, Windmill Hill This was opened in August 1884. Rev Canon Mather speaking at the ceremony said many years ago he had unsuccessfully tried to get a church built in the area and was glad to see that there was now a mission rooms. It was beautiful, inexpensive but in want of so many things, not even a harmonium as the one that was there that day had been lent to them. The room was capable of holding 230 people, being 45′ 6" by 20′ 6" with a gallery at one end and a movable platform at the other. On top of the building was a gilded weathervane representing a windmill. A design for a church had been approved at that time, but money was required to carry out the building of it.
Windsor Court, Blackfriars, Lewin’s Mead
Blackfriars Board School, Maudlin Street. Some members of staff as listed in directories, etc: J Whippey (Master), Miss Sophia Vigor (Mistress) 1883-1865 Miss Mitchell (Mistress) 1898.
Moravian Day, Sunday and Infant Schools, Blackfriars and Maudlin Street. In 1872 for 100 boys and 100 girls. Some members of staff as listed in directories, etc: Mr Stockman (Master, Miss Vigor (Mistress) 1872.
Windsor Court, Temple Street
Windsor Court, Kingsland Road
Windsor Terrace, Whitehouse Lane
William H. Gregory, chemist Thomas Webb, greengrocer Samuel Hignell, grocer, etc
John Perrett, vict, Forester’s Arms Whitehouse Lane. 1871. James Perrett / 1872. John Perrett / 1874 – 77. James Crof / 1879 – 89. Wellington Beaven / 1891 – 1917. William Evans 1921 – 35. Arthur Evans / 1936 – 1937. Caroline Evans / 1937. Grace Johnson / 1944 – 53. Caroline Sutor.
Henry Dalton – In February 1872 he was 35 years old, a labourer of 28, Windsor Terrace, Bedminster. He had been unloading bags of sugar from the ship Zanzibar, when he stumbled and fell about 20 feet into the hold and died on the spot. An inquest was held.
Windsor Terrace, Granby Hill, near Paragon, Clifton
1. Joseph Tinn 2. Mrs McGeachey 3. Michael Castle 4. Rev. Walter J. Whiting 5. Isaac Allan Cooke 7. Henry Tayler 10. Miss P. Usher Herbert De Winton, Windsor villa William F. Fox, 1, Windsor place Arthur Carter, 2, Windsor place
Windsor Terrace, St Paul’s
1. William Garrard 2. Robert Couch 3. Samuel James Toleman 4. Mary Matthews 5. Thomas Austin 6. Noah Browning 7. Charles Wathen 8. Sarah Harding 9. William Besley (police)
Windsor Terrace, Totterdown
Mark Thomas George Richardson, shipping agent W. Bucknell Thomas Powell Felix Raistrick Charles Thomas, builder Robert Goddard John Wallbridge William Paul, mason Charles Woodman, cooper J. L. Vincent, pianoforte tuner
Windsor Terrace, Woolcott Park
Henry Long Benjamin Vowles James Heard J. R. Freeman Charles Blackburn Herr Voit, professor of music George Vinney Miss Chapple George Towning H. R. Wheeler James Chard, British schoolmaster Alfred R. Watson, professor of music H. Evans W. French, grocer & provision factor
George Wolfe 1834-1890 Born in Bristol, adopted in early life by a Mrs Buckley of Windsor Terrace, Clifton. Painted marine views and landscapes, oil and watercolour. On his marriage went to live in Hampshire.
