#Whats the jotnar love traditions i wonder
stupidrant · 4 months
What do you think was Mimir's love advice for Atreus? Something meaningful or
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Greeks throwing apples at their crushes to see if they reciprocate, mimir saying to give a lady you like some cheese….. basically throw a picnic for her 😍😍😍😍
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Monster AU | Genshin Impact | 18+ | Overview
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Monster AU: This AU brings your favorite Genshin characters into a more monstrous phase. From werewolves, to gorgons, to Naga, they all seem to have something going on. Each monster is twisted in some way, not directly based on the myths.
This AU is 18+, as well as this blog, asks are open for the au :)
Diluc: Ollipheist, a typical European dragon when we think of it. Phoenix seems to be a bit typical, and fits Senora more so than Diluc. You only see him flying around at dawn.
Kaeya: Jotnar, ice giant, ice giant, ICE GIANT. He holds knowledge unlike those who walk this earth. The tallest of all the monsters you interact with, and holds a constant chill, along with secrets to fill your ears.
Jean: Valkyrie, I think this speaks for itself. Especially with her last name lol
Lisa: Fear Gorta, a woman eternally hungry and gluttonous, but not for food. Knowledge is her food. Ger presence is a sign of famines and falling back into darker times.
Albedo: Fae, the more mystical side of the fae. The ones that hold powers and knowledge that nothing can compare to. Teaches you many things from the aincient world, and expects your company and love in return.
Amber: Gancanag, usually a fairy, she seduces both men and women from their beds. Though traditionally a male figure, she's one that attracts other fae to her side to join in on the fun.
Barbara: Priestess, she's the one you go to when you wish to make peace with a being, or when needing guidance/to make an offering. Don't confuse her with a witch though.
Razor: Fenrir, yes I made him a wolf.
Bennett: Dullahan, think the headless horseman.
Diona: Fairy, the traditional pixie, think tinkerbell. She prefers to be around cats and their owners, but only if they're friendly and don't give alcohol as tributes/offerings.
Noelle: Banshee, she isn't for a particular clan or family, but more for those in the area she resides in. Her screams indicate deaths range from decades away to mere moments.
Klee: Leprechaun, yes. She is.
Eula: Merrow, a mermaid, for those up North.
Fischl: Sluagh, a restless spirit who can't move on to the next life. She grows more decrepit and malformed, whenever she becomes hysterical.
Rosaria: Abhartach, basically a vampire, but more feral/dangerous from what I've read. Rosaria hides her demons, but don't be surprised they they walk out themselves.
Venti: Fae, mainly due to his laid back nature, and his sense of freedom. Staying to himself most of the time. A peaceful being, though has a reputation of cause mischief when bored or denied his drinks.
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Ningguang: Ba Jiao Gui, around banana trees, this spirit appears to either be stuck or in some sort of harm. If you help her, she gives you winning numbers.
Ganyu: Quilin, peaceful and forever amazing ;-;
Keqing: Nu Gui, a female ghost who wears a red dress after taking her life, she wonders the earth.
Beidou: Zouyu, basically a character from stories passed down, but the general being that the Lion is fits her well.
Zhongli: Dragon, I'm a real thinker. Can you tell?
Xiao: Mogwai, not necessarily evil, or demonic. But bad things and evils seem to follow him wherever he goes. Goes through reproduction cycles during rainy season. Generally grumpy.
Hu Tao: Huli Jing, malevolent or peaceful, these are shape shifting being that are most noted for their nine-tailed fox forms.
Qiqi: Jiangshi, zombie baby;-;
Baizhu: Yeren, are crypids, and basically Bigfoot. Trust me, he's Bigfoot. Don't fight me on this.
Xiangling: Bai Gu Jing, now while she is not a mythological character, she yearn to eat the flesh of Tang Sanzang, while disguising herself as a village girl. Though she would eat anyone that crosses her on the wrong path.
Xinyan: Kui, resembling a drum or a dragon, this is actually the name of a legendary musician who invented music and dance, so I thought it would be fitting.
Chongyun: Xiezhi, with great intellect and with a will to to devour those corrupt, either in spirit or alive- he will do what's right.
Xingqiu: Yuan Gui, specifically for someone angered by death, I feel like if he were to die from anything other than old age, he'd feel like a failure. And in turn become a malevolent spirit.
Yanfei: Gui Po, taking the firm of an old woman, she would return to the places she worked to continue assisting the people. Yanfei said she'll sleep when she dies, but that's a promise she never kept. Such a busy bee.
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Ayaka: Yokai (nothing specific yet animal wise), I can't think of anything specific, but Ayaka can't seem to be any type of malevolent spirit, and only a protector.
Kazuha: Tengu (I really wanted to make him the flying cotton ball that suffocated people at night, but decided against it), a bird protective spirit. Oh no. My originality. It's broken.
Sara: Kuchisake-Onna, I don't know why, but Sara just seems to have "slit mouth woman" vibes. Except she wouldn't ask if she was beautiful, I think she would ask if she's worthy.
Ei: Teke Teke, mainly due to her being half of a "whole" as well as her general hostility towards people, i thought this would be a good fit.
Kokomi: Oshiroibaba, a woman who offers face powder to girls, and once it's used, the girls face falls off. I thought Kokomi would be would be the type to do this for some reason.
Sayu: Kaze, a wind spirit/kutsune if I remember correctly.
Thoma: Amable, a protective spirit, one that specifically wards away illness. Due to Thomas affinity for cleaning, I thought he'd be a good fit here as well.
Yoimiya: Jorogumo, haha spider lady. She'd be a living being rather than a spirit, but I don't think she'd fall into a type of Goblin either.
Itto: Oni, again, my originality is showing. Ittos rage would probably come from his ability to win or loose battles. Other than his losses, he's generally calm and happy to be around.
Gorou: Chikyu, an Earth kitsune. Speaks for himself. He's a fox and his vision is Geo.
Miko: Kitsune (haha so original), a general kitsune, nothing too special. Mainly because her look and character is too tied into it to make a difference.
Scaramouche: Sankai and Kekkai, a spirit born that goes into hiding, only to come out years later, killing his mother. I think this would be the best fit.
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The Abyss
Dainslief: Dark Elf, mainly due to the powers Dark Elves have, and because I didn't want him to become a living weapon. It's also goes hand in hand with the underground theory.
Lumine: Demigod of Moonlight, since she's representative of the moon and holds a French name, I decided to give her the status of a demigod.
Aether: Demigod of Sunlight, made him to compliment Lumine, and after Aether, Titan of the Upper Bright Sky.
Childe: Hydra, mainly due to foul legacy. But if we want something more Russian inspired, I think he'd be Bes. He would possess people and insight extreme rage, especially if one was to thread on a Sunday. But Besomar is a close second.
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fadingcoast · 5 years
Death Of The Lie  ||  Chapter 26: Uncovered
AUTHORS: @fandom-and-feminism​ & @fadingcoast​
Summary: Odin and his daughter Hela are the perfect conquerors of the universe. The nine realms fall one after the other into their clutch. After Odin takes a second wife and has a son with her, he doesn’t need Hela anymore. Hela abandons her father and ends up marrying Laufey, a sworn enemy of the Aesir people. Not long after, she becomes pregnant with Laufey’s child. Odin cannot let that son be born, but against all odds, the boy survives. Odin is forced to bring him back to Asgard to be raised as his own until he could make further use of him. The half-Jotun-half-Aesir boy grows up to look and act a lot like his mother, which disturbs Odin, and makes him treat the boy horribly. Odin’s lies are deep and complex, but one day the boy will find out the truth about everything he is.
Feedback is always appreciated and reblogs are encouraged!!
Chapter 26: Uncovered
The chill humid air of the Alfheim lake filled Loki with the warmth of familiarity, giving him a sense of comfort he hadn’t felt in a long time. He was only allowed to enjoy it for a second, however, before a pulse of magnetic energy emanated from where they had apparated.
“That was the alarm,” Loki warned Hela, his magic already weakened by the effect of the pulse. “The guards will be here in seconds.”
Hela nodded her understanding, and struggled to summon a long black cape to cover herself with, while Loki sent a small magical token Hela did not know where.
Several soldiers materialized in front of them, closing in like shadows coming from the trees. All escape routes were covered, their combined magic annulling any attempts of teleporting again. Instinctively Loki put himself between Hela and the soldiers, straightening his spine and taking a deep breath to draw the attention away from her.
“I am-”
The familiar voice brought a smile to Loki’s face. But he didn’t have time to speak before a plasma blast hit him full on the chest.
“I KNEW IT!!” Another blast knocked him backward. “I KNEW YOU WERE ALIVE!!” Loki tried to shield himself, but his seidr was barely recovering. “YOU MISERABLE LITTLE RAT!” Yet another blast. In all honesty, Loki didn’t mind much. He felt he deserved it. “HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME??!” Another blast that hit him right on his lower belly.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Please stop!”
Loki was bent over himself, hand held up to make Sigyn stop. Between all the wincing and the burning, he still smiled at her. It only infuriated her more. She glared down at him, hands clenched in two tight fists. Loki straightened up slowly and walked closer, reaching for her hands.
“I am so terribly sorry, my queen-”
Sigyn kneed him right on the groin and he doubled down in pain again.
“I probably deserve that as well,” he admitted in a little voice.
“I hope, for your own sake, that you have an extremely good explanation for all this!”
“He does.”
Sigyn turned to face the cloaked figure that had stood behind Loki. Hela uncovered her head and held herself proudly. She hadn’t even opened her mouth when Sigyn bowed low to the ground.
“Your majesty,” she said with great reverence.
The Alfar guards, though clearly confused, lowered their weapons and took Sigyn’s lead. Each one knelt even lower than their Princess.
A glint of satisfaction sparkled in Hela’s eyes, though she still was perplexed. It had been centuries since anyone had treated her with the respect her position demanded. She eyed Sigyn, seeing familiar traits in her lovely features. 
