#When Does Constipation Start in Pregnancy
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Tormented Spirit | 18
Part 1 [...] 14 15 16 17 18 19
"Is it such a sin to stand up for yourself?" you mutter as tears blur your vision. The way he reacted was visceral, instinctive even. "You never have to stand up for yourself ever again," says Daemon, reaching a hand to you, "come."
Daemon Targaryen x Hightower!Reader | 4k+ | cw: fem!reader, reader has brown hair, wife!reader, twin!Gwayne, arranged/forced marriage, canon divergence, alternate universe, slow burn, DD:DNE, emotional constipation, pregnancy, miscarriage, panic/anxiety attacks, suicidal ideation, attempted suicide, daddy issues/child abuse/family problems, mentions/depictions of mental/physical/psychosomatic illness, ye old misogyny, angst, typos, etc.
A/N: im tryna finish this fic fr | cross posted on ao3
@arabellasleopardcoat @prettybiching @astrogirl01
Thunder and lightning conversed in the halls as another Targaryen is born. Alicent had started her labors at the hour of the owl and a servant came to rouse you. Daemon, barely meeting a deep sleep since his return, nearly smothered the girl who had come to alert you of your sister's condition.
Helaena was born amidst a storm. It was rather poetic, thinks Daemon; the child inflicted the same weather over his heart.
You loved her dearly. You loved her as much as you loved your beloved Aegon. Alicent was grateful for your presence. You were more than a welcome reprise and a steadfast support during this time. Still, she was careful not to burden you with too much, as the image of you holding your own babes flash behind her eyes each time she sees you hold her hers.
It tears at Alicent to see you with Aegon, and now Helaena. As much as she knows being with them heals you, she can't help but worry it also chips away at you in equal fervor.
It goes without saying this worry is tenfold to Daemon. As greatly agitated he is with how frequent and prolonged your visits to your sister and her children were, he choked it down and allowed you your space, your sacred privacy. He could not bear to see you behold the babe anyway.
Helaena, to you, was as much as a storm, your eyes were nary dry when you held her. Daemon had watched you once, you examined her fingertips and ears, smelled her feet and cheeks, traced her nose and brows. You laughed only to cry. Once was enough.
Viserys, in all his gladness to see his third born, tried to comfort him, but the you-will-have-this-joy-soon was not a welcome sentiment, nor was it comforting.
He only had ill-thoughts.
The gods supplied you your lost children through your younger sibling.
Daemon did much to drown out his melancholy, and yet it seemed to follow him wherever he treads. Even now, his mount was just as ill as he, if not worse.
"How fares he?" Daemon asks, mostly himself as he walks towards the blood wyrm— he finds he could not lately call Caraxes that, as his scales were uncharacteristically blanch.
"Ñuha dārilaros," a dragon keeper walks over to him, "Caraxes ēza daor ipradārin." My prince, Caraxes has not eaten.
The prince frowns as he brushes his hands on his mount's face. Caraxes, at least, acknowledges Daemon's presence with a huff, but it does not ease his worry, "kostagon ao sylugon naejot mazverdagon zirȳla ipradagon arlī?" Can you try to make him eat again?
The dragon keeper nods, "hen rhinka." Of course.
Daemon watches as three live goats are offered up to Caraxes. They bleat in front of the beast's face, unaware of their doom, and yet it seems there was no doom, as the creature turns away in disinterest.
Daemon huffs and pats his mount's cheek, "ao qopsa run," he walks into Caraxes's direct line of sight, "gaomagon jaelā nyke naejot kisikagon ao nykēla?" He stares at the dragon, who seemingly grumbles. The prince draws Dark Sister. You difficult thing. Do you want me to feed you myself?
With swift strokes, Daemon slays one, two, and three goats, their blood sputters on the ground, pooling by his shoes; he cares little for it. He sheathes his sword and grunts as he lifts a severed head to his dragon's maw.
"Ipradagon," the prince commands. Eat.
Caraxes turns to his master, sniffing the air.
"Ipradagon, valītsos," Daemon speaks like a father to his petulant son. His sigh of relief and irritation is of the same fashion as he watches Caraxes stretches his tongue towards his arm. Eat, boy.
The sound of the goat skull crunching between dragon teeth is, in truth, disturbingly loud, but to Daemon, it was a noise most welcomed. He raises a brow as Caraxes lifts his head a little, parting his large jaws in a rather submissive manner.
Daemon is unable to withhold his eyeroll, but the quickly picks up the two other heads on the floor, "fussy thing."
The dragon keepers watch the prince and his ride, feeling relieved the creature is finally feeding, and of course, wholeheartedly enamoured by their dynamic.
After Caraxes swallowed the crisp goat heads, he opened his mouth again and made a soft screech at Daemon.
Daemon was not having it, "gaomagon nyke jurnegon hae aōha urnerys?" He places his hands on his hips, which only made Caraxes whine more. Do I look like your keeper?
He makes a face at the screech, especially because the exhale was laced with foul dragon breath. With a poing to the felled goats the dragon keepers move forward and pick up the bodies, ready to throw it into the dragon's mouth. Except, before they could get close, Caraxes screeches, causing Daemon to flinch and scold his mount for his loudness. The dragon keepers immediately heed the warning, and drop the goat body, stepping back.
Caraxes grits his teeth and huffs, nudging his rider with his snout.
Daemon topples and pushes his dragon back in annoyance. Regardless, he bends down with a huff and picks up the largish goat with a grunt. Caraxes gratefully feasts on his meal once he's fed it.
Daemon grumbles and repeatedly swats Caraxes on the neck, "iksā hen qogron." You are out of line.
Caraxes responds only by opening his mouth again.
"Bah," the prince makes a face, "ao iēdrosa emagon hubre isse aōha relgos!" You still have goat in your mouth!
The dragon remains still, mouth agape.
Daemon groans sharply and struggles to feed him the other two carcasses, but does manage it in the end, much to the satisfaction of his prissy dragon.
As true as he could say his vexation was, there was truer affection in Daemon as he watched his dragon eat. He was glad to be needed by Caraxes. In fact, it fed an emptiness in him that was left gaping by his wife.
He sighs.
His wife.
He strokes Caraxes's scaly cheek.
You would undoubtedly still be in Halaena's nursery, though you should really be having lunch. Daemon frowns as Caraxes leans into him. He sighs and wonders if he could ever merit such affections from you. He would feed you like Caraxes, if need be, without a single complaint.
Through all this vexation and affection, there remained a worry within Daemon that only blossomed when Caraxes rolled over after swallowing his meal. Part of him wishes that it was all a ploy, and the astute creature wanted only to receive more attention, but he knew if that was the case, the blood wyrm would act more volatile rather than torpid.
Daemon instructs that if anything happened or if Caraxes refuses to eat again, he be alerted immediately. With that, the prince bids his dragon goodbye and cleans the goats’ blood off himself.
The sun shines through the halls of the Keep, and yet he grows icier the closer he gets to Helaena's room.
He slows when Laenor approaches. Daemon silently nods in regard.
The young prince asks him if he's off to see you then adds, "she is presently in the solar with the Queen and her children. I've just come from there."
"Ah," Daemon nods slowly, "I see."
"They are having biscuits," Laenor offers, "you ought to join them for a snack."
The prince clears his throat, not necessarily liking that he was being told what to do. Still, Daemon nods, "ēza ñuha ābrazȳrys ipradārin? Iksis ziry sȳrī?" Has my wife eaten? Is she well?
"Se sikagon hen dārilaros ēza maghatan zirȳla rōvēgrie kirimves se teptan zirȳla kustikāne, nyke pendagon," Laenor's face softens. The birth of the princess has brought her great joy and given her strength, I think.
"Yes, but..." Daemon shakes his head, "it is not so simple as joy and strength."
Laenor nods, "you should go to her."
"Does she want me?"
He huffs and shrugs, "I do not know, uncle."
Daemon nods, neither do I.
Still, as Laenor and he part, Daemon heads to the solar, wanting nothing more than to see you.
It is quiet in the solar, save for the sound of your voice. It's a wonder no one heard the creaking of the door as Daemon entered, but then again, he too would be so deeply engrossed in your singing if you ever humbled with a song.
He already knew Helaena would be in your arms with Aegon nearby, but he did not know a Cargyll would be by your side instead of your sister. The brazen knight was not only carrying the prince in his arms, as if he was his father, he gazed upon you with such apparent warmth, as if he was your husband.
"— so come rest ye all safe and sound," you sing, stroking Helaena's forehead gently.
Aegon sleepily sighs. His back was pressed against the Kingsguard's chest plate and was sat on his forearm like a chair. He reaches out to your cheek, "again."
"Again?" you chuckle at the boy, "but I've sung it mayhap one hundred times over, my love."
Aegon whines, "again."
You sigh and brush his cheek, "oh, my sweet darling."
The boy leans into your touch and makes your heart melt.
"I will sing if Ser Erryk sings with us."
Daemon grips the doorknob tightly.
Erryk makes a sound, "I will wake the poor princess with my voice, and you know it."
"Nonsense," you hum, "you've sung me to sleep more times than I can count."
Daemon gulps uncomfortably.
"Tis only true because you are weak with numbers."
You chuckle.
Daemon feels like he's being ground alive.
"Again!" Aegon whines rather loudly.
You and Erryk are quick to hush the boy.
As Aegon fusses, you're left with little choice but to give in to him, lest his sister begin to fuss with him. You softly begin to sing, rocking your darling niece in your arms as you did so, "the fishes swim in seas of blue-"
"And dragons breathe fire so red," Erryk harmonizes with you, "all the birds sing sweetly for you, so come rest ye darling wee head."
Your separate melodies blended incredibly together; the richness of your voice seemed to belong with the richness of his. It was fucking unbareable.
"The apples grow up the trees, and flowers rise up from the ground. All the stars shine brightly for you—"
You, Erryk, and Aegon turn to Daemon when he shuts the door with rather excessive force. Daemon clenches his jaw and tries to control the trembling of his hand, "īlen ivestretan aōha hāedar iksin kesīr." I was told your (younger) sister was here.
You face him, still rocking Halaena, "īles... ziry sepār geptot naejot emagon iā kōdrion." She was... she just left to have a bath.
"Mmm," Daemon makes a noise as he slowly walks over to you, "emagon ēdā iā kōdrion tubī?" Have you had a bath today?
You slowly nod, "kessa." Yes.
Daemon grips his hand and nods, "emagon ao ipradārin?" Have you eaten?
"Kessa, lēda ñuha hāedar." Yes, with my younger sister.
"Se aōha mīsior?" he says, eyes trained on you. And your guard?
You take a moment to respond, "... kessa."
Daemon sucks a sharp breath, turning to the said man, "you may go, Cargyll. I will stand as ward for my wife."
"And what of later?"
You turn to Erryk. Daemon grinds his teeth, "what of later?"
"I understand that you do constant visits to the pit, my prince. If you are urgently needed to go there, then princess will be forced to go with you and-"
"My business is my own," the prince bristles, "do not speak to me of my dragon or my wife, as if it is your business."
Aegon begins to wrangle out of Erryk's grasp. The knight promptly sets the boy down, "the only business I have as a knight is to safeguard your wife," he rises and nods, "your grace."
The way he says your wife irks him to no end. Daemon draws in a deep breath in the hope it would calm him down.
"Anne!" a small voice calls. Horse.
Daemon looks down and finds Aegon raising a small wooden figurine of a horse, repeating in High Valyrian, "anne!"
Aegon seems to be handing the toy to Daemon. Daemon feels ill. He mutters softly, "iā sȳz anne, valītsos." A fine horse, boy.
Aegon beams and reaches out to his uncle, as if he wanted to be carried by him. Daemon feels sourness rise to his throat as he bends down to pick the boy up. His stomach rolls when he smells him; he smells faintly like you. Aegon pushes the toy gracelessly to Daemon's face, hitting his nose unintentionally on the way, "fast."
Daemon pulls his head back, "kessa. Anni issi adere." He bounces him slightly, "adere, hmm?" Yes. Horses are fast. Fast, hmm?
"Adere," Aegon mutters softly.
Daemon nods, "sȳz." Good.
You watch your husband and nephew. Where Daemon once believed the boy to be his son and offered him warmth, he now offered him reluctant and half-hearted interactions.
You could not blame him, in fact, your heart hurt for him. You oft wondered how Aegon was to him, perhaps a casual but flesh-grating reminder of what you've both lost, or maybe a physical manifeststion of the Lord Hand's schemes. You don't talk of such things, and you don't think you ever will. Helaena's birth has only wedged you further apart.
"We should bring them back to their nursery," you speak, making Daemon turn to you, but you turn to Erryk. His heart feels like it was being sawed in half. You shift Helaena in your arms, "Daemon and I can go by ourselves."
Erryk lifts his chin reluctantly before nodding, "shall I tell my brother to continue with his shift?"
You turn to Daemon, raising your brows.
Daemon turns from you to Erryk, "I will manage."
Erryk clenches his jaw and nods, "as you command."
The walk to their nursery is filled with chatter, thanks to Aegon and his wooden horse. Daemon is amazed by how many words the child knew in both common tongue and High Valyrian. He evidently loved mixing both speeches together.
"And princess with zaldrīzes—" Aegon babbles as his toy horse runs across Daemon's chest. Dragon.
"What did the princess do?" asks Daemon, eyes on the boy.
"Sōvegon!" Fly!
You chuckle and Aegon makes a roaring sound.
Daemon pulls a dubious expression, "se dārilaros kostagon sōvegon?" The princess can fly?
Aegon nods, "DRACARYS!"
You laugh a little louder. Daemon's breath hitches at the sound, his violet eyes immediately landing on you. You reach a hand to Aegon, brushing his chin, "Caraxes really left a mark on him."
Daemon watches you pull away. He longs to be touched similarly, "his soul nearly left his tiny body. His fearful screams nearly rendered us all deaf."
You snort, raising a brow, "he was overwhelmed, as would anyone be the first time they meet a dragon."
"I was not."
You huff and turn to Helaena, "rijes aōt." Congratulations.
Daemon smirks softly.
As you drew near to the nursery, you find that Alicent was on her way back to the solar. You smile at her and she smiles back at you, though her expression slightly dampens at the sight of Daemon.
