#Why tf did I forget to add the character tags??
donelywell · 8 months
Sonic talking like Alvin (Alvin and the Chipmunks movie) is going around in my head. Little hedgehog that squeaks like a dog toy. He's small, and he talks funny. Roadtrip!AU should be like that. It has to be.
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Actually, I kinda think Sonic sounds like Jason Griffith's Sonic from Unleashed.
Sonic's older in this AU, so it makes sense for Jason's Sonic since he sounds more mature in my opinion. Plus, this au is pretty chill most of the time, so Jason's calmer Sonic voice actually is perfect for him.
He does have a high pitched hedgehog squeak when he's startled or scared though.
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shoko-komi · 9 months
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This Special Edition of The Komi Report is split into multiple posts. This is Part Two. Click here for Part One
5. It's Emoyama, Continued
I'm only listing the final chapter, but the whole little arc about Emoyama is basically the 5th pick. It added a new word to my vocabulary – Emoi. I'd say that on its own warrants a place here. But that's far from the only reason. 
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With Najimi tagging along for the ride, these chapters feel like old times again. Komi's got a problem communicating with a classmate, the three stooges (Komi, Tadano, and Najimi) put their heads together to reach an understanding, and goofs ensue. It's fun, it's funny, it's light, and it's sweet. And it's well set up, with Emoyama's reason for crisis (peeling the unripe fruit of Emoi) having occurred quite a while beforehand. 
Add onto that how long Emoyama has been around - she even appears as a teaser in the (current) final scene of the anime... 
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...along with Lily Sukida. Now that's what I call venerable. Anytime a character like her finally gets some serious attention it's a surprise, a delight, and a treat. Komi's world is full of sleeper agents waiting for their moment. (Just btw, I super ship Sukida and Emoyama now. Maybe I should write a fic....) 
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...it gave us this. Sledgehammer Komi...... 
I love you, Emoyama. And your mother
Honourable Mentions 407 – Interview  409 - Can't Say Sorry  416 – The Rest  417/418 - Ogiya/Super Awesome  427 – Cool  429/430 - Fuki's Story  433 – A Date with Rumiko 
Funniest Joke
Comedy is extremely subjective, so take this category with a grain of salt. But given how much I've had to say about Kawai, I doubt you'll be too surprised: 
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When tf did she have time to make this??????? It's all of the buildup that makes this so memorable to me; how Kawai is so serious and intimidating until she bonds with komi. Then it's like a switch flips in her head. She's such a dork. 
The whole of 393 is one joke – Kawai made a DVD about how they'd benefit from marrying her – so I'm saying the whole chapter gets the funniest joke award and calling it day. There's no better way to explain why this one's a winner than to show you some screenshots, so enjoy: 
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I love you, Kawai (it bears repeating) 
Most Emoi Moment
This award would have gone to the kiss, but there's an underdog who I think has worked harder for it. She's captain of the track team; an aspiring restaurateur; an old friend, a bitter rival, and a true hero; and she's never won a damn thing in her life. She needs this. 
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She's Makeru Yadano at the year three sports carnival!!! I bet you were surprised this chapter wasn't mentioned among my top picks; not even the honourable mentions!! That's what we in the biz call a fake out. I could never forget my girl Makeru. 
Something I noticed while writing this - Yadano probably would have won... 
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...except that Komi got a head start. You can see that Yadano starts a moment behind (because her teammates are Sarutahiko and Inui, RIP). A relay race is a team effort, so can you really say that Yadano lost? Maybe I'm undermining her personal growth moment. Whoops. 
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I would also like to pay my respects to Benujit Spopo, a walk-of-fame KCC gag in my opinion. It appeared this year! 
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(From Ch. 404 – Tales from the Summer Festival, Part 2) 
I love you, Yadano
Reader's Choice
Now is the time. This is the moment. The most coveted and prestigious award of all – the Reader's Choice Award. (It's the most coveted and prestigious because it's determined by democracy 🫡) 
For this category, the Komi Report received a record-shattering four votes - that's right!! Four votes!!! From you, the readers. 
