#What Is Salicornia Salt
saltwise · 2 days
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randomnameless · 4 years
Any Fodlan AUs?
Nightmare in the Kitchen AU
Gordon goes to the monastery - it’s a big restaurant where young trainees and apprentices come from all around the world to become chiefs
But suddenly its reputation started to decline.
Trainee Dimitri insists on cooking even if he cannot taste. As a result, he doesn’t understand when someone tells him that no, random weeds and Salicornia can’t be swapped. He cooks a lot for the charities activites of the monastery, basically giving food to homeless people and orphans, but since most of it is, at best, bland, he doesn’t meet a lot of success.
Trainee Edel pushes for Adrestian cuisine calling other types of cuisine offshoots but at the same time she despises the star system, a chef can be a good chef even if they don’t have any stars, right? Her second, often threatens anyone who eats her food to give her praises, so actually, she doesn’t know if people genuinely enjoy her dishes or if they’re afraid of Hubert.
Trainee Claude’s most likely curious and loves to mix and match ingredients you don’t put harissa in your sauerkraut ffs!) that shouldn’t be, but uses a lot of olive oil everywhere, hinting that he is familiar with a certain type of cuisine but won’t reveal anything. For some strange reasons, his dishes aren’t horrible, but they never match with what’s written on the menu.
Gordon tries to reason them a bit and ask them to follow the menu and make a Garreg Mach Pie, Dimitri messed with the salt, Edel refused to use Faerghus Cheese and used instead Adrestian Parmesan Cheese with awful results, it doesn’t have the same texture and taste, and Claude made a destructured Pie swapping potatoes with lentils.
Gordon meets Seteth and they both freak out because at this rate, the restaurant is going to close.
Rhea asks them to have faith in the students, and watches with interest a promising young chief, Billy, whose meals are really bland. As a result everyone eats them, but they’re not returning to the restaurant because you don’t pay to eat something that’s not specially good or bad.
Manuela, who’s in charge of the wine cellar, suggests he take a drink, but when Gordon notices Manuela’s drinking the reserves and bottles meant for the customers, he immediately refuses.
At the end of the week, he gives up and returns home.
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prefab-house · 4 years
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Rainy Day Seafood Miso Soup In fall, I start thinking about what worked, what didn’t, and what I would like for the garden next year. What worked, and didn’t, in yours? Rainy weekends give us an opportunity to contemplate. Next year I would like eggplants, brussel sprouts, okra, more spaced out in planting lettuce so it doesn’t come all at once, more cherry tomatoes. I had grown the first few in the past, but not this year, and missed them. I am also excited about winter sowing.  Usually I direct sow. The few times I start seedlings, they’re always leggy and never work quite right. I’m really excited about starting experimenting with winter sowing. A really good explanation is on Facebook, “How to Winter Sow Seeds Outdoors,” by Trudi Greissle Davidoff. On the top of my list for winter sowing will be salicornia, so there will be the added curiosity of adding salt to the soil in experimentation.  What worked well this year?  My tried and trues… lettuce, assorted greens, daikon radish, beans, tomatoes (but not as well this year), peppers, most herbs. I do love “beds” of things that are always reseeding and in different stages.  Surprise faves? A second, mistaken planting of a tried-and-true: the fabulous Tahitian Melon Squash, yielded late-season squash blossoms and tender leaves to gorge on while our intended fall greens grew big. What did not work well (yet)? Carrots. Lavender. To my surprise, the beets. Peas could have been better. Lovage did nada. Cucumbers raised only ONE. Oh, not one *plant,* one *CUCUMBER* after almost everything was taken in frost, then drought. (And even then, the day that lone cucumber was finally perfectly grown to pick, the chickens got it!) Oh, chickens. There’s a whole ‘nother topic: designing gardens with chickens… Speaking of, I trudged out to release them from the coop, and trudged in, arms loaded with garden food: radish greens, bean leaves and flowers, onion shoots, a pepper, basil, squash blossoms, cilantro… Let’s make a rainy day soup. (Cont. in comments) #PantryFood #PandemicCooking #covidcooking #AlphaGalFood #offgridLife #OffGridHomestead #OffGridLiving #offgrid #prefab #NonDairy https://www.instagram.com/p/CGVKNoDK_Ar/?igshid=wc3i8gj8jf89
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biophytopharm · 5 years
Principal Chinese Herb Types
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Principal Chinese Herb Types
