#What is Cilantro
shitpostingkats · 7 months
Never 4get that Jaden Yuki at age 15 doesn't know what a fiancé is and his friends just lie to him about it when he asks. He is completely baffled by the concept of riceballs. We need to remember that a vital part of this dudes character is he just straight up doesn't know things. This is the guy who gets baffled at the grocery store because he's never seen a kumquat in his life.
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jununy · 4 months
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cilantro's playlist
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columboscreens · 6 months
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ihatebrainstorm · 1 day
i think energon tastes like that "battery acid spaghetti" thing where you mix strips of sour candy with monster. which is to say very upsetting to the tongue.
idk what battery acid spaghetti is but.. is it concerning that it sounds like it tastes good to me..........
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bitchapalooza · 2 months
Y'all think Luffy would like durian fruits? Would Sanji even find anything useful to make with it or would he ban it from the ship just because the smell is so bad?
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deecotan · 6 months
And then the war his husband's at is trying to get back home from the grocery store without getting lost
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moeblob · 2 years
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There's been a change of wooing plans with Koi I think...
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villa-kulla · 2 years
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(x) (x) As good as the writing is on Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul, can you imagine how much they could have leveled up if they’d had some actual Mexican writers, not just Tony Dalton on his smoke break or whatever
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(*Smashes through the door* I have finished the thing
I did lose steam part of the way through, so the ending is a little tepid, but I think it's still cute, hehe
Basically, this is 'Pep experiences fireworks for the first time and it is not fun'
Content warnings for: Depiction of a panic attack, self-harm (unintentional but still), descriptions of body horror, (sorta) flashback to war, an implied gun, and Peppino says fuck
Okay enjoy! (1,403 words under dere!!!)
It was busy.
Busier than usual.
Unusual for a Tuesday, but Pep didn't mind. He was more than happy to create and share his pizzas with others. But all the extra business aside, something else was unusual today, and Pep could not stop tasting it.
There was a constant saltiness to Peppino, most likely due to how much the man sweat, but the ever-growing pungency of raw onions and black pepper began to give his doppelgänger cause for concern. Was it just the amount of people visiting today? Was something going to happen? Pep did not know, but the thoughts caused his own anxieties to start bubbling in his chest. He chose not to ask, instead continuing on with helping Peppino close up shop for the evening.
The sky was very pretty at this time. Oranges, pinks and purples, as the sun said goodbye for today. Pep liked to watch the colours shift and change into deeper blues and indigos, but it didn't feel right today. He lifted his head from his arms, parts of where his chin and forearms began to merge getting pulled apart, and looked at the door of Peppino's room. It was made quite clear early on not to disturb him when the door was closed, and Pep respected his space, despite the gnawing urge to knock on his door. The clone gave a quiet huff, again noting the taste of pepper and onions, and… Something bitter…? Oh, cilantro… Yuck. Pep hadn't figured out what that taste was for Peppino yet, but it certainly wasn't a pleasant one. His eyes rolled in their sockets for a moment, trying to recall memories of cilantro. He thought back to just a few hours ago - Peppino did seem hesitant to say goodbye to Gustavo and Brick… Was it something to do with them?
Pep didn't have much time to ponder, as a shrill sound pierced through his thoughts, shattering them with a BANG. He was suddenly on high alert, skin inhumanely stretched up into points along his back and shoulders. There was another screeeeeech, and a BANG. His chest heaved as simulated breath grew tight in his non-existent lungs. And another. His nails dug into the windowsill, the black colouring beginning to spiral up his fingers. And another. Pep's vision started to blur as his eyeballs melted in his form of crying, but he could still see with every boom, colours flashed and danced outside. Was this some sort of warning? An attack? He couldn't make sense of it, as yet another BANG brought his hands to his ears. His doughy skin making a wet slap against itself as his fear made his form quickly unstable. There were other sounds too - crackling, popping, screaming… Or was it cheering…? - It didn't matter! Pep wanted it all blocked out, as he held onto his head tighter and tighter. His hands fused into his ears and cheeks, becoming unrecognisable as what they were supposed to be. But his fingers held strong, now striped with black as his sharpened nails buried themselves deep into his head. Every boom jolted him to his core. The smell of gunpowder made him sick- No, wait- He didn't know what that was? Did he? He felt himself sink further and further down into the mud. His lower body was caked in the stuff- No! There was no mud-! Why is there mud? Pep managed a look down, finding not a puddle of his legs, but… Boots? He didn't… Wear boots? Did he? He saw… Shrapnel around his feet. Discarded, pointed pieces of metals… But how did he know that? He couldn't of known that- Another BANG, followed by the crackling once more. He braced himself against the wall as dirt was thrown up into the air nearby. His grip tightened around the cool metal. Finger ready on the trigger- On the what? His hands were practically nothing! How was he holding-
Something was warm. Warm, and clammy… It was frantic, but still gentle, as it pawed at him.
