#What Is Salicornia
saltwise · 2 days
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nightbunnysong · 1 month
What I studied today!
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A deep dive into the vegetation of sedimentary coasts
1. Submerged Marine Systems: These systems are characterized by aquatic, halophytic vegetation, such as submerged meadows. Plants in these systems, like Posidonia oceanica and Zostera spp., have adaptations for submersion, including:
Narrow, Elongated Leaves: These leaves reduce hydrodynamic drag and flex with water movements, minimizing mechanical stress.
Absence of Protective Coatings: Lacking a waxy cuticle or other protective tissues, these plants absorb nutrients and oxygen directly from the water.
2. Halophytic Systems: Found in lagoonal zones, these systems feature herbaceous vegetation adapted to soft, saline, and waterlogged substrates. Examples include Spartina and Salicornia species, which are adapted to high salinity and saturated conditions.
3. Psammophytic Systems: These systems are characterized by herbaceous vegetation on sandy beach environments. Plants in these areas, such as Cakile maritima and Ammophila arenaria, are adapted to:
Sandy, Nutrient-Poor Substrates: They thrive in low-water and nutrient conditions.
Wind Exposure: They are adapted to withstand strong winds and shifting sands.
4. Fossil Systems: These are vegetative communities found in areas once influenced by the sea but now disconnected from it, such as grasslands and forests. These systems reflect past marine influences in their geological formations but now support terrestrial vegetation.
Adaptations to Submersion in Aquatic Plants
Aquatic plants have evolved specific adaptations to survive submerged conditions:
Narrow, Elongated Leaves: Reduce hydrodynamic drag and adapt to water currents.
Absence of Protective Coatings: Lacking a waxy cuticle, facilitating direct nutrient and oxygen absorption.
Small, Petal-less Flowers: Adapted for hydrohameous pollination, utilizing water currents for pollen transfer.
Small Fruits and Seeds: Designed for hydrochory, with structures that enable efficient water-based dispersal.
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eyezpike · 3 years
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Some dishes from a couple different empires! :D
Wrote down some of my headcanons below the cut
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the codlands one is a fish soup that contains salmon, kelp, barley, ice plants and salicornia. despite being called the codlands, many of the fish they eat is actually salmon. jimmy ordered all salmon they could find to be killed which lead to an over abundance of it in the empire. he did not put a ban on eating it, so for the time this policy is in place most codlandian food contains salmon.
the salicornia and iceplants have been bred by the codlands to be bigger and more flavorful. most of the crops there are coastal plants.
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the undergrove dish consists of stuffed pumpkin, fried mushrooms and wine/juice. the pumpkin is likely winter squash and its stuffed with a filling that consists of ground meat from chicken, rabbits or quails, various nuts and berries and tomatoes and it has an egg cracked in it. pretty much all the livestock in the undergrove are rabbits, chickens, quails or small sheep/goats, as they are easier to keep for its halfling population. a lot of the vegetables in this empire come from foraging or small comunity gardens and nuts are used for basically everything, even flour. the drink is either juice or wine made from forest berries.
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the grimlands one is a steak served with potato wedges, a fried egg and wither roses. the grimlands are one of the few empires that actually have cows, as its one of the few ones with fitting terrain. the grimlands in general have a wide range of meat in their diet and are known for their fine preperation of it. however, vegetables are not treated the same way. the most common one they eat are potatoes.
wither roses and their stems are highly toxic in their natural state, but the people of the grimlands have developed a technique of preparing them that completely neutralizes the toxins. the roses add a very distinct taste to the dish and are commonly used for seasoning. the thorns may look spiky, but theyve been softened through cooking to a point where they have a way gentler texture.
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the mezalean dish consists of flatbread, a horse curry kinda thing, cooked cactus fruit and some sauces. mezalean food is very spicy in general, as many different spices thrive in the arid climate. the curry consists of horse meat, bellpeppers and chickpeas.
mezaleans are masterful potters, which is why all their dishware are covered in colorful and lavish patterns. traditionally they dont use any cutlery, eating food with their hands or using the flat bread to scoop it instead.
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the dish from the ocean empire consists of wide noodles, steamed fish thats been wrapped in kelp, steamed crab and octopus. fish in the ocean empire is usually either steamed or eaten raw. they dont really have vegetables in their diet, they do however eat a wide range of kelp.
their version of plates are mats that have been woven out of dried sea grass.
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helianthias dish is quite similar to a charcuterie board. it has a hearty stew, some homemade bread and goat cheese, fresh grapes and beer. helianthias cuisine is rich in fresh vegetables and many types of animal products. the cheese from this area is considered by many a delicacy and can go for high prices in the far corners of the server.
the vegetables and fruit in helianthia are larger than normal, the soil there is rich and the people are talented farmers.
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house blossoms dish is an assortment of various pastries and some flower tea. the people of house blossom use flowers in nearly all of their cooking, which gives their food a wide range of vibrant colors and sweet tastes. the empire is well know for its baked goods, jams, syrups and wines all produced from flowers. they also make a wide range of teas, all of which having some medicinal properties.
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the one from the mythlands consists of a baked ham almost drowned in gravy, some local sausages, skewers and beer. mythlands food is kind of what youd find in your standard fantasy tavern. hearty and filling. they also generally contain a lot of meat in various forms. blood sausage is especially popular among the people. most meat consists of pork and sometimes beef, mutton is not eaten as often as its considered sacred by many.
mythland also does not fail to deliver on vegetables, many coming from within its own borders, but a good chunk of it stemming from trade with helianthia.
