#Western Trio
thebadsansbandits · 6 months
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Dun dun DUNNN!
Well... we did it...
I can't thank you all enough for giving the comic pilot so much love, even through the rough patches.
Who knows? Maybe I'll come back to this concept and make it a full on series! I can't promise perfection, but I promise I'll do my best to keep this comic's fandom alive!! So I'll try to post some concept art or planning for the pilot. (And maybe some sneak peeks of where I planned on taking the story after the pilot!)
I hope that one day, I will come back to this comic. But until then, I'll see you all later!
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teethlordd · 7 days
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Putting some guys in some fancy outfits
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mushroomgrenade · 1 year
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My full bookmark for the @lovingacezine (part 1)
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ghostiegone · 7 months
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the more I draw western op…. the crazier I become
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 269
Another Legend of Zelda Crossover with Ghosts are Dragons. Because it’s fun :>
Danny has decided to go on a vacation with his platonic-romantic-they-aren’t-sure-yet partners. To a different world! Where they can spend more time than just the summer before heading back to their world or the Realms for work. Self employed or no. 
Look, they spent their entire teenagehood protecting the city and world, they deserve a break! So they chose a random direction and a random world that didn’t feel too liminal and ecto-contaminated, and off they went!
And it’s great! The monster issue is easily enough taken care of too, even if it’s to Sam’s complaint. Interesting taste though… Oh well, they can complain and debate that later, because they don’t have to really worry about much. Well, much besides the weird corruption sort of rotting smell that seems to be getting stronger… 
Maybe that’s normal around here…?
@fairy-lights-and-blobs @radiance1 You both enjoy dragons so here <3
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wormfunkie · 8 months
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its cowboy time babyyyyyy!!! i had like multiple panels saved to do, and I just ended up going really ham on just this one
if yall got any like good iconic scenes for johto or kanto send em in if you got the time cuz I'm probably gonna do more of these. this was really fun
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layla4567 · 8 months
OPLA (Monster trio) WILD WEST AU
The hat rule (nsfw drabbles, fem): Sanji, Luffy, Zoro
Warnings: well smut, p in v sex, suggestive (the smut is just at the end), everyone is of legal age, beta read, I don't know much about cowboys or the wild west so don't expect this to be very accurate.
wc: sanji- 1.606, zoro- 1.583. luffy- 1.917
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You entered the saloon with your chaps on well and a red scarf around your neck. Upon entering the double door collided with the walls and the noise caught the attention of those present. A boy with green hair hidden in his beige hat was sitting at the bar drinking beer, he turned his head and when he saw you a frown crossed his forehead and he wrinkled it slightly. You were Zoro's declared enemy since you were the daughter of a famous rival gunman of the green-haired man's father. You rejoiced at the looks of fear and respect that were directed at you, you looked everywhere analyzing the local people until your eyes met Zoro's, at which point he rolled his eyes and looked away. You were thinking of having fun today and that consisted of making the cowboy angry, so you confidently walked towards the bar and sat down next to him. He ran you up and down with a raised eyebrow.
"Hello pretty boy, did you miss me?"
In response he snorted and drank his beer, ignoring you.
You laughed softly, shaking your head. "I see that you are still a man of few words as always."
“What do you want Y/N?” He finally said, looking at you a little upset.
"Aww don't pretend you're not happy to see me Zoro, it's adorable"
Zoro rolled his eyes again in annoyance and your smile widened, you loved making him angry.
"And apparently you're still as irritating and talkative as always, or am I wrong? Look, if you don't mind, I'd rather be alone and keep drinking, I don't want to fight."
"Ooo the cat took out his claws" You said raising your hands in surrender without stopping smiling "Easy cowboy, I just wanted to chat with you"
"And what made you think that I want to talk to you?"
You rested your elbow on the table, approaching him and put your chin in your fist "Well, I think you'll want to talk to me when I tell you what I heard out there…"
Zoro still wasn't paying attention to you so you decided to double the bet.
"About you..."
