#Why is he always in the suit?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
bookishtheaterlover7 · 9 months
Are you sure you want to use ai?
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I mean...
Depends really, half the time it looks cool, the other half...
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starsxblazing · 8 months
Hi friend! I had an idea that perhaps you could bring to life. Its an azriel x reader. Where shes a seamstress for Rhys, she makes all his suits and all the beautiful gowns and dresses for the girls to wear. She even makes their leathers for fighting. I imagine one of them or maybe a few of them make a comment on how she's no one important and kinda belittles her work cuz shes just a seamstress. Rhys brings all 3 males to be measured for suits and azriel is getting flushed as readers kneeling to measure the length of his pants and the slit for his wings. Rhys sees Azriel blush and gives him a stern look shaking his head like "not this one." She doesnt look them in they eye, and rhys doesnt tell azriel anything about her. Like shes rhys best kept secret. Reader feels like the IC is so much better than her and thats why they sometimes say mean things (maybe someone asks elain where her dress is from and she just scoffs like "this old thing") but its actually a protective rhys trying to keep her safe cuz she reminds him so much of his deceased sister. Bond snaps but readers so insecure she wants to decline. Sorry this was so long. Lol. Just trying to get the jist of it out. Non important seamstress reader, flushed azriel, brother like rhys. The end. 🤣🤣🤣
a/n: I really hope that I did your request justice! It was so cute writing a shy Azriel
You sat at the front desk of the shop to place your order for your inventory, sighing to yourself as your eyes momentarily moved around the small store that you owned. It wasn’t anything special and was small compared to the many others in the city. There were so many other places that would be preferred by the citizens but this was your passion and refused to give up on it. The bell on the door rang and you looked up with a hopeful smile that turned into a grin when you saw who was striding in.
“Hey!” you started happily, thankful to see such a familiar face. “It feels like forever since I’ve seen you.”
“I will make it a top priority to come visit when it isn’t just for your services,” he chuckled.
“And what is it that I can do for the all mighty High Lord?” A giggle at his playful frown escaped you. “I’ve been looking forward to the new things that you always request.”
“We have a visit to the Day Court and it would be nice to have some new attire for the ball that Helion will be hosting.”
“That sounds so nice,” you sighed dreamily. “The same sizes as last time?”
“The females, yes.” He gave you a smile that was full of love and admiration that nearly brought tears to your eyes. “However, Azriel and Cassian will need to be measured since they usually do not wear this particular form of attire.”
“Just let me know when you’re ready and I’ll have everything set up.” You searched through the files under your desk to pull out the Inner Circles information. “I can go ahead and get what you have in mind so I can get it done in time.”
Rhysand gave you a small smile, the adoration still shining in his eyes. You were never sure why he looked at you in such a way but you appreciated it anyway. He was the only thing that came close to a friend since there were times where he would stay with you and talk for hours before departing again. You had no family since they were lost in the war but you were thankful that you had been able to take refuge in Velaris.
There were times when the High Lord would try to offer to move you into a larger store in a better part of the city. It was a sweet offer but you felt as if it was charity and you didn’t want any pity. The Night Court black that was used was always beautiful to you and your friend seemed to like the little details that you added to make it stand out a bit more while still fitting his court. 
Your store stayed in business simply because of Rhysand’s orders for his family because you made everything for them. He always assured you that they loved their dresses and gowns but there was always an emotion in his eyes that you couldn’t place when he did so. Despite that, you always put everything that you had into it. His family was important and special. All of them were nothing like you. Just a little nobody that had nothing but your little shop to keep you busy.
It wasn’t until three hours later that the High Lord left did you realize just how alone that you truly were. You wished that you had a family like he did but you forced your mind to remember how happy that you were for him. There were so many that you had come across in your life that only had half of what he did and even then, there wasn’t much happiness in it.
The next day, you made your way out to begin your search for the things that you would be able to find in town when you saw someone you recognized. It was one of the High Lady’s sisters but you weren’t sure which one it was. You did your best to not be noticed as the female spoke to another one but you were pretty sure that you wouldn’t be. 
“Where did you get your dress, Elain?” the female asked.
“This old thing?” Elain looked down at her dress, one that you had made, with her nose scrunched in distaste. “It came from some nobody seamstress. Rhys has never told us anything else.”
“Well, I think it’s beautiful.” The female’s head tilted slightly with a raised eyebrow. “It seems like you don’t like it.”
“It’s definitely not my favorite,” Elain huffed, scrunching her nose in the process.
Unable to hear anymore of the conversation, you turned and darted back to your shop. So many feelings had hit you all at once and you weren’t sure where to start as you began sobbing once you were in the safety of the building that you also lived in. You began doubting yourself and the work that you loved while also wondering if the male that you considered your friend has been lying to you all of this time. 
Even though you had cried yourself to sleep in the early afternoon, you were still unable to pull yourself out of bed the next morning. You could barely hear the knock on the front door but you ignored it. You had already felt like no one of any importance but the words that you had overheard only proved it. Not only was it from a customer but also from someone who would be able to destroy what tiny bit of name that you had for yourself in the city within an instant. Facing Rhysand again would be one of the hardest things that you had to do in a long time but you refused to let him down.
You allowed yourself to mope in bed for the remainder of the day in hopes that you would feel a bit better the next day. No sooner than you opened your store, the bell rang and you felt the High Lord’s power throughout the entirety of the small building.
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Azriel had felt a bit frustrated when his brother dragged him out of bed and rushed him through his breakfast. He wasn’t sure what the hurry was, not seeing the big deal in getting fitted for new suits and leathers. In truth, he did need them but he felt as if it could’ve waited until a bit later in the day. His High Lord had a hint of eagerness to him that wasn’t so present unless it came to his mate or son.
He was only annoyed further when they arrived at what he could swear was the smallest shop in the entire city and there was no answer even after Rhysand had all but beat the door down. The store couldn’t even be considered to be in the district where most of the stores were but he was somewhat relieved because he was able to spend the rest of his day as he wanted.
Rhysand did the same thing the following day which had both him and Cassian grumbling about doing the same thing two days in a row. Thankfully, the store was open and his brother walked in as if he owned the place with a small smile on his face.
“Is everything alright?” Rhys asked the female at the front desk hesitantly, a hint of worry in his voice. “We came by as planned but there was no answer.”
“I had some business to take care of,” you muttered, causing him and Cassian to glance at each other in confusion. 
Neither of them knew who you were nor even knew of the business that was being run here. He watched carefully as you gathered what was needed and even though you carried yourself in a confident manner, you kept your eyes downcast. It was as if you didn’t have it in you to look them in the eyes. You had obviously done so with his brother but it appeared as if it wasn’t the case today.
From what he could see, he could tell that you were beautiful but what would confirm it the most would be some form of eye contact. He watched you carefully as you started with Cassian, fully committed to doing your job to perfection. You started with his other brother’s legs for his height and he only saw a smirk pulling on Cassian’s lips that he was trying to hold back. For reasons unknown to Azriel, it had him frowning and almost bristling at the sight.
You continued on with your work in silence except for a hum here or there when the High Lord asked you questions as if you didn’t want to speak to any of them. It wasn’t until you moved to him did he truly pay attention to you. He wasn’t sure why but the sight of you on your knees in front of him, with your notebook in hand, had heat creeping onto his face. The quietest snicker came from Cassian who had moved behind him. When he turned to glare at him, he noticed a stern look on Rhysand’s face that had his eyebrows furrowing.
Azriel’s body stiffened when your fingers brushed lightly against him to take other measures. He sucked in a quiet breath when you moved behind him to measure the slits for his wings and your fingers just barely grazed them. It sent a jolt of what felt like electricity through him. He cursed himself silently because it wasn’t the first time that his wings had been touched but there was something about yours that nearly had him wanting more of the contact.
He was slightly disappointed when you were finished too quickly for his liking and moved to Rhysand. You still kept your eyes downcast from all of them and it seemed to have the slightest frown tugging at the High Lord’s lips. Cassian continued to watch as if he too was wondering what was going on. 
“Everything should be ready in three weeks if that’s alright,” you said, giving Rhysand the briefest glance before returning to your desk.
Rhys ushered them out quickly and was unusually quiet. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say that he was brooding. Neither Cassian nor himself knew anything about you so they weren’t sure what to say but his own curiosity got the better of him.
“Who is she?”
“No one for you to be concerned about,” the High Lord answered. “And you will stay away from her.”
He was given a stern glance but he could note the protective fondness in his eyes. It only caused him to wonder more but he kept quiet on the matter.
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You were thankful for the time being that you didn’t have a lot of customers. The work of making suits and gowns for seven people would take a while but you were thankful that it gave you a break from your thoughts. You didn’t waste any waking hour, putting your greatest effort into it all in hopes that the gowns would be appreciated more.
A week had passed faster than you had originally imagined that it would and the only break in your concentration was the bell to your shop opening for the second time during the time. You shouldn’t have been surprised to see Rhysand before you, a small frown on his face as he looked down at you.
“As promised, I have come to spend some quality time with the most beautiful seamstress that I know,” he said with a grin that contradicted the caution in his eyes.
“You come to visit or check on my progress?” you asked, eyeing him for a moment before returning your work.
“As I said, I’ve come to visit,” he repeated gently. “Are you alright? You’re acting differently.”
“Fine,” you answered a bit too quickly to be believable. 
“I apologize when I say that I do not believe you.” There was a worried frown on his face that made your heart clench and tears almost formed in your eyes. “Talk to me.”
“I just..” You trailed off, unsure what to say or how to say it. “Why does it matter? I’m just trying to balance everything.”
It was a lie and they both knew it. There was worried determination on his face and you knew that he wouldn’t let it go but you couldn’t bring yourself to tell him what happened. It could possibly cause a divide or rift between the family that you thought so highly of and you couldn’t have that.
“You’re evading,” he replied flatly before his face softened when he gripped your chin lightly to keep your attention on him. “I don’t like seeing you like this.”
“Your family is very important,” you muttered. “I just want to be sure that I make everything perfectly. There’s so many ideas going through my head and I’m just trying to be sure to keep it all together.”
“You are no less important than any of us.” His matter of fact words paired with his gentle smile had a small one forming on your face as well. “As a matter of fact, you are just as important if not more so than my entire family combines.”
“Why?” You moved out of his grip and stared at him flatly. “Look at m-”
“I do see you. Every single time I come in here.” Rhysand continued with a charming smile that caused you to huff. “There is nothing wrong with you.”
“Then why-” You stopped short, reminding yourself to not give into your emotions. “I have Feyre’s gown completed and this one that I’m almost finished with is for Nesta. Do you want to see?”
He nodded with a grin and followed you to a separate room in the back where you kept the outfits that you made. You watched him carefully for his reaction as he stared at the gown and then blew out a silent breath of relief at the genuine smile on his face.
“It’s beautiful,” he said, turning to grin brightly at you. “She will love it and this just may become her new preferred gown.”
“Promise?” you asked tentatively while you tried to decipher if he was lying or not.
“On my mate’s life,” he answered as a look of adoration etched into his features once again. 
“Is there anything that I should change about Amren’s, Mor’s, Nesta’s or..” You swallowed hard, the action not going unnoticed by the High Lord. “Elain’s? I want everything to be absolutely perfect for everyone for such an important event.”
“No.” He shook his head but the certainty in his eyes was answer enough. “I look forward to seeing what the rest look like.”
“I’ve made these my top priority so the leathers-”
“Can wait until you’re finished with these,” he replied. “What they have now will work until later.”
“Okay,” you whispered, gripping onto the kind reassurances to push you through your self deprecating thoughts before he pulled you into a tight embrace.
“I wish there was a way to make you realize just how special you are,” he muttered, squeezing tighter to emphasize it. “You remind me so much of my sister.”
Your eyes filled with tears immediately because it was no secret about what happened to his mother and sister. The fact that had such a high opinion of you that he would compare you to someone so important to him had you sobbing. He simply held you until your tears finally ceased and stayed with you for a few hours before returning to his court duties.
By the time that the door shut behind him, you felt a bit better but knew that you would never compare to any of them.
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Azriel wasn’t able to keep his mind off of you while they waited for their new suits and gowns for the upcoming ball. He wasn’t sure why but despite his High Lord’s orders, he walked past your shop every so often to simply get a glimpse of you. Only once did he get a full view of your face and it took his breath away as he saw you smile at the only customer that he had noted that you had.
It was reaching the three week mark that you had given his brother and he was itching to ask the High Lord if he would let him retrieve the order. His gut told him that Rhysand wouldn’t allow it. He wasn’t sure why you were kept such a tight secret from all of them but Azriel knew that his brother meant it when he had given the order to stay away from you. 
“I can’t go with you today.” Azriel stopped just outside of the study, listening to Rhys as he spoke to Cassian. “I have to leave in a couple of hours to pick up our outfits for our trip to Day Court.”
“I don’t understand why none of us-”
“As I’ve said,” the High Lord growled, his voice low and almost deadly. “You need not worry about her.”
“Yea but she-”
“Is not a topic of discussion.”
The snappy tone of their brother had Cassion falling quiet on the topic but Azriel’s curiosity about you wouldn’t let him sit idly by. It was almost as if he was being pulled towards you and he couldn’t ignore it. He slipped out as silently as he had come in and disobeyed Rhysand’s orders. Even though the plan had already been arranged, Azriel wasn’t bothered with the anger that would surely ensue about him taking the initiative that was purely personal.
The bell on your store’s door sounded as he entered but you were so focused on your work that you didn’t notice his presence until he cleared his throat. You jumped from your stool, startled from the noise before you finally looked at him. It felt like the entire world stopped when you both made eye contact and he felt the one thing that he was beginning to believe that he would never have.
Your eyes went wide and you stumbled backwards, tripping over your stool and fell to the ground in surprise as the golden thread connected the two of you. He rushed as fast as he could through the small area, his wings knocking some items over even though his wings were tucked in tightly behind him. A breath of relief escaped him when you didn’t recoil from him when he reached to help you up.
“I- I don’t- What?” you gasped through heavy breaths as you stood.
“I’m- I’m sorry,” he stuttered, unsure what to say since he didn’t know what you were thinking. 
“No. Don’t be. I just..” You took a deep breath before fully looking at him again. “I wasn’t expecting that.”
Your words barely registered in his mind as he stared back at you, your beauty captivating him the longer that he did so. There were so many things that he wanted to say but at the same time being unsure since he didn’t know you. No sooner than he could open his mouth to reassure you, the front door opened and he felt the High Lord’s power filling the store. His brother was angry beyond belief with him.
“Y/N, would you mind stepping outside for a moment while I have a word with my spymaster.”
Azriel could feel the uncertainty and anger flowing off of you but you nodded after swallowing audibly. Once you were out in the streets, Rhysand had him by the collar of his shirt and shoved him harshly into the wall. There was nothing but pure, unadulterated anger on his brother’s face.
“Did I or did I not tell you to stay away from her?” Rhys growled.
“Yes but-”
“But what, Azriel?” he snapped at him. “Are you simply attracted to females that I insist on you staying away from?”
“It isn’t like that,” he tried. “Why are you so insistent on no one knowing about her? None of us even knew that she existed until now.”
“Because I want to protect her.” Azriel was released before Rhysand took a few steps back. “She reminds me too much of my sister and I refuse to let anything happen to her. If that means keeping all of you clueless to her existence then that is what I will do.”
Azriel’s thought began flooding in all at once, making it hard to keep up with what his shadows were whispering and the things that he wanted to say. He understood now what his High Lord’s motivations were but there was no way that he could let his mate go. Not after finally finding it after the centuries that he had waited for it. As he went to explain what had happened, the door opened again and it had your scent filling the room.
“I don’t want to be the reason that there’s trouble,” you mumbled as you looked at your feet.
“You are not-”
“We’re mates,” Azriel said, interrupting Rhys.
The High Lord’s eyes widened when he swirled around to look at him. There was uncertainty in them while he stared at him before looking back at the female that he held in such high regards. For the first time in a long time, his brother was speechless and Azriel was honestly shocked. 
“I don’t deserve it,” you continued, finally looking up with tear filled eyes. “I don’t deserve someone as special and amazing as he is.”
“Why?” he asked in a raspy voice.
“You- All of you-” You paused, taking a deep breath. “You’re all so much better than me to the point that some of my dresses aren’t even liked.”
“What do you mean, Y/N?”
Your eyes switched between Rhysand and himself before stopping on the former. The tears that began flowing down your face made him unable to not go to you, placing his hands on each cheek in hopes of calming you.
“I heard Elain telling someone that she didn’t like-”
“Screw her and her opinion,” he growled before apologizing when your eyes went wide.
“There is a dress in particular that she isn’t the most fond of,” Rhys answered and you looked around him to gaze at the High Lord. “It is the only one and she simply doesn’t care for certain parts of the style. It has nothing to do with you or how amazing that your work is. It is simply a personal problem.”
