#Welfare Wifeys
inkykeiji · 3 months
ok oK OKAY but LETS consider sunday-nii right? like it had always been the three of you; sunday, robin and you. and then robin flew off to be the star and sunday just never really adjusted from the gap. he had all this love to give and since robin was no longer there to receive it, he just doubled it over on you. like he just gets this obsessive attachment, always needing to know where you are and what youre doing? thats too far. too dangerous. its better to just stay at home, i have everything for you here. the man has pretty much clipped your wings and left you stranded in his grip. and from there its just so easy for the lines to blur. youre not just his sister, youre his everything. so why not add wifey to the title list. after all, you dont need anyone else but him. so who else would be fitting as the title of your husband 🦦
ANON omggg i am in love with this because it feels so on brand with sunday’s character. we know he is obsessive + compulsive, we know he likes order and rules and complete control (and seems to get anxious/angry/agitated when he doesn’t have it or it is threatened), and we know that he truly believes himself to be benevolent + that his actions are in the chief interest and welfare of those he cares about.
he’s really protective, and he’s really overbearing with his protection and his love, and he genuinely believes he’s doing what’s right for you, what’s best for you, because (in his mind) he is more intelligent than you are and he knows so much better than his precious baby sister ever could. it’s so easy for sunday to delude himself into thinking that what he’s doing is not only right, but it is just as well, it is his duty as your older brother, his god-given role to fulfill and then exceed, and he plans to do so flawlessly.
and the worst part about it is that he’s so fucking sweet about it, too!!! he’s so doting, so darling, loves you so fucking much that you feel bitter guilt churn heavy and sick in your stomach at just the mere thought of disobeying him or questioning him + his motives. he’s so authentic in his self-deception that when your own sound logic and gut feelings break through the conditioning, you feel awful for doubting him and his intentions in the slightest, and gaslight yourself into believing that your paranoid or spoiled and ungrateful for such a adoring, devoted big brother.
i also think it’s entirely possible that he believes himself to have made a mistake with allowing robin to go off on her own, and vowing secretly to himself to never make that mistake with you. he’s learned his lesson from allowing his other younger sibling too much freedom; that it’s safer and better for all parties involved if you’re locked away in a gorgeous golden cage, where he can tend to all of your needs with precision and perfection. you’ll be happier and more peaceful and truly free locked away inside your big brother’s pretty cage, he promises.
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cullen-collective · 4 years
Happy Birthday Wifey! @bellasredchevy your charisma, humor, intelligence, and beauty overwhelm me and I'm so proud to be a person who's allowed to know you. I hope your day is effervescent!
"Whatcha doing?"
Bella jumped, startled, and tumbled off the bed. Luckily, her laptop managed to stay on the bed just barely. Unluckily, Edythe was already seated behind it, tucking one of Bella's earbuds in and raising a perfect eyebrow.
Bella stared up at her from the floor, once again stunned by the way Edythe's face moved as she listened to the laptop-
Shit. Stunning over.
Bella sat up too quickly, resulting in a sharp pain behind her eyes. She ignored it. "Edythe, don't-" she began, only to be cut off.
"Is this... a conspiracy theory video?" Edythe leisurely turned her face toward Bella's, grinning down at the brunette and she slowly turned pink.
"You don't believe this, do you?" Edythe asked, her voice full of amusement and her grin fixed firmly in place.
Bella scowled. "Okay, Miss Creature of the Night." She hoisted herself off the floor and shoved uselessly at Edythe, which only made her laugh. When she wouldn't budge, Bella shrugged and plopped herself onto her girlfriend's lap, stealing back her earbuds. "You're one to talk, Cullen," she remarked, "considering before I met you my life was entirely free of vampires and werewolves."
Bella thought she was deflecting her embarrassment pretty well. She'd never admitted her love of the wacky and weird to anyone before. She leaned into Edythe as the redhead put her arms around Bella's waist, settling her legs on either side of her, one bent at the knee.
"That's true," she said, "but Mothman isn't real."
Bella's eyes narrowed. "How could you possibly know that?"
She felt Edythe's chuckle through Edythe's chest and against her back. "Emmett went looking for eight solid months once."
Bella snorted. "I'm not really going to take your word for it that he doesn't exist." She turned to give Edythe a skeptical look. "Emmett searching for eight months doesn't seem like enough time."
Edythe beamed at her. "You're really adamant about this stuff, aren't you?"