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randomnameless · 4 years
Any Fodlan AUs?
Nightmare in the Kitchen AU
Gordon goes to the monastery - it’s a big restaurant where young trainees and apprentices come from all around the world to become chiefs
But suddenly its reputation started to decline.
Trainee Dimitri insists on cooking even if he cannot taste. As a result, he doesn’t understand when someone tells him that no, random weeds and Salicornia can’t be swapped. He cooks a lot for the charities activites of the monastery, basically giving food to homeless people and orphans, but since most of it is, at best, bland, he doesn’t meet a lot of success.
Trainee Edel pushes for Adrestian cuisine calling other types of cuisine offshoots but at the same time she despises the star system, a chef can be a good chef even if they don’t have any stars, right? Her second, often threatens anyone who eats her food to give her praises, so actually, she doesn’t know if people genuinely enjoy her dishes or if they’re afraid of Hubert.
Trainee Claude’s most likely curious and loves to mix and match ingredients you don’t put harissa in your sauerkraut ffs!) that shouldn’t be, but uses a lot of olive oil everywhere, hinting that he is familiar with a certain type of cuisine but won’t reveal anything. For some strange reasons, his dishes aren’t horrible, but they never match with what’s written on the menu.
Gordon tries to reason them a bit and ask them to follow the menu and make a Garreg Mach Pie, Dimitri messed with the salt, Edel refused to use Faerghus Cheese and used instead Adrestian Parmesan Cheese with awful results, it doesn’t have the same texture and taste, and Claude made a destructured Pie swapping potatoes with lentils.
Gordon meets Seteth and they both freak out because at this rate, the restaurant is going to close.
Rhea asks them to have faith in the students, and watches with interest a promising young chief, Billy, whose meals are really bland. As a result everyone eats them, but they’re not returning to the restaurant because you don’t pay to eat something that’s not specially good or bad.
Manuela, who’s in charge of the wine cellar, suggests he take a drink, but when Gordon notices Manuela’s drinking the reserves and bottles meant for the customers, he immediately refuses.
At the end of the week, he gives up and returns home.
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prefab-house · 4 years
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Rainy Day Seafood Miso Soup In fall, I start thinking about what worked, what didn’t, and what I would like for the garden next year. What worked, and didn’t, in yours? Rainy weekends give us an opportunity to contemplate. Next year I would like eggplants, brussel sprouts, okra, more spaced out in planting lettuce so it doesn’t come all at once, more cherry tomatoes. I had grown the first few in the past, but not this year, and missed them. I am also excited about winter sowing.  Usually I direct sow. The few times I start seedlings, they’re always leggy and never work quite right. I’m really excited about starting experimenting with winter sowing. A really good explanation is on Facebook, “How to Winter Sow Seeds Outdoors,” by Trudi Greissle Davidoff. On the top of my list for winter sowing will be salicornia, so there will be the added curiosity of adding salt to the soil in experimentation.  What worked well this year?  My tried and trues… lettuce, assorted greens, daikon radish, beans, tomatoes (but not as well this year), peppers, most herbs. I do love “beds” of things that are always reseeding and in different stages.  Surprise faves? A second, mistaken planting of a tried-and-true: the fabulous Tahitian Melon Squash, yielded late-season squash blossoms and tender leaves to gorge on while our intended fall greens grew big. What did not work well (yet)? Carrots. Lavender. To my surprise, the beets. Peas could have been better. Lovage did nada. Cucumbers raised only ONE. Oh, not one *plant,* one *CUCUMBER* after almost everything was taken in frost, then drought. (And even then, the day that lone cucumber was finally perfectly grown to pick, the chickens got it!) Oh, chickens. There’s a whole ‘nother topic: designing gardens with chickens… Speaking of, I trudged out to release them from the coop, and trudged in, arms loaded with garden food: radish greens, bean leaves and flowers, onion shoots, a pepper, basil, squash blossoms, cilantro… Let’s make a rainy day soup. (Cont. in comments) #PantryFood #PandemicCooking #covidcooking #AlphaGalFood #offgridLife #OffGridHomestead #OffGridLiving #offgrid #prefab #NonDairy https://www.instagram.com/p/CGVKNoDK_Ar/?igshid=wc3i8gj8jf89
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biophytopharm · 5 years
Principal Chinese Herb Types
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Principal Chinese Herb Types
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Anyone who has walked into a Chinese herbal shop and experienced the aromas, and the impressive number of herbs available, can tell you the depth of knowledge and the tradition of medicinal herbs is unparalleled in Western culture. Gaining popularity In modern times Chinese herbal medicine has been an increasingly interesting area of study for contemporary scientific investigators. The surge in popularity in Holistic approaches to health and lifestyle has put Chinese herbal practice into the middle of our new look at what it means to get and stay healthy. The literally thousands of years of experience, organization, and observation of the positive effects of herbs, herb essential oils, and other herbal combinations offers an intriguing alternative to today’s health-conscious individual. Holistic health It should always be remembered that Chinese medicinal herbology does not exist in a vacuum. That is, there are no herbs that by themselves, will make you thinner or cure any digestive problem, or miraculously increase your basic energy level. Chinese herbs and their use are but one part of a philosophy of life that includes diet, lifestyle, and spiritual well being. The use of herbal preparations and remedies must always be considered as part of this larger picture of a balanced life. One of the basic understandings that Chinese herbal practitioners have discovered is that herbs should be approached not only as occasionally utilized medicines or cures but also as part of a regular well thought out diet. Herbs are thought of as highly concentrated foods, essential to life and a sense of well-being. Many Chinese herbs are used in cooking and are important ingredients in recipes. Popular herbs One of the most well known Chinese herbs now days is Gin Seng – known as an energy enhancer. Ginseng has enjoyed a