#What's it gonna be Duffer bros
unusualwhatsits · 2 years
Can't wait for the look of realization and unbridled terror on one side of Byler's face when the other gets Vecna'd
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10 y/o miwi starting to crush on each other + Lucas and Dustin. That must've been SO funny like-
Will absent-mindedly doodling Mike all over his notebook during class; Mike with the biggest, brightest heart eyes talking about the last drawing Will gave him like it was a Da Vinci; Will randomly zoning out of conversations bc he got distracted staring at Mike; Mike tripping on air while walking bc he was too busy focusing on telling Will a joke; Will always separating and saving Mike's favorite candy so he could give it to him; Mike whispering god-knows-what into Will's ear and Will trying to stifle his giggles for the next 10 minutes...
All of this while Lucas and Dustin look at each other like '??????'
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bylertruther · 2 years
so like. i started going through the transcripts bc i wanted to pull out Evidence From The Text to back my shit up like always, right? and like. .... ..... ... . . . dude. season four is so fucking LONG and filled with SO DAMN MUCH that it goes in one ear and out the other, but when you sit down and read that shit? jesus fucking christ lmao. my guys brenner and one literally are telling us the plot to season five like there's no wayyyyyyyyy bro lmaoooo this shit really got me sweating n pacing around the room like . It's Literally Right There it's not a hidden message it's not a tiny detail in the background They're Telling Us What Is Going To Happen. specifically brenner because brenner is the one that could not stop, brenner is the one that could not let go, brenner is the one who tipped over the first domino. brenner is telling us the ending to this story because he's the one that wrote it. not even. brenner is our cassandra he's telling us I Know What Is Going To Happen and exactly how but no one listens to him he tells us exactly how act one is going to end and he was right. he knows the beginning to this story and its middle and he foresees the end but he dies before he can change it and so it's up to our heroes to pick up the pen and fix his mistakes. like. grabs ur shoulders. Brother I Am Having Realizations Here
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My one fear is that ST5 does go back in time and no one remembers, therefore Steve is still King Steve and loses the friendships he's made with the kids and Robin
#Like dont get me wrong I love King Steve type media BUT THE CHARACTER GROWTH WILL BE GONE#bad ending right there v bad ending#“Well at least he's alive” no. Shut up#I am that no fear one fear tshirt guy#Robin walks past and Steve gets a confused look like SOMETHING is off but he doesn't know what#Then proceeds to let his friends bully her??? I actually will riot#“But that means they can save Eddie and Barb” BRO BARB GOING rip Barb IS NANCY'S WHOLE ARC#SHE WOULD NEVER BE THE BADASS BITCH SHE IS IF BARB DIDNT GO rip Barb forever will be missed#LIKE YOU THINK LIL MISS STRAIGHT A NANCY WHEELER IS GONNA HAVE GUNS IN HER ROOM AND GO AGAINST THE GRAIN?#NAH SHE GONNA BRING HOMEMADE STUDY CARDS#I LOVE EDDIE JUST AS MUCH AS THE NEXT PERSON and I do think it was unnecessary to kill him off#Because they can say “oh its growth for Dustin's character” we've already seen a lot of growth for his character#It made no sense to do it and didn't further the plot and literally everyone seemed to forget 2 seconds later (ya other things were happeni#But like you mean to tell me no one but Dustin told Wayne????)#Duffers said we originally wanted to kill Steve off and regret we didn't so we're gonna create someone JUST to kill off#Like every death makes sense to the plot and to further the plot except his and yes I can go into detail BUT I WONT#BACK TO STEVE BABY#This is quite literally the worst thing for his character if they make him grow so much snd become loved#Just to put him back into asshole douchebag status (of course I would still let him get it rip to u but im different)#Like honestly that's worse then death for him and if Duffers are doing that???#Duffers its gonna be ON SIGHT#You will catch these hands#Steve Harrington#Stranger Things#Stranger Things s5#Stranger Things thoughts#King Steve Harrington#Hello I'm speaking here
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mr111202 · 15 days
The Strange Parallel Between Mike Wheeler and Disney’s Mulan (The Mike/Disney Parallels 1/2)
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Okay, I know what you’re gonna say: “Wait, Mulan’s a Chinese girl from the Hun Dynasty, and Mike’s an American boy from the 1980s. The hell do you mean??” Admittedly, it does sound strange, but stay with me here. I’m not saying that Mike and Mulan are the same person, definitely not. But, they both do have one big similarity in common:
Their self-confidence issues, and the need to protect those who they love.