“You are Iwaldis’ child, aren’t you?” Hela asked, eyeing Sigyn. “As bright as your mother, I see.” With a hand gesture, she allowed Sigyn, and the guards, to stand again.
Sigyn gasped with delight, taking a step closer to Hela. “You knew her?”
“Briefly. She taught me about Seidr, in secret.” Hela gave no more information about it, but Loki could tell there was much more to the story.
“I assume you found much more about me, about us, than whatever is left in Asgard.” Loki held Sigyn’s hands and squeezed.
“We must discuss this further at the palace.” She looked at Hela, and then at Loki, returning his gesture. “You are in for a very long history lesson.”
Books piled up on every table in the small council room. Old tomes with ancient smells and yellow pages, kept from falling apart with magic. Loki wondered just how long Sigyn had been researching in his absence, and how much of it she had shared with her father. Sigyn searched for a particular volume and handed it to King Frèyr, pointing out a page to start reading. Loki and Hela listened.
It’s an ancient conflict between Asgard and Jotunheim, traced back to the times of Bor. The Frost Giants were one of the few who opposed Asgard’s rule, and sacrificed many lives to keep their freedom. Before his death, Bor had left instructions to assemble an army so powerful that the Jotunns would have no other option but surrender. When his son Odin ascended to the throne, the army was ready. The most skilled warriors of the Nine Realms came together as part of the Valkyrie Army. The conflict became even more savage and sanguinary.
When the time came for Odin to wed, there was only one woman he wanted: Rindr, General of the Valkyries and his most trusted war advisor.
“In Asgard,” Frèyr paused his reading and turned the book for Loki and Hela to see. “You will find many volumes written about the prowess and victories of the Valkyrie Armada. But there’s too little about how they came to an end.”
Loki looked at the book. On the page next to the one Frèyr was reading, there was a vivid drawing of the Valkyrie Army. It was very similar to the one Hela exposed in the throne room, but at the same time, different. There was nothing glorified about the blood dripping from the swords, or the bodies being trampled by horses. It was brutal in its honesty.
Hela traced her fingers over the drawing of her mother, and read the caption at the bottom.
The Jotnar king, Ymir, outsmarted King Odin’s strategy and led Queen Rindr and her army to a trap. The Valkyries were all slaughtered, and the Queen captured. It is said that King Ymir offered mercy.
“Mercy!” Hela scoffed. “She would not come home defeated and without her army. Asgard would not tolerate the indignity of defeat.”
“What happened then?” Loki asked, his mouth suddenly dry.
“Depends on who you ask.” Hela pursed her lips. “According to Odin, she was sacrificed in the middle of the plaza, her head on a spike for everyone to see.” She gulped and took a breath. “In truth, she commited suicide. Valkyries follow the King’s orders to either victory or death. There was no victory, so they died.”
“I have read of such a ritual, for fallen warriors to kill themselves honorably and still go to Valhalla,” Sigyn offered. Hela nodded.
“I was but a little girl, growing up listening to lies. Being fed nothing but rage and thirst for vengeance.” Hela flipped through the book, turning its pages to find images of Odin’s battle and the death of King Ymir. “Odin used to say that I would take my mother’s place by his side, and lay waste to those who oppose us.” Flicking through more pages, she stopped on a small drawing of Laufey ascending to the throne of Jotunheim. “For a while, I was exactly that. A weapon for him to use. I would come to regret it later.”
Loki’s mind wandered back to all the vandalized books, all the information that had been lost. 
“There is no way Odin could have gotten away with it. Someone must have known.”
“They were permanently silenced, I assure you,” Hela said, venom in her words.
Loki looked to Freyr. “And the other realms?”
“The war against Jotunheim was not our war. We were purposely left out, told to mind our own business.” Frèyr shrugged. “But the Alfar value one thing above all else, and that’s knowledge. They knew something was amiss. It took great effort to track down the truth, but they found it.”
Hela made a sound somewhere between a scoff and a growl. “And they had to keep Odin from knowing, or it would have ended up swept under the rug, with everything else, and everyone else.”
Loki knew this was true. If Odin had known Alfheim had that knowledge, he would have burned it to the ground. Hela stared at the drawing of Laufey, her breathing becoming more audible and rapid by the second.
Frèyr softened his voice when he spoke to Hela again. “There was no way we could have known about your marriage to Laufey, though, or your pregnancy.”
“The ceremony was done in secret, in Jotunheim,” Hela said with a small shake of her head. “Jotnar tradition is different. Their temple is their book, and holds their history. I had already been -” She paused to clear her throat. “Even after my banishment, I knew Odin was spying on me. It was only a matter of time before he would find out I was with child.”
Loki wished he could melt into the chair, but Sigyn held his hand. He was hanging desperately onto every word from Hela’s mouth and he had to remind himself to breathe. A lifetime of lies, finally leading to the truth, and he wasn’t sure he was ready for it.
“Do you…” Loki cleared his throat and forced himself to get the words out. “Do you know what happened the night I was taken to Asgard?”
Hela’s face paled, and she stared at her hands in her lap. A few moments passed before she could gather herself together.  When she looked back up at Loki her eyes were filled with unshed tears.
“That was the night you were born,” Hela managed to say. She took a deep breath and continued, her long fingers turning the pages of the book in front of her until she saw Laufey’s portrait again. “Odin had only just found out about you. You could say he was less than pleased. Less than two days later he came to Jotunheim with an army to drag me back to Asgard.” Finally she met Loki’s eyes. “I was in labor.
“Laufey ordered me to hide, so I did, for you. Once you were born Odin was close to discovering where I was, so I used what strength I had to teleport you to the temple. That’s all I know.” Shocked silence followed her last statement. It didn’t take much stretch of the imagination for Loki to figure out what happened after that.
The Casket wasn’t the only thing you took from Jotunheim that day, was it?
“One fact still remains, my queen.” Frèyr said very solemnly. “You are the rightful heir to the throne. Alfheim will pledge allegiance to you, and help you reclaim what is rightfully yours.”
“Why?” Hela said, her eyes narrow slits as she closed the book in her hand.
Frèyr said nothing, but looked at Loki and Sigyn holding hands, making it clear that Loki was the one they were helping. Hela nodded, her chest tightening at the sight of her son in such distress.
Frèyr gave a lighthearted smile, trying to lighten up the mood. He ordered his maids to arrange a room for Hela, and have dinner served, ignoring protests from both her and Loki. There was nothing either of them could do, he insisted. They needed to rest, gather their strength and plan for the next step. They all knew Asgard wasn’t going to bend so easily.
After supper, Loki walked Hela to his old room to find none other than Gwyn pulling fresh sheets onto the bed. The old maid smothered Loki with her powerful hugs and introduced herself to Hela. After some good-natured chastising, Loki let Gwyn take over and made his way to Sigyn’s chambers. He had a lot of explaining to do.
Sigyn poured a glass of wine for herself and offered some to Loki, but he politely refused. The two of them had been catching up for over an hour, but they both knew they were getting to the most difficult part of their conversation. The part Loki was purposefully avoiding. So he directed the discussion to the exact point when all of Odin’s lies crumbled.
“…Odin is about to die, and he reveals you as heir to the throne of Asgard, rather than the golden boy.” Sigyn took a long sip of her wine and smiled over her glass at Loki. “How did Thor take it?”
“He didn’t have time to take it. He was flung from the Bifrost before we made it back.”
Sigyn coughed, spilling red liquid down the front of her dress. “How??”
“It’s a…” Loki didn’t want to get into details, but Sigyn’s stare made him continue. “I called for the Bifrost, we all got sucked into it, and Thor attacked her, so she retaliated. I’m not sure if he’s… well, let’s just say the odds are against him now.”
Placing her empty wine glass on her nightstand, Sigyn shook her head, reaching for Loki’s hand. “That had to have been hard for you, even after all you’d been through with him. I’m sure he’s out there somewhere, though, he’s a tough guy.”
“I suppose.” 
Sigyn gently ran her thumb over Loki’s palm in small circles. “You have yet to tell me what happened to you after you - after your fight with Thor, when you learned about Laufey. Before Thor brought you back to Asgard.”
A flash of cold shot down Loki’s spine, and he gulped hard against the lump in his throat. “I wish I could tell you, but-” 
“It’s okay.” Sigyn gave him a small smile and squeezed his hand. “I am an empath, Loki. It’s been clear to me for a long time, and with the growth of my powers I learned to control it. Master Indilwen said I would make a great healer, but alas, I’m a princess.” She scooted closer to him on the bed. “You don’t have to tell me. You can show me.”
Loki nearly sighed with relief. “What do I have to do?”
“Let me in.”
Loki turned to face Sigyn, legs crossed on her bed, and took both of her hands. He drew a deep breath and allowed his defenses to drop, letting Sigyn’s magic flow inside of him. Quickly he realized doing that meant he was also reliving everything he was showing her. His first instinct was to resist the memory, but Sigyn’s warm energy slowly began to soothe him.
Flashes of time appeared before his mind’s eye, and Loki felt Sigyn’s hands tremble more with each one. The cold metal floor of a prison cell, the fierce dry heat of the Sanctuary II’s engine reactor core shoving razor sharp tendrils of scorching pain down his throat and into his lungs. Days spent dangling by his throat so only the tips of his toes touched the red hot floor. Long, clammy fingers shoving needlelike spikes under his skin, the same creature laughing at his defiance and speaking in honeyed verses praising the Mad Titan. One voice ringing out over the rest, the voice of the one who wished to control him. 
How do you break a frost giant?
Loki could feel his skin turning cold. He wanted to pull away from Sigyn before he hurt her, but the harder he fought the more she held him. 
Endless days of training, fighting against the Titan’s children with no rest until he won. Words fed to him to condition his broken mind to Thanos’ cause. Glorious purpose… glad tidings… freedom is life’s great lie… you were made to be ruled…
No! Stop! That’s not me!
