#Well Tevinter hates them.
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heliomanteia · 1 month ago
I'm honestly so glad they introduced a new protagonist. Not just because Rook is a darling, but also because Inquisitor would have been a horrible choice for the story they wrote.
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jenn0wow · 3 months ago
Things I added to dragon age lore/veilguard for my fanfic cuz sometimes I gotta add stuff in for it to make sense (cuz BioWare never put it in or kinda gave us half baked lore 🙄)
Qunari are still treated poorly in Tevinter and Rook has to be careful traveling there. It’s not as bad as it was ten years prior, but it’s not particularly safe for them to walk around Tevinter.
Like Taash’s fire breathing, some Qunari mages are born with the able to take from an untamable primal magic that draws both from the fade and the natural elements of the earth (think of dragons and how they draw their powers ig), and this power is what caused the qun to lock up Saarebas. The primal magic comes out during times of stress and emotional turmoil.
The Veil Jumpers started studying Arlathan after the breach opened up, making them an 11-10 year old organization.
The lighthouse has an actual big kitchen cuz I forgot it was tiny and in the dining room while I was writing lol
Rook spends two to three years with Varric and Harding, and became very close with them.
There aren’t Qunari in the Crows or at least they aren’t official crows. They are more like spies, but they can never be full members. Same with Qunari Shadow Dragons.
Rook has a full bed in his room cuz he’s big and he can’t be sleeping on a sofa 😭
Rook doesn’t join the book club because he cant read trade language as well as he can speak it. He’s also dyslexic so it’s harder for him to read anyways. He has Bellara tell him about what the club is reading (because she likes to talk and explain things).
Rook and Davrin are 28, Bellara is 32, Harding is 29-30, Neve and Lucanis are 35 (he’s aged a lot the past year due to ya know being imprisoned, experimented on, and not sleeping), Taash is 22, and Emmrich is 57.
I gave some characters specific sexualities. Taash and Harding are Lesbians (w/ Taash being a non-binary masc lesbian), Bellara is Pan, Neve is Bi (both Neve and Bellara label themselves specifically with these labels), Rook is Gay (and he is labeled) Emmrich is gay (he is labeled but he hasn’t dated someone in like years cuz he’s afraid of losing someone he loves again), Davrin is bi (but he’s the kind of guy to be like “I don’t label myself, love and romance just finds me in all different kinds of people.” Or something), and Lucanis is demisexual and Panromantic (which is kinda canon already ig, but he wouldn’t be specifically labeled and just say “I love both men and women, but I must make a deep connection first for anything intimate to arise.”)
Theres probably more but I forgot lol
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veatomis · 8 hours ago
It's just how do you even reconcile the very basic concept of "assassins for hire" the crows were supposed to be with "ethical military force"... that is beholden to the whims, rules and ideas of a group of eight private business investors.... who take mercenary contracts on the lives of people from foreign countries. and beat their recruits black and blue until they learn this job is for the rest of their lives and they WILL be hunted down if they leave... you know?? + why are we acting like there are no merchant princes or any kind of chantry presence in antiva.
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lizzybeeee · 3 months ago
When Alistair said,
"You know, one good thing about the Blight is how it brings people together."
It was supposed to be taken as a joke, while it feels like the dev's took this and decided to apply it to DATV as representative of what actually happens during a Blight.
Alistair was making a snide comment about how all these people, coming together in Ostagar, were one sneeze away from fist fighting each other -> he was even sent to chat with the mage by a chantry member to fuck with them. If you wander around and chat with people it's immediately clear that while they're united on the darkspawn threat all groups are not united with each other.
And then they literally took this idea - that people can be united in common cause but not belief - and applied it to the party. Everyone in your DAO party was united against the darkspawn, it's the one commonality that all of them share, no question -> this desire to eradicate a great evil that will consume everything they love if left unchecked. This is basically what we do in game by getting the Dalish, Dwarves, Mages/Templars, and Ferelden to work together at the end.
It's this commonality that leads to our companions finding more in common with each other and the player - they begin to chat, bicker, argue, mess, and flirt with the player and each other. They dig deep into their history and beliefs, using them as a point for connection or contention. Some become friends and others still barely tolerate each other (Morrigan and Alistair my beloved <3) - but all of them, even Morrigan and Alistair, find that no matter how little it is they all have more in common.
No matter how many times I play Origins the farewell scene right before you head off to fight the Archdemon always gets me. It feels so earned, after everything you've been through together - all the conversations, banter, and quests - to have them tell you that they would not be anywhere else but here, despite 'here' being hell on earth.
Morrigan in particular always gets to me, no matter what:
"I knew nothing of friendship before we met. And I will always consider you such. Live well, my friend. Live gloriously.”
When I first played the game I never would have imagined that I would ever grow to like her, let alone love her so much! Having her personality be so opposed to friendship/companionship/romance at the beginning made it feel so earned when the player managed to become friends with her. Without that conflict? It would not have even had half the effect on me.
And all of this happened during the Blight BioWare, so you can't jedi mind-trick me to believing that people are able to suddenly put aside petty conflicts or deeply ingrained beliefs and values for the sake of saving the world! If anything, its when things are most dire that peoples convictions and messiness are put to the test! This is the time that they would be most adamant about their personal convictions!
Zevran, if not a friend, can betray you to the Crows -> Zevran's values his personal survival over a Warden who gives him no reason to care.
Sten can leave the party or die if you waffle about (according to him) -> Sten values purpose and gets angered if you deny him of it (he believes in the Qun, after all).
Shale can die if you side with Branka and kill Caridin -> willing to die/defend the briefest memory of their old comrade/life and the hope of discovering their past.
Oghren, if at low enough approval, can challenge you to a fight and then leave -> his entire purpose for coming to the surface was the find a new life since he had nothing left in Orzammar - he's not going to risk his life for someone he can barely tolerate.
Leliana and Wynne can both die if you fuck with the Urn of Sacred Ashes - Wynne alone can die if you side with the templars and annul the circle -> Leliana and Wynne both value faith and will live and die for it. Wynne values the Circle and will also die for it.
All companions in this game have a crisis point where they can call you out and leave the party in some manner. Having companions with strong convictions and beliefs makes working with them in different situations compelling! It makes taking out different characters in your party fun! The only two companions that you have to have are Alistair and Morrigan.
(Also your mabari if you recruit him -> Barkspawn my beloved <3)
Even for the two companions we have to keep, there's reasoning behind why they stay with you even if they despise you. Alistair, who understands and knows that it has to be warden - so he continues traveling with you regardless, despite his feelings, because his duty as a Warden and his desire for vengeance against Loghain takes priority. Morrigan, who is pragmatic and focused on survival, staying because it's convenient to her end goal - regardless of if she's a friend or not.
Obviously, in an ideal world people would be able to put aside their differences for a common good cause - and people do! - but it always takes work to make that happen. The Warden worked to make that happen and it was so earned and fulfilling to see everybody come together at the end. It was especially fulfilling if you played as an elf after enduring all the shitty comments from people! People can be messy and conflicted and wonderful at the same time, and that's what I loved about DAO.
In comparison? I felt like I earned basically nothing in Veilguard.
Rook automatically gets along with everyone - they support everyone and everyone likes them. Occasionally characters get into small arguments or disagreements but they are settled quickly and never explored. I didn't earn their friendship. I didn't develop a relationship with them through the course of the game -> our path with them was set from the moment I booted up the game. Which is something that is sorely disappointing for a role-playing game.
What makes the friendships in these games so effective was that there was choice involved. You can choose to be mean or downright cruel - at times for gain - which gives the decision to choose kindness or go the extra mile have that much more weight. I earned my friendship with Morrigan, Fenris, Cassandra, and Solas but I did not with anyone in the DATV.
I want to get to know these characters but the game is giving me very few opportunities to do so, and even then, they never go into the nitty gritty of it or let me ask questions. Rook has such a surface level understanding of them because that's all they're allowed to see. I have a greater understanding of their relationships with each other than I do with the player character - I'm an observer and disconnected from them outside of when I'm 'allowed' to interact with them.
Just like the factions themselves, the characters avoid confrontational ideas and are simplified to their basest form. There are hints of deeper issues but the game shies away from them faster than Cullen when he sees an Amell or Suruna. These characters don't display the deeply held beliefs and convictions of characters in previous games - they have no opportunity to show them regardless. And, quite simply, it's not compelling to the setting or story that we're playing.
How much more interesting would it be if Bellara was suspicious of characters like Neve or a Shadow Dragon Rook from the beginning because of their tevinter origin?? How much more fulfilling would it be for them to develop their friendship from that point of contention?? Or she could just get along with us from start, I guess!
I'm just along for the ride in DATV with a bunch of people who I can't even question or interact with meaningfully outside of some cutscenes - scenes in which I feel like I'm a therapist half the time. It's hard to get invested when you're given so little to get invested in.
Thinking a lot about how the devs basically said there is no conflict in the team or between historically opposed people in Thedas in this game because "the stakes are too high, everyone has to work together." When the stakes are very very similar to Inquisitions?? Albeit we as a player know it's "real" this time. The big one.
But correct me if I'm wrong here (I'm not) the previous antagonist was a blighted OP mage with a knock off Archdemon trying to tear down the veil and ascend to godhood? And we are currently trying to *checks notes* defeat a blighted OP mage with an Archdemon trying to fuck up the veil and ascend to godhood? Oh sorry. Two.
Yes, the Blight. But it's hardly as though there weren't Blight concerns in Inquisition. Adamant, anyone?
