sbslink · 2 years
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I don’t really play Guild Wars 2 anymore. But I still love my character Wendelynne ❤
I might re-purpose her as a human character as a LOL OMG tween Ali Dancer. I feel like they have similar vibes. I might also create her in the Sims 4 ^_^
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scottysloth · 7 years
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Some of the inktober pieces I was pleased with! I found my watercolors part of the way through, but most of them were pen and copics 
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California Elementary School Infested With Rats
A California elementary school was invaded by rats, leaving students and teachers covered in itchy red bumps. “It just felt like these little things just crawling all around me on my body,” 11-year-old Mika Slagle told KCAL. “I could see them crawling on my desk, everywhere, on my books, on my neighbor’s desk. It’s just scary. It’s just worrying to worry about your health.”
Mika is one of a number of students and teachers at Villa Park Elementary School who found red bumps covering their bodies. The bumps came from bugs that live on rats after the school had become infested with the rodents, according to Orange County Health Officials.
“They figured out that if there are rodent mites which are what these bites are caused by, there has to be rodents,” Mika said. “So they started setting traps, which led to lots of rats being found.”
Students and faculty were moved out of the school and vector control workers came to the school’s campus to eradicate the rats.
Orange Unified School District’s superintendent released a statement regarding the issue.
“The District is aware of the rodent issue at Villa Park Elementary School,” the superintendent’s statement reads. “This issue was first discovered when some staff and students reported bug bites, which through the investigation, were identified to be rodent mites. While rodents live throughout Southern California in bushes and trees, it is likely that these were disturbed with work preparing to demolish the vacant 1920’s buildings on the campus. We appreciate the support of the Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control District and will continue to work with them to resolve this issue.”
Two classes were moved from Villa Park Elementary to the nearby Serrano Elementary School as a precaution while the rats were eradicated.
Mika says that she is nervous to return to school after having been bitten by the rodent mites.
“I’m more scared, I’m more worried,” she said. “I don’t want to come back.”
According to MommyPage, Wendelynn Ross, the mother of a Villa Park Elementary student, shared an update on the situation on her Facebook page.
Ross wrote:
Including today, there are 9 school days left with 3 being half days.
For those who have been following my school updates here you go…
The MPR Room where they are going to put the 3 5th grade classes had been cleared of “rodent mites” BUT Found fresh “rodent droppings” all over the stage of the room. Currently, 2 5th grade classes have been bussed to Serrano Elementary while the 3rd 5th-grade class has been put “somewhere else” on campus.
Grades are already recorded so here is my question…what do you do?!
The information I’m privy to is the ONLY PRIVY to 5th-grade parents!!
So what the f*** people!? Thoughts?!?!?!
**Update….the 5th Grade class is outside “playing” because they have no current classroom!!!
If you know someone who might like this, please click “Share!”
California Elementary School Infested With Rats was originally published on Austin Daily Globe
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mattolson · 10 years
wendelynne replied to your post:my spanish essay is due tomorrow and i left my...
If ya speak Spanish, no problem. If you need a reference to someone who does, let me ask her if it’s ok, and I’ll refer her to you (the printer is gonzo but she can at least yell at the teacher!)
haha thanks but i'll figure something out :) i don't have it until later in the afternoon so i can work on it during the day
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fleurdulys · 10 years
wendelynne replied to your post:i’m sorry i sometimes get over-emotional over van...
Me too. You like McLean’s “Starry Starry Night”? posted it somewhere on here a few days ago. OLD OLD fave of mine..tried my hand at painting, but found I was more of a writer. LOVE your blog, BTW! So much elegant& good stuff! I have a bf named Vince!
Thank you! And yeah I know McLean's song about Vincent, it's heartbreakingly beautiful.
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susiron · 10 years
Not a joke, had it happen to me....Just trying to point out something. jeez...
No, but why did you drop that on my post? The context makes absolutely no sense, and your phrasing does not sound like expressing a personal story. I don’t understand what it has to do with my internet not working, or how I’m supposed to take the sentence ”and let the janitor rape you”
It almost sounds like a threat, moreso than a joke
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gerritcole-blog · 10 years
wendelynne replied to your post:this one guy i follow on twitter has been...
is he stuck in the airport or on the runway? Twitter can’t help him, he should call the flight attendant over if he has to go to the bathroom THAT bad! LOL
NO the funny thing is his flight landed hours ago, but it was delayed for so long and he said the stewardesses were rude and stuff. apparently they only had m&ms on a 5-hour flight (so no other food). he's trying to get #fuckusairways trending on twitter he's so pissed
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sbslink · 5 years
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Wendelynne is up for some Wintersday cheer!
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fleurdulys · 10 years
wendelynne replied to your post:But can you really consider faith a virtue? Doesn't it essentially boil down to being convinced of something in absence of good evidence for it? Doesn't it require turnin
g a blind eye to evidence against one's position and thereby rob a one of the possibility of a more balanced and true view of reality?
Just love how anon says “balanced”. Faith and “reality” do not oppose one another, they actually complement each other. I get sick of atheist activists trying to tell others what to think, how to feel. Another form of the tyranny they supposedly hate
dude don't even get me started i watched someone who was trying to convince a person whose father just died that god and heaven aren't real like seriously fuck you, that person finds solace in those things and she really wants to see her father again, can you please take your shitty activism elsewhere?!
