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artemiovisions · 1 year ago
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Sumérgete en el mundo encantado de nuestro Bichon Frisé, donde cada rincón rebosa creatividad y cada detalle es una celebración de la alegría. Envuelto en una manta de colores pastel y rodeado de su colección de juguetes y obras de arte, nuestro pequeño artista peludo te invita a sonreír y a inspirarte en la belleza de los momentos cotidianos. ¡Deja que su espíritu lúdico y su mirada llena de amor te recuerden disfrutar de las pequeñas cosas de la vida! 🎨🌸🐶
Get the artwork here!
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pawsitivevibe · 5 years ago
Hi! I'm looking for some more good doggos to follow and I'm wondering if you have any recommendations?
Hi there! Sure. I follow a lot of blogs dedicated to people’s very good dogs. 
You might already be following some of them if you like dogs, but here’s a very large and varied list of dog blogs I follow and enjoy:
(sorry if I’m missing anyone I went through my list of dog blogs quickly) 
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dogfirstsmallsecond · 5 years ago
doomspaniels replied to your photoset “whimsicalwoofs: A good bit on Clicker Training from Karen Pryor’s...”
@potato-pets​ I think this is related to what I mean when I say that dogs with more positive interaction, more problem-solving just seem more intelligent. It doesn't happen quickly, and you have to figure out how to teach them to problem solve (it's hard work for a dog!) I can't clicker train because my hand reflexes bork up the timing, but I think it's more the puzzling through positive experiences than the clicker itself, the clicker is just a good tool.
Re. disability stuff I do marker training more than clicker training, but I still call it “clicker training” because that’s the popularised name for the bridge. I know @itsybitsyblitz does oral markers too.
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whimsicalwoofs · 6 years ago
Dogblr peeps drop your instagram below so we can follow you ⬇️
We’re Whimsicalwoofs over there as well
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westie-impostor · 7 years ago
I was tagged by @fishsticksfromthenorth-ish !
rules: tag 9 people with excellent taste
color(s) i’m currently wearing: blue jeggings and a gray tshirt
last band t-shirt I bought: I honestly don’t think I’ve ever bought a band tshirt...... I’m more into showtunes than I am other music.
last band i saw live: I did see Starkid live with Darren Criss back in 2011!
last song i listened to: Ummmm.... whatever was on the radio.  Probably something like pop 2012 which seems to be what this station plays.
lipstick or chapstick: chapstick (specifically the chapstick @collegiatecanine made me!  Totally the best thing ever)
last movie I watched: My mom and I watched the beginning of San Andreas a few nights ago.  We have a thing for disaster flicks (usually bad 80′s movies or Sharknado :D )
last 3 tv shows i watched: The Cleveland Show, American Dad, Bob’s Burgers (are we sensing a theme here???)
last 3 characters i identified with: umm.  Hmm.   Probably Tina Belcher from Bob’s Burgers, Hermione Granger from Harry Potter, and Abby from NCIS.
book i’m currently reading: So since my vision sucks a lot and my attention span has decreased to like 0 half the time because anxiety and whatnot, I actually haven’t read a book in years... Which is really sad because I used to absolutely love to read.  It was my favorite thing in the world.  Maybe one day...
ok and to tag…….!  Not sure who has done this one yet. @collegiatecanine @aquestionablemutt @whimsicalwoofs @elliottheamericanbulldog @golden-girl-daisy @loki-lo @lilwigglebuttthesecond @allbarksomebite @jemmabean
and anyone else who wants to do this!
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plainspups · 8 years ago
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A Not So Great Semi-Before and After! It's hard to tell but he is so much better! I combed out all the matts on his back/neck/ears and all of the impacted undercoat (?) from his neck to tail and then most of his thighs, but his pantaloon things have big matts that I couldn't get. I didn't have the patience (and he definitely didn't either!) to do his belly and legs (though they really need it 😔 his poor stomach has urine all over it). Anyway - now I can touch him without crawling for the shower immediately after. If only I could limit the drool. @whimsicalwoofs thank you so much for your help! It was invaluable 😃
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gettingintoknives · 8 years ago
Who are your favorite dogblrs? I don't know who to follow.
I’m glad you asked. I don’t follow many dogblrs so trust me when I say this is, in my personal opinion, the cream of the crop.
@collegiatecanine Quincy is the cutest little velcro dog, and the other three fat dogs (Izzy, Gizmo, and Franklin) are highly amusing and very cute. The owner is also 10/10
@whimsicalwoofs Brice is the best and possibly only coton de tulear on this site and I love him so much
@westie-impostor Sasha is a mutt spying on westie culture and she has the best ears
@yoshitheyorkie Yoshi is so little and so good
@spayedbutstillabitch What’s that? Not enough yorkies? Meet Millie, isn’t she precious.