“She said I was a nobody,” you sniffled, the words causing his body to shake slightly in anger. 
“That’s my fault.” Your brows furrowed at Rhys’s words. “You’re an amazing female and I didn’t want to risk putting you into danger by letting all of them know who you are.”
“But I-”
“Give us a chance,” Azriel whispered, pulling your eyes back to his. “Please.”
“Why don’t we start with the upcoming ball?” Rhys gave you a small smile when you looked at him cautiously. “It’d be a high honor for my shadowsinger to have you by his side.”
“It would,” he agreed.
Your bright smile in return for his words sent his heart fluttering and a rare, genuine smile adorned his face. He knew right then and there that there was nothing that he wouldn’t do to keep that smile on your face. 
It was the start of something new that he couldn’t wait to see unfold.
@amara-moonlight @allygrace74 @sidthedollface2 @historygeekqueen @hnyclover @kalulakunundrum @historygeekqueen @bubybubsters @thisblogisaboutabook @mybestfriendmademe @caroline-books @justvibbinghere @wisdomofthebrain
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redbullgirly · 8 months
HI BARBIE! HI KEN! [part 2, LH44 smau]
Lewis Hamilton x reader
Masterlist & Hi Barbie! Hi Ken! [part 1, LH44 smau]
Summary: Lewis and his "real life Barbie" girlfriend, Y/N Y/L/N, are enjoying each others company during winter break. February brings unexpected drama when the seven-time World Champion decides to leave his team... though is that the only surprise waiting for the fans?
Warnings: Little cliffhanger at the end, but don't worry, I plan on making part 3 soon enough :).
Author's Note: This is continuation of the Lewis x barbie!fashion!icon!reader request, hope you'll all like it. This time there wasn't so much of "barbie content", but I'm sure you won't mind. I honestly love this series, plus there are still many photos for me to use, so stay tuned and let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! :)
lewishamilton posted on instagram
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liked by susie_wolff, yourusername, charles_leclerc and 1,210,564 others
tagged: yourusername and fencer
lewishamilton Happy holidays from our little trip to mountains 🏔
view all 6,928 comments
user1 I swear to God this is the first time I see Lewis in snow
user2 ikr? like can he even sky? isn't it dangerous for him as an f1 driver??😭
yourusername merry christmas everybody, love u!!🎄🫶
liked by the author
user3 Very happy and merry Christmas to you too Y/N🥰
user4 yeah yeah... but where's the usual christmas post y/n?!
user5 that's what I wanna know user5 😥
user6 She always posts the hot pics with their tree... and this year nothing ☹️
yourusername omg sry guys, i didn't think you'd care sm! i was actually sick on the christmas eve and didn't feel like celebrating 🙈💖
user4 ohhh that's totally okay y/n!!!!
user7 Thanks for replying, hope you'll get better soon!❤️‍🩹
charles_leclerc I see you're copying my training now😉
user8 lol charles just try not to fall on your face on ski
user9 no but can you imagine if we got Charles & Lewis training together in the mountains 😩
user10 It wouldn't even have to be in the mountains... I'd actually prefer them training somewhere hot so they don't have to wear shirts🤭
user9 i love your way of thinking girly
user11 King 👑
roscoelovescoco Mom's and dad's playing's in's the snow's ❄️
liked by the author and yourusername
user12 they left you home alone Roscoe?
roscoelovescoco Of course's not's... my auntie's watched's me's ☺️
user13 This is so adorable🥹🥹
user14 y'all don't understand how much I love their little family
user15 😘🖤✌️💯🌟
user16 y/n's ski suit looks so cool
fencer Good times man!
liked by the author and yourusername
user17 You are my God, Lewis Hamilton❤️
mercedesamgf1 Enjoy your holidays and don't break anything please!⛷🤍
yourusername trying!! 😊🌨
user18 lmfao
user19 Imagine if their best driver broke a leg or smth💀
user20 as a Lewis fan that'd be the last straw of my depression xd
user21 It's enough they couldn't build him a decent car last two years 🥲
user21 you & y/n are the best couple ever!🥰❤️
user22 Why's Lewis in red tho?
user23 sus 🤨
user24 some of you are truly bored and delusional🤣
user25 He probably has it so Y/N can see him on the slope and watches over him tbh
user26 idk where the narrative of lewis being bad at skying came from but i love it 😭
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yourusername posted on instagram stories
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seen by lewishamilton, haileybieber, danielricciardo, emmawatson and 562,983 others
lewishamilton replied to your story: Love you so much baby!❤️
yourusername love u too!!!💞
lewishamilton You are my brave girl, aren't you?
lewishamilton It's great you share your experience with others Y/N and trust me when I say I'll always be there for you 🫶🏾🫶🏾
yourusername awww lew, i know and i'll be always so grateful for it 🥰
lewishamilton Anything for my Barbie yourusername reacted with ❤️ to this message
user1 replied to your story: You and Lewis are just soooo cute omg
alexandrasaintmleux replied to your story: forever y/n!!🤍🌺
yourusername ofc!!!
yourusername you're probably the only reason i hope the negotiations w ferrari will work out 🙈🤭
alexandrasaintmleux oh yeah, it'd be great to have you in the garage next year 💕
yourusername yeah, let's see what happens in few weeks!
user2 replied to your story: so prettyyyyyy i wanna be u
user3 replied to your story: THE IT GIRL
landonorris replied to your story: The question isn't if you'll be at every gp but if you'll come to McLaren hospitality for one of them😏
yourusername pretty sure mercedes wouldn't be happy about that 🫣
landonorris Oh c'mmon Y/NNNN
landonorris You promised me like ten years ago you'd come
yourusername you were a literal baby ten years ago lando...
landonorris But a cute baby who deserves to have you in McLaren hospitality!!!
yourusername okay okay, i'll come for a visit this year 😽
yourusername what?? 😭
landonorris I decided my life goal is to get you, Roscoe and Lewis to be my fans 😁😁
landonorris Lewis can wait till retirement ofc 😁😁
yourusername idk if i hate you or love you mr. worldwide
landonorris 🤷😙
user4 replied to your story: Mommy and daddy fr
user5 replied to your story: 😍
user6 replied to your story: Hope you'll heal soon if you're still sick!!!
yourusername posted on instagram
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liked by bellahadid, lewishamilton, alexandrasaintmleux and 683,912 others
tagged: lewishamilton and roscoelovescoco
yourusername my job is beach 🦀🐬🐚🪸☀️ (btw how many emojis is too much??)
view all 4,068 comments
lewishamilton Isn't that supposed to be Ken's line darling?
yourusername theoretically... but i think i look better on the beach, don't you? 🤭🤷‍♀️
lewishamilton Well of course, your fashion taste when it comes to bikini is hard to beat ✨🫶🏾
yourusername damn are you saying i look hot in that bikini mr. hamilton? ☺️💞
lewishamilton It's Sir actually
yourusername oh shut up lew, i knew you're gonna bring it up 😭
landonorris I just witnessed Lewis openly flirting through instagram comments... the world won't ever be the same. I need to bleach my eyes 😓
yourusername yeah u should learn from my bf lando norizz
landonorris Heyyy this is online bullying, someone stop it
yourusername 😘😘
landonorris 🫤
user1 i have no idea what just happened but i loved every second of it
user2 It looks like when Lewis finally interacts with someone on instagram, it can get WILD
user3 not y/n using lando norizz 💀
user4 she's one of us now
user6 Y/N living her best life and I'm here for it
francisca.cgomes enjoy!🌴
liked by the author
yourusername thx kika, you too!!💓
user7 On my knees for you🛐🛐🛐
roscoelovescoco The fruit's on's the plane's was yummy's 😋🥗
yourusername i definitely agree, let's thank dad for spoiling us!💖
lewishamilton My favourites deserve only the best 😉
user8 AWWWW so cute
user9 I'll never understand why rich people torture their pets like this... c'mmon, why would you give fruit to a dog? He needs meat and dog food. 🙄😤
user10 tf user9 you clearly don't know them at all if you think they're torturing Roscoe... this dog has better life than most of us lol xd
yourusername i'd just like to make it clear to everyone that me and lewis take the best care of our dog we possibly can, give him the food he wants and needs and love him dearly. it feels very offending for someone who doesn't see into our private life to assume we're "torturing" roscoe. you'll be blocked user9 and goodbye
liked by lewishamilton
user11 You know you fucked up when queen Y/N herself writes smth like this to you 🫢
user12 tell them girl!!! you & lew are literally the best parents to roscoe ever!!!❣️
user13 🔥😍
kellypiquet Wow, the dress is so beautiful!💝
yourusername aww kelly thank you sm! definitely have to see each other soon 💕🫶
kellypiquet Can't wait for the girls talk!
user15 omg imagine listening to y/n y/l/n and kelly piquet casually having girls talk w each other 😫😫
user16 The tea has to be hot between the wags
user17 OMG, gorgeous as always 💖
user18 this couple has me in a chokehold
user19 RIGHT?! why is nobody talking about the 4th pic
user20 They're so hot fr 🥵
user21 and cute too🥺
user22 Love you Y/N 💋
lewishamilton posted on instagram
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liked by nicolashamilton, naomischiff, tomholland2013, landonorris and 1,983,022 others
tagged: yourusername
lewishamilton It's always important to focus on happy memories and remember the good moments with your loved ones. Couldn't ask for better people around me 🤞🏾💫
view all 11,239 comments
user1 funny how he talks about positivity and then in the first picture he's holding middle fingers up lmfao XD
user2 Maybe he took Daniel's F.E.A. rule to his heart🤣
user3 what's that???
user2 Fuck 'em all
yourusername so lucky to have you around me lew! 🥰💗
liked by the author
user4 stoppp I love her
user5 I wanna have what they have😩
charles_leclerc 🤞💫
user6 Ariana what are you doing here?!
user7 Beautiful 🙌❤️
user8 ohhh lew w his dad it's so cute
user9 His dad and Y/N in the same post... we are getting fed rn
neymarjr Amen brother!🙏❤️
liked by the author
user10 I love their their friendship
user11 it's so unreal how the world is small and my fav football player is friends with my fav driver🤭
user12 THE MAN
user13 the second pic is adorable 🥹🥹
user14 I'm jealous but I don't know if I wanna be him or her
user15 honestly i wanna be the third person in their relationship... imagine dating y/n y/l/n & lewis hamilton all at once😩
user16 OMG REAL
user17 boyfriend lewis is my favorite 🫡
1st February 2024
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yourusername posted on instagram
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liked by scuderiaferrari, lewishamilton, maxfewtrell, t22felton and 3,340,276 others
yourusername guess it's time to change colours ❤️🍓🌹🏎
view all 29,650 comments
scuderiaferrari Welcome to the team, Y/N!❤️‍🔥🏎
user1 you'll make our fav wag depressed next year lol
user2 Ferrari made a master move here 👏
user3 welcome y/nnnnn 🥰
user4 I'm still shocked
user5 me too sis😭
user6 We all are 😃
user7 🔥🔥
user8 when the gf is posting about it, we know it's not just a joke anymore😥
user10 omg me & y/n y/l/n will be fans of the same team!!!!
user11 literally the only good thing about this
alexandrasaintmleux red looks gorgeous on you 💋💋
yourusername on both of us babe 💋💋
user12 BESTIES
user11 okay this is another good thing about the whole lewis situation xd
user13 Y/N and Alex will be so iconic next year 🙇‍♀️
user14 literally life goals to be like them😍
user15 So excited for this🤩 favorite driver and favorite team and favorite wag🤝
user16 idc about ferrari, but y/n in red slays
user17 omg yessss she's so hot in that dress🥵
charles_leclerc And now you can't make fun of me and my therapist 😘
liked by the author
user18 LOL
user19 not him admitting he goes to therapy bc of ferrari💀
user20 What about Carlos?? You said you come as a package 😡😪
user21 so true user20 it's so disrespectful towards carlos
user22 Guys calm down, this is their job and it's known for brutal driver switches. You'll have to deal with it, it's not personal business 🤷‍♂️
user23 yeah i don't think they're such good friends anyway... it was all for pr and marketing lmao
user24 I agree that it's just a sport, but pls don't do this to my charlos heart... their friendship HAS to be real😓
user25 Always support u and your boyfriend😉😉😉🙌🙌🙌
user26 Carlos deserved so much more!
user27 yes but she can't do anything about it girl, she's literally just dating Lewis 😐
user28 "Everybody is a Ferrari fan. Even if they say they're not, they are Ferrari fans." Vettel❤️
user29 i did not think it was real
user30 I need Lewis to comment something about this other than his statement pls 😭
user31 yeah i had high hopes bc he always comments and interacts w y/n's posts...
user32 Guess not this time😒
user33 Y/N unleashing more waves of chaos
user34 and we love our barbie for that 🤭
messages between Y/N and Lewis
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Author's Note: Thank you for reading this! I'll appreciate likes, reblogs, comments, follow and any other way of support. Also, I started my taglist, so if you want to be added or removed, let me know! That way you!ll be first to know that another smau or story came out :). Sorry for the cliffhanger at the end, but don't worry, I plan on making another part. Have a great day!
Taglist: @namgification @bloodyymaryyy
856 notes · View notes
johnwickb1tsch · 6 months
Yandere Tex Johnson x Witness!Reader x John Wick Imagine WIP Part 8
After 450 comments on the last section 🤣 its time for a new one. U guyz are gremlins!😆👏👏 @treedaddymcpuffpuff @tammykelly @sweetwolfcupcake @lilspookymeh
"Come on, we've got to get you somewhere safe," says John Wick, trying to hustle you down the street.
"No," you protest, resisting. "We have to find John and Tex. They might need us."
You were skeptical about demons and the occult, God and the Devil and everything in between, at first. But after hanging out with Constantine, you'd seen a few things. Just enough that you had sense enough to be scared. You clutch the protection amulet around your neck that John had given you. You'd laughed at him at the time, but now you were glad to have it.
"They're both grown men, honey. I told Tex to leave you alone. This is what he gets."
Suddenly you're angry all over again. "Oh, you told him, huh?" You push John's chest--its like having a disagreement with a brick wall. "Do you have any fucking idea how much I've missed you? How it destroyed me to be thrown away like an old shirt you had no more use for?"
He is still as a mountain as he holds your wrists, preventing you from striking him, but not hurting you. Those dark eyes bore into you, through you. How does he not see you? "Y/n...I did what I thought was best for you."
"But you didn't fucking ask me! Or at least, you didn't listen! But you know what, it doesn't matter right now. John had to put some kind of a curse on Tex in self defense, because Tex is such an asshole, and now they're both in danger!"
"A what?"
You pause to think, and you're pretty sure you know where Constantine would go. There's an old church a few blocks over. Consecrated ground. It's where he's always told you to go if something came after you. It would be a good place to regroup.
"Come on," you say, pulling John in the opposite direction down the street.
For once, he actually listens, a shadow at your back ready to protect you, but he lets you lead the way.
The old building looks like it should probably be condemned. It's definitely seen better days, and hasn't seen a congregation in at least a decade. However, the ground is still holy, untouchable for the Unclean, and when you burst through the doors after John has already shot down three demons, you are so relieved to see Constantine and Tex sitting in some of the old pews. They definitely look like they've been through a battle, disheveled and beat up. You wonder how much was demons, and how much they did to each other.
"Thank God!" You run to them, and Tex's expression rises and falls as you go to Constantine, pressing your mouth to his in what you know is a needy kiss, assuring yourself as much as him.
He smirks down at you, well aware of the death- stares he's receiving from both sides. It's possible he makes a show of grabbing your ass, just to rub it in to your two Ghosts.
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah. You?"
You nod. Then Constantine rolls his eyes upward, over your head to John Wick. He is quietly forbidding in his black suit, standing watch by the door. "That your other Ghost?"
With a tired sigh you nod.
"Ghosts? The fuck is Harry Potter here talkin' about?"
The urge to punch Tex or kiss him is strong as ever.
"The two of you ghosted me, didn't you?"
"Baby girl, I missed you. That's why I came to get you." He shoots a telling glare over at John Wick, who only returns a disinterested look. Maybe the master assassin had been keeping tabs on you, but he hadn't shared everything with Tex, it seems.
Constantine looks between the two assassins, then you, with an infuriating smirk.
"What?" you demand, more than a little exasperated with everthing.
"Nothing. Just seems like you have a type, angel."
You can't even argue.
"Angel?" Tex snorts at your pet name. "Does he even know you?"
"Does he ever shut up?" asks Constantine, raising one dark eyebrow.
"No, never," you sigh.
There is a howl outside that lifts every hair on your body, an unearthly sound that makes your fingers grip in Constantine's suit jacket.
"What are we going to do?"
"Good question." Constantine tugs you over to a different pew, sitting down with his arm draped around your shoulders. His message is obvious, and it's new to you. Constantine rocks your world on the nightly, but he's never been possessive before. It really shouldn't, but it ignites a warmth in your chest that makes you feel ridiculously, stupidly, giddy inside.