Bella shrugged, attempting nonchalance. "Well, it isn't like you said there's no Bigfoot."
"There isn't."
Bella gasped. "You shut your mouth!"
Edythe burst out laughing. "Not every story is true, Bella!"
"But you can't know for sure!" Bella was gesturing wildly at the laptop. "You're old, but not that old! You have no idea if they ever existed!"
Edythe was still giggling, but she shook her head. "Okay, love, I acquiesce. You win."
Bella unplugged the earbuds so they could both listen to the video. "Darn right, I win," she grumbled.
Edythe opted to play with Bella's hair instead of arguing, which Bella was grateful for. At least she didn't have to hide her wilder theories from her girlfriend anymore.
There was a sudden knock at her door. She glanced at Edythe, questioning which entrance she'd used. Edythe shrugged and nodded, letting her know that Charlie knew she was here.
"Come in!"
Charlie opened the door to reveal Jacob Black behind him, his long hair down and damp from the rain outside.
"Jake's here," Charlie said, giving Edythe a nod. Edythe smiled at them both benignly, giving Jake a little wave.
"I can see that," Bella said. "Come on in, Jake."
Charlie stepped aside to let him into the room. "You kids want some pizza?" he asked, giving Bella a brow raise.
Bella beamed. "Sure, Dad, thanks."
"I'll call you guys when it gets here," he said, giving the three of them a quick salute and a smile before shutting the door.
Jake flipped down onto the other side of the bed. "I was gonna see if you guys wanted to wakeboard down at First Beach. Got special permission to let the bloodsucker over the line and everything."
"Why can't we?" Bella asked, leaning her head back as Edythe combed her fingers through Bella's hair.
Jake gestured to the window. "Lightning."
"Another time, then," Edythe said serenely. "Thanks for the offer, Jacob."
"Yeah, well," he said, smiling, "you're not half bad in a fight, and if we stick this one on a board she'll need as much supervision as possible."
"Hey Jake," Bella asked, ignoring them discussing her welfare right in front of her once again, "you believe in Mothman, right?"
Jake scoffed. "Duh."
Bella shifted to face Edythe. "Hah!"
Edythe rolled her eyes. "Insanity is never far from a friend," she mumbled.
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tanginaniyonglahat · 5 years
My ex’s eulogy for me
Aya is a very selfless person to the point na kahit wala nang mapunta sa kanya, basta okay yung family niya, okay na din siya. She rarely did things for herself. She always thinks about the welfare of her two siblings and her mother.
She is and will always be my everything. Nung kinuha siya ni Lord, it was as if it's the end of the world for me. I don't know how to go on without her by my side. Even the dogs in our home were longing for her presence. Wala nang magagalit kela Siiam at Wuigm kapag nag-aaway sila.
I will miss waking up to the smell of her cooking breakfast and looking forward to going home from work just to cuddle with her at night as we tell stories of how our day went.
Yes, my better half is gone. But the memories that we have cherished together will never be. I may have lost my wife and my number 1 supporter but I know that she will be guiding me from above.
Many years ago, you wrote your first letter to me. The first line goes "Hi cute" and today, I just want to say "Goodbye cute". Love, mahal, lablab, baby, wifey, asawa, may you rest in peace and God bless your beautiful soul. I love you and I miss you so much. I will be with you soon.
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treatsandthreads · 4 years
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The chef revealed that the money will support nutrition and feeding organizations as well as animal welfare programs
Okay girl, we see you. And you can cook. Wifey material guys
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fadglee · 5 years
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Wifey cakap mo belikan sy Line 6 Helix Floor Multi-FX bln ni klu sy jimat duit mkn. Sup telur pn sup telur la. (at Jalan Welfare Sungai Buloh) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8dB5iiHV_cfqEKlggiNz6_G-9bxnPoOhB-MhM0/?igshid=1wd9bb1tobcsw
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dfnews · 8 years
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Episode Recap of "The Jinger Gown" Season 3, Episode 1 -  First Aired: January 16, 2017
From TV Guide: "In the season premiere, the Duggars go to Washington, D.C., to look for Jinger's wedding dress when her nuptials are just three months away." I'm already puking from joy.
