#Werewolf arc
Got hit with something involving a 'what if Ghost also got the werewolf curse long term?'
You know how when Toast was a werewolf he sometimes listened to Ghost?
Because Ghost is so paranoid, his werewolf form can't be talked to. Toast tries, but all he gets is teeth and claws - it's like he doesn't even recognize him as either human or friend; just prey. So all he can do is trap Ghost one way or another and wait the night out, all while hear him bang himself against the walls and feel him eyeing him hungrily.
(also Toast trying to give Ghost some wolf berries but they just get squished and smeared on the floor because he's so intent on eating meat/Toast)
Honestly, I never considered how Ghost would act as a long-term werewolf. I feel like after a couple of full moons he’d be able to settle more into his cocky persona, and possibly recognize others who he’s around a lot (either as a werewolf or a person)… but I do also love him being paranoid in the beginning because that’s a side to Ghost that he doesn’t like to show people very often. It would be kind of fun for Toast to be the one who gets to see him at his most vulnerable and stick with him all the while, even if Ghost himself has scarcely any memories of it afterward.
Ghost’s fear of the world and other paranoia aside, I feel like there is a specific trait in this that will suddenly make it much more dangerous than it was for Toast.
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Casket has found a new way to ruin lives.
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sincericida · 2 years
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Andrew Garfield with his beard.
I’m simply addicted to posting pics of Andrew with this look to suggest @blooming-violets to develop a plot about certain werewolf...👀
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superiorsturgeon · 2 months
Werewolf Pyrrha: The Break-In
Oscar: Holy crap, what a mess!
Nora: *picking her way over a twisted door* Yeah, Pyrrha really loses her inhibitions when she gets all wolf-y…🙂‍↕️
Ren: I just wish she would save her antics for daylight hours. Jaune, do you see anything? 😑
Jaune: *shining a flashlight around shredded butcher shop* Pyrrha…? Pyr, are you there?
????: *burps*
Jaune: *shines his flashlight on torn-open meat locker covered in red wolf hair and pawprints*
Werewolf!Pyrrha: *lying beside a mostly-eaten side of beef in a food coma* 🤤
Jaune: *gathering up his werewolf girlfriend in a bridal carry* Oh, Pyrrha…this one’s gonna be hard to explain to the cops…😓
Werewolf!Pyrrha: …do what you must…I have already won…! 😁
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craziechwiv · 3 months
RWBY Monster girls Vs ...Jaune.
Jaune Arc.
The next heir to a blood line full of successful monster hunters. He has heard tales of how his grandparents went toe to toe with rabid beast of all sorts, cryptids sought out to be just mere legends, and what terrors truly go bump in the night.
Whenever he heard one of these stories, he'd always play it as if he himself was hunting down the ferocious monster he'd wish he could vanquish. But he wasn't a kid anymore, but now a (semi) trained hunter. He left his home, leaving only a mere note behind for his family on his track to lead on their legacy.
A sword and shield on his person, and a bunny sweater from his grandma underneath his armor, he was ready to become the next legendary Arc in history! And nothing, and he means NOTHING, will stop him from doing so!
Jaune: ...what?
Wraith!Ruby: *somehow got captured by Jaune's most basic pit trap* ...
Jaune: Wow...uhm.
Wraith!Ruby: What?! Didn't think I'd go down just like that?! Cuz this is all part of my plan to end you, just you wait till I-
Jaune: N-No. Not that. Just didn't think I would be face to face with such a...beautiful sight? M-My name's Jaune by the way...
What is even going on...
Wraith!Ruby: Uh, Ruby? Wait...You think I'm beautiful?
~ Wraith was added to the hunting party! ~
Okay so maybe this was a blunder, but at least he's the first of his lineage to actual befriend a monster! That's something, right? Totally not making him a disgrace to his family.
Hopefully this is the only time though! As he must vanquish a monster far more dangerous now that he has the help of a supernatural being such as Ruby!
???: HOOOWL~!
Jaune: Oh, I guess we're tracking down a were wolf now.
Wraith!Ruby: Oh! Maybe we're gonna meet my sister too!
Jaune: I'm sorry, you're who?
