#Why she gotta go out after one series like Martha though?
harrisbn · 7 years
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So Doctor Who gets me all hyped up by giving me a openly gay black female companion just to only give her one series? Yeah, fuck her over just like they did Martha Jones! This is why I cannot trust Moffat! Please let this be a rumor!
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infernal-fire · 3 years
TAU (1/2)
Summary: Steve Rogers traps you inside his mansion. Your only means of escape? The naïve A.I., Bucky, that is designed to kill you if you ever step out of line. 
Pairings: Dark!CEO!Steve x reader, A.I!Bucky x reader, Bucky x reader
This is part of a series of works (not interconnected). I highly suggest you read the description of the series master list to better understand the premise of this story. 
Warnings: swearing, kidnapping, mention of sedative, technical Lima syndrome, psychological abuse, violence, blood, character deaths, injuries, mention of depression, suicide & poverty
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The chair was on the brink of collapsing, yet Martha folded her arms and leaned back into it anyway. You internally grimaced, waiting for her to fall flat on her ass or give you the bad news. It had to be bad news. You had done this enough times to know that she periodically bounced her right leg only when there was bad news. These days, that was often. 
You huffed once, loud enough for her to hear, hoping to hint that you were hanging by the threads of your patience. She took the hint, finally throwing open the drawer in front of you with excessive force. Pens rolled and a notebook slid towards her amid the force. Again, another piece of furniture that was ready to give in. For someone as stingy as her, you aren’t surprised that it hasn’t been replaced - just wondering why she’s treating it like it won’t disintegrate any second now. 
Martha’s plump fingers slapped a couple of bills onto the table, her seedy eyes challenging you to pluck them from under her hand. You wrestled the bills out of from under her palm and diligently counted them, only to shake your head defeatedly. 
“That’s it?” you snarled.
“Steal better shit next time,” she replied, shrugging. 
You slowly sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose, refusing to open your eyes and face her.
“I really need the money.” 
When you open your eyes again, it’s because you hear the roll of her weathered chair. Now standing full height, the middle-aged woman shook her head softly, a hint of a smirk playing out on her lips. 
“Like I said; steal better shit.” She turned to leave before facing you again. “You could always come and work with our girls.”
She glanced through the door that was cracked open, eyes resting on the table situated in the corner of the adjacent room. Around it, a group of girls set down cards while pushing poker chips around. 
“Sell my body? I’d rather die,” you scoffed. 
“Suit yourself. Now, get out.”
“Was planning to.” You flipped her the bird, knowing that she was watching you leave.
“Real classy,” she called after you. “You gotta come back here for your next week’s dinner, you whore!”
“That’s all you,” you smiled at her before slamming the door closed on your way out. Oh, the satisfaction of pissing someone off; unparalleled. 
Placing your measly wage into a makeshift purse, you made your way back home. You hugged your frame tightly, keeping your head down and pacing through the dilapidated neighbourhood. 
Once upon a time, when you were new to the shadier areas of town, you affirmed to yourself every day that this situation was temporary. The hope for a better job, better apartment and better tomorrow kept you going for a long time. Deep down though, you knew it wasn’t temporary, and now you were being proven right every day. What was keeping you going these days? Multiple times, you delayed the contemplation of that question, knowing that if you thought about it… well, it’s better to not go there. 
You were careful to double-check the lock on your door and windows when you stepped into the cramped shower. Today, you thanked God for hot water, even though you were sure he didn’t exist. Mind empty like a brand new chalkboard, you shuffled around your one-room housing and put together something edible to appease the churning stomach.
Your ear perked up at what sounded like the creaking of the fourth floorboard from your bed. You locked the door. You were sure of it. 
Still, you peeked over the short dividing wall that hid the view of your bed from the kitchen. Nothing. You shook your head at your paranoia and turned back to get to the less-than-appetizing meal waiting for you. 
Steve jammed the needle into your neck, expecting you to fall back into his arms. Instead, your forehead hits the edge of your counter and you slump onto the floor. Your eyes shutting down and head throbbing, you reach out to feel your attacker and touch Steve with saucy fingers. He groans in annoyance as he picks up your whimpering form. 
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Thump, thump, thump.
The nightclubs you frequent were full of snobby, rich kids who didn’t know the value of wealth. You stole to survive. They could survive without their wristwatch for one night. 
Thump, thump, thump.
Music turned the speakers inside out, deafening those closest to it, but the youth are resilient to damage in any form. For you, though, it was too loud; too much. It wasn’t uncommon of you to walk away from the scene with a pounding head. 
Thump, thump, thump.
The inside of your head resembled the thumping of club speakers. Jaw slack and eyes foggy, you tried to rub your temples. But your arms wouldn’t move. 
Sitting up the best you could, you looked down at your hands to see them bound by zip ties, sitting on your lap. It was joke-worthy how your captor thought they could bind you with zip ties, of all things. He would have to do better than this. 
You tugged on the end of the tie using teeth and tightened it some more before huddling your knees up to your chest. Bringing your hands down as hard as you can against your kneecap, you awaited the snapping sound of the zip tie. Nothing came. You look at your hands again, realizing that they were still bound.
“Don’t do that,” a voice piped up from the dark corner of the room. Startled, you look to the source of the voice but no light fell in that direction. For the first time, you took in your surroundings: half of the room was divided by a set of bars. The other side had large machinery with wires running towards the jail section. As you trailed your eyes across the wires, you noticed a closed door. 
At least you knew it was possible to escape now. 
Quickly turning to the place the voice came from, you scooted backwards some more and anticipated the arrival of your captor. 
A woman crawled forward slowly with bounded legs and arms like yours. 
Seeing that it was just another prisoner, you tightened the strap of your zip tie again and tried breaking it one more time. It snapped. Rubbing your wrists where they were bound, you got straight to undoing the bind on your legs. Beside you, the girl moved closer and repeatedly begged you not to free yourself. 
“Shut up, Brit,” you mumbled, referring to her accent.
The bind on your legs gave away and you stood up and stretched. Tentatively stalking around the cell, you noticed the toilet and sink. Why would he have those amenities in here if you were tied up anyway? When you went to touch the bars separating the room, the girl cried out again. 
“Stop! Don’t!” 
You rolled your eyes and touched it anyway. Electricity surged through you and you yelped, pulling back immediately. 
“Could’ve told me it was an electric gate,” you snapped. 
“Don’t try to escape.” 
You looked at her incredulously. “And sit here like ducks, waiting for him to kill us?”
“Someone will find us!” she pleaded. 
“Look at me! Look at you! No one is looking for us. The police won’t blink twice if people like us are gone. And he knows that.” You eyed the door that was inside your cell and looked to the other one outside the bars. 
“Do you want me to remove your binds or not?”
The girl sheepishly looked down before sticking her arms out for you. 
“My name is Peggy,” she offered as she stood up. She held your arm for support when blood rushed to her head. You shot her a withering look in response and she took her hand off. 
“I don’t think we can leave. He can probably hurt us with these implants.” Peggy pulled her hair to one side and showed you the nape of her neck. A glowing red triangle shone from under her skin. 
Your eyes widened, immediately reached for the back of your head. You felt around and touched the area that stung a little when you touched it. You compulsively hissed, realizing that your implant was fresh and the skin around it had not healed yet. 
“Has he done anything to you using the implant?” you held and shook Peggy’s shoulders while you questioned. 
“No, no, but he said it collects brain data and that it was connected to my spinal column, so I shouldn’t try anything.”
“He spoke to you?”
“Once. It’s Steve Rogers, the inventor guy on the cover of all the Forbes magazines.”
“Brain data,” you silently repeated as you look to the other side of the cell again. 
“I have an idea. Rip your clothes like this,” you demonstrated.
Using the rags ripped off from both of your prisoner uniforms, the pair of you created a long rope-like contraption with a loop on the end. You stuck your hand through the gaps in the cell and tried to fling the loop to a nook in the machinery. Failing hurt, your arm accidentally brushing against the metal once or twice before the loop finally caught onto a crevice. 
“That’s the wrong part,” your fellow inmate breathed.
“Yeah, but that’ll work too.” You pulled as hard as you could and a section of the machine broke off, sparks flying from the source. It crackled and caught on fire. 
Peggy was pulling the cell door open, grunting as she tried her best. It gave way and you both looked at each other briefly before dashing out of the room. The jail room went up in flames behind you. Peggy looked over her shoulder, but you yanked her arm, signalling her to keep running. 
You flew up stairs and through doors, finally making your way into a clearing. Peggy rushed to what seemed to be the entrance door and frantically banged on it. 
“That’s not gonna work!” you rushed to the door and inspected the lock. On the right side, there was a screen that displayed a handprint. 
Do not try to escape. Only Steven can leave the premises. 
“What?” you whispered. The new voice was coming from all around you, seemingly through fixtures in the ceiling and walls, but you couldn’t be sure. The situation was tense and you were scared the whole house was going to burn down.
Before you could catch her, Peggy planted her hand on the screen which scanned and turned red. Suddenly, all the lights emanated red, accompanying a booming alarm that blared through the house. 
In the distance, what you assumed was a statuesque décor piece, came to life. It reminded you of the spiders from the Maze Runner. A motorized killing machine. It stalked towards Peggy and you with pincers appearing from its side. 
Screaming, Peggy ran. So did you, but you weren’t sure if you were screaming. You couldn’t hear through the noise your friend was making on top of the deafening alarm. 
The spider machine stuck out its knife-like hands, trying to stab you. As you ran into another room, you frantically searched for an exit. Right now, your priority was to survive this thing.
You pulled open a cupboard in what appeared to be the study and instructed Peggy to climb in. The monster was coming. There wasn’t much time to hide. 
You shut the closet door and hid behind a lounging chair in the corner. 
The machine came in and scanned the room, looking for your heat signatures. It could see Peggy.
The cupboard door flung open and Peggy shrieked, crawling out of it in attempts to move out of the line of attack. She took 4 steps on her knees and looked straight into your eyes. 
You screamed when she was dragged back towards the machine. You couldn’t save her anymore. You mobilized and ran back to the living room area, not even turning back to address blood that splattered across your back. It wasn’t in your best interest to find out how she was killed. 
Frozen in fear, you look to your right to see the entrance door open. There stood your captor, staring at the machine that was now hovering over you. 
“Stop,” he muttered and set down his briefcase. 
Aries retracted its pincers, making its way back to the little pedestal it was perched on before. It powered down just as the CEO stepped into the house and glared at you.
For a split second, the doors were open, and you considered tackling past him. 
“Don’t even think about it.”
You collapsed onto the floor where you were already lying down. Getting out was going to be a lot harder than you anticipated. 
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Your hands were bound again, but this time, behind you. You were seated on a pedestal like the one Aries was on, except this one had an ugly glass décor piece that extended to the ceiling. You tugged on the bonds, hoping for some leeway, but Rogers had learned his lesson. 
You shook your head side to side, trying to get pieces of hair and blood off your face. Eventually, you had to give up, slumping into the post your arms were tied to. 
“You cost me 7 million dollars worth of tech,” Steve’s voice sounded from another room. 
“If you let me go, I swear on my life I won’t tell anyone. They won’t believe me anyway.” 
He appeared in front of you and placed both hands on either side of your thighs. 
“Things will work out for you, if you just… shut up.” 
You exhaled and turned your face to the right, hoping he’d stop invading your personal space. 
“Just… please, untie me.”
He stood back and considered your request before rounding the side of the pedestal and untying you. 
Yes, Steve.
“Activate Aries if she moves a single inch from her spot.” He eyed you at the end of his command and sauntered away to god-knows-where. 
You hoped it wouldn’t be pushing your luck to stand up and stretch, so you did. You mentally considered the various stretches you did as a child, during gymnastics. It had been years since you recalled those, so you did them to the best of your ability. It’s funny how life works. One day you were among a row of girls, learning how to do a cartwheel and before you know it, you’re in a psycho’s mansion as a lab experiment. 
About 30 feet away from this pedestal was Aries.  
Cautiously, you took a few steps away from your place. No reaction from Aries. That meant ‘Bucky’ and Aries weren’t the same thing. You could also deduce from Steve’s command, Bucky was capable of conversing.
Do not take another step forward, Subject 10. I have been told to inflict pain if you move from your position.
You took another step anyway, wondering how much you could test the limits of this A.I. 
Do not take another step forward, Subject 10. I have been told to inflict pain if you move from your position. 
You considered making a run for it but reconsidered. Aries would activate in less than 5 seconds and Steve was still in the house somewhere. You needed to play this better. Besides, you didn’t even have an exit point. 
You went back to your pedestal and sat down, drawing patterns on the ground with your feet. It would help to know the time or date. A part of you wondered if anyone was looking for you, but you yourself had answered that question long ago. No one looks for people like you or me. 
It could’ve been hours or minutes, but finally, Steve called you into a different room. You observed your environment as you stalked towards the kitchen area where the inventor was seated. 
“Sit,” he motioned at the chair that was on the other end of the table. 
As soon as you sat, tiny robots flew to your seat and placed food in front of you. It was some sort of soup with a side of bread, the only utensil he gave you being a spoon. Smart bastard. 
You wanted to hold off on the food; you really did. But you didn’t even get to eat the sandwich that you were putting together before the kidnapping. So you began devouring the meal, ignoring his pointed stare at your lack of table manners. It was only when you were halfway through the meal did you realize that the food may be drugged. Too late now.
“You killed my only other test subject and rendered her data useless.”
“I didn’t kill her.”
Steve dropped his steak knife and fork, shooting daggers into your eyes.
“Here’s what’s going to happen,” he began. Clasping his hands together, he leaned forward, supporting his weight on his elbows. You could tell by the way he talked that he was used to getting what he wanted. He relished in it.
“Every day, for the next two weeks, I’m going to leave for work. And every day, you’re going to complete the puzzles and tasks that Bucky tells you to do.”
“And if I don’t?”
“It won’t take me more than 10 minutes to kill you, clean up the mess and dispose of your body.”
“If you could kill me, you probably would’ve. I know you considered it,” you remarked, leaning back into your chair and folding your arms.
“Now, why would I waste a perfectly good test subject?” It was his turn to mimic your body language. 
“If you want me to do what you need me to do, I need three things,” you announced. 
“It’s funny how you think you have any leverage in this situation.”
You kept your face stoic, trying to prove that you were serious about the negotiations. If he didn’t allow you these requests, you would never escape. 
“Okay, go on,” he said, clearly amused. 
“I need clothes. Regular clothes, not prisoner uniforms. I need to shower. And I need proper food, like what you’re eating.”
“That’s quite the list.” he laughed. Abruptly, his features turned serious. “I hope you know that you don’t hold any cards against me right now, and if I allow any of those things, it’s out of the kindness of my heart.”
It was your turn to laugh. “The kindness of your heart,” you wheezed between laughs. “Sure, okay. Yeah.”
He swallowed the last piece of his meal and gestured towards the sofas. 
“Bucky will be guarding you throughout the night. Don’t think of trying anything.” 
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you beamed at his sour expression right before leaving the table.
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No Thoughts (Spencer Reid x BAU!Reader)
Summary: After you run into your ex on a case, Spencer’s jealousy causes him to cut you out from his mind. (Soulmate AU)
Warnings: Language. Mentions kidnapping. Also a stupid ex-boyfriend.
Notes: Y’know, i really wish i hadn’t hitched my wagon to the whole “ ____ Thoughts” title scheme. if i had known this was gonna be my most successful series on this website i would’ve done something better. but it’s too late now so. anyways this takes place after Overwhelming and before Life-Saving. It’s angsty but don’t worry there’s some fluff at the end. Also i kinda wanted to yell at spencer for how annoying he’s being in this one but then i remembered that i made him act that way so don’t be too mad at me 
Word Count: 1.7k
Soulmate Series Masterlist
You’re 3 months into a relationship with Spencer Reid, your soulmate, and you couldn’t be happier. It hasn't been the easiest getting used to having another person in your head, but both you and Spencer have gotten a pretty good handle on controlling your rogue thoughts. It definitely wasn’t perfect, but even the worst days with Spencer were still miles ahead of any day you’d had without him.
You and Spencer were at his apartment, enjoying a rare day off. You were rewatching Doctor Who and cuddling on his couch, arguing over the best and worst companions.
“Don’t get me wrong, I love Martha! I just think her being in love with the Doctor was stupid!” You said, laughing at Spencer’s shocked face.
“Stupid? That was brilliant! It showed how the Doctor isn’t this perfect guy like the show made him out to be with Rose!”
“No, it just made it seem like the Doctor was irresistible! It made him seem even more perfect, which is why Donna-” Spencer, scoffed, knowing where your argument was heading, “Is the best companion! She’s the only one who doesn’t want to fuck him!”
Spencer opened his mouth to protest, but was interrupted by his phone ringing. He grabbed it, and once he saw who was on the other side, put it on speaker. “Hey JJ, what’s up?”
“We have a case. Hotch wants everyone here in 30 so we can brief on the plane. Is Y/N with you?”
“Always. We’ll see you soon, JJ.” You responded. Spence hung up the phone and stoof from the couch, before turning back to you and holding out a hand to help you off the couch. “I guess I’ll have to prove you wrong later.”
After a 6 hour flight, the BAU landed in Seattle. On the plane, Hotch had explained that there had been 3 children taken, all within an hour of each other, from 3 different homes in the area. It’s their job to determine if it’s one unsub, a group, or isolated incidents. After dropping off all their things at the hotel, they made their way to the police station. When they walked in, however, they were greeted by the last person Y/N wanted to see. “Oh fuck me.” She thought.
“What’s wrong?” Spencer had heard her, and was immediately concerned. So much for having control over her thoughts. Before she could answer, the reason for her worry began speaking.
“Nice to meet you all, I’m Detective Rothschild. If you guys need anything, I’ll be the one to help-” He cut himself off when his eyes landed on you. “Y/N? I didn’t know you were in the BAU now, How’ve you been?” The whole team had their gaze turned to you now. You could hear Spencer’s questions about the detective flying through your head, but you ignored them all. 
“I’m good James. We can catch up after we find the kids.” And just like that, the topic was dropped. Finding those kids within the first 24 hours was the most important thing right now, but that didn’t stop Spencer’s thoughts. No matter what was going on, Spencer was in your mind, asking you about James. 
“C’mon just tell me how you know each other! I promise I’ll focus on the case.” His question entered your mind as the two got ready to head to one of the crime scenes.