The votes were extremely varied, and it turned out to be very useful that most people named multiple chapters in their submission. I used a sort of preferential voting system – I tallied everyone's first choice and there was no winner, so I added everyone's second choice, then third etc etc. 
Thus we find our victor. With a landside two votes, the 2023 Reader's Choice Award goes to: 
*drum roll* 
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Paam pa du paam!! Chapters 417 & 418 – Ogiya & Super Awesome!!!! 
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Well deserved!!!!!!!! Ogiya's story is heartbreaking; he was driven to become a literal man baby to escape the terrible price of popularity. Then Komi becomes the most assertive we've ever seen her as she keeps pushing him to accept her friendship. In the end, barriers are broken down!! Emoi!!!
I'm looking at this now... and Komi saying "It's alright. I'm super strong so I'll make sure you're alright" and the look on Ogiya's face.... that's making me tear up...
I love how Tadano and Ogiya are said to have been hanging out at other times before this event. It creates the feeling that these characters have lives when we aren't looking at them – very cool! It also demonstrates that Tadano attracts socially maladjusted people like a magnet. I'd say it's his gentle nature. 
My warmest thanks to everyone for their submissions. 
Phew... I'm knackered. I've been typing this in a document and the word count has passed 4,000... wowzers! 
If you've come this far, I extend to you my sincerest gratitude. I would have prepared and posted this even if I didn't expect anyone to see it, so to have someone read it all the way to the end is very cool. Maybe you even... enjoyed it?????? 
Here's my resolution for 2024 – I will strive to write every Komi Report as thoughtfully and conscientiously as I wrote this one. The weekly editions will be way shorter, of course. And I won't spend a whole week writing them, but each and every one will have the same love put into it 💪 
I hope this 2023 Annual Edition of The Komi Report got you excited about Komi Can't Communicate; whether that excitement is from being reminded of all the good times we've had, or from being annoyed by my opinions. Either way, you're thinking about Komi. 
I win. 
Now that your appetite for Komi Can't Communicate has been whet:
Check out my Komitano AMV on youtube
Or my live action Komi-san compilation video
Thank you very much! Komi returns on January 5th, 2024. I'll see you then!!
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thoughts on hell breaks loose
ok y’all i KNOWWW i’m like a month late but honestly this was a strugglebus for me to read, despite being so short. and normally i whizz through SP books in a day or two, but this was just painful to read. 
tagging @facelessxchurch as i promised to be a massive hater (i hope that’s ok!! :’) and that this lived up to your expectations lolol)
starting out with the positives of HBL so i dont look like a COMPLETE hater!! so what i liked:  
the usual SP humour was in there and it’ll never fail to make me laugh
ghastly lore!! finding out about ghastly’s past relationships and his parents!!! 
mev and serpine canonly wearing wigs (& serpine’s wig being snatched) because they may be complete villains but GOD DAMMIT, THEY’RE VILLAINS THAT HAVE AN ✨ AESTHETIC ✨
rima being the best blink-and-you’ll-miss-it new character since phase 1
the saracen vs delicat fight (was hilarious if you look past the chivalry bullshit convo)
seeing mr bliss and meritorious again!!! and just the elders in gen!! they were fucking cool!!
seeing hopeless & him interacting with everyone (we have no choice but to stan) 
dexter vex being dexter vex
now we’re going hater mode and here are all the things i had problems with: 
literally everything else. ok bye
firstly. where the hell was china/the diablerie???? anyone??? okay now i’ve got that out the way...
terrible writing
Landy’s writing has always been simple but this story is like… simpler than simple. The sentences are also oddly structured and it SEEMS like he tried to give the characters’ speech an old timey vibe but it just comes off as... really awkward sounding.
