#Whoever came up with the names for this season is at the top of my shit list
This is probably small in the grand scheme of things, but how did Emilie being noble play any impact in the story at all?
I mean, I'd get it if it was just a small detail to help deepen Emilie's character, but why nobility of all things? I don't know, from what I'm seeing so far, the whole "Emilie renounced her noble title" shtick just feels worthless if it's not going to impact the story or add depth to Emilie's character (like maybe upbringing or personal values?).
I don't know. Like everything else, the noble part just feels shallow and means nothing to the story, especially for a character like Emilie, who is the plot device for the whole show. Any detail about her, like her personality and life story, is supposed to influence the story and characters one way or another, namely Hawkmoth since she's his driving force.
So what was the point?
For context, this ask is about Félix's play which says that Emilie gave up her title to be with Gabriel. I'm gonna give a slightly larger section of the transcript of the play for full context, but the relevant but is at the end of the last paragraph:
Félix: The king and queen's twins grew up, each day as different in heart as they were similar in body. The firstborn, curious and brazen, despised life at court and escaped at every opportunity. The younger daughter, well-behaved and respectful, did everything she could to please her parents, and stayed quietly in the castle. Félix: (as Mr. Graham de Vanily) Oh, my queen. Did we entrust our legacy to the right princess? Kagami: (as Mrs. Graham de Vanily) She will fall in line, eventually. Félix: Confident that she would settle down as she matured, the king and queen allowed the curious princess to leave to study beyond the sea in another kingdom. There, she immediately found true love in a humble tailor. Félix: The tailor was making clothes so magnificent that they revealed the beauty of the soul of anyone who wore them. Although it made her parents furious, the curious princess gave up her rank, her wealth and her kingdom to live a bohemian life with the tailor.
Story wise, I have no idea why any of this was added since it adds nothing to canon. It's not like this finally explains why Gabriel and Emilie are poor while Amelie is wealthy. Along similar lines, it's not like Amelie's title has ever mattered. Prior to this play, I don't think that we even knew that she had a title or that she was the younger sister. The play is all about explaining things that we never had reasons to question in the first place.
My best guess as to why the writers wrote this pointless backstory is that they wanted to make Emilie seem even more pure and perfect so they went with the tired old trope of a rich girl giving up material things for the sake of love and art because good pure women don't care about material things! Only nasty, shallow women care about money. (Way to play into sexist tropes, guys.)
There may also be cultural elements at play here given that France doesn't have the greatest history with nobility, so giving up a noble title may be seen as good and pure to a French writer, but I don't know enough about French culture to say that with any certainty. If anyone who reads this blog is French and would like to chime in, then feel free!
While we're on the topic of the play, I wanted to point out that the above quoted passage is why I say that the Graham de Vanily parents can be as kind or as abusive as you'd like to make them. It's incredibly vague and you can read into it whatever you want to read into it. Were they good loving parents who were just upset about their daughter living in poverty or were they miserable controlling classist who Emilie fled England to get away from? It's up to you because you can get both reads from this. The play commits to almost nothing of value. Politicians could take lessons from this impressive level of noncommittal writing.
A better version of the play would have focused on things that actually matter to canon like the details of finding the miraculous and/or Emilie learning she's sick, but you could only have those details if they were coming from Nathalie or Gabriel. Félix is a terrible choice for a character to tell us the show's backstory because he knows so little of it, thus the play focusing on his largely pointless backstory.
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fleur-bbyy · 2 years
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rating: 18+, minors DNI. ageless blogs are blocked.
warnings: sex sex sex, porn!au, no quirks, fake stepcest, fake stuckage, afab reader, reader is described to have a big ass, sex work, only fans mentions, breeding kink, pet names, use of oniichan, daddy kink, lots of porn barely any plot, all characters are aged up to 21+
katsuki is an ass man and no one can convince me otherwise.
part two.
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“hey! what’re you doing step-bro?”
you were trying your best to play up the horrible script you were given. especially since you were hungry and had been on this set for five fucking hours already and you’re just now getting to the fucking. after what felt like an eternity of makeup, wardrobe, and pictures taken for the cover you were just ready to put your tits back in your tiny tank top and stop with this corny-ass scenario. stepcest stuckage.
of fucking course.
you were coming up on a year in the porn industry after being scouted from amateur sites and quickly shooting up in popularity as a pro. you were one of the many amateurs who had become pro in the last year and shot up fast in rankings, being dubbed a member of the “golden eight.” you had shot multiple times with six of the other seven, even becoming good friends with most of them and doing side stuff on your onlyfans with the burly red-head that people seem to adore seeing you with. occasionally filming some with the pinkette girl, too.
this was your first time shooting with the last out of the other seven, katsuki bakugo. famously called ‘dynamight’ because of his explosive personality and his ability to give equally as explosive orgasms to men and women both.
“cut! luxe, arch your back more baby. really need’ta see that ass pop.” your director shouted as your coordinator came to position you in a way that pleased him. luxe was your stage name when you were still amateur, and it just always stuck around. nobody in your agency wanted to change your name as luxe was synonymous with the girl that had a ‘fat, peachy ass’ and could ‘squirt buckets.’ you rolled your eyes at the camera that was positioned in the front loading dryer you were “stuck” in. they insisted it’d be best to catch your reactions close up.
“dynamight! you still good back there?” the director shouted once again as the coordinator finished up her work.
“yeah, just hard as a fuckin’ rock and ready to get the fuck on with it.”
“wouldn’t expect any less from you!” you were graciously warned about the blonde’s brash personality, even going as far to meet up with him a time or two before the shoot just so you’d be aware. and boy, were they right. always shouting obscenities and such vulgarity that is made seasoned pornstars blush, but you both seemed to get along due to your shared hatred of corny, half-scripted shoots and directors who think they have the next big video. dynamight was known for being a rough dom. always keen to leaving bruises with how hard he’ll grip the hips of whoever he’s getting down with and extremely fond of hickies. unfortunately for the two of you, he wasn’t allowed to mark you up this time.
you huffed loudly as your director kept going on and on about how great this was gonna be and how amazing it is to have two of the top stars in his video.
“yeah, yeah, fantastic. now can we get on with it? his viagra’s gonna wear off before he gets any action and my pussy will dry up so fast the sahara will be envious.” you half-yelled so you were able to heard from the your confines in the dryer. you heard the blonde behind you laugh, lightly brushing one of his rough hands against the exposed skin on your ass, sending a shiver down your spine and into your aching core.
the camera-man finally started filming and you saw the red light of your camera that was catching your face light up as the director gave the thumbs up. you once again repeated your corny-ass mandatory lines and you finally felt his fingers push your soaked panties to the side. you relaxed a bit, knowing that everything from here was basically free reign for the two of you. only a few more required lines from him.
“look how wet you fuckin’ get from your oniisan. only dirty fuckin’ sluts act like this.” he slapped your under-stimulated clit and gently moved his fingers up and down your soaked cunt. you moaned loudly. genuinely mewls and whines escaped your lips as he kneaded the fat of your famous ass. you couldn’t tell if you were just so needy or if your colleague behind you was just that fucking good.
it didn’t help that he was pretty fucking attractive, either. you were practically swimming in your juices the first time you met. ready to drop your pants and give it to him like you were on the casting couch.
you felt his cockhead circling your tight entrance as you whined for him. big, genuine whines. you had never been so eager to be fucked on camera, something about him enamored you. you felt the smallest little bit of his fat tip slip in your folds, but he stopped there.
“say it.”
“say it. tell me you’re my little whore. oniichan’s personal slut. just using you to keep my dick wet.” he gripped your hips with his strong hands to keep you from throwing your hips back onto him, not like katsuki would mind. he thinks you’re pretty and sexy and has been waiting so long to sink his dick into your pretty folds. he’s fucked his right fist so many nights to your videos on your onlyfans, loving that you weren’t staged to do anything. that it was just you.
he’s also admitted multiple times on his social media that he is definitely an ass man and practically creamed his pants when he got the call that you were shooting together.
“fuck yes! i’m your whore, oniichan! please please please fuck me!” and with that he roughly slapped your ass and unceremoniously slammed his length into your cunt, resulting in a loud moan from you that could probably be heard from the main audio system. he let a rough growl escape from his throat and smirked when your pussy tightened around him. your walls were so warm and inviting, like his cock was made for you.
“fuck yes, baby. look at you taking your brother so, so good hah slutty pussy suckin’ me right in fuck. you wanted this didn’t you?” his movements were quick, rough, and calculated. the man inside you had turned animalistic as soon as his heavy, aching cock got a kiss of your sweet insides. almost immediately finding that spongy spot inside you that made you feel like you could let go already. he bullied his fat cock into your tight hole like he owned it. like you were his personal fucktoy.
“ohmygod yes… fuck please please please.” you babbled, not having to do much work to play your reactions up for your camera. he genuinely just felt so good, so perfect inside your warm cunt. it’d only been a few moments and you were already drunk off the way he slid in an out of you, fucking you like you’ve never been fucked before.
sweat was already slicking up katsuki’s body and sparse blonde hairs stuck to his now-shiny forehead. the sight of his thick cock disappearing inside the co-worker of his dream’s pussy had him feeling like he could bust his nut already. his ruby red eyes bore into you, watching the way your ass jiggled every time his pelvis met the area where you butt and thighs met. he wished he could see your little fucked-out face. he so desperately wanted to watch as your pretty mouth let out those whiny and desperate moans, just for him.
just for him.
he usually didn’t, but he was definitely watching this video once it’s out, so desperately wanting to know what your sweet face looked like as he fucked you like a feral man.
“atta girl, little minx aren’cha? i bet you got stuck here on purpose just so you could get your step-brother to fuck you senseless.” he fucked into your dripping pussy harder after the director gave the green light, he too looked like he could bust in his jeans just from the sight of two attractive people fucking before him. it filled katsuki’s already full ego even more.
“god yes daddy wanted you s’fuckin’ bad!” daddy. the five letter word replayed in his head over and over again. it filled him with such an animalistic possession to know that you did do some research of your own, how else would you have known he goes crazy over that little name?
“oh fuck, callin’ me daddy now, eh? you filthy fuckin’ girl- oh shit!” he had to throw his head back from the pleasure as you threw your ass back against him, fucking yourself on his cock. your mewls growing louder as you split yourself open on him and he felt your already-tight walls begin to clamp down harder, squeezing his dick just right. he used the hand that wasn’t pushing your thong to the side to reach around and rub circles on your swollen, neglected clit.
“please daddy… i need to cum fuck i need to cum!” you loudly moaned, almost at a pitch similar to screaming. katsuki’s shit-eating smirk only grew louder. the two of you were so engrossed in each other that you both didn’t notice the director yelling cut and the clapperboard being used to signal the end of a take. you didn’t even realize that you had strayed away from your directions.
“c’mon babygirl… cum on this cock fuck! wan’ you to make a mess of your oniichan. keep fuckin’ yourself back on me like that and daddy’ll paint your insides white ngh shit.” the mix of his thick dick, skilled fingers, and word choice making the fire burning in your belly to engulf your body in heat. clear liquid gushing from your pussy and warming katsuki’s pelvis and legs. he looked down just as the last bit of liquid shot out from your spent sex.
“oh god baby, YES,” he groaned deeply and continued thrusting into you, chasing his own release. he used your body ruthlessly, like an animal in desperate heat, “fuck baby… ‘m cummin’ ‘m cummin’ please god let me cum inside please please.”
you’d never heard the rough dom whimper before, but the sound was music to your still-ringing ears. you let out a “yes yes yes” to let him know it was okay to cum inside. with a few more sloppy, rough thrusts, he was spurting his white hot seed inside your perfect pussy. you were both out of breath, sweaty, and fucked out. he still wasn’t fucked out enough and managed to give your ass a few light slaps, still enamored with how it shook and jiggled. you collapsed inside the machine, legs drooping and letting your ass fall once he pulled out. you were trembling and so exhausted you could probably fall asleep inside this uncomfortable-ass dryer. ready to dream about the best dicking you’ve ever had in your goddamn life.
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after you both got cleaned up and half-chewed out by the director for going off script and ‘ruining his shoot,’ it was time to finally relax and go home. your bathtub practically screaming your name from home. before that, though, you met katsuki in the stars only lounge.
he wore a muscle tank that showed off his beautiful body that he’d spent years sculpting in the gym and a pair of classic grey sweats that showed off the imprint of his half-chub, you assumed the viagra still hadn’t completely wore off.
“can you believe the fucker had the audacity to say we ruined his shitty video? if anything we made that half-assed shit better.” you could tell he was prideful of his work due to the emphasis he put on his words. you lightly laughed, watching him scroll on his phone to catch up with the world since you both weren’t allowed it for a few hours. you saw his strong hands tracing lazy circles on his thigh.