Anyways, my point being is that the characters of Inquisition have no reason to see the stakes of that story as any less dire than the characters of Veilgaurd. And bless their hearts, those kids have Issues™️. They're all in on petty conflict. That was part of the genius, that the stakes were so high these deeply different people had to find a way to work together despite butting heads.
And the rest of the world didn't suddenly forget it's drama as well? Halamshiral's underlying elven rebellion. Orlesian civil war. The Mages vs the Templars. Chantry infighting. Seeker infighting. Tranquility. They didn't all go, "wait! there's a hole in the sky! we should put aside hundreds of years of systemic issues in the name of togetherness." Excluding the Inquisition that is.
Okay, Blight. Let's talk about the Blight. The Fifth one. You have the most rag tag group thrown together to stop the spread. This is literally the game that founded the series. Its defining features were political conflict. The king was betrayed! In a battle against Darkspawn! During a Blight! What a time to not stand as a united front, Loghain. In your own party, you're trying desperately to prevent Morrigan from emotionally assasinating Alistair. Oh! More conflict. While we are here, let's murder her mom real quick because *checks notes* Blights are when we all come together to hold hands.
If you play as an elf, you're putting up with human nonsense. If you play as a mage, you put up with mage nonsense. If you play as a woman- oh boy. I would make the argument that the realness of that setting, the way it highlighted human nature's best and worst qualities- is why it sunk it's claws into so many fans hearts.
It just.... whatever they've got going in Veilgaurd on only works for a YA novel. Which Dragon Age has never tried to be before. And, frankly, is a weird thing for it to aim for.
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100jewels-between-teeth · 5 months ago
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A semi-comprehensive list of every pre-established lore inaccuracy in Dragon Age: The Veilguard
Please note, this isnt me saying you cannot enjoy the game for what it is. This is not me saying you shouldnt play the game. But as a long time Dragon Age fan (started with Origins, has consumed all extra media including books/shows/novellas/etc..) the way Veilguard has fumbled the lore is, to someone who cares, infuriating. I shall keep the list under a read more to avoid spoilers for Veilguard. This will also be added to with more points that are given for people who wish to add
But without further adieu;
Bioware Kind of Forgot...
Bioware kind of forgot...
That Solas, after you choose to drink from the Well of Mythal (whom in Veilguard is confirmed either a lover/mother figure) is fucking pissed
That Solas was not bringing down the Veil to move the Evenuris and put them somewhere else, but to establish the ancient elves once more
The fucking orbs
That the elves were currently, at the end of inquisition, beginning the elf uprising and following Solas
the Elvhen Language
Solas having an extensive spy network that never gets brought up
That most of the Elves would be on board with Solas's plan
Brialla and how she controls Eluvians too
That in Inquisition, it is stated that barely any working Eluvians exist and that the one in Skyhold and the one in the temple of Mythal are extremely rare
The Valaslin and how if all of what happened is common knowledge, that the elves arent currently freaking the fuck out that they are wearing slave markings
Solas does not abhor the use of Blood Magic
That the Evanuris were trapped/locked in the Black City specifically and not the fade in general, so Solas would have to open the Veil either at the doors of the Black City or travel. The gods would not be wandering around the Fade
Using the lore/logic confirmed in Veilguard, the ancient elves being spirits that, with the help of lyrium, were made into elven form, that Cole should technically be one of the most powerful creatures known to man since they gave themselves a human body without the assistance of Lyrium. Bioware kind of forgot...
Slavery in Tevinter (really now there are no slaves shown in Minrathous?)
Varric hates the deeproads/dwarves so why is he so okay with Harding's magic
Hawke in general
Varric is a world famous author so someone would have mentioned his death at some point?????
how the fucking Blight works (seriously the entire party is infected with the Blight)
How spirits work
Morrigan never wanted to become a vessel for Mythal and despises the thought
The Antivan crows bought/tortured child slaves and children from brothels, to be trained as crows, basically nullifying all of the trauma Zevran had gone through
Fenris freeing slaves, still
In the final battle they refer to the head of the Imperial chantry as the "Divine" when it should be the "Black Divine"
That Thedas has two moons
More shall be added with discovery
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cptrackham · 3 months ago
Taash should have been Saarebas
I'm really enjoying Veilguard, but I hate how they seem to have re-invented the wheel in almost every aspect they can. Wherever there's something established, if it was slightly complicated, they've felt the need to replace it with something simpler that has zero grounding in the past three games.
For me, the most glaring example of this is Taash. I LOVE them, please don't get me wrong, I think Taash is a fantastic character. But why, when the Qunari already have a deep, rich culture already built, are we suddenly being told 'oh yeah, by the way, some of them can breathe fire'. The Iron Bull never mentions this! And you think he bloody well would have!
It provides an easy, cool reason for Taash to have a unique skill and reason for their mum to have fled with them. But that reason already exists in the Dragon Age setting.
Qunari treat their mages horrifically worse than the rest of Tevinter does, with sewn up lips, effectively made slaves who can only do what they're told. They're called Saarebas. We have fascinating encounters with them in Dragon Age 2, and it creates a wonderful parallel to Ander's plight. So if you have a kid that starts controlling fire, demonstrating magic, you would absolutely do anything to stop your child being made Saarebas - an existing, fully-fleshed out and horrifying answer to the newly made-up branch of beserkers who can breathe fire that Taash's mum was apparently so keen for them to avoid.
And it would add so much more weight to Taash's character growth around choosing your identity. In a setting where having magical abilities is an immediate prison sentence, for the most part, having a character who goes, yeah, I have some control over fire, but I choose to hit people with an axe, is so much more compelling. Rather than their mother teaching them to control the flame, it's controlling their abilities so they doesn't open themselves up to possession. With characters from Tevinter, where mages are revered, it could open up fascinating conversations about someone choosing not to be like that. And it draws a fantastic parallel to choosing to go against your 'nature' with a different gender identity.
I'm so mad about this. Saarebas have been morbidly fascinating for so long. And I can't help see Taash not being one as another way that DATV is trying to smooth over and ignore any dark patches of Dragon Age lore (i.e the slaves completely absent from Minrathos) and choosing to make DATV accessible to newcomers over engaging with established lore.
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hyperions-light · 4 months ago
woAH I heard people are hating on Neve which is super cringe! Neve positivity time!!
I am in love with her because
1. She has an impeccable sense of fashion, she never misses, could make a paper bag look good
2. Docktown sucks so bad, like major Kirkwall vibes, and she loves it SO MUCH
3. If you give money to the people asking for it on the streets in Docktown, sometimes Neve will check in with them and make sure they have a place to stay it’s so sweet !!!
4. She cannot cook at all. Only eats fried fish. Boils her coffee. Zero domestic skills, completely perfect
5. She loves Bellara so much, she’s such a good friend ;-; She finds all her serials and helps her try to work out the mysteries! She gets her goat cheese! She comes to Cyrian’s funeral ;-;
6. If you wander around Docktown with her in your party you can stop and talk to her regular contacts and she will check in with them <3
7. She works alone because she’s scared that the people who try to help her will get hurt =(
8. She’s not afraid of Spite and she refuses to see Lucanis as a monster or treat him differently, even after he almost kills Illario.
9. She helps Taash figure out their gender stuff and she is so supportive and helpful <3
10. The WAY she talks to people who are hurting… like even though she’s so cynical, personally, she never tells people to give up on others, she’s never sarcastic or scathing when people are in pain. I took her on Taash’s final mission last time, and her voice ;-; She wanted to help so badly, but she couldn’t do anything. She reminded them that everyone was there for them. She loves SO much, so intensely.
11. She does not expect anyone to help her, and especially if you don’t save Minrathous she’s skeptical, but she’s so thankful for Rook’s help when they give it. She’s so fucking lonely, man! She thinks she has to do it all herself, because everyone else in the world and especially in Minrathous has shown her over and over that they don’t care about the people she loves, the people like HER. She’s not rich, she’s not famous or powerful or well-connected, she’s just using what she has to try and help people!
12. Manfred canonically doesn’t like nicknames, but he lets Neve call him ‘Fred
Neve Gallus, the woman you are <3
Edit: When I posted this someone immediately made some rude comment so here’s some more stuff to love about Neve Gallus!
13. She investigated the mystery of the candlehops and she was so serious about it! Just like the wisps in the Lighthouse!
14. When she was a kid she didn’t know what she wanted to be when she grew up and she HATED it lol
15. She got her best coat as a gift from a grateful client!
16. She keeps her tiny little apartment because they gave her a good deal on the rent and she doesn’t want to lose it
17. Halos keeps trying to give her fish for free but she insists on paying him <3
18. That joke she made to Lucanis about having an extra leg if he needed one lol
19. She misses the sound of the ocean, and sometimes when she wakes up in the Lighthouse she hears it for a moment
20. The way she explains everything so patiently to Taash about Tevinter and Docktown and the way status symbols work; the way she is always trying to use her skills to help the other members of the team!!
21. How she makes sure to check up on that kid whose father was doing demon summoning stuff and make sure that he’s alright ;-;
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ameridan-ghilain · 1 month ago
I literally love Tarquin dragon age. My favorite part of his character is that he's allowed to be like genuinely bitter about everything that's happening. Like of course we get the optimistic strong shadow dragons like Ashur. And it isn't that he doesn't believe in the cause as strongly as the rest of them. But he's pissed in a way that makes him so whole and real. He blames rook for it all, not because he hates rook but he just needs to put this somewhere and rooks right there and fuck you for not saving ashur, it was probably inevitable but he fucking hates it and so it's your fault. And then there Ashur is, dispelling that anger. He yells at you, and then Ashur just says his name and he just diffuses and you realize he's not against you he's just pissed off!!! That "you're not fine. No one is fine."