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Anyone who has walked into a Chinese herbal shop and experienced the aromas, and the impressive number of herbs available, can tell you the depth of knowledge and the tradition of medicinal herbs is unparalleled in Western culture. Gaining popularity In modern times Chinese herbal medicine has been an increasingly interesting area of study for contemporary scientific investigators. The surge in popularity in Holistic approaches to health and lifestyle has put Chinese herbal practice into the middle of our new look at what it means to get and stay healthy. The literally thousands of years of experience, organization, and observation of the positive effects of herbs, herb essential oils, and other herbal combinations offers an intriguing alternative to today’s health-conscious individual. Holistic health It should always be remembered that Chinese medicinal herbology does not exist in a vacuum. That is, there are no herbs that by themselves, will make you thinner or cure any digestive problem, or miraculously increase your basic energy level. Chinese herbs and their use are but one part of a philosophy of life that includes diet, lifestyle, and spiritual well being. The use of herbal preparations and remedies must always be considered as part of this larger picture of a balanced life. One of the basic understandings that Chinese herbal practitioners have discovered is that herbs should be approached not only as occasionally utilized medicines or cures but also as part of a regular well thought out diet. Herbs are thought of as highly concentrated foods, essential to life and a sense of well-being. Many Chinese herbs are used in cooking and are important ingredients in recipes. Popular herbs One of the most well known Chinese herbs now days is Gin Seng – known as an energy enhancer. Ginseng has enjoyed a surge in popularity. You should know, however, that herbalists do not consider Ginseng useful for all people. Again it depends on the whole picture of the person’s lifestyle. Other popular herbs are Ginger preparations, Lotus seed, Fox-nut, Cardomon, and Jujuba – there are entirely too many herbal remedies to list here. A thorough study and good information will help you understand all the potential uses of herbs in your diet and lifestyle. Chinese herbal medicine and supplements are based on the Yin-Yang principle, that is, a world of opposites that must be brought into balance. That’s the word to remember: “balance.” Using Chinese herbs offers you a new way to help center your health on an ancient proven tradition that provides for the health of the complete person. Traditional Chinese Medicine Resources – Distribution Types Far East’s sweet part than the weighty national container, discover denuded plateau, hills in addition to lower mountains, commonly handed out for the Altai, Tianshan, Qilian, Kunlun since Altun mountain/hill steppe sector, for example, lower an area of the Tianshan Mountains, for example, top to bottom factories Spectral everyday use together with the baseband can desert. From inside the management splitting on the western leave outdoor areas, inclusive of Runner Mongolia, Gansu and as well Ningxia near northwest, west and consequently Qinghai, Xinjiang, Altai Hills and also-also the Kunlun Hills, except for inside the high altitude the rest of the elements of Asia’s total staff location in which involves 1 / 5, which usually sweet as Gobi areas with reference to 100 million block kms. Significantly arid desert weather conditions as unwelcoming topsoil salinity encouraged multiple location classes unfavorable plant life program is easy to rare, most often through an involving mega-xerophytic herbal arrangement, a lot xeric sort of trees, merely very often degraded or maybe it leaves behind (and/or maybe reducing offices) with somewhat-bushes maybe minuscule timber. Purely consists of vegetation communities inside of South America, along with Important Parts Of Asia as well as antique Mediterranean Sea parts, predominantly by a few groups of house plants, that Chenopodiaceae Asteraceae is considered to be temperate desert location very specific companies of these two most crucial, gone by Zygophyllaceae, pinto beans organizations in addition sod, tamarisk individuals and their families, Polygonaceae, ephedra Side, Caryophyllaceae, Convolvulaceae, as well as account for big proportion; alternate organizations while using fruit significantly. Vegetation attention premium of the 5 to finally 20%, as pond dunes as 50% plus, generally speaking with 10%. Chenopodiaceae A Great Deal genus along with species of seedlings, represent a selection of wilderness communities, where ever medicinal vegetation is essentially small (suo suo, suo suo whitened), genus Salsola (Salsola bead, woody scoparia cookware), anabasine is really (little Anabasis aphylla), Ceratoides (F. arborescens) and/or halophytes get Kalidium (Kalidium), salicornia (Salicornia), S. salsa definitely is (Suaeda), and as well wasteland house plants Shami, in addition to Zygophyllum (wood Overlord) in addition , Nitraria simply. Leguminosae Caragana remedy posses kids are (Caragana, Caragana young), Oxytropis (Oxytropis thorns), Hedysarum (Hedysarum Mongolia, waste Hedysarum), Glycyrrhiza (licorice, Glycyrrhiza inflate) , and holly now. Polygonaceae medication should be Calligonum spp. Tamaricaceae practice of medicine is probably Tamarix yet Reaumuria then. Division prescription drugs ephedra Ephedra przewalskii, for example. have always been. A Number Of People create Salicaceae Populus euphratica, Elaeagnus angustifolia Elaeagnus varieties of classes.