“we should’ve wrote that script, shown them how it’s really done. we’re the ones that know how to trend on the hub, anyways.” it was his turn to let out a laugh this time. you sat down next to him on the black couch, still eyeing his cock and fingers that you already wanted back inside you. your gawking not going unnoticed by the blonde.
“see somethin’ you like?” he looked at you through his eyelashes and smirked.
“hell yeah,” your eyes traced his body, admiring every curve and detail, “i think it’s quite unfair that you got to see this hot bod and all i got to see was the inside of a dryer.” he gave you an amused look and gestured down to his semi-hard cock.
“whaddya say about round two in my trailer?”
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the company ended up using the video the two of you supposedly “ruined,” it was trending in the top ten for a month straight due to its ‘raw intensity’ and ‘believable passion.’
you and katsuki were now in high demand to work with each other, jobs that you never denied. :)
part two.
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billthedrake · 5 months
(This one is a riff from an idea a reader suggested.)
Sean Bennett woke up a little groggy. He probably had a couple too many beers last night.
The ex-QB told himself he should be a more responsible man. His wife had just borne their third kid six months ago, fer chrissake. But Sean's job had him on the road every week during the college ball season, put up in one soulless luxury hotel room after another. He'd had an amazing run as an NFL quarterback, with some ups and downs to be sure, and now how had an enviable gig being a sports commentator for college ball. Saturday night, after the broadcast, was his chance to let loose a little.
Only Sean realized he wasn't in a hotel room. The ex-athlete's eyes adjusted to the early morning dimness. He was definitely in a bedroom. Some modern condo or apartment, sparsely decorated. A dude's bedroom.
Just then the sportscaster hunk felt the warmth of another body scoot up next to him, placing a thickly muscled forearm over Sean's still-fit and manscaped upper body.
"Hmmmm," came the deep voice cracking in morning voice. The dude scooted up next to him as Sean tried to remembered any details about the guy but was coming up short. Even on the name. Jason? Justin? Jesse? Jackson? Fuck.
The man felt nice. Probably around Bennett's age. Late 30s with a cross-fit body. A work-hard, play-hard professional. BIG Michigan fan. A very thick uncut cock and a sexual stamina that could go multiple rounds. Funny how those details were coming back to the ex-jock so easily.
Maybe it was that hard thick shaft pressing into Sean's hips and the way the fan's hand was pawing at Sean's hard body, even if in a groggy slowness.
"Hm... you probably should go soon, bro... my girlfriend gets back in town this morning."
Sean nodded, but didn't make a move to slip out of the guy's warm bed. Hell, those powerful arms felt SO good. Bennett enjoyed a man's touch from time to time, but he rarely stayed around for the morning, for the more sobered up experience of this. Just a second longer, he thought.
Thing was, Jackson or Justin or whoever wasn't letting go. His kisses traveled up Sean's neck, finding that sensitive trigger spot right behind Bennett's ear, the one that makes the ex-athlete wanna put out. Just like he'd found it so effortlessly last night.
"Yes," Sean hissed. It was only then that he was aware of his own cock, a shank of morning wood that jerked excitedly, now awake. And Jackson's hand was drifting down those washboard abs, over the trimmed light fur to finally touch that QB bone.
"You fuckin' horndog," the guy muttered with a clear lust. Then after he kissed that spot again, he added with a louder voice, "Turn over."
The two had fucked three times the previous night, twice in one go and once waking up at 3 in the morning. But they hadn't done this position. Without ceremony Jackson was crawling on top of Sean's prostrate body, kissing along the shoulder blades and then back at the neck. Sean could feel the guy's hard, hairier muscle on his back and that thick wedge of uncut dick press into his surprisingly wet ass cleft.
The top took a second to enjoy that mounting position before he reached down to guide his fat dong into place. "God, you're still wet with my cum," he said. His voice was clearer now, fully awake.
Sean blushed. He'd been a little drunk when he agreed to come back to Jackson's place, and he wished he was drunk now. At least his hole was loosened up, fully, for this thick tool. The first time Bennett had been shafted by a large cock was a mindblowing experience, but now he got excited by girth even more than length. And Jackson brought he girth.
It was now four solid inches inside him. The hunk was clearly excited, kissing Sean some more. "Bro... I used to jack off so much thinking about doing this to you," he said.
Then, all of a sudden, the top powered the rest of that fat prick into Sean's guts.
"FUCK!" Bennett exclaimed. Not in pain but definitely uncomfortable and surprised.
"You got this, bro," Jackson urged. Sean could tell from the edge in his voice he was eager just to start fucking, and that scared the ex-QB. "You took me like a pro last night."
"Give me a sec, OK?" Bennett pleaded.
"Yeah," came the reply. But a second later, Jackson was reaching over for something. The hand came back, right to Sean's face and it was the smell that made him recognize the poppers.
"Come on, bro," came the guy's voice. Urging Sean to sniff the fumes. "I need to pound one off real bad, and I don't got a lot of time."
One of these days Sean Bennett would learn self-respect. Today, he sniffed the amyl, one nostril then the other.
The heat hit his body just at the right time. Jackson liked to fuck hard and fast, using his whole muscled body. That thick tool was plunging in and out of Sean's guts and felt INTENSE. Only now it was intense in a good way, making the ex-jock's insides buzz.
"Fuck, that cunt is so squishy, man," Jackson hissed.
Indeed, they could both hear the sloshy slick sounds of each inward thrust and Sean could feel excess cum dripping down between his legs, and over his ball sac. Just that tickling trickle made Bennett rock hard against the guy's bedsheets. The bottom didn't know how much was the amount of cum Jackson had shot inside him last night and how much was the girth of the cock forcing the load out with each shove.
"Bro... you're milking it right out of me man... Gonna milk my load right out into that hot ass of yours.... oh SHIT!"
The heaving body went rigid on top of him, and Sean knew he was getting loaded up for the fourth time in 12 hours. He knew when the poppers wore off, he'd regret this. He'd gone cold turkey actually a few years back, and even when he started fooling with guys again, he told himself it would be more of an occasional thing.
And now he felt about 210 pounds of masculine dude rest the full body weight on his stretched out body. Jackson felt heavy, but Sean didn't want the guy to break body contact not yet. That fat dong was still jerking inside him, undoubtedly still shooting some dribbles deep up in him.
Finally the guy shifted on top of him but didn't push himself off. Instead, Jackson reached around to find Bennett's tool. Still rock hard and still leaking so much he didn't need lube.
"Aw fuck!" Sean gasped as he felt the hand stroke his prick. Combined with that very stuffed, very loaded feeling, the very touch of Jackson's hand was magic.
Sean heard a soft chuckle in his ear as the top leaned forward and jerked Sean with determined strokes. The dude had a great touch, for sure.
"Come on, bro," he urged. "You wanna..."
"Yeah," Sean replied. He wanted to. He wanted to let this hot stud play him like a violin. It was the opposite of sex with his wife, when he did all the work. Now, the QB was the penetrated one, passively worked over by a man who knew what he was doing.
The pissslit stung just a second once the cum barreled out, it was that kind of orgasm.
"Nice!" Jackson hissed and kissed Sean's neck once more. "Let it out, buddy."
Sean did. Maybe because he hadn't shot load for load with Jackson's orgasms, and he was behind in the count. Maybe because he loved his mounted position more than he wanted to admit.
He'd barely had time to come down from the high of his cum when that hand withdrew and that thick dong finally retreated from his clenched asshole, but not before dragging some of that fresh deposit with it.
Sean felt a pat to his rump and felt the bed shift as Jackson slid off the bed. His host walked over and undid the bedroom curtains, letting in the dawn light.
Slowly Bennett turned on his side to get a good look. He was embarrassed to realize he could barely remember what Jackson looked like. But he was getting a good look now. About 6-foot-even, handsome more than cute, thinning brown hair, blue eyes. Back in the day, Bennett liked the thrill of fucking around with big-league athletes and coaches, then he went through a phase of being into regular guys... fans, married men, guy next door types. Jackson was in a different league, with an incredible body yet still carried himself like a regular dude.
"God, you're hot," Sean said before his mind could censor what his libido was thinking.
That made Jackson paused and turn toward the NFL star. He let out a little laugh and smiled, "Man, you're a trip," he said.
From the new angle, Sean could see that hard muscle beneath the brown body fur, rounded and ripped, and just how thick and heavy that dong was, even soft, swaying beneath a large nutsac. If this dude wanted to go for round five...
"Your girlfriend is probably on her way," Sean said instead, injecting reality as he sat up in bed. He knew he had a great body, but could see in the way Jackson's eyes swept over his form that the top was definitely starstruck himself.
"Yeah," he said with a little sadness. "Her flight lands around 7."
Sean nodded. He wasn't gonna make trouble for this dude. He slid out of bed and felt proud as Jackson just watched, staring like a wolf circling the hen house.
As Sean got dressed, his host slipped on some gym shorts and walked out to the kitchen to make some coffee.
The ex-QB knew this was gonna be one hell of a walk of shame. Still suited up from the night before. His cohost and work buddy Curt Collins ould probably razz him for going home with one of those dudes from their bar outing.
But even as the regrets were sinking in, the sex had been worth it. Sean made sure he looked presentable and that he had everything. Then he walked to find Jackson shirtless and hunky as hell, drinking his coffee and scrolling through his phone.
The guy looked up with that look again. The look of a man who'd had his bucket list fantasy satisfied in the biggest way.
"She's in an uber now," he said. "You good, man?" he asked. Maybe worried Sean was freaking out some.
"Yeah," Bennett replied. "I'm good."
It was Jackson who seemed shy now. "Well..." he started. Then he picked up a folded scrap of paper and handed it to Sean. "In case you're back in town," he added. "It's my Google number, just be discreet."
"I usually don't," Sean said, taking the paper nonetheless.
"I get it," Jackson said. "Shoot your shot, right?"
That made Sean laugh. This guy was just a normal dude. He stuffed the paper into his suit pocket.
"A final kiss at least?" Jackson asked.
Sean smiled and stepped up. The dude was a few inches shorter but their heights matched well. Their kiss was soft and surprisingly sensual.
"I taste like stale beer," Sean apologized.
"Yeah you do," Jackson said with a smile. "It's cool though. You're a good kisser. We didn't do enough last night."
They kissed again.
"Fuck!" Jackson finally hissed. Sean knew why.
"All right," the athlete said. "Take care."
Sean was in the Uber back to his hotel before he pulled out the folded paper. The handwriting was simple and masculine, more neat than a scrawl. "Matt," it read. The phone number.
So that was his name, Sean thought.
He didn't know the next time he'd be in this city. Probably once next season, though maybe his travels would bring him here again. Maybe Matt would want to come to Ft. Lauderdale, or even Miami.
Doofus, he thought to himself. What the fuck was wrong with him? Sean took another look at that piece of paper then picked up his phone.
"Hey, great to meet you. SB." was all his message said. He typed it, looked it over, and hit Send.
No reply immediately. Matt was probably showering up, or washing the sheets. Maybe the girlfriend was already home.
Instead a text came in. Collins. "Tell me you had as much fun as I did last night." Sean couldn't remember who his buddy and colleague had chatted up. Maybe one of Matt's buddies. Hell, THAT could have been Jackson. Or Jason. Whatever.
"Probably more," he typed back with a grin. "What happens in Austin stays in Austin, right?"
"Right-O," Curt typed. "They grow 'em big down here in Texas dont they buddy?"
Sean smiled. His hole ached to think of Matt's huge dong. "They sure do man."
He'd find a way, any excuse, to come back before next year. Somehow.
He slid his phone in his pocket and shut his eyes just to rest them. He'd need a major nap on the plane ride for sure.