1. For some reason TLC feels we need to see the prep for Jinger's wedding even though they already aired the wedding episode. I think the ratings for this season will prove that wasn't a great idea. The show opens with Jinger packing to go to Virginia to find her, free in exchange for advertising, wedding gown. TLC pays for the trip, the bridal shop pays for the gown and Jinger an Jeremy fast track their way to selfish financial freedom. Aren't these people supposed to be setting a good example for other young Evangelical couples? Accepting handouts or welfare from businesses is against what conservatives are supposed to believe, right? Handouts are only for the less fortunate.  Jinger could have paid for her own gown and given the free gown to someone who couldn't afford one. That would have been the Christian thing to do.
2. The girls discuss the trip in their dorm bedroom and I notice Jill is wearing a t-shirt with the word "Wifey" on it. See photo below for my physical reaction to Jill's lack of self-pride and identity. She's just a wifey owned by a man.
3. For some strange reason Jinger can't go to Virginia with one or two family members but has to drag an entire entourage along with her. She's taking Jana, Jill, Jessa, Joy, Michelle, Jeremy's parents, and Ben and Derick to take care of Spud and Izzy. Ben and Derick could easily have stayed home with the babies because the kids aren't nursing anymore and they don't exactly have jobs. I'm guessing Ben and Derick didn't want full-time responsibility over their own kids. If they had stepped up to being full-time parents, that would have been the Christian thing to do. Actually, it could have been really entertaining for TLC to leave Derick and Ben at home alone with their sons and gotten a lot of fumbling dad footage. But knowing the Counting On editors, they would have cut out all the good stuff and left us with Derick and Ben yammering about nothing in talking heads. See photo below. :p
4. After spending all that TLC money to fly two husbands and two babies to DC, the guys are quickly sent away to have ice cream. At the bridal shop in Virginia, Jinger is forced to deal with baby talking Michelle and like-minded baby talking shop owners and dress designers. The dress designer is already thinking ahead at profiting off of the Duggars for years to come by telling Jinger her gown will come with a title. It will forevermore be called "The Jinger".  Cha ching! Jeremy's too tight wedding suit will from now on be called, "The Jeremy Junk". Jessa has to remind Michelle to go with Jinger as she tries on dresses. Michelle looks embarrassed as she quickly gets up and says, "Yes, that's my job. Mother of the bride." She had to verbally remind herself that she's Jinger's mother. It's easy to forget when you give all your kids to other kids to raise. A second later, she's back in her seat again as Jinger comes out in the first gown. Michelle was not going to miss any camera time if she could help it.
5. Derick is asked about what he thought when he first saw Jill in her wedding gown. It's only been two and half years but Derick says that was so long ago and he can't remember. He says he remembers it was white. Don't they have any wedding photos up in their mansion? The flashback is funny because when Jill says, "Are you ready to get married?" Derick doesn't respond to that. He just say, "I've never seen you look so gorgeous." I wonder if he wanted to change his mind at the last minute. Derick says, "It will be a special moment for Jeremy to see Jinger in her wedding dress." Since Derick is suffering from amnesia about his own wedding this statement falls flat. Later Derick, Ben, Charles Vuolo and two passed out in the heat babies, sit for ice cream. Ben asks Mr. Vuolo about how to deal with two children and Mr. Vuolo explains in football terminology which gets Ben all excited in the pants. I hope he doesn't take that advice too literally and end up punting those babies around. After talking they leave without the babies getting any ice cream. I hope the kids paid them back with some diaper blow-outs after their nap.
6. Jinger decides on dress number three just as I woke up from dozing through one and two.  Jessa says since Jinger found her dress that, "The wedding now seems very real. Like the wedding is approaching. Like it's really happening." IT ALREADY HAPPENED!  It's over! Maybe it never happened. Maybe I just dreamed it all. Run Jinger, run! You still have time to escape! I wish.
