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LMH ~ Date With Death
gif by: @loeyxluv
NonIdol! AU
Lee Know | Lee Minho x Reader x Platonic! Hwang Hyunjin
Genre: Angst, Crack, Tiny bit of fluff if you squint
Trigger Warnings: Somewhat graphic descriptions of death
Word Count: 4598
A/N: #NotProofread #WeDyingLikeMEN
A/N: For my love, @okayseungmin because I know how much she loves #WeDyingLikeMEN fics, I love you so much, I hope you’re well, I miss you so much <3
Dancing was always your passion. For as long as you remembered, you enjoying moving your body to rhythm of songs. The way you felt when the music flowed through your body was exhilarating. You hummed to yourself, nodding softly to the beat of the bassline reverberating through your ear drums from your earbuds.
It is in the late hours of the afternoon and you were dancing on stage in the empty auditorium. It became a habit of yours to come by afterschool to just dance. Little did you know, you had an admirer from afar.
You jumped a bit on the spot feeling the stage floor colliding with the balls of your feet relaxing your muscles and loosening your legs. The old stage creaked and moaned under your warmups. Heavy edm and bass were vibrating in your ears. You were in a mood for a more arduous routine. Once your joints and limbs were loosened up, you went at it. Fast and precise movements, intricate and hard hitting footwork, even some acrobatics. The worn wood of the stage struggled to hold itself together after years of use. After a heavy landing, the wood frame and support finally snapped and splintered under the impact. Instinctively, you let out a scream when you felt your foot and ankle become swallowed by the floor and feeling yourself collapsing through the weak wood. You hit your head in the process as you land flat on your back under the stage. You let out a loud groan of pain as you felt your limbs burn and throb from the impact.
"Wow, that was a nasty spill," a male voice chuckled out.
You jolted in surprise from the sudden voice. The action sent you groaning in pain. You felt your head sting and throb from where it impacted with the stage.
"Did it hurt?" the man smiled with a gummy smile.
You cracked an eye open to meet the dark haired man before you. He smiled at you wholeheartedly as he sat there cross legged.
Your head throbbed in protest as you press a palm to the forming bump.
"Noooooo," you responded sarcastically. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"I meant when you fell from heaven?" The male smirked.
"Very funny," you huffed. "Who the fuck are you? And why are you sitting beneath the stage? Are you a troll?"
"I prefer a being from the upside down."
"Nerd," you huffed.
"I'm Lee Know. Now," he paused, perking up a bit and pulled his crossed legs closer to him with his hands. "I gave you something of mine, now you have to do the same in return."
"You're not getting my name that easily," you stood up slowly and dusted yourself off.
"How about you give me your heart?" He smiled. The smile he gave was genuine with no signs of ill intent or mischievousness. Even so, you can't help but deadpan at the male.
"I don't even know who you are," you pulled yourself out of the hole and hoisted yourself back up on the stage.
"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" Lee Know smiled fondly at you.
"Again, Lee Know? How was the crawl up from hell? Because you are insufferable," you grimaced, walking away.
Lee Know smirked at your turned back and he followed close behind joining you at your side.
"What do you want?" you rolled your eyes at the man.
"Just wanna talk," he grinned.
You scoffed in response.
"Do you like raisins?"
You stopped in place and faced him with your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"What kind of question is that? That isn't someone you would ask for small talk."
Lee Know shrugged. "Guess raisins isn't really your style. How about a date?"
"Oh. My. God!" you exclaimed annoyed. "I can't believe you."
"Ok ok, I'm sorry," Lee Know laughed, his eyes crinkled from his large smile. "On a more serious note though. My phone's being a spaz lately. Can you check it out?"
Lee Know rummaged through his pant pockets to pull out the mobile device and handed it to you.
"I guess, what's your problem?" you examined the phone front and back. It didn't look to be too too damage save the one long thin crack that traveled from the bottom left corner to the top right corner. It didn't look to be too serious where it affected the screen. His lock screen display of 3 cats also proved the screen was functioning perfectly fine. You couldn't help but crack a smile at the adorable furry displays.
"I think it's broken because it doesn't have your number."
You dropped Lee Know's phone on the spot without hesitation.
"Dude, check out this new shirt I got. It was on a nice hot sale of like 5 bucks," Lee Know laughed.
"Nice," you replied monotonously without sparing him a glance.
Now a days, you've been spending more time with Lee Know. It turns out that the empty auditorium was both your escape from the stress of life and school. You would mind your own business dancing with earbuds in and Lee Know would sit in one of the many rows of seats, lounging his feet on the seat in front of him and typing away at his phone.
"Dude, seriously check out the material. I had really low expectations due to the price."
"What is it made out of?" you asked, taking a bite out of your apple.
Lee Know set aside the lunch tray to give you a clearer view of his shirt. He looked down with a slight pout as he pulled at the material. He let out a stifled laughed as he looked up to you.
"Boyfriend material," he grinned, obviously proud of his pick up line.
"Ah, I see," you paused momentarily. "Clingy and annoying to deal with."
"Have you started on your computer science project yet?" Lee Know asked, taking a bite out of his macaroni and cheese, totally ignoring your remark.
"Not yet, I was going to do it tomorrow."
"It's due the day after." Lee Know frowned, crossing his arms.
"Procrastination at its finest," you shrugged.
"You want to work on it today at the library then? Like after lunch?" Lee Know offered.
"Yeah, sure. Because I know I'm not going to do it when I get home. Hopefully a computer would be free."
"You could rent out a laptop," Lee Know informed.
"You could do that?"
"Yeah, you just need your library card."
"Oh, dang. I don't have mine on me," you sighed, your shoulders slumped in defeat.
"I have mine. Thank god I do, because I need it to check you out."
"You're seriously annoying, you know that right?" you spat, glaring at him.
"But you love me," he hummed, smirking at you and rested his chin in the palm of his hand as he leaned forward to look deep into your eyes.
"As if. What do you want, so you can shut up," you grumbled.
"A date. Just one. That's all I ask for," Lee Know looked at you with pleading eyes.
You let out a dry chuckle.
"As if. I wouldn't go out with you unless you were the last person on Earth," you glared at him. You grabbed your backpack, slinging it over your shoulder and grabbing your lunch tray before turning to leave.
Lee Know gazed at your turned back with a prominent frown on his face. His eyes held a deep sadness and a familiar clenching pain bubbled within his chest.
You sighed to yourself. You almost felt bad rejecting him in that manner in the canteen in front of other people who probably witnessed your outburst. You weren't entirely opposed to the idea of going out on a date with him to get to know him better. Something about him was alluring. Maybe it was his perfectly styled black hair and parted bangs. Maybe it was his cat like features and a feline like gummy smile. Maybe it was the sound of his laughter and the sight of him doubling over in laughter as his eyes squinted shut and tear up.
Not only that, Lee Know was actually pleasant to talk to when he didn't use bad pick up lines every other sentence. You found out that you both share the same interest and passion for dance. Like you, he had been dancing ever since he could walk. You enjoyed the random freestyle dances you both would do almost everyday. You were impressed at his skill. Never would you have thought he would be a dancer as well.
If only he wasn't so damn annoying with his pick up lines.
A car pulled up in front of you and rolled down the passenger side window. Within revealed a casual dressed man with dark locks looking at you questioningly.
"Uber for Y/N?" the dark hair male asked from the driver seat.
"Yea, thanks," you smiled politely.
The male smiled softly in return and briefly stepped out. He did a light jog to your side and opened the door for you in the back and gestured for you in.
"Thank you," you bowed your head in thanks, stepping into the car.
"This address, correct?" the male showed you the display on his phone after he returned back to the driver's seat to double check that the address you inputted in your request was correct.
"Yes, that's correct," he nodded in response and started heading towards your desired destination.
"Thank you so much," you stated stepping out of the car and gathering your material.
"No problem, if you ever need a lift, feel free to call again," the man smiled.
Pulling out your earbuds and inserting them into your ear, you played a random song from your playlist. Suddenly, you heard loud tire screeching and honking. You let out a sudden yelp when the loud familiar sound of impact ripped out through the air. With your heart hammering in your chest, you whipped around. The sight before you were two cars that were totaled, one of which was your Uber driver's with the driver side of the car extremely indented in. You could see faint trails of red seeping out of the impact. The other car who had ran the red light had the front of the car done in. The driver of the car was slumped over the wheel. It appeared the airbag hadn't gone off so his head was split open and bleeding. His dull dead eyes seemed to be staring at you as you let out a loud scream.
Suddenly, you were pulled into someone's arms as they turned you away from the sight and clamping a hand over your eyes.
"Shhh, don't look. Don't look," Lee Know's comforting voice whispered into your ear. He pulled you closer to his chest as you heaved and sobbed. The last thing you heard was Lee Know dialing the authorities to report a car crash before you were lost within your sobs.
With a protective arm around your shoulder, Lee Know led you into a cafe that was quite a bit from the crash. You were still sobbing and shaking in his arms. He held you up as your knees occasionally buckled and your legs gave out.
"Move," a gruff voice rang out as he shoved your shaken form into Lee Know.
"Hey, asshole! Watch where you're going!" Lee Know spat at the man. The man turned revealing him to be none other than Han Jisung with a scowl in his face. He and two other practically ruled the school. They were called 3RACHA, they were practically untouchable and every lady wants them and every men want to be them.
"Then don't stand there," Jisung mockingly remarked and waltzed into the cafe without another care in the world.
"Asshole," Lee Know grumbled under his breath watching the jock head into the hallways leading to the back.
Lee Know fished out his wallet and pulled out a couple of bills and placed them into your shaking hands.
"Buy yourself some hot chocolate, ok? Find a seat for the both of us too. I need to use the restroom real quick," he said in a soft voice.
You sniffled and nodded slowly. You watched Lee Know for a bit as he walked off to the back towards the hallway with a hanging sign labelled restrooms.
