#When it doubt... Get the song lyrics out. Hehehe
satans-knitwear · 3 months
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Do what you want with me
Just tell me when you're done
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coffeedepressionsoup · 8 months
Somebody Does Love | MYG - He Falls First
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Pairing - Yoongi x F!reader
Summary - "What is grief, if not love persevering?" Two people are in love but that is not enough because sometimes loving requires courage.
This is the one where Yoongi is a man with a crush, and Sammy is a diligent shipper. Part 4 of Somebody Does Love.
Series Masterlist
Genre - fluff, strangers to lovers, eventual smut and angst
Word count - 3.9k+
Warnings - lil swearing, drinking is injurious to health, smoking too (dk if that bit is in there), flustered Yoongi Pro Max
Ratings - 13+
Taglist: @majiiisstuff @starlighttaek8 @yoongrace @proudnoona
A/N - It would seem the word limit is me overcompensating for the long break. Hehehe. I have received so many positive and encouraging comments throughout this time, some anonymous, I wanted to write a slightly longer note to thank you all. On some of the worst days, your enthusiasm puts a smile on my face. Thank you, and take my warmest love.
Partially proofread. Basically word vomit. Written in three frenzied, sleepless nights. Please be kind. Like, reblog and comment to let me know what you think of this chapter. Also, feel free to DM me to be added to the taglist. That's all. Enjoy!
Sammy tries his best to keep a straight face as he looks at his friend of more than 8 years explaining why he decided to drop by his house - the third time in two weeks, which is more than the number of visits in the last two years, combined.
Min Yoongi, the friend in question here, allegedly found inspiration at a park earlier that day and had the beats for a new song in mind, for which Sammy was being requested to work on the lyrics. Could it have waited until the next day? Apparently not.
The urgency (of the creative variety, of course) is why the award-winning music producer was hunched over at Sammy’s living room sofa, having hijacked the latter’s laptop.
However, the explanation did not seem satisfactory to Sammy. I mean, obviously, there are some good beats that Yoongi presented in the short while that he was there. But that is not unbelievable. He has previously seen him finish a song in less than an hour.
Even the inspiration is not doubtful. Not in the least. Of course, he can believe in finding inspiration for a song at random places, at random times. Sammy himself had made a song about the annoyance shaving can be after a particularly annoying early morning schedule.
The urgency, however, is the fishy bit. Not that it’s too late in the night. It’s 10:27, Sammy checks his phone. It is not too late at all for his friends to get together for drinks or movies. But turning up at his house though? And Yoongi?
Sammy has had to often take in a drunk and dejected Jaehyeong at around midnight when he was going through a difficult breakup and would end up in his neighbourhood because the ex used to live close by. Dojoon and Yijeong would often come in unannounced for impromptu jamming sessions. Hajoon would drop by to cuddle Woolfie. You get the drift.
But the most Yoongi had done, in all their years of knowing each other, was call and ask if he was down for a drink and/or meal. If it was regarding work, a .wav file over chat. Never has he barged into his house, unannounced. What are the odds of that happening after 8 years of knowing one another? Thrice within 14 days? Sammy wondered.
The first time did indeed take him by surprise.
Sammy was getting out of the gym in his building and heading towards the elevators to climb back to his apartment. He had promised Y/N some of his signature japchae for dinner. She had been nagging him for it ever since she arrived in Seoul. The previous night at Hajoon’s place, he pinky swore that he would make it for dinner the next day. He was ordering all the ingredients he’d need to fulfill that promise. It was as he was going to add spinach to the cart that Yoongi’s caller ID floated on his screen.
“Are you at home now?”
“Uh-yeah, wh-”
And the line disconnected.
Sammy had intended to call Yoongi back. But by the time, he got back to the apartment and freshened up, he heard the buzz of his doorbell. Expecting his grocery deliveries, Sammy was disappointed to find someone else at the door.
He was more surprised when he realised that someone was Yoongi, with the straps of a tan corduroy tote bag clutched in one of his hands. The two men stared at each other for a few quiet moments - one in confusion, the other in fluster. Meanwhile, Sammy’s groceries arrived and since they were at the door already, the two friends quickly emptied the items and returned the bag to the delivery person.
Once the door was shut, Yoongi held up the bag, saying, “I had some leftover food.”
Sammy nodded. Yoongi had made him food at times when he was sick, and even when he had locked himself in his apartment save the daily hour-long walks with Woolfie to finish his first solo album. This was not a new thing. And even then, the rapper did not announce “I made this for you.” It was always variations of “I made too much,” “I don’t want this anymore,” or sometimes just quietly shoved into the arms, without any explanations.
But what he wondered was why now. He was neither sick nor stressed. They did not even have an ongoing argument that needed to be smoothed over with pensive bribery or a crony bet that required settlement.
“What’d you make?” he asked, carrying the meat that arrived in the delivery alongside a few other boxes to the kitchen.
Yoongi followed with the remaining items in his arms and placed them all, including the bag he was carrying, on the granite-top kitchen island. “Just threw some stuff together,” he lied comfortably. Nobody had to know that he went shopping that noon and handpicked the ribeye fillets among other things.
Sammy smirked at the very vague and characteristically predictable response. “Want some beer?” He saw Yoongi’s head nodding in his peripheral vision as he dived into the fridge to fish out a couple of beer cans.
Stood across from each other, at the kitchen island, the two opened and tipped their cans in silence and took a swig each when Yoongi’s phone vibrated in his pocket. He checked the caller ID and gestured to Sammy that he would take the call, who nodded back in acknowledgement.
Yoongi walked out of the kitchen with the beer in one hand and his phone held up to the ear in the other.
Sammy was making a mental checklist of the things he needed to soak, wash, peel etc. and in what order as he glanced over the ingredients laid out on the countertop in front of him. When his eyes fell on the tan corduroy bag placed there, curiosity caught up. He dragged it towards himself and brought out the casserole inside it. It was heavier than he anticipated.
He opened the lid to reveal a piping-hot pot full of japchae. His confused frown gave way to a knowing smirk within a couple of seconds when he joined the dots. He closed the lid and continued sipping on his beer as he checked the time on his phone and walked out into his living room.
Y/N will be home soon and things will get interesting, he thought.
Just as he plopped himself on the sofa and turned the TV on, Yoongi, who was perched up against one of the bookshelves, finished his call, shoved his phone in his back pocket and joined his friend.
By now, Woolfie had woken up from his evening nap and strolled out. He wagged his tail and shoved his snoot up Yoongi’s crotch, as he usually does, earning coos and cuddles from the man.
Sammy patted his dog on the back a couple of times from beside his friend, resulting in Woolfie withdrawing from the aforementioned crotch and sitting down in front of the couch, like the goodest (we know it is a valid superlative adjective for all dogs) ever boy that he was. Yoongi chuckled and continued showering pets on the husky till he heard his friend’s almost prosaic statement, made apparently to no one in particular.
“Y/N loves japchae.”
Yoongi tried his best to not react to the statement. He took another swig of his beer attempting to appear nonchalant. But chalant, he was. Of course, he knew Y/N loved japchae. She lamented missing the dish and reprimanded Sammy for a good part of two minutes the previous night for not making it. When Hobi suggested ordering the dish, she rejected the idea claiming she wanted the kind with slightly burnt garlic, the one that Sammy made once by mistake and has since and will forever have to make it that way for this adorable little friend of his.
However, Sammy would never describe Y/N as adorable or little. He would choose something along the lines of tenacious and talkative. Adorable and little were Yoongi’s interjections as he observed the japchae exchange unfold. Adorable because everything about Y/N seemed to warm his heart at that time - her voice, her hand gestures, her face, her anecdotes. And little because he often found himself wishing, throughout the night, to hold her close and safe, near him, like a little flower.
That morning, when they were leaving Hajoon's place, Yoongi remembered the smile she had as she waved her goodbyes. At one point, her eyes landed on him, and she said a simple, “See you around.”
He managed to smile back and nod in acknowledgement. He wished to no one in particular that the around would come sooner than later. Then his eyes fell on the jacket that was draped across her forearm. His jacket. His smile faded and anxiety crept back in.
Yoongi had attempted about twice through the night to will himself into owning up as the owner of the jacket. But he failed. Sometimes he drowned in her eyes, or the curve of her smile. At other times, his will just wasn't strong enough to face the mountain of curses and rebuttals he'd heard about his perceived self, or rather of his absence.
As he saw her drive away with Sammy, he decided what to do. He will cook one of her favourite dishes, directly own up for his fuckery and apologise, no conditions applied. Simple enough plan, one-third of which he seemed to have completed successfully. With his friend's single comment though, all his resolve started to fall apart.
This was too forward, wasn't it? Is he encroaching? In a space where he doesn't belong? Is he making this too easy? Too hard to deal with?
Sammy saw in glee as the top of his friend’s ears and cheeks turned a bashful red. He stopped at a channel playing “Tease Me” by Seo Inguk and paused.
Yoongi gulped down the last bit of beer in that can, crushed the sides a little and cleared his throat. “Everyone loves japchae. It is easy to make.”
“Is that why you made it?”
Yoongi turned to look at his friend and looked into his eyes. Fucker had caught on, had he not? He cursed internally but held his gaze, unfaltering.
Sammy let out a laugh and did not implore more. If he teased some more, there may be actual smoke coming out of the poor man’s ears.
Before Yoongi could act annoyed about being inflicted with stupid, pointless questions, their attention was drawn by Woolfie’s gentle growling. The dog jumped up on all fours and pattered towards the front door of the duplex, wagging his tail.
Familiar enough action for Sammy, he continued surfing channels without reacting but glanced over at Yoongi ever so often.
Confused by the dog’s sudden departure, his face had a frown in the beginning which smoothened out and gave way to his mouth hanging open ever so slightly when he heard a familiar cooing voice.
Yoongi was not surprised by Y/N’s arrival, he was of course expecting it. He was however not ready for his heart to beat that fast at only her voice, even when sober. For some inexplicable reason, he stood up from the sofa.
He heard Y/N’s giggles from the corridor and when he finally saw her, he regretted standing up because he could feel his heels faltering a bit.
Y/N was half carrying, half dragging the 50-something pound Siberian Husky and muttering phrases like “Yes I missed you too bubba.” “Aww my little baby.” “I know I know.” “I love you so much.” into his fur, which was peppered by pleased grumbles and breathy sighs from the dog. He was quite happy having resigned his weight over to one of his favourite humans, not minding one bit for having his hind feet dragged leisurely across the carpeted floor because she was gone for a tad bit longer than he would have preferred. Fines would have to be paid.
Sammy’s anticipation was killing him but the sight of his child with one of his best friends endeared him a lot more. Grinning at the duo, he clicked a couple of pictures and walked towards one of the shelves.
“Come on big boy, time for your walk,” he called out as he picked out one of Woolfie’s favourite leads. The boy, snapping out of his baby mode, whoofed and ran towards his dad in earnest, earning a giggle from all the adults in the room.
Y/N could place all but one of those sounds. One from her, unmistakable. One from Sammy, who had managed to hook the lead on. She turned to see the source of the third giggle, whose face had now frozen into a taut smile.
Sammy’s voice emerged before the other two people could say anything. “Yoongi, Y/N. Y/N, Yoongi. Y’all remember each other right? From a few hours ago?”
“Yes, of course, hi,” Y/N said.
“Hi,” Yoongi whispered back.
Sammy stopped near the turn of the corridor and said, “Yoongi bought us japchae. He made too much.”
And with that he walked out of the door, laughing once he was out of earshot.
What he left behind was a red Yoongi, warm to the touch. The last thing he heard was, “Oh thank you so much! Hope you are staying for dinner.”
Sammy does not yet know the details of what transpired in the 35 minutes that he was gone. He apologised to Woolfie for cutting their walk short but his curiosity would not allow him to not observe the progress of what could become a legendary love story further down the line. He would even volunteer to write the foreward if a book was ever written on the matter.
Was he building castles in the air? Yes. But was it unfounded? No. Even with the japchae out of the equation, he saw his 33-year-old friend fluster like a teenager with a crush. He also had to stomach about 1:40 minutes of “Oh I thought he was haughty at first but he’s quite a good listener. Helps that he is cute,” from when they started driving back from Hajoon’s place, till Y/N left for work that morning. He liked to believe that he was a realist, but what is life really without the dystopian fantasies of romance we build in our silly little heads?
He had come back to the pair of his friends in the kitchen - Y/N straining out some noodles and adding them to a pan of sauce and Yoongi chopping spring onions, with Ash perched upon his shoulder, observing his skills like a diligent invigilator.
The tail end of the conversation that Sammy managed to catch was - “That is probably a smoother blend, but the aftertaste of Glenfiddich sits better with me,” Y/N said, to which Yoongi replied, “I agree. But you have to try Bowmore once. I might have a bit of the 15-year-old left, I can bring it over next time.”
Which had offered a very flexible segwue to the second visit that Yoongi made to Sammy’s place. Sunday night. As Y/N and Sammy were watching the match highlights of an earlier Arsenal vs Liverpool game, the bell rang.
Sammy was less surprised this time when he buzzed Yoongi in. He held up an unopened bottle of Bowmore 15 Scotch Whiskey this time instead of a tote bag. He walked in to see Y/N scream at the TV with half a chicken wing pointed at it with some of it still in her mouth, muffling the expletives.
When she saw Yoongi, she smiled a wide smile to greet him. He smiled back but when he saw the packets of chicken and beer cans strewn around, felt immediately like he was intruding. Intruding into quality time between two people. All because he could not stop thinking about one of these two people at all, and had also not mustered enough courage to exchange numbers with. He admonished himself internally endlessly for everything in the next couple of seconds of silence where he thought of what he could say.
He settled on, “I-uh told you about this,” held the bottle up again, “Thought I would drop it by.” He went up and placed the bottle on the lounge table.
“Are you not staying?” the question was immediate. Innocent enough but filled with a slight tone of disappointment that tugged at his heart.
“Yeah, what the fuck dude. You gotta have at least a couple of drinks with us.” Sammy patted him across the back. That encouraged him.
