#When a human being speaks actual words in comments with like. An OPINION? They go NUTS
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lionblaze03-2 ¡ 10 months ago
having the ‘tumblr person’ internet dialect and commenting on tiktok is soooo funny to me. Yess boys you want to flock to like my comments in the thousands. YEEESSS. I’m not even trying. Hello
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hiraethwa ¡ 8 months ago
one summer day
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10 epiphany. where ushijima has a sudden realization
<< 09 disconnect. | >> 11 epiphany.
pairing: ushijima wakatoshi x reader a/n: we only go up from here, my loves - ave word count: 3.7k 💀 warnings: violence, threats, vile, misogynistic comments (by a rando), cursing tags: @lemurzsquad @daisy-room @integers -- (inbox me if you want to be added to the tag list)
april, third year
ushijima wakatoshi is by no means a people person. he is a highly motivated individual, mind always focused on the task at hand. he does not mind people interacting with him, although he can survive without it. 
he enjoys playing volleyball and listening to his teammates, occasionally adding to the conversation, but he has never been a particularly talkative person like tendo. it’s not that he dislikes human interaction, he just finds that sometimes, some things are better left unspoken, or perhaps unnecessary altogether. 
he never goes out of his way to befriend someone – he was already busy with volleyball as it is, and to add to it, staying on top of his school’s demanding curriculum. people has commented on his stoicism and general unapproachability behind his back, not that he cares enough about it. so naturally, he did not have a lot of friends to begin with. 
wakatoshi thinks that he is satisfied with his way of life and intends on keeping it simple with just school and volleyball, and none of the drama that he’s heard going around his year all the time. or rather, he intended to. 
and so, he finds himself confused, and irritated as well, when this guy from his year, apparently the captain of the basketball or baseball or whatever, he could care less, tries to start some kind of shit with him. 
ushijima was on his way to lunch with tendo when this idiot came and started badmouthing him and the volleyball team, calling him a useless piece of shit and some other names that he stopped listening to. he wondered what the point of this confrontation is when he doesn’t even know who this person is. 
with a blank stare and a twitching eyebrow, ushijima cuts him off, “i’m sorry, who are you again?” 
it only made him angrier and humiliated, with the crowd that is starting to form around the commotion. “my name is yamasaki takeo.”
“i don’t recall asking for your opinion, yamasaki-san,” ushijima retorts irritably, eliciting a gasp from tendo who is next to him. 
yamasaki gapes at him, as the whispers from the students around them grow audibly. 
that ought to be the end of it, ushijima thinks, as he makes to leave the scene that yamasaki caused. he has better things to worry about, like the fact that you are still not on speaking terms with him, rather than this pointless confrontation that is clearly wasting his time.
“that’s right, because you’re too busy trying to get into miyamura’s pants than focusing on volleyball, aren’t you?” 
tendo reckons that the idiot is relentless in picking a fight with him, and apparently has a death wish. for he had the balls to bring your name up when it is currently occupying the top spot in ushijima’s list of touchy subjects, which is very, very short. in fact, it only has one entry right now.
ushijima clenches his fists. now he is truly irritated, and his short patience is reaching its end. 
yamasaki, noticing that he is finally getting a reaction out of the indifferent volleyball captain, delightedly goes on to drag your name through the mud. 
“is it really that difficult to get your little girlfriend to sleep with you, captain, if you are so high and mighty? or is it just you that she is not interested in?” he mocks ushijima, a shit eating grin on his face now that he has ushijima’s full attention, discovering his weakness. “maybe she’s actually sleeping around with your friends. in fact, i wouldn’t be so surprised if she is, considering how close she is to semi eita as of late.”
if looks could kill, yamasaki would be long dead by now. his only saving grace being the thin fraying thread of patience that ushijima is holding on to. a very, very thin thread. 
“if you know what’s good for you, keep her name out of your filthy mouth.” ushijima grits his teeth. 
ushijima hates that he has you dragged into this spectacle. you’re not his girlfriend, much less his friend at this very moment. he hates that too, that you are so far away from his reach. he dislikes the hole your absence left in his meticulous schedule, and he misses the warmth your presence brings him. 
for your sake, he has been keeping his temper in check. convincing himself that getting into a brawl with yamasaki would only serve to fan the flames of the situation when word spreads around school, and the one who would suffer the most would be you. 
but it appears that yamasaki is asking, practically begging for it, as he continues his goading. “maybe i need to get a taste of her, considering how well she has you wrapped around her finger.”
the thread explodes. 
red. red is all ushijima could see as someone grabs a hold of yamasaki’s collar and throws a fist into his cocky face. he is so full of shit. a killing calm descends on ushijima as he watches the person pull his arm back and send another punch to yamasaki. again. and again. 
he vaguely registers his friend shouting his name and pulling on his arm with a few of other students. semi and ohira, he realizes. puzzled, he looks down to see his hand gripping tightly onto the front of yamasaki’s uniform, and his left hand is covered in blood. 
oh. oh. that was him who punched the asshole.
ushijima releases his hold on yamasaki, breathing heavily as the gravity of the situation settles in. it isn’t some inconsequent drama to circulate around school anymore. 
yamasaki struggles to stand, coughing out blood. his nose sits crookedly on his face, most possibly broken. but he has the nerve to smirk, as much as he could, at ushijima. “not so strong now, are you?”
“says the one with a sorry state for a face,” semi retorts, tense from the whole situation.
he merely wipes at his bloodied face, waving semi off. “i am not the one you need to worry about. i am also not the one who is risking his spot on the under 19 team for the youth world championship with a scandal.”
ushijima recoils, blood running cold. was that his goal all along? 
“maybe, i will forgive your actions, if you get on your knees and beg,” yamasaki pauses, a dark glint in his eyes, “and give y/n to me.”
his words have ushijima struggling to break free from his teammates, caution thrown to the winds, ready to beat him to a pulp. 
“let go of me!” ushijima growls. fuck the consequences, there is no way in hell he will let this asshole lay a finger on you.
he does not notice the crowd parting as the students recognize you and allow you space to get to the front of the commotion. the frown on your face from witnessing the latter half of the events unfolding after you yielded to chika’s curiosity of the commotion that sent students running in the hallways and getting their friends to join them. the sigh that escapes your lips from being the center of the drama. 
“is that all it really takes?” your voice stops him in his attempts to break free, his head snapping towards you in shock.
ushijima has not felt fear in years, certainly not on the volleyball court, not since his parents had a messy divorce, but your words send his heart dropping to the floor. “y/n–”
“stay out of it.” you breathe sharply at him, needing your wits about you if you were to get him out of this situation unscathed. turned away from yamasaki, you let out a trembling breath and steel your nerves. 
you’ve worn a mask in your own home for years, this is nothing, you remind yourself. sure, the whispers would spread, but for him, you would wreck yourself. to hell with this asshole if he dares to try to bring ushijima down. ironic, considering you distanced yourself to save your own heart. when it is all said and done, it still belongs to him.  
“unfortunately, i am not an object that ushijima can simply give away, yamasaki-san, but am i worth the lengths you went to?” 
you observe as his eyes dart behind you at ushijima. so that’s how it is. you are not what he wants. what he wants is to get to ushijima, for reasons you can surmise from the gossip that had been floating around the last week. 
if you play your cards right, you could twist his arm behind his back, figuratively speaking. he would have no choice but to back down, you hope. if not… you don’t want to even think about it. this has to be enough.
“why don’t i propose you a better trade?” you bat your lashes at the scum in front of you, playing the role of the ever helpless girl using her body to get away with things. praying to the gods above that he will take the bait. just come a little closer and i will show you my teeth, bastard.
surely, you can’t be thinking of actually going out with yamasaki, ushijima tries to convince himself as he watches you smile at the asshole coyly. you are smarter than that, and he is not worth your sacrifice. 
or is he? he averts his eyes as you lean in towards yamasaki. shoves the prickling sense of unfamiliar discomfort down. shushes the pealing bells in his mind. the urge to pummel his face to nothing. 
he tries to put his mind elsewhere, but a sense of inevitability creeps in. dread, he realizes, crawls up his spine and makes its home there.
he wants to shout at you. something. anything. anything but this. he doesn’t need to be in the youth 19 team. he would rather risk it all. he doesn’t need anything, doesn’t want anything but you by his side. and the thought of it terrifies him.
“wakatoshi-kun,” tendo nudges him and grabs his attention away from his thoughts. he follows tendo’s gaze towards you and takashima, whose cocky smirk was completely wiped off his bloodied and bruised face and replaced by a paleness that looked like fear. “that’s your girl.”
“i’m so glad we were able to come to an understanding, takashima-san. i would hate for such a nasty argument to get even more out of hand, don’t you agree? now that we are on the same page, i’m sure this won’t happen again. right, takashima-san?” ushijima shudders at the underlying hostility in your fake cheery voice that is directed towards takashima. he never wants to be on the receiving end of it, he thinks. 
you lay a hand on his arm, an eerily innocent smile on your face. and takashima winces, nodding quickly and too eagerly compared to his earlier behavior. 
“i guess we will see you around?” ushijima catches on to the hidden demand under your nice words. you better stay away from us. “oh, do you need a hand to the nurse’s office?”
what exactly did he miss? but he is too awestruck by the way you turned the situation around that he forgot to correct tendo’s earlier statement. 
he tunes out takashima’s stuttering response as you turn around, a frown finding its way onto your beautiful features as your cold eyes land on him. barely registers tendo calling “show’s over” and gesturing at the crowd to disperse and mind their own business.
he hates the mask you are wearing, pushing everyone, and him, away as a defense mechanism. he hates that he is the reason you had to don it today to protect him from his own actions.   
ushijima finds himself reaching out to you to smooth out the furrow in your brows, only to be met by resistance. your slender fingers hook onto his wrist, halting his movement for a split second before dropping his hand like a hot potato. 