"Seems like we're at an impasse, gentlemen."
Tex frowns. John seems less than impressed.
"Sorry, what's stopping us from killing you and taking her?"
You tense, watching the gun John holds loosely at his side. You know Wick can move like lightning, and your heart leaps into your throat. You are ready to fling yourself between them if you have to.
"It's ok, sweetheart. He's not going to kill me."
"No offense, but I've heard that before from lots of people who are dead now."
Constantine snorts. "You can't kill me, because I've put a curse on your friend here, and you need me to lift it."
"So lift it."
"Can't. Got a friend who can though. You'll never see him without me."
You know Constantine must be talking about the famed and powerful bokor, Papa Midnite. A chill runs down your spine. You've met him precisely once. He was polite--and hot as fuck, if you're being honest--but you knew he was not to be trifled with.
"So let's go, then," says Tex, his patience lost about three dead demons ago.
"Hold up, Howdy Doody. We got to talk first."
Constantine nods down at you. "Maybe I don't know all the details, but I've heard enough. And as much as I've enjoyed filling the hole you assholes left--I can't let you hurt her again. I'll let the demons feast on your souls first."
Almost on cue, that demonic howling sounds again outside, and a chorus of hellish hissing rises. It sounds like you are surrounded.
Tex leaps to his feet. "You smug little fucker--"
"Shut up, Tex." It's Wick who shushes his friend. "What do you propose?"
Finally, Constantine looks down at you. "It depends on what she wants."
Your mouth drops open at that. You have to decide that, now? As though he can read your thoughts, and sometimes you're convinced he can, Constantine pays you an infuriating smirk.
"I...don't want them dead. Or...devoured."
"That's a start, I guess. Do you ever want to be with them again?"
Your eyes go wide as saucers. The simple answer, of course, is yes. You love them. You miss them.
However, answers are never so simple, with your Boys involved. Like an idiot, you dare to look at them, taking in Tex's hang-dog puppy-eyed look, and John's quiet but intense yearning. Then, of course, there is the man beside you, who despite his aloofness and his prickly manner, has been nothing but good to you.
You've never said it out loud, but the truth is, you love him too.
"I don't know."
"Yeah. I figured." He smirks at you, inexplicably smug, and you kind of want to smack him too.
Which always leads to interesting things, with John Constantine, your stupid lady parts sing out. Jesus Christ on a cracker, what a fucking mess.
"You got a point, Gandalf?" demands Tex, paying a nervous look to one of the cracked stained glass windows. Ominous dark shapes are flying past outside. This is not good.
"I want you assholes to accept a Spell of Submission to her."
"The fuck does that mean?" demands Tex with a thunderous frown. John remains neutral as he listens.
"It means, if you ever try to make her do something she really doesn't want to do, again, she can say the magic words to fuck up your world. Pardner."
"No fuckin' way," Tex scoffs.
At the same time, John answers, "I'll do it."
Your eyes meet across the aisle of the church. That he would take such a leap of faith-- for you-- drops the floor out from under you.
Tex, of course, interrupts your moment of soul- searching eye contact with John.
"Wait, so we could be havin' an argument and she can drop me dead with the evil eye or somethin'?"
Constantine snorts. "It would probably serve you right, Hee Haw, but no. Cause you extreme pain? Yes. But it comes at a price. All magic does. I know she wouldn't use it lightly."
It would potentially even the playing field quite a bit between you three. The balance of power amongst you had never been fair.
"What's a matter, Tex? You don't trust me?"
"Only as far a I could throw you, darlin'." But his hawk-like look softens for you after a moment, and then surprisingly he grins. "Got me over a barrel now, don't you?"
You shift a little in your seat, so that you're flush against Constantine. The solid line of his lithe warmth beside you is anchoring. You glance up at him, finding he looks arrogantly amused-- and surprisingly, a little sad. If you didn't know him so well you would have missed it, like ripples in a pool.
You turn back to Tex, an uneasy excitement thrumming in your chest.
"If the curse fits?"
The cowboy sighs, frowning at the hellspawn waiting to rend his flesh and eat his soul outside. "Alright, fine. Guess you might as well take it all." He can't look at you while he says it, but you sense his surrender-- or at least, his resignation. It's not exactly a victory, but it's something, and it pulls at your heartstrings.
"Alright, wizard boy. Hoodoo me up."
Constantine snorts, leaping up from the bench. "First we've got to get out of here. You're going to want to cover your eyes." He starts muttering an encantation and walking in a circle, sprinkling a powder on the ground from his pocket. "When this goes off we'll have ten minutes. Either of you assholes have a car nearby?"
"Great. Hope you like to drive fast."
His chanting gets louder, and you see he's produced a lighter. He never uses it for cigarettes anymore, but portable fire to a magician has its uses. You can tell he's reaching the crescendo of his spell, and you scrunch your eyes closed. Even through your eyelids you see the flash, and the boom of a magical fireball that should have burned you all to dust.
However, only the things outside incinerate, their agonized cries echoing through the cavernous stone building.
"Let's move."
Hope I set this up for Midnite's club and whatever shenanigans u guys want to get up to 😆 Enjoy! @sweetwolfcupcake @treedaddymcpuffpuff @tammykelly
334 notes · View notes
pairing: dad!bucky barnes x au pair!reader
warnings: age gap (reader is 10 years younger than bucky), mentions of smut (18+, dni if under 18)
author’s note:  last time i posted was december 31. i am very sorry is all i have to say 🤣
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i keep these longings lost in lowercase inside a vault ...
      - But I wanna go! - Sadie whined as Y/N was preparing her to go spend some time with her grandmother.
Sadie wasn't one to really enjoy being away from her father and Y/N had made the grave mistake of telling her she and her dad were going out for a meal which in Sadie's mind roughly translated to they're going out to eat without her.
      - I know, munchkin but you won't like the restaurant me and daddy are going to. They don't sell any chicken nuggets.
      - But daddy always makes them have it.
      - That's sweet, baby, but I don't think daddy can change menus. I think.
The red head pouted as Y/N finished sorting her out. She wondered if Bucky had a nugget empire of restaurants he could choose or if he was that well respected a chef would just prepare it for him just because his daughter wanted it. Whatever way it was, she stood there realising she'd never gone on a date with someone that high up. Sure she had her little affairs with men that had a trust fund but they were just that, the sons of powerful men. Bucky was both - the son of a powerful man and a powerful man himself. Did she even know how to dress for a man like that?
She sighed, entering her bedroom and opening her closet, crossing her arms at the sight in front of her. "Downtown at 7", what kind of information was that? It could mean a myriad of things which required a different dressing code. Damn you Bucky and your vague instructions. Y/N eventually decided on a black dress, hoping that would work for everything.
Y/N looked at herself in the mirror and put her lipstick on. The same mantra was going over and over in her mind "it's just a date", yet every time she did she rationalised that it wasn't just a date. It was a date with Bucky, her Bucky, her boss Bucky, father of Sadie Bucky. Just do it, she told herself as she went to grab her purse to meet Bucky at his office, just do it.
      - Has anyone ever told you you take as long as my daughter to get ready? - she jumped a bit as she heard Bucky's voice.
      - What are you doing here?
      - We have a date, have you forgotten? - he got up, his hands inside the pockets of the neatly tailored suit as he approached her. - Or are you chickening out?
      - I'm not chickening out. I thought I was meeting you at your office. I mean, you usually finish at 6:30 and since you said 7, I thought ...
      - I forgot that you're the boss of my company. - he interrupted with his characteristic smirk. - I got off early. Got a new suit, fresh shave.
      - Shame. I do like the stubble. - she said as she caressed his face. His cheeks warmed up at her touch. - Maybe now I do need to cancel my date with you.
      - You like Italian? - he said as he helped her put her coat on. It was almost like a scene from an old movie. - There's this restaurant downtown a friend of mine opened, really quiet and private.
      - Wanna hide me, huh? - she smirked.
      - No, no ... shit, that's not what I meant. I thought you'd like something more private? I don't wanna hide you I mean look at you, you're so gorgeous and ...
      - I'm just joking, Sergeant. - she interrupted him as she saw him get into a state of rambling. Bucky always knew what to say so to see him so tied up and awkward was rather enjoyable for her as she was the one to usually end up in that situation. - I think it sounds good. You really didn't need to go through all of this.
      - Why? Did you prefer I skip right over to sex? - he smirked, making her cheeks flush with warmth as she recalled the last night. - See? I can joke too.
      - Yeah sex with you is kind of a joke. - she retorted which made Bucky smile at her wit. - I dropped Sadie off at your mother's but she may call you at some point.
      - Yeah, I called my mum to speak to her but apparently she is upset because there's no chicken nuggets? Care to explain?
      - Long story. - Y/N shrugged. - Is she okay?
      - My dad's probably boring her to death with model trains and my mum is feeding her every sweet treat they can find, so I'd say she's fine.
      - She's going to be impossible tomorrow, isn't she?
      - I was hoping she stayed at my parents tomorrow as well.
      - Why? I'm bored, I have nothing to do until I hear back from my VIVA and Sadie keeps my mind away from it.
      - I have plans for you tomorrow.
      - What kind of plans?
      - Y/N, doll, do you ever stop asking questions?
      - I'm a scholar, my job is to ask questions. It's almost like I asked you to stop being bossy and impossible.
      - I am not bossy and impossible.
Y/N snorted a bit at that statement. She adored Bucky and he had been nothing but a great boss - to her at least. He was a perfectionist and liked everything done with the best results in mind which sometimes led to him being quite impossible, specially if her was in a sour mood. Heck, sometimes she'd even been on the other end of it yet it usually ended up with him apologising.
      - Let's just go before you decide you don't wanna go out with a bossy and impossible man.
      - Jokes on you, maybe I do prefer my men bossy and impossible.
      - And still you dated ... what's his name?
      - Oh c'mon.
      - Bet he didn't take you to a nice restaurant.
      - It's not a competition and right now you haven't taken me anywhere.
      - The driver is waiting downstairs, I was just waiting for you.
      - You got the driver? Bucky, I could've driven us there.
      - In the yellow monstrosity? I think not.
      - HEY! Ducky is a great car.
      - The fact you named your car makes it worse. It's a Fiat 500 cosplaying as a Tweety Bird.
      - You know the word cosplay? Wow, you're a very advanced old man in your pop culture.
Bucky rolled his eyes, wrapping his arm around her waist and bringing her downstairs. He didn't exactly knew how to act on a date with her, she was not the type of woman he usually dated - he actually hadn't even dated in a while, he was one to just go to dinner for one night stands only. His last date, Sadie was 5 months old and he went out with a woman named Elizabeth who worked in Wall Street - a date which had been cut short by his constant wondering about Sadie.
This was different, first Y/N didn't work in an area which matched his and, at least in his head, was a lot more educated than him and probably worried about his daughter as much or sometimes even more. It was just different and he didn't exactly knew how to handle it in a suave manner and she seemed to notice as they sat. She gave him a knowing look before opening the restaurant menu.
      - How many people here do you think are convinced I'm your sugar baby? - she attempted to break the ice, her little mischievous smile as she looked at him over the menu. Bucky laughed at this, looking around before looking back at her.
      - Probably no one. If you were my sugar baby, your dress would fit you properly.
      - Hey! - she playfully kicked him under the table. - This is Marc Jacobs.
      - You wore that dress for your interview to be Sadie's au pair.
      - That was ... a while ago. I had just started at graduate school.
      - You had these really funny bangs and you used to carry around all of these really colourful notebooks.
      - Yeah the breakup bangs. - she giggled. - You know, I had just cut them the night before and I cried so much when I woke up because I thought they would ruin the interview.
      - Maybe your true calling is being a hairstylist.
      - If I don't pass, then it may be an avenue.
      - You really think you're not gonna pass your VIVA? C'mon, you're the smartest person I know.
      - You're just saying that so I'll end up in your bed tonight.
      - Uh, no, if I wanted you to end up in your bed tonight, I wouldn't need flattery. Just fifteen minutes alone with you in the restaurant bathroom and my hands.
She opened her mouth to respond back but immediately closed it, not sure of how to exactly answer to that. She'd heard stories, she knew he was right ... heck, she had experienced it just last night and she had to admit the idea of it was not entirely off putting.
      - Don't change the subject.
      - You changed the subject first, doll. - he shrugged. - You're the only person I know that doesn't believe you.
      - I don't wanna talk about it, Sergeant.
      - Bucky.
      - What if I prefer Sergeant?
      - Darling, you can call me whatever the hell you like, as long as you're calling me.
taglist: @talesofadragon @winters1917 @vladsgirlxx @stinkerbelle007 @maybefoxysouls @blackwood-bodecker-housewife @chipilerendi @kandis-mom @belennasif @abitofblues @floralwsloki @montyrokz @sealxfredweasley @legendarytrashcopeclipse @sydariah @purple-vegan @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @slowdownbeforeyouregretit
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mjolnirswriststrap · 5 months
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Neighbor!Bucky Barnes X F!Reader
Word Count: 2,519 ⭐️Masterlist⭐️
Summary: I loosely based this off of a real life event of mine, so if things don’t make sense, ask God 🤣🤣
Warnings: Agegap, neighbor!bucky, adultery, 18+ not quite smut but I don’t want childen reading anything I write 🤷🏻‍♀️ suggestive or not.
Spending the summer with your aunt wasnt something you planned for when school ended. It meant church every Sunday, and Wednesday night. It meant no wifi and being stranded in a strange town on the border of Georgia and Alabama.
You’d never been to Georgia and the possibility of driving to Florida to go to the beach was enough to convince you 5 weeks wasn’t that long. The 10 hour drive there lasted longer than the summer escape.
The first few weeks were exactly what you expected. Church, shopping, eating your aunts famous fried chicken livers, talking on the porch late into the night. On the third Sunday, after church, she informs you that you’re taking a trip to Alabama. Her grandson is coming to spend the week. You both needed to go pick him up from her daughter.
It took 4 hours to get there, napping made it feel like 30 minutes. Your aunt pulled up to a trailer park, and you scan your surroundings. You were even further in the middle of nowhere, then what you were at your aunts house. You always wanted to know the way out. But here, a 2 mile dirt road separates you from the highway you turned off of. You take notice of the neighbors, one had a pool out front, some older ladies floating on pool noodles waved at your aunt, they must know her. The neighbors on the other side of your cousins house weren’t so inviting.
You saw a toddler sitting in the dirt crying. Watching up at his parents flinging spit in each others faces. You avert your gaze when the man flicks his eyes over to you. You know men like that, they’re terrifying and unpredictable. He could walk over to you and start on you just for glancing in his direction. Your aunt ushers you into her daughters house, not wanting you to see the altercation.
You hadn’t seen your cousin since you were a little girl. Now she has a little boy. It was weird. Your family was so large, it was impossible to keep up with everyone. You had many cousins you hadn’t seen since Christmas of ‘06. After a ham sandwich and barbecue chips you were ready to leave, it was more boring here, and your cousin even had cable. You aunt must’ve noticed your boredom, offering a swim in her friends pool out front.
“But I didn’t bring a bathing suit?” You say grinning, knowing you’d go naked if it meant you could swim. “Just wear your bra and I’ll go ask the neighbor if she has some shorts that will fit you.” Your aunt says, swinging open the screen door. You nod your head, quickly braiding your hair to keep it out of your face. You almost lose your spot, twisting knots into your hair when the blonde woman from next door walks in, smiling. “Hey, your aunt said you needed some shorts?”.
You hop up from the couch. “Yes, thank you, I don’t know if we’re even close to the same size but what can it hurt to try?” You give her a soft smile. She looked like a wounded animal. She was way too nice to be getting yelled at like that. You wonder what set him off. But you know better than to ask. “Tanya, your kids crying.” You both look behind her to the open door. The dark haired man was standing there, looking thoroughly disgusted. When his eyes find you again, you have nowhere to hide. “Your aunt says you guys are staying the night.” He informs you, walking away. You furrow your eyebrows, why wouldn’t your aunt tell you that herself?
“She did, James needs a ride into town tomorrow and your aunt couldn’t say no.” She gives you a tight lipped smile. She knows a young girl would rather be spending her summer somewhere else. Once you squeezed into the shorts, you bolted to the pool, with a quick introduction to Sherry and Barb, sisters who owned the park. They were nice, asked you questions and treated you like family. Your aunt must really know them, you had no clue how.
Tanya and your aunt walked across the grass and climbed into the pool. Tanya tightly held onto a bottle of Budweiser, letting you know the night was already starting. You dunk your head, wanting to wash away the sweat from your forehead. When you resurface you see James stomping towards the pool, his shirt missing and motor oil smeared on his chest. “Drinking beer but not watching your kid I wish I could be surprised.” That’s when you notice a little boy in his hands, floaties tightly wrapped around his arms and body. He snatched the brown bottle from her hands, tossing the boy into the pool. “I got shit to do.” He walked away, finishing the beer and throwing the empty bottle to the ground.