Wine Street, Corn Street to Narrow Wine Street
1. Mary Bell, fishmonger & fruiterer J. W. Trew, surveyor F. Powell, lithographer 2-3. William and Alfred Edwards, hosiers, glovers, etc 4. Samuel Miller, stationer, fancy depot 5. George Nattriss, confectioner 6. Cotterell Brothers, paper-hangings manufacturers 7-8. O’Handlen & Co., umbrella & fishing tackle manufacturers 9. Samuel J. Burman, watch maker, etc 10. Charles M’Millan, tailor and draper 11-13. A. T. Maishman, milliner and fur manufacturer 14. Baker & Burt, ladies’ outfitters, etc 15-16. Charles and Son, tailors 17. Ridler, Coulman, & Co. Manchester warehousemen, etc 18. Joseph Vincent, brush & comb maker 19. G. Edwards and Son, outfitters 20. John Catlin, brush and comb maker 21. Edward John, hat maker 21. O. Ransford, wholesale hat maker 22. James Candy & Son, linen warehouse 23. John Stroud, chemist 24-26. John W. Langdon & Co. woollen merchants 27-28. Gray & Co., milliners, etc 29. J. Barker, glass and china warehouse 30. William Pockson & Son, fringe and fancy warehouse 31. Maurice Michael, watchmaker and pawnbroker 32. Wills, Biggs and Williams, general warehousemen 33-35. S. Weston, milliner and mantle warehouseman 36. Thomas Bale, watchmaker, etc 37. Martin Wintle, silk mercer, etc 38. Henry Peart, straw warehouse 39. Hillyer & Trew, hosiers & lacemen 40. Thomas Thompson, hosier & laceman 41. Henry Jacob Allis, watch maker 42. David Hyam, outfitter 43. Sharp and Granger, linen drapers 44. Todd and Co. outfitters 45-47. Snow and Taylor, linen drapers, silk mercers, etc 48. Coombs & Co. woollen drapers 49. J. Lodge & Co. bonnet, fur, and mantle warehouse 50-54. Baker, Baker, & Co. warehousemen, drapers, etc 55. Richard Taylor, linen draper, etc 56-60. Jones & Co. linen drapers, etc 61-62. D. P. Belfield & Son, toy & fancy goods warehouse 63-64. J. A. Hodgson, hosier and outfitter 65. J. Baker, hosier and shirt maker 66. Maurice Moore, tobacconist and foreign money exchange 67. Thomas W. Tilly, hat & umbrella maker & fancy bag dealer
Adam and Eve, Wine Street (also listed as Wine Street Passage) For sale on 19th January 1860 as in the possession of George Knowland under lease for 14 years from 14th September 1857, rent £105. Freehold and free. Listed in Inn and Commercial Tavern section.
Information on landlords: F Probart 1824 Edwin Ward 1836-40 George Knowland 1852 G Knowland 1867 George Frederick Knowland 1878 Elizabeth Knowland 1882. Notes: Richard Trotman described as ‘late landlord’ died aged 46 at Coronation Road on March 20th 1840.
Notes: Mr Knowland had a disagreement with T Jones of Jones & Co when the firm’s new store was being erected in Wine Street owing to a part of a cellar used by Mr Knowland being purchased by Mr Jones during the construction. This boiled over on 1st May 1855. Mr Jones had been celebrating a win in Chancery with a group of friends at the house of Mr McMillan, consuming half a dozen bottles of champagne between them which they decided would benefit froma a brandy and water chaser. So they went to the Adam and Eve, whereupon Mr Knowland burst out, grabbed Mr Jones by the collar, pushed him against a wall and swore that he would not enter. After asking him by letter to apologise and send an amount to the Bristol Infirmary, to which there was no reply, Mr Jones brought a case against Mr Knowland that was heard at the Tolzey Court in July. After hearing the evidence the Recorder stated that it would be better settled out of court, which was done.
In 1856 John Baker was charged at Bristol Police Court with stealing three coats from the tavern, the property of Mr Knowland, the landlord. Baker, a recruit, to whom Mr Knowland was said to have shown great kindness, was said to have confessed his guilt and to be very contrite and on the landlord.s intercession the charge was dropped and Baker handed over to his sergeant.
In January 1870 it was reported that for many years Mr Knowland had placed on the smoking tables each Saturday a box in aid of the Royal Infirmary and General Hospital, He had regularly, until recently before his health failed, shaken the box before each customer in the 2 rooms with a friendly request for a penny. The collection for 1861 amounted to 25 guineas, in 1869 was £25 4s.
Mr Knowland was also a visitor at St Peter’s Hospital and Robert James ‘a big powerful man’ who had been an inmate and knew him from this work was taken to court on 1868 for threatening him when he would not offer employment. In 1883 Mrs Knowland reported the collection boxes holding £2 12s 8d.
