alhilton · 13 days
My position on Fan Fiction/ Fan-Make
I've been goaded into actually formulating a policy about this, due to actually finding fan fiction of my work. This is a good problem to have! My policy, here goes -
I firmly believe that fan-creations are a sign of health for any artistic property. I am always flattered when people want to spend extra time in my world and with my characters. There are a few pitfalls here, however, and authors have different ways of addressing them. Here are mine:
Visual Fan Artwork
I am generally delighted by visual fan art (images, dolls, cross-stitch, sculpture, etc) as long as you state clearly in the description where the world and/or characters came from and you’re not trying to sell it without a license. I enthusiastically share fan art when I find it. You do not need a license from me to make non-commercial, appropriately-attributed visual fan art.
Fan Fiction
Text-based fan fiction is a stickier subject. I am not interested in writing in a shared world. My canon is off-limits until I am dead. When my work is in the public domain, knock yourselves out!
Legally, best-practice is for me to pretend not to see fan fiction. I admit that I don’t always do this. However, I am nervous about interacting with fan fiction or linking to it because it is a legal mine-field. I do not want to lose control of my copyrights. (That is my main fear – not that you’ll make money on my work, but that I will lose control of my copyrights.)
Bottom line: if you want me to feel really free to interact with your fan fic and share it with my audience, you need to get a license from me. That license will give you legal permission to create “derivative works.” The license will also say that anything I create that is influenced by your fan fiction is mine alone and I do not owe you money or credit for any ideals that may pop up in my own canon creations due to reading your fan fiction.
If you obtain such a license from me, you are street-legal. This said, I do not promise to read fan fiction, even if you license it. I do not promise to critique it or give writing advice. Fan fiction is a gift to other fans, not to me.
Monetized Fan Creations (here’s where I really differ from other authors)
I am quite tolerant of fans making money in my world as long as you get a license from me first. I’m probably not going to give you a license for text-based stories to be published on retailers. Those have potential to confuse my readers. However, I will happily give you a license for many other kinds of monetized fan creations, including text-based stories in some forms. Unless you are a company, I’m probably not going to ask you for royalties. You can keep whatever you make, and I will happily link your work to my audience.
You can sell commissioned artwork of my characters to other fans.
You can sell artwork of my characters printed on merch in places like Red Bubble (t-shirts, mugs, calendars, mousepads, etc).
You can make monetized pod-fic as long as it’s not on retailers and it’s clearly labeled as a non-canon fan-creation.
You can share your stories or art of my world and characters behind a paywall or on a site with advertising as long as it’s properly labeled and my own content is linked.
You can make a game based on my world. (If you are a company or a large kick-starter-backed endeavor, I will ask for royalties, but I’ll be reasonable).
You can make a D&D manual (OMG, please make a D&D manual. I get so many requests for this. I have no interested in making a D&D manual, but I will share yours and you can keep all the money…unless you are a gaming company or a large endeavor with backers, in which case I will want royalties, but I will be reasonable.)
The things you can do are practically limitless. I don’t have time to pursue all the good ideas myself! I just ask that you get a license from me first and link your source material (my books). Email me: [email protected]
If you would like to listen to me talk about this topic at length, you can listen to this podcast episode, recorded 8/31/2024.
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lucrezianoin · 12 days
omg I modified one of the Gerard and Silveo heroforge figures.... I want to print it...
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The original is not mine!!
I just modified the one found on Abigail Hilton's tumblr and changed some colors/poses/clothes!
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ikrutt · 1 year
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Tzu and Felbane from Pirates of Wefrivain by @alhilton. Just finished the The Cormorant and had to doodle the proud egg parents partners.
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bookshelfpassageway · 24 days
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The other day I was thinking about a Pirates of Wefrivain AU of one of my D&D characters, who I also happen to be playing in Baldur's Gate 3 right now.