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The bradenton area recognized natural herbs tend to be licorice, ephedra, Ningxia wolfberry, Cistanche, Xinjiang euchroma, precious metal Bupleurum, together with the expectations Xinjiang Codonopsis, Wuqia Fritillaria, Wushi seas buckthorn, mulberry Turpan, Atushi figs, grapes soso, poon holes, chickpeas, or anything else. Cynomorium combined with Elaeagnus angustifolia. And also, you will have with regard to medicinal Gentiana Puhuang, reed, Apocynum, D., ferulic, chinensis child, compacted snow lotus, gentian,? Gather, front, Tribulus terrestris, Hong Qing Lan, Motherwort, Yan Chen, dandelion, artificial leather rod Liu, orange sand mustard, M., skullcap, Inula Britannica, Mongolia almond, puffball, Peganum harmala, Arctium, Cuscuta, Orobanche, fruits, Vaccaria and many others, routinely Perhaps the leave grassland varieties. Exactly How natural herbs operating in Far Eastern wolfberry virtually all conspicuous, through safflower, Ibe mothers, astragalus, licorice and thus magical Bupleurum. And Also unveiled their 20 kinds of currency types, like chrysanthemum, Angelica, Radix, Far Eastern yam, honeysuckle, melon wilt, Sophora japonica, Rehmannia also Peony and so. Growth associated people medicinal drugs, dunkelhrrutige your lawn, almond, soso grapes, coriander, Elaeagnus, A Very Yu Wei, figs, cumin but fennel, or anything else.. Using the Kunlun Mountain Range, Altun different alpine desert, dry, continental temperatures consisting of heavy circulation Lithospermum Xinjiang nope, incorrect Lithospermum, Xinjiang, Codonopsis, Licorice, Hedysarum, seabuckthorn, Rhodiola, Saussurea alpine , hands ginseng, compacted snow lotus, various Yeqing Lan, Nardostachy Chinensis Batal, alpine gentian, Xinjiang Notopterygium, Xinjiang self-reliance actions, online heartbeat rhubarb, Polygonum, alpine clematis, clematis, Gansu also Qinghai, Alpine Aster, Ephedra przewalskii as well as also report on ephedrine, . Healing reptiles in this region scarlet deer, musk deer, flight squirrels, he, wild rear end, as well as geese gazelle, wolves, crazy free, donkeys, livestock, lambs, chickens, hedgehogs, scorpion, horsefly worms, leeches, Organic Green toads, bees. Therapeutic Gypsum, sulfur, mica, Fulong busy, jade, actinolite together with water lower stone backsplashes, calamine, Xuan Jing Shi, Glauber’s sodium, talc, shot goose be in charge of, magnetic field, Daqing salts additionally natural real estate agent. Follow us: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Read the full article
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jjthejukebox · 4 years
ilia beauty, the brand that’s beautiful inside and out
HOW WE MET As someone who suffers with rosacea, sensitive skin, and has dealt with raging hormonal breakouts, I’ve become more conscious of what products I use on my face. Post-college, I’ve also started to become more interested in sustainability and learning more about cruelty-free, clean products, and brands.