In March 1884 Albert O’ Brien and Albert Richards were charged with having stolen a pint measure from the pub. It was noticed by a policeman that the measure was marked with ‘Knowland, Adam and Eve’ on the side. O’Brien said that he had ordered the beer just before closing time and could not finish it all so he had taken the cup away and was going to return it the next week. They were fined 11s without costs.
George Beard – In October 1892 was charged along with his elder brother George, with stealing dress material and other goods from Messrs Jones in Wine Street. George had been employed by the firm as a porter for 2 years. A shop assistant, Helen Anstey stated that she had cut a length of dress material and put it aside and when she returned it was missing. At 6pm George asked her for paper to wrap a parcel and when she followed him the cloth was found there. He pleaded guilty and when he was accompanied to 2, Orchard Street, the Batch, where he lived other pieces of material were found there. His brother lived in 54, Goodhind Street , where more material was found.
Eliza Emily Cottrell, of Wine Street. Declared bankrupt 2nd June 1868.
Joseph Dyer – A lodging house keeper of Wine Street, inserted a notice in the newspaper, February 1818, expressing thanks to the Governor, Deputy Governor and Guardians of the Poor for not prosecuting him ‘for suffering Margaret Thomas, a single woman to lye in at my house of a Bastard Child, thus bringing a charge upon the parish of St Peter’.
Widow Foord – In 1757 was a glover. Lived near the Corn Market in Wine Street.
Catherine Forster (d. 18th January 1805) Eldest daughter of Mr Joseph Forster formerly an apothecary in Wine Street. Died in her 30th year of a consumption ‘as did her two sisters, a few years past.’ according to obituary notice.
Ralph Oliff – Landlord of the Three Tuns In Wine Street. Was sheriff in 1664 and mayor in 1673 and it is claimed he said he took office ‘solely to persecute the Nonconformists.’ Died aged 64 and was buried in the chancel of All Saints.
Mrs Oxley – In 1827 she and three of her children perished in a fire in Wine Street.
Philip Scapulis (d. 1590) Originally from Trier, a stationer lived in Wine Street. In 1577 he was involved (with others) in a dispute with the Attorney General regarding whether their houses which had previously belonged to the Merchant Tailors’ Guild were therefore property of the Crown It was decided by jury that this was not the case. Wife Elizabeth, daughter Margaret, who was born in 1581 and died 4 years later. It is unlikely that he had any other children as they are not mentioned in his will which left bequests to cousins and godsons, neighbours and an ex-apprentice Richard Foorde.
Businesses Wine Street
The Don, 45 and 46 Wine Street (Clothing) The Bristol branch of the Don opened in 1883 under Manager W H Forsyth, who presided over a staff of 30. was one of many in towns throughout England. The upper floor housed workrooms, where at the end of the 19th century sewing machines were ‘driven by an engine, also acting as the motor for the dynamo forming the generator for the electric light installation.’ The height of technology in the high street.
While bespoke tailoring was carried on using these sewing machines, the ready to wear items were made at Stroud. This enabled them to charge the customer only one shilling per ready-made item over the cost price. The handsome premises were destroyed during the Second World War, although the company carried on. Moving to the top of Park Street, particularly noted in the later years as recommended suppliers of school uniforms.
Parnall & Sons, Narrow Wine Street Parnall’s – much more than shop fitters, although this advertisement was specifically aimed at the grocery trade.
H G Parnall founded the business in 1820 and in 1893 it was being described as ‘immense’, having become a limited company some four years earlier. As well as the main warehouse and showroom in Narrow Wine Street, the company had an iron and brass foundry at Rosemary Street and a steam joinery at Fairfax Street. Scales and weighing machines (including the Patent National Balances invented by Mr Parnall and 20,000 sold between 1883 and 1893) were manufactured at Fishponds. The Patent Agate Hand Scales were described as ‘specially worthy of the attention of tea dealers……when suspended above the counter they will work three times as long as any other scale without getting out of order’.