“Yeah. It’s only going to be fun when you have someone else who also enjoys and understands scotch,” Y/N said, ignoring the hurt Sammy displayed at the slight jab, adding, “Stay for a bit if you have nothing else lined up.” That convinced him.
“I did not mean to interrupt anything,” he said half matter-of-factly, half apologetically.
“We are eating fried chicken and watching a week-old football match. Trust me, you’re adding life to the party,” Y/N said as she scooted over to allow Yoongi enough space to sit by the lounge table, facing the TV.
Yoongi blushed and could feel his ears heat up as he sat down beside her. Y/N did not notice it but Sammy did. “It is true though, Sammy does not really enjoy anything other than a beer.”
“Well, fuck me that I like for my tongue to not burn out of existence,” Sammy grumbled as he brought over three glasses and ice.
A little more than half the bottle was finished that night between Y/N and Yoongi, who bonded quite seamlessly over teasing Sammy about giving up after a single peg, scotch in general and discussions over media’s ever-evolving role in influencing a person’s life choices on a day-to-day basis.
Although Sammy would have offered the sofa to Yoongi for the next few hours anyway, he stepped back when Y/N urged Yoongi to not drive back. He also exaggerated how tired he was with a couple of over-the-top yawns, which would have been suspicious if he was amongst sober company. He therefore hurried back to his bedroom and shut the door, allowing his friends the privacy he thought they probably sought.
He was partly right. Yoongi and Y/N had both wished to have met one-on-one but neither had the balls to ask the other first, caught up within webs of self-doubt and anxious ominosity in their heads. Even with Sammy having retired to his room, as they sat alone, only with each other for company, they did not dare go where their mind sometimes wandered to.
There had been occasional hand and shoulder brushes throughout the night that they managed to glance over. With Sammy gone, though, they became hyper-aware of their proximity. Y/N turned to look at Yoongi and when he did the same, they were one head tip away from a kiss. Theoretically.
He tracked as her eyes moved from his own and fell to his lips and then back.
Y/N could feel warmth wash over all her body. She also felt his warm breath sync with hers. His face was flush and his lips luscious, inviting.
She had thought about these lips often in the past few days. Not intentionally, but she caught herself with her mind wandering quite often. Him - his demeanour, his voice and his attitude pulled her in. If she was reading things right, there was an interest she could read as well. If making the japchae was not a loud enough argument for that school of thought, the glances and the smiles surely were. Since Sunday, there have been a tonne of those and the eyes never lie, right?
And those damned eyes. They seemed familiar but at the same time, she found new depths in them each time she focussed on them. She stared at those dark orbs for a while before tracking back down to his lips.
This man was too beautiful for Y/N to hold her sanity. But she had to try. He was who he was in the public eye, but he was also Sammy’s friend.
Sammy is one of the most important pieces in the stained glass panel of her life. And pursuing something like this with one of his friends and industry peers would intermingle things beyond a point of recovery.
She readjusted her posture with an audible sigh.
Yoongi drew in a sharp breath and looked down at his hands fiddling with a coaster on the floor. An apology sitting at the tip of his tongue. But before he could get it out he could hear Y/N say, “We’re drunk, aren’t we?”
He looked up to see a smile on her face. He would call it fond but there was something else in it. However, he could not stop smiling back. He nodded slightly and let out a huff of giggle. For a moment it felt like he was 16 again.
Y/N slapped her thighs and got up. “I will get you some covers,” and by the time Yoongi managed to drag his ass up onto the couch, she was back with a comforter and a throw blanket.
She held the folded items out to him, “‘s all I could find.” He muttered a thank you and when he went to grab them, his left palm grazed over hers, ever so slightly. But it was enough to spark him awake, out of whatever sleepy haze he was in a moment earlier.
He heard Y/N say “sleep well” on her way back to her room. He lay on his back staring at an empty spot on the ceiling, trying to replay images from earlier that evening and the last thought he remembered having was that he had to ask her out. Properly.
Yoongi woke up to a slight pinching sensation on his chest. He opened his eyes to see Ash making biscuits on his pecs. He nuzzled the kitten closer to his face and drifted off again for a couple of minutes before waking up to a strong waft of coffee that Sammy was brewing in the kitchen.
Y/N had left for work already. Yoongi left soon after coffee and a handful of muesli. He expected Sammy to tease him in some manner but was not met with anything other than what their normal mornings post a night-long drinking session sounded like.
Work kept him busy enough for the next couple of days. But not enough for him to completely ignore what he decided to do. Ask her out. Properly.
Which brings us all to today. Wednesday. Almost midnight. Yoongi was a little taken aback to learn Y/N was not in. But that minor flick of a longing he could not put a name to yet, immediately lit a few of his neurons alight and he had to get the beats and melody down before it slipped away.
Sammy, amused as he was, also impressed by the tune, brought out his trustee Fender CD60 to play around with.
Splayed across the living room floor, with a few beer cans, a couple of notebooks, a guitar and a laptop on each of their laps - that is how Y/N found the two men when she came in after her departmental dinner with a few of her university colleagues.
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sayorseee · 2 months
for the zombies ask game :)) 3, 4, 11, 15 ???
3. Favorite song?
I have so many it depends on my mood but I think the song I can listen to without any stipulations is Ain’t No Doubt About It. My funny story is any time I’m getting shots or doing a medical procedure or spiraling I sing quietly to myself ‘we’re not worried, definitely not worried’ and it helps!
4. Least favorite song?
Hm. I think to do this fairly I might go movie by movie. Z1 it’s probably Bamm Block Party, I just don’t really like it and it’s not as good as the original Bamm.
Z2…I’d have to say it’s a tie between We Own the Night and Call to the Wild. I think the lyrics of We Own the Night are some of the most dogshit lyrics I’ve ever heard. Which is saying a lot cuz I love listening to objectively bad songs. And then personally I go back and forth on Call to the Wild, but it always loses points for the dance numbers. Every time I see Disney try to incorporate a step battle I lose a lot of respect for everyone involved. Plus it’s one of the weaker Z2 songs, it doesn’t make the energy of the rest of the movie.
Now for Z3, I have to say it’s a tie between Finally Me and their rendition of Someday. Hot take, I know. I love Addison but the visuals for Finally Me take me out. And sorry to everyone who disagrees, but the Z3 Someday is SO bad. Every time I watch Z3 I’m getting emotional and then the wolves start singing Someday (BADLY) and it makes me cackle. (Note, I am not a good singer, but if I was and I heard myself sounding like THAT, I’d quit, drop out, whatever it takes!)
11. Favorite Seabrook character? Least favorite?
Addison. She’s pretty. Was probably a major factor in my gay awakening (waaaay back when I was in middle school watching American Housewife for clarification). And reanimated Addison is hilarious and regular Addison is cool too!
Least favorite is probably the Aceys. As an avid fanfic girlie, the Aceys are my least favorite to write and read about. Sorry team, but they’re so nothing. Don’t contribute to the plot and minimally contribute to my enjoyment. :/
15. Unpopular opinion you have about anything related to ZOMBIES?
Hm. I have lots of opinions, I don’t know! I’ve very vocal that I don’t care for Wyatt and in general the wolves (although again, Willa is very pretty, so she gets a pass). I think one of pick out though to be different is that I’m a HUGE fan of every Zed song: Bamm, I’m Winning (ESPECIALLY THIS), and Exceptional Zed (also Like the Zombies Do but people do like that song). I think I’m Winning is great and I know a lot of people don’t agree with me. I think Milo’s part is great, I can do without Trevor (SORRY, I love Bucky but him in I’m Winning is ehhhh), and I love the dancing and the visuals. I love I’m Winning.
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crystalclear97 · 10 months
I just remembered a story about my toxic ex!!
Well I was feeling miserable in the relationship and I kinda hated him so I tried to break up with him once but he begged me to give him a second chance etc (spoiler: i shouldn't have done it hehehe) and then "after laughter" came out and IT WAS LITERALLY ME, specially when I heard "pool" it was a lot for me... one day I showed him the song and told him that it reminded me of our relationship.
the only thing he said to me was
"heheh I want you to tame me"
so yeah, you can imagine how stupid this guy was and probably still is
in case somebody doesn't know the song here it is and the lyrics:
As if the first cut wasn't deep enough I dove in again 'cause I'm not into giving up Could've gotten the same rush from any lover's touch Why get used to something new? 'Cause no one breaks my heart like you When you kiss me, I wish we could see what happens next For a moment, I can forget what happens in my head If I doubt you, would you come through? Happy second chance or happy ending But this time you don't leave me sinking I'm underwater No air in my lungs My eyes are open I'm done giving up You are the wave I could never tame If I survive I'll dive back in As if the first blood didn't thrill enough I went further out to see what else was left of us Never found the deep end of our little ocean Drain the fantasy of you Headfirst into shallow pools And I wonder, is it better to get it over with? The illusion, can shatter before we begin If you're really sorry Happy second chance, I think I could forgive This time you won't leave me sinking I'm underwater No air in my lungs My eyes are open I'm done giving up You are the wave I could never tame If I survive I'll dive back in Dive back into Right back into Dive right back into you Now I know you Now I know you Now that I know you Dive right back into you Dive back into Right back into you Dive right back into you Now I know you Now I know you Now that I know you Dive right back into you I'm underwater No air in my lungs My eyes are open I'm done giving up You are the wave I could never tame If I survive I'll dive back in I'm underwater No air in my lungs My eyes are open I'm done giving up You are the wave I could never tame If I survive I'll dive back in I'll dive back in I'll dive back
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fallinfl0wers · 3 years
May request prompt
"Even if we're far apart, I'll keep singing for you with all my love." Unbalance Shadow - ZOOL
For Haruka from i7 please?
7. “Even if we’re far apart, I’ll keep singing for you with all my love.” Unbalance Shadow - ZOOL from the lyric prompt list! thank you for your request!! i love haruka so so so much, he's my favorite character in i7! >< also! i'm trying a slightly new format that i'll be aplying to my future posts! i'll also start editing the old ones just beause,, yeah i think it looks cute. the colored letters aren't part of the format, but i felt like they fit here so lol on a slightly sadder note, the first draft of this got deleted on accident and i had been sulking about it for a while but lol here we are warnings: gn reader, light hurt/comfort, fluff, long-distance relationships, set sometime in the future of i7's story, though this is pretty much fluff without plot,,, word count: 1623 words
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"Up next are Natsume-san and Isumi-san, three minutes!" the voice of a staff member makes him look up from the screen of his phone, where he had been aimlessly scrolling down on his SNS while the hairstylists did his hair.
"Yeah, understood." He answers, putting his phone down on the table as a makeup artist retouches his makeup.
The young idol then walked alongside his unitmate to enter the dark stage, adjusting his in-ear monitor as he sat down on the chair preppared for him beforehand, surrounded by the expectant, excited whispers of the audience who waved their lightsticks in support for their favorite idols. Scanning the audience with his eyes, he clutched his microphone.
The spotlights landed on the two idols as the music started to play and they could hear the cheering of their fans before they quieted down, in order to hear their singing.
"I wandered, lost in my loneliness like a desert without roads."
Haruka Isumi didn't need anyone at his side to be the best, everyone will just drop him the moment the next shiny, newest toy appears in front of them. At least, that's what his experience had taught him.
"There, a single, tiny flower became the melody of love."
Then everything happened. ZOOL happened. But more importantly, you happened.
He, who didn't care for almost anything anymore, became infatuated with you. He fell in love with you, who always looked at him and appreciated him, you, who always supported him and never laughed at him.
"My tears suddenly fell, shaking the green leaves."
You, who helped him through each and every one of his worst moments and were there to laugh with him during his best moments, you, who were both his best friend and his dear, dear lover.
"Wow, 'the weaker you become...'"
You, who always supported him on his dreams and were the first one to congratulate him on everything he achieved.
You, who he was now supporting as you walked to your own dreams.
You, who were walking towards your dreams, far, far away from him.
"(So, don't look back)."
"'...the kinder...'"
You, who he hoped woke up earlier than usual today just to see him singing live even if it was through a computer.
"(Sharing, big love)."
"'...you'll become.' Your gentle warmth taught me that."
You, who taught him everything he knew about romantic love, who showed him that there was more to people than hatred and betrayal. So warm and gentle, you always made him feel like he belonged somewhere.
But you're not next to him, not anymore. Not physically, at least.
But, that's alright. It hurts, it hurts so much and it makes him anxious constantly even if he'd never admit it out loud. But that's alright.
"Like the falling rain, we are not alone."
That's alright, even if it hurts and it brings scary, unwanted thoughts into his mind, it's alright. It's alright, because he knows you're doing what you love just like he is.
And it's alright, because he's not the weak, arrogant crybaby he was when you met. He's stronger now, he has grown up, he's mature. He can handle this. He can keep this going. He can support you without crying every night for your absence.
"Beneath this wide sky, even if you're on the other side of the world, I'm thinking--"
"--of you again today."
It's alright, because he knows you've grown up as well, he knows neither of you is a stupid, oh so stupid and inexperienced highschooler like when you first met. He knows, you both can be stronger than this distance.
"(Unbalance, Unbalance)."
"Look, the crescent moon is beautiful, isn't it?"
He knows this, and still...
He can't help but get worried, sometimes.
"(Unbalance, Unbalance)."
"I want to envelop everything..."
He can't help but worry that you'll get tired of this. Tired of him always being busy, of your schedules never matching, of how he still has to keep you as a secret to protect you from the tabloids and his crazed fans. Worry that you might find someone who has less trouble giving affection, someone who can love you better than him.
Though all his worries wash away, everytime you send him a picture of his newest merchandise that just arrived to your apartment and a cute stamp through RabbitChat at ungodly hours for him, followed by the usual voice note saying 'i love you'.
He knows you have your own fears about it all, as well. But he's told you, over and over again, without ever feeling annoyed, that he only has eyes for you, no matter how many pretty actresses and idols try to snatch him away, the only person he loves in that way is you and only you.
There has never been anyone else but you inside his heart.
You're the only one Haruka wants to spend his whole life with, the only one who can fully understand him and love him.
