#Who cares when I can draw these two though?
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demonic0angel · 3 days ago
Dani being violently protective of Kon and/or Tim.
She snarled.
“Spirit,” Superman argued as gently as he could. “They need help. We can help. Please let us through so we can get to them.”
“No!” She swiped at them with her claws, drawing blood as Green Lantern had tried to reach for them. He pulled back with a yelp, eying her with alarm. She hissed again, bristling like a cat.
Looking at her, she was practically feral, crouched over the unconscious bodies of Red Robin and Superboy. Her pupils turned into pinpricks as she glared at them in mindless rage, her fangs bared and her wispy hair ablaze like a living fire. If any of the heroes approached them, she was quick to scratch or blast them with her ghost rays.
Superman glanced at Batman in worry, who was similarly stiff. No one could think of a plan to both subdue her and take away the unconscious boys without more injuries.
None of them wanted to hurt Spirit or the two boys, but the latter were bleeding out and desperately needed medical attention. Spirit had been protecting them for hours now until the Justice League had finally arrived, and it looked as though she needed medical assistance herself, bleeding green from various cuts and bruises.
A voice spoke up then. “It’s a wonder how she hasn’t passed out yet. Move, please.”
Everyone stepped aside as Phantom floated over, eying Spirit who was spitting mad, furiously hissing at anyone who approached Superboy and Red Robin.
“Dani,” he said suddenly, “you need to let us see them. They’re going to die if they don’t get medical attention now.”
Spirit shook her head. “No! No!” However, she seemed to recognize Phantom and she faltered, glancing downward at where she was covering Red Robin and Superboy.
Phantom was calm. “No, they will. I can tell. You have to let us help them. Or they’ll die.”
“No! N-No…” Spirit mumbled, her hair flickering.
Phantom reached for her and she didn’t move as he gently touched her face, rubbing the blood away from a scratch. “Sleep. We’ll take care of them, alright? On my honor, little sister.”
Spirit stared at him and then her eyes fluttered shut before she dropped like a stone. There was a bright light and when everyone blinked the spots out of their eyes, Phantom had Spirit wrapped up in his jacket, concealing her underneath. He lifted her into his arms and then said, “You should take the other two. I’ll take care of Spirit.”
As he turned to leave, Batman reached for his shoulder. Phantom paused and turned with a sigh. “Before you ask, yes, we have to have a talk about why my sister is so overprotective over your son. Yes, he will have to fight to the death for her hand. No, you can’t stop it from happening.”
Batman froze in place and then sighed loudly. “No, that wasn’t what I was going to say. Spirit is your sister?”
Phantom rolled his eyes. “Yes. Now go and take care of your son.”
Batman stared after him as Phantom flew off. Superman approached him and then they both looked at each other.
They had a lot to talk about.
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revelboo · 1 day ago
All I can picture with the latest My Favorite Accident update is trying to introduce two cats to each other by smell through a closed door. KO is our housecat (or are we his human? 🤔) who is very protective of us and then BD bites our fingers when we try to let them get used to each other (it was going fine! We swear!) and suddenly KO is swatting the shit out of him because he’s the only one who can bite us excuse you
Pretty much the way his processor is responding to seeing you being manhandled by someone that’s not him.
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My Favorite Accident Pt 14
Knockout x Reader x Breakdown
• Backpedaling as that spinning saw whines through the air inches from his chassis, grazing him to shower sparks and hurt, Breakdown stumbles and goes down. And he’s never seen Knockout like this, optics angry and smiling like that. Head tipping as he stands over him, he slowly extends his arm and Breakdown’s chin is forced up to avoid the blade. Knockout can’t possibly be this angry over him roughing up one, little human. Knockout knows him. And as awful as it is, his spike stirs. Responding to the dominance and anger with arousal. Frag. “You know I don’t like it when my favorite toys get taken away,” Knockout whispers, voice a low, angry purr. A seduction. “When they’re broken.”
• Head tilting at the sound of you limping away, his smile becomes brittle. You’re limping. “I wouldn’t have to steal your toys if you’d spend any time with me,” Breakdown counters, tone bitter, drawing his attention and the bigger mech’s yellow optics narrow in challenge. In anger. And it’s empowering to tower over him for once. Even as there’s a whisper of guilt at neglecting him, for making him feel like he wasn’t needed anymore. Had the big moron really thought he’d replace him with a human? “Or do you prefer squishies now?”
• Limping for the wall, you have no idea how you’re climbing up that slope without help when your entire body feels bruised. You don’t think anything is broken, but if they start genuinely fighting, you want to be far away. So over aliens and getting involved in their bullshit. Jealous maybe-boyfriends especially. You like hanging out with Knockout, taunting each other, but it’s hardly worth getting stomped for.
• “Please,” Knockout sneers, retracting the blade. “You can’t be serious.” But the medic’s head still turns to track your slow progress. Venting softly when you start clambering up the slope only to slide back down with a little squeak of noise and what he suspects is swearing. Lips quirking as you immediately make another attempt, he watches Knockout transform his weapon back to a hand, striding after you and leaving him sprawled on his back. It’s a slight, but better than feeling that blade. “What is it about you that just seems to make everyone want to murder you?” Knockout growls and you look up at him, expression relieved. Spark twisting uncomfortably at that, it’s strange to watch Knockout bend and pick you up by the back of your covering to set you back on your feet, a clawed servo lingering on your arm. On the way your skin is discolored and Knockout turns that deadly smile his way again.
• Using a servo to carefully lift your arm, there’s a flicker of anger at the bruises that Knockout can’t ignore. That Breakdown damaged you at all leaves him cold and furious, and your expression is guarded when you look up at him. “Must be my winning personality,” you say, trying to pull away and he hooks his servo around you. That neutral edge in your voice. Like you’re not surprised or angry that you got hurt. Like you expect it. What is he going to do with you? Stiffening slightly when Breakdown eases closer and you tense, eyes narrowing. Afraid of the bigger mech though it flits across your face so quickly before it’s gone and your expression blanks again. Pretending you don’t care. You’re both so exhausting. Venting softly as he studies you and Breakdown, both of you idiots matter to him and he’s not choosing between you. But you’re going to both make his life miserable if you can’t at least pretend to get along to humor him.
• Shivering despite the warmth of the evening, you know you’re not escaping unless Knockout decides to let you so you just glare at his big, dumb boyfriend while he scowls right back. And you’re aching and just want to lay down. Yelping when Knockout vents, seizes you and just thrusts you at his buddy, forcing him to cup his hands and take you in self defense. Clinging to Breakdown’s servos, your mouth falls open because Knockout is striding away from both of you. Abandoning you with his boyfriend, the jerk. “What am I supposed to do with this thing?” Breakdown growls, holding you out in his cupped hands away from his frame and curling his lip at you. It’s only the very real threat that he might drop you that’s keeping you from flipping him off again. “Knockout, come get your fragging human.” And he’s jogging after the medic with you in his hands, getting jarred.
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bigsoggyboots · 2 days ago
Sevika & Mel HC's
(both silly and serious)
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Mel Medarda:
☆ smells amazing. has a strong amber and vanilla scent to her that's become her signature. to draw in new suitors, she leans in close, enough to startle but not scare away, when she wants to propose a deal.
☆ when she blushes the tips of her ears burn bright. to brush it off, she pretends to curl some hair behind her ear.
☆ prominent dimples. it's a trait she gets unknowingly from her father that she's grown to like.
☆ doesn't know her sexuality and doesn't care for it. not everything needs a label to her. it's more about the beings and the morals of a person.
☆ (going on with the last point), one thing that really does matter to her is her lover's hygiene. an unhygienic person is a huge turn off for her. it ruins any chance to drive the relationship further.
☆ is a person who snorts when she laughs. ever mention it, and it's the one time she gets embarrassed.
☆ if you call her a pretty princess (and depending on how close you two are), she'll laugh and do a little twirl.
☆ loves the rain. it's the nights she sleeps the best and the days where meetings can be canceled. the same can be said for snow, but she doesn't like the cold as much.
☆ is a slow dance girl. loves the romantic atmosphere and vibe it brings to any event. most likely one of the only times, she's not careful and calculated.
☆ loves Elora's handwriting. buys her the fanciest pens even when Elora insists not to.
☆ hates being asked obvious questions. if Elora doesn't answer for her, they're met with one of her favorite sayings.
"Well, Sherlock, I'm aware I'm not wearing my signature white dress. However, I suppose there are far more important things to comment on, hm?"
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☆ hates her deep eyebags. she hates the physical sign of how deep and stressed her being is. but like how other people treat her, she ignores it.
☆ though she uses shimmer to power up her arm, any other use forbidden. it's one of the very few limits she has for her drugs and its uses.
☆ when Sevika is mad, she cries. 99% of the time, she has to pretend not to be and turn her head away once a tear does fall. (if you pay attention to certain emotional scenes of hers, her eyes tremble before recuperating and swallowing her fear and heightening her anger.)
☆ is a lesbian and blunt about it. gets a little disgusted if you think otherwise.
☆ shares stuff with Silco all the time. if Silco loses a lighter, or a fancy piece of jewelry, he already knows who to ask.
☆(going on with the last point,) is one of those people who borrows something and never gives it back. you have to ask her about it for her to even hand it over.
"I was thinking about keeping this one, but I guess you can have it."
she'll begrudgingly hand it over then.
☆ not a pet name person. if you're her girl, she addresses you by name. why? many reasons. one she'll never admit however is that, if you pass, she'll never forget how to say the name that claimed her heart.
☆ her guilty pleasure is being a dad joke lover. she'll crack and give a smug smile at it. really, she's shiting her pants trying not to laugh.
☆ Isha is probably one of the only kids not scared of her. it's an uncomfortable yet soft feeling she hasn't gotten used to. she sort of likes it.
☆ picks her fingers and grinds her teeth a lot. its such a subconscious thing she does that even Silco comments on it.
☆ gatekeeps the fuck outta her lipstick shade. she doesn't need her supply running out. you'll just get a shady side eye from her when you ask.
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(it's my first time posting about hc's. this was a lot funner than I thought. def something I'd do again. also, experimenting with different looks.)
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liixlabrat · 22 hours ago
hey gang welcome to: me ranting about the differences in fandom satbk lancelot and lancelot in arthurania (in an observational way) + some other things regarding the differences in satbk compared to legend (mostly my thoughts abt the casting. hint: i don't like it)
- this will be a long post so it will be under a cut
- this will have a HEAVY lean towards the vulgate cycle in terms of characterization because that is what I'm most knowledgeable about.
- satbk is mostly based on thomas mallory and chrétien de troyes' work. there will be inconsistencies because of this
- i am a believer in dldr in fandom spaces. this isn't a critical rant about characterization. this is more about me talking about something I'm passionate about because i find it interesting
- this will also not be about MY characterization of lancelot bc that needs to be its own post (though my own thoughts will be mentioned)
- fandom's satbk lancelot will be called lance and arthurania lancelot will just be called lancelot for my sake
tws (all arthurania): rape, incest, drugging, kidnapping, death. stay safe, most of these are once mentioned in passing.
i find the differences between lance and lancelot absolutely fascinating simply due to the fact of how different they are. while a lot of lance's characterization can be excused by drawing parallels to shadow, it's still EXTREMELY different
the general consensus on lance (from what i can gather) is that he's a loyal knight who sticks by arthur's side through thick and thin, extremely stoic, and unwilling to say no to arthur (plus some shadow traits like being stubborn, prideful, caring etc etc)
and while that conclusion makes sense considering the information given about lance in satbk, it is incredibly different to actual lancelot.
lancelot is the best knight. he goes actively stir-crazy when forced to stay within arthur's kingdom, and knights don't enjoy times of peace because they are people made to fight. so more times than not, he's not in arthur's kingdom, and it's rare when he is. he's also not stoic in the SLIGHTEST. he openly worries (a lot), gets angry (a lot), cries (a lot), and wears his heart on his sleeve. he is DANGEROUS when he's angry, pretty much to the point of madness. he's also protective of those he cares about. at one point he actively left the round table because arthur fucked up (bad) and to be convinced by several people to return back to arthur's court. hell, he isn't even loyal to arthur! at all! that's his THING!!
lancelot isn't lancelot without guinevere. make it romantic or platonic he's still not lancelot without her. because guinevere is who he's loyal to, guinevere is who gives him his strength, and guinevere is who makes him a knight. (this is likely the reason why lance is such an inaccurate lancelot)
now in terms of satbk, transfer these traits to arthur/sonic and yeah, you can make it work. have your doomed medieval yaoi (even though theres already doomed medieval yaoi in arthurania but i'm getting ahead of myself)
another thing that i notice a lot of differences in is backstory
lance's backstory varies from person to person (commonly attributing parts of shadow's backstory) but i don't know how many people who write these backstories know lancelot's backstory??? or story in general?? like i genuinely have no idea
so bam. here's lancelot's story summarized:
lancelot was born in benoic (france) by king ban and queen elaine. his name was in fact NOT lancelot at the time and instead his name was galahad. when he was a baby benoic was overthrown by king claudas (which. king ban sent out pleas for help to king arthur. guess who left him on read. king arthur.), his father dies soon after bc he fell off a horse, nimue abducts lancelot/galahad, and his mother becomes a nun out of grief.
nimue raises lancelot in a place thats disguised as a lake (its not a lake) with two of lancelot's cousins (lionel and bors). lancelot doesnt have a name anymore at this point and is instead called "the child" "the fair foundling" or in nimue's case "my prince." he doesnt know about his actual origins and believes nimue to be his actual mother. he learns archery, swordfighting, academics, etc etc
he grows up, leaves at either 15 or 18, gets knighted, falls in love with guinevere, so on and so forth
in the case of vulgate cycle (i'm unsure if this carries over to other versions) he goes under several identities (white knight, red knight, black knight) before revealing himself as lancelot. he only learns of his name (and origins) when he conquers dolorous guard and finds his tomb. (which. yes lancelot owns a fortress and he renames it to joyous guard) this all happens relatively early on
everything else varies so i'm not going to tell a specific story bc the only one i'm very familiar with is vulgate.
however: something that i've seen several times is morgan (arthur's sister) kidnapping and drugging lancelot. the motivations vary (from wanting lancelot herself or from hating guinevere) and the actions themselves vary but it's a consistent event. i've personally read both him being thrown into a dungeon and him being actively manipulated
anyway after more varying events: the court finds out about guinevere and lancelot's affair, a civil war breaks out and camelot falls
OKAY. so theres a distinct lack of galahad in said backstory and it's like that for a reason. because galahad is an entire thing in of itself
a common thing that i see is lance raising galahad. this in fact didn't happen with lancelot, and while i do think lance WOULD raise galahad, it would also be miserable for lance specifically. (and galahad too probably)
see, while the time of when galahad was born varies from source to source, the time i see most often is when he was freshly a knight or just entering camelot (not in vulgate). the fact that galahad was a result of elaine of corbinec drugging and raping him because he saved her from morgan boiling her (which made her fall in love. but she also knew that she was not lancelot's true love so instead she tricked him) makes the situation much worse. the reason why lancelot spared her was because she was pregnant with his child. events happen again three years later (minus the child and the boiling water) except this time guinevere found out and banished him for a year. during all of this galahad was raised by a convent
(during a fit of madness, elaine showed him the holy grail which cured him. they got married and i am in a pit of despair.)
galahad gets knighted at 15 by lancelot because it was the one time he ever lost a fight, then he dies between the ages of 15 to early 20s because of the holy grail quest. (tldr: he ascended)
so. thats arthurania. time for me to complain about segas casting because HOLY FUCK ITS ASS
the ones i'm not commenting on are lancelot, gawain, galahad and lamorak as shadow, knuckles, silver and jet respectively all of them are bc i think they're fairly accurate with the exception of lamorak because i know fuck all about jet or lamorak
however the largest atrocity is sonic as king arthur. BECAUSE KING ARTHUR FUCKING SUCKS DUDE. benoic fell because king arthur didnt respond, nobody likes him, he's had several affairs, a massive hypocrite (look at the previous point), a shitty ruler, camelot is still running because of lancelot (whos literally only there because of guinevere), and he hates his own kid WHOS MOTHER IS HIS OWN SISTER. I CANNOT THINK OF A LESS SONIC CHARACTER THAN KING ARTHUR. i know in my heart and soul sonic would fucking HATEE him. i'm convinced the only reason why sonic is king arthur is because of being a main character. (but even then the stories are NEVER about king arthur! they're always about his knights!!)
if it were me, he'd be galehaut. a strong, well liked ruler who despite taking over 29 kingdoms their people adore him. hes ambitious, charismatic and absolutely SMITTEN for lancelot. ("i will die if you are not here with me" is something said many times. hes also very serious about this sentiment)
idek who king arthur would be
the next one is amy as nimue. while it's not AS bad as sonic as king arthur, she doesn't fit as nimue. in my heart of hearts she would not be a teasing fae who abducted a kid to be raised as her own. however someone who sounds like they would do that is one (1) rouge the bat. (plus shadow and rouge family parallels!!)
amy would probably be guinevere. it just. makes sense. sweet to her people, generous with her words, a good leader. checks out
blaze as percival is not something i have an issue with but its more like i think her being queen blaye of malehaut would fit her more. (tbf blaye is a vulgate exclusive i believe). blaye took care of lancelot when he was injured from dolorous guard, accidentally fell in love, never confessed, and was planning to get married to galehaut. (however, if i'm being so fucking real guinevere, blaye, galehaut, and lancelot are all in a polyamorous relationship. this also opens the door for blazamy & sonadow so there's a win there!!)
if i had to assign percival to anyone it'd probably be espio. he's close with silver and while i dont know a lot about either of their characters it Just Makes Sense with the minimal research i did.
anyway. this was mostly an excuse for me to yell about arthurania lancelot i'll be real. love that guy. there's absolutely shit that i forgot to mention so if i remember i'll probably tack it on at some point.
