#Wendy Torrence
padmestrilogy · 10 months
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padme amidala as wendy torrence
first known depiction of anakin and padme for a cancelled cards game (1993) / the shining (1980) / revenge of the sith (2005) / the shining post-production script / revenge of the sith first draft
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albumdellefigurine · 1 year
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beelzaarts · 1 year
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moms on film
moms on film
(this took too long)
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cynicalrainbows · 2 years
Stephen King: The character of Wendy in The Shining struggles with her abusive relationship with her mother, with guilt after being blamed for her father’s death and with the shame of her mothers implication that there was something incestuous between them. Even the thought of living with her mother is traumatic for her. In addition, it’s stated that she’s had to live through three years of her husband being a chronic alcoholic.
Stephen King: But I’ve also written her as hot and blonde, so clearly she’s never actually experienced any real problems in her life.
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semetarycosplay · 2 years
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Will never get over how much fun it was running around the Stanley Hotel as Wendy Torrence.  Photos: Spectral Focus
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howfishismade · 8 months
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photo studies
now we just need a swansea faceclaim
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not-wholly-unheroic · 2 years
The Many Faces of Captain James Hook
With the release of the first promotional images of Jude Law’s Captain Hook for Disney’s upcoming Peter Pan and Wendy, there’s been a lot of complaints about both the costuming choices made and the fact that Law’s Hook bears little physical resemblance to the captain’s more “traditional” look and seems to be older than most versions with his graying locks. Some have even gone so far as to call Law’s Hook “ugly”—which I find rather unfair and even laughable. (If you find Jude Law in any role ugly, your male beauty standards are ridiculously high and I hate to think how hideous you must think most average people are.) Further, it’s a bit shallow to reduce a character completely to his physical attractiveness—especially a character as complex and complicated as Captain James Hook. Barrie’s Hook was described as being handsome, yes, but the popular vision of Hook as being an inherently “sexy” character is a fairly modern phenomenon in the story’s history—probably largely due to Jason Isaacs’ performance in the 2003 Peter Pan and, more recently, Colin O’Donoghue’s “Killian Jones” (who isn’t even technically James Hook) for Once Upon a Time. But the character has existed for close to 120 years, and in that time, he has borne many faces—some instantly recognizable as our favorite captain; others less so. He has worn a variety of colors and clothing styles, had nearly every shade of hair, and possessed varying degrees of facial hair. In fact, you may be surprised to find that the iconic waxed mustache, red coat, and ostrich plumed hat likely didn’t become mainstream until around the time Disney put out their version of the film. (That’s not to say other, previous Hooks didn’t ever have these characteristics. Only that Disney was probably the catalyst that solidified the look into the mind of the fandom.) For those who may not be as familiar with the history of the Hooks, let’s take a quick look at some of the lesser known versions of the character…some of whose influences can still be seen in Law’s Hook.
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Here we see the costume design for Captain Hook by William Nicholson for the first production of Peter Pan, Duke of York's Theatre, 1904. You’ll notice the concept art doesn’t feature the bright red coat or any pluming on the tricorn hat.
You can see how this costume idea might have translated onto an actor in this image of one of the earliest actors to play Hook on stage, Robb Harwood.
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Notice, he has no facial hair at all and although he looks like a gentleman, he’s far less “frilly” than the standard Hook is today.
The iconic mustache is also conspicuously absent in the silent film’s Hook, played by actor Ernest Torrence. He also still has the tricorn hat without any plumage. Note that Barrie was still alive at the time of the silent film when it came out in 1924, and some of his suggestions made it into the film.
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Another early Hook, played by famed horror actor Boris Karloff for the 1950 Bernstein musical looks downright terrifying.
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He has the mustache and the hair going on but I don’t know if I’d call him exactly “handsome” here.
Then we get to the 1960s. This seems to be about the time that we get the bicorn hat that Law’s Hook wears in the promotional photo. It shows up both in some scenes with Cyril Ritchard’s version of the character (notably, Ritchard was in his 60s when the film version was recorded, and his Hook has gray hair)—though he also has the red plumed hat we associate with most modern Hooks—and in Vincent Price’s stage Hook (sadly, not recorded to my knowledge).
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Of course, we also get Disney’s version of Hook in 1953, and after that, we start to see more of the “iconic” Hook look that we’re used to with a few exceptions, such as Fox’s Hook from the 1990 series Peter Pan and the Pirates, who has white hair, no facial hair, and a dark navy blue/black outfit.
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Despite looking more like an angry Quaker Oatmeal man than the usual Captain Hook, this guy gets a lot of love from the fandom because Tim Curry’s voice acting knocks it out of the park and personality wise, his Hook is both refined and threatening.
We also have to remember that even Hoffman’s 1991 version of the captain is likely much older than (and not quite as good looking as) he comes off as when he’s fully made up. Recall the scene near the end when he loses his wig:
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And Rhys Ifans’ “prequel” Hook in SyFy’s Neverland (2011) hardly looks like a Hook at all when we first meet him.