In the beginning of her movie, Mulan is shown to have some major self-confidence issues. Most prominent with her thinking that she’s brought shame to her family for not being “the perfect daughter” cause she failed to impress the matchmaker.
Like wise, through season four, we can see that Mike is also struggling with his own self-confidence. The most famous example that people like to use is the Van scene before Will whips out his painting. Mike talks about how he feels inadequate and useless when it comes to his relationship with El (“she’s Superman, and I’m Lois Lane. But even that doesn’t work.” To paraphrase). And, if we do take in the aspect of Mike being gay as well, it can also be said that he feels this cause he thinks he’s not “the perfect son” cause he likes boys.
Both characters feel inadequate and feel like as if they constantly let people down.
Then, later on in the Disney movie, Mulan decides to disguise herself as a man to join the army. Not cause she wants to or to prove a point, but cause she doesn’t want her father to get killed in battle. She seems to be the kind to risk her life for those she cares for. She does this again when she saves Shang during the avalanche, despite her bleeding from a stomach wound via Shan-Yu’s sword.
Similarly, Mike has been shown to be the kind of person who will risk his life to keep the people he loves safe. There’s the time in season 1 where he was ready to throw himself off the quarry to save Dustin from Troy. Then there’s the time in season 3 when he took a pipe to Billy’s back during the sauna test to save El. Then, also in that same season at the finale, bro threw his skinny ass body at Billy (who’s jacked and possessed) as a way to keep El safe and buy her time to escape the mall.
With all that said, this is something I personally want in season five. I sincerely doubt that the Duffer Brothers would do this, but a girl can dream.
I want Mike to have his Mulan moment.
Much like how Mulan developed confidence in herself thanks to her experience in the army, I want Mike to be able to grow confidence with himself and be able to accept himself for who he is (that he’s great the way his is, and that being gay and loving Will is okay).
And much like how Mulan was able to use her smarts and wits to defeat Shan-Yu, I would like to see a scene where Mike uses his own smarts and wits to come up with a plan to defeat Vecna, affirming Will’s statement in the van scene that Mike is the “Heart of the Party”. Much like how Mulan is kind of the “Heart of the Army”.
Though admittedly, a little montage or a creative time shot of Mike getting buff wouldn’t be too bad.
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Regarding queerbaiting: Sherlock is one of the more famous examples, and the tumblr drama surrounding it is an... interesting story that I think is worth knowing if you want to understand the queerbait allegations.
The show, made and set in the 2010s, liked to poke fun at John Watson for being a straight man shacking up with another single dude. The show's creators -- one of whom is a gay man himself -- were born in 60s, so I see these jokes as two guys who were adults during the height of AIDS and Thatcherism taking delight in the fact they're now living in a world where queerness is largely accepted and somewhat normalized. A straight guy being forced to constantly defend himself from nonchalant assumptions that the man he's living with is his gay lover is funny when he's not in any danger of being hate-crimed over it, right?
(I'm not a fan of the joke personally, but I get it.)
They really liked this stupid joke though, so they used it again and again and again, to the point that young fans started to become convinced it was hinting at something. I can't blame them: there was even a lesbian character who fell for Sherlock and explicitly compared herself to John as someone who wasn't into men and yet was just so spellbound by this one special detective boi.
It was pretty lesbophobic imo, which should have been a massive red flag as to how the showrunners really felt about queer characters...
...But where the show went from annoying to actively hostile was the mystery of how Sherlock survived his apparent death at the end of season 2. The showrunners swore up and down it was solvable... and then when the next season aired, the "solution" was "lol who cares how he did it, this is a ~*character driven story*~ and only stupid obsessed idiots would want to solve the mystery. 🤣🤣🤣"
Make no mistake, they singled out the mlm shippers specifically for mockery -- there's a group of Sherlock Holmes conspiracy theorists in the show who argue over a theory that Holmes and Moriarty staged the death together and then kissed about it. (The viewer is clearly meant to laugh at this.)