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scoobydoodean · 19 hours ago
I see people saying there is evidence dean is bi all the time but I don’t see it? he only sleeps with and kisses women
Maybe I shouldn't, but I'm going to take this ask in good faith, and assume that you're either very young or very straight. Two general comments first of all.
First, if you are in fact looking for someone to fight with about "proof" of Dean's bisexuality, I don't give a shit. I think bi dean and acespec dean are fun and enjoy thinking about them and I think there is plenty of ways to build out narratives on these. I am not going to bandy words with someone over whether they think Dean is bi or gay or straight or whatever and what does and doesn't count as queer "evidence" because that isn't what sparks joy on tumblr for me.
Second, I'd be remiss not to point out that treating kissing or sleeping with people as the only way someone's sexuality can be known is a very narrow view. Bisexuals are always bisexual—not just when they're in same sex relationships. Under your sexuality test, someone who's never had sex or kissed is automatically ace, because there's no evidence that they've acted on attraction to others in a physical way.
Thinking from a bi perspective, your test ignores that socially, expressing attraction to the opposite sex openly is accepted in a way that expressing attraction to the same sex simply isn't (and DEFINITELY wasn't in 2005). No one will bat an eye at you for going on a date with someone of the opposite sex. But if you go on a date with someone of the same sex, you take on the risk of that being a problem for some of the people around you. It might be a problem for family members, an employer, neighbors, people in your local community, a stranger who you pass on the street, friends you grew up with, etc—maybe even the government. It's easier in a lot of cases to avoid mentioning your sexuality, and it's actually easier to find people of the opposite sex to date since most people are heterosexual. So you will often just not mention your sexuality, and while not necessarily being closeted (though that definitely happens too) just let people assume (as they often do) that you're straight until/unless you hit it off with someone of the same sex. Bisexual people almost always realize they're attracted to the opposite sex first, because they're socialized that way, which also means they can typically mask their sexuality more easily.
Your test also ignores censorship. What society perceives as socially acceptable impacts what you see in media. Openly queer characters were not common when Supernatural first began airing, and even now, a lead is very rarely queer, and it's nearly unheard of (until 911 like a year ago afaik) for a main character to be explicitly revealed to be queer late into a show's run, because networks care about profit and are afraid of losing mainstream audiences. As times change, those concerns mellow out, but the 2000s were absolutely steeped in homophobia and it was perfectly socially acceptable to hate gay people, think people of the same sex shouldn't be allowed to marry (still pretty common thinking tbh), and to believe that same sex romance is a form of sexual deviancy akin to pedophilia and incest and that it should get you thrown in jail or into a treatment center. That's the world Dean Winchester—a drifter who is already looked on with suspicion and would do well to avoid drawing any further attention—finds himself in, and it's the world that Kripke and the other writers knew when they started writing. Execs were not going to greenlight a bisexual lead. And they also weren't going to greenlight explicitly making a character bisexual late in the show's run because they'd fear losing mainstream audiences.
So if the only thing you'll accept as evidence of someone's queerness is kissing or sex, then Dean will never be queer to you and there's no "evidence". But if you're actually willing to think more critically about the queer experience and censorship, there's a reason that Dean can easily be read as queer and why it is incredibly common to perceive him as queer.
One of Kripke's inspirations for Supernatural was Jack Kerouac's "On The Road". Dean was named after Dean Moriarty, a bisexual man in the book. The book itself was originally censored by publishers to omit Moriarty's bisexuality. You can still read the censored version, or the "original scroll" that is uncensored. Considering that Kripke named Dean after a bisexual whose bisexuality was omitted for publishing, it isn't at all unreasonable to conclude Kripke was inspired by more than the road trip aspects of the story and this character study of Moriarty.
Add that Dean has multiple interactions with other men feel flirtatious (look at Sam as contrast), that Dean tends to have very deep and emotional bonds with other men (again in sharp contrast to his brother), and that Dean says things that lend to queer readings constantly. I have a bi dean tag--#swayze always gets a pass if you'd like to see what I've collected (note this is a tag for dean's overall sexuality which means I include his interactions with women as well, and haven't actively gone about seeking out gifsets and such to add to it as much as i've reblogged stuff that crosses my dash for the most part) but more specifically, we could look at:
parallels of Sam with women and Dean with men
Dean's infatuation with Dr. Sexy (coupled with mocking from Sam about Dean being a girl), it being made very clear that Dr. Sexy is the one Dean is infatuated with when he clocks the absent cowboy boots, and even how Gabriel tries to become his fantasy.
Look at Dean's bashfulness! Romantic harp music plays over Dr. Sexy's approach.
Dean giving three people the "last night on earth" speech
Dean looking appreciatively at a soldier in uniform
Dean helping Charlie flirt with a man after she explicitly says she can't flirt with a man because she's gay.
Kripke's comments on what Dean would be romantically attracted to in another person
Dean's gay thing and Ben Edlund and Phil Sgriccia making commentary on it.
Fun deancassie/deancas parallels
Cas lives in Dean's ass (and when Cas starts to deny then falters?)
Dean mentioning that he believes Bert and Ernie are gay, then immediately swearing Cas won't die a virgin.
Crowley and Dean's summer of love
Dean's affinity for dorky little guys
That's very non-exhaustive, but some of the things I think are fun.
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autisticlenaluthor · 2 days ago
A little Jackienat drabble - tw for a brief mention of scars/previous self-harm
“Wait- is it gonna hurt?”
Natalie pauses. She glances at the needle between her fingers, then back at Jackie. It’s near impossible to keep her expression flat as she gets a better look at her face and realizes the other girl is in fact serious.
Natalie bites her lip to keep from snarking back.
They survived a fucking plane crash and now Jackie’s scared of a stick and poke? The very thing Nat started giving herself at twelve?
God, Natalie thinks. She never should’ve agreed to do this. She’s still tempted to back out. She could make up some excuse about hunting with Travis. It wouldn’t even really be a lie; all they got today was two rabbits and a measly chipmunk. But now Jackie’s looking at her and-
“Yes, Jackie.” It’s something about Jackie’s big watery doe eyes and nervous little pout that makes her impossible to say no to. It’s no wonder she had Shauna so whipped. “It’s a needle. It’s gonna hurt.”
“Like…” Jackie tilts her head. “Scale of one to ten?”
“Compared to what? Falling out of the sky?”
Jackie shrugs, a bit dejected, and Nat can’t help the guilt that creeps up on her. She doesn’t want to hurt the girl, it's just too easy sometimes. And after Jackie ran her mouth about Bobby Farley… maybe she deserves it.
“Okay, sorry,” Jackie murmurs. “I’m ready. Just- don’t go crazy with it.”
Fuck you, Nat thinks, mentally kicking herself as Jackie straightens her spine and lifts her chin in preparation. She doesn’t deserve it.
“You got it, Cap.”
Jackie gives something between a smile and a grimace at the nickname. She looks away- gazing off at the mountainous trees and colorful leaves blowing in the wind. Nat resides on the porch beside her and takes this time to examine the once tanned skin on Jackie’s upper arm. Jackie’s already pulled up her sleeve to make room for Nat’s work, so for the first time, Nat is allowed to truly look at her.
Not that there were any rules against it before. At least, not spoken ones. But after the rumors started floating around sophomore year about Natalie being a lesbian who only joined the soccer team to try and rope the others into hook-ups… it was better safe than sorry.
“Okay, I’m starting now,” she says, feeling the need to announce it before poking the needle into Jackie’s arm.
When Jackie hisses at the sensation, Nat can’t help the snort that escapes her.
“I’m sorry,” she says. She gets her laughter under wraps until Jackie shoots her a look - something that’s supposed to be threatening but really just mimics an angry lamb, and Natalie loses it all over again. “I’m sorry! You’re just- I haven’t even done anything yet - I basically just gave you a freckle!”
Jackie rolls her eyes but Nat doesn’t miss the blush creeping into her cheeks.
Jackie Taylor. Blushing over her?
Natalie pushes the thought from her mind. The only things that make Jackie swoon are Jeff (though, anyone with eyes could see through that) and Shauna. Only now, things with Shauna are getting weird. They’re tense. And sure, Shauna is still… Shauna but there’s something about Jackie that makes Nat wonder if she knows something the others don’t.
Again, Nat pushes it out of her head and turns her focus back to Jackie’s arm. When she pokes her this time, Jackie doesn’t flinch, and if Nat were a kinder person who didn’t care about Travis or Bobby Farley or all of Jackie’s Shauna drama - she would praise her for it. But she does care. She cares so much that sometimes, she thinks her head might explode from trying to carry it all. So she stays silent.
She focuses on Jackie’s arm and slowly traces the sun her kind-of-friend had requested. It’s a simple line drawing, like the sword Nat has on her ankle. Nat does her best to think about that and not how Jackie’s skin is pale enough out here that she can clearly see the faded scars arranged in uniform rows above her elbow. More importantly, Nat tries not to think about how her stomach is twisting at the notion of Jackie Taylor doing that to herself, because if Jackie Taylor truly has done that to herself - there must’ve been a reason. And if there was a reason, then the layers Nat convinced herself could never live behind the girl’s perfect sunshine smile must really exist.
Natalie exhales and dips her needle back in the ink. A sudden breeze rushes by the cabin and pushes the oxygen straight up into her nostrils. Natlalie’s grateful; without it, she surely would’ve forgotten how to breathe.
“I’m almost done,” she says, pressing the needle back into Jackie’s skin.
The sensation makes Jackie tense, but she smiles at the update and gives a nod of approval.
“You’re good at this,” she says. “I mean- I knew you would be. I wouldn’t have let you if I thought you were gonna screw me over or something. But you’re like…”
Jackie’s voice trails off and she shakes her head, smiling.
Nat looks down. She can feel herself starting to smile too. It’s a weird sensation - one she has to stop before it can fully begin. She finishes the sun with a straight face then puts her needle back in the ink pot and taps Jackie to get her attention.
Nat nods.
Jackie smiles and pulls her arm in so she can get a good look - her eyes widening as she sees it. For a second, Nat wonders if she’s starting to regret her decision. She could be remembering who she is- who she was before this happened- and thinking she’s gone too far.
But Jackie’s smile only widens. She looks back at Natalie, beaming, and all but wiggles with excitement.
“I love it!” She says. “Do me again sometime?”
“Y- yeah, sure,” Natalie stammers.
It leaves her feeling confused and well, dumb. She just tattooed Jackie fucking Taylor and now Jackie is… thanking her for it?
Natalie swallows.
She wants to say something more - something about how this feels important. It’s like a shift between them that Nat’s the only one with the balls to acknowledge, though, that part, she would keep to herself. Or, she realizes, she should start with something smaller. Something about how Jackie did well, especially for her first tattoo, or something informative - like she should try not to get it wet until the skin heals. The last thing they need out here is an infection and so far Jackie seems to have an impressive lack of survival skills.
But before Nat can gather her thoughts and turn them into something coherent, Jackie is standing back up and brushing the dirt off her thighs.
She shoots Nat one last smile then walks back into the cabin, and leaves her on the porch alone.
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ann-atar · 9 hours ago
Love the nuance in the response to that confession by @rey-jake-therapist
I've seen the some of the phrasing of that confession floating around before, more than once (embalmers, etc.), and the sentiment behind it seems to represent a very narrow view of these characters and how they should be viewed in relation to each other, which is sometimes skin-crawlingly regressive where Galadriel is concerned, especially when it tries to push Sauron's abuses and violations, be they physical or mental, as anything other than him wanting to hurt her after she rejects his offer. He was angry when Galadriel rejected him, not once but twice and more vehemently the second time they were face to face, and he struck out to harm her with the intent to make her suffer, not to give her power(!).
Something about Galadriel that the confession seems to miss (and that was also pointed out in the reply above) is that book canon Galadriel and trop Galadriel both have power on their own.
trop spent an entire two seasons showing us Galadriel's strength, that she could be deceived but still resist influences that would draw her away from the light, be they internal (her need for revenge or the darker side of her ambition) or external (Sauron's machinations paired with her own people's desire that she withdraw), and even though Sauron's sly friendship and offer of power was hard to resist, she still did it. That's real strength, and no one handed it to her.
It's her innate strength and the fact that we can see her struggle that makes her so compelling in this show. And imo the trop version of Galadriel was the person who was/will be able to continue to resist because she had been through a tougher internal struggle before and after she met Sauron. Her story of loss and trauma informed her choices, as did her struggle to get Gil-galad & co. to take her seriously, and I hope we continue to see her grapple with herself and earn even more character growth and changes.
It does a disservice to Galadriel to forget that the source of those things -- power, ambition, intelligence, whatever -- doesn't have to come from outside, exclusively from Sauron or any other single source, those traits and tendencies were hers already. Let's not center Sauron's agency or see him as the source of tests or power when we are watching Galadriel do and say things, make plans and love and laugh or come to grief, because this is her story.
I mean there are obviously more stories being told here, and Sauron is hugely important as an antagonist, but l wish there was less of centering him in scenes and conversations when he's not present but she is right there, fighting fiercely to stay alive, stay sane, and remain Galadriel.
This has been a long digression but I do want to add that the confession seems stuck in a weirdly regressive mindset about the idea of power and ambition with regard to the elves and Galadriel specifically, and in a way that makes me uncomfortable because of what it implies about how we, the reader or the audience, are set up to fail in our thinking when "woman" and "power" exist in the same character or even the same sentence.
Sure absolute power corrupts and anyone messing with rings of power should take great care, but to a point I think it's okay for any character to have ambitions. Even to want power, to want more, to want better lives and to desire strong outcomes. I would even go so far as to say it's okay for a character who is a woman to want to lead, to defy authority, and to have ambition above what she currently has. That is separate from Galadriel's grief-fueled mission, or the choices that she made when she first met Sauron, but even in that context I would not condemn her choices as one absolute or the other.
I would even go out on another limb and say that if she fails, she's allowed to try again for whatever she wants, and any failure or setbacks might not be a signal that she is utterly ruined and corrupted, or that we should write off her perspective because she hasn't "passed the test" yet.
People go far to make the same argument for Sauron and I agree, he isn't just a cackling villain, but their actions were diverging and they're moving farther apart in terms of motivation and priorities, or even just how well they know themselves. So far when given a choice Sauron's actions are cruel and tend to maximize suffering (even his own) and is making choices that see him moving backward with very few gains compared to Galadriel's internal growth. I like this for both of them, it makes a better story, and I appreciate the way the show is redefining what a power struggle is for these characters.
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"I’m kind of sick and tired of book fans getting called “sexist” within this fandom, especially by people who say “Tolkien was less sexist”, when I have a hard believing many of you actually read any of Tolkien books (and it’s ok and valid if you haven’t, but why pretend or weaponize Tolkien against us like the lorebros?). I see many talking about Galadriel “power” or “ambition” as if this is a good thing; thirst for power is NOT a good thing in Tolkien legendarium; the Elves wearing the rings of power is NOT a good thing, Tolkien calls them embalmers in his letters. Galadriel has to “pass the test” to return to Valinor precisely because of her power hungry tendencies of the past. The only “good guys” in this entire story are the Hobbits. If the show decides to connect Galadriel “power” with Sauron, a wound or whatever is not “sexist”, it’s actually aligned with Tolkien theme of power as corruptive and evil."