“people are watching,” you remind him. your eyes catch on his left hand, where the skin on his knuckles was split, hesitating on your next words. “you should get that treated.”
he frowns, already missing the feeling of your skin on his. why would he care that people are watching?
the four of them end up walking to the nurse’s office with ohira dismissing himself from the group for some errand he had to run for his class. tendo being tendo, starts pestering you about what you did and how you did it despite your clipped answers. 
ushijima finds himself staring at the back of your head, unsure if you are just a figment of his imagination from how long he went without interacting with you. next to him, semi nods his head at you, “she doesn’t hate you, you know.”
he stays quiet. if that’s true, then why are you so intent on avoiding him?
“you are both impossible,” semi huffs in disbelief. 
finding the nurse’s office empty, semi lets your little group into the dark room. tendo beelines for the cabinet, rummaging for supplies. you didn’t have the energy to tell them that they should probably wait for the nurse to come back.
you keep to the door, fidgeting as if you could not decide to stay or go. “see you guys” you blurt, feet moving quickly out the door.
“y/n–” ushijima panics. is this it? is this all he has left of you?
“i’ll go talk to her.” semi promises, running after you, leaving ushijima in tendo’s hands.
they sit in silence as tendo cleans up ushjima’s bloodied knuckles, the latter unphased by the sting of disinfectant on raw skin with his entire focus on the doorway. wishing. 
sure enough, semi returns with an uneasy y/n in tow, looking like you would rather be anywhere but there. 
he makes you sit on the bed across from ushijima, an indecipherable look in his eyes. “stay, you two need to talk. tendo and i will be right outside.” translation: don’t think about leaving until you talk to him. to which you return an unamused look, crossing your arms in a defensive manner.
you wait until the door clicks closed behind them before stealing a glance at ushijima. his stare displaces you, as if there is nothing more important than you. unbelievable, you think. 
you open your mouth to say something – something mean and hurtful so that he would stop looking at you like he cared, but decide against it, knowing full well your anger, the serpent that rarely rears its head is nasty when it does. 
“why are you avoiding me?” he breaks the silence. the first words you’ve heard from him in a long while, not counting the short exchange earlier and during orchestra practice. you would be lying if you said you didn’t miss his voice. that it didn’t calm the wary hissing wild animal in you on some subconscious level.
“why do you care, ushijima?” the name still leaves a bitter taste on your tongue even though you have tried to get over it. you don’t actually love him, right? it’s just a schoolgirl infatuation. or at least, that is what you keep telling yourself, hoping that it will be true when you repeat it enough times. 
“you are my friend, y/n.” his eyes snap to yours, begging you to understand. 
the feeling of drowning creeps in, bringing you back to the first sleepless nights after you cut him off. how pathetic you were running after someone who did not even treat you as their friend. how worthless. how you went from wishing that he saw you as you are to wishing that he never walked into your life.
“no, if i am your friend, then why didn’t you tell me about the nationals? fuck, i had to find out from semi, and it was only because they needed me to stop you from hurting yourself. what the fuck am i to you, ushijima wakatoshi?” you snap at him. 
he starts to say something, but you are not done, not yet. 
“why bother? why save me from myself, tell me you’re my friend, when you certainly don’t act like it when it comes to yourself? do you think so little of me? or am i just some basket case to you?” your fists curl at your sides, angry tears threatening to escape your eyes, as you will them back. 
why did you start the fight? why? 
and then he is at your feet, kneeling and taking your hands into his, looking at you as if you are his salvation. “it was easy, caring for you. felt right, like second nature. you matter to me, but i–” he glances away for a second, almost too much, he thinks “–i don’t know how to let others do the same to me, even if it’s you, that didn’t come naturally. i’m sorry, y/n.” his knuckles are gentle against your skin, brushing away the tears that you didn’t realize started sliding down your cheeks.
the silence stretches, interrupted by your sniffles here and there. 
“talk to me.” he tucks the hair that is covering your face behind your ear. 
your voice is a pained quiet. “i was running away from you, afraid of what your answer could be. i was scared that you found me unworthy. i felt pathetic, yearning for your friendship if you didn’t feel the same way. but–” your throat tightens at your cowardice, realizing your own mistake.
“it could have been avoided if you just talked to me.” wakatoshi finishes your sentence for you.
“you’re a fucking hypocrite.” you retort, kicking his knee in pettiness. “don’t think you’re so easily forgiven.” and just like that he is forgiven. your heart once again safely tucked away in his hands, returned to its owner after weeks of being torn away bleeding and broken by yours. 
it’s unfair, really. the effortlessness it takes on his part to make you whole unknowingly. maybe you were born without a heart, given away to ushijima by fate. maybe he is meant to come into your life and give it back, to remind you that you are alive, and to live. 
you keep telling yourself that he is meant for more than you. which is the truth. but it is also because you are afraid of losing him forever.  
but he recognizes the way you deflect away from your own vulnerability. “make me beg for it, i’ll do anything to redeem myself.” you mean too much to me.
“anything?” you tap your chin, pretending to be deep in thought. “how about going to the tanabata festival in your kuromontsuki haori hakama?” 
you are trying to see how far he would go to satisfy your demands. usually people wear yukatas to summer festivals, the most casual traditional option, and the most comfortable one in the sweltering heat of summer. a kuromontsuki haori hakama is the highest rank of kimono for men and only worn for formal occasions like weddings and funerals. 
but you would kill to see him in one, and it doesn’t hurt to ask.
“that would be a little difficult… how about a haori hakama?” which is less formal than what you suggested, though enough that he will still stick out like a sore thumb in the crowd, but– “fine.” you wanted to see him in a full formal kimono. 
“i get the crispy ends of your katsu.” nod. “give me a piggyback ride home.” an eyebrow raise, but nod. “i want the only bottle of grape squash that you guys buy every single time.” nod. 
“no more keeping secrets from me.” 
“i will have to think of more later, you’re currently on probation.” you narrow your eyes at him, gesturing with your hand, i’m watching you. he catches it deftly, getting all up in your space. 
your breath hitches as he comes eye to eye with you, only inches to spare. “i’m sorry. i’ll do better, i promise.” 
you hear his words, sure, but the thunderous beating of your heart is coming from every direction, deafening. in that moment, you forgot how to speak, tongue twisted in a way that cannot be undone. so you panic, feet kicking out instinctively. 
several things happen in quick succession. wakatoshi grunts, curling backwards in pain. the door bursts open as semi and tendo comes running in to defuse the situation. you sit there in shock. tendo starts cackling at the scene in front of him, tears shining in his eyes. 
“damn, one after another, y/n, you’re putting these boys down real hard.” he wipes his eyes with laughter.
“it was an accident!” 
“sure, sure, if you say so.” he slowly backs out of the room, having a distinctive feeling that you may want to land one on him too. 
“get back here, tendo satori! oi, where do you think you are going? you still need to dress toshi’s wounds.” you dash at him. 
“back to toshi now, are we? why don’t you do it yourself?” he snickers, running away.
semi shakes his head at the two of you, glancing at his captain who is still recovering from your kick in the nuts. he winces at the thought of it. “you good?”
ushijima looks towards where tendo now has an arm thrown over your shoulders, affectionately ruffling your hair, utterly unfazed by the way you are snapping at him. 
“i told you, i am not telling you! it defeats the purpose of what i said to that scum if i told you! get your dirty hands off of me.” you frown at the redhead, and then as if sensing his eyes on you, you point at ushijima. “you, don’t ever pick fights again even if i get dragged into it, it’s not worth it.” 
“but he picked a fight with ushijima-kun first.” 
“why, you brat. do you want to find out what dirty secrets i know about you?”
“wah, scary, y/n-chan. remind me to never get on your bad side.” 
you make a face at tendo, which ushijima finds adorable. his lips quirk in a smile at the scene unfolding in front of them, finally responding to semi’s earlier question. 
“yeah. yeah, i think so.”
“ushijima-kun, you’re down bad.”
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sonofthesaiyans ¡ 11 months ago
Hats off to Jean Kirstein, the Scouts' unlikeliest hero.
Honor dictates that I say a few words to honor the birthday of one of the 104th's strongest and most naturally gifted soldiers.
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Jean Kirstein is a character who, at one point, I would have said had one of the most impressive arcs of any individual character in Attack on Titan. Once content to keep himself to the sidelines in service of the royal government, Jean has really come a long way from when we first met him in the early days of season one.
Jean has always been abrasive and cynical, holding on to no fantasies about the miserable world he and his friends have long been trapped in. But in spite of all he's gone through, he's shown a keen sense of judgement and natural leadership that has allowed him to survive again and again in a situation he at one point would have been all to happy to look the other way, and never turn back. In a world where insanity dominates between the Titans and humanity, Jean always seems to know what to do even when he's at an utter loss of what the outcome could be, and he's so often been a voice of reason when faced with the panic of his comrades or the zeal of his friendly rival turned mortal enemy, Eren.
His old pal Marco recognized this potential in Jean, and it seems Marco's words have resonated strongly with Jean long after his own demise. Understanding what was at stake, he took a hard look at what he signed himself on to and charged at it head on. Through and through, he's proven a dependable ally to those serving by his side and ultimately, under his own command. One of Jean's greatest assets, and perhaps in his own mind his greatest curse, is his nobility. Whatever his faults and failings, Jean has always sided with the greater good, and is one of the most incorruptible characters on Paradis. He's been pushed to his limits every bit as much as the rest of his circle......And through it all still stands tall.
By no means flawless, and I actually have some far stronger opinions about Jean in spite of the fact that I rarely ever comment on him around here.......And that's a discussion for another day.
For tonight though, gotta acknowledge the impressive track record of a guy who probably never should have been a Scout in the first place.......And somehow has lived to speak of the experience after going through Hell and back time and time again.