surge in popularity. You should know, however, that herbalists do not consider Ginseng useful for all people. Again it depends on the whole picture of the person’s lifestyle. Other popular herbs are Ginger preparations, Lotus seed, Fox-nut, Cardomon, and Jujuba – there are entirely too many herbal remedies to list here. A thorough study and good information will help you understand all the potential uses of herbs in your diet and lifestyle. Chinese herbal medicine and supplements are based on the Yin-Yang principle, that is, a world of opposites that must be brought into balance. That’s the word to remember: “balance.” Using Chinese herbs offers you a new way to help center your health on an ancient proven tradition that provides for the health of the complete person. Traditional Chinese Medicine Resources – Distribution Types Far East’s sweet part than the weighty national container, discover denuded plateau, hills in addition to lower mountains, commonly handed out for the Altai, Tianshan, Qilian, Kunlun since Altun mountain/hill steppe sector, for example, lower an area of the Tianshan Mountains, for example, top to bottom factories Spectral everyday use together with the baseband can desert. From inside the management splitting on the western leave outdoor areas, inclusive of Runner Mongolia, Gansu and as well Ningxia near northwest, west and consequently Qinghai, Xinjiang, Altai Hills and also-also the Kunlun Hills, except for inside the high altitude the rest of the elements of Asia’s total staff location in which involves 1 / 5, which usually sweet as Gobi areas with reference to 100 million block kms. Significantly arid desert weather conditions as unwelcoming topsoil salinity encouraged multiple location classes unfavorable plant life program is easy to rare, most often through an involving mega-xerophytic herbal arrangement, a lot xeric sort of trees, merely very often degraded or maybe it leaves behind (and/or maybe reducing offices) with somewhat-bushes maybe minuscule timber. Purely consists of vegetation communities inside of South America, along with Important Parts Of Asia as well as antique Mediterranean Sea parts, predominantly by a few groups of house plants, that Chenopodiaceae Asteraceae is considered to be temperate desert location very specific companies of these two most crucial, gone by Zygophyllaceae, pinto beans organizations in addition sod, tamarisk individuals and their families, Polygonaceae, ephedra Side, Caryophyllaceae, Convolvulaceae, as well as account for big proportion; alternate organizations while using fruit significantly. Vegetation attention premium of the 5 to finally 20%, as pond dunes as 50% plus, generally speaking with 10%. Chenopodiaceae A Great Deal genus along with species of seedlings, represent a selection of wilderness communities, where ever medicinal vegetation is essentially small (suo suo, suo suo whitened), genus Salsola (Salsola bead, woody scoparia cookware), anabasine is really (little Anabasis aphylla), Ceratoides (F. arborescens) and/or halophytes get Kalidium (Kalidium), salicornia (Salicornia), S. salsa definitely is (Suaeda), and as well wasteland house plants Shami, in addition to Zygophyllum (wood Overlord) in addition , Nitraria simply. Leguminosae Caragana remedy posses kids are (Caragana, Caragana young), Oxytropis (Oxytropis thorns), Hedysarum (Hedysarum Mongolia, waste Hedysarum), Glycyrrhiza (licorice, Glycyrrhiza inflate) , and holly now. Polygonaceae medication should be Calligonum spp. Tamaricaceae practice of medicine is probably Tamarix yet Reaumuria then. Division prescription drugs ephedra Ephedra przewalskii, for example. have always been. A Number Of People create Salicaceae Populus euphratica, Elaeagnus angustifolia Elaeagnus varieties of classes.
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The bradenton area recognized natural herbs tend to be licorice, ephedra, Ningxia wolfberry, Cistanche, Xinjiang euchroma, precious metal Bupleurum, together with the expectations Xinjiang Codonopsis, Wuqia Fritillaria, Wushi seas buckthorn, mulberry Turpan, Atushi figs, grapes soso, poon holes, chickpeas, or anything else. Cynomorium combined with Elaeagnus angustifolia. And also, you will have with regard to medicinal Gentiana Puhuang, reed, Apocynum, D., ferulic, chinensis child, compacted snow lotus, gentian,? Gather, front, Tribulus terrestris, Hong Qing Lan, Motherwort, Yan Chen, dandelion, artificial leather rod Liu, orange sand mustard, M., skullcap, Inula Britannica, Mongolia almond, puffball, Peganum harmala, Arctium, Cuscuta, Orobanche, fruits, Vaccaria and many others, routinely Perhaps the leave grassland varieties. Exactly How natural herbs operating in Far Eastern wolfberry virtually all conspicuous, through safflower, Ibe mothers, astragalus, licorice and thus magical Bupleurum. And Also unveiled their 20 kinds of currency types, like chrysanthemum, Angelica, Radix, Far Eastern yam, honeysuckle, melon wilt, Sophora japonica, Rehmannia also Peony and so. Growth associated people medicinal drugs, dunkelhrrutige your lawn, almond, soso grapes, coriander, Elaeagnus, A Very Yu Wei, figs, cumin but fennel, or anything else.. Using the Kunlun Mountain Range, Altun different alpine desert, dry, continental temperatures consisting of heavy circulation Lithospermum Xinjiang nope, incorrect Lithospermum, Xinjiang, Codonopsis, Licorice, Hedysarum, seabuckthorn, Rhodiola, Saussurea alpine , hands ginseng, compacted snow lotus, various Yeqing Lan, Nardostachy Chinensis Batal, alpine gentian, Xinjiang Notopterygium, Xinjiang self-reliance actions, online heartbeat rhubarb, Polygonum, alpine clematis, clematis, Gansu also Qinghai, Alpine Aster, Ephedra przewalskii as well as also report on ephedrine, . Healing reptiles in this region scarlet deer, musk deer, flight squirrels, he, wild rear end, as well as geese gazelle, wolves, crazy free, donkeys, livestock, lambs, chickens, hedgehogs, scorpion, horsefly worms, leeches, Organic Green toads, bees. Therapeutic Gypsum, sulfur, mica, Fulong busy, jade, actinolite together with water lower stone backsplashes, calamine, Xuan Jing Shi, Glauber’s sodium, talc, shot goose be in charge of, magnetic field, Daqing salts additionally natural real estate agent. Follow us: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Read the full article
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vprprajakta · 2 years
Fresh Herbs Market Analysis | Size, Share, Global Demand and Industry Forecast 2027
Spices in foods have acquired conspicuousness as of late as people become zeroed in on wellbeing and careful eating rehearses. Reports made by MRFR detail the advancements in the business that can be anticipated in the market through the estimate time frame.