And he says nasty things to his friend (love) just because he's pissed! It kills me that the SECOND Ashur walks away from the fight, Tarquin sighs and admits he shouldn't have done that. It's messy and makes him so fucking likeable. You know he's pissed at the state of the world, he's pissed he had to join the military, he's so pissed off he doesn't have the energy to change a damn thing because you can't fight a war on all fronts. So he's chosen his war and it's changing tevinter for the better but god damn he just wishes they didn't have to lose everything else to get that.
And anyway amidst a game that I think has a bit of a glossy optimist issue, I think Tarquin is a great representation of that very kind of impotent rage you start to feel at the world when everything is awful and you're trying your hardest and you don't want to be a dick but. Well. Shits fucked. You're gonna keep going but damn if you aren't pissed about it.
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inthefoxholes · 2 months ago
veilguard, i hated it.
So i finally finished veilguard, and guys, what. a. shitshow.
So apart from the fact that it feels like a half-finished game (which it probably is), I mostly hated it on two accounts: 1) the overall lore implications (we knew this from this reddit q&a, but I'm still angry, and I won't stop talking about it) BOTH in regards to previous games and this one and 2) how this was not at all a roleplaying game. (sorry, english is not my first language and I'm tired and enraged)
Let's look a little closer, shall we.
One: The Lore Implications. This pisses me off in two ways:
First, the amateurish attempt at a "clean slate". This is just so insulting. If they wanted to make a game without any of that icky baggage, then the should have chosen a new ip for this. I get that it's complicated after three games with a lot of moving parts, I get that the decision to move away from southern thedas was an attempt to curtail a lot of this, but COME ON. Walls of nonsensical (seriously, they read ai created) text from the inquisitor, that mainly tell you that everything you fought for, all the people, all the places, is gone? And not for effect, not for the story, entirely offscreen and nonsensical, just so the writers don't have to care for this anymore? This does NOT get me invested into the story. No mention of who your Divine is; no mention of who sits on the orleasian throne - and it should matter, shouldn't it, whether or not your EXILED the grey wardens, whether or not you have an elf with a SPY NETWORK close to the orleasian throne, whether or not you DISBANDED the inquisition. All of that does influence what happens on the world state, or at least it should. (And if you want to ignore it, why not do in a way that's less obvious, less bad, why not have your protagonist be someone with no ties to the inquisition, who genuinely does not know whats going on in the south? Why have a world state when you don't want anything to do with it?)
Second, and that's even worse: you cannot take a fully established world, and then alter it to your weird specifications. THE FUCK you mean, there are no slaves in Minrathous, the goddamn slave capital of the world?? Why THE HELL is there a whole questline where we try to find disappeared people, snatched from the street for the ritual, when it should be perfectly possible to buy a few batches of slaves and have them express delivered to your ritual site. (So we can show up and fuck up your slave operation.) But no - I get shamed when I don't save Minrathous?? Well, fuck you, Fenris sends his regards, I hope you all burn.
To this ties the overall simplificaton of the world: Nobody is really bad, just the few super bad guys, but they are so evil as to have no real motiviation, they are basically Thanos or otherwise racist cartoons (totally believable that the Qunari, or a sect thereof, would be on board with mad sorcery). They rest, they are good guys! The pirates are very mindful of cultural heriatages! The crows are just your friendly neighborhood assassins (I remember the stories Zevran told slightly differently), and, as assassins, they naturally wear uniforms, so you see them coming (as do the "secret" "underground" "rebels" from Tevinter). I'm not saying that everyone should be evil, but the fact that whole organisations are presented to us as benefical is so insulting, ESPECIALLY when it was always a point of pride for the Dragon Age franchise that it was morally complicated. There is slavery and poverty and darkspawn. NOPE, you can stand knee deep in blight, not a problem anymore. (if only Carver had known) There is racism against elfs. (well, as the elfs seem to be respnsible for EVERY problem thedas faces, from the veil to the darkspawn, maybe that was precient? - also, always nice to have everything tied in such a neat bow, everything tied to one ONE causality, that makes things really believable and realistic) The Templars are fascists, sure, but abominations are a problem that does not get solved easily. NOPE, not anymore! When before, even a spirit of JUSTICE got corrupted in this world (therby making the valiant and sublte point that abstract concepts rarely hold up well when coming in contact with messy reality), now you can be possessed by a demon of SPITE and HE DOES NOT DO ONE SPITEFUL THING AT ALL. Nice, if only the mages knew that, you just have to accecpt feelings or whatever and then everything's well. SO NEAT!
This brings me to point number two: Why do we play this game? The complex and previously established word is gone; what's left are cartoons thereof. And then, there's not even a hint of role-playing left. Why can't I be mean to Harding?? I loved her in Inquisition, now her overly-girly manner grates on my nerves and I want to be mean to her. I can't, i have to be everyone's friend. In the end, I cannot decide anything, except the slight configuration of the final companion armour (why would I care, I don't know these people, I could not ask them a single question), and some slight cosmetic change regarding Solas - there is not even talk about tearing down the Veil. We've come full circle back to Mass Effect 3 and the groundbreaking decision we get to make is what colour the magic space beam is gonna have. Except, Mass Effect 3 was still a much better game, because you knew your crew - in this game, I have acutally no idea why Rook should lead anybody, why anybody would follow them, and why the literal fate of the world should be in the hands of this bunch of (after 100 hours of gameplay) near strangers. There ARE narrative work-arounds for this kind of shit; the writers just didn't care enough.
There are a hundred more small things I could say about this, about the story (Solas' prison was made of regret and he wanted to put Elgarnan there?? Who feels very good about everything he does?? Is he stupid? And then everyone is so impressed about Rook getting out to quickly, but seriously, what the fuck did Rook have to feel regretful about? They did not get to make a single decision. They did not order anyone to sacrifice themselves; they did not use people, or cities, as pawns in a war or whatever, BECAUSE THIS GAME HAS THE EMOTIONAL DEPTH OF A SMALLISH PUDDLE) and the in-game approach to the player (how often do i have to be told that i need to take care of my companions business?? This got so repetitive and made them seem like imcompetent children. Why wasn't there a better way to make me care, or better yet, trust the player to want to play this game), but I stop now. Fuck Bioware and EA.
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felassan · 11 months ago
Letters from Lovers
Transcriptions of the letters from the various gear store items. under cut for length.
“My dear Hawke, Do you know anyone with a flock of parrots? I'm trying to cheat on a bet with Varric and the stakes are exceedingly high. If you help me, I shall take you to that breathtaking beach you so crave. Free of ancient horrors, too. I think. I'd hate to take respite from all my adventures, but there are other ways to make the heart flutter. In fact I'm already imagining a few. Aren't you? Sailing there can be fatal, but Admiral Isabela will keep you safe. Are you interested? I would love to see you again. Yours, Isabela”
“My love, Now before that grin reaches your ears, perish the thought that this letter was my idea. 'Tis Kieran who would not give me peace until I wrote to ask how you are faring. Regale us, if you please, with another of your tales that I might read to him in bed. He is particularly fond of those wherein you spur mischief whilst you save the day. Thank you for your most delightful gifts. I shall make certain to wear them the next time you come home. Dream of me until then, my Hero of Ferelden, and have a care. Morrigan”
“My dearest Amatus, Home is ever as it was: a glittering whirl of dancing, politics, and murder. I'm used to people staring daggers at me - I quite relish it, actually - but the glares seem to possess a new intensity since my return to Tevinter. Do they disapprove of House Pavus freeing its slaves while I work in the Magisterium to end slavery across Tevinter? Perhaps they simply covet my cheekbones, and who could blame them? Real reform will take time, but we're making inroads. I miss you terribly, Amatus, perhaps almost as much as you miss me. I treasure you and your belief in my work here. Yours always, Dorian P.S. I wouldn't take it amiss if you might send me another barrel of that dreadful Fereldan beer?”
“My love, How are you? Is it true that you recently killed darkspawn with only a mean glare and a pointy stick? Ferelden is ablaze with this rumor! You do give people so much hope. Tales of your heroism never fail to astonish me and almost ease the pain of going to sleep without you by my side. Almost. I can't wait to be with you again. I'd bring you some roses, you could give me a tour of the keep, we'd drink with the new recruits and then cuddle in a tent. Without the new recruits! Tent time is just for the two of us. I want to make that clear. Now excuse me while I practice my death glare and rummage through the dog's stash of sticks. I love you. Yours forever, Alistair.”
The Iron Bull:
“Kadan, You won’t believe what I did today. I got a guy to flip! Twice! So yes, all is well. Except for all the demons. And this whole thing in which I’m far away from the love of my life. Really keeps me up at night. Anyway, you hearing these rumors of a dragon on the loose? Yeah! The boys and I are on its trail. Last I heard, it was flying toward the Frostback Mountains. Can you join us? I hope you’re not uh… all tied up. Don’t worry, I’m fairly certain it’s not a Ben-Hassrath trap. And if it is, you know I’m prepared. Ataash varin kata! I love you, Kadan. See you soon. The Iron Bull.”