“Spence, I told you earlier, we went to college together.”
“Ok, but that’s not all. Why won’t you tell me?”
“I just don’t like talking about it! Please, can we discuss this some other time?” You answered him out loud this time, just to get your point across. You knew you’d have to tell him about your relationship with James, but you would much rather do it when the two of you are alone and not in a police precinct in the middle of a case. Before you could walk out the door and head to the crime scene, you heard someone calling your name. When you turned around, you found James walking towards you. “Great,” You thought.
“Hey, I’ll come with you guys to the crime scene, I haven’t been to this one yet. Plus, I’ll finally get the chance to catch up with Y/N here!” As he spoke, James’ arm found its way over your shoulder. You could practically feel Spencer’s anger. 
“Right, well, uh, let’s get going then. I’ll drive.” You subtly pushed James’ hand off your shoulder before speed-walking over to the car.
The drive to the crime scene was tense, to say the least. James had no problem filling the silence with anecdotes from your college days, which all suggested that the two of you were slightly more than friends. Sure, you and Spencer had talked about your respective previous relationships before, but it was a whole different ball game to be sitting next to your ex-boyfriend and your soulmate.
“Babydoll, you remember when we went to that frat party? We played strip beer pong, and let’s just say she was not very good at the game…” James went on and on, not stopping to let anyone else speak. All you could do was reassure Spencer with your thoughts, but he wasn’t responding. In fact, Spencer hadn’t let a single thought slip throughout the whole ride, and you were more than a little worried. A couple months ago you and Spencer had promised to not shut each other out, and this was the longest you’d gone without hearing any of his thoughts since then. Sure, it was only a 20 minutes drive, but you missed him. By the time you were pulling up to the crime scene, it was clear he’d had enough. The second the car stopped, Spencer practically jumped out and made his way to the crime scene, not waiting for you and James to follow. James took no notice, and continued telling his version of the story.
“And then you just jumped on the table and started dancing! I’ve never seen someone that drunk even be able to stand on a table without falling, let alone dance!” He laughed as the two of you made your way towards the police tape. “I could barely get you home that night!”
His last sentence made you stop walking. Unlike with Spencer, he noticed your movements, and stopped as well. “What?”
“That’s not what happened.”
“Of course that’s what happened, Y/N. You were drunk, you’re probably just-”
“No, that’s not what happened James. Yes, I danced on the table, but you didn’t take me home that night, remember? You met Joslyn at that party, and you broke up with me. I walked home alone.” The crime scene was the furthest thing from your mind at this point. How could he forget the night he met his own soulmate?
“Oh. Right. Joslyn.” It didn’t take a profiler to see how uncomfortable he was. He was acting like he didn’t even remember her. “About that…” He scratched the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact. He didn’t even need to finish the sentence for you to put the pieces together.
“Oh my god, she wasn’t your soulmate, was she?” The guilty look in his eyes was all you needed as an answer. “You just pretended she was so you had an easy out with me, right?”
“Look, Y/N-”
“James, it’s been a long time, I don’t need an apology from you. Let’s just solve this damn case and never see each other again.” And with that, you walked away.
13 hours of non-stop work and 3 kids safely home with their families later, you were back on the jet and headed towards DC. Everyone, even Hotch, was asleep, except for you and Spencer. You hadn’t had time to discuss everything that had happened with James, and he still wasn’t sending you any thoughts. So instead of going to sleep like you both desperately wanted, you pulled him to the back of the jet and away from the rest of the sleeping team.
“Seriously, Spence, I miss you. Will you please let me explain now?” You thought, hoping he’d respond similarly. Unfortunately, he just nodded, still refusing to let you into his thoughts.
“Yes, James and I dated back in college, but it was a long time ago, Spencer. He was an asshole. We were never even official, he’d just call me, fuck me, and then not talk to me until he felt like hooking up again.” Spencer was fiddling with his hands as your thoughts made his way to his brain. “Everything about that relationship was a mistake, ok? You know how he dumped me? He pretended to find his soulmate at some party just to get rid of me. I didn’t love him.” When Spencer still didn’t respond, you couldn’t help but feel a little angry. Was he really going to let some random ex get in the way of your relationship? 
“I can’t help it, Y/N.” When you finally heard his thoughts, you sighed in relief. That was the longest you’d ever gone without feeling his presence, and even though this wasn’t over yet, you knew you’d get through it. “I know you didn’t love him, but hearing the way he spoke about you, hearing about how you were with him…”
“I know, Spence. I’d be the same way if you had an ex pop out of nowhere during one of our cases. But please, we gotta be able to deal with this. We both had relationships outside of us, this could happen again.”
“Y/N…” He paused for a moment, then continued out loud, “I promise I won’t cut you out like that again. I know you didn’t love him, and I made a big deal out of nothing, but I love you.” Your eyes immediately found his when he spoke. He’d never said that before. He had a light smile on his face when you looked at him. “I love you, and I’m never going to stop.”
“I love you too.” You whispered, before pulling him into a kiss.
“I love you more.” He thought as your lips touched his.
“Not possible.”
Tags: @dr-reid-ismyspiritanimal @la-vie-en-amour1 @random-thoughts-003 @peculiarinsomniac @hereforbeebo @someone-you-dontknow
(I went through all the replies/asks that asked about being tagged for this series but if I missed you lmk!!)
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The Sycorax Killed and Saved the Time Lords, and Also Killed Clara
The title is mostly a joke, but hear me out.
Warning: Major Spoilers for a number of series finales.
Literally every New Who Master episode wouldn’t have happened if Ten hadn’t lost his hand in the sword fight against the Sycorax. Hell, a lot of New Who would be changed. There are several points in the timeline where the Doctor might have just straight up died.
Because Jack found the Doctor’s severed hand, and used it to track him. Jack finally catching up to the Doctor caused the Tardis to fly all the way to the end of the universe just to shake him off. This wouldn’t have happened had there been no hand to find. Which means they never would have come across Professor Yana, who wouldn’t have opened the chameleon arch and become the Master and then steal the Doctor’s Tardis. So the entirety of the three-part series 3 finally wouldn’t have happened, since the Master’s still stuck as a human at the end of the universe. (As an aside, The Lazarus Experiment wouldn’t have happened either, since Tish only got the job working for Lazarus because of Saxon. So she wouldn’t have ended up on the news, thus never prompting Francine to call Martha about it.)
Martha likely continued traveling with the Doctor, since she had left to be there with her family after the trauma they endured during the Year That Never Was. They may or may not run into Donna, since without the metacrisis, Dalek Caan doesn’t need to manipulate events surrounding her. Let’s say they do. Turn Left doesn’t happen since events aren’t converging on Donna. But all of reality’s at stake, so Rose would have to find another way of warning the Doctor.
Now, the show could’ve likely ended at series 4, since the metacrisis wouldn’t have happened without the hand, so the whole of reality could’ve ended up destroyed. But let’s assume they find a way to save reality since A) Dalek Caan had set the whole thing up to betray the Daleks anyway, and B) without the hand Ten would’ve regenerated into Eleven, who had managed to save the Earth from the Atraxi in 20 minutes without his sonic or Tardis while dealing with post-regenerative trauma, so he’d probably figure out how to stop Davros. Since there’s no TenToo, the Doctor probably wouldn’t leave Rose at Bad Wolf Bay, so she may end up traveling with him again. This may prompt Martha to leave since she might feel like the third wheel now that the man she fancies has reunited with the woman he loves. Donna would likely stay, since she doesn’t need to have her memory erased.
So we move onto The End of Time, which wouldn’t have happened. Plain and simple. The Master’s still stuck at the end of the universe, so the whole reviving him wouldn’t have happened. The Doctor doesn’t need to stall for time after The Waters of Mars (which probably wouldn’t have ended the way it did, as he’s likely still traveling with Donna and Rose), so he never marries Elizabeth I, so the very end of the Shakespeare Code doesn’t happen either. Liz One still remains the Virgin Queen, and the Doctor doesn’t regenerate, but they’re already Eleven, so...
Since the Tardis doesn’t get completely obliterated by the Doctor regenerating, he doesn’t crash into Amelia Pond’s garden and then end up returning 12 years later due to the Tardis repairing. Maybe different circumstances cause Amy and Rory to become companions, maybe not. If not, then River wouldn’t exist, so Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead never occurs.
Gonna skip series 6 for a minute and move onto Clara. Since the Master’s still stuck at the end of the universe, Missy isn’t able to give Clara the Doctor’s number. So Clara never travels with the Doctor and jumps into his time stream, becoming Oswin and Victorian Clara, so the Doctor never tries to find her in the first place. She also never ends up dying in the Trap Street. So the Sycorax started the chain of events that led to Clara’s death. The Doctor may have ended up dying in the Dalek Asylum if he hadn’t met Oswin. If he survives, the lack of Amy and Rory means he doesn’t end up in the Victorian period to mourn them, so he doesn’t meet the Great Intelligence. This would also end up changing Classic Who a tiny bit, since Eleven accidentally gave the GI the idea that the London Underground is a “key strategic weakness”, which they use in The Web of Fear. So The Bells of Saint John doesn’t happen either. Neither the GI nor the Doctor have any reason to be there. The Name of the Doctor doesn’t happen either, since the GI doesn’t try to enter the Doctor’s time stream, which means Clara would have no reason to enter it. Paradoxes are confusing.
Even if the Doctor had met the GI in Victorian London, this might mean the GI succeeds at rewriting the Doctor’s timeline. Let’s say he and whoever his companion is manages to find a way and move on.
If TNotD doesn’t happen, or they stop the GI, The Day of the Doctor might still happen. If it doesn’t, then the Time Lords are dead, so we can thank the Sycorax for the Time Lords being alive for a while. It would happen without Ten though, since in canon Ten is somewhere between The Water’s of Mars and The End of Time, so Journey’s End has already happened, and he’s regenerated in this universe. So we have 33% less bickering. Current Companion may still inspire the Doctor to try to save Gallifrey. If that does happen, then the Time Lords would still try to come through the cracks in time, prompting the Silence to try to kill the Doctor, and trying to blow up the Tardis would cause those very cracks in time. Paradoxes are still confusing. They probably wouldn’t be able to kill him at Lake Silencio, since River might not exist if the Doctor hasn’t met Amy. If he has, then that likely goes the same way as canon. If he hasn’t, maybe they would have succeeded in blowing up the Tardis, since the Doctor only noticed the cracks because he met Amy. So the Silence cause the universe to never exist, while simultaneous causing another paradox by preventing the very events that led to them blowing up the Tardis.
If they don’t succeed in erasing the universe, the Doctor would likely stay on Trenzalore longer than he had in canon, since he doesn’t need (or rather, doesn’t think he needs) more regenerations yet. He still thinks he’s got one left. He may end up regenerating into Twelve while on Trenzalore, which may end up triggering the whole gifting-the-Doctor-more-regenerations thing at some point down the line. So then we end up with Thirteen.
Post-Trenzalore, the Doctor doesn’t meet Missy. The Master’s still stuck at the end of the universe, and even if they weren’t, the Doctor doesn’t know Clara, so Danny’s death (if it even happens) doesn’t cause them to search for the afterlife.
Assuming DotD happens, since the Master’s still stuck at the end of the universe, Simm!Master wouldn’t have been able to leave Gallifrey, and never got stuck on the Monasian ship where he encountered the Doctor and Missy. So he never regenerates into Missy, and the Doctor never goes to the Mondasian ship to test Missy’s ability to be good. The Doctor Falls never happens, and Bill never gets turned into a Cyberman. This also means she never gets turned into a Pilot by Heather, so she never gets to go on adventures with her space girlfriend. The Doctor might have never even met Bill, since they’re not guarding the vault at St. Luke’s University. The Doctor doesn’t regenerate, but she’s already Thirteen, so...
Since they don’t regenerate, the Doctor doesn’t fall out of the Tardis and meet the Fam. Series 11 doesn’t happen.
Since the Master was never on the Mondasian ship, they never regenerate into the Dhawan!Master. So they never go back to Gallifrey and hack into the Matrix, learning about the Timeless Child. The Master doesn’t kill the Time Lords. So the Sycorax started the chain of events that led to the Time Lord’s death. The Doctor may or may not find out later, depending on whether the Time Lords keep “granting” them more regenerations just to keep the secret.
TL;DR: The Sycorax are responsible for every bad thing that’s happened to the Doctor from series 3 onward, paradoxes are super confusing, and the Doctor needs to up their sword fighting skills.
To quote Mabel Pines: “Time travel, man! Why you gotta be so complicated?”
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werezmastarbucks · 5 years
kai parker series
tape 4-5/23
tape one tape two tape three
words: 1567
warnings: Joshua is a crap dad. cursing
Tumblr media
It’s twins’ birthday. Have they changed the wallpaper yet? Who knows, we’re in the living room. Everybody’s very excited. They turn five which means a very important year for the coven… but to them, this world is all important and unbelievably worth exploring. Kids this little don’t understand responsibility or duty yet, all they know is each other, food, mother’s voice, and funny moving pictures on the screen. There are many people in the room, again, all basking them in attention. So many pairs of expecting eyes turned to them, observing their every move like vultures, feeding on their confusion, and consuming the energy from their puffy pink and dark blue ribbons and dresses, questioning, discussing, pondering. Kai has his little arms around his sister, pressing quick fake kisses on her face just like mama and papa do. Josette is busy trying to pull the tablecloth from under all the dishes. It’s evening, and the kids finally sit still: everybody’s happy that hyperactive Malachai found solace in examining how strong Josette’s bones are. It’s like they know. It’s like they know about the merge, and they look at each other and consider which one of them will go down. But of course not, in reality they were probably thinking, why does it smell so funny and why is Aunt Aileen crying non-stop? Her facial features are twisted, that indicates she’s sad. Why is everybody else laughing then? However… you know what, I’m not sure they were even thinking that. I have very little knowledge of what the kids think about because I myself was never one.
Anyway, then we can see a big gap, and the picture changes. It’s present time – the best time of the day! Kai’s on his father’s, the coven leader’s, lap, Jo is sitting with her mum. All the chatter, laughter, glass sounds, and the big and small boxes float above the table. Parents unwrap the presents and announce: a toy! A dress! Josette gets about four or five dresses and Kai gets none. But he does get a pair of silk pants, a book of spells – his first – and even a dead bird. A DEAD BIRD! That’s one of the best presents you can get being a witch. You take the beak and use it in making potions… the feathers go on dream catchers, eyes – for blinding spells, and legs can be edible…
Okay, I’m pulling your leg, no witch really needs a dead bird, even a raven – it’s gross. Kaylo Perkins is just old and insane. He’s a slave of old religion and a big Satan fan. Dead bird goes into the bin right after the dinner, and Malachai screams properly about it, for like twenty minutes, because he enjoyed it.
They both get golden chains with the symbol of Gemini coven, and sets of toys. Josette gets her books on how to be a good girl (spoiler alert: she’ll never be). Malachai gets a mirror in silver frame from his mother – she talks to dead people through it. And a ring from his father that Joshua takes off his finger right then, and puts it on the chain. Everybody cheers. The favoritism in this family is so obvious you can write your messages in the sky.
“Say thank you!” Martha smiles to her children. Kai and Jo say ‘tha-ank you’ in unison and everybody goes ahh.
We’re again in the Parker living room, like it’s a cheap sitcom with only limited amount of locations. You can hear somebody crying somewhere upstairs, but it’s more like a childish whine, the ‘he stole my teddy bear’ type. You know, if they only took Kai to a normal human doctor, that would all be so much easier, and they would tell them, well, there’s something wrong with this kid for sure. Joshua knows that already, but the mama Parker gave birth to this boy and she refuses to label him anything but genius, because he’s also so good-looking. Kai’s sitting on the couch and by the looks of it he’s around six or seven and he’s glued to the screen of a little television that’s in front of him.
“Kai, say what you’ve done”, a voice tells him behind the camera. We can also see Martha Parker walking slowly on the background, and she’s heavily pregnant.
Kai doesn’t react. His eyes don’t move and it’s like he doesn’t even breathe. When this boy isn’t watching TV, he’s talking about all the heroes and characters that he saw in the movies.
“Kai, what have you done?”
This is not his father’s voice; it belongs to a teenage girl we don’t know. Who is she?
“Ka-a-ai”, she utters. Her voice is annoying. The boy is sitting on the couch and watching TV, as if not seeing her. His face changes though: he hears something. In a second, we will hear it too.
Papa Parker rushes down the stairs so quick it looks like a flash. The camera shudders, the camera person takes a step back and bumps into something, gasping in pain. The picture is there, though. It’s like looking at a car crash.
Joshua’s face is twisted with anger, his eyes are black like blueberries. He runs to the couch where his son is sitting so fast you can’t really cope. Little Kai stands on the pillows, trying not to be caught off guards…
“You little monster!” Joshua groans as he grabs the boy by his shoulders and lifts him in the air.
Martha runs to them from the background. The living room is full of noise now. Kai is yelling.
“Dad, no, please!”
“Joshua, let him go!”
“He’s been draining her again!”
“Dad, I didn’t mean it! Please!” Kai is screaming in pain as his father is shaking him, then crashes him back down on the sofa pillows again. Martha keeps one hand on her big belly as she tries to pull her husband away. The tragedy is imminent at this point, and the girl holding the big camera whimpers really quietly, not sure what to do. The couch armset covers Malachai, but we can see his little arms fighting his father as he nearly chokes the kid. Way to go, coven leader! You gotta do what you gotta do. When a concerned parent brings their child to a doctor – not back then, of course, but now, when we do have technology to tell – the doc might say terrible things. Like, well, your child is definitely not okay. He wets his bed although he is old enough to understand, and he kicked Clementine in her stomach seeing that the dog is pregnant. It’s like… he’s projecting? Imagine the doctors in the late 70s saying shit like that. No, back then you didn’t go to a doctor for advice when your kid started acting out, breaking plates and keeping silent or screaming for fifty minutes straight. You better lay him down on the couch and give him a good beating so that he remembers he can’t assault his sister and watch TV all night long, and keep all the knives under his bed. Mama needs the knives to cook food. You take your darn kid by the neck and put him in the closet, make him the closet boy. Nevermind his wailing, and pleading, and crying, snot coming out of his nose and tears wetting the collar of shirt; he can’t do nothing, he’s not a witch! He doesn’t have any powers, little useless shit. There was so much hope on Malachai, they all relied on him to be the future leader, looking all like his dad, tall and pretty. With his wits and quick fingers, they imagined he’d beat Jo in the merge and become the good Gemini leader. But it seems he just doesn’t have it in him, and he’s so wicked because of that. All whiney, angry and sad. And this thing that he does! Look now, he’s about to do it with his own mama!