...Which then led me to make a sudden and powerful realization about: White-haired silver-tongued fancy queer boys with a remarkable talent for murder, an indescribable amount of trauma, a penchant for seduction as a tool and a coping mechanism due to their attachment issues, and are at the start of their story being held under the thumb of a more powerful evil making them do horrible things (but you can fix them 👀). Also, the whole telepathic linking thing.
I think they would probably have a blast talking to each other, do each others' makeup, discover at least 5 new debaucheries within the hour, and then try to kill each other because that's way too much *waves vaguely* THIS happening in too small a space. Astarion is also going to quickly learn about the concept of "aposematism".
Also, maybe I wanted to draw the vampire in an absurd hat and zebra pants.
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eggmoth · 11 months
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Fanart of one of my favorite scenes in the book "Pirates of Wefrivain: The Scarlet Albatross" by Abigail Hilton.
You all should check out the books series it's underrated 👀
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corvithearti · 2 years
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Hey look a bunch of sketches that I havn’t done anything with yet!
I have been pretty bad about uploading art here, and I’m determined to keep on top of it- and to do more!  I’d like 50 finished pieces this year, but I’m not sure IF I can do that.
Happy new year y’all!
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caskunart · 2 years
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The images are (by row, top to bottom, left to right): Chance+Sham, Chance+Sham, Capricia+Gwain+Andromache+Tzu kinda, Thessalyn, Chance+Sham (2015-2021 art improvement meme), Fenrah, my tortle from DnD, Basil, and finally Chance (again). All images are cropped; full versions on my website, which is linked at the bottom of this post if you want to skip to that!
So, hi there! I used to post a bunch of art related to Abigail Hilton’s novels here, primarily those set in the world of Panamindorah; the Pirates of Wefrivain series, and the Prophet of Panamindorah and associated short stories. You can scroll back if you want to see that, but it’s all quite old and not very good. Still, I have unpassword-protected this blog, so you may view it if you so wish.
I no longer post on Tumblr, but I thought I’d let any interested fans (of Abbie, not me) know that I have a website I update occasionally where I share fanart of her works (alongside DnD art, original art, and works for other assorted fandoms — it’s primarily Panamindorah/Abbie art, though). The above artworks are (cropped) examples of what’s on the site. Each image comes with an associated mini-ramble (much shorter than a real ramble).
Please note that Neocities free accounts have some bandwidth issues; the introduction on my art page explains a little more of what to expect from a site like this (in general, this is very much ‘amateur, free, static’ web design, as opposed to something professional. tl;dr: it loads like shit. You may find that charming, you may not).
I also have a Dreamwidth, where one can leave anonymous (or logged-in) comments regarding my art, or start a conversation (you don’t have to care about my art to talk to me), and where I plan to post rambles (many of which will be related to Abbie’s works...again, primarily those set in Panamindorah, and to be quite honest, mostly Prophet of Panamindorah...I’m a Chance Windar man, myself). I’m not a prolific poster, so if this sounds interesting, but the idea of being flooded with art and rambles doesn’t, fear not. Although, if you like people who make things with great speed, uhhhh... (creeps back into boggy, slow-paced swampland). Can’t provide, don’t plan to.
Please note that this is not a portfolio-style website. WIPs, unfinished works, scribbles, doodles, and other scraps find their way onto my website, alongside more polished/complete/almost-complete works. I like that sort of thing, but you might not. There is also an on-site blog, although it’s mostly for ‘assorted nothings’. Lengthy entries will probably end up on Dreamwidth.
My second note is that there are (or will be) three art pages; the first is mostly SFW, although there is mild shelt (or other ‘fantastical people with no obvious genitalia’) nudity, kissing, and cuddling. The second page has more sensual or explicit works. The third page will be for (if I find the courage) more kinky, dark, or violent works. The whole site is technically Chose Not To Warn, but most adults should not have too much trouble browsing the main art page (and probably the first of the explicit pages). My website is intended primarily for adults. Links to the more explicit pages are marked as such, so those who aren’t interested should be able to avoid them easily (the third page doesn’t even exist yet).