Seriously, Jean Kirstein would have been a worthy contender to become Commander of the Scout Regiment, or second-in-command under Hange and/or Levi. Whatever the case, he's certainly been an asset to the greater cause of freedom, and perhaps understood the meaning of what that was far better than Eren himself EVER did.
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Keep moving forward as you always have, Commander Jean.
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Happy Birthday to a man worthy of wearing the Wings of Freedom.
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Oh, and one last thing; If you really do truly love Jean, then for the love of all that is good and just.........
Do NOT even think about it with the lame as hell Horseface jokes. I think the fact that I acknowledged not just Jeanmarco, but also "Jeankasa" up here is being pretty generous as it is. So please, don't push it, alright?
Besides, I can name five other characters who look more like horses than him.....
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crow-caller ¡ 6 months ago
Hi Crow,
Apologies if this has been asked before but I’m trying to get to the bottom of what people describe as ‘biblically accurate angels’ and I’m getting conflicting results and I thought why not ask someone who definitely knows more on the topic than me. Is the incomprehensible multi-eye wheel creature thing true?
"True" is the problem, because... it is, and it isn't, and it depends, and it's complicated!
I looooove angels, you're right, and I was working on doing a vid on this exact topic because the term 'biblically accurate angel' is a pet peeve of mine. However, no matter the power of my autistic angelic obsession, I wouldn't say I'm a perfect source. I got intimidated outta making that video because I got too anxious of messing it up and losing my angel cred. BUT! I do know some stuff.
What's wrong with "Biblically Accurate Angels?
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Three things!
1. "Biblically"
Most people I see, when confronted with the word 'Biblically', think of Christianity. The Bible technically refers to a collection of texts shared by a number of Abrahamic religions, but I've a lot of people entirely unaware of that fact. There's often a general lack of recognition around 'biblically accurate angel' posting that angels aren't exclusively or originally Christian concepts. Tumblr is an outlier of a place, remember; I read youtube comments.
2. "Accurate"
This makes me lose it, just a little bit, because the idea 'real angels in the bible actually looked like scary monsters' is both incorrect and kind of a rude thing to say about a holy entity a number of religions believe in.
There are a lot of ideas of angel classification and hierarchy, but you'll usually only see one--- the Christian one. This has nine orders in three spheres, going usually angel, archangel, principality (3rd sphere, most humanoid), powers, virtues, dominions (2nd, basically no lore), thrones/ophainim, cherubim, seraphim (1st, weirdo patrol). The lowest spheres are closest to humanity, the highest are closer to the divine.
(it's worth noting there's a big difference between 'what is exactly in the canon holy text' versus 'writings/visions/ideas from scholars later'. There's differing opinions everywhere and also different sects.) Little is universal.
Speaking of, religions! Heard of them? Angel hierarchy as it's commonly see is very specifically a Christian angle! There's a number of different Jewish angelic hierarchies which include different types or interpretations of angels. There's usually 10 ranks instead of 9 too.
I know the least about angels in Islam, but they don't have a strict angel hierarchy either, though some angels are more important than others.
As for angel physical descriptions, it varies. They can take human form, but they're spirits doing that for our convenience. Some of them are doing weird stuff, but most of the time an angel is some essence of light and fire taking a lesser defined shape for our convenience.
Some of the main ideas of a 'biblically accurate angel' come from one of my fav bits of the bible, the chariot in Ezekiel.
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If you've not read the fun weird bits of the bible before, let me introduce you!!
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These are the Living Creatures which are considered Cherubim in Christianity. The wheels are the Ophanim, who are also Thrones. The whole thing sounds like a very intricate chariot rather than a bunch of angels, but hey, it says right there they're 'living beings'
3. "Angels"
What is an angel anyway?
Well, there's an answer, but as I think I've highlighted there's a number of different, varying ideas of them which are all equally valid! This can include, of course, the artistic choice of making them monsters ( I love doing this ), but it's incorrect to assert such a design is 'more or truly accurate'.
Angels are messengers. The word for angel originally was Messenger, and the role of angels is generally to serve as a conduit and messenger of divine will. They can be teachers or healers. They often are more extensions of the holy rather than truly independent spirits, good because they are divine rather than the choice of free will. (but like everything I'm saying it depends bc religions and opinions are not unified monoliths).
Not all angels are messengers. Even without a strict hierarchy, there's a common idea of specific angels for specific jobs. The idea of Archangels is also common, though which are and how many differs wildly, as does their function.
Angels are divine beings. Humans don't become them. There also are some sects that believe this, like the Latter Day Saints, but generally the divide between human and angel is very clear. Humans are generally above angels, because we're beloved new ocs.
angels are cool. I really like them
anyway, this is a very approximate ramble for you on the subject. I think I could have gone on in much more detail and I decided not to. Especially as I note I don't have that kind of 'learn and memorize everything about your special interest' kind of autism, just 'a lot more than normal over many years'. Angels are a really complicated subject because religion is, and it all differs. But I do dislike Biblically Accurate Angel because I think it's really misled people who come across it casually. Yes, there's weird angel stuff, but it's pretty rare (especially in common canon), and it isn't 'the secret creepypasta truth'.
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llendrinall ¡ 2 months ago
How to kill a woman online all over again (How to recognize a smear campaign)
“It's actually sad because it just shows you have people who really want to hate on women” Melissa Nathan – Professional Online Assassin (PR Crisis Manager)
In December 2024 The New York Times published a story about a targeted campaign of harassment and character assassination against actress Blake Lively. I won't rehash the details of the case here. Be it enough to know that Lively suffered sexual harassment during the filming of It Ends With Us. Baldoni, the perpetrator, orchestrated a campaign against her to preemptively mar her character so that any allegations against him would be dismissed.
I won’t dwell on that here. Instead, having read a lot of what has been published, I want to describe how these public relations campaigns work.
The main idea is that the rich and powerful can and will hire people (Melissa Nathan being the most famous at the moment) to turn public opinion against their victims. This has two benefits for them:
Victims are less likely to speak up when they find themselves targets of attack.
Prosecutors, judges and jurors can be swayed by these campaigns.
Ultimately the idea is that only good, saintly, women are victims of abuse. If the woman is less than perfect then she is either lying or deserving of the abuse.
How do we recognize these campaigns? These are the traits I have noticed so far.
The target is a woman.
The attacks comes from within and without. So there will be “inside” stories as well as “public” stories.
Inside stories can be something like a “journalist” claiming something terrible happened behind the cameras, leaking videos out of context, etc.
Public stories are ideas supposedly noticed by the public. Someone commenting on the victim’s outfits, accessories or behaviors and extrapolating to their character. For example, if she uses a leather bag, she is supporting animal abuse, but if she uses a plastic bag, she is bad for the environment.
Of course, since people are far from perfect, some of these stories will point to actual bad behavior. That still is no justification for abuse.
3. The campaign is multi-platform.
Traditional media pick up the story. This doesn’t mean proper, trust-worthy media, but it’s important that some paper tabloid like, say, The Daily Mail will mention it.
Online media also pick up the story.
Social media pick up and spread the story through all platforms. This, to me, is the most tell-tale sign that something fishy is going on, when Reddit, Instagram reels, Tik-tok videos and Youtube short are all in agreement that this woman is nasty. Some posts will be bots, some created by actual humans working by the PR firm and many more made by users following the trend because as Nathan notices, people like to hate on women.
4. The story jumps the algorithm and now you are hearing about it.
Think of this: You enter Tik-tok and Instagram and stare at a short video of someone tying a knot. It’s a cool knot so you watch the video half a dozen times to learn how to do it. Next time you enter the site, your feed offers you nothing but knot-tying videos. That’s the algorithm working.
Now, when you are peacefully watching knot-tying videos and in pops a video of someone mocking the ridiculous way this woman drinks water, that’s a jump in the algorithm.
In other words, I can’t tell you any other films in which Blake Lively has starred, I have no interest in her whatsoever, and yet I got videos saying how horrible and tone-deaf she was during promotion.
If you are learning nasty things about a person even though you care nothing about them, their job or even their industry, then we should take pause. I’m not saying dismiss it, but ask yourself why are you seeing this.
5. There is a comparison with a man.
It’s not enough that the victim is a bad woman. She must be compared to a man, most likely her abuser, who is a much better person. He would never use a leather/plastic/cotton bag, don’t you know?
Knowing how these campaigns work, it’s easier to notice their outline, their shape, under the waves of news and social media. Here are some examples.
The Fallen - Amber Heard vs Johnny Depp. This is the paradigm of online assassination. If you were online in the spring of 2022 it was impossible to avoid the hate against Heard who, I am sure, is a horrible person. Yet she was also abused by Depp. He lost a libel suit against a tabloid. You really have to be a nasty piece to lose a libel suit. Depp, by the way, also used Melissa Nathan as an online gun-for-hire.
The Ones Currently Fighting – Blake Lively against Justin Baldoni is the most recent one. Summer and Fall of 2024 was marked by the hate against her. Again, I am sure she is insufferable, entitled, blonde and all together quite impossible to describe. This doesn’t change the fact that Baldoni sexually harassed her. One should not have men ogling one’s naked body.
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. Did you know that Melissa Nathan not only represented Johnny Depp and Justin Baldoni, but also Brad Pitt? Did you know that once this fact was made public Pitt finally signed the divorced papers after eight (8!) years? Little is known of this story because Angelina Jolie has amazing intuition for public relations. She has been silent for almost a decade, while there are news about Pitt going out with his girlfriend, Pitt missing his children and Pitt being sad that his children are forsaking his last name.
(The report on the 2016 plane incident states that Pitt choked one of the children and hit another in the face. Can’t imagine why they would take the Jolie name after that).
(As an aside, I think there is a racist bias here at work and that people assume he hit the boys, not the girls, and the POC children, not the white ones, so “it’s not as bad”).