7. Next the entourage head to a painting class place. They pair up and paint as the babies begin to fuss. They want their ice cream now! The pairs show off their end results with Ben painting a coffee cup, Jana and Joy painting a sad girl in the rain, which Joy says reminded her of Jinger, and Derick and Jill painting a creepy faceless portrait of Jinger and Jeremy. Derick explains the faceless portrait in this way, "As you age the painting goes with you." WTF? Jinger raves over the odd painting as only a good Christian could. One who thinks if she's truly honest about how she feels about the painting that she'll go to hell. See photo below. :p
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germainetrittle86 · 5 years
A Decade in Review
My last decade was spent on advocacy work I never imagined I could  accomplish. In spite of some personal tumult, 2010's highlight was my  participation at the International Federation on Ageing conference in  Melbourne where we floated the idea of proposing a UN convention on  elderly rights. 2010 also marked a major gain for the Filipino LGBT  Community when the Supreme Court sided with Ladlad and finally granted  us the right to run as a Partylist. But the best of 2010 was the passage  of RA 9994 which we worked on for 3 yrs just to improve availment of  benefits by senior citizens, and I have to credit my valuable  partnerships with other govt agencies and even the business sector for  this major accomplishment. 2011 was just more work on this, fine-tuning  to get RA9994 'online' so to speak, with majority of our efforts focused  on the Social Pension guidelines. In between, I was able to network  with some local and international human rights institutions to promote  LGBT rights such as that conference in Bangkok. With those little  successes, came another opportunity to also help another 'forgotten'  sector, the Solo Parents whose own law went ignored since its passage in  2000. After some meetings with like-minded individuals from within esp  DSWD-STB, we pooled together some funding to conduct some dialogues and  consultations at 7 chosen Field Ofcs to renew interest in the law. This  led to the crafting of a policy paper and draft amendments to the Solo  Parents Act. As a result, my 2012 was a whirlwind of lectures, advocacy  work and travel. I was doing back to back talks and orientations on RA  9994 for seniors, the proposed Solo Parents Act amendments, and my own  LGBT sector which actually gave me the opportunity for foreign travel.  That March, I was part of the landmark event in Geneva when the UN Human  Rights Council formally tackled the status of LGBTs worldwide through a  comprehensive report that called for the recognition and protection of  our human rights. Later that year, I joined fellow feminists and women's  rights advocates in ChiangMai for an Asia Pacific regional conference  on the status and promotion of women's welfare. But before the year  ended, I won a scholarship to attend a prestigious seminar, the Advanced  Geneva Training on the promotion of human rights at the UN level.  Although marred by private upheavals, there were also positive  developments in my personal life in 2012. 2013, 2014 and 2015 was just  more of the various lectures, orientations, and meetings, which meant my  advocacy work was always grounded and empowering for the marginalized  sectors I sought to help. In 2013, together with my fellow LGBT  advocates around the world, we gathered in Nepal to discuss other ways  to engage the UN systems to promote LGBT rights. In 2015, I had the  honor of representing the Philippines at an ASEAN conference on Ageing  to address the needs of the elderly population of Asia. Always, I was  thankful for those people who believed and supported these dreams, or  rather, this vision to truly make an impact. Govt agencies, the business  sector, LGUs and even the senior citizens themselves worked tirelessly  to be on the same page, capacitating themselves to ensure faithful and  efficient implementation of RA 9994. Meanwhile, Filipino LGBTs finally  made their presence known in mainstream society, gaining more confidence  in organizing themselves, becoming more visible in political venues and  govt programs, enough to give the PartyList system another try for  actual representation in Congress. During this period, everyone thought  the legislative and policy-making track was an effective strategy, so  Solo Parents kept pushing for their amendment, LGBTs advocated for their  Anti-Discrimination bill, while the elderly sector even came up with a  human rights situationer, A Multi-Stakeholders Dialogue and Policy and  Legislative Agenda in 2015. All these were meant to be presented to  political aspirants for 2016 campaign and national elections. At this  point, I made a conscious effort to slow down and spend more time with  my loved ones, although from time to time I had to drag them around with  me as I do my work. From provincial tours, to barangay-level talks, to  schools and media interviews, wifey and little girl accompanied me,  which once prompted my daughter to quip, 'may talk ka na naman,  Dada...ano, seniors, solo parents, o LGBT?' she was barely 6 then. My  last hurrah for my sectoral work came by the passage of the Centenarians  Act and the amendment to the Magna Carta of PWDs in the latter part of  2016. That same year too saw the establishment of an Independent Expert  on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity as a special mechanism of the  UN Human Rights Council, 3 years after our conference in Kathmandu. I  was happy to see much of our work come to fruition before I left for my  new post. Those 7 years were well spent and were worth the effort as I  continue to see sectors benefitting from what we accomplished for them.  The past 3 years of the decade I have spent with the DSWD Procurement,  where most of our hard work go unnoticed and unrecognized except for  complaints of delay. But my greatest frustration is that maybe I am not  making much of an impact in society as I used to nowadays. I felt guilty  that I was being selfish when in 2017 I focused on building up my  managerial and technical skills when  I pursued my Career Executive  Service eligibility and Procurement Specialist certification. To my  credit, I finished my CES journey in 1 year and landed on the top of my  Public Procurement Specialist Level 1 class. On occasion, I am still  called upon to give lectures and talks which are a welcome respite to  the drudgery of administrative support work, unlike the challenge of  legislative advocacy and policy devt work. I am also happy to be given  the opportunity to teach, albeit only through distance learning program  of UPOU, but I have discovered that I really have the knack for  teaching. I closed the decade amazed at how so much was accomplished  without my realizing it. I simply trudged on, working hard, persisting,  insisting, gathering allies and supporters who became life-long friends  along the way because they also truly believed in making the world a  better place. Yet so much still needs to be done, as the Solo Parents  amendment and Anti-Discrimination bills still languish in Congress even  after generation upon generation of legislators have passed through its  walls. I also desire to go back to my  UPLB and Agribusiness roots as I  have begun to take my love for animals and my belief in producing your  own food seriously. I am no longer content with just a small urban  garden and although my own dogs are rescues and adoptees, I would want  to do more for all those strays starving and getting run over in the  streets. May the Universe hear my heart's desire and cooperate to  provide me the same beautiful opportunities this coming 2020 onwards.