As Martha wrestles furious Joshua away, eyes like coals, nostrils flaring like a bull’s, the woman catches Kai by his hand, though he never stops wailing like a siren. One of his little hands covers his left eye – I wonder why? He’s crying as Martha pulls him from the couch and drags him towards the stairs.
“Go into your room and stay there”, she’s trying to outcry him, but it’s almost in vain.
“No, it’s dark! It’s dark, mum, I don’t want to be in my room, please!”
“Go into your room!” thunders Joshua. Kai’s shoulders shudders and he does it. Martha suddenly cries out, a look of shock on her face, and then kneels down on the floor as Kai keeps screaming. Joshua rushes to them and breaks their clutch, pushing the boy away. He nearly falls but manages to stay on his feet. His hand is still opened, he catches the air and breathes in deeply, his face slightly pinker, slightly more open, lighter. His eyes become a little more peaceful. As Joshua crutches over his very, very pregnant wife, he realizes: as soon as the father looks up, he’s fucked. So Kai runs away under the stairs and down into the basement. As if it’s not dark enough.
Phew! Disaster avoided. Josette is still crying upstairs. Camera is still rolling, the girl behind it breathing heavily. Well, that’s awkward.                    
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manunkinda · 4 years
So, I’m watching the Heathers 2018 reboot to take notes. I plan to do a video essay after I finish the series.
I regret starting this.
Anyway, here are a few my notes so far.
Heathers (2018) Notes:
⁃ I can’t believe I’m paying for this shit.
⁃ Wait, why is the pilot TV-14 when everything else is TV-MA?
⁃ Also, every single title of each episode is a quote from the movie. I don’t think “Hot probs” was though? Unless I’m missing something? I’ll have to watch the movie AND the musical after this to cleanse my brain.
⁃ Also why is the second episode $20 for HD?
⁃ THE RED SCRUNCHIE. SHANNON DORHERTY (who played Heather Duke in the original) IS IN THIS.
⁃ Yup, Shannon plays his mom. She’s waving and he’s waving back.
⁃ What the hell is this intro?
⁃ [ethereal electronic music]
⁃ Okay, so this is Veronica... Who should really be a Heather.
⁃ I can’t stop laughing at the Khloe Kardashian quote.
⁃ [moody electronic music]
⁃ See, the thing is, is that Veronica had sturdy morals from the beginning. She had a sense of who she was, just not what she wanted. J.D. manipulated her into briefly losing her morals. So, it doesn’t make sense for Veronica to not know who she is.
⁃ I’m pretty sure you can’t ask a student if they’re a hermaphodite. Most colleges don’t care about that anyway.
⁃ Jason Dean’s in the background staring her down during the locker scene and they haven’t actually introduced him.
⁃ Betty’s in this apparently, but not Martha? Because since Chandler is plus-sized, that whole thing wouldn’t work anyway, right?
⁃ [moody finger snaps]
⁃ I can’t believe there’s a song where the lyrics are: “Picture this, I’m a bag of dicks.” “I will punch a baby bear in his shit.”
⁃ Okay, while I clearly appreciate LGBT+ and minority representation in the media, Heathers is the wrong story to use it. In this, the representation is villainized while two white people try to kill them off. That’s complete missing the mark and the lesson of the original, and hell, even the musical.
⁃ Chandler would get dress coded for that outfit. Middle finger choker AND those fishnets, yup.
⁃ “How Banana Republic.” whAT DOES THAT MEAN
⁃ “Remington Squaws.” Look, Ram would also get dress coded for this.
⁃ Also, the reason why “mean girls” like the Heathers and the Plastics were popular is because they were nice to your face, and then would talk shit about you behind your back.
⁃ the finger snaps are rotting my brain already.
⁃ “I’m gonna get a soda.” Proceeds to get a bag of chips.
⁃ oh god JD approached Veronica. What the fuck are they saying by the way? “Meet the new boss?” WTF?
⁃ “I’m not a rebel, Veronica.” The original JD would disagree with that.
⁃ He ends up calling Veronica “my dear” within the first two minutes.
⁃ Heather Duke would be an interesting character if he wasn’t named Heather Duke.
⁃ snappy snack shack looks like a discount Snappy Snack Shack.
⁃ Heather McNamera with their teacher? In public? In the car? No one would be so obvious like that about banging their teacher.
⁃ “Great hummus, but I gotta Tesla.”
⁃ “Such an UGG boot latte sometimes.”
⁃ Did she and Jacob hook up in his car? Idk, all I see is leg and Veronica is checking Chandler’s insta. She did end up posting the pic of Ram in the Remington shirt, but I don’t think he was smiling.
⁃ “What is your father wound, Heather?”
⁃ Veronica just shoulder checked her, which honestly isn’t the same as throwing up on someone’s shoes.
⁃ Chandler got fake drain cleaner from an art thing all over her dress.
⁃ “Lick it up, fatty. Lick. It. Up.” Is nothing compared to the original line. Also, fat-phobic much?
⁃ “My dear” again. That’s twice now and it’s already getting old. The thing is, in the original, JD and Veronica never called each other pet names, except for one time. For JD, it was right before Veronica broke up with him. “Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, darling.” And for Veronica, it was right before she shot JD in the boiler room. “You know what I want, babe? Cool guys like you out of my life.”
⁃ “Let’s snort Adderall, make out, and get slushies.”
⁃ So is Kurt actually gay in this or?
⁃ This JD and Veronica has no chemistry whatsoever.
⁃ I dare JD to throw a better party at the discount Snappy Snack Shack where the cashier won’t yell at you.
⁃ Also, this JD reminds me of Riverdale’s Jughead, but if his personality was the weirdo monologue.
⁃ Those are some weak ass slushies. They’re so watery.
⁃ I was not expecting the fucking bubble gun.
⁃ His dad collects Nazi stuff apparently. Big yikes.
⁃ What are the dolls in Chandler’s room? Why are they on her shelf like that and organized by skin color?
⁃ “Prince Harry me as revenge.”
⁃ Where was that table she fell into in the other shots?
⁃ He gave her the suicide pills by mistake, Big oops.
⁃ “I’m going to be experimenting with lesbianism in San Quentin instead of Sarah Lawrence.”
⁃ “That’s my girl.”
Director: Do a proud smile!
⁃ Duke posted the photo of McNamara with the teacher because they were arguing who would give the eulogy.
⁃ “Isn’t hating on someone for being a murderer equally as rude?” No, it’s not.
⁃ Why is JD wearing sunglasses inside? That just makes him even more guilty.
⁃ Betty is trying to stake her claim on Chandler’s position.
⁃ I honestly wouldn’t mind if the Heathers were Betty and these two girls originally.
⁃ “Well, fuck me gently with a chainsaw.” THEY USED THE LINE and not in a great context.
⁃ And we meet JD’s dad.
⁃ Also, he’s using the Shake Weight and I can’t stop laughing. I’m so distracted by it.
⁃ “Well, son, your presence here has been lovely as usual, but if you don’t mind, my girlfriend and I would like to start having sexual intercourse now.” Right in front of my salad?
⁃ [somber bell music]
⁃ Heather Chandler’s still alive?! Holy shit! She’s been laying there the whole day. She would’ve been dead by now!
⁃ Oh gross, vomit.
⁃ And her phone’s blowing up. Pun intended.
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TGF Thoughts: 4x03-- The Gang Gets a Call from HR
Under the cut! 
We pick up with a reminder of where we left off last week: Xo’s restaurant being torn down. (Captions call her “Martha” but I’m fairly certain her name is “Marta” on this show)
Diane confronts Canning and taunts him with the deep pockets of STR Laurie. Canning is unfazed and Diane leaps into action. Diane thinks things are going to go her way.
Frank Landau is in reception and Marissa spots him and immediately unleashes an intense series of verbal attacks about how Eli shouldn’t send messengers if he has something to say and how she might marry a Republican. She rants and rants until Adrian shows up to greet Frank. For once, he’s not here to make Marissa’s life harder.
I do love moments like this. One, they’re hilarious. Two, Marissa thinking he MUST be there for her and also referencing her dad is just fantastic.
Landau is really there to talk to Adrian and Liz (and pointedly not Diane) about the DNC’s efforts to engage black voters. Landau wants RBL to come up with a strategy. As Adrian points out, this is a question for a PR firm. But Landau wants RBL-- they’re a black run firm and they’ve worked with the DNC before (though they fired Liz from the impeachment thing-- did we know that?), and, most importantly, they come with attorney-client privilege. 
“Dammit!” Jay exclaims when he can’t find the injunction for Diane’s case in the system. “I just told our top client to fuck off; whatever you’re dealing with can’t be worse,” Marissa responds. Heh.
Marissa can’t find it either.
God bless the loud beeping noise that happens whenever anyone can’t find a legal document. No one would have their sound on (okay, maybe Diane would) which makes this little detail hilarious to me. 
The system says the case doesn’t exist. Before Jay can investigate further, Adrian tells him he’s needed in the conference room. Jay wonders what’s wrong. Then Adrian goes to collect Lucca, who is chatting with Bianca (their convo is friendly but basically sounds like a rehash of what we saw last ep, with Lucca being like “I am a real person who has to do work” and Bianca being like “But being rich is fun!”). Lucca also asks what’s wrong and Adrian wants to know why everyone keeps asking that. Uh, because you interrupted them with a vague urgent request? That always raises red flags…
Jay goes to Diane before he reports to the conference room and shows her that the case she argued a couple of days prior doesn’t exist. This reminds me of Kresteva’s mind game but on a much bigger, scarier level.
Landau asks all the black employees of the firm, who have been gathered in the conference room, what the biggest issue facing black people today is. This feels exceedingly inappropriate. Helping the DNC brainstorm isn’t part of the job description of a lawyer (or a mailroom attendee) and it doesn’t sound like this meeting was voluntary. And who is going to be open about this with their bosses and a client present?! 
“Lack of voting rights,” someone finally volunteers. Racism and police brutality get added to the list too, as does institutional racism. 
When Landau asks what the Democratic Party is doing to combat racism, the room begins to buzz and Jay speaks up to say the DNC is doing “jack shit to combat racism.” He wants to know where the policies are if the DNC cares so much.
Lucca tries to walk his point back by saying Democrats are trying, but one of the mailroom guys pipes up and says he doesn’t feel like the Party is talking to him or giving him a reason to miss work to vote. It is ridiculous that election day isn’t a national holiday.
Landau steps out for a moment and Adrian asks the room to tone down the DNC bashing. I feel like this is an unwinnable situation. If the people in the room speak up and say the truth it’s offending the client; if they don’t then they aren’t providing the insights needed. I know this plot exists mostly so our characters can have this convo but oof, this is not the right setting for this conversation. 
Marissa shows up in Julius’s chambers and he’s happy to see her. She says things at STR Laurie (or “STD Laurie” as the very mature RBL employees call it) are weird.
Marissa wants info on Marta’s case. Julius can’t find it in the system either and gets the same loud beep sound. Julius awkwardly denies ruling on it, then Diane walks in. Julius gets flustered and says he’s no longer on the case and doesn’t remember the case. “Are you fucking serious?” Diane responds. “Don’t swear at me!” Julius says. “I never used to swear, ever, but now I find it useful. People look at me and think I would never swear so when I say this is fucking nuts it has added meaning and this is fucking nuts,” Diane says. Love it. Also, I think TGF does a pretty good job of having some characters swear for impact and others (looking at you Lucca) swear all the time. 
Julius does NOT like being suspected and says to “talk to Adrian’s girlfriend”.
Meanwhile at RBL, the topic is now maternal mortality. A male employee mentions that black women don’t need to be mobilized (I assume he means because they are the most reliably blue voters) and that causes cross-talk. This is one of the more interesting “everyone at RBL debate!” episodes but I don’t think the writers will ever tire of showing that an issue is controversial by getting two sentences into a debate and then having it turn into cross-talk.
Jay jumps in and changes the topic to reparations. The room gets quiet. Lucca says it’ll never happen. Hey, Rosalyn is back!!! Lots of familiar faces in this room. 
Okay I am not going to transcribe this whole discussion but it’s interesting.
All three name partners get called up to talk to Mr. Firth. 
“Whenever I see offices like this, I always think that we’re all gonna be dead some day,” Liz remarks before Mr. Firth enters. Adrian and Diane laugh and Mr. Firth walks in and asks what’s funny. The joke doesn’t land.
Mr. Firth launches into another story I don’t understand or care to listen to. The real issue is that STR Laurie thinks that RBL is billing the DNC incorrectly (RBL is getting more than STR Laurie). STR Laurie isn’t supposed to know what RBL is charging as part of the transition plan in the merger, but Mr. Firth clearly does not give a fuck about honoring that agreement. Pretty clear who has power and who is backed into a corner. This agreement was supposed to “encourage trust” but something tells me STR Laurie doesn’t actually care about encouraging trust all that much. 
After the awkward meeting, Diane, who is just now hearing of the DNC’s business, asks Liz and Adrian if it is old business (RBL’s) or new (STR Laurie’s). It could be argued either way, Liz and Adrian admit.Liz is more concerned that STR Laurie is looking at RBL’s books when they shouldn’t be. She goes to put Marissa on the case.
Diane takes this opportunity to ask Adrian about his girlfriend. Adrian explains he just wants to keep his private life private. I’ve heard that one before. Adrian tells Diane about “Memo 618” and that it intimidated Julius.
CREDITS, FINALLY. I am going to take a break and watch Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, a show I’ve somehow gotten hooked on despite it being completely mediocre and something I would’ve dumped after three episodes in non-quarantine times. 
And I’m back, two days later lol
Bar-Swarm’s interface looks outdated. Diane knows how to use it, though, and asks the interwebs what Memo 618 is.
Meanwhile, Marissa refers to STR Laurie as “STD Laurie” in a conversation with Adrian. She doesn’t even realize she’s doing it, which makes the joke even better. Liz and Adrian are very amused.
Marissa narrows the potential list of STR Laurie (I gotta start shortening this-- STRL?) spies down to one, a Caleb Garland who is 39 years old and used to be in the Army.
Now Diane’s case is in Judge Hazelwood’s courtroom. Canning refers to the previous trial and Diane, knowing the last case had no paper trail, insists this is the first time the case is being tried. Canning doesn’t know how to respond and it’s pretty amusing to watch him squirm. Canning really is the perfect antagonist for this case. Kresteva would’ve worked too.
The Reparations convo, and cross-talk, continue. I hate to “case stuff happens” some of the most thought provoking stuff of the ep but, again, I have nothing to add.
Adrian mentions there’s a model for reparations in Chicago and tells the story and explains the model.
The debate Landau requested is too heated for him, because he totally didn’t expect that black voters are a diverse group with differing viewpoints, and Landau thinks the solution is… to add white people to the conversation for diversity. You know, to “gauge how the ideas are landing.” The ideas they are thinking through to help the DNC motivate black voters.
Mayyyyybeeee, just maybe, the problem is that this white dude is commissioning black employees of a law firm to do emotional labor while also treating them as a monolith and being afraid to actually listen to him? And that he’s making it seem like what black people have to say is only important if white people agree? Maybe just maybe that’s part of the problem too???
Caleb is peeling a rutabaga on a game; seems pretty silly. He and Marissa chat, and she asks him why he’s on the RBL floor before I can type out the same question. He tells Marissa he’s there as a spy but he’s not a very good spy. I’m like 99.9% sure Marissa says these same words to Alicia in season six when she shows up to be the bodywoman. 
Marissa and Caleb-- who no one even knows-- join the big DNC meeting because they are white. This seems like a good use of resources.
David Lee gets to be in the conversation, and manages to both snark and take it kind of seriously. Have we ever had it confirmed that David Lee is Jewish? I know Veronica made some comments, but Marissa’s comments here make it seem much clearer he’s supposed to be Jewish. 
Adrian tells a story that Vernon Jordan once told him, and the story uses the n-word. I think we may have heard this story on TGF before, does anyone remember?
Diane’s case is back. The actual particulars of it barely matter and I hope Marta gets more to do going forward and doesn’t just disappear. Judge Hazelwood, too, gets Memo 618, and things stop going Diane’s way. Hazelwood gets pissed when Diane brings up Memo 618 in court. She holds Diane in contempt and swears. Yikes. 
Lucca gets a call to go to the HR department that FINALLY exists now that RBL has corporate overlords. She’s there because there’s been a complaint about Adrian. Before hearing the details, Lucca’s asked not to share the details and she says she can’t promise them anything. HR still shares the complaint-- Adrian used the n-word. Lucca looks amused but HR is SUPER serious about this. A black man used the n-word. Seems like… not a big deal to me? Depending on the context, of course. 
Still no results for Memo 618. And when Diane searches “What is Memo 618?” (which is an extremely specific string but ok) her computer shuts itself off. Is… is that possible? I think I just have to accept that TGF is going to do whatever it wants with tech.
Lucca immediately goes to Liz and Adrian to tell Liz (while Adrian is conveniently there) about the situation. “Apparently STR Laurie has a zero tolerance policy on inappropriate language,” Lucca explains. 
Adrian suspects Caleb; Marissa disagrees because she trusts him already. (This is also making me wonder-- David Lee isn’t RBL, yet he was in the meeting… why?)
Marissa is then instructed to feed Caleb a lie.
Jay’s computer also encounters the issue (and all the accompanying sound effects) with Bar-Swarm and calls it targeted malware. 
Marissa, extremely clumsily (and potentially intentionally clumsily), feeds Caleb the lie. 
HR’s interviewing everyone. Most people say they weren’t offended; one woman says she thinks some people might not have liked it but she thinks running to HR is an overreaction. HR says they’re there to help and hold people accountable. Fine line between holding people accountable and making mountains out of molehills in an effort to be thorough. (Without seeing-- or remembering-- how HR ends up handling this I can’t really say they’re doing a bad job… though I feel like a situation like this probably doesn’t need to involve interviewing so many employees because one or two accounts should suffice to make it clear Adrian was telling a story and quoting someone. And also this does feel like a lot of white people who are unequipped to resolve workplace racial disputes.)