Through all the bangs and pops, Pep heard Peppino, calling for him. Even though his body was just a puddle, he found his eyes and forced them to the surface of his being. Peppino leaned over him, looking more stressed than usual. Sweat beading down his face and something slick and oily on his hands…? Oh… That was himself… Pep force an ear to form, as Peppino seemed to be saying something, but it was too muffled to understand, and too fast for him to lip-read.
"-uda told you! I shoulda stayed out here! Fuck! Please be okay-!"
Pep just barely managed to process his words, most of his focus on trying to keep his features formed. His eyelids closed hard over his eyes, blinking a few times as his brow came together. He could feel his fingers forming, trying to pull himself out of himself. A dull, thudding pain made itself known, as his brain reformed, along with most of his head. His eyes weren't quite back in their oversized sockets, but Pep did notice Peppino's shoulders relax a little. Teeth and tongue came next, clumsily gnashing together in an attempt to speak, but it only came out as garbled, incomprehensible sounds.
"Hey! Hey! It's alright! Uh, take your time… Getting back together?" Peppino spoke slower than earlier, but there was anxiety on the edge of his words. Pep managed a soft noise in acknowledgement, pushing the parts of his face into the correct places. His neck and shoulders started to form, but he quickly felt the exhaustion weighing on him. He would not be able to form all the way. But he could at least pull as much of his melted lower half in as possible, becoming more compact and less of a puddle.
Peppino watched his clone slowly come together, but not as the tall and lanky, almost-passable person he usually was. Instead, as his dough was peeled off his palms like glue, Pep was only a few inches tall. This was not the first time Peppino had seen Pep change his size, but this was different. His legs remained as a puddle, and he looked more like a very soggy stuffed animal than a person, with a much larger head and eyes. The tiny Pep squeaked softly, holding his hands out and looking up to him. Peppino understood, and gently scooped him up, carrying him and sitting down on the couch with him in his hands. He could clasp his hands together and Pep would be completely covered… It was much easier to hide when you're so small. The idea sounded nice to him. Comforting almost. Peppino was brought out of his thoughts by another small squeak coming from his hands. Pep was looking up at him again, pointing to his head and miming a spiral coming from it. Fuck. What did Hazel say this meant again…? Pep mimed the gesture again, and then pointed to the window. Outside…? Oh…
"The sounds outside…?"
Pep nodded, and then mimed once more.
"Yeah, they are loud… But they-a should have stopped for now…" Peppino gave a small sigh, looking to the window. At least he hoped they stopped.
Pep held up his index finger and waved it for a moment. Peppino knew this one.
"They were fireworks. People shoot them into the sky and they explode in colours and-a lights."
Pep's brow furrowed for a moment, before holding up the same finger and touching his chest with the side of his hand. Peppino also knew this one - Pep liked to use it a lot.
"They use them when it's a celebration. I don't-a really get it… And I don't really like it either…" Peppino sighed again, a longer one this time. He was tired.
Despite the many questions popping into his head, Pep could taste green beans. He was quite tired too, instead deciding to nestle against Peppino's chest. He found that rhythmical thump-thump-thumping that he learnt about recently was soothing to him. Even if the noises - the 'fireworks' - came back, he imagined he would feel alright where he was.
Peppino couldn't help an amused huff as the tiny clone snuggled closer to him. Guess he wouldn't be making dinner just yet, so he leaned back into the cushions, keeping a hand around Pep as he dozed off.
"Night, Pep."
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burmese-culture-is · 4 months
burmese culture is just people always talking about chicken eggs, fish and cilantro. Any conversation about food with anyone always ends up in those three. The polarizing brothers.
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image source here
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frollosversion · 2 months
This scene was funny af. Have a lot on ATLE scenes in my mind but this one stood out best.
Cookie: There ya go, Milo! Put some meat on them bones! *pours the food on the tray*
Milo: Thanks, Cookie. It looks... Greasier than usual...
Cookie: Ya like it? Then have some more. *pours the whole pot of it* You so skinny if you turned sideways and stuck ya tongue out, ya looked like a zipper.
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Lmao cookieee HAHAHAHA
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mrcrepsley · 2 months
people love to rag on the american educational system but we dont talk enough about how pathetic the UK one is
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thepioden · 3 months
My mother is a 70-year-old white lady from the really German part of Iowa who thinks mayonnaise is spicy but my god can that woman make guacamole like none other.
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july-19th-club · 5 months
avocado is crazy no matter how much of it you eat you are never full just from avocado . those green little greasy guys are like if a vegetable was made of air
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drhu0806 · 27 days
Italians and Greeks hate me, a Chinese woman who doesn't really have a large variety of herbs in the kitchen so she just uses cilantro for everything
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anime-scarves · 3 months
Shoutout to the 1mil+ scoville hot sauce my friend made. A little dab of it on some food is unironically like getting a buzz from a beer or something. You dont really think of spicyness as a substance to take, but when it is this strong it is absolutely like taking a drug. Some not quite shower thoughts for the evening.
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