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stevieweevie71 · 6 years
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Showed up at my first meeting looking like this May 17, 2015 from binge drinking (I was “not” in a fight). I had my last drink September 11, 2015. 90 in 90 does work. How did I get there > infidelity, protective order & criminal charges filed against me by ex-wifey #revenge, started doing comedy/acting to deal with the stress, divorce, EEOC lawsuit against the @CIA, was still being harassed by a racist supervisor (William J. Briggs), was placed on administrative leave for 8 months then finally fired from the @CIA for making a song about racism in the agency, TS/SCI clearances revoked, foreclosure (2 houses & timeshare in South Beach), chapter #7 bankruptcy for the 2nd time, ran thru 2 retirements, unemployment, ended up on welfare > Obamacare, EBT card, energy assistance, jobless for almost 2 years so I went back to school and graduated from Johns Hopkins Carey Business School while I was dealing with alcoholism. Finally decided to get help went to a meeting looking like I got beat up then the next day inpatient detox @ Johns Hopkins Bayview, relapse, outpatient detox @ University of Maryland midtown, relapse, Intensive Outpatient Program @ First Step, relapse then finally 90 meetings in 90 days > finally got sobriety & serenity. Got a job with a government security contractor @MVM @ the Social Security Administration, but got fired from there because I had not worked the steps or had a mentor (Supervisors were threatening me & I documented it and took action and they got rid of me) Unemployment “again” Then was introduced to @lyft & @uber by a fellow alcoholic and been grinding ever since. I make more money now than when I was a government employee #liveyourlife #noregrets My EEOC lawsuit against the @CIA still ongoing since 2012. I ain't going nowhere!…..drop the mic https://www.instagram.com/p/BnmvwzihjLH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1f53o7qvp4zci
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adellbmcclurelblog · 7 years
Buy it on Amazon - http://ift.tt/2DsiQZk - U Brands Contempo Magnetic Dry Erase Board, 11 x 14 Inches, White Frame Coupon -- Click the link to buy now or to read the 400 4 & 5 Star Reviews.Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnV80_aaScH7JcpvPEcWMjw?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 U Brands Contempo Magnetic Dry Erase Board, 11 x 14 Inches, White Frame Coupon will use this by the front door as an aid in the buddy system we're roommates are looking out for each other's welfare. If I don't return at my stated ETA then they will text me and see if I'm alright period and vice a versa. Highly recommend. ... Reviewer : Antibabylon Want to prevent from becoming a nagging hubby or wifey? This is a great tool to communicate with your spouse! LOL We are always on the go so we needed to find something to help us stay on the same page. Like we do with our google calendar, we share it and we always know what is going on with each other in terms of scheduling. ALSO helps us not double book. Same with work at home, grocery or even honey due list. This piece is a great concept for any of these things that will help prevent... Reviewer : listren Click http://ift.tt/2DsiQZk to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. Dry erase marker with eraser and Pin-It cork magnet are included. Countoured marker cap design prevents marker from rolling off any flat surface or tray. Pin-It cork magnet enables repositionable push pin use anywhere on the board Customize your board with U Brands Gruv snap-in frame accessories (sold separately). Accessories and marker clip can be snapped into any side of the frame Works with all dry erase markers. Try U Brands dry erase markers for ultimate board performance U-Mount hassle free mounting system, double sided velcro mounting strips are included to mount on almost any flat surface I love this dry erase board. It is great for so many reasons, the first being the size, it's not too big and not too small, I leave it on my refrigerator with daily reminders written on it and it looks perfectly normal there. That brings me to my next point as to why I'm so fond of this dry erase board, It comes equipped with a removable magnet. The fact that it comes with a marker that has a built in eraser is also nice. However I personally use a wet cloth to clean mine since the eraser on the... Reviewer : LSUTIGER92 Click http://ift.tt/2DsiQZk to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. ***Let Us Know What You Think… Comment Below!!*** Watch my other review Videos – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnV80_aaScH7JcpvPEcWMjw See other products on http://ift.tt/2xhK4Ru Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnV80_aaScH7JcpvPEcWMjw?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 #U Brands LLC, #U Brands Contempo Magnetic Dry Erase Board, 11 x 14 Inches, White Frame This is a review video for : B00PRYQQES Manufacture : U Brands LLC Thanks for watching! http://ift.tt/2xhK4Ru Related Videos in Channel