This seemed to pique the cowboy's curiosity because he stopped drinking and stood still holding the glass suspended in the air. You smiled from ear to ear
"I'm not interested, they must be rumors anyway" he said downplaying it
"Mmmh okay, but then don't say I didn't warn you when they call you chicken"
You stood up from your seat to leave when a hand grabbed you firmly and quickly by the arm. You jumped a little but then looked at him trying to hide your smile. Zoro's look was more serious than usual.
"What's that chicken thing, huh?"
You sat back down, raising an eyebrow mischievously. "Oh nothing, it's just that people comment that I'm not only a better gunfighter than you, but I'm also a better horseback rider, and that you are a chicken for not daring to challenge me"
Zoro's hand squeezed the glass until his fingers turned white. Your satisfied face said it all, you had set a trap for him and he had fallen like a rabbit. Zoro pretended to look at the contents of his glass.
"For me, let them say what they want.."
"Oh, are you sure? Because I think they're right. Now that I remember, you've never challenged me to a horse race."
The green-haired man closed his eyes and pursed his lips, he was trying with all his might to control his frustration. Then, as if nothing had happened, he opened his eyes and raised one corner of his lips in a small smile.
"If I haven't done that before it's because I know I'm guaranteed victory." he said looking at you
You shrugged your shoulders. "That's what those who don't dare to lose always say. Anyway, it's a shame, I think you'll have to get used to the nickname."
Now you got up from your seat without him stopping you. You turned your back to him and although you couldn't see him you felt his eyes on you. You were heading towards the exit when his voice called you.
"Wait, not so fast"
You turned around and saw Zoro stood up and walked towards you. His walk was similar to that of a hunched and angry gorilla. When he was in front of you he gave you a look cold as steel.
"How do I know you don't say those things just to make me angry?"
You giggled. “Oh so it really bothers you? Is your ego so fragile?”
The other people gathered in the saloon were now paying attention to their conversation, some soft laughter and murmurs could be heard. People smelled the fight and now they didn't want to miss anything. Zoro looked around now without hiding his discomfort. You decided to play with him a little although you knew you were taking too much risk. Zoro wasn't stupid and he was really good with a gun (although you would never tell him that) and if he wanted he could threaten you. But the game had started and it was too late to back out.
"What's wrong? You don't like being called chicken?" You said and then shamelessly imitated the sound of a chicken while you waved your arms pretending to be wings.
The people began to laugh louder while Zoro's frown grew until his gaze darkened.
"Hey, enough is enough"
You didn't obey him and continued making fun of him, laughing while the others looked at you funny. You only stopped when his fingers closed on your arm, firm enough that you couldn't escape but not so tight that it hurt you. The cowboy's face had gotten very close to yours and his eyes fixed on yours were intimidating.
“Y/N I said stop.”
His voice was deep and brooked no reply, your smile faded a little and you became serious. But you wouldn't let him threaten you or make you afraid. Roughly you broke free of his grip and moved closer to him until your noses almost collided.
"Fine, then what are you waiting for? Challenge me to a horse racing duel, and you'll see who wins." you said under your breath, sliding your gaze from one eye to the other.
He tilted his head slightly without flinching. "I won't do that, I already told you."
There was a boo from the crowd and a shout "What are you so afraid of?" But the green-haired boy ignored him, he only looked at you.
"Ok then I'm the best at riding…" You said with a shrug and walking away a little.
"No, I am" he said irritably
You rolled your eyes in frustration, he looked like a 5 year old throwing a tantrum. At this rate neither you nor he would agree. Suddenly you had an idea that will surely leave him speechless. If you couldn't beat him by making him angry, you would beat him by making him nervous. You took a step forward, smiling proudly.
"I'm the best at riding and I'm going to prove it to you" You said, slapping off his cowboy hat and putting it on your head.
The people at the bar gasped, but the best reaction was the one in front of you. Zoro had turned red and swallowed loudly. His face was so deadly serious that you wanted to laugh. You placed your hands on your hips, looking at him victoriously. He noticed your impudence and smiled sideways, hiding his embarrassment. He was also willing to play that game so he approached your ear.