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Even after his transformation into the pirate we’re more familiar with, he still has the “wrong” hair color and no mustache.
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Yet he manages to get the right “feel” for Hook, which makes up for everything else, epitomizing the messed up father figure in Peter’s life, inspiring both our sympathy and revulsion.
My point in saying all of this is not to explicitly praise Law’s Hook or make any kind of judgement—for that, we’ll have to see the film itself—but to simply remind folks that Hook has worn many faces over the years, and ultimately, what he looks like matters less than the actor and director’s grasp of who he is as a person. Hook, as a fan favorite, has some incredibly large boots to fill and whether or not Law will live up to those expectations remains to be seen. But let’s give the guy (and his character) a chance to speak for himself before we go judging too much. Some of the greatest Hooks haven’t always looked like what we’d expect him to.
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doll1-s2 · 11 months
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The Shining (1980)
Direct by Stanley Kubrick
Written by Stanley Kubrick and Diane Jhonson
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1, 4, 7, 13, 16, 19 n random para(s)
good luck at ur fam function 👍🏻
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[ ASK GAME ] || Thank you! The function in question was celebrating my grandpa & brothers birthdays (my grandfathers was last week & my brother's is tomorrow). Its basically over now but that's besides the point.
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1.) What’s your para’s biggest motivation? How would they react if this motivation was challenged by the narrative (someone kidnapps the person they’ve been fighting for or the person whose death they’ve been avenging is actually alive or they find out the goal they achieved isn’t enough to compensate the trouble they went through etc)?
Ozzie's (@madasacrow) main motivation is not being in so much fucking pain all the time!! My man just has really bad chronic pain 😭 He built his actuators to help him walk/alleviate that pain, but unfortunately they malfunctioned and told him to do crime 😔. Once he gets his inhibitor chip fixed he's like. the chillest guy ever lol these 2 images basically sum him up:
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4.) Does your para’s emotions drive or hinder them when it comes to trying to achieve their goals? Do they view their emotions as a strength or weakness? Do they view emotions in others as a strength or weakness?
Wendy's (@fractured-fables) emotions drive her SO MUCH. She just wants to find her brothers and bring them home safe. Her love for her brothers fules her and she thinks its a strength — she loves them and so she must be brave for them. Typical older sister stuff I guess. She also views others emotions as a strength and tbh now that I think about it, is probably very emotionally intelligent.
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7.) What vices get in the way of your para’s motivations drive and goals? Do they overcome them or learn to cope with them at any point in the narrative? Is there a moral lesson about your para’s vices in relation to their goals or does it just exist for angst?
Macbeth's main vice would probably be his pride. He can't be wrong. Glitch has to be right. He's been working with her for so long now, has hurt so many people, that it's sort of a sunk cost fallacy situation.
Glitch & Macbeth's relationship is very unhealthy/toxic, but once Macbeth breaks free of Glitch's control (literally she is mind controlling him), he has a VERY BAD panic attack & existential crisis. The fact that he's in a video game is new information to him!! He's learning he did all this bad shit and THEN told that his actions lowkey don't have consequences. but he still feels bad. I haven't really thought about what he'd be like past becoming Matthew (Beta!Macbeth/him on earth ii) but he probably doesn't log in as much and helps False Moon occasionally.
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13.) How does achieving success make you feel? What about failure? Are you able to sit comfortably with feelings of success? Are you able to sit comfortably with the feelings of failure?
Alice Rose (@madasacrow) is nearly never satisfied. No matter how successful she is, she can always pick it apart and think of ways to do things better. Failure is worse for her. With success, she can at least smile and wave and do the song and dance of congratulations etc. With failure? She has to sit with it. Confront that whatever it is that she failed at, admit that she isn't perfect. It hurts and is a massive blow to her ego, even if she hides it well.
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16.) What would you say your motivation is and why is it your motivation? How much does it effect your day to day life? How much does it effect big life decisions? Does this motivation effect or define things like your morality values etc.?
Glitch: I want Calypso dead! Why? Why ever not? He's an annoying loudmouth that doesn't give a shit about his actions. I'm just trying to help everyone out here! It really is unfortunate how much time it takes up, when I could be spending it on better things, like enjoying being the best.
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19.) Does the end justify the means in terms of your motivation? Are you willing to do anything to achieve success or will you only obtain it through certain means (within the bounds of the law, only hurting people you think deserve it, etc)?
Harlow (@madasacrow): Yes. I will be the most terrifying thing Prism Pulse has ever seen, even if I have to die to do it. I don't care how many laws I break, or who gets hurt. Okay, I care a little. Everyone who follows The Reverend is on my hit list, and apparently, that's most of the city, so. To each her own.
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brandonlees · 2 years
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chelsamander · 1 year
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“Mermaids sunning themselves on the rocks in the 1924 silent film “Peter Pan” Santa Cruz Island, California.