(Also isn’t the real HR problem that the employees were basically being forced into a conference room to have a debate about their own feelings and backgrounds?) 
ADDITIONALLY the HR lady is the scary-ass nurse from Evil. Yikes. That hospital episode is one of the more terrifying-- and interesting-- things I’ve seen in ages. 
Jay repeats the story to HR. They look surprised, like it’s the first time they’re hearing this. No one else told HR the story? 
Somehow this HR complaint gets back to Vernon Jordan. Ok, taking back what I said, this HR complaint has gone too far. I think they can hear from Jay’s story, which literally every RBL employee can confirm, what Adrian’s point was. And what does it matter if the story really came from Jordan or not?! This is egregious overreach that feels more like office politics than anything else.
Yeah, Adrian’s convo with Mr. Firth makes it pretty clear this is a power play to show Adrian he no longer runs things. It’s not really about his language; that’s just a pretext for STRL to send a warning shot. 
Now everyone has to take a class on racial sensitivity and Mr. Firth is lecturing Adrian about how “charged” the n-word is, which sets Adrian off. I feel like it’s pretty objective to say that Adrian knows the meaning and power of the n-word better than Mr. Firth. 
Adrian ponders quitting in one of his late night talks with Liz. I love their convos. They talk about their marriage (suddenly it occurs to me-- somehow it hasn’t before!-- that this is the kind of dynamic I imagine Alicia and Peter would have post divorce) as well as the topic at hand. Liz points out they’ll never fire Adrian for using the n-word in a quote because it sounds ridiculous and STRL has its own issues (they apparently took a group photo without black people and then PHOTO SHOPPED IN BLACK PEOPLE which… that’s worse, guys!!!). “They bought us to put us in their pictures,” they recognize. (They had to have known this going in-- still don’t quite understand why they sold; still don’t think the show will ever care to answer this question.) 
Liz tells Adrian to just do what he wants. 
Then Jay brings up the HR complaint in another group meeting and wants to know who filed the complaint. This ALSO seems inappropriate. 
Someone suspects David Lee; David Lee would never file the complaint because he hates HR. 
More interesting debate continues. Again, nothing to say, but really appreciate hearing all of this.
Oh now Landau is here in the middle of the intrafirm shitstorm.
It was Madeline, one of the equity partners, who made the complaint to make a point. Or at least it seems likely she did. She believes every black person should have a choice not to hear it at the workplace. I don’t really get an opinion here but that sounds like a valid point to me. It also goes back to the whole, “maybe a forced all staff convo about race is not a good idea…” thing. 
Adrian suggests that they could have talked privately instead of having it escalated to HR. His tone is kind of condescending but his point seems fair to me, though I think it’s up to an individual to decide if they think a complaint is for HR or not. If they don’t feel comfortable bringing up the point with their boss, that is what HR is for. 
It sounds like Madeline is a little bitter, too, about Adrian selling the firm. She’d be losing money, based on what we heard last week, so the bitterness makes sense. If she’s the one who submitted the complaint, it seems likely she had a reason to be upset with Adrian’s use of the word and also a point to make about how Adrian no longer makes the rules. 
Madeline also says that Jay bringing all of this into the open is called intimidation. I don’t think she’s wrong.
Landau, of course, sees all of this, and shuts things down despite Adrian and Liz telling him their employees are just “passionate.” Wow. This resolution might even lead one to think that having a law firm conduct an unstructured, seemingly mandatory debate about a personal and controversial topic is a bad strategy for getting things done! Who ever could have imagined it would lead to infighting and cross-talk? 
LOL at these sensitivity trainings and at Jay’s reaction to the watermelon example. 
Lucca is always so aware of rank in a really consistent way. It’s not so much that she craves status like an early season Cary-type might; she’s just very aware of where she ranks and who has power and what systems are at play. 
Adrian, Liz, and Diane (who’s barely had anything to do this episode) click through the sensitivity training slides very quickly. They’re definitely reading the slides.
Caleb goes to Liz and says he wants to be second chair on a case. Interesting. Curious where his character is going. 
Jay discovers the malware is coming from INSIDE THE OFFICE! It’s an STRL ploy! And we end with a very dramatic shot of Diane looking up at the ceiling. 
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BnHA 49 - 50 | Hinamatsuri 11 - 12 (FINAL) | MSO 12 (FINAL) | Boueibu HK 10 - 11 | Rokuhoudou 11
BnHA 49
“Tsukauchi…All Might…” – Come to think of it, what is Tsukauchi doing at this moment in time, anyway?
“…the ones who are smiling are the strongest.” – This reminds me of what Atro Spyker said in Rokka no Yuusha…“If you want to be strong, smile! He who can smile, even when he's so sad that he wants to die, when it's so painful that he wants to give it all up and run away, is the one who becomes strong.”
Why is there a person wearing a LLENN cap in the crowd, anyway? Is that intentional?
“What is with that pitiful back?!” – You can really see parallels between Bakugo and Izuku now between Endeavour and All Might…hmm.
Gran Torino in his prime…looks like Knuckleduster from Vigilantes somewhat.
Interestingly, the word daikokubashira (central pillar) comes to mind with all this talk about pillars. Normally I’d use that word in conjunction with a nuclear family and apparently the word can be used in a more literal sense with a house. However, in both cases, All Might is the pillar to the structure he made with society itself. Now that he’s pretty much done for, it’s like a Jenga game’s end. Everything falls apart. (Hey, I have a post on this topic in progress! Probably shouldn’t have mentioned all this…)
All for One looks…normal when he’s dead. I thought he was creepy when he was still up and about, but now I’m no longer afraid. Ha…haha…
Hey, it’s Uwabami! Haven’t seen her in a while.
Oh, the guy in the ED is Eraserhead with his hair slung back.
Hinamatsuri 11
One more episode until we have to say goodbye to this show…I really liked it while it was around.
Isn’t Rairaiken the name of the Chinese restaurant Anzu works at…?
Wait, so Nitta’s sister knows karate?! What?! Why didn’t anyone mention that earlier?!
This scene with the ashtray reminds me of Nitta’s senpai, although I forgot what the senpai’s name is…wasn’t he in the previous episode though? I really do have a terrible memory sometimes, huh?
“Is he really just a regular nice guy?”
It’s basically the Ember Island Players all over again! Hahaha…
Hina’s shirt says doutoku. The only kanji combo I could get for that means “morals” or “morality”.
What’s up with the line about yaks, anyway?
Hina’s shirt says sugosugi = “too awesome”. Then it said “haha”, which could mean her mother…but I think it’s more the English meaning, out of context.
I’d read in an interview on Seiyuu+ that “Anzu is an angel” and that Nitta wanted to keep Anzu instead of Hina, but I never thought it meant either so literally…
“Reality (Hina) is coming home.” – LOL!
What…? Hina’s gone missing, in the mountains? What if Ikaruga took her??? Oh dear…
Boueibu HK 10
Well, there ain’t nothing more manly than sleeping in nothing but your birthday suit on a futon…right? (kidding)
I laughed so hard at Kyoutarou sneezing. The “person’s drowning” trope for fanservice at least goes back to 2004 or so – DN Angel (the anime, I believe) did it, I definitely remember that.
Poor Kyoutarou is being used as a demo dummy in this set of illustrations, LOL.
Everyone’s using the phrase nechatta, which holds some interesting implications. You see, the meaning of chatta means either completion…or the fact the action being done has negative implications. In this case, it’s both.
I think Kyoutarou called Karurusu “Karuru” or “Karu” or something.
Turtle-kun is so smol, I wanna cuddle him!
Hey, even the subs use “Martha” now…I’m so confused, still.
The word the old men want is “monster” (kaijin), but then the other word they thought of was katsukare- (pork cutlet curry), so I can see why the word was bent out of shape like that now. Notably, Karurusu didn’t age at all…
Taishi’s using the word yancha (naughty), which basically confirms he was a delinquent when he was younger. Just in a very roundabout way.
Notably, Nanao hasn’t stopped drinking tea after all those years, and Karurusu seems to have a very very long lifespan if he comments on it like that…
Inago = locust. Ichigo = strawberry. The former is correct (it’s in katakana, so there’s one stroke’s difference between na and chi).
Wow…spoilers told me I should’ve seen that coming, but watching old men transform is not my gig, so thank goodness I was spared from that ordeal…
Hey, we’re back to our old tradition of dark skies for the finale…although we didn’t have that in s2, eh?
They don’t even have voice roles for smol!Ata, Ryoma and Kyoutarou! That’s unfair!
The reason we all call the show “Boueibu” is because the staff did it first…so here’s (the next ep preview) just some extra proof of that.
Noticeably, Yamo uses the word taoshite (to collapse), so literally his demand is to “make me collapse”…it’s a bit weird to translate it like that, which is probably why the subbers went with a different translation.
What did Mohiro ever do to be hurt like this, anyway? He doesn’t deserve to be hurt, Yamo…dangit. This is why you can’t be MVP anymore.
More montages…*sigh*
What the-orbefjvpenfp, Hyoue?! Don’t ruin the moment, regardless of whether it constitutes yaoi or not!
So…uh, somehow demons are talked about in terms of code? Y’see, this is why you need a good garbage collector.
I love how they were just called “The Hyoue Squad”, even though this show is called “Mahou Shoujo Ore”.
Gah! Anime-original characters steal the spotlight again…well, there goes my hopes for a good MSO ending, eh?
To think that Michiru’s male form is voiced by Kisho Taniyama – the guy who voiced Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs) – though…I still don’t match those voices with each other in my head, y’know.
…and somehow they were in Tokyo Tower. Of course, because Tokyo is the centre of the universe (sarcastic).
The thing about this show is that it’s so off-the-wall it doesn’t quite make emotional moments work, even ones like Yamo’s final handshake…sure, it kind of hit me in the feels because I’ve known this series for longer than some people, but not really…if you get what I mean.
I think Astral was thinking about this during one of the other episodes, but…they’re only bringing the topic of who Ore is to Michiru now??? Wuh???
The experience of this show wasn’t as bad as I was making it out to be in the beginning, but it wasn’t the most perfect thing either. I would rather they have done more filler with Saki and Sakuyo instead of coming up with anime-original characters to fill the gaps, but I’m also fine with what we got in the end...it’s a complex set of feelings that I don’t think I’ll ever get over. Anyways, that’s another show over and done. See you next time!
Rokuhoudou 11
Gotta love Sui’s Gendo poses! By the way, ponzu is some kind of citrus sauce.
This isn’t a particularly standout OP, but I might miss it for a week or two after this show’s end…I don’t want this show to end, actually. But as they say, be careful what you wish for.
(I still have no idea why they say “girls be ambitious” in the OP when the main stars are dudes…)
You might’ve noticed the one I like best from Rokuhoudou is Tokitaka. His voice, his hair, his caring nature (as demonstrated here with the old people), his ability to cook great food…*sighs dreamily* what a man he is!
You might not know this is you haven’t read the character pages for the show, but Tokitaka runs a pottery class. That’s why Osada and co. call him “Sensei”.
“Nagae”? I’ve never seen Sui refer to Tokitaka by his last name before! This is really something!
Oh dear, more Hotel East Side…notably, Osada is using very polite words (keigo) since she’s not really familiar with Sui.
There’s a shot where the light from the window streams on to Sui and you can’t tell if he’s wearing a kimono or a business suit…ooh, that must be symbolic in some way, y’know?
Mirin is a type of alcohol.
Rokuhoudou keeps surprising its customers…I wonder if I, as a blogger, can keep surprising people that way too…then I’d be set for life.
So that’s how Tokitaka uses unused stuff from his classes (using them at the Rokuhoudou)?! Wow, didn’t see that coming!
Osada looked like she was gonna cry, and that almost made me cry for a second!
“My father built East Side Grande.” – *spits out half-eaten food* Holy shiitake mushrooms! Rokuhoudou is best enjoyed with food, but if I keep spitting it out, I’m going to have to clean up around here…(kidding)
I didn’t even realise half the episode had gone so quickly! Yipes!
Hinamatsuri 12 (FINAL)
“It’s snow big deal.” – I get the feeling it was meant to have a pun in Japanese, but I don’t hear one when I listen to the audio…
Oh, there’s no Utako at the end of the OP! I kept skipping it, so that’s why I never knew…
Interestingly, the yuki is in kanji and the rest is in hiragana, which probably means it has to be a riff on the show’s name and not referring to any particular snow festival in particular.
Wait, forcible shipping? C’mon, they’re 13! That just lowered my opinion of the show somewhat.
Doesn’t this remind you of when Mao got stranded on the island and then made Hina go “Feed me”? She was on the ball after all…
Geez, that kid on the left (either Kengo or the other guy) is sadistic…
“Although you’ll be getting a roe deal.” – This was a pun on ikura (salmon roe)…although I can’t tell exactly how the pun works…
Is this Namahage Town, or what? What is up with all the namahage puns? Can someone tell me???
Wait, if credits are appearing here, then why is there half an episode left…?
Montage time…*sigh*
Why did a shot of Anzu appear (LOL)?
The yakuza guys are still watching that documentary?! What (LOL)?!
The horse seems to be called Eiyon Size…or something like that.
Hey, I think it was pretty accurate for “Oi, get your hands off her!” or “Oi, young man, don’t touch her!” in Chinese…or something like that. It is pretty garbled though…
LOL, Atsushi’s screaming in English though…”Mayonnaise is Atsushi!”
The monk’s name is Shinyhead (LOL)!
Ehh? Ain’t this the same scene from the beginning? Aw man, don’t make it like DN Angel…
“Watashi no smartphone ga!” Gets me every time, man.
In the end, Pruny Shinyhead just wants money, eh?...Haha.
Wait, so Pruny Shinyhead is like Mao like the boss man to Hina, huh?
That’s an actual plane company written on the side of that plane! Lufthansa! (The writing gets cut off when it’s at its most visible, though.)
So…in the end, we don’t discover what happened to Hina and Anzu three years later. Read the manga…I get it. *sigh*
BnHA 50
Noticeably, the sign says “stop!” in katakana.
I read on the wiki Shouto’s sister is called Fuyumi. That makes sense if she has an ice quirk like her mother (fuyu = winter).
“I can’t accept it. Not like this…” - Once again, you can see Bakugo in Endeavour…
Yap! (Yahoo!) News, LOL. The site doesn’t even bother parodying the purple or other style things about Yahoo!, though.
They…actually told us what happened to Ragdoll and Best Jeanist? That’s kinda sad, y’know?
Jiro’s parents are rockers? Well…that makes a lot of sense, actually.
Didn’t Brian the Sun do…yep, BnHA ED 1!
I’ve never seen a kid embarrass their dad before. It’s amazing…and so fresh.
Wow, Bakugo’s mum is…really something else. She’s got exactly the same temperament, I wonder how that family functions…
Midoriya’s shirt says “dress shirt”, LOL!
Inko’s feelings for Izuku resonated so strongly with me, I nearly cried…nearly.
I just realised…that computer in the flashback is a Windows 10. It’s got the menu and everything!
Wait…there’s an extra bit after the credits! The credits are way too long! Keep watching, keep watching…
Tartarus…? Like Alcatraz or something?
Hmm…in a lot of stories, the mentor dies. Here, the mentor doesn’t die. Good point, All for One.
Boueibu HK 11
Can I stop screaming “No duh!” every time they say “This is bad!”?
Manza the delinquent is exposed!
They’re attaching –san to the end of people’s magical aliases! Fabulous, if I do say so myself.
“We’ll stand up again and again!” – Uh, Karurusu? Kyoutarou’s sitting down…(LOL)
And…skip the transformation sequence again…and skip the purification sequence again…*sigh*
Notably, the kanji word on the wall not too far away from the pictures is “hope”.
*screams* My LOVE! boys! They’re back! (I knew they were coming because spoilers said they would, but this…this is wonderful…)
“…fail to realise…”
This entire conflict…it really is Kin-chan all over again.
This pink pigeon…is adorable! Like Turtle-kun last episode!
You can clearly see a purple hand (paw?) taking Kamopapa away, which is clearly Wao, that scoundrel of a lemur.
*voice caught in throat as Karurusu cries* Karurusu…don’t cry…
Does this mean the thing Ata wanted all along…was a handshake?
The next ep preview says "Danger is approaching King Kamopapa! Now isn't the time to be arguing!", by the way.
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megabadbunny · 7 years
A Rose by Any Other Martha
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The short answer? I think they would become friends pretty quickly but until then, things might be a little...strained. :’D
As for the long answer, I think the day Rose Tyler appears in her original universe is an interesting day for Martha, as she thinks of it, later.
“Wow,” says Martha, after the hubbub has died down a bit. It’s only taken a few hours (or a few years, but who’s counting?), but Rose and the Doctor have finally stopped hugging and laughing and crying and laugh-crying long enough for her to get a word in edgewise. “I finally get to meet the infamous Rose Tyler. Big day for me.” Rose’s smile wanes only the littlest bit as she steps back from the Doctor to take Martha in properly, her eyes making their first departure from the Doctor since she first showed up beaming outside the TARDIS doors. “Big day for me, too,” she replies. “Martha, was it? What’s your story?” It’s a friendly enough question, the shell of it, but Martha can see through to the meat. There’s distrust, too, and suspicion, and the vague scent of someone threatened, though Martha hasn’t any clue why Rose would feel any of those things. She herself doesn’t have much experience with this sort of behavior, but she’s watched enough of her friends prowling around each other, catlike and narrow-eyed and hackles raised, to recognize this primal behavior when she sees it. She shrugs—she figures it’s noncommittal, non-threatening. “No story,” she says, honestly enough. “Nothing much anyway. Got caught up in some funny business at hospital, the Doctor offered to take me on a trip after.” “And one trip became two became a whole bunch,” Rose supplies. “Oh, Martha’s brilliant,” says the Doctor, flashing that stupid-pretty grin of his as he loops one arm around Martha’s shoulders—and is Martha imagining things, or has a shadow fallen across Rose’s face? “Brilliant, astonishing, molto bene, a fantastically clever physician-in-training with brains for centuries, slick as an otter covered in oil!” “Erm, thanks?” says Martha uncertainly. “A quality addition to Team TARDIS, don’t you think?” the Doctor continues, and without waiting for a reply, goes on to say, “The two of you will get on wonderfully. Actually, why not start now, take a few minutes to get to know each other?” He takes off before the words have finished leaving his mouth, long strides taking him out of the console room before either woman has time to blink.
