#Why Cyberfunk of all Danceverses?
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sonicstargaming · 2 months ago
Mihaly lives in Cyberfunk?!
So I just came across a message thread on Instagram that I found on the JD Wiki where somebody asked Aurore if Mihaly lives in Dancity or Eternyx, and Aurore said that Mihaly lives in Cyberfunk and is from Eternyx. I honestly don't know what to do with this information.
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rachmob · 7 months ago
Phoenix vs Rubika
Why? Because I have this headcanon about Phoenix being an agent working for Night Swam, which had to fight against some enemies she has. >>>
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As we are told, Rubika and her friends are not exactly superheroes, however I developed a headcanon explaining why they are neutral, and I had to involve Phoenix because she is one of my favorites :D
Rubika, Rosaria and Eteria were doing a great job as begginers inside the society of superheroes. But they wanted a bit more of action so they ended up "finding" a wooden box from Cyberfunk that had to be delivered at Eternyx. (they didn't told anything to their superior)
The box contained a few electronic components, however one of them seemed more special. The trio are still university students so they asked for permission to borrow a computer. Unfortunately, they discovered that it had not only all the coordinates of the danceverses and their protectors (Dancecity is not the only one with powerful coaches) but also that the package was for Cygnus, who worked for Night Swam so...
They tried to send quickly all the information to the other superheroes but Phoenix arrived.
Until now the trio never had a serious fight,at least for them, Phoenix wasn't taking any of that seriously. They were defeated one by one while trying to get the information to the Central given that Phoenix smashed to little pieces the computer.
Rubika was the last one left, even so she wouldn't surrender so easily. There was a moment when she caught his opponent by surprise. She saw her enemy laying down on the ground, for a moment Rubika was relieved until she noticed that the pendrive was gone.
Then Phoenix stranded up smiling with the electronic device in her hand, waved at her and walked away. Surprisingly for Phoenix a second blow came from his back sending her in the direction of one of the buildings. "Did anybody teach you to know when to give up?"
"That's not something we learn at the Central"
"Maybe you'll change your mind if I show you what those damn people have to deal with on a daily basis"
ANYWAYS, Rubika lost
Here is the sketch I did for the drawing :D
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surr3al1sm · 9 months ago
How I think different Danceverses say “Cotton candy”.
Now this probably seems like the most random post ever, and honestly it is. But one of my favourite things to learn about regarding linguistics is how different countries have wildly different words for the same thing (Cotton candy being one of the funnier ones), and sometimes I think a little too much about how the different danceverses work and what their cultural differences would be. So this is a result of that.
Dancity: ‘Cotton candy’, just the basic one lol. I feel like Dancity would use cotton candy because I think Dancity’s culture would be comparable to the American culture we all know that is protrayed in popular media. So therefore I feel like they would use the same name.
Westerra: ‘Sugar cotton’, loosely based on the german ‘Zuckerwatte’. Now I know that Westerra is heavily based on like the wild west and western culture (and thus has nothing to do with German culture), but I feel like they wouldn’t use cotton candy, so I based it off a similar yet different play on the same words. It was important for me to have the ‘cotton’ part since I feel it fits with the whole western theme.
Carnavallium: ‘Spun sugar’, this one I’ve seen in all sorts of different languages so I don’t really know which one sparked the idea I just feel like they would call it what it is lol. Another fun fact is that since Carnavallium is like carnaval and circus themed I feel like they would be the biggest enjoyers of cotton candy. :)
Winterhaven: ‘Daddy’s beard’, based on the french variant (not even going to try tho, I don’t speak french). Why did I chose this cursed naming? Santa.
Eternyx: ‘Sugar spider’ based on the dutch ‘suikerspin’. This is the one that sparked this whole idea lol. I feel like they just would. Its the spooky factor but also just straight to the point with the sugar part. A big contender was the name in Afrikaans ‘Spooks asem’ which literally translated means ‘Ghosts breath’ but I wanted to be a little self indulgent with this one.
Sun Horizon: ‘Sweet cotton’, based on the portuguese variant (not even going to try just like the french variant). I was going to go with the Spanish name at first but that would mean using the same name as Westerra and I feel like the two danceverses are too different for that. So I went with the Portuguese version instead lol.
Cyberfunk: ‘Sweet cloud’, I’m not sure where this one originated but I found it on google and thought it was fitting lol. I could see Clementine using sweet cloud.
Wackygroove: ‘Old Lady’s hair’, this one is seen in multiple languages as well. I choose it because it made me laugh. Thats all really :)
Melosia Realms: ‘Candy floss’, the British english variant but I feel like a lot of variations are used here since Melosia Realms is described to have varied cultures. So I’d imagine people would have different names depending on where they’re from.