"Sister," Alicent greets you, reaching out for Helaena. You gently hand over her daughter and she sighs, kissing her forehead. She gives you a look, "will you join me as I breastfeed?"
You shake your head, "I..." you motion to Daemon, turning to him as well. You don't know what to say though.
Daemon finally puts Aegon down and the boy gratefully goes up to his nursemaid by the door to his room, showing her his wooden horse. Your husband speaks, "I would like to have my turn with her."
You rub your hands together.
Alicent turns to him only to turn back to you to smile softly, "yes... I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Yes, of course, my love," you rub Alicent's shoulder.
Daemon watches you pull away. He feels his own shoulder grow cold.
Alicent retreats into her children's nursery. You and Daemon walk off in silence.
It remains silent until you break it, "where to?"
Daemon turns to you, "hmm?"
"Where are we heading?"
He stares at you. He gulps at the sight of your skin, of the furrow of your brows, of the baby hairs framing your face. He knows that you smelled so good, that you were so warm, that you were so soft. What torment it was that he could not simply touch you.
Your brow raises, "Daemon?"
You stop in your tracks.
His heart stops. He begins to slightly panic, especially due to your expression.
"If you wish to visit Caraxes in the pit, I will not stop you."
He says nothing.
"It's just that if you must go there in haste, I will not be able to keep up," you rub your hands, "as Erryk menti-"
"Please," he raises a hand, "do not name him so cordially."
You press your lips together.
"Pray, do not mention him at all," he lowers his hand.
You raise your brows and slowly shrug, "as you wish..." you motion vaguely, "but are we to go to the pit?"
Daemon shakes his head, "if you wish it. I saw him just before coming to you."
You turn to your hands as you think, "is he quite unwell?"
He watches you fidget with your fingers.
"I do not know if my presence is welcome," you slowly look up at him, "perhaps I will make him more ill."
Daemon furrows his brows, "you would not."
"... what's more, perhaps I am the reason for his illness."
Daemon's brows tighten further. The sentiment gnaws at his rib. He tilts his head as he shakes it.
You watch him shuffle in his spot, and you realize rather quickly, he did not know whether or not to reach out for you. He doesn't.
He crosses his arms instead and huffs, "you believe your tiny being is the cause of illness for a creature a hundred times your size?"
"... one need only a few drops of poison to kill."
"You speak as though your blood is poison."
You look away, shrugging once more, "it might as well be."
"Yet it is not so," Daemon finds himself chuckling incredulously. The sound makes you turn back to him with a hardened expression; it softens his own. He gives into himself and takes your wrist, "I-"
The feeling of you flinching makes him tense.
He sighs and continues slowly, "I... highly doubt that if you were poisonous, your presence would cause people— Aegon, Helaena, Alicent... your damned wards, to bloom."
Daemon measures your reaction. He does so with such singlemindedness, he does not realize he was rubbing your pulse. It causes your skin to prick with gooseflesh.
"You've made even Laenor think so kindly of you," he slowly releases your hand, "why would he bother if you were so... perilous?"
He notices the way you rub the area he touched as though you had been burned. He tries not to take it to heart, but everything you do goes straight to it. You blink rapidly to avoid from tearing up, "pity."
"Pity?" Daemon repeats, jaw hardening at your rapidly increasing sorrow. He mutters softly, "you would paint the world so generously and believe so many souls sympathize with the sorrows of others than simply believe you are not poisonous?"
You chuckle dryly and turn away, rubbing your eyes, "I would-"
"You are lovely."
You turn back to him, wiping your face.
"I-" he starts, choking on his spit, "I love you."
Your lips wobble.
Daemon is winded when you reach for his cheek. A shiver runs down his spine as he immediately presses his hands atop yours. He leans into your touch, his eyes searching your own.
You frown and rub his chin, "apologies..." you sniffle, "I do not mean to cause you such misfortune."
Daemon stops your attempt to pull away, "a prince is nary misfortunate."
You pull away after a prolonged moment of staring.
You do not know why you both end up in dragon pit. You find it was a rather bad idea, as the sight of Caraxes sprawled on the floor like a soggy piece of parchment made your stomach curdle.
Daemon leads you towards him and Caraxes barely perks at the sight of you. He does huff though when Daemon presses your hand to his snout. You frown at him, "ñuha mijegindita valītsos." My poor boy.
Daemon turns to you and ponders if perhaps the gods made his mount this way so that he could have a reason to share such tender moments with you. The gods give as they take.
"Do the keepers know what is wrong with him?" you ask Daemon.
He merely shakes his head.
You sigh and rub Caraxes gently, "never mind it. I will keep you in my prayers."
All the prince wants to do in this moment is to embrace you, but all he does is wonder if he was in your prayers... and worry if you still prayed the same terrible one.
#daemon fanfic#daemon targaryen x reader#daemon targaryen#daemon x reader#daemon targaryen fanfic#daemon smut#daemon targaryen smut#daemon fluff#daemon targaryen fluff#house of the dragon smut#hotd fanfic#hotd smut#daemon angst#daemon targaryen angst#daemon#daemon targeryan#house of the dragon#house of the dragon fanfic
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firehaired, lavendereyed -- oneshot.
mean prince regent aemond x pregnant wife reader
a sequel to stoatfaced, dragonhearted. it can be read as a standalone, though! its not as dark or mean as the first one and is (kinda) fluffy. thank you @echos-muses for inspiring this!
word count: 2.5k
@huramuna-fics -- follow & turn on notifications for just my fic postings!
content: smut (specifics below cut), angst, fluffy, meanish aemond, prob unhealthy relationship, emotionally constipated aemond experiences emotions, reader is described w/ auburn hair, no use of y/n, not beta read, i literally went into a haze writing this there are probably mistakes, pregnancy
cloudbusting - kate bush • i bet on losing dogs - mitski
warnings: oral (f receiving), p in v, talks of choking and biting but its not in this fic, BREEDING KINK
Being the wife of a prince, a prince-regent no less, always felt like an honor. People would bow at you in the corridors, maids would bring you your favorite sweets without asking, courtiers would invite you to countless luncheons and extravagant events. It made you wonder, though– was it out of respect for your station– or out of fear for your husband?
He was constantly your shadow now, insisting on being with you at every waking moment ever since the maesters confirmed your pregnancy. His hand would constantly be guiding you on the middle of your back, towards whatever destination you were off to. He would insist you eat more for the babe, would rub your feet and prop pillows behind your back when you both retired for the day.
As he shepherded you into the throne room, he glanced at the courtesans and sworn lords alike– he had worn the crown since his brother fell from the sky in flames, burnt and scarred. He melded into the role like he was meant for it, as you so told him.
‘It looks better on you than it ever did on him, husband.’
‘Careful now, dear wife. That sounds treasonous, does it not?’
It wasn’t hard to spur him on into a feral state of being lately, as he adored your body filling out, belly stretching, breasts growing as you carried his child. His, his. He was still cold, in his way, of course– that would be something you would never pull him out of.
‘Husband?’ you had mewled softly as you came back from the maester’s chambers after receiving the news.
Aemond was sitting on the loveseat in front of the fire, one hand parting the pages of a book. He looked deep in thought, bristling slightly at being interrupted. ‘What?’
‘I’ve just come from the maester’s chambers,’ you started, walking slowly towards him like a skittish animal.
‘Why? Are you hurt?’ he closed his book with a loud snap and set it aside. ‘Come.’ he prostrated himself on the couch, legs spread slightly as an indication.
You lifted your skirts and sat upon his lap, as you do– as he commands, usually. It was easy to know what he wanted without words. He inspected your face carefully, turning you from side to side, skin taut between thumb and forefinger. Then, the back of his hand felt your forehead. ‘You aren’t running a temperature. You aren’t sick, are you, little wife?’
‘N-No… I had thought so with… the issues of late.’
‘Issues? What issues?’ he pressed, his lone eye boring into you with intensity.
‘I… ehm… have had an upset stomach– and… my…’ you blushed as you spoke. ‘My breasts have been tender.’
‘... hm.’
‘The maesters– they… inspected, thoroughly. They say I am with child… two moons.’
‘Pregnant. You’re… pregnant?’
Aemond stared at you for a long moment, not blinking. You had feared his reaction, you weren’t sure why, though. You knew your husband… liked you, didn’t he? In his own, special way. The way that he loved to call you stupid and bite you and choke you and never tell you that he loves you, except when lost in the throes of pleasure.
‘Husband?’ you squeaked out, anxiety swirling in the pit of your stomach at his lack of reaction. Aemond was good at concealing his emotions– but you could see the pupil of his violet eye dilating like a creature in the dark.
‘Good,’ he said simply, a hand on your waist, squeezing slightly. Then, a moment of recollection came over his face and he stopped squeezing, letting his hand laze on the curve of your body.
‘... good?’
‘Yes. Good. Do you wish praise for doing your duty?’ he grunted, already beginning to unlace your bodice. He wriggled it down your chemise and pawed one of your breasts. ‘Hm.’
‘They do seem… larger.’
He was gentle to you that night and every night after that. In touch and act alone– his words still left much to be desired.
As you both perused the throne room, approaching the iron throne, Aemond’s jaw clenched in irritation. You were well along in your pregnancy now, eight moons, and were quite round and stout, feeling all the part of a plump trout carrying eggs, trying to swim upstream–
“Where is the chair?” Aemond barked suddenly, causing you to jump.
“T-the chair, your grace?” one of the servants mumbled.
“The chair for my lady wife, you fool. Do you expect her to stand?” He thoroughly scared the daylights out of the poor servant, who rushed off to find a chair. “Incompetent.”
“... I pray he returns soon– my ankles are protesting this walk.” you murmured.
“If all of these prying eyes weren’t here,” Aemond whispered in your ear. “Mayhaps I’d have you sit with me on the throne.”
The thought of it sent a thrill through you, tingling all the way to the base of your spine and beyond. It was a wonderful fantasy, but you couldn’t get the logistics of it out of your head– you would certainly impale yourself on one of the unruly swords. “Mayhaps we can arrange something in our chambers after this, husband?”
Aemond uttered a sound between a growl and a quiet moan before guiding you further to your seat, now properly prepared. You leaned back on the chair, adorned with a pillow, putting a hand over your swollen belly.
As much as you appreciated Aemond’s… concern and vigilance with having you everywhere with him, you wished you could skip the tedious things. Your mind wondered the entirety of the session, tuning out the droning voices of the lords and only focusing on your husband’s. He sounded so powerful, commanding his lessers as if they were the sheep and he the shepherd. You didn’t lie when you thought the crown looked better on him than Aegon– Aemond was more suited towards this life.
You know he wanted it all– the title, the crown, but not at the expense of his brother, never at his expense– so he would have to be content with what he could make for himself. That included you and your unborn child. You wished so dearly that it would be a son, a son for him to continue his bloodline, his legacy.
Finally, the meeting ended and Aemond all but swept you off your aching feet to your rooms. He set you down on the bed and undressed you without much ceremony. “I couldn’t keep my mind off of you that entire time– if I were a lesser man… I may have not waited until our chambers to succumb to you.” he whispered, dragging kisses up from your knees, to your thighs and then your belly.
A gentle, but calloused, hand wrought over the stretched skin. He loved touching your belly, he couldn’t get enough of it– he was a scholarly man in all accounts, secretly in wonder of the machinations of the human body and how it could vessel something like another person. He would never admit this, of course, but you could tell just by how his eye roved your form, how he took in every detail. He parted your legs, swiping a finger between your already soaked folds– as it didn’t take much for you to become feral these days, either. You had been since he suggested the idea of the throne, forced to squeeze your thighs together through the duration of the hearing to relieve some of the ache.
“So wet for me already, are you?” he hummed, gathering your slick with two fingers this time and kissing your thigh, so close, so close to your aching center.
“... y-yes, husband– you kept me waiting,” you murmured. In your pregnancy, you’d become indignant and spoiled– and he let you. “So cruel.”
“Cruel?” Aemond questioned, a brow raised. “Cruel– you know me cruel, my dear wife,” he growled, parting your folds and licking a line from bottom to top. “Cruel would be… letting you sit for hours longer on the edge and not giving it to you,” he anointed his point by roving his tongue over your pearl, eliciting a keening whine from you. “Or mayhaps, not giving it to you at all. Shall I be cruel, wife?”
You shook your head fervently. “P-please, Aemond,” you panted, the heat of the moment and your out-of-whack hormones already making you perspire, sweat beading at your forehead. You felt like a bitch in heat, every touch of him on you was like a thousand sparks from a flint, trying to light your pleasure, trying, trying– but then dying, but it was always so close, on the precipice. “Touch me– don’t tease me.”
“Hm,” he roved it over in his mind for a faux moment. “You are doing so well carrying my child, aren’t you?”
“Y-yes, please!”
“Mayhaps I will reward you for being a good wife, a good mother.”
“Please, my king,” you whimpered, using his title only reserved for bedplay. You wanted it bad, and he knew.
Once again, his pupil waxed and waned like the moon phases, like the ebbing and flowing tide– and then he began to feast upon you like the animal he truly was. His tongue roved over your sensitive core, suckling and nipping. Your hand flew to his hair, clenching it into your fist. He had become so expert in pleasing you with his mouth, something he only started after you became pregnant– you hoped this would stay.
“A-Aemond, f-fuck,” you cursed, throwing your head back on the pillow, clutching his silky strands between your fingers. “M-more, your grace–”
He lavished you like he was starved, not letting up at any point to even let you breathe– it was a constant assault on your clit, with only a few moments of relief when he caught his breath, looking up at you like the cat who got the cream, a smug grin on his face, the glisten of your essence on him. His thumb finished what his tongue started, kneading over your sensitive bud as you babbled and cried, fluttering around nothing as you came.
You heard the sound of his belt undoing, and his hand was in yours, guiding you to his rock hard member. “Don’t you see what you do to me, hm? I quite like you round, so full of my child,” he said as he lined up with your entrance, sliding in with no resistance. “Mayhaps I shall keep you like this and we will have an entire castle full of children.” he stayed upright, hands on your thighs. You still ached for his hand around your throat, so badly– but it wasn’t good for the babe.