the battles for this story were unreadable for me, i found myself skipping past them because there was just no substance/detail there, or if there was detail it was just filler (looking at the last fight with the dead men vs mevolent’s gang) 
i just got bored. and i never get bored with an SP book, but 3 chapters in and i left the book for a month before i could read it again, because there seemed to be no plot until the very end.
lack of characterisation
what are the personality traits of ghastly’s mother in this? i couldn’t tell ya. hell, what were the traits of ANY character in this story? what was the point of introducing ghastly’s mum after hyping her up for so many years if you won’t utilise her?
adding onto this, all the characters just read as samey for me, if we took away the names of the characters for dialogue etc i literally would NOT be able to tell who said what, because they all had the same personality.
which brings me to the stone sisters. they had so much potential but they were just SO boring. rapture had 0 personality and i didnt care that ghastly fell in love with her. i don’t even know how he did.
also found it wild that landy is trying to push a (forced) romance between ghastly and rapture. obviously ghastly would have other people he’s interested in before tanith but is it really necessary for a story this short? Like the anselm backstory + his parent’s lore would’ve been enough, the romance didn’t add anything to this shitty story.
valkyrie fuckin’ cain
dear landy, valkyrie cain doesnt have to be in every single story. the plot does not have to revolve around her. this has been a public announcement.
why oh WHY did this bitch rock up out of nowhere halfway through the story? 
in the end it’s not like she even does much. plus if it’s a story ABOUT THE DEAD MEN, keep it about THEM, not her. 
at one part she brags about all of her stupid powers and it’s at this point that i start drinking to forget how awful this story is
most of her conversations are just ripped from the pages of when she spoke to meritorious in the OTHER parallel dimension. what was the point??? 
oh pee pee poo poo angry birds!!!11 
fuck valkyrie cain she should’ve stayed tf out of HBL
other moments from when i live-reacted to this god damn story but can’t be bothered to write about fully:
Already like one page into the book and I feel like the writing is off…? Idk I’ve been reading phase one again recently so mb its just that I forgot what phase 2 writing is like (if HBL is similar writing wise to phase 2?)
Literally two pages in and theres already typos. Someone get this man’s editor an editor.
I dunno I feel like this book is trying too hard but simultaneously not trying AT ALL
Im getting a fucking drink. Maybe that’ll make this bearable.
Im in so much pain reading this book now. And I cant stop cringing. Someone tell me when its over pLEASE
Everyone’s dyng what the fuck
Landy really is obsessed with the “ooo it was all a dream” trope shit and “ooo the timeline that never happened” bullshit huh
And for my final thought:
if the hidden god bullshit is a set up for phase 3 I don’t even WANNA know
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bookishdiplodocus · 5 years
Outlining for beginners, pantsers and chaotic writers
With NaNoWriMo coming up, maybe you want to have a NaNoPlanMo first.
This post is for you if…
… you want to try outlining, but don’t know how to begin.
… you never finish a first draft because you don’t know how to proceed or how to write a long story.
… you tend to forget certain characters are present in a scene.
… you don’t want to write your scenes chronologically, without losing track of your story.
… or you often write yourself into dead ends or have to fix major plot holes or pacing problems after finishing your first (or second, or…) draft.
First of all, this is not a plea against pantsing. If you’re a happy pantser, pants away, my darling!
1. So, first, let’s decide what story to write
I’m a big fan of the notion “write what you love”. If you don’t love your story, why write it at all, right?
Make a list of the elements or tropes or character types you like. For example:
queer character cast
and there was only one bed
faulty magic with bad consequences
punny names for minor characters
Now, make a list of things you don’t like. This helps me to stay away from them, especially if something is prevalent in my genre. For example: dragons, romantic stalking, politics, epic battles, the logistics of travel.
2. Now, make up the general storyline.
Look at your love list and turn them into a story in a few sentences. Don’t write more than a page, you’re still kindling your outline.