The One Success Story so I can finish this on a hopeful note – Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas. The moment the couple split, stories emerged of Sophie being a bad mother for, hear this, going to a wrap-up party, having a career in film instead of staying home and what not. This was in 2023, the sting of the Heard-Depp case was recent and Sophie Turner’s fans were not having it. I remember reading an editorial noting how the campaign had fizzled out and Jonas stop fighting for custody of their children.
Bad women can be victims of abuse.
No one deserves abuse.
If you ever think “why am I being showed this?” that’s an abuser killing his victim online all over again.
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kyomaakuma7 ¡ 2 years ago
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After a very long break I’ve come to finally say my share. For those who want to know in more depth how I feel about the full situation I am writing it down below.
Thank you for everyone who sent kind messages and comforting words and thank you most to my good friend @thisanimatedphantom and Kou who supported me through these hard times.
My statement on the Situation
When I started in Inky Mystery, I never thought that it would  get me to where I am today with the friends that I have now.  When I was first introduced to it, and reading it I was immediately entranced into the story and wanted nothing more but to illustrate it since I had already planned to remake the original. Seeing such a well-crafted story I knew that this would be the story that I would illustrate. (And TAP knows how much work and behind the scene illustrating I’ve been doing from character turnarounds, layout design, alphabet style, and etc.)
ďżźSoon I made the first blog and received overwhelming support which I had not originally imagined would come with making my first post, and to that I am grateful. Soon I befriended the author of InkyMystery as our friendship grew, so did the attention that I received with the comics that I was illustrating for them. Unfortunately deleted against my wishes, and after trying to get it back to no avail I created a new blog where I had to restart from the beginning. This process was not easy and for those who know me, I was completely devastated by the fact that I had lost that account. After making my new account with the support of TAP I started my journey again.
Unfortunately with the positive attention comes negative attention. Soon the posts started to gain traction again, and people started to come under the assumption that I was TheGreatRouge making their come back. ďżź What people failed to acknowledge and do was to do further research on was whether or not I actually was. As you can assume I am not them. In fact, I do not like TheGreatRouge. Their content was some thing that I consumed in great mass when I was younger, but soon realized that a lot of the things that they made were toxic and I distanced myself from that. Since then, I have gained certain opinions from on this creator. Nonetheless, I do not find it acceptable that people are taking this approach, even if they do think that I am them.
The words that were said to me in my inbox, comments, and direct messages are not things that I will repeat here. What you should know is that a lot of these things were pertaining to me being a disgusting vile human who should take my own life. As someone who struggles with depression, this was a personal hit to home and it cause my mental health to decline drastically. And I spent days going through and deleting these.
At first, I did not speak out on the issue and distance myself from my friends until eventually I came back and told them what was happening. TAP felt for me and as you may know when they made a post about it which I appreciate greatly along with comforting me and encouraging my break.
I took a long break from working on the comic, along with interacting with the community which worried a lot of people, but it was necessary for me to do since it was harming me so much. I am officially coming back and I will be more active on this account since I don’t have to follow it as a mainly Inky Mystery account.
My final statement on the situation is that even though I am not TheGreatRouge under no circumstances is it acceptable to tell somebody to take their own life or attack somebody on social media just because your beliefs do not align with theirs. No matter how wrong it is, it is not acceptable. If you think that doing those things are OK then you’re not welcome in my space. Please leave.
Thank you and I hope to continue doing this since I love it so much <3
-Sincerely, KyomaAkuma
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girlygguk ¡ 3 months ago
girl what?
„as the pretty waitress walks away, you steal a quick glance at Jungkook, curious if he noticed the way she blatantly flirted with him. But, to your surprise, he seems completely unfazed, swirling his straw in his drink with casual indifference. Hm. He definitely noticed.“
why is she looking for a reaction when she’s sitting with her ex boyfriend and fuckbuddy on a table where said ex boyfriend constantly talks about their past relationship? that doesn’t make sense and shows absolutely nothing of her being „whipped“ for jk other than her being someone who’s childish and loves to keep someone at the side so she doesn’t have to worry about the outcome. she’s two timing meaning her ex should stay an ex and know his boundaries just like her meanwhile if she is apparently whipped for jungkook then why ditch him or better yet be so disrespectful the night of them sleeping together and then throw him out of your house just because your ex texted you? that’s her giving taehyung useless hope and treating jungkook as a side piece just because she can’t decide anything to save her life.
„you glance over at him, your brows furrowing slightly. He’s clearly frustrated, and you just blink slowly. You didn’t care about Taehyung’s comments. Why should he?“
„brushing it off“ or „I didn’t care why should he“ how would anyone know that she didn’t care when she has still contact to her ex, texts him, lets him speak about shit that’s in the past while staying mute to it and not say something like „hey you know what i feel uncomfortable talking about something thats already done and we have company thats not something anyone wants to hear“ knowing how the boy she’s „whipped“ for is tense and uncomfortable? the same goes with the hoodie incident why is she saying that she would normally wear it but can’t because it would piss jungkook off which then explains that she knows he he has some type of „feelings“ towards her and she’s aware of it so why act like you don’t know that he’s into you when you act dumb of not knowing why he would be uncomfortable sitting with your ex chatting about your past with him. it’s not jungkook who brings around his fuckbuddy and ex on a table to chat about his past when that’s her doing it i also don’t give a fuck about taehyung and junkook agreeing to it when they were clearly insecure and challenging one another when oc could’ve shut that shit down but didn’t and no it’s not a woman thing wtf 😂 it doesn’t matter if both of them see other people it’s just fucking weird to say you’re whipped for someone but your actions say otherwise and shows me how egoistic you actually are. nobody got time for that shit
— — —
gonna be dead fr i was abt to delete this ask because it’s 470 words and i don’t see a deposit in my bank account to beta read a drabble you wrote, but i’m feeling charitable today so here we go !!
there’s a lot to unpack here 😟 and i’m in the middle of proofing a chapter for another fic rn, so i’ll just choose 1 of the 4 paragraphs you sent in to debunk.. but i hope the clarity i’m going to try and provide inspires you to inference a little in the future.. maybe read the fic again with a fresh outlook on life, baby?? because it’s giving woman hater and i just don’t know how else to put it 😭
like do i actually need to sit there and hold your hand the entire way through the fic… is that what you need...? 😭 i’m just confused how you managed to form such strong opinions on the story but missed every contextual clue and implication actually written in the text…
comprehension and interpretation skills 😞 an underrated and apparently sparse talent amongst the human race indeed 😞
"[1] why is she looking for a reaction when she’s sitting with her ex boyfriend and fuckbuddy on a table where said ex boyfriend constantly talks about their past relationship? that doesn’t make sense and shows absolutely nothing of her being „whipped“ for jk other than her being someone who’s childish and loves to keep someone at the side so she doesn’t have to worry about the outcome. [2] she’s two timing meaning her ex should stay an ex and know his boundaries just like her meanwhile if she is apparently whipped for jungkook then why ditch him or better yet be so disrespectful the night of them sleeping together and then [3] throw him out of your house just because your ex texted you? [4] that’s her giving taehyung useless hope and treating jungkook as a side piece just because she can’t decide anything to save her life."
[1] ok i won't lie... i put that line in there as a lil jokey joke to show oc’s real-time interest instead of just relying on reminiscing or implications. but... it seems even that flew over your head? 😭 sorry, baby :-( let me rewrite it, i just can't sleep knowing i had to make you read between the lines so hard. i should've been more transparent 😞
"as the pretty waitress walks away, your head snaps toward jeon jungkook—the disgustingly sexy football jock you've been in a casual friends-with-benefits situationship over the last couple years—and you glare at him while seething with rage. the waitress was flirting with him. how dare she? he’s your man… even if he doesn’t know it yet. 😠😡😤 why is he twirling his straw in his drink like he didn’t just order your food with that horny little smirk while he talked to her?? god, he wants to fuck her so bad. what a disgusting fuckboy. kim taehyung would never do this to you." hope that helps ❤️
and also - jk is the one who basically made her go to the dinner she didn’t want to go to in the first place... she went for him. whipped for jk exhibit c... but we’ve already established you missed out on tickets for exhibits a and b, so i understand 😔💔
[2] TWO TIMINGGGGGG AHHHHHHHHHSADDAFDA 😭😭😭😭 i nearly choked on my coke zero sugar limited edition oreo flavor when i read this oh my godd... howww did you gather that? 😭 there’s obviously going to be some sort of an explanation for why their relationship is the way it is in part two... like the first part ends on a cliffhanger?? the climax is literally still coming, was that not... obvious? 😳
[3] threw him out because her ex texted her????? how quick did you skim-read the first fawking scene oh my goddd 😭 her phone wasn’t even mentioned until she was already pissed?? and even if she did receive a text from him, it’s literally clarified before they head to the diner that she hadn’t spoken to tae for three days. the night at her house was two days ago. the math... it isn’t mathing ur honor 😞😞😞😞
[4] giving tae hope and treating jk as a side piece?????? this. this is ART. your ability to read a fic and completely rewrite it into your own version is UNMATCHEDDD!! pleaseee drop the main blog @ because i just know you’d put every oneshot of mine to shame. how do i deactivate my blog???? you’ve clocked me. i’m done for. i'm jobless. i can’t possibly write another word knowing your talent exists /gen 😔
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marlsswrites ¡ 7 months ago
you're absolutely disgusting for glorifying fascist characters
james married lily and they would both vomit at the idea of being anything close to friendly with a death eater
Okay this is so stupid but I feel like I should speak up about this because it is HORRENDOUS.
Also really? An anonymous hate comment? Thats just sad, if you’re going to be hater at least have the guts to say it to my face.
I actually laughed when this came into my inbox. They are wizards! Fictional wizards, to clarify. We know next to nothing about regulus, james or lily! So, if i want to make a post about jegulus, i will make a fucking post about jegulus.
You can’t go around calling people fascists just because you dont agree with their opinion, it is so childish and it takes the meaning from the word.
