#Website developer in michigan
fceblog · 2 years
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cowboywolverine · 2 years
meetup at. the national cowboy and western heritage museum. in oklahoma city. next june. for poeseph cowboygenderist graduation from grad school celebration (wishful posting.)
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An overview of static web pages: pros and cons
A static web page consists of "fixed code." This only changes if the developer makes any modifications to the backend. Additionally, it consists of pre-rendered web pages with distinctive layouts that are typically served by a content delivery network (CND).
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Pros of Static Web Page
Takes less time to create
One key difference between a static and dynamic web page is that it is quick to create. You can quickly place a static web page because of the simplicity of its software.
Easy to duplicate
When it is easy to change the code of a website whenever you want to deliver a change to the end-user, it is also simple to duplicate the complete code, allowing you to make changes while keeping the original page intact.
Budget Friendly
Since a static website doesn't need a database connection to generate content or render views, its cost is significantly lower than a dynamic website.
Cons of Static Web Page
Less scalable 
Compared to a dynamic web page, a static web page is more challenging to integrate into your website. For instance, you would need to create a new web page from start each time you wanted to add a new product page if you needed a static website for all of your product pages.
No Customization
Because static web pages are pre-rendered, it is not possible to alter the way a user interacts with a static website.
Difficult to update
You must adjust the code for each change or update you make to your static website. Do you want Website Developers in Michigan for your business? Get in touch with Master Infotech, a leading IT company.
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reasonsforhope · 24 days
"In drought-stricken areas, communities facing water shortages, or even in residential and commercial buildings eager to improve their environmental footprints, atmospheric water generators represent a new frontier in water production.
While it might sound like a tidbit from a science fiction movie, even the driest places on earth have moisture in the air that can be extracted and used for everyday necessities like plumbing and drinking. 
Unlike traditional dehumidifiers, which also pull moisture from the air, AWGs utilize filtration and sterilization technology to make water safe to drink. 
And while there are plenty of AWG companies out there — and the science itself isn’t novel — AWGs are becoming more efficient, affordable, and revolutionary in combating water scarcity in a myriad of communities.
Aquaria Technologies, a San Francisco-based AWG startup, was founded in 2022 to help provide affordable and clean drinking water in areas most affected by climate change. 
Using heat exchange and condensation, Aquaria’s generators draw air into their systems, cool that air below its dew point, and as it condenses, capture that water and filter it for consumption. 
As the cycle continues, the generator’s refrigerant vaporizes and goes through a process that cools it back into a liquid, meaning the heat transfer cycle repeats continuously in an energy-efficient and self-sustaining system.
“I’m sure you’ve had the experience in the summer, you take a glass of a cold drink out of the fridge and then water droplets form on the side of the bottle,” Aquaria’s co-founder and CEO Brian Sheng, said in a podcast episode. “That’s actually condensation.”
Sheng continued: “The question is, how do we create condensation? How do we extract water out of the air in large volume and using little energy? That’s what our technology does. We have created both active and passive cooling methods where we use special materials, and we’ve created heat exchange and recovery systems and airflow design, such that we’re maximizing heat exchange, and then we’re able to extract large volumes of water.”
Aquaria has created a number of generators, but its stand-alone model — the Hydropack X — can replace an entire home’s dependence on municipal water, producing as much as 264 gallons of potable water per day. 
Other models, like the Hydrostation, can provide water for up to 1,500 people at parks, construction sites, or other outdoor public areas. The Hydropixel can make 24 gallons of water per day for a seamless at-home application, requiring a simple outlet for power. 
“Atmospheric water generators present a groundbreaking solution to the global challenge of clean water scarcity, leveraging the humidity present in the air to produce potable water,” the company’s website explains.
“This technology is versatile, functioning efficiently across diverse climates — from arid regions to tropical settings. From rural communities in developing countries to advanced cities facing unexpected droughts, atmospheric water generators have a wide range of applications… transforming lives and providing secure, clean water sources.”
Considering an estimated 2.2 billion people lack access to clean water globally — including in American cities like Flint, Michigan, or Modesto, California — innovative solutions like AWGs are vital to maintaining the basic human right to clean water. 
