#Which is all I'll say as I probably won't be able to stop yelling about them once I start
hart269 · 5 months
Slithering Hearts
Chapter 4
Pairing : Regulus Black x Fem! Reader
Synopsis : You begin an unlikely friendship with the little Black. And soon your whole life seems to have become a tumultuous pathway. The catch, James Potter is your brother.
Notes : Just some rock cakes ;)
Masterlist / Series Masterlist
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James Potter, Marauder, almost selected Chaser of the Griffindor Quidditch team, stormed through the corridor, searching for you and thanking Merlin that his glasses hadn't cracked from the loud noise of the Howler. He spotted you in the courtyard, sitting with another Slytherin girl.
His eyes locked into yours, you did your best to hide your smirk as he came near,
"What the hell did you say to Mum?"
"James Potter talking to a slimy snake, what a wonder" You mocked then smirked, "And I only told her the truth, be glad I didn't tell dad" you crossed your arms.
James groaned, the irrational part of him still hated the green that adorned your robe, but it was closed from the yelling he had received. He sighed, probably accepting defeat, "Nothing can happen of you, can it, Zouwu"
You mock gasped, "How dare you say that, I perfectly did my wand lighting charm and my potion didn't even explode", your smirk had turned into a bright smile as you told excitedly about your lessons.
James watched you with a little smile on his face, in the end you were still the same, an annoying little shit. He still scoffed, "You are still earning house points for the slimy snake house"
"Not my fault you are losing yours playing silly pranks" You remarked chuckling at James's offended gasp.
The days went by smoothly, considering you did your best to avoid any kind of noticeable trouble. You did occasionally sneaked off to hang out with Hagrid, whom you met when a niffler attacked you, and he was called to take it away.
You liked talkimg to him but didn't have to heart to tell something about his rock cakes, not even when your spoon bended trying to crack it. Hagrid had chuckled at your horrified expresion.
Still, one dreary afternoon you stood on his gate, "Hello Hagrid, I was wondering if you'd let me bake a cake"
Hagrid chuckled, "Good thing, I was thinking of preparing some rock cakes today"
You blinked owlishly, before clearing your throat, "Hagrid, I was wondering if I could make it myself, it's my friend's birthday, you see"
Hagrid moved from the door, "Why don't you come in then, but I'm not sure if I have all the supplies, you need"
You nodded grinning, "I'm sure we'll be able to come up with something"
Dwindling between the actual lack of supplies and the persistent hugs of the niffler which once attacked you, you had managed up to conjure a real rock cake, which didn't actually feel like a rock. You left a spare cake for Hagrid and thanked him heartfully, for letting you cook. Bending down, you patted the niffler which again tried to lunge for your chain, "Bye Niffles"
And so you went to your next stop,
"Wait a minute baby potter, I'll call James"
Sirius said when he saw you coming.
"Actually Sirius, I needed to talk to you, it is Regulus's birthday" Sirius eyed you suspiciously, knowing the implication. "So?"
"Will you come to the Common room today at midnight" you looked at him with your best puppy eyes that you could conjure up.
"Me in Slytherin Common Room, Merlin's beard, I will not be caught dead there"
"Please Sirius, you mean a lot to him, you can come with the invisiblity cloak, he won't be happy without you" You almost begged, glancing up at him.
Sirius didn't say anything definitive just a "I'll think about it", you still told him the password to the common room.
It was certainly an accident about how you found about about this trivial matter, Regulus's birthday, while you knew everyone's else, you strangely didn't know his.
You were in library, Regulus had dropped his notebooks on a nearby table and gone to pick up a book. Among others, he carried a black leather notebook with him and behind it in small letters were his initial and birth date, which you so just happened to glance upon on as you looked closely, and knowing his tendency of seclusion, you made a plan.
So some time before midnight while most of the common room was empty, you sat there with your Potions homework, completing it now since you were busy the whole day. You looked at the raven haired boy who among others was about to leave for his dorm, "Reg, I don't get this part, can you please explain it?"
Regulus looked at you curiously, you excelled at your studies and more like never needed help, but he instantly agreed, "Sure" Regulus moved to sit beside you glancing at the homework, "Which exact part are you talking about, the cauldron mixing or the herb collection?"
"Herb collection" you nodded, taking notes while he explained the procedures and precaution. Between his ramblings, you glanced at the clock, few minutes to midnight, you were worried the rock cake beneath your cloak won't actually become rock.
"Are you here?" Regulus asked noticing your distracted look.
"Huh" You broke out of your trance, at his perturbed gaze, "Of course, you were telling that porcupine quills should never be added while the cauldron is boiling". Regulus nodded, but as he began to continue, the door or wall to the common room slid open, with no one in sight. You hid your grin, while Regulus stood up, his wand pointing out. Only a minute now.
Regulus heard footsteps in the barren comon room, he glanced back at you, to see you shuffling among your stuff, "Can you hear the footsteps too?"
"For Merlin's sake, couldn't you have walked slowly" You grinned, Regulus turned and his heart almost came out , only the head of Sirius floated in the air.
"Happy Birthday" you both silently cheered, shoving the cake in his face, Regulus stood still, Sirius shook him, "Hey, Reggie, are you broken?"
"No,I, um, I, thank you," he whispered, nodding, not trusting his voice, the cake was cut, Sirius took a big piece to take back, while you took a big bite. It could have been better.
You turned to Sirius, whispering, "Thankyou for coming"
"No probs", he clapped Regulus's back, "I'll be leaving, all the green is making me sick, thanks for the cake". Maybe Sirius wasn't fully in, but it was something.
Sirius left as he came, Regulus turned to you, "How did you know?"
With a mouthful of cake, you grinned, "Magic".
He looked as if he couldn't comprehend something, "But why?"
You stopped picking up your supplies, tilting your head you smiled a genuine one "Because you are my friend silly"
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Taglist : @shycreationdreamland @mp-littlebit @girlbooklover555
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justiceforvillains · 18 days
I'm almost back which means ✨SKZ Hybrid AUs✨
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So imagine you work with a hybrid shelter who finds stray hybrids and gives them a new home and a family, you are one of the best people there and you had worked with many tough and complicated cases, so whenever they have trouble with a hybrid they call you to deal with it.
It isn't new to you, to get a call at 3 am because your coworkers can't deal with a difficult hybrid, it was almost a daily occurrence
And tonight was no exception, you got a call about a really, really, really injured but violent hybrid, so you did your normal routine packed a bag full of meat, put on some scent blockers to not smell threatening even put on a soft fluffy oversized sweater to look even less threatening
You went over there and your breath hitched there he was with blood all over him growling and snapping his Teath at anyone who dared get too close to him
At this point everyone were staying back too afraid of the "violent" hybrid
One guy got too close and ended up on the ground with his arm gushing blood, after that everyone backed away but still surrounded the Hybrid so he wouldn't be able to escape, they meant well but all it did was scare the hybrid even more
But you noticed it
You noticed it when the Hybrid hurt the guy, when they snapped their Teath and bite down on that guy's arm
You noticed how his eyes widened, you noticed how he pulled back and put his back flat against the wall, you noticed how he regretted it and how his ears went flat on his head.
But then he got angry again, or more like scared? So you stepped in, and as soon as the hybrid noticed, he glared and growled at you, but you didn't move, never breaking eye contact, your colleagues started yelling at you to get away before you ended up dead.
And just then, the hybrid lunged, but stopped just inches away from your face, the large male looking puzzled that you didn't flinch or back away or make a sound
Instead you just sat down you sat down right in front of the hybrid, who backed away, planting himself on the wall again
"Look at you, then look at me, do you really think I could hurt you?" you whispered in the softest of voices. The hybrid scowl never left his face, but he looked curious.
"Even though you're terribly injured, you hurt a perfectly healthy man because you're too strong," the glare was immediately replaced by regret as he caught the eyes of the man he'd hurt.
"No one here blames you, you've probably been through terrible things, you have every right to lash out and not trust anyone," you started to comfort him, now the big scary hybrid looked even more broken.
Eyes looking confused a pretty frown on his bloody face looking around ears flat on his head tail between his legs
"Listen, I know you won't believe me, but I'm not here to hurt you, no one here is" "So listen, I know you're smart, you're badly injured, so how about you come with me to the hospital to get help - or if you really think you can manage on your own, I'll tell everyone to leave you alone"
The Hybrid's eyes widened and you could feel your colleagues disagreeing with what you were saying.
"It's your choice, either you come with us to help you recover, or we leave and come back when we get a call about you again" The Hybrid looked at you, then at the men, and held up two fingers, and your heart broke.
the Hybrid was telling you that he had decided that you should leave him alone instead of going to the hospital, so you nodded and told everyone to get back in their car, some started to shout at you but then they did as they were told and it was only you and the Hybrid who were left.
The Hybrid looked hella confused, but immediately retreated in fear as you reached back into your bag and handed him a bag of meat, "If you're going to stay on the streets, you need to eat first".
With that you put the bag on the ground in front of the Hybrid and turned your back, you heard the bag being grabbed, when you turned around the Hybrid was closer now and looking at you
You tilted your head "you need something pretty boy" the reaction was almost immediately eyes widen comically before a blush made his way to his face, he took out one hamburger you packed and put it infront of you before dashing away.
You smiled you truly believe that there were no evil or "violent" hybrids out there, they were only like that because of the humans that treated them like toys for their enjoyment
You hope that when you get the next call about a certain "violent hybrid" It wouldn't be too late...
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✦ Masterlist ✦
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six-eyed-samurai · 6 months
This can be read as a standalone, but if you'd like you can read my previous thoughts on Genya's literacy.
dear aNiki,
kocho gave me a Notebook today aNd told me to write down any after efects or experiNces after eating a demoN iN here but said I should also keep a jourNal to show you oNe day. she gave one to tokito to for his memory loss I thiNk.
she started teachng me how to write receNtly. she said if I caN’t become a hashira or talk to you by the time i've fiNished learNiNg, i can come up with a good apologi letter for you.
himejima-saN is very proud that I'm learNiNg how to write. he was sad he couldn't teach me Himself but Now I can help Him deliver messages he caN't write or Read.
i caN't do aNy breathiNg techNiques, but himjima-saN’s traiNing is iNteNse eNough that i can slay demons eveN without eating them sometimes. maybe i will be able to become the first hashira without a techNique.
Im Not sure yet Of what to write iN here, so thats all for Now. I hope you like the ohagi I seNt you. kocho said she'd pass it for Me.
Dear Aniki,
I'm very embarrassed to say this, but when I showed Kocho my writing it turned out I got a lot of things wrong. She was very nice about it when she saw how red I was but couldn't teach me today so the Butterfly Girls had to do it. I think they were too scared to laugh but it's embarrassing anyway to have them know more about writing than I do.
For one apparently I got all my captal (is that how you spell it?) letters wrong. Small letter n and captal letter N are also very different and it's confusing. And I'm glad Himejima-san won't find out I didn't write his name correctly.
The demon I ate the other day left me with a very weirdly shaped hand that hasn't gone away yet, so I'll stop writing for now since it's tiring to hold a pencil with talons. Kocho offered to cut my nails for me but I said no because she was going to use her katana.
Dear Aniki,
It really hurt me to find out you threw away my apology letter. I really want to apologize for that night but you keep pushing me away. Are you disappointed in me for joining the Corps or because I can't use breathing techniques? I promise I'll do better.
At least you didn't reject my ohagi. I found out because Tokito was eating it when I met him today. The Mist Pillar is really weird. I didn't know his amnesia was so bad to this state he wandered into the room I was staying in at the Butterfly Mansion thinking it was his. I found him standing by the window holding my gun without moving for about ten minutes. I thought he was a girl for a second so it kind of stunned me into silence. He didn't even notice I was there until I yelled at him to put it down.
It was really awkward at first because I had to explain to him it wasn't his room and he had to explain to me he wasn't a girl, then there was an awkward pause where we just stared at each other. He called me a rooster too…which is still confusing.
I find it really hard to believe he's fourteen and already a Pillar. Jealous, really, because he gets to see you and I don't. Although he called you a wolf and I'm not sure what that means when I asked him where he got the ohagi from and he said the “old white wolf looking Hashira…I forgot. I think I bought it…wait, but I didn't bring any money.”
Somehow I ended up agreeing to his demand of training with him first thing tomorrow to show him how to use a gun. Thankfully the side effects of the demon I ate is gone now.
Kocho told me he'll probably forget about it though.
Dear Aniki,
Today's my birthday. Do you miss me as much I do for you? I wish I can still celebrate it with our siblings and mom, or at least with you.
Kinzaki and the Butterfly Girls made me a cake. Kocho gave me a new yukata after I ripped my old one from my last fight. Her tsugoku gave me a coin for whatever reason. But I got really shy and didn't say much.
Muichiro forgot it was my birthday and thought it was Kocho’s, so he gave me her present. He thought it was funny to pin the butterfly to my hair. The girls started giggling at me so I chased him around the Butterfly Mansion.
Himejima-san gave me a cat. She's very cute. I named her Shizu, after mom. She followed me everywhere and even peed on Muichiro’s foot. He said she was stupid but later on I found him carrying her around.
Her white fur made me think of you. If you ever forgive me one day I'm sure you'll love her too. She likes the smell of ohagi too apparently.
Dear Aniki,
Rengoku-san the Flame Pillar and Kanroji the Love Pillar came to visit Himejima-san today. Rengoku-san gave me ohagi, so I thanked him but he said it wasn't from him. I'm praying this means you don't completely hate me.
Muichiro came over to Himejima-san’s estate today too by mistake, but he decided to stay and train with me anyway. He asked to see Shizu and that's when I realized she was missing.
How hard could it be to find a snowy white cat? That's what we thought until we (me mostly, Muichiro kept forgetting where he had looked) hunted everywhere for her. Then Rengoku-san said he saw her run pass him and when we looked she jumped off a tree and took off.
I still can't stop turning red whenever I think about how I slammed into Kanroji chasing Shizu, so I immediately ran off with Muichiro. I hope if I meet her again she'll have forgotten about it.
Dumb cat.
Dear Aniki,
Today that Kamado kid - the one who broke my arm back at Final Selection after I grabbed the Ubuyashiki girl; hope she doesn't hold it against me - picked up the stack of letters I accidentally dropped. You know it's the anniversary of everyone's death today, so I was planning on taking the letters I've been writing to them to burn. Usually I would just leave flowers and prayers at the shrine Himejima-san helped me make because we never got to bury them, but since Kocho taught me to write I decided to make a new tradition.