For example: An Asian girl is sent away by her parents for something she did in the first chapter. She thinks it’s a punishment and she assumes she’ll never see her parents again. But who is this uncle Bonkel she’s being sent to, and why has she never heard of him? Turns out, uncle Bonkel is a wizard and she’s gonna be his apprentice. He’ll introduce her into the feisty, fickle world of magic. But he already has an apprentice, a hot bi girl with the most gorgeous Afro hair. And, uh oh… there only is one bed…
This is just a quick example, I’m sure you can come up with something better. (Although… Can someone write this for me? ^-^)
3. Turn this tiny idea into an outline
Write out the different elements on post-its, or in a grid, whatever method of visualisation suits you best. I used post-its at first, so that I could swap things around, and when I was happy, I transferred it into an online excel that I can check where-ever I’m writing.
In this case, the example story breaks down to these elements:
Something happens, in hindsight we’ll see that the girl has used magic but she doesn’t realize it just yet.
Her parents overreact, giving her the impression she did something bad, and send her away to uncle Bonkel.
Who tf is uncle Bonkel? she wonders, as she is packing her stuff, never to return home again.
The reader gets to know the girl better during the train trip to uncle Bonkel, because of course, she doesn’t get there easily. Things go wrong, of course, what would you have thought?
And more things go wrong, but she deals with it, and the way she deals with it shows us what kind of a person she is.
She arrives at uncle Bonkel’s house and he is… weird.
She gets a glimpse of the dark goddess, a first impression, but they aren’t introduced yet.
Uncle Bonkel sits her down for The Talk: Yes, magic is real, and apparently she did magic. Whaaaaat?
Then she gets to meet the dark goddess, who turns out to be uncle Bonkel’s other apprentice, but apparently she’s less keen on sharing, both Bonkel’s mentorship and her bed.
Wait, her bed? There’s only one bed…?
And so forth. You get the picture. You can write big or small events on your post-its, even great parts of dialogue or random lines you came up with.
My story is more complicated than this, so I ended up making a grid for each storyline and each character (group), so I can keep track of who needs to do what when.
If you’re finished making your outline, check if you didn’t…
... leave a character dangling
... raise questions you never answered
... or start a storyline that you haven’t finished
In this example, if the girl wonders in the beginning why she never heard of uncle Bonkel, have you given an good explanation for this at some point? And if she thinks she’s never coming home again, have you included a scene in which she goes back to her parents? And is it clear to the reader why the girl thought her parents were angry when they weren’t? Have you explained why her parents don’t just sit her down and tell her about magic themselves? Or why she didn’t know about magic before the thing happened?
4. If you like, you can take this outline further to get a grip on the story’s pacing.
You can decide which events are most important and put them on a narration timeline. Afterwards, you can place the minor events around them.
To continue with my example, I decide that the scene in which she arrives at uncle Bonkel’s house will be at 20% of my story, at 40% there’s a first major magical disaster, and the first time she kisses the dark goddess will be at 50%, but of course they pretend like nothing happened, so the first time they admit there is something happening between them is at 80%. In between these events, I will play with the growing love between the girls and show them learning the fickle art of magic.
An average novel of this genre is about 75,000 words long. (You can google the average lengths for each genre.) If a total of 75,000 words is my goal, it means I need about 15,000 words (20% of 75,000) before she arrives at uncle Bonkel’s, and the first magical mishap is after about 30,000 words (40% of 75,000), etc.
From this, you can deduct how long each (post-it) element needs to be, or if you need to add a filler element, or if you need to move a post-it to a different spot.
There’s no need for your scenes to be all of the same length, of course. In my example, the scene where she gets the first glimpse of the dark goddess is much shorter than the next scene, where uncle Bonkel sits her down for The Talk.
I would advise you not to flesh out your outline too much. You don’t want to take away the creativity from writing your first draft. I usually only use one-sentence descriptions for each scene, so that I can still surprise myself while writing. This way, you’ll also avoid not finishing your outline because you get too carried away and you want to start writing before you’ve finished your outline ^-^
Okay, that’s it! Go forth and write, my darlings!