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signthetimes-blog · 7 years
I want a world where there is room and comfort for everyone
I want to get older with my partner
I want a fair system of welfare for everybody
I want humans to stop damaging the environment
I want more culture for everyone
I want people to treat people with respect
I want more love, less prejudices
I want all children to have a happy childhood
I want my mother’s Alzheimer’s to reverse
I want to be able to enjoy or learn from every moment of my life, even if it is not good.
Mi reino pr un caballo
Con las palabras la mente tine alas
El teatro es poesia que sale del libro para haceroe humana
La soledad es la gran talladora del espiritu
El que quiere aranar la luna, se aranara el Corazon
La traduccion destroza el espiritu del lenguaje
Favor con favour se paga
Solo se vive una vet
Tal para cual
Bailar con la mas fea
I want beans on toast to be made compulsory
I want to be 1¼ inches taller
I want to be a greedy bullfinch
I want my son to get up before 2.00pm
I want a bath of strawberry yoghurt
I want 1970’s platform shoes
I want to be a hamster superhero
I want to own nothing
I want everyone to help the person next to them
I want a longer list
I want greener cities
I want cleaner air
I want everyone to have the opportunity to grow food
I want all to have the chance to grow ideas
I want no plastics or packaging that can’t be recycled
I want income tax NOT VAT
I want a proper welfare system
I want respect for everyone and their needs
I want free travel
I want peace and love for the human and non human world
I want equality
I want an end to hate
I want to be free to be me
I want Sarah for my wifey for lifey
I want to pass school
I want the girls in my class to stop arguing
I want people to stop shouting
I want to stop judging me
I want a tortoise
I want new split sole ballet shoes
I want an end of LAD-CULTURE
I want Liam and Noel to make up
I want everyone to stop asking trans people about their genitals
I want less waste - more upcycling
I want everyone to find a positive, creative outlet
I want my girlfriend to marry me
I want the stigma of tattoos to disappear
I want no more stereotyping
I want to keep the NHS
I want a good night’s sleep every night
I want to be proud to be an artist
I want to be healthy
I want to be world peace
I want to save the planet (environmental)
I want to care for each other
I want to share food
I want to create a shed for creativity (men and women)
I want to  teach the youth to respect each other
I want people to know its about the inside that matters beauty within
I want Corbyn
I want free school lunches for all
I want a car free town centre
I want for the LGTB to have more compassion for the T
I want neater handwriting
I want cake
I want peace- of cake
I want sex
I want cheese on toast
I want everyone to feel purposeful
I want no street sleeping- there are homes for everyone
I want to make a useful difference
I want to stop littering
I want my mum to get all the good she deserves
I want Trump and May to f**k off
I want people to feel more comfortable to make and be who they want
I want a new bike
I want it to stop raining
I want coffee
I want no ads on TV
I want all sports (less football) to be televised free
I want coffee to come out of trees
I want beer machines (vending)
I want to win the lottery
I want my kids to grow up in a safe world
I want Cheetos crunchy to grow on trees
I want more sarcasm
I want less ideology
I want everyone to be happy
I want to treat people the way they want to be treated
I want to breathe underwater
I want to speak every language fluently
I want Justin Bieber to be my brother
I want to live forever- stay young forever
I want to make people who are less fortunate than us to be happy
I want to be famous and meet loads of celebrities
I want to help the homeless
I want loads of money
I want peace
I want love
I want hope
I want oxygen
I want clean water
I want food
I want exercise
I want rest
I want long life
I want Emma to stay happy.