Some of the Johnlockers on tumblr refused to believe this was happening to them and doubled down and convinced themselves there was going to be an amazing Johnlock plot twist at the end of season 4. My understanding (which might be wrong, I wasn't in the fandom) is that this contingent was largely composed of naive queer teenagers who blindly trusted a handful of influential adults who insisted that the show was deep and clever and didn't hate its fans.
So I can definitely sympathize with the folks who fear Byler is just queerbait. This too is a mlm fandom made up of naive teenagers trusting the adults who swear that the secret gay plot twist is totally gonna happen this time, trust me bro it's not called Surface Things.
And, look. I think it's very sensible to be skeptical of random strangers on the internet who insist they have the answers, no matter how authoritative they might sound. Keep on doing that, folks. 👍
But I think that principle applies just as much to the "this is just like Sherlock" doomers as it does to the "anyone who thinks Byler won't happen has no media literacy" lot. Yes, it's always possible that the Duffers were queerbaiting us all along... but the way Sherlock and Stranger Things approach queerness truly is like night and day.
Huh, well, if what you say is accurate, then it sounds like the Holmes writers were just jerks overall. I can see the joke, as you explain it. I may not think it appropriate to make it a running gag, but it's good for a chuckle or two. If it was truly presented as a joke, then it would be on the fans for misinterpreting it, but I don't know enough about how it was presented to know how easy it would be for fans to make that conclusion.
To me, it only makes it more apparent that things on Stranger Things are "night and day," as you put it. Will's feelings, and Robin's, for that matter, are not treated as jokes. They're treated as dramatic, emotional parts of their individual arcs. In Will's case, his happiness is linked to his relationship with Mike, which is complicated by the fact that he doesn't think he'll get to have a romantic relationship with him, or at all really.
I prefer to think the Duffers are better than whoever was responsible for what you described. While it all remains to be seen, they deserve the benefit of the doubt, for now.
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ronnieratsdoodles · 3 months
so.. are we not gonna talk about the rockie (robin x vickie) and byler parallels?..
like, oh my god, robin and vickie are likely to end up together, since robin is reported to supposedly have a girlfriend in season 5, of course that’s the only thing that would make sense you know?
and mileven parallels stancy, steve x nancy, which did not end well, and if they got back together it would be a bad decision by the writers, since it’s not pleasing to all of the audience. (i personally think nancy is gonna cheat AGAIN and get with steve, but i don’t think it should happen. i really don’t like nancy’s way of relationships because what the hell?)
but anyways, the PARALLELS BRO?!
stancy, hospital scene, mileven hospital scene with the two second shoulder lean, WHAT???
why at the meetup would mike not kiss El at the reunion, it was the perfect timing?
because the duffers did it on purpose.
and i am 90% sure the duffers hate half of the mileven shippers because of all the byler complaints😭 i feel so bad bro
(i am going insane)
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dukeofdelirium · 5 months
less than a year until byler is bones ❤️
awwww is someone scared of byler endgame? 😂
let’s look at the facts, shall we?
1) Will was deliberately written to be gay and in love with Mike
2) in the same season this was revealed, Mike was deliberately written to be incapable of telling his canonical girlfriend he loves her
3) Mike also cannot touch Will for some reason even though they are canonically best friends. Cant even hug him without having a whole crisis
4) Mike is confirmed to not know that Will is gay or in love with him, stated by the Duffers AND Finn meaning there is no reason Mike shouldn’t be able to hug him unless…. 🤔 he is perhaps in love with Will?
5) Will gives Mike a coded love confession using a piece of art he created that was never resolved, meaning it is absolutely going to come into play in the final season
6) Mike was pushed into telling El he loved her BY Will, and then afterward she barely spoke to him
7) Mike and Will ended the season at each others side, literally paralleled with 2 canon couples in the same exact frame, which is very intentional foreshadowing
8) again I repeat the lie Will told Mike, the lie that is the ONLY reason Mike even confessed to El in the first place and tried to say he loved her, has not been resolved.