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puckpocketed · 1 month
ok the stick story is this
according to The Hockey Media, who as we know do not actually follow any teams closely so know NOTHING, ovechkin was finally hit by father time. he's finally slowing down. he's a shell of his old self. he has old man syndrome. blah blah blah
as a caps fan, i know that this is false, because our russian machine never break. he's a freak. who btw had like 13 goals disallowed or something crazy like that in the first half of last season but i digress
gee i wonder why ovechkin's goals went down? is it because his longtime center and future hall of famer nicklas backstrom retired in all but name? is it because our other top 6 center in evgeny kuznetsov had by far the worst season of his career (from point a game to not even half a point a game) and then went into the player's assistance program before being traded to the canes and then bolting for the KHL?
actually, as it turns out: no.
i mean probably those were factors, but there was another factor. a factor that many caps fans are very aware of but almost no one reported on for some reason (probably because they were too busy writing about how SiDneY CrOsBy was having SuCh an AmaZiNg season for a 36 year old despite ovechkin literally having just as a good a season the year prior at the *checks notes* age of 36. also this is a reminder that one of those two actually led their team to a playoff berth and it wasn't crosby)
ovechkin is, among other things, an elite shooter. like many elite shooters, he is EXTREMELY picky about his sticks. he has been using the same CCM model for the last 7 seasons...and prior to this season they discontinued it.
the first half of the season (roughly), ovi was constantly trying out new sticks from CCM, from Bauer, whoever. he tried quite a few different sticks. results: 8 goals in 43 games.
then, ovechkin found an independent supplier. apparently (i can't remember where this info came out, maybe 32 thoughts?), these guys have an "ovi pro curve" model based on his old stick with CCM and he bought it and tried it out. curve was identical, and it felt right to him. started using those. results: 23 goals in 36 games.
am i saying that he is going to continue on that pace this coming season? probably not. do i think that the rumors of his demise as a goal scorer are greatly exaggerated and almost surely mistaken? yes. am i optimistic that with some stability in our center depth and stability in stick choice, ovechkin will have a 40 goal season again and possibly break wayne gretzky's all time goals record? YES.
what this means for PLD our beloved failhorse wife: he's not getting some washed up old man former great on his wing. he's getting the greatest fucking goal scorer in the history of the sport. and i, for one, am excited to see what they can do together.
link i thought about this all morning during baking and while i was out!! thank you for the stick explanation and all the sources i LOVE citations i am eating them up like theyre cakes at teatime....! more under the cut but heres what i was thinking about when i read this:
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thinking about how,, particular some players get about their equipment, how superstitious, it's crazy to me that a manufacturer can just do all that. if it were me and MYE special stick got discontinued id be suing for damages
i was super interested in what actually changed in the second half of the season because i saw ovechkin was back to scoring basically at-will again, so really thank you for explaining.. the bond between a hockey and their stick is so beaugtiful <3
cr-sby is my babygirl-in-law and i fear i will always be fond of him because of this, so i shall tread carefully here (pens friends look away) it DOES suck that they're not recognising your old man for his achievements while that old man gets hyped. is it like, weird anti-russian sentiment? or a more general anti-caps bias? every team fan space i dip into feels unfairly maligned one way or another - which, yeah! clenching my fist of rage.......
you spin such a tale and im VERY excited to see how next szn shakes out in light of all this and also . grabbing dubois by the scruff of his neck like i will stan either way but PLEASE dont embarrass me in front of my cool new friends kjlasdklasdkl....
thank you so much for stopping by and for the warmest welcome ever <3
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biggestsimponhere · 10 months
‘Tis the damn season - Scott Barringer x f!reader
Warnings - Slight angst, this should be a full angst only angst fic but i can’t handle that rn 😭 Also sorry it’s not gender neutral i try to keep most of my fics gender neutral but Horizon only has boy/girl cabins 🙁
Christmas at horizon has always been the same. They take all the kids to see the lights in town on Christmas Eve, then everyone comes back and we drink Hot Chocolate (One of the only special things allowed) and watch a christmas movie. On Christmas day everyone opens whatever their parents sent them and if they didn’t get anything from their parents then Peter and Hannah would make sure they had something. You’ve been here several years. Three to be exact but that doesn’t matter. This year a new kid joined. You didn’t know who it was because you had been off on a trip with another group when he came.
You were sitting on the bench next to the window looking out at the snow, admiring it, then he walked in. The new kid. Scott barringer. You glanced up them back out the window before doing a double take. “Scott?” You said moving away from the window. Scott looked up at the sound of his name. You were right. That’s scott. Your Scott. Your childhood best friend and love of your life. “Y/n?” He said as he moved towards you. Tears formed in your eyes as he wrapped you in a hug. You breathed him in, holding him close. “What’re you doing here?” It only takes you a moment to register that he must be the new kid. “Scott, why are you here? What happened?” You said pulling away to look him in the eye.
The rest of the cliffhangers stood slightly behind you two, all of them looking confused as they’d never seen either of you so happy. “I got into trouble back home, drugs, so dad made me come here” He said smiling softly. “If you wanted to see me so bad you could have just visited y’know?” You say teasing him. He laughs before pulling you back into his arms. You two stood there for another minute before Peter walked in. “What’re you two doing?” He said laughing. “Hugging, whatre you doing?” You said pulling away from Scott. “Wondering why you’re hugging him if you don’t know him?” Peter said looking between the two of you. “I’ve known Scott since we were like four” You say looking back at Scott who’s smiling, content, looking at you.
“What do you mean?” A voice came from behind you all. Juliette. “What? Was the sentence not clear enough?” Shelby said nudging jules. “We grew up together” Scott says turning to jules. Juliette stops speaking after that. You and Scott move to the window and continue talking about all you missed. You talk long into the night, you smile as you realize peter must have told the others to just leave you two. You looked around the cozy room, your gaze stopping on the lit fire place. You were about to speak again when you noticed someone at the top of the stairs. You tapped scott and motioned with your eyes towards the stairs.
He followed your gaze towards the stairs but whoever was there left. “Who do you think it was?” Scott asked when you told him what happened. “I don’t know, how close are you with jules?” You ask quietly. He pauses clearly thinking of an answer. A few minutes go by before he speaks. “We’ve kissed… a few times” He says softly. You nod, slowly pulling your hand away from where it was resting on his knee in between yours. “We should get to sleep” You say standing up quickly. “Why?” He says reaching a hand out towards yours. You pull away. You don’t mean to it just happens. “Peter. He’s a real stickler for the rules and he’ll be by to make sure everyone’s asleep soon” The lie slips past your lips before you can stop it.
Scott nods and watches as you turn away. You put out the fire, tears silently streaming down your face. You brush past Scott quickly and head back to your cabin. When you got there the only person awake was Grace. “Hey” She said as you walked in. “Hey” Your voice comes out wobbly. Grace quickly looked up from her book. “Come here” She said setting her book to the side. “What’s wrong?” She says as you climb into her arms. “Scott” is all you manage to breathe out between sobs. “Your best friend scott? What happened?” She said stroking your hair, trying to calm you down. “He’s kissed jules, and it’s not even like it’s his fault, we’ve never had something, it’s not his fault i’m in love with him” You say curling further into a ball.
“I’m sorry, why don’t you get some rest?” She said softly. You smile slightly and return to your bed. You fall asleep rather quickly after losing all your energy to crying. You wake up the next day and turn over to face the clock on your bedside. You then realize you’ve slept in for half the day. You quickly get up and get dressed. You walk into the main cabin and the cliffhangers turn to look at you, your eyes drift to Scott who’s sitting next to Juliette and you quickly avert your gaze and move to your group. “There she is, good morning sleepyhead” Peter said as he looked up from where he was helping another student. “Good morning peter” You say quietly.
He quickly picks up on your bad mood and offers to go find Hannah. The two of them had basically been family since you’ve been here. You shake your head slowly. “I’m okay peter” You say leaning against Grace who was currently coloring next to you. “It’s not like you’d say if you weren’t” Daisy said from your other side. “Come talk, please” Peter said moving over to you. You let peter lead you towards his office and ignoring scott’s eyes trailing after you. You talk with peter for a solid half an hour before finally being able to go back to group. “Can we talk?” Scott says approaching you. Before you can say anything Grace cuts in. “I think you’ve done enough haven’t you?” She says sharply. “It’s okay grace, promise” You say standing up.
You follow Scott out into the snow, he leads you slightly into the woods so you two can sit on the bench peter set up. “What did i do? Please tell me, i didn’t mean to hurt you” He says quickly. “It’s nothing Scott really” You move to stand but he reaches out and holds you in place. “That’s not true” He says firmly, “I did something and i want to fix it” He says softer than before. “I’ve been in love with you scott, for years. You’ve never shown any interest in me and to hear you kissed jules it hurt” You say, tears falling down your face again. He wipes them away, slowly, softly, as if you were made of glass. “I’m sorry, i’m so sorry, i never meant to make you feel that way, i mean you had to know i love you” He said quietly.
You smile softly at him. “Really? Y-you love me?” You say, trying to figure out if this was real. “Yes” That’s all you needed to hear. You bring your hand up to his cheek and pull him into a kiss. The two of you spend the rest of the day doing things together, Snow angels, hot chocolate. “Come on we gotta get back to the cabin, it’s time for christmas lights” You say pulling scott off the ground. The two of you quickly run back to where everyone was loading into the cars. Peter smiles at you seeing the light practically radiating off of you. The two do you load into the cars and hold hands secretly as you drive through the mountains and back to town. “The lights are so pretty this year” You say smiling.
“Not as pretty as you” He whispers softly. You grin at him and nudge him. “You’re cheesy” You say laughing. “Only for you” He says reaching for your hand. The two of you walk around the cold, snow covered town, smiling like two idiots. “I love you” He says brightly. “I love you too” You say wrapping your arms around him. You hold him close under the glittering christmas lights of town and you finally feel at home. Peter and Hannah watch you two from a distance, smiling broadly. “Aren’t we supposed to be stopping this” Hannah says laughing. “Maybe, but they’re happy” Peter says back. They stand close together as they watch the love continue to blossom between you two beneath the bright moonlight cascading down to the christmas lights.
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frangipanilove · 5 months
The Green(e) Route Revisited
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This is not really a theory, it’s more like wild speculation bordering on outright fan fiction. I’m bringing it up because it sort of ties into my previous couple of theories on pilgrimage and Santiago de Compostela (here and here). Additionally, if the rumors about possible filming in Spain for season 3 prove to be right, this could potentially come into play.
Back in the ancient days of Early TD, one of my favorite theories was the one that combined some of the writings on Morgan’s wall from clear, namely the “green route” seen on the wall behind Rick in the pic above, with the "green route" seen on the terminus map below.
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TD latched on to the “green route” from Morgan’s wall as a potential way of bringing Beth back after her “death” in 5x8 Coda. Back then, we were all open to the idea that Morgan would somehow be involved, seeing as he featured so prominently in the coda after 5x8 Coda. And it was easy to think of the “green route” reference from 3x12 Clear as a reference to Beth, whose last name is “Greene”.
I talked about how Morgan had all these pilgrim vibes about him when we saw him in season 5 here. When I researched the pilgrim symbolism around Morgan the first time around, some time after 5x8 Coda, I came across evidence that the northern way to Santiago de Compostela is sometimes referred to as the “green way”, or the “green route”. This is apparently due to the vibrant colors of the landscape and vegetation along the northern Spanish Atlantic coast, and because of the discussions around the “green route” in TD at the time, this tickled my TD senses immensely.
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This was also when I was starting to research the Sirius and North Star symbolism, as well as other astronomical references such as the Venus symbolism. It seemed like a pretty convenient coincidence that the name “Santiago de Compostela” refers to the “way under the field of stars” under which the pilgrims traveled to reach their destination. And on top of that, the “green way/green route” is literally “the Northern Way” which potentially could be a tie in with the “North symbolism" we’ve seen around Beth so much.
However, the pilgrim symbolism in TWDU didn’t really go anywhere… until it suddenly did. A St. Christopher medallion, which had been central to my initial theories on Morgan as a pilgrim, showed up if FTWD 6x2:
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And now, after TWDDD 1x6 Home, we’ve had the first explicit mention of Santiago de Compostela, in that Losang, leader of The Nest, first came into contact with Laurent and the nuns after returning from a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela:
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And obviously, we now have all these rumors that Daryl might be going to Spain for season 3.
In the original “green route “ theory from back in the days, @bluesandbeth theorized that the “green route” mentioned on Morgan’s wall was a reference to the green route on the terminus map, which ultimately ended up by the coast, offering a potential way for Beth to make her way to Alexandria Safe Zone by boat. Of course, it didn’t turn out like that, but I always loved the theory, it was well researched and plausible. And while it didn’t happen the way we first thought, I don’t think the “green route” symbolism has been fulfilled in any way, so as far as I’m concerned, it’s still very much in play.
Also, in 5x6 Consumed, we saw a very prominent green arrow, quite literally seconds before Carol and Daryl ran into Noah, which ultimately led them to Beth. It really feels like the green arrow, or the “green route”, is something that foreshadows a “destination” where Beth Greene is to be found. I don’t remember who first discovered that particular connection, I just know it wasn’t me. Whoever it was, it’s a great observation! (ETA; it was @galadrieljones)
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(Thanks for the screenshots @wdway)
And for what it’s worth, the green arrow in Consumed pointed to a “skybridge”. I’ve recently talked a lot about bridges, ladders, stairwells and elevator shafts as metaphorical passages through which the characters can travel, and this is a perfect example of that. The green arrow (green route) pointed to the skybridge (metaphorical passage between the realm of the dead and the realm of the living), meaning it led to Daryl and Carol finding Beth. She went from being metaphorically trapped in the "realm of the dead" to being found alive in the "realm of the living". And it happened after meeting Noah on a skybridge.
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..who was wearing a t-shirt with a stylized version of the blue heron last seen in 4x12 Still:
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I’ve talked about the symbolism around the heron in many posts. It was Noah’s t-shirt that foreshadowed the episode where we saw the second blue heron painting, in an episode that foreshadowed Rick’s “death” and “resurrection”. And the blue bird symbolism is still going strong in TWDU. It lead Daryl to Beth once, I believe it will do it again eventually.