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whitneypierce717 · 7 years
Oscar – 6 year old male Staffordshire Bull Terrier cross Labrador
This is Oscar. Also known as Ossking and Pup! He is a 6 year old Staffordshire Bull Terrier cross Labrador. Oscar has had an unlucky life so far and now we would like him to know the true feeling of belonging in a home, loved and adored for life. Oscar arrived into rescue as a tiny puppy of about 8 weeks old via the RSPCA having been found wandering in a park alone. He was never claimed, so we assume dumped. He was successfully rehomed and life was good for 5 years. He was well socialised and well trained in a family environment. However, circumstances changed and his adoptive owners attempted to rehome him themselves without my knowledge.
For all animals here we insist on back up for life, so should an animal not be able to be kept, they need to be returned to us. The family were unaware that these were the rules,so for any potential adopter, should this happen again, this needs to be made very clear for his future. He must come back to us. No excuses. He was rehomed to The Isle of Wight and this is where things got bad for Oscar. The new owner loved him, but her boyfriend was jealous and when she was not around he was very mean to him. He was witnessed throwing him down the stairs, punching and kicking him,but because it was all hearsay, the police were powerless to act. One evening he aimed a firework at him and he bolted and that is when the islands dog warden was able to pick up as a stray.
Luckily his microchip had not had the details changed and the emergency contact number is always mine,so they were able to contact me and bring me up to speed. Of course, I agreed he must come back here immediately!! The police intercepted the return of the dog and convinced the owner to sign him over to them. He was then kept safely with the RSPCA on the island and an emergency transport run happened to get him back to us. We are of course very grateful to the police (the whole force who were concerned about his welfare yet had no proof), RSPCA and dog warden on the island who blocked any chance of him returning to his abusive home.
Oscar has been back with us a few months and this abuse has taken it’s toll to a degree. Whilst he is not aggressive, he gets scared if he feels you are telling him off and will bark and ask you to back off. This is as far as it goes. He is very restrained, but you can see how he is scared of being hurt again. We deal with this by immediately relaxing the situation and making it into a game. This cheers him up and especially because he doesn’t feel that he is in any sort of trouble.
Oscar would love to meet a spayed wifey. He loves living with other dogs and up till recently was deeply in love with a Working Cocker Spaniel pup who came into rescue…until she found a home and he lost his play mate. He meets other dogs well when out on his walks, although he is bouncy and can be clumsy with these meet and greets. His recall is very good. He loves to play ball. In fact he loves any sort of dog toy and although he wrecks them, he has a great time doing it!
Oscar is far too bouncy to live with children and because of his past we are looking for an adult only environment. He gets extremely excited by the prospect of tiny kiddies and although there is no malice, he would be extremely frightening to them, so until he gets a bit older and calms down, he needs to be kept under strict control around them. Oscar is on a strict diet of dry food only. Tinned food/fresh meat makes him physically sick and gives him diarrhoea. Safe treats are also the dry kind – Bonios, Markies, Denta Sticks. Raw hide bones makes him sick. He is a very happy boy now and he did split his tail right at the tip when he first arrived through wagging it too much. This has healed now, but care needs to be taken. Oscar cannot live with cats. He is a little too excitable and sharp with cats, although has no reaction to wild rabbits, squirrels or foxes (strange but true!). Oscar has been fully vaccinated, is microchipped (emergency contact number on the chip must remain as me) and he has been castrated, wormed and flea treated.
A homecheck will be carried out and a minimum adoption fee of £150 applies.
via WordPress https://whitneypierce123.wordpress.com/2017/05/09/oscar-6-year-old-male-staffordshire-bull-terrier-cross-labrador/
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fragmentsofchiasa · 13 years
"...unless y'all got married you ain't his wife, you're his wifey. A lot of chicks throw that word around but it won't give you a leg to stand on in court. It's because we stay wifeys instead of becoming the wife why we always getting shitted on and left with nothing when It's all said and done." [Tionna]- K'wan 'Welfare Wifeys'
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