As the Pandemic went into full swing and I started working from home, I obviously saw no use to wear the heavier foundation and strenuous makeup routine I had been doing for months after dealing with EXTREME hormonal acne. My skin was mostly recovered, only stubborn dark spots remaining.
Once Spring finally arrived, I became pretty secure in not wearing the heavier foundation I had, and wanted to find something lighter, but not triggering for my skin. Believe it or not, I learned about Ilia through my mother, who quickly became a big fan of the Priming Serum and Skin Tint. She let me try one of her samples and just like her, my newfound loyalty to this brand began.
In 2011, Sasha Plavsic started the clean skin-centric beauty brand, along with her younger brother and business partner, Zac Ilia. The duo grew up with their mother who was very keen on health and wellness and very interested in learning more about homeopathic remedies, as her brother suffered from acute asthma and allergies as a child. Although they were told by doctors he would most likely not be able to participate in sports, through a healthy and organic diet, Zac was healed of these issues and was able to go on to compete!
With this background, along with studying design, typography, and working in the beauty industry, Sasha saw there was a need for more products that included safe, effective, and natural ingredients. And that’s how the brand began.
They’re also passionate about becoming more sustainable with their packaging:
“We strive towards more sustainable packaging through the use of recycled aluminum, glass components, and responsibly sourced paper. But it isn’t enough - that’s only the beginning of the product’s life cycle. We believe end-of-life is far more important, to ensure products don’t end up in a landfill”.
- Via their website, https://iliabeauty.com/pages/recycling
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True Skin Radiant Priming Serum (Firming, Smoothing Aloe Infused)
PRICE: $52
DESCRIPTION: Base for makeup application, highlighted ingredients: hibiscus extract, aloe and beta-glucan, silicone-free primer. “Helps to firm, moisturize and soothe skin, while protecting it from harmful environmental factors that cause aging”. “Diminishes the look of pores and fine lines, while improving skin texture on dry down for a silky and soft-to-the-touch feel”.
THOUGHTS: All you have to do is put a couple drops and gently rub it on your face and your face will instantly feel smoothed. It holds Skin Tint well and doesn’t irritate my face. I usually don’t even put moisturizer before or after this! After applying, my skin feels super supple and hydrated. 8/10
Super Serum Skin Tint SPF 40 (Niacinamide, Squalane, Hyaluronic Acid) in ST11
PRICE: $46
DESCRIPTION: 18 different shades, “Boasts SPF 40 coverage with non-nano zinc oxide, safely shielding skin from UVA, UVB, UVC, blue light and infrared rays”. The highlighted ingredients are added specifically to “even tone, soften fine lines and imperfections and dries down to a natural, dewy finish”. Free of Silicone, Fragrance, Chemical Screen, and oil, is non-comedogenic, and safe for sensitive skin.
THOUGHTS: You have no idea how surprised I was by how this skin tint really does TINT well. I figured with most products claiming to be a tint, there would be really minimal coverage, but I was wrong! It completely tones my face and makes my face look one color in a real natural way. I really like the idea of it leaving a dewy finish, but my skin is naturally oily, so I personally like to add a powder to matte it a little. I’ve heard from a makeup specialist that products with SPF tend to be a little oiler, but Ilia does it well! Still a big fan and hope to keep using even as the seasons change. I love how easy it is to figure out my shade too! We gotta love inclusivity!!! 8/10
Liquid Light (Serum Highlighter) in Nova
PRICE: $42
DESCRIPTION: “a unique gel based formula that illuminates, and gives a natural dewy finish to the skin. Vegan and cleanly formulated with a blend of organic and natural botanicals the serum-like consistency melts into skin and provides a boost of freshness on contact with a soft wash of metallic glow. marine actives help protect against UV light and pollution.”
THOUGHTS: Um, hellooooo I had no idea that the highlighter protected from UV light and pollution? Incredible. On top of that really cool fact, it also is incredibly smooth and leaves a really pretty, natural, and glowy finish. We love a highlighter that can truly do it all, my goodness. 8/10
Multi-Stick in Lady Bird
PRICE: $34
DESCRIPTION: “Seamlessly blends into lips and cheeks thanks to a soft, buttery texture that instantly melts upon contact”. Designed for lip and cheek.