"Are you sure? I can't guarantee your safety, I'm a bit wild"
Now the one who swallowed saliva to calm the confusion was you. You looked into his eyes whose pupils were now dilated. You nodded several times and he smiled walking away. And that was the beginning of everything, it will be a long night, you thought.
Just as you predicted that night in your bed Zoro was sitting up and you were straddling him. The green-haired boy hungrily kissed your neck, causing the temperature to rise.
"Zoro~ ohh.."
He smiled against the skin of your neck. "We haven't even started and you're already melting like butter in the sun."
As best you could, you grabbed the hat that was resting on the mattress and put it on your head. "We'll see who melts first."
You grabbed onto Zoro's shoulders and began to move your hips back and forth, making the cowboy grab your waist tightly, digging his fingers into it. You let out a moan as you felt his hand squeeze your flesh. His face was in the crook of your neck near your shoulder, that way he muffled his gasps and moans.
"Keep it up, ngh d-don't stop" he gasped against your shoulder
But it was difficult. Zoro wasn't lying when he said he was wild. His fingers on your skin would surely leave a red mark the next day. And from time to time he moved his own pelvis upwards to sink you deeper into him. Your nails dug into their shoulders and their torsos were beaded with sweat. But at no point did you stop or drop your hat. In the end they both collapsed exhausted on top of each other. It seems like there were no winners or losers this time, but Zoro's satisfied moans and sweaty face were your consolation prize.
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Sanji was outside the saloon taking care of his horse. With one hand he groomed the animal's head while with the other he brushed its back. His fingers traced soft scribbles on the horse's skin. You were waiting from afar for your father to finish unloading the suitcases full of clothes and belongings from the carriage, and you took the opportunity to see the cute cowboy. Almost without wanting to, you started playing with your braid, wrapping it around your finger. The blonde boy was focused on taking care of his horse but he was not stupid and he felt a look of intense eyes on the back of his neck. When he turned to see you, you looked away, biting your lower lip in embarrassment. For his part, Sanji just smiled amused and returned to his task.
You turned to see your father struggling with the luggage, you thought it would take him a while to get all the suitcases out so, nervously wrinkling the hem of your dress, you headed towards where the blue-eyed cowboy was.
"*clears throat* Good afternoon, sir."
The cowboy with a bright smile and tender gaze turned his head to see you and found a little girl with a sweet and affable look. Soon he couldn't help but let his gaze slide over your figure. Your tight skirt and corset marked your best attributes.
"Well, well, good afternoon to you missus"
His voice was even better than you imagined, syrupy like honey and soft like a feather pillow. Suddenly your legs felt a little weak.
"What's a cute little princess like you doing talking to a cowboy like me?"
You swore that your cheeks began to color and to hide it you covered your mouth slightly with your fingers and smiled while you looked at his horse. Would he always talk like that to all the women he saw? Sanji knew he had hit the nail on the head so he kept looking at you with that flirtatious smile of his.
"Umm, I just wanted to admire your horse more closely, if you don't mind, gentleman"
"Oh, so you're attracted to horses?"
"Very, sir. I always wanted to learn how to ride one."
The blonde cowboy laughed at your good manners.
"Please, my name is Sanji. And you must have a name too..."
"I'm Y/N"
You held out your hand to him and he kissed it gently on the knuckles. His lips against your skin tickled your lower belly.
"If you want, I can teach you how to ride Crystal," he said, stroking the horse's mane.
"Oh, Crystal? That's her name? it's adorable!" you said smiling pleased and caressing the animal
Sanji couldn't stop looking at you and smiling, you seemed cute to him.
"So? What do you say Y/N? Do you want me to teach you how to ride?"
You were about to answer yes with a big smile but suddenly your father screamed calling your name, he seemed upset. You turned around and saw that he was walking towards you, clenching his fists.
"I'm sorry but I can't now, maybe another day-..!"