He began a slow, almost lazy pace, staring down at you now as he loomed like a shadow, picking up his speed. As he sped up, he reached up and tore off his eyepatch, throwing it aside. The sapphire in his eye socket gleamed at you and you swore you could see yourself reflected into it–
It didn’t take long for him to reach his own peak, grunting and growling, balls tightening. His hand also itched so desperately to lace around your throat like a necklace, but his hand just twitched and clawed into the sheets as he emptied himself into you. He, regrettably to both of you, pulled out and encircled himself around you, arms resting on your ribs as you were lulled to sleep by his breathing and closeness.
You awoke, not knowing how many hours later, to him speaking. “Nyke jaelagon ao emagon aōha muñnykeā's pungos.” I hope you have your mother’s nose. “Ao'll rhaenagon gūrēñare lēda iā egros rȳ izula. Iā kostilus tōma. Aōha muña kessa daor hae ziry, nyke gīmigon.” You'll start training with a sword at age four. Or perhaps five. Your mother will not like it, I know.
His head was laid near your belly, faced away from you, his hand draped over it softly. He didn’t know you were awake– he was… speaking to the baby. You could only catch bits and pieces of what he was saying– but it didn’t matter. It wasn’t a conversation for you to know. You closed your eyes once more.
“M-may the mother… guide me… and bless me with a son,” you murmured. “Bless us with a son, please.” you groaned as you tried to get up, your knees bruised and sore. You had been praying every day for the last fortnight as your delivery loomed closer. You feared to give him a daughter– as accompanying as he’d been during your pregnancy, you knew… you knew what he wanted. And you knew it was a coin flip to give him what he wanted.
You felt heavier than usual, finding it difficult to get back up after being down for so long– you felt a strain in your lower back, then an acute pop. A gush of wetness flowed down your legs. “A-ah– ser!” you called to your sworn sword, a member of the Kingsguard picked by Aemond specifically to be with you at all times when he wasn’t around. Presently, Aemond was taking a ride upon Vhagar. “Ser!”
“My lady?” the Kingsguard rushed in, eyes wide. “Are you alright?”
“T-the… the babe–”
“Why wasn’t I notified?” Aemond growled, stalking through the corridors as he paced to the maester’s quarters.
“Y-You were in the sky, your grace– we didn’t know how to reach you–”
“Fuck’s sake– is she alright, then?”
“Yes– uhm…”
“Uhm? What? Is my wife alright or not?!”
“Yes– she and the babe are alright.”
Aemond fumed as he opened the doors, eye zeroing in on the maester, then you. You were mortified, crying, holding a little bundle against your breast.
“A-Aemond,” you croaked. You were shaking like a leaf.
“Congratulations, your grace,” the maester spoke. “It is a healthy baby girl.”
You couldn’t stop sobbing as you watched his face, impassive, turn to confusion, to longing, to grief, to anger, to…. Nothing. He stared at you blankly then.
“Aemond– please– I- I prayed to the Gods every day for a son, I’m sorry,” you blubbered. “I’m so sorry–”
“Don’t.” Aemond’s voice snapped like a whip as he walked closer. “Let me see the babe.”
You offered the bundle to him– a baby girl. She had curls of red hair like you and lavender eyes like her father. Sensing movement and a change of presence, the baby sneezed, staring up at her father. He stared back, his expression unreadable. “Vaella. Her name is Vaella.” he didn’t ask, nor suggest. He declared. Glancing back at you, he spoke quietly. “We will just have to try again, won’t we, wife?” His tone was like a fog upon you– it was proposed like a thinly veiled threat, a promise– but then his gaze softened almost imperceptibly. You wonder if you imagined it. “Kirimvose, ñuha dōna ābrazȳrys.” Thank you, sweet wife. “Ñuha hūra,” My moon. He turned back to Vaella, whispering. “Se ñuha qēlossās.” And my stars.
Aemond ended up getting his heir and then some, a year and a half later. You gave birth to triplets. All boys.
Maegon, Vaelar, and Rhaelor.
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♡The Tie Which Linked My Soul To Thee♡
(Arthur Morgan x OC) Masterlist
Hey Cowboys! -ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
Below is where you'll find all the chapters to my Red Dead Redemption fanfic, I will keep it updated as I continue to post more chapters. But in the meantime, I wanted to make things a little more organized and easier for you to navigate.
Whether you just started reading, or if you've been keeping up with the story since the beginning. I want to thank you! This started as a little side project to keep me busy during my down time at work, but it's turned into something I'm really passionate and proud of! So thank you for all the support <3
!!Please be aware this fic is explicit. As it contains blood/violence, as well as other adult themes!!
╰┈➤ˎˊ˗ Ao3
╰┈➤ˎˊ˗ Wattpad
Summary: Kate McCanon, a young widow from the north, meets outlaw Arthur Morgan. When the two cross paths she discovers a complex man wrestling with his own sense of right and wrong. As their unlikely bond deepens, Kate becomes determined to guide Arthur towards a brighter path, even as tensions rise within his gang led by the enigmatic Dutch van der Linde. With danger lurking at every turn, Kate must navigate treacherous territory to protect those she holds dear, all while finding love in the most unexpected of places.
Story Tags: Original Character(s), Widowed, High-Honor!Arthur Morgan, Arthur Morgan Does Not Have Tuberculosis, Chubby!Arthur Morgan, Canon Divergence, Happy Ending, Mutual Pining, Slow Build, Slow Burn, Child Loss, Infant Death, Eventual Smut, Eventual Sex, Eventual Romance, Emotional Sex, Eventual Pregnancy, Fluff/Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Sweet/Hot, Touch-Starved, Sexual Tension, Romantic Angst, Romantic Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Trauma, Canon-Typical Violence, Men Crying, Torture, Blood and Violence, Survivor Guilt, Aftermath of Torture, Caretaking, Injury Recovery, Period-Typical Racism, Anxiety, Self-Hatred, Self-Doubt, Depression, Emotional Constipation, Historical References, Major Character Deaths, No Beta, Over 200k Words
Ch 1 - The Years Creep Slowly By Kate becomes entangled in a heist with two strangers, Hosea and Arthur, forging an unexpected bond amidst their criminal endeavor. Ch 2 - The Snow Is On The Grass Again A fisher of men and A strange encounter. Ch 3 - The Suns Low Down The Sky Welcome to Horseshoe Overlook Ch 4 - The Frost Gleams Where The Flowers Have Been It's time to collect a debt. Ch 5 - My Heart Beats On As Warmly Now A well deserved hunt with Charles, met with an unexpected surprise back at camp... Ch 6 - As When The Summer Days Were Nigh The battle begins, and the past is revealed. Ch 7 - The Sun Can Never Dip So Low Kate is not immune to the dangers of the land. No matter how much she loved it, the land will never love her back. Ch 8 - Or Down Affections Cloudless Sky A blissful sunny day after a long hard night. Ch 9 - A Hundred Months Have Passed Kate and Arthur share a tender moment in the quiet of the night. Ch 10 - Since Last I Held That Hand In Mine The Course of True Love and other Revelations Ch 11 - And Felt The Pulse Beat Fast Arthur and Hosea share meaningful conversation after a night of advertising some moonshine. Meanwhile Kate finds herself involved in a dubious mission with John and the boys. She patches up Arthur as the day ends with an air of unspoken desire. Ch 12 - Though Mine Beat Faster Far Than Thine - Part 1 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God in a world that is ugly with violence and hate. Ch 13 - In Dreams, She Comes To Me - Part 2 Arthur’s life is ebbing out like the tide. Kate must work quickly and diligently to reverse the cruel hands of fate. She is aided by the help of an unexpected ally. Ch 14 - A Hundred Months ‘Twas Flowery May As Kate navigates Arthur’s recovery, she discovers that true strength lies within her trusted companions, finding relief in their unwavering support during the trials of his healing journey. Ch 15 - When Up The Hilly Slope We Climbed Arthur struggles to adjust to his new disabilities. Meanwhile Kate finds a job outside of camp for them, providing a few days respite and some much needed alone time. Arthur finally reveals his feelings. Ch 16 - The Past Is The Eternal Past Kate and Arthur welcome a new life into the world. The scene brings back tender memories of Arthur's past, he finally finds the courage to open up to her about his family. Ch 17 - To Watch The Dying of The Day Say, isn't it strange? I am still me, and you are still you. In this place. Isn't it strange how people can change? From strangers to friends, friends into lovers. To strangers again. Ch 18 - To Hear the Distant Church Bells Chime The gang finds a new hideout at Shady Belle, just outside the heart of the new modern America. With Jack still missing, Kate and Arthur must work together to find him. Amidst the tension, Arthur confides in Kate about his deepest regrets. Ch 19 - We Loved Each Other Then The Gilded Cage. Kate and Arthur attend an exclusive garden party hosted by the Mayor of Saint Denis. As the night progresses, their mutual desire intensifies. Ch 20 - More Than We Dared To Tell In vulnerability they meet. As the world fades to a gentle hum, their hearts beat as if they're one. In the aftermath, quiet and deep. Love whispers promises they'll keep. Ch 21 - What We Might Have Been As tensions within the camp simmer and new challenges surface, the gang finds themselves slipping further into uncertainty. Amid the chaos, Kate and Arthur navigate the weight of their individual struggles, leaning on their bond to weather the storm and hold onto what matters most. Ch 22 - Had But Our Loving Prospered Well As Dutch readies the gang for their next big score, Arthur is sent to Saint Denis to settle unfinished business, only to face a ghost from his past. Meanwhile, Kate's come down with an illness, but a vivid dream sparks a newfound resolve to secure her and Arthur's future—no matter the cost.
Ch 23 - To Call Up Their Shadowy Forms In a chaotic, adrenaline-fueled poker game, Arthur and Kate find themselves ensnared in the deadly consequences of their choices during a fine night of debauchery. Ch 24 - The Story of That Past Tension runs high as Arthur grapples with the weight of impossible choices, his loyalty to the gang tested against his growing desperation to protect Kate. Meanwhile, Kate endures her own silent battle, caught between the chilling reality of her imprisonment and the lingering hope that Arthur will not abandon her. Ch 25 - The Hope That Could Not Last The time of outlaws and gunslingers is coming to an end. Arthur risks everything in a dangerous gamble to free Kate from the law. While the weight of the world threatens to crush him, Kate’s unwavering hope burns brighter than ever. Ch 26 - I Care Not To Repeat Arthur’s unexpected act of kindness sets the stage for a fragile alliance between two men shaped by loss and loyalty. Upon returning to camp, they must work quickly to prepare for yet another journey. Ch 27 - Words of Mine Long Years Ago The journey to Annesburg is steeped in silence as tension brews. Arthur wrestles with his emotions and fights a losing battle to shield Kate from the oppressive weight of his sins. Ch 28 - I Would Not Cause Her One Regret Under the tender care of Wapiti's medicine woman, Kate receives life-changing news that will forever alter the course of her and Arthur's future. In the midst, she uncovers a gift left by Hosea, something that will carry them through the journey ahead. Ch 29 - There Is A Future Thank God In the midst of their desire, Arthur's long-buried sorrows rise to the surface. Overwhelming with intensity, Kate's tender heart is determined to sooth his pain. In the aftermath, they share a quiet, contemplative moment, their thoughts turning toward the future.
━━━━━༻❁༺━━━━━ If you're interested in reading about my OC, I linked some posts about her below! <3
Kate McCanon Lore Face and Voice Claim OC Commission! Spotify Playlist About me!
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Imagine mc giving birth to their baby. You know, Cove is probably panicking, Baxter pretending he's okay but at some point faints and our brave Derek letting mc crush his hand with theirs lol
And also I've seen a clip of a dude who just witnessed his wife deliver their baby and, with a face full of horror, he told her, "I am SO sorry, I won't do that again. " 🤣😭
I'm just imagining one of the boys saying something like that, in my head it's so funny
omg i almost missed this!!! im so glad you brought this up bc i love thinking abt how the boys are during delivery, especially cove omg (im sorry this is such a ramble... but also not sorry bc my brain worms are dancing in happiness at these thoughts)
even though you've had months to prepare for this and cliff n kyra has given cove lots of advice, paired with a lot of "don't freak out!" (sometimes followed by something freaky that happens during pregnancy or labor...)
he's prepared for this though. as prepared as an anxious first time dad can be. i mightta said this before, but whether you have him in the room the whole time or just to come cut the cord and hold the baby, is up to you.
if you have him in the room he'll let you hold his hand and he'll be holding yours back (he doesn't notice the pain of your grip for the longest...)
he definitely does what you mentioned and apologizes for putting you thru this LOL
after you give birth, he will do everything... he'll change diapers, put them down for naps, burp, wash, everything... because after that he needs to even the balance (if it was up to him, you'd never lift a finger after that, especially if you have multiple kids via birth)
delivery bag? more like BAGS. mans has double of everything, he's PETRIFIED
also he runs to any place you want and buys you food while you're in labor if it's really long
and he stays with you up until its go time, then if you want him to wait outside he will
also he faints... or at least gets weak
if you have a c-section he's alrdy freaked out bc... omg they're taking a knife to you thats scary shit
but just natural birth? he's doubly freaked out because your body can do THAT??? you're literally pushing out a whole baby and he is awed but losing his shit honestly
would be babbling praises and encouragements (both for you and himself) n you can tell him to shut up its okay bc he's gonna laugh in the end anyway, but he'll probably end up going quiet bc he's trying not to be distracting and he probably saw something he wasn't prepared for 😬
probably starts crying the closer your baby gets to being out the womb, n after they're fully out and here he's bawling and just realized it but also he's trying to comfort n check on you first so you end up laughing bc he's fretting over you as if he isnt flooding the room
mans is NOT CALM
tries to look calm, but he just looks constipated and he looks tired honestly
he's been losing sleep this whole pregnancy bc he's afraid of being a bad father, but he's so excited and ends up staying up at night talking to your belly so he just can't win
surprisingly dropped the collared shirts and slacks
mans is stuck in t-shirts and sweatpants or jeans
his hair is a mess too
omg he's napping when you go into labor
he jumps up, mismatched socks (either he's wearing an ankle cat print sock and a knee high sock, or he's wearing one sock. its bad n i think him wearing one sock is better (worse for him but hes fineeee))
the nurses love him bc he's running in and out bringing you food and runs back to get anything he or you forgot or might need
another over packer
honestly they're all over packers who are we kidding
this is where is wedding planner job comes in handy
has backups and plan b's for everything
and even though everything is right he brings extra just to feel better
won't be in the room if you want that ofc, but he psychs himself up to be in there
he's really scared n nervous, more-so than cove actually. but he wants to support you and if you want him in there, he's there. even if you reassure him he doesn't have to be there, he wants to be
he has to sit down while he's there, his leg is shaking and he's torn between watching whatevers going on over there and watching your face for any signs which.. doesnt really make sense since labor isnt like going to the waterpark but he has a kind heart <33
spends so much time looking at the baby... cove does too but baxter spends double that time
watches the nurses and doctors like a hawk whenever they mess w the baby
will curl up next to your bed and thanks you so much for giving him such a beautiful life, this is all stuff he never thought he'd have and he's so happy
he's actually the calmest one
he has 2 siblings and even though he was young when they were born, he has lots of experience with babies and he prepared
isn't that bad of an over packer actually, just extra baby stuff and some of the best snacks
but he'll still surprise you with your favorite food or takeout
he will do anything for you during labor, remind him to just sit down and hold your hand n stfu, thats what nurses n doctors are for n he really can't help much atp, its all up to you and the nurses+doc
holds your hand even though you might be hurting him. will just wince thru it or convince you to switch hands
will keep giving encouragement and either times it perfectly so he doesn't get on your nerves or you have to kindly ask him to shut up bc you're not playing ball, it isnt helping!!!!