"...Just as the gentle wind loves the sea..."
And no matter how longer you may have to be apart, how many people you both will meet and how many worries there will be in between before you can next meet again, he wants to and will make sure to remind you daily that he loves you and will love you until he takes his last breath.
"Even if we're far apart, I'll keep singing for you with all my love."
He lifts his gaze to look at the camera with a content sparkle hidden in his eyes, once his next line comes around.
"I wish you--"
("I got a scholarship to finish my college studies overseas, Haruka!" You told him a couple years ago.)
("I'll be here waiting for you to comeback when you're ready." He called your name that night at the airport, hugging you close before you took off.)
"This seed of happiness that I touched exists to protect the person I love."
("It must be hard for you, isn't it? You don't need to call me every day if you're too tired to do it. I can wait for as long as you need.")
"Our words dissolve in the twilight."
("Nonsense! I... am, tired, but! You must be tired too, right? Get some rest, I'll hang up if you promise you're going to rest too!")
"That seed of happiness that you touched reaches out to someone I don't know."
("I saw that selfie you posted with those two from ainana, I'm so happy to see you really have friends!" "Why did you even doubt that?!" "I worry about you, since I can't see you everyday and all that...")
"Because the circle of love that connects us lights up tomorrow."
("I miss you." "I know, I miss you too." "Let's try to meet during my summer break?" "I already told you, didn't I? I can wait for as long as you need, dummy.")
"Look, it has started to rain."
("Isn't it almost midnight there? Go to sleep." "But I wanna talk more with you..." "You're so hopeless... Go on, sleep, I'm not going anywhere until you sleep." "Hehehe, can I get a lullaby from you before I sleep?" "There's no helping it, right? You really get needy when it's late at night." "But you love anyway, so it works out...~")
"I want to envelop everything, Shadow."
("...Yeah, I love you.")
"Today's live was amazing, Haruka!" Your voice tells him through the phone while he layed down on his bed, late at night in his timezone. "Everyone was so cool, but you were the coolest! The whole time you were on screen I was all like 'Yes this is my boyfriend just look at him go he's so amazing!!!'"
He chuckled at your words, a loving gaze softening his gaze while he listened to your voice.
"I know, right? Praise me more, praise me more~ But only after you tell me, did you sleep early yesterday to wake up early today?"
"I totally did! I wouldn't miss one of your shows if I can help it!"
Though most of the times you couldn't.
He still felt his heartbeat race up at your support.
"You're so cute, did you know that?"
"Eh-? Why tell me that all of a sudden?!"
"Because..." He yawned. "I want to." You went silent for a second, before speaking again.
"You're tired, aren't you? You should go to sleep..."
"No... wanna talk to you more..."
He can already hear your tender smile just from your words alone.
"Go ahead, Haruka. You did well today, you deserve some rest."
"Do I get a lullaby from you to sleep?"
You chuckled.
"Yeah, of course. You are so needy when it's late at night..."
"Like you're one to talk."
"I know, I know."
He smiles, hearing you giggle through the phone.
"I wish I could hold you until you fell asleep right now... But since I can, you'll have to do with me singing my new favorite song for you~"
"'s okay, I like your voice. I'd listen to your voice the whole day if you wanted me to."
"Then... I'll start..." You cleared your throat, and he couldn't help but smile to himself again when he heard the lyrics of his duet song with Minami.
You're not a singer like he is, and you of course haven't trained your voice for as long as he has, he knows that and he still loves the sound of your singing voice.
He drifts off to sleep with your voice as his lullaby, and he knows you both hold true to the lyrics for as long as you need to.
"Even if we're far apart, I'll keep singing for you with all my love...~"
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Part 3
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Summary: Soulmates have different ways of being connected to one another. Sometimes it’s through being able to write on their arms and having it show up on their soulmates. For others it was having their first words spoken to one another permanently tattooed into their skin. You had a unique connection with yours, one that you really hadn’t ever heard of happening before. Whatever song was stuck in your soulmate’s head was also stuck in yours and the same was for them. When Yoongi realizes one of his songs is playing on repeat in your head, he immediately takes to writing songs to communicate with you in hopes it will finally bring you two together.
Genre: Fluff. Just pure tooth rotting, sweet fluff.
Part 1       Part 2     Part 4
Yoongi sat at the computer, mind blank as he stared at a rough draft of a song he had been writing for his mix tape. However he soon realized that he was going to have to completely scrap everything and start all over. The lyrics he had written to go with this melody didn’t suit the words he wanted to say to you at all. He’s been at the studio for well over an hour now, pen and notebook laying next to him as he tried to think of lyrics to write for you. 
“God this sucks. I can’t think of anything!” He sighs in frustration and brings his hands up to his face to rub his tired eyes. He’s about to give up and start fresh tomorrow when he hears another song begin to enter his mind.
Alright banbokdwen shisogeim
He smiles to himself as he realizes another one of his songs is stuck in your head. And begins to chuckle when he realizes you must not know too much Korean as most of the words are just jumbled while the melody plays in your head. Are his songs really that catchy? Or did you possibly feel a connection to him through his music? He pulls out his phone to call Hoseok for help.
“Yoongi! How’s the song writing going?”
“It’s absolute shit. I haven’t wrote anything yet. I was wondering if you could help me? Or at least help me sort through the rough drafts of these tracks I’ve already produced to help me find one that is catchy and will get stuck in their head so I know they heard me.” 
“Of course! I’d be happy to help.” 
They spend a good half hour in the studio going over the different beats and songs Yoongi had saved before Hoseok shouts excitedly. 
“That’s it! That’s the one. This is perfect. It’s catchy, but it’s also soft and I think will really show the emotions you’ve been feeling towards your soulmate. There’s a bit here where the melody turns a little more harsh and that’s where you could speak your feelings honestly, your fears about never getting to meet. But then maybe at the end make it clear that this song is for them as a way to communicate. I don’t know just some ideas-”
“Hoseok that’s brilliant. Thank you. I think I finally know where to go with this.” 
“You’re welcome! Don’t spend too much time here, make sure to rest!” 
“I’ll rest when the song is finished. You know me.” 
“Alright. But just take breaks every once in a while, yeah?”
“Sure Hobi, thank you.” 
Yoongi sits down with his notebook and begins scrawling lyrics on the page. He works through the night and by the time he’s finished he is beginning to see the sun rise over the horizon. He smiles and decides he’s going to post it now, not wanting to wait any longer and hoping you’re awake. He opens up their twitter and posts a link to his song on soundcloud. Immediately people are liking, retweeting, basically going nuts over Yoongi having released another solo song. He smiles to himself and continues scrolling through the replies, until he comes across one particular one that makes him stop. 
I don’t know if you’ll see this but I hear you. I’m listening to every word. 
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It’s about 5:00 pm when a notification on your phone goes off that BTS has tweeted something new. You open it immediately, and see a link to a song. You are seriously excited when you see it’s a new song for Yoongi’s mixtape. You click on it, anxiously waiting for the page to load as a slew of army also try to access the song. After the website crashes a few more times it finally opens for you and you listen to a sweet, beautiful piano melody playing. When he starts singing, even though you aren’t fluent in his language you can feel his emotions and what he is saying through his words. The song sounds... hopeful. But then towards the middle begins to sound more dark, as if he’s doubting something. As if he has all of this uncertainty and is rapping out his frustrations. The song ends on a more upbeat note, and the very last line is in English and it sends sparks up your spine. 
 I don’t know if you’re listening, but this was for you. 
You freeze, hand hovering over your phone before it drops to the floor. He wrote this song for you. Tears well up in your eyes as you realize he has been just as frustrated not being able to see or talk to you too. You stand there for a few moments processing everything when your phone starts ringing. You realize it’s your friend. You answer it, still feeling dazed.
“I am aware of that.”
“So you finally have come to terms with the fact that Yoongi is your soulmate huh?”
“I mean it’s pretty hard to deny it at this point. It feels like something is tugging on my heart every time I listen to his music.” 
“This must be his way of trying to find you and talk to you. He’s going to write a whole mixtape dedicated to you just watch.” You scoff into the phone.
“I don’t know about all that...” 
“it’s true! He will! Yoongi has always been very open and honest with his feelings. If this is at the forefront of his mind, then he’s going to write about it.” You sigh and flop onto your bed, staring up at the ceiling. 
“Maybe he’ll start including times and places he wants to meet you or something.” 
“That would just be stupid do you know how many fans would go there if he did that?”
“He’ll probably do it cryptically then. Listen to what he’s saying y/n, like really listen.”
“That’s gonna be kind of hard when I don’t know Korean...” 
“He posted a translation with the song!” 
“Oh? Really?”
“Yes! Go read it!” You immediately switch back over to their twitter and see that he did post screen shots of his notes with an English translation. You read the lyrics and it doesn’t stop you from tearing up even more. To read all of the frustrations he’s had with thinking he was never going to meet you, to now having hope that he’s heard you listening to his music that one day you will find each other. You don’t hesitate to grab your phone and tweet a reply. 
I don’t know if you’ll see this but I hear you. I am listening to every word. 
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Yoongi doesn’t quite understand why reading that comment sent such intense butterflies into his stomach. Could it be you? Is it possible that he happened to find his soulmate in a sea of countless other replies? He tells himself no. That there’s no way that is even possible. But there is a small nagging in the back of his mind that keeps reminding him of what Namjoon had said to him, what all the guys have said to him. 
The universe has a way of making sure you two will be brought together. 
He taps on your page and sees that you just recently made it if the fact that one of only things on your page was the reply to him and another one stating that you were a new army. He smiles at that. And now he’s internally debating with himself if he should talk to you and try to get to know you, or if he was just being crazy. He’s leaning more towards being crazy. Maybe the lack of contact with his soulmate for this long is just making him see you in every body. He sets his phone down and sighs, but before long he begins to feel a pulling urge in his chest. Like someone is tugging him back over to his phone. Before he can stop himself he makes himself a fake suga stan twitter account and responds to you. 
I’m sure he will see this. He’s on social media much more than you think he just doesn’t always respond unless he has something really thoughtful to say.
Ah, thank you. I probably sound like some crazy fan don’t I?
Not at all.. I think... I think he would be happy to know that someone is listening to him. Like really hearing his words.
I hope so. I just feel bad you know? Like I wish I could just pop over to Korea be like here is your soulmate! So he doesn’t have to be sad anymore.
Are you his soulmate?
He has to wait a while before you respond. 
I believe so. I sincerely hope so. Anyone would be lucky to be his. He’s a wonderful person and cares about others so much. Even just in my short time being an army I can see that. 
Yoongi stops responding after that, not trusting himself to reveal who he is and fly you out on a plane to Seoul just to see for himself if you are his soulmate. He is frustrated, wondering how exactly he was going to get to meet you. He could set it through his song, but he needs to be careful about it. He can’t reveal too much or the entire fandom will be wherever the place is he is talking about. He’s about to start working on the next song when a text comes through. 
HYUNG GO TO BED! I know you’re still awake so sleep! Work on another song tomorrow night! Goodnight! 
Yoongi laughs as he reads the message from Taehyung. He texts him goodnight and lays down on the couch in his studio, drifting off to sleep with his song playing on repeat in his head and a wide smile on his face.
Tag list: @anoesjkaax​​​ ( didn’t forget you this time heheh) @just-call-me-trash-can​ @thestral-balerion​ @xcastielbabyangelface​ @rukinamukami​ @r-e-d-i-s-h​ @heartblackerthancoffee​ @rosita7703​
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adiarosefandoms · 3 years
The Billy Joel Concert
This took me forever and three long winded essays full of pandering emotional rants to get out, and now I’m here starting from scratch because I doubt you all want to hear me ramble on (hehehe) about my music obsession and how it came about. So here it is, the Billy Joel concert, one, very long, paragraph.
September 10, 2021 Billy Joel held a concert at the Reds stadium in Cincinnati, which I very luckily got to attend. I have been to concerts before. I saw Sarah McLachlan (Who is the reason I’m named Adia, though nobody I know understands the reason), Twenty One Pilots, and AJR both on their virtual tour in 2020 and also during a brief concert at the ends of a Reds game. But none of them held a candle to the Piano Man. The whole experience was just on a whole other level. I never thought I’d get to see something like this. All my favorite musicians are pretty much 50s-80s in terms of decades and if they are still doing concerts, or alive, it is impossible to get affordable tickets to. But I got to see Billy Joel and I can honestly say, that 72 year old man can bring down the house. Before a concert starts there are like five different light changes that leads the crowd to scream because they think the musician is coming on stage. Every one of those exclamations were louder than the last. And when he finally did come on stage, well... to quote Janice. OH.MY.GOD. I could not stop smiling the whole time. He played all my favorites (except For The Longest Time and Why Should I Worry, which surprised me). These include The Entertainer, Vienna, She’s Always a Woman (it was gorgeous), Only the Good Die Young, We Didn’t Start the Fire and Uptown Girl (both during the encore in which he got up from his piano and started to fucking rock for an old dude), and Piano Man (obviously). That last song is so important to me and my love of music. I remember falling in love with it when I was 7 1/2- 8. And it was the first non kids-poppy music that I liked. Actually, it was the first song I ever fell in love with. It’s a slightly weird song for a seven year old who doesn’t even know what a bar is too fall in love with, but you know, it’s a good song. When he pulled out that harmonica I just knew he was gearing up for Piano Man, I smiled and clapped so loud. The crowd, me included, sang along to every word.
That song just affects me. Every music lover knows what I mean when I say it just filled me up. It touched my soul and my heart (and possibly my tear ducts). It was everything in the world for those four minutes. It just consumed my being in a way only a song like that can. It was one of the songs that changed my life, helped me build this passion and relationship with music. The fact that I got to go still surprises me.
And god, everyone laughed when he said. “Ight. So I don’t got anything new for ya. Just the same old shit.” And the mosquitos were kind of swarming him, so he held a fly swatter in his hand and after almost every song would take a break to kill a couple. Once when he didn’t need the piano he actually swirled it around in his palm while singing like it was a weapon. (Anyone else think that should be Harley Quinn’s next weapon?)