“By the way, I left something for you up in your cabin. Go have a look.” - Tali’Zorah  --- “Dear Shepard,   As you may remember, I presented this picture frame to you as a gift on the Normandy. It was my way of expressing my admiration for you and our bond as comrades-in-arms. On the back of the metal frame, I've emblazoned a promise that will never fade - 'Shepard, wherever you go, I'm with you.'  I know it's not much, but...this is what I look like under the mask. I'm sorry if it's not what you were expecting. I know Quarian faces can be a bit...different. Every time you look at my picture, I hope you will be reminded of our adventures on the Normandy, from our battles against the Reapers to our intimate conversations in the privacy of our quarters.    I am not one to express my emotions openly, but thank you for being my friend, my confidante, and my inspiration. I look forward to many more adventures together.  Keelah se’lai,   Tali’Zorah”
Another letter from Tali:
"Whatever the galaxy throws at us, I'll be at your side. - Tali" --- "Shepard It's been a while since I last struggled to sleep. You must be dreaming of falling through a fish tank or starring in a hanar vid? I can hear you muttering about jellyfish. It's funny. I've spent my whole life hoping for the future, but these days nothing scares me more. Keelah, why can't we stop time? Even for just a little bit? No war, no Reapers, nobody counting on us. Just you and me, as free as the dust in the solar wind. When this is all over, will you settle down on Rannoch with me? I love you. - Tali"
Shepard's N7 acceptance letter, from Anderson:
“N7 Congratulations on your graduation From Captain David Anderson Shepard, When I graduated from the N7 program I had the honor of meeting Admiral Grissom, the man who inspired me to pursue a career in the service, and I never thought I’d feel prouder in my life. I was mistaken. Don’t get me wrong, it was a big day. An important day. But there’s something about welcoming driven young people like yourself into the ranks that’s also pretty damn satisfying. Your distinguished service record may have gotten you into this program - but it was your courage, integrity, and tenacity that’s enabled you to join an elite few. You represent the best of humanity, and I feel certain you’ll make the galaxy a better place. And I’m not the only one who feels this way. Becoming an N7 means the entire Systems Alliance is telling you one thing - we believe in you. Let me end by saying this. Welcome to the team Shepard. We know you won’t let us down. David Anderson Systems Alliance Interplanetary Combatives Academy N7 N7 Acceptance Letter”
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dalishious · 4 months ago
(I can’t believe I finished this so fast… I basically blacked out and then it was done lol… Anyway, please remember that this is all just my personal opinion, and if you feel differently, that’s fine!)
Dragon Age: The Veilguard Review
Objectively speaking, Dragon Age: The Veilguard is a fun game that the average player is going to enjoy, especially if that average player is coming in without any prior knowledge to the Dragon Age franchise. I believe this is a good jumping-in spot for people who are curious about the world of Thedas. But in contrast, I have seen a lot of criticism from other hard-core fans that I largely agree with. However, it just so happens that most of the criticism I have is not enough to prevent me from overall enjoying the game. That is to say, for pretty much everything I did not like, there was also something I thought was great… Unfortunately, that makes it a little difficult to give a review. So, I’m going to do my best to keep things as clear and concise as possible by splitting up the “good” and the “bad” aspects of DATV.
The Positive
The best thing to come out of DATV is the new cast of characters that make up your companions and supporting associates. While I do think that some of them could have benefitted from more development time to flesh things out further, just judging what we ended up with, is mostly great. I especially found Emmrich and Bellara to be stand-out examples of strong personalities to grasp onto, whose personal stories really touched me in an emotional way.
DATV also has fun with some returning characters. For example, now that Solas is no longer hiding his identity, we get to see a character that both believably honours his part in Inquisition, while also providing a new, refreshing side to him. There are also a number of characters introduced in Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights that appear in the game, like my personal favourites Teia and Viago, who are an absolute delight to interact with!
I think the three act structure is good, albeit with act three being quite short. There are a few sequences that are an absolutely phenomenal mixture of storytelling and engaging gameplay, like all of Weisshaupt! I also really enjoyed stepping out of the main story every once and a while, and into Solas’s backstory through the Crossroads memories – what ended up being extra special about these is how they mirror Rook’s struggle so well, by the end. They are a nice touch.
The locations are beautifully constructed with smooth interactions of climbing, zip-lining, and essentially parkouring your way around, making them fun to explore! They also came with such distinct flavours and character in themselves that influenced a sense of truly experiencing different parts of Thedas, with different cultures.
The mechanic of building up strength with the different factions, and that actually having a huge impact with the ultimate showdown in the end of the game, makes side quests feel far less inconsequential than in Dragon Age: Inquisition by comparison. That, and they number far less.
I like that the story mode actually feels like a story mode; there were only a couple instances where I really had to worry about death, and even then, I was able to just toggle off the death with the customizable gameplay mechanics and continue on.
Finally, it would be remiss not to say that the character creator for DATV is the best BioWare has ever put out. I’d go as far as saying it’s one of the best in any RPG I’ve ever personally experienced. From the flexibility in morphing a character’s head and body between custom shapes, to the little details like sclera colour, vitiligo, and top surgery scars, makes it a shining example of what RPG’s should strive for. (My only critique here is that it would have been nice to have more skin colours.)
The Neutral
I hated the combat for pretty much the entire first act of the game. I found it too hard to keep up with, and too much like Mass Effect bullshit. I can’t say that it’s completely grown on me yet, but I don’t hate it anymore. It’s fine. So, I’m giving this a special little spot before I get into what I didn’t like all the way to the end.
The Negative
As mentioned above, I do think that there is more that could be done with some of the characters to really achieve their full potential. Davrin and Lucanis—while to be clear I still really enjoy as they are—come to mind first, in terms of those who would have benefited from more development time. Most of Davrin’s screen time just revolves around Assan rather than Davrin himself, and Lucanis is so restrained that it takes a while to really crack him open. Both of these characters have intentional personalities that make them harder to get to know, I understand that, but I feel that it would have been all the more rewarding to have more time dedicated to their company after earning their trust and possibly endearment. Instead, it feels like their romance and friendship with Rook are only half-complete, and then rushed to finish.
There are some companion interactions that are just… cringe. There is no other word for it. Now, this is nothing new for BioWare games, but I feel like the “pulling a Bharv” scene for example, was hitting an entirely new low. (If someone misgendered me and then just started doing push-ups instead of just saying “hey sorry about that, I’ll try to do better” I’d be annoyed, not satisfied.) I also felt like most of the temporary rivalries between companions were artificial in nature, rather than organically part of their characters that actually served a purpose. We already knew Emmrich likes books and Harding likes nature; we did not need a whole cutscene with them bickering about camping. (The exception to this is Davrin and Lucanis, who genuinely had room to grow as people out of their multiple confrontations, not just a one-off scene.)
The music in DATV is, for the most part, forgettable and bland. There is one piece that really stands out, and that’s “Where the Dead Must Go”, which is a real banger. I am not a fan of Hans Zimmer’s OST otherwise; I think it is phoned in, just like most of his work. I deeply wish BioWare would have just stuck with Trevor Morris. The best parts musically in this game are just Morris’s work re-used from Dragon Age: Inquisition.
There are certain parts of disjointedness that separates DATV from the past games that are just… bizarre. This is especially the case when it comes to elven lore. For example, Bellara saying she is afraid that elves will be harshly judged for the Evanrus, or Harding saying that elves are “thriving”… as if modern elves are not deeply persecuted across most of Thedas. It made me question more than once if there just was not time in development to do a proper canon-compliancy check with everything, perhaps?
I want finish this part by bringing up again that the biggest flaw in DATV is that it feels very corporate. To repeat what I said in this post: It is as if a computer ran through the game’s script and got rid of anything with “too much” political substance, in an overcorrection to be “safe”. But now that the edges have been so smoothed down to make a block into a ball, it can no longer support anything.
It’s easy to see a lot of creativity went into the creation of this game… but it is also easy to make assumptions on how that creativity was constrained by development hell and corporate oversight. In the end though, Dragon Age: The Veilguard succeeded in being an overall good time, one that I will no doubt be putting just as many countless hours into as the previous installments in the franchise. 7/10.
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vaguely-concerned · 6 months ago
Eight Little Talons Reread Thoughts
Which, I’ll level with you folks, is mostly just me gushing about Teia and Viago and how much they should kiss because of who I am as a person, but maybe also some actual observations sprinkled in. This is still my favourite story in Tevinter Nights, I think, there’s so much Character Stuff in it. Let’s go!
Viago hated carriages—no amount of plush seating could make up for the inevitable ache of being knocked around like weighted dice. But decorum insisted, and he would not be outclassed by his fellow Talons.
“You didn’t take a carriage.” 
“My luggage did. But I couldn’t resist the opportunity for a country jaunt.” She nodded toward the thoroughbred Taslin strider grazing on the top of the hill. “Andoral so rarely gets a chance to let loose in Rialto.” 
“You named your horse after an archdemon?” 
“Don’t worry, Vi. I won’t let him nip you.
You know… Andarateia might gain some illusion of normalcy by standing next to the most paranoid wound-up-tight repressed man around to provide contrast, but I think it’s crucial we keep in mind that she is also nuts. Naming your horse after an archdemon IS an insane thing to do in the world of Thedas huh. I suppose she genuinely seems to think of Caterina Dellamorte as a warm maternal figure and is in love with a tetchy snake of a guy too, it does all start to add up when you look at it like that.
— Beneath the smooth samite, he felt like a sinewy ball of tension. Teia suspected contact of any kind made Viago uncomfortable. It would explain why he swathed himself in indigo from chin to toe and refused to remove his gloves during dinner.
