#Where In The World Is Veronica Cucamonga?
I almost didn’t watch Steven Universe.
To put it simply, I hated Gem Glow. I still do.
Steven feeling sad about Cookie Cats being discontinued has only ever stirred up sad feelings for me.
But it was what came after that changed my mind.
The fact that Sadie let him keep the fridge. The fact that the gems gathered up as much of the ice cream as they could find for him.
Even if it was something like ice cream, they understood how he felt, and took those feelings seriously.
The fact that they cared about him was crystal clear, and his gem glowing made perfect sense.
Steven Universe Future reminds me too much of Gem Glow.
Every episode seems to present Steven with the loss of someone or something he cares about.
His identity as a problem-solver. His favorite band. His friends moving on with their own lives without him.
Mind that somehow this didn’t happen during the two years he spent dismantling the empire.
Steven Universe The Movie introduces the concept that Steven is averse to change because he finally has a moment of peace after the life of trauma he’s been through.
It tries to compare the concept of change as an unavoidable part of life with the concept of change as personal growth as if they’re one and the same-
-but Spinel is right when she bluntly points out that they’re not.
Becoming a better person by overcoming your struggles and growing because of them is not the same kind of change as watching life as you know it drift away.
And that is exactly what is happening to Steven. Right now.
But Steven should have one thing that poor Spinel didn’t-
-a family, and even beyond that, a support system. Those friends he holds dear who are moving forward with their own lives, and leaving Steven behind.
Steven doesn’t want to hold them back, but he needs someone, anyone who won’t abandon him.
The fact that it’s not the gems is flat-out excruciating. But why isn’t it the gems? Because they didn’t readily acknowledge the ways that Steven has grown in a positive way, focusing instead of the downsides that come with his newfound responsibility. Because they’re not taking this new Steven seriously. and because they’re also too busy reaping the benefits of the closure and self-actualization Steven helped them work to acheive.
So Steven isn’t allowed to feel entitled to a break after literally saving the galaxy, but those he helped don’t have to acknowledge that he’s come so far himself?
Of course he’s angry.
He doesn’t want to blame them, because he’s always been conscious of the guilt the gems feel about not knowing what he needs.
But if Steven can’t rely on his friends, or his family, who can he possibly turn to? Who can he trust to take him seriously, and to understand what it feels like to be left behind? Who literally helped him face his traumatic past by being there for him?
Where in the world is Veronica Cucamonga Connie?
Space camp and lo-fi beats aside, Connie should be well aware that Steven isn’t feeling himself. Maybe she’s busy, but she’s always been busy. She still showed up to help Steven in a heartbeat.
She clearly has feelings for him. Are we seriously expected to believe that Steven and Connie have drifted apart? He named a flower after her, yet she hasn’t shown up yet. I’m worried.
Not worried that she won’t show up, but that when she does, she’ll berate Steven for not moving on.
Heck, if she takes one look at Steven in his current state and doesn’t immediately pull him aside and demand that he open up to her so he can break down in her arms I’ll flip tables.
He better still trust her with his life, and she better not give him any reason not to.
My greatest fear with Future is that rather than letting Steven deal with the trauma he already has like they’re supposedly going to, they’ll instead focus on preaching the inevitability of change and loss to the point where they drive another wedge between Steven and Connie just to prove a point.
I’m afraid Steven will finally turn to Connie for support, and rather than embracing him, she’ll call him out for the negative aspects of the person he’s become, even more than his friends or the gems did. Because if anyone would confront Steven like that it would be Connie.
I’m afraid this will be what breaks him. That he’ll lose hope when the best friend he’s come to love makes the same mistake he made when he sacrificed himself and put her well-being over her feelings.
I’m afraid that is what corrupts him, and as far as I’m concerned, she’s the only one fit to un-corrupt him, so if it happens that way it’ll shatter my suspension of disbelief immediately.
I’m angry just thinking about the prospect of Future focusing so much on realistic unavoidable change that Steven’s relationship with Connie could be sacrificed.
Steven Universe spent it’s entire original run focused on the hopeful fantasy that if you’re unrelentingly kind you can eventually convince anyone to be a better person.
For Future to pull such a 180 that I’m beginning to have a hard time watching Steven grieve over loss but seemingly not be allowed to vent to his plants let alone those who love him, to the extent that it reminds me of why I almost didn’t watch Steven Universe in the first place is very nearly too much for me.
Steven Universe Fear indeed.
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garnet-is-my-mom · 7 years
Where in the world is Veronica Cucamonga?
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Where in the world is
Veronica Cucamonga
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16syd · 7 years
Lmao where in the world is Veronica Cucamonga
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