Your voice sounded disappointed but you couldn't say anything else because your father had already reached you and grabbed your wrist to pull you away from Sanji. The blonde boy watched with some annoyance and disappointment as you left, but not for you but for your father who didn't think it was right that he dragged you like that just because you had moved a few meters away from him. And it made him even more angry when he heard the exclamations he threw at you "Y/N, what did I tell you about talking to strangers?! Those filthy cowboys only flirt with girls and then leave them stranded!" The days passed without Sanji hearing from you until one day he had taken a walk in the countryside and saw you there alone and looking at the forget-me-not flowers and then collecting some. He got off Crystal and approached you, when you turned around you had a big smile that made his heart melt.
"Hello princess, have you decided to ride Crystal yet?"
You blushed to the roots of your hair and said shyly "I'm not a princess.."
Sanji loved to make you nervous "Really? But you do have a very pretty face, a sweet voice and good manners. Yes, I think you are one…at least for me"
You lowered your head, trying not to look at his perfect smile that seemed to mock you. "T-thank you, but you're right, I want you to teach me how to ride."
The blonde boy smiled satisfied and took you by the hand to get you closer to the horse. "You'll see, you'll learn quickly. Crystal may seem intimidating at first but she's a good girl."
The warmth of his hand sent shivers down your spine, you tried to hide it as best as possible, smiling confidently. Suddenly Sanji grabbed you by the waist firmly to sit on the horse, in surprise you let out a moan that made the blue-eyed boy laugh. Already on top of the honey-colored horse, Sanji told you to find a comfortable but upright position, he guided your hands towards the reins of the animal and told you to hold them firmly but without pulling. After several more explanations to which you listened attentively and looked at her beautiful dreamy eyes trying not to drool, Crystal began to walk. Sanji was at your side all the time with one hand on the horse's back to give you courage. After you had mastered Crystal, she began to trot until you were riding faster. After walking around a few times you came to Sanji who was applauding you happily.
"Bravo doll, that was perfect. You have a natural talent" He said grabbing your waist to make you get off the horse, completely ignoring your rosy cheeks.
"Well, give Crystal credit, she was very good to me" you timidly tucked a strand behind your ear.
"Oh and you're also modest, how adorable."
Damn, why was he flirting with you so much? Did I do it on purpose? It was making you nervous and making something grow in your belly that you didn't want to find out what it was. When you saw him again he was staring at you biting his lip with a smile, oh so he did it on purpose. Hiding your embarrassment you directed your gaze towards his brown hat.
"I like your hat, it's pretty" you pointed your finger
He took it out and looked at it "This one? Really? Oh but it's quite old… do you want to see it?"
You nodded excitedly and grabbed the hat in your hands. It was a little big and the fabric was worn on one side. You happily made a gesture to put it on your head when Sanji interrupted you, smiling mischievously.
"What are you doing?"
"I just wanted to try it on"
He laughed shaking his head "I wouldn't do that if I were you…"
You frowned in confusion, you didn't understand why he was laughing. "Why not? What's so funny?"
"So you don't know the hat rule?" Sanji said, coming a little closer to you, with slow steps.
You shook your head, somewhat intimidated, you felt that this rule was something important…or something that would humiliate you.
He laughed at your confusion "Then it's better that you don't know, forget it."
You put your hands on your hips in frustration. "Oh come on! Tell me, I want to know!"
The blonde cowboy leaned close to your ear and whispered "Wear the hat, ride the cowboy."
Sanji moved a little away from you just in time to see your eyes looking down and your face turning red. You didn't expect it to be something like this, with an innocent mind you could say that you had never been intimate with someone like that. But Sanji really seemed attractive to you, what if this was the time to complete something you had been thinking and feeling for a while? Somewhat hesitantly, you slowly placed your hat on until the brim covered your eyes. Sanji looked at you surprised and now he was the one feeling a little nervous and blushing. Even so, he smiled confidently again and took your chin to lift it and see your eyes that were covered by the hat.