The wide range of items manufactured and supplied also included weighbridges (suitable for railway companies, collieries and public corporations), scoops, sack lifters, barrows and trucks, canisters (in large variety), counter boxes and window show trays, show glasses, butchers’ and other warranted cutlery, marble top tables (for restaurants etc), show stands, treacle cisterns, safes and cash boxes, patent tills, provision tickets, window name plates, tobacco cutters and tobacconists’ fixtures, chairs, bottling machines hand carts, coffee mills, tea mixers, hoists, lifts and gas engines.
They employed 10 representatives on the road and 400 workmen.
Winscombe Buildings, Frogmore Street
Winscombe Court. Frogmore Street
Winsford Street, Pennywell Road, Stapleton Road
Joseph Thorley, painter, etc Thomas Curtis, tailor, etc Mary Gapper, greengrocer, etc James H. Cole, grocer & tea dealer George Woolley Mrs Mary Young Charles Turner, mariner Charles Shapland Thomas Rutley, shoe maker Joseph Snell, tanner, etc Alfred Johnson, mechanic William Rowe Fitzroy Robert Colborne, painter and glazier John Jennings, baker Simeon Millman, tea dealer
Mary Jenkins,vict, Pine Apple Pennywell Road. In 1881 Mary Jenkins described herself as ‘publican – out of business’. 1853. Robert Fewing / 1854. Mary Fewing / 1861 – 66. James Webber / 1867 – 79. Mary Jenkins / 1883 – 1904. William Whitaker 1909 – 21. Charles Tristram / 1925 – 38. Henry Castle / 1944 – 53. Edith Holbrook (James Webber was a publican, and potato dealer).
Winsley Villas, Coburg Road, Montpelier
Woburn Place, near Grenville Place, Hotwells
Woodbury Place, Black Boy Hill
Woodbury Terrace, Blackboy Hill
Woodland Road, Tyndall‘s Park to Cotham Road
Miss Butt, Bannerleigh house James Proctor, Moreton house Robert H. Symes, Carlton house Capt. Charles Mallard, R.N. Dundonald house Thomas N. Harwood Augustus Phillips, Lansdown house J. S. Marchant, Somerville house William Sturge, Chilliswood house John Hill Morgan, Parklands house Alfred Gardiner, Dale villa
Iron Church In the fashionable suburb of Clifton, amid the large villas, a mission church was built of iron in 1865. Plans were drawn up for a permanent church by the celebrated architect James Piers St Aubyn, his only church in Bristol, and building was slow, 1870-81. His planned steeple, similar in appearance to that built at Christ Church, never rose above the basement stage and serves as a rather enormous NW porch.
Concerns about the stability of the building brought in John Bevan and he rebuilt part of the nave and chancel, completed 1909. It survived in use until 1976 when the parish was joined to St Saviour. The joint parish purchased the redundant Highbury Chapel c1975 which in turn was restored and rededicated to St Saviour & St Mary, Cotham to replace both buildings. The BBC purchased the Tyndall’s Park church for use as a scenery store. The interior was subdivided and a new entrance created in the north aisle. The church was acquired in the mid-1990s by a free-church congregation, and now in use as the Woodlands Christian Centre. Work began in July 2000 to convert the upper floor into supported housing and the ground floor is to be retained for worship.
Abergeldie, Woodland Road, Clifton No 19 in road. left hand side going towards Park Row.
Bannerleigh, Woodland Road, Clifton No 15 in road. left hand side going towards Park Row.
Carlton House, Woodland Road, Clifton No 11 in road. left hand side going towards Park Row.
Dundonald House, Woodland Road, Clifton No 9 in road. left hand side going towards Park Row.
Gordon Lodge, Woodland Road, Clifton No 17 in road. left hand side going towards Park Row.