"Hey, welcome to Yellow Woods… cafe. Y/N?" the sound of the barista's voice saying your name made you jump for a bit. You turned to him and it was Hwang Hyunjin, himself. He was your dance partner for your dance classes every other day, but worked part time as a barista after school. He mentioned he worked part time after school a few times when you tried to set up a convenient time for you both to practice your dance routine or just to dance in general, but he never really said what his job was.
"Are you alright?!" Hyunjin ran around the counter to hold you steady by the shoulders. "Y/N talk to me, you're pale as a sheet and you're shaking so much."
"I'm not… I'm not ready to talk about it," you whispered out, your voice betraying you. The image of the impact and the two dead drivers were still fresh in your mind. You couldn't help but feel that, if you decided to go straight home, you would've in that crash as well. You could've possibly died. Your eyes welled up at the scary thought. You always feared death, so you lived life to the fullest.
"Ok… ok…" he spoke out softly and slowly to not overwhelm you. "You know, you can talk to me whenever you feel ready."
You nodded softly.
"Do you need anything?"
"Just… two hot chocolates…" you whispered out and you held out the bills Lee Know handed you with shaky hands.
Hyunjin gently clasped your shaky hands in between his much larger ones.
"No need. It's on the house. It's the least I could do," Hyunjin smiled softly, prompting you to smile back.
"Uhh," Lee Know's voice rang out through the air. He gazed at both your clasped hands as you smiled at each other in close proximity with an unreadable expression.
Hyunjin quickly released your hands and turned to him.
"Hello, you both can choose anywhere you like," Hyunjin stood to the side and gestured to the empty seats with an arm outstretched. "Your drinks will be ready in a minute."
Lee Know nodded and led you to a corner seat under the sun's rays. You sighed in content feeling the warmth of the sun.
"You alright?" He asked softly.
Not trusting your voice, you nodded.
"Here are your drinks," Hyunjin came over with two mugs of hot chocolate, each dolloped with a neat swirl of whipped cream. He gently set the mug in front of you both and pulled out a couple of napkins from his apron and setting it before you both.
You both thanked him as he walked away.
"So… who was that?" Lee Know didn't want to intrude or sound imposing, but he believed it was a better option to get your mind off of things with small talk.
"He's Hyunjin, my dance partner in class," you spoke, cupping the mug in your hands feeling the warmth spreading to your fingertips. "We're not that close, but he's a nice person with a big heart. We tried to get together and dance for the hell of it afterschool, but he's always busy with his job."
"I see, we could dance together if you want?" Lee Know offered with a small smile.
You let out a small huff after taking a small sip of your beverage. "You seemed perfectly fine being occupied by your phone every time we're there."
"I was typing out a paper about the finer things in life. You know because I don't procrastinate like you," Lee Know chuckled.
You shook your head at his attack.
"I was wondering if I could interview you," Lee Know grinned.
"Oh my gooodddd, stop," you whined.
Lee Know smiled at you fondly. He couldn't help but find your whine absolutely adorable. You both spent the rest of the time chatting away the rest of the afternoon with small talk and many many bad pickup lines. Lee Know helped get your mind off of the gruesome accident. The sun began to set behind the horizon. The fading light dyed the skies and clouds a brilliant mix of red and orange as the birds began to settle for the day.
Taking that as a cue to leave, Lee Know spoke up. "It's getting late. Do you want me to walk you home?"
"Yes, please," you whispered.
Lee Know nodded as you both stood up with the empty mugs in your hands as you headed to Hyunjin at the front counter.
"You didn't have to bring it up," Hyunjin spoke out, taking the mugs in his hands.
"It's alright. We don't mind," you whispered out. "I'll see you tomorrow, ok?"
"I'll see you tomorrow," Hyunjin stood up to hug you over the counter. Hyunjin turned away with the mugs in his hands to place them in the sink. When he did, he felt a wave of fatigue wash over him and he suddenly became very dizzy. His legs stumbled a bit as he dropped one of the mugs, the glass shattering on the tiled floor. His other hand flew to the counter to catch his balance.
"H-hyunjin!" you called out grasping his arm gently.
Hyunjin blinked rapidly and shook his head lightly to get rid of the dizziness. He turned to you and let out a lighthearted laugh.
"Whew. Stood up too quickly and got dizzy," he laughed, turning away and placing the other mug in the sink and grabbing a broom to broom away the broken pieces of glass.
"Are you ok?" you asked.
"Yea, I'll see you tomorrow, ok?" Hyunjin smiled warmly and turned his attention back to brooming away the broken glass.
Once Lee Know and you were gone and after he heard the bell on the door ringing as you left, Hyunjin frowned. Hyunjin let out a whine of pain. His hand flew to his hammering chest. The pain felt unbearable. His lungs and heart felt constricted as if his rib cage was contracting and squeezing him from the inside through and through. He let out a shaky gasp as he reached for the counter trying to catch his breath. His legs gave out sending him forward into the counter and ultimately falling to the floor. His flail arms sending most of the items on the counter top to the floor as well. Hyunjin convulced and shook on the floor, his eyes rolled to the back of the head as drool came out of his lips before falling limp with his mouth wide open in a silent scream.
Coincidentally in a similar position, in back restroom in one of the stalls was Han Jisung. From the outside, you could see his spread legs and a hanging arm, but within, Jisung shared a similar fate. He was slumped over the toilet with his head thrown back. His eyes were wide open with his pupils rolled fully to the back of his head and his mouth was slightly gaped open.
The police couldn't detect any foul play. No sort of abnormal physical trauma, so strangulation wasn't an option. A clean tox screen so poison wasn't an option. The two males were perfectly healthy. Neither of them drank or did drugs or have any pre existing illnesses. They just… died.
Hwang Hyunjin and Han Jisung weren't unique cases. Several other people died in the same manner. There were no correlation or causation; several people were dying out of the blue with no connection to one another yet it all seem to gravitate closer and closer to home.
"Are you tired?" Lee Know asked with a protective arm around your shoulders.
"A little bit," you whispered.
"You must be exhausted, because you've been running in my mind all day," Lee Know laughed.
"Stooop," you whined. "You're so annoying."
You both let out a gasp once you've turned the corner on your block. Outside your house, more specifically your neighbor's house, were several emergency vehicles parked in front with some spillage over onto your front lawn.
"Wh-what happened?" you breathed out, running out of his arms towards your parents who were standing outside the barricade. Lee Know followed close behind.
"Hi, sweetie," your mom hugged you.
"Poor thing, the elderly couple have sadly passed away," your dad started. "They were pronounced dead on arrival."
"Are you alright? Who is this?" your mom asked.
"He's a friend. This is Lee-"
"Hello, I'm Lee Minho," he bowed politely introducing himself.
"Min-Minho?" you mouthed at him. He gave you a look that said to not say anything.
"He walked me home," you looked back at your mom.
"Thank you so much. Would you like to stay for dinner?"
"I don't want to intrude," Lee Know bowed apologetically.
"Nonsense, it's the least we could do for walking our child home," your dad butt in.
You both awkwardly chuckled looking at each other.
"So, what do you do, Minho?" your dad asked.
"Oh, I, uhh, I dance," Minho sputtered.
You chuckled inwardly seeing the change of personality. When Lee Know was with you, he was outgoing and confident. Lee Know now was so meek and quiet and looked ready to crap himself.
"Oh, so do you dance with Y/N, then?" your mom asked.
"Uhh, at times," Minho chuckled awkwardly.
"Yea, we do. We freestyle sometimes in the auditorium afterschool," you added on, saving Minho.
"Are you courting Y/N, Minho?" your dad asked causing you both to choke on your drinks.
The awkward silence [by Stray Kids] that followed weighed in the atmosphere. The only noise that could be heard was the clattering of the utensils across the plates and the TV in the corner of the kitchen playing the daily local news.
"... two found dead at Yellow Wood Cafe, adding onto the string of recent abnormal deaths," the newscaster stated in a neutral professional tone.
You turned your attention to the small screen in the corner that displayed the smug face of Han Jisung and the soft smiling face of Hwang Hyunjin.
"Oh my god," your hands flew to cover your gaping mouth as your face contorted and weeped. "Oh my god, Hyunjin, why?"
Hyunjin was fine when you last saw him. He was smiling and laughing just hours before save the strange dizzy spell he told you not to worry about.
"Dear? Are you ok?" your mom quickly stood from her seat. The chair leaned back and clattered against the tiled floor.
"Dad?" you called out in earnest.
Your father heaved. He stood up and slouched over coughing profusely. Parts of his dinner was caught in his throat. He hacked and choked trying to get the food item out but to no avail. His hands flew up to his throat as he clawed and scratched at the flesh there.
"Minho, call the ambulance!" your mom ordered in a panic.
Minho quickly ran to his backpack in the corner and began rummaging through his backpack.
"Lee Know!" you nagged him.
"I'm looking for it, I can't find my phone!" Lee Know stumbled over his words as he rummages through his backpack even more.
"M-mom!" you reached out.
Suddenly your mother fell to her knees as well. Her hands flew to her chest as tears ran down her cheeks. She gasped and wheezed as well. Sooner than later, both of your parents were on the ground gasping and wheezing for air.
You turned back to your parents. "Mom, dad! Stay with me!"
Tears were streaming down your face as you tried to keep yourself together. You felt your world falling apart when your father fell flat on his back, his arms falling limp at his sides as he let out a final weak breath and his eyes went dark. Your mom began convulsing and shaking. Her eyes were fully rolled to the back of her head exposing the whites of her eyes as drool dribbled down her chin. Soon, all that was left of your mom was light tremors. Mainly from her nerves, but she herself has passed on.
"No!" you wailed grabbing at your mom's shoulders and alternating between her and your dad, trying to shake them awake.