I respect everyones opinions, you dont like jegulus? Thats fine, i respect that. You ship jegulily? Cool, I don’t massively ship it but id never hate on someone who does. You ship jily? Yay, me too! So how about you send a prompt to my inbox and ask me to write a jily oneshot, you dont need to flood my inbox with stupid hate while being anonymous! If you really want to say something, you wouldnt do it anonymously.
There is so much to this fandom, so many headcanons and so so many opinions. And everyone has the right to their opinion, I really dont give a shit that you dont like jegulus, but calling me a fascist is just so pointless.
How on earth do you want me to react? “Sorry, I will stop shipping the couple that have offered me comfort on a daily!” Or “oh wow, you’re being pointlessly stupid, that is such a good point!”
No, because at the end of the day, no one reacts like that. No one will listen to you if you act like that! If you dont support me for liking jegulus, get off my page, honest to god. If you dont like jegulus but you like wolfstar, just skip the jegulus content. Its so easy!
If you want less jegulus content on your feed, maybe stop actively searching for jegulus creators to hate on?
Jegulus brings me so much comfort, if im having a bad day I can just do some writing, or make a video, or read some more of the fanfic i was in the middle of. And you are calling me a fascist simply because i seek comfort in a couple of fictional wizards? Just let people be happy, it really isn’t difficult. And if you cant understand that, you really shouldnt be commenting on it, because you are obviously uneducated and not mature enough to be saying and speaking up about things like that.
I am literally just a another human trying to have some fun and find happiness in the things that I love, and you are some random person online who clearly only finds joy in trying (and failing) to make people feel like shit, get a life. And again, if you have a problem with this post, please DNI, hate is not wanted and is really not needed.
Anyway im off to write some more gay fanfiction about said ‘fascists’, bye!! 🫡
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snarkyfivehargreeves ¡ 5 months ago
Thoughts on Allison, Luther & Five
Now I also have been moved to want to write something about the Hargreeves siblings and the importance or priority each of them give to their problems, what they're going through as opposed to everyone together.
Under the cut because ooops, it got a little bit out of hand here.
Look, I love Five dearly. He's snappy, smart and his wit's as sharp as a knife. He's a character I love very much. Not enough to say he doesn't have flaws. I know he does, and I've seen him make less than good decisions and I've seen him being somewhat insensitive, maybe a little abrasive. My point is, he's a flawed human being. So are the others.
That being said, I think it's really interesting to see over time (now that I'm almost done with Season 3, I've been able to see the progression of the characters and the way that each of them react to the things that happen to them) the way that Five and his siblings look at their situations. It just called my attention two particular instances.
1. Luther on the day of his wedding: I'll give it to him, it is his day and he doesn't want bad things to happen to ruin it. But (and maybe this just me), when he talked to Viktor and asked Viktor to make up with Allison, it didn't seem so much as 'Look, it would mean the world to me if I could see the two of you make up and not have this hostility between you' as it did 'This is my day, you should do this because I don't want you to be fighting. This is my day and this is what I want to ask for from you.' Also Viktor's 'Why should that be on my bucket list?' lends to that. It's just a little strange for me...And even later when Luther gets mad at Viktor and Allison and growls, "This is my day, behave for two hours. Don't ruin this for me" (paraphrasing ok). 2. Allison in...3x07? When she rumours Viktor: I understand that Allison has suffered and she's going through those painful things. But it did strike me when, in her upset, she looked at everyone and said something along the lines of that they aren't considering her pain, what she's going through. It seemed...it appeared to me, in my lowly opinion, that she's fixated on her hurts and the bad stuff going on in her life (which is natural, and it's just a thing that we do, when we hurt over things, we of all people feel it so much more because it's happening to us). I just don''t think she should have put that ABOVE all the other matters that they were discussing (might have been stopping Harlan, trying to stop the next fricking apocalypse because those poor people, they never get a break)
I could absolutely be wrong, and if I am, please folks, help a girl out and show me which episodes Five does do this. But I don't recall a moment where Five has vocalized painful shit that he's been through and asking or making a sort of comment as to why no one's paying any attention to this. It just came to my mind that when he landed back in the Academy after he set off those explosions...he had a shrapnel wound that he didn't breathe a word of to anybody. He actually ended up collapsing because he's losing too much blood when he, Diego and Allison are investigating Jenkins' house. He didn't speak a word about it. It just seems to me that the stuff that has happened to him, he definitely didn't make it a very big deal when speaking of it to his siblings (if he did at all).
For example, he snaps at someone about how he spent 45 years alone in the apocalypse. Now we suppose that really messed with his head and it wasn't an enjoyable experience for him. But he doesn't really talk to anyone about it. Okay, granted he avoids vulnerability like the plague and he'd rather die than do that. But then, there's another moment where he makes to Luther an offhand comment about the loneliness he felt. 'It does something to your head' or something like that. And also when he has his siblings gathered in Eliott's place and says 'You died, guys. I watched it. I want to forget it, but I can't.' There's some emotion there.
I mean maybe it's just not his personality to give any attention himself to the things that are hurting him (physically or emotionally) but I haven't seen him react to things the way that Luther and Allison have.
I'm not saying Five is a perfect, can-do-no-wrong character. Just what I've observed (and hah I miss things even in the simplest of settings so I could totally be wrong about all this, and in such a case, please ignore my nonsensical ramblings. XD)
It just caught my attention enough to write.
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thislittlekumquat ¡ 4 months ago
Right but they have a point in regards to the belief in this figures not being based in any sort of fact or evidence,
That’s the difference, the atheist worldview is by far more accurate
We mock flat earthers for being wrong but not other provably false beliefs?
With all due respect, and I mean that, the concept of any sort of divinity is by definition unprovable. Modern science runs into the issue of unprovables quite often. When I was in college, my professors all worked quite hard to ensure that we understood that there are very few absolutes even in science. Many things that we take for granted as "laws" actually have the formal title of "theory", because they haven't been proven, but there's so much evidence in favor of them and the way we operate under the assumption of their truth continues to provide results, that they are essentially, but not truly, laws. Evolution, for example, is not a law as defined by science, but rather a theory.
So, that's one thing to consider. Another thing to consider is that there is not only value in things we can prove or disprove with modern science. I can't scientifically prove that my spouse loves me. I can't scientifically explain why I like my favorite band, or my favorite novel. And yet these are things I know, and they're true in the sense that they form my world, my experiences, and my life. If you try to prove every single thing you believe in, or that you prefer, or that you experience, you'll never be satisfied. To practice science and to live life ethically and happily, you need to understand what science is, what its limitations are, and how to prioritize it as a concept and as a way of knowing. Science, nor indeed any system of knowing, cannot be the be-all, end-all of your thoughts and opinions. I am a scientist and a historian by education, and having both allow me to understand that many of the conundrums we face today are not unique to us, and many of the things we assume our ancestors did not know, they did in fact know (Ferdinand and Isabella and basically all of Europe knew that the world was round. They even knew that Columbs' calculations were wrong about the size of the sphere. They gave him money for other complex geopolitical reasons, and they were his last ditch effort, since every other wealthy patron he approached knew he was wrong and turned him away).
I suspect that the impulse to deny divinity derives in the majority of cases from a sense that the human institutions of religion are frequently abusive and cause as much suffering as they do comfort to their adherents. This is a fair assessment, and you're not wrong to make it. But on an individual basis, there is nothing less intelligent or foolish about feeling that a divine something exists. I am not arguing that religious people are better than atheists. Speaking as a former angry teen atheist myself, I am simply commenting on the fact that it has been a facet of the formal atheist movement for centuries to assume that it's more rational to be atheist. Even if it were, who is to say that rationalism makes one a better person? You're on tumblr, so I assume that there's something here that moves you. Is it a fandom? Is it photography? Is it art? Is it music? None of these are rational pursuits.
So I reject the idea that divinity is demonstrably fake, because it isn't, by definition, and I reject the idea that even if it was demonstrably false, it makes one a better or smarter person to be an atheist. I think it's completely fine to be an atheist, but one must temper one's sense of self-importance with the experiences of others.
P.S. I screenshotted the post because I found it ironic that OP used the word "stigmata", which is a very particular devotional concept and image in Roman Catholicism, among other Christian sects, and a very mystical one at that, in their username, while simultaneously professing to find people who are religious to be stupid and backwards. I think there's something going on there, and it amused me. But I did not bother OP or the person who reblogged it onto my dash, nor did I tag the post in any way to lead people to my post. So I wonder why you, anonymously, felt as if their point is any more valid than mine.
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soemthingsparkly ¡ 10 months ago
i would absolutely love to share a rant!
all the characters are so psychologically fucked up in such a realistic way that i didn't see represented much. grian venting to tango about feeling left out. the fact that he felt left out at all over something so small. they're so codependent and i love it.
and then there's scott and jimmy's dynamic. scott kissing jimmy and then jimmy venting to grian and then grian just responding with "HE DID WHAT??????" and then at the cafe. the idea of someone doing something they shouldn't have and then having a panic attack over a third party's opinion on it is so... idk how to say it. like i said, a type of fucked up that you don't see talked about much and i relate so hard to it. it's clear scott's probably trying his best out at least trying a lot to not hurt jimmy but he's failing miserably and i don't think he even realizes it. and like. yeah. ive been there. i don't actually know why scott broke up with him but i get the vibe it was supposed to be like. to help jimmy in some way. like "oh wait ive been toxic maybe i should end this for his sake". but doing that obviously hurt jimmy, especially since he didn't say *why* he did it. and scott obviously did something really drastic and sudden so he's not doing well either and he really wants to go back to jimmy. he knows he's being manipulative and it's not on purpose but in trying to stop and be better he keeps making things worse. and like. this is all a side thing. this fic is mostly about mumscarian and you threw in this flower husbands sideplot but it's still so fleshed out and so *real*.
and speaking of the mumscarian thing the way you write their friendships, especially grian and mumbo's is amazing. it's not like. a stepping stone to a romantic relationship even though they are going to end up in one. very "not more than friends, different from friends" vibes /vpos. it doesn't feel like they're ending up in a romantic relationship. it feels like they're making their relationship romantic and i love that so much.
grian just texting mumbo that he's bored gives such hcs7 vibes and like he yeah they're so codependent and it's so obvious from grian's side my god
and the way you write pearl is amazing, she's got this sibling energy and it's great.
the way you write all of them is amazing actually. i can hear everything they say in their voices. the clockers are on point, especially scar and bdubs.
i could keep going im sure lmao but anyway great fic i love it if you read this ill cry /pos
This has been sitting in my ask box for a while because I just love it so much anon and I was like~~~ how do I respond to such a long ask with the same level of enthusiam?