So, if the rumors about filming in Spain are true, could the “green way/green route” to Santiago de Compostela be key to a reunion between Daryl and Beth once again? The Northern Way starts in San Sebastián, just south of the French border, and interestingly, in TWDDD 1x1, we actually see Daryl move his finger across a map, from Marseille, France, where he washed up on the shore, to….
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…literally San Sebastián, Spain. I’m not exaggerating, San Sebastián, starting point for the Northern Way, the Green Way, the Green Route to Santiago de Compostela, is LITERALLY right under his finger in this screenshot.
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Could be a coincidence, sure. But it’s a very compelling one.
The filming in Spain hasn’t yet been officially confirmed as far as I’m aware, which is why I initially said that that this was more fan fiction than actual theorizing. There’s not really a whole lot of tangible evidence to support these speculations at this point. However, the stuff I wrote about in the pilgrim posts, such as the St. Christopher medallion and the reference to Santiago de Compostela, they are all canonically confirmed in the show. And so are the references to the “green route” from Morgan’s wall from 3x12 Clear, it exists in the canon of the show.
The symbolism around the green route hasn’t been fulfilled yet, and it is a fact that the Northern Way of the Camino de Santiago starts in San Sebastián, it is a fact that it goes through “Green Spain”, and if that’s not enough, there has always been an absolute abundance of “north” references around Beth.
And coincidence or not, Daryl did put his finger directly above San Sebastián on the map from 1x1….
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starseneyes · 2 years
Chenford - Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 5 - Ep 19
"A Hole in the World" AKA Clothes Call Back Night
Folks, when that first sneak peek came out, I dissolved into laughter in the dining room, and my husband had to momentarily question my sanity (just like every Sunday afternoon). It hit on practically every discussion point from the Chenford Twitterverse over the past few weeks.
I had to sit here and give the world's smallest round-of-applause-by-one to the team behind The Rookie for putting that out there. Genius way to get a lot covered in a short amount of time.
SPOILER ALERT: If you want a spoiler-free take on what's going on in Chenfordland, I'm sorry, you're in the wrong place. Come back when you're ready to be spoiled. Or don't come back at all! You're welcome to do as you choose.
For those about to rock, I salute you! So, let's dive in.
Lucy studying with note cards, written notes, and likely a practice test is just so on-brand, and I kinda love that we start the scene with her in her element.
The domesticity of Chenford never fails. It's insane to remember that as of their first kisses in the midst of undercover preparation (and under covers, of course) was only Tim's third time in that apartment, and first time there out-of-uniform.
Less than a season later, he's practically living at her place (while I head-canon Kojo is doing a great job helping his nephews with the transition to Los Angeles and playing in their yard).
And is Tim wearing the 4x01 almost-sleepover (heh) hoodie!? It might be the same bottoms, too! If they dug those up (and God bless whoever either saved them or bought duplicates), that's just amazing. I had a mini-geek out, and I bet I'm not the only one!
And for whatever reason, Tim's wearing shoes with this outfit, and I can't tell if that's because he instinctively put them on, or someone thought we wouldn't be seeing his feet in the shot. But, it made me chuckle because I'm hoping it's the former.
And is Lucy's hair being held up by a pen!? Okay, I'm officially jealous. I'm of the "chopsticks in hair" generation, and I always needed two. My friends could stick a good ole Number 2 in their hair and be good for the day. My hair's so fine and straight that I just couldn't do it. Rock it, Lucy Chen!
"Hey." "Hey." "When did you get in?" "Uh, depends. What day is it?" "That bad, huh?"
We're getting the first-blush look at these long hours we heard so much about. Remember, Tim's predecessor was dead on his feet. Yes, he had triplets at home, but that was on top of the brutal Metro hours.
"Look, I'm 80% sure it's, it's Thursday." "It's Tuesday."
Yes, it is! And we're all cozied up to our couches, beds, floors, recliners, and dining room tables to soak up the Chenford goodness. And mmmm, does it go down smooth!
"I stayed up anyways. Thought maybe I'd get lucky and he'd turn himself in."
Girlfriend. Girl. Friend! Did you really just use an undercover Tim/Lucy-ism? Throwing me straight back to 5x01 and Lucy/Juicy wondering if they could get lucky three times in the same day.
Lucy definitely wants to get lucky. But Metro hours aren't the best for getting busy, it seems.
"Oh, babe."
And there we've got the long-awaited pet name!! We still don't know what Tim calls Lucy (could also be Babe), but I saw the Twitterverse start to spin in the opposite direction at this particular name-drop.
Lucy Chen, how can you slay an entire population with a single word? You so don't know your power.
Tim sits next to the love of his life at her dining area smiling. He spent so much time last week trying to prove to the camera crews that he wasn't a softie. But we all know the truth. Tim Bradford is soft for those he loves—especially the love of his life.
His eyes trail to the notes spread atop the counter as his hand trails to her thigh.
Can we completely see it? No. But there's enough anecdotal evidence based on the placement of Tim's arm in the two-shot to conjecture, so I'm rolling with it.
Last time I didn't roll with the evidence, y'all crowded into my comments to remind me I was very wrong. It was a fun time.
"What's all this?" "What?" *arm smack*
Y'all, Lucy is so me in this moment. And I only say that because I'm older and she's fictional. To say I'm Lucy would mean I'm fictional, right? And (as far as I know) I'm real. Unless it's a Deckard in Blade Runner situation... in which case... I'm already Rachel.
But the affectionate arm smack is a total Rachel move (as my husband would confirm).
"I'm studying for the Detective's Exam." "Since when?" "I didn't tell you?"
I've seen folks jumping all over Lucy for "not telling Tim about something life-changing", but it'd be great if that could stop. Have you ever loved someone so much that you shared everything with them? I have. I tell Matthew everything.
And, yet, there are still times I'm convinced I've told him everything only to find I imagined the conversation because our lives are just too busy.
Look, Lucy and Tim already have demanding jobs with demanding hours. Yes, her going Detective would constrict their off-time more, but they're already grappling with the realities of cops-in-love juggling duty to a profession they earnestly adore and investing in a still-fairly-new romance.
It's not a choice of omission on her part. It's the overwhelm of juggling combined with the fact that she does tell him everything, so she assumed he already knew.
Communication issue? Clearly! Completely normal? Absolutely!
For goodness sake, Tim didn't even know what day it was. Living in a constant state of exhaustion and somehow functioning is my normal, so I can tell you that try as you might, something might slip through the cracks.
"If I'm gonna work undercover, the best move is to become a detective in some division like intelligence or narcotics, right?" "Right."
First off, Lucy Chen promotion-time, baby! I know a lot of us have been waiting for the moment when she'd get to move up. Heck, Aaron made P2 before she got to move up, and it's driven me nuts.
Look, I have no idea what a realistic timeline is in the real world. But Nolan's Golden Ticket allowed him to move up. Nyla moved up. Angela moved up. Tim's moved up. It's about damn time my fictional bestie got her turn.
Second, Supportive Tim Supremacy for the Win! Like, once he's on the right page, he doesn't skip a beat. Since I am married to the most supportive man in the world, I'm grateful Lucy's gonna marry the most supportive man in The Rookie world.
"So you got the tap." "Harper and Lopez are backing me."
Look at the glee on our girl's face! And that little chuckle from Tim? Oh, swoon!! Yes, I am a sucker for a supportive partner.
If you knew the number of times over the last near-20 years that this man has had my back, you'd shake your head and wonder why he's stuck around with how many times I've leaned on that support. Supportive partners make my weary heart happy.
"All I have to do is score in the top 12, which-" "Which you will."
BAM! Because Lucy Chen can do anything. Tim once held her hand (yes, it was a handshake, go with me here...) and told her to never let anyone tell her she couldn't do something.
Translation: Lucy Chen can do anything and Tim Bradford earnestly believes that.
And Lucy feels that support. In all of her relationships—friendship, romantic, familial—she has yearned for support. Sadly, the most supportive of her friends is gone. Her parents are dead to me (I hope the Mother's Day flowers Lucy sent were dried and shriveled like her mother's heart).
And her last boyfriend tried to persuade her to walk away from her dreams. Contrast that with Tim Bradford who was willing to push her towards them, even when that meant pushing her away from him. And now, as they're together, Tim is still supporting her without question.
My husband is that way. I often ask him about things. Not because he rules me (nope. I'd never survive a relationship like that), but because I believe in communication. So, I'll talk things out with him, and before I offer him my reasoning he says, "Do it." That's been his general answer to me for nearly two decades.
So, seeing Tim mirror my beloved plastered a grin on my face so wide I was approached on the street to be in the sequel to SMILE.
Lucy's got a smile on her face, too, as she hums out her appreciation and leans in for the kiss.
Special Shout Out to the DP and Director for giving us that two-shot with push-in of the kiss with the loud LIPSMACK to counterbalance Chenford's last apartment kiss/near-kiss that left me wondering if coffee tumblers made kissy sounds as the hot liquid settled.
I feel like someone on the decision-making team was like, "They want to see lip locks? No fucking way they'll miss this one! This'll shut them up."
No way to miss Tim leaning on the counter with one arm (bringing him closer to Lucy's height, because this man is taller than her in both legs and torso). And we actually see lips-meeting-lips.
Though it's a simple-enough kiss, there's suction there, which helps imply action and intention rather than passivity. Wow, I'm a weirdo analyzing a kiss this deeply, but whatever. It's my Meta, I'll over-analyze if I want to. It's square-kissing versus Tim's top-lip-sucking action he reserves for more passionate moments.
And that's beautiful. Because not every kiss is about undressing. Some kisses are about being beautifully exposed and fully accepted and loved. That's Tim and Lucy in this moment.
Tim is the supportive lover of her dreams. Lucy is the supportive lover of his dreams.
In a world where both of them grew up feeling unloved and unsupported for one reason or another, they have found more than a safety net in one another—they've found home.
Tim's affectionately rubbing her arm, and she is completely relaxed in his love.
"Well, I guess we should get used to not seeing each other so much."
The Metro move afforded them more time together than Lucy switching stations would have. But this latest move for her will add to her hours.
It's not a reason not to make this move. But... there's another move these two could make together. *hint hint* The kind that involves one set of keys for two lives? *hint hint*
Lucy deserves this. Hands down. And Tim knows that. But he also has a lot of trauma where UC and working long hours with someone he loves. It ended in heartbreak.
Now, Tim doesn't believe that's where he and Lucy are headed... but I think a small part of him in the back of his mind fears it. And that's something the two of them need to talk out.
Also, can we note the interesting choice to use the kiss as an opportunity to change angles? We went from being behind the counter aimed toward the windows to being in front of the windows aimed at the kitchen.
I'm not sure of the motivation for the move, but the film minor in me made note of it. Fairly classic technique.
"Mm, right. Yeah. Between Detective Hours and Metro Hours..." "Well, it's okay. We'll figure it out."
Tim winks to her as he departs, echoing Lucy's words to Tamara when they were first confronted with the difficulties of navigating work and love.
"Is that the sign up list for the Detectives exam?" "Two weeks to go." "I'll be ready." "I have no doubt about that."
Nyla has been a champion for Lucy for a long time. She was the first one to see Lucy's aptitude for undercover, and she's the one who prepped and primed her for her first solo op.
Love seeing women supporting women. There are too many shows that pit woman-against-woman in the name of drama.
Yes, it happens. I had a coworker once who was the most backstabbing person you could ever meet. I once told my boss that I thought she was coming for my job. My boss, of course, told me I was overthinking.
Two weeks later my boss called me into her office to tell me that I was right. Yeah, I knew I was right.
But there were also really amazing women who I worked with—women who uplifted you, who helped you when things were tough, who excelled at the give-and-take of being coworkers.
It's nice to see that type of relationship amplified on a show like this.
"No way you make Top 12. One of the detectives has it out for you. No matter how well you do on the written, they're going to sink you on the Oral."
Smitty might be the unreliable narrator 90% off the time, but that 10% can be crucial, and Lucy's smart enough to be aware of that.
"So you won't be making detective. But, um, there's other career paths, right?"
Aaron can be direct, and that music cue made it seem like we needed to smile and laugh, but it felt pretty final, actually.
I don't want to see anything taken away from Lucy. She's put in so much work and watched as Nolan was promoted ahead of her. As her best friend was taken from her. She helped Tim get promoted.
But now it feels as if her own career is standing still, and I selfishly want more for Lucy than just Chenford.
I am not of the opinion that a relationship can fulfill your every need. In fact, I encourage my husband to go out with his friends and do things without me. I think it's healthy for us to have different interests, even though many overlap. He supports the fact that I love working and abhor the idea of being a stay-at-home mother.
Our relationship works for us. Everyone wants something different in their relationship. But I feel like Lucy really wants to do something more and move forward in her career. And if that's what she wants, I want it for her.