also pulls a cove and does a lot of the work around the house and with the baby bc that was tough work, labor and carrying the baby? you deserve it!!!
ends up talking n holding the baby a lot, is probably a little scared since theyre so little and just holds their hand or looks at them
you sometimes wake up to him mumbling stuff to the baby, abt how happy he is, how he's going to take care of you both, how much he loves them...
carries everything outta the hospital by himself (by everything he means your hand and the baby, his family is probably dragging your stuff to the car bc they're here to help n make your life a million times easier and its literally a sleepover with nico around)
anyway. i need more dad!derek hc's now, specifically uncle nico and jorge, bc that is such a big brain thought
now this applies to all the boys honestly, i didnt even think abt it until now
but he helps you walk to the bathroom and put on all the pads n underwear n stuff if you need it
i remember seeing a youtube short where the woman said her fiance or husband helped her walk to the bathroom, spray her coochie w the water spray bottle, and with the underwear stuff
so don't worry about how you look or if it's icky because you're all sore and/or stitched up or anything like that because he's not paying attention, he just wants to help you in any way possible
#olba#cove holden#baxter ward#derek suarez#cove holden x reader#derek suarez x reader#baxter ward x reader
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Buckshot Anon here! At long last, it is time to talk about Alastor’s recovery period after the events of the Spawn of Evil AU (for all those who don’t know what that AU is, it basically involves Alastor suffering an ectopic pregnancy by Roo, and Lucifer helping to keep him alive. I got asked its logistics a while back, and now that's a constant).
The recovery on this is interesting because it is simultaneously pretty simple and complicated. The best place to start is with the surgery itself, because delivery would not be able to happen in a natural way, and would need to be done through surgery, though not a cesarean in the traditional way. Because the part of the small intestine the parasite child latched onto would be incredibly damaged by virtue of the warping necessary for the child to grow (which would have caused a rupture unless angelic blood has medicinal properties), the procedure would be treated as an intestinal resection surgery, where the effected area of the small intestine would be outright removed. Specifically an open surgery, making a cut of about 6-8 inches in the stomach. A cesarean would have 4-6 inches normally, so if you’re going with a happy medium, an incision of 6 inches. After the damaged area and the child are removed, the healthy parts of the small intestine on either end would be stitched or stapled together. This whole procedure would probably not take more than two hours, but could go upwards of four hours if there is damage in the surrounding areas of the intestines and other organs.
Once the surgery was finished, Alastor would on average stay in the hospital for a week, both to recover and make sure there had been no complications or damage to other organs. Some people can go home within three days, but due to the nature of the situation, he would be asked to stay longer. He would need to receive nutrition through an IV for a period of time before being allowed to go on a liquid diet. I will elaborate on that more in a minute, but there are some other things that should be brought up.
After being discharged from the hospital, Alastor would not be allowed to continue work at the hotel for another 4-6 weeks. There is some wiggle room in this, he may be able to return to work within 2-3 weeks provided that work is strictly paperwork, but anything physical he would need to wait a while to avoid reopening the stitching on his intestines and the incision area, or causing a hernia. He will also be encouraged to walk regularly every day, for reasons including:
Boosting blood flow, which helps to prevent blood clots.
Lessening his chances of illness.
Preventing a buildup of excessive abdominal scar tissue that could hinder movement and cause more blockages in the intestines. Scar tissue is something that will happen and in itself isn’t a problem, but scar tissue can and will become excessive if given the chance, and being sedentary while it is building up can make that worse.
Regaining muscle mass he would have lost from months on bedrest.
Avoiding constipation. Awkward to talk about but that is an important reason.
Alastor also would not be allowed to have sex for 2-6 weeks. I doubt he would be heartbroken by this information.
If angel blood truly does have a medicinal property that could heal him, he can mostly skip this part, and go straight into the complicated part.
Remember when I said I would elaborate more on the nutrition IV and the liquid diet? That’s where this comes into play. Alastor ate minimally if at all for the majority of the estimated 7.5 months (30 weeks, give or take) of pregnancy, and that makes the situation more complicated than it traditionally would be. Being generous and saying he was able to eat solids for the first 6 weeks, after which the blockage would make that very painful, and another 2 weeks would make even a liquid diet technically doable but difficult, Alastor would be living off of angel blood and nutrition IVs, specifically Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN).
That in itself is doable. People can be TPN-dependent for upwards of three years and still have a 65-80% survival rate. It can replace eating for as long as necessary. However, there is a caveat to that. Surviving TPN-dependent is one thing, but once someone is taken off it and needs to adjust to eating again, they can be at high risk of what is called refeeding syndrome.
Refeeding syndrome is an interesting topic with a lot of complicated factors, but the main thing to know is the body adapts quickly to having little to no food. Metabolism drastically changes, and certain organs will begin to function differently as a result. Alastor can’t immediately begin to eat like he did before all of this because his body is no longer equipped to do so. If he were to try binge-eating or even just eating something normal after being discharged from the hospital, the symptoms he would suffer vary but consistent ones tend to be seizures and coma, sometimes even cardiac arrest or respiratory failure that result in death.
To get around this, the best way to go about it is to very gradually reintroduce food into his diet over the course of 2 weeks, starting by eating about 14-28% of the calories he would normally need, and building upwards over those few weeks. Reteaching his body how to digest food and restore a healthy intestinal tract can usually happen within 2 weeks, but when accounting for how long he wasn’t eating solid food and the damage he needs to heal from, he might be recommended to do this for 3 weeks to be on the safe side. His best bet would be light soups and maybe yogurt.
Most of this would be handled in the hospital, the process of weaning him off the TPN, by the second or third day reintroducing liquids, then soft foods. Doctors would still want to keep tabs on him for this process once discharged, and would be able to make a better judgement call with his situation specifically on when he can return to eating normally. Normally, as in a reasonable meal, not eating multiple people or even one person in one sitting, that would have to wait the 4-6 weeks after discharge.
He would need to have multiple check-ins with his primary doctor for various reasons to make sure everything is going smoothly, make sure his physical therapy and regaining of muscle mass is going well, and that he is eating properly and healing. Doctors would also be searching for any signs of stress and psychological distress that may negatively impact Alastor’s health and cause thoughts of harming the child, which would result in a postpartum depression screening and/or a post-traumatic stress disorder screening. Debates on if Alastor would even consider the child as one aside, that does not change the need to carefully monitor his mental state and try to improve his quality of life as well as prevent any loss of life or actions he may regret.
In summary: Alastor would have an open intestinal resection surgery, spending his first week in the hospital and after that point focusing on resting while recovering muscle mass, as well as slowly reintroducing his body to food after being taken off the IV. He should be able to eat regularly (in moderation, don't eat a person) within 2-3 weeks, with the rest of his healing taking somewhere between 4-6 weeks. He would not make a full recovery for a few months, but provided his recovery goes smoothly while monitored, he could return to his daily life with minimal issue within 6 weeks.
(Note: The stress and trauma of the whole experience could hinder recovery severely because an increase in stress causes wounds to heal significantly slower and weakens the immune system. If this happened, it would increase Alastor’s recovery time by roughly 25%, but could be increased by up to 60% depending on the severity of that stress. Prioritizing a stress-free environment would be crucial to his recovery.)
(Another note: The pregnancy duration was estimated at give or take 30 weeks, the reason for that is pregnancy weeks are weird. It’s calculated from the date of the last menstrual period, not the date of conception. Alastor does not have the equipment for having it traced the normal way, that’s half the problem, so it would be based on the objective weeks since conception. Unlike the average pregnancy where it’s a gamble if the mother knows the conception date, Alastor would undoubtedly know.)
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Does CBD Help with Nausea? Exploring its Potential Benefits

Nausea is an uncomfortable and often debilitating symptom that can be caused by various health conditions such as motion sickness, chemotherapy, pregnancy (morning sickness), or even anxiety. For years, remedies like ginger, anti-nausea medications, and acupressure bands have been used to alleviate nausea with varying success. But, recently, cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive compound derived from the cannabis plant, has gained attention for its potential to treat nausea. This blog post explores whether CBD can help with nausea, the science behind it, how it compares to traditional treatments, and what you should know before trying it. What is Nausea? Nausea is a protective, albeit rather unpleasant, mechanism that helps the body expel toxins or harmful substances. It can be triggered by a wide range of stimuli, including indigestion, food poisoning, infections, pregnancy, motion sickness, chemotherapy and anxiety or stress, with symptoms ranging from mild discomfort to debilitating illness. Unfortunately, treating nausea can be a challenge, particularly when traditional medications don't work or cause undesirable side effects. For this reason, many people have started to wonder, ‘Does CBD help with nausea?’. What is CBD? CBD (cannabidiol) is one of over 100 compounds called cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the compound responsible for the ‘high’ associated with marijuana, CBD is non-psychoactive. This makes it an appealing option for those seeking relief from symptoms without altering their mental state. CBD interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS), a complex network of receptors and enzymes that helps regulate various physiological processes, including mood, appetite, pain, and nausea. By modulating these processes, CBD may offer therapeutic benefits for conditions like anxiety, chronic pain, epilepsy, and, as studies suggest, nausea. How CBD Interacts with the Body’s Nausea Control System Nausea is regulated by a part of the brain called the medulla oblongata, which is influenced by both the central nervous system and the gastrointestinal system. One of the key neurotransmitters involved in the regulation of nausea is serotonin (5-HT). So, if your levels of it are increased, it can lead to nausea and vomiting. As CBD interacts with serotonin receptors (particularly the 5-HT1A receptor) within the brain, research suggests that by stimulating these receptors, it can reduce nausea and vomiting - especially in response to chemotherapy and other toxic treatments. Additionally, it is believed that CBD’s interaction with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) might even help to stabilise the body's natural response to the stimuli that cause nausea. Scientific Research on CBD and Nausea Overall, research on CBD and its effects on nausea is still in the early stages, but some studies have suggested it has potential benefits. Several human trials have shown that a combination of CBD and THC (often referred to as medical cannabis) is effective in reducing nausea and vomiting in patients undergoing chemotherapy. In fact, one study published in the British Journal of Pharmacology even showed that cannabinoids, including CBD, can help reduce chemotherapy-induced nausea. Another conducted on rats found that CBD was effective in reducing nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy due to the CBD's effects on the 5-HT1A receptor. Is CBD Better Than Traditional Anti-Nausea Medications? Traditional anti-nausea medications, known as antiemetics, are often prescribed to help those suffering from nausea. These include drugs like ondansetron (Zofran) and metoclopramide (Reglan). However, while these medications can be effective, they can also have adverse side effects, such as drowsiness, constipation or diarrhoea, headaches or dizziness. Subsequently, some researchers within the medical community are focusing on the potential CBD might offer to counter nausea. One of the biggest perceived advantages of using CBD to treat this condition is that it generally has fewer side effects than conventional antiemetics. Some studies suggest that CBD is well-tolerated by most people, with some only experiencing mild side effects like dry mouth or fatigue. Encouragingly, unlike other pharmaceutical options, CBD does not cause the sedation or dependency that can sometimes accompany traditional treatments. Forms of CBD for Nausea Relief There are several ways to use CBD, each with its own advantages and onset times. The right method for you will depend on your preferences and how quickly you need relief, which is why you should contact your doctor for proper medical advice. That said, CBD oil can be taken sublingually (under the tongue) for relatively fast absorption. As its effects are typically felt within 15-30 minutes, it has become a favoured choice for nausea relief. If you prefer a more convenient and discreet option, CBD capsules or gummies might be ideal. However, because they need to be digested, the effects can take longer to kick in. For those who want instant relief, vaping offers a very fast onset of effects, although this method is not suitable for everyone, and some may prefer non-inhalation methods. Another option to consider is Transdermal CBD patches, which provide a slow and steady release of CBD into the bloodstream. They can be very useful for those who require the administering of long-lasting relief. How to Use CBD for Nausea If you're considering trying CBD to relieve nausea, it’s important to start slowly and find the right dosage. That is because there is no one-size-fits-all dosage, as everyone responds to it differently depending on factors such as their body weight, metabolism, and the severity of their symptoms. The best thing to do is begin with a small dose (e.g., 5-10 mg of CBD) and gradually increase until you find the right amount that works for you. But make sure you take the advice of a qualified healthcare professional first. Is CBD Safe for Nausea? Generally, CBD is considered safe, with the only real side effects being dry mouth, fatigue, diarrhoea and changes in appetite. In fact, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has even gone so far as to report that CBD has a good safety profile and is well-tolerated in humans. That said, there are a few potential risks to keep in mind, which mainly relate to the way CBD can interact with certain medications you might be taking. Particularly those that are metabolised by the liver’s enzyme system (CYP450). Subsequently, if you are taking medications like blood thinners, heart medications, or anti-nausea drugs, you should consult your doctor before trying CBD. It is also worth noting that not all CBD products are created equally. So, to ensure your safety and its effectiveness, you must only ever buy from reputable companies that provide third-party lab testing results for purity and potency. CBD and Pregnancy-Related Nausea According to the National Institute of Health, upwards of 80% of pregnant women suffer from nausea or 'morning sickness', particularly in their first trimester. It is only natural to ask, 'Does CBD help with nausea?' to alleviate their symptoms. Well, although it might seem like an appealing option for relief, it might be wise to err on the side of caution. At present, there is very limited research about how safe it is to take CBD during pregnancy, and many health professionals advise against it purely because the medical community does not know for certain what its effects on fetal development might be. For this reason, if you are pregnant and are looking for relief from nausea, don't take any CBD product without first consulting with your healthcare provider. Conclusion Some studies have proven that CBD can reduce the effects of nausea in both humans and animals due to the way it interacts with the ECS within our bodies to reduce the onset of vomiting and nausea. Although more qualitative research will need to be completed to fully appreciate its effectiveness as a treatment option for nausea, there is increasing support amongst the medical community for CBD to be recognised as a viable option. If you are interested in taking a CBD product to counter your nausea relief, it is worth seeking specialist medical advice, especially if you suffer from an existing medical condition or are currently taking other medications. They will help you determine the best product, its potency and the dosage, to provide you with relief for your uncomfortable symptoms. FAQs Are you wondering, ‘Does CBD help with nausea?’. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions about the subject. How effective is CBD for nausea? CBD oil is widely used for nausea relief due to it being fast-acting and that it is easily absorbed into the bloodstream. Additionally, gummies and capsules may also provide relief, although it might take longer for them to kick in, while topical creams may be effective in staving off localised nausea, such as the type that is common with migraines. How many hours does the CBD effect last? Generally, the effects of CBD last for between 2-6 hours, although this does depend on several factors, including how your body reacts to it, your dosage and how you use it. Read the full article
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Dulcolax Tablet: Understanding and Using This Laxative
What is Dulcolax?