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gerritcole-blog · 11 years
wendelynne replied to your post: bigtimeidiot replied to your post: “biggest...
That’s ok…it takes several lifetimes to learn all the complexities of this game. I’ve been at it a LONG time (barring the post-strike bitterness, years and years and years.) I STILL have to be corrected or edit posts to fix mistakes!
i just don't know a lot of the history and stuff for the most part i get all the current stuff right it's just that i haven't been watching it - or even alive long enough really - to know a lot of the team history
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duanekuiper · 11 years
I got two sets so I'm answering them both here.
Sarah's questions:
Has a song ever helped you to get through a part of your life? Which song?
If you could be any race in middle-Earth, which race would you be?
What was your favourite TV show when you were a kid?
You are enlisted to go on a quest! What one weapon would you take with you?
What is one appliance you have that you want to replace?
Would you rather be a theatre actor or a film actor?
If you had to live in any state/country other than the one you are currently in, where would you choose to live?
Who is your favourite Disney villain? Why?
Would you rather grow a plant that flowers, one with just leaves (like a fern), or grow them both?
If you could master any one instrument, which one would you choose?
The closest object to your left hand (aside from the computer/any computer accessories) is your shield, closest object to your right hand is your weapon. How fucked are you?
1.) No not really I honestly haven't had anything hard enough to go through.
2.) I'd be a man from Rohan. Like a chick but the species of men.
3.) I watched an awful lot of Power Rangers because I am a dork. That's one of the first ones I remember.
4.) I'd want a whip because Indiana Jones always looked really cool and it seemed to do the job for him.
5.) Is a shower/bathtub an appliance? Because if it then definitely that. Because the water pressure sucks ass you can barely fill the bathtub.
6.) Welp I'm not good at acting at all, but I'd rather be a theater actor because I really love performing for live audiences.
7.) I want to live in GERMANY!!
8.) Maleficent.  Because she took a picture with me at my first trip to disney land and she's also in my favorite disney movie.
9.) I actually really like ferns dude. Idk they're just pretty and Green.
10.) Hmmm since I'm doing pretty well with the cello and well on my way to well getting really good maybe not mastering it, but I'd probably choose Saxophone.
11.) I shall shield the world with my laundry basket and fight off the enemy with headphones.
  Wendelynne's questions:
What is your favorite team? (Any sport is fine.) How did you come to like that team?
On the above said team, do you have a favorite player? Why do you especially like this player?
Consider the NCAA/BCS football system. Do you think they should move to a playoff format more like pro football, or should they keep the Bowl system as-is? Any ideas on hybridized systems?
Have you ever played office/classroom/bar buddy pools (during either the NFL playoffs. MLB postseason, March Madness, etc…). Did you win anything?
Do you think ballpark food is overpriced?
Given the chance, would you like to do announcing or color commentary on your favorite sports radio station or tv station?
You are a Klingon. Gul Dukat just beamed you off his ship because he heard there was a team looking for a good position player and he thinks you are a good choice to popularize the sport in the Klingon Empire (but really he sees a ton of cash waiting to be made). OK, you have every team on Earth and all sports and all positions to pick your answer from…who are you and what sport/position do you play? (Reminder: Quark the Ferenghi is prolly in on the deal. He will have people betting on you in the bar on Deep Space 9…and all the Darbo Girls will be cheering for you!)
Who is your favorite historical player? (again, any sport is fine). Is he/she an elderly person or is he/she playing on that wonderful field in the sky? What would you say to this person if you had the opportunity to meet them?
Do you like Mascots? If so, who is your favorite?
Do you believe in intangiable things in sports (like what I call “the Gods of Baseball…the Unnamed and Unknowable ones”) , or are you a strictly by-the-numbers practical type? Why is this?
  1.) Sf Giants. I kinda was just born into a Giant's family.
2.) I'd have to go with Hunter Pence currently since Ryan Theriot is not there and I love him because he gives his all on and off the field and he seems like a genuinely fantastic person and he is just fun to watch. (Yea ok he's also kinda good.)
3.) Welp sorry football is really out of my circle of knowledge.
4.) Nope.
5.) I haven't had a lot of experience really to judge, but yea it seemed like a bit much.
6.) No I'd want to hover behind Kruk and Kuip and just listen to them.
7.) I think I just fell in love with you for even asking this question. ~sweats nervously~ well maybe I'd play as a second baseman on any baseball team obviously. (Ok no but seriously that is the most beautiful question I've ever heard you big nerd.)
8.) Ty Cobbs. He played hard and I like that. He is playing with the angels (like in the after life not the team) but I'd probably just beg him to tell me stories if met him about all the other players he'd faced and teams and alksdjflksdjflksdjf BASEBALL HISTORY!!!!!!!
9.) Uhm, I like some mascots. Like Lou Seal and the presidents but I really hate some. Like that fucking Dinosaur at cours field. Hate.