Werewolf!Yang: *snuggling up to Jaune's arm while her tail wags*
Wraith!Ruby: How-
Jaune: In my defense! She had me pinned down!
Wraith!Ruby: That still doesn't explain what happened between that altercation when I was trying to find you!
Jaune: I may have...made a slight joke on seeing two full moons...
Wraith!Ruby: Oh...oh god no.
Jaune: How was I suppose to know that was all it took for her to fall for me?!
Wraith!Ruby: FALL FOR YOU?!
Werewolf!Yang: Soo, wanna share him Rubes?
Wraith!Ruby: >:O *How holding onto Jaune's other arm* LIKE HELL I WILL!
Jaune: I think I'm already in hell...
~To be continued...possibly later today lol~
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rwac96 · 2 months
(prompt, original stud werewolf) the aces ops are sent to vale to find out about this werewolf sighting. when they catch it, jaune, fucking a student, pyrrha, harriet offers to *sacrifice* herself for the greater good. they know that is total bull, especially with how she is swaying her wide hips towards the beast.
The transformed Jaune howled, as he held the Ace Ops Speedster by her hips with his monstrous claws. The werewolf hammered his golden, furry hips against Harriet Bree's bare, ebony ass cheeks. It started as a reconnaissance mission in Vale, hearing about reports of the Werewolf sighting. They spent one long day talking to eyewitnesses, retracing the beast's tracks, and investigating rumors of Pyrrha Nikos being seen with the monster. Then, during a patrol in the Emerald Forest, they heard wet smacks of flesh & fur, and a girl moaning. Seeing Mistral's champion being fucked by the monster, Harriet offers herself a 'heroic sacrifice', but her teammates see the aroused glint in her eyes.
"Haaah, fuuuck!!" Harriet moaned at the top of her lungs, her uniform torn to expose her breasts, ass, and orifices. "S-So big--Oooh, shit~!!"
"He's so incredible," Pyrrha Nikos says through pants, watching her Beloved ravaging the Ace Ops speedster.
"So tight," the transformed Jaune growled, as he continuously pounded his pelvis against the dark-skinned Atlasian's ass. "Hnngh, so good~!!"
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astral-schools · 12 days
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wolf, wolf, run free
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 1 month
Jessica: It's nice to visit you all every now and then!
Ruby: It's nice to have you over! What do you wanna see first, since our world is no longer in imminent danger of collapse?
Jessica: I'd like to check on Jaune Actually. He helped me out a lot!
Ruby: Uh- Well- He's a bit indisposed at the moment?
Jessica: How so?
Werewolf!Jaune: *Barrels in, Tackling Jessica and slobbering all over her*
Ruby: JESS! Are you alright!
Jessica: *Blushing, licking droll off her cheek* F-Fine! Other than the initial fright I'm ... Good.
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help shdkasdkga[fgp I love them so much I'm going to puke
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caffeineinmyspleen · 6 months
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So I may have made a werewolf au
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howlingday · 8 months
Jaune go's to a monster school au. He is a Human aloud to go because his family His ability and his abundance of Mana. He was never that how to use it the So, despite getting similar results to other students, he uses absurd amounts of manna on stuff that really should abuse that much. Weiss is a vampier, rwby werewolf, yang a dragon, penny a golem, Blake is a werecat, Ren a ghost, Nora a Valkyrie, pariah is a demigod daughter of Aries.
Jaune: Hi, I'm Jaune. Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, and rolls of the tongue. The ladies love it~.
Jaune: ...Okay, maybe they don't now, but they will! Anyway, that's not what I wanted to talk about. See, I kind of need to vent, and this is the only way I really can.
Jaune: But what do I have to vent about? I have a great family, a lot of great friends, and a bright future ahead of me! I just... have to survive until I reach it.
Jaune: ...Let me start over. My name is Jaune Arc, the only son born to the Arc family, who are one of the few families on Remnant with access to mana, or magic. I'm not very good at it, but I'm good enough to not be allowed to go to normal, regular people school.
Jaune: So that's why I'm attending Beacon's Light Academy of Magic, which was explained to me at one of the four "Great Mage" academies in Remnant, along with Atlas's Might, Haven's Garden, and Vacuo's End. It's not so bad so far, since I'm learning a lot at Beacon with my best friend, Ruby Rose.