The World Economic Forum has begun to dip its toes into this technology as well, implementing public and private partnerships to introduce AWG units in Arizona’s Navajo Nation, where the machines produce about 200 gallons of clean water per day.
“When combined with an appropriate level of community engagement and triple-bottom-line business (people, planet, profit),” a blog post for WE Forum said, “this model can be a powerful stopgap solution where few exist today.”
Similarly, according to New Atlas, Aquaria has a partnership with developers to supply its technology to a 1,000-home community in Hawaii later this year, relying entirely on atmospherically generated water.
The company also has a “Frontier Access Program,” which partners with water-related NGOs, community project developers, and sustainable development groups to deploy this technology in areas most in need.
Regardless of their use cases — in homes, in communities facing water shortages, or at aid sites navigating natural disasters — AWGs have a minimal environmental impact. Sourcing water “from thin air,” requires no plastic bottles, no large-scale plants using up loads of energy, and no byproducts that can harm the environment."
-via GoodGoodGood, August 27, 2024
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mariacallous · 16 days
As national legislation on deepfake pornography crawls its way through Congress, states across the country are trying to take matters into their own hands. Thirty-nine states have introduced a hodgepodge of laws designed to deter the creation of nonconsensual deepfakes and punish those who make and share them.
Earlier this year, Democratic congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, herself a victim of nonconsensual deepfakes, introduced the Disrupt Explicit Forged Images and Non-Consensual Edits Act, or Defiance Act. If passed, the bill would allow victims of deepfake pornography to sue as long as they could prove the deepfakes had been made without their consent. In June, Republican senator Ted Cruz introduced the Take It Down Act, which would require platforms to remove both revenge porn and nonconsensual deepfake porn.
Though there’s bilateral support for many of these measures, federal legislation can take years to make it through both houses of Congress before being signed into law. But state legislatures and local politicians can move faster—and they’re trying to.
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Last month, San Francisco City Attorney David Chiu’s office announced a lawsuit against 16 of the most visited websites that allow users to create AI-generated pornography. “Generative AI has enormous promise, but as with all new technologies, there are unintended consequences and criminals seeking to exploit the new technology. We have to be very clear that this is not innovation—this is sexual abuse,” Chiu said in a statement released by his office at the time.
The suit was just the latest attempt to try to curtail the ever-growing issue of nonconsensual deepfake pornography.
“I think there's a misconception that it's just celebrities that are being affected by this,” says Ilana Beller, organizing manager at Public Citizen, which has been tracking nonconsensual deepfake legislation and shared their findings with WIRED. “It's a lot of everyday people who are having this experience.”
Data from Public Citizen shows that 23 states have passed some form of nonconsensual deepfake law. “This is such a pervasive issue, and so state legislators are seeing this as a problem,” says Beller. “I also think that legislators are interested in passing AI legislation right now because we are seeing how fast the technology is developing.”
Last year, WIRED reported that deepfake pornography is only increasing, and researchers estimate that 90 percent of deepfake videos are of porn, the vast majority of which is nonconsensual porn of women. But despite how pervasive the issue is, Kaylee Williams, a researcher at Columbia University who has been tracking nonconsensual deepfake legislation, says she has seen legislators more focused on political deepfakes.
“More states are interested in protecting electoral integrity in that way than they are in dealing with the intimate image question,” she says.
Matthew Bierlein, a Republican state representative in Michigan, who cosponsored the state’s package of nonconsensual deepfake bills, says that he initially came to the issue after exploring legislation on political deepfakes. “Our plan was to make [political deepfakes] a campaign finance violation if you didn’t put disclaimers on them to notify the public.” Through his work on political deepfakes, Bierlein says, he began working with Democratic representative Penelope Tsernoglou, who helped spearhead the nonconsensual deepfake bills.
At the time in January, nonconsensual deepfakes of Taylor Swift had just gone viral, and the subject was widely covered in the news. “We thought that the opportunity was the right time to be able to do something,” Beirlein says. And Beirlein says that he felt Michigan was in the position to be a regional leader in the Midwest, because, unlike some of its neighbors, it has a full-time legislature with well-paid staffers (most states don’t). “We understand that it's a bigger issue than just a Michigan issue. But a lot of things can start at the state level,” he says. “If we get this done, then maybe Ohio adopts this in their legislative session, maybe Indiana adopts something similar, or Illinois, and that can make enforcement easier.”