What do you really think is gonna happen in s5? That Mike is gonna find out Will lied, that everything Will said was from El was actually just how he felt and that Mike’s response to said lies was a direct response to Will’s own love confession and that Mike is gonna be like “well that’s so weird and gross of you, Will!” 😂
They literally wrote Will as a second love interest to Mike. They wrote Mike as having serious issues with his girlfriend. They wrote Mike and Will together the entire season and Mike and El broken up the entire season. They ended the season with Mike and Will together and a whole lot of unresolved romantic tension between them that we again are not making up or imagining with shipping goggles. It’s literally a canon love triangle.
And you think the love triangle isn’t going to end with byler? Lol. Why even write byler as an option if it won’t be acted upon? There’s literally 0 reason to have written Mike or Will this way in s4 unless the plan is for them to end up together. It’s not some difficult narrative to comprehend. If Mike can’t tell his gf he loves her, there logically must be a reason for it. 🗿🍷 but it’s ok, I know you’re slow seeing as you’re a mileven. Take your time, maybe eventually you’ll get it <3
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y’all rlly think Mike isn’t in love w Will when he’s out here looking at him like this for literally no reason LMAO bro is gay. bro can’t tell his gf he loves her cuz he’s gay and closeted. bro is gay coded more than Will ever has been and Will is the confirmed gay one 😂
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sacredindigos · 1 year
s4 was the season of losing. it was the season where the characters lost big time despite all of their effort. it was the season where by the end of it, all of their development and character arcs seemed to be for nothing and what followed that was a sense of loss, defeat, and hopelessness.
so with that in mind, i wanna touch on 2 characters in particular and how them going against their arcs in s4 is what caused them to lose. and those characters are mike and will.
mike's arc throughout the show is about learning to accept himself as he is and to stop trying to be someone he isn't. his is all about gaining self acceptance and turning away from conformity. it's about learning to embrace his identity, in every sense of the word, instead of running from it or trying to hide it.
for mike's arc in s4, where the "losing and hopeless feeling" part comes in is his monologue to el.
mike's arc is about self acceptance and rejecting conformity. and by giving that monologue to el and telling her he loved her, he went against everything we saw from him in the 8 episodes before and even against everything we have seen from him since s1. he pushed away acceptance of his true feelings and identity and he conformed to what was expected of him and resigned himself to being in a relationship that makes it impossible for him to accept himself. he went against his arc that has been set up. which is why his monologue ultimately helped play a part in vecna winning and hawkins losing. mike didn't stay true to his arc and actually regressed so therefore the consequence for those actions was losing.
(something something "that's [forced conformity] what's killing the kids" something something mike's monologue is kinda the reason why max died to begin with something something)
will's arc is about rejecting conformity and staying true to who he is no matter how many people try to get him to change. it's also about him accepting that he does deserve happiness and good things in his life and he won't always be the victim.
for will's arc in s4, the losing came in during the van scene and the monologue.
part of his arc is about learning to accept that he can have the things he wants and he can have happiness. but the van scene, where he selflessly gave up his own feelings and love under the guise that they are el's, was him rejecting the idea of happiness and him getting something that he wanted. it was him once again putting others before himself. and the same thing for the monologue. him being selfless and pushing mike to give that monologue was also him rejecting the idea of a happy ending for himself. it was him self sabotaging basically. he went against PART of his arc which ultimately helped play a part in them losing. so, again, he also didn't stay true to his arc and he regressed and the consequence of that was losing.
every other character also regressed their arc in some way or another which played a part in vecna winning and them losing. but i just wanted to touch on mike and will in particular because them rejecting their arcs specifically played a bigger part in losing than most of the other characters. and that is probably just because mike and will are MAIN main characters and they are gonna be important next season and have a lot of the focus on them. will especially.
and i believe the duffer bros wrote it this way so when they finally win once and for all next season and all of the character arcs are fulfilled and completed, it will be extra satisfying and rewarding for the audience. it will leave a bigger impact.