Jaune: What's for lunch, Ruby?
Ruby: (Sniffs) Mm... Beef...
Jaune: What else?
Ruby: Uh... I don't know. Why? The only thing you need to eat is beef, pork, and chicken, right?
Jaune: Uh...
Jaune: See, Ruby is a werewolf. Yeah. You heard me. Half-human, half-wolf. I don't really know what the story is, since I don't really pry into her business, but Ruby basically has what's called "primal mana," which is magic based on tapping into your most base instincts and emotions, like fear, anger, and hunger. She's usually cool, except on the days that have full moons later that night, then she gets super irritable. She can still go to day classes, but she has to go to the safety bunker before... Well, based on the claw marks I see getting fixed the next morning, it's something super bad. Like, so bad, Weiss can't go to her night classes.
Jaune: Oh, speaking of Weiss, she's also my friend, and I kinda have crush on her. ...Okay, she's not really my friend yet. More of a friend of a friend. But I'm getting there, I think. But it might be best for me to keep my distance from her because the reason I can only see her so few times is because...
Jaune: Oh, uh, h-hey, Weiss!
Weiss: For the love of... Good morning, Jaune.
Jaune: So, uh, how... How were your classes?
Weiss: Fine, Jaune.
Jaune: Cool, cool... So, uh... Do you... wanna get some... blood?
Weiss: (Puts her book down)
Weiss: (Slowly turns to look at him, Bewildered)
Jaune: ...Is that a no?
Jaune: Look, if someone as flat and uninteresting as romance novel teens can get vampires, why shouldn't I try my luck? You know, besides the fact that I'm Type-O and probably a better meal than a friend to her. Nevertheless, I will keep trying... until she tells me she wants nothing to do with me. Which she hasn't. Yet. But she won't! Maybe.
Jaune: Anyway, being a vampire is kind of a double-edged lottery sword. It's part of something called "genesis mana," or "Blood Magic". Only people of a certain bloodline can access this, but it also curses your family to become some kind of monster, like a vampire, a wendigo, or even a werewolf. And that's why the Schnee family is so picky about who hangs out with who. My dad used to tell me that some families turn away suitors because "certain blood dulls the mana". He also tells me it's stupid, but also stupid to try my luck. Thankfully, he's not here to judge me, and I have friends who're willing to support me, like Ruby and...
Penny: Sal-u-tations~!
Jaune: Oh, hey, Penny. What's going on?
Penny: I have heard about your recent failures with friend Weiss and have been instructed by friend Ruby to cheer you up!
Ruby: W-What?! N-No, I didn't!
Jaune: ...
Jaune: (Writes on a napkin) Ruby, I have a command written on this napkin. The command is, "Show me every command Ruby gave." You either tell me the truth, or I ask Penny to eat this.
Ruby: She can say no, though, so there!
Jaune: Penny, would you like to eat this napkin with a command written on it?
Penny: Yes, I would!
Jaune: She's also a really great lie detector. I mean, except for when telling her own lies. That's just how golems are, I guess. Penny is kind of a... experiment Atlas is testing out at Beacon. She's going to be attending here as a way to test if golems are sentient and capable of safely interacting with other people. Why a school full of young adults would be considered safe, I have no idea, but I'm glad to have a friend like Penny around. And as far as I can tell, whether you were born or crafted together with "creati mana," you're still human to me!
Jaune: Uh, I mean people! You're still people to me! Hah... Sorry... Last time I said "human," I got on the bad side of...
Blake: You were late to class.
Jaune: Sorry, sorry!
Blake: Being sorry doesn't excuse you showing up late.
Jaune: Right, sorry. I was up late last night, reading a really good issue of X-Ray and Vav.
Blake: ...You stayed up late. For a comic book.
Jaune: A really good one! You like reading, don't you?
Blake: ...
Blake: (Digs claws into the table)
Jaune: Yeah, Ruby isn't the only one who can access "primal mana". In fact, it's a lot more common for faunus to access it than humans, for obvious reasons. But unlike Ruby, Blake seems irritated all the time when it comes to hanging out with me. Honestly, she feels more like a friend of a friend than Weiss does with me. Almost every word that I say seems to piss her off, and I don't know why.