THOUGHTS: I really love the idea of multi-sticks. I can be really lazy and simple when it comes to color, so this is product was really ideal to try. The shade Lady Bird seems universally complimentary - a nice little muted pink color, but there’s other shade options too! It’s super easy to use, has a pretty color, but definitely requires a little bit more product if you want it to really pop. Again, like most of Ilia’s products, it is a subtle, natural way to add some color to your cheeks or lips. 7/10
Limitless Lash Mascara
PRICE: $28
DESCRIPTION: “Buildable and flake free — lifts, curls, and strengthens and adds just the right amount of volume for fuller, healthy looking-lashes. This lightweight and nourishing formula is made with a blend of organic bee and carnauba waxes to weightlessly condition each lash, while still keeping them lifted throughout the day”. Has a “dual-sided brush that easily builds in volume and separates with precision”. “Gentle enough for sensitive eyes, includes organic shea butter and fortifying arginine (keratin) to help boost and enhance lash condition in a classic black finish.” Easy to remove.
THOUGHTS: Let me just start off by saying me and mascara have a very interesting history and relationship. I’ve been curling my painfully straight eyelashes since the seventh grade and what I’ve encountered is that most mascaras don’t embrace my curling efforts. I’ll curl my little eyelashes and then once I apply, they tend to fall flat and straight again… I find it super annoying. SO the mascara could be good for other reasons, but if it doesn’t keep my fake curl charade… I will most likely refrain from buying again in the future. This mascara does fall into the category of making my curled lashes flatten out, BUT it has a nice strong color, great for my sensitive eyes, and is super easy to remove! 5/10
Balmy Gloss (Tinted Lip Oil) in Tahiti 
PRICE: $26
DESCRIPTION: “A cushiony, tinted lip oil packed with plumping hyaluronic acid and major moisturizing properties that leaves lips soft, smooth, and anything but sticky, containing Salicornia Herbaceous Extract which is derived from a sea succulent that grows along the shores and marshes of densely salted water”. When used at an active level (theirs is .25%), this ingredient has the ability to boost moisture up to 6000%.
THOUGHTS: Just gonna be honest here, I don’t usually love lip gloss. Actually, I loathe lip gloss, lol. I’m not a big fan of the usual stickiness and how it ends up drying out my lips. Also combined with my oily skin, it just makes me feel like a human oil slick. BUT, this lip gloss is so smooth, has great subtle color, and leaves my lips feeling moisturized and alive. That is always ideal. 7/10 
Not only is the branding truly beautiful, but the products really do live up to the hype! I love that each product includes ingredients that are intentionally added and that they are both clean-focused and effective like they aim to be. This write-up is not sponsored by the brand and none of the products mentioned above were gifted. If you’re looking for clean, simple, and unproblematic makeup products that work, Ilia is the brand to try!
“The time for clean beauty is now. And you can have the best of both worlds. Skincare was first and now it’s colors turn. We are so excited to be on the forefront and we cannot wait to see where this goes”.
Via Forbes Interview with Sasha, Click Here
Website: https://iliabeauty.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iliabeauty/
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topsolarpanels · 7 years
Could a solution to reducing aviation emissions be found in the Arabian Desert?
(CNN)The aviation industry is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. In 2011, aviation contributed around 3% of Australia’s emissions. Despite improvements in efficiency, global aviation emissions are expected to grow 70% by 2020 from 2005. While the industry is seeking new renewable fuel sources, growing biofuels takes up valuable land and water that could be otherwise used to grow food.
But what if you could grow biofuels on land nobody wants, using just seawater and sunlight, and produce food at the same time?
That’s just what a new project in Abu Dhabi is seeking to do. The Integrated Seawater Energy and Agriculture System, or ISEAS, will grow sustainable food and aviation fuel in the desert, using seawater and sunshine, in a way that is eminently transferable to similar arid regions around the world.
The project was announced in January 2015 and is now under construction.
So, how does the project solve the biggest environmental problems?
A triple dilemma
Energy, water and food problems frequently compound each other, each making the others more difficult to resolve.
Examples abound. Think of wasteful irrigation coming up against water limits and threatening reductions in food production. But there are some projects that turn the issue around and bring water, energy and food issues into positive relations, each strengthening the others.