The superior interest for spices in unpredictable treatment rehearses is assessed to make an extra push for fostering the fresh herbs market. Besides, the improvement in cultivating and development rehearses is assessed to incite the fresh herbs market development in the forthcoming years.
Segmental Analysis
The segmental survey of the fresh herbs market is done based on conveyance channel, classification, type and area. The dispersion channel portion of the fresh herbs market comprises of food retail and food administration. The classification fragment of the fresh herbs market comprises of Salicornia, chives, basil, coriander, mint, parsley, and others. The sort portion of the fresh herbs market comprises of natural and regular. The area fragment of the fresh herbs market comprises of the Middle East, North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Africa.
Key Players
Spisa Group, Vitacress, Van VugtKruiden, Rocket Farms, Fresh Thyme, Pacific Botanicals, Shenandoah Growers, Inc., Langmead Herbs, Herb Pharm, Al-Hanin Herbs
Get More Professional and Technical Industry Insights @ https://valuepropresearch.com/report/fresh-herbs-market-1023/
Definite Regional Analysis
The provincial investigation of the fresh herbs market comprises of the Middle East, North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Africa. The production network related restrictions connected with dissemination are assessed to hold the advancement in specific areas for organizations working in the new spices region. The fresh herbs market in North America is assessed to see an unassuming flood sought after in the figure period. The Asia Pacific fresh herbs market is probably going to lay down a good foundation for itself as the significant spice delivering district, with huge amounts of new spices being appropriated to the local business sectors of the North American area and the Middle Eastern district. Typically, spice creation is entirely unsound and is formed by ecological impacts, like precipitation, floods, and dry spells, provoking a break in interest and supply, prompting cost contrasts. The European fresh herbs market is projected to record the most noteworthy CAGR in the conjecture time frame because of the raising interest for new culinary spices in the district, primarily in Northern Europe. Yet, the advancement could be postponed by the low necessity from arising nations.
Serious Analysis
The ascent in acquisitions and consolidations is assessed to reproduce a reassuring climate for the players, prompting a few new item contributions. The utilization of online channels is assessed to acquire priority as the market finds some peace with the new business real factors. The advancement of worldwide exchange is anticipated to make a promising by and large impact available, with many organizations picking this period to test new and undiscovered business sectors. The public authority support is assessed to have a positive extension for the improvement in a few vital regions of the worldwide market. The market is assessed to push ahead with alert because of the encounters acquired during the pandemic. The flood in advancement and resynchronization of the activity and circulation cycle is assessed to cause what is going on for the general market's future. The headway in the worldwide circulation fastens is assessed to additionally improve the market's advancement in the approaching time frame.
Industry Updates:
Apr 2021 Wheezy, a quick staple inventory administration, has made an agreement with vertical ranch organization Infirm to collect its dispersion places with ongoing spices. Infirm reap that is developed hydroponically at its developing home in Tottenham can be shipped various times each week by its 4 Wheezy dispersion centers in Battersea, Fulham, London Fields and Lambeth. The German vertical cultivating organization expressed it would have the option to adjust soon and further develop dispersion and amount with regards to the necessity from Wheezy clients.
Damage 2021 Bio-Planet initially presented its upward developed basil from its self-created vertical ranch, which utilizes this strategy to change from regular cultivating. It requires less water and plot and less supplements bringing about spices with minuscule ecological impressions. The underlying endeavor's prosperity has incited the organization to extend to supportable basil and the strategy for developing coriander. The spices are being sold since February in the Bio-Planet web shop and 31 stores.
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queen-ofnewyork · 6 years
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Review of klairs' Freshly Juiced Vitamin E Mask
Klairs, a Korean brand, is respectful of the beauty of the environment and carries healthy values regarding the earth and contains only the most necessary ingredients. They are officially carried by Wishtrend. Their Freshly Juiced Vitamin E Mask is designed to hydrate the skin and enhances skin with the power of Vitamin C. It also improves wrinkles and prevents aging. It protects skin from UV damage during the day and it regenerates skin overnight. Key ingredients include: tocopheryl acetate (a form of Vitamin E; antioxidant, moisturizing, skin conditioning), niacinamide (whitening, lightening, anti-aging, rejuvenating, anti-wrinkle), adenosine (anti-aging, promotes collagen and elastin production, anti-wrinkle) and lavender oil (detoxifying, anti-acne, healing, skin toning, brightening). This product retails for $27 USD, you can get it here for $27 + shipping.
