I'm going to draw my OCs with self harm scars. I understand if you don't like it. that's fine. but telling me that I should stop because it's too violent is stupid.
giving my fictional characters self harm scars is how I cope. the alternative is cutting myself.
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hands are hard!
anyway, here's Kat, my doggirl OC
might make a few edits still. but I'm happy with where it's at rn
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You hate yourself so loudly. You hate yourself at the top of your lungs. Your loathing for yourself permeates your speech. “Sorry I’m just rambling.” “Don’t worry about it.” “Just ignore me.” “Sorry if I’m annoying you.” “Sorry I don’t make sense.” “Sorry about that.” Sorry, sorry, sorry. You act as if you have to beat everyone else to the punch. As if the punching bag is you. If you hate yourself first, if you hate yourself loudest, then nobody will hurt you. You clapped your hands over your ears and shut your eyes and balled yourself up so that you’d never have to experience people’s loathing for you. And it meant you never heard their love. You drowned it out. You screamed your hatred over it. And you never got to hear it. 
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boys r like sex dolls that make pretty noises like "nonono stop" and "that hurts"
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you know, mutt, I was talking to some friends today and they asked about you. it's true! they wanted to know how you were doing, whether or not you're okay. they were so surprised when I showed them those polaroids I took of you last week. you remember, right? when you tried to fight back and I kicked your ribs blue? I keep them in my wallet, I just like looking at them too much. do you want to know what your friends said when I showed them? they were so surprised, shocked even. they said they couldn't imagine someone looking so perfect huddled up in a basement corner like that. in fact, some of them were so impressed that they wanted to come see for themselves. i hope you're ready for a little extra playtime today, mutt. I think some of your old friends might get as addicted to hurting you as I am---don't worry, you know I don't like to share too much. they only get to use your holes, no cutting allowed. they only get to watch me do that. now stop your fucking crying and get ready to greet your friends, okay?
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All the love in the world to using degrading terms and insults when you violate somebody but there’s something so juicy and poignant about using loving and intimate terms. Calling them love and dear and pet while you fuck and beat them and they cry and sob and try to fight you off is so. Whoof
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Saw a post yesterday demanding more text posts talking about fucking trans women, trans women on the receiving end of smut and kink and sex, and not just having them be Mommy. Here u go
Do you know how hot it is to use a magic wand on trans girls who have a hard time getting hard? They think it's gonna be a hassle, that it'll take forever and that their body is going to be difficult-- nope. Not with this thing.
Step one: hold her in one hand, and squeeze the middle of her cock, making a tiny cock ring with your fingers to trap all the blood at the tip. That's all you really need, just enough space to press against the vibrator.
Step two: take the vibe and press it against all sides of her, see where it's most sensitive and keep circling slowly. If you don't care for kink and you don't do edging, they'll be ready to come in under a minute if you find the right spot-- yes this includes people on antidepressants and beta blockers and meds that make it way harder to cum. I promise.
Step three: fuck with her (if you're both into it). Turn the wand off at random. Make her announce every time she's close. Put it on the less sensitive spots and make her beg for the right spot. Make her hold herself so you have a free hand to put your fingers in her mouth. Edge her for an hour. See what sounds she makes when she's forgotten about voice dysphoria because the sex is too good. See if you can make her cum twice. Put the vibe on her perineum in between edging her and make her p spot light up until she feels like she's gonna cum from that.
Bonus points for all of this in restraints so she's at your mercy and can't do a damn thing unless you say so 💕
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Hey who wants to be stupid enough to let me get them alone
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clicker training but the clicker is my open hand against your face
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"make me" she says, knowing full well that it will take her Master less than fifteen seconds to pin her to the ground, their boot pressing into the back of her head, her arms folded across her back, as she's crying into the carpet begging for forgiveness, and her Master leans down and seductively whispers into her ear in their deep seductive voice "you're so pathetic when you pretend to disobey"
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When the hot goth girl is nice enough to make me coffee after she kept me up all night fucking my boyfriend ❤️❤️❤️
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branding is hot af and im tired of pretending like it isnt
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problematic yuri this and problematic yuri that
can i not just enjoy my problematic yuri in peace?? sorry that you're not as cool and fun as me 🤧
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something that might be really nice is like a sorta Master/slave dynamic where they have like a bunch of hand signals and silent commands. like snapping their fingers and tapping on their wine glass twice and stuff. and everyone else thinks it means "do this task for me" and "get me a refill, slave" and "kneel for me" and stuff.
but actually we had discussed before that every time they snap their fingers, it's not them telling me to do something. it's them telling me that I'm loved and cared for. every tap, every point, every silent gesture, it all means "you're safe here. don't worry. everything is fine."
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Photography by Catherine Opie, 1999
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