(BTW: This post describes an outline which still gives you loads of leeway. If you want to try a more structured approach, maybe my post How I turned an idea into an outline is something for you. This method gets your pacing right from the start by showing you what kind of elements go where on the narration line. The rest is pretty similar.)
I hope this was helpful. Don’t hesitate to ask me any questions, and happy writing!
Follow me for more writing advice, or check out my other writing tips here. New topics to write advice about are also always welcome.
Tag list below the cut. If you want to be added or removed, just let me know.
@writingwordsanddrawingpictures @the-words-we-never-said @writingwhithotchocolate @i-rove-rock-n-roll @maskedlady @no-time-like-write-now @timefire25 @black-lakritz-dragon @nzmayart @fandomrandomness-stuff @dangertoozmanykids101 @anaestheticdisaster @storytellingofravens  @purpleshadows1989 @mathematicpony @i-don-t-know-words @notquitenovelist @coffeescribles
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staysuki · 3 years
I have short term memory problems at this point because I keep forgetting something or the other that I wanted to send in my ask and then I go through your page and I remember and 😃
Also another person suggested the enemies to lovers project by softukiyos, so I wanted to check if you had read it because I had read it 3 times before that person suggested it and it's really good like really really good
Here's the link: https://softukiyos.tumblr.com/post/650198971876327424/the-enemies-to-lovers-project-lee-minho-%F0%9D%99%99%F0%9D%99%A7%F0%9D%99%9A%F0%9D%99%96%F0%9D%99%A2
Bs, please read it too, it's just perfection
If I remember anything, I'll send another ask because damn I am inefficient
ackkk tysm!!! 🥺 i love looking at my arms now, it has so much character huhu #multitalentedqueen
and don’t worry, i’m the same 😭 hence why sometimes i need to keep writing shit down. i once thought of a good EHALOJ arc while doing the dishes and i was like “i should write that down— hmm but my hands are busy, i’ll just remember it.”
no, i did not remember it.
oooh, i’ll have a look at it, maybe i’ll add it to my library! 😤 that blog is a barren landscape, idk how to do tags tf.
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tiny-little-bird · 7 years
Going of that other question about Sansa and Tyrion, do you think D might make their marriage valid because it gives her legitimacy in the North because Tyrion is her hand? And if so, how would Jon, Sansa, Tyrion, and the other Starklings (mainly Arya) react?
Ok, bear with me, I had written such a perfect reply, but my tablet died on me 😭
*sighs* Let’s try this again, shall we.
Yes, I have actually thought about this a few times myself. Daenerice might indeed try to make Tyrion and Sansa re-marry. I want to clarify, that Sansa and Tyrion’s marriage was unconsummated, thus it was null/annulled. Daenerice could not make their marriage valid, even if she wanted to, no one could. In order to be married once again, Sansa and Tyrion would have to re-marry, they would have to say the marriage vows, again.
Daenerice might propose it, because yes, she might think it would give her legitimacy in the North, and because she might think, that by marrying her Hand to Lady Sansa of House Stark, the daughter of Lord Eddard of House Stark, and Lady Catelyn of House Stark & House Tully, the sister (cousin) of the (now) Warden of The North, she would unite/connect the South with the North, and that would help her gain more support, and look better in the eyes of the people and the Southern Lords/Houses, but honestly, I doubt that anything she did, would make her look better in their eyes, after Field of Fire 2.0, after burning the people’s food, and after burning Dickon and Randyll Tarly alive, but idk, maybe that’s just me.
Now, onto how would Tyrion and Jon and Sansa and Arya feel.
Tyrion was already forced to marry Sansa once, fully acknowledging that Sansa did not want him nor love him, and that he didn’t love her either. I do not see him being happy about it, he would never want do cause Sansa any pain, he would definitely refuse.