"Lee Know!" you sobbed.
Lee Know stepped within your vision. His feet came into view by your parents' heads. You looked up to him begging for him to help in anyway. You gasp looking at his blank expression. Within a hand was his backpack and with the other hand, he pulled out his mobile device.
"W-wait, so… you knew where your phone was the entire time?" you sobbed, feeling betrayed.
"Yes," he responded. His voice was unlike all the other times. His voice usually was soft, yet headstrong and passionate but lighthearted and pleasing to the ear. Now, it was as if darkness was dripping from his voice. His tone was monotone, almost cruel and cold.
"W-why?" you sobbed.
Lee Know simply released the items in his possessions, dropping it to the floor with a light clatter.
"I only did the terms you set," he smirked menacingly.
Letting out a light chuckle, Lee Know fixed his gaze on you; he tilted his head mischievously as you saw a glowing red iris peeking through his dark fringe making eye contact with your wide ones. A dark mist began flowing from the sleeves of his hoodie and his jeans. The dark fog surrounded his body and seemed to condense and come together to something similar to distressed fabric. The dark black fabric draped over his body loosely as a hood formed around his head. His menacing red eyes stared you down as the flesh of his face seemed to dissipate into fog exposing bits of bone underneath. Finally, within his hands, a long dark scythe appeared. The blade was rounded and curved made with what appeared to be a fine silver with the hilt delicate curved.
"W-what are you?" you sobbed out, crawling away from him. Fear wracked your body as your heart hammered in your chest.
"Me?" Lee Know chuckled. "I'm the grim reaper."
"Why? Why are you doing this?"
"You already know why," he let out a sultry chuckle.
You let out a loud gasp. Your eyes widen as you felt your heart skipped a beat. The entire world seemed to weigh down on you and you found it difficult to move a single limb.
"I'd always admired you from afar. I was always nearby anticipating your impending death, but watching you on that stage reminded me of… me. You reminded me of the days where I danced on stage, before I died… from the accident," Lee Know paused, as if he was grieving over his lost life. "You would've died as well, you should have died if it weren't for my interference. When you fell, your head came into contact with one of the supporting beams, breaking your neck, but I saved you."
You finally realized upon looking at his sickly smile.
"Now, I did this favor of saving your from death. It is only fair if I get what I want, yes?"
"I wouldn't go out with you unless you were the last person on Earth."
#Stray kids#skz#stray kids angst#stray kids lee know#skz lee know#lee know#lee minho#stray kids imagines#stray kids x reader#lee know x reader#hwang hyunjin#stray kids hyunjin#skz hyunjin#WeDyingLikeMen
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YJI ~ The Collapse
Not proofread, TODAY WE DIE LIKE MEN. (This is high key my new catchphrase)
Also, thanks tumblr for not showing the gifs I want so idk who the original poster was
District 9 AU ~ Same AU as my Seungmin one, you don’t need to read it to understand this, but it gives out more information about District 9
Genre: Angst
I wanted to keep it gender neutral, but I’m not that great of a writer to write it in a POV to keep it gender neutral so... yea. I left it at Noona/Hyung, to cater to both audiences?
In this world, after the fall after the world fell apart, all natural life have suffered and waned. Mere grass was a rarity and the people were all herded and separated into different districts. Some districts are insufferable and practically unliveable. People would rather die than live there, there were also districts where the people would just get killed off.
The sorting always happens from people gathered from outside the walls or just plucking people from preexisting overcrowding districts. You were fortunate enough to manage to change lines during the sorting. The sorting was chaos as more and more people are herded into the small crowded checkpoint.
"Noona/Hyung?" a small voice squeaked, the boy held onto the fabric of your white hoodie tightly. Even though he towered over you, Yang Jeongin was your precious baby brother.
You both were originally sorted into the line for District 9. You heard horror stories about District 9. That particular district was hell on earth. Many of those got sent there, none returned to tell the tale. Rumors had it that it was one of the purging districts where the people will just get killed off with no prior notice, but no one can say for sure. Only god knew.
Your heart dropped to your stomach when both you and Jeongin were sorted out into the District 9 line. You could not let your precious baby brother live through that hell. You promised him a better life after your parents died during the fall.
The checkpoint was jam packed with people who still had a hold of their agency. When a large mass of people who still had the ability to feel for themselves knew they were herded towards certain death, certain chaos would arise. Amidst all the screaming, the protests, the pushing and pulling, all the violence and chaos, you managed to slip yourself and Jeongin into a different line to a more favorable district. Any district would be better than District 9.
“Keep holding onto me, Innie,” you ordered. The boy nodded following your command as he pressed his body closer to yours, his hands gripping your hoodie tightly.
You both find yourselves near the front of the line as a man stood before you. His face was fully covered by a mask and transparent goggles so only his eyes were shown. On the top of his head, he was wearing a white helmet that matched the rest of his clothing. You gulped when you made notice of the stun baton he had in his hand with his arms crossed.
“Name?” he asked. His gruff voice was muffled and muted by his mask.
Putting your hand on the small of Jeongin’s back you pushed him forward gently. Jeongin audibly gulped as he side stepped your hand to cower his body further behind you.
“Yang Jeongin,” you stated for your brother grabbing his sleeve to pull him forward. You could see the man’s eyes looking at Jeongin’s cowering body as if he’s scrutinizing every nitty bitty details.
“Please,” his eyes landed back on you. “Let my baby brother in.”
The man didn’t respond. He merely nodded to the two similarly dressed men behind him. The two men pushed forward and grabbed Jeongin by both his arms. Jeongin wailed in fear and panic as he try to wretch his arms free from the harsh grip.
“Noona/Hyung!” Jeongin wailed, crying out to you.
“It’s ok, Innie,” you murmured trying to consolidate your baby brother. “Noona/Hyung will be right behind you, ok?”
Jeongin sniffled and nodded as he was pulled forward and thrown past the fence gate, the gate closing behind him.
“Noona/Hyung!” Jeongin called out, turning back and reaching for the chain link fence gate that separated the two of you.
“Move!” one of the men bellowed out, bringing the stun baton to the fence. It created a loud CRACK due to the electric shock. Jeongin yelped and jumped backward.
“Keep going, Innie,” you tried to calm him down. “It’s ok, I’m going to be right behind you.”
“Keep moving,” another man on Jeongin’s side commanded as he shoved Jeongin forward.
Jeongin hesitantly nodded as walked down the path created by stacks of large metal storage crates on either side. He occasionally looked back at you, but the man kept shoving him forward. His heart beat rapidly as his chest constricted painfully from fear and a lump formed in his throat.
Jeongin finds himself before a large and wooden gate, a dark oak of sorts that contrasted the various shades of gray surrounding it. The door looked extremely heavy, but the man pulled it open with little effort with one arm and the other gripping Jeongin’s upper arm harshly probably bruising the soft flesh. The man threw Jeongin past the gate as Jeongin fell on the dirt floor with the gate closing behind him. Jeongin fell ungracefully on the floor, his hood fell off during the fall as his white hoodie became brown and dusty from the dirt.
Jeongin looked up remaining on the ground. He finds himself at a second checkpoint of sorts. He noticed several people pushing up against each other as the overseers and guards come and attempt further separation to only allow in the most useful. The useless gets discarded. It so cramped and chaotic with all the pushing and pulling that someone actually tripped over Jeongin’s sprawled body. Jeongin quickly stood up and repeatedly bowed, apologizing profusely.
“Stupid kid,” the fallen man growled out.
“I’m sorry,” Jeongin squeaked as the man trudged away with a disapproving and disgusted grunt.
Jeongin quickly backed off to an empty spot along the wall. Jeongin hid his face within his hood as he looked down fiddling with his sweater paws. Jeongin had a tight grip on his bottom lip in between his teeth as he tried to hold back his tears. His heart dropped down to his stomach as panic wracked his body. He was alone in a strange place full of scary people and violence. He wanted, no he needed you as he whimpered. Being in your arms was like medicine, your warmth chased all his maladies away and it felt like the world was disappearing around him as he felt safe and secure in your warm embrace.
His thoughts of you were interrupted by a hand firmly latching on his forearm. Reflexively, Jeongin burst into screams as the dam he put up to hold back his tears burst open and tears flowed down his face freely. Jeongin struggled against the grip as his free hand attempted to pray away the fingers that was holding onto him.
“Innie! Innie, Innie. It’s ok. Innie, it’s me,” the voice called out soothing the frightened boy.
“Noona/Hyung?” Jeongin whimpered sniffling as he looked up to the familiar voice.
“I’m here, Innie,” you smiled gently. “I’m right here.”
Jeongin ran into your outstretched arms wrapping his around your frame as he sobbed into your neck. You rubbed circles on his back to calm down your baby brother. You pulled back slightly to cup Jeongin’s face. You looked deep into his glossy red puffy eyes,
“Stay strong, baby, ok?” you whispered. “We’re almost there, Innie, ok?”
Jeongin sniffled nodding into your hands as he wiped his snot away with his sleeve.
“Come on, we need to head through that gate,” you reached out for his hand intertwining your fingers with his.
“I’m scared.”
“I know, baby,” you caressed his cheek.
“I don’t want to die.”
“I’m not going to let that happen, Innie,” you lifted up your pinky. “I promise.”
Jeongin nodded linking his pinky with yours.
“There,” you pointed out to the open gate where they’re allowing people in.
“Lead the way, Jeongin,” you whispered to him.
Jeongin nodded in understanding. His tall figure could easily push past people while your smaller frame can stay close behind him. Jeongin gulped as he began pushing past the people. His ears felt clogged as the loud screaming and protest seemed so far away as the open gate leading into the district seemed to glow as if it’s the gates of heaven.
“Keep going, Innie,” your voice called out. “I’m right behind you.”