“Wait,” Rose calls after him, frowning. “Where are you going?” “Just a routine trip down to the basement, got to check a few things after that rough landing. Be back in a tic!” the Doctor shouts over his shoulder. “Come on, now, time to make friends!” “Sir, yes, sir!” Martha calls after him with a mock-salute. “Right,” says Rose, quietly. “Friends.” She doesn’t turn around to face Martha. Fidgeting uncomfortably, Martha taps one pointed-boot-toe on the grating after a few moments have passed, and it becomes increasingly apparent that, no, the Doctor won’t be back in a tic after all; whether he found something in the basement that genuinely needs work or he’s stalling for some unknown reason, it’s just going to be her and Rose for a while. And Rose doesn’t seem too interested in that. Martha grimaces behind Rose’s back. She hates to be petty, but something about Rose is—well, unlikeable seems just a little strong, doesn’t it? Especially since they’ve only just met. But maybe once she gets her talking, Rose will surprise her with some hitherto-unrevealed good qualities. Surely she has one or two. “So, Rose,” Martha starts. “Heard a lot about—” “Sorry,” interrupts Rose with a sigh, and Martha watches as one hand flies up to rub tiredly at her temple. “I’m a little worn out. Maybe we can do this later?” (“Or never?” she adds under her breath, as if she thinks Martha won’t hear.) Biting her tongue and anything that might roll off it without her permission, Martha nods and slaps on a smile, even though Rose won’t see either. “Sure,” she says. “Later. When you’re less…worn out. All that universe-hopping has gotta be pretty exhausting, right?” “You have no idea,” says Rose, not bothering to turn around even once before she stalks off from the console room. Martha grumbles under her breath. “Oh, I’ve got an inkling,” she says mutinously.
“…so then the Face of Boe gave up his remaining energy to open up the Motorway, and the Doctor and I finally had a proper chat about what happened with you, and the Time War and Gallifrey and everything, and then…” Martha trails off, watching Rose as she drinks in neither her tea nor a word Martha has said, probably not for some time now. Instead she stares blankly into the middle distance, eyes glazed and unfocused, stirring her spoon round in her cup. It’s a series of lazy circles, a flash of silver in a tiny beige-brown vortex that’s growing cooler by the second, much like Martha’s attitude. “…then the Doctor asked me to carry his children, and we had a procedure for it on Neptune, and I’m expecting a litter of his tadpoles in seventy-three months,” Martha finishes drily. “Good, good,” says Rose, her tone as absent as her expression. “So do you think you’re done now, or…?” Martha frowns. “Done what?” “Traveling with the Doctor. When do you think you’ll be done?” Eyebrow piqued with surprise, Martha sets her tea down on the galley-table, gently. “Dunno. Guess that’s up to him, isn’t it?” “Sure, I just don’t want things to get awkward for you or anything.” “Awkward?” “Oh, y’know.” Finally Rose takes a sip of her tea; whether or not she registers how tepid it is at this point is anyone’s guess. “That whole third wheel thing isn’t any fun, is it?” Martha’s smile grows somewhat strained. “I wouldn’t know.” “I mean, nothing against you or anything, I’m sure you’re lovely once you let that whole superiority complex die down a little bit. But the Doctor—” “Superiority complex?” Martha tries to say, but Rose won’t stop talking, what a surprise. “—the Doctor and I just have all this shared history, you see,” Rose continues, “and that’s not gonna feel great for you, is it? Listening to us with all our stories, feeling out of the loop, all that.” Gritting her teeth so loudly she’s surprised Rose can’t hear her molars cracking, Martha forces her mouth into a smirk. “Oh, it’s so nice of you to worry,” she says, “but you needn’t bother. The Doctor and I have plenty history all on our own.” “Sure, I bet you do,” replies Rose, and her smug little grin makes Martha want to shake her by the shoulders. “Oh, yeah,” says Martha. “Loads of stuff. We really bonded, y’know. Actually, I was a little concerned for you when you came onboard, because you’ve missed so much, you see.” Rose nods. “Sort of a pesky little side effect of saving the universe, sometimes you miss out on things. What’s a girl to do?” “I’d recommend some grip-strengthening exercises, for starters,” Martha mutters. Rose’s eyes flash with hurt, and Martha instantly regrets the words leaving her mouth—cow or not, Rose only slipped into the other universe, only lost her grip on that lever, because she was trying to help the Doctor, and the memory is clearly quite painful for them both. Some blows are too low and Martha suspects this was one of them. Besides, it isn’t like Martha has any idea how hard it was to hang on to that lever, especially with all those Cybermen and Daleks whizzing past. These cheap jabs are starting to make Martha feel sort of queasy. But before she can apologize, Rose downs the rest of her lukewarm tea in one gulp and fixes Martha with a bright-eyed stare. “So how’s your little crush going anyway?” she asks sweetly. Martha chokes on the air in her lungs. “S-sorry?” she splutters. “Your little crush on the Doctor,” Rose replies, all friendly innocence. “Oh, but I’m not—I wouldn’t say—it’s not that he’s not, but he’s not really—and I don’t—” Laughing gaily, Rose flashes Martha a wide grin, one Martha suspects is normally quite charming when she doesn’t smell blood on the air. Right now, it’s positively shark-like. “No worries, mate. I won’t give your secret away. Besides, I think it’s kind of cute, the way you trail after him like an adoring kitten.” Martha’s immediate impulse is to bristle, but instead she returns Rose’s grin with one of her own. “What can I say?” she asks, sipping delicately at her tea. “I guess I was just kind of a goner after he kissed me.” Rose’s grin slips by millimeters. “Yeah, well, there’s no accounting for taste.” “That how he justified picking you up that first time?” “Wow, you really do know a lot about our time together. Just how much did the Doctor talk about me while I was gone? What’s it like, hearing your crush constantly talk about another woman?” Martha glares at Rose. Rose glares back. “Ah, there they are!” interrupts the cheerful voice of the Doctor, only just preceding him before he pops into the galley, all confidence and bouncy heels and cheeky grin. “How are my two favorite twenty-first century women today?” “Fine,” says Martha, just a little too loudly. “Tremendous,” says Rose, just a little bit louder. “Never better,” Martha shoots back louder still. Glance flickering between them, the Doctor steps back, eyes wide. “Right,” he says, his brow furrowing in confusion. But soon enough the grin returns as bright as ever. “Anyway, I was just thinking, how does a trip to Broadway sound, eh? But wait, it gets better! How does a trip to the Golden Age of Broadway sound? I’m thinking flappers and gangsters and top hats and white ties and tails, feathers and sequins and music and pastiche galore! Seems like just the ticket, doesn’t it?” “Sounds just as good as a spot of Dickens in 1869,” chirps Rose. “Or maybe even as good as Shakespeare himself in the 1500’s?” chimes in Martha. “Or even Elvis in 1953!” “Or,” says the Doctor, “very possibly it’s related to none of those things in the slightest! Except for the stage bit. And the fun.” He flashes them both an encouraging (if a bit expectant) smile. “Remember fun? Doesn’t that sound nice?” Crossing her arms, Rose stares at Martha. “Sounds great.” “Just spiffy.” Rose’s cheek twitches. “Positively smashing.” Fingers drumming nervously against his thighs, the Doctor looks between the two of them once again, his eyes narrow and suspicious as if Rose and Martha make up two pieces to a puzzle he can’t quite solve. But he just shakes it off and turns to leave the galley, grabbing Martha’s teacup on the way. “Do you mind?” he asks, even as he downs it. A flush blossoms across Rose’s face as a wicked grin spreads over Martha’s. “Not at all, darling,” she says, fluttering her lashes when he pushes the empty cup absentmindedly back into her hands. (Rose squeezes her own cup until the handle snaps off.)
“Ah,” says the Doctor, drinking in a deep lungful of ocean-salty air, “Smell that Atlantic breeze. Nice and cold. Lovely.” Turning back toward his companions, plimsolls scuffing the pavement, he beams. “Martha, Rose, have you met my friend?” he asks, gesturing to the scene before them. Stepping outside the TARDIS, Martha follows the line of the Doctor’s pointing finger, up, up, up, until she sees— “Is that…?” she starts to ask excitedly, and the Doctor nods, urging her onward. Martha’s eyes travel slowly over the figure, taking a moment to soak it all in, the massive and intricate craftsmanship before them. A giant statue of a woman fills her vision, clutching a stone tablet in one hand, a torch in the other; a crown adorns her head, and her face is calm, impassive, inscrutable as a Roman sculpture of old. “Oh my god,” Martha breathes. “That’s the Statue of Liberty!” “Nothing gets past you,” mutters Rose as she pushes past, but Martha ignore her. “That’s right. Gateway to the New World,” says the Doctor. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” “That’s so brilliant,” says Martha, grinning. “I’ve always wanted to go to New York. I mean the real New York, not the new, new, new, new, new one.” Out of the corner of her eyes, she sees Rose glance at her darkly (dear god, what could she possibly have done to offend Her Highness now?) but she decides to ignore that, too. “Well, here’s the genuine article,” says the Doctor, pocketing his hands as he rocks back on his heels. “The Empire State, the Big Apple, New York, New York. So good they named it twice,” he adds, clicking his tongue and sending a wink Rose’s way. Rose laughs delightedly and the two of them beam at each other like a pair of idiots. Martha rolls her eyes and keeps walking.
None of them are smiling by the time they reach Hooverville. “What happened here?” asks Rose, aghast at the shanty town laid out before them. Granted, it’s not like Martha particularly enjoys the sight of the slipshod tents and rickety clotheslines poking out of the mud, or the widows huddling together for warmth around chicken-wire-bonfires, or the dogs fighting for scraps or runaway children running around barefoot in the cold evening air. But Rose—she doesn’t look concerned in that way that polite middle-class people do when they hear about those poor unfortunate Third World countries on the news. She looks positively stricken. It makes it really, really hard for Martha to do what she really wants to do, which is to explain to Rose all about the finer points of the Roaring Twenties and the Wall Street Crash and the Great Depression, thereby demonstrating to both Rose and the Doctor that at least some people managed to pay attention in history class, so instead she swallows her pride and shelves her knowledge for later, when it won’t make her look so horribly petty in the face of Rose’s famous perfect compassion. Dammit. “Hard times,” she finds herself saying. She half-expects Rose to bite back with some sarcastic retort, so she’s surprised when instead, Rose just nods. “Yeah,” she says, her voice quiet. And then Martha watches as, with a tentative step forward, Rose sheds her leather jacket and offers it to one of the more underdressed children, a small boy who eyes her with no small measure of distrust. Confused, Martha turns to the Doctor. “Can we do stuff like that? I mean, help people, like, with jackets and money and stuff?” “Erm, generally best to keep that sort of thing to a minimum, just for the sake of timelines and fixed points and all that,” the Doctor admits, scratching the back of his neck. “But don’t worry. Rose knows the rules.” “Even if she breaks them?” Martha asks jokingly. Both of them look on as a small herd of children slowly swarm around Rose, some of them plucking at the leather jacket now adorning the boy’s shoulders, others looking up to her like she might have something else to offer. She’s only got the one jacket—not everyone can have the Doctor’s bigger-on-the-inside pockets, Martha supposes—but she unwinds the scarf from round her neck to give to one child, peels off her gloves for another. Martha frowns. How can one person be simultaneously so nice and so awful at the same time? It just doesn’t make sense. Stupid Rose. Stupid, saintly, self-sacrificing Rose. “Sorry,” Martha says to the Doctor, willing her eyes not to roll—if she keeps rolling them, surely they’re bound to get stuck that way. “That was petty of me. I’m sure Rose doesn’t break the rules.” The Doctor bursts into a peal of laughter so loud it scares off the pigeons grazing nearby.
“The sewers,” Martha mutters darkly as they trudge underground with people they just met, sloshing through damp stuff she doesn’t want to think about. “Why’s it always got to be the sewers?” “To be fair, it’s not always sewers,” counters Rose. “No?” “Nope,” she says brightly. “Sometimes it’s tunnels, ship corridors, prison hallways…” “Lots of running down hallways, isn’t it?” “An astonishing amount of running down hallways,” Rose agrees, and the two of them share a brief laugh. Rose seems a little softer, now, after encountering the folks from Hooverville; Martha wonders why that is, but she’s smart enough not to ask. Besides, she’s still waiting for the next lightning-fast snake strike. (She doesn’t have to wait long.) “What’s that supposed to mean?” Rose snaps at Tallulah, and if her eyes could stare daggers, Tallulah’s cute little chorus-girl dress would surely be riddled with dozens of bloody little holes by now. If Tallulah feels the bite behind Rose’s words, she doesn’t show it. “Just sayin’, your friend here’s got herself a nice little hotsy-totsy fella, that’s all. She’s sweet and all, but she doesn’t know how good she’s got it with him.” “No, no,” Martha stammers, her face turning to ice as the blood rapidly rushes from it. “We’re not—” “Oh, no, they’re not together,” Rose laughs, and for some reason, it’s not the words so much as the laugh—the Dear me, how absurd of it all—that makes Martha grit her teeth together and ball her fists in her jacket-pockets. Pushing her anger down (deep, deep down, where it belongs), Martha turns to Tallulah with a dangerous smile plastered on. “No, not together like that. We’re just really good friends. Really, really good friends.” After a pause for emphasis, Martha’s smile deepens, widens, like a Cheshire cat’s. “I can see why you might think that, though. There’s a closeness, isn’t there?” “Trust me, sweetie, I get it,” Tallulah says with a knowing nod. “Close but no cigar, right? But don’t worry, you’ll get there. I’ve seen the way you look at him—hell, I’ve seen the way you two look at each other. It’s clear as could be.” With a lovelorn sigh that’s only slightly over-exaggerated (only the littlest, tiniest smidgen of a bit), Martha places one hand dramatically over her heart, the other on Tallulah’s shoulder. “Aww, bless,” she says fondly. “Did you hear that, Rose? Sounds like wedding bells any day n—” She turns just in time to see Rose disappear out the dressing-room door.
It only takes Martha half a minute to track Rose through the backstage crowd, thick with chorus-girls and blokes and stagehands. “Oh, come on, Rose,” she drawls, because she’s cold and impatient and she’s absolutely done with this weird indirect dancing-around-precious-Rose’s-precious-feelings bullshit. “It was just a joke, can’t you even take a stupid joke?” “God, I get it, all right? You don’t have to beat about it anymore, you can just come and say it, come out and tell me how much you hate me!” Rose snaps. Stunned by the outburst—what, does Rose have some kind of telepathic-whatsit now? Can she read minds now? Should she just give up and worship at the feet of the all-seeing, all-knowing Rose?—Martha just stares. “I’m sorry?” “You heard me!” Rose hisses. One of the stagehands whirls around with a finger pressed to his lips, silently but sharply telling them to hush. Mouth opening and shutting again wordlessly, Martha looks all around at the other stagehands and performers, as if one of them could come to her aid, but of course, no one can, and the Doctor’s nowhere to be seen. “What kind of—?” she finally stammers. “I don’t have a problem with you—you’re the one who has a problem with me!” “Don’t give me that, you’ve had it out for me from the very beginning,” Rose argues in a heated whisper. “From the very first second I stepped back onboard the TARDIS, you’ve been nothing but snarky and passive-aggressive and just flat-out mean!” Now all the blood rushes right back to Martha’s cheeks, burning them with a vengeance. Denial is the first thing that comes to mind, but the frustrating thing is that Rose is right. Even if she started it all, Martha hasn’t exactly risen above the fray, and that just makes her even angrier. “You think I’ve been petty and mean? Well, you’ve easily been just as bad!” she retorts. Pointing her finger in accusation, Rose opens her mouth with a reply that Martha can practically see scalding the tip of her tongue, but instead of letting it fly, she swallows it. Something in her seems to wilt, deflating like a pin-pricked balloon. “Shit,” she says, quietly, to herself just as much as Martha. Then, resigned, “You’re right.” And again, under her breath, harsher, “Shit.” Drawing in a deep breath, as if she’s rallying her strength for some grand action, Rose bites her lip. “I’m sorry,” she says, her voice curt. Martha feels it again, that spark of childishness urging her to say something unpleasant in return—Wow, that’s big of you, Don’t strain yourself there, Don’t do me any favors—but no; she drinks in a calming lungful of her own. She hasn’t risen above the fray yet, but now’s her chance. She can do it. She can. “Me too,” she says, only a little grudgingly. And now neither of them can meet each other’s gaze. Great. “It’s just,” Martha starts to say, and she closes her eyes, because it’s easier that way, somehow, “I’m just afraid you’re gonna replace me. Like it’s pretty clear that the Doctor’s only keeping me around for—for stupid reasons, now that you’re back.” “No, he wouldn’t—” says Rose, but Martha cuts her off with a sharp shake of the head. “It’s okay, you don’t have to defend him, I already know the truth,” Martha says, sadly. “Cos see, you don’t know what he was like, while you were gone. He—I don’t know what he was like before, but even I could tell he was broken. He missed you, Rose. He missed you so, so much.” She opens her eyes to find that Rose’s are glittering with the hint of tears. “I mean, I think it was a little better by the time I came along, I think having me around helped with the loneliness,” Martha rushes, “but it was like there was still this huge, gaping hole, that absolutely no one else could fill, no one but you. You know?” Rose thumbs her would-be tears away. “I thought maybe he’d already done that with you.” Eyebrow raised, Martha laughs shakily. “Right, that’s a good one. Tell me another.” But when Rose doesn’t reply, just wraps her arms around herself protectively, Martha starts to wonder. “Wait,” she says, realization dawning. “You didn’t honestly think I had replaced you…?” “Well, why not? Even if there’s nothing romantic going on there, it’s like the Doctor said—you’re brilliant, Martha.” Dumbfounded, Martha isn’t sure how to reply to that, so she doesn’t. “You’re smart, you’re quick on your feet, you’re able to take his nonsense in stride,” Rose counts off. “Not to mention you’re clever and posh and educated and beautiful.” “Beautiful?” Martha repeats, incredulous. “Uh, yeah,” Rose replies, as if it’s obvious. “Don’t act like you don’t know you’re a babe.” Now Martha’s cheeks are warm for an entirely different reason. “Are you in love with the Doctor, or with me?” she jokes feebly. “You’re even training to be a doctor yourself. You’re learning how to help people, how to fix them. How to get to the heart of the problem and make it better. That’s just like him—the two of you have so much in common.” “Well, maybe, but—” “You said he told you all about the Time War,” Rose continues quietly. “And what was that other thing you mentioned, Gallifrey? I don’t even know what that is.” A pang pierces Martha deep in her gut. “That’s the name of his home planet. Gallifrey. You mean he never told you…?” Lips pursed together, Rose shakes her head. “Well, that’s just him being an idiot, then. It doesn’t mean he has feelings for me. Any kind of feelings. Definitely not like what he had for you.” “Yeah, but that’s just the thing,” Rose says. “The feelings he had for me. What if he’s moved on now?” At that, Martha can only blink in surprise for a few seconds before bursting into laughter, heedless of the dirty looks any stagehands may throw her way. “I’m serious,” Rose insists, but Martha just laughs harder, until she’s doubled-over from the strain of it. “I’m sorry,” she wheezes, “It’s just—that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard!” She fears that Rose might bristle at the remark, but instead the corners of her mouth quirk upward like she might smile. “Yeah?” “Yeah,” Martha chuckles, wiping a tear of mirth out of the corner of her eye. “I’ve heard some pretty stupid things, but that takes the cake. He bloody loves you, all right? It’s obvious to anyone who’s got two eyes and a heart.” “I don’t know, though, I just—” “Yeah, back there, in Tallulah’s dressing-room?” Martha continues as if Rose never spoke. “She’s a nice girl but she had no idea what she was talking about. If anyone’s making moon-eyes at each other, it’s the two of you. I’m not even in the picture.” Martha quiets, her laughter subsiding into wistfulness. “Oh, Rose, I’m not even in the same universe,” she says. “It was nice of you to chuck all those compliments at me earlier, but we both know the Doctor’s only keeping me around so he doesn’t have to be alone with you. He doesn’t want to have to face up to everything he felt while you were gone, doesn’t want to admit how much he cares about you. He’s just keeping me around cos he’s scared.” “That’s not true,” Rose says stubbornly, taking Martha’s hands in hers. “And even if that does play any part of it—Martha, the Doctor doesn’t suffer fools. He doesn’t ask just anyone to travel with him. Regardless of anything else that might be going on, and regardless of any nasty thing I might have said to you, the Doctor only keeps company with people he thinks are special. Period. He only chooses the best.” She squeezes Martha’s hands in reassurance. “So that means you’re one of the best. Even if the Doctor doesn’t say it—cos let’s face it, he’s wonderful, but he’s also an emotionally-repressed prat—you, Martha Jones, are one of the best. Better than he deserves, even. Okay?” Martha’s heart swells in her ribcage, expanding at such a rate she’s afraid her lungs might rupture. This absolutely is not the outcome she expected from this conversation—nor, indeed, from any conversation with Rose, ever—but if she has learned anything from her travels through time and space, it’s that things are rarely what they seem on first glance, one may find allies in even the unlikeliest places, and damn, but Rose Tyler can be really convincing when she wants to be. “Okay,” she says, and she and Rose beam at each other, identical smiles spreading slowly over their faces. “So, erm, did we just become friends?” “Oh, we totally just did,” Rose laughs before pulling Martha in for a hug. (It’s not a bad hug, either; soft and warm, and even from a strictly platonic viewpoint, Martha can understand why the Doctor likes it so much.) And then she notices the pigman skulking around in the shadows backstage, staring longingly at Tallulah as she dances and glitters in the limelight. And just before it disappears in the direction of the sewers, even though Martha doesn’t get the best look at it, she notices straightaway that it’s different from the other pigmen somehow… “Rose, how do you feel about a trip back into the sewers?” Martha asks. Rose chuckles. “Why, Martha, I thought you’d never ask.”