Sansa and Arya have their differences, but they love each other, “You might be as different as the sun and the moon, but the same blood flows through both your hearts.” Arya loves and cares for Sansa, they are all grownup now, and can see past their differences, and accept and respect each other “In winter we must protect ourselves, look after one another.” Arya knows what happened to Sansa, “I would’ve never survived what you survived.” So Arya would get angry at Daenerice if she tried to force Sansa into a marriage, and would strongly be against it. Oh and let’s not forget Brienne, she would be joining Jon with the angry kitten mode lol Brienne loves the Stark kids, and it’s her duty to protect them from harm and pain, she swore to keep them safe, so she would obviously back Jon and Arya up, along with everyone else.
Sansa, would be beyond pissed and angry. I can just see/imagine her go: 
Sansa: “See that window? *points to largest window in the room* I’d sooner jump out of it, than, yet again, be forced to marry into the family, who murdered my family. *looks at Tyrion* No offence my Lord.”
Tyrion: “None taken, my lady. I fully understand.”
So yeah, no, Sansa would not stand for it. She has just gotten her destiny into her own hands, and here comes Entitled Tangerine going around thinking she has any right to tell her what to do, who to marry, lol no. She would not obey, Sansa would rebell.
Oh boy, may the Gods help and prepare Daenerice of House Targarice for the rage that would come her way from Jon. She has only seen him at his calmest and nicest, unlike Sansa, she has never witnessed him lose his temper, she has never fought with him, nor had an intense argument with him, so she’d definitely be taken aback. 
Jon is going to flip tf out and scream bloody murder, if D&D indeed have her say, that a Tyrion and Sansa marriage is neened, that Sansa has to re-marry Tyrion, so she can strengthen her claim. That, might be just enough to turn Jon’s “choke a bitch mode” on Iol
“I'II protect you, I promise.” Starks are known for keeping their promises. Jonwill not, under no circumstances, allow it. I can imagine him slamming his fiston the table and telling her “NO. I will NOT allow it, and it is NOT up fordiscussion.” at Daenerice, with a deep, low raspy voice, the same way he said“Touch my sister, and I’ll kill you mysell.“
Sansa is not hers to boss/order around, NO ONE, would allow Daenerice to do this to her, she is cared about and loved by so many people/characters, they will all jump to help her, they will all jump to make sure she is safe and happy (this will be a very rude awakening for Daenerice, I don’t think she’ll like it very much, I don’t think she’ll like it at all, I could definitely see her being jealous of all the recognition, attention, devotion, and love so many people/charachters seem to have for/give to Sansa). I guess Daenerice bringing up a Tyrion/Sansa marriage, would be a good plot “device” to show just how centric, Sansa‘s charachter is.
She knows pretty much every main character in the show (Varys, Tyrion, Jaimie, The Hound, Theon, etc.), and she has this ability of getting the best out of people, of making people love her, of making people want to protect her, help her, she inspires loyalty, which is why, whenever I post something about her, I always add the “Queen of Love and Beauty” tag, because to me, that’s exactly what she is.
“Sansa had always heard that love was a surer route to the people’s loyaltythan fear. If I am ever Queen, I’ll make them love me.”
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Sansa cried, she was teary when she executed Littlefinger. She didn’t want to take a life, “It’s not what I want, it’s what honor demands.”, it brought her no joy to execute him, but she had do it, Littlefinger was threatening her family, her sister, and had caused all the horrors that came to her family, it was her duty to punish him for his betrayals and crimes. “It was his duty, he never liked it.” - Sansa about Ned’s executions
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And then we have Daenerice, whom has chosen to live by Olenna’s words and by Cersei’s quote/mentality, “The only way to keep people loyal, is to make certain they fear you more than they do the enemy.”, which is what I think will ultimately cause and bring her downfall.
Daenerice literally looks dead inside, while burning Dickon and Randyll alive, no remorse, no empathy, no emotion. Her humanity, is nowhere to be seen here. She enjoys watching people burn alive, period, we’ve seen it on many occasions.