He offers his arm to her and doesn’t pull away when they meet Caterina — only when Dante shows up. Interesting (and possibly part of why Caterina seems to consider the two of them a cleverly stabilizing package deal when they get along lol). I love the mix of playful seduction and genuine fond, intimate knowledge and interest Teia has for him all the way through too — speculating about his childhood, trying to divine his thoughts and intentions, testing to see how he reacts to different things. And it’s so sweet that she seems to regard him with this affectionate amusement and fascination (which he seems to be afraid means that she’s mocking him but is, I think, just another level of appreciation she has for him. Correctly. Because he’s one of the funniest people in Thedas both in concept and in practice. Accountant brained-ass noodle arm Vetinari homage poison specialist. Teia’s neurotic purse dog of a man. Sole royal bastard who willingly chose to have a boring Antivan day job (killing people) and makes spreadsheets about it.) 
— “Not exactly welcoming, are they?” Teia whispered, her breath warm against his ear. 
Viago’s grip tightened on the head of his walking stick.
I swear to god courtney woods is so fucking good at writing romantic and sexual tension. One sentence!!! She drops in a one-sentence detail and it says everything!!!! She has such a knack for consistently adding these details without getting overindulgent or spelling it out too much that I really admire, I tend a bit more towards indulging too much as a writer that way myself so her sense of where to show restraint has me in awe 
— “Don’t ‘Nonna’ me, Andarateia Cantori,” Caterina snapped, although the heat in her voice had lowered to a simmer. “Not even my actual grandchildren call me that.” 
“Well, considering who your grandchildren are,” Teia responded, “I’m not surprised.” 
“How is Master Lucanis?” Viago asked.
Hell yeah Lucanis mention! Can’t wait to see how their dynamics will turn out in-game, we could be in for some truly spectacular and absurd workplace comedy nonsense if we’re lucky
— As always, Viago had with him his leather case of poisons and antidotes for toxins typically hidden in ingredients such as olives, truffles, pasta, lamb, cheese, cream, and alcohol. But he had not expected eggplant.
This is one of the funniest things I’ve ever read, I love Viago so much he’s such a perfect weirdo. Reader, he had not expected eggplant. 
— Taking a deep breath, Viago focused on tying his cravat—an ordinarily simple task except now Teia was running her hands across every surface in his room, and his fingers kept slipping on the final knot. “It would help if you removed the gloves,” Teia remarked. “Surely your own cravats haven’t been tampered with.”
Viago being just… seethingly horrifically despairingly horny every time Teia shows up is so amazing, and Teia clearly paying A Lot of attention to his hands and his reactions at all times… again, courtney woods s tier sexual tension provider. 
— “No,” she said, crossing her arms. “Not until we boil some water.” 
Viago raised a brow. “Eight people were poisoned in this room.” 
“Then run your little tests to make sure it’s safe, but I refuse to look at another dead body until I’ve had my coffee.”
I must take care to repeat: teia is also fucking nuts (affectionate). It’s SO FUNNY that her slightly lighter and softer moral take on being a Crow means she does feel bad about the servants ending up in the crossfire, but she will also demand that viago make her coffee with their horrifically bloated corpses still strewn about the room fhdsjka. 
— Teia had often imagined what it would be like to kiss Viago. She told herself it was only natural. He was handsome, in his own way, and wound up so tight that she likened him to a giant knot. He was a challenge to untie—to twist and pull and loosen until the tension gave way and he unraveled, laying bare all his secrets. But knots were a delicate business. Tug the wrong way and you could end up with a noose.
I know I KNOW they have sex so weird and intimate and no one even takes their clothes off during it I know it in my heart
— “Do you not think you’re attractive?” Viago turned on her, his ears pink. “Ten people are dead.” 
She didn’t back down. “And whoever’s responsible will pay, but that has no bearing on this conversation.” 
“It could be me.” 
Covering her mouth with both hands, Teia doubled over, laughter spilling from her lips. “It’s not you.” 
He looked as if she’d slapped him. “I’m more than capable of killing everyone here.” 
“Don’t tell me you’re offended!” 
“It is offensive,” Viago protested. “Professionally.”
Teia please tell me you love me not only for my body and fashion sense and numerous and fascinating neuroses but also my extensive knowledge of poisons and capacity to cause death
— Again, Viago felt like a lute string. With every challenge, Teia twisted the pegs, tuning him, until she found what she wanted. Which is what, exactly? he asked himself, not daring to listen to the number of answers that bubbled to the surface of his mind.
You know Viago I think we should let her try some scales here at least. See what happens. (There’s no explicit sex in this story but everything that’s going on is nevertheless so kinky fdsjak. I think Teia could convince Viago to show a flash of his naked wrist and have a reaction like a sheltered young Victorian gentleman seeing an exposed ankle and a playful wink for the first time)
— As if she could feel the sudden rush of shame within him, Teia brought her hands up to rest on Viago’s hips, holding him in place. His thumb stilled as he realized her breath was short. Her pupils dilated. Before he could stop himself, Viago nuzzled his forehead against hers, his nose brushing her cheek. Teia’s hands snaked up his chest to run through his hair. She tugged him forward. He braced himself on one arm, while the other curled around the small of her back. 
This whole scene is unspeakably good of course but it’s always the detail of ‘his nose brushing her cheek’ that does me in the most. The longing!!! The yearning, the intimacy, the awkward perfect clumsy physical reality of it!!!! If he kissed her here the magical potion thing on her lips would have been immaterial, the results would have been the same without it!!!!!! The tug of war between longing and fear!
— oblique Zevran mention! <3 as the ultimate failson of house arainai, granted, but as I believe he might argue here: ‘ah, but you have heard of me, no? :>’. Babe I support you so much go out there and raise hell/kill whoever you want to I got your flower
— Big shoutout to the author for managing to pull off an entirely workable ‘And Then There Were None’ plot in the background here, even though the real meat and potatoes going on is the character and relationship development (and what meat and potatoes they are too)! It’s not an easy thing to do even in an abbreviated, more of a homage sort of form and balancing it with everything else going on is a feat
— Caterina 100% knows Teia is in Viago’s room when he’s supposed to be isolated and just doesn’t care lmao. (They act like such teenagers in that scene where she knocks on the door and they haven’t even kissed yet I’m dying). Caterina seems like a terrible person but it’s impossible to not feel for her a little, trying to keep Talons in line seems a lot like herding (very horny very carrying sharp objects) cats 
— Standing outside her ex-lover’s room, Teia tried to quell the violent drumming within her. Normally, she didn’t need to come down from a physical encounter. Seduction—like any form of manipulation—was about control. She could enjoy herself, but Teia always made sure to hold the upper hand. Viago had shattered that control without so much as a kiss.
I feel like this is a sneaky common trait that actually is part of what makes them so compatible (and the playful negotiation of which must feature prominently in their sex life eventually lmao): they are both HUGE control freaks. (Indeed it might be hard to be a successful Talon without this trait.) Teia and Viago both strive for control of themselves and their surroundings so deeply, she’s just much more extroverted, psychologically minded and soft power focused going about it (not unlike Caterina, whose power is built more on fear than charm but works along the same lines), while he’s more coldly intellectual and uh materialist? I want to call it? about it. Which makes perfect sense considering their backstories! Teia came from nothing in a monetary sense but has found she excels at moving people, hearts and minds style — and she’s very good at it, she is everyone’s favorite — so that’s the source of power for her, and Viago is not very charismatic or interested in people naturally but grew up seeing how status, wealth and power have their own clinical gravity that can be used, and also that people can never be trusted to watch out for you in that system.  
If Thedas has a Machiavelli-equivalent to ask whether it’s better for a ruler to be feared or loved they would both instantly give their answer with their whole chest and then squint at each other like ‘babe how do you live like this’ lol
(Also this line of thought has me wondering what the hell Caterina’s partner/spouse(s) would have been like — she must have at least two children to account for Illario and Lucanis, I wonder if she was ever married and what that looked like.)
— I really like the oppressiveness and claustrophobia you get from the descriptions Teia uses in Dante’s room — it feels so icky and sticky with history and sad and confining, and the way she keeps pushing herself through it anyway is weirdly melancholy to me. 
— I also like how their flaws/traits that drive them apart at the crisis point have follow-up consequences outside of their relationship before they reconcile. Teia’s penchant for manipulation and pushing on people indirectly causes the death of someone she once cared about (I mean, fuck that guy, not crying any tears for Dante or his broken bottle, but like in the overarching principle of the thing lol). When she goes too far with it or gets careless, she renders other people vulnerable and helpless in ways she doesn’t anticipate. (Rightfully or not this seems to be part of what scares Viago so much about it, he has this fear of being dissected for whatever she finds interesting and then abandoned when she’s tired of it, the whole underlying being a footnote in her life when she could clearly be something uh a lot more in his anxiety.) Meanwhile Viago’s insistence on self-reliance and reluctance to engage in human contact leaves him easily isolated and nearly results in his death. (And even when Teia saves him he has a hard time giving her full credit in favour of his many neurotic coping mechanisms lmao disaster man.) But when the two of them work it out to understand each other better and come together as a partnership, they’re such a force to be reckoned with that it brute forces the resolution and return to stability near the end. (Well. A significantly reduced version of stability to be fair but y’know better late than never.)
— Also: delicious detail that she is actually the closest you might get to a self-made woman/Talon, and he is definitely at least not in a position to fully dodge the nepo baby allegations — he wants so bitterly to be entirely independent and self-sufficient and not reliant on anyone, and yet it’s his connections inherent to his birth that have helped him get here, while she wants so desperately to have people to rely on because she comes from nothing and has known what it is to be that alone and unprotected. He knows protection and gifts — and love — can easily be taken away and used to control you/render you helpless in your vulnerability from how his father treated his mother, and she knows you have to try to hold on to something in other people or it’s just you and the dirt and you die. Which is what they’re really talking about in that scene where they argue, and it’s why they’re both right and wrong at the same time and it’s so tasty. It’s really Teia asking ‘Will you ever trust anyone? (will you ever trust me, or will you put up this wall every time no matter what I say or do?)’ and Viago going ‘Will you never take precautions to protect yourself against this hurt? (will I have to be the bearer of bad news about how the world really is every time?)’ and neither of them realize that’s what they’re taling about and it’s why it all explodes so badly. (I mean. Factually both came to the wrong conclusion about who the murderer was for fairly good reasons, so there’s also that haha.) 
