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geosb · 4 months ago
The official Coley Collins/Webware character sheet!! 🕷️🧲🕸️
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Coley Collins is a (60 year old) retired shield agent and a full-time librarian at "Stellar Collage" in Brooklyn (kinda like the midtown/visons from her universe). But in one of her visits to the agency, she was bitten by a radioactive spider and got herself spider-like superpowers and magnetic powers.
She uses it as an opportunity to go back and relive all of the adventures she used to have back when she was younger, but as Gunther (her fiance and canon event) told her, with great power comes great responsibility.
Tldr. A granny Spider-woman (I love her to death)
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techtunes · 3 days ago
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চিরকালের জন্য বন্ধ করুন ওয়েবসাইটের Notification Request https://www.techtunes.io/webware/tune-id/651365
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deliva · 4 years ago
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DELIVA’s Web App was launched on the 3rd of October 2020.
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zweiteseele-de · 4 years ago
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🌸🖤Guten Morgen zusammen 🖤🌸 Heute gibt's wieder eine kleine schnelle #Tasche. Die Susie von @pattydooblog. Ich habe nur die Abnäher an den Ecken unten nicht gemacht. So liegt sie nun umbefüllt ganz flach und wartet auf ihren Einsatz. Ein megatolles #schnittmuster für eine sehr vielseitige Tasche. Ob nun als #kosmetiktasche , #maskenaufbewahrung oder #stiftemäppchen oder oder oder Was auch noch super ist, sie ist gut für #Nähanfänger geeignet da sie eine gute Anleitung hat und ein Video dazu das alles erklärt. Zudem ist sie eine mega gute #resteverwertung für eure #Stoffreste 🖤🌸 Die hier wurde aus #Webware von @tedox_renovierungsdiscounter genäht. Und einem kleinen Rest #patchworkstoff #nähenmachtglücklich #nähenverbindet #nähen #taschennähen #taschenliebe #diyblogger #nähblogger #sewingbags #sewing #scull #schwarzgehtimmer #gothic #gothicstoffe #zweiteseele.de https://www.instagram.com/p/CKlPrsJsEUp/?igshid=8vr0e1sq7sg9
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bluef00t · 3 years ago
I have so much respect for mad scientists. If you made it through the baffling and humiliating process of a higher STEM education with your hubris intact there really is something wrong with you
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geoperdisblog · 6 years ago
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Real New Canadian #tbt #throwbackthursday #canada #canadaday #canadiancitizen #newcanadiancitizen #startuplife #startup #webware #octopz (at MaRS Discovery District) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuKRbUvA3he/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hugiuxw9xsbv
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mortimermcmirestinks · 2 years ago
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ghorab · 5 years ago
Dropbox من أشهر خدمات التخزين السحابية. فهي خدمة آمنة لتخزين ملفاتك، بها بعض المميزات المفيدة التي لم تكن تعرفها مثل التعليق علي الملفات، أو طلب ملفات من شخص ما، هذه المميزات وغيرها ستساعدك علي الحصول علي أقصي إستفادة من Dropbox.
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outsidetheknow · 6 years ago
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Setup Free Image Hosting CDN using Backblaze B2 and Cloudflare via /r/technology Setup Free Image Hosting CDN using Backblaze B2 and Cloudflare Submitted August 28, 2019 at 07:50PM by isuleman via reddit
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geosb · 4 months ago
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Earth-2723 (Webware's universe) is most well known by its abundance of plants and flowers
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techtunes · 8 months ago
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আবার মিস করেন নি তো?: StorePreviewer – আপনার App পাবলিশ করার আগে এর Preview দেখে নিন! সেই সাথে Download করুন Preview Kit https://www.techtunes.io/webware/tune-id/653955
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wadewilson-parker · 8 years ago
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Deadpool (2015) #28
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wadey-wilson · 6 years ago
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Peter Parker’s IQ is stated to be above 250, making him one of the smartest people on the planet. The web-shooters were part of Spider-Man’s original design and were used to demonstrate Peter’s intelligence. At the age of 15 he makes his own tech (such as: web fluid, the web-shooters, suit, utility belt). Where Peter doesn’t have an ability, he just makes himself a tool to fight crime. Over the years he has invented things such as: spider-traces, mini lie detectors, cryo cubes, multiple kinds of webbing and suits, stealth suit, spider-armor, Avengers identicards, clean (almost limitless) power with endless applications (Parker Particles), Spider-Glider, Spider-Bots, and Webware.
On an interesting note, when Otto Octavius took over Peter’s body and life, he didn’t touch the web-shooters, only making the web fluid last longer in its solid state.
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ASM v5 #32/833 Thoughts
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This was rather...meh I’m sorry to say
So I feel the biggest things to talk about regarding this issue are Spidey 2099 and Gleason’s starting his first official arc on ASM.
The former was...sadly underwhelming. I like Spidey 2099 a lot and was hyped to see his return but this didn’t do it well. Let’s put aside how Miguel looks far from impressive here which doesn’t do much to endear him to newer fans. The fact is the issue over all was marketed as a 2099 centric story and yet that element is on the backburner. It felt like Spencer was doing his best to tease out the build up to the 2099 event whilst not giving us much for some reason, almost like it was filler.
As for Gleason’s art. It’s...hmm...It’s difficult for me to judge because I don’t hate it, but I don’t exactly like it either. Some shots look great. In fact Spider-Man himself looks reliably great, Silver Sable looks great. But a lot of the time the art feels...I dunno. Like the lines are a bit too thick.
Now don’t get it twisted, this is a real step up from Ramos. But you can still tell Gleason isn’t the A-list artist for this title (much as he was handling the B-book back during Superman Rebirth), that is still Ottley.
It’s just not wowing me so far.
Now as for the rest of the story, again...kinda filleriffic. I LIKE seeing Silver Sable back. I REALLY like seeing the Foreigner back. But I don’t like playing Peter as young and I don’t like bringing the Webware back up. If we’re not actively erasing that from anyone’s memories let’s at least try to treat it like it didn’t happen. Same with Theresa.
Basically what I’m saying is I walked into this issue hyped for a 2099 story and instead got Miguel just dicking around whilst Slott and Zdarsky continuity was shoved in my face.
Sigh....at least Amazing Mary Jane was good.
And hey look. This wasn’t BAD. It wasn’t. It was just kind of mediocre. But Spencer’s mediocre is still better than Slott or Zdarsky when they were trying.
For maybe the first time in this run I’m going to say that I don’t recommend this issue. At least if you are cash strapped and need to let a Spidey book go, this one could be on your chopping block.
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cuteasamuntin · 5 years ago
Me: obsessively doublechecks the Marvel Database wiki on Webware to make sure I don't under- or oversell the tech's capabilities for a throwaway mention in conjunction with another Parker Industries project
Also me: mmm, I know what Copycat looks like before her mutation, but Morena Baccarin hot
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webnosa · 5 years ago
#dienstagsdetail Herbsthose für den Sohn aus Webware mit se...
#dienstagsdetail Herbsthose für den Sohn aus Webware mit se…
#dienstagsdetail Herbsthose für den Sohn aus Webware mit seitlichen, aufgesetzten Taschen. Den Schnitt habe ich von einer passenden Hose abgenommen, die kaputt ging, ich aber so schön finde. Also nachgenäht 😉 #hosenähen #kinderhose #webware #herbstfarben #diyclothes #sewingforkids
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