But what the penalties for creating and sharing nonconsensual deepfakes are—and who is protected—can vary widely from state to state. “The US landscape is just wildly inconsistent on this issue,” says Williams. “I think there's been this misconception lately that all these laws are being passed all over the country. I think what people are seeing is that there have been a lot of laws proposed.”
Some states allow for civil and criminal cases to be brought against perpetrators, while others might only provide for one of the two. Laws like the one that recently took effect in Mississippi, for instance, focus on minors. Over the past year or so, there have been a spate of instances of middle and high schoolers using generative AI to make explicit images and videos of classmates, particularly girls. Other laws focus on adults, with legislators essentially updating existing laws banning revenge porn.
Unlike laws that focus on nonconsensual deepfakes of minors, on which Williams says there is a broad consensus that there they are an “inherent moral wrong,” legislation around what is “ethical” when it comes to nonconsensual deepfakes of adults is “squishier.” In many cases, laws and proposed legislation require proving intent, that the goal of the person making and sharing the nonconsensual deepfake was to harm its subject.
But online, says Sara Jodka, an attorney who specializes in privacy and cybersecurity, this patchwork of state-based legislation can be particularly difficult. “If you can't find a person behind an IP address, how can you prove who the person is, let alone show their intent?”
Williams also notes that in the case of nonconsensual deepfakes of celebrities or other public figures, many of the creators don’t necessarily see themselves as doing harm. “They’ll say, ‘This is fan content,’ that they admire this person and are attracted to them,” she says.
State laws, Jobka says, while a good start, are likely to have limited power to actually deal with the issue, and only a federal law against nonconsensual deepfakes would allow for the kind of interstate investigations and prosecutions that could really force justice and accountability. “States don't really have a lot of ability to track down across state lines internationally,” she says. “So it's going to be very rare, and it's going to be very specific scenarios where the laws are going to be able to even be enforced.”
But Michigan’s Bierlein says that many state representatives are not content to wait for the federal government to address the issue. Bierlein expressed particular concern about the role nonconsensual deepfakes could play in sextortion scams, which the FBI says have been on the rise. In 2023, a Michigan teen died by suicide after scammers threatened to post his (real) intimate photos online. “Things move really slow on a federal level, and if we waited for them to do something, we could be waiting a lot longer,” he says.
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darkmaga-retard · 13 days
They wanted to know how many people would comply with a complete re-ordering of their lives based on no science at all, just random orders, some of which bordered on absurdity.
Leo Hohmann
Sep 06, 2024
I have long said that Covid 19 was launched by design by a small number of people in the globalist predator class for one reason and one reason only — as a beta test for the coming technocratic new world order.
Now, we’ve got the World Economic Forum coming out and all but admitting that was exactly why the Covid-19 “pandemic” had to happen.
The WEF gleefully posted the following snippet to the “My Carbon” page of its website where they make a pitch for so-called smart cities, which is just another term for 15-minute cities.
The first of three “developments” that the WEF says must be in place before the world can evolve into its utopian vision of “smart and sustainable cities,” is compliance with restrictions on our freedom. It writes:
1. COVID-19 was the test of social responsibility – A huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world. There were numerous examples globally of maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, mass vaccinations and acceptance of contact-tracing applications for public health, which demonstrated the core of individual social responsibility.
They were testing us. That’s what Covid was all about. They wanted to see how many of us would give up our individual freedom and individual sovereignty by complying with a “new normal” that consisted of restrictions bordering on the absurd. Why, for instance was it “safe” to shop at Lowe’s or Home Depot but unsafe to shop at a small business or attend church? Why was it OK to go to strip clubs in Michigan but you couldn’t buy seeds for a garden?
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wethepixies · 1 year
Fly with ya, fairies!
We are fluttering with excitement to share with everyone this article about We The Pixies in The Michigan Daily that features an interview with Nora, one of our game developers and artists.