I wanna break this ask into chunks and there's bits of your ask I wanna respond to directly, so...
all the characters are so psychologically fucked up in such a realistic way that i didn't see represented much.
I'm glad you think so! I definitely feel like I'm being a little bit risky with how I'm presenting some of the, I suppose, human consequences of being human?
I think a lot of what fandom (in general) consumes gets a little over-sanitised these days. Our favourite characters aren't allowed to be flawed like real people, they must be flawed in a way that is either endearing, entertaining (sarcastic or snarky), or easily forgivable.
But that's not always that interesting when it comes to wanting characters we can truly relate to?
Grian gets upset he's left out not just because he has Trauma™, but because he does have a co-dependancy on Mumbo that borders on unhealthy. Tango tells Grian to, in not so many words, get over himself and try and have fun - not because he knew Grian would respond well to it, but because he's blunt and doesn't know how to comfort people gently. Bdubs makes fun of Scar for being disabled, because he knows that everybody in that group chat understands he's joking and that his comments will never leave that group chat (in-world that is, of course, everybody who reads the fic will read them).
And Scott for example, is not a very well-liked character amongst readers at the moment, but he's absolutely one of my favourite to write. You put it pretty well here:
he knows he's being manipulative and it's not on purpose but in trying to stop and be better he keeps making things worse.
Like yes, exactly. He's trying to do better, but the actions he takes that he thinks (or is being co-erced into believing via mental illness) will make things better, keep making things worse and he doesn't really understand how to do it right. And haven't we all been in that position before?
And yet up until chapter 17, we've only ever seen into their dynamic from the outside. We've only ever seen Scott's actions from Jimmy's POV or from the POV of someone who cares about Jimmy.
And somehow it's Jimmy, of all people, defending Scott.
It's absolutely fascinating to see readers reactions and I'd be so happy to talk about this forever and ever and ever, hehehe.
And what you said about Mumbo and Grian's relationship, here:
very "not more than friends, different from friends" vibes /vpos. it doesn't feel like they're ending up in a romantic relationship. it feels like they're making their relationship romantic and i love that so much.
I'm actually SO glad you feel that way about them, because that's exactly the way I feel about them, too. They're not just friends, so much as they're Grian and Mumbo. The idea of them being friends almost suggests an alternative of them being not friends and I just don't there's a way in this world that they can exist and be without one another. So yes, I love this a lot and I love that you feel that way about them.
Thank you so much for this absolutely beautiful message - I am such a fan of analysing characters and their interactions and all that. Frankly, thank you for giving me a space to talk at length about the way these characters are in this fic!!
Here is a tissue for the tears, I hope you don't cry too hard. Remember to stay hydrated <333
Lumi <3
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hanako-san ¡ 1 year ago
Note:This post is my collection of thoughts about tere that I have had for a long time. I also commented earlier, but it was in Amane's defense. I was waiting, I really was waiting for chapter 110. What I will write is simply a 'bad laurel' for this egorcist. I held my thoughts for so long. And I'll honestly put it in pro tags. I warn you that this is not for you if you like him, and if you do, read at your own risk. Honestly, it's not hate, just an opinion based on his behavior and what he does. I will also express myself in stronger words about him, what I think about him and his behavior too.
A little comparison
Tsukasa: crushes Akane in front of teru and speaks honestly about his plans.he literally admits to being complicit in the school's events from the very beginning
teru reaction:
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When Amane do something:
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When in front of teru's eyes have to stop Tsukasa:
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When teru wants stop Amane:
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Honestly, it's amazing what a disgusting person teru is. Didn't he say something like that?
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Akane is temporarily supernatural. He is student and it should be his duty to save him, but you sit and wonder instead of acting. Mirai protected him, and then Amane took action, and he still doing nothing, just watching? Where are you at the moment? so-called 'hero' you 'dreamy boy'. I see, it's Tsukasa, not Amane, so he look and do nothing, just watch. he totally useless if it's not Amane. He don't react. I understand Amane is 'dangerous', but his younger twin brother isn't?
Actually, since the chapter with Mitsuba when he first appeared, I always wondered why teru reacts when Amane is responsible for something, but not Tsukasa. this person's bias is still astounding to me. Tsukasa confesses to everything, but teru sits and does nothing. This 'great defender of people', this 'great hero who protects people at night so that they can lead a peaceful life', this 'hero' turns out to be an even greater scoundrel and bastard. Does this surprise me? . of course not. I didn't expect anything else from him.
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First Mirai reacted, literally saving Akane's life, then Amane reacted. I have to believe that such a strong exorcist as him was unable to free himself, and Amane, who always loses to him and is no opponent for teru in a fight, could free himself and stop Tsukasa. Laughable.
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He doesn't even have the look of a murderer, it doesn't disgust him. He's not even surprised by what he sees. He just allows it. Sure, sure. If it had been Amane, he wouldn't have punched Akane again, and teru's foot would have ended up on Amane's chest.
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Where's your so-called 'professionalism'? Tsukasa is just harming a living person in front of you. Akane may be No.1, but he's not immortal. He's a living human who almost met death. Tsukasa admits to destroying the yorishiros. When he thought that only Amane was behind it, he immediately wanted rid of the him, but when Tsukasa admits it, he does nothing. Your so-called professionalism is simple hypocrisy, which I knew from the very beginning. He decide who to get rid of and when. Amane especially bothers him.
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He also reacted to Aoi because he like her, as you admitted. But when Akane is in trouble, he don't react, you just look and nothing else. The supernatural took his childhood away. He couldn't play like other children, so he found solace in murdering supernatural creatures. Instead of blaming the old man and at some point opposing him, he go and do this job in which the lives of people whose fate he don't care, are completely indifferent to him and he don't do it for others,but himself, just because he love to kill.
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He a hypocrite, he talking about Amane, but he is 100 times worse yourself. He love killing supernaturals, that's something that gives him fun. His words and his sadistic face and smile prove it.
He wanted to be a hero and a cool older brother, but for them he will always be. In fact, he is far from a hero, he's a disgusting hypocrite.Actually, he can, because he's on the 'good side' and the 'bad' side is supernatural.
What I find funny is that he presented No. 6 in a good light by saying that he still takes care of the place where the village stood. A demon that slaughtered the far shore and riddled it like a French cheese.
I can finally say it openly. You are a disgusting person. You are not a hero, you are just a lying and cowardly, narcissistic and sociopathic egorcist who likes to abuse Akane and Tsuchigomori and Amane as well. A hypocrite and you contradict yourself when it comes to Tsukasa, in actions and words. You are a disgusting hypocrite. I despise you. You're trash to me.
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I dedicate these words to you, I can't stand the sight of you either, and I have to do it for the sake of history.
There are no dictionaries of words I can use to describe his abusive and disgusting behavior at this moment. There are no words in the dictionary to describe how much I hate him, how much my contempt is huge and I really don't care if he takes actions in chapter 111 or later towards Tsukasa. For me, what mattered was this important moment. That's all.The further he go, the worse he is minamoto teru so-called 'hero'(A hero like you, I would to run away as far as possible)
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I call him a narcissist because he is one. He loves attention and people who are gathered around him and admire him to such an extent that he himself causes it to raise his ego and uniqueness to the top. And in fact, he is a nobody. He may have the looks, but he has a nasty personality, and his appearance and fake politeness are just pathetic, like all of him. He feels better than these 'evil' supernatural ones, but in reality he is just a nobody, a zero. There's nothing special about him.
Edit: I forgot one thing that both teru and Kou are only good with words.
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In fact, teru takes action after the fact to 'save the situation', the narrative is supposed to say that he is 'hope for a difficult situation', but when it comes to specific actions, they are both the same. they are only good with words and 'meaningless' actions. unlike a pair of twins they hate.
minamoto says that if this continues, yorishiros will be destroyed and he showed 'concern' for nene's life when he actually doesn't care, he has proven it many times and this time it's not the other way around. If he wanted to, he would have reacted, not spoken and just watched. He won't take the risk when He risks his life all the time before,he won't do it now. the twins have no problem with it.teru is supposed to be the 'great hero' to save people, and this involves a risk that he doesn't take NOW. So Lame.
What should you do teru? It's best to do what works best for you. Hunting supernaturals at night, saving the day and showing up after the fact and abusing weak supernaturals and hating Amane as much as ever. This is what you do best, you 'hero'.
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mysblog ¡ 1 year ago
Stranger from Hell
So, I just finished it and I remember that during the last EP I recalled all the past events and concluded that the series is quite amusing and interesting but not overly thrilling. Pleasant to watch but not catchy. A series to watch while doing something else. But as the last EP came to an end and all the messed up pieces came together I was so shocked (in a positive way). Tbh, tho I read a lot of comments saying that the end ruined everything. In my opinion the ending was that missing piece to make that drama stand out more.
The whole drama felt like watching a silly and humble dude going through all sort of trouble. Step for step watching how miserable his life is getting. Feeling bad for him and being angry because everything seems so unfair.
