#midoriko nakamori
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rararibbon · 10 months ago
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thank you gosho for the food, i adore this woman
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faru-itsok · 11 months ago
I have seen absolutely no one talking about the new Magic Kaito leaks and how cute Aoko looks!
So here you go my Magic Kaito loving people
Shall i bring you an Aoko that, by what my low quality translator app says, is mad that Kid is “using Kaito’s voice again” and a Kaito that is having a flashback to his traumatic experience where he tried to impress Aoko and his mother with a trick and Midoriko went and ruined it for a literal Child XD
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I swear the only parent that i genuinely like at this point is Inspector Ginzo Nakamori😅🤦🏻‍♀️
Also, i may be a bit mad at her but that panel where she is looking at the computer?
Oof Midoriko looks so nice!
(There are some leaks down here⬇️)
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chanstory · 11 months ago
Mrs.Nakamori Midoriko
So the whole Nakamori family has names taken from colors.
More importantly, she is a PROSECUTOR. Even though it is far from my expectations but this job is seems to suit her because she has the beauty of intelligence and knowledge.
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liyatea · 11 months ago
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you know i have to use this meme with them when there's a big ass alarm clock beside Midoriko in chapter 37. Like?? How??
(it would be kinda cute if Ginzo the one who bought that large alarm clock..)
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winterfieldfrontiers · 11 months ago
Meets, Ms. MIDORIKO NAKAMORI, prosecutor
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(40) Aoko's mom and Ginzo's wife, work as prosecutor.
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everythingblackblack · 6 months ago
Could you please share your thoughts on Kuroba Toichi? What was he like as a husband, father and master (Jii)? How did he get along with Aoko and her parents? Did his civilian life have any ties to Kid as a suspect or rival? What was he like as a Magician, he had many fans and seemed close with his teacher? How was he as Kaitou 1412/Kid, he seemed rather intimidating when he was meeting his 'big brother' Shinichi, Nakamori is very obsessed and he seems to have a rather 'good' reputation?
I will choose to ignore the events of M27 and respond.
I like to think he was the first one to fall in love, the Phantom Lady also left notes about her heists. Maybe even Chikage did dramatic performances like Kaito? Only instead of a magic act, it was a house of horrors.
My thought is that Toichi fell in love with her on one of her heists and started looking for information about her, he wanted to get to know her better and know her story.
I imagine it was frustrating for him not to be able to ask out the girl who had been looking for him for so long, and then all of a sudden she… backs out! I like to think he was devastated… But then more heist notes appeared, he had hope!
Well, I like to think that Toichi was in love and crazy enough to say "She's great and I'm in love! Since she's a thief she surely won't trust me if I'm not one right?! Then I'll become one!"
When he sees her at the robbery where he meets her, Being the good magician that he is, he hides his feelings, but in reality he was quite excited and nervous to meet her, he rehearsed the words he would say to her a lot of times in the mirror because he was afraid of ruining it.
Since we don't get much of Toichi, I like to think of him as a fool in love with his scary wife. (I guess that's why I like Akako x Kaito). I mention all that to say, I think Toichi is a husband obsessed with his wife, and gives her a rose every morning. He's a magician! It must be easy for him to have flowers!
Oh, as a fun fact, I like the idea of ​​Toichi being a housewife when he's not at work, though he can't cook at all and leaves that to Chikage.
I have this mental image of Toichi holding baby Kaito in one arm, while holding the vacuum cleaner with his free hand. Chikage then enters the house with a stolen painting and yells, "Honey, I'm home from work!". I like to think that Chikage sometimes helped him with his KID work.
So far, in almost all of Toichi's flashbacks, Kaito has appeared. Kaito literally met Yukiko in one of his classes!
Which leads me to think that he was the one who was primarily in charge of raising his son.
I can just imagine baby Kaito crying for his dad, and Chikage having to dress up as Toichi to stop Kaito from crying.
And her saying: "Why do you love him more? I had you with me for 9 months!"
In Jii's case, I feel like the reason he's so dedicated to serving him is because Toichi saved his life, not literally, but in a more metaphorical way, maybe Jii was in a bad place when he met Toichi, and it was an encounter that marked his life forever.
I feel like they both see each other as family, Jii was always constantly worried about Toichi's safety and health, I like to think that when he saw him planning robberies or magic tricks until late and it wasn't for a last minute performance, he would force him to go to sleep, something like:
"I'm a grown man now, I can sleep late if I want!"
"It's still bad for your health, drink this hot chocolate and go to sleep!" It has been mentioned that Toichi was one of the most famous magicians in Japan, and even had a nickname by which fellow magicians referred to him as "the magician of orient."
He even met his wife in Paris before he had a magic show.