Anyway I knew he didn't mean to read them but I got mad anyway until he told me his family died the same way and he was happy that I was still honoring their memory of whatever. I wish me and you were like him and his sister. I wonder what would've happened if we had stayed together? I never meant to hurt you like that.
I don't remember writing any of this. Did I change my handwriting or something? Who's Aniki?
I've just chased away Muichiro. I can't believe he got our notebooks mixed up and started reading mine. I hope he didn't read anything…too personal. Foggy brained idiot just stared at me and left.
He came back later. He didn't apologize but handed me a watermelon. He's forgiven…I guess? I don't even want to know he got it from, especially when I can hear Kinzaki and that pig head boy shouting.
Dear Aniki,
Today's the day before the final battle and I don't have much time to write as much as I want to, so I'll make this entry quick.
Muichiro has become a much nicer person, and I've had a lot of fun with him over time. I'm gonna miss training with him and talking and cloud gazing together afterwards. I hope we both don't die. He called me his best friend the other day and although I got really flustered I don't want it to be the last time.
Kocho and the Butterfly Girls celebrated my “graduation” of learning how to write the other day. Maybe one day you'll be able to come and celebrate some other occasion with us.
I will never be able to repay everything Himejima-san has done for me. I owe him for the slayer I am today. I hope the wooden bracelet I carved will be able to convey it. I can write now but I'm no good with words.
I'm really grateful to Kamado and his sister for reminding me during the battle at the Swordsmith Village why I joined the Corps. I'm going to prove myself to you and apologize for once and for all. I don't know what I'm going to do if you keep pushing me away even after all this. I miss you a lot.
I swear we'll be brothers again after this battle.
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thessalian · 2 months
Thess vs The Shooting
About recent news: I'm not going to enjoy the next few news cycles very much? But while this might be problematic short term, I don't think it's going to be the disaster people say it is. At least, not if everyone follows the advice that has been given all along - don't decide your vote doesn't matter, don't decide that third-party protest votes will be your best course of action, just vote and vote blue.
Here's why:
Look, at this point, everyone that's going to vote for Trump is going to vote for Trump no matter what - there is no getting them off that particular Titanic. Marginals? I'm sorry, but Trump does not appeal to marginals. Trump appeals to ... well, MAGA types, and there are a few too many of those. Getting shot at does not make one a viable political candidate, no matter how many people talk conspiracy.
And let's face it - Trump is not going to pull the "Biden conspired to have me killed" card. Not because he doesn't want to (and no one's going to gainsay it because the man who allegedly fired the shots is apparently dead), but because it would probably have that stupid decision the Supreme Court made about what kinds of immunity a president has being relevant sooner than Trump wants it to be. He wants to be able to pick up that tactical nuke that the Supreme Court dropped outside the White House. If anything, if he gets the presidency, he's going to pick it up and use it to round up political enemies "for his own protection" because "he got shot at once, you know". But that entirely relies on his being elected. Which, because of the above, can be stopped by the simple method of a bunch of people actually getting out and voting blue in November.
Plus ... seriously, this is going to eat a couple of news cycles and die no matter how hard Trump tries to capitalise on this. He's currently yelling that America must "stand united" when he's the one who went to such lengths to deepen the divides in the first place, but at the end of the day, it's a piece of news, and most of the news will move on. The ... I don't remember what the American equivalent of GB News is (the one that's worse than Fox), but that one'll run conspiracy theories for as long as it's allowed, and it'll be all over Truth Social and probably Twitter, but news cycles are way different than they were when I was a kid. They blow up fast and blow over faster, and this probably won't be any different.
Basically, I'm not going to panic. I'll keep a half an eye on it, but at the end of the day, news is theatre at this point. It's "what makes good TV" or whatever. It's put together by people who believe (sometimes rightly) that the populace has the collective attention span of concussed goldfish and about as much memory capacity. There's a lot we don't know, and news outlets will spend a fair bit of time analysing what we do know (and why we aren't able to know more, and I'm looking at the ones who apparently killed the alleged shooter, because now we can't ask that individual the kinds of questions that would indicate whether it was politically motivated or it was just like that guy who shot at Reagan to impress Jodie Foster). But after they've wrung out the last bits of information, it's going to fade away no matter what Trump does to keep it alive. And he's basically painted himself into a corner there because he's got that whole "toxic masculinity" thing going on and any attempts to drag out how brave he was in the wake of being shot at after the fact? They're going to look like whining.
But it's going to be a fairly gross week in the news while this gets processed, I'll give you that. I just can't afford to panic until the world proves me wrong about how shit like the news works.
Anyway, life goes on. (I admit to some very uncharitable thoughts about that whole situation in the immediate, though. I generally find it distasteful to wish death on anyone, but I do admit to being uncharitable enough as a person to have a few exceptions, if you see what I mean. But I'm not going to harp on about it at the end of the day because it doesn't help.)
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Could you please share your thoughts on Kuroba Toichi? What was he like as a husband, father and master (Jii)? How did he get along with Aoko and her parents? Did his civilian life have any ties to Kid as a suspect or rival? What was he like as a Magician, he had many fans and seemed close with his teacher? How was he as Kaitou 1412/Kid, he seemed rather intimidating when he was meeting his 'big brother' Shinichi, Nakamori is very obsessed and he seems to have a rather 'good' reputation?
I will choose to ignore the events of M27 and respond.
I like to think he was the first one to fall in love, the Phantom Lady also left notes about her heists. Maybe even Chikage did dramatic performances like Kaito? Only instead of a magic act, it was a house of horrors.
My thought is that Toichi fell in love with her on one of her heists and started looking for information about her, he wanted to get to know her better and know her story.
I imagine it was frustrating for him not to be able to ask out the girl who had been looking for him for so long, and then all of a sudden she… backs out! I like to think he was devastated… But then more heist notes appeared, he had hope!
Well, I like to think that Toichi was in love and crazy enough to say "She's great and I'm in love! Since she's a thief she surely won't trust me if I'm not one right?! Then I'll become one!"
When he sees her at the robbery where he meets her, Being the good magician that he is, he hides his feelings, but in reality he was quite excited and nervous to meet her, he rehearsed the words he would say to her a lot of times in the mirror because he was afraid of ruining it.
Since we don't get much of Toichi, I like to think of him as a fool in love with his scary wife. (I guess that's why I like Akako x Kaito). I mention all that to say, I think Toichi is a husband obsessed with his wife, and gives her a rose every morning. He's a magician! It must be easy for him to have flowers!
Oh, as a fun fact, I like the idea of ​​Toichi being a housewife when he's not at work, though he can't cook at all and leaves that to Chikage.
I have this mental image of Toichi holding baby Kaito in one arm, while holding the vacuum cleaner with his free hand. Chikage then enters the house with a stolen painting and yells, "Honey, I'm home from work!". I like to think that Chikage sometimes helped him with his KID work.
So far, in almost all of Toichi's flashbacks, Kaito has appeared. Kaito literally met Yukiko in one of his classes!
Which leads me to think that he was the one who was primarily in charge of raising his son.
I can just imagine baby Kaito crying for his dad, and Chikage having to dress up as Toichi to stop Kaito from crying.
And her saying: "Why do you love him more? I had you with me for 9 months!"
In Jii's case, I feel like the reason he's so dedicated to serving him is because Toichi saved his life, not literally, but in a more metaphorical way, maybe Jii was in a bad place when he met Toichi, and it was an encounter that marked his life forever.
I feel like they both see each other as family, Jii was always constantly worried about Toichi's safety and health, I like to think that when he saw him planning robberies or magic tricks until late and it wasn't for a last minute performance, he would force him to go to sleep, something like:
"I'm a grown man now, I can sleep late if I want!"
"It's still bad for your health, drink this hot chocolate and go to sleep!" It has been mentioned that Toichi was one of the most famous magicians in Japan, and even had a nickname by which fellow magicians referred to him as "the magician of orient."
He even met his wife in Paris before he had a magic show.
That's why I imagine Toichi must have had a huge fan base, I think the way performers are treated in Japan it was probably known that he was married but no one knew who his wife was or if he had any kids.
I imagine Toichi taking baby Kaito to the supermarket, he has a cap and mask on but has to take the mask off when his son starts crying, then as he's comforting his son a fan sees him and is shocked because no one knew Kuroba Toichi had kids, Toichi notices this, when he makes sure Kaito is calm he puts him back in the stroller, looks at the fan, gives him a rose and winks "Let this be our secret." I think unlike Kaito, Toichi was luckier in the sense that aside from Nakamori, no one seemed too interested in him (I won't count Yuusaku for these situations).
I imagine that before he died he was very close to his former mentor, James Hopper.
I like the idea that Kaito and Judy actually met at some point in their childhood!
Maybe they even had play dates while their father and grandfather caught up.
I like to think that Toichi had a classy and silent version of KID, the last years he was active were probably when he became more bloodthirsty.
I want to believe that was because of Chikage! Toichi mentioned that he didn't like that kind of jokes, so I choose to believe that she corrupted him over time.
Also, maybe he wanted to seem hostile because a criminal organization was interested in him, and he thought that would keep them away.
I think Toichi talked a lot with Nakamori as KID, they got along well, but she really got on his nerves, almost as much as Kaito does.
I like to think that Toichi as KID would make such stupid and ridiculous comments to Nakamori like "I know you have a daughter, I have a son, you two should play together" and Nakamori would get angry and say that it was ridiculous "My precious daughter won't play with the son of a criminal, and that poor baby should grow up in a proper place!"
I'm sure Toichi once took Kaito on a robbery just to show him to Nakamori.
Toichi was a cool neighbor with a weird wife, so in conclusion they were both good but weird neighbors!
Midoriko got along well with Chikage, they were probably good friends, although it was hard for her to keep up with that tornado.
Nakamori once overheard them talking about murder, and that's how she found out that Chikage liked grotesque jokes, then she saw Kaito and Aoko playing with a retractable knife and didn't know how to feel.
On one hand, this somehow increased the creativity of the children, on the other… this was certainly worrying.
I think Toichi liked Aoko because she accepted Kaito as he was.
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I have the headcanon that Chikage is French! And therefore Kaito is half French, it's just not noticeable because he looks more like Toichi!
In the anime 1412, Chikage mentions that her first date with Toichi was at a French restaurant, which makes me wonder if they lived in Paris for a while before going to Japan. Toichi might have feared that Kaito suffered from xenophobia, perhaps even Kaito's Japanese wasn't too good back then.
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lesbiangummybearmafia · 9 months
The gilded age 02x08, In Terms of Winning and Losing, my thoughts...
Please excuse any spelling errors. My brain is sleepy so its not working too well. 😰
I'm still having feelings over last night season 2 finale. We can't say they didn't pack the episode until it nearly burst that's for sure.
I'm going start at the end because it still tickles me that Aunt Ada is now head of the Van Rhijn household. (They went omg free fall everything ending, to oh wait we're fine. One oh the fastest turn around ever). Which will now be known as Fronte household. Thank you, Mr. Bannister for pointing it out. Because truthfully I was clueless as every body else until he asked Aunt Ada if it ok. Than it all clicked... Omg Aunt Ada is now the big cheese! The look on her face was brilliant! In that moment we seen her take her power, completely imbody it. We clearly see her mind calculating on all the changes she's going to make. It one exceptional piece of acting from Cynthia Nixon. She doesn't utter a word during it, it's all in facial expressions and her body movements. It's just as powerful. She's so very talented!
Look on Aunt Agnes face made giggle as she realizes the role in her own house have reversed on her. That her little sister is now in charge. I don't mean in unkind way whatsoever. The relationship and dynamics between these two sisters have been certain ways for most likely all their lives up to this point, but now Aunt Agnes is going to have to listen to Aunt Ada in way is never did before. I personally think it's going to good for the whole household. Aunt Ada is kind and compassionate that will benefit everyone in that household especially Aunt Agnes.
I did love When Aunt Ada ask Marian if finally broke off her engagement with Dashiell, because she know he wasn't right for her. Lol it was too brilliant. I love Aunt Ada so much!!
So yes finally Marian broke off her engagement to Dashiell!! I cheered when that happened!! It's like damn woman took you long enough. But after he called her by his dead wife's name, creepy that was the last straw. No one can blame the man for still being in love with his dead wife. We all know that heart doesn't work that way, just because their no longer here doesn't make our love just stop. It's ultimately more to what Marian said, that their not well matched, they don't want the same things and their not in love with each other. I'm just glad she found her back bone and got out before it was too late.
I'm personally so happy about that kiss bewteen Marian and Larry, I was yelling kiss, kiss, kiss the whole time! I think their well matched in every way. Larry definitely be ok with Marian teaching or anything else she wants to do. Now thanks to Aunt Ada she won't come penniless to the whole thing because we know Aunt Ada won't allow that!! I'll put odds on it! Only issue as we all know may be Bertha. Perhaps not though so much with Larry, she does like Marian. We'll see... I did like the little scene bewteen Marian and Frances. I felt quite a bit of empathy for Frances, she was just a little girl looking for a mom. I'm glad Marian was able to reassure for her that she will still be very much in her life just not as her step-mother.
I'm so happy for Jack that he got his patent approved. It was such a brilliant idea of Peggy's that he go talk to Larry about it. That Larry wants to go into business with Jack on his alarm clock. Love it. It was so amazing what happen then.
Peggy deciding to leave her job at The Globe was probably the only way to deal with her feelings for her boss
I'm sad for her because she was doing something she loved. But he was just too casual about the whole cheating on my wife no doubt done more times then Peggy would of ever found out about. She deserves so much better. This also showed that she as alot of self respect, self worth, and self confidence. To not only not fall for his bs, but to walk away when she clearly had feelings but knew it was a bad situation for her. Women now a days can learn alot from her. I was also nice to see perhaps the rift bewteen Peggy and her father may be softening. That her mother and father are getting back to loving terms with each other.
I was very sad to see Mr. Watson go but to know that he'll be part of his daughter and grand children lives makes it a happy going. I'm glad his daughter let her wishes known and kinda defy he husband by going to talk to her dad.