Jaune: Hah... Guess I'm just unlucky with girls as friends, since I get along really well with...
Jaune: Yo, Ren!
Ren: Good morning, Jaune.
Jaune: Any luck last night?
Ren: Not yet. But I did rearrange the recipe in the cafeteria for a healthier meal this afternoon.
Jaune: Oh... Uh...
Jaune: Ren is a ghost, and he's been haunting this school for the past... I don't really know. But what I do know is how Ren got to where he is now. See, he was human, like me, and before he died in school, he cast a spell that bound his soul to the school.
Ren: Wrong.
Jaune: AGH!
Ren: I was attuned with "psyki mana" and could manifest my soul so I could find my best friend after I died. We were supposed to graduate, but when I finally came to life, she'd already left without me.
Jaune: Wait, you didn't cast a spell or anything?
Ren: In order for me to cast, I would require access to my aura, which was lost in my final moments. But my soul is still present, though it requires time and effort to manifest.
Jaune: ...
Ren: You can just say you don't know.
Jaune: I don't know. But, uh, were you able to get into the office?
Ren: No. Access to the office is protected from every mana variant known to Remnant. Nothing magical in nature, including a ghost, can enter.
Jaune: Geez, that's rough. You know who might be able to help?
Nora: Alright, alright, what's going on now?
Jaune: Uh, well, I was just making my way to class when suddenly-
Nora: Were you attacking this poor girl?!
Jaune: What?! No! It's the other way around!
Nora: HA! Yeah, right! Look at you! You're twice her size and SHE attacked you?
Ruby: You stole my comic book!
Jaune: I did not!
Nora: Oh, really? Hand it over, kid.
Jaune: But-
Jaune: ...On second thought, nevermind. Valkyries aren't really that helpful, are they?
Ren: It depends on what the situation is. If it's in response to a violent crime, they are merciless and will do whatever it takes to protect the innocent in the magic realm.
Jaune: But if it's a petty crime?
Ren: They... can be a bit biased in who they assist. Unless their opponent is a hostile monster with a weapon, they're not good with delegation and diplomacy. But they do care.
Jaune: Well, you could always ask one, right?
Ren: Unfortunately, no. Valkyries are protected by a specialized armor that prevents the effects of mana. A ghost like me can't even be seen by them, let alone get near one.
Jaune: Dang... Well, best of luck to you.
Ren: Thank you. Also, before I leave, I was asked to find you.
Jaune: Really? By who?
Jaune: Uh, h-hi...
Pyrrha: H-Hi...
Jaune: ...
Pyrrha: ...
Jaune: So, uh-
Pyrrha: DADDY, NO!
Jaune: Wha-?
Jaune: (Sees giant boar barreling at him)
Jaune: Ugh... Great... You ever heard of helicopter parents? Well, with someone like Pyrrha, her helicopter dad comes equipped with a rocket launcher and twin machine guns. And a hatred for any boy that gets close to his daughter. Kind of expected since her dad is the God of War. And when I say god, I mean ALL the gods of war to have ever existed. It's part of her "deity mana," where a very lucky few are literal descendants of the divine. And hers happens to be the embodiment of war, violence, and combat. So not only can her dad kick my ass, but SHE can kick my ass!
Jaune: I don't know how I'm going to survive this school, but hey, here's hoping I can at least make it to graduation!
Jaune: ...Er, no offense, Ren.
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My Taleblr Werewolf Headcanon Masterlist
While not the most present aspect throughout the entirety of Taleblr, the small and infrequent appearances made by lycanthropy has found its way into the hearts of the fandom. Of course, this may be largely because PIE is so beloved and just about every werewolf was involved in a PIE video. Not a bad thing, but it does also call into question How werewolves work, who has been one, and why we don't see them more often. Werewolves are a popular movie monster even outside of Taleblr, but every series has it's own rules. I think that defining what makes the werewolves that are encountered during the videos similar or different to other popular werewolves to be important in its own rights.
Whether it be Ghost being cured preemptively by eating fresh berries, or the Wyomingwolf getting her own unique title, I'm going to explore what it breadly means to be a werewolf in the Taleblr Universe.