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stevie-petey · 5 months
hey dear i hope all is well. inspired by val i kind of wanted to ask about what you have planned for s4, or i guess, how you are planning to tackle season 4 given that it ends on a bit of a cliffhanger since character arcs and plot points will ostensibly wrap up in season 5? i am also mildly hesistant to ask this because i don't want to make you spoil something you don't want to, but i was wondering if you were interested in ultimately giving stev and bug a happy ending, perhaps despite what the duffer bros might do, for eg, kill steve off? i know you've said you don't think they will, but i'm a little unsure about that since killing off a character per season has sort of become their signature, or at the very least, unsatisfying character writing for steve as can happen at times with this writing room. also, idk why, but i am quite sure that w*ll or el will die, idk why, it just doesn't make sense to me to have them survive
hi my dear <3
season 3 sets up my character plans for 4, and no worries about spoilers but yes ultimately im gonna try my damn hardest to have a steve and bug endhame. i am absolutely terrified for what the duffer bros have planned ,,,
if somehow it ends with stancy, i will evaluate where the story is at and see if maybe i can work a bug n jon ending ??? if i have to though. steve and bug are my endgame, its been the plan from the start !! if steve dies ,,,, jon it is i guess ?
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a-babe-without-a-name · 2 months
I'm going through every shot of the ST5 bts teaser thing and I know exactly what one of the scenes, probably in the 1st episode, is gonna be.
So we've all seen the photo of Dustin at Eddie's vandalized grave, right? Well, in another shot where he's with the whole group in a different location, his shirt is ripped and he has a bloody nose/face.
And there is a clip of one of the Duffer Bros in a graveyard setting with two guys in Hawkins Lettermans.
Dustin is going to ride his bike to Roane Hill Cemetery to visit Eddie's grave, he's going to see it vandalized being vandalized by the jocks or see them leaving it right after doing it, and he's going to confront them resulting in him getting beat up.
It's July 22nd 2024 and I am telling y'all right now this will happen.
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ebongawk · 6 months
for heart begins to beat, 3, 4, 14
omg 🥺🥺 thank you for asking about my undead babies 🖤 heart begins to beat:
3. what's your favorite line of narration? omg ok maybe it's out of pocket but writing from Vecna's perspective near the end of the story was SO weird and gross and cool:
All it took was one child – one nearly as feared as he – to become the catalyst.  To upend the carefully structured monotony derived from people playing with chemical compounds they did not comprehend. The correct composition may have given them the army they so desired. Alas…  They constructed a most gorgeous explosion instead. And he may have been the bomb, but she was the fire he needed to spark his wick to life.
4. what's your favorite line of dialogue? I'm gonna post like a whole lil section from the second chapter and I don't want to be called out about it:
“I’m glad you did, Eddie,” she said, unable to keep the hitch from her voice.  “I’m glad you lived.” When he finally, finally met her gaze, the well of sadness painted behind his chocolate brown irises was ancient.  As deep and unending as the eyes she was forced to face every day.  The stare she couldn’t stand for more than a second. The stranger in her mirror drawn in midday pastels across another person’s face.  Across Eddie’s face. Squeezing her hand in turn, he rasped, “That makes one of us, Cunningham.”
14. is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic? yeah I wanted you all to know that I'm a better writer than the Duffer bros - not that that's saying much - and that canon is shit (no but honestly, the entire point of this story was to explore the emotional roller coaster that is grief. the way it presents itself as hideous monsters hidden within dark, demented dreams. the guilt of being a survivor when maybe you shouldn't have, and the emotional transformation these difficulties put people through.)
fanfic ask meme!
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theha1r · 22 days
🔥 - i'm evil ... so ... steve
( send the fire emoji for an unpopular opinion )
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oooh boy oh-ho-ho, okay buckle in everyone - this is gonna be a long ride -
1 - gonna go ahead & get this one out of the way ... steve would in no universe, under any circumstance, in any way - shape - or form ... date fucking b.illy h.argrove. i really feel like i don't need to explain this one but yeah thanks, he would never. he wouldn't even CRUSH on him (eddie is his one & only (canon) bi awakening thank you!!!)