That's why I imagine Toichi must have had a huge fan base, I think the way performers are treated in Japan it was probably known that he was married but no one knew who his wife was or if he had any kids.
I imagine Toichi taking baby Kaito to the supermarket, he has a cap and mask on but has to take the mask off when his son starts crying, then as he's comforting his son a fan sees him and is shocked because no one knew Kuroba Toichi had kids, Toichi notices this, when he makes sure Kaito is calm he puts him back in the stroller, looks at the fan, gives him a rose and winks "Let this be our secret." I think unlike Kaito, Toichi was luckier in the sense that aside from Nakamori, no one seemed too interested in him (I won't count Yuusaku for these situations).
I imagine that before he died he was very close to his former mentor, James Hopper.
I like the idea that Kaito and Judy actually met at some point in their childhood!
Maybe they even had play dates while their father and grandfather caught up.
I like to think that Toichi had a classy and silent version of KID, the last years he was active were probably when he became more bloodthirsty.
I want to believe that was because of Chikage! Toichi mentioned that he didn't like that kind of jokes, so I choose to believe that she corrupted him over time.
Also, maybe he wanted to seem hostile because a criminal organization was interested in him, and he thought that would keep them away.
I think Toichi talked a lot with Nakamori as KID, they got along well, but she really got on his nerves, almost as much as Kaito does.
I like to think that Toichi as KID would make such stupid and ridiculous comments to Nakamori like "I know you have a daughter, I have a son, you two should play together" and Nakamori would get angry and say that it was ridiculous "My precious daughter won't play with the son of a criminal, and that poor baby should grow up in a proper place!"
I'm sure Toichi once took Kaito on a robbery just to show him to Nakamori.
Toichi was a cool neighbor with a weird wife, so in conclusion they were both good but weird neighbors!
Midoriko got along well with Chikage, they were probably good friends, although it was hard for her to keep up with that tornado.
Nakamori once overheard them talking about murder, and that's how she found out that Chikage liked grotesque jokes, then she saw Kaito and Aoko playing with a retractable knife and didn't know how to feel.
On one hand, this somehow increased the creativity of the children, on the other… this was certainly worrying.
I think Toichi liked Aoko because she accepted Kaito as he was.
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I have the headcanon that Chikage is French! And therefore Kaito is half French, it's just not noticeable because he looks more like Toichi!
In the anime 1412, Chikage mentions that her first date with Toichi was at a French restaurant, which makes me wonder if they lived in Paris for a while before going to Japan. Toichi might have feared that Kaito suffered from xenophobia, perhaps even Kaito's Japanese wasn't too good back then.
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shihomouri22 · 7 months ago
These two give me the impression that when they met their first thought was that "what a strange man/woman."
Although one of my favorite tropes in are childhood friends or enemies to lovers I would like to believe that Ginzo and Midoriko met when they were working I don't know by coincidence of fate seeing Midoriko's intelligence they asked her for help in a theft case or something like that could say that this happens long before kaito kid appeared because as we know Midoriko has already said she doesn't know him and doesn't want to get into Ginzo's work.
One of my mini headcanon I have in my head is that they could be a mild type of enemies to lovers since their first impressions both were not the best in Ginzo's eyes, Midoriko was a woman who got on his case and because of his pride he can't see that she is only trying to help although over time he sees that she is not the type of woman he thought she is the controlling type with airs of grandeur even I would like to think that is why in chapters of the Magic Kaito manga he accepts the help of a scientist, kudo and hakuba reluctantly and asks Kaito for help even though he's just a teenager because of his experience with Midoriko and speaking of Midoriko I wouldn't be surprised if in her eyes Ginzo seems like an intense and grumpy man who only has to do his will but as time goes by she realizes that outside of work he's a sweet man, (no one will ever get it out of my head that she was hurt that Ginzo didn't celebrate her birthday and after finding out about her gift she completely forgot about kaito kid) I also think that if or if the first one to accept that she was in love was Midoriko but the first one to confess it was Ginzo.
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friendrat · 11 months ago
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Uh huh, uh huh... 4 clocks placed in different locations around the room set to go off at the same time, you say? *takes notes.*
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checkyourgeography · 8 months ago
I think the reason Aoko's mom being introduced is so frustrating is because 1) both Kaito and Aoko were assumed to have dead parents in the beginning, and it was nice to see both kids have the parental figure they were missing in one another's family 2) she didn't add anything to the story. She was introduced, wanted to chase KID, realized he was different from the old KID, and then gave up. Despite her intelligence she couldn't connect the really obvious dots that were laid out in front of her like KID's tricks being similar to Kaito's, KID being able to get in her house and knowing her family very well, Kaito and KID both having an aversion to fish.