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chaosduckies · 11 months ago
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*Throws this and runs away*
Cringe but free
No but seriously I love these two so much. I might color this later, but who knows? Enjoy these two lovelies in the meantime
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arolesbianism · 11 months ago
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I’ve been having a rough few days, but I’ve been feeling a bit better so I decided to make some lil thingies for some spiraling upwards kitties :3
#keese draws#warrior cats oc#spiraling upwards#I’ve posted art of ratstar and pigeonbillow before but the other three I haven’t I think#but yeah these are some more of the minkclan founders#and by that I mean two of them are and one of them was a kitten at the time#lightning is haveniris’ mom but she didn’t trust herself to raise him so her clanmates sort of collectively raised him#and by that I mean mostly pigeon and two other old ppl that aren’t included here#light did end up opening up to him more and acting as more of a mom after he chose to become a medic tho#the two have a complicated relationship for sure but they still care abt each other a lot#oh yeah and literally all of these guys are dead by the time murtle rolls around except for haven#pigeon died about two years before the other two and raincinder has been dead since before minkclan was properly founded#which is unsurprising given she’s such an old withering woman#she mostly made it that long because she was given a guide sponsor life#so long story short not all starclan cats actually get to use the cool starclan powers and those who do are usually ‘sponsored’ with an#extra life and a cool star like marking#this isn’t a well known thing tho and even within starclan only higher ranking cats rly know anything beyond knowing that every now and#then new guides are chosen#now usually what’s supposed to happen is that the sponsored cat has a close eye kept on them and if they are deemed worthy they’re allowed#to keep their mark and become a guide once they die the second time#the main flaw in this system is that the cat who sponsored them has to be the one to revoke it#so if they refuse to revoke it for whatever reason there’s not much that can be done about it#or in raincinder’s case her sponsor ended up fading before they could judge her fully#so even though by all means even the most rebel friendly guides would revoke it easily she managed to keep her mark til death#this was ofc largely helped by her living til 19 fucking years dear god woman#but hey I guess it means minkclan gets a guide even though she’s a rly shitty one#rly that mostly only matters for the sake of nine lives and the sake of travel between starclan and the living territories#which actually does cause a lot of problems when all the guides decide to go haunt a child instead#oh also guides also pass on their mark to leaders who’s life ceremony they hosted#not the guide role tho each guide gets a new mark
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cuteniaarts · 1 month ago
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In @rokurookajima’s Metalbanders AU, Suiren and Vaatu often study together at Suiren’s place after school. The effectiveness of said studying is… questionable
#my art#artists on tumblr#the legend of korra#Kat and Nia and their multiverse of madness#metalbanders#🗑️🔥#vaatu#original character#sotrl suiren#a.k.a it somehow came to be that these two listen to Hamilton together#and I was gonna say it was Syd’s idea but then remembered it was mine so…#but HEY she agrees with me on all counts so who cares#anyway#very often their study/homework sessions ends up getting derailed because someone will make a reference#and suddenly they’re putting on a two person show#(she can do it without being cheated on or having ever dated anyone though. curious)#Suiren is a method actor so no she cannot sing Burn without setting something on fire#unfortunately Vaatu’s notes happened to be the perfect replacement for Alexander’s letters. RIP#they’re actually rather good. at least Suiren is. but their show still has an audience of one (1): Suiren’s cat#her sister shares a room with her but she long since learned to not be home when Vaatu comes over#because these two are unbearable when they’re together#they either fight and insult each other. or do this#and Midori very much wants nothing to do with it#she’d much rather go play Mario kart with Bolin or hang out with Opal or something#why does her big sister have to be so damn embarrassing 🙄🙄🙄#moving on. hi Syd <3 I did say I’d draw something for you. didn’t I?#hope you like this haha#can’t believe I’m making Hamilton references in the year of our lord and saviour 2025 but here we are#this is by far the funniest idea we’ve come up with for the two of them#either the founding fathers existed or LMM made it all up… second option is funnier IMO. and ffs I’ve reached the tag limit again
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sourcherryandsprinkles · 4 months ago
Rafe was so hot this season. Need more of him plsss Can you do Topper sister reader getting caught touching herself and then they start sexting and she ask him to fuck her? reader is 18, of course!
I have a few more Rafe requests in the work. Please keep them coming, I miss this man (and JJ!!)
Warnings: 18+, smut, brother’s best friend, sexting, daddy kink, protected p + v, 
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Rafe never bought your sweet and innocent bullshit you put up in front of people. He knew that under your appearance, under the preppy clothes, the big doe eyes and the angelic laugh, you were anything but innocent. 
Him and Topper have been friends for over ten years, and have been hanging out almost everyday. He watched you grow two feet taller, and when your little girl body turned into a woman’s. He saw you. He studied you. 
It wasn’t until that afternoon the boys came back from the golf course that Rafe had his confirmation. Topper told him to use your bathroom since the main one was being reconstructed, thinking you weren’t home, but when Rafe walked into your room, he saw you naked on your bed, humping your pillow. It wasn’t just any pillow. It was the one with the face on it — a pillow pet, you had called it. The nose of the turtle was rubbing perfectly on your clit, drawing out the softest whimpers and mewls. 
He watched for a few seconds in silence as you rocked down on the pillow back and forth, a smirk curling on his lips. 
‘’Having fun here?’’ he said in a teasing tone, snapping you out of your bubble.
‘’What the fu—’’ You turned around, startled, and saw Rafe standing in your doorway. ‘’Rafe! What are you doing in my room?’’ 
‘’Just needed the bathroom,’’ he explained. His eyes trailed down your body, seeing it for the first time. ‘’Didn’t know you were busy.’’
You threw a plushie at him, hitting him square in the chest. ‘’Get out!’’ 
Rafe laughed and obeyed, closing the door behind him. ‘’If you want to do some naughty things and not get caught, you should lock the door.’’ 
Since that afternoon, Rafe couldn't help but shift his eyes to you whenever you were around. Now that he knew what was underneath the skirts and girls tops, his imagination had free rein. He was careful, though, making sure your brother never caught on —Topper would kill him if he knew the things he was thinking about you. He made it crystal clear to Rafe and Kelce: you were off-limits.
You didn’t care about your brother’s rule though. Rafe was your brother’s hot best friend. Every girl in Kildare was begging to get in his pants — and now you got it too. But it didn’t cross your mind until the other day when he walked in your room. Maybe it was because you’d always known him, seen him as a kind of second big brother. But now? That image had changed, and there was no going back.
One evening, Rafe was hanging in his bedroom, ready to go out with nowhere to go since Kelce had bailed on him for a Tinder hook up. The asshole. Rafe was annoyed, but there was nothing he could say to make Kelce choose beers over sex. To be fair, He would choose sex too.  
He had texted Topper, but he was at Ruthie’s, which meant Rafe was completely on his own tonight. He’ll probably smoke a bit of weed and watch some porn later, a cozy evening. But Wheezie was still home and Rafe promised her he had quit smoking. 
As he waited, his phone buzzed on his bed where he left it. Rafe picked it up, confused when he had received a picture from an unknown number. It was a faceless girl in a delicate sheer pink cami, and her tits looked fantastic. He frowned as he typed ‘who’s that?’. Must be a mistake.
A reply came five seconds later.
You: You don’t recognize my tits Rafey?
Instantly, he knew it was you. It was a nickname you gave him when you were younger. No one but you called him that — Rafey. 
Rafe: How did you get my number?
You: Stole it from Top’s phone 🤭
Rafe: Naughty girl 
You: Did you like it?
Rafe: Like what?
You: My pic! 📸
You: [picture attached]
It wasn’t the same picture. Not exactly. This time, your sheer cami was pulled up and your tits were completely out. 
Rafe cursed and ran a hand through his hair. How did that happen? It was clear that you sent this picture with the intention of initiating something with him. But why was this happening now? What made you go and send him a picture of your tits tonight? You never flirted with him before, or showed signals that you were interested. 
He reached down to rub himself over his pants as he typed a reply. 
Rafe: Fuck those are nice 🥵 
You: They’re cold…🧊❄️ Can you come warm them up? 
Rafe had to do a double take when he read your message to make sure he hadn’t misread it. Can you come warm them up? It was right there on his phone screen. He looked down at his pants, tented and tight, and groaned. He wasn't sure if he should go through with this or not. Did he want to go to you? Absolutely. Should he break his best friend’s trust for a good fuck? 
Rafe: As long as you warm me up too. 
He sent a picture of his tented pants, which he was incredibly hard under.
You: Waiting for you 💕 
When he arrived, Rafe turned off the truck’s headlights and made sure the neighbors didn't see him. The lady that lived in front of the Thornton house was a country club member and loved to spread gossip around. It wasn’t unusual for him to be at the Thornton’s, but Topper’s truck was not in the driveway. 
The last thing he needed was her spying through her curtains. 
You were sitting on your bed in a pair of panties your mom didn’t know you owned and your pink cami, waiting for Rafe to show up. Tannyhill was seven minutes away, he shouldn’t be long.
‘’Hi, Rafey,’’ you greeted with the most innocent smile and doe eyes.
Rafe shook his head, tsking. ‘’Uh, uh. Don’t play that game with me.’’ 
Your lips curled into a smile. ''Took you long.''
He rolled his eyes. ‘’What’s the hurry? Are your parents coming home soon?’’ 
You shook your head. ‘’I’m just so fucking horny.’’ 
Rafe laughed out loud. He never heard you speak like that, so raunchy and bold. 
You stood on your knees and lifted your cami off, leaving you topless. Your nipples were peaked and pretty, as if greeting Rafe. ''Are you gonna come and warm them up?''  
No need to ask twice. Rafe pulled you onto his lap and put his large hands on you, groping and playing with your tits. His calloused fingers kneaded into the soft flesh expertly. He found your hardened nipples, pinching and rolling them between his thumbs and forefingers, causing you to whimper at the sensation. 
‘’You like when I give your tits attention, uh?’’ he murmured, his breath hot against your skin.
You nodded, shifting so your needy cunt would come in contact with Rafe’s rock hard erection. He noticed what you were trying to do, and a smirk played on his lips before he attached them to your neck. 
‘’Can't get enough?’’ Rafe asked between kisses. ‘’Didn’t know you were such a needy little thing.’’ His hips rocked up into yours, grinding his thick cock against your clothed cunt. 
The friction sent sparks of pleasure shooting through your body, making you whimper and cling to his shoulders. ‘’Rafe.’’ 
‘’I'm going to fuck this sweet cunt until you can't walk straight,’’ he promised darkly, nipping over the sensitive spot where your pulse raced, making you gasp and arch into him. 
You’ve thought a lot about Rafe touching you these past days. You knew from overheard conversations with the boys — and talks around the island — and that he was experienced, that he knew how to please a girl. He had a reputation. And goddamn he didn’t disappoint. 
One of his hands left your breasts to slide down your stomach, slipping beneath the waistband of your panties to rub over your folds...which were slick with arousal. Rafe groaned. ''Fuck, you're already soaked.'' He rubbed slow circles over your clit, feeling how swollen it had gotten. ''Did you grind on that turtle of yours before I arrived? Turtles are an endangered species or some shit, can’t torture them like that.’’ 
A laugh bubbled out. ‘’Rafe…’’ 
‘’Don’t want you to make me laugh. Want you to fuck me,’’ you said, looking right into his blue eyes. 
Rafe raised an eyebrow, holding your gaze. ‘’You want my cock, babygirl? Want me to fill this pussy up real good?’’ His fingers dipped lower, teasing your entrance before pushing inside. 
Your walls clenched around him. 
‘’Rafe…’’ you whined again. 
‘’Okay, okay.’’ He kissed your jawline sweetly, then removed his hand from your panties and swiftly stripped them down your legs. ‘’Might keep these as a keepsake,’’ he joked, holding your lacy thong.  
If you hadn’t been so horny, you would have argued with him to get it back — you didn’t have many and you really liked this pair  —, but all you could think about was the beast in Rafe’s pants pounding into you and making you scream. He could get you on your fours like a dog or fold you like a little pretzel if he wished. 
You just needed him.
You reached for his belt and worked to unbuckle it, but Rafe pushed you back and told you to bend over your vanity. His request surprised you, but you complied. The cool air on your wet cunt made you shiver. You never tried that position before. 
You could hear the sound of Rafe undressing — the rustling of fabric, the undoing of a zipper and the clinking of his belt buckle on the floor. You wanted to look at him — at his cock, more precisely —, but he was already behind you, a hand on your back, making you lean down lower, and nudged your legs further apart. 
The air leaked out of your lungs in a squeaky rush when he pressed the tip, gently tearing through your tight walls. The sensation had you gripping the edge of your vanity. 
‘’You okay, baby?’’ he asked with genuine concern in his voice. 
You nodded. ‘’Y-yeah.’’ 
Once the first uncomfortable thrusts passed, you forgot about the initial pain and felt the pleasure flow through your body. Rafe gripped your hips tighter, fingers digging into your soft skin as he picked up pace. The vanity creaked, a rhythmic beat that matched your increasingly frantic movements.
Your tightness enveloped him like a vice as he pounded into you mercilessly. Christ, you felt incredible. Each deep stroke dragged a gasp from your lips, and he reveled in the sounds of pleasure you made.
''You feel so fucking good, baby,'' he grunted, gripping your hips and digging his fingers into your soft flesh. ''Is this what you wanted when you stole my number through Topper's phone? For me to fuck your tight cunt?'' 
Tears were pricking your eyes, your mouth hanging open while wanton sounds kept spilling out. ''Yes, Daddy!'' you uttered out.
The word slipped without noticing, sending a jolt straight to Rafe’s cock, making him throb inside you. ‘’That's it, baby,’’ he growled, even more turned on. ‘’Let Daddy know how much you love being fucked.’’
He pistoned into you harder, the force causing your breasts to bounce with each thrust. The obscene slapping of skin against skin echoed through the room, adding to the soundtrack of your other sounds. It looked like a scene straight from a spicy booktok romance.
Rafe brought a hand around your neck, forcing you to look up. “Look at yourself.”
You lifted your eyes to the reflection in the mirror. It was a view that was erotic. Seeing yourself nude and flushed along with him, and feeling it at the same time was nearly mesmerizing. The look on your face was hazy, strained, and blissful, eyes half-lidded and lips parted. You locked eyes with Rafe through the mirror, and he kissed below your ear.
Behind you, sweat was sticking to Rafe’s smooth chest, but he didn't slow down. He must have really good stamina. You locked eyes with him through the mirror, and he kissed below your ear. 
‘’Are we putting on a good show?’’ he asked, his voice hoarse and low. His words made your cunt clench around Rafe like a vice. He threw his head back with a groan, his whole body tightening. ''Fuck, you're gonna cut my blood flow if you keep squeezing me like that.''
You wanted to stop, but you couldn’t. You had lost all control of your body, gasping and clenching and rutting hard against Rafe until you came with a drawn-out moan. You shivered through your orgasm and Rafe's steady thrusts. 
When he started to shake, you swallowed hard and found your voice. ‘’Come on, Rafey. Fill me up. Cum deep in my pussy, Daddy!’’ 
That pushed him over the edge, his whole body spasming, cock forced all the way in and filling up the condom. Your chest heaving, trying to catch a breath as he rode out the high, grunts and groans leaving his lips. 
You've never heard anything sexier. 
When he was finished, Rafe pulled out and stepped back, leaving alone on your wobbly legs. You started to lose balance, and quickly grabbed the vanity's edge.
‘’Shit, you good?’’ Rafe asked, his tone hovering between concern and smug satisfaction.
You gave a small nod. You just needed to sit. 
His eyes scanned slowly down your body. ''Fucked you that good, uh?'' he said with a smirk, teasing. 
You shot him a playful glare, going to sit on your bed. ‘’Fuck you, Cameron.’’ 
Rafe laughed as he removed and tossed the condom in your trash. ‘’Just did, Princess.’’ 
God. Could he be more exasperating?
He checked on the way back, reading something that made him frown. ‘’Eh, I gotta go.’’
‘’Now?! We just fucked.’’ 
Although this was a casual fuck and that it’s usually how it ends, you didn’t want him to leave right after. You didn’t expect him to cuddle, but you had hoped he would stay a little. To talk or watch something on Netflix. 
Rafe dressed quickly, explaining that Wheezie needed to drive her to her friend’s house because Rose’s car was not starting. 
Before exiting your room, he called your name. ‘’You sound so pretty when you cum.''
Your cheeks flushed and you hid your face with a pillow. ''Rafe...'' 
The corners of his lips curved into a smug smile. He wasn’t done. ‘’Oh, and I liked when you called me Daddy. It's hot.''