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So yeah, I could definitely see her trying to propose the marriage, and everyone jumping to Sansa’s defense/aid, being like, “Oh, I think tf NOT!” & “Solve your own mess, without getting Sansa/others into it. Suffer the consequences of your stupid and ‘impulsive’ actions.” lol
Ok, thank the Gods I have a good visual memory, because I managed to re-write this, pretty much the same as it was the first time 😃 
Thank you for the ask 😚💙
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chooseandact · 7 years
(These replies are making a monstrosity themselves.) Tagging @insectoid5, @frozenartscapes, @ultranos, @kalikoke, @hathor-frozen, @myfanfictiongarden, @mighty-meerkat, et al.
EDIT:  (And again, I spawn another monstrosity. *sigh*)
@frozenartscapes​ reblogged your post and added: Don’t forget, I also brought in Yama and his cronies from Big Hero 6 (source). So there’s also the possibility of dragging gang activity into this as well.
(Also I now officially headcanon that all the recruiters for the Org are named Joe. Not as fake names, but real names. It gets confusing really quickly. It also doesn’t help because of Family Guy, but I also picture all of them voiced by Patrick Warburton.)
Don’t worry, @frozenartscapes, I didn’t forget Yama. I mentioned them in “DA!prompt #3” with the same source. You should’ve got a notification, but I mis-typed everyone’s “@”, so it didn’t send. :( Also, I really like the idea the male recruiters all sound like Kronk (That’s who I asssociate Patrick with; I never watched Family Guy.) More stuff below.
@myfanfictiongarden​ reblogged your post and added: […] Anyway, I see @chooseandact​ that you wrote quite a few characters down. While it would be fun to see all the HoND crew interact with Judge Frollo and our Frozen gang, add some BH6 and spy Rapunzel…. I´m for keeping things small. You can only devote so much time to one character, but with more then 8? Each of them has their own storyline etc. etc. it could be too much.
What I am with is a good funny spy-fic, with DA!Verse Elsa on a mission, Kristof, Tadahi and Anna along making things crazyer [sic], D standing somewhere, and the all evil trio Weaselton-Hans-Frollo (Frollo is such a bad guy even Hans can learn more from him-wait, is Frollo still a judge in DA!Verse? I hope so)
I hope, I could help and we could bring this baby to live :)
From one DA!rookie to another: Welcome to the club! I know I listed many characters, but that doesn’t mean we have to use everyone. They’re just some of the many people available to use in the background. Like I said, I thought adding HoND and the others strained disbelief. However, I think we can benefit by keeping just Judge Frollo and Phoebus, even if they make brief appearances:
With Frollo, we get a sense of some of the legal system’s failures (If any of us knows some basic legal stuff, it could help, but no need to go overboard [says the one who scoured the DA!depths for sources!]. If not, we can use Wikipedia or TV courts, e.g. any CSI, any Law & Order, etc.). Elsa has noticed most of the goons she sees are almost always the same people from Yama’s gang, even after honest cops have picked them up. She has suspicions but cannot act on them because of Org work.
With Phoebus, we get laughs as Sgt. Wesel tries to explain his theories to his superior, only for Phoebus to brush him off as (1) the force’s resident paranoiac, and (2) a Living Legend in the bad sense – from Phoebus’ POV, Wesel has been out of touch with reality for a while (we readers know he’s more right than he could ever imagine), but he can’t be dismissed from the force because he did Great Things in his past (and won’t let you forget it, to everyone’s ire) and has employment seniority, so he’s protected even more the local cop union. And we get a trio of good cops (Kristoff, Tadashi, and Phoebus) who sometimes simply meet just to talk, which counters your Evil Trio of Hans, Wesel and Frollo.
@mighty-meerkat​ reblogged your post and added: […] It’s been so long since I wrote any Mariselsa, but I kind of want Marisol at the party as well in some capacity. Maybe she’s on a separate search-and-destroy-information mission for a different handler, which immediately puts a massive spanner in Elsa’s works, because Marisol is…not very good at damage control. If she’s trying to set the place on fire, Elsa’s attempts at discretion are literally going to go up in smoke.