2 - steve is not an asshole. he can be bitchy, he was a douche in school & definitely not the greatest person - but he is not an actual mean person. like - maybe if he was in a bad mood or in a fight with someone, he could say something really mean - but it's not something he'd do normally. like he's not just some giant asshole who treats people like shit
3 - steve wouldn't accept anyone being an ass to nancy. he wouldn't accept robin shunning her bc of their past. he forgave nancy a long time ago & expects other people to as well. just because she hurt him, if he forgave her - they need to as well. after all it's HIM she hurt & it's not like it was done intentionally
4 - steve isn't stupid. he struggles with learning & school, yes. he's not the most booksmart, yes. but he's not fucking stupid. he's not some braindead idiot who can't tell right from left. he might not always spell things right, he might not know big words but acting like he's a five year old child who's never been on the planet earth before is a bit much. not to mention he canonically showed off his smarts SEVERAL times. everyone forgets if it wasn't for him, they never would've figured out the russians were working at/under the mall
5 - steve being in love with nancy still, or again, in s4 was lazy & stupid writing & never should've happened & makes no sense. he was canonically over here & trying to move on a season before. literally admitted while on TRUTH SERUM that he wasn't in love with her anymore. it literally shows no growth for him to just reduce him back to a shipping box & have him revolve around nancy again. especially when nancy herself has moved on & is in a happy relationship
6 - everyone claims steve is the d.uffer bros favorite, but he is NOT. he might be a fan favorite but the duffers don't give af about him. they wouldn't have done above if they did. they wouldn't continuously put him through hell & back if they did. he's literally a marketing ploy to them/st in general/netflix. they know everyone eats him up & uses those stupid 'steve harrington has to live' or whatever type marketing things to bring in the money
7 - calling steve a 'fan favorite' is even a bit of a stretch because genuinely most people only like him because he's hot. or bc joe is. & they crush on him & think he's attractive & the whole babysitter thing does it for them. or they also just think of him as 'haha goofy stupid funny hot guy who gets beat up all the time'. that's how most people outside of the actual steve stans see him, people don't give him depth - including the writers themselves
8 - FOR ST/CANON/80S VERSE SPECIFIC - i genuinely don't think steve would know what being bi was or that 'liking both' is an option or whatever without meeting robin. or another 'already have figured out they're queer' person. like i just simply don't think he'd just have that already known without some help. like - maybe he could know he liked guys for certain ships getting together pre-robin & all but i don't think he'd know the details of stuff already without a queer person in his life
9 - slight usfw but probably one of my most controversial, in the steve/steddie/st fandom at least, STEVE IS A SUB, & HE'S ALSO A BOTTOM. THAT'S ALL. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
10 - this is going to be the most controversial thing i've ever said on this blog bc it's going to surprise & shock the fuck out of so many of you & no one's going to believe i'm actually saying it but .....................
steve should've died in s4 instead of eddie. NOW HEAR ME OUT - obviously there's no universe where i want steve to die & this is ONLY IF someone 'had' to die. but i think it should've been steve. steve is a character that's been around since s1, who was - in fact - supposed to die in s1. we know him, we love him, but we've got to watch a life for him play out on screen before us. maybe not the best life. but still. he was canonically in a good place by the end of s4, for the most part. like generally seemed happy & all. he gave that whole speech to nancy that literally screamed a 'i'm about to die' speech. it would've been sad as fuck, but i think it would've been a better narrative. to watch a character we've gotten to know & have at least four or more so years with die. & it still would've given dustin the whole 'losing older brother type figure' situation. we'd get to watch the characters grieve someone we actually knew, not someone we only knew for nine (eight? idk i'm tired i forget how many s4 eps rn) episodes & most of the characters barely knew -. it would've been a lot more impactful & shown that the duffers weren't afraid to take risks & actually kill off their mains & show us no one was safe. & then eddie could've stepped into steve's role & wouldn't have lived such a short time & would've shown that the duffers could break out of their 'we're gonna kill off this character you just me this season' trope ...