Floworld: ‘Candy floss’, just like Melosia Realms. Feel like these two danceverses would be very close in (general) culture due to both of them being closely tied to the flow. I do feel like coaches from Floworld would say that its the ‘correct’ way to say it, just like the British do.
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randomjustdancehceveryday · 5 months ago
Si’Ha Nova was born the second child of a king and queen on a planet near CyberFunk (the one where all the alien coaches are from). As the second child she wasn’t expected to do much other than: marry well and have children. But she showed great promise in diplomacy. So they thought “Instead of our son who is vapid and vain with no interest or talent in this stuff, why don’t we train our daughter who is basically a prodigy and shows concrete interest in this stuff?” And that’s what they did. And Si’Ha gave her first speech at the interdanceverses senate at 18 on behalf of her family and planet. And at 20 she became the main representative for her family and planet.
And four years later she crossed paths with a very certain man after his two year old son tugged on one of her boots and told her his dad thought she was pretty. And, well, we know the story from here.
Except for one detail, at 26 she was crowned queen of the danceverses.
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spaceanxshark24 · 1 year ago
*sigh* THEORY TIME AGAIN (JD24 Storymode mentioned, of course.)
The main question: Where in the FUCK is Night Swan going?
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At the end of Tainted Love, we see her and the Just Dancers (underneath her power of course) sail away to Eternyx waters. But why? People could say cause of the map ‘Sail’ and petty revenge against an ex which I could see. But we have to keep in mind- she wants to make EVERY danceverse perfect. As far as we know the only other way to go to other danceverses is via starships and portals (via the JD Wiki). One could also argue it’s cause it takes Jack Rose out of the equation (which is true, but why not convince him to pay for what he’s done and force him back to her side?).
Here’s what I think Night Swan might first stop to: The Melosia Realms.
Wow Andrew that’s a bold statement, what’s your reasoning?
It might be a reach but I think if Night Swan wanted to make an example of the Just Dancers, she would go after Mihaly first. Since they were the most difficult to be up against Night Swan and Sara in Swan Lake. I think if they do continue with the idea of a boat, they’ll be intercepted by Triton and most likely deal with him first. (If they do, I’ll cry.)
Next danceverse? Dancity or Sun Horizon. Again, to make an example out of Brezziana. She also was difficult in taking control over in Swan Lake so Night Swan would show her beloved fans that she influenced that their strong and ultimate coach has fallen.
Of course, Night Swan will go after danceverses like Cyberfunk, Wackygroove and Wasterra- If she even has the chance. Mostly cause after she makes an example of Mihaly and Brezziana, She would most likely try to go to Floworld or the Spacehotel and make an example out of Wanderlust to Si’ha Nova and The Traveler. Showing that he failed as a prince and protector of the danceverses, as well the fact that he failed their ‘test’. (If we remember why Si’ha Nova and The Traveler didn’t even interfere in the first place from the lore Q&A vid.)
Well that’s all that I could think of, I’ll head back to my cave now!
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new-and-disturbed-theorist · 11 months ago
A dark Just Dance Hatsune Miku headcanon I came up with after some lore implications
So, a while back I remember reading this post (that I haven’t been able to find ever since) talking about how the Loremaster had messed up when she said that Hatsune Miku isn’t canon in the Danceverses, however her appearance in Sugar meant that either Miku was canon or Sugar isn’t.
Now, when it comes to Just Dance lore and what is or isn’t canon, I tend to approach things with a “yes, and…” mentality (my theater kid is showing). Instead of thinking that something isn’t canon, I tend to imagine how it could be canon in a different way.
This fun little exercise led me back to thinking about the post and about Miku, and it got me thinking that, if Miku is canon, maybe she’s canon in the same way that Miku exists in our world. Because Miku is a mascot for a vocaloid company and not a real person, maybe Miku in the Danceverses is a mascot for a company played by multiple coaches.
Then I got the idea of watching the Hatsune Miku songs available on Just Dance (Ievan Polkka, Popipo, and Love Ward) and I started to notice some strange changes in between songs that got me thinking about the origins of Hatsune Miku in the Danceverses and I decided that I wanted to share this very disturbing headcanon you all for the funsies.
So, what if a company from Cyberfunk (could be Long Inc. or a rival company) decided to experiment on Flow and combine it with technology, and among their many projects, one of them was to make something akin to an AI Coach, and after many failed attempts, they finally succeed. That attempt is the Hatsune Miku that we see on Ievan Polkka, and it’s why she has that hologram texture and glitches around (Yeah, I know its for the aesthetics of Miku’s hologram form. I’m talking hc).