@winedogs Bo is here to act as your big dog fix. If you see her puppy pics you might cry.
@joejoetheracer Another big dog! Joe is a retired racing grey and he’s perfect.
@streetdogmillionaires Channoides and Pugnax are basically nature spirits, good brown dogs.
@dogsbecausedogs Charlie is another brown dog and he’s large you’ll love him.
@wisconsinratpack Four little dogs in a variety of shapes and colors. Truly the multipack of the dog world.
@mysterymuttbutts What kind of dogs are these crispy tostitos, you ask? Small ones. That’s all.
@mango-pup who I almost forgot because I am a fool, has a good fruit dog with nice contrast
I encourage you to follow them all, enjoy these dogs. 
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lambdalupi · 8 years ago
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@whimsicalwoofs and @salianka tagged me to do the describe your dog in one word thing! it took me a while because he’s is an ever-changing character. his personality can do a one eighty depending on his environnement, his mood of the day, and the person interacting with him; kaj is a lot of things at once and even after a year and a half together i still can’t figure him out. ultimately i would describe him as needy, both in a good and bad way. he likes to be close to me and my family, asks for pets and food and offers stupid tricks, and whines when he’s bored, but he also needs me to focus on him during our walks so he behaves decently, and he requires the special accommodations for a fearful dog. he’s in your face, and climbing all over you when you try to watch a movie, and he is not the kind of dog that just naps in a corner until you forget he’s there.
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ranbydoghair · 8 years ago
Questions 8, 14, 15, 21, 31, 49, 50, 55, 68, 73, 75
Hey friend!!!!! Ty!!!! I love u!!!!!8.) Do you have any saved names for future dogs? Oh heck yeah: Violet, Nox, Lumos, Puzzle, Rubiks, Sirius, Asher, Venus, Artemis, Aries, Juniper14.) Your favorite breed group? HERDING!!!!!15.) Your least favorite breed group? Toy. There's a few puppers that I loooove (I kinda need a long haired chi or a Pom) but most of them I'm really not a fan of21.) A useless trick that you love? The only things my dogs KNOW are useless tricks. But my faves are take a bow, salute, play dead, and "be cute" (laying head on paws) 31.) Is your dog really food motivated, play motivated, praise motivated, or something else?Ummm. Loki is v toy motivated, and like occasionally food motivated? For like 2 seconds. And Bruno is relatively food motivated and play motivated. 49.) What's your doggy dream team? Honestly I probably only want 1 dog at a time, but I REALLY want two borber cobblies (and name them Puzzle and Rubiks) or like maybe a nice pair of silkens that will be much too pretty 4 me 50.) What's the silliest thing your dog has ever done? Silliest? Idk. But Bruno always has to bring u a toy when you get home, but once he couldn't find any toys, so he just dragged a blanket across the house and gave that to me instead. 55.) Who is your favorite dogblr dog? OH NO I LOVE THEM ALL but umm... @noodle-dragon's Obie is the most beautiful, ethereal forest spirit ever to exist. Also @bobahund is ADORABLE, I adore @pantsthepuppy, @pawsitivelypowerful I love BOTH of your dogs, I just. Every single one. OH AND @armasthekooiker is fab too. Also @whimsicalwoofs has a cute cotton ball. I could keep going but I shouldn't. Literally every. Single. One. 68.) Does your dog have any weird habits? Bruno giving u toys when u get home is pretty weird. But his fav thing to do is sit in front of u, put his feet on your shoulders and stare into ur eyes. Loki likes to show affection by shoving her face into you as hard as possible, and she used to hoard tshirts in her kennel. Idk. 73.) Is there anything you look forward to doing everyday with your dog? Oh man idk! We don't really have a set schedule and I'm not home with the kiddos very often, but post dinner cuddling, my welcome homes, and our training sessions are definitely up there. 75.) I'm on mobile rn but I'll reblog with some soon! But every one! My dogs are great!
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westie-impostor · 7 years ago
I was tagged by @ratherlargedog and @oddhowl!
Rules: Answer honestly and tag blogs you want to know better!
Name: Jessica
Nickname(s): Mostly Jess (Never Jessie.  I refuse).  