Now the opera war. I never thought Bertha wouldn't pull it off. There's just something about that woman that scream WIN. I'm not surprised she got the Duke back, because she something or someone Mrs. Astor doesn't that alone I knew would enough to turn the Duke back to her side. That is Gladys of course. Now am I ok that's a good chance that Bertha sold Gladys into marriage with the Duke no I'm not! I love Bertha I truly do. However her own ambition I feel is an issue, it's a blinding thing, it's all consuming, it power over everything. I fear what that will do to her in future. Ambition can be good until it takes complete control of a person. Because the need to win, to be number one, to defeat those against you makes you forget about who truly loves you. I don't want to see that be the path for Bertha. Because at her core I don't believe she's her ambition. If she was she wouldn't of done the nice gesture for Mrs. Bruce by giving her the tickets to opening night of Met. Bertha does show incredible care and kindness to her staff. Which is something I truly love about her. Always the way she is with the people she's made friends with. Unlike Mrs. Astor who treats everyone like they should be kissing her ass. Bertha genuinely nice, kind, sweet and funny. So I want to her ambition hurt the rest of her, hurt her life, completely destroy her relationship with her daughter, her son and her husband. Because her ambition isn't worth losing her family that loves her. Alright enough said on that. To good stuff.
Seeing Mrs. Astor lose was brilliant! She at more than half empty Academy still trying to pretend everything's fine...while a death rattle could heard in the background. I wanted to tell Aunt Agnes and Oscar to get the fuck out of there, go with Mrs. Fish, save yourselves!!
Turner fuming was hilarious and her husband being completely over it just made all the better. I got feelings he just wanted to say to her could just sit down and shut it already damn for some peace and quiet. All day and night it's Mrs. Russell this and Mrs. Russell that. Should never marry you fuck!
I loved both Bertha and Gladys gowns. The colors were beautiful. Especially like how the colors deep green pattern against lighter green of Bertha's made her stand out in her box at Met, couldn't miss her if you wanted too. Marian gown was very cool I really liked ruching by shoulders and neck. But I think my favorite gown belonged to Aurora, blue and white and sparkly it was gorgeous. That's one I would've wanted to wear.
I so did love seeing Bertha get her moment, she was floating on air there. Especially when she walk through the doors of her central box after nearly crying because George got back for her. To the whole of the Metropolitan filled. Although the boxes where bigger then I thought they be. All I could recall was when I watched The Age of Innocent because that begins at the opera, it's very much in a similar time frame as The Gilded Age. But I like the ones at the Met better, they can call over and talk to each other like friends do. It seems less stuffy and more social and fun. One of my favorite moments was when Bertha caught sight of Mrs. Bruce and Mr. Baudin and gives them a little wave, it was so cute and endearing.
Mrs. Bruce was very cute through out being at an opera house for the first time.
I'm so sad it's the final episode of the season. All I know is HBO better renew for 3rd season!! Because it's official my favorite series, I don't want it going anywhere for a long long time!!
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postwarlevi · 2 years
A Captains Kids dinner party
Content: 2.6k words of modern post war fluff. Levis leg is acting up while you take on too much by yourself, so he calls in reinforcements.
Extras: This is for @levi-supreme Happy Birthday Levi event! Thank you for letting me join and helping me get back in the swing of things!
Levi sat at the kitchen table, watching you move about. You were up early, starting chores, when he came limping in. His leg injury acting up again.
You stopped what you were doing and after a little tiff you got him seated with his tea, the newspaper and a small breakfast.
He is very grateful to you. Generally he's the one making breakfast or you both make it together. But sometimes when his leg is bad and it's hard for him, you try not to let him exert himself.
You sense him watching you and turn to give him a kiss on the top of the head. "Everything okay?"
Levi sighs and shrugs. Yes, it's okay. Not great. "I'm sorry." He says quietly.
You squeeze his shoulder. "Stop that. It's okay to rest sometimes."
He is usually a get it done type of person and doesn't like to sit on the sidelines when he could be helping.
He puts his arm around your waist and leans into your side, making you smile.
You stay like that a few minutes rubbing his back.
He let's you go and you go about the laundry and cleaning breakfast dishes and help him to the couch when he's ready.
"Thank you." He looks up at you.
"Can I get you anything? A heating pad?" You make sure to ask because he won't.
But Levi shakes his head. "No. I'm okay." And he is, now that his leg has been resting it's feeling better. But he knows not to try to push it at the moment.
You lean down to kiss him and continue working around the house.
You are both off today, thankfully. So while Levi rests you can clean and be there for your husband, not worrying about serving customers. Which while you love, he comes first.
But it's Levi who is worrying. You're hosting a dinner tomorrow and want to start prepping everything today. And he knows it's going to hard for him to help, and it's going to be a lot for you.
He thinks maybe if he just sat at the kitchen table with a cutting board and ingredients, maybe he could at least chop. But, he'll probably forget something and not be able to reach it without your help, or his back will hurt sitting there too long, or he'll just be in the way.
"Levi?" You come in from the garage to see he's lost in thought and come sit by him on the couch.
"Maybe we should postpone." He blurts out.
You smile. "We have all the things we need, the recipes are ready, people are coming over. It'll be okay." You snuggle into his chest and he sighs and plays with your hair. How you manage to comfort him every time.
"I might not be much help." He tells you.
"Don't you worry. I got it covered." There is more than enough time to get things done by yourself.
He sighs and leans back against the couch. He knew you'd say that.
"Hey, it's fine. I can do this." You encourage positive thoughts.
Levi nods. "I know you can. I just want to help." He feels useless when this happens.
"You do more than enough. You help me and take care of me all the time." You sit back to look at him. "Please don't worry. If you feel better later than yes, come into the kitchen. I'll find something for you to do. If you're still tired but insist, it can be something small. But otherwise, stay out of my way."
The last line is said jokingly as you push your forehead against his and smile, making him chuckle.
"Okay love, thank you." He moves his lips to kiss your forehead and promises to be good.
And with that you start in, getting out cutting boards and mixing bowls and blenders and pans so you can prep and get done anything that can be premade.
Levi hears you working hard and has to bite his tongue to not ask if you need help.
It's obvious you do as you let out a curse which isn't in your nature.
"I'm fine!" You yell out, knowing Levi is listening.
In spite of himself he smiles. He closes his eyes as you put on some music to try to drown out the noise you make and hears you singing along.
You are barely into this with so much more to do. And suddenly Levi has an idea, that he usually wouldn't go on with, but he knows this is the best option and makes a phone call.
Not more than half an hour later there's a knock on the door as you are hands deep in dough.
You let out a sigh and wash your hands, going to see who it is. Levi is closer but you aren't going to make him get up.
"Afternoon Ackermans!" Connie shouts making you jump.
"What are you guys doing here?" You ask as he, Jean, Sasha, Armin, Mikasa and Eren file in.
You've known their families for a while, and they've all taken a liking to you, and somehow, to Levi as well.
"We got a call from Levi that we could be of service." Armin says as they all wait for instructions.
You don't know what to make of this. "To the kitchen, please. I'll be right there."
As they wander to see how they can help, you slowly turn to Levi who is smiling.
"What did you do?" You raise an eyebrow.
"You're looking at it. I can't help much but, they can."
You put your hand on your hips.
Levi lets out a chuckle. "Don't do that."
You fall on the couch next to him and hug him tightly.
"You're not mad, right?" Levi asks to be sure.
"No, it's very sweet for you to still think of ways to help me. I appreciate it." You kiss his lips gently and stand up.
You squeeze each others hand. "Let us know if you want to join us." You tell him.
"That noisy bunch? Hardy." Levi jokes as you laugh and pat his head, going into the kitchen.
The young adults are all ready with aprons and smiles.
"Okay, let's get started." You smile back and put them to work.
As expected, it starts out rough. Right away Jean tries to soften butter in the microwave instead of on the stove and it explodes before you realize it. He and Eren argue as he tries to clean it and Mikasa has to help separate them.
Connie accidently puts one cup of flour instead of one cup of sugar into a recipe and Armin looks for ways to fix it.
And Sasha who is trying her best chops too close and nicks her finger, and you have to take her to the bathroom to fix her up.
"I'm sorry." Sasha says to you while you're putting a wrap on it so she can still help.
"Don't worry. We'll get this done. I really appreciate you guys coming over." You reassure her. Besides, it can't get much worse, you think.
"Well, when Levi told us to come of course we did. We're always happy to help!" Sasha looks up to you both and it's rare Levi is the one inviting them.
You give the younger girl a hug. "Thank you Sasha. Come on. Let's see what's going on."
As you get back to the kitchen, Levi is sitting in one of the chairs helping supervise.
"Mikasa, careful not to overmix, Armin, cut those a little smaller." He's directing them as much as he can from what he's able to see from the chair.
He sees you walk back in. "Everything okay?" He has a soft spot for Sasha.
"Perfect." You smile.
"Hey Sasha, I thought Niccolo was teaching you some things in the kitchen." Connie says loudly to embarrass her, and her cheeks do turn red.
"Who's Niccolo?" You don't recall that name.
"No one!" Sasha says a little too quick and goes to stand by Mikasa and looks for ways to help.
"Her boyfr-" Jean joins in the teasing.
"Shut up!" Sasha is ready to throw a spoon at him.
"Cut it out." Levi speaks up and they settle down. "You have a boyfriend?" Levi wants to know more about this, so when his leg feels better, he can go have a talk with this guy. Makes sure he treats Sasha right if that's what's really going on.
Sasha shrugs and continues chopping.
"Leave her be." Eren mumbles as he and Armin work the blender.
Levi knows Eren's not saying it to him but to the ones bothering her, but he doesn't ask anymore questions.
With all the extra hands now working together things go much smoother.
"You okay sweetheart?" You ask Levi quietly, knowing the chair can bother his back.
"I'm fine. The guys helped me in here, and I got a pillow." It's small and supports him but doesn't make him lean forward. So far, so good.
You squeeze his shoulder. "Okay, good. Thank you for helping."
You are not too surprised when he rests his head on your side. He isn't openly affectionate with you in front of others, but uses small gestures still. Behind close doors is a different story. Cuddle time is all the time.
Most of the prep work is done and things that can be baked ahead of time are in the oven, and a pot of soup is boiling on the stove, being watched by Connie, who gets mad when Eren tries to distract him.
"Cut it out." Levis tone is just enough they know to behave.
"Come, help me." You pull Eren and Mikasa over and give them serving trays and put some drinks and pastries from when you baked the other day on it and send them inside.
Jean, Armin and Connie assist Levi back into the living room, with you and Sasha finishing stirring the soup and pulling out tomorrows baked goods.
"I want to thank you guys again. We would've been here way longer without you." You tell them, happy to see their smiling faces.
Levi closes his eyes and sighs slightly. You use the word we all the time, even when most of it is all you.
But still, there are days when he takes care of you more, which happens at least half the time. Not enough as far as he's concerned.
However, you two are a team, two halves of a whole, and cannot function properly without the other for too long. So Levi will let you say we, because it is always you and him.
"So, what's all this food for?" Mikasa asks.
Levi goes to speak but you beat him to it.
"We're hosting a party tomorrow."
"A party! Are we invited?" Sasha asks with excitement.
"Of course. We're visiting a couple friends first but then we want you guys to come over." You let them know the plan, and Levi goes along with whatever you say.
Mikasa and Armin quietly look at each other, knowing this is the very moment they were invited, and not before. But still, they play along because they want to come too.
"How are you doing?" You turn to Levi to check on him while the young adults talk.
"Pretty good. Thank you." Levi says honestly. Since he's been able to rest, his leg has stopped hurting and he hopes he'll be up more tomorrow for the party.
"Do you want us to come over early and help?" Jean asks you later while they all help clean up.
"Hmm, maybe. Perhaps. I'll have Levi call you." You say with a smile as Levi tries to hide one of his own.
Once everyone leaves for the night, and you and Levi grab something for dinner, and you've had a relaxing bath together, you lay in your bed, safe in your husbands arms.
You kiss his cheeks, his nose, his chin. "Thank you for today."
"You're welcome. I couldn't let you do it all by yourself."
"I know you love me, you called all the kids over at once and are letting them come tomorrow too." You chuckle at the turn of events.
Levi smiles. "It's fine. They aren't that bad. When they aren't whining or arguing or exploding butter." You both laugh.
You reach down and rub his leg. "You feeling better?" You know it wasn't as bad before as this morning.
He nods and scooches closer and kisses your forehead.
"Yes love, I'm doing great."
It's not long after that you're both asleep and the next morning it's you is are sore from standing and bending and cooking all day.
Levi sets you up with a heating pad and makes you breakfast and gives you a shoulder rub all before 9am.
"Thank you." You hug him from behind while he's doing dishes.
You're both feeling good and soon get started up again with finishing recipes from yesterday. Levi calls Sasha and tells her "bring that chef you've been hanging out with."
He can be of help and Levi can monitor.
Sasha and Niccolo show up and it's clear they're smitten with each other and you smile at seeing them flirt.
While Levi generally takes a little longer to warm up to new people, especially ones interested in these guys, but as he sees Niccolo help and encourage Sasha and not make fun of her whatsoever like the others for doing something silly, he thinks maybe he could like this one.
Later on you hug them both and thank them, letting them to come back later with the entire crew.
With things ready for your dinner party you and Levi sit and rest for a short time before your guests show up, and right away they rave about how the kitchen smells.
You mingle and get drinks and appetizers going and the young adults all make it for the large dinner.
There's a good twenty people sitting around your kitchen and dining room tables as people laugh and talk and eat.
"We couldn't have done this without them." Levi gives credit to the kids.
As everyone is helping clean up afterwards Connie suggests a game and it turns into a great idea.
You get paired with a friend, Eren and Niccolo, while Levi is in a group with another friend, Armin and Sasha. Jean and Mikasa are with two other friends, with Connie in another group.
You look over and see Levi full on laughing at one point and smile widely.
In the end it gets late and no one is sure who actually won any of the games but it doesn't matter.
You say goodbye to your guests and thank the young adults for all their help.
Levi goes and gets some of the leftover appetizers and finger desserts for them to take home and you hug them all again.
"Niccolo, nice to meet you." Levi tells him, and it's clear Sasha is happy he approves.
As they are step out Connie turns one more time.
"So, whens the next party?"
No one says a word at first.
"We'll let you know." You say with a smile and squeeze Levis hand who squeezes back.
Armin and Mikasa share another knowingly look and smile at each other.
With everyone gone you two go to bed pretty quick after your long day and cuddle for a bit.
"Thank you." You whisper to him. For the help, the party, being there for you.
He strokes your cheek softly. "You don't have to thank me. We do things together."
You rub his chest and put your arm around him and nestle in closer.
As you exchange 'I love you's and fall sleep together, you quietly think of the day you can add another little one to your household.
A tiny baby who will have the best aunts and uncles, and the most loving and doting father.
As Levi holds you through the night, what you don't know, if he's having the same thoughts as you and can't wait to see you hold your child one day.