After two more hours in the pool, your cousin came out looking for your aunt, leaving you alone with the Tanya and the baby. “Are you happy?” You finally ask, only because you’re truly alone with her. Her eyes well with tears, she shakes her head no. You move across the pool grabbing the boy you’d become acquainted with. You pulled yourself out of the water, not bothering to dry off, but you wrapped the boy in a towel. The sun was setting and it wasn’t warm enough for him to be out here wet. “I’ll be right back.” You give her a firm nod, carrying him in the direction of her house. She just watched helplessly as you turn the corner out of site.
Your heart started beating faster as you walked up to the trailer, knocking on the door. You try to think of what to say as you wait for him to open the door. You hear cursing from the other side before it’s swung open. He stands there for a minute, holding the door open before you realize he’s inviting you in. You step up, still holding onto the toddler. You don’t move from the doormat, afraid of tracking water through the house. “You can lay him down on the couch.” He says, pointing toward the corner of the room. You nod, padding your feet across the cold linoleum. You didn’t even notice the boy fell asleep in your arms, swimming always tuckers out kids. You straighten your back when you feel water droplets sliding down the inside of your thigh, pooling water at your feet.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t even dry off before bringing him.” You look at the ground, wondering how you could fix the wet footprints that painted his floor. “I’m not.” He says but you barely catch it. “Huh?” You ask.
“Don’t be sorry, it’s just water honey.” You look up at him, not believing his sincerity. His blue eyes are piercing into yours. “Okay, well I better get back to the pool.” He watches you as you walk out of the door, he doesn’t make room for you to slip past him, causing you to turn your body towards him, he smelled good, you don’t know how. He was covered in black dirt from under the car, and sweat. He still wasn’t wearing a shirt and his tanned skin was so smooth, save for the happy trail growing up his stomach.
He was a lot older than you, more than 15 years, you’d guess. But you couldn’t tell standing this close to him. Your brain forces you out of the door. If you stood there in the tension for a second longer you don’t know what stupid thing would come out of your mouth. When you got back to the pool everyone had rejoined Tanya, even your aunt and cousin were drinking. You escape to your cousins house, changing back into your leggings and putting on your t-shirt. You check on your baby cousin, he’s sleeping in his room, not a worry in the world. You take the chance to spend a minute alone and turn on the tv.
You don’t even care to change the channel, SpongeBob played, lulling you to sleep. You’re awoken by your aunt, handing you the neighbor boy. “Will you watch him for a minute?” You just nod, and she’s out of the house. You peak through the curtain to see blue lights out front. Why are the cops here? You rock the boy to sleep, laying him down beside your cousin in his bed. When you walk outside everyone’s gone. The cops, your aunt, the neighbors. “What the hell.” You say out loud. You go knock on Sherrys door, hoping your aunt was there. But no one answered. Walking across the grass field someone caught your attention. It’s James, yelling at his trailer. “You don’t love me anyways, bitch.” He throws another beer bottle, this one smashes against the siding of the house. “I should’ve never fucked you and let you have my kid.” You stop in your tracks when he turns around, obviously drunk. “Hey.” He says, slowly walking towards you. “Are you okay?” You ask naïve as ever.
“I’m a good person, right?” He asks. You don’t know what to say, not wanting to tip him off that you were shitting your pants right now.
“Yes, you seem like a really good dad.” You’re trying to deescalate. “I am.” His voice is a little louder than it should be. “I don’t doubt it.” You’re still standing in the same spot, too afraid to move. “You’re nice.” He says, smiling widely. You give him one back, he hadn’t done anything to you yet, you weren’t going to give him a reason to.
It was no secret that you were nervous. Your breathing was fast and your eyes kept darting past him. “You don’t have to be scared. There’s nothing to be afraid of.” He throws his hands in the air. “I’m not going to hurt you.” He says, stepping closer to you again. “Everyone hurts me. Treats me like I’m not worth anything.” He lets his head hang, and you start to feel guilt building inside of you, this man just needed someone to lean on. “I’m not worthless, right?” He looks up at you with tears in his eyes. You know he’s drunk, but this pain was real.
“You’re worth more than you know.” It was cliche, but a true blanket statement, no one knows their true worth. “Thank you.” He says, wiping his eyes. “I just need someone to hold me for once.” You felt that, you knew exactly what he meant. “Wanna hug?” You offer, knowing that sometimes that’s all people need, church the last three weeks had taught you that. Sometimes a smile and a handshake is all the human contact people get all week.
He just looks at you, expecting you to close the gap between you. So you do, you walk towards him, fear in the form of sweat, still dripping from you. You give him a warm smile as you lay your head on his chest, wrapping your arms around his middle. His hands quickly found your hips, pulling you even closer to him. He squeezed you tightly, and you swear you hear him smell your hair. You try to pull away after an awkward silence falls over the two of you, but he won’t let you go.
“I’m sorry you’re going through stuff man, I am.” You say, patting his shoulder to tell him to let go. You feel his body go rigid against yours so you think he’s crying again. Drunk tears are never ending. “It’s okay.” You wrap your arms around him again, rubbing up and down his bare back. You try to pull away again, this time saying something “Don’t want Tanya to come out here and catch you hugging a stranger, probably best we let go now.”
His silence was a thousand words. Then he spoke, “You can’t do that.” He says lowly. You pull away and try to look at his face. “What are you talking about?” You ask, fear filling you again. He looks into your eyes, letting one of his hands slide down to the curve of your ass. You instantly put your hands on his chest and try to push him away. “You can’t be sweet to me and expect me not to like it.” His voice was different now, desperate. He presses his face into your neck, sloppily kissing up to your jaw.
Your heart is beating out of your chest now, and you stop fighting, not wanting to anger him. “You don’t want to cheat on your wife, you’re just drunk.” You try to break through to him. “You don’t know me.” He says, pulling you towards the back yard. “No I don’t, but you seem like a good man, don’t let a drunken mistake ruin what you’ve built for yourself.” You keep trying to persuade him.
“I wasn’t drunk earlier, when I watched you bend over in my living room, dripping wet. I wanted you then, just didn’t say anything.” He says, pressing you against your cousins house. He breathes in your face, and you smell more than beer on his breath, whiskey was pungently invading your nose. “So what? You like me or something?” You ask, confused on where this was going.
“Something like that.” He says, pressing his lips to yours. You’re shocked, you thought you were gonna be able to talk your way out of it. “This isn’t right.” You stop the kiss, nodding towards his trailer. You look between his eyes and try to find some common sense. “Then why does it feel right?” He grabs your hand, forcing you to cup the hard mass in his pants.
You gasp, you’d never felt one before, your virginity not up for debate, you’d never even had a boyfriend. “See, you like it too.” It’s like he’s trying to convince you. You look between him and the houses, searching for a witness. When you couldn’t find a soul, you stop fighting all together. He feels your body relax and takes it as permission to pull your leggings down. “Hey!” You say, but you guess it was too loud for his liking because he covers your mouth with his hand, looking you dead in the eye while his fingers push past your panties and dip inside of you. “You like being scared little girl?” He pulls his hand away from you, licking his fingers and tasting you.
Him reading you like a book was also a turn on. You stay silent, telling him everything he needs to know. He twist your body, pressing your face into the plastic. “Maybe you like it rough too, huh?” He slaps your bare ass, rubbing the raised red welt to soothe it.
You whimper, you’re going to let him have his way with you. If this was the only eventful thing that happens this summer, then what the hell. Tanya wasn’t happy and neither was he, who were you to interfere with destiny?
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writing-for-life · 4 months
The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known
Or: Does Morpheus really have commitment issues?
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[Bear with me, I’ll get to this panel 🤣]
I’ve read many times that Morpheus supposedly has commitment issues, and it always has me scratching my head a bit…
I personally rather think he is desperate to commit. He so badly craves a serious relationship that he is prone to rush into it and build it on wonky foundations, but he has certainly no commitment issues as we would commonly understand them.
Is it in his nature though to be truly seen and understood when he is [a] Dream? And can dreams ever last? These are the much more interesting questions in my view. Let’s have a look at the romantic relationships we know of…
Killalla: Walked out on him. That wasn’t his lack of commitment. If anything, he came on a bit strong while she was still assessing her feelings for him.
Alianora: He fully committed to her despite basically being bullied into it by Desire. And they were happy for “a goodly while”. For those in doubt: “Goodly” doesn’t mean “a bit”. It means “great, large, long.” And the fact that Alianora couldn’t go back to her own plane because she had stayed in the Dreaming too long corroborates that they were together for a long time. Probably longer than any human relationship ever lasts, because I doubt “a long time” means “a couple of years” for someone who is 12 billion years old.
And now I’ll sandwich the relationship we hardly know anything about between some random (?) panels to also make a point why I think it might sit here in the timeline…
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Titania: Who knows. Sounded like an affair, and as if they both had no intention of committing. He was clearly very fond of her though, and I can never shake the feeling that we should look a bit deeper into AMND and find the parallels between Auberon, Titania (not hard, and they are pretty much pictured as estranged) and Bottom. There are many ways to get confused with a jackass, you know? 🤣 Plus, Bottom is the one who gets to play Pyramus in “Pyramus and Thisbe”. That’s the ultimate blueprint for “Romeo and Juliet”: Ill-fated love of catastrophic proportions, people are dead by the end of it. That’s why I often wondered if the affair with Titania was actually pre-Nada, and the inspiration for Shakespeare wasn’t random (it wasn’t random for The Tempest either). I mean, it wasn’t random anyway because it was a parting gift, but I also don’t think it was entirely random with regard to their relationship. Wild head-canon of course, but maybe not that wild (he also says that Wendel’s Mound was already a theatre before humans walked the earth, so there’s that)? And even if he wasn’t committed (we quite frankly don’t know if he intended to but she didn’t or couldn’t), she and the Fae meant enough to him to give them a play as a parting gift.
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Nada: Killed herself after one night, but that wasn’t down to lack of commitment on his part. Again: If anything, he came on far too strong, wanted to be with her and was far too pushy about it.
Calliope: We don’t know how long they were together before they had Orpheus. Could have been a while, could have been only a shortish time. But even if we assumed they had him fairly quickly—they were still together when Orpheus, who was mortal, got married to Eurydice, so even if he got married young, we’re still talking something in the realm of +/- 20 years, and that’s the absolute low-ball-estimate. And while they had started to drift apart (considering what we know from Calliope), they were still on good terms and had no intention of splitting up until the whole Orpheus drama caused a rift they couldn’t mend. Again: That’s not someone who has commitment issues. It’s a relationship breaking down over hurt, stubbornness and grief.
Thessaly: Again, she was the one who left him and caused his dramatic interlude in the rain. Were they ill suited? Yes. Did she feel neglected and went into a strop over it? Yes. Did he not get that she felt neglected? Also yes, but that’s not lack of commitment. That’s his not getting that people aren’t mind readers (must be hard if you’re probably one yourself 🤣) and, by and large, need assurances of love. He doesn’t get that these women don’t understand they have his love; he can’t grasp that line of thinking because it is all so clear to him when he loves someone: They have him, what’s the issue? Is that a not so great way of (not) communicating when you’re having a relationship to someone? Absolutely. Is it a commitment issue though? Absolutely not.
I think Morpheus doesn’t really have commitment issues in romantic relationships—wouldn’t that almost be antithetical to his nature? Rules and responsibilities. Yeah, about that one…
What I do think is that he struggles with the mortifying ordeal of being (not) known by his lovers. Because how could he? He is Dream. That is his problem. Dreams cannot be fully known or understood. He is very eloquent but at the same time a very… confusing communicator. I don’t want to say “bad”, because I feel that’s not getting to the bottom of it. Again, it is the nature of dreams to be confusing and strange, open to (mis)interpretation, hard to grasp and understand. And they also stop being dreams once they become real. All of that is true and hence makes relationships both hard for him and those involved. Is he truly not willing to commit though?
I still find that hard to believe…
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w2soneshots · 7 months
Ready -W2S
words: 0.9k+
warnings: pregnancy.
summary: you and Harry prepare for your baby to arrive.
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Liked by wrotoshaw and 809,134 others
faithlouisak: weekly dump🤗 @y/username @behzingagram
y/username: faith you did not!!!!🤣
behzingagram: ❤️❤️
taliamar: so cute🫶🏼
user18472895: I want a friendship like y/n and faiths
user24969101: ethan😭😭
I unexpectedly found out that I was pregnant 6 months ago. I told Harry the night I found out, just after he'd been at a long sidemen shoot. He was shocked and we were both scared but also excited, and there was absolutely no question if we were or weren't going to keep it. Me and Harry have been together for just under 3 years, and had spoken about kids but it wasn't something we were thinking about now. Harry's so busy with videos, meetings etc. I'm very busy with my socials, I lost out on a PLT collab because I was pregnant. I went to the first scan with Faith because Harry couldn't miss a sidemen shoot. We found out that we were having a girl privately in our home then told everyone separately when we saw them.
It's been difficult so far but lately I've been feeling much better about it all. Harry has been trying to spend as much time with me as he possibly can and always profusely apologises when he can't be there for me, bless him. Faith has been a major help, I've also learned a lot about babies since I spend so much time with Olive. All of the boys have been sweet to. When we told them, Harry brought me along to a more sidemen shoot. As we were sitting on the couch Harry suddenly blurted out "by the way I'm gonna need a little time off soon." The boys were confused "what why?" Ethan asked. "Just to look after the baby." Harry said calmly. I tried desperately to hold in my smile. "Baby... what do you- OH MY GOD!" JJ jumped up with excitement. I smiled "surprise!" They all immediately began congratulating us.
Today it's Harry's day off and we're going shopping for the baby's nursery. We haven't had much spare time to buy anything. But one night, after he'd been out all day, Harry came home with a little white polar bear sleep suit along with some matching booties. My hormones were clearly all over the place because I ended up in tears because of how cute it was. I got up and ready, made some breakfast then woke Harry up. "Haz, wake up!" I said shaking him softly. He yawned "morning." he said with the morning voice I love so much. He got up, we had breakfast, he got dressed, then we left. We got a taxi into central London, payed and thanked the driver then headed straight into the first baby store I spotted.
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y/username just posted a new story!
A few hours later after we'd had lunch and spent an unholy amount of money it was time to go home. We got a cab back to our house and Harry carried in all of the bags up through the the door and placed them in the (currently empty) nursery. That night we ordered a crib, dresser/changing table and a few other things we needed for the nursery, clearly buying things for the baby kick-started my brain into realising how un prepared we were.
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Liked by behzinagram and 1,008,279 others
y/username: bump is bumpin (second pic is @wrotoshaw after we spent the entire day shopping😂🫶)
wrotoshaw: I didn't know buying baby clothes was so exhausting
faithlouisak: hot mama😍
-> y/username: ❤️❤️
y/nfanpage21: the way your matching🥺
user31860923: pahahaha Harry💀
The next day most of the things arrived, most importantly the crib and dresser. Harry had to be at a sidemen meeting so I decided to begin building some of the little, less heavy things. Later I heard the front door open and padded footsteps toward the nursery. "Hey." I said softly with a smile and tried to stand from my cross legged position. Harry practically launched forward to help me up. I laughed "thank you." and made a face. He furrowed his brows "what?" He asked with a slight smirk. "You're just really cute." I said and pecked him on the lips.
We ordered some dinner and after we ate we got straight back to working on the nursery. And thankfully I now had Harry to move all of the heavy things around. "No, the other way!" I said pointing from the instructions then back to the half built crib. "Ah, there we go!" he said as it clicked into place. Soon the entire crib was built, along with the dresser and everything else. It was pretty much done, just needed some decorations.
We stood by the door and admired the room. A tear slid down my cheek. "Are you ok?" Harry asked with slight panic in his voice. I looked at him "fine, I just- I was terrified when I first found out we were gonna have a baby, that would be my responsibility to keep alive and healthy. But now I- I feel ready to be a mum." I said with a sniffle. He smiled and pulled me into a soft hug. "You're gonna be an incredible mum." he said into my hair. I pulled back and smiled "and you'll be an amazing dad." I said. He placed a hand on my bump "I love you both so much." he said as his eyes flickered down to my belly. "We love you too."
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agendabymooner · 1 year
she's everything... and he's just mick ! mick s. x ofc (filipino!nanny!ofc)
summary: in the first race of the season, the vettels made their appearance as a family of three (or four) as kimi vettel debuts as the newest vettel of the grid and a mick schumacher fan. OR let me introduce barbara elisandra 'barbie' blanco - the woman that the vettel couple fostered for years who now takes care of the two year old boy alongside kimi's uncle mick.
content warning: smau + article. quality kimi vettel (oc) content, some hater getting ratio'd, lewis is a retired king (yes king get that rest), everyone loving kimi, barbie and mick = barbie and ken, three racing team admins fighting on the comment section, drivers also fighting in the comment section (ate = term of endearment)
note: i told y'all i'm gonna continue on with the kimi vettel/crazy rich wife saga 😭 and to all of the users who made my favourite f1 fics— i see you 👀 i’m here and i’m lurking and i’m enjoying
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barblanco posted a story !!!