Zodiac Sign: Aries (but none of the things they say about it ever seem true)
Height: 5'6″ 
Orientation: god knows
Relationship status: Single as can be
Favorite Color: purple.  I deck my dog out in it.  But my favorite color to wear is maroon
Lipstick or Chapstick: chapstick all the way
Last song I listened to: whatever was on the radio in the car this morning
Last Movie I watched: Ummm...  I honestly don’t know
Top Three TV Shows: NCIS, Scorpion, and Bob’s Burgers
Top Three Characters: Tina Belcher, Gibbs, Hermione Granger
Books I’m Currently Reading: I just can’t seem to focus on a book anymore.  My vision also sucks so reading books tends to suck now
Favorite Animal: all the dogs. Like, all of them.
Average Sleep Hours: Either 5 or 11.  There is no inbetween
Cat or Dog: Dogs considering that is what I own! lol
Favorite Fictional Character: Any of the Harry Potter heroes/heroines
Number of Blankets you sleep with at night: Usually one, but there is a second one if I need it on the bed.  Sasha has 2 or 3 of her own fleece blankets to cuddle with and make a nest with, though.
Dream Trip: I would love to do a cross-country trip with Sasha to visit all of my dogblr friends!  And then travel the globe to meet everyone else and their dogs (Sorry Sash, you couldn’t come on that one)
Blog Created: I think 2015.  But it was a fish blog until I got Sasha in July of 2016.
Number of Followers: About 1200.  But like 600 of them are from when I was a fish blog.  They just decided to stick around.  Love you guys!
Tagging (sorry if you’ve already done it!): @collegiatecanine @whimsicalwoofs @achoirofcritters @suburbanmutts @loki-lo @golden-girl-daisy
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whimsicalwoofs · 7 years ago
I just made a second Instagram just for dog stuff! Follow me @ Whimsicalwoofs there too!
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westie-impostor · 8 years ago
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@whimsicalwoofs @aelthen @collegiatecanine Sasha has once again become a Swamp Monster.
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westie-impostor · 8 years ago
I was tagged by @whimsicalwoofs .  Thank you!
“Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~) 🌈🌈”
1. I love to crochet.  I just haven’t done it in awhile because Depression ™ and Anxiety ™ exist.
2. I like my ability to learn.  I love learning new things, as long as it isn’t in a formal setting like a classroom.
3. I like my willingness to try new things with my dog, like advanced training classes.
4. I love to bake.  I am actually employed in the bakery of a small local restaurant.
5. I actually really like wearing glasses.  It’s weird, but I’ve never really been without them (got them at age 6), so I like how I look with them better than without them.
And now who to tag.  Sorry if you have been tagged before! @adventuringbeans @achoirofcritters @collegiatecanine @tinybigpaws @perfectdogs @jemmabean @stupidmarigolds @loki-lo @mysterymuttbutts @maisietheyellowlab
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plainspups · 8 years ago
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@whimsicalwoofs @aelthen can Quincy join the Swamp Monster club?
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westie-impostor · 8 years ago
dogblrpositivity check! happy dogblr days! Which dogblr dogs do you think your dog would get on with? Which do you think it would be frenemies with? Could you write a limerick about your dog?
I love these things so much!
So Sasha likes dogs her size or smaller, and on the calmer side.  Big, energetic dogs that can loom over her will freak her out.
The ones that come to mind are all of @collegiatecanine ‘s dogs, Daisy from @adventuringbeans (Maggie might even be a bit much, but you never know!), Laika from @aelthen, and possibly Brice from @whimsicalwoofs (though he also has a lot of energy!)  There are probably more that I just can’t think of right now.
Frenemies… Probably any sweet but larger dog.  After being attacked, she just growls if they get too close.
And let’s try a limerick
There once was a dog, small and white
Who never gave anyone a bite
She loves to eat cheese
Whenever she please
So becoming fat this dog might!
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colliepapillon · 8 years ago
dogblrpositivity check! happy dogblr days! Which dogblr dogs do you think your dog would get on with? Which do you think it would be frenemies with? Could you write a limerick about your dog?
I would love Gizmo to meet up with some other Papillons! So, @keepitupwiseguy ’s bunch or @snootastic ’s Poppy! They’re so rare around where I live, I’d just love to see him running about with some other paps. ( @collegiatecanine and @whimsicalwoofs and they’re smol dogs would be great too!) Tbh, Gizmo is frenemies with almost everyone at first, but just give him a little while to warm up, and he’ll play with anyone.And Alwyne LOVES everyone, which makes it difficult to pick, but @herebelife ’s Thyme is at a similar age and @bigpointyears ’s Logan, so that would be pretty awesome. Alwyne doesn’t have frenemies, only friends and VERY GOOD FRIENDS!
There once was a dog named Gizmo,Who thinks that he’s the head honcho,Despite his owners desire,He hates all attires,So you’ll never see him wear a tuxedo.
As you can see, I am a true poetical genius.
Thank you so much!
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