OBX taglist: @moralina@eudximoniakr @toylewestinnyc @rottenstyx@sweeterheartxamerica  @jordierama @viridwityy @izzy-laufeyson @kenzi-woycehoski @lilaconner @Katsukis1Wife   @hawkegfs @mommyruuetrue   @acornacreacure @snownjune @nmedina8611 @slvtherinseeker   @slvtherinseeker @poppet05 @1stevelacyfan @illf4iry @withbeautyandrage   @maybankslover @sunflowerziva @laylasbunbunny @Honey-marvel15 @leoluvsur-pappy @slytherhoes @kcskye123 @outerbanksacc   @pedrosprincess   @mikaelsonsstuff  @skyesthebomb   @a1mzcruml3y @iluurmom   @popeheywardssecretgf  @madelynie  @loverofdrewstarkey   @radiant-whore  @outsider-at-hogwarts @luci1fer @bbycowboi @rafecameronsbadussy @urbfsbitchlol @nomorespahgetti @bloodyhw @Veescorneroftheworld   @papayaboyluvr @slytherinambitious @darylscvmdumpster @tommysaxes @johannelis2302nely @lynbubble   @straberryshortcake143 @beth-gallagher22 @doestalker @rubyliquor @theflcwer @angelxxrose @sierraluvzz @cruzgrecia @evelestrange @sunnysunny133696  @under-seasoned-pasta @hoeforsirius   @buckyswhxre @emerald-09   @simonessolarsystem @rehead1180 @stvrkey  @ynmunson @riddle18  @love4ldr @withfireandbl00d @wonderland2425 @blublock404 @eddieslut69
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pucksandpower · 11 days ago
Looking Up
Max Verstappen x tall!Reader
Summary: despite being Dutch, Max isn’t exactly surrounded by many particularly tall people — Formula 1, after all, is one of the few sports where height can be a disadvantage — so maybe he shouldn’t be surprised when a strikingly tall beauty queen catches his eye and refuses to leave his thoughts
Based on this request
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Max drags his feet through the paddock, the sun glaring down in waves that seem to radiate off every surface. His Red Bull PR officer, Gemma, walks two paces ahead of him, clipboard in hand, her voice relentless.
“… and it’s a fantastic opportunity for engagement, Max. She has millions of followers, the Miss Universe Netherlands title — it’s a dream crossover. Positive PR for both of you. You’ve seen her photos, right? She’s stunning-”
“I don’t care,” Max cuts in, irritation dripping from his voice. He pulls at the neck of his race suit, already sick of the day, and now they’re parading him around like a puppet. “I don’t need a gimmick.”
Gemma ignores him. “It’s not a gimmick. This is strategic. A guest with her profile draws attention to you. To the team. Think of it as-”
Max stops walking, forcing Gemma to halt and turn back. “I already get enough attention,” he mutters, folding his arms.
She raises an eyebrow. “Yes, but not all attention is good attention. Just try, Max. Be charming. Be … approachable for once.”
He groans but resumes walking, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Charming,” he mutters under his breath. “Sure.”
They turn the corner into the Red Bull hospitality area, the usual mix of engineers, staff, and guests milling around. Max’s eyes are already scanning for the nearest exit when Gemma stops abruptly.
“There she is,” she whispers, nodding toward the seating area.
Max follows her gaze — and stops dead in his tracks.
You’re sitting at one of the tables, long legs crossed gracefully, an effortless posture that radiates confidence. The light catches on your hair, making it shimmer. You glance up, and your eyes meet his.
Max’s mouth snaps shut mid-complaint.
“Max!” Gemma hisses, but he doesn’t move.
You stand up, impossibly tall in your heels, the hem of your dress brushing against your thighs as you extend a hand toward him. Max blinks, his brain tripping over itself.
“Hi,” you say, your voice smooth, warm, unhurried. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m-”
“You’re, uh-” Max’s voice cracks. He clears his throat, willing himself to act normal. “I know who you are.”
You smile, a touch amused. “And you are Max Verstappen. Right?”
“Uh, yeah,” he manages, shifting awkwardly. Your hand is still extended, so he reaches out to shake it. Your grip is firm, your hand soft against his calloused one.
“Pleasure,” you say, tilting your head slightly. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“Same,” Max blurts, though he hasn’t. Well, not much anyway. His mind scrambles for something else to say, but all he can focus on is how tall you are — how he has to tilt his head up slightly to maintain eye contact. And the heels. The heels are making it worse.
“Max?” Gemma prods, her voice sharp in his ear.
He jerks his hand back, realizing he’s been holding yours a beat too long. “Right, uh, welcome. To … the paddock.”
You laugh softly, a sound that feels like it cuts through the noise of the entire paddock. “Thank you. Everyone’s been very kind so far.”
Max swallows hard, his eyes darting to your legs, your dress, and then back to your face. He knows he’s staring too long.
“So,” you continue, filling the silence he’s left hanging, “are you excited for the weekend?”
“Yeah. I mean, sure.” He rubs the back of his neck, feeling his face heat up. “It’s … racing. That’s what I do.”
You laugh again, and Max swears his brain short-circuits. “That’s what you do,” you repeat. “Good to know you’re consistent.”
Gemma clears her throat loudly. “Max, why don’t you show her around? Make her feel at home.”
Max shoots her a glare. “I’m sure she doesn’t need me to-”
“I’d love that,” you interrupt, smiling at him. “If you don’t mind.”
He freezes, his excuses dying on his tongue. “Uh … sure. Yeah. I can do that.”
You step closer, and Max’s breath catches. “Lead the way,” you say.
He’s acutely aware of the way everyone’s watching as he starts walking, you falling into step beside him. His PR officer gives him a pointed look before disappearing into the crowd.
“So,” you say, your voice light, “is this how it always is? Chaos, cameras, and all?”
“Pretty much.” Max glances at you, trying not to trip over his words — or his feet. “It’s, uh … normal.”
“You make it look easy,” you say, and he catches the genuine note in your voice.
He laughs, short and awkward. “Not as easy as you make the whole pageant thing look.”
Your smile widens, and he immediately regrets how stupid that sounded.
“Thank you,” you say, your tone teasing. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“It was,” he insists quickly. “Definitely was.”
You keep walking, asking questions about the team, the cars, the track. Max answers them, though his usual confidence is nowhere to be found. Every time you laugh or nod, he feels his brain falter.
“You’re taller than I expected,” he blurts out at one point, then immediately regrets it.
You stop, turning to look at him. “Taller?”
He stammers, waving his hands. “I mean, not in a bad way. Just … I didn’t realize.”
You glance down at your heels and back up at him. “It’s the shoes,” you say, but your grin tells him you know exactly what you’re doing.
“Right. Shoes,” Max mutters, his face burning. He clasps his hands in front of his groin, trying to hide the very visible reaction his body is having to … all of this.
You don’t seem to notice — or maybe you do, and you’re kind enough not to mention it. Instead, you keep walking, asking another question about the weekend’s schedule.
Max answers automatically, but his mind is elsewhere. He’s never felt like this — off balance, awkward, like he’s two steps behind and doesn’t know how to catch up.
As you reach the edge of the hospitality area, you stop and turn to face him fully. “Thanks for showing me around,” you say, your voice softening.
Max shoves his hands into his pockets, looking anywhere but at you. “No problem,” he mumbles.
You tilt your head, studying him for a moment. “You’re not as scary as they say.”
He looks up, startled. “Scary?”
“Yeah.” You smile again, and it feels like a punch to his chest. “People talk. But you’re … normal. Almost sweet.”
Max doesn’t know whether to laugh or crawl into a hole. “Sweet,” he repeats, deadpan.
“Almost,” you tease, stepping back. “I’ll see you later?”
“Yeah,” he says, watching as you walk away, heels clicking against the floor.
It’s only when you’re out of sight that Max exhales, running a hand through his hair. His heart is pounding, his thoughts a mess.
Gemma reappears, smirking. “See? Not so bad.”
Max glares at her. “Shut up.”
The sun blazes high over Mykonos, the air thick with salt and the faint thrum of music from a nearby DJ booth. The exclusive beach club is buzzing with energy — groups of friends lounging on cushioned chairs, waiters ferrying trays of cocktails, and the occasional splash of laughter from the turquoise water.
Max leans back on his chair, sunglasses perched on his nose, a cold drink in hand. Lando’s perched on the chair next to him, scrolling through his phone, while Martin Garrix, their mutual friend and the reason they’re here, chats animatedly with someone by the bar.
“Tonight’s going to be wild,” Lando says, nudging Max’s arm. “Martin’s set at Cavo Paradiso? Epic. You ready?”
Max shrugs. “Sure. It’s just a party.”
“Just a party?” Lando scoffs. “It’s the party. You’re lucky to even get in.”
Max rolls his eyes, half-listening. The heat makes him drowsy, and the rhythmic sound of waves is almost enough to lull him into a nap. Almost — until something catches his eye.
A woman, her long limbs moving gracefully through the water, emerges onto the sand, droplets glinting like diamonds on her skin.
It’s you.
Max freezes, his drink hovering mid-air.
You walk toward a cluster of lounge chairs, your friends laughing and talking around you. One of them — a petite brunette — stands on her tiptoes, trying to reach a bathing suit cover-up that’s hanging from an umbrella. She jumps, stretching her arms, but the fabric remains just out of reach.
“Short girl problems,” Lando mutters, following Max’s gaze.
Max doesn’t respond. He’s too busy watching you stroll over, your laughter mingling with the sea breeze. You reach up without effort, your long fingers plucking the cover-up from the umbrella.
“Here,” you say, handing it to your friend, who thanks you with an exaggerated bow.
You laugh again, and Max feels a familiar heat creeping up his neck — and lower.
“Uh oh,” Lando says, his tone teasing.
“What?” Max snaps, glancing at him.
Lando’s eyes drop pointedly to Max’s swim briefs, where the outline of his very obvious arousal is already visible.
“Oh, man,” Lando says, grinning. “You’ve got a situation.”
“Shut up,” Max mutters, crossing his arms over his lap in a futile attempt to hide the problem.
But Lando’s not letting it go. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Are you actually — because of that?” He gestures toward you, who is now tying your hair back into a loose bun, oblivious to the chaos you’re causing.
“It’s not-” Max starts, but before he can finish, Martin strolls over, a fresh drink in hand.
“What’s going on?” Martin asks, looking between them.
“Max has a problem,” Lando says, his grin widening.
“What problem?”
“This one.” Lando points directly at Max’s lap.
Max’s jaw drops. “Lando!”
Martin looks down, then bursts out laughing. “Oh, no. Max, really?”
“Stop it,” Max hisses, his face burning. He adjusts his position, but it’s no use. The snug fit of his swim briefs makes everything painfully obvious.
Lando’s laughing so hard he nearly falls off his chair. “This is gold. I’m never letting you live this down.”
“Will you two shut up-”
“Problem solved,” Martin interrupts, his voice dropping into a mock-serious tone. “We’ll just get you a bigger towel. Or a cold shower. Or-”
He doesn’t get to finish because your voice cuts through the conversation like a knife.
“Is everything okay over here?”
Max’s stomach plummets.
You’re standing a few feet away, one hand on your hip, the other holding a glass of something bright and citrusy. Your impossibly long legs seem to stretch on forever, and the sunlight makes your skin glow.
Lando and Martin exchange a glance before dissolving into more laughter.
Max wants to die.
You tilt your head, your gaze dropping briefly — too briefly — to his lap. A slow, knowing smile spreads across your face.
“Is that a banana in your shorts,” you ask, your tone teasing, “or are you just excited to see me?”
Max’s mouth opens, then closes. His brain has officially checked out.
Lando is wheezing, clutching his sides. Martin’s not much better, his laughter loud enough to draw a few curious stares from nearby tables.
“I, uh-” Max stammers, every coherent thought fleeing his mind.
You take a step closer, setting your drink down on the table. “Relax,” you say, your voice low enough that only he can hear. “I’m just teasing.”
Max swallows hard, his gaze fixed on your face. You’re even more beautiful up close, and it’s doing nothing to help his situation.
“Uh … thanks?” He manages, the word coming out like a question.
You laugh softly, and the sound sends a shiver down his spine. “For what?”
“I don’t … I don’t know,” he admits, running a hand through his hair.
Your smile softens. “Don’t be so tense, Max. It’s a beach. Everyone’s here to relax.”
“Yeah. Right. Relax.” He shifts awkwardly, wishing he could sink into the sand and disappear.
You glance over at Lando and Martin, who are still trying — and failing — to stifle their laughter. “Are these your friends?”
“Unfortunately,” Max mutters, shooting them a glare.
“They’re fun,” you say, your tone neutral but your eyes sparkling with amusement.
“They’re idiots,” Max corrects.
You shrug, picking up your drink. “Sometimes idiots are the best company.”
“Not these two,” Max mutters under his breath, which only makes you laugh again.
“Well,” you say, taking a step back, “I’ll leave you to your … situation.” You give him one last lingering look before turning and sauntering back to your friends.
Max watches you go, his heart pounding in his chest.
Lando wipes tears from his eyes. “That was the best thing I’ve ever seen.”
“Shut up,” Max mutters, throwing a towel at him.
Martin grins. “You’ve got it bad, mate.”
Max groans, leaning back in his chair and covering his face with his hands. “I hate both of you.”
But even as they continue to tease him, he can’t stop glancing in your direction. And when you catch his eye and smile, he knows he’s in trouble.
Monaco bustles with its usual mix of tourists, luxury cars, and locals navigating narrow streets. Max walks along Rue Grimaldi, a paper bag from the pet store swinging at his side. Inside are bags of treats for Jimmy and Sassy, who are definitely more spoiled than they have any right being. He’s dressed low-key: a plain t-shirt, jeans, and sunglasses, blending into the crowd as much as someone like him can in a town where everyone knows his name.
The walk back to his apartment is uneventful — until it isn’t.
He sees you first out of the corner of his eye, a flash of long legs and vibrant fabric catching his attention. He stops in his tracks, his brain taking a moment to catch up.
You’re standing in front of a brightly painted wall, posing effortlessly as a photographer circles you, snapping shot after shot. A team of stylists, assistants, and what Max assumes is a creative director hover nearby, adjusting lights and offering directions.
It’s undeniably you.
Max exhales, staring like an idiot. Once is chance, twice is coincidence, but three times? That’s a pattern. And this time, he’s not letting the moment slip by.
He squares his shoulders, hyping himself up. You’ve won four world championships, he tells himself. You’ve faced wheel-to-wheel battles at 300 kilometers per hour. You can do this.
He takes a deep breath, straightens his posture, and marches toward the photoshoot.
The moment he steps into the circle of activity, the entire team freezes. The photographer lowers his camera, the stylists stop mid-conversation, and all eyes turn to him.
You look up, startled, and your gaze meets his.
“Hi,” Max says, suddenly acutely aware of how everyone is staring. His confidence wavers, but he pushes through. “Can I talk to you for a second?”
The photographer blinks. “Uh, we’re in the middle of a shoot-”
“It’s okay,” you say, holding up a hand to stop him. You step toward Max, your heels clicking softly against the pavement. “What’s up?”
Now that you’re standing in front of him, Max’s brain short-circuits. You’re even more striking up close, the sunlight catching on your skin, your outfit perfectly tailored to highlight every line of your frame.
“I, uh …” He glances around, suddenly aware of the audience. He clears his throat, his voice steadying. “I was wondering if you’d like to have dinner with me tonight.”
You blink, surprised. “Dinner?”
“Yeah,” Max says quickly, his words tumbling out in a rush. “I mean, I’ve seen you a couple of times now, and I figured it’s not just … random, you know? So I thought — why not? Dinner. Tonight.”
You tilt your head, a slow smile spreading across your face. “You interrupted a photoshoot to ask me out?”
“Yes.” He hesitates, then adds, “Was that a bad idea?”
The creative director mutters something under his breath, and Max hears someone else stifle a laugh. He feels the tips of his ears burn, but he refuses to back down.
You glance back at your team, who are all watching with varying degrees of amusement and disbelief. Then you look at Max again, your smile softening.
“What time?” You ask.
Max blinks. “What?”
“What time should I be ready?”
“Oh.” Relief floods his face. “Uh, seven? I can pick you up at your hotel.”
You nod, clearly entertained by his flustered state. “I’m staying at the Hôtel de Paris. Does that work?”
“Perfect,” Max says quickly, ignoring the murmurs from your team.
“Great,” you say, stepping closer. You lean down slightly — because of course you’re taller than him — and press a quick kiss to his cheek.
When you pull back, there’s a faint smudge of lipstick on his skin. “See you at seven, Max,” you say, your voice teasing.
He nods, unable to form a coherent response. You turn back to your team, who are all pretending not to stare, and resume your pose in front of the camera.
Max walks away in a daze, the paper bag swinging at his side. He touches his cheek where your lips brushed, his mind replaying the moment over and over.
By the time he makes it back to his apartment, he’s smiling so widely that even the cats look suspicious.