Dulcolax is a popular over-the-counter (OTC) medication used to treat occasional constipation. It's classified as a stimulant laxative, meaning it works by stimulating the muscles in your intestines to contract, promoting bowel movement. The active ingredient in Dulcolax is bisacodyl.
How Does Dulcolax Work?
When you take Dulcolax, the tablet passes through your stomach and into your intestines. Here, it stimulates the intestinal muscles, causing them to contract and push the stool out of your body. It typically takes 6 to 12 hours for Dulcolax to start working.
When to Use Dulcolax
Dulcolax is intended for short-term relief of occasional constipation. It's not meant for long-term use. You should consult your doctor if you experience chronic constipation or if your bowel habits change significantly.
How to Use Dulcolax
Follow the instructions: Always read the instructions on the Dulcolax packaging carefully before use.
Dosage: The recommended dosage varies depending on your age and medical condition. It's essential to follow the prescribed dosage.
Timing: Dulcolax tablets can be taken with a glass of water. For best results, take them at bedtime.
Avoid overuse: Prolonged use of Dulcolax can lead to dependency and worsen constipation.
Side Effects of Dulcolax
Like any medication, Dulcolax can cause side effects. Common side effects include:
Abdominal cramps
Electrolyte imbalance (in rare cases)
If you experience severe or persistent side effects, stop using Dulcolax and consult your doctor.
Precautions and Warnings
Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Consult your doctor before using Dulcolax if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Underlying medical conditions: If you have any underlying medical conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease or intestinal obstruction, talk to your doctor before using Dulcolax.
Children: Dulcolax is not recommended for children without consulting a pediatrician.
Natural Remedies for Constipation
While Dulcolax can be effective for occasional constipation, it's essential to consider lifestyle changes and natural remedies to prevent constipation in the long term. These include:
Increasing fiber intake through fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water
Regular physical activity
Managing stress
Establishing a regular bowel routine
When to See a Doctor
If you experience persistent constipation, severe abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, or changes in bowel habits, it's crucial to consult a doctor. These symptoms may indicate an underlying medical condition.
Dulcolax can be a helpful option for short-term relief from occasional constipation. However, it's essential to use it as directed and be aware of potential side effects. For long-term constipation management, lifestyle changes and natural remedies are often more effective.
If you're unsure about using Dulcolax or if your constipation persists, don't hesitate to consult your doctor. They can provide personalized advice and recommend the best course of action for your specific situation.
Remember, Dulcolax tablet is a temporary solution. For long-term relief, focus on a healthy lifestyle and consult a healthcare professional.
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Is It Safe to Take Allergy Medication While Pregnant? Experts Weigh In
Being pregnant is tough, in more ways than one. It's so draining that it almost feels unfair that you can get sick while being pregnant. Especially considering that when you're under the weather, many of the medicines that you'd normally reach for are totally off limits. Case in point: allergy medications. More than 50 million people in the US experience allergies yearly, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, and those allergies don't go away during the nine-plus months you're pregnant. In fact, while as many as 33 percent of people say their symptoms lessen during pregnancy, the other two-thirds say they stay the same or get worse, according to the Allergy & Asthma Network. That group are left wondering: can you take allergy medicine while pregnant? The reality is that not all medications are safe or recommended for pregnant people to take. That's why it's so important to talk to your doctor about the best options for your symptoms. We asked experts to give us an overview of taking allergy medicine while pregnant, but every person is different and nothing beats getting individualized advice. Editor's note: This information in this article is not medical advice. You should always consult your doctor regarding matters pertaining to your health and before starting any course of medical treatment, especially when you're pregnant. Can You Take Allergy Medicine While Pregnant? The good news is that there are allergy medications available that are safe for pregnant people to take, according to experts. "Many over-the-counter allergy medications can be used to safely treat allergy symptoms during any trimester of pregnancy," Sarah McBane, PharmD, a clinical professor at UC Irvine's School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, tells PS. A 2021 article in the journal Allergy reports similarly, citing several studies that show antihistamines are "widely prescribed during pregnancy for various indications" and "that the literature regarding antihistamine safety . . . is reassuring" for second-generation antihistamines, a medication classification used to treat symptoms of allergies. Likewise, there are some cases where first-generation antihistamines might be favored despite having more sedating properties. But Dr. McBane also emphasizes that other options exist. "The best medication for a pregnant or breastfeeding individual with allergy symptoms is not always an oral medication," she says. Instead, she suggests talking to your care team about eye drops or nasal sprays to treat your most irritating symptoms, which might be a better and lower-risk option. "Since these medications are not taken by mouth, much less of them gets into a pregnant or breastfeeding individual's system and therefore lessens any potential exposure to a developing fetus or breastfeeding infant," she says. Dr. McBane emphasizes it's "always best to speak with a pharmacist or physician before taking any medications during pregnancy or while breastfeeding." Worth mentioning: when it comes to the safety of allergy-medication use during pregnancy, vague language like "may be safe" is often used. The Association of American Medical Colleges explains that because pregnant people are generally excluded from clinical trials, safety data is often collected through retrospective analysis. However, that doesn't mean there aren't safe options available - but it does indicate that it's always a good idea to check in with your doctor or pharmacist, who can weigh in on your specific circumstances on which medications, if any, would be best. Find more info on specific oral medications below. Can You Take Benadryl While Pregnant? "Benadryl, also called diphenhydramine, is a first-generation antihistamine," Dr. McBane says. "It tends to make people drowsy and may cause side effects such as dry mouth or constipation." She explains that taking Benadryl is considered to be safe during pregnancy; however, she… https://www.popsugar.com/family/allergy-medicine-while-pregnant-49048432?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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Ferrous Ascorbate and Folic Acid Syrup: A Comprehensive Guide
Welcome to our detailed guide on Ferrous Ascorbate and Folic Acid Syrup. In this article, we'll delve into the benefits, uses, dosage, and potential side effects of this vital supplement. Whether you're considering incorporating it into your daily routine or seeking more information, we've got you covered.
Understanding Ferrous Ascorbate and Folic Acid Syrup
Ferrous Ascorbate and Folic Acid Syrup, a combination of iron and folic acid, is a popular nutritional supplement known for its role in promoting red blood cell production and overall health.
The Importance of Iron and Folic Acid
Iron: Essential for transporting oxygen throughout the body, iron plays a crucial role in preventing anemia and maintaining energy levels.
Folic Acid: Also known as Vitamin B9, folic acid is vital for fetal development during pregnancy and supports overall cell function and growth.
Benefits of Ferrous Ascorbate and Folic Acid Syrup
Discover the numerous benefits of incorporating Ferrous Ascorbate and Folic Acid Syrup into your daily regimen:
Anemia Prevention: The iron content in this syrup helps prevent and treat iron deficiency anemia, a common nutritional disorder.
Pregnancy Support: Folic acid is particularly crucial during pregnancy, aiding in the prevention of birth defects such as neural tube defects.
Improved Energy Levels: By supporting red blood cell production, Ferrous Ascorbate and Folic Acid Syrup can help combat fatigue and boost energy levels.
Dosage Recommendations
When it comes to supplementation, it's essential to follow recommended dosage guidelines to ensure optimal effectiveness and safety. Always consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen.
Potential Side Effects
While generally safe for most individuals, Ferrous Ascorbate and Folic Acid Syrup may cause side effects in some cases. Common side effects include:
Gastrointestinal Discomfort: Some individuals may experience stomach upset or constipation.
Allergic Reactions: Rarely, allergic reactions such as rash or itching may occur.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Is Ferrous Ascorbate and Folic Acid Syrup safe for children?
Yes, Ferrous Ascorbate and Folic Acid Syrup is generally safe for children when administered under the supervision of a healthcare professional. However, dosage recommendations may vary based on age and individual needs.
Can I take Ferrous Ascorbate and Folic Acid Syrup with other medications?
It's essential to consult with your healthcare provider before taking any new supplements, especially if you're currently taking medication. Some medications may interact with Ferrous Ascorbate and Folic Acid Syrup, affecting its effectiveness or causing adverse effects.
How long does it take to see results from Ferrous Ascorbate and Folic Acid Syrup?
Individual response to supplementation may vary, but many individuals notice improvements in energy levels and overall well-being within a few weeks of starting Ferrous Ascorbate and Folic Acid Syrup.
Are there any dietary restrictions while taking Ferrous Ascorbate and Folic Acid Syrup?
While taking this supplement, it's essential to consume a balanced diet rich in iron and folic acid-containing foods such as leafy greens, fortified cereals, and lean meats to maximize its benefits.
Can Ferrous Ascorbate and Folic Acid Syrup be taken on an empty stomach?
While Ferrous Ascorbate and Folic Acid Syrup can be taken with or without food, some individuals may experience less gastrointestinal discomfort when taken with meals.
How long can I take Ferrous Ascorbate and Folic Acid Syrup?
The duration of supplementation may vary depending on individual needs and health goals. It's best to follow the guidance of your healthcare provider for long-term use.
In conclusion, Ferrous Ascorbate and Folic Acid Syrup offer a myriad of benefits, from supporting red blood cell production to promoting overall health and well-being. By understanding its importance, proper dosage, and potential side effects, you can make informed decisions about incorporating this supplement into your daily routine.
Remember, always consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen to ensure it's the right choice for you.
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Assessments explained - Secondary assessment
Assessment of body systems
To help further your differential diagnosis, it is imperative to continue your assessment through secondary exams. These can be accomplished by assessing and testing body systems. Consider testing multiple body systems, as many illnesses may have secondary problems that do not present themselves in your primary assessment.
· Asses your patient’s radial pulses. Does the pulse feel regularly regular, irregularly regular, irregularly irregular? Do the pulses feel the same in both arms?
· Run a 12 lead EKG on your patient. At the BLS level, you will not be able to interpret the heart rhythm, but it will be helpful for the hospital to compare to their testing upon arrival.
· Listen to lung sounds, as many cardiac issues relate to the pulmonary system as well.
· Auscultate your patient’s lungs. Do you hear any adventitious breath sounds? In which lobes did you hear adventitious sounds?
· Utilize capnography to assess your patient’s end-tidal carbon dioxide or ETCO2 (the amount of carbon dioxide exhaled with each respiration)
· Establish if the patient has any pre-existing endocrine disorders such as diabetes, Addison's disease, Cushing's disease, hyper/hypothyroidism, etc.
· Take your patient's blood sugar
· Ask the patient about any recent changes in mood, energy levels, appetite, thirst, weight gain/loss, and mental clarity
· Take your patient’s temperature. A tympanic thermometer is preferred in adult patients. An axillary temperature measurement will be the least accurate.
· Asses your patient’s skin for urticaria (hives), unusual bruising, abnormal lumps or bumps, edema, pitting, or injuries in different stages of healing.
· Ask your patient if they have been experiencing nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, or unusual bowel movements.
· In the case of diarrhea or vomiting, ask the patient to describe the color and consistency of the excrement or vomit.
· Palpate all four quadrants of the abdomen separately. If your patient is experiencing pain in one abdominal quadrant, end your palpation at the affected quadrant.
· Ask your patient about their urine output. With infants, ask the parent or guardian the number of wet diapers the infant has gone through since the start of the issue.
· Ask your patient if they are experiencing any pain or burning when urinating.
· Ask your patient if they have experienced any abnormal discharge.
· Ask your patients if there is any possibility that they could be pregnant and when their last menstrual cycle was.
· If the patient is pregnant, ask about any prenatal care, complications with the current or previous pregnancies, current trimester, and due date.
· You will need to establish the number of times your patient has been pregnant before, whether the pregnancy was carried to term. The number of pregnancies is referred to gravidity.
· You will need to establish the number of births of a fetus at >24 weeks, whether it was a live birth or stillborn. This is referred to as parity.
· For example, a pregnant patient with three children would be documented as G4P3
· Assess any affected body parts for DCAP-BTLS.
· Assess the movement and sensation in the affected body parts.
· Assess your patient's mental status (LOC, AVPU, A&O)
· Perform a stroke assessment (Cincinnati, VAN, BEFAST)
· Check the patient's pupils for inappropriate constriction/dilation.
· If any friends or family are present on scene, ask them how the patient's current mental status compares to their baseline mental status.