Ball Camera
Anyone else having a BB-8 geek out moment? Or is that just me? Also, we've come a long way from Tim pushing his chest camera into a room with his baton.
"Hey, Harper. Uh, Tim is still in with IA." "Look the Officer Involved Shooting Interview is very thorough. Tim's fine."
Tim is not fine, and his girlfriend wife knows it. Maybe he'll be fine career-wise, but Lucy's worried about more than that. She's worried about his state of mind.
"Hey, Chen. I've got news for you." "It's not a great time Smitty." "It's about the Detective exam. The detective blocking you is Prim."
Ohhhh, that name. I remember that name. From the five-player trade. Lucy tried so hard to be discrete, but as soon as it got out there, it was only a matter of time for the Cop Gossip of this bizarre High School extension to take over.
"I did warn you." "I know."
And we all knew that it was going to come back around, at some point. Is it wrong that I wish Lucy didn't have to deal with this fall out?
And much as this is Nyla's "I told you so" moment, she takes no pride in it. That's why we don't hate her in this moment. She is right and she doesn't like it any more than Lucy does.
"Hey. Let him talk to Grey first." "Yeah."
Lucy wants so much to go to his side. Her Tim Sense is tingling as soon as he walks by, but his brain is on the next thing that needs to be done. He's on autopilot, and she can see it.
Look, Tim's no stranger to having to pull the trigger. That doesn't make it any easier. Tim values human life, so ending one is never going to be a light matter.
And pulling the trigger on someone who wears the uniform? For Tim, that's gotta be even harder.
Remember, this is the guy who stayed inside the lines for years and stood by while racism ran rampant. He rationalized it away, right? But, then he started to really face and confront the darker elements and systemic injustices inherent to the Force.
This is another extension of that—a truly awful cop who used their influence, position, and authority to kidnap and murder little girls. Yes, Tim pulled the trigger because he was about to be the one buried if he didn't. But it doesn't make it any easier.
"Hey, you know you had to take the shot." "I know." "Just because he wanted to die doesn't mean he wasn't dangerous." "I know."
Even Grey can see that Tim's veil is slipping. He is a human being, damnit, and he feels this shit.
Grey stands, trying to make a connection, to get closer to Tim, to approach him man-to-man. But the words coming out of his mouth echo typical talking points of the Badge.
Grey sighs, dropping the list of "reasons". He tries another tactic. My favorite tactic—asking.
I worked for a humanitarian non-profit for almost a decade, and my favorite part of the work was our policy of "Ask, Don't Tell". We never walked into a disaster zone with a game plan. Too many organizations do that, and it doesn't address the immediate needs of the community.
Instead, we would ask what was needed. And I think in life that's also a damn good strategy.
"Is there anything I can do?" "Can I get back to you on that?" "Take your time."
This I love. Two men meeting in the middle. Acknowledging that sometimes shit just sucks and nothing you can say will change that.
But, also, Grey's abandoning the "just throw things at it until something sticks" tactic to earnestly ask what Tim would have him do. And that's so much deeper than empty words.
And the fact that Tim Bradford, who never asks for help, leaves it open ended? That's growth.
Yes, it's important that he lets Lucy in more and more. But it's also important that he lets others in. This isn't just about growing in a romantic relationship, but growing as a person.
Yes, I know I harp on this a lot. But I've seen too many good people backslide horribly because they invested all their growth in a relationship rather than in themselves.
Relationships are great. I'm in one. I'm in a damn good one. But my healing and growth are mine and have to be separate from Matthew. If he dies tomorrow, suddenly, my progress can't die with him. I have to be able to stand on my own.
And that's what I wish for Lucy and Tim. The standing on their own part, I mean.
"You're a badass. And I'm no slouch."
I need to do Wopez next. I keep saying that when I catch up on Chenford, I need to go back and do Wopez. And lines like this really make me wanna.
"How are you doing with everything?" "I'll be okay."
It's taken a while, but Tim and Lucy have worked their way up to light PDA in the workplace, and I love it for them. Likely, they aren't seeing as much of each other at home, so it's natural that it might leak out more when they're in public.
I love how Lucy briefly has both her hands on his arm. There's something resembling a hug, there, that I love.
She know Tim well enough to know he doesn't want to hug it out at the station. But she's still trying to find her own ways to let him know that she's there for him.
Also: Is this the episode of the comeback clothes!? Because that jacket is totally the one from Season 4, Episode 3 when Tim and Lucy were discussing how people might get the wrong idea about them if she became his aide, right?!
I know one of y'all will correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm leaving it in, because I'm fairly convinced.
Also, Tim and Lucy, y'all didn't need to worry about people getting the wrong idea. We all got the right idea, and y'all are adorable together.
"I want to be helpful." "I know. Thank you."
Her little hand on his chest (right over his heart) is so sweet, but also a little sad. Because she knows that's the part of him that's really hurting right now.
Also, I love Tim thanking her. We're a long cry from all the times when Tim would tell Lucy she was overstepping in the past. Because, they're partners in life, now, and this is her place.
And his little arm tap? It's so cute to get to see them start to be more tactile.
Remember, this wasn't a typical transition. They went from being best friends—the most important relationship in each other's lives—to one-and-only. They had to transition everything over from a very intimate point, already, and add in the layers and figure out what felt right for them as a couple.
But, selfishly I'm loving the light PDA. Feels just about right for them.
Plus, it's more than either of them typically displays at the station with past love interests. Yes, I know there was one kiss way back with an ex of Tim's, but he wanted out of that, so it doesn't count.
"You need help studying? There's no way I would have have scored as well on the Sergeant's exam without you."
Oh, how I love a good call-back. This is going back to Season 2, y'all, and TO Tim era. And I adore the surprise on Lucy's face. She really wasn't expecting him to offer, and it's damn adorable that he did.
Lucy isn't giving up. She knows that Prim's got it out for her, but she's still going after this. And I'm damn proud of her.
"That's right. You owe me." "I don't owe you."
Ah, and there's Tim's bull-headedness coming back to remind us that he's not all warm and fuzzy. And, y'know, it made me chuckle. Because Tim didn't magically change over the course of the show.
Has he healed a lot? Yes. But at the core he was always a tough-outside, smoothie-inside... at least for his people. His trauma and pain caused him to wear that toughness as a roughly-patched-together armor.
And Look. At. Our. Babies. FLIRTING! Lucy even got the finger point in there!
"You owe me." "Okay."
Lucy gets a hand on his open shirt (wow, she has a thing for tugging at his clothing that's unexpected and yet totally in-character), and he's gone. Boy is gone for his girl.
Because Lucy probably wants to spend a little time studying up on other things before they get to the books. And Tim's totally onboard.
And has Lucy been wearing the Valentine's Day necklace most of the episode? It's so small that it's hard to tell, but I think she has. So, we're really owing some love to the Costuming Department this week. Thanks, y'all. We love you.
And I love you! Thank you for reading and taking this ride with me. It's been a really tough few weeks with illness and broken down cars (and bumped into cars) and juggling too many things. So, Chenford night is a nice respite for which I'm thankful.
Did it take Tim and Lucy a while to get comfortable? Sure. I posit this was the first episode written after we got a taste of post-coitus Chenford and folks started vocalizing what they wanted to see out of the duo, because I feel like about 12 boxes were ticked in that first scene alone.
I'm not going to get worked up about the promo for the next episode. If TPTB want to rip my heart out and stomp it, they wouldn't be the first. Actually, the wouldn't be in the first two dozen TPTB to do that.
No, I'm not kidding. When you dream of someday working in television, you watch a lot of television. Inevitably, I ship someone in every show.
But The Rookie's track record with core ships does give me some hope. A little. A microscopic amount. And that's enough, for now.
Stay kind, beautiful humans. I hope to see you on the next.
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poindexters-labratory · 4 months
Could you explain the premise (or anything else you'd like to share) of The Abyss to me, to the perspective of one who knows basically nothing about creepypasta? ;-; like I know the names of the more known characters and that's it lol. it sounds cool and I'd like to know a little more though, if you feel ok with that :0
Of course!!
Creepypasta is an Internet term that's similar to copypasta, copypasta being a wall of text that would copy and pasted to troll or meme people. A creepypasta is the same premise, but it's a horror story. A lot of memorable characters came out these stories for better or for worse. Characters like The Slenderman, Jeff the Killer, The Rake, etc.
Then there's Marble Hornets, which is a web-series inspired by The Slenderman, and it's really awesome, I would recommend it to those who haven't watched it. I most recently was able to finish up all the seasons and it really is amazing to watch.
So, I was a fandom creepypasta kid in middle school, so I was very attached to the softer interpretations of these characters. There was more comedy to the short narratives that were told with them, I also found them to be used more as vigilante characters.
There was an aspect that I really feel spoke to a lot of younger people, which was that someone was coming for them, to help them and take them from the situation that was out of their control. I know that was true for me, even though I didn't necessarily need saving, I knew that there were people who needed help. Help that at eleven years old, I couldn't provide. As a helpless and outcasted kid, these characters, however silly it may seem, helped with feeling seen and understood.
Anyway, that's sort of what The Abyss takes inspiration from, added on top that I think I can make a story out of anything. I started working on it at the peak of the pandemic, so I probably also felt helpless in that situation as well, not to mention that's when my tics got to the point where it was debilitating.
Anway, context aside, I'll explain what The Abyss has going on at this point in time (the story has been changed so many times, that's why I say that).
So, it's mainly taking the big creepypasta fandom idea that all the creepypastas live together in a mansion with The Slenderman and expanding on it. For The Abyss, it's turned the mansion into whole another dimension. This dimension has been dubbed The Abyss (you can see where the title comes from).
It's a place for nature's freaks and society's rejects. They're used for the agenda of nature's biggest freak and mystery, The Tall Man, The Slenderman, The Boss, The Operator, whatever It's called. Most of the individuals who seek refuge under It don't know It like the people that work directly under It. Most of the people there can be compared to being in military reserves. They will be called upon if they are needed.
So far, the characters that get called on (mostly by Briar) from the reserves are Ben (BENDrowned), Cody (X-Virus), Anthony (OC), and Jeffrey (Jeff the Killer) (but Jeff just kinda joined on his own accord).
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There are other characters that were pulled out of the reserves by The Slenderman are OCs and a few other canonical characters, such as Kagekao, Bloody Painter, Laughing Jack, and more once I start actual progress on plot and such.
Then there are the people who work directly under the command of The Slenderman. These are the Proxies. They communicate with It telepathically in the form of visions and nightmares and do whatever job It needs done. They get a brand in the shape of the 'No Eyes'/Operator symbol from Marble Hornets somewhere on their body and are forever at the mercy of The Tall Man.
These characters shown here are Roque (Rocky), Briar-Rose (Briar), and Toby (Firecracker) (I'll explain why he's not Ticci Toby some other time).
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Other characters that are Proxies include characters like Natalie (Clockwork), and whoever else I'll put in that category.
Then there are the characters who exist outside of The Abyss, like Eyeless Jack.
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That would be Homicidal Lui, Jane the Killer, Nina the Killer, and most importantly Tim Wright.
The plot starting out will be a crossover/continuation of Marble Hornets, following Tim as he goes cross country getting hunted down and stalked by members of The Abyss. Tim was a very important asset for The Slenderman because of his ability to spread The Sickness. Too important to lose. It has been tracking him down for however many years and now it's gotten to the point where It has to start using Its Proxies and Reserves to get this one guy.
If anyone would like to learn about the characters as individuals, just send an ask and I'll be more than happy to talk about them :3!!
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thedamsorce2 · 1 year
Earlier today, my best friend (@dragonwars2601 ) messaged me with some information about Good Omens that led to a crack theory about Uriel.
This information was that in the bible, Uriel is the angel of prophecy (and also wisdom, but “mainly for this prophecy”). In season 1, Uriel said that, quote “Don’t think your boyfriend in the dark glasses will get you special treatment in hell”. This means that Uriel believes that Aziraphale and Crowley are dating. This could be because literally everyone else knows that they’re in love with each other, or the wild idea that I came up with.
This idea is that Uriel has funky memory. Like, they don’t make memories, but when they were created it was almost as if they had already lived through all of eternity until their destruction. This would mean that they know for a fact that Azi and Crowley get together at some point, Uriel just doesn’t know when. They thought that Azi and Crowley were dating in the bookshop scene at the end of season 2 and thought that they were already together because the next time that Uriel has a personal conversation with them/sees them in the same room next, they are dating.
It also explains why Uriel was kind of useless for most of the show - they already know how it’s going to end.
However, this theory kind of falls to shit when you realise that this would mean they knew that Jim was Gabriel. In response, I offer you this: Uriel’s memory has degraded. Over the Millenia they’ve been around, their ‘memories’ of the future have become blurred and fuzzy. With the miracle on top of that, Uriel likely wouldn’t be able to remember.