Max pulls up to the Hôtel de Paris in his Aston Martin Valkyrie, the car’s sleek design gleaming under the soft glow of Monaco’s streetlights. He knows it’s over the top, but if there’s ever a time to make an impression, it’s now. The low hum of the engine draws a few curious glances from passersby, and Max shifts in his seat, checking the dashboard clock.
6:50 PM.
He’s early. Not by much, but enough to take a deep breath and give himself a mental pep talk.
“She said yes,” he mutters to himself, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. “You can handle this. You’ve faced down Lewis Hamilton in a championship battle. This is dinner.”
At exactly 7:00 PM, the hotel doors glide open, and there you are.
Max’s hand freezes on the steering wheel as he watches you descend the steps. You’re wearing a sleek, floor-length dress that shimmers faintly in the light, paired with towering heels that make your legs seem impossibly long. Your hair is styled perfectly, and you move with the effortless grace of someone who knows how to command attention.
His throat dries. Wow.
By the time you reach the car, Max is already out of the driver’s seat, jogging around to meet you. “You look — wow.”
“Thank you,” you say, smiling warmly. “You clean up pretty well yourself.”
Max glances down at his tailored suit, a rare choice for him outside of mandatory galas, and tugs at the collar. “Figured I should try.”
You laugh softly, and the sound sends a flutter through his chest.
He opens the passenger door and instinctively places his hand on the edge of the roof, subtly cushioning the space so you don’t bump your head as you fold into the car. The move is smooth, almost second nature, but he catches the slight lift of your brow and the amused curve of your lips as you settle in.
“Chivalry isn’t dead, I see,” you tease as he closes the door.
By the time he rounds the car and slips back into the driver’s seat, his ears are burning. “Figured I’d give it a shot tonight.”
The Valkyrie roars to life, and you glance around the car’s interior, visibly impressed. “This is … something.”
“Just a car,” Max says, trying to sound casual.
You shoot him a knowing look. “A very subtle one, I see.”
He chuckles, pulling out onto the road. “What can I say? Monaco brings it out of me.”
The drive is short, but Max is hyper-aware of every moment — your laughter as he navigates the narrow streets, the way your dress catches the light when you turn to look at him, and the soft sound of your voice as you ask him about his day.
When you arrive at Le Louis XV, one of Monaco’s most exclusive restaurants, Max pulls up to the valet. The grandeur of the restaurant is impossible to ignore, its gilded facade shimmering under the night sky.
“Wow,” you say, leaning slightly to take in the view. “You really went all out.”
“I figured you deserved more than takeout,” Max replies, his tone light but his heart racing.
He steps out, handing the keys to the valet, and once again circles the car to open your door. This time, he offers his hand to help you out, and when you take it, his palm is warm and steady.
“Thank you,” you say, your smile soft but genuine.
The moment you’re both standing, it’s impossible not to notice the height difference. Max isn’t short — he knows that — but next to you, especially in those heels, he feels positively average. For a split second, he wonders if it bothers you.
But then you loop your arm through his as the valet takes the car, and the thought dissolves.
The two of you walk toward the entrance, and Max is acutely aware of the growing crowd around you. Fans have gathered, some holding their phones up to record or snap pictures.
“Max! Max, over here!” Someone calls.
He doesn’t flinch, used to the attention, but when he glances at you, he notices your calm expression. If you’re fazed by the cameras or the whispers, you don’t show it.
“You get used to this?” You ask under your breath, tilting your head toward the crowd.
“Kind of,” he admits, keeping his pace steady. “Does it bother you?”
“Not really,” you say, your tone amused. “But I think they’re more interested in you than me.”
He glances at you, his gaze sweeping up to meet your eyes. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”
At the door, the maître d’ greets you warmly, escorting the two of you to a private table near the back of the restaurant. The room is elegantly decorated, the ambiance intimate yet luxurious. A soft glow from crystal chandeliers bathes the space in golden light, and the quiet hum of conversation adds to the atmosphere.
Max pulls out your chair before sitting across from you, trying not to overthink every movement.
“This place is beautiful,” you say, looking around.
“Glad you like it,” Max says, reaching for the menu. “The food is incredible.”
A sommelier approaches, recommending a bottle of wine, and the conversation flows naturally as the first course arrives.
“You’ve been here before?” You ask, raising a brow as you take a sip of wine.
“Once or twice,” Max admits. “Usually for team stuff. Not exactly a regular spot for me.”
“So this is a special occasion?”
He hesitates, meeting your gaze. “Yeah, I guess it is.”
The corners of your lips lift, and Max feels the tension in his chest ease slightly.
As the meal progresses, the conversation deepens. You ask him about racing, and he asks you about pageantry, genuinely curious about your career and the places it’s taken you.
“What’s the hardest part of it?” Max asks, leaning forward slightly.
“Probably the constant travel,” you say, swirling your wine. “It’s amazing to see the world, but it’s exhausting sometimes. You must get that, though.”
“Yeah,” he agrees. “The travel’s a lot. But I guess it makes the quiet moments at home more meaningful.”
“Home is Monaco?”
“Mostly now. Though I spend more time at the track than anywhere else.”
You nod, studying him. “Do you ever wish you had more time to yourself?”
He thinks about it for a moment. “Sometimes. But I love what I do. It’s worth it.”
There’s a pause, comfortable and filled with mutual understanding.
“And you?” He asks, his voice softer. “Do you ever wish for something different?”
You smile, but there’s a hint of wistfulness in your expression. “Sometimes. But I think we all do, no matter how much we love what we have.”
Max nods, his gaze lingering on you.
By the time dessert arrives, the tension has completely melted away, replaced by an easy camaraderie. You tease him about his driving habits, and he counters with stories of other drivers’ antics.
As the evening winds down, Max finds himself reluctant for it to end. He can’t stop glancing at you, at the way you seem completely at ease, despite the crowd of fans still waiting outside.
When the check comes, Max reaches for it without hesitation.
“Chivalry again?” You ask, arching a brow.
He grins. “I’m on a roll tonight.”
You laugh, shaking your head. “Fine. I’ll allow it.”
Max leans back in his chair, his gaze fixed on you. “So, was it worth it?”
“Was what worth it?”
“Interrupting your photoshoot.”
You smile, resting your chin on your hand. “I think so. But I guess that depends.”
“On what?”
“On whether you’re planning to ask me out again.”
Max feels his chest tighten, his pulse quickening. “I was thinking about it,” he admits, his voice low.
“Good,” you say, your smile widening. “Because I’d say yes.”
The paddock buzzes with its usual pre-race energy: the hum of machinery, the chatter of teams, and the occasional roar of a nearby engine. But today, Max isn’t thinking about the upcoming race, his strategy, or even his car. No, today his focus is entirely on you.
You’re walking beside him, effortlessly chic in an AlphaTauri knit dress paired with stilettos that highlight your impossibly long legs. The team had sent you the gear ahead of time, but you’ve somehow managed to make it look runway-ready.
Max steals a glance at you as you navigate the chaos of the paddock with ease. You greet every camera pointed your way with a polite smile, and even the hardened mechanics pause to give you a second look. Max can’t help the small, smug grin tugging at his lips.
“Having fun?” He asks, leaning slightly toward you.
You look at him with a raised brow. “Are you asking me or the twenty people currently taking our picture?”
He laughs, brushing a hand over his face as if it could hide the grin. “Both, I guess.”
“Definitely more fun than the first time,” you tease. “I don’t think you’ve complained once today.”
“Because you’re here,” Max says simply, shrugging.
The honesty of his answer catches you off guard, and for a moment, you just look at him, your expression softening.
“Come on,” he says, clearing his throat and grabbing your hand. “I want you to meet some people.”
Max doesn’t miss the way heads turn as he guides you through the paddock, his hand securely wrapped around yours. He’s used to being the center of attention here, but today it’s different. The whispers and double takes aren’t about him — they’re about you. And if he’s honest, he loves it.
As they approach the Ferrari motorhome, Charles Leclerc steps out, chatting with one of his engineers. His conversation halts the second he spots you.
“Charles!” Max calls, waving him over.
Charles smiles, walking up to the two of you. “Hey, Max. And-” He pauses, his eyes drifting up as he takes in your height. His grin widens. “-and you must be the famous girlfriend.”
You laugh, offering your hand. “I suppose I must be.”
Charles takes your hand, shaking it warmly. “It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve been hearing about you nonstop.”
“Oh, really?” You ask, shooting Max a playful look. “Nonstop, huh?”
Max rolls his eyes. “Don’t start.”
Charles chuckles, his gaze flicking between the two of you. “I have to say, you’re even taller than I expected.”
“Thanks, I think?” You say, laughing.
Max grins, clearly enjoying the sight of Charles craning his neck to meet your gaze. For once, the usually confident Monegasque driver seems slightly flustered, and Max files the moment away as one of his new favorite memories.
As they part ways with Charles, you nudge Max gently with your elbow. “Are you introducing me to people just to see them react to my height?”
“Maybe,” he admits, his eyes sparkling. “It’s fun.”
You shake your head, laughing, but let him lead you further down the paddock.
Then, as you near the motorhome, you spot Yuki Tsunoda walking toward you, his petite frame standing out among the crowd.
“Yuki!” Max calls out, and Yuki looks up, his face breaking into a grin.
“Max!” Yuki replies, jogging over. His gaze shifts to you, and his steps slow slightly. “Oh, hi.”
“Yuki,” Max begins, his tone dripping with barely contained amusement. “This is my girlfriend.”
Yuki’s eyes widen as he looks up — way up — to meet your gaze. He blinks, his mouth slightly open, before glancing back at Max.
“She’s … tall,” Yuki says bluntly, his expression both amazed and confused.
You laugh, offering your hand. “Hi, I’m-”
“Yuki,” Max interrupts, clearly enjoying himself. “Why don’t you stand next to her for a second?”
Yuki looks at Max, then at you, and then back at Max. “Why?”
“Just humor me,” Max says, trying and failing to keep a straight face.
Yuki sighs but steps closer to you. The height difference is … staggering. Yuki barely reaches your shoulder, even without your heels, and when you smile down at him, he looks like he’s reconsidering every decision that brought him here.
Max takes one look at the two of you and doubles over laughing.
“Max!” You exclaim, though you’re laughing too.
“It’s not fair,” Yuki says, crossing his arms but grinning despite himself. “Why do you always have to make me look short?”
“You do that all by yourself, mate,” Max manages between laughs.
Yuki looks up at you again, shaking his head. “How do you put up with him?”
“It’s a challenge,” you say, your tone light.
Yuki snorts. “Good luck. You’ll need it.”
Max steps back in, his grin still firmly in place. “Thanks, Yuki. That was everything I hoped for.”
Yuki rolls his eyes but can’t help grinning. “Yeah, yeah. You owe me for this.”
Eventually, the shorter driver waves goodbye and heads off, leaving you and Max to continue toward the motorhome.
“That was cruel,” you say, though you’re smiling.
“That was perfect,” Max corrects, his grin wide. “I’ve been waiting for that moment since the second I realized how tall you are.”
“You’re terrible,” you say, nudging him lightly with your elbow.
“Terribly lucky,” he replies, his voice softening slightly.
You glance at him, your expression shifting from amused to affectionate. “You really don’t mind the height difference, do you?”
Max stops walking and turns to face you, his expression serious. “Why would I mind? You’re gorgeous, and I love that people notice when we walk into a room. It’s like … I get to show you off, and they get to see what I already know — that you’re amazing.”
His honesty catches you off guard, and for a moment, you just stare at him, your heart swelling.
“Max,” you start, but he cuts you off with a shrug and a playful smile.
“Besides,” he says, leaning in slightly, “I think it’s hot.”
You burst out laughing, and Max joins in, his arm sliding around your waist as the two of you continue toward the motorhome, drawing every eye in the paddock.
Five Years Later
The hospital room is warm and quiet, save for the occasional soft coo of the newborn nestled against Max’s bare chest. The baby boy, barely a few hours old, rests peacefully, his tiny fists curled against Max’s skin. Max sits in a reclined chair, his head tilted back and eyes half-closed, utterly absorbed in the weight of his son and the moment itself.
In the bed next to him, you stir, your head turning toward the two of them. The exhaustion of labor still lingers in your features, but there’s a gentle smile on your lips as you take in the sight of Max cradling your son.
“Are you comfortable over there?” You ask, your voice soft but teasing.
Max’s eyes flicker open, and he glances at you with a faint grin. “More comfortable than you, I think,” he murmurs.
You chuckle lightly, wincing as you shift in the bed. “I don’t know. He looks pretty cozy to me.”
Max looks down at the baby, his expression softening. “He’s perfect.”
“He is,” you agree, your gaze lingering on the two of them.
The door creaks open suddenly, startling both of you. Max’s head snaps up, and his body stiffens when he sees who’s stepping into the room.
His father.
“Max,” Jos says, his voice gruff and clipped. He doesn’t wait for an invitation, stepping further into the room, his eyes scanning the scene.
“What are you doing here?” Max’s voice is low, measured, but there’s a sharp edge to it as he shifts in his chair, pulling his son closer.
“I came to see my grandson,” Jos replies curtly, his gaze settling on the baby. There’s no warmth in his tone, no trace of the pride or joy one might expect from a grandfather.
Max stands abruptly, careful not to jostle the baby. He moves toward the door, positioning himself between Jos and the rest of the room. “Now’s not a good time.”
Jos ignores him, his eyes narrowing as he takes a step closer. “Looks like he’s going to take after his mother,” Jos remarks, his tone disdainful. “With those long legs, he’ll be too tall for single-seaters. Not exactly ideal for racing, is it?”
The air in the room shifts instantly. Max’s jaw tightens, and a flicker of anger flashes across his face. His arms instinctively tighten around his son as if shielding him from the words.
“Get out,” Max says, his voice dangerously calm.
Jos scoffs, crossing his arms. “I’m just saying. If you’re hoping for another Verstappen on the track, you might want to manage your expectations.”
“Stop.” Max’s voice is sharper now, cutting through the tension. He glances at you, his expression softening briefly before returning to Jos. “I mean it. Get out.”
But Jos doesn’t move. “You know I’m right. Height matters in racing. You’ve seen it yourself. It’s not about love or coddling, Max. It’s about preparation, discipline-”
“Enough!” Max’s voice rises, and the baby stirs slightly in his arms. He immediately takes a deep breath, rocking gently to soothe the infant before continuing, his tone quieter but no less firm. “I won’t let you do this. Not to my kids.”
Jos raises an eyebrow, his expression unreadable. “Do what?”
“Turn them into something they’re not,” Max says, his eyes blazing. “Make them feel like they’re only worth something if they win. If they race. If they’re … perfect.”
Jos frowns, but Max presses on.
“If either of my kids wants to race, I’ll give them every opportunity. I’ll teach them, support them, and make sure they have everything they need — whether they’re five feet tall or six and a half. But if they don’t want to race, if they want to do something completely different, that won’t make me love them any less.”
There’s a beat of silence, heavy and charged.
Max shifts his son in his arms, his voice softening but remaining resolute. “I’m not you, Dad. And I never will be.”
Jos’ mouth opens slightly as if to argue, but whatever words he was planning to say seem to falter. He looks at Max, at the baby, then back at Max, and for a moment, there’s a flicker of something almost like understanding in his eyes.
But Jos says nothing, his jaw tightening as he turns and walks out of the room without another word.
The door clicks shut behind him, and the tension dissipates like a released breath.
Max exhales shakily, lowering himself back into the chair. He looks at you, his eyes apologetic.
“Sorry about that,” he murmurs.
You shake your head, your voice soft but firm. “You don’t have to apologize. You did the right thing.”
He nods, looking down at his son, who has settled back into a peaceful sleep. “I just …” His voice catches, and he clears his throat. “I don’t ever want him — or her — to feel like they’re not enough. Not for me.”
You smile gently, reaching out to rest a hand on his arm. “They won’t. Not with you as their dad.”
Max’s lips quirk into a small, grateful smile. He leans down, pressing a tender kiss to the top of his son’s head. “He’s not going anywhere near a kart until he’s ready. If he even wants to.”
“Good,” you say, your tone teasing now. “Because I think Mariska has already claimed the first shot at it.”
Max laughs softly, shaking his head. “She’s three.”
“And already faster than you in her Little Tikes Cozy Coupe,” you counter, grinning.
Max chuckles. “She’s going to be trouble.”
“Good trouble,” you say.
He looks back at you, his expression softening again. “Yeah. The best kind.”
As the room settles into a calm silence once more, Max leans back in his chair, his son still resting against him, and he allows himself to soak in the moment — a moment of peace, love, and the quiet certainty that he’ll never repeat the mistakes of the past.