After a day well-saved and a job well-done, the three of them stroll back down the street toward the TARDIS, Rose and the Doctor walking happily hand-in-hand. Martha is pleasantly surprised when Rose holds a hand out to her, too, and she takes it. Rose wasn’t half-bad in their little adventure, after all. And she’s not half-bad as a friend, either. “Do you reckon it’s gonna work, those two?” asks Martha, to nobody in particular. “Sure it will,” replies Rose. “Beauty and the Beast, Lady and the Tramp, the pig and the showgirl. Love conquers all. Don’t you think, Doctor?” she asks, nudging the Doctor’s shoulder with hers. The Doctor hesitates, and for a brief second, Martha could swear he was about to say something else, something optimistic and bright, but it’s as if his thoughts turn on a pin, and suddenly he’s saying, “Maybe. You’d like to think if they could make it anywhere, it’d be New York, but I suppose one never knows.” “Nah, I think this just proves it,” Martha insists. “There’s someone for everyone.” “Perhaps,” the Doctor murmurs. Martha feels Rose’s grip slacken at that; she squeezes her fingers, offering comfort, but Rose doesn’t squeeze back. “Hey, maybe we could catch a quick bite before we turn in, yeah?” Martha says quickly—things have only just smoothed over, and she isn’t quite ready for the merriment to end, yet. “Get a slice of authentic New York pizza—have they got pizza, now?—or we could nab something from one of those famous New York diners?” But Rose is already pulling ahead, slipping away until both Martha and the Doctor are left empty-handed. “Sounds brilliant,” she says, turning around just long enough to flash them both a wan, tired smile. “Catch up with you later?” “You’re not coming with?” Martha asks, and she’s surprised to note that she actually feels a little disappointed at the thought. “Nah, I reckon after all that time in the sewers, I’m overdue a good, long bath. Besides, you can fill him in on our end of things, right?” They stop just outside the TARDIS doors, Rose shooting Martha a meaningful look over one shoulder, a look only Martha can see. And, ah. This isn’t only about Rose and the Doctor, then; she’s also giving Martha a chance to see for herself that she’s not just a third wheel, after all. That she and the Doctor are friends on their own. “Okay,” says Martha, a little reluctantly. She appreciates the gesture, but now that she and Rose are friendly, well. It doesn’t exactly feel good to see her so down, does it? “Want us to bring you anything after?” “How about some pie?” asks the Doctor, rocking back on his heels. “Nice piece of pie, two-crust, extra whipped cream on top, just the way you like it? Any flavor but cherry?” Rose smiles softly. “Sounds perfect, yeah.” She unlocks the TARDIS doors and slips inside, leaving Martha and the Doctor to themselves. “Right, then, a brief culinary adventure with Smith and Jones,” says the Doctor, taking off again down the street at a jaunty pace. “Now, did you see a particular placed that piqued your fancy, or—” “You need to talk to Rose.” The Doctor turns around but doesn’t stop walking; Martha has to jog after him if she wants to catch up. “What’s that?” the Doctor says, holding a hand up to one ear as he walks backward. “Sorry, you’ll have to speak up.” “I know you heard me, so don’t play stupid, all right? You’ve got to talk to Rose.” “Fairly certain I spoke to Rose just now.” “You know what I mean,” says Martha, offering the Doctor a proper glare. “Like a proper sit-down. I don’t think you’ve had anything like that since she came back, have you? Maybe not ever.” “And this is your concern, how?” asks the Doctor, voice mild as he turns round to walk normally. “Because Rose and I are friends, okay? And it’s not fair to her, having to guess at your thoughts all the time. She can’t read your mind, she doesn’t know what you’re thinking, doesn’t know how you feel.” The Doctor doesn’t reply to that, but Martha swears she can read the response plain enough on his face. (She doesn’t know how I feel? She should.) “And quite frankly, it’s not fair to me, either,” Martha finishes. The Doctor quirks an eyebrow in question. “Look, I’m not your buffer, all right?” Martha blurts out. “I don’t want you to keep me on the TARDIS just so you don’t have to be alone with Rose and, y’know, God forbid, actually own up to how you feel. Own up to her, I mean. You don’t have to talk to her tonight, or even tomorrow, or however that works in the TARDIS, but you do have to talk to her. Okay?” Shoving her hands in her jacket-pockets, Martha stares stubbornly forward, refusing to let herself be cowed by anything she might see playing across the Doctor’s face. “She’s been through a lot, and she needs you,” Martha says quietly, and she wishes she could say she’s only talking about Rose here. “And she needs you to tell her how much you care. She needs to hear it. Humans need to hear stuff like that. It doesn’t matter if you think it’s stupid or unnecessary or not. It’s still what she needs.” Now she looks up at him, jaw set and gaze sharp. “Got it?” At least the Doctor has the decency to look the littlest bit abashed before his trademark grin slaps back in place. “So you’re properly friends, then?” “Yeah,” says Martha grumpily, crossing her arms with a hmph. “We are.” “Good, I was starting to think you two might not fancy each other’s company all that much.” “Well, I like her a whole lot better than I like you right now.” The Doctor chuckles. “Fair enough.” Beaming down at her, he extends an elbow. “Now, I believe we were discussing the possibility of obtaining some local delicacies, Miss Jones?” Martha eyes his arm warily. He winks at her. Ugh. He’s such an arse sometimes. But still, he’s an arse who’s happy to grab a bite with her, with or without Rose. So maybe that counts for something. And pie doesn’t sound half-bad. (An irresistible arse, then. And doesn’t he know it.) “Fine,” Martha says grudgingly, threading her arm through his. “But you’re paying, Mr. Smith.” “Fair enough,” the Doctor says again, laughing. ***
#martha jones and rose tyler#martha jones fic#rose tyler fic#ficandchips#tenrose#well implied tenrose/ficandchips#the more overt stuff comes later#in a sort-of sequel!#:D#because i'll be honest i've never really had much interest in doing any kind of s3 rewrite with rose#until i received this prompt#and like i don't have the time or energy to rewrite the entirety of s3 buuuuuut#there are some bits#that i find intriguing#both in terms of rose + doctor and also how rose would impact storylines#and also bc after rose and martha's initial bouts of petty jealousness i think they would be great friends#like best of besties#like queerplatonic levels of bestiehood#(queerplatonic since rose is bi as far as i'm concerned but martha strikes me as being pretty straight)#(and like wow i feel like tiffo and i really had a breakthru convo on the subject of platonic/queerplatonic relationships the other day)#(which may not have been a breakthru for them quite as much as me since they already appear to have figured some of it out lol)#(but basically it answered a lot of stuff about me personally as well as the way i tend to process romance both irl and in fiction)#(romance and platonic but important relationships alike)#(but anyhoo that's another story/post for another day)#and i would love a story featuring all three companions but that might be further down the road#since i already have approximately 8 million wips i'm working on#and my dear readers/mutuals might murder me if i don't finish at least one of them soon#<3#mbb fic
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hysterialevi · 7 years
In the Smoke pt. 8 (Cobblebats)
From Thomas’ POV
Navigating through the halls of the precinct, I hastily made my way to Carmine’s room as police officers stared at me with suspicious eyes, almost grimacing whenever I passed by. Apparently, rumors were starting to float around that I was working with the notorious crime-boss, and multiple news companies had even received a decent amount of evidence, but so far, nothing solid had reached the surface. Yet. Though, it was still concerning. After all, where were they finding this ‘evidence’ in the first place, and who was giving it to them? Right now, the only person who I could think of was Penguin--considering his vested interest in me--and there were no other notable enemies that I knew of who would’ve pulled off such a blatant move. I supposed only time would tell.
Arriving at Carmine’s room, the muffled, high-pitched sound of a heart monitor reached my ears, and once I opened the door, I saw the man himself lying in a bed, practically dead. His face had been decorated with multiple, dark bruises, and there was a rather prominent one circling his neck from when Penguin tried to strangle him. There were also several burns charring his skin due to the explosion, and a generous amount of bandages had been wrapped around him as if he would fall apart without them.
Slipping my hands into my pockets, I quietly approached my old friend and sat in a nearby chair, waiting for him to wake up as worry started to fill me. Carmine was as tough as nails--no one was questioning that--and it would take a hell lot of effort to bring him down, but I was still anxious about his condition. None of us were as young or brash as we used to be, and our physical strength only deteriorated with age. No matter how strong Carmine was, everyone had their limits, and I was afraid he had been pushed beyond his.
Suddenly, a soft grunt broke the silence of the room. I looked up.
“...Tommy?” Carmine mumbled, barely able to open his eyes. A weak chuckle escaped him. “Damn, you’ve got some clout, don’t you? My own wife can’t get in to seem me.”
I cut right to the chase. “How you doing, Carmine? I know Penguin roughed you up quite a bit.”
He scoffed. “Roughed me up? The son-of-a-bitch threw me off a goddamn building. Or, at least, he tried to. Batman showed up, you see. Somehow caught me before I could hit the ground. I guess it’s true, what they say about the vigilante. He really will save anyone.”
“He doesn’t save everyone,” I corrected, “but he won’t let anyone die either. If he can help it.”
“A noble goal, but ultimately useless. Enemies don’t get rid of themselves, you know. Just look at me: I’ll be out of this tin can by tomorrow. It’s gonna take more than handcuffs to keep me down.”
I smiled at that, but it quickly faded away. Carmine noticed my troubled look.
“Hey, everything all right, Tommy?”
I rubbed my temple out of exhaustion, letting out a breath. “Carmine, I think Bruce is catching on. To what we do.”
“Is that so?” He didn’t appear to be bothered. “ And what makes you say that?”
“Well, nothing specific, but he’s been...distant, lately. Like he’s trying to avoid me. Just the other day, on the anniversary of Martha’s death, Bruce disappeared before I even woke up. Normally, we always visit her together, but that day, I barely got to see him for more than a minute. Everything he does now is just...so unpredictable.”
Carmine laughed at that. “I wonder where he gets it from.” His chest heaved slightly with a short series of coughs. “I wouldn’t put too much thought into it. The boy probably just wants some space. He’s always been a lone wolf anyways.”
“But not like this.”
He sighed in a reminiscent tone. “We can wish against it as much as we want, but kids grow up, Tommy. Little boys become men. Their naivety turns into experience, and their ignorance turns into awareness. Bruce is gonna learn the truth eventually, whether we like it or not. He may not act like it, but I know, somewhere in that tuxedo, he understands the situation. You might as well explain it to him.”
I wasn’t so sure of the suggestion. “Maybe I should’ve told him sooner, but by this point, I’m not even certain how he’d react. To know that I’m still working with the man who killed his mother.”
“Bruce has been exposed to the world of politics more than a few times,” Carmine reassured. “He’ll understand that you can’t always opt out of something, no matter how nasty it is. Hell, I’m not even the biggest fan of Ham anymore, but we’re twenty years in deep. You can’t just dig your way out of two decades of history. That takes blood and time. Both of which we can’t afford right now.”
I twiddled mindlessly with the end of my mustache in thought. “...you’re right. You’re right. Perhaps it is time to tell him. I just don’t know how.”
“It won’t be easy, and I can’t even guarantee it’ll end well, but honesty can do wonders. Believe me.”
Before we could carry on the conversation any further, I received a phone call from Alfred, the gentle buzz of my phone emitting a soft, sharp noise. Standing up from my chair, I answered the call and walked over to the window, taking in the dark view of Gotham.
“Master Thomas?” The butler sounded panicked.
“I’m here, Alfred.”
“Oh, thank goodness. Sir, I’ve come across something rather...disturbing. I was just tidying up the manor, you see, and I was getting ready to clean your study, until I realized someone had gone through your stuff.”
I lowered my voice to a worried hush. “What do you mean ‘gone through?’ And who is this ‘someone?”
“Well, from what I can see, multiple of your files pertaining to Arkham Asylum and Wayne Enterprises have vanished. And on top of that...” Alfred paused for a moment, clearly hesitant to tell me more. “Sir, the entrance to the Batcave has been opened.”
My body stiffened at the news, and I could feel myself slightly shaking.
“What--opened? How? Did they mess with anything else down there?”
“I’m afraid I don’t know. On the bright side though, your gear seems unharmed, and the Batsuit appears to remain intact. Whoever broke into the cave was mostly interested in the computer, and just like before, they only accessed documents relating to Arkham. Who on Earth do you think could’ve done this?”
It didn’t take long for me to think of a suspect. “Penguin must be responsible. He has to be. Not too long ago, he was just harassing Carmine for info about that place, and once he was done with him, he mentioned having to deal with the Waynes somehow. This must’ve been what he had in mind.”
Alfred let out an unsettled sigh. “We must be careful, sir. If Penguin really was behind this incident, then your identity is at risk.”
“I know. Speaking of careful, has Bruce returned home yet?”
“No. And I’ve not received any calls or texts from him. Has he, by chance, contacted you?”
“No, not that I’m surprised.” I dragged a hand down my face. “All right. This is getting out of hand. I’ll try to get a hold of him, figure out where he is. In the meantime, I need you to dig deeper into the break-in, and see if we can’t pinpoint the invader.”
“Of course, sir. I will do everything I can.”
“Thanks, Al. I’ll talk to you later.”
Ending the call, I shoved the phone back into my pocket and turned to Carmine, who was eyeing me with curiosity.
“Everything okay, Tommy?”
I headed for the exit and grabbed the doorknob, holding on for a bit longer than I intended. 
“...yeah,” I lied. “Everything’s fine. Look, I gotta get going. I’ll see you some other time, Carmine.”
“Sure thing. Try not to lose your head out there.”
“I’ll do my best.”
Leaving the room, I replayed everything Alfred just told me in my head over and over again, my heart racing with paranoia as I sped my way out of the precinct. Not only had someone potentially discovered Batman’s identity and rummaged through my stuff, they had also stolen all of the records about Arkham Asylum, and the debate was literally just tomorrow. If I didn’t fix this on time, the following days were about to be one hell of a shit show, and I was far from prepared. 
From Bruce’s POV
Oz and I attentively watched the security camera footage from Arkham Asylum, which included Esther, Hill, Falcone, and my father. They were all cramped in some tiny, padded cell, and Esther had been bound to a hospital cot against her will while everyone else surrounded her. There was also an unknown man standing next to my father, holding a syringe of some blue liquid.
“Subject Nine, Esther Cobblepot,” my father announced, “you’ve been declared criminally insane...and committed to Arkham indefinitely as a ward of the state.
“Please--” she begged in a shaky voice. I almost didn’t recognize her. “--I’ll sell you the land. Please, don’t do this--”
Hill approached the cot, snobby as always. “Hrmph. You had your chance. You should have made the deal we offered you. Give her the drug.”
Esther started struggling. “Thomas, we--we’re friends. Our boys play together--”
My father joined in. “You were warned, Esther. You know I always get what I want.” He turned to the third man. “Commence the procedure. Give her a dose she won’t come back from.”