It was around EP 6 when it all starts to change. Especially that one part:
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cuz, its kinda true. Before that, Jong-woo rarely speaks up to anyone. Even if he speaks up, he gets shushed by everyone around him. Being all quiet even tho the people around were treating him extremely poor. For example the chef who always seemed to hit on Jong-woo's Girlfriend Ji-Eun right in front of him or his colleague who always bad-mouths him.
But after his encounterment with Moon-jo, Jong-woo starts to voice his thoughts. Not only that but even gets a knife. For me, thats the most interesting part because in that part he indeed looked like all the psychopath we met in that Studio.
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Especially it reminded me of Nam-bok who always used to watch him with a knife behind his back.
Taking that scene and Moon-jo's words, it makes you ask: who are the real humans? The ones living up to who they really are, doing what they like, or the ones putting on a facade to please society. Every single Character in the Drama has some sort of inner conflict. For example, Byeong-min who seems to hold some grudges against Jong-woo for some trauma he's been through, or the chef having a hard time finding a girlfriend, and even Ji-Eun being overly stressed from all the backlashes she receives at work. Everyone seems to carry around some sort of baggage but never talks about it. Instead, they keep it within themselves or lash out at others if can't suppress it. To get back to the question, Considering all these aspects, isn't it better to simply voice out your thoughts and do what you want?
I'd like to say yes, but the short answer to this question is no. That's when society and law collide. According to the law. Everyone's free to do whatever they want as long as they don't bother others with their behavior or don't do anything illegal, but the truth here is that you might be allowed to do this by law but not by society.
'Weird' describes something unnatural or strange. But we as human beings love similarities: the more someone acts and thinks like you, the more you tend to like them. That's called the chameleon effect. We naturally exclude people who don't are like us, that's when they become 'weird' to us. And because no one in society is showing up as themselves or is putting on a character they'd like to be, the ones that do, stand out even more and have a harder time connecting to others. So instead they suppress it (like everyone else) or become the so-called outcasts. In the Drama that's the Eden Studio.
But the Eden Studio is a bad place full of bad people, right? So actually it's a good thing to not 'stand out', right? From here on it gets complicated. The Movie shows a humble, sweet character who turns into a reckless murderer, but that doesn't happen from one day to another. Jong-woo went through a horrible time with no one listening to him, no one caring for his concerns, and no end in sight. A process of slowly and painfully giving up on others and then on himself. He needed a helping hand that no one was able to give because everyone seemed to worry about their own misfortune. That's when he slowly turned into that 'weirdo', bringing back that scenario where he held a knife behind his back. "Monsters are not born, they're made".
Stranger from Hell is not necessarily an unknown person but rather an unknown side of human beings. Something everyone has within themselves.
There're a lot of other things in SFH that I'd like to mention but that would make the post way too long. The last thing I thought is pretty interesting is that the last EP was called 'Gaslighting'
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'using psychological methods into questioning their own sanity or powers of reasoning.' Recalling the ending, this might be the most suitable name not only for that EP but for the whole series. Due to the restless nights and the unhealthy environment Jong-woo slowly loses touch of is own sanity and becomes a whole mess. Falling completely into Moon-jo hands.
As I just mentioned, there’s a lot about SFH that should be mentioned. Especially about Moon-jo. If some of y'all are interested I'm gonna link you a great Reddit post about the moral of SFH and the mindset of Moon-jo.
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butchdykeorpheus ¡ 2 years ago
i'm about to spend WAY too many words talking about barbie movie meta btw just a warning. disclaimer this is just one guy's opinion i may not always hold these opinions forever i'm open to hearing other opinions i'm almost definitely missing something here etc etc
ngl i also loved the barbie movie but i feel like some people are hyping it up / expecting it to be Cutting Edge Radical Leftist Feminist Writing when like. it's definitely not that lol. greta gerwig is a great director and frankly i'm surprised she managed to get away with some of the things she did in a licensed movie based on such a major IP but at the end of the day she's riding a very fine line in making a corporate-approved toy ad that's also a satire with adult and feminist themes that's also a coming-of-age movie for tweens and young teens
like gerwig is spinning a LOT of plates with the barbie movie and whilst that gives it a lot of high energy and humour and wry commentary and the ability to touch on a lot of different topics, she's ultimately limited by runtime and also most likely by trying to toe a line set by mattel/WB about what is and isn't TOO far. and the end result is that whilst it's refreshing to see a high profile movie speak so candidly about how stressful it is to be a woman, some of the themes that it touches on end up feeling underbaked, shallow and performative. like the movie mentioning capitalism and white savourism without actually delving into any of that and whilst it's funny to point out how stupid it is for a company selling Girl Power™ to be run mostly by middle aged men the movie just Does Not Have The Time Or Space To Get Into it so we don't get an exploration of what that means for barbie's existence, for capitalist co-opting of feminism, etc and it easily comes off as a "where are all the woman CEOs???" #girlbossfeminism comment regardless of gerwig's intentions
i get the sense that gerwig & co. knew going in that there were going to be criticisms regardless about the limits of the movie's feminism, and included some of those comments nodding towards the "we don't have time to get into this right now" topics the movie touches on intending them to reassure the audience that she's not deliberately ignoring them. and the results of doing that were Decidedly Mixed. i can't really say if i think it was better for her to do that or not tbh i think that's a more individual judgement call
idk at the end of the day what the movie does best is not to make in-depth critiques about structural oppression but to speak directly to the experiences of modern young girls who grow up being told repeatedly that "girls can do anything" (whether in good faith by well-meaning adults or by capitalist marketing) but then start to realise that the world is still hostile to women in so many ways, who struggle to reconcile that message with the realities of how they're made to feel self-conscious and objectified and the observations they can make about the still patriarchal world around them. who are trying to process all this conflicting information while their sense of self and relationship with the society around them and also their physical body is still developing. and, in relation to that, to speak directly to the personal experiences of adult women in the audience who have internalised and tried to accomodate all those contradictions and become worn down by the stress. the priority of the movie is to tell women and girls that you don't have to be extraordinary or successful or pretty to be worthy of respect or personhood, that you don't need permission to be a full human being
through ken, to a lesser extent, the movie is also trying to speak directly to the experiences of young boys who are internalising patriarchal ideals as they mature and promised "rewards" if they live up to a hypermasculine ideal. except ken admits towards the end that being In Charge™ and hypermasculine did not make him happy, but that he doesn't know who he is if not his status symbols and "possessions" (his girlfriend, his house, his car). i have a few small gripes with how the conclusion of ken's arc was handled in that scene but barbie was speaking directly to the audience when she said that he (men in general) can and should find a sense of self-worth without domineering over others or feeling entitled to a woman simply because he's a man. it's feminism 101 lol it's hardly angela davis or simone de beauvoir but it's not an unimportant message to impart on young boys still wrapping their head around the way the world works
to a less direct extent the movie is also trying to grapple with the complex relationship the barbie brand has historically had with feminism, female empowerment/liberation, beauty standards and traditional gender roles, and the ways barbie has been progressive and regressive in turns. again you could have made a 2hr barbie movie about just this topic alone so your mileage may vary on whether barbie 2023 explored this in enough depth for you (i personally would have liked a bit more self-reflection on barbie's role in imparting beauty standards to young girls but maybe that would have been a bit too dark for mattel/WB lmao) but the movie isn't subtle about setting up the simplistic claim that "barbie saved women from sexism" only to repeatedly knock it down. barbieland is a Matriarchal Utopia™ but it's also explicitly in the text just an idea, a plastic stage onto which the real world projects its concept of an ideal world for women. it takes the slightest nudge from the "real world" - gloria being kind of bummed and stressed out by being a working mother with depression and cellulite - for the entire house of cards to wobble. i wish the movie's answer to this was a bit more complex than "what about an Ordinary Barbie?" but i think gerwig and baumbach knew what they were saying when the CEO called that a stupid idea until another suit whispered that it would make a lot of money lmao
and i think that last point is one of the most interesting things about analysing the movie for me, because you can almost see in these moments these little points of tension between gerwig/baumbach and mattel/WB - hints at the things gerwig/baumbach WANT to say more explicitly but can't without possibly upsetting the people bankrolling the project. i'm not smart enough to draw any intelligent conclusions or moral lessons about that btw i just think it would be interesting to look at these points in the movie where gerwig/baumbach noticeably gesture towards criticisms of Pink Capitalism™ without actually Getting Into It and what that says about the state of trying to make feminist/leftist media under the constraints of capitalism. like it shouldn't be lost on anyone that mattel/WB only bankrolled this project in the first place because we live at a point in time where a certain kind of feminism (and even the outrage generated by conservatives who think "women are people" is radical leftist rhetoric, and the ensuing wave of "let's support the thing that pisses of conservatives") is considered profitable
anyway this has devolved into rambling, my point is, outside of a) telling young boys and girls that patriarchy kinda sucks and they don't have to live up to specific ideals to have worth and b) grappling with the barbie brand's complicated relationship with feminism, the movie's feminist discourse is limited and we're kinda setting some viewers up for disappointment by propping up barbie as a radically feminist movie. that's not to say that barbie 2023 should be above criticism at all but yk. you're gonna have a better time with the movie and better be able to appreciate the prioritised messages if you temper expectations rather than being disappointed that the movie didn't advocate for marxism (or if you're not misled into thinking it's something that you wanna watch in the first place). also that no one should rely solely on big budget, heavily marketed movies based on highly profitable IPs for feminist perspectives or incisive commentary on the relationship between patriarchy and other forms of systemic oppression
also outside of the feminist discourse around it the movie is generally just funny, emotional, upbeat and a little surrealist if you think you'd be into that
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straycatboogie ¡ 2 years ago
2023/05/27 English
BGM: The Jam - In The City
Last Thursday a Discord friend of mine taught me an interesting word. It's "gaijyu naigou" (if I write it literally in English, then it could be "soft to outside, but hard in oneself"). He also suggested his opinion like this. "That's different between 'enduring' and 'being tolerant''". I accept this word as "I should say what I have to say even if it would cause some troubles in our relationship". Probably that affects me exactly now. Today I worked early and attended a meeting of my whole company. At there, I noticed a typo in the power point my big boss had shown to us. Indeed, it was really a little one but typo is bad I  thought. After that meeting, I told her about that. Then she said to me "I am going to fix it". I thought I was really glad about that action I had done (I even made a sigh). Readers, you might think this as "I have read this a lot". But I want to say that this is because of my job coach. Because she has been helping me a lot in my company, I can enjoy the environment I can say my opinions/suggestions easily. Now I can even help my company a little. It's really like a dream.