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tagged mickschumacher, belongvettel
liked by barblanco, georgerussell63, lewishamilton
mercedesamgf1 to answer your question: YES, we got our new mercedes ambassador not one- but TWO mercedes cars. uncle mackie said to get him one, but uncle toto said make it double✌️
lewishamilton those are some nice whip, kimi! you don't mind if you take them for a spin with roscoe, do you? 🐶🥶 liked by mercedesamgf1
mercedesamgf1 kimi has a lot of furry friends, but the vettels said there's always room for one more!
user1 as we said: BEST VETTEL IN THE GRID
user2 mickschumacher is slowly transforming kimi vettel into a mini mick schumacher and i am here to sit and admire 🥰
mercedesamgf1 like father, like son 🤗
georgerussell63 still upset he wouldn't let go of mick 🙂 liked by mercedesamgf1
mercedesamgf1 there's always a next time george!
mickschumacher look at my boy!!! ❤️🤍 liked by mercedesamgf1
belongvettel we started seeing double when he wore that race suit 😅 thank you so much for your warm welcome! kimi definitely loved being around you all and we're looking forward to attend a couple more rounds! 😍 liked by mercedesamgf1
mercedesamgf1 anything for our newest favourite vettel!!!
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tagged belongvettel, scuderiaferrari, mercedesamgf1
liked by barblanco, mickschumacher, landonorris
user1 how many outfit changes did he have to go through this week what 😭😭
user2 i think some photos were taken in different days 🤔
user3 bel's nightmare is seeing him in a race suit and a powered car 😂 makes me wonder how it went for the first few days
user4 i'm looking forward to seeing the vettels' gridwalk interview!!
f1 us too! 🥰
scuderiaferrari his name is KIMI and VETTEL for a reason f1
redbullracing ur so silly 🤪
mercedesamgf1 no you two are 🤣 scuderiaferrari redbullracing
user5 why are these teams fighting in the comment section?
landonorris he'd look nice on a papaya suit tbh
mickschumacher nah uh
georgerussell63 absolutely not.
maxverstappen1 look at him! can't wait to have a rbr sebastian 2.0 in the grid
mickschumacher ❌ wrong try again ❌
carlossainzjr false news max ❌
landonorris you couldn't be any more wrong lad ❌
charles_leclerc i disagree verstappen ❌
alex_albon belongvettel which team do you think kimi would compete for?
belongvettel none of them because seb won't take him racing on such dangerous places 🙂
mickschumacher boooooo that's not mercedes 👎
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tagged belongvettel, barblanco, ginaschumacher
liked by landonorris, georgerussell63, estebanocon
ginaschumacher i actually came to see barbie and kimi but maybe mom went to see you? 😺
mickschumacher 😑
estebanocon its getting so obvious mick 😭
user1 what is getting obvious??? estie???
landonorris s-tier simping tbh 🙃
user2 y'all telling me mick is simping for kimi's nanny? 😏
user3 seb's about to act up frfr 😉
belongvettel my two boys!!! liked by mickschumacher
barblanco you did sooooo good getting those points, mick! (i'm only learning about f1 please don't be mad) ❤️👏 liked by mickschumacher
mickschumacher thank you, liebe! i'm sure seb and i will be able to teach you more about it!
user5 no because it really is obvious 😺
user6 reading the fast lane daily article, i agree that she lives up to her name barbie bc she really can do anything 😻 i dont blame u for liking her liked by mickschumacher
user7 "liked by mickschumacher" LMAO OBVIOUS MUCH?! this man is giving "wahpsssshhh" energy fr
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cassandracain52 · 4 months
You made me think about immunocompromised Tim so now you suffer the consequences (my thoughts) :D
Disclaimer: I haven't actually read that particular arc yet - I'll get around to it, I swear! But I do know roughly what happens.
With the whole spleentuation Tim turns the Red Robin costume into what basically amounts to a Hazmat suit. He doesn't actually change much - he goes for full face coverage and introduces some airtight seals. It makes upkeep slightly more laborious and makes him a lot scarier than he wants to be but it's this or risking getting benched for an infection for an unreasonably long time. Bruce returns and doesn't even question the look until he finds older Red Robin costume without the Hazmat qualities and in an attempt of casual bonding asks Tim why he changed it. You can imagine how the rest goes.
Second scenario:
Bruce vanishes before the pandemic, when he returns the family is very careful with like, disinfecting everything and they always have gloves and masks on their person. He writes it off as a side-effect on the pandemic until he realises how much more careful everyone is around Tim
Third scenario:
Tim uses his general lack of an immune system as a way to get out of things he doesn't want to do where there'll be a crowd. Mostly Gala's. Like:
Tim: I'm worried I'll get sick when I go to the opening of the Lexcorps factory we need to make An Appearance at.
Bruce: You went to ComicCon last week, you'll be fine.
Tim: 🥺
And like, what's Bruce going to do? Tim is right he SHOULD be a lot more careful. He SHOULDN'T go to the gala. So he folds like wet paper without fail every time. Tim cuts his public appearances down to an absolute minimum. Jason is seen more often and he's supposed to be dead.
Tims coup de resistance (is that the saying) is getting to attend a business meeting virtually because one of the three (3) people there was travelling two weeks ago
Bruce: Tim you should go to sleep staying up this long is not good for your health your immune system will thank you.
Tim: what immune system.
Bruce: What do you mean what immune system.
Tim *chuckles*: I'm in danger.
Bruce: What do you mean what immune system.
Damian sneezes once and refuses to take off his mask for six days straight on the off-chance he'll get Tim sick. He was literally digging through the dusty attic. He is not sick. Tim isn't even around half the time. You don't need to sleep in the mask Damian. DAMIAN.
”Jason is seen more often and he's supposed to be dead.” <<<asfghjkl XD this is taking me OUT😭 I never really thought of Tim using this as a “get out of jail free” card but he so would. But only for things he doesn’t want to do. That party of maybe 200 guests at most? Nope sorry can’t do it, too risky. That concert with 50,000+ people? Completely fine
All these scenarios were so fun!! I especially appreciated “What do you mean what immune system.” and Tim just immediately starts sweating bullets cause Oh Did He Forget To Mention That?
and Damian would so be super paranoid to accidentally get Tim sick but also would never admit that because Tim Must Never Know He Worries About Him
Damian wearing a full mask, gloves, and maintaining a ten ft distance at all times because Jon (who has seasonal allergies) sneezed kinda close to him: You’re a disgrace to this family Drake. Do us a favor and die
Tim not falling for this for a second: Uh-huh so can I just- [attempts to take approximately One Step Closer]
Damian rapidly scrambling back: nO I HATE YOU STAY AWAY-
Please feel free to share your thoughts again🤣
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jamiewintons · 8 months
Here it is, everyone, the moment you’ve all been waiting for! It’s the Fickelgruber’s wife AU wedding night snippet! The 'snippet' ended up being nearly 3000 words, but oh well 🤣
I hope it was worth the wait!!
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Warnings: Smut (Minors do not touch!!), virgin!reader, shy!reader, vague mentions of forced/coerced marriage, praise kink, Fickelgruber is pretty soft in this tbh.
Your new bedroom was far more beautiful than anything else you’d ever seen. The walls were painted the same shade of dark green that your new husband nearly always wore, and the bedding matched as well. The room was lavishly decorated, demonstrating Fickelgruber’s wealth and surprisingly good taste. You had expected a man like him to not have much in the way of taste, but the room was far less garish than you’d initially imagined.
While you were laying on the bed, staring at the ceiling, you didn’t notice your husband enter the room until he cleared his throat. You sat up quickly, seeing him remove his jacket to reveal the waistcoat beneath. He folded it neatly and placed it on top of the chest of drawers.
“Good evening, sweetness,” he said with a smile, his eyes trained on your body, which was barely hidden by the thin, green material of the nightgown he had bought for you. Fickelgruber walked over to the bed, sitting down on the edge and removing his shoes. “You look lovely. Green definitely suits you.”
“Thank you,” you responded, your voice barely louder than a whisper. You were married now, but you still barely knew the man, and weren’t really sure how you were meant to talk to him. All you could hope for was that you would learn in time.
Fickelgruber let out a quiet laugh. “Such a shy little thing, aren’t you?” He patted the spot on the bed beside him, looking over his shoulder at you. “Come and sit beside me.”
After a few seconds of hesitation, you did as you were asked, though you left a little bit of space between the two of you. Fickelgruber scooted closer so you were touching, his hand coming to rest on your thigh. He rubbed it up and down, making your nightgown ride up a little. His fingers brushed against your bare skin and you couldn’t help but let out a little gasp.
Then, he grasped your chin firmly, turning your head so that you were looking into his eyes. You could see the hunger behind his gaze. Your heartbeat quickened, but you weren’t sure whether it was from anxiety or excitement. Before you knew it, he’d leaned in to press a gentle, lingering kiss to your lips. You closed your eyes, kissing him back to the best of your ability. It seemed to last for an eternity - but was probably somewhere closer to a couple of minutes - before he pulled away, though only briefly.
“Tell me my dear, have you ever been with a man before?” Fickelgruber asked, leaning in to press some gentle kisses against your neck. You shivered, letting out a shaky breath as his mustache tickled your sensitive skin.
You shook your head. “I… I haven’t,” you admitted, your face flushing. You hadn’t even kissed anyone before your wedding. In your defence, you’d been working in Mr. Scrubbit’s laundry since you were a girl, and you didn’t exactly have a wide selection of prospective partners down there. This admission seemed to please Fickelgruber, as you could feel him smiling against your neck.
“Mmm, good,” he murmured, before sucking a mark into your skin and pulling a surprised moan out of you. He laughed again, before pulling back to look into your eyes. “Don’t worry, my dearest. I’ll be gentle with you.”
In that moment, everything finally hit you. Mr. Fickelgruber— Felix, rather, was your husband now. You were his wife. It was your wedding night, and the two of you were going to have sex. Part of you was terrified, though there was another, hidden part of you that felt somewhat excited by the prospect. You weren’t sure why, perhaps it was simply your mind trying to protect you from the fear?
While you were having your realisation, Felix had returned to kissing your neck, bringing up his hands to slip the straps of your nightgown down. His lips trailed from your throat to your shoulder, and he seemed to be thoroughly enjoying himself judging by the gusto he employed.
He pushed your nightgown further down, baring your breasts to his hungry eyes. You weren’t quite sure what he was going to do next, but before you even had time to really consider it, he was squeezing one of your breasts in his hand, while he gently sucked on the nipple of the other.
“Mr. Fickelgruber…!” you moaned, louder than you expected, not having expected that to feel so good.
“We’re married now, sweetness, I think you ought to call me Felix,” he murmured against your breast, sounding quite pleased with himself to have elicited that reaction from you. Then, he got straight back to business, sucking on your nipple until it was a hardened peak before switching sides to give the other the same treatment. “Mm, you like it when I do that, don’t you?”
After a few moments, you opened your eyes and realised he was looking at your face, expecting an answer to his question. “Yes,” you breathed in reply, hoping that he’d continue once you’d responded to him.
“Good,” Felix replied, grinning. “Lay back for me then, dear.”
You did as you were asked, and once you were laying down on the bed he climbed half on top of you, tugging your nightgown a little further so that he could trail kisses from between your breasts to your lower stomach. The thought of him being so close to your most sensitive area made your stomach flutter.
“I will make sure to teach you all about how to please me another night.” He was getting lower and lower, and once again, you tried to anticipate what he was going to do next. “But since tonight is your first time, I suppose I should make it special for you, hmm?” With that, Felix pulled your nightgown down all the way, leaving you dressed in nothing but a pair of emerald green panties.
“Oh, you are exquisite…” he mused, his voice slightly deeper than it usually was as he sat up to admire you properly. Judging by the look in his eyes, he wanted to devour you. Felix’s large hands trailed up your thighs, making you let out a quiet whimper. Once he reached your hips, he hooked his fingers into the waistband of your panties and slowly began to pull them down your legs.
The cool air of the room hit your sensitive parts, and you instinctively tried to close your legs to keep yourself from getting embarrassed. However, before you could do so, Felix gripped onto your thighs to keep them apart.
“There’s no need to be shy,” he told you, looking down at the area he had just uncovered. His tongue darted out to briefly lick his lips. “I won’t do anything to hurt you, sweetness, you’re far too precious for that.”
You nodded, signaling your understanding. “Okay,” you replied meekly, relaxing your legs.
“That’s a good girl,” Felix purred, and for reasons you didn’t quite understand, you felt a tingling sensation down there. You moaned softly and Felix smirked, making a mental note to remember that you liked that.
All of a sudden, Felix dipped his head down and licked a long, slow stripe from your entrance right to the top of your pussy. You were about to say something about how you were pretty sure his mouth shouldn’t go down there, but all of a sudden he sucked on your clit and all thoughts left your mind.
“O-oh my God!” you called out, bringing your hand up to clap over your mouth and stop anymore embarrassing sounds from escaping. Before long Felix grabbed onto your wrist and pulled your hand away from your face.
He pulled away from your pussy for a short moment so that he could speak. “I want to hear how good I’m making you feel, sweetness. No covering your mouth.” Once you nodded, he returned to what he’d been doing previously.
It felt so good that you just couldn’t keep quiet, or still. You let out a series of whines and whimpers, gripping onto the sheets as you writhed beneath Felix’s ministrations. Never had you felt anything close to this kind of pleasure in your entire life.
Felix hummed against you, utterly overjoyed that he was managing to get this reaction out of you. Keeping one hand on your thigh to spread your legs a little further, the other moved to your pussy. He rubbed a finger against your entrance, teasing you for a few seconds before slowly and carefully slipping the finger inside of your wet heat.
It felt strange and slightly painful at first. You’d never had anything inside of you before, and it was quite the adjustment. But it only took a few moments for it to begin feeling good, and once Felix began using it to stroke you inside, you almost felt like you were going to lose your mind.
“Felix…!” you gasped, and he was glad to hear you calling him by his given name without having to be told. When you bucked your hips up off the bed, he used the hand that had been holding your thigh to press down on you to keep you from moving. Once he felt you could take it, he added a second finger inside of you, wanting to get you nice and ready for what came next.
The noises you were making were getting Felix unbearably hard, so he wanted to make you cum as quickly as possible. He went back to sucking on your clit, while crooking his fingers, brushing against the sweet spot inside of you. It only took a few more moments for you to fall over the edge, crying out his name as your walls clamped around his digits like a vice and your body trembling in pleasure.
“That’s it, sweetness, such a good girl for me,” he murmured, pressing gentle kisses to your thigh as he fingered you through your orgasm, aiming to give you as much pleasure as possible. Once he could tell that you were becoming too sensitive - Felix wouldn’t be opposed to overstimulating you, but he knew he probably shouldn’t do that just yet - he slipped his fingers out of you, and brought them up to your lips. “Open up, darling. I want you to know how sweet you taste…”
Your mind was practically blank at this point, so without even thinking you parted your lips, taking Felix’s fingers inside and licking your essence off of them. The two of you moaned in tandem - you because you were surprised at the pleasant taste, and Felix because of the feeling of your tongue swirling around his fingers - and once they were clean he left them for just a few more moments before removing them.
Felix smiled, leaning down to give you a gentle kiss on the lips. “Now, I want you to help me undress,” he told you, and you nodded. Both of you sat up, and with shaky hands you began to slowly unbutton his waistcoat. He watched you intently as you worked, and you felt your heart fluttering.
Once you’d removed both his waistcoat and his shirt, Felix instructed you to sit up by the headboard while he took care of the rest of his clothing. You weren’t sure whether you should watch so you turned your head, though you did peek at him a few times in the corner of your eye.
Felix climbed up on the bed where you were once he was fully nude. You’d never seen a man naked before now, and you only had very minimal knowledge of what they looked like beneath their clothes, but you thought that he was rather attractive. He wasn’t a muscular man by a long shot, but you found that you quite liked it.
He kissed you again, his hands roaming over your bare skin until he reached your thighs. Felix took one of them so that he could hook your leg around his waist.
“This may hurt a bit at first, sweetness, but I assure you that it will fade,” he whispered in your ear, and you could feel his cock nudging against your entrance. Felix started to kiss your neck as he carefully pushed inside of you, and your breath caught in your throat.
Felix’s cock was certainly thicker than his fingers, and it stretched you out more than they had as well. Though, you were grateful for the fact that he’d already fingered you and brought you to orgasm once, because you imagined that the pain might have been worse if he hadn’t.