Seven Years Later
The karting track buzzes with energy — engines revving, parents-turned-mechanics making last-minute adjustments, and young drivers darting around in full racing gear. Among them is Mariska, standing tall in her dark blue suit with “Verstappen” emblazoned across the back. At ten years old, she’s already a striking presence, her confidence tempered by the nerves of a child shouldering a big name.
Max watches from the sidelines, his arms crossed, a proud but protective look on his face. He’s been here countless times before, both as a driver and as a father. He knows this world, knows the pressure and the teasing that can come with standing out. And Mariska, with her long limbs and sharp mind, stands out in every way.
You’re beside him, your hand brushing against his. “She’s got this,” you say softly, your eyes never leaving your daughter.
“She does,” Max agrees, though the tightness in his jaw betrays his worry.
The race begins, and Mariska takes off like a bullet. Her natural talent is undeniable, her lines clean and her determination fierce. But the other kids aren’t just racing her — they’re ganging up, cutting her off in corners, and one boy even leans too aggressively, nudging her kart as they pass.
Max tenses, his fingers curling into fists. “That little-”
“Max,” you warn gently, placing a calming hand on his arm.
“She’s fine,” you add, your voice steady. “She can handle them.”
And she does. On the next lap, Mariska out-brakes the boy who had bumped her, overtaking him with a sharp precision that leaves him scrambling. A few laps later, she claims third place, her kart crossing the finish line with a triumphant roar.
The moment the race ends, Max strides toward the pit lane, his eyes scanning for Mariska. He finds her climbing out of her kart, her helmet tucked under her arm. A group of boys stands nearby, whispering and snickering.
“You’re too tall for this,” one of them says loud enough for her to hear. “Shouldn’t you be playing basketball or something?”
Mariska freezes, her posture stiffening.
“Yeah,” another chimes in. “You’ll never fit in a real car anyway.”
Max’s jaw clenches, and he’s ready to storm over, but Mariska surprises him. She turns to the boys, her expression calm but fierce.
“At least I don’t need dirty tricks to keep up,” she says coolly, her voice steady.
The boys’ smirks falter, and they shuffle awkwardly before walking away, muttering under their breaths.
Max approaches, his heart swelling with pride. “Hey, Mari.”
She turns to him, her face still set in a determined line, but her eyes betray a flicker of uncertainty.
“You okay?” Max kneels down to her level, his hands resting on his knees.
“Yeah,” she says after a pause.
He tilts his head, studying her. “You sure? Because you were amazing out there. Third place is a big deal.”
Mariska shrugs, her gaze dropping to her helmet. “They’re just … they’re always saying stuff, you know? About how I’m too tall. That I’ll never fit in a car.”
Max’s heart aches at the vulnerability in her voice. He reaches out, gently lifting her chin so she looks at him.
“Do you think Mama is pretty?” He asks softly.
Mariska blinks, startled by the question. “What?”
“Mama,” Max repeats, his tone light but serious. “Do you think she’s pretty?”
Mariska’s face scrunches in confusion, but she nods. “Of course I do. Mama’s the prettiest girl in the world.”
Max smiles. “I think so too.”
Mariska tilts her head, still unsure where this is going.
“You know,” Max continues, “you got your height from Mama. And she’s the most beautiful woman in the world. So, what does that make you?”
Mariska stares at him, her brows furrowing. “I don’t know.”
Max leans closer, his voice steady and full of warmth. “It makes you beautiful too, Mari. You’re tall because you’re strong, and you’re special, just like Mama. Don’t ever let anyone make you feel small because of that.”
Mariska’s lips tremble slightly, and she nods, a small smile breaking through.
“And for the record,” Max adds, a mischievous glint in his eye, “if you keep driving like that, those boys are going to have a lot more to say. But it won’t be about your height — it’ll be about how you’re faster than all of them.”
Mariska giggles, her confidence returning. “I was faster than them, wasn’t I?”
“You were,” Max says, his pride unmistakable.
You walk over then, crouching down beside them. “What’s going on here?”
“Papa says I’m beautiful like you,” Mariska says, her voice filled with a newfound certainty.
You smile, your hand brushing a stray strand of hair from her face. “That’s because you are, schatje.”
Max watches the two of you, his heart full as he pulls Mariska into a hug.
“Now,” he says, pulling back with a grin, “what do you say we go celebrate? Ice cream from that little place down the road.”
Mariska cheers, her earlier doubts forgotten, and the three of you walk off together, leaving the track and its pettiness behind.
Max knows there will be more challenges ahead — more races, more comments, more moments of doubt. But he also knows his daughter is strong, just like her mother. And with a family like yours, there’s nothing she can’t face.
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monstersholygrail · 1 month ago
Yandere Best Friend
Male Yandere x Gender Neutral Reader A night out with your friends proves challenging for your best friend, leaving him to try and prove to you why he’s better.
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Yandere!Best Friend and you, Oblivious!Reader, are quite the pair. Honestly, everyone around you two can see just how obsessed he is with you. He doesn’t even bother to hide it, knowing you won’t realize what’s happening anyway.
Yan!Best Friend who, without fail, anytime sees you talking to a guy (no matter how platonic and friendly) will sneak up behind you, drawing you back tightly into his chest and give your cheek a wet kiss hello.
Though his eyes never leave the man before you, his deadly gaze screaming ‘Yeah, that’s right. They’re already taken.’ Meanwhile you didn’t think a thing of it. You knew he just found you too irresistible not to give a sweet lil smooch.
Yan!Best Friend who hates going out because isn’t it just so much better when it’s only you and him anyway? All cozied up together in his apartment with his three deadbolt locks. But the minute you tell him you’re going out to a bar with your friends, he’s suddenly a social butterfly, insisting he come with you. ‘Only wanna make sure you’ll be safe, baby.’
And when the table you all sit at is one chair short, his lap is conveniently right there for you to slide into. Given there’s not possibly another option (according to him) you do so happily.
Yan!Best Friend who quickly remembers all of the many reasons he’s slowly been distancing you from all your other friends. Hanging out with them is practically torture for him.
He spends the whole time sulking and pouting at the fact that he has to share you. His patience thinning every time you laugh at one of their jokes. He’s hung out with your friends plenty of times before. They’re not funny. Not funnier than him, anyway.
And when he gently grips your chin between his fingers and brings your attention back on him, all your friends send him these knowing glares that just get on his nerves. But you just look at him expectantly, your innocent self waiting for him to speak.
He’s not one to let you down so he leans in close, whispering a silly little joke just between you two that sends you into a fit of giggles. It eases the tensions in his shoulders and makes him think your friends might get out of this unscathed. He wouldn’t want you sad after all.
Yan!Best Friend who helps you as you stumble out of the bar with the rest of the group. When your friend offers to drive you home cause your place is on the way, his hands squeeze your hips, unwilling to let you go. ‘No, no, I can take care of them just fine.’ He doesn’t bother to hide the possessiveness in his tone.
He waits in a silent standoff between him and your friend until you break the tension by launching yourself at him. Placing a sloppy kiss to his cheek— because it’s ok, best friends kiss when it’s you and him— and begging for him to take you home. Your friend just sighs, telling you to text them when you get home so they know you’re ok before heading to their taxi.
Oh, it’ll be ok. He’ll make sure by turning your phone off the second he can slip it out of your palm. Softly telling you that he just doesn’t want you to drop it.
Yan!Best Friend who just can’t seem to keep his hands to himself as you two stumble into his apartment. Where it’s safe. His hands run all over your smooth silky skin and when you ask what he’s doing he murmurs softly in your ear, ‘Don’t want cha to fall now, do we, darling?’
You know he’s just taking care of you as he helps you to his bed. You whine and whimper about how you ache all over. An appreciative sigh leaving you as he slips off your shoes and runs his hands along your legs. Massaging out the aches, that’s all. When he crawls into bed with you, you nuzzle in closer and he’s right there to mold your body perfectly to his.
You can’t blame him for cuddling you in return when he continues to massage and caress your body. One hand traveling down your spine while the other wraps around your leg, hooking it over his waist as his fingers tease your inner thigh. Inching higher and higher. Whispering soothing sweet nothings in your ear.
‘Hold on tight honey, I’m here. I’ll make you feel alllll better…’
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girlrotterr · 5 months ago
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  𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓, 𝐎𝐇! " ୧ 𓈒
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: loser!ellie x stripper!reader
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: loser!ellie headcanons!
𝐀/𝐍: first attempt at headcanons!! soo this may be a little jumbled but I absolutely loved making this!!
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⋆  ⁺  ∿ Loser!Ellie who swears it’s the last time she’s coming to see you because she can’t risk embarrassing herself again. But the moment she remembers the rhythm of your body, her mind drifts, and suddenly she’s back at the club, dollar in hand, cheeks warm as she recalls the tiny, breathless “Hello..” she squeaked out the last time. Before she knows it, she’s there again, telling herself it’s just one more time.
⋆  ⁺  ∿ Loser!Ellie who’s made herself a regular at the club, nervously occupying the same table every night, hoping for just a glimpse of you. But her dorkiness draws attention; other dancers lean over, offering her dances with winks and playful smiles. She goes stiff, almost panicking, stuttering, “Oh, no—I mean, no, thank you,” glancing toward the stage, desperate for you to see that she’s loyal to one person only. “Come on, sweetheart, it’s just one dance.” Too polite to shut them down, she mumbles, “I, um…no, sorry,” rubbing the back of her neck and avoiding eye contact like her life depends on it. “I’m, like… kinda into someone already,” her voice is so quiet that the other dancers smirk, teasing her about her crush. She turns bright red, waving them off, mumbling, “It’s…not like that,” even as her eyes drift to the stage. 
⋆  ⁺  ∿ Loser!Ellie who can’t help but stare when you’re on stage, entranced by every movement, forgetting herself so completely that she grips the edge of her seat, eyes wide, mouth slightly open. The second you look her way, though, her cheeks flush crimson, and she fumbles over her drink, trying to play it cool, but you see it—the way she’s completely, hopelessly hooked on you.
⋆  ⁺  ∿ Loser!Ellie whenever she thinks she’ll act smooth next time, she ends up a flustered mess. Her hand trembles midair as she finally gathers the courage to slip a dollar between your thong; the moment their fingers brush, her eyes go wide, and she swears her heart might actually stop.
⋆  ⁺  ∿ Loser!Ellie who tries to mutter something cool under her breath, like “you’re so sexy,” but it comes out so soft and awkward that you have to lean in to hear her. Your knowing smile makes her cheeks heat up even more. 
⋆  ⁺  ∿ Loser!Ellie who barely finishes her shift at her part-time job before she’s rushing to her phone, pulling up her bank app to see if her paycheck hit. The second she sees it’s in, she’s already thinking about all the ways she can spend it on you. She might be broke for the next two weeks, but the thought of seeing your face light up is enough to keep her going.
⋆  ⁺  ∿ Loser!Ellie hyping herself up by imagining what she’ll surprise you with next. The moment her shift’s over, she’s browsing for little things you’d love: those fancy earrings you mentioned once, a necklace she thinks would look perfect on you, or that one bottle of perfume she remembers you ran out of. By the time she’s done, she’s practically holding an empty wallet, but she doesn’t even care.
⋆  ⁺  ∿ Loser!Ellie who shows up at the club with a nervous grin and a freshly wrapped gift just for you, stuffed in a little paper bag she decorated herself to save money. She’s a bit embarrassed handing it to you, mumbling, “It’s nothing fancy,” but her heart’s racing as she watches you unwrap it. Every time you gasp or smile, her face lights up even brighter, totally worth every last cent.
⋆  ⁺  ∿ Loser!Ellie who sits at home counting change, literally living off instant ramen, but with zero regrets because she already spent her last dollars on that pair of heels you were obsessing over. She pictures you wearing them, looking absolutely incredible, and can’t wait for your next dance. Even though she’s practically starving, she figures seeing you in them will more than make up for it.
⋆  ⁺  ∿ Loser!Ellie who can’t even afford the gas to drive herself home but still manages to slip a folded bill to you at the club, the look on her face a mixture of pride and shyness as she mutters, “Just…y’know, for you.” It’s her last dollar, but when you smile and lean in to thank her, she’s practically glowing, whispering to herself that she’d do it all over again in a heartbeat.
⋆  ⁺  ∿ Loser!Ellie who hypes herself up to ask you out after your shift, but when she sees you coming her way, her mind goes blank. “You’re, like… really good at…” she blurts out, regretting it the instant it leaves her lips. Blushing hard, she watches you raise a brow, her heart racing as she shuffles awkwardly on the spot. But when you smile at her, she’s secretly thrilled.
⋆  ⁺  ∿ Loser!Ellie dresses in a rotation of baggy jeans that hang a little low on her hips, with boxers peeking out and a series of painfully awkward T-shirts proclaiming phrases like “Raw Sex” or “Big Dick Is Back In Town” in bold, obnoxious letters. She strolls in with her half-tucked T-shirt, completely unaware of how ridiculous she looks, thinking they make her seem cool.
⋆  ⁺  ∿ Loser!Ellie who tries to keep her composure as you eye her stupid shirt, but the blush creeping up her neck gives her away. She fumbles, wishing she’d worn anything else, but it’s too late. You lean in, whispering, “Nice shirt,” and Ellie is left a red-faced mess, speechless, trying to figure out if you’re making fun of her or if you actually think it’s… well, nice. “It was laundry day…” She fidgets nervously with the hem of her shirt, tugging it down to cover the waistband of her jeans, as if you won’t notice the bold letters across her chest.
⋆  ⁺  ∿ Loser!Ellie who goes completely stiff when you slide onto her lap, her eyes wide as she tries to figure out where to put her hands without losing her mind. Her palms are already clammy, and she stares up at you, clearly overwhelmed, the tips of her fingers hovering, barely daring to graze you. As you lean closer, brushing your chest against her, she bites her lip to keep from making a sound, her breath catching. When you take her hand and guide it to your waist, she’s sure you can feel her fingers trembling, cold against your skin. You whisper something teasing in her ear, and she’s suddenly even more nervous, her pulse racing as she clings to your words.
⋆  ⁺  ∿ Loser!Ellie who’s a flustered, shaky mess when her fingertips brush the soft skin , cheeks flushed red as she tries to avoid looking too overwhelmed. You can feel her hands flex slightly, as if she’s afraid to grip you too tightly and ruin the moment. Every little movement from you has her body tensing, her fingers trailing tentatively over you, and the way she’s practically holding her breath gives her away. When her fingers graze your ass, she flinches, almost pulling back, but your playful smile makes her stay put.
⋆  ⁺  ∿ Loser!Ellie whose cheeks are flushed, and she can barely make eye contact, her voice a hoarse whisper as she mumbles, “I—I don’t usually… um..” When you rest your hands on her shoulders, guiding her hands more firmly around you, her fingertips sink into your waist, icy and shaky. She tries to lean in like she knows what she’s doing, only for you to kiss her neck, leaving her a quivering mess. She tilts her head back, giving you full access, her breath hitching audibly, and she prays you don’t tease her about it. But you do, whispering against her ear, making her shift in her seat as her face flushes an even deeper shade of pink, almost whining in response.