While I would love to start by deconstructing the mod that was used for Toast's transformation and continue with a fandom exploration of the idea, I do want to open with determining what is meant by Werewolf here.
What are Lycanthropes?
General Mythology
The idea of people turning into wolves exists back to the Epic of Gilgamesh, the first written story in the world.
From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary: "The word lycanthropy comes from the Greek words lykos, meaning “wolf,” and anthrōpos, meaning “human being.”"
From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary: "Though some doubts about the word's etymology still remain, werewolf probably comes from a prehistoric West Germanic compound whose constituent parts gave Old English wer ("man") and wulf ("wolf")."
Werewolves as we know them likely comes from European Folklore. However, the first werewolf story is said to be the Greek Myth of Lycaon, who was turned into a wolf with his sons.
Additionally from the previous source, a lot of British serial killers were thought to be werewolves devouring their prey. Kind of messed up.
Okay, no more links.
The general consensus is that Werewolves are people who are, in some way, also wolves, likely done through a transformation of some kind. In history, we see the transformation to be permanent, but when the legend came home it became something one could turn back from.
Scientifically, the full moon doesn't do anything to creatures, whether it be wolves or humans (no hate to people who's spiritual beliefs include the moon <3). However, the idea of humans turning into wolves on the full moon likely came from previous ideas that wolves howl Only at full moons... and then from there the idea that humans act weird on full moons followed.
While I'm not sure where it came from, most interpretations of werewolves has them as humanoid wolves, others as basically humans as rabies, and others still as sentient wolves. It seems like it doesn't matter where on the scale between human and wolf a werewolf falls, so long as it is a human who is turned into a wolf, whether temporary or permanent.
Apparently a full moon in January is called a wolf moon.
In Taleblr
There were about two to three videos about werewolves and the werewolf arc, which is about curing lycanthrope. Unfortunately, I'm struggling to find out how many videos are counted for that arc, and apparently Toast was cured off-screen and we never got proper closure until a livestream years later.
The werewolves most known for Taleblr are the ones from Toast's time as a werewolf. These werewolves use this player model and this mod on Gmod, for anyone wanting to experiment with it themselves ^^
Just about every example of a werewolf in Taleblr is a human-shaped creature with wolf claws and a wolfish face covered in fur. They can infect others through bites-- though whether this is only in wolf form or also in human form I'm not sure.
Based on the transformation mod's description, they are stronger than people, they are faster than people, they regenerate themselves when hurt, the infection can be spread incredibly quickly and begin affects on the same full moon they were bit.
Johnny Ghost says that Lycanthropes can be cured with a specific berry, because he was able to prevent his own transformation by eating them in advance... I think he may be partially wrong, though.
If Johnny was right about the berries, the arc wouldn't exist. They already had leftover berries and knew where several bushes are. No, I think the distinction is that Ghost was infected by Toast, who was not fully infected and was still switching between wolf and human.
Either that, or the cure only worked because Ghost ate so many BEFORE the infection settled, and Toast was too late.
Fun Fact; the June full moon is apparently named after strawberries... I think we found the berries? (I was totally going to say it was blueberries before this)
Werewolves sneak when hunting and may be color blind like dogs.
According to Toast, they love jelly and can be cured by berries, though I do think that may be him craving berries mid-transformation. Funnily enough, a British version of the word Jelly is Jell-o, cuz british people only call jelly jam.
According to Ghost, they can be killed with silver bullets, but according to other videos, they can be killed with normal weapons too.
The Werewolves
Johnny Toast
We don't know who infected Johnny Toast, so there isn't much to say about how the infection spreads aside from what we see between Toast and Ghost. What wee see between them is Toast lashing out and attacking Ghost and Ghost being only infected temporarily while Toast oscillated between forms. Unlike what Ghost thinks, there are a variety of reasons as to why the infection may not have taken to Ghost while solidifying on Toast. This includes:
Ghost just has a better immune system at fighting supernatural threats.
Toast was infected longer before he started taking measures to cure it.
Ghost's berry theory is real and Ghost just ate all of them in the area like a dick.
Whether or not the infection takes depends on entirely chance and Ghost got lucky
Because Toast killed someone while in the form of a wolf, it solidified the transformation.
Because Ghost died soon after being infected, it purged the infection before it could take root.