Billy Joel is just iconic. I get nostalgic from his Piano Man album cover (which I always loved), the lyrics and lilts in his voice are just on a whole other level, and his presence in the same arena as me just made me feel like I was on an angelic high. If you ever have the chance to get to see him perform, go. I cannot ever truly communicate to you just how much of an amazing, brilliant, mind boggling, influential experience it was.
So...one paragraph did not work out. I got a Billy Joel shirt with the album covers on it as well as a mug, because if you know anything about me besides my obsession with movies/books/music, it’s that I love coffee. I will be wearing that shirt and using that mug till the day I die. Seriously though, it was just such an amazing concert and if you can get tickets to his remaining shows, do. You will not regret it.
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bokuhoez · 4 years
Forget | Semi Eita
Summary: You broke up with Semi, and he coincidentally shows up to your band give a few nights later
A/N: I got this idea from a tiktok from @nixflspam_ !! Follow her on tiktok guyss!! I can’t message her tho :< The tiktok hurt a lot and I wanted to write it down. My first Haikyuu fic lmao. It’s been sometime since I wrote a full fic and I hope you guys turned it out well. Also I’m looking for Haikyuu mutuals!! Hehehe I haven't made many friends in this fandom so hmu if you wanna be friends!!
Song: All I Wanted by Paramore
TWs: angst, fighting, swearing, cheating
Word count: 1.3k
It was so hard to breathe.
Every time you took in a breath it was like fire made its way down your lungs. It’s been 5 days since that night. The night that ripped your soul into pieces. And despite how broken you were, there was no way you could escape this night. Your band had booked this gig weeks prior, and backing out last minute was off the table. “Hey, Y/N,” your bandmate knocked into the small dressing room you imprisoned yourself in, “We’re about to start in five, we need to get by the stage now.” She gives you a sad smile and leaves you alone for the meantime. You force yourself to smile at the mirror in front of you. It’s just a few songs. You can do this.
You make your way to the stairs by the stage, and there you see it. The familiar flash of ash blonde hair. It was so fast that you weren’t so sure, if you imagined it or not. No, it couldn’t be. That’s impossible. He couldn’t be here.
“You’re fucking impossible!” Semi screamed at the top of his lungs as his hands went to his face in frustration. It had been like this for a while now, you’d fight almost every night. “How is this about me?! You’re the one that’s blowing this out of proportion!” you scream back, fighting the tears threatening to spill from your eyes. “All I wanted was for us to have one night. One fucking night, where we could just forget about everything and just-.” 
“Then forget! Forget about me, this fucking relationship! LEAVE.” He screamed, eyes wide as the words left his mouth. You looked at the man you loved, and saw a stranger. He was breathing heavily now, the anger seething through him like steam. The tears started to fall down your face, “People were right about you,” You slowly start, “So many warned me of your selfishness and how everything is always about you, and I defended you” The disbelief was clear in your voice, pain straining every sound leaving your throat. The tears wouldn’t stop now. 
“I defended you, Eita. God and I was so fucking blind to see that they were right!” 
“And you think you’re better?! God! You’re so delusional, you want everything to be perfect. You want me to be like this, you want me to wear that. Guess what?! I don’t want anything that has got to do with you anymore! You repulse me!”  You felt the moment your soul tore into two. The room went quiet. Nothing else existed in the world except the two of you, and that wasn’t a good thing anymore. Both of you were out of breath, but you were the only one in tears. “Leave, Eita. Right now. And don’t ever come back.”
You haven’t seen him since. He couldn’t be here, could he? The stage lights were blinding, your bandmate did the introductions and the song began. Your heart was pounding. If it weren’t for the crowd in front of you, you might as well have fallen apart on the stage right there. Your eyes scanned the crowd for the familiar head that used to be your everything. 
I think I'll pace my apartment a few times
And fall asleep on the couch
Wake up early to black and white re-runs?
That escaped from my mouth
Semi couldn’t believe his luck. Of all days for him to forget things, it had to be tonight. Your voice filled the venue, the same voice that used to sing for him when he was tired. The first voice that he’d hear in the morning, and the last at night. The voice greeted him with nothing but love and adoration. The last time he heard your voice, was the quiet sobs that left your throat as he stayed behind the door he closed. He broke you, and he knew it.  Semi watched as your eyes scanned the crowd. Looking around from left to right. If it weren’t for the girl latched to his side, he would’ve left. ‘Stupid Eita’ he’d think. Of all days for him to bring a date, why now? Why with this kind of timing? He’d wish for some miracle that you wouldn’t spot him. He wasn’t at his usual spot. He was somewhere in the middle, lost in the crowd. 
I could follow you to the beginning
And just to relive the start
As you sang, your eyes scanned looking for him. You didn’t know if you wanted him to be here or not. Maybe he remembered? Maybe he came to say sorry? He wasn’t up front. Nor was he at the far left like he’d always be. You’d always come to each other’s gig, no matter how busy the schedule. It was a promise you made with each other. Support. Always supporting one another, he was the first one to hear each lyric, each note. And you were the one who listened when he was unsure of a song.
And maybe then we'll remember to slow down
At all of our favorite parts
Your eyes started to tear up with the overwhelming feeling of missing Semi. Your dearest Sem. You scanned the crowd one last time to look for those familiar eyes. 
And your eyes finally met his. Except, his eyes were laced with guilt and pain. This confused you, until you looked at him carefully, and saw the hand intertwined in his. Then it clicked in your head. He was cheating on you. You had your doubts. But you used to push it all in the back of your head. It all made sense now. How he’d forget your date nights, how he’d get home so late every night. He’d always blame it on band practice, but the grinning woman beside him proved otherwise. Did she know? Or was she another victim of his charm? It all made sense, he wouldn’t leave so fast otherwise. Hot tears started streaming down your face. As your eyes met his once again.
All I wanted was you.
You sang every word lacing it with the pain that constantly stabbed your heart. Semi saw this and could feel the pain clawing at his throat. Suddenly it was getting hard to breathe. Your eyes looked at him like daggers thrown his way. 
The gig ended and Semi found his way backstage. With all the times he’s been to the venue, the crew was familiar with him. He made it to the dressing room. He could feel his throat closing up in fear. The door opened and he was met with your surprised eyes. You were beautiful, a post-show glow clouded you. Despite the swollen eyes and red cheeks, you were still beautiful. “Semi,” The name struck him hard. You never called him Semi, it was always one of your absurd nicknames. “Hi,” He said sheepishly. You felt your chest tighten at the sight of him. You stared at each other in a deafening silence. Until, “It’s getting late, I have to go,” you broke. You tried to brush past him but he grabbed your wrist before he had the chance. “I’m sorry.” He started, “Semi, stop-” “No, please listen to me.” He begged, “I’m sorry. I took you for granted, I wish I could return things back to the way they were, but I know I don’t deserve it.” You were holding your breath now. “I know I hurt you, and god, you don’t even deserve it-” 
“You’re right. I didn’t. All I wanted was to love you, E-- Semi.” You interrupted him. “I loved you, and I thought you loved me too. That was where I was so stupid, I couldn’t see that you were already fucking me over. So please, leave me alone. For good this time.” You could see in his eyes that he wanted you back, and if he’d say those words you know you’d come running back to him. So you pulled your arm from his grasp and walked past him. Releasing the breath that you were holding on to this time. 
Semi looked at your retreating form and knew, that was the end. He lost you, and there was nothing he could do. 
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keyenuta · 4 years
TW One-Shot: The Spider and Snow White
Context: for the psst few days, me and a few friends began joking about a Crack ship between two-faced!Neige and Anansi. And just like usual, my shipping but actually began to like the idea of the ship. So here's a one shot about it, hope y'all like it!
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Laughter echoed throughout the white gold room as Neige and Anansi interacted with the chat. Teasing and playfully flirting with Neige's fans as the pair didn't exclude the other in this either. In slight jabs, and quick teases, the two little shits teased and messed with the other. A slight poke here, a tickle there, and haughty look there were each thrown back and forth. But both parties knew they couldn't go too far, it was the internet after all. And after a while, suddenly a bright blare of snow white's hum blasted from the laptop as Neige ooed at the donation.
"Ah, thank you so much for the 50 madool Donation Skele-mom67, it truly means the world to me~ heheh" Neige gave a closed eyes smile as a rush of "awwwws" filled the chat, while snickering Anansi poked Neige's cheeks, shifting a playful look at the prince beside him as he finished the message, giving the chat a faux valley girl accent.
"Hey Neige~ love your work, you're sooo, adorable, but I was wondering could you and your "prince" sing a song together? Againthsbkyiusomuch" giving a friendly smile to the camera, Neige swatted Anansi's hands from his cheeks as he giggled
"Heheh, well thank you for calling me adorable dear, it's very appreciated. And as for a song, hmm, that sounds fun, what do you think Nansi?" Quipped the prince, to the resting spider, gifting the camera a fanged smirk, Anansi shrugged
"Sure I'm up for it, although~" he sang leaning forward winking to the chat, Anansi held a hand next to his mouth as he loudly whispered "I don't think Neige could handle it, ya know all the flirting would keep him from finishing the song dearie" at the whispers, Neige pouted as soon it transferred into a sharp smirk only Anansi could see, as in moments Neige whispered into Anansi's ear in a sly tone.
"I bet i'd get you to blush before i do, little spider~" he teased sweetly
"Oh-ho? Try me dough boy, give me all ya got~ but don't complain if you're in this "lil' spiders" web again~"
"Heheh, oh i doubt I will, hope you enjoy being number 2 dear~"
"Careful princey, fly too close to web and you'll get caught. But sure, let's go!"
Reaching into his pocket, Anansi took out a "borrowed" black-blue phone and played a karaoke version of the song as the chat began to blow up in hype.
Chuckling and bobbing his head to the music, Anansi's red orbs closed, while moments later, a silky melody escaped his pursed lips "Oohh~dada-oh-da-oohh," a creak sounded as Neige leant forward in his chair, he knew the spider could song, but still, each time that melody soared, he felt a chill down his spine, his little spider wasn't going to make this an easy bet hm? He thought, and right as that thought echoed, a feathery touch brought him from his mind. The hand, although coarse, held so much warmth, and with them both being in camera, he had to give his fans a show.
So leaning into the hand, Neige fluttered his eyes shyly, watching the comments go crazy with excitement as Nancy continued on, getting closer and closer with every verse,
"The very first time that I saw your brown eyes~" lifting up his head, Neige went with the song, and gazed lovingly at Anansi, ready to see just what his prince had in store for him. And just like that, the gap between the was closed on seconds, as the spider leant forward. Touching their heads together, slick black locks met kinky dreads as the heat between the two filled the small gap as the lyrics drifted on,
"your lips said "hello," and I said "Hi"~ I knew right then you were the one~ " at this, the actor felt their lips brush with every lyric, and despite all this, Neige hid his smirk and teased the spider with an eye roll. Tell me that's not all you have dear~ his eyes said, but in a second a rapid verse dissipated that tease
"But I was caught up!" Rapidly, Anansi yanked the prince towards him, twirling him to rest his back against the spider, while his drifted across his jaw, while Anansi smirked against his ear, his fangs tickling his love while the melody continued, as once more, Neige went with the music. Leaning his head back, gifting the spider an easier angle as the two gazed at the fans in the chat, exploding and typing frantically with energy, only fueling them both even more. "In physical attraction~"
"Oooh~" hummed Neige
"But to my satisfaction~" meeting Neige's face, the two leant forward once more, both smiling as the song continued on as Nancy turned up Neige's chin, only for the actor to whisper "well, aren't you handsy today, my prince~" as Nansi replied
"but, baby you were more than just a face~ And if I e-(N:ever) fall in love" now straddling Anansi, Neige and him sang together, Anansi's baritone intertwined with Neige's tenor in a beautiful vibrato
Duet: Again~
Anansi: I will be sure that, the lady is a friend~
Anansi: And if I eeee-
Neige: (ever fall)
Anansi: in love again~ I will be sure that the lady is a friend(x2)
As the chorus reached its last notes, Anansi couldn't shake the pater in his chest, nor could he get rid of the wide grin he got from the last verse
Anansi: and if I ever fall in love so true~, I will be sure that, the lady's just like you~
As the words left his mouth a scarlet eyes met brown, and for the briefest of moments. Despite the teasing grins and the grounds of the bet, Neige and Anansi both felt a spark that usually only showed up behind closed doors when their masks are off. But with the show having to continue, Neige used this spark, and truthfully smiled lovingly at Anansi, cupping his brown face in his pale hands, giving his prince a truly loving smile as Anansi finished his last verse, wrapping his arms around Neige's waist, gifting him the same.
"I swear that next time, they'll be~ a friend" the note drew out like a whisper on a breeze, as if it was a real promise. Nodding to his words, Neige took in a breath, nearly singing in a whisper as he rested his head against Anansi, as his rosey lips parted into,
"If I said that I, can be your one and only~" gulping, Neige sang "promise that you'll never leave me lonely~ I just wanna be the one you need" as the sound vibrated, Neige rested his arms in Anansi's neck as the spider mutters something illegible. But what was easy to see, with a smile gracing his lips. Neige kept on, "I just wanna be the one who serve- (A:serves you~) and now once again, their voices melded together in a fusion of want and emotion. As now, despite themselves, through this song, it was as if the two spilled their hearts to one another with every note
Duet: Sometimes i feel as if I don't deserve you~
Closing his eyes, Neige kept going, leaning even more against the spider, their chests meeting as he sang out, nearly kissing Anansi with how close they were, a scent of apples and spice wafted between the two as their heads rested together.
Neige: I Cherish every that we share~ And if I e-(A: Ever fall) In love again~ I will be sure that, the lady is, a frieeend!" As Neige held out the note, every E flowed up an octave, cascading down Anansi's back like a waterfall, gifting him a chill this time, but As well, the spider also viewed it as a challenge, amd so, knowing what notes came next, he prepared his voice for what was to come. Lightly pushing Neige away, the two continued to sing.