Sensing Loki’s distress Sigyn released his hands, wincing a bit from the frost that had formed between them. Loki’s arms faded back to his usual pale color, but his face was bright red, tears streaking down his face as he stared off at the wall behind Sigyn’s head.
Loki shook his head, trying to compose himself. It had been too long since the last time he let himself show any emotions, and wanted to hide them back as soon as possible. Sigyn didn’t push, and gave him space, wiping her own tears in the meantime. It took them several minutes to calm down.
“I don’t know how or why I survived. But I did.” Loki spoke again, his voice still broken.
“The norns still have plans for you, it seems.”
“Can they be good plans? Or are they just toying with me to torture me ever further?”
Sigyn took his hand, and Loki saw the worn gold ring still on her finger. “I guess we’ll find out,” she assured him. “If your fears turn out to be true, we’ll fight back.”
Loki was, to say the least, surprised to hear Sigyn say that. He was convinced that given the new information about his true parentage and what he really was, she would be disgusted, she would reject him, and obviously call off their engagement. Her assurance that her feelings had not waned was more than he could have ever expected from her.
“Don’t look at me like that! We are still going to be married!” She stated matter-of-factly, as if there had never been any question of it. “Just… after all this is over. Then you - we - can finally live in peace.”
Loki burst out laughing. “As you wish, my queen.”
<< Chapter 25  –  Chapter 27 >>
@nikkalia​ @xalgaliareptx​  @christy-winchester​ @silverhart93​ @honeybournehippy​ @unseelie1963​ @angryowlet​ @thelittlestlittlecutiepie​ @moonlightprime​ @velvetzybanshee​ @bengalaas​ @damalseer
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dictionarywrites · 6 years
For the jotun hour, do you have any headcanons for cultural group activities/rituals?
I definitely see the Jotnar as having an extremely strong tradition of storytelling and poetry, much like the other peoples of the Nine Realms. Especially for a culture where you have ice on all sides, I think that the Jotnar would be in a very unique position to preserve stuff, so I feel like they genuinely still have some of the first books the Jotnar ever had, and I just think that’s... A really cool concept.
I also love the idea of Jotunn music as something relatively haunting to outsiders, because they’d be playing with sounds like those of the theremin or the like, and really using the ice around them to their advantage?
Like, I don’t know if you’re familiar with what ice over a body of water sounds like, but it’s just a glorious noise, and I absolutely love it - it’s really something I try to factor in when I think of the sounds that the Jotnar would really love. Stuff like ice in glaciers grinding together, that creak of ancient ice; sounds like cracks and pops, but then this...
Isn’t that just a wonderful noise? Isn’t that just so bizarre, so different to any other sounds in nature?
I also very much like the idea that the Jotnar believe in sharing baths as a whole cultural thing - kind of like the Castithans in Defiance, but without the vaguely sexual undertones. I love the idea of Jotunn baths as super big - those are always an act of like, huge luxury from most cultures’ perspective, simply because you’re thinking of like, how difficult the water will be to warm or keep warm, but if the Jotnar have a sea with a VERY high salinity, just so that it won’t melt, I really adore the idea that they have their baths as something similar. 
I kind of see the Jotnar as a whole being naturally solitary people, so everyone has their own space, and there isn’t so much of a focus on like, monogamy where you go and have a marriage home together. Instead, everyone kinda lives in a bigger shared space, with their own like, cells where they settle together.
I certainly see them as being more focused on shared possessions rather than being massively big on the concept of private property themselves.
Now, for some Jotnar, the whole communal living thing just isn’t something they’re into, so there are smaller groups of Jotnar wandering about - nomads and the like - and then you have the solitary Jotnar who carve out their own space, like Angrboda. 
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icyxmischief · 8 years
I've noticed that apparently there were several months between Loki being captured in The Avengers and "tried" and sentenced in T:TDW; what are your thoughts on Odin's reasons for the delay? (I've thought of that he was arguing about it with Frigga; wanted to make Loki just wait in dread; and then finally held the "trial" when he did because he wanted to have it over before Thor became king.)
//We’re on the same page with this, I think! 
Odin is skilled in the art of psychological warfare. The way he treated the Jotnar is a perfect example of this (and so was Bor before him, with the Dark Elves).  Imperialism 101: colonize your less industrialized victims after winning a war against them. School your children in their “innate inferiority” and skew your culture to be dominant over theirs, a symbol of your “enlightenment.”  Play the “benevolent parent” (how convenient the traditional Norse mythological title of “Allfather” becomes)  over them, implicitly rendering them the monstrous and ungrateful enemy should they revolt.  Leave them economically dependent on you as well.  Make your “peace treaty” nominal only.  So back to your question:  The way Odin treats Loki is a microcosmic version of the way he treats Loki’s entire race of origin.  It’s no wonder Loki has internalized racism to cope with, which he externalizes as inflated self importance, hostility, and “greed” for power (let’s not even go there with that incorrect adjective).  I would never say Odin never loved Loki. That’s inaccurate. Odin did, as far as Odin is capable, love Loki.  But Odin didn’t love Loki ENOUGH. That love was contingent upon unquestioning obedience (and so was his love of Thor, btw,  just refer to TDW, when Odin told the Einherjar that they could kill Thor if it mean stopping him going to Svartalfheim).  Odin absolutely wanted to get rid of Loki as quickly as he could, once his younger son proved he was willing to fundamentally disobey his orders and his PLANS for Loki’s role in Asgard’s political scene.  As soon as Loki proved himself more than a complicit shadow of Thor, it was time to make Loki a convenient example of what happens to those who commit treason.  EVEN THOUGH Thor committed treason first (going to Jotunheim to start a war), and Thor’s buddies committed treason against Loki, made RIGHTFUL KING BY FRIGGA, as well, and were NOT punished.  The difference here is that Loki does not fit Odin’s view of a complacent son (for all his own disobedience, Thor still essentially worships his father) and a “correct” type of Asgardian. Loki is an inconvenient truth. So Odin stalls the trial just long enough to make the deliberation look official (and yes, given how much Frigga protested when Thor was banished temporarily but given relative freedom, I am SURE she protested to Loki being sentenced to life in prison).  He then hastens to get it over with, BUT MAKES SURE TO MAKE IT PUBLIC AND EXTREME: egregious chains on Loki’s neck, wrists, waist, AND ankles, the whole shebang.  
But I think it’s even more insidious: I don’t think he conducted the “trial” (with utterly NO witnesses to speak on Loki’s behalf) hastily just to get it done. I think he waited until Thor was in Vanaheim so that Loki would have no advocate whatsoever.  Sure, Frigga was there. But Odin never listens to Frigga; he tells her “Enough!” when she simply approaches Loki to ask him not to goad his father!!! And he often shows her point of view flagrant disrespect, to the point that she knows she can’t even physically visit Loki’s prison cell without rousing Odin’s further ire against his son.  So who is left? Who will people listen to, who will–and in fact, DOES, later on in TDW–garner enough public loyalty to instill doubt in Odin’s supreme authority, about Loki or anyone else? Thor.  So there you have it. The reason why Odin delayed the trial? he was waiting for Thor to be absent, so that Loki couldn’t use their brotherly bond to weaken Thor’s resolve and get Thor to say, “Hey, wait, let’s think about this.”Because make NO MISTAKE about it: Odin gaslights Thor, too.  Odin renders Thor DEEPLY dependent on Odin’s opinion.  Odin is the reason why a wedge was driven between Thor and Loki from childhood.  Odin raised Thor devoid of criticism and accountability, then thrust him into the public light, then punished him for acting atrociously.  My point being, Loki’s delayed trial is just one more example of Odin keeping sure to keep his sons from forming an emotional alliance against him, and, again, challenging his absolute authority as the Allfather.  No one clings to power like Odin. He makes Loki, at his Tesseract-crazed worst, look like a baby deer.  
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Pride and Prejudice
TITLE: Pride and Prejudice CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 48 AUTHOR: wolfpawn
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki was raised on Jotunheim as Laufey’s son after the war, but an agreement was then made that he would wed Odin’s daughter so Odin could secure the alliance of Jotunheim through the marriage. Loki, in turn, was raised to be king of Jotunheim, but how he views Asgard is far different from how Odin’s daughter is raised leading to a clash of cultures as well as uncertainty between the pair of betrothed youths.     RATING: Mature   NOTES/WARNINGS: Forced Marriage, not all fun and games. My first real step back into the Loki scene in over a year.
I literally have this written with over a week and just as a tab on my computer but I suffer from ITS, Idiotic Thoughts Syndrome which makes me really mentally weird and my mind tells me no one likes my stuff, I just had a few people message me over the last day about this telling me they love it which forced me to feel like I am letting them down if I don't post it which, by the way, is sometimes the best way to motivate my shitty ass, so yeah, it needs saying, if you like this, please let me know, it actually gets me to upload new chapters. I have some written, so...yeah.
Tags - @skulliebythesea​ @asimovethroughthisworld​ @blackcherry26-blog​ @we-shadowhunter2901
As expected, no sooner was it announced that Laufey would not die as king, there was a multitude of reactions, not all positive. Many saw it as merely making official what had been occurring for some time. Loki had been the one to deal with the majority of court matters, so it made sense for him to simply rise to the task officially. Others felt it went against tradition, and that was not something they could accept. Ella heard the word tradition so many times, it stopped being more than sounds after a while. She commented into Loki’s ear something that made him chuckle causing the room to focus on him.
“Does something amuse you, Prince Loki?” Igor was a cantankerous old Jotunn at the best of times but the flaunting of such a tradition irked him all the more.
“Yes, actually it does. My mate made a funny comment on this matter.” He answered honestly.
“And what did she say that has you seeing fit to laugh at me?” The Jotnar glared at Ella, who smirked back.