· Note the patient's balance, gait, and coordination
· Consider cranial nerve assessments (have the patient follow a pen with just their eyes, raise eyebrows, puff cheeks, etc)
· First and foremost, ensure that your patient is non-violent or has been securely restrained prior to establishing patient contact.
· Ask your patient whether they are seeing/hearing/feeling anything that others are not.
· Ask your patients if they have any intention of hurting themselves or others.
Full body assessment (DCAP-BTLS)
In traumatic situations, a full body assessment should be performed to locate any secondary injuries. Each area of the body should be individually assessed as such for for Deformities, Contusions, Abrasions, Punctures/Penetrations, Burns, Tenderness, Lacerations, and Swelling (DCAP-BTLS)
Scalp: Examine for any bleeding or DCAP-BTLS by palpating the skull
Ears: Look inside the ear for any blood or CSF, behind the ears for Battle’s signs, palpate the mastoid process
Eyes: Palpate the orbital bones, look for raccoon eyes, determine pupil size and reaction with pen light
Facial areas: Palpate the mandible and maxilla
Oral: Look inside the mouth for any fluids or foreign objects
Nasal: Palpate the bridge of the nose and look inside for any fluid or foreign objects
Posterior: Palpate cervical spine for step-off
Anterior: Look for tracheal deviation
Lateral: Look for jugular vein distention
*Make sure to palpate the cervical spine prior to applying a c-collar *
Inspect: Look for flail chest, sucking chest wounds, unequal respirations, etc.
Palpate: Clavicles, shoulders, sternum, ribs
Auscultate: Lung sounds
Palpate: All four quadrants separately using your flat palm in a rolling motion
Inspect: Do you note any pulsating masses/rebound tenderness/swelling
Palpate: Push inwards then downwards, noting any instability *If you feel any instability when you push inwards, DO NOT PUSH DOWN*
Verbalize: Visualize the injury. When possible, try to only touch sensitive areas with the back of your hands.
Palpate: Palpate the entire extremity from most proximal joints downwards. Use a cup-like motion with your hands to feel both the anterior and posterior sides.
Pulse: Radial/dorsalis pedis/posterior tibial
Motion: Test your patient’s ability to squeeze, push, pull, or wiggle fingers/toes
Sensation: Can the patient feel and differentiate between which hand/foot is being touched
Palpate: The posterior spine looking for step-off, instabilities, or deformities
*Make sure to palpate the spine prior to rolling a patient onto a backboard*
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Constipation Home Remedies
Today again the stomach did not clear properly. Now one has to suffer from gas, acidity, stomach heaviness, headache and many other symptoms throughout the day. Most people start their day this way. You will not deny that if your stomach hurts then you should understand that the day is also bad. Constipation Home Remedies, which is the source of almost every disease, is a major issue in today's society. Sometimes the matter becomes so serious that life is in danger. In this article of StyleCraze we have developed a treatment for constipation. With their help you can eliminate the blockage from its roots. Before discussing the overall treatment, it is important to understand what constipation is, why it occurs and what are its symptoms.
What is constipation?
Constipation is a common condition in which a person has trouble passing stool. This condition can occur when the amount of stool is less, the stool is solid and loose or there are difficulties in passing stool.
types of constipation
Constipation can be of many types, which are as follows:
Constipation: This is the most common type of constipation and is usually caused by low fiber in the diet, drinking less water, or lack of activity. In this, the person experiences constant abdominal tension, heaviness in the stomach, and difficulty in passing stool.
Transportation constipation: This can be caused by long journeys, business trips or bedridden lifestyle. Due to frequent traveling and improper diet, there is high tension in the stomach.
Recurrent constipation: This type of constipation involves not having stools at least three times a day and may persist for days or weeks. These are usually intestinal symptoms and can be caused by a variety of causes, such as intestinal obstruction, heart disease, diabetes, thyroid disease, diabetes, or pregnancy.
Atonic constipation: This type of constipation occurs due to weakness of the intestinal muscles. In this, the ability to pass stool is reduced and this can last for a long time. This is most commonly seen in old age, but can sometimes be caused by medication or other medical conditions.
What are the causes of constipation?
Constipation can occur for many different reasons. Here are some major reasons:
Drinking insufficient water: Lack of water does not refresh your body properly, due to which processed foods reduce the ability of your intestine to absorb water and keep the freshness out. This may cause constipation.
Lack of food items like Anjeer, Pomegranate, Papaya: These fruits and vegetables provide you good freshness and fiber, which keeps the digestion process running smoothly. Their deficiency can cause abnormalities in your digestive system, which can cause constipation.
Improper diet: Many types of processed and processed foods (like burgers, pizza, refined flour, etc.) do not provide your intestines with adequate fiber and nutrition, which can lead to constipation.
Exercise: Lack of regular physical activity can cause constipation. Exercise can slow down bowel movements by affecting your digestive process.
Medication intake: Some medications (like penicillin, antidepressants, antacids, etc.) can cause constipation. If you are taking medicines regularly, consult your doctor.
Constipation Home Remedies can also be caused by liver disease, thyroid imbalance, bowel disease, use of laxatives, pregnancy, during menstruation and old age etc. If you have constipation problem for days, or it happens regularly, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will perform a special examination and advise you on diagnosis and treatment of the problem.
What are the symptoms of constipation?
Symptoms of constipation may include the following:
Experiencing tension and discomfort in the stomach: Constipation patients may experience a feeling of tension in the stomach, due to which they may feel unwell and restless.
Gas and flatulence in the stomach: Constipation can cause gas and flatulence to form in the stomach, causing swelling, pain, and a feeling of tightness in the stomach.
Foul-odorous and hard stools: Constipation patients may experience foul-smelling loose stools in the form of very solid and hard stools most of the time.
Feeling of freedom from apartment bar: Patients with constipation may have difficulty in passing out the stool completely due to infection in the rectum, due to which they are not able to experience complete satisfaction in the stool.
Loss of voice: Due to constipation, patients may not be able to hear the echoing sounds or gurgling sounds in the stomach due to the stool stuck in the rectum.
If you are concerned about the symptoms of constipation and want to know its general description, there may be other common symptoms as well, such as:
Strain of the intestinal contents: Patients with constipation may experience strain and discomfort in the contents of the intestine, stomach or rectum.
Abdominal pain and discomfort: Patients suffering from constipation may experience abdominal pain and discomfort, which can sometimes be severe.
Rough urination: Due to increased pressure in the abdomen due to constipation, patients may experience roughness when urinating or a change in the light of the urinary tract.
Itching and sympathy: Constipation patients are prone to itching and sympathy in the skin in the rectal area.
Symptoms of constipation can vary depending on the individual and may also vary depending on infection, diet, disease treatment, or other factors. If you think you may be suffering from constipation, constipation is a common health problem that is recognized by researchers as an underlying disease. Symptoms of constipation can vary depending on the person and their severity can also vary. Some common constipation symptoms may include:
Difficulty in defecation: There may be difficulty in defecation and feeling of malaise. Stool quantity may decrease and the texture of the stool may become hard and dry.
Delay in defecation: Constipated patients may have a delay in defecation. If bowel movement stops for more than three days, it is called delayed bowel movement.
Feeling of depression and fullness in the stomach: Constipation can cause a feeling of heaviness, depression, and fullness in the stomach. The movement of stool is not a pleasant experience and can cause patients to feel unwell in the stomach.
Gas and flatulence: Constipation patients may have problems with gas and flatulence during defecation. This may be felt as gas and may cause a feeling of welling in the stomach.
Structure of Paragraphs: When a person suffers from constipation, stool gets lodged in their rectum. Due to this, patients may experience inability to empty the rectum and pain in the rectum.
If you are concerned about the symptoms of constipation and need a general overview of this problem, the above pointers may help you. However, if you think that you may have a problem with constipation or you are suffering from this problem, you should consult a medical expert. They will advise you on the correct diagnosis and treatment.
7 home remedies for constipation
Constipation is a common health problem that can occur in people of any age. This is a common complaint in which residual food items lead to reduced activity in the digestive tract and decreased frequency of stools. Here are some home remedies that can help treat constipation:
Drinking water: Drink adequate amount of water daily. This will keep your body hydrated and help move stool through the veins.
Fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are a source of high amounts of fiber which helps in increasing stool frequency. These include papaya, apple, grapes, orange, carrot, cabbage, tomato, brinjal, radish etc.
Ginger and garlic: Ginger and garlic can help relieve constipation. You can include them in food or use them in homemade spices.
Fresh curd: Fresh curd helps balance the digestive system and can be helpful in relieving constipation. You can consume it with food or by mixing it with fruits.
Increasing water intake: Increase the amount of water consumed daily. This will keep your body hydrated and help move stool through the veins.
Drink warm water after waking up in the morning: Drinking warm water in the morning on an empty stomach is one of the simplest and effective methods in treating constipation. Drinking hot water increases the activity of your digestive system and also increases the frequency of stool.
Yoga practice: Some yoga asanas and pranayam can help in relieving constipation. Practice yoga like Paavanmuktasana, Bhujangasana, Pawanmuktasana, Vakrasana, Kapalbhati, Anulom-Vilom etc.
What should be eaten and what should not be eaten during constipation?
The following foods can help you with constipation:
Eat during constipation:
Fruits and Vegetables: Eat high water structured fruits and vegetables like papaya, fig, amla, apple, pear, banana, carrot, tomato, spinach, cabbage, radish, zucchini, brinjal, cucumber, bottle gourd and watermelon. These are sources of fiber and balance the digestive process.
Nutritious grains: Brown rice, oats, wheat porridge, ragi, barley, corn and millet flour contain abundant amounts of fiber. Eat these regularly.
Sprouted grains: Eating moong dal, fenugreek, masoor dal, gram, fenugreek seeds and proof moong etc. in the form of sprouted grains increases the amount of fiber and improves digestion.
Drink enough water: Keeping adequate amount of water can help in relieving constipation. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily.
Avoid eating during constipation:
Processed Foods: Fried and processed foods can increase constipation, so avoid processed foods like chips, namkeen, biscuits, refined flour, and junk food.
Flour and white sugar: Consuming excessive amounts of refined flour and white sugar can also cause constipation. Instead of these, whole grains and sugar would be appropriate.
Tea and coffee during breakfast: Consuming tea and coffee during breakfast can cause disruption in the digestive process, which can increase the problem of constipation. If you like to drink tea or coffee, limit their quantity.
Probiotics and prebiotics: Probiotics (such as yogurt) and prebiotics (such as bananas, onions, carrots, and celery) may be beneficial for constipation, so include them in your diet.
Fried and spicy foods: Fried and spicy foods can increase constipation, so minimize them.
For more information visit the link: https://cookingkhajana.in/constipation-home-remedies/
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Red Raspberry Leaf Tea - Benefits, Pregnancy, Labor, and Side Effects

Raspberry Leaf Tea and Pregnancy: When to Start Drinking
Pregnancy is a transformative journey for women, filled with unique experiences and concerns. Many expectant mothers turn to natural remedies to support a healthy pregnancy and prepare for labor. when can i start drinking raspberry leaf tea One such remedy that has gained popularity is red raspberry leaf tea. when to start red raspberry leaf tea In this article, we will explore the benefits, potential risks, and recommended guidelines for consuming raspberry leaf tea during pregnancy and labor. raspberry leaf tea pregnancy when to start drinking when to start drinking raspberry leaf tea nhs
Understanding Raspberry Leaf Tea and Pregnancy: NHS Recommendations
Red raspberry leaf tea is made from the leaves of the raspberry plant, scientifically known as Rubus idaeus. It has been used for centuries as a traditional remedy to promote uterine health and ease labor pains. when to start drinking red raspberry leaf tea However, it is crucial to approach it with caution and follow the guidelines provided by healthcare professionals. raspberry leaf tea pregnancy nhs
The NHS (National Health Service) in the United Kingdom advises pregnant women to wait until their 32nd week of pregnancy before starting to drink raspberry leaf tea. red raspberry leaf tea to induce labor This recommendation is based on the idea that raspberry leaf tea may help tone the uterine muscles, making contractions more effective during labor. when can you start drinking raspberry leaf tea? Drinking it earlier in pregnancy could potentially lead to stronger contractions before the baby is fully developed. drank raspberry leaf tea and went into labor
How Much Raspberry Leaf Tea Should I Drink to Induce Labor?
The use of raspberry leaf tea to induce labor is a topic of debate among healthcare providers and mothers-to-be. Some believe that it can facilitate a smoother and shorter labor, while others remain skeptical. It's essential to consult with your healthcare provider before attempting any labor-inducing methods, including herbal remedies. when to start raspberry leaf tea
If your healthcare provider gives the green light, the general recommendation is to start with one cup of raspberry leaf tea daily and gradually increase the dosage. Many sources suggest increasing to two cups per day during the 36th week and up to three cups per day by the 38th week of pregnancy. However, always follow the specific guidance provided by your healthcare professional. does raspberry leaf tea induce labor when should i start drinking raspberry leaf tea
Raspberry Leaf Tea Benefits for Pregnancy and Labor
Uterine Toning: Raspberry leaf tea is believed to tone the uterine muscles, potentially making contractions more efficient during labor. raspberry leaf tea pregnancy reviews
Prevention of Preeclampsia: Some studies suggest that regular consumption of raspberry leaf tea may help reduce the risk of developing preeclampsia, a serious pregnancy complication. raspberry leaf tea benefits for skin
Shorter Labor Duration: Some women have reported shorter labor durations after consuming raspberry leaf tea regularly in the weeks leading up to childbirth.
Reduced Risk of Postpartum Hemorrhage: There is some evidence to suggest that raspberry leaf tea may help reduce the risk of postpartum hemorrhage by strengthening the uterine muscles. does raspberry tea induce labor
Rich in Nutrients: Raspberry leaf tea contains essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, iron, and magnesium, which can support overall health during pregnancy.