Neige: and if I e-(A: Ever fall) In love, so true~ I will be sure that(sure that) The lady(the lady's) like you~
As Neige sang, a low "my friend" raised up more and more, every lyric that Neige sang, the louder and higher, and longer the note became. The second my friend eclipsed the first, and after that, Anansi got so high, he approached the limit of a baritone, and with the final my friend, he let it run out, no longer able to keep it going that high for so long, as in the chat, and as well in Neige's eyes, there was a look of shock at those notes, as now, all that was left to do was ride the song out.
And as the lyrics reached their ends, but by bit, both of the students got closer once more, until their voices were nothing but a whisper, as finally their lips once again brushed together, and with one peak to the chat, both saw one message that flooded the stream.
"KISS!" and so, not wanting to disappoint their viewers, and sealing each of their promises, the two students kissed, as both their faces burnt bright red. Seems like this bet was a draw after all.
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mysteira6 · 6 years
Present! Human!Sans x Frisk: Love Me, Sans
THIS IS A (VERY LATE) BIRTHDAY PRESENT FOR @sinfulzany !!! I noticed that you liked my previous sexy one-shot of Sans and Frisk, so I thought, why not another for your birthday? ^3^
Also, I was thinking of continuing this (with those really erotic scenes, hehehe~). BUT! I don’t want my blog to have some smut which will trigger the safe mode option, so I can’t really write those smut scenes (even though I really want to ><).
If @sinfulzany wants them though, I might post them... somewhere. ^^
Until then, enjoy this!
“In the end, you never even cared about us, did you?”
“No, you never even cared about me, did you? That’s the truth, isn’t it?”
The bed creaked in her sleep. “No…”
“If you never loved me, why didn’t you say anything? Why didn’t you tell me anything? Did you really think I could read that selfish mind of yours?”
“Please… Stop…”
“I should have known. Humans will always be the same, selfish and only after their own desires. If I have known better, I should have gone for a mage that was way better than you-”
“Stop!!” The girl bolted upright in her bed, her blanket flying across them mattress. Her right hand flew to her chest as she took in deep heavy breaths, beads of cold sweat dripping down her temples. She had to blink a few times in order to ascertain her current location.
Walls adorned with hand-drawn pictures from her childhood. A nearby study table covered with worksheets and her wide array of stationery. Bookshelves filled to the brim with thin and thick novels that she gathered due to her new pastime of book-reading. Then her eyes caught the sight of a wooden shelf above the full-length mirror next to her closet, the shelf had three photograph frames of herself and a man with white hair. Although his bright blue eyes contrasted with her dull brown ones, he looked just as happy and delighted as she was in those pictures.
Those pictures… A year ago, those pictures didn’t even exist. So much had happened since then, some bad but mostly good. And yet…
She didn’t have the courage to accept reality after all. Her nightmare was the evidence, a clear indication that she just couldn’t believe it…
After she heaved a heavy sigh, the brunette got out of bed, rubbing her eyes gently as she tiptoed out of the room, closing the door behind her quietly. She wasn’t the only one in this house, after all. It would be rude to wake the others.
But little did she knew that someone was already wide awake when she left.
The steel kettle landed on the cork coaster as the teenager turned the stove off, the blue flames that were quietly roaring minutes ago disappearing. While waiting for the boiling water to cool, she opened the cabinet and took out a small box, consisting of all types of tea bags, including golden flower tea. She remembered her adoptive father, Asgore, telling her that if she was ever feeling troubled, she should drink tea to calm down.
Calm down… calm down… calm down… Those words repeated her head like a mantra.
After pouring water into the ceramic mug, she dragged her heavy feet to the sofa, warming her hands with her hot drink. Her mind was full of thoughts, echoing over and over again in her head, even though they shouldn’t be. Yes, she managed to get her happy ending. Yes, everyone else was happy as they were right now. And most importantly, she could never reset and make everything happen all over again in an endless time loop.
But even so, why was feeling this… scared? It was not long before she realised that it was not worry that she was feeling; it was fear, fear for the future and fear for her wellbeing. And she didn’t know why.
She sighed again and took another sip of her tea. This was certainly getting nowhere. She felt nothing but sleepy, and she hadn’t calmed down a tiny bit at all. A few seconds had past before the teenager turned her head skyward, staring at the ceiling as the minutes flew by.
“Fly me to the moon,” She hummed quietly, lost in thought. “And let me play among the stars. Let me see what’s life like on Jupiter and Mars,”
“In other words, hold my hand. In other words, darling, kiss me,”
The light breeze from outside blew against the windchimes by her door, but the girl paid no attention to it. It was even stranger that it was windy now, in the dead of night of all times. Instead, she continued to sing softly.
“Fill my heart with song, and let me sing forevermore. You are all I long for, all I worship and adore.”
“In other words, please be true. In other words…”
Somehow, her voice trailed off at the last lyric. Try as she might, she could not bring herself to say it. Those three words that had been bothering her ever since she woke up in the middle of the night.
Luckily, someone sang it for her. A deep baritone voice entered the living room as graceful as a swan, a voice that had resonated in her head for a whole year. A voice that she never got tired of.
“I love you.”
The girl let out a startled gasp as she whipped her head to the side, facing the entrance of the hallway, where a white-haired boy was leaning his shoulder against the wall, his sea blue eyes gazing at her affectionately. Although his arms were crossed in front of his chest, there was a cheeky, mischievous smirk on his face, a smirk that she saw very often, even when he was mad.
“Sans-!” She yipped in surprise, watching as he slowly sauntered over and sat next to her on the sofa, his eyes never leaving her. “Heya, Frisk,” He calmly greeted her, ruffling her hair a little, making the ends of her lips curl a little. “A little early for tea, ain’t it?” He joked, leaning in to give her a kiss on her head. “Whatcha doin’, singin’ my favourite song at midnight, hm?”
Her eyes brightened at the mini PDA he gave her (okay, they are not in public but STILL). This guy really knew how to make her feel all better within seconds. And it wasn’t his magic, no it was all him, speaking the sweet talks and making his affectionate moves on her. That was one of the many reasons why she loved him.
But… Frisk thought, her smile turning sombre as she remembered her dream.
“No, you never even cared about me, did you?”
Does he love me back?
“Sans?” She whispered to the older boy, inadvertently leaning against his shoulder, her eyes wandering around the room. “Can I ask you something?”
“Sure thing, Frisk,” He answered immediately, smiling at her sweetly, as he always would. He knew that Frisk shared the same dreams that he had before the Barrier broke, the dreams that forced her to watch helplessly as her friends and family were killed over and over again. That said, he was accustomed to comforting Frisk about those nightmares, the same way that she had always comforted him whether he had them as well. “What is it?” He encouraged her.
She hesitated before speaking, putting her mug of tea on the coffee table. “Sans… Do you really love me?”
He blinked, quickly turning to her, raising his eyebrows. This was certainly new. “Now, what makes you think that I don’t?” He grinned in his usual jokester manner. “Of course I do, sweetheart,” He hastily assured her when she began to lower her head. “Why would you be here if I didn’t?”
She didn’t respond for a while. Then she spoke softly. “But… Aren’t there times when I’m just… a kid?”
“Does this have to do with me calling you ‘kiddo’ so much?” He chuckled. “I’ve said this before and I’ll say this again: ‘kiddo’ is just my special nickname for you. I don’t call anyone else by that name, you know, so it’s become my way of showing affection, too,”
“That’s not what I’m worried about, Sans,” She replied, her voice sounding more troubled now. Hearing her boyfriend talk about something that was kept between the both of them was certainly not helping her conquer the doubts she had about their relationship. “It’s… something else,”
Sensing her stress, he coiled his arm around her shoulder and lightly caressed her cheeks. “So, what is it then? What made you wake up so late, hm?”
She took a deep breath. “I had a nightmare again,” She began, biting her lip. “And this time, it… it wasn’t about a genocide run,”
“Who was in that dream?”
She paused, as if she was afraid of saying the next few words. “There was no one other than me and you,”
“And what happened?” He spoke after a few seconds of silence.
Her own hands wrapped around her chest as she reminisced. “You… you were saying a lot of stuff to me. And I couldn’t respond to them at all. You were shouting at me, saying that I never loved you or cared about you and that you should have found someone else to be your girlfriend instead of me,” At this, she could not help but start crying, tears peeking out of her eyelids and her voice cracking slightly. “I-I couldn’t say anything, and you just never stopped. I was s-so scared that you mean all t-those words and t-that you didn’t l-love me anymore…”
As her tears fell, Frisk buried her head into his chest, wrapping her hands around him and holding his tightly, as if he would disappear if she let go. Words started to spill out of her mouth as she cried. “I j-just don’t know… I don’t know if I c-can accept all th-that’s happened… I feel scared o-of facing people when I’m s-scared for the future… when I’m s-scared of losing you, Sans…”
The expression on his face saddened as he rhythmically patted her hair, getting his fingers tangled in her short brown locks. His other hand gently lifted her off the sofa onto his lap. (it was a good thing that she was light, or was that another bad sign about her stress?) Nonetheless, he steadily stroked her hair again and again as he held her in his arms. Times like these, Sans knew that words were not enough to comfort her. But this time, he couldn’t help but murmur softly.
“Frisk, you have no idea how much I love you,” He spoke, burying his face in her hair. “I know I don’t show it a lot, but I really really love you. There’s no one in the whole world who could be as sweet and kind and understanding and beautiful as you, okay? Don’t ever forget that,”
“I know… I won’t,” She replied in hiccups, still weeping quietly as she leaned against his chest. A moment of silence ensued in the living room.
Then Sans had an idea, and although it wasn’t really the best cure for a fearful heart, he had the feeling that it would do the trick. “How about this, I’ll show you how much I love you, sweetie,”
She looked up at him in curiosity. “How?”
“Tell me what to do,”
“What?” She tilted her head in confusion.
“I want you to tell me what to do, for the rest of the night, until daytime, Frisk,” He explained. “It could be anything you want, just tell me what you want, and consider it done,”
“But what does that do? I don’t understand how it proves that you love me…”
“Because, Frisk, love is built on trust, the trust that we have for each other. I’m asking you to tell me what to do, because I trust you,” He proclaimed, grinning again.
She took a minute to take it in and afterwards, she began to giggle. “Is this some censored way to tell me to dominate you?”
He widened his eyes, taken aback by her response. “Wha-where did you hear that word, sweetheart?”
“Don’t ask,” She waved her hand dismissively.
“Don’t ask!” She interrupted him, although she was smiling. “You just told me to tell you what to do, so don’t ask me that, understand?” She seduced him assertively, her hands suddenly stroking up and down his back.
The white-haired mage bit his lower lip, holding back a moan as her fingers continued to sweep up and down his back, her fingers soon reaching under his shirt to touch his skin. This wasn’t what he was expecting, hell it was far from what he was expecting.
But he could roll with it.
“I-I understand,” Sans muttered, closing his eyes as he tried to stifle his moans. Sensing his submission, Frisk smirked triumphantly. It was such a fun new game for her that she forgot all about her nightmare.
“Sans,” She spoke softly as she raised her hands and wrapped them around his neck. “Bring us back to our room,”
“Yes, Frisk,”
One finger snap later, and they were both in her room again. Sans was holding her in his arms bridal style as he looked to her. “What’s next, my dear?”
“Bring me to the bed,” She ordered gently, her face slightly pink.
Sans sauntered to the bed and tenderly placed her down, on top of the crumpled comforter. Although she was lying down, she sat up immediately and waited as Sans settled down next to her cross-legged figure. “What’s next?” He asked again, in the same submissive tone.
She was almost startled by that tone he was reusing but that did not stop her from saying her next command. “Kiss me,”
Obediently, he approached her and brushed his fingers across her cheek, lightly pulling her face towards him until their faces were only inches apart. Gradually, his lips perched on hers and pressed deeply into her. Her eyes shut at the romantic gesture and she wrapped her hands around his face, tilting her head to the side to deepen the kiss. His hands fumbled about, gripping tightly to her shirt as he delicately pushed her down on the bed, his lips still connected with hers.
In the pale moonlight peeking out from the binds at the window, Sans kept on smothering his girlfriend with passionate kisses. When he got bored of giving her kisses on the lips, he reached for her head and grabbed her hair, pulling her head back so that he could trail sweet butterfly kisses down her neck, with her moans and whimpers as his fuel. When he finally stopped, Frisk whined in complaint, her eyes half-lidded as she stared at him. “Why, in the world, have you stopped?” She breathed.
“Because you gave me the command to only kiss you,” He replied in a seductive tone. Right then and there, Frisk could feel the room getting hotter and hotter by the second, especially when Sans leaned in close to her face again, his left hand caressing her chin, and muttered in a sexy voice, contrasting the submissive voice he had before. “What’s next, my princess?”
Frisk gasped at the sudden change in her nickname, and even though Sans was the one who asked that question, she already knew that now she was the submissive one. With her face completely red and her cheeks red-hot like iron, the brunette reached out for his hands and twirled his fingers around his. In a low and anticipative voice, she whispered quietly. “Love me, Sans,”
The blue in his eyes glowed with a sapphire aura as soon as he heard those three magic words. She could hear the door to her room being closed and locked within earshot. When she looked back at him, she could see a burning desire in his azure eyes, an expression full of hunger and erotic want. Blue was often a cool colour, she thought to herself, but in this case, his eyes were anything but calm and collected.
“As you wish, your majesty,” He mumbled into her ear, his hands already reaching for his pants. 