She had all the potential to be an interesting character who was in on Kaito's identity as KID, but having to keep the secret from her own family. Obviously she wants her family to be happy and Ginzo and Aoko are hellbent on chasing down KID and arresting him, but Kaito should be someone important to her too, and keeping him safe while his mom is away should be a priority as well. I just think giving her an actual role in the story would have made it at least understandable to introduce her character so late in the game but whatever.
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wandering-tides · 11 months ago
After kaishin.... the next thing you know is Aoko and Ran being related too.
Maybe their mothers are cousins or something?... we'll probably learn that in another 20+ yrs... probably (hopefully not, and dcmk as a whole will come to an end (conclusion) before gosho dies)
I am so fed up with Gosho honestly.
This will most likely be the last dcmk post i'll be posting for a while now (until exams are over atleast) (no promises tho ^^; )
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knockoff-markers · 7 months ago
As much as I enjoyed Midoriko in the newest chapters of MK I feel like her existence kinda alters the dynamic of Aoko’s home life in a pretty negative way. Before her introduction Aoko and Inspector Nakamori had a very single parent household vibe which justified Aoko’s loneliness and anger towards Kaito Kid as her dad, while well meaning for the most part, was constantly absorbed in his job.
With Midoriko it changes that dynamic from a single dad getting absorbed in work but working to support his daughter to just two work obsessed parents and their neglected child. It’s most noticeable when you reread the series and get to the Blue Birthday chapter with the context of Midoriko’s existence.
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This is already one of Nakamori’s worst parenting moments in my opinion and now knowing BOTH of Aoko’s parents forgot her birthday is just so sad. It’s even worse when you consider that Midoriko was able to take time off for her own birthday but forgot her daughters?? Also how does she not know anything about Kaito Kid when in the last chapter of the manga Kaito Kid was suspected of kidnapping her daughter??? Did no one call her and tell her that her daughter was missing???
I wouldn’t mind these changes if they were used to go deeper into Kaito and Aoko’s friendship and how they’ve gotten closer from their shared experiences with absent parents (and then it could play into how Kaito’s more recent absences due to Kaito Kid stuff are affecting Aoko since he was her support when it came to loneliness) but I know that’s not the direction they’re going with this.
It’s also just kinda wild how Gosho ruined both MK parents in the span of a few months.
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pinktie · 9 months ago
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Mrs. Nakamori line makes me want Kaito Kid to have a support group of circus theme. 
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applejuicewerewolf · 6 months ago
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That's what she really said, right?
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chanstory · 11 months ago
LATELY, I really like Midoriko-san (Aoko's mother) so maybe this time i'll post a lot of post about her💚
I see Midoriko-san is vert busy with work until late at night, she still gets up early and prepares breakfast + boxed lunches for Aoko and Kaito before going to work 🤣 (Kaito is very lucky because he is taken care of by both his wife and mother-in-law 🤣)
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Midoriko-san is truly a sharp and strong woman in her work but she reserves her gentleness for her small family. (Even though she doesn't have time to be with Aoko often because of her busy work + lack of sleep, the nutritious breakfasts and lunch boxes for Aoko are also a clear proof of her love ) . Or the fact that she cutely calls her husband "Gin-chan" ( OMG how lovely she is)
Besides Aoko , I like how Midoriko-san also cares for Kaito like her son. She washed the handkerchief that Kaito forgot 🥹 (oh my god, she's amazing). Not to mention she doesn't mind making another boxed lunch for Kaito 💓 (mother-in-law number 1).
That's why I like her, even though she still has 1 thing she doesn't do well she doesn't well in the role of a mother, which is spending time with Aoko as well as talking to her. Midoriko herself was also tormented about that. However, because Aoko is an understanding girl, she will sympathize with her mother.
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There's alot i want to say about Midoriko-san but i'll probably post in the next post.
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badgerhuan · 10 months ago
yeah yeah we've all heard about the whole cousins debacle what do you mean Aoko has a mother
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winterfieldfrontiers · 11 months ago
Get to know Midoriko (Aoko's mom)
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- Midoriko Nakamori (Her name mean "Green", yeah her daughter "Blue"
- 40 years old in recent chapter, as her birthday is the main event, working as prosecutor.
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Midoriko argued a lot about their work with Ginzo when they just got married. but she's really Love Ginzo, even called him "GIN-CHAN! when she's with him"
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- Silly, Kind but hard working, she worked till a late night when Aoko is sleeping, that's why audience's barely see Aoko with her family.
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- She's sleeping all two days in Sat-Sun.
- She is punctuality, and wake her husband to work, with making breakfast before go to work.
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-while her birthday, Midoriko is upset with Kid because her husband won't attend her 40th birthday dinner because of him. Therefore, she decided to take part in the attempt to capture Kid this time..
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- Kaito knew that she's real threat, she's smarter, observing and could tell a different in second.
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