#Well we'll see
aster-draws · 24 days
Better Halves is officially the longest fanfic I've written :)
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lunameimei · 21 days
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It took me a couple of months (drawing and research), but now I can finally share the WIP!~
The composition is inspired by Alfons Mucha - Poster for Médée (Sarah Bernhardt) 1898
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faunandfloraas · 2 months
they just dropped australian ticket dates 👀 will you go?
fuck you're fast. Um.......................................... I will try to get a ticket 😇
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seaweedoverlord · 1 year
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i have been pretty inactive but yeah I'm working on some new jttw wukong designs.... but honestly he looks more like an oc. i might convert him into one at one point.
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pr · 1 year
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witchblade · 2 months
m ythroat just swelled up suddenly?
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6wings-manyeyes · 2 months
Can feel myself getting just a little bit enamored with foam physics; not sure it's a good idea but it's nice to feel something for this accursed field
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somegiantmess · 5 months
Don't know if I'll manage to go back into "productive" mood soon (both drawing and writing) but I'd like to. I miss it.
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3nyasu3 · 2 years
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I'm so hyped hyped hyped hyped
"And I'm Looking at the Same Moon" might be a callback to Meowth's love of the moon as well as his "we do have a lot in common. The same earth, the same sky ..." quote.
Which would imply that we get a scene where they ... talk? Y'know, talk talk? At night?
[it might also just be about Ash and Pikachu missing each other ...]
Might we even dare to hope for some krazyshipping scraps? I mean c'mon, their most famous scene is literally in the intro, give us something pokéani...
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somethingwithmoles · 2 years
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Day 1 of me finally sitting down to write that art history paper I've been procrastinating on for a month and a half (deadline is 31st March...)
So far I got nothing done today except reading Wikipedia articles about a completely unrelated topic. Please pray for me...
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honeydots · 1 year
I am very sorry Leo- Collar
So Takumi takes the apron ties that dangle beside Leo’s waist and holds them level. He almost starts on the knot, but—because he’s really stupid—he glances up at the back of Leo’s neck first, at the bit of skin between where his sweater and hair meet, then glances away just as fast. And he mentally slaps himself for looking away because he isn’t embarrassed—but then he processes, and scowls, and he actually looks again. “What?” Leo asks, sounding annoyingly amused, like Takumi doesn’t know how to tie a knot. He chews on his cheek and doesn’t comment, taking a whole second longer before he loosens his grip on the apron. “Before I… Uh. Tie this,” Takumi starts, eying the tan and worn tag sticking out on Leo’s collar, “do you care that your sweater is inside out?”
ask gaaame!!!
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i came upstairs to work on my fic, but i wound up christmas shopping on etsy instead.
here's something i wrote last night anyway
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spaghett-onaplate · 1 year
Once I have a job and some spare money I am sooo tempted to put $85 toward one of those rainbow parachutes you'd play with as a kid at school. I mean, the parachute has about 18 handles, I have roughly 10 friends with the whimsy to participate plus myself. Maybe???
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
Hm but. As long as she's not the monday lecture. I could make my schedule have a three day weekend............
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water1oo · 9 days
As a teenager I was a Sam Winchester girl, but rewatching this in my late 20s….defs a Dean girl
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missmouse25 · 9 months
11 000 words baby
i feel so accomplished
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