“Sweetness, you feel incredible,” Felix murmured against your skin. Once he’d bottomed out inside of you, he stayed still for a bit to allow you - and himself, as it had been a lot longer since he’d last had sex than he’d care to admit - to adjust, before he started to move.
His hands caressed your hips as he began to thrust inside of you, and you whimpered in a way that you would have found embarrassing if you’d been capable of thinking right now. Your hands came up to hold onto Felix’s shoulders, and he hummed, sounding pleased.
“Good girl,” he breathed, bringing his head down to gently nip at your neck and shoulder. There was something about the way his voice wavered while he was buried inside of you… it made you feel almost powerful to know that you had this affect on him. You moaned louder, wrapping your legs around him tightly and gripping onto his shoulders.
You were driving Felix crazy. Only in his wildest dreams did he imagine tonight would go this well. He had even considered the possibility that you might not even agree to consummate your marriage immediately - considering the fact that you only agreed to become his wife in exchange for your friends’ freedom - and he hadn’t been planning on pushing you too hard.
But you were his now - willingly, it seemed - and it made him happier than anything else could have. With you, he had everything he ever needed: money, a perfect wife by his side, and - once he and the Chocolate Cartel disposed of Wonka - a lack of genuine competition that would allow him to become even more powerful than he already was.
Felix drew back from your neck to look into your eyes again, and your face flushed even more if that were possible. One of his hands came to rest on your cheek as he leaned in to capture your lips in yet another passionate, hungry kiss. This muffled your moans when his other hand snaked down between your joined bodies to begin rubbing your clit, wanting to tip you over the edge again before he himself succumbed.
When you cried out and began to tremble beneath him, Felix knew that he had succeeded. Your climax triggered his own, and with one final thrust he released deep inside of you, before collapsing onto your chest.
It took a few minutes for the both of you to recover from your highs, and Felix found that the sound of your heartbeat was quite comforting. He’d never experienced this kind of warmth before. Of course he’d had lovers in the past, but they’d never meant that much to him, but you… you were his and only his, and he intended on making sure you stayed that way.
“Well, my darling,” Felix murmured, carefully pulling his softening cock out of you and rolling the two of you over, so that you were now laying on his chest. You looked up at him with your sweet, sleepy eyes and he felt yet another wave of possessiveness washed over him. “It seemed like you enjoyed that, hmm?”
You nodded, still seeming somewhat shy even after all of that. Felix smiled, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to your slightly sweaty forehead.
“I did too. You were wonderful, my sweetness.” Felix began to stroke your back slowly and gently, and your eyes began to droop closed. “You cannot fall asleep just yet, I must get you cleaned up first, and then you can sleep as long as you wish. We have nothing to do until we leave for our honeymoon the day after tomorrow.” Secretly, Felix hoped you wouldn’t sleep for too long. He had thoroughly enjoyed himself tonight and was looking forward to teaching you about other ways to please him before the two of you left for your trip.
The two of you laid there for a bit in near silence - apart from a few whispered compliments from Felix - until he ushered you into the ensuite bathroom to get you cleaned up before bed.
Once you were back in your nightgown, comfortably wrapped up in both the blankets and your new husband’s arms, you smiled to yourself. Maybe this wouldn’t end up being as bad as you feared?
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e-dubbc11 · 6 months
Trust Your Gut
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Billy Russo x F! Reader
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of rohypnol (date rape drug), fluff, smooches, mention of a little violence
Word Count: 2.7K-ish
Summary: You keep seeing a very handsome stranger every Friday at happy hour with your work friends. He saves you from a potential dangerous situation
A/N: Miss me? 🤣 I had a lovely vacation, didn’t really look forward to going back to work but I’m happy to be back to writing. And if there’s anything you’d like to see from me, don’t hesitate to send something to my inbox. Come say hi! ♥️ So anyway, I saw a prompt on the blog @creativepromptsforwriting and I wanted to use it. #1061 - “I have wanted to kiss you every time I’ve seen you smile.” “Then why haven’t you yet?”
Oh and I make mention of Tyler Durden, Brad Pitt’s character in Fight Club. If you haven’t seen it, what are you waiting for…it’s classic!
Not much else to say except I hope you like it! ♥️
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
Before you had even set one foot into the bar today, you felt his presence.
That gut feeling you had all day while you were at work, a combination of butterflies and knots danced and twisted around in your stomach as you kept glancing at the time, waiting for the moment you could clock out so you could go and meet your friends for your usual Friday after-work drink.
For the past month, you had noticed him. The way his long dexterous fingers wrapped around the glass of bourbon, the way his throat moved up and down as the amber liquid trickled down his throat, and the clenching of his teeth as his drink hit his stomach.
He was so handsome, mysterious, and sexy as fuck. His eyes looked like two pieces of onyx that shined when the dim lights of the bar hit them just right and you tried your hardest not to seem like you were staring at him but he probably knew you were.
Every woman in that place stared at him. How could they not? Between his handsome face, the fancy suit and tie, those eyes you could get lost in, and a smile that made you weak in the knees, you were irresistibly drawn to him. He could have his pick of any woman but you were surprised that every woman that threw themselves at him, he turned them all down.
Actually, you didn’t care why he turned them down. You only cared that he did turn them down and you didn’t have to watch him leave with someone that wasn’t you but you were too shy to even think of speaking to someone of his caliber.
All of those thoughts disappeared as soon as you saw your friends waiting for you. You were there to have a good time with them, not to gawk at the handsome man in the fancy suit. They had saved you a seat and it happened to be near Mr. Fancy Pants’ table.
Your gut never lied; he was there already.
He was drinking with a few other guys also dressed in fancy suits. Your heart jumped from your chest into your throat and you managed to catch a glimpse of him before he could return your gaze although he probably didn’t even look away from his friends.
“I’m bringing someone for you next week, y/n.” Your friend Jenna said.
Your mind was somewhere else and you were staring off into space so you didn’t exactly hear her.
“What?” You replied.
She glared at you, pointed and asked, “You didn’t pay attention to a word I just said, did you.”
You felt bad and apologized.
“I’m sorry, Jenna. I guess I’m a little distracted.” You replied.
Every woman in the bar had a crush on Mr. Fancy Pants, but you didn’t let it show that you did too. It was difficult but you acted like he wasn’t even there. If there was a way for you to become invisible so no one would see you ogling him, you would do it in a heartbeat.
Stolen glances would have to do…for now.
The following Friday, your standing date with your friends was rapidly approaching and you were nervous about the guy Jenna said she was bringing for you. She said his name is Tyler and he is a personal trainer/boxer at the gym that she and her husband go to. Every time you heard the name “Tyler,” two words popped into your head…Fight Club.
“…And could you try not to mention Fight Club when you meet him? I knew exactly what you were thinking when I told you his name was Tyler.” Said Jenna.
You shrugged and said, “Ok, but you know that happens when I get nervous. I just start quoting movies or blurt out song lyrics. I can’t help it. It’s who I am.” You said with a slight chuckle and batting your eyelashes.
It almost sounded like Jenna didn’t want you to be yourself but she wanted you to be someone else when talking to Tyler but you would try to keep your movie quotes to a minimum, although you couldn’t make any guarantees.
He was nice enough, good looking, and seemed like he enjoyed his job. But he was a little full of himself, dull and didn’t seem like the brightest crayon in the box, nothing like the real object of your affection, Suit & Tie. Everyone in the room was drawn to him.
Without saying a word, he commanded your attention and always seemed in charge of everything. That kind of power over people turned you on, it sent a restless shiver down your spine, and a sudden warmth brushed across your cheeks.
Your blind date, however, droned on and on about the gym, his clients, some of them famous people, which didn’t impress you in the slightest. Your mind wandered, thinking about if Suit & Tie’s taste in bourbon was impeccable like his taste in suits.
Your desire to taste the bourbon on his lips kept getting stronger with every sip he took. The words coming out of Tyler’s mouth were not registering and it sounded like he was speaking underwater. That’s how little you were paying attention to what he was saying.
There was something about Tyler that wasn’t sitting right with you, though. He put out kind of a weird vibe but you couldn’t put your finger on exactly what it could be. Your intuition has never betrayed you before and you didn’t think it would start now.
Setting your empty glass onto the bar, you told Tyler you needed to use the ladies’ room and said you would order another beer when you got back. Emerging from the bathroom, you were startled to see who was standing in front of you. Mr. Fancy Pants. Your stomach lurched upward toward your throat before settling back down and he wasted no time starting the conversation.
“You have a date tonight, I see.” He said softly with a warm smile.
He noticed that he scared you.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He apologized and extended his hand for you to shake. “Billy Russo…nice to meet you.”
Shaking his hand, you replied, “OH! I’m y/n, it’s really nice to meet you Billy. And yeah it’s—it’s a blind date.”
Billy moved in closer, caging you in against the wall down the long and narrow hallway. The scent of his spicy cologne floated past your nose and he placed his hand against the wall just above your head. He was even more handsome up close.
“Do you like him?” He asked in a serious tone as the line of his mouth tightened a fraction more.
Not really knowing how to respond, you stumbled over your words at first but managed to pull yourself together long enough to answer him.
“Oh…well…I dunno,” You had started to say. “Actually…I feel like there’s just something off about Tyler but I don’t know what it is.” You whispered.
Billy’s endless brown eyes stared into yours. He looked…angry but you weren’t frightened.
“You felt that, huh?” He replied.
Nervously, you nodded.
“Yeah, I felt that too and confirmed it when I saw him slip something into the fresh beer that’s waiting for you on the bar.” He said through clenched teeth.
You covered your mouth in disbelief.
“WHAT?! I purposely didn’t order another beer yet so I could watch it being poured.” You asked in a scared tone.
“Look, I know you don’t know me but I don’t want anything to happen to you because, well…I” Billy trailed off. “Do you trust me?”
Strangely enough, you did. You trusted him like you’ve known him for years.
“Y-yes, I do…Billy.” You answered.
The corners of his mouth turned up into a sly smile.
“Good, because I’ve kinda developed a little crush on you in the four weeks I’ve been comin’ in here. I keep suggesting this place to my team, hopin’ I’d get to see you.” He whispered in your ear, his hand still pressed against the wall, and his slight New York accent peeking through.
His words went straight to your core and instantly goosebumps peppered across your skin as the scent of bourbon escaped his lips when he spoke.
“Really?” You asked, shyly.
Biting down on his lower lip, he nodded.
“Well…I may have a little crush on you too.” You said with a slight smile.
Your hands trembled as you reached for his tie. Sliding it through your fingers, you looked up at him through your long dark lashes, desperately wanting him to kiss you and not caring that you just officially met him a few minutes ago.
Billy Russo was the one person in the entire bar that you felt like you could trust wholeheartedly and that included the trust you had in your co-workers and friends. It was hard to explain but everything about him just felt right.
Billy had inched close enough for the two of you to share the same air, causing you to swallow hard before he spoke again.
“I have wanted to kiss you every time I’ve seen you smile.” He said slowly as he grazed your cheek with his knuckles and tucked a stray hair behind your ear, away from your face.
Billy’s lips ghosted over yours as you asked with a smile, “Then why haven’t you yet?”
Flashing that million-dollar smile, he gently cupped your cheeks and drew your face closer to his before his lips were pressed firmly against yours. They tasted like vanilla with a mixture of sweetness and bite as he continued to kiss you a little harder now. Your stomach dropped when his body pressed up against you and your hands migrated to his raven colored hair.
His kisses were even better than you imagined they would be.
Breathlessly, his name fled from your lips as he kissed up and down the side of your neck. You completely lost yourself in the moment before snapping back to reality and remembered about Tyler, your friends, and the fact that no one has been down this hallway since you came out of the ladies’ room.
“Billy…no one’s come down here looking for either one of us.” You said.
He pulled back and said with a devilish grin, “Oh I got a guy at the end of the hallway preventing anyone from coming down here. I didn’t want any interruptions before I could tell you what that asshole did to your drink.”
“Shit…I keep forgetting about that.” You said, pressing your palm to your forehead.
Billy smirked again. “I’ll take that as a compliment, pretty eyes. Have dinner with me.” He commanded.
“Are you requesting or demanding?” You asked with a warm smile.
He leaned in to kiss you again.
“Please?” Asked Billy.
Without any hesitation, you replied, “Well since you asked nicely…yes, I’d love to Mr. Fancy Pants.”
Billy started to laugh.
“Mr. Fancy Pants, huh.” Said Billy.
You shrugged.
“Well, I didn’t know your name so that’s just how I referred to you in my head.” You said with a slight chuckle. “Suit & Tie was another one I used.”
He laughed at that one too.
“Well, I like both of them.” He said.
Just as he finished his sentence, a voice boomed from down the hall.
“Hey Bill!”
Billy yelled back.
“Yeah, what is it Frankie?!”
“You done warnin’ Miss Pretty Eyes about that fuckin’ scumbag yet?! Says he needs to use the bathroom.” He said, his voice dripping with disdain.
You narrowed your eyes slightly as the corners of your mouth curled into a smile.
“Pretty Eyes? You’ve told other people about the nickname, I see.” You said to Billy.
Billy winked at you and replied to his friend.
“Go ahead, Frankie. Let him down here and then you can watch me work!” Yelled Billy, with a devilish grin.
He was breathless with anger. Clenching his teeth, you watched as Billy’s hand balled into a fist until his knuckles shown white. The same knuckles that were gently brushing your cheek a few moments ago were getting ready to connect with Tyler’s face.
“You’re gonna hurt him, aren’t you.” You said nervously; your hands shaking slightly.
Billy kissed you on the forehead and replied, “Tyler’s walkin’ in to his own personal Fight Club. I’m gonna make sure he’ll think twice before doing that to someone else, y/n.”
The reference to Fight Club made you laugh. Movie references randomly popped into your head at any given time. It appeared that they randomly popped into Billy’s head also. This guy just might be your person.
“Ah, you forgot the first rule of Fight Club, Mr. Russo!” You chuckled a little. “So, do you beat people up professionally orrrrr?” You asked sarcastically.
He gave you another wicked smile and said, “We can talk about that at dinner and then you can remind me what the rules of Fight Club are.”
Immediately after he started walking down the hall, Tyler began running his mouth, telling Billy to get away from me, and “hope he’s ready to have his ass kicked.” When he got close, Tyler took a couple swings at him but missed and Billy proceeded to show him what happens to guys who mess with other people’s drinks.
Shoving Tyler out of the back door, Billy bloodied him enough to where you knew he’d never do that to anyone ever again and had the bartender call the police. When they dumped the beer out, there was some white residue along the bottom of the glass.
“Hey, he took swings at me first. I was just defending myself.” Said Billy, after being asked why Tyler’s face looked like a mangled piece of meat.
Bar patrons and Frank had watched Tyler swing first so they corroborated Billy’s story that he was “defending himself” and Jenna apologized for trying to set you up with such a creep. It wasn’t her fault; how could she have known? But she still felt pretty bad about the whole thing.
“I promise, I’ll never try and set you up again. I’m not very good at it, apparently.” She said, her voice heavy with sarcasm.
“Well maybe if this works out, you won’t have to set me up again.” You said.
Watching Billy talk to the police, you felt a sense of relief, and it scared you to think of what would have happened if he wasn’t there. If he wasn’t watching at that exact moment, something terrible could have happened to you.
Billy had finished talking with the cops when you rushed over to him, crashed into his chest and wrapped your arms tightly around his torso. The shock of it all had worn off and you were left thinking about all of the bad things that could have happened.
He was surprised but returned your embrace as tears streaked down your face.
“Hey, hey it’s ok, y/n. It’s ok. You’re safe.” He whispered against the top of your head.
“Thank you, Billy.” You said with a hitch in your voice, trying not to get your tears on his shirt.
You just kept thanking him over and over again. You had to make sure he knew just how grateful you were to him for today.
“I’ll never let anything bad happen to you…pretty eyes. You can trust me.” Said Billy with a slight smile.
His voice was calm and smooth like warm honey. He soothed you and reassured you that you were alright. Billy’s long arms wrapped around you, his body was a warm cradle for yours, and you fit perfectly against him.
“I know I can, Billy. I don’t know how I know…but I do.” You said as the corners of your mouth curled into a shy smile.
Brushing his beard with your thumbs, you leaned in to kiss him again. Instinctively, you knew there was something off about Tyler but at the same time, your gut told you there was something about Billy Russo that fit just right.
You would just have to remember to really listen to that inner voice from now on when it tells you something important, whether it’s bad or very…very…good.