The more cracks elements of this headcanon are Uriel going up to Gabriel (probably centuries or even a couple of millennia before the apoca-not) and telling him that he will need to tell them what to get Gabriel and Bee as a wedding present and Gabriel just goes “????”. Then when he starts going out in dates with Beelzebub and suddenly just goes “… OH. THIS IS WHAT THEY MEANT?”. Uriel would also probably show Supreme Archangel Aziraphale the best way to sneak out of heaven.
Another crack element is Uriel have ‘The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch’ with the ‘Agnes Nutter, Witch’ crossed out with ‘Archangel Uriel, Angel’. And in this book they have everything that they think will be important, but they couldn’t get to the ‘ Gabriel loses his memory and there’s a miracle so he’s unrecognisable’ part before they forget about the miracle, leading to Uriel not being able to identify Jim. (Also, just imagine Uriel frantically scribbling down information in the book in a corner of heaven, and slamming it shut every time someone comes close, leading to a competition to steal the book and a betting pool about what’s in it)
This theory would also explain why Uriel doesn’t really react to anything - it could be just regular prophecies, or it could be written in ‘The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Archangel Uriel, Angel’.
Another fun thing about this headcanon could be Uriel training or being friends with Agnes, and offhandedly mentioning ‘The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Archangel Uriel, Angel’, and then Agnes just went… nice name. It’s mine now. And then wrote ‘The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch’. It could also have been how they passed the book down between generations - Uriel might appear to them (like, meet them on the street, help them, visit them is a dream, etc) and then whoever has the book just goes ‘yup, thanks who’s getting the book next’.
Also, I’ve been updating Dragon on this as I’ve been writing, and they just sent me this I response to Uriel hiding in a corner, leading to attempted theft and betting pools:
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And this about the wedding presents:
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And this one about Uriel’s out of pocket advice that they totally give:
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shokuto · 1 year
So we'll probably have to agree to disagree on a Gwiles ship (for a number of reasons, but in no dimension or version do I think Gwen should be Miles' main or only option for a romantic interest or relationship) :). But I appreciate your insights, and loved your response to the question "what makes Miles compelling as Spider-Man?" from a few weeks ago. I am kinda trying to figure out what Marvel is doing exactly? Between using just Miles' name instead of Spider-Man for the upcoming Strange Academy release, and Ziglar basically minimizing Miles in his own comic during this latest run in order to feature characters Ziglar seems to be enamored with, all while having characters constantly call Miles "boy" (see Mr. Morales who apparently has entered a black exploitation film), "kid" (practically every character being forced into the run is calling Miles this right now, which is funny given ATSV's take rightfully pushing back on that), "newbie" (Stark in the latest issue…meanwhile Civil War was a thing), basically everything but his name or Spider-Man…it's frustrating. Like, is Miles getting too popular for them or something? No offense to Ziglar, but I'm currently just sticking to reading and buying Bendis and Ahmed's comics going forward. Ziglar just doesn't seem to know how to write for Miles and his supporting cast, which is fine. They should put him back on Spider Punk since he said that he's wrote for that comic based on his time in a punk band. On top of that he hasn't done anything original so far? He's acknowledged Rabble is basically a reskin of Tinkerer from the Playstation game, he's obviously a fan of the Flash tv show given the electric sword (the idea of Miles' venom powers continuing to evolve in more novel and powerful ways is great though), plus the new character Hightale who = the Flash. And Misty Knight was just going over super basic things Aaron already taught his nephew. Also, Miles as any kind of detective was setup better by Bendis when he was toying with the idea of turning him into an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D (and that kinda came out of no where). If they extend Ziglar's time, it sounds like his plan is to constantly keep doing crossovers of other characters as "mentors", and given how he's handled that so far, I would not be to happy buying this run. :( Do you have a writer or writers in mind that you would like to see on Miles' comic? To be honest, I don't think there needs to be a ton of angst, I like that he has a great group of people in his life who know about him and have his and each others back against all odds (you can't tell me that comic Ganke wouldn't have tried to fight Miguel in ATSV even though he would lose, and Tiana would have 100% tried to pick Miguel up and drop him from the train if she saw him treating and talking to Miles like he did XD), it's one of the things that adds to Miles' uniqueness. But your analysis of Miles gets things about his character that the current run/Ziglar seems to be missing. On the plus side, the artwork is pretty good! And maybe the run will get better?
Eesh. I checked out of Ziglar’s run a while back, seems my criticisms with him minimizing Miles as Spider-Man in his own run hasn’t gotten any better, I probably made the right choice. Makes me sad though. I dislike Ahmed’s run a lot, but he at least had Miles on equal footing with the more seasoned guest stars like Captain America.
The disconnect is that Ziglar thinks Miles’ appeal lies in his youth. He thinks he’s a rookie, far out of his depth and in desperate need of guidance (from people he’s accomplished more than and with basic things he’s been doing since 2015 at minimum). I appreciate the callback to his origin from 2011, but it’s like he stopped reading that samw. Whoever I’d pick to write him moving forward would obviously be more up to speed on his history and the things that actually make him unique, but I honestly don’t trust that from anyone besides Phil Lord/Chris Miller, or Bendis. I always get the impression that everyone else either sees him as a blank slate, someone they need to reinvent or “fix”, if they simply don’t get it at all.
But besides that, if I could, I’d have his stories once again set in the Ultimate universe. Pulling him out erased one of his most prominent conflicts as someone bearing a legacy that makes him a target, that jeopardizes his future, and altered his relationship with his parents, which is why his comics were immediately made more lightheartedly and silly when he crossed over even with Bendis at the pen, because not only was Peter Parker alive and well, Miles was now one of four Spider-Men.
We’ll also have to agree to disagree on there not needing to be a ton of angst, I enjoy that Miles can inspire hope as much as the next guy, and I wish they’d let him do stupid fun teen shit without having to learn some sort of lesson at the end, but in the same vein that light without shadow is blinding, hope without tragedy is hollow. And as someone who’s been reading since Spider-Man cost him his uncle and [redacted until a mutual finishes the second volume], his stories have felt hollow to me for a very long time.
The artwork is good, but I don’t have faith that the writing’ll get better. I already held out hope that his comics would suddenly recapture that spark for eight years now.
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Anthony’s Stupid Daily Blog (446): Tue 6th Jun 2023
Up fairly early this morning as I had to take my bike over to BDS in North Shields for it's annual six month servicing. This is the kind of stuff automobile owners normally consider an inconvenience but I don't mind it because it gets me out of the house and I like pottering around North Shields while I wait for the work to be done. For someone who loves to people watch so much having a bike is ideal because you can have a little wander and try to find new and interesting places then not have to worry about getting trains or buses when you've had enough. I might start picking a random location (within a reasonable distance from my home) then looking for local cafes nearby and spending the afternoon there in order to get out there and expand my horizons a bit. I dropped off the bike and headed into town, stopping off at a cafe to read more of my book Resurrection Men by Ian Rankin. I've been hearing the name Ian Rankin for a while but this is the first book of his that I've ever read. I'll be honest, the fact that every single charity shop you go into there are normally about three or four Ian Rankin books has always led me to believe that the books aren't that good or else why would so many people be giving them away? Unfortunately by skepticism prove d to be well founded because this book is quite boring and I found myself skim reading before long. My main takeaway was how shockingly bad the dialogue is in this book. Here are a few examples: Rebus: People keep calling him my friend Siobhan: He’s not? Rebus: Take away the r and you’re getting close Siobhan: The evidence is pretty thin isn’t it? Rebus: Thin? You could use it as a pizza topping This is the kind of dialogue I'd expect to find in the 1960's Batman TV show not a crime novel from 2005. I'll press on but I'm already looking forward to finishing this one as fast as I can and moving on to the next one. While I was sat in a pub with a non-alcoholic Koperburg I got a call from BDS saying that the bike was sorted an hour ahead of schedule so I headed back. After I'd thanked the guy for his work he told me that whoever had fitted my new chain had done it wrong because the rear tire was completely out of line with the front tire. Typical, just when I think I've befriended someone who knows their shit and can help me out when I'm in a jam it turns out that he can't even fit a tire back on. Well anyway at least it's fixed now and should be good to go until at least September for it's next servicing. Once I got home I chilled and (skim) read my book for a while before showering and picking out an outfit as I had a gig tonight in the form of KISS! I saw these legends in 2017 but that gig was somewhat marred by the fact that I had to  travel five hours down to London in a fucking heatwave to see them. Luckily this time they were kind enough to put on a gig at an arena only a few miles from my home so I couldn't exactly pass on the chance to bid farewell to them. I wanted to wear my red leather jacket but it's been a while since I've taken it out of the wardrobe and it appears to have been ravaged by moths (interesting band name) so I had to wear a different leather jacket as well. The good news being that this jacket is normally too small for me to fit into but this time around it fit just fine meaning that this diet has actually worked. The doors opened at half 7 but they were being supported by a couple of local bands and I didn't want to spend an hour politely applauding a bunch of chancers so I went to Five Guys for a veggie sandwich while I listened to Chris Jericho talk to the producers of Dark Side of the Ring about the upcoming season. After I finished my food I headed off to the arena, took to my seat and was delighted to see that I had arrived just after the support acts had ended and the real show was about to start. The lights dimmed, the big KISS Army logos on the curtains were illuminated and a booming voice came over the speakers proclaiming "Newcastle: You wanted the best? You got the best! The hottest band in the world: KISS!". I joined my fellow Geordie Kiss Army members in welcoming them to the North East one last time and over the next two hours was treated to some of my favourite KISS songs including Detroit Rock City, Shout It Out Loud, Lick It Up, God Of Thunder, I Was Made For Loving You & Rock And Roll All Nite. As happy as I was to be in the presence of one of the most iconic bands of all time for one last hurrah I was aware that there seemed to be a bit of lip synching and possibly even "instrument synching" going on because throughout the show the singers lips (especially Gene's) weren't correlating with the lyrics and it didn't look like Paul Stanley's fingers were anywhere near the guitar. Also Paul Stanley's singing voice sounded the same here as it did back in the 70s. How's that even possible? He's seventy one years old for Christ's sake. Even though there may have been some foul play and trickery going on I didn't let it bother me because just the fact that I was seeing them was enough for me. I really wish I’d gotten into KISS when I was a kid rather than my late teens because my childhood would have been a lot more fun but better late than never right? I know that in many ways KISS are a ridiculous band but when they first emerged the idea of a band being about more than just the music was unheard of then. Before KISS a musician was someone who stood still on a stage strumming a guitar and singing song after song. KISS were some of the first to adopt on stage characters and have their performances be accompanied by effects and pyrotechnics. I know these are seen as gimmicks by music snobs but I think it's a case of a band wanting to give the audience their money's worth and make that band seem larger than life. This was an amazing gig and as the band belted out Rock N Roll All Nite one last time while confetti emptied from the ceiling I joined them in singing until my vocal chords hurt but it was worth it in order to thank the band for all they've contributed to my life and to music in general. This gig was a little bittersweet because although I was having a blast in the back of my mind I was constantly aware this was the final time I would be rocking out with the hottest band in the world. As the band left the stage for the final time I felt sad but also happy that I got to see them in my neck of the woods. RIP KISS. 1973 - 2023 (or until one of them gets a big tax bill they need to pay off)
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words-4u · 3 years
little rockstar - d.r
➩ read part 2: here
pairing: daniel ricciardo x singer!reader
wc: 1.8k
warnings: none
formula 1 masterlist
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[not my gif!!!]
the best part of being an artist is touring, hands down. there is something so euphoric about singing songs that you poured your heart and soul into to large crowds of people who then sing it back to you. the passion they have is incredible and you've never felt more loved than when you were on tour meeting all your fans. that is until daniel ricciardo entered your life.
daniel was unexpected in so many ways. you two met in a dingy bar in austin, texas where you were booked to play at a festival. that night was open mic night and your friends thought it would be hilarious to sign you up for it. when the mc called your name you made your way to the small stage. daniel was sitting in the front at a small table with his friends when you started to sing ‘what a time’ by julia micheals. at the time, your debut album had come out and was topping charts and gaining lots of attention due to your public breakup with a beloved actress whom most of your songs were about.
the second you got on stage, daniel's attention was on you and it never left. he was awe-struck. he was a regular here and he knew that open mic night was mostly for amateurs but no, the way you were singing he knew you were experienced. the second you were done, he broke out in huge applause that made you blush, earning whoops and laughter from your friends in the back.
later that night, he found you by the bar and introduced himself. you weren’t familiar with motorsports so f1 was lost on you, but the way he spoke about it and his passion for racing, you were intrigued. you told him all about your singing career even showing him your ep on spotify and sharing earbuds cause he wanted to listen to it. you two were so enamoured by each other, you hadn’t noticed your friends leave. it was the moment everything clicked for you. he made you smile and laugh the whole night. being in his company was like being bathed in sunlight and it still felt like that 8 months later.
today was your last day of tour and you were ending it in your favourite city, london. emotions were running high as it was the last night of the europe leg of the tour but also daniel was going to be in the crowd watching tonight. due to the hectic f1 season, he didn’t have time to go to any of your other shows but this date lined up perfectly on the tuesday after the silverstone grand prix.
you and daniel made a conscious effort to keep your relationship private just because it was easier not to have outside noise or other people's perceptions of who you should be with or vice versa. you weren’t necessarily hiding each other but you weren’t flaunting it either. your fans had an inkling you were seeing someone again because of the cryptic tweets and photos you’d take, they just didn’t know who. f1 fans, on the there hand, were quick to notice that you two were suddenly following each other on all your social platforms and were sometimes leaving inside jokes as comments under each other posts. you two were always goofing around with each other so they were many.
what most people don’t know about daniel is that he has a musical ear, he doesn’t take it seriously but he can write some pretty good stuff some of which actually ended up being used in your new ep giving him full writing credit.
there was one song that you kept off on your ep because you wanted to release it as a single and you were gonna play it for him and the london audience tonight.
daniel snuck into your green room beforehand to wish you luck. “last show of the tour, how are you feeling?” he came up behind you as you stood at the massive vanity. you let your head rest on his chest as you made eye contact in the mirror.