Loki looked down at her, still smiling himself and asked her silently which of them would answer, seeing her smirk grow slightly, he looked forward again to see Igor’s reaction as her statement became known.
“I stated that tradition when used simply to continue impractical practices, is merely aggressive guilt into coercion via the deceased.” Her words were clear and concise.
“I think it an accurate yet amusing statement, don’t you?” Loki chuckled to Igor.
“Coming from an Aesir, whose traditions are beyond rigid and deemed of importance…”
“I do not recall bringing any such traditions with me, have I? And do you not think that if such a statement were to be true, then surely I would be the best placed to say such with validity, no?” Ella asked, her voice calm and light.
Igor silenced, knowing there was no adequate response to such a statement. It was becoming increasingly clear to the court and all those in it that Loki’s mate was not some mindless silent demure Aesir princess with no opinions or mind to voice them but an able wordsmith who tied up far better speakers and minds than him so he silenced rather than make a fool of himself.
“Whether or not the court agrees, it is occurring, I am too old, too weak. The realm needs a fresh face and mind as we welcome in our new era of prosperity,” Laufey declared. “So this coming full moon, my son will take my place on the throne.”
Both Loki and Ella were slightly startled by that statement, neither had expected it to be so soon. Loki because he did not think he would have so little time to mentally prepare, while Ella wondered how the realm would prepare for such an occasion in so little time. She was unsure how they would do so.
Her first decision was to send a seidr message to her mother. They conversed at length regarding the matter. She altered her appearance so that her mother could not tell she was carrying a child. Though Frigga disliked the cold of Jotunheim, even with her seidr, she immediately began readying for the journey there. Ella felt as though it would be best to tell her parents face to face about her impending parenthood so she said nothing of the matter. She knew they would come for such an event, not only because of her father’s role as Allfather but as a manner of publicly showing support for the marriage he placed his daughter in.
When she had finished speaking with her mother, she paced slightly, something she often did when anxious and this caused her to feel incredibly so. She never tried to show her concerns, she learnt from a young age to never let anyone see her in such a manner. Frigga and Odin were masters of such also, never letting anyone see you fret or worry but as easy as it had become to mask such expressions outside, they still turmoiled within her. She toyed with her hands also, something her father long noted she had inherited from her mother, his comments to his wife to cease it before one of their children picked up the habit long being joined by ones to Ella to cease also.
“What are you doing?”
The sound of another joining her caused Ella to yelp slightly and turn around. Seeing Loki looking at her curiously, she shook her head. “What?”
“I asked what are you doing?”
“You are like a caged beast, pacing and all but frantic, looking to escape. You also yelped in shock, nothing seems to sneak up on you.”
“I’m not…”
“You are. Is something the matter?”
“Of course n...” He raised a brow. Ella sighed, remembering her promise to remain honest, regardless of anything else. “I informed my parents informally about what is occurring. I know that they will be given the news officially in the near future but…”
“How did you do that?” Loki had not heard the Bifrost blast through the quiet realm.
“I explained that in the throne room before, via seidr.” She explained. “I use mine, my mother uses hers and the Bifrost guardian, Heimdall, makes it so we can connect them, even through the realms.”
“So the Guardian can hear what you speak of?”
“Heimdall sees everything, there is little point in trying to hide from him.”
“Then why did he not tell the Allfather about when you were ill?” Loki asked, wondering why the guardian had not alerted anyone on either realm as to Ella’s condition.
“I did not let him see me, what he saw was what I wished for him to see, I suspect he was able to see me when I fell unconscious, I don’t know, I never asked him.”
“But you said…” Loki ceased speaking as soon as he noted the ever so slight smirk on Ella’s face. “I give up.” He raised his hands like one that was defeated causing Ella to look at him curiously. “You...you come across as this outwardly perfectly unassuming, dare I say it, boring princess who does nothing untoward. When you came here I genuinely thought you to be an idiot or dim at the very least, truly I did. I thought you to be someone who could not fathom ever even considering breaking the rules but instead, you are tricking the All-Seeing Guardian, even when you do nothing of note.”
“I do not like the idea of someone watching me all the time. How was I supposed to sneak out of the palace if I could be reported to my father?”
“You...” Loki shook his head again. “Of course, you did. I have a miscreant for a mate. That child will do nothing but guarantee I am balder than any Jotnar of full blood with the stress of his actions,” Loki growled.
Ella found herself snorting slightly at his exasperation. “If you must know, I have something of a reputation as a trickster on my old realm. My parents used to get very irked.”
“I do not doubt it.” Ella grinned at him causing him to shake his head slightly. “I fear what sort of terror we have put in you.” Loki eyed her stomach warily causing Ella to laugh.
“You had begun to realise who I am before you willingly did that.”
“First and foremost, you did not tell me how great a delinquent you were in advance,” He pointed out. “Secondly, I alone did not create the situation by which you came to carry our son, you were very much an active part of the process.” Ella beamed proudly at him. “You are not the same creature brought here to be my mate,” He declared. “You sent a copy, didn’t you? Then you wandered along when you felt like it and released your true self on the realm.”
Ella shook her head slightly as she chuckled. “No, that genuinely was me, just recall that you did not wish to speak with me and I could not simply walk up to the Jotnar that clearly loathed me beyond words and introduce myself as the Trickster Princess, could I?”
“It would have been interesting if you had.”
Ella laughed slightly before her face turned into a frown and she placed a hand to her side.
Loki immediately ceased his jestful behaviour and rushed over to her worriedly. “Are you alright?”
Ella took his hand and placed it to where she had her own a moment before.
Loki had been expecting perhaps to feel the child move, he was not prepared firstly for her touch to be colder than his but also to feel a slight pulse of something go through his hand. “What is that?”
“He is unconsciously using his seidr.”
“I think he thinks me to be too warm and his seidr is attempting to cool his environs to something more to his liking.” She frowned as she looked down before her own seidr glowed slightly. “That should keep him satisfied for now.” She paused for a moment, waiting to see if there would be any other form of reaction from within her but there was nothing more, satisfied, she gave a nod.
Loki’s had yet to remove his hand from her stomach. He had been about to do so when he felt a little nudge against it. He chuckled slightly. “What have we created? He has your demeanour.”
“Then we can rest assured that Jotunheim will have two great kings to come, starting on the next full moon.” Ella looked him in the eye as she spoke, hoping to convey her sincerity as she did so. Loki swallowed. “Why in the realms are you nervous? You were made for this.”
“I do not wish to leave him down. To not be everything everyone expects. What if I fail?”
“Loki, you are an incredible being. You will be a truly great king and will not repeat our fathers’ mistakes. Your reign will be a glorious one. You are benevolent and fair and Jotunheim will prosper like never before under your rule.” She held her hands against his face, forcing him to look at her. “You will not fail.” She stated. “And if you are at risk of it, I will be there to make sure you do not. I’ll keep you on the path.” He chuckled slightly leaning down to have their noses touch as he had them do before, his eyes closed and a content sigh as he did so, his hand still on her stomach where his son moved. Ella, since the last time he had done so, had come to learn from Greta that it was the closest form of Jotnar contact to a loving embrace. Hearing that had caused her to question why Loki would do such a thing with her. She came to the conclusion that the relief in the coming of an heir had made him do it, with this second time, she was not so certain.
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wolfpawn · 4 years
Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 48
Story Summary - Based on an idea I had that I submitted to Imagine Loki. Imagine Loki was raised on Jotunheim as Laufey’s son after the war, but an agreement was then made that he would wed Odin’s daughter so Odin could secure the alliance of Jotunheim through the marriage. Loki, in turn, was raised to be king of Jotunheim, but how he views Asgard is far different from how Odin’s daughter is raised leading to a clash of cultures as well as uncertainty between the pair of betrothed youths.
Chapter Summary -Laufey informs the realm of his decision which leads to disapproval from some before Ella informs her mother of what is to happen, leading to her and Loki discussing her past a little more to interesting results.
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Tags - @peppermint-j​ @damalseer​ @perpetual-fangirl​ @tinchentitri​ @inspired-snowflace​ @raphaelaisabella​ @alexakeyloveloki​ @caffiend-queen​ @devilbat​ @nonsensicalobsessions​ @skulliebythesea​ @majoringinlife​ @salempoe​ @lotus-eyedindiangoddess​ @rookienumber98​ @ivytoh​ @agarwaeneth​ @rosierossette​  @arch-venus25​ @nessamaurice​ @winterisakiller
Request if you wish to be tagged
NOTES -  I literally have this written with over a week and just as a tab on my computer but I suffer from ITS, Idiotic Thoughts Syndrome which makes me really mentally weird and my mind tells me no one likes my stuff, I just had a few people message me over the last day about this telling me they love it which forced me to feel like I am letting them down if I don't post it which, by the way, is sometimes the best way to motivate my shitty ass, so yeah, it needs saying, if you like this, please let me know, it actually gets me to upload new chapters. I have some written, so...yeah.
As expected, no sooner was it announced that Laufey would not die as king, there was a multitude of reactions, not all positive. Many saw it as merely making official what had been occurring for some time. Loki had been the one to deal with the majority of court matters, so it made sense for him to simply rise to the task officially. Others felt it went against tradition, and that was not something they could accept. Ella heard the word tradition so many times, it stopped being more than sounds after a while. She commented into Loki’s ear something that made him chuckle causing the room to focus on him.
“Does something amuse you, Prince Loki?” Igor was a cantankerous old Jotunn at the best of times but the flaunting of such a tradition irked him all the more.
“Yes, actually it does. My mate made a funny comment on this matter.” He answered honestly.
“And what did she say that has you seeing fit to laugh at me?” The Jotnar glared at Ella, who smirked back.
Loki looked down at her, still smiling himself and asked her silently which of them would answer, seeing her smirk grow slightly, he looked forward again to see Igor’s reaction as her statement became known.