10.) Uhm well not in a literal sense but I can be kinda superstitious sometimes, but generally not extremely. Except I know for a fact that the Giant's do well when Elizabeth is watching. She literally brought them out of their terrible slump. 
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sbslink · 5 years
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I have been playing some Guild wars 2 again. These are some screens of my two mains. I still have a weak spot for Wendelynne <3 with whom I am now working on the skyscale achievements.
And a picture of my other main Afaey in the new beautiful landscape! She is the one I am mainly using for the story right now.
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megchranne · 11 years
11...for fun...
Rules: Always reblog rules. Answer the 11 questions, then make 11 more for the next people to answer. Tag people to answer the questions you created and message them to let them know they’ve been tagged.
1.  Do you like to dance?  If so, what style, and in private or in the club/gym/etc.?
I do like to dance, but it's more free-form than anything.  I'm not good, but I have fun doing it.  Mostly at home, sometimes when I'm out, but usually with friends. 2.  I throw the phrase “Doing it Right” at you.  What does that mean to you?
I interpret this in two different ways.  The first being that you do the job you're supposed to do the right way the first time so that you don't have to do it again.  The second is that you do the right thing even if it's hard.  Even if it's the hardest thing you do. 3.  What is the best dream you ever had?
When I was 16, I dreamed that I was the new owner of a white, fluffy kitten who climbed up onto the cupboards and slept.  I was disappointed when I woke up because it wasn't true.  5 years later, it was.  4.  What is the worst/scariest dream you ever had?
I don't tend to have "scary" dreams because the majority of the time, I know that I'm dreaming.  The creepiest dream I've had was being chased around my friend's house by a large spider. 5.  What is your favorite month or season of the year? Why?
I live in Michigan.  I love them all.  I have to. 6.  Have you ever had your fortune told (by a Tarot Reader, Astrologer, Palm Reader, pendulum reader, psychic, etc.) Did you do it for fun or to ask serious questions?  How accurate was the Reader, and did you learn anything useful to you?
I did.  It was for fun and it was a serious question.  I was 18, so I don't remember but I think back then, I was not impressed.  The reading wasn't accurate.  However now, I think it might have been. 7.  Your sports hero says hello to you.  What situation are you in (the street, a bar, a parking lot, the dugout tunnel, a train station, etc.) What else does he/she say to you, and how do you respond?
It would be in a parking lot, and I would get extremely hyper after the conversation commenced.   8.  Who is one person who has passed on who you would like to meet, either in their own milieu or as a “chat with a ghost” (specify please, any historical period is fine)? My grandfather.  He died well before I was born and I would like to know what he was like. 9.  What was your favorite book or other piece of literature growing up? Did you envision yourself in that universe or as a character there? Please describe.
I'm not good with these questions because I don't pick favorites.  I just loved to read - and still do.  If it was in front of me, I would read it.   10.  You are sitting at a small table in a coffee shop or a French Cafe.   Jean-Luc Picard walks up to you and asks if he can sit at your table (it is very crowded, and he can’t find a seat).  You say welcome, and for your kindness he offers to beam you up for a wonderful “Adventjaaah” aboard the Starship Enterprise.  Would you take him up on his offer? Where do you want to go? (and in case you don’t know the standard ports of call around this sector, what sort of adventure would you like to have?)
I don't think I would leave the planet.  I would like to stay where I am.  Being in a place where I would be able to meet Jean-Luc Picard seems like adventure enough. 11.  Now an oddball…I show up in SF (or wherever) with my big War-Gryffon Black-and-Orange (seats 8 comfortably, plus a ninth and a rider on her neck), plus a host of others (Big Blue and Cardinal are the two huge but slightly smaller males that fly beside Queen Black-and-Orange…they seat about 6-8 and I have other smaller ones that seat 1-4 depending.)  We are going to do another fly by for the World Series parade (imaginative, aren’t I).  Would you like to come with us? Which would you like to be on? (I am interested in name suggestions if you have any).
I would come, but I wouldn't be able to fly.  I prefer to be on the ground where I can see everything.  My vision doesn't allow me proper focus unless I'm directly in front of something. 
1. What is your greatest fear?
2.What is your most irrational fear?
3. What or who do you love most in the world?  Hate?
4. Have you ever been in love?
5. Are you afraid of the dark? Why?
6. What is your ideal job?
7. What's your perfect date?
8. Are you optimistic or pessimistic?
9. Would you rather go out in a blaze of glory, or pass away peacefully in your sleep?
10. What is your favorite thing to do with friends?
11. What are you obsessed with?
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lavarball · 11 years
get a life you prostitute...you will look tasty hanging off the Brooklyn Bridge after I skin ya and hook ya by your calves bitch...You picked a fight with the wrong person...I'm into torture and hanging meat victims ...I am sending my NY boys after you...
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gerritcole-blog · 11 years
wendelynne replied to your post: cats are so weird i want a cat.
They are fun! I’ve shared the worlds of many cats through the years, and once I get this renovation done, I’m thinking of adopting two more!
omg i want one but my parents are dog people so they'd never let me get one as long as i'm living at home. but every time we go to petco i go and pet all the cats they have for adoption and there's always at least one that i want to bring home with me.
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