Since serial killers used to be considered werewolves, the infection vanished because Ghost is technically Already Infected.
However there's no confirmation as to what the real case is. I am not taking Ghost at face value because. The man just for infected and uninflected with lycanthropy in an hour, an infection process that caused actual delirium in Toast.
While Toast can't remember anything while a wolf, he has reacted to things that Ghost told him to do while infected, implying that the wolf either recognizes Ghost or has some basic dog training. People taking quirks of Toast and applying it to the wolf? Amazing. People making stories about Toast trying to hide his infection only for people to end up hurt? Chef’s kiss. People who depict the werewolf as a lumbering shadow intimidating others? love it. People who depict the werewolf as a little guy a little boyyy? Cute as fuck. Whatever the case, the fandom is incredibly creative and I love everything y’all do with him.
I think that the fandom choosing to not acknowledge Toast's cure is for the best. Toast being a werewolf allows for sooo much character and is another threat to consider from inside the house. What isn't to love about a consistent problem that can't be solved with banishment or stabbing? I'm a fan of the posts that ask if Toast is worried about being a danger to his friends and associates, and I'm a fan of the fluffier posts that allow for Toast to just be a massive dog. I’d draw stuff for it if i could draw dogs.
For Toast I'm going to say that he was a British Columbian wolf because they were apparently notably Large. They also notably have the darker colors of brown and black that Johnny Toast was while infected. Also, they can be found in America despite being British.
The Wolfman of Wyoming
The Wolfman, also known as Alberto Guppy's sister (who I'm gonna call Amelia Wulf) was apparently an anomaly in Wyoming based on how she got her own title by existing freely. We don't know if she can turn back, or if her transformation is permanent. Both she and Alberto are genetic experiments done by who Alberto thought were their parents, and she especially got the short end of the stick. When they escaped the lab, we know that Alberto got his memory erased, and with no memories or experiences in the world, he began living on the streets around the same time that people would've started to notice his sister in the area.
Unlike Johnny Toast, the Wolfman definitely wasn't infected the same way. Because she was created by what I can only assume was gene-splicing in an attempt to recreate certain animal-based monsters from mythology. While Alberto seems to have either been an attempt at sirens or mermaids, it's obvious that Amelia was a at least partially-successful attempt at making a werewolf. While she is terrorizing a state now that she’s free, my guess is that she’s looking for her brother, since we don’t know when they got separated, and is fucking shit up in the meantime. I think that Amelia’s “parents” were working to re-capture her before the authorities, or in this case PIE, could find her and find out what they were doing.
Since gray wolves are native to the area, it's likely that's what type of wolf Amelia was genetically fused with. More specifically, the northern Rocky Mountain subspecies of gray wolf.
Unwolf Werewolves
And now, a list of character who apply for the label of werewolf if they only turned into specifically a wolf.
- Officer Maloney, turns into a bird at will
- Gregory Gregory. Gregory, turns into a bird at will
- Sally Acachalla, turns into a “demon” when frustrated
- All Gingarians have two forms that they somewhat alternate between.
- Johnny Ghost/Jimmy Casket, turns into a serial killer at random
- Princeton Quagmire/Jimmy Casket, ditto
- Light Zeron, ditto
- Billy Acachalla, kinda turns into a bird.
Some of these are more werewolf-y than others. If any of these were wolves, it would qualify. Except maybe billy.
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Nuisance Critters: Supernatural AU
Ruby: Hey, Farmer Jaune! What's up? You're looking... upset.
Yang: Which is weird for you.
Jaune: Oh.... Hey, Ruby. Hey, Yang. I'm just a bit stressed is all.
Yang: Why? What's up?
Jaune: Well, some wild boars have invaded my fields and started tearing up my potatoes. At this rate, I'm not going to have much of a harvest.
Ruby & Yang: (start drooling) Boars, you say?
Jaune: Yeah, big ones, too. I've seen the bull, and he's an absolute monster. The sow is ornrier than the devil. She's attacked my truck multiple times. There's about seven in the bunch-
Ren: Jaune, who are you talking to?
Jaune: (noticing Yang and Ruby are gone) Where did they go?
Werewolf! Ruby & Yang: (sprinting over to the woods by Jaune's farm) Boar! Boar! Boar! Boar!