One example of this is the Sundrop Farms project in South Australia, on which I previously wrote on The Conversation, where abundant sunshine and seawater are used to produce electric power and fresh water to cultivate greenhouse crops like tomatoes.
The Sundrop Farms project is moving ahead, and has won substantial financial support from the global venture capital firm KKR in addition to its earlier support from the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, as well as a contract to supply fresh produce to supermarket chain Coles over the next ten years.
The Abu Dhabi project is even more ambitious and is called “seawater farming”. It involves the use of salt-tolerant plants like mangroves and the oil-rich Salicornia as well as aquaculture of seafood such as shrimps and fish.
The project was developed through the Sustainable Bioenergy Research Consortium in Abu Dhabi. It involves as partners the airline Etihad Airways, the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology (from the UAE), as well as corporate giants Boeing, General Electric and UOP Honeywell. These corporations provide the funding and a potentially (vast) market.
The idea is to rapidly scale up various options for securing the biomass and complementing it with associated activities to generate a closed loop operation.
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How does it work?
First, seawater is used in aquaculture ponds, where (2) fish and/or shrimp varieties can be grown (= food). Then (3) the waste water from the aquaculture, which is rich in organic nutrients, is used to irrigate a salt-tolerant crop of Salicornia.
This crop is harvested (4) and the oil extracted from the seeds (= aviation biofuel). Water is then drained from the salt-tolerant crops (5) and fed into a mangrove wetland, where it is naturally purified and carbon can be sequestered (6).
Outside this sequence there is solar energy input to drive the crop production and energy production needed for pumping.
Solving complex problems
The project solves the problem of waste disposal with fish farming (aquaculture) by channeling the organic wastes as irrigation to act as fertilizer for the cultivation of the Salicornia plants. The Salicornia plants themselves (known as halophytes, or salt-resistant species) need only the seawater and grow on arid land.
The project eliminates the problem with most biofuels: that they are perceived as taking away water and arable land that could be used for food production. Instead, the Abu Dhabi project produces fuel and food and recycles everything.
The current pilot farm is entirely closed-loop, with the seawater drawn originally from the ocean passing through the various stages and finally fed to mangrove plantations.
The water is filtered through the mangroves, extracting the final nutrients, and the water can either be fed back to the ocean or recycled to the fish farms. All energy used (such as for pumping the water) is generated with a solar array — so there is no fossil fuel input at all.
The project is achieving remarkable success because it is backed financially by large players — Etihad itself as the principal airline, the Masdar Institute of S&T, and corporate giants like Boeing.
The project will scale up quickly. The pilot project is a plant covering 2 hectares, but in three years it is expected to grow to a 200 ha demonstration scale involving around 140 ha for the Salicornia cultivation, 30 ha for the aquaculture and 20 ha or more for the mangrove plantation.
Could Australia do the same?
Australia is a country with vast arid areas, copious quantities of seawater and sunshine — all the ingredients needed for a similar solar biofuel and food project.
It has a national air carrier in Qantas that has already experimented with various kinds of aviation biofuels. It has a national R&D organization in CSIRO that could organize such a project.
Australia has long experience in development of agricultural models that can cope with high salinity levels. There is a strong research tradition cultivated in West Australia with the CRC for Plant-based Management of Dryland Salinity and its successor the Future Farm Industries CRC — which had to close its doors in mid-2014 for lack of continued support.
Such a project would produce food, both for domestic consumption and export; it would produce aviation biofuel and help restore a fuel processing value chain and again a domestic as well as an export product; and it would utilise water in a way that can promote a means of halting desertification and restoring fertility in arid areas.
It is a big idea for a big country.
Read more: www.cnn.com
The post Could a solution to reducing aviation emissions be found in the Arabian Desert? appeared first on Top Rated Solar Panels.
from Top Rated Solar Panels http://ift.tt/2viwhqv via IFTTT
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saltwise · 15 days
What Makes Dehydrated Salicornia Better Than Regular Salt? https://www.herbaltricks.com/Articles-of-2024/what-makes-dehydrated-salicornia-better-regular-salt
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saltwise · 18 days
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saltwise · 22 days
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