We are sure as sugar that all pixies would be able to resonate with the article and find answers to some questions about the game. So, fly over to the article and give it a read!
Happy reading🧚🏾‍♀️
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mightyflamethrower · 14 days
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They wanted to know how many people would comply with a complete re-ordering of their lives based on no science at all, just random orders, some of which bordered on absurdity.
I have long said that Covid 19 was launched by design by a small number of people in the globalist predator class for one reason and one reason only — as a beta test for the coming technocratic new world order.
Now, we’ve got the World Economic Forum coming out and all but admitting that was exactly why the Covid-19 “pandemic” had to happen.
The WEF gleefully posted the following snippet to the “My Carbon” page of its website where they make a pitch for so-called smart cities, which is just another term for 15-minute cities.
The first of three “developments” that the WEF says must be in place before the world can evolve into its utopian vision of “smart and sustainable cities,” is compliance with restrictions on our freedom. It writes:
1. COVID-19 was the test of social responsibility – A huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world. There were numerous examples globally of maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, mass vaccinations and acceptance of contact-tracing applications for public health, which demonstrated the core of individual social responsibility.
They were testing us. That’s what Covid was all about. They wanted to see how many of us would give up our individual freedom and individual sovereignty by complying with a “new normal” that consisted of restrictions bordering on the absurd.
Why, for instance was it “safe” to shop at Lowe’s or Home Depot but unsafe to shop at a small business or attend church? Why was it OK to go to strip clubs in Michigan but you couldn’t buy seeds for a garden?
What the WEF is implying with its above statement is that in order to be “sustainable,” people and societies will need to be compliant with a new more authoritarian global order. Don’t ask questions. Don’t resort to logic. Just obey.
Would we be obedient in the face of idiotic new laws and regulations, like wearing face diapers to stop what was said to be an aerosolized virus, and standing six feet apart in public, and submitting to a never-before-used, unlicensed mRNA gene-based injection?
They said it was good for you, so roll up your sleeve. Don’t ask questions. If you did, you could lose your job and be treated as a societal outcast. Many people lost friends or even close family members to this monstrous “test” of our willingness to unquestioningly do what we’re told.
Nearly five years later, arguably the most powerful nonprofit public-private partnership in the world, the WEF, admits it was all a test of our wills and celebrates the fact that most of us failed the test (or passed with flying colors depending how you look at it).
They wanted to find out how many of us would prove our servitude to the lawless, fascistic beast system by complying with “unimaginable restrictions,” many of which were created out of thin air with absolutely no scientific evidence to back them up as contributing anything to public health.
The U.S. government’s top health bureaucrat, Dr. Anthony Fauci, admitted recently that there was no science behind his decision to require Americans to socially distance six feet apart.
The beta test known as Covid-19 proved once again the validity of the The Milgram Experiment. This experiment was conducted in 1961-1962 by Yale University professor Stanley Milgram.
It showed that the overwhelming majority of Americans would obey a law or command that they knew was wrong if the order were to come from an official authority figure. An alarming 65 percent of Americans would reluctantly violate their own conscience and obey the order even if they knew it would result in the death of an innocent person.
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From Wikipedia:
Beginning on August 7, 1961, a series of social psychology experiments were conducted by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram, who intended to measure the willingness of study participants to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts conflicting with their personal conscience. Participants were led to believe that they were assisting an unrelated experiment, in which they had to administer electric shocks to a “learner.” These fake electric shocks gradually increased to levels that would have been fatal had they been real.
The experiments found, unexpectedly, that a very high proportion of subjects would fully obey the instructions, with every participant going up to 300 volts, and 65% going up to the full 450 volts. Milgram first described his research in a 1963 article in the Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology[1].
The Bad News is that we passed the test with flying colors.