"It seems that you are not as shy as I thought, Missus." he purred
That night without your father knowing, Sanji invited you to his house, he was so considerate and kind to you, he made sure that you were comfortable at all times and calmed you down when you didn't feel safe doing so.
"You don't have to do it if you don't want to, sweetheart" He told you compassionately
In response, you held the hat with one hand and leaned over Sanji's body to kiss him lovingly.
"I'll be fine, do not worry"
You settled your pelvis above his. From his position Sanji enjoyed the view of your body bouncing on top of his and how your eyes turned white as you held the hat with one hand and with the other you touched his well-formed abs.
"Ohh~you feel so good..." The words slipped out of your mouth like pomaded butter.
"That's it, gorgeous. You're doing incredible"
The blonde couldn't stop praising you and guiding your movements by holding your thighs and raising his pelvis. And your moans of pleasure and satisfaction were his best reward. Without knowing it, he had not only taught you how to ride a horse…
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Luffy was in the tavern sitting at a table playing poker, although he tried to keep his face serious in his mind he was celebrating and jumping since he had been dealt a good hand of cards. Sitting in front of him was you, you weren't that good at hiding your facial expressions as you were frowning slightly because you didn't have such good cards. From time to time Luffy looked at you and smiled, he knew you were about to lose. The brat would even stretch out his arm to tickle you or push you with his foot under the table making you laugh. After a couple of minutes Luffy put his cards on the table, being the clear winner. You pouted and threw your cards on the table in anger. The boy, laughing mischievously, grabbed his chips and his prize, happy. You crossed your arms around your eyes and smiled. Since you were children you could never beat Luffy, you were inseparable friends and he had taught you how to play and in turn Shanks had taught Luffy how to play.
Luffy stood up from the table with his bottle of sarsaparilla and his dried meat. A smile crossed his face from ear to ear, he looked like a child. You looked at him and laughed happily, it was impossible to get angry with him, you loved him so much. Luffy approached you with his food.
"I promise to share my food with you… at least a little"
You laughed, patting his shoulder, if something characterized the brown-haired boy it was his gluttony. You grabbed the bottle and bringing it to your lips, you took a few sips while he looked at you. When you finished you sighed contentedly and wiped your mouth with the back of your hand.
"Hey, what do you say we go shooting practice?" You said giving him the bottle back.
He chuckled. "You mean YOU practice shooting."
You laughed. It was true, he didn't know how to use the gun very well but you always offered to teach him, but he preferred to see you and that's it (and if he could eat while looking at you, the better)
"Ok little cowboy, you'll watch me practice and you can also bring your food" You said pointing to the bottle and the beef jerky.
He smiled from ear to ear and gave a small shake of happiness. He hugged the meat and the bottle of sarsaparilla and followed you like a puppy towards the exit. They both rode until they reached an open field where only dry, yellow grass could be seen and a few oak trees casting shade. On one side there was a wooden board with a few bottles ready to shoot, you always went to that place to practice. You two got off the horse, leaving them tied to a nearby tree. You stood a few meters away from the bottles and Luffy stood next to you adjusting his black hat. You took out your gun and while the boy put a dried meat in his mouth, looking at you, you smiled and looked at the first bottle, winking. The first shot had been successful, the bottle had shattered as Luffy looked from you to the bottle in amazement and admiration while still chewing. With the other subsequent bottles it had been the same, just a little concentration on your part and the bottles would fall into pieces. Only one was missing
“Wow Y/N you are so good at this!!”
I smiled warmly, thanking him for the compliment. Suddenly you looked at the last bottle and when you were about to shoot you changed your mind and looked at your friend who was looking at you expectantly.
"How about I teach you how to break that bottle, huh?"
He looked at you doubtfully thinking about an answer, before he responded you said "Don't worry, it's easier than it seems, I'll help you."
Luffy looked at the bottle for a while and then looked at you "Okay, if you say it's easy, I'll do it" He said smiling.