Jeongin could single out your voice from the crowd as it calmed his racing heart. Jeongin yelped in fear as a gunshot rang throughout the air, Jeongin froze at the sight of the overseers who were pulling aside people at random and shooting them between the eyes.
“Don’t look, Innie! Just keep going,” you pushed him forward towards the gate away from the scene.
His heart was racing once more as adrenaline pulsed through his veins. He grabbed and pulled at the people before him and shoving them out of the way as Jeongin continue to press forward towards the gate. He ignored their cries, the gunshots, the screams, ignoring everything.
“Don’t stop, Innie. Don’t stop!” your voice gave him the confidence and adrenaline rush to keep pushing past the people and swallowing his fear.
Jeongin’s heart would skip a beat whenever an overseer would get too close to him. The guards would grab a person next to Jeongin, in front, behind and even those Jeongin shoved aside. With tears flowing down his face, he pushed for the open gate ignoring the many people pushing him with the same goal. He was so close. He was so very close. Once he’s through the gate, he’ll be safe.
Jeongin failed to notice that within the chaos, he had been separated from his noona/hyung.
Jeongin exclaimed happily as he was practically home free past the gate. He sprinted down the street as far from the gate as he can as he ducked behind a corner and celebrated with a bright smile.
“We did it! Noona/Hyung! We made...” Jeongin trailed off turning around not seeing you behind him.
“Noona/Hyung?” Jeongin’s voice cracked.
“NOONA/HYUNG!” he screamed out running back towards the gate. The many people barreling in tried to push past him and even grabbing him to prevent him from re-entering the chaos in the checkpoint. Jeongin sobbed as he tossed aside their hands.
“Noona/Hyung!” Jeongin called out as the familiar fear and panic settled back in.
“Has anyone seen my Noona/Hyung?” Jeongin wailed as the people tried to push past him.
They all gazed at him in pity understanding his pain of separation, they too lost someone close to them amidst the chaos. No one could provide aid, nor did they want to. They had to fight for their own survival. After all, it was every man for themselves.
“Please,” Jeongin sobbed pulling at people’s hoods trying to find the familiar face.
Outside the gate, at the checkpoint,
Screams and wails were heard echoing as people were pulled aside being gunned down.
On the cold dirt ground, that is rapidly being tainted and painted red,
You lie there, along with many others,
With hooded eyes and a slack jaw
With a singular bullet hole shot straight in between your eyes.
#stray kids#skz#stray kids i.n#skz i.n#yang jeongin#stray kids angst#stray kids imagines#notproofread#WeDyingLikeMEN
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Next #WeDyingLikeMEN fic
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SCB ~ Shifting Tides
Mafia! + Gangster! AU
Gangster! Changbin x F! Gangster! Reader x Mentioned! Woojin x Mentioned! Chan x Mentioned! Lee Know
Genre: Angst
Trigger Warnings: Drugs, Alcohol, Non Graphic Sexual Content, Slightly Graphic Depictions of Violence, Death, Rape, Self Harm, Kidnapping, Torture
Word Count: 8.5k
A/N: #NotProofread #WeDyingLikeMEN
A/N 2: Also kinda slow burn, because I’m not good at pacing lmao.
A/N 3: Title kinda doesn’t relate, but if you know, you know. I can’t wait for the next season.
A/N 4 (I’ll shut up after this dw): I did not like how it turned out because I hella rushed the ending. I wanted to get this beefy boy done and over with so… sorry if it wasn’t that great.
In life, there are limits. There are boundaries, fine lines that should never be crossed. But in a selfish world, the selfish succeeds. They thrive within the blurred lines that have been smudged and smeared to a gray area between black and white. However, is black and white really so different? Is it simply one is good and one is bad?
The color black can produce feelings of emptiness, gloom, sadness and rebellion. The color black is also affiliated with animosity, malicious intent and evil. Black can also symbolize fear or the unknown. In mainstream media, the bad guy is usually depicted donning black clothing and the good guy is in white. But is white as virtuous as it seems?
White is a visually loud color. It is hard to miss. White can be blinding and can cause headaches. It is also affiliated with coldness and loneliness. White could also be an emotional detachment or a complete cleansing and purge.
But what they both have in common, is to never judge a book by its cover.
It was a typical Friday night for you. Dark nights, crowded rooms packed with people, blaring music and flashing lights. You were feeling particularly randy that night. Boosted with liquid confidence, you adjust your wayyyy too short body hugging white dress. The dress seemed to hang dangerously low on your bust and is riding high up your thighs, leaving your rack on full display and your undergarment is barely peeking out. Your dress was riddled with many gems, rhinestones and glitter that almost made it appear as if you were glowing under the many lights of the bustling club.
Giggling to yourself, you drank the amber color liquid from your glass. You hummed pleasantly from the strong sweet rambunctious flavor and the light burning down your throat. Your head was swimming from the light buzz you were feeling as you let yourself go on the dancefloor raising your glass.
It was one of those nights where you could feel the pent up frustration residing over you like an elephant keeping you pinned down under its large foot. You needed release and what’s a better way to release pent up stress other than sex? As you were swaying your hips sensually to the flow of the song, your eyes were searching for a physically attractive man that could make you forget the maladies of your past week. Your heart swelled with pride from the several men eyeing you like a piece of candy with their bottom lip captured between their teeth. You recognized a select few, but you were sworn to only affiliating yourself to each man once. Commitment wasn’t your style, you had too much to lose. You’d rather let whatever drunken feelings dissipate by morning’s light.
You recognized a cute faced honey brown haired male. He sat in a booth by himself with distant eyes that glanced at different points of interests of the club. You couldn’t remember his name, Woo.. Woo-something, not that you cared enough to remember. Sex with him was pleasantly surprising. You were expecting a bashful innocent boy judging from his face, but he was a sex god that packed quite a punch below the belt. Your eyes nearly rolled out of your sockets seeing him in all his glory. He really fucked you dumb with his magnum dick.
Another person you recognized was a guy with crispy blond hair. Black seemed to be a natural color for him; the dark leather complimented his pale skin perfectly. You couldn’t really put a finger on anything remotely close to his name. You only remember the thick Australian accent he had. His doesn’t compare to the size of the first, but him being vocal in bed made up for it. He wasn’t much of a moaner, more of a power trip dirty talker. His accent made it all the more worth it. You could still hear his sultry “Babygirl” being whispered in your ear and it sent chills down your spine.
The last guy you recognized was the blue haired performer on the club stage. He wore a skimpy outfit: a long sleeved crop top and a matching black booty shorts. The way he danced around that pole was so fluid, you wondered if he even had any bones. You only remembered his name because of how dumb it was. What kind of name was Lee Know anyway? Initially, you absolutely refused to moan out his dumb name, but how he used his stick when he dicked you down was jaw dropping. It’s probably because of his damn dancer hips.
You were currently being courted by this much older guy who reeks of alcohol, but you had a much higher standard. Your eyes caught a glimpse of this dark guy. He sat next to the Aussie. His body was facing you on the stool. His legs were wide open practically inviting you in between them, but his upper body was twisted and turned to face the same direction as the Aussie who was sitting with his back facing towards you. You rebuffed the older man who had his hands on your hips and is licking your neck, walking out of his grasp without sparing him a second glance. You stood in between the man dressed in full black’s legs and leaned forward, resting your hands on his thighs making sure to show off your rack. The male quickly whipped his upper body to face you with wide eyes.
“Damn, babygirl,” the Aussie noticed your presence as well and gave a quick slap on your ass.
“Not tonight, baby boy,” you smirked with your eyes still glued to the handsome man before you.
The Aussie huffed as turned away taking another swig of his drink. You eyed the man before you. His dark hair was delicately tucked under his black cap. He wore a tight black tee that accentuates his broad and tone chest. He also had a leather jacket slung over one of his legs.
“Do you have a weapons license? Because look at these guns,” you chuckled feeling his broad muscles on his thick arms.
The man scoffed with a small smile obviously amused by your attempts at flirting.
“Not bad,” he smirked. Your ears buzzed hearing his raspy and rough voice. “You’re not so bad yourself.” Changbin chuckled reaching behind and roughly grabbed your thighs and pulled you onto his lap. You teased him a bit by grinding your clothed heat against his thigh.
“So your place or mine, handsome?” you inquired, biting your lip and running a finger along his fly.
“Mine, it’s closer,” he whispered kissing along your neck.
You hummed in delight. “Shall we be off then?”
Changbin nodded softly, putting his hands on your hips and lifted you up slowly. He slapped the Aussie’s shoulder to signify that he was leaving. In an act of chivalry, he led you out of the bustling club with a hand on the small of your back and pushing away any drunk guys who’s trying to grab at you. Once you both were outside and the door closed behind you. The loud music transitioned to muffled noise. You shivered when you felt the cool breeze. It seemed as if a storm was coming in. Changbin then decadently draped his leather jacket over your exposed shoulders.
“So chivalry isn’t dead,” you chuckled.
“I’m not as bad as I look,” Changbin smirked outstretching an arm, pointing the direction of his apartment.
“I haven’t seen you around. You new to this area?”
“No, I actually frequent the club every week. You’re there every time,” Changbin chuckled, pulling out a cigarette and placing it within his lips. He offered the box to you with a cig protruding out.
“And you’ve done nothing about it? I’m not that alluring to you?” you smirked accepting his cigarette and placing it between your lips as well. You both leaned forward so the ends touch. Changbin covered the connection with his hand as he lit both cigs simultaneously.
He took one long drag of the cig and exhaling out the smoke. “I don’t take advantage of women.”
“How quaint.”
Once the doors have closed, all bets were off. Changbin has pinned you against his door as lips are met in a heated kiss with clashing teeth. You immediately shrugged off your (his) jacket, letting the leather material fall to the floor. Your hands flew to his belt and began loosening the material as he hiked up your already too short dress to get full access to your bottom.