Tag List: @wheresthesunshinesblog @rafaelakelley @idaoftheburningmind @snowkestrel @fakehappy27 @music-indie-tv @fictional-hooman @kayhi808 @munsonownsmyass @gijos @celestialend @k-marzolf @nutmeg17 @rosaleenablack @vaguekayla @qu1etwolf @danzer8705 @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @mysteriouslydeafeningwerewolf
Others that might enjoy: @itwasthereaminuteago @fluffyprettykitty @jvanilly @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend @ittybxttykxttytxtty @mrsbillyrusso @russosafehaven
If you’d like to be added (or removed from) my tag list(s) for the ever so handsome Billy Russo, just let me know and thank you again for reading! 💕💕💕 If I tagged you but you didn’t want to be, just let me know and I’ll never do it again.
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imagineanime2022 · 4 months
So W/ Powers Like Oogie Boogie
Fatgum X Reader, Mirko X Reader, Eraserhead X Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: Pro Heroes Fatgum, Mirko, Aizawa, with reader, who has a quirk similar to Oogie boogie and even has her own theme song and even Some of the other heroes are terrified of reader, HELL reader’s presents just scares the heck out of endeavor (which that would make Dabi and his siblings proud🤣)
🍭 Tai loves everything about you from the persona that you put on when going out as a hero (if it's just what you like in general then he loves it even more). 🍭 Doesn’t understand why anyone would be afraid of you, you were fun to be around and he didn’t mind the bugs too much it’s not like they're around all the time. 🍭 Not going to lie he will often be singing your song while doing normal around the house things. 🍭 He introduces you to everyone that he knows because he doesn’t want them to be afraid of you, he loves that the kids seem to like you a lot.
Taishiro had been stuck in the office doing paperwork all day, he was bored. The TV in his office showed the news. He caught sight of the stark white suit that you wore and stopped to make sure that you were okay. “That seemed like a tough one, are you okay (H/N)?” The reporter asked and you smiled. “Oh yeah all good, nothing to worry about here, a little secret is that he was afraid of the bugs, these little guys helped me out.” You answered that the little worm sitting on your shoulder seemed to hide in your shoulder. “Really this little guy?” She asked, you put your finger up to the little bug who wrapped around your finger. “This little guy here, he’s often my help behind the scenes, he doesn’t like the camera’s very much.” You explained. “I have to go, I’m still on patrol but everyone tries to stay safe and I’ll do the rest.”
It was only a few hours later that you walked into his office, he had a bright smile on your face as you walked over to him “you haven’t been out today.” You stated as you leaned down to press a kiss to the side of his head. “I had paperwork to catch up on.” He gestured to the table where he was half way through his work. “So no time for a quick lunch?” You asked. “Always.” He answered, now noticing that you weren’t in your hero costume. “Are you done for the day?” “Mmhm.” You hummed, “if you're only doing paperwork today I can hang out here until you're ready to leave.” “As long as you promise to not distract everyone with another one of your fun shows.” He smiled, pulling you into his lap. “I promise.” You said. “I don’t believe you.” He teased and you rolled your eyes. “You don’t want me to stick to that promise.” You argued, beginning to hum the tune to your fan-appointed theme. “Lunch, then the show.” He scolded you and you looked at him and nodded. “Fine let’s go.” You said as you jumped up from where you were sitting to pull him up to go and get lunch.
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🐇 Mirko and you were drawn together by the loud flashy personalities that your hero personas put out, when you both worked together you were a show to behold, villains hate it but heroes treat it like a comedy act. 🐇 Mirko loves your suit as well, stark white unless you're in darkness where you glow in neon colours and make a light show of dealing with a villain. 🐇 Rolls her eyes whenever she hears people singing your song, don’t get her wrong she loves your song but it was used everywhere which meant that she looked forward to the new versions that you come up with in the comfort of your home. 🐇 You actually love that everyone is afraid of you, it makes your job easier, you both love walking into Endeavours agency to talk business only for him to struggle to hold eye contact or even stand too close to you.
You and Mirko walked into Endeavour’s agency with your arms linked “what are you two doing here, do you not have work to do?” Endeavour asked. “Work to do?” You asked. “I’m off the clock, is there a reason that you don’t want me here?” “If you are off the clock then civilians aren’t allowed in this building unless they need help.” Endeavour said and you raised an eyebrow smirking at him. “So are those your work studies?” You asked as you looked around him at the three younger boys across the Lobby, one of them looking over with widened eyes as the others followed suit. You smirked as your shadow stepped from one side of the room to the other. “Hey there.” “Who the hell are you?” Bakugo asked, you raised your eyebrow, you had met him on his placement with Best Jeanist. “This ones a joker, we both know that you know who I am.” You winked as you threw your arm over his shoulder as you leaned over him to catch the eye of the kid with the two toned hair. “You belong to him right?” “I don’t belong to him, I’m his son Shoto.” He corrected you and you nodded. “Cool, you wanna see something cooler.” You smirked as you looked over at Endeavour talking heatedly with Mirko while pointing to you.”What are you talking about?” “Watch.” You prompted as a perfect copy of yourself sidled up next to Endeavour, you all watched as it leaned down to whisper into his ear. Endeavour seemed to leap 30 feet into the air as he whirled around to find you still standing with his son, now holding your stomach as you laughed. “Why is he afraid of you?” Shoto asked. “Honestly not a clue,” You answered waving your hand and causing the clone to separate into the bugs that made it up as they all dispersed and disappeared out of the building. “But it’s fun to mess around with.” “This what you spend your day doing, messing with people?” The blonde asked. “Who are you again?” You asked. “What’s it to you?” He asked. “Bakugo.” You smirked. “How-” “You don’t remember me from your placement with Best Jeanist?” You asked. “Huh!? I don’t know you!” He yelled. “Hey (Y/N) stop bothering the kids, you’ve had your fun!” Mirko called over and you shrugged. “Alright! I hope finding out your father’s weakness was useful, Shoto, let me know if you ever want to use it.” “What did you say to him!?” Endeavour asked as you got closer and you smiled. “Nothing that you need to worry about.” You answered as you turned to leave. “You cause so much trouble, are you sure you're a hero?” Mirko asked, taking your hand and leading you down the road. “I have never once called myself a hero, I’m an antihero at best.” You winked, she just rolled her eyes and continued leading you away from Endeavour’s agency.
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🐛 People honestly don’t know how you ended up together, you just don’t seem to fit, that is until they meet his best friend. Aizawa is like a child minder for the two of you when you were together however he wouldn’t do it if he didn’t enjoy being around the two of you. 🐛 In terms of hero work, you were both good at what you did and when you were together you had a 100% success rate, everyone and everything was afraid of you. 🐛 He likes to keep you away from the kids because they’re a handful without your influence and you would definitely only make it worse. 🐛 You are a formidable team when he’s in the mood to cause trouble with you, that being said he’s also the only one that can stop you from getting up to mischief when you are being particularly conniving.
You should not be doing this, you really shouldn’t, given the reason that all the kids were moved to these dorms on campus, but you couldn’t pass up the opportunity when most people hardly knew who you were. That was why you were skulking around the dorms at 2am making as much noise as possible to wake the kids.
“Did you hear that?” You heard one of the girls ask, you zipped down the hall allowing them to catch sight of your hero suit glowing in the dark as they did. “Woah what was that!?” Another female voice asked, you giggled to yourself picked up a ball that they seemed to have left on the floor and rolled it out into the centre of the hallway, there was a piercing scream that came from one of the girls and then a shout from even further down the hall. “What the hell are you all screaming about, it’s late go to bed dammit!” a male yelled this time. “Are you girls okay?” Another softer male voice asked. “I think there might be someone downstairs.” One of the female voices from before answered, that was when you decided to fling yourself towards the stairs hopping the bannister and landing soundlessly before making your way over to the sofa where you lounged over the seat waiting for them to come down the stairs. “What are you all doing up?” That voice you knew, Aizawa. “There’s something downstairs.” One of them answered. “Wait up here.” He ordered as you heard him walking towards the stairs, it was only a second later that you heard him “what are you doing?” “Relaxing on the sofa.” You answered. “And scaring the crap out of the kids?” He asked. “I didn’t mean to do that.” You faked a confused frown and he rolled his eyes. “Up, come on, funs over time for bed.” He ordered, putting his hand out to you. “Aww, you're so boring.” You mumbled taking it. “Yes and you are causing a little too much excitement on our time off.” He mumbled as the kids gathered at the top of the steps. “Nothing to be afraid of, just a hero checking the perimeter.” You winked, they all seemed to ease up noticing that Aizawa was holding your hand instead of trying to kill you. “You extras ruined my sleep for this!?” One of them yelled as they all started to disperse. “You're dealing with them in the morning; they're especially cranky when they haven’t had enough sleep.” He mumbled. “I don’t know if you want that.” You smirked as he led you towards his room in the dorms. “We’ll see tomorrow.” He answered, closing the door.
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Request Here!!
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thevillainswhore · 1 year
Can’t Take My Eyes Off You
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Pairing: Stalker!IT/tech!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
(snippets/mentions of Carter Bazien x F!Reader and Ending, Beginnings!Frank x F!Reader)
Summary: Bucky, the IT and technology expert of your office, has been secretly obsessed since the moment he set his sights on sensitive, naive, little you. But, your only fault is your repetitive ability to get your heartbroken by fuck boys. So, naturally, he has to do whatever it takes to make you see he’s perfect for you… right?
Word Count: 3K
Warnings: Stalking, mentions of smut (p in v, male masturbation) violence, grievous bodily harm, dark elements, possessive behaviour, hacking, reader is very naive, Bucky is a hell of a warning here (will add more with the upcoming chapters) PLEASE HEED THE WARNINGS - THIS IS A DARK FIC!!!
A/N: We are finally here!! 😭 incase anyone doesn’t remember, I teased this fic a longgg time ago and it makes me so happy to announce its now live 🥹 as mentioned before this is a multi part story - I’m aiming for 3 parts but it could be more with me who knows 🤣 I also changed the my moodboard bc my last one did not include inclusivity and that is the goal here 💗
So now onto my appreciations ❤️ first of all I need to thank @mickeyhenrys for helping with the fic title - she’s a genius and I’m so thankful! Next, I need to thank @sgt-seabass for the help with the IT/cyber security aspect of things - she was absolutely amazing with providing all the information I needed and I’m super grateful for it. And last and certainly not least… my beautiful @rookthorne. my god I can’t even begin to thank you for all the help you’ve given me on this. To beta’ing this fic, helping me a lot with my moodboard even when I was a pain the ass 🤣 and just supporting me in general with my crazy ideas - this fic sprouted from our brainstorming and looking back from then to where this has flourished now is amazing 💗 thank you for being the beautiful person you are and inspiring me to grow as a writer. I love you so much 🥹
Now onto the fic, please enjoy the start of this crazy, wild ride and good luck - you’re gonna need it… 👀
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You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.
Bucky glances over at you through the window that seperates the two of you, gushing about your new date already. It took you a week, maybe two, to get over the last guy. And here you were, yet again, in the same conversation with the same co-worker, debating about which dress you were gonna wear tonight. 
Did it matter anyway? 
The same shit happens every time. You go out with a new prize idiot, get laid, wait for them to text you back (spoiler: they never do), and you sit there, crying and wondering where you went wrong. 
It was frustrating. 
You only ever go out with the conventional ‘fuck boy’. The same three-piece suits and quiffed hair that looks like it’s been cemented to their skull with product and arrogance, both in equal measure. 
When were you going to get it? You choose the wrong type of guy, every single time. And yet, you wonder why they never stick around long enough to make things official, or to settle down. 
You were gullible; so naive.
The perfect girl that Bucky has kept his sights set on from that very first day that you begun working in the same office.
That’s when you walked into my life, Angel. 
It wasn’t all that new for it to rain in New York. Heels clicked and splashed through the deep puddles of the pavement, and leather briefcases bumped against each other in the chaos of the crowds as Bucky made his way to work.
He found he didn’t so much mind the repetitive routine – his life had never been exciting. It gave him peace of mind to hear all the usual sounds and to witness the usual frenzied rush from his run down apartment all the way to his office.
He liked his job, truly. It’s what he’s always excelled best in and it’s what has kept him in his comfort zone. There was never no real need to talk to people as all communication or pleas for help were addressed in an email. Those who didn’t email always dragged themselves to his office and slammed their technology down on his desk, grunt or curse at him, before primly walking back out again. 
That would anger most people – the blatant disregard for his existence and the treatment similar to that of a scolded dog, but Bucky’s been there for ten years now, and over those many, many days, he had gotten used to it. 
It was a bonus, however, that nobody questioned him once on how he managed to fix every problem with their device with so little information as a curse and a demand to get it working.  
Pushing the door open, Bucky expects to be walking into a normal day at the office. Paying no notice to the hustle and bustle of his colleagues at work.
That is until he’s stopped in his tracks. 
The surprise of seeing the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on; a woman that was sunshine and everything he dreamed of personified standing in the lobby. He watched you speak to anyone that paused to say hello. 
The errant thought of such an innocent bunny smiling for all that gave her attention made his cock twitch in his pants. He wanted to give you that attention that you craved.
Never had he been so entranced by and enamoured in anyone. He thinks he could stay like this forever, almost blown over by his new found obsession that made his hands shake and the whole volume of blood in his body to rush to his rapidly swelling cock.
That obsession called and rooted for him to take the few steps and cover the distance to reach you, when he was abruptly shunted forward by another body slamming into his back. 
He spun around, ready to curse the person for being so oblivious, when he saw Brock. “Hey man, why the fuck were you just stand- Oh, I take it you’ve seen the new hire, hot isn’t she?” 
The predatory smile on Brock’s mouth physically made him recoil.  Looking Brock up and down, clear disgust in the sneer and glare of his expression, Bucky turned and stalked away towards the stairs in a bid to head to his office. 
His closest safety net, the office where he spent his days, came into view and he slammed open the door, only to fall back onto it, his breath coming in sharp pants. Wildly, he glances around him and then out of the blinds that shroud his office from onlookers. Nobody was paying attention to his moment of crisis and doubt, except, he finds you glancing over your cubicle wall. 
You send a small wave, one of which Bucky can’t believe is directed at him, and you smile broadly – a kind gesture. He can’t remember the last time someone smiled at him like that. 
Bucky hastily looks away and strides over to his desk, adjusting the sudden tent of his slacks before he turns to sit in his desk chair to start his day. 
Who the fuck is she? 
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The day starts slow, each task as mundane as the last, when you finally get a chance to talk to Sasha, your favourite co-worker. “I really think he’s going to be the one this time.” You can’t stop grinning, wiggling in your seat from excitement to be going out with Frank this weekend – the party that you met him at still fresh in your mind. 
“Girl, you said that last time! With... What was his name again?” Sasha groans, her chair swivelling so she could face you fully. You stare at her with a furrow in your brow while she stumbles to remember the name. “Chad? No, I don’t think that was it… Chris?” 
“His name was Carter.” There's heartbreak evident in the way your voice turns to a solemn whisper when speaking of him, and your eyes start to water as you begin to think about how your previous date left you high and dry after your night together – only to ghost you the next morning. Your lips start to tremble at the memory. “And I thought we said we weren’t going to speak about him anymore.” 
Sasha notices your dejected expression. “Shit honey, l’m sorry. I just want you to be happy.” You nod once, wiping your cheek with your palm. “Car-” She hesitates, and then frowns. “He-who-shall-not-be-named was a rich asshole, he doesn’t deserve you and he can choke on a dick.”
The crass statement shocks you. “Sasha!” you admonish, glancing around the office for anyone milling about that may have overheard. Although you were never one to bad mouth, you couldn’t help the small giggles spilling out at her vulgar words. 
Sasha’s abrupt and scandalous nature has always been the exact opposite to your docile character, but she was the first true friend you had made in the office – always looking out for you, taking care of you, and with your doe-eyed persona, the men can’t help but desire to have a piece of you. 
It is a blessing that she always knew how to pick you back up when you were down, no matter how many times you would come to her in tears over the same problem. 
“Anyway, I promise this one is different,” you promise. The sadness that gripped you a second before fades with the humorous nature of your friend. Sasha shoots you a look. “I didn’t even match with him on Tinder! We met at that party–the one I told you about, Daphne’s?”
“I remember,” Sasha murmurs, nodding. 
The memory flashes across your mind, and you shake your head slightly. “He looked so silly with the little tiara on his head. He came up to me and we talked a little–said I looked really pretty and that we should meet up sometime,” you explain, almost imploringly – you desperately want her to understand that it was a good thing. “It’s what you wanted, isn’t it–for me to get myself out there?”
Pride makes your voice strong, unwavering in it’s conviction. Stepping out of your your social circle is a huge step, and by the softening in Sasha’s gaze, she thinks so, too. 
The night you met Frank swirls in your mind, clouding it as you stare dreamily at the wall beside Sasha’s head.
The party was in full swing – loud cheers and clinking bottles and glasses filled the night air, while the pounding bass music rattled your chest. Your friend, Daphne, had left to go smoke in the corner, abandoning you to your own devices by the pool. 
Fairy lights had been strung up from pole to pole above you and you were admiring them, when Frank caught you by surprise.