— I wonder if we’ll see Bolivar or the heirs to the houses left Talon-less in the game itself. I’m guessing they probably won’t have big roles, at least, but you know just as background flavour, especially since Crow!Rook is already within the de Riva uh household as it were. I think Viago is still sensibly mid-table at Fifth Talon in Veilguard and Teia remains Seventh? So at least they’re not messing around with that rank order during the occupation 
— In semi-not teia and viago news (I am a character first writer and reader I canot change this), it’s neat to see it outlined just how much the Talons really are just merchant princes with some more added knives and cultural weight behind them. They are at the end of the day running businesses, no matter the mystique ™ you wrap it in. (Which I think Viago would be the first to tell you and Teia might try to argue against at least a little haha. Being a Talon is what you make of it you live your truth girl kill awful men you’ll never run out of contracts!!)
— Can’t believe the Crows have self-congratulatory ‘top 10 murders in history!’ classes as part of the training. Do you think Zev sat through those. Probably, if Teia did, right. Now there were some entertaining hours around the campfire during the Blight I’m sure
— Viago understanding but not accepting Teia’s offer to help him with an alibi and at first angling it as being out of hesitancy to accept help/rely on someone, and then later unveiling the added element that he knows Teia respects and loves Caterina and doesn’t want her to have to lie to her for him… Viago is nothing so simple as secretly nice deep down but he IS horrifically in love with and desperate to be kind to specifically Teia and it gets to me okay  
— I’d forgotten that DA’s passionate love affair with toxic yuri and some recreational bury your gays extended to Guili and Lera in this fdskjah. Would it really be Thedas without it I suppose (considering the genre of the short story it’s fine with me in this case, though, everyone’s dropping like flies in this even the straight people that’s just equality) 
— Viago was not a typical Antivan. He liked facts—checklists, numbers, precise measurements. Heart palpitations, clammy hands, tight pants—Viago did not like these things. In fact, he would go so far as to say he hated them. Mild curiosity was his favorite mood. What Teia had elicited in him was akin to an internal natural disaster.
I simply love him so so much. Mild curiosity was his favorite mood. He failed to account for the eggplant. He’s so annoyed at being poisoned and dying horribly and it literally never occurs to him that anyone would help him until he wakes up in Teia’s lap. He organizes all his poisons by puns. He uses his potentially last breath to argue with Teia about his precise state of dress or undress. Have we finally found him, the perfect man? 
(Also between Reyes and Viago Courtney Woods does such a good line in guys who’d really rather be emotionless machines of practical violence and monetary gain but find themselves down so horrifically catastrophically bad that it cracks them open to reveal a soul they aren’t all that happy to discover they have lol) 
— When Viago woke, it felt like someone had drained the blood from his body and replaced it with sludge. But it wasn’t all bad—someone who smelled like coffee and cinnamon was playing with his hair. . . . Her fingers resumed stroking his hair. It felt better than the water. It felt better than anything.
Unspeakable. Don’t look at me. 
— Viago reaching out and touching Teia’s cheek with his bare hands without a thought and all his tenderness and reverence for her laid bare in turn is something that can actually be so personal and it only took very nearly dying to get there (also… he’s presumably still half-naked through all of this while cradled in her lap. Amazing.). Can’t believe bare hands to cheek feels like third base with these two. And his fucking THOUGHTS through all of this… Don’t cry, he doesn’t deserve your tears, no one does (I don’t, I don’t want to be something that causes you pain) AOUGH
— Vaguely related: the implication in how that part is built is that he’s reaching out specifically to gently dry away her tears, right. Double AOUGHHHHHH not only does he manage to not be selfish or unfair in asking her not to cry he does that instead… there’s hope for you yet messere de riva  
— Teia with the red-hot poker standing guard over Viago while he ‘looks like a king in judgement’ and does the Poirot in the library exposition is everything and so hot what the fuck. She a snacc she attacc but most importantly… she protecc, she’s so fucking cool lol. they’re both really smart, but she’s clearly the brawn as well as the social skills (hey manipulation is such an ugly word!) and he’s the logistics and realpolitik on two long thin nerdy legs, absolute power couple. She’s the gaslight he’s the girlboss together may they gatekeep this invading army out of antiva  
— You guys… this might come as a surprise I have tried to keep it on the down low but. I really do love the world of Thedas so very much. I love the people and the places and the history and the stupidness and the brilliance so much. We must save the world because everyone I love lives here. Let this be a secret between just you and me we can’t let people know we sit/have emotions etc.  
— A servant approached to take the cage in Viago’s hand. 
“Careful,” Viago warned. “He bites.” 
“I can’t believe you’re keeping that snake,” Teia said, shaking her head. “It almost killed you.” 
“Which is more than any man can say. He deserves my respect. And a good home—with all the mice he can eat.” 
“But did you have to name it Emil?” Teia asked, making a face. 
“An homage. You’re always telling me to recognize my fellow Talons.”
Andarateia ‘names her horse after an archdemon’ Cantori x Viago ‘keeps the deadly adder that nearly killed him as a pet and names it after the last guy who failed to murder him’ de Riva. Freak well and truly matched. Soulmates, no notes, I’ll do borderline anything for these two to make it, goodnight. 
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bhaalstemple · 5 months ago
i finished the game and veilguard was a disappointment lol
spoilers below
the way they butchered solas' character by just making him be led by the memory of mythal; no self-righteousness, savior complex, it was all done bc he wanted to honor mythal
why are the venatori worshipping elgar'nan and not a single elf. ????
how they made mythal far more important than lavellan to solas to the point for a moment i thought she was solas' ex (thank god it was clarified at the end she was only "solas' oldest friend")
the companions are so... lifeless. cheers to bellara for being the only one that feels like an actual human being and not an agglomeration of bad executed tropes (even if at the beginning she was)
the way mythal didn't end up being a villain, when she actively abused and groomed solas (and also morrigan btw) and it made all the sense in the world because she yearned for a reckoning and bring her revenge, a thing she has yearned for and been planning for a millennia because her anger is that strong... but no she just gave it up
the way morrigan's themes of parental abuse (breaking the cycle of abuse) go to shit after she embraced mythal's memories like.... as someone who has also an abusive mother that i broke contact with this made me want to fucking scream lol
morrigan's character also doesn't sound like her AT ALL, why is this woman smiling and being cocky, she's a scholar, a professional, a woman who carries knowledge that burdens her and trauma at the hands of a mother who should've cared for her. and how protective she was a kieran shows how private she is. what the hell. she would not be THAT friendly with strangers lol
and mythal being the only one who truly could change solas' mind at the end (just thinking abt it makes me want to punch a hole in the wall) + the anticlimactic departure of lavellan to the fade with solas is so fucking bad; because of the message it gives (this world is not worth-living for + a woman should spend the rest of her life and sacrificing herself for a man who put another random woman before her) and its joyless execution
if you get any other ending, the inquisitor doesn't even appear. lmfao. bye.
and lets not talk about the post-ending credits scene bc thats actually the thing that i hated the most. it makes all the themes and writing of bioware completely meaningless lol
the funny thing is that i have known for years where would bioware go with dragon age's story and 95% of my theories were correct, but me, someone who is not a writer, would've made a far more compelling story respecting dragon age's themes and nuance. i even predicted that mythal abused and groomed solas, but they executed it so badly that i can't believe these people get paid to write stories lmfao
i literally feel so betrayed, so hollow, so sad, i don't know what to do. i literally just uninstalled veilguard after finishing it. i spent 10 years imagining how the story would go, but id never imagine it would be THIS BAD.
the books, the content, so well-crafted, and so well-executed, just to make a stupid game that breaks all of its themes and leaves them meaningless. what the hell was happening in bioware when all the side-content has so much complexity and nuance (mostly tevinter nights), what happened lmao
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mllemaenad · 2 months ago
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There's a great deal I don't like about Veilguard but I have to hand it to them on "Andraste was probably a dwarf" being an idea that would piss off everybody. The Orlesian Chantry would hate it. The Tevinter Chantry would hate it. Orzammar would hate it.
And yet.
I know I'm not saying anything new here – others have raised it before – but the most likely candidate for the being Andraste encountered is a titan.
Eyes sorrow-blinded, in darkness unbroken There 'pon the mountain, a voice answered my call. "Heart that is broken, beats still unceasing, An ocean of sorrow does nobody drown. You have forgotten, spear-maid of Alamarr. Within My creation, none are alone." Lo! My eyes open'd, shining before me Greater than mountains, towering mighty, Hand all outstretch'd, stars glist'ning as jewels From rings 'pon His fingers and crown 'pon His brow. Sword-shattering fear filled me overflowing. Grandeur of godhood no gaze should defile. Trembling, I called out: "Forgive me, Most High, I should sing Your Name to the heights of heaven, But I know it not, and must be silent." The Wellspring of All said, "None now remember. Long have they turned to idols and tales Away from My Light, in darkness unbroken The last of My children, shrouded in night." There I saw the Black City, towers all stain'd, Gates once bright golden forever shut. Heav'n filled with silence, then did I know all And cross'd my heart with unbearable shame. Then did I see the world spread before me, Sky-reaching mountains arrayed as a crown, Kingdoms like jewels, glistering gemstones Strung 'cross the earth as a necklace of pearl. "All this is yours," spake the World-Maker. "Join Me in heaven and sorrow no more." The Chant of Light: The Canticle of Andraste
It's hard to ignore the similarity between this and Dagna's experience of becoming "mountain tall" and thinking "all the thoughts", or more recently, of Harding's interaction with a titan:
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It's also interesting to think that, with that context, the business about the Maker's children living in darkness may not be some metaphor about ignorance and worshipping false gods, but a literal statement on the fate of the dwarves, who were first driven underground by the Elvhenan empire and then driven to the brink of extinction by the blight.