“I stated that tradition when used simply to continue impractical practices, is merely aggressive guilt into coercion via the deceased.” Her words were clear and concise.
“I think it an accurate yet amusing statement, don’t you?” Loki chuckled to Igor.
“Coming from an Aesir, whose traditions are beyond rigid and deemed of importance…”
“I do not recall bringing any such traditions with me, have I? And do you not think that if such a statement were to be true, then surely I would be the best placed to say such with validity, no?” Ella asked, her voice calm and light.
Igor silenced, knowing there was no adequate response to such a statement. It was becoming increasingly clear to the court and all those in it that Loki’s mate was not some mindless silent demure Aesir princess with no opinions or mind to voice them but an able wordsmith who tied up far better speakers and minds than him so he silenced rather than make a fool of himself.
“Whether or not the court agrees, it is occurring, I am too old, too weak. The realm needs a fresh face and mind as we welcome in our new era of prosperity,” Laufey declared. “So this coming full moon, my son will take my place on the throne.”
Both Loki and Ella were slightly startled by that statement, neither had expected it to be so soon. Loki because he did not think he would have so little time to mentally prepare, while Ella wondered how the realm would prepare for such an occasion in so little time. She was unsure how they would do so.
Her first decision was to send a seidr message to her mother. They conversed at length regarding the matter. She altered her appearance so that her mother could not tell she was carrying a child. Though Frigga disliked the cold of Jotunheim, even with her seidr, she immediately began readying for the journey there. Ella felt as though it would be best to tell her parents face to face about her impending parenthood so she said nothing of the matter. She knew they would come for such an event, not only because of her father’s role as Allfather but as a manner of publicly showing support for the marriage he placed his daughter in.
When she had finished speaking with her mother, she paced slightly, something she often did when anxious and this caused her to feel incredibly so. She never tried to show her concerns, she learnt from a young age to never let anyone see her in such a manner. Frigga and Odin were masters of such also, never letting anyone see you fret or worry but as easy as it had become to mask such expressions outside, they still turmoiled within her. She toyed with her hands also, something her father long noted she had inherited from her mother, his comments to his wife to cease it before one of their children picked up the habit long being joined by ones to Ella to cease also.
“What are you doing?”
The sound of another joining her caused Ella to yelp slightly and turn around. Seeing Loki looking at her curiously, she shook her head. “What?”
“I asked what are you doing?”
“You are like a caged beast, pacing and all but frantic, looking to escape. You also yelped in shock, nothing seems to sneak up on you.”
“I’m not…”
“You are. Is something the matter?”
“Of course n...” He raised a brow. Ella sighed, remembering her promise to remain honest, regardless of anything else. “I informed my parents informally about what is occurring. I know that they will be given the news officially in the near future but…”
“How did you do that?” Loki had not heard the Bifrost blast through the quiet realm.
“I explained that in the throne room before, via seidr.” She explained. “I use mine, my mother uses hers and the Bifrost guardian, Heimdall, makes it so we can connect them, even through the realms.”
“So the Guardian can hear what you speak of?”
“Heimdall sees everything, there is little point in trying to hide from him.”
“Then why did he not tell the Allfather about when you were ill?” Loki asked, wondering why the guardian had not alerted anyone on either realm as to Ella’s condition.
“I did not let him see me, what he saw was what I wished for him to see, I suspect he was able to see me when I fell unconscious, I don’t know, I never asked him.”
“But you said…” Loki ceased speaking as soon as he noted the ever so slight smirk on Ella’s face. “I give up.” He raised his hands like one that was defeated causing Ella to look at him curiously. “You...you come across as this outwardly perfectly unassuming, dare I say it, boring princess who does nothing untoward. When you came here I genuinely thought you to be an idiot or dim at the very least, truly I did. I thought you to be someone who could not fathom ever even considering breaking the rules but instead, you are tricking the All-Seeing Guardian, even when you do nothing of note.”
“I do not like the idea of someone watching me all the time. How was I supposed to sneak out of the palace if I could be reported to my father?”
“You...” Loki shook his head again. “Of course, you did. I have a miscreant for a mate. That child will do nothing but guarantee I am balder than any Jotnar of full blood with the stress of his actions,” Loki growled.
Ella found herself snorting slightly at his exasperation. “If you must know, I have something of a reputation as a trickster on my old realm. My parents used to get very irked.”
“I do not doubt it.” Ella grinned at him causing him to shake his head slightly. “I fear what sort of terror we have put in you.” Loki eyed her stomach warily causing Ella to laugh.
“You had begun to realise who I am before you willingly did that.”
“First and foremost, you did not tell me how great a delinquent you were in advance,” He pointed out. “Secondly, I alone did not create the situation by which you came to carry our son, you were very much an active part of the process.” Ella beamed proudly at him. “You are not the same creature brought here to be my mate,” He declared. “You sent a copy, didn’t you? Then you wandered along when you felt like it and released your true self on the realm.”
Ella shook her head slightly as she chuckled. “No, that genuinely was me, just recall that you did not wish to speak with me and I could not simply walk up to the Jotnar that clearly loathed me beyond words and introduce myself as the Trickster Princess, could I?”
“It would have been interesting if you had.”
Ella laughed slightly before her face turned into a frown and she placed a hand to her side.
Loki immediately ceased his jestful behaviour and rushed over to her worriedly. “Are you alright?”
Ella took his hand and placed it to where she had her own a moment before.
Loki had been expecting perhaps to feel the child move, he was not prepared firstly for her touch to be colder than his but also to feel a slight pulse of something go through his hand. “What is that?”
“He is unconsciously using his seidr.”
“I think he thinks me to be too warm and his seidr is attempting to cool his environs to something more to his liking.” She frowned as she looked down before her own seidr glowed slightly. “That should keep him satisfied for now.” She paused for a moment, waiting to see if there would be any other form of reaction from within her but there was nothing more, satisfied, she gave a nod.
Loki’s had yet to remove his hand from her stomach. He had been about to do so when he felt a little nudge against it. He chuckled slightly. “What have we created? He has your demeanour.”
“Then we can rest assured that Jotunheim will have two great kings to come, starting on the next full moon.” Ella looked him in the eye as she spoke, hoping to convey her sincerity as she did so. Loki swallowed. “Why in the realms are you nervous? You were made for this.”
“I do not wish to leave him down. To not be everything everyone expects. What if I fail?”
“Loki, you are an incredible being. You will be a truly great king and will not repeat our fathers’ mistakes. Your reign will be a glorious one. You are benevolent and fair and Jotunheim will prosper like never before under your rule.” She held her hands against his face, forcing him to look at her. “You will not fail.” She stated. “And if you are at risk of it, I will be there to make sure you do not. I’ll keep you on the path.” He chuckled slightly leaning down to have their noses touch as he had them do before, his eyes closed and a content sigh as he did so, his hand still on her stomach where his son moved. Ella, since the last time he had done so, had come to learn from Greta that it was the closest form of Jotnar contact to a loving embrace. Hearing that had caused her to question why Loki would do such a thing with her. She came to the conclusion that the relief in the coming of an heir had made him do it, with this second time, she was not so certain.
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wolfpawn · 4 years
Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 49
Story Summary - Based on an idea I had that I submitted to Imagine Loki. Imagine Loki was raised on Jotunheim as Laufey’s son after the war, but an agreement was then made that he would wed Odin’s daughter so Odin could secure the alliance of Jotunheim through the marriage. Loki, in turn, was raised to be king of Jotunheim, but how he views Asgard is far different from how Odin’s daughter is raised leading to a clash of cultures as well as uncertainty between the pair of betrothed youths.
Chapter Summary -  Loki has to contend with something he could not have foreseen with regards to his coronation but some light teasing from his brothers causes him to have to think of something more, leading him to wonder a very important question. What is love?
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Tags - @peppermint-j​ @damalseer​ @perpetual-fangirl​ @tinchentitri​ @inspired-snowflace​ @raphaelaisabella​ @alexakeyloveloki​ @caffiend-queen​ @devilbat​ @nonsensicalobsessions​ @skulliebythesea​ @majoringinlife​ @salempoe​ @lotus-eyedindiangoddess​ @rookienumber98​ @ivytoh​ @agarwaeneth​ @rosierossette​  @arch-venus25​ @nessamaurice​ @winterisakiller
Request if you wish to be tagged
NOTES -  I literally have this written with over a week and just as a tab on my computer but I suffer from ITS, Idiotic Thoughts Syndrome which makes me really mentally weird and my mind tells me no one likes my stuff, I just had a few people message me over the last day about this telling me they love it which forced me to feel like I am letting them down if I don't post it which, by the way, is sometimes the best way to motivate my shitty ass, so yeah, it needs saying, if you like this, please let me know, it actually gets me to upload new chapters. I have some written, so...yeah.
The realms were informed of the upcoming coronation of the middle son of the Jotnar king. Some were startled, the idea of a second son as a successor was not something they had ever heard of in their realms. More than one prince looked at his younger brother fearfully, wondering if their younger kin wished to usurp their claim. Some assumed it was nothing more than the fact that the second son was tied with the daughter of the great Odin Allfather. It was leading to some interest and intrigue which in turn resulted in a startling number of beings accepting invitations to the realm for the event. Arden, Loki and Laufey stood startled as messenger after messenger arrived in the realm with acceptances to the event. 
“We cannot deal with this many, can we?” Helbindi looked at the sheer number of names in front of them as Loki revealed the list to his brothers. “The palace is not nearly big enough.”
“And we cannot grow it in the time required to do so.” Loki agreed. “But to tell them that the invitation must be rescinded, that is something that cannot happen either. We are between two fires and we are about to get burned.” 
His brothers did not know what to say, neither could think of something to assist. “What does your mate think?”
“I have not seen her to discuss it with her. All I see every so often is half concerned Jotnar looking at me in a manner to suggest they came in contact with her and are uncertain of what to say or do.” 