“it’s bittersweet... i mean you know i how much i love performing and getting to see my beautiful little fans has been a dream and i'm gonna miss them so so much but on the other hand i can’t wait to have time off to support you at grand prixs.”
daniel laid a soft kiss on your head. “i’m extremely proud of you, you know that right?” he mumbled into your hair.
chuckling, you responded, “i do and it means so much to me that you made it tonight.”
“i wouldn’t have missed it for the world. you’re my little rockstar.”
closing your eyes, you let yourself be showered in your boyfriend's love and admiration. how did you get so lucky?
after a few moments, you turned in his arms to stroke his bearded face. “i have a surprise for you.”
“enchanté,” he smirked pulling you closer which made you squeal and giggle.
“not like that… but i’m not saying anymore, you’ll just have to wait and see.”
his response was at the tip of his tongue but was cut off by rapid knocks on your door.
“y/n, it’s showtime.”
“got it! thank you!” you acknowledged. still holding hands you took a step back and asked, “okay how do I look?”
you wanted something cute yet comfortable so you decided on a monochromatic moment consisting of a white corset top and matching white faux leather pants.
he looked you up and down and couldn’t hold back his trademark smile. “like i wish you didn’t have to go on stage in 5 minutes so i could have my way with you.”
“ha! well dan, it’s my last night so we’ll have plenty of time for that.”
daniel kissed your temple and left the room to go find your friends and lando who he invited last minute. you took a couple moments to gather yourself before heading out.
the second you appeared on stage, screams erupted. you were instantly energized ready to give this show your absolute all and you did. there’s this bit you do at the end of your shows, where you head off stage and the fans yell “encore” over and over again until you come out again and perform one final song. today’s song was gonna be different.
“you want one more song?” you asked the crowd.
they all screamed “yes” so you delivered.
“okay, the last song of the night and of this tour is actually different than what i usually do because it’s an unreleased song…” you said as excited chatter arose from the crowd.
“yeah, i purposefully held back this song so it could be released as a single because it’s very dear to me and it deserves it's own moment, you know? so i wrote this about someone very special to me not even a month after meeting him but i recorded it recently so i could surprise you with it tonight. everyone, this is song is called ‘breathing’.”
as soon as the instrumentals begin and your fans cheered but as you sang it died down as no one knew the lyrics.
I don't really know about you, but something has started
'Cause deep inside don't feel good whenever we're parted
I don't ever wanna go backtrack, broken-hearted
daniel was in the vip balcony of the venue with lando and your friends. they were having the best time and lando was so excited to see you perform live for the first time. daniel was enjoying himself immensely and was in awe of how you sang. he leaned over and nudged your best friend, “this song is about me right?”
“no shit, sherlock.” she replied, already used to his dumb ass.
“‘kay, just checking,” his eyes never leaving you.
I feel like I hit my head 'cause now there are stars
More stars in my eyes than there is in the sky, babe
I'm sitting in the seat of your car
Your hand on my thigh, yes, I think I'm alright, babe
And now you're here, don't ever go far
you couldn’t help but look up into the balcony catching daniels eyes and singing the chorus directly to him.
I think I'm in love, I think I can feel it
Way back when I was young
I heard about love and never believed it
And then you changed my mind
In world record time
You said hello and I said: "Baby, don't tell me goodbye"
'Cause now I'm in love, can you believe it
That being in love is just as easy as breathing
in that moment, it was like only you two existed. everything and everyone faded away. fans were starting to notice your unwavering attention to a certain tall curly-headed guy up on the balcony that they started to take pics of y/n y/l/n’s new man.
daniel couldn’t stop smiling. he was finally watching you in your element and you were singing about how you’d never known love until him and that made his heart warm. he isn’t someone that opens up to others easily but you changed that. from your first interaction, he wanted you to know him and he wanted to know everything about you.
as the song ended, you were almost deafened at the sound of applause and cheers that erupted from your fans.
“thank you! thank you. so that was ‘breathing’ and like i said it’s coming out very soon so keep an eye out for that.” you spoke into the mic.
“is your special person here?!” yelled a young fan from the front row.
“is that obvious?” you chuckled as the crowd laughed along. “but to answer your question, yes he is and i’m beyond happy that he could come out to the last show of the tour.”
thanking your fans once more, you made your way off stage. daniel was the first to make his way to you wrapping you in a hug and lifting you off the ground. “you were incredible, absolutely incredible. and i loved your surprise very much,” he kissed you.
“can i say hi before you suck her face?” lando cheekily asked from behind him.
daniel let go so you could embrace his mclaren teammate. “i can’t believe this is the first time we’re meeting! daniel talks about you so much that i feel like i already know you.”
“i could say the same to you,” he patted you on the back before stepping back. “you were great! we had an amazing time.”
“aw, i’m really glad to hear it!’
“so... does that final song mean you two are going public?”
you looked back at daniel. “well, i tried to be subtle about him being in the crowd but failed miserably so i guess so.”
daniel took ahold of your hand. “thank god, i can finally tell the world that you’re mine. i’ve told a few of my mates back home and they actually don’t believe me.”
a mischievous grin grew on your face. “so let’s give them something to believe in then,” pulling out your phone you scrolled to the most recent picture in your camera roll. it was a picture your best friend took of you and daniel the night before where you were cozied up to him and he had an arm around you. throwing together a sweet little caption, you pressed ‘post’.
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theluckiestlb · 3 years
I was doing some geographic research of Paris for my fic and came across their official site for tourists.
They have a whole page dedicated to the show and???? It’s so adorably detailed?? They talk about various locations that were showcased, but also reference specific episodes. Not just season one either—   
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A significant moment in the series takes place in Place du Châtelet, at the Fontaine des Victoires (also known as Fontaine du Châtelet and Fontaine des Palmiers). Ladybug kisses Cat Noir in front of this fountain, commissioned by Napoleon in 1806 to provide free drinking water to all Parisians. It is pillar shaped and adorned with sculpted palm leaves, with four sphinxes at its base. The gilded bronze Victory statue on top holding up a laurel crown in either hand was sculpted by Louis-Simon Boizot. 
The original statue is now housed in the Musée Carnavalet – maybe because of the damage Guitar Villain inflicted on the fountain when he played his ‘Shocking Riff’ against Cat Noir?
Fontaine des Victoires – place du Châtelet, Paris 1st
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The Tour Montparnasse inspired an episode as action-packed as any Hollywood thriller. Adrien’s bodyguard, who has been akumatized into Gorizilla, chases Cat Noir and Ladybug to the top of the 210-metre-high tower offering a spectacular 360° view over Paris. The skyscraper was built on the site of the former Montparnasse station and inaugurated in 1973. Its weight rests on 56 reinforced concrete pillars, buried 70 metres underground.
Tour Montparnasse – rue de l’Arrivée, Paris 15th
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Ladybug foils off attacks by three akumas inside the Louvre – Jalil Kubdel, who has transformed into The Pharaoh; The Mime, and Volpina, who creates amazing illusions. The world’s biggest museum was originally a castle built to protect Paris from Norman attacks. Today, it extends over an area of 243,000 m² and displays some 35,000 works. It has 403 rooms, 14.5 km of corridors and 10,000 steps. Stroll around soaking up more than 800 years of history, and do admire the glass and metal pyramid designed by I.M. Pei, where another of Ladybug’s adventures takes place.
Musée du Louvre -Pyramide du Louvre, Paris 1st
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The park near the Dupain-Cheng’s bakery was inspired by the Place des Vosges. In the series, the park has a statue of Ladybug and Chat Noir sculpted by the fictional artist Théo Barbot. The real Place des Vosges – the oldest square in Paris – is in the Marais district. It was built in 1605 on the site of a royal palace, the Palais des Tournelles, and indeed initially named Place Royale. It is surrounded by 36 pavilions, all identical except the king’s own pavilion at the southern end and the queen’s at the northern end, both intentionally higher.
Place des Vosges, Paris 4th
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When she isn’t busy catching evil akumas sent out by Hawk Moth, Marinette likes meeting up with her friends Alya, Adrien and Nino at ‘Troca’, where she also finds inspiration to design her new outfits. Facing the Eiffel Tower across the river, Trocadéro boasts gardens, ponds and some fine buildings. Start on Place du Trocadéro across from the Palais de Chaillot. From here, you will enjoy one of the loveliest vistas of Paris, and a breathtaking view of the Eiffel Tower.
Le Trocadéro – place du Trocadéro, Paris 16th
Ok, but?? Referencing Nino and Alya too?? Whoever writes/updates the page clearly loves the show. You can read more here.
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alternative27angel · 2 years
Chengyao Spy x Family AU
Just getting this out of my head because it’s seriously interfering with my actual WIP that I haven’t touched in months and would love to get back to actually
AU where Jin Guangyao is a seasoned spy that has to create a fake family
The father - Jin Guangyao (Professional spy. Codename: Lianfang-zun)
The child - Jin Ling (Telepath)
The mother step-father - Jiang Cheng (Professional assassin. Codename: Wanyin)
The mission - Infiltrate Cloud Recesses Academy in order to get close to Wen Ruohan, whose only grandson is the first Wen in decades to enroll at the school
The idea is relatively basic in set up, just having Chengyao and Jin Ling in the titular Spy x Family roles, as it’s almost like playing Spot The Difference. JGY canonically is a social chameleon with an eidetic memory and experience in espionage. JC has a ridiculous amount of strength, stamina, and will power, only matched by his ridiculously low self-esteem and astronomically high loyalty to his people. These two are Jin Ling’s parental figures.
This is just forcing them into a scenario where they know absolutely nothing about each other and have it in their best interests act like normal human beings and communicate for once in their lives. Imagine the surprise that this actually works for them.
As no one else fit quite so neatly, everyone else’s roles got tweaked and the plot changed as a result. Other casting choices are under the cut:
Lan Qiren as Henry Henderson - Seeing as I shamelessly replaced Eden Academy with Cloud Recesses, this was both the easiest and admittedly funniest character choice I could make. I’m not entirely convinced this isn’t the same character.
With that in mind, all the Lans are now employed as teachers at CRA, except for Lan Jingyi, whom is instead a dorm student in Jin Ling’s class and replaces the obnoxious twins whose names I can’t bother to remember.
Jin Ling’s only friend is Ouyang Zizhen, whom firmly believes Jin Ling’s family runs a secret business as peace-keeping superheroes. Jin Ling is okay with this assumption, though he’s not sure how Zizhen came to that conclusion.
The target is Wen Yuan, the son of Wen Xu and Wen Ruohan’s only grandson. Yes, I put Lan Sizhui in Damien’s role. Instead of being a classic rich boy tsundere, Wen Yuan is a good boy that’s just so overwhelmed by his crush filter that his brain automatically error codes and he does one of two things: either 1) he runs away at the speed of light, screaming at the top of his lungs or 2) he does random, absolutely dumb things like take his food tray and just dump it on the floor, himself, or whoever’s nearest.
Meanwhile, on the adult side of things: Jiang Cheng has been operating as Wanyin for most of his life, since his parents’ passing when he was fifteen. He grew up with Wei Wuxian, whom is oblivious to his double life, and Jiang Yanli, whom passed in a horrible accident some years back. I’m sure that’s not important.
Wei Wuxian is the Yuri Briar stand-in, only mildly less creepy because there are no obsessive incest vibes to be had, but extra creepy because he’s involved in mad scientist experiments alongside operating as a counter-intelligence operative. Jiang Cheng is blissfully unaware of any of this.