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oleander-nin · 8 months
Hi again, I'm that same person that sent that long ask earlier lol
Okay ESPECIALLY after the poll you put up, I wanna say again that WE ALL LOVE YOU STOP BEATING YOURSELF UP /p
I'm stuck between wanting to be heartfelt and encouraging or just shaking you by the shoulders and scream at you /aff /pos
Ollie, genuinely, don't push yourself too hard. Yeah we love what you write, but we understand that you're a person with a life. You do not owe us anything.
Forgive me if I'm wrong, or maybe looking too far into this, but I feel like you're a perfectionist? And that you feel you have to crank things out quickly and it all has to be perfect. Maybe you feel somehow indebted to give us things to read. and lemme tell you, it's very easy to get stuck in a loop of "do the creative thing for your followers or else". That is, if you aren't in that loop already. I'm sorry, know I'm assuming a lot, and I'm not meaning to pry.
I just say this because I recognize the way you talk in your tags or authors notes. I'm not an author, but I used to post art. I kept getting more frustrated with myself, (and I can definitely tell you are too). I lost motivation, and it stopped being fun pretty quickly because I kept thinking "it needs to be perfect" or "I need to create faster" all for the sake of an audience. So when you apologize, or seem to value your writing so little, it just makes me worry that you're in that same loop. Heck, I mean, I still don't make art often, I still have perfectionist issues and worry about how fast I can create. But it's becoming fun again, slowly.
I just hope that writing is still something you like to do. I would hate for your passion for writing to be squandered by the pressure and expectations of an audience. I know you have a lot going on right now, even if you try and act like you should be able to push through it and write, but please take care of yourself. If the February challenge is getting too difficult, please don't feel like there's any shame in limiting your workload. We'll be happy with whatever you make, and I'll be even happier if I know you actually enjoyed writing it. /gen
WOW this is long I'm sorry lmao. I've been at this for like half an hour. (Do asks have a word limit? Oops I hope not ahshjsk)
Oh also, don't worry about responding to this is an "appropriate" way. I know that this would be hard for me to respond to, so don't feel pressured to say anything at all. Even if you delete this, I'll be perfectly fine with it. /gen I just hope you read it and understand that we care about you. Please feel better <3
Breaking this down paragraph by paragraph cuz you deserve it💪(also I'm avoiding responsibilities rn shhh)
Okay first of all, thank you a lot. This entire thing kinda helped me realized just how bad I was letting myself get. In the back of my mind, I know I don't have to write, or that I shouldn't be doing it the way I am, but it felt like an obligation at some point, both from trying to repay you all in the only way I know how, and from trying to catch up with everyone else. Sometimes it feels like I'm falling behind, and if I don't keep going, I'm just going to lose everything.
I forgive you<3/lhj, but you're not technically wrong. While I'm not in the perfectionist in the sense I won't post something unless I deem it perfect and have checked over 8 times(what I used to do), I still tend to pick apart everything I've made and found every flaw. I realize this is a problem, and have been yelled at by many a teachers for it lol. But yeah, a lot of the time I do feel indebted, and I probably am stuck in that loop(Which is why I'm so bad at actually taking breaks). Don't feel bad for assuming, nothing you could say would really offend me, and you've been dead on this whole time.
I've been meaning to stop talking about how much I hate certain parts of what I write in the tags+A/N's, because I know listening to me whine and cry about something that doesn't matter gets annoying, but I'm not good at that either I guess lol.
I'm fairly certain that writing will always be fun for me, as I'm still looking forwards to doing a lot of the requests I got and one set of ideas I have, but finding the will to write it down seems impossible right now. It's like I'm stuck at the bottom of a sheer cliff and I can't start writing until I read the top. The main reason I'm so mad at myself for flopping so bad with this challenge is because I was able to do the Horrortober one just fine, as well as maintain a schedule for a while. It feels like I'm getting worse rather than getting better, and It's just making me frustrated with myself to the point of just wanting to quit(not that I think I'd be able to if I'm honest. I tried once, yet here I am, only 3 years later.)
Anyways, I'm just going to start putting more time into the writing instead of trying to force a deadline. I want to be able to make longer fics again, and to start TWOAL back up(I've been avoiding it because I want the chapters to start being 4000+ to mimic actual books). I want my writing to seem like it has care and quality, and not like it was produced by a factory. I have once headcanon style fic about the Vamp turts in the work I was spending days on to make sure it was decent, and it alone is better than a lot of stuff I've put out recently.
Thank you! I appreciate your words, sorry for the vent. I'll probably just delete this half later lol, but I needed to get some stress out.
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I'm going to share some head canons that I'll be using in my fanfiction I plan to write, or roleplay- Probably both, depending on what comes first. Heavy topics ahead, be warned.
Eddie has a crop top that has ' Plant Daddy ' written on it in big, bold letters. Robin and Steve bought it for him as a joke, because of the weed. But he loves it so much, he actually wears it quite a bit. ( Shh, it exists in the 80s because I said so. )
Eddie loves cats, he's always been more of a cat person. So when he first moved in with his Uncle Wayne, he'd take care of the strays that lived in the trailer park. When one of the female cats had kittens, he took them in and helped make sure they were all safe, mama included. He even found homes for them, Wayne was so proud he even let Eddie keep his favorite from the litter. A little black cat which he names Santana.
Eddie absolutely loves herptiles, and any type of creepy crawly that others would find themselves running away from. He had a Ball Python when he was a young child, rescued her from a man who wasn't taking care of her properly. Her name was Moonstone, he loved her to pieces. She helped him a lot by giving him someone to talk to when he was struggling. One day when he was out of the house his father had killed her, because she escaped her enclosure and he hated that snake. He always was saying that girls shouldn't play with snakes anyway. Eddie was heartbroken, Moonstone had been his only friend.
Eddie always knew that he was different, that he wasn't who his father wanted him to be. He wanted his little girl, one who would listen and do as she was told. Though he refused to acknowledge that Eddie was trans, he had that " If you want to pretend to be a boy, I'll treat you like one " mentality. And he starts taking Eddie with him to steal cars and valuables they could pawn from rich folks. Telling him it builds character, and that they need the money more than the people they'd stolen from need their stuff. When Eddie didn't listen or he'd freeze up, his father would grab him by the hair and threaten to beat him. This was one of the first times the thought of just buzzing off all his hair came to Eddie, then his father wouldn't have anything to snatch up in his vice like grip.
Eddie finally buzzes all of his hair off in a fit of anger when his dysphoria won't stop screaming at him and poisoning his mind with dark thoughts. He'd done at 3 AM in their tiny bathroom, with shaky hands and the only light on in the small room was a shitty nightlight that barely worked. Tears threatening to fall with how angry he felt. When Eddie cut the clippers off, and tossed them onto the counter. He noticed that the job was very choppy, with some chunks still being longer than all the rest. Causing it to stick up and out. But as Eddie stares into the mirror at his own reflection, he brings a hand up and brushes it over his shitty attempt at buzzing his hair off. For the first time he's able to smile at the reflection looking back at him from in the mirror, and a tear slips down his cheek.
This was the last straw for Eddie's father, he yanked him out of bed in the morning by his forearm when he found the evidence of him chopping all his hair off. He shoved a duffle bag into his arms, and yelled at him to start packing. He'd be going away, because he wasn't about to take care of some broken child who wasn't right in the head.
Eddie's chest ached as he threw what little belongings he had into the small duffle bag, making sure he had the bracelet his mother had given him.
That night after his father had dragged him along on a few more jobs, then at the end of the day he made him pick up his stuff and then he drove him to a lonely looking trailer park in a town Eddie had never heard of. Eddie's eyes were wide as he watched the trailers roll by. His father's pick-up comes to an abrupt stop in front of a trailer in the back of the park, and he turns to look at him. " Get out, this is where we part ways. Your mother might have been able to do it, but I can't. Knock on the door, Wayne'll take ya in. "
Eddie didn't know what to do, he was frozen for a moment after his father said all that he had. When he could sense his father getting pissed, he hurriedly opened the door and clambered out with his bag. Then his father drove off, and that was the last time he ever saw him.
Eddie stepped up to the door, duffle bag slung over his shoulder, he raised his hand and knocked on the door. Unsure of who or what was going to answer the door, his father's friends had never been kind. They'd always been disgusting, and made lewd comments about him.
So, when the door opens, Eddie is standing stock still as he stares wide-eyed up at the man who'd opened the door. Was this man going to hurt him, like his father had? Eddie had bruises on his arms, legs and face as proof.
Wayne had been an old friend of Eddie's mom, when she had Eddie, her husband had kept them both away from him. Because he'd been concerned for the wellbeing of both her, and her child. He could see the type of man he really was, but she wasn't able to see it for herself.
Wayne shook his head. " Come on in, kid. It's about to rain, and I know you're bound to be tired. " His voice was kind and gentle, as he guided Eddie inside, he then let his duffle bag fall to the ground. His lower lip trembled, and tears unwillingly filled his eyes. " I don't know what I did wrong, I always did everything he asked... What's... What's wrong with me?! "
Wayne had never really dealt with a kid before in his whole life, but the second Eddie began to speak, he reached out and pulled him into a tight hug, gently cupping the back of his head. " Now you listen here, and you listen good. There isn't anything wrong with you, not a damn thing. And I want you to know, that as long as you're here with me, you'll always be loved, protected, and seen as who you truly are. Welcome to the family, Eddie. "
Eddie was embarrassed by the fact that he ended up sobbing into Wayne's chest, but from that moment forward, he felt like he truly belonged somewhere. Wayne bought him the best clothes that he could afford, and he even helped him get his run-down van.
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cogbreath · 8 months
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vent below idk what image to give to make it worth your while have geeked up spongebob sparkle
7 in the goddamn morning that family is YELLING YELLING. and by that i mean my. but i dont want to really be a part of it. not like they treat me like one anyway. really. except my mom. but when shit like this goes down im basically invisible. maybe its for the better that way. but i dunno. having to see that shit go down. really effects me still. i can enjoy watching nasty fights on reality tv and shit but this stuff isnt enjoyable. cuz like. well i live with these people and shit. whatever. point is. starts making some alters really freak out. i dont even really disagree with the ones who start feeling violent about it. if killing an abuser didnt land u in prison 4 life basically i dont think we'd even be dealing with this shit. probably cruel to say. but really whats cruel is someone who does this shit to people for 20 odd years. can i blame them at all for thinking that when we r like a caged animal who cant fidn a way out i really cant
itsnfine dont worey i wont let things come to that point. but ifnsomehow they do i guess my point that well you all know i tried ans you all know that the fucker had it coming and i will try to figure out how to fit a phone up my hole in prison ans i'll keep blogging as long as none of yall snitch
^ none of yall better act like thats something serious im being a bit funny but honestly i do think this site is pro killing your abuser more than other sites at least on the hypothetical level which helps becuse a lot of you won't disagree with us feeling that way
id love to do it but i wont because i've talked about it and alluded to it more than enough to warrant premeditation charge, and i wouldn't be able to feign innocence to hide it for the rest of my life and id always be paranoid about it so its not worth the mental weight either
i used to worry a lot that he would snap and kill me and mama
i guess it could still happen but i dont feel as scared about it as i used to.
maybe because i feel that im old enough to maybe stop it or at least be really hard to accomplish
this will all mean nothing when i forget about it mostly in a few hours
actually i'll be going to sleep in a few hours
since my schedule is literally the opposite of this family because i need time to myself
hopefully my dreams will be kind to me
i was really upset yesterday because i had a vivid dream where i was being affectionate and romantic with a guy who committed rape on me
woke up super disgusted and went back to sleep until 6 pm about it to get a better dream
does anyone on here care if i call it that if it wasnt violently penetrstive?
to me its a gross criteria plus what are you supposed to call someone who did less that that
point is i hsted the dream
all my dreams are vivid
many of them are lucid which is lovely
when they arent lucid though sometimes its awful but still its very vivid and all felt as real as life
this isnt really relevant anymore
right now i kind of feel nothing but my tummy hurts a lot
love you guys
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
Hi hi Finnie!! Congrats on reaching 1k! I've been going back n forth if i should request this because,,, nervessss, but can I pleasse request no.9 ever fallen in love with someone?
I'm 5'3, have blonde buzzed hair and a curvy, chubby body. I'm afab genderfluid & bi so i joke my gender and sexuality is just everything/everything XD
I LOOOVE making really bad jokes, like dad jokes, puns, dirty jokes, and some of my favourite jokes dont have spoken punchlines so i stare at people with a goofy face until they get it :D I love listening to other people rant about their passions and learning new things, even if i dont fully get it, and enjoy being able to do the same back.
I'm very creative so most of my hobbies are with my hands, from drawing, to sewing, resin and woodwork, i like to try a bit of everything. I really enjoy seeing a finished product that i made on my own! I also like reading and playing dnd so I'm really good at crafting strategies or creative ways around problems in the game (and describing how i get to defeat my enemies, because im squeamish with real blood, but i love some good ol fictional gore.)
I'm very outgoing and bubbly, and i dislike being formal with people. I'd much rather be my casual and crude self, and skip any awkwardness. I am naturally very loud so i can have some issues around quieter people but i try my best to adjust so I'm not cutting them off. I also have a very dirty mind and am a very physically affectionate person, I'm always flirting with, hugging someone, linking arms, or holding hands, whether were platonic or romantic!
Asfghgjfla thank you for letting me ramble and for doing all of these for us!!
🎀 No.9: Ever Fallen In Love With Someone 🎀
tell me a little bit about yourself and i'll give you a rogue pairing a/n: ok i am bestowing upon you what i consider to be the greatest gift because truly you just suit him so well 💚 1k milestone info! 🔞minors dni🔞 • kofi • tag: finnie1k
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ok this is my own headcanon but it's practically legit canon in my mind by this point, but thick bodies are his favourite type of body so checkmark there
also, exceptional gender and sexuality choice. i feel like yeah he's a cis bisexual boy, but also i don't think he cares enough to put any sort of label on it, and he has more important things to be concerned about, so he'll identify as whatever the fuck makes you leave him alone and stop questioning him quickest
look i'm not pulling out my files on his dialogue in the games, but trust me when i say that this is the dorkiest dweeb in the universe and his ability to make the dumbest jokes and be so satisfied with himself knows no bounds
good about the listening thing, because you won't be allowed to get a word in edgeways. and besides, he's the best, so he deserves everyone's attention at all times while he talks about whatever the hell he pleases (but he might also let you tell him about something you love if he's too tired to talk)
yeah, stinky boy is down there in his little workshop using his little raccoon paws to get up to all sorts of nonsense so he'd be super pleased to have someone with some capabilities in that kind of area to help him with some projects
and being able to be strategic and creative with problem solving? sounds like someone just got promoted to riddler apprentice and chief "evil plan" coordinator
outgoing and bubbly are probably going to grate on him but god knows he needs someone to be the face of his operation, and it'd be good for him to have a brightness in his life
also it's fine to be loud because you need to be able to cut through either the sound of his welding or yelling or ranting
and truly very much so he needs physical attention and affection, which i'm sure he'd warm to eventually if you just keep at it. relentlessly, even if he's pretending to hate it and it's making him grumpy
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lenyul · 2 years
To Sir, With Love Episode 3: I'm starting to think the people might not like the war
We start this episode off with Chan hiding in Tian's closet. He doesn't want to fight with his mom and he also doesn't want to deal with his step-mom hiding in his closet so he just leaves.