Water, Glycerin, Butylene Glycol, Tocopheryl Acetate, Niacinamide, Sodium Hyaluronate, Chondrus Crispus (Carrageenan), Gellan Gum, Betaine, Algin, Mannan, Ceramide NP, PEG-60 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Chlorphenesin, Arginine, Ethylhexylglycerin, Centella Asiatica Extract, Rubus Fruticosus (Blackberry) Fruit Extract, Salicornia Herbacea Extract, Phragmites Communis (Common Reed) Extract, Adenosine, Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil, Eucalyptus Globulus Leaf Oil, Pelargonium Graveolens (Rose Geranium) Flower Oil, Citrus Limon (Lemon) Peel Oil, Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange) Peel Oil, Cananga Odorata (Ylang-ylang) Flower Oil
To quickly note, I received this for free from Wishtrend for my honest review, this post is not sponsored.
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This pack contains 90 ml (3.04 oz) and has a slight skincare scent, kind of reminiscent of baby wipes actually.
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The pack comes with a spatula and has a nice texture that returns to being smooth after taking some out.
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The mask has a gel-cream type of look and texture.
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The product spreads out easily and has a cooling feeling on the skin, it also feels like a burst of moisture.
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This pack can be used as a mask, a sleeping pack, and a moisturizer. It dries down with a slightly tacky finish. It helps my skin retain moisture for over 12 hours.
Recommended use is after cleansing, apply an adequate amount of product to the skin and pat lightly to absorb. It can be used as a moisturizer or you can mix a small amount with an essence or cream and use as a sleeping pack when skin feels extra dry. After using, this sleeping pack is extremely moisturizing and the effects last over 12 hours for me personally. The texture is very moist and tacky and it does take some time to fully dry on the skin after applying it. The texture is also quite light and pillowy and as it's spread over the skin it releases a burst of moisture and hydration on the skin. The ingredients are nice and like other products by Klairs, this product is extremely high quality. It's also nice that after scooping some out, the pack returns back to it's solid looking form. I'd recommend this anyone as I can see that it would benefit any skin type. On kind of a sad personal note for me, I was allergic to this sleeping pack and ended up with hives, I tried it multiple times only to see new hives each time. So if you have skin that has frequent allergic reactions, you may want to avoid this.
What I like: this product is lovely, it's very moisturizing and hydrating and it has long-lasting effects. The ingredients are nice and the texture of this pack is very light and soft. When you apply this product, it really has this fun unique burst of moisture and it's so moisturizing that it takes some time to dry fully. What I don't like: nothing really, it's a great product for any skin type. It was just a problem for me because of the hives.
High quality
Lovely ingredients
Awesome light texture
Allergic reaction (not a knock against the pack)
Would I buy this?
No (for reasons above)
Rating: 10/10 (minus the reaction)
Wishtrend Black Friday is HUGE! It's a once in a year chance to stock up all your beauty needs. #klairs #junglebotanics #imfrom #bywishtrend anyone?? To give you a sneak peek, products will be UP TO 80% off + FREE Expedited Shipping + FREE Miniature and Sheet Masks + FREE additional discounts! Head over to Wishtrend.com starting from Nov. 19th - 25th. Don't miss out!
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saltwise · 15 days
What Makes Dehydrated Salicornia Better Than Regular Salt? https://www.herbaltricks.com/Articles-of-2024/what-makes-dehydrated-salicornia-better-regular-salt
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jjthejukebox · 4 years
ilia beauty, the brand that’s beautiful inside and out
HOW WE MET As someone who suffers with rosacea, sensitive skin, and has dealt with raging hormonal breakouts, I’ve become more conscious of what products I use on my face. Post-college, I’ve also started to become more interested in sustainability and learning more about cruelty-free, clean products, and brands.
As the Pandemic went into full swing and I started working from home, I obviously saw no use to wear the heavier foundation and strenuous makeup routine I had been doing for months after dealing with EXTREME hormonal acne. My skin was mostly recovered, only stubborn dark spots remaining.
Once Spring finally arrived, I became pretty secure in not wearing the heavier foundation I had, and wanted to find something lighter, but not triggering for my skin. Believe it or not, I learned about Ilia through my mother, who quickly became a big fan of the Priming Serum and Skin Tint. She let me try one of her samples and just like her, my newfound loyalty to this brand began.
In 2011, Sasha Plavsic started the clean skin-centric beauty brand, along with her younger brother and business partner, Zac Ilia. The duo grew up with their mother who was very keen on health and wellness and very interested in learning more about homeopathic remedies, as her brother suffered from acute asthma and allergies as a child. Although they were told by doctors he would most likely not be able to participate in sports, through a healthy and organic diet, Zac was healed of these issues and was able to go on to compete!
With this background, along with studying design, typography, and working in the beauty industry, Sasha saw there was a need for more products that included safe, effective, and natural ingredients. And that’s how the brand began.
They’re also passionate about becoming more sustainable with their packaging:
“We strive towards more sustainable packaging through the use of recycled aluminum, glass components, and responsibly sourced paper. But it isn’t enough - that’s only the beginning of the product’s life cycle. We believe end-of-life is far more important, to ensure products don’t end up in a landfill”.
- Via their website, https://iliabeauty.com/pages/recycling
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True Skin Radiant Priming Serum (Firming, Smoothing Aloe Infused)
PRICE: $52
DESCRIPTION: Base for makeup application, highlighted ingredients: hibiscus extract, aloe and beta-glucan, silicone-free primer. “Helps to firm, moisturize and soothe skin, while protecting it from harmful environmental factors that cause aging”. “Diminishes the look of pores and fine lines, while improving skin texture on dry down for a silky and soft-to-the-touch feel”.