SO! What an ending, amirite? :D
I’ll leave it up to your imagination. ;D
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wanna-17 · 7 years
joshua highschool!au
summary: you and joshua hong were strangers at a tutoring academy but what happens when he moves to your school and you guys bond over music and small cute moments?
genre: fluff, slice of life, semi-real life 
style: bullet-point 
length: 4.4k 
a/n: so this is something i’ve wanted to write for a while because it’s actually semi real life (not me ofc i cry someone i know) and i think their story is super cute. i’ve made some alternatives e.g. in real life it’s a church/school setting but because i’m posting on tumblr i decided to change it to a tutoring academy/school setting. but do let me know if you want a  version of the original setting :) also this ended up being really really long (mainly bc i know like a lot of exact details and wanted to include as much as i can) and im unsure if you guys like my writing style but im hoping to improve more over time as i hopefully write more bullet point styled scenarios :) 
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so you’ve been going to this tutoring academy for a while and you go like once a week
you actually look forward to tutoring bc u were actually put in a really good class where everyone is friends and even have a group chat for memes 
anyways theres this guy called joshua who sits at the back
and hes like the most handsome guy in the class and all the girls /not so/ secretly fawn over him 
and like there are loads of rumours about him which claim that he opened his own lil company that makes apps and stuff which earns him $$$ at the age of 12 and how he like used a drone to capture the whole of his relatives wedding and how he like mastered 3 instruments and is a tech genius and on top of that really smart
which you obviously dont believe because thats not even human ??
anyways you do admit he’s sort of ok-above-average lookswise but u aint that shallow because he has a bad personality and you just hate him 
but you have evidence for hating him !! 
one time you accidentally walked into him verbally being mean to this other poor guy 
so you naturally just assumed he was a bully and had a bad impression of him
you thought he was a prideful annoying rude and horrible person 
and you just dont understand the hype about him at the tutoring academy 
like they literally give out flyers with his face on it ?? umm ?? what marketing purposes lmao 
anyways one day at tutor
your friend kyulkyung is like omg did u hear joshua is transferring to our school next year hdkhfaaku
kyulkyung is highkey a fangirl of him and always tries to talk you into him being a lil angel and nice person but you just snort lol
anyways you obviously dont care that he’s going to your school next year so you just shrug whatever 
later that night when u get home u get a friend request on facebook from...dun dun DUNNNN what a surprise joshua hong 
and you’re kinda like well ok ?? no harm in accepting a friend request 
you accidentally click on his name too and think oh well might as well stalk him a bit 
and damn his fb profile is super interesting bc he actually posts a lot but its not like dumb stuff boys usually post about video games 
but like cute family pictures of him and his lil bro and you’re like this boy is family oriented i LIKE 
then you suddenly come across a video...of this guy from your tutor...on kids masterchef
so u watch it and its the cutest thing ever 
lil joshua stirring an egg and trying to make an omelet hehehe
and omg apparently he made it to the semi finals of KIDS MASTERCHEF???
you keep scrolling down and thats when u come across the evidence of him opening up his company with an app and tech jazz and u r like is this guy even rEALL
you’re still doubtful tbh so u go the appstore and type in his app and it comes up...even with CREATOR OF XX APP: JOSHUA HONG ???? you literally fall off ur chair bc wow 
he cooks, he makes apps, he’s family oriented..that is all i need in a man HA HA 
so next time at tutor u see him ur lowkey like the other girls staring at him bc wow he seems decent all of a sudden lol 
ur other tutor friends are like: u r so lucky y/n josh’s gonna be at ur school 
and ur kinda thinking maybe i should befriend him now cos he’ll defs be super popular at school 
but tbh this fawning literally stops after 2 days and you go back to reality and focus on ur studies and all that 
well as for joshua he doesnt really know u too to him ur that cute girl from tutor nothing much 
fast forward to the next year ~
you kinda fully forget that josh is even coming 
so the first school day back is all nice and chill and u get to ur fave class music heheh 
you love music bc it really helps u concentrate and you also play clarinet and piano and love it 
you’re also topping the class and sometimes you think you wouldn’t mind being a music teacher 
so in music u take a seat next to your friend seungkwan who has power vocals and plays trumpet and when he sings at school performances you always accompany him as a pianist with woozi on drums 
you and suengkwan are just chatting and catching up about holidays
when the teacher walks in followed by a student and you see that its joshua 
and you’re like thinking o crap this is really awks i should hide
before u can do any of that tho he kinda makes a  beeline for you and takes the seat next to u cos he only knows u in the class haha 
and you’re literally looking the other way and u pretend u dont notice him take a seat next to u and you’re overly engaged in conversation with seungkwan
but seungkwan being the lovely and outgoing kid notices joshua and is like: hey!! are u new dont think ive seen u before
seungkwan is friends with everyone and everyone loves him back
joshua: uhh yeah i’m new 
and seungkwan is super excited and like welcome!! i’m seungkwan and he sticks his hand out and is like and ur name is?
joshua is like i’m joshua 
and seungkwan is like oh btw this is y/n 
and it gets super awks cos u guys know of each others existence but maybe have talked like once when he had to pass u a bag of chips at tutor and u were like thank u 
and seungkwan senses something and eyes you guys back and forth 
after 837491 decades josh breaks the silence and is like hello y/n in a really meek voice
and you awkwardly smile and say hi 
luckily class starts and the teacher introduces joshua to the class and asks him what instruments he plays 
and the rumours prove to be true - he plays 3 instruments piano guitar and flute the real life guy cant play piano lmao
teacher asks him to demonstrate with the instrument hes most confident in 
and so he starts playing the guitar to the tune of fireflies by owl city and also shyly starts singing to the lyrics check out how cute joshua is playing fireflies on his guitar here IM sOFTTT
and everyone is in awe at how good he is 
and you lowkey feel your heart rate increase bc boi you love guys that play guitar and sing well 
the way he sings is very gentle and sweet and the way he strums the guitar with his long fingers and how his eyes are full of gentle passion just makes you sWOOON
and somehow the way he sings with his emotions poured in just really touches your heart 
after his performance everyone starts clapping and some girls even stand up and cheer lmao 
he gets back to his seat and seungkwan gives him two thumbs up and says: bro are you kimbap kidding you were great you really should play guitar for me next time i sing
thanks says joshua bashfully and he kinda looks over to you with a hopeful look as if hoping you’d say something too
so you’re quickly like: yeah you were really good :)
josh: thanks y/n
anyways the teacher shushes everyone and is like: let me announce your first assignment! it’ll be in groups of 4 and it’ll be a cover of a pop song of your choice which you’d have to arrange yourselves. if you need help, you are welcome to ask other classmates that have experience in arranging or to ask me
whenver its group work you and seungkwan always join woozi
woozi comes over to you guys 
and then both woozi and seungkwan are like to joshua: wanna join our group pls
and so joshua joins your group 
and everyone else in class is jealous lmao because u 4 are definitely the top group with all the musical geniuses 
ur kinda happy that joshua joined ur group bc he’s really good at guitar 
and so u guys decide that u will do keyboard, joshua on guitar, woozi on drums and seungkwan on vocals 
and y’all learn that joshua knows how to hack into arranging music programs for free 
and woozi is like: WHAT MY LIFE HAS BEEN A LIE????
also shows u guys that infamous app you made and he has some secret code so u guys can download it for free instead of buying it for $15
ur group actually gets along really well and has good dynamics bc everyone has great ideas on what songs to do and how to do it and stuff 
and its actually really fun with them even though you’re still awkward around joshua for no reason and he’s kinda shy too lmao
joshua suggests doing “breakeven” by the script 
and u have a fangirl moment bc u love the script and everyone agrees that its a great song choice :)
anyways one day you guys decide to meet after school to practice and  to refine the arranged piece which joshua and woozi did 
BUT FOR SOME ODD REASON seungkwan can’t make it anymore bc he has to babysit his little brothers and woozi has a student council meeting 
so its just you and joshua
and you two have never been like alone before like during group practice you guys make small conversation when the other two there and its all good and sweet but this was gonna be AWKWARD 
anyways so you try to initiate conversation by asking how he’s finding the new school 
and he just gives a short answer: pretty ok 
and it becomes you two just asking each simple questions and giving short replies
but its only when you he asks you how you started getting into music that the conversation really starts going somewhere because your eyes light up while talking about music and so does hie eyes
and you guys talk about how classical music is so under-appreciated these days and how mozart is a music legend and just the beauty of music etc. etc.
and in no time its getting really dark and you both have to head home
you guys walk to the bus stop and he gets on your bus 
and you’re like: hey i don’t think i’ve seen you catch this bus before?
joshua: yeah, but this bus also takes me home there are two buses that stop near my home!
you: oh ok cool 
from that day on you and joshua actually got super close due to both your love for music
you guys always practiced together with seungkwan and woozi even when the group performance was over (and your group topped and got A+!!!!!!!!)
you also encouraged joshua to join the school band club which seungkwan and woozi were also part of
you literally baited him in because the school band club was going on tour to europe next year to get some sick masterclass training and perform at famous places in austria 
so he basically joined so he could go to europe ;)))))) HEHEH
and even though you guys have different friend groups you guys sat near each other in the classes you shared, went to band club every monday morning at like 7am and also sometimes grabbed food together before tutoring 
this was when literally EVERYONE at tutoring and school started shipping u two together and you’d get embarrassed and joshua wouldn’t really say much either 
and to be honest deep in your heart you thought joshua was the ideal boyfriend but you had a rule where you weren’t gonna date in high school bc you wanted to focus on studies and you thought that high school relationships dont last and that they were pointless
and you’ve never really had a crush before so you’re super clueless lmao 
one time students in ur music class volunteered to busk on the streets and you thought it’ll be fine so u and ur squad (josh, seungkwan and woozi) all signed up for it ^^ 
BUT when the day came around, woozi had a really bad fever and couldn’t get out of bed and seungkwan’s mum had to show up to work so seungkwan had to babysit his little brothers again
and so the busking was at school ..,,, except when u got to school the gates were locked AND it literally started pouring 
you regretted not agreeing to your mum driving u bc u were a good daughter and didn’t want to bother her when it was her birthday 
you also regretted not bringing an umbrella with u as u didn't want to miss ur bus 
and so there you were soaking wet in the rain on a saturday morning not pleasant 
you didn't know what to do and none of your gal friends were busking and u didn't want to bother them so you ended up calling joshua and he picked up in 2 rings 
joshua: hey whats up?
you: sorry to ask of this but are you almost at school? because the gates are locked
joshua: oh really? i’ll be there in like 1 minute
you: ok see you soon
and in exactly one minute a car appeared and joshua hopped out with an umbrella
and he had the most concerned expression when he saw u soaking wet without an umbrella
joshua: omg y/n are you stupid why dont you have an umbrella
you just sighed as he held the umbrella above both ur heads 
joshua: why don’t we go inside my mums car before we decide what to do i dont want you getting sick :( 
you guys headed to his mums car and he just held the umbrella above both your heads and you noticed that it covered more of you than him
he could have easily put his arm around u so he wouldn’t get wet at all 
but this was one thing you came to notice and really admire about joshua
that he’s such a respectful gentleman 
whenever you befriended a guy you’d low key make it clear that you weren’t interested and just jokingly friend zone them 
he never made you uncomfortable with his actions or words and always 100% respected you and kept his boundaries 
anyways soon u guys found out that you had to enter the school from the back gates instead of the front  gates and the rain slowly came to a stop
cue: joshua’s mum eyeing you two in the rear mirror from the front lmao
anyways the day went well and you guys had a lot of fun busking together and even got ice cream together afterwards :)) 
next year rolls around and you guys have only maths and music classes together but still hang at tutoring
its  valentines day and tbh u never expect much because you’ve never received a red rose you’ve only gotten those  yellow friendship roses 
but during roll call the person giving out roses is like: y/n a red rose for you!!!! and you’re so SO happy bc who could be this secret admirer??
the rose also came with a super lame pick up line “did it hurt when you fell from heaven?”
you were so curious as to who it was 
joshua: oooOOOHHHH whose the unlucky guy pls we all know its you lmao
anyways europe FINALLy  rolls around and heck u are keen to visit mozart’s house
some of your girl friends like eunwoo, yuha and roa are also going 
when the whole band club arrives in europe every day is busy busy with music workshops and such and its only 5 days in where the teachers who came on the trip give the students like 3 hours of free time
teacher: ok u guys must be in a pair at least so u don’t get lost!!
however, all ur friends only want to go shopping while u wanted to take a walk and admire the scenery of europe 
but then someone taps you on the shoulder and u turn around and its joshua 
joshua: hey what were you planning to do during the free time?
you: i wanted to look around and see the architecture and the scenery and stuff but everyone wants to go shopping :( 
joshua: oh really! thats so good because me too i’d rather take a walk around here rather than go shopping; all my friends wanted to shop too 
you: omg thats great we are always in sync arent we haha
joshua: yeah we are! let’s go together then?
so you and joshua walk around the land of austria and admire the beautiful architecture and takes pictures of the scenery and visit all the pretty churches 
it’s literally your favourite day so far in europe bc you’re so happy ahhaa
(little did you know tho seungkwan literally refused joshua to hang out with him bc he was so sick of seeing joshua tiptoe around you. seungkwan: I BEG U TO HAVE SOME ALONE TIME WITH HER PLS BE ROMANTIC PLS CONFESS ALREADYYYY)
so that night dinner is also free time so students can choose where they wanna go to eat and seungkwan joins you guys and you guys all end up in a really fancy and aesthetic restaurant 
where the lighting is dim, there are lit candles and roses hung around and its literally a beautiful restaurant
you’re super oblivious but seungkwan is like glaring at joshua the whole time and kicking him under the table 
while they’re having a staring contest you’re just chatting away about how much of a great time you’re having and how this is the first time in your life you’ve been inside such a nice restaurant and  chugging on your food 
after the meal you take a toilet break and little do you know while you’re doing so seungkwan is giving mediating lessons to joshua so he can calm down 
and by the time you get back seungkwan is gone
you: oh where did seungkwan go?
joshua: oh he just went to chat with woozi
you take a seat and is like: so do u reckon we should head now?
and then joshua is like: actually there’s something i really want to say to you
and you just look at him super confused bc did something bad happen?? and you’re just super clueless and oblivious to his feelings towards you
bc the reason why ppl even ship u guys in the first place is because everyone can see how the way he stares at you, cares for you, catches your bus thats a 15min walk to his home when there’s one that stops directly in front of his home, how he always helps you with work, how he always encourages you to not give up whenever you’re having a hard time 
and then joshua is like: y/n you probably have an idea already but i really like you, i like you a lot. i’ve liked you since we got ditched by seungkwan and woozi in music class and we ended up talking about music and had a proper conversation. also the rose for valentines day this year, that was me too 
and you are S H O O K 
and your mind is blank
and then you blurt out the dumbest thing ever 
“sorry i only see u as a friend and dont want to date in high school”
teacher: ok guys we are heading back to the hotel now!!!!!
