houseofcatwic · 4 months
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arimonsterwolf · 8 months
I l0ve having an alc0h0lic m0ther, I th0ught she was finally starting t0 get 0ut 0f her latest breakd0wn, I th0ught shit was starting t0 l00k up, like yeah she l0st her j0b and we're struggling with bills but she seemed t0 be trying t0 get better. Hell I was starting t0 get better, I even g0t a c0nditi0nal 0ffer f0r the uni I wanna g0 t0 yesterday but I g0t h0me fr0m a walk ab0ut and h0ur ag0 and she's drunk, I d0n't kn0w if she b0ught it but the b0ttle is nearly empty and it was 13£, she's thr0wing up upstairs, I didn't manage t0 bring a bag upstairs fast en0ugh s0 she threw s0me up 0n the fl00r, I just can't take this shit anym0re, I can't keep playing her therapist and w0rrying every day if she's g0nna waist all the m0ney we have 0n rum 0r whisky and if I'll have t0 call the ambulance again 0r if I'll have t0 sit with her f0r h0urs s0 she d0esn't d0 s0mething bad
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sunsetandclark · 3 years
Hey, bud, let’s party! Faux Jeff Spicoli hosts ‘Fast Times’ and rolls out the best of ’80s rock at Whisky A Go-G0 every Monday. The Whisky A Go-Go is slowly but surely getting back into the swing of rocking your face off again with awesome live shows and concerts that will make you remember exactly why the Sunset Strip is the birthplace of rock and roll. There is nowhere else in the city of Los…
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les365dorele · 5 years
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le jour où mon molarité a bu 2 bouteilles de whisky pour l’apéro ! 🤪 (à Bernardvillé) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzOZW70iG4RTzBsvKLtD39GXyhsYHmLGJkGt-g0/?igshid=njk3p2quye58
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