I like that idea! Here’s some more fic welding then: Hans is both terrified and furious at Elsa’s threat, as linked previously. He attends the gang boss’ party, as do Our Heroes, Marisol, Rapunzel (on loan from the German Org as a Field Test), Wesel, and Frollo (and Wesel’s two thugs, but as background only). Marisol has her own mission, which indeed counters Elsa’s goal and sets the building ablaze. Everyone escapes: Marisol goes her way, Elsa tracks the female target I mentioned in DA!prompt #3 (she can be the high-profile target or someone else in the hierarchy), and the rest of Our Heroes return to the Arendelle’s and await Elsa’s return. Everything unfolds as explained in DA!prompt #3, which ends in a fight that wounds Elsa, kicking off the beginning of @frozenartscapes’ fic Call for Help.
@insectoid5 reblogged your post and added: I commend you for thinking this through so thoroughly! That’s the sort of thing I don’t have the energy to do, usually […]
I love your idea of adding spy!Rapunzel, and we may as well add Cassandra (from Tangled: The Series), because I can totally see her fitting in at the Org.  I can totally see Elsa being a spy, given her usual stealthy missions.  Which will last up to the point where she falls out of a tree and spooks the person she’s watching. 😅
Maybe the Org has some kind of vocational cover story for banks and tax people.  Like, I dunno… life insurance. 😂  (I volunteer @frozenartscapes to come up with a better one.)
[…] Also: every recruiter is named Joe: perfect!  (Though how their superiors will know if all the Joes are doing a good job, if they don’t have some way of telling them apart, e.g., “tall Joe”, “short Joe”…). If a small, obscure Frozen ship can have an archivist/historian, I don’t see why this AU shouldn’t have one.  You’re nominated! 😄
Why thank you! And it all started from a dress pic… In the words of Gord Bamford: “It ain’t your eyes, your lips, your nose, your hips / That got me in this mess / Blame it on that red dress” (If you didn’t notice, I think Anna’s dress/fan should keep the style but be fire-engine red bc red hair & all)
re: “Joes”: I was inspired by a scene in the Transformers 3 novel, where 3 secret agents appear. They dress the same and are not related despite all 3 being referred to only as “Johnson”, yet you still can tell who’s talking. The Org’s “Joes” are similar: they don’t need identifiers, even though “their appearance [has] been carefully conceived to leave no lasting impression on anyone who might see them.” (TF book) When someone calls for “Joe”, somehow they just know which one is needed. No one knows how or why. Elsa is unnerved and D is disturbed, even though he hired them. Anna tries to make the obligatory “take your average Joe” joke, but Elsa stops her preemptively, saying an unknown Org person did that the day after Elsa joined. Org rumor has it they were never seen again. The next day, all the Joes arrived 10 min. late with flecks of mud on their Men in Black-style suit pants’ cuffs, and Every. Single. File. with the person’s name (the digital/physical ones backed-up in triplicate, database, weapons logs, bank info, etc.) had the name wiped. Not black censor bar. Wiped. Eventually, they faded from collective memory and exist only as a rumor from senior Agents to rookies.
On the topic of the missing Org person, I found two more Org members: an unnamed duo who reviewed Elsa’s test scores and assigned her to “wetwork specialist” (from the same source as Chamomile Tea “Joe”)
Thank you for the nomination as DA!historian, and I accept the position! I’ll do what I can, when I can, but I cannot promise I will remember everything. As you can see above, I’m trying to make a coherent timeline of events for a chrono DA!blog master post. Still needs (lots of) work & is FAR from finished.
One last thought: would you all be willing to do this fic as a multi-author collab? One person writes one segment, and the next part is handed off to another, all while keeping the basic plot points as outlined above and elsewhere. I’m afraid I can’t do much beyond outlines atm bc Life™ & extreme unfamiliarity with writing fics/dialogue/scene-setting/etc (I know, get experience by writing whenever, no one is perfect the first time, etc.). Thoughts?
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