And the "Fakest 'Kanpai!' Ever" award goes to:
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Yayy, Cai Xiaotong is back, and her dress is still very shiny. We learn that the war is bad for the service industry and that foreign soldiers are shitty to locals. In other news, there is scheming going on. We find out that Mud trying to get with Tian is part of a plan to get the Head of the Association to support the teahouse. When you run a teahouse, the solution to every problem seems to be seducing someone.
I just noticed that Yang calls Yingpin Ying and that's also how she refers to herself, while the subtitles always say Pin, so I'll start calling her Yingpin for minimal (or maximal, depending on how you view it) confusion. Yang invites himself to the date, which makes him the only one actually enjoying this. Tian leaves to chase Lover Boy. Yang asks Yingpin why she's going along with being used as collateral for a mortgage, and says she lacks dignity.
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As a response, Yingpin throws a glass of water in his face, which is honestly one of the better outcomes for him. She could have started crying, and Yang definitely would not be able to deal with that. After this Yingpin storms off and trips, Yang saves her, she storms off again.
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And we have more people tripping. Lover Boy continues being mysterious.
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He cut his fucking sleeve! It wasn't really necessary, it was probably really hard to do, the situation is completely different from the origin of cut-sleeve, but hey, it's still gay symbolism, which means we don't really have to worry about Lover Boy being straight.
The gay symbolism of the sleeve-cutting is so strong that it causes Yang to figure out that Tian is gay. Most Supportive Brother Ever
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Lover Boy's body count: 3
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He becomes a bit less mysterious, we learn that he's an assassin for Ma, but not in a permanent position. He has little siblings he takes care of, who are absolutely adorable. He also has a name, which I completely missed the first time I watched this. Then we get some more longing stares at pieces of fabric.
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Tian still doesn't want to marry, but Li really wants him to, so they yell about it in the gardens some more. This time Dong overhears and he uses this information to start a bidding war between the wives. Everyone overhears stuff, he knows they know that he knows something that is real and could definitely ruin Tian.
Bua tries to be supportive of Tian, but she's thinking inside the box of heteronormativity (get a wife) and traditional family values (let your mother find a nice young lady for you), and that is not very helpful in this situation. Yang goes all-in with reassuring Tian that he doesn't need to get married, which is very sweet, but this conversation would have been shorter and more painless if he just let it go. He volunteers himself to go talk Yingpin out of the marriage. She understandably doesn't want to accept that Tian won't like her, so she starts randomly guessing why Tian doesn't want the wedding, but luckily she doesn't think of being gay as a possible explanation. She also doesn't think that Yang is lying to stop the wedding because he likes her, which makes sense as we know that he is the nicest person ever.
The problem that Dong has is that he is trying to get paid to keep quiet. Getting paid for information is an easy one-time thing, but getting paid to shut up never stops. If you're not that important you should probably try to lay low, because sooner or later they might realise that it would be easier to just kill you. Dong isn't that smart and does the opposite of this, which brings us to:
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Murder Attempt No. 2 (feat. Glitter and a dagger) Yeah, they eventually manage to kill him, but it definitely didn't go according to plan and he almost got away in the middle of it, so it's counted as an attempt.
Well, the scheming and murdering has finally started! Next episode we find out if actions (such as murder) have consequences (they probably don't).
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akaiuchiha · 2 months
Chapter 9: The Growing Tension and Future Problems
Zeff was stressed. Maybe it was the wrong wording to use but he had this nagging feeling since they had left Alabasta that wouldn't leave him alone. His crew was for the most part, calm and they were finally getting familiar with the Grand Line weather. His new navigator was efficient and was quickly adopted by his entire staff while Kehos wandered around the ship.
The doctor Koil kept his grumpy exterior but was the first to yell at the cooks if they were being reckless with their health so Zeff liked him.
And yet, something felt wrong.
The chef was starting to accept the fact he wouldn't be able to reach Whole Cake in time to save his stupid son but he also was stubborn when he wanted to. If he couldn't kick the Vinsmoke family at the wedding, he would kick them another time.
So to keep his mind from wandering into dangerous water and be paranoid about everything happening, Zeff cooked. He cooked a lot, for everyone mostly and because some ustensil reminded him of his little Eggplant when he was still an apprentice.
The meat was slowly cooking in a pan while he was chopping the vegetables when Aryn barged in the gally with a frantic look on his face.
“What's wrong kiddo?”
“We're being followed.”
Zeff looked at his work in progress and then back at his navigator. The chef called one of the cooks and told him what he was making and not to mess it up if he didn't want to be kicked out of the ship.
Then, he asked Aryn to follow him in his office.
“You sure about that?”
“Almost hundred percent sure. I was hesitant to bring this up before because maybe we had the same destination but everything is too weird for it to be a coincidence.”
“What do you mean?”
Aryn sighed and sat down on the chair in front of the desk. He took out the map he had and laid it on the flat surface. Then, he pointed to what seemed to be their location.
“As you can see, there are no islands near us. The one we intend to reach is Jaya, which is maybe two or three days away with our speed, and we left Alabasta yesterday.”
He looked at Zeff worriedly.
“What I'm trying to say is that, if they also stop at Jaya, then it means we're probably in danger. Maybe they are old enemies of yours, maybe they are employed by someone who wants your death, I don't really know. But if they stop and leave at the same time we do, then…”
“Then they're going to attack sooner than later.”
Zeff thought about the situation. If what Aryn was saying was true, it could lead to a more dangerous outcome. His crew was strong, but not strong enough to fight against real big pirates from the Grand Line. Normally, there would be no reason for any ship to attack them because they did not bear the pirate flag and looked like an average boat with a weird exterior, but pirates did not care about all of this. If they thought they had treasures of valuable things, they would attack anyway.
“How far are they behind us?”
“Roughly 10,2 nautical miles*.”
“You saw them from the crowsnest?”
“Yes. I think they are trying to keep their distance for a bit to not be seen.”
The chef sighed and rubbed a hand on his face. More problems were to come and he wasn't excited.
“Also, I'm sure you're aware that we won't reach Totoland in time. I can still lead us to Sabaody Archipelago but past this part, we'll need a different Log Pose.”
“Yeah I know that, I'm gonna try to contact their boat once we pass the Red Line and see where to meet them.”
“Okay then I'll keep watching our followers.”
Aryn left the office and closed the door behind him. The chef let himself fall on his chair with a sigh. Now what should he do? There was one more possibility Aryn didn't think of, which was fair because he was new. But if the boat following them was full of soldiers and pirates ready to kill them if Sanji did not comply, then it meant that his first reflection had been true, they were “hostages”.
Zeff stood up after maybe ten minutes and went back to the kitchen. Once he was there, he was met with a burnt pan and a knocked down cook. Zeff frowned. Koil was already there, checking on the cook to see if he was okay.
“What happened?”
“Hell if I know. One of them came to inform me that a cook was unconscious in the kitchen and I found him like this.” Koil said while looking at the man's pupils.
“Where was he hit?” Zeff tried to ignore the waste around them but it was difficult.
“Behind the head.”
So it wasn't an accident. Someone had hit the man with something hard enough for him to be knocked down. The chef exchanged a knowing look with Koil who just nodded.
“I was the one who found him. Everything was still cooking when I arrived so I turned the gas off but it still burnt in the end..”
Zeff looked at the man standing with his hands behind his back. He was one of the cooks he had hired maybe a month ago, just before they left for the Grand Line. With said information, his suspicion sky-rocketed. The man was tan, had black hair tied into a ponytail and wore his apron just like every cook on this ship.
“And how can I be sure you're not the one who did it?” Zeff asked.
“I was with the newbie on the deck when we heard the noise coming from the kitchen.”
It did not help to lower his suspicion but he couldn't just start and blame everyone on the ship.
“Take him to the infirmary, we'll talk about that later.”
They all complied and Zeff started to clean the mess. Maybe he could still salvage the meat and get rid of the burnt taste with spices and a good side dish. Another solution would be to cook a stew with the meat and add potatoes to save it. He'll find a solution, he was sure of that. The day Zeff would waste food would be the day of his death.
Once he was done, he decided to leave the kitchen and check the cook. In front of the door, there was Kehos, Patty and Carne who seemed to be in a heated argument.
“I told you, Uncle Koil told me to stay here! He trusts me to keep everyone at bay.” Kehos said with his arms crossed.
“And I'm telling you that it's not your ship and that it's our duty as cooks to keep our comrades safe.” Carne argued back.
The chef cleared his throat, drawing the attention of the three men, who froze once they saw him.
“Head Chef! What a surprise.” Patty said nervously.
“Yeah what a surprise indeed. May I know why you are arguing like toddlers?”
“We wanted to keep watch because of what the doctor said but the rookie here wanted to do the same.” Carne explained.
“So, if I understand, you all are too stupid and full of yourself to even consider keeping watch together.” Zeff concluded, unimpressed.
They all stared in silence before Patty talked again.
“I don't trust them. Him even more. At least the navigator Arum, Avyn, A-I-don't-know-his-name, is useful and knows how to do his work. The doctor too. Him? What did he do? Absolutely nothing. I bet he doesn't even know how to fight.”
“Hey! I've been here for a day! Give me some slack!”
“Yes and?!” Patty replied with anger in his voice.
“Enough you two. It's ridiculous. Patty, Carne, go organise the cooking rotations for the meals. Kehos you go and help Aryn.”
“But Uncle Koil said…”
“I don't care. I'm the captain which means I am your boss. You do as I say and that's it. Now go and make yourself useful.”
Kehos opened his mouth to protest when he heard the voice of the doctor from the room, even though it was muffled.
“Just obey already, you have free will for god's sake!”
Kehos closed his mouth and left the place with a pout. Zeff stared almost in disbelief at such a display of childishness. One kid had been enough to raise, he wasn't about to raise one more who was already an adult.
The chef opened the door and closed it behind him. Koil was at his desk, looking at the patient with a frown.
“I think he had a concussion from the hit. He'll have to rest for the next week and he'll be okay but I can't do more.”
“What do you think hit him?”
“Plenty of things. You're a restaurant ship, you have everything to knock down someone and everyone can't use them.”
They stayed silent for a time then Koil grumbled something Zeff didn't quite grasp at first.
“What the hell did you say?”
“I said “I shouldn't have joined you if your own crew betrays you”. I'm not here to endanger my life.”
“I told you I was on my way to Big Mom's territory, I'm not responsible for your decisions. “
“You didn't say that. You just said your son was part of the Strawhat Pirates.” Koil answered smugly.
“Don't play games with me, you know exactly what I am saying. Make sure he has the rest he needs, I'm going to look after my crew.”
The doctor scoffed and went back to his job and Zeff left the infirmary. He definitely was too old to play the role of a ship captain. In the East Blue when the restaurant was running, he was mostly the Head Chef and the Owner. Now, he was the captain of a crew.
And he dared to think this life was behind him when he sacrificed his leg. How wrong he was.
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
It is Florida Supercon and it is the way to go but really these people here the Trump Strips will not let her son go there. There m=arry me they're very stupid they have a plan to destroy everybody on Earth with themselves and they want to wreck the big ships. Everybody was watching them through the sole process of them exposing themselves on purpose and now they're going after them.
---+ The world is seeking them on special warrant they are also preparing armies in the Western Hemisphere and Eastern Hemisphere to meet them at their bunkers huge huge vast armies. And each and every complex of the Trumpsters. That is who they're going after.
---+ There seems to be a ruckus here no it's quiet and they're idiots and there's a bunch of them mostly the Trump Stars and DJ has been fighting for armament and things like that although he has said he has a similar plan so yeah that would be them too almost all of them there's probably 80% of the pseudo empire and they fight each other ovary and they're not very bright it's very dangerous we need to get tons of stuff together to take them all down the miscellaneous group on Earth is about 7.5% of the populace that's very big. And the minority more lock and minorities accept and work with Magdaddy 2 so he's very pleased and he's pleased to be separating from this group of assholes and suicidal shitheads. We noticed that Megan Merkel was not very excited now as he is she thinks it's almost time am I time for what their spaceships up there they're on Saturday you're gonna kill yourselves good for you and she says it's not that simple and that's what you people want to do and there's people up there they haven't even my people. And it's saying that Saturn is going to be in range in a couple months and you're all suicidal stupid people and they're not laughing and they're saying that they'll take the credit for it if they succeed and they're competing but no they're not they don't understand what Saturn can do it's annoying as hell i'll tell you that much we have to just exterminate them because they're stupid what's going on right now.