Peter Pan was released by Paramount Pictures in December 1924. It first film adaptation of the play by J. M. Barrie.
“Peter Pan” starred Betty Bronson as Peter, Mary Brian as Wendy, Virginia Browne Faire as Tinker Bell, Anna May Wong as princess Tiger Lily, Ernest Torrence as Captain Hook, and Esther Ralston as Mrs. Darling.
✨ The film was considered lost until a complete copy was rediscovered in the 1950s. The full 1924 movie is available online on Wiki, Archive org, and other websites.”
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slygirlboy · 1 year
The Shining but instead of locking jack torrence in the freezer wendy simply just puts him in a large bubbling stew cauldron with carrots
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eric-generic · 2 years
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Three paintings by Canadian artist Alex Colville are visible in the background in The Shining while Wendy Torrence is in the foreground.  I have been trying to figure out the symbolism for years.
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semetarycosplay · 2 years
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Has anyone ever stayed in Room 217 at the Stanley Hotel? I was very disappointed that we didn’t find any ghosts.  Photos: Spectral Focus
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riggby666 · 4 months
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Shelley Duvall in “The shining” as Wendy Torrence (1980)
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princesssarisa · 2 months
"Faerie Tale Theatre" Role Association: Seasons 1 through 3
To honor Shelley Duvall in a silly yet fun way, I decided to finally do what I've been meaning to for some time: play a complete game of Role Association for the characters of Faerie Tale Theatre.
That is, describing the story using the names of the actors' more famous characters. @thealmightyemprex and I once did this together, long ago. I thought I would try doing it myself now, starting with the show's first few seasons.
The Tale of the Frog Prince
The Genie is turned into a frog, and only a kiss from Inga can break the spell. Odo is Inga’s father, while Debbie Dunham and Kramer are Genie’s parents. Brave Sir Robin narrates.
Wendy Torrence is ordered to spin straw into gold for Lots-O’-Huggin Bear after her father Sarge lies that she can. Tattoo agrees to spin it for her, but at a price.
Olive Oyle is hidden away in a tower by her abusive foster mother Gloria Swenson, until she meets and falls in love with Prince Lir. Cornelius narrates.
The Nightingale
Ned Kelly is the Emperor of China, who learns the value of friendship from Hillary Whitney and a bird with the voice of Wendy Torrence. Commander Adama is the Prime Minister, while Harold, Iroh, and Mr. Wing are other members of the court.
Sleeping Beauty
Rita the Cat is cursed to die by Ellen Griswold, but Grandmama Addams softens the curse to a 100-year sleep, from which Superman’s kiss will wake her. Father Mulcahy and “Hot Lips” Houlihan are Rita’s parents.
Jack and the Beanstalk
Dave Stohler lives in poverty with his mother Jessica Tate, until Blinkin gives him magic beans that grow into a beanstalk, which leads him to the castle of gigantic couple Ted and Edith.
Little Red Riding Hood
Emily Hobbs goes into the forest to visit Grandma Gilmore and encounters Alex DeLarge, who sets out to prey on them both. The Mayor of San Francisco and Ida Sessions are Emily’s parents.
Hansel and Gretel
T.J. and Savannah are the children of poor woodcutter Wimpy, who get lost in the woods and are nearly cooked and eaten by Mrs. Potiphar.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Addie Loggins intrudes into the house of papa Mongo, mama Alma Cox, and their son Paco. Dick Solomon and Rosie are Addie’s parents and Randall Peltzer is a forest ranger.
The Princess and the Pea
Stephen Waltham falls in love with Sally Bowles, but to test her worthiness, his mother Dr. Lesh has her sleep on twenty mattresses with a pea beneath them. Dr. Jack Bardofsky is a court jester and Chris Hargensen is a mean-girl princess.
Pee-Wee Herman is a puppet carved by Saul Bloom and brought to life by Maria Portokalos. Kramer and Rocko are two con artists who lead him astray, and Waternoose turns him into a donkey.
Two-inch tall Princess Leia is stolen from her mother Berta and nearly forced to marry first Castor Oyle, then the Penguin, before finding true love with Tommy Ross.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Cora Crawley is taken in by seven dwarfs after fleeing from Julia, who wants to kill her because Nicholas Medina claims that Cora is more beautiful than she is. Eventually Julia poisons her, but in the end, she revives and marries Frederic.
Beauty and the Beast
Janet Weiss becomes the prisoner of Count Dracula and eventually learns to love him. Chief Hubbard is her father, while Morticia Addams and Helen Henny are her sisters.
The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers
John Cage isn’t afraid of anything, so he spends three nights in Count Dooku’s haunted castle with the promise of marriage to Dooku’s daughter Max. Bob Cratchit is an innkeeper, Stu Pickles is a clergyman, and Frank Zappa is a hunchbacked servant.
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