Nie Huaisang is, of course, Jin Guangyao’s lazy but brilliant informant that he’s known for years. His brother works in private security and has known JGY just as long (but does not know JGY and NHS’s actual jobs), and he continuously tries to convince Huaisang to go into the family business. NHS spends most of his off-time dodging Nie Mingjue whenever he comes calling.
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backstage ~ pete davidson
word count: 1960
request?: yes!
“Can you do a Pete Davidson smut on the set of SNL”
description: in which a backstage tour turns into something a little more
pairing: pete davidson x female!reader
warnings: swearing, smut
masterlist (one, two)
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“And this is the writer’s room,” Pete said as he led me into a room with a large desk surrounded by multiple chairs. “This is where we come up with the skits and the jokes. There’s John, being the loner he is.”
“You say that like it’s a joke but you’re my best friend so what does that say about you?” John asked, not looking up from his laptop.
Pete chuckled and wrapped an arm around my waist. “Moving on - ”
“Hold on!” I cut him off. “We are not just sweeping past John Mulaney like that. You know how much I love him.”
This made the older comedian look up from his laptop and smile at me. “Oh, I like this girl. She’s got good taste.”
Pete rolled his eyes at the two of us. “You can come back and talk to John before we start filming. This is a big set and I told you I’d show you all of it.”
I playfully pouted at him before waving goodbye to John and continuing to follow Pete through the unfamiliar building.
Pete had been dying to give me a tour of the SNL backstage basically since we had started dating. Our schedules never lined up enough to be able to, but I had finally managed to get a full weekend off and Pete decided to take advantage of that.
The set was much larger than I thought, with every castmate having their own dressing rooms, plus special rooms for the hosts and musical guests. So many rooms for writing and editing, and the massive set where everything was filmed, usually in front of an audience. I didn’t understand how Pete didn’t get lost every day, even if he was familiar with the place.
“And finally,” he said once we neared the end of his tour, “my home away from home.”
He pushed open the door with his name written on a wooden plaque. The room definitely screamed “Pete”. Besides the smell of weed smoke that seemed to linger no matter how long Pete wasn’t there, the room was also littered with little things he liked to have with him at all times: pictures of his dad, his mom, the two of us, little gifts I had always given him for every season premiere, little things from his other friends.
There was a comfortable looking couch along the wall that was begging for me to lay down on it. I sighed in relief the moment my back touched the couch, my legs and feet aching from the heels I decided to wear.
Pete chuckled at my reaction. “I told you to wear something comfortable.”
“And I told you I wanted to make a good impression on your co-stars, which includes a nice outfit.”
I had decided on a long sleeved white shirt and a short, plaid skirt to wear on set, with a pair of black booties that were nice when I put them on, but now that I had been walking around in them for almost an hour I was regretting my wardrobe choices.
Pete smiled and came to lay down on the couch on top of me, his legs between mine and his hands on either side of my head. “Baby, you could wear a garbage bag and everyone here would still be impressed by you.”
“Well, I’ll do that next time then.”
He chuckled and lowered himself so he was kissing me. It was a quick kiss on my lips before he dipped his head to kiss my neck. I giggled as the slight stubble he was starting to grow tickled my neck, followed by a moan as he found the spot on my neck that always drove me wild.
“The skirt does give me some easy access, though,” he mumbled against my neck as one of his hands traced up my bare leg and dipped under my skirt. I gasped as he ran a finger over my clothed clit - or, just barley clothed as I was wearing a G-string. “God, baby, I’ve barley touched you and you’re already soaking wet.”
I moaned as his finger slipped under my G-string and inside of me. He was quick to cover my mouth, a cheeky grin on his face at my reaction.
“You have to be quiet, baby,” he said. “Anyone could come catch us at any time.”
I bit my lip to try and keep quiet as his finger slid in and out of me, first at a slow pace. My moans came out as squeaks and whimpers of pleasure as his pace began to pick up and he slipped another finger into me. I was basically writhing underneath him, which I could tell he was taking a lot of pleasure in.
With two of his fingers in me, he pressed his thumb against my clit and began to rub painfully slow circles, causing my body to arch against him. It was becoming harder to hold back my moans and I had to cover my own mouth with my hand.
“God, this is so fucking dirty,” Pete commented. “Finger fucking my beautiful girl on the couch of my dressing room? Where all my co-workers come in and hang out with me? Man, I’ll never be able to look at this couch the same.”
“It’ll be a nice memory of me,” I said, trying my best to smile up at him but another whimper being let out instead.
“I’ll never not think of you when I’m in this room again,” he confirmed, lowering himself to kiss my neck again.
I was already nearing my climax when Pete’s fingers were removed from my wet core. I looked up at him with puppy dog eyes and my lips pouting. He brought his wet fingers to his lips and took them in his mouth.
“Fuck,” I breathed. I didn’t think it were possible, but I managed to become even more wet at the sight.
“Flip over on your hands and knees baby,” he told me.
I excitedly did as he told me, spinning to be back on to him on my hands and knees. I started reaching for my panties to take them off, but his hand caught hold of my wrists before I could.
“Leave them on,” he said. “I think it’ll be extra hot to fuck you with your skirt and panties still on.”
I nodded excitedly and got back into my position. Pete stood for just a moment, long enough to undo his jeans and let them, and his underwear, fall to the floor. My heart was racing as I felt the couch dip behind me again and Pete pulling my panties to the side as he lined his head up with my entrance.
As he pushed himself inside of me ever so slowly, his other hand came to rest on my back, pushing me down till my head was buried in the couch cushions.
“Best way to keep you quiet,” he said. “I don’t intend to go easy on you.”
“I don’t want you to go easy on me,” I responded.
I looked over my shoulder to see the smile on Pete’s face. He took hold of my waist with both hands and started to thrust slow at first, making sure I was comfortable and fully stretched around him. Once he was sure I was okay, his thrusts gradually got quicker and rougher until he was pounding me so hard that the only sounds in the room were that of skin slapping against skin.
I buried my face in the couch again, trying my best the muffle the moans that were basically turning to screams of pleasure. However this process was basically moot as the sound of our skin slapping against each other and Pete’s own moans and groans of pleasure would definitely alert any passersby of our activities.
Being adventurous with our sex was definitely nothing new to Pete and I. Whenever one of us was in the mood, we’d initiate it wherever we wanted. In bathrooms, fitting rooms, in the back of his car, wherever we could get some form of privacy while also being a little too out in public.
But there was just something different about having him rail me in his dressing room mere minutes before he was set to go live. At any moment someone could walk past, or one of the producers could come knock on the door. Or, heaven forbid if he didn’t lock the door, someone could just walk in and catch the two of us. All of that just made our secret rendezvous a little more naughty and sexy. While I didn’t want to be caught by any means, the thought that it would be so easy to be caught drove me wild.
Pete’s thrusts became so rough that I could hear the couch legs scraping across the floor as it moved. My legs were already feeling like jelly and I had a feeling I was going to have trouble walking to set with Pete when this was over.
His hand ran up my back and through my hair before giving my head a rough tug back. I yelped at the sudden pain that I felt in my head before it dissolved into a moan. Pete pulled me back till my back was against his chest and leaned in close to my ear.
“You feel so good,” he breathed into my ear. “God, even after all this time, you’re still so tight around me.”
“You keep talking like that and I’ll cum around your cock in no time.”
The hand in my hair crept around my front to grab me by the throat. “You say that as if it’s not what I wanted.”
His other hand slipped between my legs and began rubbing at my clit, causing all sorts of pleasure to run through me. My body started to tremble as I felt myself nearing my climax. The hand around my throat squeezed slightly as I let out a cry of pleasure, my walls tightening around him.
Pete grunted in my ear a few more times before I felt him filling me up as well. I took a deep breath in when he let go of my throat, although my head was still spinning.
Pete pulled out of me just in time for a knock to come on his door. “Give me a second!”
He quickly pulled his pants and boxers back on as I adjusted my skirt and panties. Although I was sure whoever was at the door wouldn’t notice the wet spot that had suddenly appeared on the couch, I still decided to cover it with a pillow just in case.
One of the producers was stood at the door. “Hey, I just wanted to let you know that we’re starting in roughly five minutes!”
“Thanks, I’ll be there soon,” Pete responded. He shut the door and looked back at me. His eyes travelled down to my legs as an amused look crossed his face. “You got something on your leg there hun.”
I looked down to see a single string of warm liquid running down my inner thigh. “Oh fuck.”
I reached for a tissue but Pete stopped me. “Wait, don’t clean it yet. I’d love to know you’re in the audience watching me with my cum running down your legs.”
“Okay, that’s hot, but I don’t want your co-workers thinking I peed myself or something.”
“I’ll tell them the truth if you want.”
I rolled my eyes and shoved him towards the door. “Go to set! Let me clean up. I’m sure there’s more there that can fulfil this fantasy you have.”
Pete smiled down and gave me one last kiss before rushing to set.
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maizethecorn · 3 years
Gargoyles anyone?
Anyone remember the 90s Gargoyle cartoon? The cartoon where the gargoyles protected Manhattan by night and turned to stone by day? I was thinking about cartoons I had nostalgia for and this cartoon came to mind. The first two seasons of Gargoyles directed by Greg Weisman was really dark and edgy. The third season was a hot mess and lots of people don’t consider the content to be cannon. I didn’t really remember anything about the third season other than seeing it briefly advertised on abc. From what I understand, the third season came out when Disney bought ABC. Greg Weisman was offered a demoted role of being a story editor of sorts to work on the third season.
Previously, Greg was producer and had control over how the show was done. Greg said no since no one was going to listen to his ideas for how season three should go. Greg supposedly said the team of writers and whoever else made the third season were really talented so what went wrong? ABC and Disney pushed the people who made the third season to meet really quick deadlines. These people had no time to review their content to put together any animation of good quality. Enough said about season three other than to say the story sounded like really bad fanfiction when I briefly reviewed it online.
Now, back to why I liked this cartoon. This cartoon was really cool. The police detective chick named Elisa sporting jeans and a red jacket top first grabbed my attention. She was running around with Goliath the purple gargoyle who I thought was her boyfriend at first. Goliath is a tall handsome, brooding guy who is shirtless mostly.  Spoiler alert: they become a couple later on. The evolution of their friendship blooming into romance is paced out really well. I loved how Elisa was an action girl who could handle herself in a fight. Goliath wanting to protect humans reminded me of Batman. I barley remember the other gargoyles in Goliath’s group except for Brooklyn since he had funny lines. Often, Brooklyn made silly comments targeted towards kids watching the cartoon so that’s probably why I remembered him more.  
The other two characters who stood out the most were Demona and Thailog. Demona’s character stood out because she really was her own worst enemy. She used to be Goliath’s mate/wife (whatever gargoyle spouses are) but their relationship ended early on. Her hatred of humanity was what drove them apart. Demona stood out because she never took responsibility for her mistakes which is what a lot of people do in real life. She hurts a lot of the other characters and blames everyone else for her actions. She hooks up with a clone of Goliath named Thailog. Thailog was cool because he was an evil version of Goliath. He does all the self-centered things that Goliath will never do since Goliath cares about humans. There were humans in the cartoon such as the billionaire Xanatos and his red headed wife Fox who had some interesting side stories.
Xanatos was an on and off antagonist since he always seemed to be attempting to use the gargoyles in some way. Fox started out as one of his henchmen but begins to quickly date Xanatos. Fox’s dad is a rival businessman/scientist (from what I remember) who doesn’t care for Xanatos. Possibly, Fox started out dating Xanatos just to spite her dad. Eventually, the two of them marry since they both love money, power, enjoy playing chess together and are just super smart. There are other characters but these two humans were the most interesting outside of the gargoyles and other nonhuman characters. That’s just my opinions and I know everyone has favorites of who they liked on the show.
Now, unto what has been with this show I liked since season two ended. Greg teamed up with some other artists to create a comic book series that follows season two continuity. The series ran from 2006 to 2009 with just twelve issues. The issues are supposed to have nice artwork and the story seemed pretty good. Unfortunately, the plot of the comic book series has hung in limbo since 2009 which disappointed many fans. You can read all twelve issues of the series for free at this link: https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Gargoyles-2006. 
Gargoyles the Movie: The Heroes Awaken was a five episode pilot that gave the backstory for how season one started. The movie came out on VHS in 1995. Gosh, does anyone miss VHS tapes? I do. I remember recording cartoons and other shows I liked on VHS tapes from my VCR. Later the movie was released on dvd. The movie is really good since of course it’s what started the cannon story. Many fanfic writers have their own take on what could happened with the story. There is fanfiction located at this link: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanficRecs/Gargoyles. Some of the stories are complete and some of them aren’t due to writer’s having lives outside their stories. You will just have to pick through the treasure trove to see which fanfics have a decent story. I enjoyed writing this post to get some of my nostalgia out of my system. Hopefully, someone enjoyed reading this post! Have a great day!
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