Esther didn’t say anything in response to that and simply sat there, her head hanging low with defeat as the man positioned the syringe’s needle above her neck. Why wasn’t he doing anything? Was he having second thoughts?
After a second of silence, he snapped back into business and all of his sympathy disappeared as he slowly started to puncture her skin with the needle, injecting the deranged chemical.
Barely a heartbeat later, Esther was already shrieking at the top of her lungs like a madwoman and wildly flailing around in the cot, her face twisted with insanity. The footage abruptly ended there, and the screen went dark, leaving us with our thoughts.
I glanced over at Oz, who was dead silent. 
“...Oz?” I put a hand on his shoulder. “...are you okay?”
Even though the footage had stopped, he continued glaring at the black screen and clenched his fists, blinking rapidly. His eyes looked glossy, and I could tell he was about to snap.
“...mum...” Oz whispered, voice trembling. Suddenly, he snatched the beer bottle resting on his desk and hurled it at the wall with an enraged shout, the glass violently shattering all over the floor. I flinched at the outburst, a little scared.
“I’m gonna kill all of them, Bruce,” Oz vowed, furiously slamming his fist into the wall. “I’m gonna kill every. Single. Fucking. One of them. They think they can just...just do that to my mum and--and...” 
He trailed off and slid down towards the floor, breaking into tears as he curled up and his face in his knees.
Leaving the desk, I carefully took a spot next to Oz, saying nothing. He didn’t want to hear words right now. He just needed company. 
Pulling Oz into a comforting hug, the man instantly wrapped his arms around me and buried himself into my embrace, shaking uncontrollably against me. This was the first time I’d ever seen Oz like this, save for when he used to be bullied at school, and I wasn’t quite sure how to handle the situation. So I just did what my instincts said, and continued to hold him protectively, letting him do whatever he needed.
After a few minutes of constant sobbing, Oz finally brought his gaze up to me, eyes red and face wet. His brow was furrowed in anger, and he wouldn’t let go.
“We’re gonna make them pay, Bruce,” he growled. “We’re gonna take back our city.”
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nvzblgrrl · 7 years
16, 22, 23, 26, and 27 if you don't mind.
16: Favourite TARDIS interior?
Late Seven/Early Eight’s blue steampunk/Victorian sitting room. It’s just so dramatic while also being a fairly comfortable atmosphere. Twelve’s is a pretty close second, but only after he warmed up the lighting and added the bookshelves (before that it just majorly set off my ‘oh this is a hospital can i not be here’ sense).
22: Least favourite Doctor (why?)
Uh. Seven. Definitely Seven. Forget the moral ambiguity, the constant manipulation and complete inability to pick up on what he’s doing to the people closest (?does that word even apply with him really?) is what really turns me off. Plus there’s just something about Sylvester McCoy’s serious face that makes me start stressing out (probably because his eyes demand your attention and I’m really bad at and with eye contact).
But Seven in the Doctor Who TV Movie doesn’t set off that ‘danger’ reaction, so… I guess I like him a little bit? There’s enough little background details that I don’t out and out hate him tho.
Maybe I should have said Ten. Most of why I like him now is that I’ve been stuck using him for a fic and have been interpreting him in a way I can actually swallow, though his comics and the Day of the Doctor was a lot more palatable than most of his stories for me.
23: Least favourite companion (why?)
Ugh. Rose Tyler. This is about 43% on account of her entire personality being an aggravation in canon (mostly in Series 2, honestly, but I can’t say I ever liked her, except maybe when Jack was aboard the TARDIS) but the other 57% is the fandom, because there’s so many people that just seem to endlessly churn out Doctor/Rose, not bothering to tag the presence of Rose Tyler as a major character, or shafting other characters for the sake of selling the glory that is Rose.
…yes, I am still sour about that one Ten/Rose fic I found that did all three of those things, also involving the two ace-est editions of the Doctor (5 and 7, don’t even try to deny it) randomly appearing to tell Martha (who had been nothing but reasonable even within the text of the fic itself) that she should effectively go die because she’s getting in the way of Doctor/Rose.
26: Favourite episode (or top 3 if thats too hard)
2) Spearhead From Space (my first Classic Who serial and confirmation that I was making all the right choices in getting into it). Liz Shaw. The fucking wheelchair escape nyoom. Literally everything the Doctor does, especially during his second escape scene and the flirting scene with Liz *insert ‘god I wish that was me’ meme here* even if he was just trying to get the TARDIS key.
3) Uuhhh… I gotta say The Rebel Flesh/Almost People even though that probably counts as two episodes. I just really appreciate any story that treats clones (identical ones, specifically. Opposite sex clones are usually a bit less death prone) like they’re real people because they are. I’ve just always been irritated by the ‘disposable clone’/’replacement goldfish’ tropes and, while there was only one ‘edition’ of each person left at the end of the story and disregarding what the Doctor did to Amy-ganger, they actually call out the characters on treating the gangers as sub-human (sub-sentient in regards to the Doctor’s ganger?) beings simply because of the nature of their genesis.
27: Weirdest piece of merchandise you own
A sonic screwdriver that is an actual screwdriver (it’s got a selection of exchangeable heads are kept inside of the casing and that fit into a slot on the ‘handle’ end ). I initially got it because it was the cheapest sonic I could find on Amazon that I liked it was like $7? I can’t remember, but god what a good buy. It’s simultaneously the most useful and most anti-climatic fandom related thing I have and I love it.
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scriptscribbles · 8 years
I know you didn't reblog it but I saw an ask post on my dash about "5 things you'd change about a TV show/book/fandom if you could" and it seemed like something you may like doing sooooo (1/2)
I give you: Davies Who, Moffat Who, Sherlock, Game of Thrones, ASoIaF (as a separate 5 things to the show), Star Wars, aaaaand Class for good measure. Have fun! 😉
Thanks, anon! This sounds fun!
Davies Who 
Donna remembers. I don’t care how. Just, not this violation of her agency.
Use Donna to call Ten’s hubris out.
Kill Queen Victoria. It was the original plan for series 2, and it works far better for the story arc. The whole thing is about consequences for Ten and Rose and their behavior, them creating Torchwood through their irresponsibility, but as is I think it lacks the sting.
Have Rose not end up with the Doctor. I know, they’ve got star-crossed true love and all that. But I think part of what made them compelling was that they were so gleefully, ignorantly doomed. They were grinning and laughing and flirting from battlefield to battlefield and there’s a wonderful contrast in that. But they also need to face the consequences. I think something like Hell Bent for them would be better, something pushing Rose to realize that it’s in her best interest to leave him even as it breaks her own heart. I think the parallel world stuff is good, though, particularly since Jackie ends happy.
Give Mickey and Martha their own stories in their episodes. Let them be appreciated more for their own strength rather than sidelined by the Doctor’s dismissive attitude. And, uh, don’t have them randomly in a relationship out of nowhere. Build it up or don’t do it. Also, have Martha remain a Doctor rather than a soldier.
Moffat Who
I hate calling for monster returns, but a story of something like the Mara for Amy in series 7A or 6B. Something to suggest the trauma she’s had and the abandonment through surreal imagery. Stuff like Asylum of the Daleks or The God Complex acknowledges it well, but I want more. It’d be even better if she realizes she’s being taken over early but struggles to tell the Doctor or Rory because she’s afraid of them dismissing her. Moffat’s really good at inside head stories so it’d work well I think, particularly if they got Hurran in for it like so many in that era did.
Show us River’s wives. Clara and Jane Austen. Canton’s husband. I know these things are incidental to the plot, but the representation means so much more when you can see it. I love it as it is but I do think more is called for and is a reasonable request.
Cast something other than white people in The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People. Like, I think it’s a really underrated script, but a story about the plight of the oppressed needs a diverse cast, and it just utterly fails that.
Paternoster spinoff. Let it be the SJA to Class’ Torchwood, eh? They lend themselves so much to silly adventures, and they provide amazing representation. Only hurdle I could see is in their heavy makeup work, but I’m sure there’s ways around it, like Strax wearing the Sontaran helmet or Vastra her veil.
Get Davies back for an episode. I know Moffat’s tried, but, like, try harder. Please?
Make the nature of Irene’s sexuality and her attraction to Sherlock clearer because that discourse is hell
Reduce the quantity of not-gay jokes. They do make sense in acknowledging a long history of speculation and I don’t think they need to be excised entirely, but there is a bit too much
Kill John instead of Mary. It’d change up the shape of series 4 a fair bit, particularly given Mary has far less aversion to killing and would probably make quicker work of Eurus��� puzzles, but there’s gotta be stuff to be done with that. Perhaps her not being willing to kill anymore after seeing John shot? That could be interesting. I dunno. I just feel like, good as series 4 was, there’s a better version where John takes Mary’s place and Mary John’s.
More Sally. I know the actress was unavailable for series 3, but it’s a huge blow in diversity to a show that has basically none.
Cut The Blind Banker.
Game of Thrones
Get rid of all straight white men in the writing staff. Let me be clear, there is nothing inherently bad about someone being straight, white, or a man. But as there is so much ignorance towards intersectional issues in a text that needs to be aware of and critiquing them (something Martin generally does well in the books and is sort of a main point of the series), that needs to be shaken up.
Stannis would never burn Shireen and that was the dumbest plotting decision ever. No. Just no. Now, his wife, she would. Melisandre would. His soldiers would. But he wouldn’t. Seeing him pressured to burn his daughter or else the troops will leave him for not being sufficiently devoted to the red god could be a good way of keeping the beat while removing the out-of-character side to it. But as it is it just does not function. At all.
More of Sam’s book scenes. The show gets a bit too fixated on the upsetting material, upping torture and violence to extreme levels, when some of the strongest material is in the quieter character work. Sam and Gilly taking the boat south is one of those.
A different direction for Sansa. I’m not saying keep her in the Vale and out of the plot, I get why that’s an issue. But don’t subject her to Ramsay. Or to rape. Actually, too much Ramsay is easily one of the show’s biggest problems. They seem to think he’s compelling because he’s awful, but instead he’s just awful.
Make Dorne the planners like they are in the books. The show has gotten so much drama out of the likes of Littlefinger and Varys, surely the plotting of Dorne like in the books could make for excellent television. I’m not saying it needs to be the same as it was in the books, there are changes for a reason. But they were changed in the show to the most ridiculous and incoherent thing yet.
Cut characters/plotlines. Yes, they all have thematic points to make. No, that does not make them all good storytelling. Many of the strands could be condensced, combined, or cut entirely. Not to say the show is the best example of that, just that there is sound logic in changing it because it just doesn’t flow as a story.
If you have to keep alluding to the sexual violence and critiquing it, please muster more sympathy for the victims. Would it hurt, for example, to have a PoV chapter for Shae, right at the end, so we know who she is? Or for Jeyne to get some agency rather than focusing just on Theon?
Have some victories. So many of the plotlines are subversions of classic narratives, like with Robb or Quentyn or Ned’s downfalls. But there comes a point when it gets too repetitive. There’s other twists stories can take that also build in the drama of the world. And if they’re so important to subvert, a standalone novella might be a better approach. For now the amount of these dead-end plots clutters an already chaotic series to make the pacing turgid and the overall scope confusing. Plus, the basic pleasure of telling a story involves victories as well as twists and horrific fates. I know this series is about subverting those pleasures, but it should do that by also finding new pleasures in unexpected places.
Deliver on teased developments. I know a lot of that’s a problem because A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons are transitional pieces to get the characters in the right place after the climactic events of A Storm of Swords, but it means after five very long books we are still reading setup for things we have been expecting for literal thousands of pages, with new characters dropping in for even more setup. It makes the books frustrating to read at times. And saving all the shocking twists in all the storylines for the end of each of the books just makes it even tougher going.
More of the original cast. The series keeps adding in new characters, and while many of them are indeed interesting, it’s frustrating when Sansa, Jon, Daenerys, and Arya’s arcs are all grinding to a halt and their chapters become increasingly spread out. At the very least, if you’re going to keep adding PoV characters, do it like, say, Brienne was done. Have them expand from a prominent character’s storyline and then branch off into their own. Like, I love Jon Connington, but the man is utterly disconnected from basically everything. And there are so many disconnected plotlines now that many of them barely move at all.
Star Wars
Erase every racial stereotype alien
Poe kisses Finn on the forehead or something while he’s unconscious in The Force Awakens. Maybe an “I love you.” I need it for reasons.
No kid!Anakin or kid!Anakin flirting with Padme.
Either make Padme or Obi-Wan the main character of the prequel trilogy. Padme is a more interesting angle to see Anakin lose it from I think, and has better access to the political storyline Lucas clearly wants to tell. And Obi-Wan gets a lot of the most compelling material, his plot in Attack of the Clones in particular feeling like a hint of a far better film.
Cut the Bodhi interrogation stuff toward the beginning of Rogue One. Just have the pilot talked about a lot like they do and have them not actually meet him until the cell. Because as is, he breaks up the first act’s pacing quite badly and distracts too long from Jyn’s story.
Less dialogue. I love a lot of the dialogue, but the show really needs more showing and letting the actors emote.
Make the two-parter one part. As it is the pacing just does not work at all.
Put Detained before the heart stuff. At the moment, the characters take too long to come into focus, not really doing so until Detained. It’s a good opportunity to take an already dysfunctional group, identify their flaws and tensions, and make that a focus of the series earlier on.
A different approach to the Shadowkin. Commit to an approach. Are they comedically rubbish? Terrifying menaces? A parody of toxic masculinity? An othered evil species? They don’t quite hit right and that hurts the plot arc. Also, their voices are edited poorly and that makes them hard to hear.
Promote the damn thing. Air it in a reasonable way in a reasonable hour when people will actually see it. Don’t just cut it loose and expect the Doctor Who brand will save it. If it utterly fails to get renewed, it’s down to how poorly it was promoted.
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tragicbooks · 7 years
10 'Doctor Who' quotes that show why it's the perfect time for a woman in the role.
These are uncharted waters for the long-running BBC series.
After much speculation, the news is out: Jodie Whittaker will be the first woman to play The Doctor on BBC's "Doctor Who."
This news was a welcome relief to Whovians, many of whom have been clamoring to see a woman pick up the mantle of The Doctor for years. To others, casting a woman in the role of a regenerating, time-traveling alien was an outrage. The role had been played by a dozen men before her and was always meant to be played by a man, they insisted.
A letter written by "Doctor Who" creator Sydney Newman to BBC One management in the mid-1980s offering up some suggestions on what to do with the character he'd created more than 20 years prior, however, suggests those outraged voices haven't done their research:
“At a later stage, [The Doctor] would be metamorphosed into a woman. This requires some considerable thought — mainly because I want to avoid a flashy Hollywood ‘Wonder Woman’ because this kind of hero(ine) has no flaws — and a character with no flaws is a bore.”
While "Doctor Who's" many years on air have been a pretty mixed bag when it comes to bucking sexist stereotypes (in fact, sometimes it was just flat out bad at this), there are a still plenty of quotes from the show that prove women (and men and aliens and everyone in between) can be whatever they want — which seems to now include the role of The Doctor as well.
Here are 10 "Doctor Who" quotes that anyone who says The Doctor can't be a woman should remember:
1. In "The Idiot’s Lantern" (2006), David Tennant's iteration of The Doctor takes on gender roles, delivering a royal comeback:
The Doctor: Hold on a minute. You've got hands, Mr. Connolly. Two big hands. So why's that your wife’s job? Eddie: Well, it's housework, isn't it? The Doctor: And that's a woman’s job? Eddie: Course it is! The Doctor: Mr. Connolly, what gender is the Queen? Eddie: She's a female. The Doctor: And are you suggesting the Queen does the housework? Eddie: No! No, not at all. The Doctor: Then get busy!
GIF from Doctor Who/YouTube.
2. During "Empress of Mars" (2017), companion Bill calls out the sexist views about what jobs women can do while stranded on Mars with a few accidental travelers.
Bill: What, you can deal with big green Martians and, and, and rocket ships, but you can't deal with us being the police? Godsacre: No, no, no, no, no. It's just such a fanciful notion. A woman in the police force. Bill: Listen, yeah? I'm going to make allowances for your Victorian attitudes because, well, you actually are Victorian.
3. Bill made history as The Doctor's first lesbian companion, but "The Eaters of Light" (2017) saw sexual politics turned on its head when she met up with a group of soldiers from ancient Rome.
Bill: There’s, um, something I should explain — this is probably just a really difficult idea. I don’t like men ... that way. Lucius: What, not ever? Bill: No. Not ever. Only women. Lucius: Oh. All right, yeah, I got it. You’re like Vitus, then. Bill: What? Lucius: He only likes men. Vitus: Some men. Better-looking men than you, Lucius. Lucius: I don’t think it’s narrow-minded. I think it’s fine. You know what you like. Bill: And you like ... both? Lucius: I’m just ordinary. I like men and women. Bill: Well, isn’t this all very ... modern. Lucius: Hey, not everybody has to be modern. I think it’s really sweet that you’re so ... restricted. Bill: Cheers.
GIF from Doctor Who/YouTube.
4. Back in 1968's "The Web of Fear," companion Anne took a stand for women and girls who want to be scientists everywhere.
Capt. Knight: What’s a girl like you doing in a job like this? Anne Travers: Well, when I was a little girl, I thought I’d like to be a scientist ... so I became a scientist.
GIF from Doctor Who/YouTube.
5. The first on-screen mention of a Time Lord being able to jump from male to female and back came during "The Doctor’s Wife" (2011), when The Doctor talked about The Corsair.
Amy: Doctor, what is it? The Doctor: I've got mail. Time Lord emergency messaging system. In an emergency, we'd wrap up thoughts in psychic containers and send them through time and space. Anyway, there's a living Time Lord still out there, and it's one of the good ones. Rory: You said there weren't any other Time Lords left. The Doctor: There are no Time Lords left anywhere in the universe. But the universe isn't where we're going. See that snake? The mark of The Corsair. Fantastic bloke. He had that snake as a tattoo in every regeneration. Didn't feel like himself unless he had the tattoo. Or herself, a couple of times. Ooo, she was a bad girl. Rory: Oh, what is happening?
6. Bill and The Doctor have a chat about Missy, The Doctor's gender-swapping nemesis, and society's focus on the concept in "World Enough and Time" (2017).