Woodland Terrace, Hampton Road to Auburn Road
1. David Clarke Lindsey 2. Miss Eliza Peters 3. M. A. H. Wood 5. Caroline Ridgway 6. Edward Joseph Heyre
Woodwell Cottages, White Hart Lane
Woodwell Crescent, Jacob’s Wells
Woolcott Buildings, Lower Redland Road to Clyde Road
1. William Pincott 2. John Guppy 3. Benjamin Hall, grocer 4. Mrs Boxwell 5. Thomas Gammon 6. George Morgan, dairyman 7. George Parsons 8. James Carp 9. Walter Mizen, junior 10. Walter Mizen, senior 11. John Shorland, carpenter 12. Maurice Taylor, carpenter and stationer 13. Jeremiah Wicks 14. John Henson, boot maker 15. John Bool 16. William John Woodman 17. Enos Boulter 18. ?. Fear 19. John Knight 20. Enoch Ford 21. Isaac House, greengrocer & fruiterer, Fairfield cottage 22. Thomas Roberts, dairyman 23. T. Roberts, teacher of the piano, etc 24. Mrs Ann Ricketts Miss Catherine Downs, dressmaker William Johns John Smith
Thomas Skyrme, vict, Shakespeare Tavern Lower Redland Road 1867 – 75. Thomas Skyrme / 1876 – 83. Emma Skyrme / 1885 – 92. Jane Marie Tavener / 1894 – 1928. Jane Marie Row 1931 – 35. John Pullen / 1937 – 50. William Hardwell / 1953. Lily Rose / 1975. A. T. H. Bryant Jane Marie Tavener/Rowe was the niece of Thomas and Emma Skyrme.
Woolcott Park, Clyde Road to Lover’s Walk
Uriah Mullett, dairyman & haulier William Knowles, Rhosven lodge Albert Gribble, Wynn house Robert Acton Dodds, Gordon house ?. Stockwell house Capt. Thomas W. Hives, Marlbro’ villa George Gatchell, Carrville villa Mrs Frankland Evelyn villa W. B. Morgan, Brockley villa Mrs Mary Harris, Merton villa Mrs Hannah Hall, Eversley house Alfred Albert Holmes, Northcote house Arthur G. Heaven, Lyndhurst villa Mrs Francis Gatchell, Sunnyside villa Alfred P. Menefy, Dunmore villa Mrs John Dix, Penmaen villa Mrs Mary Ann Williams, Kingmead villa Christopher Pocklington, Didsbury villa William Arthur Leonard, Woolbury villa John Clarke Wallop, Innisville villa Miss C. Dickenson, Sidney lodge George Young Home, Roseville villa James Bailey, Sidney house Mrs Edmond Gill, Old Cleve house ?. Rock house Edwin Tardrew, Newlands villa Henry Wansborough, Bewdley villa ?. Ahorn house James Buck, Brookville lodge Jesse Harris, Clarefont house Eliza Knowles, Myrtle lodge Dennis Fairchild, Melrose villa Miss Chard, Gouldnappe house ?. Fripp, Carr villa
St Saviour’s Infant School, Woolcott Park. In 1898 for 100 children. Some members of staff as listed in directories, etc: Misss A Coombe (Mistress) 1898.
Charles Seaman – Living at 6. Leigh Villas, Woolcott Park when prosecuted by Bristol School Board in January 1875 for not sending children to school and fined 3 shillings.
Woolcott Park Terrace, Woolcott Park
George Henry Pike, Gifford lodge Mrs Isabella Butler, Wilton villa Christopher Waltham Porter Miss Morgan, ladies’ school
Worcester Crescent, College Road (South)
Woodforde Ffookes Joseph B. Powell Admlral James Vashon Baker Graham Campbell Mrs Radcliffe Montagu Gilbert Blackburn Miss Elizabeth Salmon
Worcester Lawn, College Road (South)
Joseph L. Roeckel, professor of music Rev. Beedam Charlesworth Mrs Christian C. Jones Dr. George Thompson
Worcester Terrace, Clifton Park
Frederick William Badock, Badminton house Misses Haycock Henry Pritchard Charles Stewart Clarke Rev. Nicholas Pocock Rev. F. Vaughan Mather William Edward Fox Lady Molyneaux Arthur Montague Mrs Catherine Span Robert Dow Ker Rev. Philip Ashby Phalps Gwinnett Tyler
Sshools Clifton Park
Anna Maria Notley & Louisa Nascele Harris, school, Worcester House, Worcester Terrace.