“Are you gonna lead me to a bed or are you going to fuck me on this doorway, handsome?” you smirked, pulling away momentarily to catch a breath. He let out a guttural growl before hoisting you in his arms with his hands supporting your knees.
You both collapsed on the sheets as he pulled up the cover to drape over both your sweaty bodies.
“I never did catch your name,” he turned to face you, resting his head in his hand.
“Y/N,” you spoke out. “What about you, handsome?”
“SpearB,” he spoke out pridefully.
“Oh, so you’re CB97’s guy?” you smirked looking deep into his eyes.
His expression fell as his gaze darkened.
“You…know about us?” Changbin growled out threateningly.
“Only by name, it’s nice to put a face to it though,” you giggled patting his cheek softly. You sat up, swinging your legs off the edge of the bed and stood up, exposing your naked back in all of its glory to him. You bent down to slide on your party dress.
“Well, I shall be off. Thanks for the wild night, B,” you winked at him and tossed him your lace panty. He effortlessly caught it with his free hand. “A gift for you.”
Needless to say, you’ve caught Changbin’s attention. You were a total enigma that he desperately wanted to solve. It was icing on the cake that you were easy on the eyes as well.
“Chan hyung, do you think you can find out who that girl is?” Changbin asked leaning over Chan’s shoulder.
“Who do you think I am? CB97 is the best hacker in the underground,” Chan chuckled running his fingers through his blond hair and taking a long drag of his blunt. “Was she a good fuck?”
Changbin chuckled, “you had her before. How could you hold back this valuable information?”
“I never knew you were interested! Here, I got her,” Chan gestured Changbin to gaze at his laptop screen.
“Ally or enemy?” Changbin’s lips quirked upward gazing at the stunning picture of you.
“Amicable,” Chan clarified.
Changbin hummed in response. “I want her. There’s something about her that’s so alluring. She’s like a puzzle box that I desperately want to solve.”
“Careful, mate. Every lovely rose has its own thorns,” Chan warned.
“It’ll be fine. She has no fixed affiliation with a specific gang, she could join ours as my girl,” Changbin smirked, the air filled with his hubris.
“Alright. It seems her day cover is a barista job at Yellow Wood Cafe. You can take bus 4419 there.”
It had been almost 2 months since you last saw Changbin. Of course you knew who he was. His actual name, his face and who he was affiliated with, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you saw him around. CB97 was a true mystery though. As far as you knew, he was never seen in public and several other gangs and mafias in the area tried to gather as much info on the man, but couldn’t even get a face, not even a name.
You pulled your long hair into a high ponytail as you tie on your apron over your modest white dress shirt and black pencil skirt. It was early morning and you were the only one running the morning shift. Your coworkers would usually trickle in one by one about an hour to half before noon. There was also not that many customers, just the usual regulars. The second you see them walk in, you would get straight to work fixing up their drinks. As you served an elderly man his coffee, the hanging door bell rang as you were pouring the elderly man milk in his coffee.
“Welcome to Yellow Wood Caf…e,” you trailed off seeing the man standing in the doorway. His dark locks was slicked up exposing his forehead and showed off his intricate face. He wore clothing similar to what he had on when you saw him in the club: tight black shirt tucked into his dark jeans with fingerless leather gloves. The only thing different is that he was a very loose and worn black cotton vest. With his smirking face, it was Seo “SpearB” Changbin himself.
“For one,” he stated with his sultry voice.
“Anywhere you like,” you smiled with a plastic smile as you gestured to all the empty seats. You followed him to a corner table in the sun as he sat down in the wooden chair. You placed a menu on the table in front of him.
“No need,” he waved at the menu. “I just want coffee as dark as my soul.”
“So coffee with extra cream and sugar and a hefty amount of milk?”
Changbin spluttered choking on his saliva. “I am dark.”
“Sure,” you smirked as you walked away to pour a glass of dark coffee.
You delicately placed the glass cup before him as you took the seat in front of him.
“Why are you here?” you frowned.
“What’s wrong with going to a cafe for coffee?” he smiled innocently.
“I don’t think you’re here for coffee,” you crossed your arms at his remark.
“I don’t know what you mean,” he responded coyly.
“Of course not,” you remarked sarcastically.
“Alright, you got me,” he brought up his hands up in surrender. “I’m just here for the barista.”
“No,” you stated with finality as you left your seat.
Changbin however didn’t let that phase him. Everyday that week, Changbin frequented your cafe, coming in at the same time, ordering the same drink and sitting in the same corner table. Every single time, he wore black clothing. If you didn’t know better, you would assume he wore the exact same clothing every single time.
“You’re not going to give up, aren’t you?” you snapped, pouring him his drink.
“Please, just join my bed and lay by my side,” Changbin smirked darkly.
You huffed. “Straight to the point, huh? Fine. I’ll meet you at your apartment tonight.”
Changbin internally cheered and threw up an imaginary fist in victory. His heart and stomach did flips within him, but externally, he was calm and collected as he took another sip of his coffee.
As promised, you did show up to his apartment late at night. It was around 10 when you finally arrived. Changbin sat around anxious twiddling his thumbs fearing that you had stood him up. In reality, you were caught up in work because the café was understaffed. A few of your coworkers were feverish and never showed. You showed up still in uniform.
By the time you and Changbin had gone a couple of rounds, it was well past midnight and a storm was brewing. Lightning flashed as rain lightly pattered the window.
“Why don’t you stay the night?” Changbin offered. “A storm looks as if it’s going to come in.”
You sighed sitting up on his bed. Changbin tossed you one of his hoodies that was discarded on the ground.
“Your hoodie smells like shit,” you laughed sliding it over your naked body. You weren’t necessarily lying. The material reeked of alcohol, drugs and sex.
Changbin snorted sliding on a pair of black boxers.
“Might as well. I’ve already broken many rules staying here,” you sighed jumping back on his bed.
“What do you mean?” Changbin asked.
“I don’t sleep with guys twice and look at us now going for round 2.”
“I’m flattered. Settling with just one dick isn’t your style?” Changbin chuckled.
“Commitment isn’t my style. I don’t want to catch feelings,” you frowned looking off to the side, unable to face him.
“Why is that?” Changbin asked concerned. His voice was laced with worry and his tone suggested that he was genuinely interested. You internally rolled your eyes at your thoughts.
“You could only be betrayed if you trust. You could only be heartbroken if you love. To experience pain, you had to feel. I don’t want to go through that again…” you trailed off.
“Is this why you’re not tied with any gangs?” Changbin asked softly.
“Yes. I don’t trust people. They always end up leaving one way or another or using me.”
“I won’t leave you,” Changbin blurted out without thinking. You glared at the man after hearing his words. Even though Changbin hadn’t meant to say it, he meant it. He genuinely wanted to get to know you better.
“How can I trust you? You’re just a gangster at the end of the day,” you spat.
“Have you ever heard the saying ‘there is more honor among thieves than diplomats?’” Changbin started. “You and I both know that it holds water.”
You scoffed. He wasn’t technically wrong. Many of the gangs run on social solidarity and a sense of a brotherhood. Many people thrive on the fact that you can do stuff with your “brothers”: drink with your brothers, do drugs with your brothers, etc. It’s a way of escaping life. You, however, favor the physical relationships that would disappear by morning’s light. You let out a loud groan, thinking long and hard about Changbin’s proposal.
“Many people have hurt you. I won’t be one of them. I refuse to be a statistic.”
You stared deep within Changbin’s soul through his eyes. He seemed unphased and determined against your steel will. Not wanting to deal with his determination, you changed the subject.
“A drink isn’t going to cut it. You got any drugs?” You swung your legs over the edge of the bed as you waltzed out of his room with Changbin following suit.
“Uhh.. yea. What are you hoping for?” Changbin asked pulling out ziplock bags of drugs and setting it on the table before you. “I have a fair bit of weed and a few that will definitely fuck you up.”
“You don’t really seem like the type to do drugs,” you chuckled.
“I’m not. Just mainly weed and only then, I don’t do it much. You’re not the type to do drugs either.”
“Got me there. I’m actually planning to grab and go,” you jested lightheartedly, eliciting a laugh from him.
“Wow [by 3RACHA]. Going to make some bank off of drugs that’s not even yours. Shady.”
You laughed wholeheartedly in return.
“So,” you started off.
“So?” Changbin called off heading towards his mini fridge and grabbing two beers, handing one towards you.
“So you’ve gotten your gain. What is mine?” you asked with a hint of mischievousness laced in your voice, taking a small sip of your beer.
“You know this all underground stuff with gangs, killings, alcohol, drugs and shit. You can’t leave once you’re caught up with this shit. It just… takes control of your life. Your life isn’t yours anymore. Ya feel me?”
“Yea… I feel you,” you nodded. “Is this why you’ve never given out your actual name?”
“It’s sacred to me. It’s the only part of me I have left.”
Being alone in these sorts of dealings is way less than ideal, especially when you’re basically flying solo. You had no gang to watch over you and no family or friends to rely on. A price to pay in order to protect yourself. You would rather die alone, than die heartbroken.
Your day job did little to support you. You never would’ve predicted you would even end up in the life you’re in now. You felt pressured by the world, ready to give up. You found a way to relieve those built up tensions by many many one night stands. However, this has caused you a bit of trouble since you unintentionally riled up underground crime lords who are spoiled rotten that they can not take no for an answer and stuck with the “if I can’t have you, no one can” kind of schtick. So you learned to survive and bounce around various protections but without actually getting involved.
You were currently commissioned by one of the resident local gangs who needed your aid to ensure a highly important deal is a success. You were never told the details, just that it had to be passed. All you were told is that you were to meet up with your client's… client and trade the briefcase you’re provided with with theirs with the instructions to never look inside either of the briefcases. Your payment? Protection from those who want you gone before, during and after the deal. Afterwards, you would basically be set free as vulnerable as a deer caught in headlights until you find another job to do.