-Later that Evening-
Yang: (naked, covered in blood, and carrying 5 full grown Boar in her arms) We're home!
Ruby: (also naked, covered in gore, and carrying the remaining 2) And we brought home dinner!!!
Weiss & Blake: ......Do we even want to know?
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superiorsturgeon · 6 months
A Busy Day with Were-Jaune
Pyrrha: Nora! Give Jaune back!
Nora: Not yet! We’re still playing!
Werewolf Jaune: *tugs on rope toy and play-growls*
Nora: See? He’s not done yet!
Pyrrha: He’s my partner and it’s time for me to brush him!
Pyrrha: *pats bed* Come on, Jaune! Time for bed!
Werewolf Jaune: *jumps up and turns around several times before lying down*
Pyrrha: *snuggles into the werewolf fluff* 🥰
Ren: *tosses frisbee*
Werewolf Jaune: *proudly trotting back carrying a tire in his mouth*
Ren: Cheese it!
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craziechwiv · 3 months
RWBY Monster girls vs ...Jaune Pt. 2
(Continuation of this post)
When we last left off with Jaune, he was on a journey to continue his family's tradition on becoming, a Monster Hunter! And so far, his journey has been...unsuccessful to say the least. Albeit, he has faced two types of monsters, but has not slain them. More like, tamed them in a way?
Right...anywho~! Let's see if Jaune's luck with any other monsters prove to be fruitful towards his goal of making his ancestors proud! Now, with two companions, a wraith girl and a female werewolf, his band of allies can't possibly fail against further foes!
In a snowy and frozen ridden forest, our hero (and co) was fighting for their lives against a group of ghouls that have sprung from beneath the cold layer of white. Jaune managed to slice through a couple however was in a intense sword fighting session with another, who had their own weapon for a fair fight.
Meanwhile, Ruby and Yang we're busy trying not to be surrounded by a horde of the undead, with Yang using her claws to dig deep in their weak spots, hoping they stayed dead. As for Ruby, she used her ghostly appearance to get behind a few and forcibly snap their necks or dig out their entrails and brains.
As seemed lost for the three as the ghouls didn't let up the assault, until a harsh wind blew through the forest, with Yang, Ruby, and Jaune taking its random occurrence to flee from the fight and hide behind a large boulder. Surprisingly, none of the ghouls followed them, with Jaune peeking from behind their cover, seeing them all frozen solid. As Jaune was perplexed before he saw a figure come from beyond the snow, it was a woman, with dirty white hair and...bare above her waist. Her fingernails were like claws as she showed a row of razor-sharp teeth. She took a look at Jaune, and a look at the bodies of the frozen ghouls, with some being dismembered still on the snow bed, blood staining it red. She took a nice whiff of the stench of foul meat and then ran up to Jaune, sniffing him.
Mahaha!Weiss: Mmm~. You're strong~.
Jaune: S-Stay back! I won't hesitate to take another one of you ou-
Mahaha!Weiss: I shall claim you as mine!
Jaune: I WILL NOT BE YOUR NEXT MEAL! Mahaha!Weiss: My new husband!
Jaune: Wait What?
Mahaha!Weiss: Eh?!
Wraith!Ruby: Oh, she's pretty! I take dibs on her~!
Werewolf!Yang: The that leaves me and the monster 'layer', ey Jaune~?
Jaune: Y'know what, I would rather die...
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rwac96 · 2 months
Can Jaune pick up the scent of when Pyrrha is ovulating in the werewolf au?
WW!Jaune: "I can smell a lot of things, animals, food..." *sniffs the air* "Pyrrha?"
*The transformed Jaune began to walk towards the source, seeing Pyrrha hiking her skirt up and shaking her rear*
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(source: Aesthicc-Meme)
Pyrrha: "Ooh, Jaune...~" *she spreads her cheeks apart, revealing her drooling pussy*
WW!Jaune: *pants, heavily aroused* "Ooh, humping time!"
*The werewolf jumps Pyrrha, mounts her, and began humping the Champion*
Pyrrha: *moans* "Haaaah, yess!! Ooh, fuck me, Beloved~!!"
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nocturnalazure · 3 months
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