Thor Freya
We had a huge fight with Michael Two they kept saying We'll blow the earth up and leave I don't say by the time you leave you won't be able to leave and it kept going and going and going finally said we plan to kidnap him we go up there and bomb him and so he said how you going to stop this empire and they said we have infiltrated and he heard 10 trillion ships and he said so what I said in a couple years they'll have 20 and he said oh I said We need to 0 it takes like 50 million to scan Earth properly all the time. And he said we're probably in trouble so he looked it up and he said 50 million big ships would cover the Earth and nothing would get out so they started to work differently. They're a bunch of losers they want to hold this hostage so he says when we get there we'll tell you how to rub two sticks together. What are you saying you **** dead man your toast your smoke your gun your poison and most of the world hates you if you're doing that stupid **** which sounds like you are it's kind of like a **** **** or just a masturbator there's a whole bunch of names for your stupid people zombie they have a certain zombie level. Went nuts and they started yelling and screaming and said I don't have to take it from him I said You don't and you won't 'cause you don't need anything but the max are trying cause your ****. He looks over and says what do you guys have well it's not really intrinsically knowledge that you should have or what have you. Or even biosmoses with the whole clue is if the earth blows up there has to be something to stop the fragments and even if you escape to a million years from now you'd be found because you overlooked it here now here heard the human start to work on it and it's freaking out and he says there's a way out of it and people can't figure it out he's trying to tell people is looking at the ground all the time like they had a chance to do it recently and they don't and everyone's **** **** at them 'cause they sound like this.**** bucket of **** we have to live with and I'll tell you hes a retrded bucket of shit Michael's right the whole time they're suicidal and then the clue is there in the bunkers and they think they can do it there they say they're not near the max and such the Max are not necessarily in the bunkers in these huge caverns an earthquake might not do too much and that **** them off too but they still are trying to do it so the size of those nukes and how many in one place makes sense they want to blow the whole planet and somehow have robots do it or robotic timer or mechanical timer and they fly around in their fly car and kidnap our friend here we are going to war with them right now i'm putting it in a statement
we are going to war with them right now i'm putting it in a statementbill
i send mine i case
me too
i send it now and have a time of it but do shall
me too
kamilla mac daddy above
i shall easier for me
cruise need to now have to and sent it. they have it and it goes out now
0 notes
lythea-creation · 4 months
Changes - Nadeen x fem reader (Chapter 3)
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Chapter 1
Previous Chapter
warnings: grief, fighting, yk Hiba
word count: 920
I was currently eating my breakfast, waiting for time to pass. It was a Sunday morning and Nadeen and I were going to hang out later again. Somehow it had turned into a routine. We were meeting up almost every day.
When I was finished eating I settled on the couch to continue reading my book. It had been one of mom's favorites and I had probably read it a dozen times since she passed.
Suddenly the book was snatched out of my hands, Hiba glaring at me as she was holding it above my head.
“Why are you always reading those?”, she questioned annoyed.
“What's your problem?”, I shot back.
“Well … they aren't yours. The book is from mom's collection. Stop going through her stuff”, Hiba complained.
“She isn't here anymore, Hiba”, I reminded both of us softly.
“Oh, you think I don't know that?”, she taunted me. “Which is exactly why I don't need you to push that reminder into my face all the time. Reading her books won't bring mom back.”
“I do feel closer to her though”, I confessed.
“How does that change anything?”, she yelled at me.
“Hiba ...”
She interrupted me: “No! You just don't get it!”
She stormed off, leaving me behind confused. What was up with her? She had even taken the book with her.
A frustrated sigh left my lips.
I missed my sister so much. The one who told me bedtime stories when I could not sleep. The one who suggested to start our own band. The one who never let me down.
We had been inseparable. Losing mom had been inevitable. She had just been too sick. We had expected it. But I had never considered losing Hiba, too.
The grief was too much. Like I was about to implode any second.
So I decided to go on a run.
I was not the fittest person, but the burning of my muscles and lungs were a welcome change for the emotional pain I could not get used to. Before I knew it my phone vibrated, signaling me that I had run 7k.
I came to a halt, bending forward as my abs were too tired to hold me upright. I was panting heavily, not even sure where I was. I had not paid attention to my surroundings at all.
And to top it all off I only had 15 minutes left before Nadeen was expecting me. So I searched for the way to her house and ran over there as well.
“Hey, what happened to you?”, Nadeen wondered.
After all I was completely out of breath, barely able to lift my head to look at her and I was still a bit late.
“I ran more than 10k”, I enlightened her panting.
“Why the hell would you do that?”, she exclaimed. “Well … come in first. I'll get you some water.”
“Thanks”, I uttered and followed her into the kitchen where I could not help but drop onto one of the chairs as soon as I could.
I hurried to gulp the water down, only realizing now how thirsty I had actually been.
“So why would you torture yourself like that?”, Nadeen inquired, her brows raised.
“I just needed to let it all out, ya know”, I stated.
“Hiba?”, she assumed.
“Mostly, yeah”, I confirmed.
Now she was the one sighing. “It really sucks that you can't even wind down at home”, she considered.
“But I'm not home right now, am I? Let's do something fun together”, I changed the topic.
“You could take a shower if you want and then we could watch a movie together”, she suggested. “Not that I'm saying you should shower, but I guess it would make sense.”
I pulled onto my sweaty shirt. “Yeah, you may be right about that. I don't have any clothes with me though. And I'm not sure if your clothes will fit me. I'm pretty tall after all”, I considered.
“Nah, I have some oversized clothes. Don't worry about that”, she assured me.
When all of that was settled, we sat down on her bed to watch one of her favorite movies.
Of course I did not tell her that horror movies were freaking me out. But I regretted that after about half an hour into it as it was surprisingly hard to suppress my startled reactions.
“Everything okay?”, she questioned with an amused grin when I grabbed onto her arm at one of the jump scenes.
“Uh-huh”, I muttered, my eyes pinned on the screen of her laptop.
I did not let her arm go again though, which she did not seem to mind.
“You could've just told me that you're scared of horror movies. We could have watched something else”, Nadeen pointed out when the movie was over.
“No, I wanted to see your favorite”, I remarked.
“That's cute”, she noted. “But the next pick is yours.”
I smiled up at her as I had ended up half-laying against her.
She reciprocated my smile and I found myself lost in her eyes. I did not even register that she was not looking away either.
Before I knew it, my lips were on hers. I had no idea how it had happened and who initiated it, but nothing had felt this right for years. So I was enjoying every moment of it.
So what do you think about the story? I decided not to turn this one into a slowburn. Do you have any suggestions for future chapters?
Tag List: @sunwoniie
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am Boruto Uzumaki, and I am Hyuuga by PeacefulWarrior82
Anime » Naruto Rated: T, English, Adventure, Naruto U., Hinata H., Boruto U., Himawari U., Words: 13k+, Favs: 139, Follows: 92, Published: Dec 15, 2014 Updated: Dec 28, 2014
52Chapter 4
Naruto Characters are property of Masashi Kishimoto. Many people speculate how Boruto and Himawari could follow in their father's footprints. For a while I felt that also. but then i realized, it was right in my face the entire time of how they can deal with personal struggles. This short story is one such tale, It takes place between ending of Naruto the last movie and chapter 700.
Boruto stood at a striking post in the genin training grounds. His focus unwavering.
" I saw you there other day..." said a voice from behind him.
" Boruto turned to see Kinjo Hyuuga standing there. " ...With those 3 clansmen."
Boruto shot him a glare then went back to striking the post. " What about it? They attacked me first, i didn't even hit them."
Kinjo walked to the side of the post Boruto was striking. " You are so selfish."
Boruto stopped immediately and looked at Kinjo. " What the hell are you talking about? You trying to start a fight!? Can't you wait a week?"
" I'll explain." Kinjo said. " When Hanabi-sama's children are born, they're going to have the Byakugan."
" No kidding!" Boruto said.
" And since their father died on a mission, it's going to fall on Hiashi-sama to train with them."
" So you're saying I don't wanna share Jii-san with my cousins? That's crap! I share him with my sister all the time!" Boruto argued.
" You're missing the point." Kinjo said.
Boruto looked at him his eyes wincing.
" When Hiashi-sama starts training with them, they're going to start performing techniques that you need the Byakugan for." Kinjo said.
" I am sick and tired of hearing about..." Boruto began.
" Can you do the Heavenly Whirl without the Byakugan?" Kinjo said.
Boruto was caught off guard, he had no response.
" What about The 64 palms of divinity?" Kinjo said.
Boruto stood there.
" you can estimate where a person's vital organs are. But striking the Tenketsu requires absolute precision. Without the Byakugan, it's useless."
Boruto said nothing, he stood there having taken in all of Kinjo's statement.
" He's going to have the opportunity to have real grandchildren, and you're taking that away from him." Kinjo said.
" How am I..."
" Hiashi-sama will want to teach them techniques, techniques you won't be able to do. But he probably won't because he won't want to make you feel bad."
Kinjo walked away. " Thanks a lot for holding back our clan...selfish..."
Boruto stood there, he brought his hands up to the post as he looked down. He had never once thought of that.
Boruto is seen sparring with Hiashi. Hiashi knew something was wrong.
" Your chakra's all over the place." Hiashi said.
Boruto didn't respond. He threw a leg kick to which Hiashi dodged and backed away.
" What's troubling you?" Hiashi asked.
" Nothing, let's keep going." Boruto said.
" We are not moving another step until you tell me what is wrong." Hiashi said.
" Fine! Then I'm going home!" Boruto walked over to get his training bag.
He turned around to see Hiashi stand before him.
" Boruto, why will you not talk to me?" Hiashi asked.
" Just..." Boruto was getting emotional.
" Just what? Talk to me." Hiashi said.
" Just maybe everyone's right ok!?" Boruto yelled.
Hiashi was shocked. " Right? About what?"
" Maybe I don't belong here!" He said.
Hiashi looked at his grandson in disbelief. " Boruto, what happened? Who has been talking to you? Tell me who told you this!"
" Nobody!" Boruto said. " When my cousins are born, they're gonna have the Byakugan. And you're gonna want to train them."
" And you think I'll forget about you."
" No! That's the point!" Boruto yelled.
Hiashi was shocked.
" You're gonna limit your training with them, just so I won't feel left out!" Boruto looked to the side scowling. " ...I don't wanna slow you down." he muttered.
Hiashi was dumbfounded by this.
Boruto angled his eyes at his grandfather then back to the side. "(sigh) I know you love me. And I love being here with you. But I want you to make my cousins as strong as you possibly can. I...would just be a burden."
Hiashi was speechless.
" No matter how strong I get, no matter how many jutsu I learn, I don't have the Byakugan and without that I can't learn the best techniques you can teach."
" Boruto I..." Hiashi tried to bring a sentence together.
Boruto faced his grandfather. " Happy? Can I go now?" Boruto then walked around his grandfather out of the dojo. " Next week I'm gonna drop this clown and make sure my cousins don't get sealed. After that, focus on them when they're born so they can become strong."
Hiashi turned and watched his grandson go out the door, still distraught by what he said.
Hiashi was sitting on the porch as the sun began setting.
Hiashi waits in the waiting room of Konohagakure hospital along with Hanabi, Natsu and Ko, Naruto walked out, a smile on his face bigger than the moon.
" It's a boy!" He said.
" Congratulations!" Hiashi placed his hands on Naruto's shoulders.
" Now...he doesn't have the Byakugan."
" Hiashi didn't expect that comment. He was surprised for a second. The smile came back on his face. " That's fine, can we see him?"
" Sure!" Naruto smiled.
Later, The Hyuugas observe alongside Naruto through the glass his son.
" Which one is he?" Hanabi asked eagerly awaiting to see her new nephew.
Her question was answered right away by the sounds of powerful cries coming from the baby in the far left. Seeing 2 whisker marks on each side of his face , the tiny strands of blonde hair and the strong spirit it was no doubt whose son it was.
" Naruto, he looks just like you!" Hiashi stated proudly.
Naruto smiled with joy.
Hiashi smiled as he gazed upon his grandson. Words could not express the pride he felt.
4 Years Later...
4 year Old Boruto Uzumaki ran down the hall of the Hyuuga compound. He looked through the opening of a door to see Hyuugas practicing Juu-ken.
" Wow..." Boruto said.
" What do you think you're doing?" An older Hyuuga boy said from behind him.
Boruto turned around. " I was just watching..."
" It's not for you to watch, it's not like you can do it." The Hyuuga said.
" I can to!" Boruto yelled back.
" You don't have the Byakugan. You'll never be able to do it." He said.
It was at this point all the Hyuuga who were practicing stopped as they heard the commotion going on.
" Boruto..." Hiashi said walking up from the hallway. " There you are, you shouldn't run off like that." He looked to the Hyuuga boy standing by him.
" Can I help you young man?" Hiashi stated.
" I caught him spying on our Kata Hiashi-sama." The boy said respectfully.
" I wasn't spying!" Boruto said.
" You can't do it. It's pointless to watch." said the boy.
" Yes I can!" Boruto yelled.
Hiashi was stunned.
" You may leave now..." Hiashi said to the boy. " I will talk to my grandson."
The Hyuuga boy took his leave.
Hiashi saw the Hyuuga in the dojo staring at Boruto, some quite venomously. " Don't you all have training to do?" Hiashi said.
The Hyuuga continued their training. Hiashi smiled at his grandson and extended his hand. Boruto took it and walked alongside his grandfather.
" Boruto, do you like what you saw in there?"
Boruto took a deep breath and shook his head yes.
" You know... all the people in there using that form. They have the Byakugan, which means they can see all the parts inside the body. Do you know what I mean by that?'
Boruto pointed to parts on his body. " Heart, liver , kidneys, stomach..."
" Yes, they can see all that." Hiashi explained.
" But I know where all that stuff is anyway." Boruto pouted.
Hiashi looked to him with wonder.
Hiashi sat down in front of his grandson. " Boruto...do you want me to teach you Juu-ken?"
For a 4 year old who had his father's impulse system, Boruto's train of thought at that time was mainly wanting to prove that Hyuuga boy wrong and show him that he can do their form.
" Hai!" Boruto exclaimed.
Hiashi looked at Boruto in awe. " Very well, but I won't be cutting you any slack. When I train someone, I train them hard."
" Let's do it Jii-san!" Boruto yelled.
(((End Flashback)))
" Over the past 2 years, Boruto trained hard and his skills began rivaling that of any Hyuuga child. Because of the style I learned in my travels overseas that I taught him, his style became truly unique. What he lacked with not having the Byakugan, he more than made up for in sheer fighting spirit." Hiashi thought. " Despite that however, he was constantly met with doubt and ridicule from members of the Hyuuga for his efforts, both children and adults. But that only made him train harder. But this time...someone truly struck a cord."
Hiashi knocked on the door of the Uzumaki household. Hinata answered the door.
" Is he here?" Hiashi asked.
Hinata nodded, she seemed disheartened.
Hinata walked Hiashi in to see Boruto hard at work on a striking dummy outside on the patio. Hinata looked ahead at him teary eyed.
" I'll talk to him." Hiashi said.
Hiashi walked outside beside his grandson and sat down. " What did the post ever do to you?" Hiashi joked at how hard Boruto was striking.
Boruto lowered his arms but continued to look at the post.
" Boruto...there will be things I will not be able to teach you. This is true." Hiashi began.
Boruto looked away from the post out towards the village.
" There is going to come a time where you will need to learn new jutsu. Tai-Jutsu will only go so far. To learn better ninjutsu tailored for you, you may need to go to someone else."
Boruto took a deep breath.
" But...you could never be a burden." Hiashi said. " If anything I'm going to need you. I'll need you to help train your cousins."