THOUGHTS: All you have to do is put a couple drops and gently rub it on your face and your face will instantly feel smoothed. It holds Skin Tint well and doesn’t irritate my face. I usually don’t even put moisturizer before or after this! After applying, my skin feels super supple and hydrated. 8/10
Super Serum Skin Tint SPF 40 (Niacinamide, Squalane, Hyaluronic Acid) in ST11
PRICE: $46
DESCRIPTION: 18 different shades, “Boasts SPF 40 coverage with non-nano zinc oxide, safely shielding skin from UVA, UVB, UVC, blue light and infrared rays”. The highlighted ingredients are added specifically to “even tone, soften fine lines and imperfections and dries down to a natural, dewy finish”. Free of Silicone, Fragrance, Chemical Screen, and oil, is non-comedogenic, and safe for sensitive skin.
THOUGHTS: You have no idea how surprised I was by how this skin tint really does TINT well. I figured with most products claiming to be a tint, there would be really minimal coverage, but I was wrong! It completely tones my face and makes my face look one color in a real natural way. I really like the idea of it leaving a dewy finish, but my skin is naturally oily, so I personally like to add a powder to matte it a little. I’ve heard from a makeup specialist that products with SPF tend to be a little oiler, but Ilia does it well! Still a big fan and hope to keep using even as the seasons change. I love how easy it is to figure out my shade too! We gotta love inclusivity!!! 8/10
Liquid Light (Serum Highlighter) in Nova
PRICE: $42
DESCRIPTION: “a unique gel based formula that illuminates, and gives a natural dewy finish to the skin. Vegan and cleanly formulated with a blend of organic and natural botanicals the serum-like consistency melts into skin and provides a boost of freshness on contact with a soft wash of metallic glow. marine actives help protect against UV light and pollution.”
THOUGHTS: Um, hellooooo I had no idea that the highlighter protected from UV light and pollution? Incredible. On top of that really cool fact, it also is incredibly smooth and leaves a really pretty, natural, and glowy finish. We love a highlighter that can truly do it all, my goodness. 8/10
Multi-Stick in Lady Bird
PRICE: $34
DESCRIPTION: “Seamlessly blends into lips and cheeks thanks to a soft, buttery texture that instantly melts upon contact”. Designed for lip and cheek.
THOUGHTS: I really love the idea of multi-sticks. I can be really lazy and simple when it comes to color, so this is product was really ideal to try. The shade Lady Bird seems universally complimentary - a nice little muted pink color, but there’s other shade options too! It’s super easy to use, has a pretty color, but definitely requires a little bit more product if you want it to really pop. Again, like most of Ilia’s products, it is a subtle, natural way to add some color to your cheeks or lips. 7/10
Limitless Lash Mascara
PRICE: $28
DESCRIPTION: “Buildable and flake free — lifts, curls, and strengthens and adds just the right amount of volume for fuller, healthy looking-lashes. This lightweight and nourishing formula is made with a blend of organic bee and carnauba waxes to weightlessly condition each lash, while still keeping them lifted throughout the day”. Has a “dual-sided brush that easily builds in volume and separates with precision”. “Gentle enough for sensitive eyes, includes organic shea butter and fortifying arginine (keratin) to help boost and enhance lash condition in a classic black finish.” Easy to remove.
THOUGHTS: Let me just start off by saying me and mascara have a very interesting history and relationship. I’ve been curling my painfully straight eyelashes since the seventh grade and what I’ve encountered is that most mascaras don’t embrace my curling efforts. I’ll curl my little eyelashes and then once I apply, they tend to fall flat and straight again… I find it super annoying. SO the mascara could be good for other reasons, but if it doesn’t keep my fake curl charade… I will most likely refrain from buying again in the future. This mascara does fall into the category of making my curled lashes flatten out, BUT it has a nice strong color, great for my sensitive eyes, and is super easy to remove! 5/10
Balmy Gloss (Tinted Lip Oil) in Tahiti 
PRICE: $26
DESCRIPTION: “A cushiony, tinted lip oil packed with plumping hyaluronic acid and major moisturizing properties that leaves lips soft, smooth, and anything but sticky, containing Salicornia Herbaceous Extract which is derived from a sea succulent that grows along the shores and marshes of densely salted water”. When used at an active level (theirs is .25%), this ingredient has the ability to boost moisture up to 6000%.
THOUGHTS: Just gonna be honest here, I don’t usually love lip gloss. Actually, I loathe lip gloss, lol. I’m not a big fan of the usual stickiness and how it ends up drying out my lips. Also combined with my oily skin, it just makes me feel like a human oil slick. BUT, this lip gloss is so smooth, has great subtle color, and leaves my lips feeling moisturized and alive. That is always ideal. 7/10 
Not only is the branding truly beautiful, but the products really do live up to the hype! I love that each product includes ingredients that are intentionally added and that they are both clean-focused and effective like they aim to be. This write-up is not sponsored by the brand and none of the products mentioned above were gifted. If you’re looking for clean, simple, and unproblematic makeup products that work, Ilia is the brand to try!
“The time for clean beauty is now. And you can have the best of both worlds. Skincare was first and now it’s colors turn. We are so excited to be on the forefront and we cannot wait to see where this goes”.