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Le Forum économique mondial (WEF) a admis que la pandémie de COVID-19 était un test de l'obéissance du public à accepter son Nouvel Ordre Mondial il a publié l'admission suivante sur la page "Mon carbone" de son site web où ils font un pitch pour les villes intelligentes de 15 minutes Thegatewaypundit.com rapporte : Le premier des trois "développements" qui, selon le WEF, doivent être en place avant que le monde puisse évoluer vers sa vision utopique des "villes intelligentes et durables", est le respect des restrictions à notre liberté. Il écrit :
1. COVID-19 a été le test de la responsabilité sociale - Un grand nombre de restrictions inimaginables pour la santé publique ont été adoptées par des milliards de citoyens à travers le monde. Il existe de nombreux exemples à l'échelle mondiale de maintien de la distanciation sociale, de port du masque, de vaccinations de masse et d'acceptation des demandes de recherche des contacts pour la santé publique, qui ont démontré le cœur de la responsabilité sociale individuelle.
Ils nous testaient. C'est ce qu'était le Covid. Ils voulaient voir combien d'entre nous abandonneraient notre liberté individuelle et notre souveraineté individuelle en se conformant à une "nouvelle normalité" qui consistait en des restrictions à la limite de l'absurde. Pourquoi, par exemple, était-il "sûr" de faire ses achats chez Lowe's ou Home Depot, mais dangereux de faire ses courses dans une petite entreprise ou d'aller à l'église ? Pourquoi était-il acceptable d'aller dans des clubs de strip-tease dans le Michigan mais vous ne pouviez pas acheter de graines pour un jardin ? Ce que le WEF implique avec sa déclaration ci-dessus, c'est que pour être "durables", les personnes et les sociétés devront se conformer à un nouvel ordre mondial plus autoritaire. Ne pose pas de questions. Ne recourez pas à la logique. Il suffit d'obéir. Serions-nous obéissants face à de nouvelles lois et réglementations idiotes, comme porter des couches pour arrêter ce qui était considéré comme un virus en aérosol, et se tenir à 3 mètres l'un de l'autre en public, et se soumettre à une injection non autorisée d'ARNm jamais utilisée auparavant ?
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WEF has admitted that the COVID-19 pandemic is a test of the public’s obedience to its New World Order, posting the following admission on the “My Carbon” page of its website where it makes a 15-minute pitch for smart cities. Thegatewaypundit.com reports: The first of three “developments” that the WEF says must be in place before the world can move toward its utopian vision of “smart, sustainable cities,” is compliance with restrictions on our freedom. It writes: 1. COVID-19 has been the test of social responsibility - A large number of unimaginable public health restrictions have been adopted by billions of citizens around the world. There are many examples worldwide of maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, mass vaccinations, and accepting contact tracing requests for public health, which have demonstrated the heart of individual social responsibility. They were testing us. That’s what Covid was. They wanted to see how many of us would give up our individual freedom and individual sovereignty by conforming to a “new normal” that consisted of restrictions that bordered on the absurd. Why, for example, was it “safe” to shop at Lowe’s or Home Depot, but dangerous to shop at a small business or go to church? Why was it okay to go to strip clubs in Michigan but you couldn’t buy seeds for a garden? What the WEF is implying with their statement above is that in order to be “sustainable,” people and societies will have to conform to a new, more authoritarian world order. Don’t ask questions. Don’t resort to logic. Just obey. Would we be obedient to idiotic new laws and regulations, like wearing diapers to stop what was considered an aerosolized virus, and staying 10 feet apart in public, and submitting to an unauthorized mRNA injection never before used?
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leomlarson · 6 months
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full name: leonard "leo" michael larson
pronouns & gender: he/him, cis man
birthday & birthplace: february 9, 1996 (28); ann arbor, mi
location: ocean crest apartments
time in aurora bay: since august 2019
sexuality: bisexual
occupation: art teacher at aurora bay high school
leo is a midwestern boy through and through. he was born and raised in ann arbor, michigan (go blue!) and really prides himself on that. he'll go to bat for the midwest any day.