You fiddled with the hem of your black skin tight leather dress as another finger twisted and curled a strand of your hair. The briefcase was rested snugly by your feet as you leaned your body against the wall.
“Y/N?” a voice whispered out to you in the shadows.
“SpearB? Are you… the client?"
"No… I’m the messenger. I didn’t think you were one of them,” Changbin set down his briefcase and crossed his arms.
“I’m the same as you, a messenger as well. I was hired to make sure this…whatever this is, is a success.”
“… I see.” Changbin paused. “You don’t need to do this you know? Hopping from job to job. One day you’re going to run into a gang who will see your job hopping as disloyalty. And you know what happens to people who are disloyal. You could come with us, with me.”
“I already said no, SpearB. I only agreed to try out…whatever we are. Don’t make this any harder for me and give me your damn briefcase!” You outreached your hand suggesting Changbin to just hand over his briefcase.
He sighed. “On one condition.”
“What?” you growled out.
“Do jobs for CB97.”
“Sure, I’m going to do jobs for an enigma,” you grumbled reaching for the briefcase with Changbin lifting it above his head out of your reach.
“Please,” Changbin whispered softly.
“Fine,” you gave in after a pause and handed him your briefcase and he handed you his.
“You’re going to go back to your client right? Let me come with you,” Changbin walked forward and grasping your wrist gently.
“Please, I know who your guy is. He’s dangerous. I’m just a messenger, he probably won’t know who I am,” Changbin pressed. “I promised I wouldn’t leave you.”
You let out a loud defeated sigh.
“You were followed?” your client, growled out eyeing the dark male behind you.
“Hakuna your-tatas, babe. He’s with me,” you rolled your eyes, scoffing softly before proceeding to place your (Changbin’s) briefcase on the table.
“But you work alone…” your client eyed you warily, and carefully grabbed a hold of the briefcase with high precaution.
“You seem to know me. Clearly not well enough,” you waltzed over to Changbin with a slight swagger to your hips and grabbed his lower jaw. Your fingers pressed into the soft flesh of his cheeks and squishing them up. You chuckled internally at Changbin’s expression when you did that.
“He’s my baby boy, my boy toy. Surely, a pimp like you can understand,” you responded cheekily, yet carefully trying not to rile up your client. “Look at him being a good boy. Standing there silent, waiting for mommy to finish her job."
You squished his cheeks even more until his lips scrunched up into an expression similar to a fish. You got up to your toes and gave him a light kiss to his lips. Needless to say, the glare Changbin shot towards you was priceless.
"Rigghhhttttt….” your client coughed out, feeling slightly awkward about the situation. He turned the briefcase towards him and began undoing the clasps. You slowly closed the gap between you and the client. You leaned forward slowly, the sounds of distress from your leather dress due to the stretch broke through the silence. Your pressed your palms onto the cool metal of the table and slowly spread your arms. Your client glanced up at you and down to your exposed cleavage. While he was distracted, Changbin circled around the room slowly, pretending to seem interested to the many dust unsettling from the ceiling. You eyed Changbin curiously. You confused glare burned through him. You were sure Changbin could feel your gaze boring into him due to him stiffing up momentarily.
“I did what you asked. I got your pretty briefcase. May I get going now? I promised my baby boy there a wild night,” you smirked, wanting nothing more to do with this man. You only cared about your payment for rent.
Your client snapped out of his daze of ogling over your cleavage. He cleared his throat and regained his composure.
“Of course, if this deal actually went through. You would get your payment,” he replied, carefully unclasping the briefcase. You hummed pleasantly in relief from him finally getting to the point.
“What the fuck?” your client seethed.
“Is something the matter, hand-” you were cut off by your client grasping your neck harshly. His large fingers wrapped around the delicate flesh most likely leaving bruises as he cut off your air supply.
“You bitch,” he spat at you. Flecks of saliva flew to your face as you attempted to pry his hand off of you. “You gave me a false briefcase, didn’t you. This shit is empty-”
“Let her go.” A soft click of a gun echoed through the air. Your client’s eyes widened at the realization that a gun was pressed to the back of his head. He slowly released your neck and raised his arms up. You stumbled backwards hacking and gasping for air.
“What?” your client’s voice was breathless. “Who?-”
“SpearB. Ring a bell? She didn’t swap your damn case. It was empty to begin with. Her orders were only to swap the case and bring it back and to never look at the contents.”
Your gaze darkened at Changbin’s words as you raised your head to glare at him. How did he know what your actual orders was?
Feeling a pair of eyes burning through him, Changbin glanced at you with an apologetic look.
“B? What the fuck?” You gritted out through clenched teeth.
A hesitation. A moment of weakness. That was all the client needed. Changbin eased up slightly to apologize. The client easily grabbed ahold of Changbin’s armed hand and twisted it behind his back trying wretch the weapon out of his hand. With hands quicker than the eye, the tables were quickly turned and it is now Changbin at gunpoint with his own gun.
“SpearB? So you’re part of 3RACHA? I didn’t think 3RACHA cared about anyone other than yourselves? Only using everyone to benefit yourselves. Like that little lady over there-”
A shot. A singular shot rang out that had Changbin jumping in shock wide eyed. Ugly screams echoed throughout the small walls as red dripped down to the floor, splashing onto Changbin as well. The client quickly cowered back into the corner, dropping the gun in the process. His hands flew up to cup his now missing lower jaw, the mandible bouncing pathetically on the ground in between Changbin’s feet.
“Holy. Shit.” Changbin exasperated jumping away from the bloody jaw. He looked up to you shocked, yet in awe wielding a S&W revolver, a thin wispy smoke came from the barrel.
You quickly pointed your gun at Changbin who brought his hands up in surprise.
“Don’t shoot,” Changbin stated calmly yet alarmed.
“Get out, B,” he nodded, bending down to grab his gun quickly and headed towards the door.
“After you,” he gestured to the door politely.
The client’s howls of pain can be heard echoing down the alleyway once the door has been opened. Changbin quickly shut him up with a singular bullet in between his eyes and closing the door behind him.
The second the door closes, you swung your leg backwards at an arn in an attempt to roundhouse kick him. Changbin reacts by blocking the hit with his forearm. His other hand instinctively grabbed at your ankle. You attempted to catch you balance by shifting your weight from your other foot to your palms pressing against the cold asphalt.
“Nice moves,” Changbin smirked, letting out a sultry chuckle. You huffed in annoyance.
“I was wondering where did you manage to hide that big boy?” He asked referring to the gun.
“Ever heard of a prison purse?” you retorted.
“Jesus Christ, that was a lot of heat woman.”
Changbin backed off with both hands in the air, dropping your leg in the process.
“Whatever,” you growled crawling forwards to jump back on your feet. “How did you know what’s my mission?”
“My mission was to basically off the guy, but you’ve already got that covered,” Changbin crossed his arms ignoring your question.
“So you were using me?”
“No I-” he tried to interject, but you didn’t give him the chance.
“Just save it, B,” you stormed off, feeling betrayed and used.
It’s been a week after that incident. The both of you end up in the same club you’ve met, but never again frequented afterwards. On opposite sides of the club, you were drinking and partying on the dance floor, grinding on random men trying to ease the heavy feeling in your heart. Changbin was at the bar chugging down cup after cup of the hard liquor with a blunt between two fingers. Your mind was swimming in alcohol, but the only thing you can think of was how much you fucking missed Changbin and seeing his back turned to you at the bar only emphasized those feelings.
You slumped down next to him on the stool and he turned to look at you with wide eyes. You noticed the blunt in his hands and frowned and a pang of pain bubbled in your chest.
“I thought you didn’t do drugs…” you whispered out.
“It’s just weed,” Changbin scoffed.
You both turned away from each other, both suddenly finding their glass cups very interesting.
“I’m sorry,” the pair confessed simultaneously.
“Wait what?” Changbin breathed out looking at you bewildered.
“Why are you sorry?” You squeaked out, surprised.
“For using you…” Changbin confesses looking down and slumping his shoulders. “It wasn’t that I meant to use you, it was just the cards I was dealt. I hadn’t expected you to be the man’s hired bargainer. I was under the impression that he would show up himself due to the utmost importance of this trade.”
“Yes… I completely understand that. It wasn’t your fault, you were just doing your job. That’s why I wanted to apologize… I was being unfair to you…” you trailed off. “I missed you, Changbin-”
You tried to stop yourself, but it was already too late. The damage was done. Changbin visibly stiffened up. His drunken brain sobered up to the sound of his own name.
“W-Wait, B,” you stammered.
Suddenly, it is as if the world disappeared around Changbin. The blaring music and bass faded away to muffles in his ears. His heartbeat echoed loudly in his ears. He felt small and helpless. Alone in this dark world with a singular light shining directly at him.
“B?” you whimpered out, your fingers grazing his muscles lightly. “SpearB… I- I didn’t mean-”
Changbin swiftly backhands you without a second thought. Your eyes were wide as your head turned from the force of the impact. Your cheek was red and stinging but it was nothing compared to guilt eating away at your soul. He then storms off, leaving a heartbroken you behind.
“Han!” Changbin called out to his junior. Changbin’s booming voice tearing through the club bass made his junior jump and choke on the smoke from the bong he was ripping. “Give me some of the heavy shit.”
Han coughed, trying to catch his breath. “Are you sure, hyung? I thought you didn’t do drugs?”
“I just need to get blasted right now,” Changbin eyed the various items on the table: several bags of probably meth and cocaine as well as several syringes of heroin plus the bong sitting on his lap.
“I gave you a blunt earlier?”
“For fuck’s sake, Jisung, just give me some crack cocaine or some shit.” Changbin snapped sitting opposite of Han in the booth, and pulling out a credit card. Jisung sighed and slid a ziplock bag filled with white powder in front of him. Changbin grabbed a hold of the plastic and dumped a generous amount directly on the table. He used his credit card to separate the powder into several lines.