Via Forbes Interview with Sasha, Click Here
Website: https://iliabeauty.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iliabeauty/
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beautyville · 5 years
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[MISSHA] Super Aqua Ultra Waterful Miniature Set (4 items) . . I bought this set long time ago, I think it was 3-4 month ago, but forgot about it. . . Famous Korean skin care brand @missha.official released this hydrating line not long ago. . . This miniature set has sample size products. I am going to try this line and see if it's worth buying products in full sizes. . . This is what's included in the set: . . Super Aqua Ultra Water-Full Active Toner: Contains Aqua-STEM to help create clear, moist skin. Hydrating toner also provides brightening and vitalizing benefits. Features the Triplex Aqua System which locks, absorbs, and stores moisture energy for 24 hour hydration. . Super Aqua Ultra Water-Full Intensive Serum: Aqua-STEM (Myrothamnus Flabellifolius, Cactus, Rhizophora Mangle, and Salicornia Herbacea Callus Culture Extracts) creates hydrated, dewy skin. Clinically tested to provide 24-hour moisture. . Super Aqua Ultra Water-Full Control Emulsion: Contains Aqua-STEM to moisturize and control skin balance for clear, hydrated skin. Features the Triplex Aqua System which locks, absorbs, and stores moisture energy for 24 hour hydration. . Super Aqua Ultra Waterfull Cream: Inspired by the moisture preserving ability of desert plants, the Super Aqua Ultra Waterfull Cream activates the moisture preserving ability to keep skin hydrated throughout the seasons. . . . . . . . . #mvville #skincarereview #skincarebloggers #skincarecommunity #instaskincarecommunity #instaskincare #glowingskin #hydratingskincare #skincaredaily #iloveskincare #skincareproducts #misshasuperaqua https://www.instagram.com/p/B1UWNSNn7CA/?igshid=d6uscon3veg0
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diarioculinario · 6 years
Fever #2
Day 6
- Friday 18th January 2019 📍Larrabetzu, Bizkaia
The same start of the day as yesterday. The fever is still there but this time my through hurt like hell. 9 Am I have to set up the fish station and write down all the mice a place for today. Which means making the “bizcocho de Cauliflor”, “Crujiente de Cauliflor” and the Txakoli de Mar. 
The Txakoli de Mar was really interesting and also very tasty and fresh. The base for is Txakoli de Amibar that we made the other day, the other two main ingredients were very new to me, I mean I see them before when I dine here but I didn´t know that they were edible. “ Perejil de mar” and “Salicornia” edible plants that grow in the wild of the Mediterranean seacoast. We mix all the ingredients and strain it through the super bag, we then obtain a fine juice that gives the palate a taste of the fresh Mediterranean sea. Other than that my fever was starting to get worse, I stood for like 2 hours straight doing “ Chips de Ajo” in front of the hot stove. I was all dizzy and completely dried out, I could almost hear the sound of my dried lips scratch two each other. My mentality was strong and I kept going. During the lunch break, I took some aspirin and after 1 hour my head was feeling a little better. Pilar also had a review on how things work during service time, There are certain parts during service where we have have to interact with the guests. One is on the welcoming picknick and the other is when the guests visit EL Vernadero. I 'm not the strongest person when it comes to this kind of social behaviors but I see this potential lesson. I have to go and expose me, go out of my comfort to develop this kind of social skills that I don´t yet poses but crave to. Everything must be perfect, this is a 3 MICHELIN starred restaurant and the guests expect it is what Pilar said to us today.
I finish the day and went back to “La Cueva” where I stayed all day trying to recover. I should tho head to Larravetzu to buy some honey and ginger...
- Daniel Hermes Tapia Mendoza
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hrbuniversal · 8 years
Salicornia: What You Need to Know About This Tasty Sea Bean – Salicornia, sea beans, samphire…this delicious … https://t.co/eIwzU4TJkI
Salicornia: What You Need to Know About This Tasty Sea Bean – Salicornia, sea beans, samphire…this delicious … https://t.co/eIwzU4TJkI
— HRBUniversal (@hrbuni) February 1, 2017
February 01, 2017 at 03:01AM via IFTTT
from Salicornia: What You Need to Know About This Tasty Sea Bean – Salicornia, sea beans, samphire…this delicious … https://t.co/eIwzU4TJkI
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queen-ofnewyork · 7 years
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Review of AIPPO's Expert Hydrating Mask
AIPPO is a Korean brand that tries to relieve skin every day with the best quality. They have accumulated years of know-how and poured it into every single product. Their Expert Hydrating Mask is an intense facial aesthetic mask that moisturizes and hydrates skin like a home care facial by a professional esthetician. Ingredients include: argan oil (moisturizing, hydrating, doesn’t clog pores, protects skin against harsh weather, vitamin-rich), sodium hyaluronate (anti-aging, moisturizing, hydrating, helpful to replenish hyaluronic acid that is naturally lost due to age), cranberry fruit extract (naturally exfoliates, vitamin-rich, boosts collagen production, anti-wrinkle, antioxidant, anti-aging) and caviar extract (nourishing, skin firming, revitalizing, antioxidant, moisturizing, anti-aging). This sheet mask retails for between $5-6 USD, you can get 7 pieces here for $41.50 + free shipping (on prime).