The Doctor: She was my first friend, always so brilliant, from the first day at the academy. So fast, so funny. She was my man crush. Bill: I'm sorry? The Doctor: Yeah, I think she was a man back then. I'm fairly sure that I was, too. It was a long time ago, though. Bill: So, the Time Lords, bit flexible on the whole man-woman thing, then, yeah? The Doctor: We're the most civilized civilization in the universe. We're billions of years beyond your petty human obsession with gender and its associated stereotypes. Bill: But you still call yourselves Time Lords? The Doctor: Yeah. Shut up.
Time Lords = genderfluid! 🌈#Pride2017 #DoctorWho http://pic.twitter.com/isSTjMZIeg
— Doctor Who Official (@bbcdoctorwho) June 28, 2017
7. When Martha Jones meets The Doctor in "Smith and Jones" (2007), she makes it clear that she's the doctor in this pairing.
Martha: I promise you, Mr. Smith. We will find a way out. If we can travel to the moon, then we can travel back. There’s got to be a way. The Doctor: It’s not Smith. That’s not my real name. Martha: Who are you then? The Doctor: I’m The Doctor. Martha: Me too, if I ever pass my tests. What is it then, Dr. Smith? The Doctor: Just The Doctor. Martha: How d’you mean, just The Doctor? The Doctor: Just. The Doctor. Martha: What, people call you The Doctor? The Doctor: Yeah. Martha: Well, I’m not. As far as I’m concerned you’ve gotta earn that title. The Doctor: Well, I better have a start then.
10 years ago today, a man named Smith met a woman named Jones…https://t.co/spiimjQV0J#DoctorWho http://pic.twitter.com/NqJW7GWk3G
— Doctor Who Official (@bbcdoctorwho) March 31, 2017
8. In part two of "The End of Time" (2010), we learn that former companions Mickey and Martha are now married. And we also learn that Martha isn't the type to sit things out simply because of that.
Mickey: Yeah, but — we’re being fired at by a Sontoran. A dumpling with a gun. And this is no place for a married woman. Martha: Well, then, you shouldn’t have married me.
GIF from Doctor Who/YouTube.
9.  In "The Ark of Space" (1975), fan-favorite companion Sarah Jane Smith stands up to some condescending language in an awesome way.
Harry: She's coming round. Steady, steady on, old girl, steady on. Sarah: [dazed] Harry? Harry: Yes, I'm here, I'm here. Sarah: Call me old girl again ... and I'll spit in your eye.
10. That time Donna Noble, aka the best temp in Cheswick, absorbed The Doctor's knowledge and became The Doctor Donna, a highlight of her time on the show in "Journey's End" (2008).
The Doctor: How did you work that out? You’re —Time Lord. Part Time Lord. Donna: Part human. Oh yes. That was a two-way biological meta-crisis. Half-Doctor Half-Donna. The Doctor: The Doctor Donna!
0 notes
vernicle · 7 years
10 'Doctor Who' quotes that show why it's the perfect time for a woman in the role.
These are uncharted waters for the long-working BBC series.
Soon after a lot speculation, the information is out: Jodie Whittaker will be the first lady to participate in The Medical doctor on BBC's "Medical doctor Who."
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-_bSdWEYK8?wmode=transparent&showinfo=&controls=one&enablejsapi=one&rel=&model=3&colour=white&w=560&h=315]
This information was a welcome aid to Whovians, quite a few of whom have been clamoring to see a lady decide up the mantle of The Medical doctor for yrs. To some others, casting a lady in the position of a regenerating, time-traveling alien was an outrage. The position had been played by a dozen men before her and was normally meant to be played by a man, they insisted.
A letter prepared by "Medical doctor Who" creator Sydney Newman to BBC A single management in the mid-nineteen eighties presenting up some suggestions on what to do with the character he'd created a lot more than twenty yrs prior, on the other hand, indicates those outraged voices haven't carried out their research:
“At a afterwards stage, [The Medical doctor] would be metamorphosed into a lady. This demands some sizeable imagined — largely for the reason that I want to prevent a flashy Hollywood ‘Wonder Woman’ for the reason that this kind of hero(ine) has no flaws — and a character with no flaws is a bore.”
Although "Medical doctor Who's" quite a few yrs on air have been a really mixed bag when it will come to bucking sexist stereotypes (in simple fact, occasionally it was just flat out lousy at this), there are a still a good deal of quotes from the clearly show that demonstrate females (and men and aliens and all people in amongst) can be whatever they want — which would seem to now involve the position of The Medical doctor as very well.
Here are 10 "Medical doctor Who" quotes that any one who suggests The Medical doctor can not be a lady ought to keep in mind:
one. In "The Idiot’s Lantern" (2006), David Tennant's iteration of The Medical doctor usually takes on gender roles, offering a royal comeback:
The Medical doctor: Hold on a moment. You've bought fingers, Mr. Connolly. Two major fingers. So why's that your wife’s job? Eddie: Effectively, it's housework, is just not it? The Medical doctor: And that is a woman’s job? Eddie: Class it is! The Medical doctor: Mr. Connolly, what gender is the Queen? Eddie: She's a feminine. The Medical doctor: And are you suggesting the Queen does the housework? Eddie: No! No, not at all. The Medical doctor: Then get hectic!
GIF from Medical doctor Who/YouTube.
2. All through "Empress of Mars" (2017), companion Monthly bill phone calls out the sexist views about what positions females can do while stranded on Mars with a number of accidental vacationers.
Monthly bill: What, you can offer with major green Martians and, and, and rocket ships, but you can not offer with us being the police? Godsacre: No, no, no, no, no. It can be just such a fanciful idea. A lady in the police drive. Monthly bill: Listen, yeah? I'm heading to make allowances for your Victorian attitudes for the reason that, very well, you basically are Victorian.
3. Monthly bill designed history as The Doctor's first lesbian companion, but "The Eaters of Mild" (2017) observed sexual politics turned on its head when she met up with a group of soldiers from ancient Rome.
Monthly bill: There is, um, some thing I ought to describe — this is almost certainly just a genuinely difficult thought. I really don't like men ... that way. Lucius: What, not ever? Monthly bill: No. Not ever. Only females. Lucius: Oh. All ideal, yeah, I bought it. You are like Vitus, then. Monthly bill: What? Lucius: He only likes men. Vitus: Some men. Superior-looking men than you, Lucius. Lucius: I really don't consider it’s slender-minded. I consider it’s fine. You know what you like. Monthly bill: And you like ... both? Lucius: I’m just regular. I like men and females. Monthly bill: Effectively, is not this all extremely ... modern-day. Lucius: Hey, not most people has to be modern-day. I consider it’s genuinely sweet that you’re so ... restricted. Monthly bill: Cheers.
GIF from Medical doctor Who/YouTube.
four. Back in 1968's "The World-wide-web of Panic," companion Anne took a stand for females and women who want to be researchers in all places.
Capt. Knight: What’s a girl like you accomplishing in a job like this? Anne Travers: Effectively, when I was a little girl, I imagined I’d like to be a scientist ... so I grew to become a scientist.
GIF from Medical doctor Who/YouTube.
5. The first on-display screen mention of a Time Lord being equipped to leap from male to feminine and back again arrived in the course of "The Doctor’s Wife" (2011), when The Medical doctor talked about The Corsair.
Amy: Medical doctor, what is it? The Medical doctor: I've bought mail. Time Lord emergency messaging process. In an emergency, we might wrap up thoughts in psychic containers and mail them as a result of time and room. Anyway, there's a living Time Lord still out there, and it's just one of the superior ones. Rory: You mentioned there weren't any other Time Lords left. The Medical doctor: There are no Time Lords left anywhere in the universe. But the universe is just not exactly where we are heading. See that snake? The mark of The Corsair. Superb bloke. He had that snake as a tattoo in each individual regeneration. Didn't experience like himself unless he had the tattoo. Or herself, a few of times. Ooo, she was a lousy girl. Rory: Oh, what is going on?
six. Monthly bill and The Medical doctor have a chat about Missy, The Doctor's gender-swapping nemesis, and society's concentration on the notion in "Earth Adequate and Time" (2017).
The Medical doctor: She was my first mate, normally so good, from the first day at the academy. So fast, so funny. She was my man crush. Monthly bill: I'm sorry? The Medical doctor: Yeah, I consider she was a man back again then. I'm relatively confident that I was, far too. It was a long time back, even though. Monthly bill: So, the Time Lords, bit versatile on the complete man-lady factor, then, yeah? The Medical doctor: We're the most civilized civilization in the universe. We're billions of yrs over and above your petty human obsession with gender and its associated stereotypes. Monthly bill: But you still call yourselves Time Lords? The Medical doctor: Yeah. Shut up.
Time Lords = genderfluid! 🌈#Pride2017 #DoctorWho http://pic.twitter.com/isSTjMZIeg
— Medical doctor Who Formal (@bbcdoctorwho) June 28, 2017
seven. When Martha Jones meets The Medical doctor in "Smith and Jones" (2007), she tends to make it very clear that she's the health care provider in this pairing.
Martha: I guarantee you, Mr. Smith. We will obtain a way out. If we can vacation to the moon, then we can vacation back again. There is bought to be a way. The Medical doctor: It is not Smith. That’s not my serious name. Martha: Who are you then? The Medical doctor: I’m The Medical doctor. Martha: Me far too, if I ever go my tests. What is it then, Dr. Smith? The Medical doctor: Just The Medical doctor. Martha: How d’you indicate, just The Medical doctor? The Medical doctor: Just. The Medical doctor. Martha: What, people call you The Medical doctor? The Medical doctor: Yeah. Martha: Effectively, I’m not. As far as I’m anxious you have gotta earn that title. The Medical doctor: Effectively, I superior have a get started then.
10 yrs back right now, a man named Smith met a lady named Jones…https://t.co/spiimjQV0J#DoctorWho http://pic.twitter.com/NqJW7GWk3G
— Medical doctor Who Formal (@bbcdoctorwho) March 31, 2017
8. In section two of "The End of Time" (2010), we understand that former companions Mickey and Martha are now married. And we also understand that Martha is just not the type to sit issues out simply just for the reason that of that.
Mickey: Yeah, but — we’re being fired at by a Sontoran. A dumpling with a gun. And this is no put for a married lady. Martha: Effectively, then, you should not have married me.
GIF from Medical doctor Who/YouTube.
nine.  In "The Ark of Area" (1975), supporter-favored companion Sarah Jane Smith stands up to some condescending language in an amazing way.
Harry: She's coming round. Regular, continual on, outdated girl, continual on. Sarah: [dazed] Harry? Harry: Sure, I'm right here, I'm right here. Sarah: Phone me outdated girl once more ... and I am going to spit in your eye.
10. That time Donna Noble, aka the ideal temp in Cheswick, absorbed The Doctor's awareness and grew to become The Medical doctor Donna, a emphasize of her time on the clearly show in "Journey's End" (2008).
The Medical doctor: How did you work that out? You are —Time Lord. Aspect Time Lord. Donna: Aspect human. Oh certainly. That was a two-way biological meta-disaster. Half-Medical doctor Half-Donna. The Medical doctor: The Medical doctor Donna!
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socialviralnews · 7 years
10 'Doctor Who' quotes that show why it's the perfect time for a woman in the role.
These are uncharted waters for the long-running BBC series.
After much speculation, the news is out: Jodie Whittaker will be the first woman to play The Doctor on BBC's "Doctor Who."
This news was a welcome relief to Whovians, many of whom have been clamoring to see a woman pick up the mantle of The Doctor for years. To others, casting a woman in the role of a regenerating, time-traveling alien was an outrage. The role had been played by a dozen men before her and was always meant to be played by a man, they insisted.
A letter written by "Doctor Who" creator Sydney Newman to BBC One management in the mid-1980s offering up some suggestions on what to do with the character he'd created more than 20 years prior, however, suggests those outraged voices haven't done their research:
“At a later stage, [The Doctor] would be metamorphosed into a woman. This requires some considerable thought — mainly because I want to avoid a flashy Hollywood ‘Wonder Woman’ because this kind of hero(ine) has no flaws — and a character with no flaws is a bore.”
While "Doctor Who's" many years on air have been a pretty mixed bag when it comes to bucking sexist stereotypes (in fact, sometimes it was just flat out bad at this), there are a still plenty of quotes from the show that prove women (and men and aliens and everyone in between) can be whatever they want — which seems to now include the role of The Doctor as well.
Here are 10 "Doctor Who" quotes that anyone who says The Doctor can't be a woman should remember:
1. In "The Idiot’s Lantern" (2006), David Tennant's iteration of The Doctor takes on gender roles, delivering a royal comeback:
The Doctor: Hold on a minute. You've got hands, Mr. Connolly. Two big hands. So why's that your wife’s job? Eddie: Well, it's housework, isn't it? The Doctor: And that's a woman’s job? Eddie: Course it is! The Doctor: Mr. Connolly, what gender is the Queen? Eddie: She's a female. The Doctor: And are you suggesting the Queen does the housework? Eddie: No! No, not at all. The Doctor: Then get busy!
GIF from Doctor Who/YouTube.
2. During "Empress of Mars" (2017), companion Bill calls out the sexist views about what jobs women can do while stranded on Mars with a few accidental travelers.
Bill: What, you can deal with big green Martians and, and, and rocket ships, but you can't deal with us being the police? Godsacre: No, no, no, no, no. It's just such a fanciful notion. A woman in the police force. Bill: Listen, yeah? I'm going to make allowances for your Victorian attitudes because, well, you actually are Victorian.
3. Bill made history as The Doctor's first lesbian companion, but "The Eaters of Light" (2017) saw sexual politics turned on its head when she met up with a group of soldiers from ancient Rome.
Bill: There’s, um, something I should explain — this is probably just a really difficult idea. I don’t like men ... that way. Lucius: What, not ever? Bill: No. Not ever. Only women. Lucius: Oh. All right, yeah, I got it. You’re like Vitus, then. Bill: What? Lucius: He only likes men. Vitus: Some men. Better-looking men than you, Lucius. Lucius: I don’t think it’s narrow-minded. I think it’s fine. You know what you like. Bill: And you like ... both? Lucius: I’m just ordinary. I like men and women. Bill: Well, isn’t this all very ... modern. Lucius: Hey, not everybody has to be modern. I think it’s really sweet that you’re so ... restricted. Bill: Cheers.
GIF from Doctor Who/YouTube.
4. Back in 1968's "The Web of Fear," companion Anne took a stand for women and girls who want to be scientists everywhere.
Capt. Knight: What’s a girl like you doing in a job like this? Anne Travers: Well, when I was a little girl, I thought I’d like to be a scientist ... so I became a scientist.
GIF from Doctor Who/YouTube.
5. The first on-screen mention of a Time Lord being able to jump from male to female and back came during "The Doctor’s Wife" (2011), when The Doctor talked about The Corsair.
Amy: Doctor, what is it? The Doctor: I've got mail. Time Lord emergency messaging system. In an emergency, we'd wrap up thoughts in psychic containers and send them through time and space. Anyway, there's a living Time Lord still out there, and it's one of the good ones. Rory: You said there weren't any other Time Lords left. The Doctor: There are no Time Lords left anywhere in the universe. But the universe isn't where we're going. See that snake? The mark of The Corsair. Fantastic bloke. He had that snake as a tattoo in every regeneration. Didn't feel like himself unless he had the tattoo. Or herself, a couple of times. Ooo, she was a bad girl. Rory: Oh, what is happening?
6. Bill and The Doctor have a chat about Missy, The Doctor's gender-swapping nemesis, and society's focus on the concept in "World Enough and Time" (2017).
The Doctor: She was my first friend, always so brilliant, from the first day at the academy. So fast, so funny. She was my man crush. Bill: I'm sorry? The Doctor: Yeah, I think she was a man back then. I'm fairly sure that I was, too. It was a long time ago, though. Bill: So, the Time Lords, bit flexible on the whole man-woman thing, then, yeah? The Doctor: We're the most civilized civilization in the universe. We're billions of years beyond your petty human obsession with gender and its associated stereotypes. Bill: But you still call yourselves Time Lords? The Doctor: Yeah. Shut up.
Time Lords = genderfluid! 🌈#Pride2017 #DoctorWho http://pic.twitter.com/isSTjMZIeg
— Doctor Who Official (@bbcdoctorwho) June 28, 2017
7. When Martha Jones meets The Doctor in "Smith and Jones" (2007), she makes it clear that she's the doctor in this pairing.
Martha: I promise you, Mr. Smith. We will find a way out. If we can travel to the moon, then we can travel back. There’s got to be a way. The Doctor: It’s not Smith. That’s not my real name. Martha: Who are you then? The Doctor: I’m The Doctor. Martha: Me too, if I ever pass my tests. What is it then, Dr. Smith? The Doctor: Just The Doctor. Martha: How d’you mean, just The Doctor? The Doctor: Just. The Doctor. Martha: What, people call you The Doctor? The Doctor: Yeah. Martha: Well, I’m not. As far as I’m concerned you’ve gotta earn that title. The Doctor: Well, I better have a start then.
10 years ago today, a man named Smith met a woman named Jones…https://t.co/spiimjQV0J#DoctorWho http://pic.twitter.com/NqJW7GWk3G
— Doctor Who Official (@bbcdoctorwho) March 31, 2017
8. In part two of "The End of Time" (2010), we learn that former companions Mickey and Martha are now married. And we also learn that Martha isn't the type to sit things out simply because of that.
Mickey: Yeah, but — we’re being fired at by a Sontoran. A dumpling with a gun. And this is no place for a married woman. Martha: Well, then, you shouldn’t have married me.
GIF from Doctor Who/YouTube.
9.  In "The Ark of Space" (1975), fan-favorite companion Sarah Jane Smith stands up to some condescending language in an awesome way.
Harry: She's coming round. Steady, steady on, old girl, steady on. Sarah: [dazed] Harry? Harry: Yes, I'm here, I'm here. Sarah: Call me old girl again ... and I'll spit in your eye.
10. That time Donna Noble, aka the best temp in Cheswick, absorbed The Doctor's knowledge and became The Doctor Donna, a highlight of her time on the show in "Journey's End" (2008).
The Doctor: How did you work that out? You’re —Time Lord. Part Time Lord. Donna: Part human. Oh yes. That was a two-way biological meta-crisis. Half-Doctor Half-Donna. The Doctor: The Doctor Donna!
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