he's the oldest of three, with two younger sisters who he'd literally die for. his extended family on his mom's side is incredibly tight; his mom and all of her siblings actually bought up a lot of the houses in the same little cul-de-sac, so leo grew up seeing his cousins more like his siblings. lots of game day barbecues that spilled out into the street, riding bikes around town, driving around because there was nothing else to do, the whole suburban experience really
his parents split up when he was nine and he has little to no contact with his dad, who moved across the country after the divorce. he loves his mom but she went through a long period of dating bad guys that hasn't really ended, so he definitely has daddy issues
he's loved art for as long as he can remember, and he was always gifted with it. it started with chalk drawings in the driveway and went from there. he went to a progressive, hippy dippy high school in ann arbor that allowed him to specialize and get together a portfolio for college
leo is. not smart lmao. but he is talented, which is what got him into a joint brown university/rhode island school of design program. doing the whole ivy league thing was really not leo's jam. he felt like he was too far from his family and had a hard time fitting in to the kind of upper class vibe at an ivy, but he was able to find his niche and really focus on his work because of it.
after college, a fellowship brought him out to san francisco. he loved sf, but the kind of snobbery that really repulsed him in college just came out in full force when he was trying to break into the art world. the fellowship was supposed to last two years, but he gave it up after one and packed up his whole life to move south to aurora bay
he's been in town for four years now, and during that time he worked on teaching certifications, sort of because he didn't know exactly what else to do. all he wants to do all day is paint, but he developed such an imposter syndrome on top of a distaste for the established art world, so he figured that teaching art would allow him to do what he loves everyday while also giving him a lot of time to work on his own projects
he got a job at aurora bay high school and lives to project the kind of cool, gay, tattooed hippie teacher vibe that his teachers in high school had. he still does his own stuff and shows at local galleries/maintains a website where he sells pieces. he also does murals all over town, in storefronts, on the sides of businesses, for anyone who wants one at affordable prices. he sells handmade jewelry at local artisan markets. he just loves to make art!
leo is a very simple guy. the only things that really get through into his brain are pretty things. flowers, trinkets, etc. his apartment is immaculately designed, he's always looking out for a cute new piece for his mantel.
mother: bridget larson
father: michael larson (estranged)
sisters: daisy larson, emmy larson
he has a dilute tortoiseshell cat named robert, after robert rauschenberg, who he mostly just calls bob
he actually speaks fluent irish but hardly ever has a chance to use it. his mom is a first generation american and her parents were basically irish nationalists who only came to the states because they were so poor in ireland. they were all about keeping the irish language alive, so his whole family spoke irish growing up
he's a bit of a slut! he is ACTIVE on grindr and tinder and all the things. if your character is too, they've probably hooked up
basically, he's just a sunshiny pretty boy
party buds, hopeless wingman case for @heyits-asher
intrigued by, highkey crushin on @paxton-brady
art friends w/ @cherryxkoch, @maura-cortes, @cassidyxcooke
internet turned irl art friends w/ @lennonhansley
past fwb/on weird terms with @dancingdanvers
neighbors who leo drags into impromptu board game/wine/craft nights @emersonxcassidy, @cricketcampbell
went on a few dates with @atticus-cortes before they both accidentally ghosted each other
ex hookup/helped @esmaxdemirci cheat on her husband in sf
friend/former camper of @caleb-majhi
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fceblog · 2 years
IT services are the backbone of any business. They help businesses in many ways, from improving their security to reducing their costs. There are many different types of IT services that can be used by a company, depending on what they need. These include database, Active IT support, Platform as a service (PaaS) and Social media consulting. It is important to understand the differences between each type of service before selecting the right one for your company. IT services are offered by a variety of vendors. 
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Active IT support
Active IT support is an essential part of running a successful business. Active IT Support can help your business keep up with changes, and new technology, as well as develop and enhance existing systems. They can also provide IT solutions that improve business performance. With their background in management consultancy, Active IT Support will work with you to understand your business processes and deliver an IT solution that is aligned with your goals.
Active IT support provides proactive IT management and proactively screens your hardware, software, and networks for problems before they become a major problem. This prevents downtime and maximizes network performance. Active IT support can also protect your company from cyberattacks.
Database services provide a number of advantages to companies. They are scalable, flexible, and secure. Moreover, they don’t require any installation or configuration. They’re delivered and consumed on demand, making them a flexible and cost-effective solution for enterprises. There are many types of databases available, including relational databases, document databases, and more.
Generally, information and database services provide directories or indexes at the highest level. These services act much like search engines and categorize data into subsets. For instance, they can offer news, editorials, and public records. Some database services are also flexible and customizable, making them a smart choice for many types of applications.