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faesdreaming · 3 months ago
cardinal concept
yandere platonic batfam with a resurrected reader
a/n: because as much as i love neglected reader, dead (then alive again) reader just has so much potential
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the dynamic duo, batman and robin. bruce wayne and dick grayson. then, you came along; a result of bruce’s irresponsible coupling with a young woman he’d long since forgotten about. you grow up in the nastier parts of gotham with your mother, where you’re forces to grow up faster and become more mature, until she has an accident.
after you’re mother’s untimely death, you find yourself under his care. bruce is hesitant and unsure, he’s already struggled with raising dick. he doesn’t want to fail you too. he dances around telling about batman until you happen upon the batcave, at your insistence and a few instances of you following them, he relents and lets you join.
suddenly, it’s batman, robin, and cardinal.
bruce is initially unsure what to do with you, even after you become cardinal. unlike with dick, who needed to become robin lest he go down a darker road, you’re only cardinal because of him. it draws out an agonizing guilt, causing bruce to practically coddle you. but you’re emotionally intelligent, in a way bruce isn’t, you’re able to communicate with soft words and gentle reasoning instead of shouting matches and tearful pouting like your brother. you’re his angel, his sweet, understanding angel. it reminds him of his own mother. you’re kind, empathetic disposition is everything bruce needs in his life. because yes, to him, your brother needs his guidance. but bruce needs yours.
as for dick his relationship is with you as simple as this: he’s the big brother and you’re the little sibling. you can fight and argue, but you two always make up and head off to snuggle or play. you’re bond grows stronger the more time you spend on patrol— having each other’s back, getting into trouble with batman— or at school— although you’re in a younger grade, you still see your big brother at school and go to him when you have problems— or at home— snuggled up, watching a movie and eating snacks provided by alfred— you two are extremely close.
you’re little of family of four— including alfred, of course— is tight-knit. you fight and argue but always make up and you’re always there for each other.
until dick becomes nightwing and a scruffy teen named jason todd joins you. as close as you are with your older brother and father, you bond with him far quicker. maybe it’s because of how close you are in age, or maybe it’s because of your shared past experiences.
the family dynamics shift and change, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. dick grows more distant, going off with the titans. but that’s to be expected, he’s grown up now. you still visit him, of course. and he still pops by to see you. bruce, you notice, softens, almost. he’s grown accustomed to parenthood. jason is your favourite change, though. a sibling close in age, but still younger, so can justify (playfully) bossing him around. your family isn’t perfect, but it’s yours and you love it.
then, jason and bruce start fighting. dick goes off world. a fight with bane leaves you injured and out of commission. it’s just a rough patch, you tell yourself. until, suddenly, jason’s birth mother contacts him. something’s off about it. you want to tell your dad, however, jason is adamant you shouldn’t. reluctantly, you don’t, opting to go along with him just in case.
your gut, as it turns out, was right. you’re injured and unable to do much as the joker captures you and jason. you’re helpless to watch as your brother, your sweet baby brother, is beaten mercilessly with a crowbar. your voice is hoarse from screaming during your own beating and your body is sore, but despite it all, you still rasp out pleas to let your brother go. one child will be effective enough. the joker can spare one. of course, in his cruelty, he doesn’t.
you’re left aching, battered, and bruised. the ticking of the bomb serves as the count to your death. jason, brave jason, tries to gather enough strength to get up. and maybe, just maybe, he could escape if he weren’t focused on trying to save you. he won’t listen to your pleas for him to go, to leave you behind. he’s adamant upon accompanying you to your doom.
you hear the final ticks. with all the strength you have left, you move towards him. you cannot save yourself. you cannot save him. all you can do is die beside him. pressing your forehead to his, the last thing you see is your little brother’s face before the final tick sounds and the ensuing explosion consumes you.
and that’s the end of it, your journey, your life. you’re buried alongside your brother in a sombre ceremony, your uniform cased in glass as a memorial to bruce’s failures. he becomes angrier, loses himself. he’s lost two of his children and is fighting with his only remaining one. dick, is utterly furious, with himself and bruce. he blames bruce. for letting his precious siblings die, for starting them all of this heroic crusade. he blames himself for not being there, for being distant with you and jason.
alas, time marches forwards and batman needs a new robin, in the form of one tim drake. he’s a clever kid, one way too smart for his own good. one you used to babysit while his rich parents were away to earn some extra cash. it wasn’t right, leaving him with no one his age to play with. so, when you could, you’d come over. you’d soothe his loneliness. and for that, he’s forever grateful.
your influence continues beyond your death. for you life has impacted so many. barbara gordan, for example, who viewed you akin to a little sister. who fought alongside you as batgirl. you were loved by many as (Y/N) Wayne. your friends and family still hold candles for you. even as they accept your lose, they never stop fully grieving for you and the lost potential brimming inside you. then, there are those who you impacted as cardinal. as a hero, you saved numerous lives, including that of one stephanie brown, who will forever feel indebted to you and strives to become just like you.
the justice league, who knew you as one of the first sidekicks, who functioned like extended family, mourn deeply for your loss and offer sympathies to your father and brother. they will remember you and your tenacity, carrying on their pursuit of justice with you in mind. certainly villains, such as poison ivy and even harley quinn, are enraged with the joker. while you could occasionally be a pain, you were their favourite kiddie hero. and of course the likes of selina kyle and talia al ghul, your father’s paramours, women who became like family to you.
cardinal will be forever immortalized in the hearts of heroes and villains alike, your legacy of compassion and kindness living on in memories transformed into stories, your death a testament to sacrifice and love and heroism— except, that isn’t how it ends, is it? no. your story doesn’t end with your death, it’s how it begins.
and your real story begins by waking in the constricting confined of your casket, bursting out with inhuman strength, fueled by the adrenaline boost, and digging your way out of your grave, the cool mud giving way to harsh ground until you break through the service. that night, that stormy gotham eve, is the day you are reborn.
you flee then wander the streets of gotham until you regain your mind. you remember, you remember everything and you, you don’t want to go back. not to your family, not to your friends, not the life you once knew. you were given a new life. and this life, you would live for yourself.
sans your old attachments, you live encumbered, untroubled by past woes. yet, you seem to forget your festering memory, the mark you’ve left on people. you forget that while you may be willing to leave your old life behind, they aren’t as willing to let you go. especially when they learn you’re within reach.
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sooniebby · 3 months ago
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w.c › 6k
Warnings › faceclaims. Part 1. Slow burn, some slight romance with Hyojin (but Mingi is still the main love interest).
Plot › you begin to learn just how obsessive Mingi is
Words to know › maknae (막내) — youngest. Hyung (형) — a term a younger male with call an older male.
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
Four Years Ago
“They’re going to add another member. To fill a gap, they feel that you guys another need main vocalist.”
When Dawon had told Mingi and the others that, it was like hell broke loose. They all couldn’t believe that the company really believed they weren’t good enough, after all that training.
Hyojin, however, didn’t see the problem with it. He could actually understand where the company was coming from—even if he did hate them for other reasons.
He didn’t think the others couldn’t sing but there was something he felt was missing. A more mature voice—sultry he’d say.
Which was why when everyone met you, he could understand why the company put you in the group. You were the package deal, minus rapping, but that was okay. And while he’d never tell Yohan, you were a much better leader than he could ever be.
So he was a bit upset for you when the other members were set on ignoring you.
The group was finally filming for their debut single. It was a school boy concept, young love and all that. Hyojin didn’t care too much about that. As long as the song was good and he wasn’t forced to make garbage music, he was fine.
“Okay, guys, we’re going to do pairs for this shot,” Gaeul said, getting the boys attentions. “The director said the pairs don’t matter. So, you guys can pick.”
Hyojin didn’t have to put two and two together that it would get awkward fast if they got to who would be forced to pair with you.
So, he eagerly stood up from his seat, “I’ll pair with (Name)-Ssi.” He said, fixing the tie to his uniform. He ignored the glances the others gave him as he looked over at you.
You were staring at him with a shocked face before a wide grin pulled on your lips, “Okay.”
Hyojin smiled slightly. He moved to follow you to the shooting area when he caught a glimpse of Mingi. His eyes widen as he saw Mingi staring at him as if he wanted to murder him. The boy was picking at his pants as he glared at him.
Who knew someone so young could make such a scary face?
Though he didn’t understand why Mingi seemed so angry? Did he.. want to pair with you?
That didn’t make any sense—he didn’t exactly talk to you.
Oh well, Hyojin had other things to worry about.
He was a bit awkward for the camera so he wasn’t having the best of time filming. The amount of times the director told him to not look like he’s having a war flashback was too many to count.
The set was a bedroom, stuff randomly around. This director had wanted it to feel a bit more real and only gave you and Hyojin the direction to act like students who were discussing how to confess to their crush.
Hyojin didn’t know how the fuck he was supposed to do that but you seemed to understand.
Once the camera began to roll, you basically stole the scene with ease. Acting cute seemed like second nature to you. Hyojin just followed whatever you did, letting you lead him.
Just as the scene was about to end, you both sat on the bed as you opened a fake note. Hyojin leaned in to see that there was a little stick figure drawing, causing him to crack a slight smile.
He glanced over and felt himself freeze, your face close to his. You were staring at him with eyes he couldn’t really describe. A soft gaze as a slight smile pulled on your lips.
Did they put lipstick on your—
“Great job, guys!” Gaeul said, walking over to you two. You easily pulled away as Hyojin tried to think about what just happened.
“Thanks for pairing with me, Hyojin-Ssi.” You said, smiling at him. The rest of the sentence didn’t need to be said.
“I wanted to pair with you… uhm, you don’t need to speak so politely with me.” He said, deciding to bridge the gap.
Your eyes widen before you eagerly nodded, “okay. Call me Hyung then, Jinnie.”
Oh man, you were too cute.
Gaeul coughed, clapping her hands together, “great, you two are cute! But c’mon, you guys need to film a quick video for the vlog the Dawon is making.”
You and Hyojin joined the other members back in the dressing room. Dawon was holding a camera as he motioned for the group to stand up and start the intro. You stood in the middle as Hyojin stood on your left while a disgruntled Yohan on your right.
It seemed like Yohan wouldn’t like you at all… or anyone besides Hyojin for that matter.
Every member immediately got their camera ready persona on as you smiled, ready to start the introduction when someone stopped you.
“Ah, Hong (Name)-Ssi, you shouldn’t smile, it’ll go against the boyfriend image we have for you,” one of the producers said, causing you to freeze.
Another one hummed in agreement, “and maybe angle your head a bit to left, your face looks better on camera that way.”
Gaeul let out a grunt, “uh, thanks… but I’m his manager.. I can handle the group.”
“Well, handle him better.”
You ignored the questioning stares the members gave you as you dropped your smile. Hyojin wanted to say something back but he was a rookie—he had no power over the people funding their debut.
He could only watch as the light in your eyes practically went out from their berating. From that moment, he could easily tell there was a different set of standards you had to meet compared to the others.
From then on, he was going to help you, in anyway he can.
That’s why he’s your favorite… right?
You wanted to die.
At age twenty five you came like a teenage boy right in front of your maknae.
How embarrassing.
You grabbed your pillow and let out a loud scream, wanting to just close your eyes and never wake up. Mingi was taking a shower and you were scared he’d come into your room later.
There was no way in hell you wanted to see him again tonight.
Maybe tomorrow.
Or a few weeks.
You glanced over at your phone and stared at it for a few minutes. Maybe some posts from those freaky Miras would make you appreciate life again. Or something like that. Whatever bullshit idea you could come up with to justify you still going to the NSFW side of your fandom.
Now that you knew about the rise of gay/bisexual men into you, you wondered if you could find any.
Your biggest fan account, itsokokok had recently posted so decided to see if maybe they were congregating in the replies.
The new three posts of today was from three hours ago. It was from three different album promotions.
The first was from debut: it was a short clip of you in the music video. Your duo scene with Hyojin. You didn’t remember just how cute you acted in it, really playing up the teen boy being in love.
You checked the comments, many filled with people that weren’t Miras. Most of it was just guys saying you were really cute but in a natural way.
Second was of your performance from… pre debut? Huh, how did they find this? You looked to be maybe fifteen—a performance from your high school’s talent show. The video was of you dressed in a suit and tie performing A.D.T.O.Y by 2pm.
Quite the song for fetus you to be performing but hey, none of the adults stopped you.
It seemed the comments did have morals and mostly just complimented your ability to sing and dance at the same time. Though a few wanted you to preform the dance now… probably to thirst over you.
Lastly, the third video was one year old, a short clip of the music video for your second to last comeback. You didn’t know how they could thirst over this but you clicked on the video.
You were wet in the video, standing in front of a swimming pool. Dressed in a white button up and black slacks. The white shirt was stuck to your skin as you delivered your line, tugging at the loose tie around your neck.
At the time, you didn’t find the whole aspect of being wet on camera a bad thing. The song was about drowning in your feelings so being wet made sense.
Though you now regretted it.
↳ need him bad… don’t even know his name
↳ you don’t know Miracle?! Hong (Name) from Miracle? Dude you’re missing out, they have great songs
↳ I’m not even into kpop, I just want to fuck him ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
↳ he looks good wet—I need one of his members to fuck him on stage already pls
↳ wonder if Min collapsed after seeing (Name) during shooting ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
↳ knowing min, he probably threatened anyone who stared for too long ㅎㅎㅎ
↳ Mrcle definitely take turns on his ass, got a phatty for real
↳ his gaze into the camera is so slutty
Just as you were about to log out, you came across an older post itsokokok posted. It was of your early debut. One of the stage performances. It followed you dancing with a stoic face right when it was your center turn until it was Yohan’s turn.
As soon as the main camera was off you, a wide smile pulled on your lips as you danced along. Whenever it was your turn to sing, you immediately dropped the smile.
You were mostly following the orders the company gave you. Being the stoic boyfriend.
Nowadays you stopped caring but back then you were so scared of being taken out of the group that you followed whatever the company told you.
The comments were filled with comments of Miras, a few stating they missed this side of you. If only they knew that it wasn’t the real you. You scrolled through the comments before seeing one by itsokokok himself.
He was responding to someone saying they loved you when acted stoic, and hating this new ‘fake’ you.
→ then you don’t know the true him
You sat up, staring at the comment for a moment. Itsokokok didn’t seem to really comment. He had little to none captions and just posted once everyday at random times, possibly whenever he was free. It wasn’t even anything too crazy but the comment oddly felt like he knew you?
Well, probably not. He might’ve just noticed that you were putting on an act due to your pre-debut activities. It was a drastic difference if you paid any attention.
Speaking of, how did he find any of your pre-debut stuff? You tried to think if you maybe posted them yourself or maybe your classmates or something.
Maybe your mom? She loved posting videos of your performances on her Instagram. She even gained a lot of followers because of it. Her account was basically a fan account at this point.
He might’ve just found the pre-debut performances she posted, it’s not like she’s hiding it.
You shrugged. It wasn’t too creepy. He seemed to actually appreciate you.
And that’s all you can really ask for in a fan.
You blushed and quickly turned off your phone. Mingi stepped into your room, rubbing at his face as he got on your bed. You simply watched him get comfortable before glancing over at you.
“You’re so stiff.” He said, a slight smirk on his lips. “Are you scared I’ll eat you in your sleep?”
“Mingi!” You bristled, quickly turning off your lamp as you got underneath your covered. You kept your back to him as you tried to drown out his laugh.
It was silent after a minute. You glanced back to see him fast asleep. That was fast.
Staring at him, you wondered how much he’s changed. He wasn’t seventeen anymore.
Maybe he really did love you…
“Solo activity?”
Your group mates were looking at you in shock. It had been almost a month since Gaeul had told you about your change in marketing and now the company finally has something for you. Your solo stage.
They were all in your apartment, getting comfy on the couch when you suddenly came out ready to leave. Everyone had been practicing daily for the comeback that they had planned for a relaxed day today.
“Yeah.” You said, feeling a bit nervous. “Did.. Dawon Hyung forget to tell you guys?”
“Oh, yeah, he did.” Yohan muttered.
“I didn’t think you’d actually do it.” Doha said, glancing back at the tv. You wanted to ask what he meant by that but then Yohan delivered a swift kick to Doha’s shin.
“Have you been practicing before us then?” Kihyun suddenly asked. “You’re already prepared to perform it?”
“Mhm… I’ve been practicing daily after our recording sessions.” You bit your lip. “It’s an easy song to learn.”
“Ah okay,” Yohan said, speaking for the others who were just staring at you. “Do you want one of us to come with?”
“Come—? Uh, uhm.” Your eyes gazed at them in disbelief. They wanted to come? Why did it feel like they were attached to your hip these days?
Mingi rolled his eyes, coming out from the kitchen. “(Name) Hyung doesn’t need someone with him. He’s not a baby.”
“You’re just jealous he might not choose you,” Doha shot back, smirking at the deadly glare Mingi sent his way.
“Ah, I guess I could bring one of you guys,” you said, causing them to perk up immediately. Their eyes stared right into your soul. You felt your hands sweat as you tried to think about who to choose.
No way would you choose Mingi… he was making you uncomfortable these days. The way he gazes at you like you’re his entire world is insane!
Yohan would be too annoying.
Kihyun would be a bit awkward.
Doha was being annoying to Mingi and you didn’t want reward his behavior.
Your gaze narrowed in on Hyojin. His eyes met yours as a slight grin pulled on his lips. That’s all he needed as he stood up with a triumphant smile. The others immediately groaned and shook their heads in annoyance.
Hyojin moved to follow you out the door when Mingi suddenly grabbed his arm. You almost yelled at Mingi for his aggressive behavior but Hyojin didn’t look shocked at all.
Mingi whispered something while Hyojin rolled his eyes.
“Childish.” He said, shaking his head. “Don’t worry, I won’t touch what’s yours. You should worry about Yohan Hyung instead.”
“What? Yah, what are you talking about?!” Yohan yelled, glancing over at Mingi.
You stood there mouth agape. Mingi didn’t… no way he wouldn’t.. Hyojin grabbed your hand before you could properly spiral and lead you out of the apartment.
Just what the hell was Mingi’s problem?
Hyojin didn’t see you romantically, what is he worrying about?
Once you reached the music show, you were quickly dressed in an outfit to match the song you were performing. It was business casual, apparently.