Miss Bartlett’s School for Young Ladies, Badminton House, Clifton park, Clifton. Listed 1898.
Clifton High School for Girls, Clifton Park, Clifton.
A R Douglas’ School for Young Gentlemen, Colchester House, Clifton Park, Clifton. Listed 1898.
Worcester Villas, College Road (South)
Francis Black, M.D. Worcester lodge William Killegrew Wait George Wills Major Owen, Barham lodge Swinfen Jordan, Cherith lodge
Wordsworth Terrace, Woolcott Park
World’s End, White Hart Steps, Jacob’s Wells
Worrall’s Road, Caroline Row, Durdham Down
Wright’s Court, Pipe Lane, Temple Street
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luckytime777 · 5 years ago
willway ウィルウェイ を使った英文リスト
He will have everything his own way. 彼は勝手な真似をする
He will have everything his own way. 彼は身勝手なことばかりする
I will do myself the honour to show you the way. ご案内申しましょう
The crying child and my lord will have their way. 泣く子と地頭には勝たれぬ
I will let my boy have his own way. 子どもの望みに任せよう
I will look in upon you when I am going there―on my way there. 行きしなに君の処へ寄ろう
I will find some plan―devise some plan―contrive some way. どうか趣向してみよう
The matter will be settled in some such way. その辺でケリがつくだろう
That is the better of the two―(そうした方がよいの意味なら)―That will be the better way. その方がよい
I will buy some for trial―by way of experiment. 試しに少し買ってみよう
I will employ him by way of experiment―take him on trial―give him a trial―give him a chance. 試しに彼を使ってみよう
I will go with you part of the way. 途中までお伴しよう
Though there is nothing by way of relish, we will have a drink. 何が無くとも一杯飲もう
He will have his own way. 彼は意地を通さなけれりゃ聴かぬ
I will employ him by way of experiment―give him a trial―give him a chance. 彼を試しに使ってみよう
0 notes
tremendouslypurplepeace · 5 years ago
WillWay ウィルウェイ 英語例文
He will have everything his own way. 彼はまがままな振舞をして困る
I will go a little way with you. そこまでいっしょに行こう
He will have everything his own way. 彼は得手勝手ばかり言う
I will go there for a walk―by way of a walk. 散歩がてら行って来よう
A crying child and my lord will have their way. 泣く子と地頭には勝たれぬ
I will look in upon you on my way home. 帰りに君の家へ寄ろう
I will put you in the way of getting your own living. 生活の道を立ててやる
Sane people will make way for a madman. 無理が通れは道理が引込む
You will have everything your own way. お前は得手勝手ばかり言って困る
I will look in on my way to school. 学校へ行きがけに寄ろう
I will go with you a part of the way. 途中まで一緒に行こう
You will have everything your own way. お前は自分勝手で困る
to play the waiting game―sit on the fence―see which way the cat will jump 観望政策をとる
He will have everything his own way 彼は勝手な真似ばかりする
She will have everything her own way. この子は勝手気ままで困る
I will let her do as she pleases―let her have her own way. 娘の心まかせにしましょう
I will employ him for trial―by way of experiment. 試みに彼を使ってみよう
0 notes
luckytime777 · 5 years ago
I will go with you part of the way. 途中までご一緒しましょう.
“Will you lend me money?"“No way." 「お金を貸してくれますか」「だめだ」.
Where there's a will, there's a way. 石に矢の立つためしもある.
I will walk the rest of the way. これから先は歩いて行きます.
You will have to go a long way to find a dog like this. こんな犬はざらにはいない.
Where there's a will, there's a way. 精神一到何事か成らざらん.
I will keep you company part of the way. 途中までお付き合いしましょう.
I will go some [part] of the way with you. 途中までお供しましょう.
If he continues to act that way, he will become unpopular. あんな風では人に嫌われる.
By way of entertainment there will be a raffle. 余興に福引きがあります.
It will be to your disadvantage to act that way. そんな事をしては君に不利だ.
0 notes