Database services also provide the security necessary for sensitive data. They maintain database security, maintain system performance, and protect customer databases. Many database services are also available as standalone services or as part of a managed IT support package. Databases contain information about employees, customers, and sales. Since these databases are constantly updated, database administrators need to constantly monitor them and make sure they’re secure. In addition to this, they need to regularly apply patches and upgrades to their systems. As a result, database services are generally more expensive than prepackaged data solutions.
Web Design Services
Web design services are often bundled together with website hosting services. Web designers create websites using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other web technologies. A web designer may work directly with clients to develop their ideas or they may use pre-designed templates.
Platform as a service (PaaS)
PaaS is a model of IT services delivery that allows organizations to develop, deploy, and iterate applications on the cloud. It eliminates the need to purchase hardware and software, and allows organizations to focus on their core business activities. Moreover, PaaS supports newer programming languages and technologies, which can open up new technical growth channels for organizations. For example, PaaS helps organizations introduce serverless functions and containers into their applications. This is particularly important for industries with slow technological change. In addition, PaaS enables organizations of any size to make changes to their offerings without having to replace their processes.
PaaS provides an easy-to-use software development environment for developers. Because the software development environment is hosted by a third-party provider, developers can access and maintain applications easily and quickly. In addition, the service provider manages the infrastructure, meaning that PaaS users don’t have to worry about infrastructure provisioning and maintenance.
Social media consulting
Before starting a social media consulting business, you should consider the niche you want to specialize in. It’s also important to establish your credibility. This will help you attract clients and grow your business. In the world of social media, credibility is everything. Having your expertise and experience displayed will help your business stand out from the crowd.
If you need help growing your business, it’s a good idea to hire a team of people. This way, you’ll have people who specialize in a specific area. It also allows you to maximize each team member’s unique skills and talents.
Managed services
Managed services provide a variety of services designed to meet the specific needs of businesses. They can be customized to fit the needs of any business, and can save a business time and money by avoiding many of the issues that arise with IT. Managed services allow a business to focus on its core activities, while letting a professional team handle its IT problems.
End user services are the most common form of Managed Services. These providers provide end-user support to solve issues relating to mobile devices, operating systems, application installs, and connectivity issues. While larger corporations may be able to fulfill these services in-house, many SMBs opt to outsource the support desk to a managed service provider, which guarantees a certain level of quality.
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Multiple people were reported injured at Michigan State University after shootings at two locations were reported on the East Lansing campus Monday night, university police said.
Students were urged to "secure in place" as officials searched for a shooter.
"Run, Hide, Fight," said an alert sent to students about 8:30 p.m. "Run means evacuate away from danger if you can do so safely, Hide means to secure-in-place, and Fight means protect yourself if no other option."
They said later that victims had been transported to Sparrow Hosptial but did not provide additional details about the number of people who were injured or their conditions.
University police tweeted that shots had been fired near Berkey Hall and that anyone in the area should shelter in place.
About 45 minutes later, officials said they were searching for a suspect they believed to be on foot.
"Community members on and off campus should continue to shelter in place," university officials tweeted about 9:25 p.m.
Not long after, police said that were reports of a second shooting at IM East and that multiple people had been injured.
IM East is a fitness center and sports complex on campus, according to the MSU website. It’s about 1 mile southeast of Berkey Hall.
By 10:15 p.m., officials reported that several campus buildings had been cleared and secured.
Students on campus reported on social media that they were hiding or barricaded as officers fanned out.
The FBI said late Monday it was sending agents to MSU. "The FBI is responding to assist in the reports of an active shooter on the Michigan State University campus," the bureau's Detroit office tweeted. Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said she was being updated about the situation. "I’ve been briefed on the shooting at Michigan State University," she tweeted. "The Michigan State Police along with @msupolice, local law enforcement and first responders are on the ground. Let’s wrap our arms around the Spartan community tonight."
This is a developing story. Please check back for updates.