Hyojin sat on the couch as the stylist helped you get dressed. He was silent for the most part, tapping away on his phone. It was another reason why you chose him. He wasn’t an annoying little shit like the rest of them.
“Jinnie,” you called, fixing the fake glasses on your face. “How does Hyung look?”
It took a minute before he finally glanced up. His eyes widen as he took you in. You were dressed in a white button up, sleeves rolled up with a loose black tie. Black slacks with sleek black dress shoes.
“It reminds me of something I wore before,” you laughed, tugging at the tie as you looked over at him.
Hyojin coughed, the tip of his ears getting red as he mutely nodded. “Mhm… you make it so hard, Hyung.”
“Hm?” You tilted your head, walking over to him as you plopped down beside him on the couch.
“I think Mingi will be upset if I told you… but everyone in the group has.. liked you.”
“Liked me? Like…”
“Romantically.” Hyojin said, smiling slightly. “But Mingi had stronger feelings for you.”
“So what… did he.. did he tell you guys to back off or something?” You asked, still reeling from the fact your members liked you. The thought seemed ludicrous!
“Yeah.” Hyojin said bluntly. “Something like that.”
You raised an eyebrow, “what did he do?”
“Mhmmm, I can’t remember.”
You glared at him as he went back to his phone. “I don’t understand. You guys really liked me..? How? Why?”
Hyojin shrugged. “I don’t know about the rest of them.. but I just liked you for you. But it wasn’t the strongest feelings.”
The strongest… You briefly wondered about Kihyun. Maybe he had stronger feelings for Kihyun?
But before you could ask, a staff member called for you. Hyojin gave you a thumbs up as you got up and left.
While you were nervous, you weren’t exactly nervous to preform on stage alone. You’ve always performed alone before debuting in Miracle.
The month you spent practicing for the song was a breeze. It was a song that took inspiration from a past song you composed. The choreographer didn’t go all out with the dance.
Though what you were really nervous about was if people would actually care.
What if the so called growing interest in you deflated immediately?
You shook your head, walking onto stage. A group of six dancers followed you. The crowed actually cheered a bit when you came on. There was a few Miracle lightsticks. But immediately, a group of male voices rung out in the building.
Everyone seemed shocked at how loud they were, even the dancers as they got into position. You couldn’t help but grin and eagerly wave at them.
“귀여! ♡♡♡♡!”
“Thank you!” You said into your mic, laughing at the immediate screams from the crowd. You walked to your position, letting the dancers grab your waist as they pulled you to sit on two of their arms—a makeshift throne.
The lights dimmed as you got ready to perform. You tried to remember all the times you performed alone and channeled the energy of younger you.
While you would dance, you would focus mostly on having great vocals. This song was a taste into the title track, you needed to show a great intro.
The performance started with a slight hiccup when the back track started before you but you continued as if nothing happened. It allowed for your vocals to truly show anyway.
The major part of the song that seemed to get most of the crowd excited was when one of the dancers grabbed your tie and tugged you towards him. You couldn’t help the slight blush during that part, feeling oddly excited over it as well.
Was this a kink?
You ended the oddly homoerotic song with the dancers kneeling in front of you, your hand digging into one of the men’s hair.
Cheers erupted as soon as you were finished. You felt excited, hearing mostly male voices scream your name. The dancers immediately stood up and grabbed you, lifting you up in the air as you shrieked in shock. Your arms immediately wrapped around one of their shoulders at the sudden movement.
If only you knew just how angry this little action would make a certain someone.
The drive home felt long for some reason. Hyojin was on his phone so you decided to check how Miras were doing.
Not too surprising, not that many Miras talked about the performance. However non fans were praising it. Itsokokok had posted.
It was three posts, seems like he had a pattern. The first was of your recent performance. A short video of the moment when the dancer pulled your tie. Your face didn’t hide any of the hidden pleasure you got from that short moment.
During practice, the pull was never harsh so it really did shock you when he tugged it harder this time around.
Of course, the comments were filled with people thirsting. Mostly non fans—gay men in particular. The same Miras that actually liked you were thirsting over you while also gushing at how you finally had a solo activity.
Shocker, the NSFW side that talked about your members fucking you actually appreciated you.
The next post was of a pre-debut one. This time, it was a nineteen year old you preforming an original song. It was the song the company used to create the solo song you just preformed.
Most of the comments didn’t seem to notice this at all. You were mainly shocked the account owner even found this clip.
Lastly, it was a clip from the group’s occasional vlog. From the setting, it was of the time the group was planning Mingi’s nineteenth birthday. You were kneeling down as you picked something up.
The camera was just on you as you arched your back by pure instinct. You don’t even remember doing that. A laugh was heard from the camera man, you quickly noticed it was Yohan filming before video you looked back and glared at Yohan.
“Go do something useful!” You had yelled, “Minnie’s party has to be good. I won’t let you ruin it.”
↳ does his back naturally arch like that??
↳ his relationship with min is so cute.. i bet today’s performance killed min ㅋㅋㅋ
Before you could read the rest, the van reached the apartment complex. You and Hyojin left as you got inside. Hyojin waved you good night before going into his shared apartment with Kihyun.
You wondered back to his claim of the members all liking you.
That just didn’t make any sense.
As you moved to unlock the door to your apartment, it swung open, showing a pissed Mingi.
“How was the performance?”
Hyojin glanced over at Kihyun. He had just walked in and was set on just speed walking straight to his bedroom. Kihyun was sitting in the couch and didn’t look away from the tv.
“It was good, Hyung is a good performer.” Hyojin muttered, slipping off his shoes. He slipped off his coat and slowly walked over to the living room.
“Yeah, he is.”
“Well… I’ll go to bed—”
Hyojin sighed, looking back at Kihyun. Kihyun was finally looking over at him. His piercing gaze made his back tense. The slight hums of the tv filled the odd tension as Hyojin fought the urge to just walk away. It was too late to be dealing with this.
“Are you… still upset about what I said this morning?” Kihyun finally said, his gaze softening.
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
Kihyun stood up from the couch as he walked over to Hyojin. “I didn’t think it would upset you… I thought you were over him.”
Hyojin felt his jaw tighten, “you might’ve gotten over Hyung easily but I actually liked him. I liked him a lot—I only backed off because Mingi was right, (Name) Hyung would never see me romantically.”
“So… what’s the problem? Aren’t we—?”
“—dating?” Hyojin pinched his nose before letting out a sigh. “I don’t know, are we? You only want to have sex, nothing else. Even if we are ‘dating’—I won’t allow you to speak about my past feelings as if they were trivial.
“(Name) Hyung is an important part of my life, especially because he’s still here. It’d be different if he wasn’t around anymore. So I’m sorry, Hyung, my feelings for (Name) Hyung wasn’t some three second attraction like yours… If two years ago, (Name) Hyung had returned my feelings in anyway… I’d never have gotten with you.”
Kihyun sighed, “I didn’t mean it that way, Hyojin… I didn’t realize you had liked him that much. I—”
“Hyung.” Hyojin interrupted him. “Come back to me once you figure out if you want to be boyfriends or just fuck buddies. I’m not breaking myself over another guy.”
With that, he walked into his room, slamming the door shut.
Mingi immediately tugged you inside and glared at you. “What type of solo stage was that?”
“What do you mean?” You asked, moving to walk to your room. Mingi was already following you as you tried to keep yourself calm.
You were older! You’re the group leader… he needs to.. he can’t treat you like this.
Especially over a simple performance.
“Hyung.” Mingi’s voice was tight. “We’ve never performed a song like that before—the company never allowed it.”
“Well they’re just trying something new with me. They’ve finally noticed a group of people they can advertise me to. I can..” you placed your bag on your bed and sighed, “I can gain some fans that actually care about me.”
“Fans? Is that all you care about? What about the music?”
“Mingi, obviously I care about the music!” You said, staring at him as he stood in your doorway. “But it’s normal to want positive feedback from sharing your art! You get it all the time, I’ve seen how Miras react to you.”
“So what, you’ll feed into the silly relationship the company uses to get people’s money?!”
You sighed, rubbing the bridge of your nose. “Mingi, it’s not that serious. I’ve always wanted to do a sexy concept anyway—no one forced me.”
As you glanced back at him, any anger you had tempered down. You couldn’t be mad at him—not for long anyway. “I get it… you’re just worried but I consented to everything.” You muttered, hoping that would calm him down.
“So you consented to be whored out for some fans that only like you because they want to fuck you?”
You blinked.
A laugh left your lips as you stared straight at Mingi.
“Choi Mingi.” You whispered, your gaze hardening as your fists clenched. The words you wanted to say was in the tip of your tongue and if you weren’t so angry—you would’ve held back.
But you didn’t.
“Remember your place.” You said, walking over to him. “I am your Hyung, not your boyfriend. I’m not yours and you can’t act so possessive over me, do you understand? I don’t know what you told the others but it’s not your right to tell them to back off.”
“Yes I know! I’m not your boyfriend and I won’t ever be your boyfriend!” You yelled, pushing Mingi out of your room, causing him to bang his head right against the wall. He stared at you in shock as you froze. Any anger you had was gone as you wanted to rush and check if he was okay.
But you couldn’t.
You shouldn’t.
You cleared your throat as you glanced down at the ground. Your throat felt tight. “Choi Mingi, I don’t think you really love me… because if you did, you wouldn’t have insulted me to my face.”
A pained whimper left your throat as you quickly looked away from Mingi. “I’ll go… spend tonight with Hyojin. Don’t.. don’t bother me.. please.” You whispered, moving to leave as quickly as you could.
A hand gripped your arm before you could even step an inch away. Your body tensed as you waited to see what Mingi would say. He didn’t feel like that boy you knew… how much had he changed?
You reluctantly glanced back to see what he was going to say only to see him kneel down. Your eyes widen as he pressed his head against the floor, hands resting on the ground.
“죄송합니다. 죄송합니다, 형.”
“Mingi…” You whispered. You slowly knelt down and gripped at Mingi’s shoulders, pushing to make him sit up but he fought against you. He kept repeating himself, his words slowly being muffled by the sound of his gasps.
“Mingi. Choi Mingi.” With his refusal to look up, you decided to try a different method. “I’ll leave.. I’ll go to Hyojin if you don’t look at me.”
You got whiplash at how quick he looked up. Your gaze softening at the sight of his face. His eyes were red as tears streamed down his face, his face blotchy and red already. He kept gasping for air as if crying so hard was taking his breath away.
Despite yourself, you remembered the only other time he cried so hard in front of you.
“Childish. You really are childish.” You whispered, wiping away at his face. His body physically loosened at your touch as he leaned into it. Though you could tell he wasn’t coming any closer, even if his hands twitched to touch you.
It didn’t look like he was in the capacity to speak so you decided to do it for him.
“I’m upset, Mingi. I’m so upset you would hurt me like this. Were you jealous? Why would you say that about me?”
Mingi shook his head.
“Then why did you say that? What could you have possibly meant?”
“Scared..” he managed to mutter, taking a second to take a deep breath. “You’re… older… I’m… younger… the.. dancer… older… what if… what if you want an older man…? What if… you’ll leave me… because he’s better..”
You blinked, staring at him confusion. “Mingi, that’s so silly.” You whispered, cooing when he tried to glare at you—it didn’t pack a punch with his face wet with tears. “You were insecure and that’s okay… but that was not the way to go about it. Are you scared that… I’ll leave you if I get more fans?”
He hummed. “You… might… leave the group.”
“Why would I? You have solo activities but you don’t want to leave the group. I can have solo activities too. I like our group. You’re really acting your age, Mingi.”
That seemed to be the wrong thing to say as he immediately began to try and pull away. You pulled him back in quickly as you brought his face to yours.
“Next time, if you’re feeling a certain way, you can.. voice it? Instead of talking down on me, okay?” You said, giving him a slight smile. “But I’m happy you immediately apologized. I didn’t think you would do that.”
Mingi sniffled, finally sitting up straight. “It’s because I—”
You clamped his mouth shut, a blush on your face. Mingi only rolled his eyes. Even when he was sad he had the strength to roll his eyes. Wow.
Despite yourself, the previous anger wasn’t as strong anymore. You didn’t think you would be so easy to forgive but you were. Was it because he apologized? He seemed so sincere that you knew it wasn’t a joke—Mingi can’t cry on command, he’s tried many times.
Surprisingly only Kihyun could.
He… he really loved you?
“Minnie,” you said, unable to hide the smile at his eager gaze from hearing his nickname. “Is it true… that you told the other members to back off?”
Mingi frowned before he silently nodded.
He pulled your hand away from his mouth as he looked away. “They didn’t love you like I do. It was just simple infatuation…”
“How could you be so sure?”
Mingi raised an eyebrow, “Hyung, I’ve trained with them since I was fourteen… I’ve known them longer than you do. Besides, it’s not like they fought me on it… well not all of them.”
“All of them…? Did…?”
“One person disagreed.”
“Ah, I can’t really remember.”
“You and Hyojin are the same, little shits.” You sighed, rubbing the bridge of your nose. “But still, that was wrong of you. You shouldn’t mess with anyone else’s feelings.”
Mingi looked as if he wanted to talk back but simply nodded. “Okay… it was two years ago anyway.”
“Two years ago?”
“Mhm. On my nineteenth birthday.”
You wanted to ask more but it looked like Mingi was done talking. He rubbed at his eyes as he began wiping at his tear stained face. While you weren’t angry anymore, you still weren’t exactly so forgiving without any work on Mingi’s part.
“Minnie,” you said, watching as he perked up. “I’m still mad… so you can’t touch me at all for a month.”
His eyes widen as he stared at you as if you just told him his parents died in a plane crash. His lips wobbled as a pained grunt left him, he was obviously trying to plead a case but the rational part of him knew not to push it.
He looked as if he’d cry again.
You only smiled. “Punishment for calling your Hyung a whore. I think I’m being quite nice, don’t you think?”
Mingi squared his jaw. “Yes, Hyung…”
“Good boy.” You whispered, smirking at his pained expression. “You can’t sleep with me tonight, unless you want to sleep on the floor. Night, Minnie.”
Mingi was going to have a tough month.
→ have you guys seen this performance??
→ 씨발! If I had a dick it’d be hard ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
→ who is this???
→ he sounds so good??
→ wish I could pay attention to the lyrics but his ass is distracting me
→ 대박! He sounds so stable
→ I found his group performances!!! Why is he so underrated??
→ does he have any other solo work?
→ my dick hard
→ the group sings so well, I’ll tune in for their comeback!!
→ his photo cards are cheap!! I’ll buy a dozen ㅋㅋㅋ
→ I think I came
Three years ago
Mingi was confused. He saw so many fan accounts for other members. Way too many for himself—he didn’t get what was so special about him. But little to none accounts solely for you. The group had debuted a year ago, surely someone likes you enough to create an account?
He sighed, scrolling through the lists of popular Miras accounts. Why weren’t they praising you? You were the best, a great singer, dancer, and leader.
Was it because you didn’t fit the Korean beauty standards?
How stupid.
Mingi didn’t care about what fans thought of him so long as they liked the music—but it seemed to bother you that no one was giving you any attention.
So, he decided to rectify that.
It took him a minute but he soon figured out how to create an account.
He chose his profile picture—a picture from the group’s season greetings, one where you had frosting on your nose as you smiled at the camera.
He’d never use social media before so his generic names for the account were all taken. He didn’t know what else to name the stupid account as, it was just so he could post pictures and videos of you.
After a short break before he mentally crashed out, he decided on a different name.
It was a lyric from the group’s debut title track. Your first line of the song. Not many people would probably know but that was fine with him. The account was honestly mainly for him.
He didn’t know what his first post should be so he decided on a picture he took of you. Luckily he had posted it on the group’s Instagram so no one would think anything of it. It was a candid photo, you were looking up from your phone because he had called your name. You looked so cute despite how tired you were.
His first ever picture of you was his first ever post.
Shit, he was down bad.
no smut this time, sorry yall, but chapter three will give yall what’s deserved, next week Friday. Trying something different with this OC. Anyway, next chapter, he’s about to get freaky. Also can you guess who was the member that refused Mingi’s request? ;)
죄송합니다 — is the most formal way to say sorry in Korean
Tag list: @euthymiko @love-kha1 @iwishtobeacrow @chill-guy-but-cooler @tehyunnie @tomoeroi @smellwell @remdayz @star-3214 @mooncarvers-world @rhetorical-conscience @cherry-blossoms-187 @ofclyde @the-ultimate-librarian @kiiyoooo @secretivemessenger @mello-life25 @yuzuukix @bensontrechic @onementally-unstabel-kid @me-when-life @bangbangdevotee @chaevvonders @bangchansdirty-slut @honey-valentin3 @hoshimochicchi @lucaisnothere @jaxyy219
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