“You got a bill?”
“What happened to all your money?” his junior going at it again with his bong.
“I drank it,” Changbin replied seriously.
“I don’t think you should be doing drugs with alcohol.”
“I don’t need a lecture, Han,” Changbin grumbled leaning forward, plugging up a nostril, snorting up a line. Changbin sighed in content. A euphoric feeling washed over his body, turning his brain into putty.
Everybody in this club probably have done drugs at least once, mainly weed, but it’s a drug nonetheless. Some kept at it. His junior, Han “J.One” Jisung, has prob hit every one at least once. Some didn’t like how the after effects outweighed the euphoric effects and dropped it entirely like his senior, Bang “CB97” Chan. But besides this, everyone has their drug, the drug that will just click and consume their entire body and soul.
Unfortunately for Changbin. It was cocaine. His alcohol intake hastened effects of the drug and he found the feeling to be addicting and euphoric. He felt as if he was on Cloud 9 and in heaven.
And he couldn’t stop.
“Hey,” a voice called out. “Hey!”
You jolted awake at the hand shaking your shoulder gently. You winced at the pounding headache you had. You looked up recognizing the pale man with crispy blond hair.
“Sorry to wake you up, but do you know where SpearB is?” he asked. You can pick out his ear candy Australian accent.
Right. You remember where you were. You tried to find Changbin after he stormed off at the club after him giving you a nasty blow on your cheek, but to no success. You lost him within the crowd of clubbers and there were too many men trying to lay their hands on you. So you went to his apartment and fell asleep at his door waiting for his return.
“Is SpearB not with you?” the blond asked.
“N-no?” you stuttered. “He never came home?”
“Shit,” the blond breathed out, running a hand through his hair. “That was not the answer I wanted to hear.”
“What is it…?” You tried to remember the Aussie’s name, but nothing came to mind.
“CB97,” he responded, leaning against the wall and throwing his head back. His skull bounced off the wall lightly as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. You gasped, eyeing the blond in front of you.
CB97? THE CB97? An enigma in the underground and one of the most powerful men to top it off? And you’ve slept with him and then you’ve slept with one of his guys and deeply hurt him. Your mouth gaped open as all that ran in your mind was that you were thoroughly fucked and not by a dick.
“Relax. I have no quarrel with you,” he responded, smiling softly to show that he has no ill intentions. What he said next made your racing heart drop straight down to your stomach.
“SpearB is missing.”
Changbin awoke in a cold sweat. His head was throbbing. Everything felt cold. He felt cold, yet his body was burning up. Sweat was running down his temples and his back in streams causing his shirt to stick to his skin uncomfortably. Changbin was sobbing, tears were running down his face. It felt as if there were a million fire ants crawling beneath his skin, nipping and gnawing at his flesh as the symptoms of withdrawal hit him hard and fast.
Changbin squirmed and thrashed only to quickly realize that he was in a chair with his arms and legs bound and chained at the wrists and ankles. His heart was hammering in his chest not necessarily from the fear of being bound and imprisoned, more so from the side effects of his withdrawals as he screwed his eyes shut.
“Good morning, sunshine,” a voice called out. Changbin peeked at the figure in front of him. He was stood in the dark with a singular hanging light over Changbin. Changbin could barely make out the blurry figure; all he got was that he was dressed in all black with a hood, mask and sunglasses.
“What do you want?” Changbin rasped out, his throat was dry and it felt like he was swallowing pins and needles when he swallowed in attempt to moisturize his throat.
“You should know what I’m looking for,” the man chuckled. “Tell me who are the rest of 3RACHA.”
“No.” Changbin responded firmly without hesitation. A loud crack ran through the air not even a second later. Changbin’s head was thrown to the side, eyes wide and a split cheek.
“I’d suggest you make this easier on yourself and just give me the names,” the man growled sliding on black latex gloves.
It’s been a daze. Changbin had no idea how much time has passed. His face was battered and bruised and blood was running down his nose in streams staining his lips and teeth red as he has a constant metallic taste on his lips. He’s currently sitting in isolation alone in the dark with the light off. The room was soundproof with no windows so Changbin hadn’t the slightest what is going on outside or even where he was. His entire body was burning up and trembling profusely from his drug withdrawals and his stomach constricted painfully yearning for food.
Soon a door opened and the familiar man walked in closing the door behind him.
“Care to talk now?”
“No,” the man’s response was a swift kick to Changbin’s torso causing him to double forward to cough and wheeze.
“So, how was it in isolation? Are you thirsty? Does your back hurt from being slouched over for too long?”
Changbin could only merely glare.
“Here, let me help.”
The man carefully unbounded the straps on Changbin’s wrists and ankles and proceeded to drag him out by his forearm. He didn’t take him very far, just the next room over. The next room was as bare as the one he was in, save for a singular table in the center along with hanging LED lights that were currently off.
“Get on,” the man commanded. Changbin reluctantly complied due to the piercing pain in his legs. Changbin lied flat on the cool metal table as the man strapped him down once more.
“Aren’t I so generous? You must be tired sitting in the dark all day long,” his tone was apathetic as he turned to leave and flicked the light switch on. Changbin winced at the harsh light shining directly to his face as he screwed his eyes shut. Suddenly, he heard a rattling of a chain and the sound of a metal trap door opening. Before he can fully comprehend what was happening, his nose and mouth were suddenly flooded with water. Changbin gasped and sputtered after the first wave. Before he could fully recover, a second wave came in and it kept coming.
“Do you want to talk now?” the man’s voice played through an intercom.
“Fuck. You.”
“Wrong answer.”
Changbin got waterboarded once more.
“I gotta say. You’re pretty impressive. Your resilience and determination would be awe inspiring if not annoying,” the man started, forcing a taser into Changbin’s chest. Changbin was now strapped back to his original chair after the man failed at breaking him with the use of waterboarding.
“Since you don’t want to talk about the other members of 3RACHA. Let’s talk about you,” the man started, walking circles around Changbin.
“You’ve always been on your own. Taking control of your own life. Never bowing down to anyone or anything, but somehow the great SpearB was managed to be tamed and now you’re under the command of CB97. CB97,” the man chuckled speaking out that code name. “CB97. Ever the enigma. Managed to strap down one of the finest underground hitman, SpearB and one other. So much influence and power, yet no one can touch him. Not even a name or a face have come to light.”
Changbin eyed the man with pure hatred and disgust.
“But it seems CB97 isn’t the way to go here. How about that girl who has no affiliation in the underground?”
Changbin’s breath hitched. The man smiled wickedly. “Jackpot.”
“How long has it been since he’s been missing?” you asked pacing back and forth in the dark room.
“A little over a week now. J.One is out there hustling for as much info as he can get,” CB97 informed. “A part of me was hoping he just went away for a little while and then reappear.”
“It’s all my fault,” you blurted out. “I always end up sleeping my way into a fucked up position.”
“I’m not blaming you and neither would SpearB.”
“What makes you say that for certain?”
“Because he loves you.”
Howls of pain ripped through Changbin’s throat, his throat now as red and raw and the pulsating flesh on his fingers.
“Did you really think she cared for you?” the man growled, wrenching off another fingernail with pliers.
“You don’t know anything about her,” Changbin growled out.
“Probably not, but she knows you. Seo Changbin is it not?”
“How did you-”
“What do you think?” the man smirked, turning away and pulling out an unknown syringe, giving it a light press and flicking it to get rid of oxygen bubbles.
“No. Not-” Changbin was cut off by the man injecting the strange liquid into his arm.
“Seo Changbin. August 11, 1999.”
“Shut up! Shut up!” Changbin’s vision was getting blurry as his head was turning to mush.
“Do you still believe that that girl is innocent? She only does what she does to benefit herself. Why do you think she has no affiliations? Why do you think she’s been keeping the fact that she knows your real name from you?”
Changbin’s head slumped forward in defeat.
“Now… tell me their names or I can bring her to you so you can watch her break.”
“You can’t be serious, Changbin? Even now you refuse to speak even with that drug I’ve injected and a knife deeply embedded in your thigh?”
“Go fuck yourself,” Changbin spat his blood at the man.
“I’ve had enough of you!”
“How ironic,” Changbin chuckled. “You’re trying to break me, but you’re the one breaking.”
Changbin couldn’t see the man’s face, but he could imagine the scowl he’s wearing and dilated eyes. The man growled and pulled out the knife. Changbin bit his lip hard enough to draw blood. He wouldn’t give his captor the final satisfaction of hearing his cry. The man brought the blade to Changbin’s neck, prompting him to bring his head up to glare at the man.
Before the man could do any damage, a muffled explosion went off in the background. The room shook slightly as dust unsettled from the ceiling. The door was busted open and in comes in CB97 and J.One, both wielding guns.
“Y/N,” CB97 called out. “SpearB out of here. We’ll take care of this mess.”
You appeared behind pair, nodding softly and rushed towards Changbin who passed out. His body finally shutting down after seeing the familiar faces, knowing that he was being saved.
Changbin wakes up some time later. His lips were chapped as he panted for air through his dry throat. Changbin’s eyes were bloodshot and heavy bags decorated his eyes. His head snapped up feeling a light pressure on his thigh.
“How are you feeling, B?” you asked softly, bandaging up his thigh.
“Did you think you can take advantage of me? Just use me for your own benefit?”
“SpearB, please-”
Changbin cut you off by flipping both your positions.
“What’s wrong? You take advantage of men by sleeping with them and seducing them? Look, I’m in just my boxers.”
“SpearB, stop. You were drugged, just go to sleep and we’ll talk-”
Changbin shut you up with a harsh slap.