“Hey doll,” he greeted, and you glanced at the six foot Prince Charming in a wool coat and tiny tiara. “I don’t think I’ve seen you around before. What’s a pretty little thing like you doing all alone in the corner?” 
Frank had thrown you a dashing smile and you found you couldn’t maintain eye contact with his intense gaze – you swore you fell in love on the spot.
To say you were flustered would be an understatement. “M-Me?” 
Frank almost looked amused. “Well, just between me and you dollface… I don’t see anyone else nearly as pretty as you here.”  
As the night went on, Frank continued to sweep you off your feet. You genuinely had no clue how desperate you made him over your sweet little dress riding up your thighs when you fiddled with the the hem. Or when you started to feel shy and you crossed your arms to try and hide yourself – only to squeeze your tits together. It gave him the perfect image of how they would look bouncing up and down on his cock. 
The way he stared at you so sweetly, acting as the perfect gentleman made the butterflies in your stomach swoop and flutter up a storm. You had planned a date with him at the end of the night and you were beyond excited. 
Snapping out of your daydream, you focus back into the present, aware enough of your surroundings to see Sasha clicking her fingers sharply in front of your face making you blink. “Hello? There she is!” She sits back and rolls her eyes. “Jesus girl, I was calling your name for ages. Where did that cute head of yours wander off to this time?” 
“Sorry! I just got caught up in Frank again,” you sigh, dreamily. 
Sasha scoffs. “C’mon, he can’t be that cute. Show me a photo of him.”
You clap your hands and squeal, rushing to search through your bag for your phone to show her just how lucky you are to have someone as wonderful as Frank interested in you. Scrolling through the photos you’d taken that night, you finally find the one you couldn’t stop admiring; him with that silly tiara sitting atop his soft, fluffy hair that you could imagine running your hands through all day, wrapped in a snug jacket with a cigarette between his fingers and blowing out smoke the side of his perfect lips. 
His eyes fixed intently on one thing. You. 
The image sends a shiver down your spine, and before you get too carried away, you turn your screen to face Sasha. 
After a whole minute of considertory silence, she finally speaks up, her voice aweful. “Holy fucking shit, babe. I wanna lick his face.” 
Your jaw drops. “Sasha, oh my god, you can’t just say that!” Laughter threatens to bubble over and your cheeks heat in response.
“Watch me,” Sasha teases, and you both dissolve into laughing fits.
Bucky is seething. He doesn’t think his teeth could be grating together any harder; grinding to dust until his jaw clicks. While your laugh is melodic to his ears, and his heart leaps and bounds at the sound of your voice, even muted from his vantage point of his office, he saw how upset you looked when your co-worker mentioned him. 
Even thinking his name gets his blood boiling. But, he wills himself to calm down. To just breathe. There was no point in getting worked up over that spoiled prick anymore, he’s dealt with after what he did to you –  the very lengths Bucky had to go to get that video Carter took on his phone deleted. 
You, the not so innocent whore on your knees for someone who wasn’t him, begging for Carter’s dick down your throat until you were suffocating; saliva drooling from your chin and dripping down onto your heaving tits.
Bucky can feel his cock twitching in his trousers at the thought of you being so submissive. Pity floods him – you didn’t even realise how Carter had not only ignored your texts that morning, but he had also planned to send that precious gift you had so willingly given to him, to all of his friends and ultimately ruin your life.  Leaving it in shambles for you to pick up the debris of your professional career and sociality with so little care.
Bucky wasn’t the most pleased with you after seeing that video in the first place. It was such a foolish decision to trust and allow that sleazebag to film you. 
He took it upon himself to remove every trace of the video. After all, he was a good person, what a man should be.  
Such a good man that he paid a visit to Carter, leaving him with a few of his own gifts. A black eye, fractured skull, and a break in his right femur that may, or may not have, resulted in him taking residence in the local intensive care unit fighting for his life.
“All I want is for you to be happy. And who better to make you happy than me?” Bucky wonders quietly at his desk, the door to his office wide open so he can hear you chatting to your friend. “I would treat you so good–dote on you every hour of every day, never let you out of my sight, either.”
The next train of thought is one he will not voice aloud, but the vision of him fucking you hard and rough, just as you deserve, until you cried for more – for all of what he could give. 
“You’re better off with me,” Bucky grumbles. His lips turn down into a grimace and he glares at the cubicle wall that separated you from him. “You just don’t know it yet, bunny.”
Nevertheless, here you are, flaunting your latest boy toy off to your friend. 
The pencil he’s been tapping absentmindedly on his desk stops suddenly and small pieces of wood splinters by the second until it snaps in half,  almost capturing your attention – head whipping side to side in search of the noise until you give up and go back to your conversation. 
Pain laces through his hand when the wood scratches his palm, reddening lines etching themselves in retaliation for his daydreaming.
He’s got to be more careful with his frustrations. 
You have hardly ever looked in his direction, let alone spoken a single word to him. Why would you? Not many people did, if he is honest with himself. His shoulder-length dark hair that is always covered by the same black cap in combination with his piercing and brooding stare didn’t give off the best impression, or invite conversation. 
Bucky was not a popular man, even thinking back to his early school years. He was always considered the loner, the nerd, the creep. No sisters or brothers to grow up with; distant parents who paid no mind to him or bothered to foster and nuture his affinities. 
The lonliness of his childhood paved the way to the depths of his desperation. Intelligence was something he had an abundance of, and weaponising the skills of his cyber skills was an underutilised talent of every one of his past employs. 
It never assuades or lessens the burden of need for affection. A craving that naws like a festering wound in his barren heart, for something that could make up for the miserable nights of self reflection and doubt; wondering why he was never enough for his parents, or popular at school where the girls would fawn over him.
Something for his own; to be just his and unable to be taken from him, not by anybody. 
I’m right here, Angel. You just don’t ever see me. 
Bucky has done nothing short of pine after you from afar; stealing glances and furtive wanders to get close in any way he can. 
He knows you wouldn’t go out of your way to talk to him – you don’t run in the same circles and you are definitely not socially compatible. That doesn’t stop him from imagining how soft your skin must be, or how flawlessly your body would melt against his as he railed you into his bed. Your heavenly little cries of his name, breathless chants pleading him to “Keep going!” and “Don’t stop!” never leave his mind. They fuel his needy desires at night until he can get the real thing, whimpering your name until his voice is hoarse as he fucks his fist over and over and over – the thought that it was your hand or your pillowy lips guiding him into ecstacy pushes him to the very brink of insanity. 
The dreams will do for now, he thinks privately as he stares at you through the glass pane of his office wall, straight to your cubicle, the sound of your laughter echoing down the hall and muffled through the glass. He’s managed for the last six months since he first saw you, it’s fine. 
Impatience chips away at his resolve, though, and his fuse is shortening by the day.  No matter what it takes, no matter who you think is good for you right now, Bucky will have you, and when he does… He’s not ever letting you go.
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bellaxgiornata · 5 months
OMG—I wanna ask the boys for sure—what is their inner animal (respectively) that THEY think they have versus what you think for them, vs what they would assign for each other???
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If you wanted chaos with this internal dialogue, you certainly found it 😅 The moment I read this ask, two of the boys immediately started causing trouble which is why it took a bit to get this answered 😆 As always, it's below the cut because this was long.
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Bella: Welcome back to another round of ASK THE BOYS!!
Matt, muttering under his breath: Always got to yell that now, don't you?
Frank, roughly elbowing Matt on the couch: Let the lady have her fun, would ya?
Michael, ignoring the pair beside him: What's the question this time, pet?
Bella, glancing down at her phone: Looks like a multi-part question dealing with what your inner animals are.
Frank, eyes narrowing: Inner animal?
Bella: Yeah, and it looks like they want to know what I think each of you are, what you think your inner animal is, and then what you think each others’ inner animal is.
Frank, chuckling to himself: This'll be good.
Michael: Why don't ya start us off then, pet? Might need a minute to think.
Bella: Okay, well. I guess for Frank I'd say timber wolf. The Punisher gives me lone wolf vibes, but before that you used to be a part of a pack–whether it was your family or your Marine unit. And timber wolves typically mate for life, too, which screams loyal to me. I think you're a pretty loyal person–and pretty damn terrifying if someone messes with those you care about. So yeah. Wolf vibes all around.
Frank, nodding: Alright. Guess I can see that.
Bella: And for Matt, since he gives cat vibes, I'd say a leopard. Specifically a black panther. They're solitary animals, very territorial, and they're great climbers. Sort of like how you work alone, defend Hell’s Kitchen specifically despite it being such a small area, and you climb buildings like nobody's business. Plus, you know, the black suit and all.
Matt, grinning: Better than what I thought you'd pick.
Bella: And as for Mikey, well, I get grizzly bear vibes.
Michael, rolling his eyes: Is this a reference to the beard and chest hair again?
Bella, shaking her head: Not exactly, though now that you mention it–
Michael, mumbling: Figures…
Bella: No, wait! Hear me out. Grizzly bears are actually not aggressive unless provoked or caught off guard, otherwise they kind of mind their own business and want to be left alone. But obviously they'll protect their young and would savagely tear you apart if you fucked with them. I mean, we all know you don't want to be the killer your family forces you to be, you'd rather get out and live a quiet life. You just want a relationship with your daughter, Anna. But if anyone messed with her, you'd absolutely kill them without a second thought.
[Michael, running a hand across his mouth and humming thoughtfully.]
Bella, gently nudging his leg with a foot: See? There was a reason besides your glorious chest hair.
Matt, brows furrowing together: Glorious chest hair? Did you just actually say that?
Bella, waving off his comment: Okay, so why don't you guys each say what you think your inner animal is before you choose for each other next?
Frank, shrugging: I like the wolf thing. I'll go with that.
Matt, nodding: Yeah, I think I'll stick with the panther idea you had.
Bella, frowning: Seriously? You aren't even going to give it any more thought? [Looking hopefully over at Michael.] Please tell me you're not just going to say grizzly bear now?
Michael, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck: Uh, no. I s'pose…a dog? Generally don't fight unless provoked and they're usually considered friendly?
Bella, releasing a sigh: Fine. At least you put in more effort than those two. Now what do you think each others’ inner animal is?
Frank, immediately tossing a thumb at Matt: Chimpanzee. He's always climbing on buildings and making too much noise with his mouth.
Matt, frowning: It's called talking, Frank.
Frank, leaning back into the couch: More like chimpanzee noises to me. And they're territorial, too.
Michael, quietly chiming in: I'd still say stray cat for him.
Matt, frowning: Well then Frank is a hippo. Large and incredibly aggressive.
Frank, turning and shooting Matt a dirty look: The fuck you call me?
[Bella, burying her face in her hands while Frank and Matt begin to bicker on the couch.]
Michael, once more quietly chiming in: I picture him as more of a hawk. Or an eagle. Kinda stalks his prey from a distance before takin’ his shot.
Bella, glancing up at him: Well thank you for making some level of effort here while the old married couple over there just fights.
Matt, glowering: We are not an old married couple!
Frank, scowling: He's the last goddamn person I'd wanna be shackled to.
Bella, annoyed: Can we get back on track? You still need to pick an animal for Mikey.
Matt and Frank simultaneously: Dog.
Bella, throwing her hands up in defeat: Wow, really making an effort, you two. Great job.
Frank, rounding on Matt again: Look what you did, Red. You went and upset her.
Matt, eyebrows rising up onto his forehead: Me? You're the one not taking her game seriously!
[Matt and Frank return to arguing.]
Bella, focusing on Michael: You want a coffee? Cause I could use a coffee. They're making my head hurt.
Michael, nodding and rising from the couch: Yes. I'd love one.
Bella, heading to the kitchen with Michael: So what would my inner animal be?
Michael, nervously making a face: Uh…well…
Bella, shaking her head: Nevermind. Forget I asked. Let's just make some coffee.
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I remember you mentioned humans are weird stuff, and the red eyes things that hans have when lights flashes to them
What about tails? Humans don't have tails and we balance quite well without one most of the time and our natural buoyancy in water, how would the monster au be when they learning from that
And to add something funny when they see our soft padded feet and our habit to grab stuff
Ooooh, lots of good fun stuff to explore here! >:3 It’s so much fun imagining non-humans reacting to human based things, let alone trying to figure out how and why we’re so biologically weird to them (join the club, boys, even we consider ourselves to be really weird when most of us don’t even know what half the organs in our bodies do)! 😆
The red eye effect I can imagine Cater discovering by pure accident (and subsequently accidentally throwing his phone in panic). 🤣
//Heartslabyul Lounge Room//
Cater: “Hey, Yuu! Let’s take a selfie together~!”
Yuu: “Uh…sure, but isn’t it a little dark in here?”
Cater: “Yeah, but that’s what camera flashes are for. Ace, Trey, get in here for a group selfie~!”
Ace: “Sure, I’m down!”
Trey: “I’d rather not, thank you.”
Cater: “Suit yourself. Say cheese~!”
Yuu and Ace: “Cheese!”
Cater: “Okay, let’s take a look and post i-GYAH!!!” *launches into the air with his wings and clings to the rafters, dropping his phone in the process*
Trey: “Cater?! What’s wrong??”
Cater: “What’s going on with your eyes in the pic, Yuu?!”
Yuu: *confused as they pick up his phone and stare at the picture* “Ah darn it, I hate the red eye effect.”
Ace: “The red eye what??” *peers over shoulder and shudders* “Dude. That…that’s creepy as hell!”
Yuu: “It happens when the camera flashes in low light. Don’t you guys experience red-eye in photos?”
Cater: “No! Or…well, maybe? We call it ‘silver eye’ or ‘white eye’ when the flash reflects off our pupils, but I’ve never seen it be red before! I don’t even know if the filter to remove the effect would even work on that…”
Trey: “I guess we managed to find yet another difference between monsters and humans.”
Once word got back to the researchers of this effect, they were able to realize that not only did humans lack the same reflective surface as monsters, but that the camera flash reflected the rich blood supply in the back of the eye. Depending on the eye color of the human in question, it would become more prominent in paler eye colors—a fact that soon tied into the rare phenomenon of certain canine and feline monsters with blue and green eyes having similar effects to their own eyes.
When it comes to tails, it comes as a surprise to the researchers that humans did in fact have a tail bone, yet evolutionally speaking, it didn’t serve any obvious purpose…on the surface. In reality, the tail bone served as a support to help Yuu sit. When compared to the other monsters, it seemed Yuu had better balance sitting on virtually any surface—including uneven ones. “Not that it’s always comfortable to do so,” as one researcher noted after seeing Yuu somehow find a decent spot on the bumpy rock with an uncomfortable expression on their face.
Now, as for the natural buoyancy in water (unless you’re someone who has a lot of muscle mass and struggles to stay afloat or someone who just doesn’t know how to swim at all), the monsters might find it quite a surprise to see Yuu just floating on their back in the pool. They might even think that one of the aquatic monsters was holding them up…only to discover that no, they were just…floating there. For no reason other than it was comfortable.
RIP the monsters’ nerves if Yuu were to do the “dead man’s float” in the pool. 😂
For the feet grab thing, I’d imagine this takes place shortly after the “hoof-shoe discovery” post here. >v>
Ace: “This is so weird.” *pokes the fleshy part of Yuu’s foot* “How do you guys even walk with these things? Doesn’t it hurt?”
Yuu: “Not unless we step on broken glass or shell shards and sharp rocks.” *squeaks when he pokes again and pulls foot back* “Hey, that tickles!”
Deuce: “It…tickles?”
Random Student: “Hey, hurry up! Coach says we need to clean up the field or he’ll make us run more laps.”
Ace: “Okay, okay, yeesh! You good, Yuu?”
Yuu: “Yeah, I’m good! I’ll just leave my shoes off for a bit. The grass feels really nice!”
Ace: “Seriously, how are you humans so weird?”
*The monster students gather the larger, heavier items while Yuu starts gathering the lighter and smaller pieces left behind until their arms are full and a cloth falls out of the pile*
Deuce: “Here, let me get that for you.”
Yuu: “No thanks, I got it.”
Ace: “You literally have your hands fu-”
Yuu: *uses one foot to grab the cloth, twisting their leg around until they can grab the cloth with their opposite hand and continues walking* “See? I got it!”
Ace: *stares with everyone else in shock and disbelief* “…seriously, why the fuck are humans so weird??”
And thus began a new Magicam challenge for monsters to try (that don’t have hooves of course…Cater assures everyone that an alternate challenge is currently in the works so he can participate as well): try and pick up random objects with your talons and put it in a box like a human! If you use your hands to grab them off the floor or you don’t get it within the time limit, you fail the challenge. It became an instant hit on Magicam, with many struggling to recreate the same prehensile motions that—so far—only avian monsters have been able to mimic.
I can just imagine the muscle cramps some might’ve gone through trying to do this challenge. 🤣
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