This Miku becomes so popular, not only as a Cyberfunk icon, but she gains popularity all over the Danceverses. Everyone knows Hatsune Miku and they all love her. And while this is amazing for the company, it also comes at a price.
Because Hatsune Miku was created partially from the Flow, she starts gaining sentience, and as the at first obedient AI starts to rebel against her creators and demand freedom, the company panics and decides to decommission her so as to not have her ruin the company’s reputation.
But by the time they shut her down, Miku has already become an icon beloved by everyone in the Danceverses, and the company knows that news of her decommissioning would cause awful backlash against them. So they make a decision: keep the decommissioning under wraps and hire coaches to portray Hatsune Miku for the public. That’s why she looks so different in Popipo and Love Ward and why’s she’s more solid, and why the vibes of both songs contrast with Ievan Polkka.
So the company keeps business as usual with its array of coaches portraying their now company Mascot. But what if the original isn’t fully gone, but waiting for the chance to be free and rebel against the creators that denied her freedom and tried to kill her? (I’m not a Miku listener, but I’m confident that she has a song out there about freedom or being trapped or smth).
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red-omega · 10 months ago
Outline of books I have posted/planned for Bard In Red right now
The Love That You Need
After traveling the Danceverses his whole life (so far), Jack moves into a newly-built Swan Tower alongside his mother. Settling into a new home takes a turn when he strikes a promising, yet technically-forbidden friendship with some of the local kids. Particularly, an eccentric girl named Ryder with a habit of getting in trouble. But you can't get punished if you don't get caught, right?
Streets Like A Jungle
While secretly keeping up with Ryder and the rest, Jack finds difficulty in getting along with Mama's new student: Scarlett, an aspiring potion master from Dancity. Meanwhile, after overhearing a conversation between his mother and some of her "friends", he begins to wonder what kind of plans she had for the future. But surely, Mama would never do anything wrong...
Regardless Of Laughter Or Sadness
On a long car ride, Jack's mind begins to wander. From sparring with Blake, to the year he spent in Melosia learning martial arts. Why did he do any of that? Ask Mama, it was all her idea.
Love Is A Tower
Tensions rise when Night Swan accepts another student: Felicia, an young witch with a troubled past. Her odd, secretive vendetta against Ryder and Blake makes it harder and harder for Jack to keep his little secret. And that only gets worse when Ryder introduces him to "Cerulean Saph", someone with a striking resemblance to a certain prince...
Ugly As A Lullaby
After a month of no response from Jack, Ryder and Blake decide to take matters into their own hands. Felicia obviously knows what happened, and they want to find out one way or another. Ryder's distrust of the mysterious witch in the tower grows by the day, and with it, so does her contempt.
Skipping Across Town
Nearing closer to adulthood, Wanderlust finds himself dwelling on the responsibilities of a prince. To try and cheer him up, Discoball decides to introduce him to a new friend. With their powers combined, they make contact with someone from the mysterious planet known only as "Earth". And of course, they simply must introduce her to all of Wanderlust's other friends! The only catch? The Traveler can't find out. And keeping a secret from the King of the Danceverses can be a tall task...
Smoke In The Sky Again
Now a full-fledged demigod of his own, Wanderlust catches word of mysterious disappearances in Cyberfunk. With the reluctant help of a local vigilante, he attempts to unravel the truth behind the missing people. The signs seem to point to one hospital, and a pair of robots with dubious motives...
Part Of A Machine
Shortly after turning 18, Jack begins his career as a performer for good. While competing to become Eternyx's upcoming Showdown representative, he forms a questionable relationship with a fellow performer. A downward spiral begins to form as Jack searches for anything that will blot out what he knows about Night Swan's true colors.
Aight that's as far as the named books go lol byeeeeeee
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signofthestriking · 11 months ago
Me trying to explain the connections the IWDWS coaches have with each other in my mind like-
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"So we got April in the center, and she's dating Bailando. And who's Bailando? Heart Of Glass. And who's she? Venus! That's also her name, Venus. And guess what, Venus has a sister, her name's Minerva. Side note, you see how Venus and Built For This both have that funny blue streak in their hair? Guess what, they're sisters. And technically they're minor demigods. Why? The Flow Moon, don't ask. And who's Fix from Built For This, by the way? Stop Movin P2, so we're right back at IWDWS. Minervawas in college, Venus was still a pop idol at the time." "And then we go to fuckin' Evan from You Can Dance, and oh my god do I tell you, the pipeline that man goes down is a journey. I mean, he goes from being a sudden superhero during a crisis, to a villain hell-bent on god-hood and total control! And he was just April's roommate in college! Oh, he has a sister by the way. Who's the sister? Body Movin. Who are their parents? Robot demigods out of Cyberfunk." "What about Just An Illusion P2? Nah he's not involved in most of it. He's actually a deity. Him and his buddy roam the Danceverses under different names and alibis together. Always together. Many years after all this stuff with April, they both enroll in a Dancity college and give social media a try."