joshua’s eyes and shoulder’s drop completely and he looks so discouraged and sad
and you’re brain is just confused as to what just happened...you suddenly feel hurt? lost? 
you told yourself never to like anyone and up until now you’d never felt your heart race for anyone...you suddenly felt like you lost someone precious....someone special...
you guys part ways and head back to your respective friendship groups 
and the moment you get back to the hotel you head straight for your room, not wanting to talk to anyone about what just happened
bc girl u needed time to process what just happened and to really think bc you’re heart was aching for some strange reason 
(obviously you were oblivious to the fact that you had always liked joshua the whole time sighs) 
you can’t think straight so you decide to call ur sister nayoung 
you completely forget about the time difference between europe and australia 
and so when nayoung picks up she’s groaning into the phone: IDIOT ITS 7AM HERE AND A SATURDAY I NEED MY BEAUTY SLEEP 
you: you won’t believe what happened
nayoung: what did you get a boyfriend lmao
bc before u went to europe ur sister always joked about finding a handsome european guy with a cool accent lmao
you: not really no
nayoung: WHAT 
so you tell your sister everything that happened and how you felt so empty and lost after rejecting joshua and unexpectedly you even start crying 
and you can hear your sister sigh over the phone
nayoung: look y/n, the fact that you’re crying and even more confused obviously means you like him. to be honest i always had a feeling he liked you and i also thought you liked him too. these days all you ever talk about is him at home and you’ve never said a negative thing about him,,, you totally like him 
and you being a stubborn one are like: “no he’s my friend a really close friend that i trust, he’s basically my brother, its like i lost a relative” you sob
nayoung: remember in weightlifting fairy kim bok joo...do you think you’ll be okay if joshua wasn’t by your side anymore? think about it carefully, thank about all the times you relied on him in the last year sorry had to bring in weightlifting fairy kim bokjoo because #swag forever and this part actually happened in real life bc the girls sister said this lmao
and well it was true that you’d relied on joshua too much recently there were times where you were struggling and u turned to him for advice in particular that time where you were considering dropping out of music bc it was getting stressful and taking up so much time
and no matter what your family and friends said you wouldn’t listen but when joshua advised you mind u with the exact same things nayoung said you somehow trusted his words and he was like your rock at times and always willing to listen to u and encourage u 
by this point more and more tears were flowing and you didn’t even know why YOU LIKE JOSHUA BUT U R OBLIVIOUS POTATO 
nayoung: maybe you can tell him that you were flustered so you can rethink it again you might regret this later
you: ok thats a good idea ill try to...
and after nayoung the best sister in the world pep talked u and lectured u for the next hour u finally decided that you would reconsider ur decision and let joshua know 
you were dreading the awkwardness bc ever since the confession u guys had not talked and avoided eye contact at all costs 
you sighed and decided to sleep so u wouldn’t have to think about it for now and deal with it tomorrow
meanwhile in joshua and seungkwans room 
josh: seUNGKWAN U LIL IDIOT she freaking rejected me this is the most embarrassing rejection in the world how will i live after today??????
seungkwan: i dont get it tho y/n clearly likes u why would she reject u i even asked y/n’s sister nayoung to see if she had a crush on anyone 
josh: i’m never talking to u again seungkwan do u know how hurt i am 
*cue seungkwan trying to make joshua laugh by acting out natural disaster scenes from american movies lmao* 
so the next day you’re trying to find the opportunity to talk to joshua but he was always surrounded by ppl 
and u were so nervous bc u had planned what to say in ur head and despite the weather being -2318 degrees Celsius u were sweating from head to toe 
anyways right after breakfast and before boarding the bus u finally see joshua by himself because seungkwan had gone to the loo 
and you slowly approach joshua taking deep breaths because u were about to face the most awkward conversation of ur life 
but before u actually reached joshua he saw u coming and awkwardly looked away as he rubbed the back of his  neck
but u had to do this nayoung was right what if u regretted this and took this to ur grave he was the one guy u were so comfortable around and u could be yourself and he was so supportive and not to mention cute and smart too 
you: hey josh
josh: oh uh hi y/n
you: ummm look i wanted to talk to u about ummm yesterdays events 
cringe it was already getting so so so awkward bury me in a hole already
josh: ahhh ok sure what do you need to say?
you: the thing i’m really sorry about what i said yesterday...tbh i was really flustered and i just ended up blurting that out i hope i didn't hurt you. but i wanted to ask if u could give me a chance to reconsider what u said bc ur a really great  guy and i think i’ve never seen u in a romantic way before so starting now i’ll seriously consider your feelings for me and also work out if i have feelings for u 
and u were so embarrassed and u felt ur cheeks go red  and ur looking at the ground
josh: a chance? i couldn’t even get a single minute of sleep last night says josh jokingly
you: omg really im so sorry :(
josh: its okay im really happy that you’re giving me a chance ;;; like tbh if u think about it, we go same tutoring, see each other in band club and even share closes together...we really can’t be awkward around each other so i was thinking of approaching u and telling u that its ok if u didn't feel the same way
you: *blush* yeah thats true.............
josh: so y/n dont be awkward anymore ok? lets go back to the way we were
you nod sheepishly 
josh: and just give me your answer when you’re ready,,, i can wait an eternity for u HDJWFHWWK CAN YOU IMAGINE JOSHUA ACTUALLY SAYING THAT I CANT EVEN 
and yay its all good between u guys and no awkwardness and you guys back to your usual relationship
and like the more you think about it, you find urself falling for joshua and noticing just how handsome he was and how kind he was 
and you just really liked the fact that he was such a gentleman 
he didn’t push you about your feelings, he continued to respect ur personal space and he didn’t make moves on u and just continued to be a good friend 
but u heard from seungkwan that he was hurting a lot inside even though he smiled whenever u were around 
and u didn’t like seeing him in this state 
so you decided on ur answer !!! 
(bc ur heart fluttered so much whenever you were around him and u started actually caring about ur looks and how he thought of u) 
it was first period at school and it was music class
like 97% of music classes it was just practice 
and u purposely get seungkwan and woozi to practice with all the other students 
so u and joshua are just sitting on the stairs and joshua is lightly strumming on his guitar looking like a prince i tell u 
and u guys are just chatting away normally and u tell yourself i need to say it its okay it’s normal i’m just gonna say it 
and u probably have a super panicky look on ur face 
and josh is like: r u ok y/n?
you: im fine..it’s just that i wanted to tell you something...about u know...that
and you see josh’s face literally drop and he stops strumming his guitar and mumbles: oh
because joshua thinks he’s gonna get rejected for the second time rip 
and you’re really flustered again so you’re like
“i like you too, i want to give us a chance i can’t afford to lose you”
and literally the josh’s mouth curls into the biggest grin and u can see his eye smile hdahfoeifhq
and he looks you in the eye: y/n will you be my girlfriend starting from today?
you: yes i will joshua 
literally everyone is happy and suengkwan wants to throw a party for u guys
basically at school u guys are the music couple bc u guys sometimes do duets and are always defending each other when other ppl say that classical music is dumb 
and one time a teacher was super mean to u and joshua stood up for you and you are like where did the shy joshua go 
you guys perform a lot with the squad aka seungkwan and woozi 
joshua even shouts seungkwan bc seungkwan played a big role 
*nayoung in the background: what about me :((((((* 
and like at tutoring the tutor, jeonghan is even happy and is like to this kid: pass me $10 i said so they’d get together this year lmao 
i just realised i forgot about kyulkyung lmao 
kyulkyung is so happy and loves third wheeling dates to get free food lmao bc joshua is such a gentleman and insists on paying all the time
but eventually u guys decide to take turns and agree that he can treat desert 
and yeah you guys are couple goals because super supportive of each other, always watching out for one another and you guys only have eyes for each other 
ok i need to end it here lmao its like too long
and yes this girl got confessed to in austria (when they live in australia) its actually so romantic tbh im not jealous at all *wiggles eyebrows* 
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sage-nebula · 8 years
Ash/Misty shippers in fandom like to make a lot of comparisons to The Little Mermaid for the ship, and like, they’re not wrong and I 100% understand why, but I was roped into the Disney music side of YouTube (a.k.a. The Vortex™) tonight, and I just . . . let’s be honest. Ash Ketchum---particularly the Ash Ketchum of the OS---does have a Disney equivalent, but it’s not Prince Eric. No, his feisty, immature, irresponsible ass is, without a doubt, 100%, Simba.
He’s Simba. That boy is goddamn Simba. From his dreams of grandeur, to his eagerness to fight anyone at any time of the day or night, to the fact that he is prone to sulking at times when things go terribly wrong (usually not for too long, but it happens), to the way he basically never thinks anything through, but also the way he’s actually really sensitive and easily hurt (emotionally), to the way he’s protective of his friends . . . he’s Simba. He’s fucking Simba. And you know what else? Misty actually makes a really good Nala! I mean, think about it: we have multiple instances of the two of them roughhousing as children, and whenever they wrestle Nala always ends up pinning Simba with a cheerful, “Pinned ya!” Simba then bucks her off and wrestles with her again, but he inevitably gets pinned a second time, at which point she smugly tells him, “Pinned ya again.” And can’t you see that with Ash and Misty? I can. I so can. 
There’s also that bit at the start of the “I Just Can’t Wait to be King” sequence (more on that in a second) where Zazu tells them both that they’re betrothed, and they express disgust, with Simba claiming, “I can’t marry her, she’s my friend,” and Nala agreeing, “Yeah, it’d be too weird!” Again, pretty much Ash and Misty in a nutshell (though they’re usually a bit more vehement in their denials, eheheh). Particularly given that Simba and Nala recognize their attraction when they’re older, well . . .
And, speaking of when they’re older! So, we all know the story of The Lion King by now. Scar orchestrates Mufasa’s death, chases Simba out of the Pride Lands, the hyenas fail to kill him, Simba is saved by Timon and Pumbaa, Nala finds him years later . . . and that’s where we pick this up, because while Simba has been running away from his problems out in the middle of goddamn nowhere, the Pride Lands have gone to complete Hell. Nala is thrilled to have found him at first, but then Simba tells her adamantly that he has no intention of returning (because he still thinks he killed Mufasa). Nala is appalled and basically tells him to get his fucking ass back to Pride Rock. Simba says no. So Nala says, “fine, whatever, you’re not who I thought you were” and storms off, and Simba is pissed and sulky, and then Rafiki finds him and etc etc, you know the rest.
And the thing is, that works really well for Ash and Misty, too! Because there are multiple times in the OS when Ash loses or something goes wrong and he ends up falling into a sulk, and Misty is always the one to seek him out, and very often the one to tell him off and get him back in the game (even it takes an extra push). So in an AU like this, where Ash has left because, say, Giovanni orchestrated Delia’s murder (Delia nooo D:) and made Ash think it was his fault, Misty would be the one to tell him to get his ass back to Kanto ASAP because everything has gone to fucking hell and he’s the rightful Champion (or however this works). And they’d fight about it, because that’s what they do, but ultimately Ash would go back. (Might take a visit from a hallucination of his mom first, but hey.)
Oh, but back to “I Just Can’t Wait to be King.” Come on. It’s perfect. That song is so Ash. If we give the role of Zazu to Professor Oak, and tweak the lyrics just a bit . . .
ASH: “I’m gonna be a Champion, so enemies, beware!”
OAK: “Well, I’ve never seen a Champion with quite such scruffy hair!”
ASH: “I’m gonna be the mane event, like no Master was before! I’m aimin’ to catch ‘em all---I’m teachin’ Pikachu to Roar!”
OAK: “Thus far it sounds like a complete disaster.”
ASH: “I will be the best Pokémon Master!”
(I know it might not seem like some of the lyrics fit, but the way I sing it, they do. Trust me.)
You get the idea. I mean, come on, it’s perfect!
That said, I do dislike the idea of killing off Delia (</3), but given that Shudo never gave Ash a father, there aren’t many other options, here. :/ Giovanni does make a pretty great Scar, though. The TRio can be the hyenas. ... James can be Ed.
GIOVANNI: “I know that your powers of retention are as wet as a dewgong’s backside. But thick as you are, pay attention! My words are a matter of pride. It’s clear from your vacant expressions the lights are not all on upstairs. But we’re talking thrones, and successions! Even you can’t be caught unawares! So prepare for chance of a lifetime. Be prepared for sensational news! A shining new era is tiptoeing nearer---”
JESSIE: “And where do we feature?”
GIOVANNI: “Just listen to teacher. I know it sounds sordid, but you’ll be rewarded, when at last I am given my dues. An injustice deliciously squared---be prepared!”
MEOWTH: “Yeah, be prepared! Heheh, we’ll be prepared, haha---for what?”
GIOVANNI: “For the death of the queen!”
MEOWTH: “Why, is she sick?”
GIOVANNI: “No, fool, we’re gonna to kill her. And little Ash, too.”
JESSIE: “Great idea! Who needs a queen?!”
JESSIE, JAMES, MEOWTH: “No queen, no queen! La, la, la, la, laa-la!”
GIOVANNI: “IDIOTS! There will be a king!”
MEOWTH: “But you said, uh---”
GIOVANNI: “I will be king! Stick with me, and you’ll never go hungry again!”
JESSIE: “Yeah, all right! Long live the king!”
ALL OF TEAM ROCKET: “Long live the king! Long live the king!”
I mean, admittedly, the closest Scar equivalent in all of Pokémon is easily Ghetsis, but for this, Giovanni works well/better . . . especially since he tends to be the de facto villain for OS-era fics. =P (And speaking of de facto things . . . Brock and Tracey for Timon and Pumbaa? Y/y?)