Smiling, you offered to take care of his food and gave him the gun. You placed your hand over hers to guide her fingers and lock them over the trigger. At the slightest touch of yours on his skin, Luffy smiled widely and stared at you while you dedicated yourself to explaining the movements he had to do to avoid missing the shot. When you finally looked at him you found his gaze penetrating yours and you blushed slightly.
"Alright I hope you understood, come on shoot the bottle" You cleared your throat nervously.
The cowboy nodded and winking while sticking out his tongue in concentration, he pointed the gun and fired. The shot wasn't perfect but he managed to break the glass bottle that fell to the ground. You brought your hand to your mouth shouting and cheering him on.
"See? I told you you'd do it right!"
He blushed with joy and smiled "Well that's just because I have a good teacher."
You rolled your eyes in amusement and gave him a gentle, loving blow to the jaw with your fist. He laughed and suddenly hugged you tightly and spun you around lifting you into the air. You opened your mouth in surprise, squealing and laughing happily. So you spent a long time playing and chasing each other like cats and dogs, playing hide-and-seek or tickling each other, until the sun went down over the horizon and it became dark.
"How about we go to my house? It's too late to go to yours, and we can have dinner too if you want"
You laughed thinking that he was always eating, but he was right. Your house was further away from his so you nodded and riding away from the place. Along the way they were chatting happily and commenting on childhood anecdotes. When you arrived at Luffy's ranch you saw that there was a light on, he lived alone but he always left a light on just in case. You both entered, the interior was cozy, there wasn't much but it was comfortable, it had just what was necessary. Luffy put his food on a table and you took off your jacket to place it on a nearby coat rack. As you did so you couldn't help but admire a painting that had hung on the wall. It was a passage where you could see a cliff and a river. Everything had a perspective from the heights and distance, in the background a beautiful sunset full of purple and pink colors.
"It's pretty, isn't it?"
You gave a little scream and jumped in place when you heard Luffy's voice so close to you. When you turned your head the brown haired boy was standing right behind you, so close that he could almost put his chin on your shoulder.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"The painting, is pretty, isn't it? I won it at an auction. I don't know who painted it and I don't know much about art but I liked this one."
While he was talking he looked at the painting and you couldn't help but see his brown eyes, they seemed prettier than you remembered. When he finished speaking he looked you in the eyes with his typical happy smile. Oh, you felt like the world around you was freezing and only you two mattered. You stayed like that for a few seconds until you found the courage to turn around and face him completely.
"Yeah I, uh..!"
You couldn't finish your sentence because when you went to take a step your foot got tangled in the leg of the coat rack and you tripped and fell on top of Luffy. The blow was so strong that he ended up with his back to the floor and you on top of him with your cheek on his chest. Luffy began to giggle softly that grew until it ended in laughter, you raised your head embarrassed and confused while he looked at you laughing. You frowned and blushed heavily. He touched your cheek with a finger.
"You look like a red apple, you look cute like that" he said laughing
You looked away embarrassed, Luffy made fun of everyone in a friendly way and sometimes said things innocently without bad intentions. But your shame was so much that you became angry at his words. You were going to respond with a mild rudeness when he opened his mouth before you.
"But I think you're missing something…" And then he took off his cowboy hat to put it on. "There! Now you look like a cowboy apple!" He said smiling and laughing innocently
Oh no. Didn't he know? It seemed not. Was he so naive as not to know the hat rule? Luffy thought his action was innocent and happy, he didn't mean anything bad by placing his hat on you but you knew that meant something else and now he really wanted the earth to swallow you.
"Uhh Luffy? Do you even know what the hat rule is?" You asked cautiously, controlling your nervousness.
He frowned in confusion and then his face changed in a few seconds to one of raised eyebrows and wild eyes. He quickly walked away from you and sat on the ground a short distance from you.
He covered his hands a little embarrassed while you smiled shyly. It made you laugh that he was more embarrassed than you. At least he knew what it meant after all. You crawled closer to him slowly and removed his hands from his face, looking at him amused, you gave him a kiss on the cheek to which he looked at you surprised, who was the red apple now?