“Why do you allow her to be so?” Býleistr asked. “Surely you should tell her to cease such attitudes.” “Leist, I am not sure how you are with your mates, how you wish to carry your relationships with them is not my concern, I will say, however, that Ella is not one to be told what to do in the manner you speak and I can assure you, I would never wish for her to be another way.” Loki insisted. “She is her own being and her manner in dealing with those who think little of her is by far some of her best qualities.” 
“I think you to love her.” Loki looked at Býleistr, startled by both his statement and his facial expression at the mere thought of it. “Do you?” “Why do you look so repulsed at the idea of such?” Helbindi asked their older brother. “I mean, yes, she’s different, but she’s not hideous, far from it.” “She’s so...pale and her hair...you said before she has hair on other parts of her also.” Býleistr shuddered slightly at the thought of such. “To me, that sounds vile.”
Loki felt guilty when he recalled that Ella had been aware of his less than gentlemanly manner of speaking about her just after their first night together. “This is my mate you are speaking of.” He had not intended to growl his words so viciously at his brother but Býleistr’s words of disgust added to his old guilt made him angry. “Don’t you dare speak of her in such a manner.” Loki did not even know how he came to be holding Býleistr against the wall, his balled fist against his chest. 
Býleistr’s eyes grew wide with shock. He had not expected Loki to react in such a manner. “I…” “Loki, you know Býleistr has two functioning brain cells. Don’t beat up your brother as we prepare to deal with inter-realm guests, it doesn’t look good if the oldest looks half beaten to ice-chips.” Helbindi turned to Býleistr. “And you, you moron. The next time you dare insult one of our mates, remember that we will both round on you, then have Greta tell Alma what you said, or do you forget our father teaching us to learn the effects of our words? Idiot. I would love to hear her throw you out of your own rooms. Ella may not be something you find attractive, that does not give you the right to insult her.” 
“Fine, I’m sorry. I am sorry I offended you and your mate.” Loki stepped back when Býleistr apologised. “At least you know I am not interested in her?” He tried to joke to cease Loki looking at him so angrily. 
“Don’t, that’s not even funny.” Helbindi stepped in. 
“Why do you care so much about her?” Býleistr looked at his youngest brother. “You practically adore her.” “I do. She is great. She’s funny, witty, cutting and caring.” Helbindi listed some of his favourites of Ella’s traits. “She speaks to Greta to assist her in any of her woes. She is a genuine friend to her and always answers any questions she has. She is good to her. Anyone who is caring to my mate and makes my brother into a soppy mess is dear to me.” “I am not a ‘soppy mess’.” Loki became indignant. 
“I see you looking at her when she is near you, especially her stomach, you are a soppy mess,” Helbindi teased. Loki’s brow furrowed, having never thought he would do such a thing. “You don’t even realise you are doing it,” He laughed. “Well, that proves it is love then.” 
Loki said nothing in return. 
* It was late when Loki returned to their rooms that night. He had been trying to organise the situation at hand with Arden, though even with great consideration, they could not come up with something. He walked into the bedroom, unsurprised to see it in darkness. He had felt the green glow of Ella’s seidr on entering the room telling him that she had known he had returned for the night. 
When he came into the bedroom, he looked over at the bed and a brow raised at seeing that Ella had taken his side of it, rolling herself into his part of the pelts too. When he came over to it, he pondered how to get her to her own side before getting into his side on the minute sliver available and gently nudged her over. What she did next startled him slightly. She moved enough to give him room before leaning on his shoulder, all entirely in her sleep. He recalled the day he woke to the sensation of being on hers, how it had comforted him, seeing her now do the same with him, the little frown on her face going to utter calm as she inhaled his scent deeply. Loki thought over Helbindi and Byleist’s words of him and his feeling for his mate that day. He looked down to her swollen stomach before looking at her face again and found himself smiling. 
It had been a peculiar time, being forced to take the Aesir princess as his mate, the manner in which their time as mates began, her fighting for her life before she fought to save their situation as mates. She had mentioned the chance of her being forced to take another as her mate, how she had worried what could come, looking at her now in the bed beside him, resting, their child growing strong within her, he felt a horrible pang in his gut at the thought of another being the one to put their child in her. He thought of the guard from Asgard, the one she had cared deeply for, before him, any other being the sire of a child with her bothered him more than he could imagine. It was a peculiar feeling. Before he had put it down to being with regards lineage, now he was forced to acknowledge that it was Ella herself he cared for. He did not wish to ever consider her with another. He knew this was a side-effect of having one mate, a closer bond but he had rubbished it before due to his lack of love for Ella but now, knowing that it was just them, that in a short time, they would be tending to a small infant. That caused him to pause. In Jotunheim, a mother nursed and tended to her own child. In Asgard, it was well known that royal children were raised by a team of staff and not their mother. He looked at Ella and wondered if she would adhere to the Aesir tradition or the Jotnar one. He worried that she would refuse to raise their child in the manner that he felt was best. Jotnar young were born in their parent’s bed, the father being the only other being present and neither parent leaving for a few days after the birth, they merely lay together, the father tending to his mate’s needs while the mother tended to the infant and allowing them to bond as a family. The idea of their child being raised so sterilely as Ella had been worried him. He read of Aesir methods and knew that Ella loved her parents and indeed, it was clear that the Allfather truly did care for his daughter, even if he had forced her to have a life that Loki was certain was not how she would have chosen for herself if she had been allowed decide herself. He fretted the idea of their child being born, her not wishing for him to be in their room for it and as soon as he was parted from her, her sending their son to be looked after by another. Such an idea put fear into him. 
He would need to discuss the matter with her at length. He hoped she would think as he did but he knew he could never force her but he hoped she would see it as he did. 
Loki had been in his own mind, worrying about everything and sending himself into worry before he was supposed to sleep which would lead to a restless night when he felt a slight nudge against him. He looked down to see Ella’s stomach against him, her head comfortably on his shoulder. Forcing the thoughts from his mind, he got more comfortable and placed his hand on her stomach, protecting his child. 
“Loki?” Ella’s voice was heavy with sleep. 
“Yes?” “You’re thinking too loudly, go to sleep. It’s late.” Loki chuckled. “I might just do that.” 
Ella nodded slightly, unable to stay awake any longer, she dozed off again, making herself more comfortable as she did so. 
With her asleep beside him and the sense of calm of having his little family safe and in their room filling him with the serenity needed to fall asleep, Loki began to drift. As he did so, however, the thought came to his mind again, he refused to admit it aloud but in his heart he knew, he cared more for Ella than he had any female before. He did not know if it could be accused of being love, but she made him feel he could be more than he thought himself capable of being. She made him feel like a better being and being around her was something he loved. He wanted to speak with her, even when he did not wish to be around anyone else. She made him feel as though he was complete. She gave him a grounding, she gave him counsel and a family of his own. He just did not know if that equated to love. He thought he knew love before but it did not feel like this. 
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imagine-loki · 5 years
Pride and Prejudice
TITLE: Pride and Prejudice CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 35 AUTHOR: wolfpawn
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki was raised on Jotunheim as Laufey’s son after the war, but an agreement was then made that he would wed Odin’s daughter so Odin could secure the alliance of Jotunheim through the marriage. Loki, in turn, was raised to be king of Jotunheim, but how he views Asgard is far different from how Odin’s daughter is raised leading to a clash of cultures as well as uncertainty between the pair of betrothed youths.     RATING: Mature   NOTES/WARNINGS: Forced Marriage, not all fun and games. My first real step back into the Loki scene in over a year.
Tags - @skulliebythesea @asimovethroughthisworld @blackcherry26-blog @we-shadowhunter2901 
“You will be staying here.” The mere manner in which Loki spoke those words told all present there would be no negotiation with regards the matter. The fear and horror in his eyes only added to it. 
Thor looked between his sister and her husband, concerned by the manner in which Loki spoke, not as though he was making an order simply because she was a woman but because of the manner in which he said it showed genuine fear. Before anyone could say anything else, he decided to speak, noting the odd look in Ella’s eyes telling him that she needed to speak with him. “Ella, I must speak with you with regards to something Mother gave to me to give to you.” He eyed Loki as he stated it. "In private."
“Very well, but only for a moment, I need to speak with Loki before he goes too.” Ella indicated to a small side room. “Did she even give you something?”
“Yes, this letter.” Thor handed her the piece of paper, folded and sealed with his mother’s magic. “What is afoot here?” “Too much to explain now but the short version there has been a slight issue with the eldest Laufeyson, Byleistr, who has taken a mate that is socially, though not strictly, out of bounds and has been sent to a far corner of the realm to quell unrest there but if I am honest, this news seems more unsettling now.” “How is something like taking a mate socially but not strictly out of bounds?”
“Focus Thor, time is of the essence.” 
Thor forced his thoughts of the matter from the forefront of his mind. “Do you think him to be part of it?” “I don’t know but we cannot rule it out.” “He would hardly do something to his own brothers.” “He took the love of one, so I would not put much past him.” Ella wandered over to a table that had an ice vase on it and in it, some of her favourite ice flowers. “Jotunheim is at a delicate stage. It is growing well but the growth could so easily cease if the current path is altered. Loki is seen as integral to this growth, now he and Helbindi will be gone and I worry what this will mean. Most know that his part in the realm’s growth is through the arrangements made with Asgard, something that has its objectors, so with him on a battlefield, it would not be too hard to make his end seem so tragic and him to be nothing more than a tragic casualty of war, Helbindi too. They are not hardened and experienced soldiers, it would seem logical that come a large battle, they could be two to high status kills that could easily occur. That leaves me, here, on the realm of the now enemy of Asgard again. A bargaining chip at best, or a loose end in need to tidying up, guaranteeing Loki’s line is demolished, no contenders, no competition.” She toyed with one of the flowers as she spoke, feeling the petals as she explained to her brother the concerns that she now had. 