" How could I possibly help?" Boruto said.
" By being who you were these past 2 years. A Juu-ken fighter without a Byakugan who excelled in the art and made it his own. Being that example alone is an inspiration."
"(sigh) I still couldn't teach them anything about the Byakugan." Boruto said
" That's fine. You don't have to. That's not what makes you strong Boruto."
Boruto turned his eyes back by his grandfather.
" But I want you to think what this says to your sister if you decide not to train with us anymore." Hiashi said.
Boruto looked surprised.
" If she wanted to learn Juu-ken, naturally I would teach her to. But if you quit, what point will she see in the training if even you, the brother she loves and adores abandons it."
Boruto looked down. He hadn't thought of that.
Hiashi stood up and walked to the door. " Boruto... you are not a typical Hyuuga, but no matter what anyone says, I am proud to say that both you and your sister are part of the Hyuuga clan. I know you will show a strength one day that will be talked about for ages, and I hope to be a part of that process, but I think what will be talked about more will be your legendary stubbornness."
Hiashi took his leave.
" Jii-san..." Boruto said.
Hiashi looked back at him.
" When you go home make sure you get plenty of sleep. We got a long day ahead of us tomorrow." Boruto smiled.
Hiashi smiled. " I will have to start training you for real then..."
" Good, 'cuz up to now's been kid stuff." Boruto exclaimed.
Hiashi smiled.
" Jii-san...thanks" Boruto said.
Hiashi nodded. As he slid the glass door he looked back to see Boruto's strikes to the post were now far more spirited.
Hinata looked to her father, whatever he said to her son, it certainly lifted his spirits. She smiled as she hugged her father.
" We have one week left. We need to start fine-tuning." Hiashi said.
Naruto Characters are property of Masashi Kishimoto. Many people speculate how Boruto and Himawari could follow in their father's footprints. For a while I felt that also. but then i realized, it was right in my face the entire time of how they can deal with personal struggles. This short story is one such tale, It takes place between ending of Naruto the last movie and chapter 700.
Boruto just finished practicing with his grandfather in the back yard of the Uzumaki household.
" I'd say that's fine for tonight Boruto." Hiashi said.
" Alright! I'm gonna win this !" Boruto said hopping up and down.
Their family could see what a raging state Boruto was in. Hinata was a little disheartened at how serious her son was.
" Im kicking that guys ass tomorrow!" Boruto said.
" Excuse me what did you say young man?" Hinata said with her hand on her hip.
" Err I mean butt." Boruto said.
Hinata walked over to her son. " No I think I heard the other word."
Boruto was getting nervous. " Ka-chan cut me some slack huh?"
Hinata then began tickling her son.
" gah! Ka-chan stop! Ha-Ha!" Boruto pleaded.
Naruto knew what Hinata was getting at. " Hey let me get in on this!" Naruto began tickling his son on the other side.
" Stop! Hah-Ha! I'm being super serious!"
" I know..." Hinata thought.
It was at that point Himawari ran in and climbed on her brother.
Hiashi couldn't help but smile.
Hanabi watched from the side at Boruto. Tomorrow he would be fighting for the freedom of one of her children. " Nee-sama...if my kids turn out half as wonderful as yours, I will be happy." She thought.
At The Hyuuga Compound...
Kinjo was working on a striking post later that evening. It was then that the Elder came across him.
" A big day tomorrow..." The Elder said.
Kinjo continued striking the post.
" Kinjo, are you familiar with the saying " The nail that sticks out get hammered.""
Kinjo stopped striking and turned his attention to the elder. " I am."
" Tomorrow you will be fighting a nail."
Kinjo looked at the Elder.
" Boruto Uzumaki has disgraced this clan by mockingly practicing our style without a Byakugan."
Kinjo nodded.
" You are by far the most talented of the Hyuuga of your generation. It was no coincidence that you were chosen for this match."
" I am honored Elder." Kinjo said.
" The Uzumaki boy however has been a nuisance in this clan for far too long. That is why I say this..."
Kinjo listened intently.
" Tomorrow, do not just defeat Boruto Uzumaki." The Elder began.
Kinjo listened.
" Crush him..."
Kinjo was slightly shocked.
" Demoralize him...humiliate him...Cripple him! Make him never want to practice Juu-ken again!"
Kinjo stood for a moment. " Hai..."
The next morning...
Hinata was preparing Boruto in a section of the Hyuuga compound. Boruto looked intently in the direction of the courtyard where he and Kinjo will be fighting.
With his Hyuuga combat attire on, Boruto walked toward the courtyard along side his mother, just before exiting., His father, sister, grandfather and aunt stood by the doorway. On the outside Ko along with a few other Hyuugas waited. Hinata placed her trembling hand on Boruto's shoulder as they walked. Boruto noticed this. He placed his hand atop his mother's to reassure her.
" You can do this son..." Naruto said.
" I totally already know that Tou-chan." Boruto said trying to play it off as cool as he could.
" Boruto..." Hiashi kneeled down placing his hands on his grandson's shoulder's. " I want you to know, no matter what happens today...you have made me proud my grandson."
Boruto was caught off guard by his grandfather's comments. He looked up at him with great emotion.
Boruto quickly shook it off and maintained his cool demeanor. " jeez, it's not like those are gonna be your last words to me Jii-san." Boruto then walked away towards the courtyard. " Do me a favor...hold off on the funeral arrangements. I'll be back in 2 minutes."
Boruto then walked out to the porch just short of the courtyard. There he saw dozens of Hyuuga on the porch opposite of him standing to watch this battle. On the courtyard itself he saw Kinjo Hyuuga in Hyuuga training attire staring directly at him.
" Better make it 3." Boruto said.
Suddenly Boruto felt a hug around his waist. He looked to see his little sister hugging him tightly, her eyes closed out of worry.
It was then Boruto decided to drop his cool act. He placed his hands around Himawari's arms. " Hey..." He said reassuringly. Himawari looked up at him. " I'm gonna be right back." He smiled.
Himawari reluctantly let go. Her hands rung together out of sheer worry.
" Nii-san, please be careful." Himawari said.
Boruto walked across the courtyard. He looked at all the Hyuuga standing there watching, including the Elders. No doubt wanting to witness him fail.
" Kinjo...glad you could make it." Boruto said.
Everyone on Boruto's side came to the porch.
Kinjo just stood there looking at the Uzumaki.
" Now..." The Elder began. " This is a match between Hyuuga Kinjo and Uzumaki Boruto. The conditions are applied. If Uzumaki wins, none of Hanabi-sama's children will be marked with the curse seal."
Boruto smiled.
" However..." The Elder continued. " If Hyuuga Kinjo wins, the Uzumaki are forbidden from interfering in our affairs. Do both parties agree to this?"
Boruto nodded.
" Elder..." Kinjo said. " I would like to add another condition."
Boruto and everyone on his side were shocked.
Kinjo looked to Boruto. " Uzumaki Boruto, for too long I have had to stomach training in the same dojo as you. That I could tolerate. But what I couldn't tolerate was watching you day in and day out put on that jacket with our clan's symbol on it. Going out into town and disgracing it's meaning."
Boruto looked at him indifferently with his hand on his hip.
Kinjo's eyes narrowed. "You're not a Hyuuga, and you never will be. My condition is that when I beat you, you never don our clan's symbol again."
Boruto was silent for a moment. Hinata's fingers gripped the rail in anger. Hiashi looked on sternly.
" Ok Kinjo." Boruto said. " That's your condition? Fine I accept."
" Elder, I have nothing further."
" Very well." The Elder said. " The use of nin-jutsu, gen-jutsu and weapons is strictly forbidden. This match ends when one of you is unable or unwilling to continue."
Emergence of Talents plays in background...
" Hyuuga Kinjo!" Boruto got into his fighting stance. " Defend yourself!"
Kinjo got into his stance. " Very well."
Hinata braced herself. The knots in her stomach eating away at her.
The 2 locked eyes.
" Begin!"
Both boys dashed toward each other with a palm strike. Deflecting past one another, chakra blasting around them. Kinjo was the first to go on the offensive, launching a spin kick to which Boruto ducked. Boruto threw a palm strike that was deflected by Kinjo. Naruto felt a deep nervousness within. It was difficult to watch his son in an actual battle, and to have so much riding on it.
Boruto and Kinjo became locked in combat. Boruto threw a palm strike at Kinjo's midsection, Kinjo parried it but as Boruto fell forward he spun his body to throw a back palm, Kinjo leaned back to dodge it. Boruto and Kinjo held their stance, eyeing each other.
The 2 continued battling, neither one seeming to gain an advantage.
" Kinjo, they say you're the top guy around here. But it looks like we're totally even!" Boruto said.
" You're wrong." Kinjo said. It's time I show you what true strength is..." with that, Kinjo activated his Byakugan. " This is what separates us."
" Hmph, 'bout time you got serious. Guess I won't hold back either."
" A-Are you telling me those 2 were holding back up to now?" A main branch member said to another.
The battle got more intense, with his Byakugan activated, Kinjo sought out to attack Boruto's organs.
" Watch yourself Boruto, Kinjo's Byakugan is activated. He's looking for a finishing blow." Hiashi thought.
Both Hinata and Hanabi were shown worried.
Naruto looked on, his eyes narrowed. " Don't get caught son. Make sure your defense is up."
Suddenly Boruto and Kinjo were shown trying to deliver a chop to the throat simultaneously, both brought up their other hand and blocked each other's attack at the same time. A wave of chakra flashed above them.
They stayed in that position for but a moment. Staring into each other's eyes, Boruto's eyes scowl while Kinjo's Byakugan eyes remain wide open, trying to predict their next move. Boruto broke the stillness and thrusted his palm, Kinjo parried it and delivered a palm strike to Boruto's jaw.
The Elder smiled at this. Boruto parried away Kinjo's next strike and delivered a side kick to push him away.
Boruto rubbed his jaw.
Kinjo smiled arrogantly as he moved forward. Boruto was back to his stance. Kinjo dashed forward delivering a dozen juu-ken strikes, Boruto blocked and parried every one of them. The Elder began hearing murmurs amongst his clansmen.
" Are we positive he doesn't have the Byakugan?"
" He must have some kind of visual jutsu, how else can his skill rival Kinjo's of all people."
Kinjo delivered a spinning back palm which Boruto ducked under, delivering a leg sweet taking Kinjo's feet out from under him. Kinjo, caught off guard, fell back but quickly rebounded.
Kinjo calmly got back into stance. " Ok Uzumaki, you're not bad..."
" Not bad!?" Boruto yelled. " I'm just gettin' warmed up!"
Kinjo got angry. Boruto charged Kinjo and attacked with a forward flip kick, Kinjo dodged immediately. Kinjo threw a leg kick but Boruto picked his leg up at the last second, causing the Hyuuga boy to miss.
As Boruto reached in for a palm strike, Kinjo blocked it and thrusted his palm into Boruto's mouth.
That was when Kinjo began his barrage of strikes. " You little bastard! I'll waste you in front of your Mom!"
Boruto was doing his best to block Kinjo's attacks. But the Hyuuga boys strength was far too great, some of them began to push through.
Himawari watched on in extreme worry.
She ran to her grandfather. " Jii-san! Make them stop! He's hurting Nii-san!" She pleaded.
" I can't dear, we have to wait until the fight is over." Hiashi said reluctantly.
That was when Boruto saw the left palm strike coming. He grabbed Kinjo's hand and fell back.
" What is this?" Ko said.
Before Kinjo knew it, Boruto had him in a triangle lock. He tried attacking Boruto with his right hand. But Boruto parried and grabbed hold of it, criss-crossing Kinjo's arms.
" What is this?" The Elder said.
" Hyuuga Lock!" Boruto yelled. The look of shock and bewilderment fell onto Kinjo's face.
" Kinjo is trapped in the triangle." Naruto said.
" And Boruto has his hands subdued, he can't use Juu-ken." Ko said.
" This is bad, if Kinjo does not get out of that, he will lose consciousness." The elder thought.
Kinjo struggled to break free but to no avail. He looked at Boruto anger evident in his eyes.
" Say uncle you dumb bastard, or it's lights out!" Boruto shouted.
" You won't beat meee!" Kinjo screamed.
It was then Kinjo saw the rock and tree beside them which made up the centerpiece of the courtyard.
Kinjo jumped to his feet.
" What's he doing?" A random Hyuuga asked.
Kinjo's hands clinched, Boruto found himself leaving the ground.
" He's trying to pick up Boruto!" Naruto said.
Boruto found himself high in the air. Kinjo began began running towards the rock behind them.
" He's not going to..." Hinata said in disbelief.
Boruto looked behind himself to see they were headed for the rock.
" Crap!" Boruto had no choice. He released the lock and his feet landed safely on the rock.
Boruto tried grabbing Kinjo's head and delivering a knee strike from atop the rock. Kinjo however stopped it and double palm thrusted Boruto off. Luckily, Boruto brought his arms down just in time to avoid full damage. He flew back bouncing off the ground, he quickly rolled back to his feet.
Kinjo jumped over the rock and dashed towards Boruto. The 2 once again were locked in a battle of palm strikes.
"Time to end this!" Kinjo shouted, he parried away Boruto's kick causing him to lose balance.
" 8 Trigrams..."
" Boruto get out of there!" Hinata shouted.
" 32 Palms!"
Boruto turned to see the attack coming his way.
" 2 Palms!" Kinjo struck 2 of Boruto's Tenketsu.
" 4 Palms!" Kinjo continued to strike.
" Ok! Here comes the next one!" Boruto thought.
" 8 Palms!" Suddenly a crackling sound was heard. " Grahh!"
Kinjo took a step back.
" What just happened?" An Elder asked. " Why did Kinjo stop?"
" I didn't even follow it." Naruto said.
" Look at Kinjo's hand." Hiashi said.
Everyone saw Kinjo's left hand was bent and bruised.
Reverse Situation plays in background...
" Kinjo's hand is broken." Hinata said , with her Byakugan activated.
" Boruto did that?" Naruto asked.
" At the last second, Boruto put a large amount of chakra into his arm , as he saw Kinjo's strike coming, he elbowed his hand. I taught him this. This technique was used against me in a similar situation against my trainer when I first met and fought him overseas." Hiashi said. " Kinjo will not be performing that technique again in this match."
Kinjo dashed toward Boruto, but as he did Boruto made the gesture with his elbow like last time. Kinjo saw this and immediately backed off.
The elder was shocked. His eyes began to narrow. " This isn't good. Kinjo's hand is hurt and now he's reluctant to fight the Uzumaki." he thought.