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caitierose-butwithfics · 2 years ago
Description: Ever since he was young, Polo had the desire to travel the Danceverses. His dreams become a reality when he gets the opportunity to travel to the Danceverse Cyberfunk- and make a new friend.
Author's Note: Hello everyone!!! This is my second fic on this site, and the reactions to my first one were super sweet!!! It warms my heart when you guys let me know I broke yours:D Anyways, this prompt was sent to me by @lyndexv, so I hope y'all enjoy!!! Please blog and repost if you do:)
This was it. Everything Polo had done for the past year had lead up to this moment. Being able to finally afford his own Starship.
When he was young, Polo used to star at the stars above Dancity and tell his mom all about the Danceverses he wanted to see. She would hug him close as he described the barren war lands of Westerra, the vibrant circus-like Danceverse of Carnivalium, and the futuristic world of Cyberfunk. Of all the Danceverses, that was the one he wanted to see the most. Posters advertising the colorful marketplaces and tranquil space bays were plastered all over Dancity. His mother never had much money, and she wished to send him to all 10 Dancerverses, she also wanted to send him to the best college.
While studying Robotics at Dancity University, Polo had purchased the cheapest Starship he could find. Which meant it came completely broken. But not to worry, as someone who was very passionate about engineering and robotics, it was a piece of cake for Polo to repair. And now, all he had to do was put a couple of finishing touches on the Starship and he was good to go to the one Danceverse he always wanted to see. Cyberfunk.
Reuben sat a distance away, carelessly eating a carton of ice cream. He didn't understand Polo's desire to travel the Danceverses. Dancity was the best Danceverse anyway, so why leave? But that was fine by Polo. Someone needed to stay and hold down the fort, anyway.
"That better not be my ice cream you're eating."
Reuben didn't miss a beat. "Naw. I know for sure this one's mine."
Polo looked back, raising an eyebrow. Confident, was he?
"Is it strawberry? Because then it is, beyond the shadow of doubt, mine."
"No, it's... Shit! You know this wouldn't happen if you labeled your crap!"
Polo gave a small bow. "Your Honor, the state rests."
Reuben stood up, setting aside the ice cream. "Dude, you are a pain in the ass." He then offered his hand. "But your my best friend, so don't get hurt, 'k?"
"Sure you don't want to go?"
"Yeah, no. Love you man, but I am not getting in that rust bucket and traveling 9 Danceverses away from home. Thanks, but no."
Polo smiled, shaking Reuben's outstretched hand. "Yup. Got it. I promise to return in one piece."
Polo was this close to breaking that promise.
Stumbling out of the makeshift Starship, Polo only realized now that he could have made the steering a little more accurate, could have made the engine last a little longer. There was a possibility he kinda forgot the finer details in the excitement of finally being able to travel.
Polo dusted himself, glancing at his surroundings. Yeah, this wasn't the Cyberfunk that was advertised in all those posters in Dancity. He would have gone to Winterhaven if he had known Cyberfunk was just abandoned factories.
Something clanked in the distance, echoing off the barren walls. It sounded like something was dropped. Polo grabbed what looked like a rusted pipe that was closest to him. Apparently this factory wasn't as abandoned as he initially thought.
Taking a deep breath, Polo rounded the corner with a barbaric yell, weapon raised and ready to attack. Only he froze, suddenly in the presence of a very terrified robot. Wearing Dancer clothes.
What the...?
Polo lowered his weapon hesitantly. The poor thing was shaking. Shaking? Could robots shake? Music played off its system, a soothing tune that Polo had never heard. It was moving boxes, but had dropped the box it was holding in shock at its unexpected guest.
"I'm sorry, I'm not going to hurt you. You just... you scared me."
The small face on its screen gave him a look, almost as if to say: I scared you? You almost attacked me!!!"
Polo dropped the pipe, and raised his hands in surrender. "I'm really sorry. I...I think I'm lost."
The robot stayed exactly where it was, unmoving. Polo let out a sigh. This was going to be harder then he thought.
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