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steveharrington · 1 year
oooooh what are your "he would not fucking say that" moments for s4 steve? 👀 the duffer bros don't even know him at this point and i think they should yield custody to you!
em @lesbianrobin hashed this out very well so i’m just gonna co-sign her answer but also i’d like to say that “six little nuggets” specifically is so…. he would bully someone for saying that shit. like i’m not bothered by him wanting 6 kids whatever that checks out to me and like em said it’s clearly playing off The Kids but nuggets. the steve i know the steve who made fun of tammy thompson for simply saying she wants to go to nashville and be a singer. he would Not be saying that corny shit
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idkwhatimdoing1981 · 9 months
This is straight-up bullshit! I hate how the writers and Duffer bros treated Eduardo Franco; it really pisses me off. You're telling me that you're so unprofessional that you won't even give him a call, telling him that his time on the show is over. What is wrong with you?? They still could give him a call back but the damage has already been done Their unprofessionalism is on full display and people are pissed. I know quite a few people who have been boycotting this show And I hope that the final season does not do well but I know that people online are not the majority and it's still probably gonna do okay unfortunately. Even though they have so many nasty zionist people in the cast ie that disgusting Noah boy and the ugly balding dude who plays Murray.
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stranger-rants · 1 year
Some Steddie fans are annoying as f*ck. Listen, I have never liked Eddie... And to be honest, I kind of hated the character because he made no sense to me (F*ck the Duffer Bros' poor writing skills) BUT I have never bullied anyone from Eddie's fandom, have never talked sh!t to anyone who actually enjoys the character, have never made him part of my stories (not even as a bad guy because I am not interested in him) or cringed when people decided to make him part of the Harringrove dynamics (as in the three of them dating). I can also admit some fan work is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING because some people are really talented in what they do whether it be Eddie himself, Steddie, Mungrove, whatever the name it is for the three of them dating, etc. Etc. --- it F*CKING pains me those radical Steddie fans and the annoying part of the Eddie community cannot do the same for us. I'm a Steve Harrington fan, Ally to The Billy Hargrove and Harringrove Community and IT IS FREAKING EXHAUSTING whenever I want to see Steve solos and all I find is Steddie and Steddie shippers sh!tting on Harringrove or Billy Hargrove. Like... What the actual f*ck is their problem? Why do they want to force us into liking something we clearly don't like or don't want to be a part of? They are big time bullies and it takes all fight in me not to call them out on their bs. I seriously am getting so goddamn fed-up with all this so here I am gonna spit some facts 1. BILLY HARGROVE DID NOT DESERVE TO DIE, HE DESERVED TO LIVE AND BREAK THE FREAKING CYCLE OF ABUSE HIS BS DAD PLANTED ON HIM. 2. EDDIE BEING MAX'S BROTHER IS FCKING BS, IT MAKES NO SENSE AT ALL. 3. NOT LIKING STEDDIE DOES NOT MAKE ME FREAKING HOMOPHOBIC YOU F'ING IDIOT, I'M BI MYSELF. 4. NOT ALL OF THE STEVE HARRINGTON FANDOM LIKES STEDDIE SO PLEASE STOP TAGGING STEDDIE LIKE MANIACS. 5. HARRINGROVE IS MORE INTERESTING THAN STEDDIE. 6. STEVE DIDN'T LIKE EDDIE, HE SIMPLY TOLERATED HIM. 7. I'M PRETTY SURE JOE KEERY WANTED HARRINGROVE SO F*CKING S*CK IT. 8. STOP MAKING BILLY THE VILLAIN IN ALL YOUR STORIES, YOU ARE NO BETTER THAN THE DUFFER BROS... okay, that's all, thank you for reading. Good day.
The “You’re homophobic if you don’t ship St/Eddie” always takes me out.
I love Harringroveson, which makes everything anti Billy harder to avoid. A lot of Harringroveson is cross tagged with St/Eddie. My dislike of St/Eddie is 100% the fandom’s fault, because I had absolutely no problem with it until the fandom made it everyone else’s problem with the horrible comments they make about Billy, the fact there’s fanart of Eddie and Max flipping off Billy’s grave, the fact that they spammed AO3 just to surpass Harringrove - a fandom that has dedicated years to writing quality works - because they were mad that it was so popular, the way they literally put Steve and Eddie on a pedestal, etc. The Steve and Eddie that these specific types of St/Eddie shippers ship… I don’t know them. I don’t know their Steve or their Eddie or their Billy. When your enjoyment of characters and shipping comes from malicious intent and a sense of superiority, of course everyone is going to think you’re annoying and your works suck. This is no different from the fandom eras where people regularly wrote and drew fanworks for character bashing purposes, except now people think it’s morally justified to do so.
And I know quite a few St/Eddie fans who are just as sick of this as we are.
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