" Not so quick to get in close anymore?" Boruto said.
Kinjo looked at him angrily.
" Well if you won't come to me..." Boruto dashed toward Kinjo delivering a series of strikes, Kinjo was offering up little defense.
Himawari saw that the fight was beginning to turn in her brother's favor. " Nii-san!" She shouted in enthusiasm. " Stick it to him!"
Hearing his sister's cheers filled Boruto with strength as he pushed forward. He delivered a front kick to Kinjo which sent him against one of the pillars to the porch . Boruto unleashed several closed fist strikes to Kinjo's body , Kinjo tried to counter attack but Boruto blocked all his strikes. With one final kick Boruto sent Kinjo flying across the courtyard.
Kinjo groggily stood up. Blood coming from the corners of his mouth.
" Do you give up?" Boruto said.
" Uzumaki..." Kinjo said. " I have been training with the best in the main branch these past 2 weeks..."
" Take that as a no." Boruto rushed Kinjo.
" ..and THIS is the result of that training!"
Boruto leaned in for a strike but Kinjo parried it. " Taiyo.."
He then placed both hands against Boruto's body .
" Basuto!"
Suddenly a large burst of Kinjo's chakra ripped right through Boruto's body impact shook the surrounding area it almost sounded like a miniature sonic boom. Parties from both sides looked on in shock.
" That was..." Hanabi began.
Hiashi's eyes narrowed. " How dare the elders teach that move to someone so young." he said to himself.
" Taiyo Basuto...this technique allows one to push a great deal of their chakra and force it directly into their opponent's body, affecting all vital organs in a single blow." The elder thought. " Kinjo must be desperate if he used that technique."
" Nii-san!" Himawari yelled.
Boruto stood motionless as a little blood spattered from his mouth. Kinjo stood before him breathing heavily.
" You fought well Uzumaki, but in this field you cannot defeat the Byakugan." Kinjo said.
Boruto felt as though he just got hit by a semi. He shakily walked forward until he felt himself falling forward.
" I lost..." Boruto thought. "I can't fight anymore..."
It was then an image appeared in his head. Saw a boy with brown hair.
" w-what the hell is this?" He thought.
The boy could not have been any older than his sister. His face was overshadowed, with tears coming from his eyes.
" That's..."
What Boruto noticed the most was a glowing caged bird seal on the boy's head. That was when Boruto snapped to attention.
A loud thud was heard in the Hyuuga compound. Everyone looked on in shock, especially Naruto. To see Boruto had taken a large step to stop himself from hitting the ground. Kinjo was stunned.
Boruto's fists along with the rest of his body tightened.
" GGKHA!" Boruto spit up a little more blood.
With every bit of might he had he forced himself up as he screamed at the sky. He finally remembered what this was really about.
" I...am Boruto Uzumaki! Grandson of Hiashi Hyuuga! And the 4th Hokage! I will not fall to you!"
Kinjo was astonished. He rushed Boruto to deliver another attack.
" Boruto dodge it!" Hinata screamed.
" Taiyo Basuto!" Kinjo said placing both hands on Boruto's body.
He delivered the same blow. Boruto got knocked back a few steps. Then started walking towards Kinjo again.
Kinjo was astonished. " I..I did that move perfectly...why isn't he going down!?" He thought.
" I promised I was going to win. I promised that my cousin would be safe from that seal, in my family...WE DO NOT GO BACK ON OUR WORD!"
Hanabi was stunned.
" Nii-san..." Himawari said.
It was then Kinjo tried to grab Boruto's head to perform the same technique, however, Boruto grabbed both his hands before he could accomplish this.
" That's as far as you get this time Kinjo." He said before delivering a front kick which sent Kinjo to the ground.
" I don't understand!" The Elder said. " That move should have finished him! How is he doing this!?"
" Now it ends, right here and now..." Boruto said.
Boruto's arms began emitting a blue chakra. Hinata already knew what was happening.
Hinata watched as her son tried emitting blue chakra from his hands but failing. Shocked Hinata walked in immediately, walking up next to her son.
" Boruto, were you trying to do the Twin Lion Fist?" She asked.
Boruto looked down and nodded yes. Hinata placed her hand in his cheek.
" If we do this, we do it right. I'll help you develop it. But never try to practice this technique without me." Hinata said.
(((End Flashback)))
" Gentle Step...' Boruto ran towards Kinjo. " Twin Lion Fist!" Both hands erupted in a blaze of chakra.
" Unbelievable!" Hiashi said stunned.
Naruto and Hinata smiled.
Kinjo was too weak from battle to dodge, he simply stood and watched the attack come. Boruto struck into Kinjo's body, hurtling him towards the Hyuuga gate.
Kinjo struck the gate with a loud thud.
Boruto stood there, his hands returning to normal, with a hint of smoke coming off them. Boruto's breathed heavily and took a knee.
Kinjo fell forward, hitting the ground.
The Hyuuga watched in silence to see Kinjo was not getting back up. The Elder's face showed extreme anger and disapproval.
" Kinjo's not moving." A Hyuuga said.
Everyone on Boruto's side watched with extreme anticipation.
" The winner...Uzumaki Boruto."
Boruto stood up. He looked across at all the Hyuuga defiantly. He witnessed the amazement and disdain from numerous members, the elders in particular.
" I am Boruto Uzumaki, and I am Hyuuga!" He said to them.
He then turned around and walked back towards his family. Hinata was so relieved she could cry. As Boruto got closer he began to stumble and fall. Luckily his father was there to catch him.
" You did it!" Naruto hugged his son.
" L-Like there was a doubt." Boruto was too weak to speak.
He looked up at his grandfather who placed his hand on Boruto's head. " Oh Boruto...that was way longer than 3 minutes." Hiashi said.
Boruto smiled. Hinata came and joined her husband in hugging their son. Himawari soon followed after.
" Nii-san you won!" Himawari yelled.
Boruto looked up to see Hanabi standing before him. Tears in her eyes. Upon seeing this, Hinata and Naruto let Boruto loose.
" Hanabi baa-chan." Boruto started.
Hanabi came down and hugged her nephew tightly. " Boruto...arigato..." She said still crying.
Hinata noticed the Hyuuga surrounding Kinjo.
" I'll be right back." Hinata said.
" Hon? Where are you going?" Naruto asked.
Kinjo had finally regained consciousness and stood before the Elder in shame. The Elder looked down at Kinjo in extreme dismay. He pulled his hand back ready to deliver a slap across Kinjo's face. That was when his hand was grabbed.
He looked to see Hinata there holding back his hand. Kinjo stood shocked.
" Hinata, take your hands off me at once!"
" You will not lay a hand on him." Hinata said.
" Will you for once just mind your own damn business!?" The Elder said.
Suddenly a fist met with the Elder's nose, knocking him back several feet. He brought his hand to his nose to see if he was bleeding. Luckily it was not.
" THAT was for a lot that you've done." Hinata said.
Everyone in the courtyard was stunned.
"How dare you..." The Elder said enraged.
That was when he felt that dark ominous presence from her once again. It was then that the Elder decided to back off. Hinata knelt down before Kinjo.
" W-Why stick up for me? I Just tried to beat your son to a pulp." Kinjo said.
" Because, I don't like seeing someone who fought such a strong fight, get punished needlessly." Hinata placed her hands on Kinjo's shoulders.
" Kinjo, do not let this loss bring you down. You have an amazing control of the Byakugan and I know you will become a great asset to the Hyuuga."
Kinjo stood confused. " H-Hai."
" Never stop training." She said.
Hinata got back up and walked toward her family, but not before passing by the elder.
" If anything happens to him...I'll find you." She said venomously.
The threat sent chills up the Elder's spine. as beads of sweat rolled off the side of his face. Suddenly Hinata's face immediately reverted back to a cheery smiling one.
" Thank you for having us Elder. Have a nice day." Hinata said kindly.
The Guts To Never Give Up Plays In The Background...
Boruto and his family were walking home. Boruto still in his training attire.
" So you saw his eyes. When he did that last move right?" Naruto asked Hiashi as they walked behind the family.
" Hai, what should we do?" Hiashi asked.
" We'll leave it for now. Let it come naturally." Naruto said.
" Boruto!" Kinjo yelled as he ran up to the family.
" Yea?" Boruto said.
" You forgot this..." Kinjo handed Boruto his jacket with the Hyuuga symbol on it.
Boruto was surprised. " Hah Thank you..." He said as he reached for it.
As he grabbed it Kinjo spoke. " Don't think this changes anything..."
Boruto looked confused.
" From now on we're rivals." Kinjo said smiled.
" Heh..." Boruto said. " Sounds good."
Hinata smiled.
Boruto was fast asleep in his bed.
" He was awesome out there huh?" Naruto said as he and Hinata watched their son sleep from the doorway.
Hinata nodded " Mmhmm."
" Kinda stinks..." Naruto said.
Hinata looked at him.
" Was kinda hoping he'd be a kid for just a little longer."
Hinata smiled. " Nobody wanted that more than me hon. But he's too much like his father. He never waits around."
" When he's a genin... He'll be facing bigger challenges than this."
" I know." Hinata said. " That's why we'll be there to help guide him."
A Few Years later...
Hanabi walked down the halls of the Hyuuga compound.
" Hideo!" She called out, her Byakugan activated. " Haruki!"
Hanabi was becoming concerned. " Where are you two?"
"Hanabi-sama!" She heard a familiar male voice call from out in the courtyard. Hanabi walked out to see Konohamaru holding a small Hyuuga boy in each arm as each laughed and played with his scarf. Both boys had short brown hair and Byakugan eyes.
" Caught these rug rats wandering about in the street." Konohamaru smiled.
Hanabi gave a huge sigh of relief. " Konohamaru-sama thank you so much. I think it's safe to say the nanny's fired."
" No hassle."
" You come here right now, I swear you 2 are going to be the death of me." Hanabi said as she took their hands.
" I really don't know how to thank you." Hanabi said.
" Well hey I mean, if it weren't for them I'd never get to come see you." Konohamaru realized how he might have sounded a little weird.
Hanabi blushed slightly.
" Well I gotta go, I'll see ya later." Konohamaru said.
" Hai." Hanabi said.
As each walked away. Konohamaru and Hanabi turned their heads back at each other simultaneously. Konohamaru developed a blush while Hanabi's intensified before Konohamaru took his leave.
Hiashi walked down the streets of Konohagakure. Things were going well for him. Boruto was causing mischief to no surprise but was still doing very well in the academy, it won't be long before his granddaughter will be starting there. Soon the twins would be turning 3 years old, and the only thing that would happen is they would both get a huge party and spoiled by their grandfather. And today was the day that his son-in-law would succeed as Hokage.
As Hiashi turned a corner he overheard a commotion going on. As he looked up he saw the Hokage monument covered in graffiti.
" BORUTO!" He shouted.
-The End-
6: Ending Scene
Boruto dragged himself into the house and plopped on the couch, his grandfather was standing there waiting for him. Hiashi noticed the red smudges of paint on his face.
" Boruto why did you do such a thing?" Hiashi asked.
Boruto smiled. " 'Cuz it would make Tou-chan mad."
" I see and who ended up cleaning it?" Hiashi quipped.
Boruto turned his head and crossed his arms.
That was when the door opened and Hinata and Hanabi came in with Himawari holding the hands of both twins. Upon seeing their cousin on the couch, the Hyuuga boys couldn't resist running up and smothering him.
" Gah! Why do you two always gotta come pester me?" Boruto said as his cousins laughed as they climbed on him. However he didn't really seem to mind at all, regardless of his half hearted protests.
Himawari was not far behind as she jumped on the couch to be next to her brother.
" Nii-san, I went to see our uncle today, next time I want you to come with." Himawari said.
" Fine.." He said.
Hiashi smiled as he looked at his grandchildren.
" Ok everyone, we will be getting dinner started soon. You should wash up. Son, you especially, we'll talk about your little prank later." Hinata said.
" Alright Kaa-chan." Boruto groaned. " I can't catch a break."
Himawari took Hideo to get washed up. " Come on Nii-san, you gotta wash really bad, Kaa-chan said so."
" Fine." Boruto said.
" Nii-san..." Boruto's cousin said.
" What is it Haruki?" Boruto said.
Will of Fire Plays In Background...
Haruki wrapped his arms around Boruto. " ...arigato..."
Boruto caught off guard, blushed. He turned his head scratching it. " Don't mention it."
Hiashi smiled. He knew exactly what Haruki was thanking his cousin for.
" Come on you two. It's time to clean up. You especially Boruto, you're filthy." Hiashi said.
" Ne? Grr..." Boruto picked up his cousin and carried him off to wash.
Hiashi followed after.
Boruto dragged himself into the house and plopped on the couch, his grandfather was standing there waiting for him. Hiashi noticed the red smudges of paint on his face.
" Boruto why did you do such a thing?" Hiashi asked.
Boruto smiled. " 'Cuz it would make Tou-chan mad."
" I see and who ended up cleaning it?" Hiashi quipped.
Boruto turned his head and crossed his arms.
That was when the door opened and Hinata and Hanabi came in with Himawari holding the hands of both twins. Upon seeing their cousin on the couch, the Hyuuga boys couldn't resist running up and smothering him.
" Gah! Why do you two always gotta come pester me?" Boruto said as his cousins laughed as they climbed on him. However he didn't really seem to mind at all, regardless of his half hearted protests.
Himawari was not far behind as she jumped on the couch to be next to her brother.
" Nii-san, I went to see our uncle today, next time I want you to come with." Himawari said.
" Fine.." He said.
Hiashi smiled as he looked at his grandchildren.
" Ok everyone, we will be getting dinner started soon. You should wash up. Son, you especially, we'll talk about your little prank later." Hinata said.
" Alright Kaa-chan." Boruto groaned. " I can't catch a break."
Himawari took Hideo to get washed up. " Come on Nii-san, you gotta wash really bad, Kaa-chan said so."
" Fine." Boruto said.
" Nii-san..." Boruto's cousin said.
" What is it Haruki?" Boruto said.
Will of Fire Plays In Background...
Haruki wrapped his arms around Boruto. " ...arigato..."
Boruto caught off guard, blushed. He turned his head scratching it. " Don't mention it."
Hiashi smiled. He knew exactly what Haruki was thanking his cousin for.
" Come on you two. It's time to clean up. You especially Boruto, you're filthy." Hiashi said.
" Ne? Grr..." Boruto picked up his cousin and carried him off to wash.
Hiashi followed after.
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