Digestive Health: Raspberry leaf tea may also aid in easing common pregnancy discomforts like indigestion and constipation. raspberry leaf tea benefits female tea to drink to induce labor
Raspberry Leaf Tea Side Effects
While raspberry leaf tea offers potential benefits, it's essential to be aware of potential side effects:
Stronger Contractions: Consuming raspberry leaf tea too early or in excessive amounts may lead to overly strong contractions that could be harmful to the baby. raspberry tea to induce labor
Stomach Discomfort: Some women may experience stomach discomfort, diarrhea, or nausea as a result of drinking raspberry leaf tea. when should you start drinking raspberry leaf tea
Allergic Reactions: Individuals with allergies to plants in the Rosaceae family, including raspberries, may experience allergic reactions when consuming raspberry leaf tea.
Interactions with Medications: Raspberry leaf tea may interact with certain medications, so it's crucial to consult with your healthcare provider if you're taking any prescription drugs.
Raspberry Leaf Tea and Labor: Personal Experiences
Many women have reported positive experiences with raspberry leaf tea during pregnancy and labor. Some claim that it helped shorten their labor, while others believe it contributed to a smoother childbirth experience. However, it's important to remember that individual experiences can vary, and more research is needed to establish concrete scientific evidence.
Conclusion: When to Start Drinking Raspberry Leaf Tea
In summary, raspberry leaf tea can be a valuable addition to your pregnancy and labor preparations when used correctly and with guidance from your healthcare provider. It's essential to follow the recommended timeline for starting raspberry leaf tea during pregnancy, whether it's the NHS guideline or the advice of your own healthcare team. Additionally, always be mindful of potential side effects and consult with your healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your pregnancy routine. Raspberry leaf tea, when used wisely, may offer several benefits for expectant mothers, making it a potential ally on the remarkable journey of pregnancy and childbirth.
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The top 100 prgnancy questions a pregnant woman can ask her bestfriend
The top 100 questions a pregnant woman(PW) would have and the answers her doctor would give her
1. PW: How soon after a missed period should I take a pregnancy test?Doctor: Wait at least a week after your missed period to get an accurate result.2. PW: What prenatal vitamins should I take?Doctor: Look for ones with folic acid, iron, and calcium. We can discuss specific brands during your appointment.3. PW: How much weight should I gain during pregnancy? Doctor: It varies by your pre-pregnancy weight, but a general guideline is 25-35 pounds.4. PW: Are there any foods I should avoid? Doctor: Yes, avoid raw fish, soft cheeses, and undercooked meats to prevent foodborne illnesses.5. PW: Can I continue my exercise routine? Doctor: Absolutely, but let's discuss modifications and safety precautions.6. PW: When will I start feeling the baby move?Doctor: You'll likely feel flutters between 18-25 weeks.7. PW: How often should I see you for check-ups?Doctor: Typically, once a month in the first trimester, and more frequently as you progress.8. PW: What's the best sleeping position during pregnancy? Doctor: Sleeping on your left side is often recommended for better circulation.9. PW: How do I manage morning sickness? Doctor: Eat small, frequent meals, and consider ginger and acupressure bands.10. PW: Is it safe to have sex during pregnancy?Doctor: Yes, unless you have specific complications. Check with me if you're unsure.11. PW: What can I do about pregnancy-related heartburn? Doctor: Avoid spicy and fatty foods, and consider antacids safe for pregnancy.12. PW: When can I find out the baby's gender?Doctor: Typically, you can find out around 18-20 weeks through an ultrasound.13. PW: Can I continue to work during pregnancy?Doctor: In most cases, yes. We can discuss any concerns or accommodations you might need.14. PW: How can I manage pregnancy-related constipation? Doctor: Increase fiber in your diet with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Drinking water helps too.15. PW: What's the difference between Braxton Hicks contractions and real labor? Doctor: Braxton Hicks contractions are irregular and usually painless, while real labor contractions are regular and become increasingly intense.16. PW: What's an epidural, and how does it work? Doctor: It's a pain relief option during labor. Anesthesia is injected into the epidural space in your spine to numb pain in the lower half of your body.17. PW: What's the process if I want a natural birth?Doctor: We'll discuss your birth plan, and I'll support your preferences as much as possible.18. PW: How can I prepare emotionally for labor and childbirth? Doctor: Consider taking childbirth education classes and explore relaxation techniques.19. PW: What are some signs that labor is approaching? Doctor: Look for regular contractions, your water breaking, or a "bloody show" (a discharge of mucus and blood).20. PW: How do I choose a pediatrician for my baby?Doctor: Start researching local pediatricians early, and we can discuss your options closer to your due date.21. PW: What should I pack in my hospital bag?Doctor: Essentials include comfortable clothing, toiletries, snacks, and important documents.22. PW: How can I manage stress and anxiety during pregnancy? Doctor: Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing and consider prenatal yoga or meditation.23. PW: Can I travel during pregnancy? Doctor: It's generally safe, but discuss your travel plans with me, especially if it involves long flights or remote destinations.24. PW: When should I consider taking maternity leave? Doctor: It depends on your job and how you're feeling. Let's discuss your options.25. PW: How do I cope with changing body image during pregnancy? Doctor: Remember that your body is doing something incredible. Surround yourself with supportive people.26. PW: What are some common signs of postpartum depression?Doctor: Persistent feelings of sadness, loss of interest in activities, and changes in sleep or appetite are common signs.27. PW: How do I prepare for breastfeeding? Doctor: Attend a breastfeeding class, and I'll provide guidance on latch and positioning after the baby arrives.28. PW: Is it safe to get a flu shot during pregnancy?Doctor: Yes, it's recommended to protect both you and the baby.29. PW: What can I do about pregnancy-related swelling in my feet and ankles? Doctor: Elevate your legs, wear compression stockings, and avoid sitting or standing for long periods.30. PW: How do I manage pregnancy-related back pain? Doctor: Gentle exercises, stretching, and prenatal massages can help alleviate discomfort.31. PW: How can I involve my partner in the pregnancy?Doctor: Encourage your partner to attend prenatal classes, feel the baby's movements, and actively participate in your healthcare decisions.32. PW: What are some common pregnancy complications to watch for?Doctor: High blood pressure, gestational diabetes, and preeclampsia are some examples. We'll monitor your health closely.33. PW: What should I do if I experience spotting or bleeding during pregnancy?Doctor: Contact me immediately or go to the emergency room for evaluation.34. PW: How can I prepare for postpartum recovery?Doctor: Stock up on essentials like pads and comfortable clothing. Arrange for help at home during the first weeks.35. PW: Can I fly during the third trimester?Doctor: Airlines typically restrict travel after 36 weeks, so consult with me and check airline policies if you need to fly.36. PW: How do I manage pregnancy-related carpal tunnel syndrome? Doctor: Wrist splints and gentle hand exercises can help. Rest your wrists when needed.37. PW: What can I do about itchy skin during pregnancy? Doctor: Use mild, fragrance-free moisturizers and avoid hot showers, which can exacerbate itching.38. PW: How can I prevent gestational diabetes?Doctor: Maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet, and staying active can lower your risk.39. PW: What are some relaxation techniques for managing stress?Doctor: Consider meditation, prenatal yoga, or simply taking time for yourself each day.40. PW: Is it safe to get a dental check-up during pregnancy? Doctor: Yes, regular dental care is important. Just inform your dentist that you're pregnant.41. PW: How do I deal with pregnancy-related varicose veins? Doctor: Wearing compression stockings and elevating your legs can help ease discomfort.42. PW: What's the best way to prepare for natural birth?Take the Hypno-Baby course!43. PW: When should I start thinking about childbirth classes? Doctor: Consider enrolling in childbirth classes during your second trimester to prepare for labor and delivery.44. PW: How do I handle pregnancy cravings?Doctor: It's okay to indulge occasionally, but aim for balance in your diet to meet your nutritional needs.45. PW: What's the best way to manage pregnancy-related acne?Doctor: Use gentle, pregnancy-safe skincare products and avoid harsh chemicals.46. PW: Can I continue taking my regular medications? Doctor: We'll review your medications and make any necessary adjustments to ensure they're safe during pregnancy.47. PW: How do I know if I'm at risk for preterm labor?Doctor: Risk factors include a history of preterm birth, multiple pregnancies, or certain medical conditions. We'll monitor you closely.48. PW: How can I alleviate pregnancy-related headaches? Doctor: Stay hydrated, practice relaxation techniques, and consider safe pain relief options like acetaminophen.49. PW: Are there any specific exercises I should avoid during pregnancy?Doctor: High-impact or contact sports and exercises lying flat on your back should be avoided.50. PW: What can I do about pregnancy-related nosebleeds? Doctor: Use a humidifier in your bedroom and apply a saline nasal spray to keep your nasal passages moist.51. PW: How do I ensure a healthy diet for me and the baby?Doctor: Focus on a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. We can discuss a personalized meal plan.52. PW: Is it safe to travel to areas with Zika virus during pregnancy? Doctor: Avoid travel to Zika-affected areas as it can cause birth defects. Discuss travel plans with me.53. PW: How can I minimize swelling and discomfort in my legs and feet? Doctor: Elevate your legs whenever possible and avoid crossing them when sitting.54. PW: Can I continue to enjoy my morning coffee?Doctor: Limit caffeine intake to 200-300 mg per day (about one 12-ounce cup of coffee).55. PW: What can I do about hemorrhoids during pregnancy? Doctor: Avoid straining during bowel movements, eat high-fiber foods, and use over-the-counter creams if needed.56. PW: When should I start thinking about a birth plan? Doctor: It's a good idea to start discussing your birth preferences in the second trimester.57. PW: What are some signs that I should call you immediately? Doctor: If you experience severe abdominal pain, heavy bleeding, or a sudden decrease in fetal movement, call right away.58. PW: How do I handle unsolicited pregnancy advice? Doctor: Smile, say thank you, and remember that ultimately, you and your partner make the decisions.59. PW: What's the best way to manage pregnancy-related leg cramps?Doctor: Stretch your legs gently, stay hydrated, and consider a magnesium supplement if advised.60. PW: Can I continue to have dental work done during pregnancy?Doctor: Routine dental care is important, but avoid elective procedures during the first trimester.61. PW: How do I prepare my body for labor and delivery? Doctor: Staying active, practicing Kegel exercises, and taking childbirth classes can help prepare you physically.62. PW: What's the best way to soothe pregnancy-related constipation?Doctor: Eat high-fiber foods, stay hydrated, and consider a stool softener if needed.63. PW: Is it normal to have frequent urination?Doctor: Yes, as your uterus grows, it puts pressure on your bladder. It's a common pregnancy symptom.64. PW: How can I prevent stretch marks? Doctor: Apply moisturizing creams or oils to your skin to keep it hydrated.65. PW: What's the difference between a doula and a midwife? Doctor: A doula provides emotional support during labor, while a midwife is a trained medical professional who can deliver babies.66. PW: How do I handle pregnancy-related insomnia? Doctor: Establish a bedtime routine, limit screen time before bed, and consider relaxation techniques.67. PW: Can I still travel by car during the third trimester? Doctor: Yes, but take breaks to stretch and move around during long car rides.68. PW: How do I choose the right childbirth class for me?Doctor: Look for classes that align with your birthing preferences and are taught by experienced instructors.69. PW: Is it safe to use a heating pad for back pain during pregnancy?Doctor: Yes, but use it on the lowest setting and avoid placing it directly on your abdomen.70. PW: What can I do to prevent urinary incontinence during pregnancy? Doctor: Perform pelvic floor exercises (Kegels) regularly to strengthen the muscles that support the bladder.71. PW: Can I continue to wear high heels during pregnancy? Doctor: It's safer to opt for comfortable, supportive shoes to reduce the risk of falls.72. PW: How can I stay cool during hot weather while pregnant?Doctor: Stay hydrated, wear loose, breathable clothing, and seek shade when possible.73. PW: What's the best position for breastfeeding?Doctor: Experiment with different positions to find what's most comfortable for you and the baby.74. PW: How do I deal with swelling in my hands and fingers? Doctor: Try wearing loose rings, avoid salty foods, and elevate your hands when resting.75. PW: Is it safe to continue swimming during pregnancy? Doctor: Yes, swimming is an excellent low-impact exercise for pregnant women.76. PW: Can I color my hair while pregnant?Doctor: Consider waiting until the second trimester and use ammonia-free products in a well-ventilated area.77. PW: How do I handle frequent nosebleeds during pregnancy? Doctor: Use a humidifier in your bedroom and apply a saline nasal spray to keep your nasal passages moist.78. PW: What's the best way to deal with stress and anxiety during pregnancy?Doctor: Consider prenatal yoga, meditation, or counseling to address your emotional well-being.79. PW: How do I prevent gestational diabetes?Doctor: Maintain a healthy weight, eat a balanced diet, and stay active.80. PW: Can I continue to have sex during the third trimester?Doctor: In most cases, yes. However, consult with me if you have concerns or complications.81. PW: How can I minimize back pain while sitting for long periods at work? Doctor: Use proper ergonomics, take regular breaks to stretch, and consider a supportive chair cushion.82. PW: What's the best way to manage swelling in my ankles and feet?Doctor: Elevate your feet whenever possible, avoid tight shoes, and stay active to promote circulation.83. PW: How can I stay hydrated during pregnancy?Doctor: Carry a bottle of water with you and drink 8 to 10 glasses to water per day. 84. PW: What's the best way to cope with mood swings during pregnancy?Doctor: Reach out to your support system, practice relaxation techniques, and consider talking to a therapist if needed.85. PW: Is it safe to continue working out at the gym? Doctor: Yes, but let's modify your routine to ensure your safety and comfort.86. PW: How do I manage leg cramps during pregnancy? Doctor: Stretch your legs gently, stay hydrated, and consider a magnesium supplement if advised.87. PW: What's the best way to alleviate heartburn during pregnancy? Doctor: Avoid spicy and fatty foods, eat smaller meals, and elevate your upper body when sleeping.88. PW: How do I prevent pregnancy-related back pain? Doctor: Practice good posture, wear supportive shoes, and perform gentle exercises to strengthen your core and back muscles.89. PW: Can I continue to work my regular hours during pregnancy? Doctor: Most women can, but discuss any concerns with your employer and consider adjustments if needed.90. PW: How do I handle pregnancy-related hair changes?Doctor: Hormonal changes may affect your hair. Use mild, pregnancy-safe hair care products and be patient; it often returns to normal after birth.91. PW: Is it safe to use hot tubs or saunas during pregnancy? Doctor: Avoid hot tubs and saunas, as overheating can harm the baby.92. PW: How can I prevent pregnancy-related swelling in my face? Doctor: Stay hydrated, avoid salty foods, and elevate your head when sleeping.93. PW: What's the best way to prepare for childbirth if I want a natural delivery? Doctor: Consider taking natural childbirth classes, practice relaxation techniques, and discuss your birth plan with me.94. PW: How can I manage pregnancy-related dizziness? Doctor: Avoid standing up too quickly and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.95. PW: What's the best way to stay comfortable while sleeping? Doctor: Use pillows to support your belly and back. Experiment with different sleeping positions to find what's most comfortable.96. PW: How do I handle pregnancy-related varicose veins? Doctor: Wearing compression stockings and elevating your legs can provide relief. Discuss with me if they become painful.97. PW: What can I do about pregnancy-related nosebleeds? Doctor: Use a humidifier in your bedroom, and apply a saline nasal spray to keep your nasal passages moist.98. PW: How do I choose a pediatrician for my baby?Doctor: Research local pediatricians, ask for recommendations, and schedule interviews with potential providers to find one you trust and feel comfortable with.99. PW: What's the deal with postpartum hair loss?Doctor: Hormonal changes can cause hair loss after childbirth. It's temporary, and your hair should gradually return to normal.100. PW: How can I prepare for the challenges of breastfeeding? Doctor: Take a breastfeeding class, seek help from a lactation consultant if needed, and remember that it can take time for both you and the baby to get the hang of it.Remember, these answers are general guidelines, and it's crucial to discuss any specific concerns or questions with your healthcare provider for personalized advice and care throughout your pregnancy.