Both my website and my Dreamwidth have RSS feeds. The blog on Abbie’s website also has an RSS feed, which can be useful if, like me, newsletters and your email go together about as well as oil and water.
Anyhow, links!
My Website (links directly to the main art page)
My Dreamwidth (this links directly to the journal entry for commenting)
About RSS feeds
More about RSS feeds
My Android RSS feeder (you do not need to use this, it’s just an example)
My Website’s RSS feed (you copy and paste these urls into your RSS feeder)
My Dreamwidth’s RSS feed (ditto above)
Abbie’s blog’s RSS feed; her newsletter is mirrored here for those who have trouble with email newsletters. (ditto above)
That’s all. As said, I don’t intend to return to Tumblr. I just wanted folks to know that other Abigail Hilton/Panamindorah fans exist out there. I know this website is very into Hunters Unlucky (sorry, I’m very bad at drawing animals; I do enjoy the books) so I should warn all you lovely folks that I don’t make much on that front. Maybe one day, though? I should be drawing more than Chance Windar and Sham Ausla (but Chance Windar and Sham Ausla have my heart). I suppose characters who aren’t animals (shelts are fine) are far more likely to show up, in the end.
May you all be happy and well!
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flashbic · 3 years
People who have read the whole Pirates of Wefrivain series and thus dare to look at the tag, please tell me SOMEONE has taken the “it’s fucken wimdy” meme and redrawn it with Silveo
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alhilton · 2 years
Gorgeous Silveo fan art from a talented person on Instagram
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lucrezianoin · 12 days
I am having a lot of fun!!
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alhilton · 3 months
My amazing fan Charlie Cote sent me Gerard and Silveo miniatures from Hero Forge 😃
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lucrezianoin · 10 days
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and if I use these transparent images for acrylic stands.... what then....
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bookshelfpassageway · 6 months
i need more people to talk to about hunters unlucky...
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bookshelfpassageway · 6 months
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managed to get some loose doodles in during D&D tonight, on a topic that’s been conceptually bouncing around my brain. Tumblr probably murdered the quality in the dashboard view hhghhhhh…
what if the creatures of Hunters Unlucky had Shelts (faunlike creatures) in the style of Wefrivain/Panamindorah?
First one’s a possible version of the Telshee, Keesha. Probably being a nosy nuisance on purpose to an offscreen Arcove. Long white hair on this species seems fitting, they’re sirens after all, as does the beard for someone who is the eldest waking Telshee. Big pupils for underwater eyesight, and a slightly greyer skintone like a seal’s. Clothes omitted because I can't think of any that wouldn't get in the way of swimming good, and it fits the mythical creature feel.
Second one’s a foraging Ferryshaft. Probably pretty thin and leggy fauns, even if a bit small. They’d make a weird faun that’d be hard for people to categorize, with their animal counterparts being omnivores that hunt and having the more wolfish tail. Braid for practicality, and loose simple clothes that allow for a good range of motion, and running. I started coloring him and then realized due to palette and clothing choices they accidentally look exactly like one of my own characters, so I just leaned into that. Their name is Virgil.
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lucrezianoin · 8 days
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lucrezianoin · 12 days
scurries to look at blog bc of Cowry Catchers/Pirates of Wefrivain mention, immediately sees pinned post is about bg3 + best vampire. >:3 very good and excellent. About where are you at in the book by chance? I see you mention you're close to the end of book 1 (you have SO much fun chewy plot ahead and so many characters still to meet! :D )
OMG HELLO!! (I also post more about videogames here @rpgchoices )
I am actually at the original book 3 (from the previous series, so I guess third part of book 1 of the Pirates series!).
I am loving it so much! The world is so sinister. I remember when I started it I was like, aw so cute - WAIT A MINUTE - not cute at all! Fascinating and scary and terrifying. I also have enormous respect for authors who are not scared of introducing characters as jerks, and as horrible people.
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