“Would the realm turn so easy?” “You came here, you demanded they come and fight by Asgard’s side. If they were to be slain, you would have cost the realm two of its princes. For Asgard’s actions, in their grief, even those who would rather Loki on the throne, who are happy with this alliance, they would see it as justice, until they mourn as one should and they realise it is wrong but my head and body would long have parted ways by then and there are a lot of spells for a lot of things but I never found one to reverse that.” She ceased toying with the flowers and turned to face Thor again. “Do I think that Byleistr is indeed doing this? No. But…” “There is a chance.” Thor finished her sentence for her. “Father always said it, to assume every scenario, especially the worst and prepare for it, so that should we be misfortunate enough to encounter it, we are prepared.” He looked at the vase his sister had been by, it’s flowers glistening in the bright sun. “So prepared we shall be.” 
“Protect them, Thor. They don’t know how to fight as you do. You court danger, to a foolish degree but they have not seen fighting as you have. I rarely fear for you now. You have seen war, it almost seems to be your element, they merely lived in the result of it. The training they do is practical but not moulded by experience,” Ella pleaded. Thor swore to her that he would. 
* Ella watched as Loki readied in his rooms, the etched skin of his back catching her attention as he did. 
Loki, sensing he was no longer alone, turned to see her behind him. “That letter needed a lot of explaining.” 
Ella could hear hurt in his voice. “I was catching Thor up on a few matters of importance.” “You thought it more important to tell him than to speak with me?” Loki growled. “Was there even a letter?” “Yes.” She held up the letter in question, her mother’s seal clear to see on it. “But it was more complex than that. I could not discuss this with only the two of you at once.” “Why?” “I am worried as to your reaction.”
“The reason I said that you were to stay in the hall…” Loki began. 
“You do not need to explain that to me, I know you think me unable to fight.” “It is not that.” Loki walked forward. “I am very much depending on you making good on your statements as to your ability.” Ella frowned. “Then, why?” “If we fail, as well we could, I need you to be here, to try and hold the palace long enough to make sure you do something for me.” “What?” Ella was fearful of what Loki was asking of her. 
Loki looked around for a moment. 
“I soundproofed this room, I told you that already.” 
Loki inhaled. “If we fail, if it happens that they take Jotunheim, I know you can escape, I trust you to, I want you to. But only if you do something for me first.” “What? I am not agreeing to it unless you tell me what it is,” She insisted.
Loki inhaled. “I need you to ensure my father’s death is painless.” Ella’s eyes widened. “You’re not stupid, you know what will happen if an enemy were to get to him.” 
Ella nodded as she felt an immense tightness in her throat. She knew what happened many monarchs on different realms that were overthrown. They suffered terrible deaths and their bodies used to mock them and their people. She knew that her parents would rather fight to their deaths but that age had taken their ability to do so with any sort of honour from at least her father, so she knew of the potion her mother had that would end it, should such a time come and set their bodies alight to join those in Valhalla. “I don’t want to but, yes.”
“I can assure you, I don’t want you to either but I know you would do it with honour.” “There is no honour in killing old sick men.” She paused, wondering if she should mention to Loki the conversation she had with Thor. 
Loki studied her. “You’re apprehensive.” “I worry as to how you will take what I wish to say.” 
“You never lie to me, please continue that tradition.” “I worry. You and Helbindi will go to this battle, Byleistr is not currently available, what occurs when he does become so and most importantly, is his loyal?” “You question his loyalty?” “You don’t?” 
Loki licked his teeth. “I do not think he would but I can see your reason for thinking so.” He sighed before leaning forward slightly. “If it comes to pass, if he returns here and is not our ally…” “I will have two blades ready for him and they will find purchase in him as they did in the ice statue,” She swore. 
“While I do not doubt that, know that I expect you to survive this. If all comes falling down, flee.” 
“Why, is there a place you think to meet me?” 
“Nowhere.” “That is an actual place.” 
“If they get to Jotunheim, it is only because I am dead and not a moment before,” Loki assured her. He could see her feel uncomfortable at such an idea. "It will surely be fine. I fully intend not to die." 
"Good, you have so much yet to achieve. Jotunheim needs you as its king. You will be the one to bring it into its prosperous future." 
Loki smiled at the confidence she had in his part in his realm. "Ella?" She gave him her full attention. "Is it wrong to admit I am fearful?"
"Of battle?" He nodded. "Wrong? Absolutely not, you would be mad were you to think anything other than fear. War is not a game. It's not some silly exercise after which all return home as though nothing happened. Many will not return and many more will return either without some part of body or mind and perhaps missing a bit of both." She walked over to him. "Please, please return."
"I will endeavour to do so." He gave a small smile. "If only to irk you further."
Ella scoffed playfully. "Well, we all have prices we are required to pay in this life." She smiled for a moment before becoming serious once more. "Promise me that if Thor goes berserk, you keep out of his way and never attempt to engage him."
"Do not look at him, whatever you do, stay behind him, encourage him towards the enemy and under no circumstances, do you or any of the Jotnar look him in the eye or engage him. He will not be reasoned with and you will not win such an altercation, do I make myself clear?" 
"Tell Helbindi and have all Jotnar informed. If he lands near them whilst in it, snorting like a bull or boar, simply keep looking at the ground and he should not see any as a threat. Don't do anything foolish. He's an idiot at the best of times, there's little difference between when he is fully cognitive and when he is Berserk but there is a difference, so don't risk it."
"I will relay the message," He promised. "Don't let any disrespect you in my absence."
Ella scoffed. "They will soon learn not to if they try." She gave a small smile. "Loki…"
The sharp knock on the door brought them out of their conversation and back into the harsh reality of what was occurring. A moment later, Arden entered. "I fear it is time to depart."
"Then we best do so. I fear I dallied speaking with my mate so my attire is…" He looked down to see light armour and regal trimmings in him, the last of Ella's seidr glowing away as he did so. He looked at her again as she eyed the armour, ensuring its strength. "Thank you."
"I just wish for you to be safe."
Loki nodded and turned to face the door. "We will be. This will be over soon. Asgard, Alfheim, what stands strong of it, Vanaheim, Jotunheim, it is a powerful alliance, we will persevere, wait and see."
"I know but I will fret regardless." Sadly Ella walked beside Loki as they left the room. 
They joined those gathered in the hall of the palace, Laufey, weary and worried looking. When he saw his middle son and his mate coming towards him, he gave a small nod. “War is not something I wish for you to experience, it is not something anyone should but it is the situation that is occurring now. I wish I could go in your stead and not subject either of you to the brutality of it but we need to protect Jotunheim, if Alfheim falls, we fall.” Loki nodded at his father’s words. “I am sorry.” Feeling weak and sorrowful, Laufey stumbled slightly. Luckily, Thor and Helbindi were close enough to steady him. 
“Father, we will be fine, go back to your rooms and rest,” Loki suggested. 
“No, I…”
“Ella,” Thor gave his sister a slight nod after calling her. 
Smiling slightly, she used her seidr to create a chair of an adequate size for Laufey. “My King, please.” 
Satisfied, Laufey nodded and place himself as best he could in the chair to see off his sons. “Better.” He sighed. 
“Just rest, Father. We will be home in very little time.” Helbindi promised, though there was a slight fear in his eyes. 
“Yes.” Laufey nodded solemnly. 
“Heimdall,” Thor bellowed out, startling many around him. “Five minutes.” 
“We best get to the army then,” Loki ordered. He turned to look at Ella one last time. “Be safe.” “You’re the one going into a war, I should be saying that to you.” She leant up and kissed his cheek. “Just come back.” 
She walked over to Thor and leant up slightly and did the same. “Don’t be too stupid.” 
“You always say that.” “And you always come back, so I am not changing it now.”
She stepped back to let them leave before noticing Helbindi standing to the side with a facial expression that made her laugh. “Are you feeling a little left out?” “I feel somewhat so, yes.” He confessed. 
Laughing slightly she walked over and he bent down enough for her to give him one as well. 
With that done, the men went towards where Heimdall would transport them. As soon as they left the hallway, Ella used her seidr to move herself and Laufey to a balcony overlooking them. 
“That is a very useful ability,” Laufey commented. 
“I thankfully use it more for convenience than anything but it can come in handy in many ways.” 
“Has my son made you promise to dispose of me if this all fails?” Ella looked at him solemnly. “Good, it saves time to have it arranged in advance.” There was genuine relief in his voice. 
“It will not come to that.” “I hope not, for all of us.” 
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wolfpawn · 5 years
Pride and Prejudice
Story Summary - Based on an idea I had that I submitted to Imagine Loki. Imagine Loki was raised on Jotunheim as Laufey’s son after the war, but an agreement was then made that he would wed Odin’s daughter so Odin could secure the alliance of Jotunheim through the marriage. Loki, in turn, was raised to be king of Jotunheim, but how he views Asgard is far different from how Odin’s daughter is raised leading to a clash of cultures as well as uncertainty between the pair of betrothed youths.
Chapter Summary - War discussions take place.
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“You will be staying here.” The mere manner in which Loki spoke those words told all present there would be no negotiation with regards the matter. The fear and horror in his eyes only added to it. 
Thor looked between his sister and her husband, concerned by the manner in which Loki spoke, not as though he was making an order simply because she was a woman but because of the manner in which he said it showed genuine fear. Before anyone could say anything else, he decided to speak, noting the odd look in Ella’s eyes telling him that she needed to speak with him. “Ella, I must speak with you with regards to something Mother gave to me to give to you.” He eyed Loki as he stated it. "In private."
“Very well, but only for a moment, I need to speak with Loki before he goes too.” Ella indicated to a small side room. “Did she even give you something?”