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Constipation Home Remedies
Today again the stomach did not clear properly. Now gas, acidity, heaviness in the stomach, headache and many other symptoms have to be faced throughout the day Constipation Home Remedies. This is how most people start their day. You will also not deny that if your stomach hurts then you should understand that the day is also bad. Constipation, which is the source of almost every disease, is a major issue in today's society. Sometimes the matter becomes so serious that life is threatened. In this article of Stylecrase we have developed a treatment for constipation. With their help, you can eliminate the blockage from the root. Before discussing the complete treatment it is necessary to understand what is constipation, why it occurs and what are its symptoms.
What is constipation?
Constipation is a common condition in which a person has trouble passing stool. This condition can occur when the amount of stool is less, the stool is hard and dry, or there are difficulties in passing stool.
types of constipation
Constipation can be of many types, which are as follows:
Accumulation: This is the most common type of constipation and is usually caused by low fiber in the diet, drinking less water, or lack of activity. In this, the person experiences constant abdominal tension, heaviness in the abdomen, and difficulty in passing stools.
Traffic constipation: It can be caused due to long journeys, business trips or bed-ridden lifestyle. In this, there is high tension in the stomach due to frequent traveling and improper diet.
Recurrent constipation: This type of constipation is not having a stool at least three times a day and can last for days or weeks. These are usually a symptom of the intestines and can be caused by a variety of causes, such as a bowel obstruction, heart disease, diabetes, thyroid disease, diabetes, or pregnancy.
Atonic constipation: This type of constipation is caused by weakness of the muscles of the bowel. It reduces the efficiency of passing stool and can last for a long time. It is commonly seen in old age, but can sometimes be caused by drug abuse or other medical conditions.
What are the causes of constipation?
Constipation can happen for many different reasons. Here are some major reasons:
Drinking insufficient water: Lack of water does not refresh your body properly, due to which processed foods absorb water in your intestine and reduce the ability of freshness to come out. This can lead to constipation.
Lack of food items like Anujeer, Pomegranate, Papaya: These fruits and vegetables provide you good freshness and fibre, which makes the digestion process smooth. Deficiency of these can lead to abnormalities in your digestive system, which can lead to constipation.
Improper diet: Many types of processed and processed foods (such as burgers, pizza, flour etc.) do not provide your bowels with insufficient fiber and nutrition, which can lead to constipation.
Exercise: Lack of regular physical activity can cause constipation. Exercise can slow down bowel movements by affecting your digestive process.
Medications: Some medications (like penicillin, antidepressants, antacids, etc.) can cause constipation. If you are consuming medicines regularly, do consult it with your doctor.
Constipation can also be caused by liver disease, thyroid imbalance, bowel disease, use of laxatives, pregnancy, during menstruation, and old age Constipation Home Remedies. If you are constipated for days, or if it occurs regularly, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will do a special examination for you and give you advice for diagnosing and treating the problem.
What are the symptoms of constipation?
Symptoms of constipation can be the following:
1. Feeling of tension and uneasiness in the stomach: Constipation patients may have a feeling of tension in the stomach, due to which they may feel unwell and restless.
2. Gas and flatulence in the abdomen: Constipation can lead to formation of gas and flatulence in the abdomen, which can cause abdominal bloating, pain, and a feeling of tightness.
3. Foul-smelling loose and hard stools: Constipation patients may experience foul-smelling loose stools most of the time in the form of very solid and hard stools.
4. Feeling of freedom from apartment bar: Constipation patients may find it difficult to pass stool completely due to rectal infection, due to which they do not feel complete satisfaction in stool.
5. Hoarseness: Patients may not be able to hear a rumbling or rumbling sound in the abdomen due to the stool sticking to the rectum due to constipation.
If you are concerned about the symptoms of constipation and want to know its general description, there may be other common symptoms as well, such as:
1. Straining of the undigested elements: Patients with constipation may feel the feeling of tension and discomfort in the elements of the intestine, stomach or rectum.
2. Abdominal pain and discomfort: Patients suffering from constipation may experience abdominal pain and discomfort, which can sometimes be severe.
3. Rough urine: Due to the increased pressure in the abdomen due to constipation, patients may experience roughness while urinating or a change in the light of the urine spot.
4. Itching and tenderness: Constipation patients are prone to itching and tenderness of the skin in the rectal region.
The symptoms of constipation can vary from person to person and can also be different depending on the infection, diet, treatment of diseases or other factors. If You Think You Have Constipation Constipation is a common health problem that is recognized by researchers as an autoimmune disease. The symptoms of constipation can vary from person to person and their severity can also vary. Some common constipation symptoms may be:
1. Difficulty in passing stools: There may be difficulty in passing stools and a feeling of unwellness. The amount of stool may be reduced and the texture of the stool may be hard and dry.
2. Delayed bowel movements: Patients with constipation may have delayed bowel movements. If bowel movements stop for more than three days, it is called delayed bowel movement.
3. Abdominal depression and feeling of fullness: Constipation can cause a feeling of heaviness, depression, and fullness in the abdomen. The movement of stool is not a pleasant experience and due to this patients may feel unwell in the stomach.
4. Gas and flatulence: Constipation patients may have problems of gas and flatulence in the abdomen. It may be felt as gas and may cause a feeling of fullness in the abdomen.
5. Blockage of the bowels: When a person suffers from constipation, the stool gets stuck in their rectum. Due to this, patients may experience inability to empty the rectum and pain in the rectum.
If you are concerned with the symptoms of constipation and need a general description of the problem, the above pointers may help you. However, if you think that you may have a problem with constipation or you are suffering from this problem, then you should consult a medical expert. They will advise you on the correct diagnosis and treatment.
7 home remedies for constipation
Constipation is a common health problem that can occur in people of any age. It is a common complaint in which the remaining food items in the digestive tract reduce activity and reduce the frequency of stools. Here are some home remedies that can help in treating constipation:
Drinking water: Drink sufficient amount of water daily. This will keep your body hydrated and help move stool through the veins.
Fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are a source of high amount of fiber which helps in increasing the frequency of stool. These include papaya, apple, grapes, orange, carrot, cabbage, tomato, brinjal, radish etc.
Ginger and Garlic: Ginger and garlic can help relieve constipation. You can add them to food or use them in homemade spices.
Fresh curd: Fresh curd helps in balancing the digestive system and can be helpful in relieving constipation. You can consume it along with food or by mixing it with fruits.
Increase water intake: Increase water intake daily. This will keep your body hydrated and help move stool through the veins.
Drink warm water early in the morning: Drinking warm water early in the morning on an empty stomach is one of the simplest and most effective ways to treat constipation. Drinking hot water increases the activity of your digestive system and also increases the frequency of stool.
Yoga exercises: Certain yoga asanas and pranayama can help in relieving constipation. Do Paavanmuktasan, Bhujangasan, Pawanmuktasan, Vakrasan, Kapalbhati, Anulom-Vilom etc. yoga exercises.
What to eat and what not to eat in constipation?
The following foods may help you with constipation:
Eat in constipation:
Fruits and vegetables: Eat high water content fruits and vegetables like papaya, figs, amla, apple, pear, banana, carrot, tomato, spinach, cabbage, radish, zucchini, brinjal, cucumber, bottle gourd and watermelon. They are a source of fiber and balance the digestive process.
Nutritious grains: Brown rice, oats, wheat porridge, ragi, barley, maize and millet flour are rich in fiber. Eat them regularly.
Sprouted grains: Eating moong dal, fenugreek, masoor dal, gram, fenugreek seeds and proof moong etc. also in the form of sprouted grains increases the amount of fiber and improves digestion.
Drink plenty of water: Keeping an adequate amount of water can help relieve constipation. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily.
Avoid eating in constipation:
Processed Foods: Fried and processed food can increase constipation, so avoid processed foods like chips, snacks, biscuits, refined flour, and junk food.
Maida and white sugar: Consuming refined flour and white sugar in excess can also lead to constipation. Instead of these, it would be appropriate to replace whole grains and sugar.
Tea and coffee in the morning: Consuming tea and coffee in the morning can cause disorder in the digestive process, which can increase the problem of constipation. If you like to drink tea or coffee, limit their quantity.
Probiotics and prebiotics: Probiotics (such as yogurt) and prebiotics (such as bananas, onions, carrots, and celery) can be beneficial for constipation, so include them in your diet.
Fried and spicy foods: Fried and overly spicy foods can increase constipation, so keep them to a minimum.
For more information visit the link: https://cookingkhajana.in/constipation-home-remedies/
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All right, let's play!
Let's start with the stuff that works for both versions including logistics. For the sake of the setting ages will be Drastically Compressed. Bruce is only a couple years older than Dick and was a respected upperclassmen, but not his legal guardian. For the sake of having a little more room in ages I'll use American/Gotham high school years rather than Japanese/Ouran years. So in this Bruce is 20, and Dick is now 18 and in his last year (a senior). Cass is 18 but behind a year due to inconsistent schooling in primary school and undiagnosed special education needs (now better addressed). Steph and Tim are 17 but she's a third year and he's still in second year.
Bruce was actually the one to start the club, but he's off to college now. He only shows up a couple times, but Brucie is legendary among the clientele, and any time he's rumored to be making a visit there are far more upperclassmen than usual.
Bruce's cousin Kate goes to a different high school but crashes the club, ala Lobelia Academy. She doesn't convince Cass to transfer schools, but she does convince Steph halfway through the season.
Richard Grayson argued against his nomination for club president, as he had nominated Babs and he meant it darn it! She's the best suited to dealing with the school administration and they each know it, but she resigned the club and now he's stuck. Dick is a master of several different roles, as he and Bruce workshopped many options when the club was new. Now he generally goes for Sincere Romantic Lead.
Barbara Gordon should have been club president, but is graduating a semester early and resigned the club to keep them from having to settle the matter of officers mid-year. Jason is interested, but she doesn't trust his temper when dealing with school administration. She's taking all honors classes, serving in the tutoring society, and prepping for an internship abroad, so she's only got so much time.
Jason Todd La Rouge, Vice President of the Club, fills the Bad Boy with a Secret Heart of Gold. He quotes classic literature at the girls and has a wannabe rival who tries to do the same thing, but has a habit of quoting things that sound romantic but have terrible context, giving Jason Literary Constipation. In every instance of dress up, Jason wears the shortest tiniest hotpants they can find, except for swimming. In the beach episode he's the most covered of all of them because he's in a wetsuit and leading the group that's going surfing. For the Halloween episode Jason bitches because the others insisted he dress as the Opera Ghost, but he loathes the book.
Tim is the club secretary, and with Dick and Kate's encouragement, has been trying to 'queer the space.' His freshman year they tried his club role as Skater Punk, but he's a little more adrift this year.
Stephanie is a regular and self-appointed club manager. She tried dating Tim when they were freshmen but it didn't work out. It's been two years since then, and she knows all the boys' pet peeves and pressure points, and has, at least once, stepped in to impersonate one of the boys for a client. Steph's departure is a mid-season cliffhanger when she announces she won't be coming back in the New Year, but doesn't announce where she's going right away. Everyone assumes she's moving somewhere horribly far away, or that her family are suddenly too destitute to pay tuition, or she's been expelled for fighting in the locker room, or she's pregnant and going away to have the baby in secret. The resolution of 'she's just going across town' is played for comedy.
Since Bruce is only 20, either Damien isn't present, or he's unrelated. Or he only gets a cameo when Dick tells Cass about a client who tried to trap Bruce with a faked pregnancy, and Damien is illustrated in chibi as the nightmare spawn those two would raise in their dysfunctional rich-idiot-shotgun-marriage.
Duke, I admit I don't know what to do with, but it seems wrong to just leave him out, you know?
Alfred is not only the Dean of Academics, but the club's official staff sponsor. He was Bruce's legal guardian through middle and high school and despite how outlandish the club is, he couldn't deny Bruce the chance to do something he was so ready to be dedicated to. Alfred never expected it to last, but here they are, six years in and the club is still growing both in members and clientele. In fact, this year they are piloting a program to allow students from other campuses to visit.
I blame Prof's potential-stock-AU post for making me think about Gotham High School Host Club in which sports scholarship student Cassandra Cain is the one who breaks the vase (not looking for a place to study, but while defending another student from a bully).
I want Babs mentoring Cass somehow, but keep the gender disparity of OHSHC, so she's either Cass's tutor (for classwork) or sports team coach, not a club member.
Helena Bertinelli just straight up keeps her canon job.
Alfred is in charge of distributing resources to after school clubs so there are periodically episodes where Club President Dick Grayson has to convince him why this week's shenanigans are good for Student Enrichment and/or Educational.
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