While it's possible that a human or an elf might contact a titan, we only really know of dwarves developing bonds with them. And there's strong evidence for intermarriage between the dwarves and the Alamarri. There are two legends specifically about this: Tyrdda Bright-Axe and Luthias Dwarfson (and while World of Thedas I says that "Dwarfson" was a name given him later in life, given, well, everything about his story, I strongly suspect Luthias was very much always a dwarf). Notably both legends also lean heavily into trade deals and alliances. So I think we can say with confidence that dwarves lived with, and interbred with, the various Alamarri tribes.
So, yeah, Andraste was probably a dwarf. Maybe a half-dwarf. Who knows? But very dwarfish.
What I find fascinating is how that is probably what allowed her to shape the world ... and how it likely also led to her downfall.
Communion with and/or reverence for spirits is the common state of religion in Thedas. It can be easy to forget that, given how prevalent Andrastanism is in the modern day, but go back to any traditional culture and you find spirits: the Rivaini, the Avvar, the Chasind, the Nevarrans, even the foreign Kossith were animists before they were Qunari – it's spirits all the way down.
So if an Alamarri mage were to encounter a spirit that claimed to be a god ... well, that'd be business as usual, right? Depending on how persuasive Andraste was, and how persuasive the spirit was, maybe the tribe would get a new god. But it wouldn't be, well, earth-shattering, let's say.
But if our girl is a dwarf ... well, dwarves don't do that. They very much do not engage with spirits. They don't touch the Fade. It's one thing everybody knows about dwarves! Yeah, they'll stab a demon if it's present in the physical world and trying to kill people, but they do not bond with spirits. So that's weird.
And furthermore, she insists it's not a spirit. Whatever it is, this being is very much not a spirit. In fact, it's got kind of a thing about spirits. Really deep grudge. Keeps pointing angrily at that strange city in the Fade? That's even weirder.
And well ...
As the Alamarri pressed against the true borders of the empire, several events convinced the faithful that theirs was a divine mission. Some were the result of the Blight, so even if there was a doubt about the Maker's role, it could be seen as Tevinter paying for its own mistakes. "The Maker, seeing the will of Our Lady, struck down mighty Tevinter with drought, wildfires and the weakening of the very earth beneath them," wrote Sister Damson in her Secrets of the Most Holy. The miracles of the day are now assumed to have been assisted by natural consequence. When the hordes of darkspawn carved their way to light during the Blight, they didn't dig with a careful eye. They bludgeoned the earth, and in the years following, the effects continued even though their scrabbling claws were gone. It is suspected that many rivers were diverted as natural caverns fractured and water found a new path. Thaigs reported underground reservoirs drying up, which corresponded to surface fields in some locations becoming parched and spare. – World of Thedas II
Now, I don't want to downplay the part the First Blight played in the fall of the Tevinter Imperium. Two centuries of war, famine and disease will absolutely cripple a nation. But also ... maybe Andraste could move rocks around. Supercharged Stone Sense could absolutely make a difference in a battle.
And that would be weirdest of all. A dwarven woman claims to talk to something that can move the earth ... and who then actually moves the earth? No wonder everyone went absolutely bonkers over it. It would defy everything everyone knew about how the world works. Even Orzammar has erased the titans from its Memories. "Well, that's a fucking miracle, I guess" actually feels like a rational response.
But then there's the dark side.
In the end, the Alamarri were victorious. But it wasn't the route that the faithful remember. There were losses, including most of the Alamarri leadership. The last reins on Andraste were lost, and they were no longer a people fighting for freedom; they were an arrow launched by the Maker. Scholars of war know that the best an arrow can hope for is a quick kill, because if the enemy is not slain, there is no returning to the bow. Examining the resources of the day, the Alamarri knew they didn't have the ability to fortify the outposts they took, and Tevinter reversed a number of Our Lady's early victories by reoccupying abandoned conquests. This had the effect of slowly flanking the Alamarri. In addition, the farther into the Imperium Andraste pressed, the more resistance she encountered. Her army was running out of governed territories eager to accept liberation. The closer they came to the heart of the empire, the more they faced the enemy on its home ground. There were a number of outright losses that history all but ignores. Andraste was now fully enraptured by her role as a messenger for the Maker. "These fringe defeats were instructions," wrote Drakon. "Our Lady was not to aim the wrath of the Maker's children at peripheral holdings. She was meant to guide this sacred force directly into the heart of the heretical monster. She was not meant to diminish Tevinter as a neighbour; she was meant to destroy it, and guide the Chant of Light from every living mouth." – World of Thedas II
I mean ... can you imagine experiencing this, with no context or understanding?
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By the time Harding encounters her titan, three other teams (Warden, Champion, Inquisitor) have delved into the long and weird history of Thedas. There are pieces still missing, yes, but Harding knows about the evanuris and the war between them and the titans; that the titans once connected her people; that Stone Sense is a manifestation of that connection. Yes, she's confused and volatile, and this is all very new ... but she has some idea of what is happening to her.
Andraste would have had none of that. How much sense would she have got from her Maker? Titans tend to be cryptic at their very best, and fountains of incoherent rage at their worst.
All she may have known was that it was angry, and that fury had to go somewhere. She wasn't even, strictly speaking, pointing it the right way. Yes, between the whispers of the Old Gods and the theft of elven knowledge the Tevinter Imperium was certainly problem adjacent, but it wasn't the actual problem. The true targets for the titan's fury were completely out of reach. The last attempt to get anywhere near them nearly ended the world.
It must have eaten her alive. How much of Andraste was even left by the time they burned her? The very contact with her god was the thing that destroyed her. Its vengeance could never be satisfied so she could never be satisfied. She was doomed the moment she laid eyes on it.
Which leads me, very tiredly, here. This is all Veilguard has to say on the subject of Andrastianism:
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I mean ... yeah, Harding. Andrastianism as you understand it is pretty clearly not true. Even the codexes and supplementary material constantly emphasises that these stories were stitched together from bad or late or disparate sources.
But something much more interesting and infinitely more tragic likely happened here ... and we do not get to talk about it.
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spawnofbhaal · 9 months ago
A take I've been seeing at times (which is valid, people interpret things differently) is that Rook will know the "real" Solas more than the Inquisitor did (even a romanced Lavellan) and . . . I personally don't agree. Solas the god is just as much of a mask as "I'm a simple apostate" Solas. Solas' followers in Tevinter Nights and the comics know him as Fen'Harel, but they don't know him as a person. Iirc in one of the comics (the Blue Wraith or Magekiller series maybe?) a follower of his calls him "master," which is anathema to everything Solas believes in. How much your character (Inquisitor or presumably Rook) gets to know the real him depends on the effort they put into it and the empathy they show him.
Also, the circumstances of Inquisition facilitate Solas being able to show his true personality quite well. He *has* to interact with people rather than distancing himself from them the way he did before the Conclave and after Corypheus' defeat; he is exposed to views that differ from his that he can't resist speaking against; he can form true connections with others he befriends or falls in love with. He tells romanced Lavellan they saw more of him than most, and that he would not romance them under false pretenses and pretend to be someone he isn't. I take these statements at face value because I think his writer is trying to tell us Solas is genuine with romanced Lavellan (as they have said to fans in the past). The man who loves telling stories, who hates tea and loves frilly cakes, who kisses with tongue, who lights his own coat on fire sometimes, that is the real Solas. The Inquisitor just has to pay attention to see it.
While someone's history is an important part of who they are, and I'm sure we will discover a lot about Solas' past in Veilguard, a person is also not entirely defined by their history. Solas' past and present godlike power is also not what defines him as a person. The impression I got from Trespasser is that even though Fen'Harel is an important part of who Solas is, at the center of it all, he's just a man. Fen'Harel was a title forced upon him, as Inquisitor was forced on our protagonist. I don't think Solas' entire personality is going to change just because he's taken on the mantle of Fen'Harel again now. And I don't think he will be entirely transparent with Rook, not unless they work hard for his trust over the course of the game. I actually expect Solas to start off as more cold and closed off than in DAI because he isn't in a situation where he has to act friendly.
I somewhat resent the implication that Solas as he has already shown himself to be in DAI is not the real Solas, that romanced!Lavellan only loves him as the apostate hobo when the whole point of the romance is Lavellan seeing past the disguise. And Lavellan learns the truth of him being Fen'Harel in Trespasser (Lavellan can even piece it together by themselves before they confront Solas!!!) and can still be in love with him ("If you had just told me;" "I loved you. Did you really think I wouldn't have understood?"; "I would have had you trust me"). Honestly, I think that's why the romance works at all: Solas was in a situation where he could show his genuine personality, and that's what Lavellan falls in love with. Not an idealized humble woodsman, nor a powerful godlike being, but a flawed, conflicted person. I don't know how it gets more "real" than that.