Water, Glycerin, Methylpropanediol, 1,2-Hexanediol, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Argania Spinosa (Argan) Kernel Oil, Alcohol, PEG-60 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Glycereth-26, Trimethylolpropane Triisostearate, PEG/PPG/Polybutylene Glycol-8/5/3 Glycerin, Macadamia Ternifolia Seed Oil, Isopropyl lsostearate, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Tromethamine, Polymethylsilsesquioxane, Dimethicone, Isohexadecane, Ethylhexylglycerin, Glacier Water, Disodium EDTA, Cetearyl Methicone, PEG-40 Stearate, Steareth-20, Steareth-21, Sodium Hyaluronate, Tocopheryl Acetate, Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil, Butylene Glycol, Pentylene Glycol, Caprylyl Glycol, Hypnea Musciformis (Wulfen) Extract, Ecklonia Cava Extract, Oyster Extract, Ascophyllum Nodosum Extract, Laminaria Japonica Extract, Sargassum Fulvellum Extract, Undaria Pinnatifida (Wakame) Extract, Fucus Vesiculosus (Bladderwrack) Extract, Vaccinium Macrocarpon (Cranberry) Fruit Extract, Salmon Egg Extract, Gelidium Cartilagineum Extract, Codium Fragile Extract, Corallina Officinalis Extract, Pelvetia Canaliculata Extract, Cladosiphon Okamuranus Extract, Chlorella Minutissima Extract, Hizikia Fusiforme (Hijiki) Extract, Salicornia Herbacea Extract, Tocopherol, Pearl Powder Extract, Caviar Extract, Fragrance
To quickly note, I received this free from 0.8 Liter for my honest review, this post is not sponsored.
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The mask is a cotton cellulose mask that effectively allows the nutrients to be properly absorbed into the skin. The eyes, nose, and mouth holes are all well fitted and there is 30 ml (1.01 oz) included.
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The mask has a cover on it to maintain its shape.
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The essence is milky and nourishing and the recommended use for this mask is 10-20 minutes, it dries out after about an hour or so and has kind of a strong but not overwhelming skincare type of scent. After using, I found that my skin was very smooth and very moisturized. The ingredients were effective at hydrating my skin effectively and the mask stayed on my skin very comfortably. The effects lasted for over 24 hours and my skin also looked more even and plumper from the mask overall.
What I like: the mask has a very nice fit and the ingredients are very nourishing and beneficial for dry skin. The mask is comfortable to wear for long periods and it's very deeply hydrating and the effects last for over 24 hours. It helped to plump my skin and leave it smoother than before. What I don't like: I wish there was no real scent but otherwise nothing wrong with the mask.
Comfortable fit
Good ingredients
High quality
Leaves skin smoother
Wish there was no scent
Would I buy this mask?
Rating: 10/10
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saltwise · 18 days
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jessicakehoe · 6 years
7 Fresh Scents for Spring 2019
Ignore your thermostats, people: spring is officially around the corner. You may not be able to ditch your parka and boots just yet, but you can start welcoming the season with a fresh new fragrance. The newest perfume launches combine everything our olfactory systems go crazy for at this time of year, from grass starting to sprout up to buds in bloom and fresh spring air—and also provide an excellent excuse to switch up your signature scent. Florals may immediately spring to mind when you think of the season, but there’s plenty of citrus and spice to go around, too. So get to spritzing, and just pretend that frost on the ground has already thawed out.
Aerin Aegea Blossom
($142, Sephora)
Inspired by the wafting scent of orange blossoms and neroli on the shores of the Aegean sea, this new fragrance from Aerin Lauder smells like everyone’s dream vacation. With notes of Sicilian Bergamot, mandarin and verbena, it’s a Mediterranean getaway in a bottle. Beachside cava not included.
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Atelier Cologne Pacific Lime Cologne Absolue
($170, Sephora)
The newest scent from Atelier Cologne is brighter than sunshine. Part of the company’s Joie de Vivre line, Pacific Lime is a tropical-leaning blend of coconut and lime. Following a movement away from anything strictly feminine or masculine (hello, Byredo), the just-launched fragrance is also unisex.
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Hermès Un Jardin sur la Lagune
($120, Holt Renfrew)
Christine Nagel’s heady scent was inspired by the story of Venice’s Garden of Eden—not the Biblical sort but an actual garden created by Englishman Frederic Eden in 1884. Expect top notes of plants and flowers— magnolia and lillies, salicornia and pittosporums—basically like taking a stroll through your dream garden.
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Jo Malone Hemlock & Bergamot
($96, Holt Renfrew)
What could be more springy than the smell of dandelions and forget me nots? The new Wildflowers & Weeds line from Jo Malone is just what it sounds like: airy florals and spring-worthy freshness. The five limited edition scents—like the powdery Hemlock & Bergamot, which combines notes of heliotrope, golden mimosa and cucumber—all feature hand-painted bottles.
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Kenzo Flower Eau de Vie
($99, The Bay)
The new Eau de Vie from the long beloved Flower by Kenzo line features the same signature curved bottle but with a reiteration of the classic scent, first launched at the turn of the millennium. The updated version is all ginger and neroli, with orange blossom, Bulgarian rose, tonka and white musk.
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Miss Dior Eau de Toilette
($99, The Bay)
“A rose is a rose is a rose…” The catchphrase for the new Miss Dior Eau de Toilette says it all. The 2019 version of the Natalie Portman-fronted scent is a romantic floral indulgence, a blend of patchouli, citrus, lily-of-the-valley, and, of course, plenty of rose.
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Les Exclusifs de Chanel 1957
($425, Chanel)
An ode to Chanel’s longtime love affair with the U.S., and running in parallel with the reopening of their iconic 57th street store in New York City, Les Exclusifs de Chanel 1957 is as modern as it is nostalgic. A unisex scent, it’s a deep, woodsy, spicy mix of eight different musks. “A skin scent,” in Chanel’s own words.
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The post 7 Fresh Scents for Spring 2019 appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
7 Fresh Scents for Spring 2019 published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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