This whole thing is pretty silly, but I just . . . got the idea of Ash singing “I Just Can’t Wait to be King” in my head, and it just . . . wouldn’t leave. Especially for OS!Ash, it’s just so perfect. (And also, Ash and Misty roughhousing and the whole “pinned ya! [. . .] pinned ya again” thing---it’s just too perfect.) Come to think of it, I feel like I have seen a couple similar things around, but usually it’s The Little Mermaid (again, completely understandably!), so I just wanted to toss this out there.
To be honest, I almost kind of want to write a fic now, haha.
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photokatsu · 7 years
Secret Starlight Queen Meet Event Scenario Ep 4-7
Episode 4
Sakura: There's one rule for the Starlight Queen Meet.
Mizuki: It's that each Queen has to add one thing they want to do. For example, how we're having tea and sweets right now is what I wanted to do.
Otome: Now we're going to do what Sakura-tan, me, and Akari-tan want to do!
Akari: Ooh! So that's how it is!
Mizuki: I wanted to do a lot of things considering we made sure to match our schedules.
Akari: What do Arisugawa-senpai and Kitaoji-senpai want to do?
Otome: Hehehe~♪
Sakura: Ah, 'tis still top secret. It shall all end if I say it~!
Akari: I...I see!
Otome: Sakura-tan sure is pulling out the Kitaoji Theatre today?\!
Sakura: I am a little too excited…!
Mizuki: Well, leaving what Kitaoji and Arisugawa want to do as a surprise—What do you wanna do, Ozora? Anything's fine, just say it.
Akari: …!
Episode 5
Otome: Come on, Akari-tan! Please say anything that you want to do!
Akari: Hmmm, let's see…
Sakura: It can be so hard to decide. I had a hard time suggesting something I wanted to do, as well.
Akari: So what did you suggest?
Sakura: Ah, as I stated, 'tis top secret. It shall all end if I say it~!
Akari: Thought so♪ Leaving what the seniors want to do as a surprise to look forward to, then I'll...Okay, I decided!
Otome: What is it what is it!?
Akari: It's not everyday I get to do what I want with everyone here, so—I wanna sing with you guys!
Otome: Sing!? Wow~…!
Akari: It's best if it's a new song that's perfect for the queens to sing together!
Sakura: That sounds wonderful!
Mizuki: Yeah, sounds good!
[Scene Transition]
Mizuki: I found the perfect demo. I got permission from the Headmistress too, so all we have to do is write the lyrics!
Otome: It's so cute!
Sakura: And pop!
Akari: It's a perfect song for Starlight Queens to sing!
[Scene Transition]
Akari: We're done~!
Mizuki: Looks great!
Sakura: To think we would finish this fast. Everyone's focus when the moment has come is just wonderful.
Otome: Because we're all queens!
Mizuki: We poured our hearts into the lyrics!
Akari: Yes! Let's try a live simulation right away!
[Live Simulation]
Otome: Wow~! It's such a good song~! I couldn't help but sing along with it~!
Sakura: Yes. I was already a little too excited, but now I'm even more excited!
Mizuki: I wanna sing it live one day!
Akari: Yes!
Mizuki: Okay, so Ozora added singing with everyone here. This will be a tradition every year from now on.
Akari: I'm so excited! Singing's just so fun even when it's not for work.
Otome: Yes~!
[Scene Transition]
Sakura: So Starlight Queen Meet reached a checkpoint! Next is the tradition Otome-sama suggested!
Mizuki: Sounds like it's gonna be tough this year, too.
Akari: Huh, tough…?
Otome: Yes! It uses a lot of stamina, you know~? Let's jump out of this house and let's go~!
Akari: Wh...What are we gonna do…!?
Episode 6
Akari: Just what is it you do every year at Arisugawa-senpai's suggestion…?
Otome: To summarize! Repaying our thanks to Starlight Academy!
Akari: Repaying our thanks?
Otome: Yes! I wanted to repay Starlight Academy somehow!
Mizuki: I thought it was a wonderful idea. But to think it would cost this much stamina.
Akari: What are we going to do…?
[Scene Transition]
Otome: First of all! We're going to clean the fountain~!
Akari: Oh, so stuff like that!?
[Otome diving into the fountain]
Otome: Let's get into my favourite fountain and clean it up with everyone here! Ai! Katsu! Ai! Katsu!
[Scene Transition]
Mizuki: Ai! Katsu! Ai! Katsu!
Sakura: Ai! Katsu! Ai! Katsu!
Akari: Ai! Katsu! Ai! Katsu!
Yurika: Oh dear, what are the Starlight Queens all doing here?
Kaede: You're cleaning too, Mizuki? Fight, Oh! Looks fun!
Akari: Todo-senpai, Ichinose-senpai!
Mizuki: Wanna join us, Yurika, Kaede?
Yurika: W...Well, I have today off, so it's not like I wouldn't not be unable to give you a hand.
Kaede: Okay! I'll help, too! Let's diiive!
[Splashing sounds]
Akari: Whoa!
[Scene Transition]
Kaede: Ai! Katsu! Ai! Katsu!
Yurika: Ai! Katsu! Ai! Katsu! Ai! Katsu! Ai! Katsu! Ai! Katsu! Ai! Katsu!
Akari: Todo-senpai's on a roll! The fountain's already squeaking clean! Yep yep, this is Aikatsu, too! Right?
Otome: Our repayment isn't done yet~!
Akari: Huh!?
Episode 7
Otome: Okay! Since we're at the fountain, we can do Sakura-tan's tradition, too!
Mizuki: It's close by.
Akari: Close by…? What are we gonna do?
Sakura: The tradition I suggested is this. Ah, digging the earth, planting saplings, watering! To summarize, this is truly planting trees~~~!
Akari: Planting trees?
Otome: We plant trees in the academy every time.
[Scene Transition]
Sakura: We're going to plant these cherry blossom saplings this time!
Akari: I-It's taller than me!
Otome: Then let's dig a hole~!
[Scene Transition]
Everyone: Ai! Katsu! Ai! Katsu! Ai! Katsu! Ai! Katsu! Ai! Katsu! Ai! Katsu!
Otome: So now there will be more cherry blossom trees at Starlight Academy!
Sakura: I would love for our juniors to bloom beautiful flowers while being healed from the brilliance of these—Is what I thought, so we plant trees every time.
Otome: Okay then, next is the tradition of Mizuki-san's thanks to the academy!
Akari: Oh, there's still more!
[Scene Transition]
Mizuki: I repaint the roof of this gazebo every time.
Akari: Huh!? Really!?
Mizuki: Lots of things happened here, so it's a place of memories. I want to treasure it.
Otome: Mizuki-san rebuilt this gazebo the  year she became Starlight Queen in the first place.
Akari: Wow!
Sakura: Please look. If you look carefully, there's a plate that says, “From: Mizuki Kanzaki” on the pillar.
Akari: You're right!!
Mizuki: It's part of the reason why I came to love this place. I started coming here often. Okay, then let's paint this!
Akari: Yes!
[Scene Transition]
Everyone: Ai! Katsu! Ai! Katsu! Ai! Katsu! Ai! Katsu! Ai! Katsu! Ai! Katsu!
Johnny: Oh! It's all cleaned up again this year YEAH!
Naoto: They've surpassed professionals skill-wise…
[Scene Transition]
Mizuki: Okay, we finished everything we planned.
Otome: Yes!
Sakura: Ozora-san, how was your first Starlight Queen Meet?
Akari: It was so fun! And—It made me realize again that Kanzaki-senpai, Arisugawa-senpai, and Kitaoji-senpai, too—All think about us juniors so much. I want to pass it on, too. These feelings, as the Starlight Queen—
[Live Simulation]
Akari: I love this song!
Mizuki: It's a good song. Like the song says, we're all walking through our own story.
Akari: Yes, and how it says the first guide down your path is the feeling of admiration is really so true…!
Sakura: To Ichigo-sama, yes?
Akari: Yes…!
Ichigo: That makes me so happy!
Akari: Hoshimiya-senpai!
Ichigo: If you say something like that, it gives me strength no matter how many times I hear it!
Mizuki: I know how you feel. Gazes of admiration give strength to those who receive it.
Ichigo: Yes!
Otome: I'm sure there's lots of kids who are aiming to become idols out of admiration for Akari-tan.
Sakura: Yes, there's no doubt to that.
Akari: Like my seniors, I want to become an idol that makes sure to give positivity to my juniors—not just my fans.
Mizuki: That's a Shining Line, too.
Ichigo: That's Aikatsu, too!
Akari: Yes! Oh, by the way, Hoshimiya-senpai, did you know? The one who built this gazebo was Kanzaki-senpai.
Ichigo: Whaaat!?
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rockandblognet · 7 years
Entrevista con AngelWings
En la sección de noticias de rock and blog entrevistamos a la banda británica AngelWings.
ANGELWINGS nace hace unos pocos años en de un grupo de músicos experimentados que habían estado en la escena de la música local de Gibraltar durante algún tiempo y que habían tocado en diferentes bandas una amplia variedad de géneros musicales.
Sus inicios se basaron en versiones de Nightwish pero pronto se hizo evidente la necesidad de la banda por componer temas propios. Así, ANGELWINGS se convirtió en la primera banda de metal sinfónico de Gibraltar.
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Empezamos la netrevista con los chicos de AngelWings:
First of all we would like to thank you for attending us.
We would like to know more about the band. How did you met?
Darren and Paul got together after many and agreed to meet and to play some 80’s covers. Coincidentally, Paul got a call that same night from a friend who had met Davinia and got them talking. Davina was immediately on board and turned up at the first band meeting. Davinia brought Glenn to the band shortly after, sometime later Mark joined to complete the set up.
How long has this band been together?
The band has been together since April 2013, but started working on original songs in 2014.
What are the plans for the future?
The band is very excited about the album release, we could have never imagined our songs would have such a positive reception, both locally and abroad. We did get nine offers from record labels before signing with Pride and Joy Music. The band will be performing at MTV Gibraltar Calling in September this year, we consider this to be our immediate priority as it will be good exposure for the band worldwide, Post MTV Gibraltar Calling, Angelwings will be seeking to perform away from Gibraltar as supporting act to established bands of the same genre, the band has already started to work on a second album.
We know you have a big Nightwish influence but what are your other musical icons/influences?
We all have different influences, and that is reflected in our songs. Influences range from Nightwish to Marillion, Meat Loaf, Iron Maiden or Rush. So all these influences come into play unconsciously when we compose.
What has been your biggest challenge as a band? Have you been able to overcome that challenge?
One of the biggest challenges we have as a band is securing gigs away from Gibraltar. Recording and composing have restricted our chances of live performance. We are hopeful that after the album release things will be somewhat more achievable.
where do you want to take this band? What do you want to accomplish?
We are taking things as they come, we are all fully dedicated to Angelwings but focusing mainly on what we should do next. We take one step at a time and our feet are firmly on the ground. Of course we would like to see this project grow, but realize that if that is to happen we have to be focused on quality and dedication. This is our approach
Spain and Gibraltar are very near but so far. We don´t know much about the Gibraltar´s music scene. Is there a wide support for rock music in Gibraltar?
In Gibraltar, there is a fair amount of support for Rock music in Gibraltar. One will find bands to cover almost all the different genres of Rock music. They are probably more bands in Gibraltar per square meter than anywhere else in the world.
Europe is not an easy place for Rock music, instead you live in scandinavian countries. Do you agree with us?
It is true that Rock and metal are big in Scandinavia, many successful band originate from Scandinavia and their quality is top notch. It is also true that these bands are responsible for strengthening and promoting metal music world wide along with other 80s giants that keep touring the world as can be Iron Maiden, AC/DC etc.
How do you feel about the internet in the music business?
We believe the internet has its pros and cons. We, for example got some exposure thanks to the internet and has allowed us to build as small following. But!!!!!……there are the disadvantages we all know, illegal downloads and piracy being the most obvious. This is really sad and harmful and probably outweighs the advantages.
You have played with some great bands like Saxon, What can you tell us about the experience?
The Saxon gig was a huge experience for the band. A very useful learning process from which the band benefited in many ways. It was great to be able to share the stage with people you would look up to as a child. This gig projected Angelwings and made it a household name in Gibraltar
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Could you briefly describe the music-making process for this album?
The main idea for a song is mainly generated by Glenn or Paul. It then gets developed further until there are enough pieces to construct the song fully. After this, the ideas are showed to the rest of the band they all contribute to give it a more solid structure. Everyone contributes to the song in some way. Once the structure is there (it can change though) Divi steps in and creates a story depending on the feel she receives from the music. She creates the vocal line and lyrics from there.
Where did you produced the album?
The album was mixed and mastered in Sweden and France, the production was done by the band.
Which are your favourite tracks of the album?
Difficult to say which is our favorite song. All tracks have character, we have no fillers, if anyone in the band has doubts about a song then it doesn’t get to be on the album. We enjoy them all.
Now It´s time for Davina to answer our most personal questions. Don´t worry, this is not about relationships, the only lover we’re interested on is rock and roll (hehehe):
What was the first concert you attended to, as an audience?
I can’t actually remember the very very first concert I went to see, but I can remember that when I was living in the uk, I bought my first ticket to a music festival. Download Festival. I got to see a variety of artists and I definitely remember having the time of my life. I saw bands like Linkin Park, wow did they make a good impression. Also saw my favourite band Evanescence, Amy Lee blew my mind- she was the opening act for Iron Maiden that year. I’d seen many bands in the space of three days. Great weekend!
What was the first record you bought?
My mum always had music in the house I would listen to but I think the very first CD I ever went out to buy for myself was Evanescence. I found that when I listened to their music I found a little bit of myself in it and I related to it more than anything else I would listen to.
Did someone close coax you into loving rock and roll?
I guess because I grew up with different influences from my family, that I never felt persuaded to love rock. It’s more like it’s in my blood! Rock ‘n’ Roll fills my soul and it makes me feel like the truest version of myself.
Thank you very much and we hope we will see you soon in Spain.
Anteriormente en Rock and Blog publicamos una la Crítica: ANGELWINGS «The Edge of Innocence» (Pride & Joy Music)
Más información de la banda en su facebook
  Entrevista con AngelWings was originally published on Rock and Blog
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