At lunchtime, I told about that event to the job coach on LINE. She soon answered me. "Your character works exactly! I'm glad to hear that". And, of course I'm also pleasant by that comment, but that word "character" also caused an interest from me. Yes, it's profound. "Character"... This is certainly one of my characters. I notice various things people don't notice or overlook. Once, at the time I had blamed myself terribly and thought I wanted to disappear, I would think that this character must be an useless element. At least, I wouldn't think that this noticing/finding skill as a tool which can work actually in my company. This change has been caused by the connection/relationship with that job coach and also the friends from the meeting about autism. That has made me grown up like this... Maybe I could give up and drank a lot when I didn't meet them. And I thought that "'I'm alright" and "Everything is OK".
As you know, I am just a Japanese autistic guy. Autism is a really "funny" or "charming" concept... In English, I heard that the word "handicapped" can be "differently abled". "The people who can do their works in a different way from others". "The people who do things in their ways". In short, it says that "handicapped people are not the ones who can't do things, but who do things in their characteristic ways". I guess this. Me, I am not useless at all. Indeed, I can't drive a car or do small talk because of autism. But I can write or speak English like this (although the English I speak must be "very Japanese"). It says my characters appear in different forms. In other words, people can show their greatness with showing their characters in various ways with a full of variety. That means "It must be OK if they are themselves". I think that the days I had been bullied and beaten because I had been different from others were really like a terrible nightmare.
Ah, What an enigmatic world. We, the human beings, must be different from each other basically. That's the meaning of being the one (or having one's dignity). It must form the wonder of this world. At least, I have kept on thinking/trying that I want to touch that wonder. Therefore I have read a lot of books and kept on thinking. Once I tried to find the wonder in the outer world. A lot of books I have read (about 80% of them must be just a bunch of paperbacks). I also have wandered/hanged out with really great music heritage... And now, I look at the wonder in the things I have already known well. For example, in myself who I have been with about 48 years. I once had hated this myself and autism. It must be happier if I could live without this "cursed" autism... I even thought like this exactly, but now I am thinking that it is a sign of my possibilities or talents. In other words, I can proud of my opinions/truths even if they look so weird. Through the long time I have experienced, and also the connection I have built... People can change. Everything can change. So I shouldn't hurry up.
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badedramay ¡ 2 years ago
There’s an entire thread on a fb group I’m in that’s hating on Yunhi. Don’t get me wrong—the drama has its fair share of problems.
However, what surprises me is how the people in this fb group don’t even consider that character development could be a thing? Like for example, dada’s misogynistic af advice to Daood about marriage is terrible, but Daood clearly seemed uncomfortable with it. Yet a good portion of that thread is talking about how backwards Dada is (which I agree with) but how the drama is backwards for showing Daood agreeing to treat his wife like that. Are we watching the same show? Does nobody think that Daood will take his grandfather’s words and finally refuse to do something he’s been told to do? Same with Kim — do people really think she’ll stay exactly the same character she was in episode 1? She’s already changing.
It is a *flawed* drama but I feel like the qaum doesn’t know the concept of character development exists unless it’s a toxically alpha male falling for a woman and acting 0.6% less alpha.
I was actually very against Maya when she said that people need to watch the entire drama before casting judgment but now I think she’s right. We have leads who are developing but it’s like no one sees that—just takes everything at face value.
I feel like..90% of the people who get on the internet to discuss PakDramas don't actually know how to really discuss them. This is just me speaking from my experience but I have seen that only a handful of people first accept the drama for what it IS before commenting on it. This is the first step of having any objective opinion on a drama. But many MANY people completely disregard the first step and jump on the next which warrants the response of, "are we even watching the same show?"
Because clearly we aren't. Yunhi is flawed, I get it. The writing in the initial episodes demanded quite a lot of suspension of disbelief. However, it has settled down now. 10 episodes is a good enough point for a drama to fully establish its mood, style, and characters. It took me taking a break from the drama, getting back to it with full intention of not letting my own notions overshadow what the drama is trying to say to fully get into the drama. But for a good chunk of the internet audience they haven't been able to let go of their initial notions.
On twt an America based "reviewer" simply cannot get over Kim's characterization. She's too busy being personally offended at someone like Kim representing American born Pakistanis that she cannot see her character beyond that. I guess that's the same for the people who are hating on Dada for being a misogynist. They simply cannot see beyond their own need to have characters that can be neatly packaged into "black" and "white" to realize that people Dada's age and belonging to the social class he does and enjoying the position of the patriarch in the family and ESPECIALLY having benefited from generational misogyny WILL most certainly act the way he does. Does that make him a villain or a bad person? NO! of course not. being misogynist is a flaw and of course in an ideal world we'd want characters to be fully rid of this flaw but misogyny is also the most prevalent truth of our society. there are countless people we know irl that are misogynist but we won't call them villains cuz apart from this one flaw, they are alright human beings.
Another thing, and Maya was completely right in pointing that out, is that no one allows a drama to play out. A weekly drama with avg 25 episodes will not reveal ALL its cards in the first episode. It won't introduce a conflict and resolve it in the same episode. yes, what it can do is that it'll give a hit about the path the drama intends to take when the conflict is introduced. which is what Yunhi DID in the episode. the major takeaway from the episode was: Dawood being advised by both his Dada and his friends to be the typical "man"; to exert his "supremacy" and show "raub" to Kim right from the beginning. We see Dawood not fully comfortable with the idea BUT giving it a try anyway. Why? cuz Dawood is already feeling out of depth with this sudden decision thrust upon him. He's feeling helpless. for him to take his Dada's advice was him trying to gain some semblance of control back.
look at the terrace scene. look at Dawood's body language. he comes there and stands with his arms behind his back in a "dominant" pose. he rattles off his usual "you so badtameez, you so arrogant" rant. Kim is completely disinterested in all that; it's nothing she hasn't heard before. she coolly dismisses him. Dawood tries to take the control back. NOW THAT BIT. Dawood reaching out to hold her hand.
"Itni asaani se yahan se jaane nahin dunga."
That's what he says but look at how he cannot see her in the eyes when saying that. that was him showing his discomfort as he tried to exert his dominance. and people think THIS Dawood will take his Dada's advice to heart and will start being all "mard" with Kim?? Kim is shocked at his action and she's angry. still, she holds her ground. she reminds him that she'll do whatever she pleases.
"Aur khabardar mujhe meri ijazat ke bagair kabhi haath lagaya."
This is where she really gets angry. Just listen to how she spits out those words, just look at the way she's glaring at him. She's mad at being treated like this, she's offended at being thought of as someone who'll be okay with this kind of manhandling. Right as she says it, Dawood lets go of her hand. Because in Kim's glare Dawood is reminded of this very simple fact that what matters in a relationship is not the dominance of a man, but the consent of the partner. It's not an ideal Dawood will be TAUGHT by Kim - it's an ideal that he already HAS. but in the kind of partriarchal household Dawood lives in, he hasn't seen these ideals as examples around him. so he had a momentary lapse in judgement because of his need to gain control back.
One doesn't need a phd in neuroscience to understand this. all they need is a mere acceptance of characters as they ARE instead of how you'd WISH them to be. Yunhi is still one of the better examples of dramas where at least the characters backgrounds are so clear that their actions can be justified. there's not clashing contrast of how a character behaves vs what their background is. Dada is a patriarch so he'll preach about the misogyny that has benefited him all his life. Naveed, despite spending half his life in America, is still a man who never forgot his roots and is aware of how the ideals of his homeland will not change so it's better to let them be instead of trying to change them. Kim being a product of a liberal country who has seen examples of people cutting off their entire families when their ideals don't match will of course question the way of life that's in Dawood's house. For her, cutting ties and moving away is a very real possibility. For Dawood, it isn't. it's something they'll have to learn and accept about each other AS THE STORY PROGRESSES.
Kim hasn't changed; initially she was just baffled after coming in an environment that was nothing like she has ever witnessed. She brought her own prejudices to the table and was judging the family based on THAT instead of what they were (guess who else does it?) but she kept an open mind. just look at how she reacts whenever Dawood patiently tries to explain his side of the situation to her. she never dismisses him outright. she listens to what he has to say and then either accepts it, questions it until she gets a satisfactory answer, or lets the matter drop entirely because it's not worth her energy to argue with a wall. but she LISTENS. she's open to understanding this family and all she expects them is to understand her in return. that's it. that's the whole show.
ironically our audience doesn't realize that. they don't see this as a drama of two worlds colliding. heck, they don't see it as a DRAMA which has to spread out its story and reveal it in chunks of 36 minutes over the course of 25ish weeks. because Yunhi HAS a story. it has rich characters with layers to explore in them. and all of that will happen in due time.
Maya has talked about Yunhi being a story of how a husband supports his wife. and Dawood has every indication of being that kind of husband. Kim and Dawood, despite their rocky start, have a established relationship where they TALK and LISTEN to each other. i am most positively looking forward to that playing out. but where oh WHERE is the requirement that for this story to work out the characters have to be flawless?????????????????? they can't be all 10 across the board. not just in this drama but literally in every story ever. no one is saying Yunhi is the bestest writtten most perfect drama to ever exist but good lord, this drama is still farrrrrr better than the current on-air lot which are basically a confused mishmash with no coherent style or direction and most definitely lacking in that importance BALANCE which make any drama entertaining.
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