“Yes, this letter.” Thor handed her the piece of paper, folded and sealed with his mother’s magic. “What is afoot here?” “Too much to explain now but the short version there has been a slight issue with the eldest Laufeyson, Byleistr, who has taken a mate that is socially, though not strictly, out of bounds and has been sent to a far corner of the realm to quell unrest there but if I am honest, this news seems more unsettling now.” “How is something like taking a mate socially but not strictly out of bounds?”
“Focus Thor, time is of the essence.” 
Thor forced his thoughts of the matter from the forefront of his mind. “Do you think him to be part of it?” “I don’t know but we cannot rule it out.” “He would hardly do something to his own brothers.” “He took the love of one, so I would not put much past him.” Ella wandered over to a table that had an ice vase on it and in it, some of her favourite ice flowers. “Jotunheim is at a delicate stage. It is growing well but the growth could so easily cease if the current path is altered. Loki is seen as integral to this growth, now he and Helbindi will be gone and I worry what this will mean. Most know that his part in the realm’s growth is through the arrangements made with Asgard, something that has its objectors, so with him on a battlefield, it would not be too hard to make his end seem so tragic and him to be nothing more than a tragic casualty of war, Helbindi too. They are not hardened and experienced soldiers, it would seem logical that come a large battle, they could be two to high status kills that could easily occur. That leaves me, here, on the realm of the now enemy of Asgard again. A bargaining chip at best, or a loose end in need to tidying up, guaranteeing Loki’s line is demolished, no contenders, no competition.” She toyed with one of the flowers as she spoke, feeling the petals as she explained to her brother the concerns that she now had. 
“Would the realm turn so easy?” “You came here, you demanded they come and fight by Asgard’s side. If they were to be slain, you would have cost the realm two of its princes. For Asgard’s actions, in their grief, even those who would rather Loki on the throne, who are happy with this alliance, they would see it as justice, until they mourn as one should and they realise it is wrong but my head and body would long have parted ways by then and there are a lot of spells for a lot of things but I never found one to reverse that.” She ceased toying with the flowers and turned to face Thor again. “Do I think that Byleistr is indeed doing this? No. But…” “There is a chance.” Thor finished her sentence for her. “Father always said it, to assume every scenario, especially the worst and prepare for it, so that should we be misfortunate enough to encounter it, we are prepared.” He looked at the vase his sister had been by, it’s flowers glistening in the bright sun. “So prepared we shall be.” 
“Protect them, Thor. They don’t know how to fight as you do. You court danger, to a foolish degree but they have not seen fighting as you have. I rarely fear for you now. You have seen war, it almost seems to be your element, they merely lived in the result of it. The training they do is practical but not moulded by experience,” Ella pleaded. Thor swore to her that he would. 
* Ella watched as Loki readied in his rooms, the etched skin of his back catching her attention as he did. 
Loki, sensing he was no longer alone, turned to see her behind him. “That letter needed a lot of explaining.” 
Ella could hear hurt in his voice. “I was catching Thor up on a few matters of importance.” “You thought it more important to tell him than to speak with me?” Loki growled. “Was there even a letter?” “Yes.” She held up the letter in question, her mother’s seal clear to see on it. “But it was more complex than that. I could not discuss this with only the two of you at once.” “Why?” “I am worried as to your reaction.”
“The reason I said that you were to stay in the hall…” Loki began. 
“You do not need to explain that to me, I know you think me unable to fight.” “It is not that.” Loki walked forward. “I am very much depending on you making good on your statements as to your ability.” Ella frowned. “Then, why?” “If we fail, as well we could, I need you to be here, to try and hold the palace long enough to make sure you do something for me.” “What?” Ella was fearful of what Loki was asking of her. 
Loki looked around for a moment. 
“I soundproofed this room, I told you that already.” 
Loki inhaled. “If we fail, if it happens that they take Jotunheim, I know you can escape, I trust you to, I want you to. But only if you do something for me first.” “What? I am not agreeing to it unless you tell me what it is,” She insisted.
Loki inhaled. “I need you to ensure my father’s death is painless.” Ella’s eyes widened. “You’re not stupid, you know what will happen if an enemy were to get to him.” 
Ella nodded as she felt an immense tightness in her throat. She knew what happened many monarchs on different realms that were overthrown. They suffered terrible deaths and their bodies used to mock them and their people. She knew that her parents would rather fight to their deaths but that age had taken their ability to do so with any sort of honour from at least her father, so she knew of the potion her mother had that would end it, should such a time come and set their bodies alight to join those in Valhalla. “I don’t want to but, yes.”
“I can assure you, I don’t want you to either but I know you would do it with honour.” “There is no honour in killing old sick men.” She paused, wondering if she should mention to Loki the conversation she had with Thor. 
Loki studied her. “You’re apprehensive.” “I worry as to how you will take what I wish to say.” 
“You never lie to me, please continue that tradition.” “I worry. You and Helbindi will go to this battle, Byleistr is not currently available, what occurs when he does become so and most importantly, is his loyal?” “You question his loyalty?” “You don’t?” 
Loki licked his teeth. “I do not think he would but I can see your reason for thinking so.” He sighed before leaning forward slightly. “If it comes to pass, if he returns here and is not our ally…” “I will have two blades ready for him and they will find purchase in him as they did in the ice statue,” She swore. 
“While I do not doubt that, know that I expect you to survive this. If all comes falling down, flee.” 
“Why, is there a place you think to meet me?” 
“Nowhere.” “That is an actual place.” 
“If they get to Jotunheim, it is only because I am dead and not a moment before,” Loki assured her. He could see her feel uncomfortable at such an idea. "It will surely be fine. I fully intend not to die." 
"Good, you have so much yet to achieve. Jotunheim needs you as its king. You will be the one to bring it into its prosperous future." 
Loki smiled at the confidence she had in his part in his realm. "Ella?" She gave him her full attention. "Is it wrong to admit I am fearful?"
"Of battle?" He nodded. "Wrong? Absolutely not, you would be mad were you to think anything other than fear. War is not a game. It's not some silly exercise after which all return home as though nothing happened. Many will not return and many more will return either without some part of body or mind and perhaps missing a bit of both." She walked over to him. "Please, please return."
"I will endeavour to do so." He gave a small smile. "If only to irk you further."
Ella scoffed playfully. "Well, we all have prices we are required to pay in this life." She smiled for a moment before becoming serious once more. "Promise me that if Thor goes berserk, you keep out of his way and never attempt to engage him."
"Do not look at him, whatever you do, stay behind him, encourage him towards the enemy and under no circumstances, do you or any of the Jotnar look him in the eye or engage him. He will not be reasoned with and you will not win such an altercation, do I make myself clear?" 
"Tell Helbindi and have all Jotnar informed. If he lands near them whilst in it, snorting like a bull or boar, simply keep looking at the ground and he should not see any as a threat. Don't do anything foolish. He's an idiot at the best of times, there's little difference between when he is fully cognitive and when he is Berserk but there is a difference, so don't risk it."
"I will relay the message," He promised. "Don't let any disrespect you in my absence."
Ella scoffed. "They will soon learn not to if they try." She gave a small smile. "Loki…"
The sharp knock on the door brought them out of their conversation and back into the harsh reality of what was occurring. A moment later, Arden entered. "I fear it is time to depart."
"Then we best do so. I fear I dallied speaking with my mate so my attire is…" He looked down to see light armour and regal trimmings in him, the last of Ella's seidr glowing away as he did so. He looked at her again as she eyed the armour, ensuring its strength. "Thank you."
"I just wish for you to be safe."
Loki nodded and turned to face the door. "We will be. This will be over soon. Asgard, Alfheim, what stands strong of it, Vanaheim, Jotunheim, it is a powerful alliance, we will persevere, wait and see."
"I know but I will fret regardless." Sadly Ella walked beside Loki as they left the room. 
They joined those gathered in the hall of the palace, Laufey, weary and worried looking. When he saw his middle son and his mate coming towards him, he gave a small nod. “War is not something I wish for you to experience, it is not something anyone should but it is the situation that is occurring now. I wish I could go in your stead and not subject either of you to the brutality of it but we need to protect Jotunheim, if Alfheim falls, we fall.” Loki nodded at his father’s words. “I am sorry.” Feeling weak and sorrowful, Laufey stumbled slightly. Luckily, Thor and Helbindi were close enough to steady him. 
“Father, we will be fine, go back to your rooms and rest,” Loki suggested. 
“No, I…”
“Ella,” Thor gave his sister a slight nod after calling her. 
Smiling slightly, she used her seidr to create a chair of an adequate size for Laufey. “My King, please.” 
Satisfied, Laufey nodded and place himself as best he could in the chair to see off his sons. “Better.” He sighed. 
“Just rest, Father. We will be home in very little time.” Helbindi promised, though there was a slight fear in his eyes. 
“Yes.” Laufey nodded solemnly. 
“Heimdall,” Thor bellowed out, startling many around him. “Five minutes.” 
“We best get to the army then,” Loki ordered. He turned to look at Ella one last time. “Be safe.” “You’re the one going into a war, I should be saying that to you.” She leant up and kissed his cheek. “Just come back.” 
She walked over to Thor and leant up slightly and did the same. “Don’t be too stupid.” 
“You always say that.” “And you always come back, so I am not changing it now.”
She stepped back to let them leave before noticing Helbindi standing to the side with a facial expression that made her laugh. “Are you feeling a little left out?” “I feel somewhat so, yes.” He confessed. 
Laughing slightly she walked over and he bent down enough for her to give him one as well. 
With that done, the men went towards where Heimdall would transport them. As soon as they left the hallway, Ella used her seidr to move herself and Laufey to a balcony overlooking them. 
“That is a very useful ability,” Laufey commented. 
“I thankfully use it more for convenience than anything but it can come in handy in many ways.” 
“Has my son made you promise to dispose of me if this all fails?” Ella looked at him solemnly. “Good, it saves time to have it arranged in advance.” There was genuine relief in his voice. 
“It will not come to that.” “I hope not, for all of us.” 
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