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evillesbianvillain · 3 months ago
The thing with Veilguard, is that a lot of people who didn't like the videogame put all the blame on EA becuase the development was rushed and messy and some idiot had the idea to make it a multiplayer MOBA game or whatever the fuck it was going on and that can excuse some of the stuff going on in Veilguard:
everybody calling you Rook, a nickname a dwarf youve known for a month gave you, instead of your surname, especially ridicolous if you are a Grey Warden, you know, a member of a paramilitary order, and your boss calls you that. How certain factions, especially the Lords of Fortune but also the Mourn Watchers and Veil Jumpers are underdeveloped (but according to John Epler they decided to make less sidequests to focus better on a few of them and they ended up just being fetch quests or "kill these guys" for the most). Why you can't directly talk to your companions and ask them questions but have to stalk them through the lighthouse and hope they reveal something of themselves to your other companions (again, John Epler said this was a purpose choice they made and its a stupid one but I want to break a spear and say that it was probably because they didn't have the time to code or write every direct dialogue with Rook but I don't really know how these things work). Not being able to visit Minrathous.
But so much of it is an issue that started in the writing and developer room.
You cannot roleplay in the role playing game. Scratch the "there are not serious consequences of your action" part, we can file that under rushed development if we want to be nice. But you can only play as a nice, well meaning, always slightly sarcastic heroic Rook and that was a deliberate choice. You're basically only playing as purple Hawke. I don't want to play as purple Hawke. For an instance, I chose - obviously - the Grey Warden backstory (which I hated, all the backstories are the same, heroic Rook winning against a foe but disobeying orders and being punished by the mean higher ups) and when you do the mirror scene I chose the dialogue option that said "I have been impulsive when I saved that village and could've made things worse", but then when I'm talking to the first Warden and he reprimends me I can ONLY defend my actions and not agree with him or apologize for them. I wanted to play as a stern warden, respectful of the order and its authority, but the game doesn't let me do that.
The whitewashing of the narrative. Every faction (except the Grey Wardens) is super duper nice, they are all freedom fighters with XXI century politics. All the leaders of every faction believe you at face values about Super Evil Elven Gods and are willing to give you their help to slay them (except the Grey Wardens). All the factions are stripped of any nuance or of the infamous Bioware's grey morality (except the Grey Wardens, as the game, at any step, wants to reming you how stupidly secretive, kinda cultist-y and fucked up they are and how that is not a Good Thing). Especially annoying with the Crows, the local assassin's group of Antiva that is renowned for buying desinfranchised kids and torture them to make them the perfect assassins, and the Lords of Fortune, who are now the anti Indiana Jones of Thedas (but still tomb jackasses).
The whitewashing, or purposeful ignoring, of social conflict in Thedas. This game is set up partly in Tevinter and specifically in a district of Minrathous, but we not once encounter the slavery that the Imperium is built on, or racism against elves and qunari. And don't tell me "there are no slaves because Dock Town is a poor district of Minrathous", that is not how empires built on slave labour work, especially considering that Tevinter has always been based on the Roman Empire. Who do you think loads and unloads the cargo ships that dock there? You think slaves are only kept in the house and occasionally used for blood magic rituals? Not to mention that the faction for Dock Town is the Shadow Dragons, whos main work is freeing slaves, but not once we do a quest that revolves around that. And it's funny that they abandoned the entire issue with the mages and the Chantry "because we are in North Thedas" when the Chantry is a egemonical religion in Thedas. Zevran tells us that templars in Antiva guard mages like "jealous husbands", the Circle of Mages of Rivain was destroyed because they accused women there or summoning demons and the Anderfells are known for having the most pious followers of the Chantry in Thedas. I understand not making the mage issue a focus like it has been for the past three games, but to just dropt it like that is ridicolous. They didn't even do anything with the Tevinter Chantry and the Black Divine, something, I think, everybody was curious about. Ah but don't worry! We have the main dalish companion apologize 3000 times because the elves are at fault for everything going on in the world.
The characters are all shallow. There are very little important NPCs in this game and you can't directly talk to any of them if not during specific cutscenes during the story. John Epler (it's always him or Weekes lmao) said they wanted to avoid meaningless cameos but then they threw in the game characters from other games like Morrigan, Dorian, Isabela, Maevaris who was actually not from a game, but a comic, so I would've liked to know more about her, and doesn't let you interact in any way with them. Varric, for the love of god, there is no way for someone who is playing Dragon Age for the first time to give a shit about this guy. Who are these people. What do they want. Who are the leaders of these factions. The companions as well. You cannot talk to them but have to hope they will say something about themselves during random party banters in the Lighthouse and then they will have crafted cutscenes for the stupidest shit like Lucanis making Harding drink coffee. You know how some people dislike Varric, Garrus and Liara because the games want you to like them? This is what it feels with all the companions, and the forced found family is so on the nose it becomes unbearing. The romances are underwhelming, or so I am told by everyone. Davrin, who is in my opinion the best character in this game, has most of his character and quest revolving around a fucking rat with wings and all the stuff about his relationship with the dalish or wardens comes up in random party banters, again, instead of him telling me directly about it. The only relationship between companions that I found slightly compelling is between Davrin and Lucanis because they are the ONLY characters with an actual conflict going on, every other conflict is resolved immediately either by Rook stepping up and going "stop fightiiiiing why are you fightiiiiiing" or by the constrast being actually a misunderstanding, hey isn't it nice how every one of our companions are super duper nice guys who can do no wrong (like Bellara and Taash). Do you miss Mordin Solus? I know I do.
Connected to the characters issue, why the hell is the approval/disapproval system even a thing? It's impossible to lose approval from characters in this game, while they'll approve literally you standing in their vicinity. I've never worked SO HARD to try and lose approval with my companions, and it's impossible. Just, throw it away at this point, you have already implemented another system (the bond one) and are trying to work on a mass effect model, so atp just do that.
The villains oh my fucking god. This ties with the whitewashing of every good faction I have to ally with, as all the villains are super evil "bullies" with nothing else going on behind them. Maybe the only villain with something different going on is Isseiya, but all the others are faceless, corrupted evil hordes to be mowed down with Super Duper Evil leaders that have nothing going on if not a desire for Power and Conquest? Do you remember when Gereon Alexius was a desperate father who would've done everything to save his son from the Blight? Do you remember when Calpernia was an ex slave with a dream of revitalizing the Imperium by uplifting the slaves as citizens? Do you remember Meredith and the Arishok? Do you remember Loghain?? And like every side or personal quest villain/antagonist, the Evanuris are ONLY driven by power and power and power and they are so evil because they want power more power still power.
The missing/ignored plot threads. They hinted at us for years about the upcoming Tevinter/Qunari war and that went nowhere. What about the mentioned crisis/internal war/split between the Grey Wardens? Nothing. Where are Fen'hare's agents? Apparently they left Solas' side because he was a meanie and we know that because of a reddit AMA. The awakened darkspawns? Darkspawns now are officially a mindless horde and [insert GRRM piece on orc genocide] so don't worry about it.
They want a new slate in case they ever get to work on another Dragon Age in the future, and that's so obvious from certain narrative choice they made in the game, all happening far far away from us and that we know throw some fucking letters the Inquisitor sends to us and the most glaring one is the complete destruction of Southern Thedas, especially Ferelden.
The combat is... polarizing for me. On one hand, it is a mildly enjoyable action combat, and when you get over the heartbreak of never being able to build a mage like in Origins and having some tactic going on, it is fine, it is flashy enough to be enjoyable at least. But the enemy variety is terrible, the bosses are reused to hell and back and on top of that they are for the most normal enemies that are given a boss health bar (if i think about it, im pretty sure there is only one unique boss ive met so far, the archdemon, and it's such a pathetic boss fight)
The art direction. While I love, and I mean LOVE, the character design for your companions and whenever I look at them I get mad because such good design... wasted for these characters and this game. I do not like the art direction. I hate how everything has been scifi-ed, the eluvians now have rgb lights and they look like twitch streamers PCs or prothean artifacts, Bellara's magical gloves are fucking nanomachines and she literally works her magic like a mechanic. Not to mention the architecture and the neon signs in Dock Town. Most of the armors are ugly as hell and I want to talk with whoever designed the Lords of Fortune armors.
This scifi-cation carries out in the soundtrack as well, with a subpar score from Hans Zimmer.
I understand that it's not possible to work around every single choice made in the past three games, but some stuff is too important to just, leave it alone. Northern Thedas is still in Thedas and it's politically connected to it. Who the Divine is should be important, if my warden has died should matter, if Morrigan had a child should matter. They don't even make her mention the hero of ferelden EVER, whenever people talk about her they say she was a witch of the wilds and then worked with the Inquisition. ISN'T THERE A BIG GAP IN YOUR RESUME, MORRIGAN? Shouldn't a Grey Warden Blackwall be at Weisshaupt/Hossberg? But then, even the choices they have you make at the start regarding your Inquisitor are red herrings, the only thing the game cares about is wether your Lavellan romances Solas or not.
This game thinks we're stupid. I am constantly explained, over and over again what is going on. I am playing this game. I just saw the scene that has been recapped by Varric and then recapped by a text and then recapped by the characters chilling around a table commenting the scene. Not to mention all the time Rook and the companions say "We need to be in our best mind place to win this fight, we need to focus on ourselves, we need to think about ourselves first and then we can focus on the Evil Elven Gods" which is a little less on the nose way to say "do our personal quests". Insanely PG13 game.
Therapy speak.
And I think I'm done, at least for now. I have a lot of other issues but most of them are nitpicky and it's just me being annoying.
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