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The Peebles Corporation
Website: https://peeblescorp.com/ Address: 1691 Michigan Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139 The Peebles Corporation is one of the largest hotel developers and land development companies. With a portfolio of over 10 million square feet and $8 billion in active and completed projects across major cities, their success through public and private partnerships is unmatched. As one of the largest multifamily developers, they prioritize construction excellence, sustainability, historic preservation, and innovative design for transformative outcomes. Recognized as one of the most acclaimed black-owned property management companies, The Peebles Corporation has become one of the largest multifamily developers in the US. #Real Estate Development#hotel developers#hotel development#land development companies#property developer LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-peebles-corporation
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popculturelib · 7 months
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Type of the Times: A Journal of the Writing and Spelling Reform vol. 11 (1858) by the Longley Brothers
Spelling reformists seek to standardize spelling and orthography to make learning written language easier. Although there have been English language reformists for centuries, spelling reform as a movement grew in popularity in 1800s United States. Reformists of this era include Noah Webster of Merriam-Webster fame, who developed an early American English dictionary, and Isaac Pitman, who developed the Pitman Shorthand for writing efficiently in English.
Type of the Times was a newspaper in Cincinnati, Ohio, during the mid-1800s that advocated for a spelling reform that used Cincinnati Phonotypy, an alphabet based on English phonemes. Elias Longley, the publisher, believed that a standardized orthography would increase written literacy and lead to a more democratic society. In addition to advocating for spelling reform, Type of the Times published articles on education, abolition, women's suffrage, and other reformist topics.
Type of the Times was published in a mix of traditional English orthography and Cincinnati Phonotypy. A sample of articles in the phonotype are included below. Can you read them?
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("Michigan Phonetic Convention" pg. 66, "What is Slavery?" pg. 93, "The Love of Home" pg. 35, "A Word to the Wise" pg. 130)
To find out more on Cincinnati Phonotypy and spelling reforms, check out:
English Phonotypic Alphabet Wikipedia article
Elias Longley's First Phonetic Reader (1851)
"Spelling Reform, Phonetic Type, and Woman Suffrage" by Katherine Durack (2020)
The Browne Popular Culture Library (BPCL), founded in 1969, is the most comprehensive archive of its kind in the United States.  Our focus and mission is to acquire and preserve research materials on American Popular Culture (post 1876) for curricular and research use. Visit our website at https://www.bgsu.edu/library/pcl.html.
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thepeebles5 · 7 months
The Peebles Corporation
Website: https://peeblescorp.com/ Address: 1691 Michigan Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139 The Peebles Corporation is one of the largest hotel developers and land development companies. With a portfolio of over 10 million square feet and $8 billion in active and completed projects across major cities, their success through public and private partnerships is unmatched. As one of the largest multifamily developers, they prioritize construction excellence, sustainability, historic preservation, and innovative design for transformative outcomes. Recognized as one of the most acclaimed black-owned property management companies, The Peebles Corporation has become one of the largest multifamily developers in the US. #Real Estate Development#hotel developers#hotel development#land development companies#property developer#commercial property development LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-peebles-corporation
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buzzwiremediamiusa · 7 months
BuzzWire Media: Your Premier Michigan Media Agency for Digital Excellence
Located at 6528 Commerce Dr, Westland, MI 48185, BuzzWire Media is a cornerstone in the Michigan media landscape, offering a comprehensive array of digital solutions aimed at enhancing your brand's online presence. Our website, www.buzzwiremedia.com, serves as a gateway to our diverse services, including web design, branding solutions, video production, and photography services, ensuring your digital needs are fully met.
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We pride ourselves on our in-house media studio, equipped to offer digital strategy, website development, and creative branding services. Our focus on SEO-friendly and user-experience-driven web design guarantees a functional, responsive website across all devices.
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BuzzWire Media specializes in creating unique brand identities, providing customized web solutions, and producing professional video content. Our digital advertising strategies and website optimization services are crafted to enhance your online visibility and drive impactful results.
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At BuzzWire Media, we view ourselves as more than just a media agency; we are your partners in digital growth. Offering a wide range of services from brand development to online marketing, we bring the expertise needed for your brand to thrive online.
Choose BuzzWire Media for a blend of creativity, innovation, and strategic insight. Visit our website or our Westland office to begin your journey towards digital transformation with a partner committed to your brand's success.
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