"We don't have to if you don't want to-"
In response Luffy gave you a kiss on the lips. It was fast and tender but that was the beginning of everything. Later, at night in his room, Luffy was lying face up on his bed and you were straddling him, leaning over and kissing him while you grabbed his cheeks. You asked him if he was ready and he nodded several times, quite excited you could say. You stood up and he placed his hands on your butt, squeezing and kneading your buttocks as if you were sourdough and he was the baker. You gasped in surprise and he smiled. It doesn't matter, you'd give it back. Because when you started bouncing on him, Luffy dissolved into purrs and gasps, he was a mess. You thanked heaven that Luffy lived alone because soon the room and the entire house were filled with moans.
"AhHh Y/N~ keep moving like that…"
The naughty cowboy liked to touch, too much. Now his hands were clinging to your breasts, trying to hold on to something and not crumble like a block of ice in an oven. A couple more bounces, some more moans from there and you two had ended up exhausted. You wrapped an arm around his torso as he circled your shoulders and caressed them. You smiled happily and were about to close your eyes when you suddenly opened them and looked at him worried.
"This won't ruin our friendship, will it?"
He laughed "Of course not, bad apple."
“Oh shut up you whiny brat” You rolled your eyes smiling.
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citrusgurke · 11 months
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omga, the last day of the scaridarity week, day 14: holding hands (4 pic)!! yeah, i know it's a lil sketch, but just look at them, they are so adorable, iamcryingsobbing
i'm so obsessed with secret life, help me, i hope there will be more solidaritimes moments, pls
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lovingacezine · 1 year
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Sales will run until August 27th, or until all items are sold.
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indeedgoodman · 1 month
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ameliafuckinjones · 8 months
thinking about how England is the mind and France the heart and America the soul (the summation of both mind and heart) of the West...
Edit: look!!!
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When the episode's so bad even the characters drop the show
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mushroomgrenade · 1 year
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It's been straight up a year since I drew this, and I am so happy to be able to share this.
A card I drew for the @lovingacezine !!
Aftersales opened!! First 48 hours get a free bookmark!! (I AM THE BOOKMARK)
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they're so silly ...
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tomwoolf · 3 months
All tracks are composed and #improvised under the impression of #John_Macleans #psychedelic #Western "Slow West" (2015). They cover varying moods and emotions, played with Jazz attitude, shifting through different genres as #Crossover, #Smooth, a hint of #westcoast ,#Funk and #Ambient. The music is #relaxing yet as well animating - it creates #moods and.. pictures. The "#cinematic version" of ALL I`M SAYIN IS ... contains spoken words (dialogues) from the movie „The Man from Utah“ with the early John Wayne ( 1934, by Lindsley Parsons. / PD Public Domain )
#iTunes #AppleMusic #Spotify垢販売 #spotify #AmazonMusic #deezer #qobuz #awa #Pandora #porkpiehat
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on an assorted collection of shots from MOTÖRHEAD's "Ace of Spades" LP photosession (includes press cuttings, tour/promo adverts, programmes, & more!), c. 1980. 📸: Allan Ballard. R.I.P. Motörmasters!
""Ace of Spades" was the album that finally sealed MOTÖRHEAD's reputation as the loudest and heaviest band in the world. Fuck punk, fuck metal, fuck genres, and fuck you! This was the coolest band ever. Vic Maile at the production helm used an expert ear to translate the monstrous live sound and feel of the band to vinyl. Continuing the Western fascination explored sporadically on "BOMBER," Kilmister, Clarke, and Taylor stood on sand dunes (in a Barnet, London sandstone quarry!) dressed as cowboys brandishing bullet belts and wearing snarls that stretched from Texas to Tamworth on the "ACE OF SPADES" sleeve."
-- "Ace of Spades" MOTÖRHEAD CD liner notes, Sanctuary Records reissue, c. 1996, written by Mick Stevenson
Source: https://rockerparis.blogspot.com/2020/01/motorheads-ace-of-spades-photosession.html.
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