“Talk? Just like how you talked to that guy who kidnapped me?” Changbin growled pulling your shorts and panties in one fell swoop.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you tried placing a hand on his chest to get him to slow down. Changbin very quickly pinned both your wrists above your head with a single hand, the other running up your (his) hoodie raking his fingers over your bare flesh.
“Quiet and take it.”
You bit the inside of your cheek to obey him. You let out a shaky exhale when you felt a sharp pressure from down below. You winced once he began snapping his hips against yours without giving you any time to adjust.
“Did you really think you could take advantage of me like that? How does it feel now when the shoes on the other foot?”
“No, please. Just listen- Aah!” he cut you off with a particularly hard thrust. “P-please, that’s not how I truly feel about you. I meant what I said back at the club.”
“Yeah? Then how do you feel?” he growled out.
“I would die for you.”
“Then perish.” Changbin’s eyes darkened as it bored into your soul. He pulled out of your throbbing heat as it pulsated lightly with pain. His sharp gaze looked at you expectantly as you sat up and curl into yourself feeling so exposed and little under his gaze.
You gasp out, nodding solemnly. You delicately pulled out a pocket knife from your discarded shorts you kept on you for self defense. You start just below your jawbone to the left and began slicing, blood is pouring out as the stainless steel blade sliced through skin, flesh and muscle like butter. The sight of the brilliant red liquid spewing out sobers up Changbin a bit. Changbin stops her by grabbing her wrist preventing further damage.
“Why did you stop me?” you seethed, tears pouring down your face.
“Because I didn’t think you were actually going to do it!” He snaps, gritting his teeth together. His breath fanned over your face, his eyes red and bloodshot.
“Let me go, Changbin,” you sniffled, forgetting why you were in this position in the first place.
The sound of his name escaping your lips fueled the burning rage within him. Memories of the club played through his mind like a broken record. The breathy sound of his name escaping your lips mixed in with the loud blaring bass of the club and the chatter of the surrounding clubbers. He finally realized the humiliation of having that last thing he held sacred been outed to the world, leaving him feeling small and vulnerable like a deer caught in the headlights.
“Shut up. Shut up. SHUT UP,” he shouts like a mantra. “Don’t say that name like you OWN ME!”
You tried to back up and crawl away, but the throbbing pain in your nether regions and your putty legs made it difficult.
“B… SpearB, I’m sorry,” you sobbed out.
“JUST SHUT UP!” He very quickly overpowered you and bringing you down flush to the ground with his weight.
“Just shut your whore mouth!” At this point, all Changbin saw was red. His large hands quickly wrapped around your small neck. Tears were dripping from his ducts, the droplets landing on your cheeks. You gasped and gurgled as you clawed his wrists to get him to let go. Crimson red began dotting at his wrists from where your nails broke skin as it slowly rolled down and joined the crimson fluid that was gushing through his fingers from your neck.
“Just shut up,” he sniffled, his voice cracking and breaking at the last word. Your eyes were blown out as tears free flowed down your temples soaking you messed locks. Drool was also dribbling out of the corner of your mouth.
Suddenly black dots began appearing within both your visions for you from oxygen deprivation and for changbin from the side effects finally kicking in. Darkness finally enveloped the pair and Changbin slumped over your body as the light from your eyes faded and you took your final breath.
Daybreak broke, CB97 and J.One found their way into Changbin’s apartment.
CB97 very quickly notices a very naked Changbin and a semi naked you on the floor. He quickly rushed forward pulling Changbin off of you and attempted to shake him awake. J.One carefully pulled down the material of your (Changbin’s) hoodie to cover yourself and pressed his fingers against your neck hoping to find a pulse. He looked up at CB97 and shook his head.
Changbin wakes up in a slight daze, trying to get a footing of what happened last night. His head was throbbing as he blinked multiple times trying to get rid of the blurriness. What was discerning to him was how he could not for the life of him remember anything that happened after he passed out in that chair. Soon his vision focused on the blank stare of your body beside him.
“Y/N?” he whispered out.
“Y/n? Y/N!” he struggled out of CB97’s grip and shoved J.One aside, sending his junior flying backwards straight on his ass.
Changbin tries waking Y/N up by shaking her shoulders vigorously but to no avail. Quickly Changbin pressed an ear to her chest.
“She isn’t breathing!” Changbin sobbed. “Save her!”
CB97 and J.One attempt to pry him off you.
“Changbin stop! She’s gone.”
Changbin got out of their grip and rush over to you, cradling you softly in his arms as if you were made of glass.
“I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry Y/N…”
All CB97 and J.One could do was watch their friend in pity.
#stray kids#skz#stray kids angst#seo changbin#stray kids smut#kinda but not really#3RACHA#SpearB#CB97#J.One#Bang Chan#Kim Woojin#Lee Know#stray kids imagines#stray kids x reader
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HJS ~ The Princess and the Pirate
Pirate! Jisung x Royal! Reader! X (Mentioned) Royal! Chan
Fairytale! + Fantasy! AU
Word Count: 3756
Genre: Angst
A/N: I am using the word “pirate” quite liberally for this story. Jisung isn’t your typical blundering scurvy of the high seas...more like the high...sky? Just, Jisung is not a good person.
A/N 2: This is the same AU as my KWJ ~ I am You, so if you see similarities between the two, you know why x’D
A/N 3: Yes, I just high key copy and pasted the beginning bit of my WJ one here.
A/N 4: Again, not proofread. Shocking lmao. #WeDyingLikeMEN
Once upon a time, in a land far away, there were two kingdoms. One kingdom is a warring kingdom that relied heavily on military. This kingdom prides itself on its massive well trained armies and futuristic technologically advanced aerial warships and mechanized weapons.
The second kingdom wasn’t as militaristically inclined. This kingdom prides itself on its pacifist nature and on its massively well read population and royals. They believe that words are far superior weapons.
Due to the opposing views, tensions arose between the two kingdoms. The military kingdom offered protection under their well trained and well equipped armies in exchange for full willing submission. The pacifist kingdom would politely refuse due to the peaceful times they’re living in. Neither kingdoms were in any danger.
But the military kingdom had other plans. The military kingdom wanted to expand its empire to broaden its reach and influence. The only roadblock: the peaceful kingdom. It was as if the peaceful kingdom had sheltered all the other tribes and villages under their roof by alluring them with sweet words. But words aren’t what makes the world run, it’s a showcase of power.
Everyone within the royal family is well trained in the art of combat. The king is well adept in the art of sword fights and the queen is a master of fencing and she took it upon themselves to train all the guards. In a grand room made of white marble with large windows lining the walls, the sunlight were illuminating the room. There dressed in white protective gear and a fine mesh white mask. Many trainees were in pairs as they were sparring with their sabres. The trainees were overseen by the queen. She had a straight posture with both hands folded neatly behind her back, a sabre held securely flush against her back. Her long dark locks were pulled up into a tight top bun. She wore a tight fitting knee length white dress that was slightly longer in the back long puffy sleeves and a vertical slit cuffed at the wrist as a lovely grey corset wrapped her torso. To finish off the look, she wore knee high leather heel boots. The clicking of her heels was enough to spur anxiety as she held a calculative gaze over everyone. There was a group of trainees gathered around. They surrounded what seemed to be an awe inspiring fight. A singular sabreur was single handedly taking down and disarming everyone who step forward to attack.
“Wow, is that the genius?” one of the trainees whispered.
“Oh so his highness i the genius everyone speak of?” another asked.
The genius handed their sabre to a trainee who came up and and bowed prior to leaving.
“What are you talking about? The genius isn’t the prince,” the sabreur loosened the strap behind their head and they pulled the mask off swinging their head back and forth letting their long locks uncurl and fall delicately against their back. “The genius is the princess.”
“Y/N,” the queen’s voice was stern and commanding. “You are to appear before your father in the throne room half past noon.”
“Yes, mother,” you bowed politely as you head out to change to a proper attire.
Your servant aided you by your styling your dark locks into soft curls and held back with a hair comb. You don a lavish pink silk dress that extended to the floor with a long sleeves that extended past your hands and a blue silk wrap around your torso giving you a rather oriental appearance.
Folding your hands in front of you as you held up the front of your skirt, you head towards the throne room before your father. The guards has opened the large ravish dark oak doors for you as you walked towards your conversing father and elder brother.
“Big brother. Father,” you greeted bowing slightly before them. You fell before deaf ears.
“This blasted kingdom with their talks of peace!” the king, your father, ranted pacing back and forth and throwing his arms in the air. “Why can’t they just make it easy and just surrender to us! Pathetic king.”
“I have a suggestion, father,” your brother started, raising an arm in suggestion.
“No!” you interjected. “Invasion will disturb our times of peace, those who ally will them will turn on us if we settle on invasion.”
“Bold words from my daughter, it’s as if you’re one of them! We need to expand, my daughter. Our power must grow and remain unmatched. We will become the greatest kingdom of all.”
“But father, we must focus on within, there are pirates and bandits within our boundaries.”
You brother scoffed as he chuckled softly to himself.
What you believed was dangerous and speaking your mind could get you jailed or banished. Or worse-- killed. This used to be the palace of your childhood-- a place where you once called home with a loving father, mother, and brother. But now after countless victories during the tides of war, their power and influence soared as did their hubris. Your family became strangers.
You straightened up and inhaled shakily. “In order to establish a large empire, a sturdy foundation is needed. If the foundation falls, the entire empire falls.“
“My daughter, you are dearest to me. What do you suggest we do?”
“Father, I may have a better suggestion. Two birds with one stone. Sister is right when she mentioned a strong foundation. If we invade the the other kingdom we would have a follower of distrust. Since it is beloved’s sisters idea, she could marry the other kingdom’s prince with the promise of peace. Lower the guard, then strike when they least expect it!”
“Big brother!” you snapped offended by the elder’s suggestion.
“Why, that’s a brilliant idea! Wonderful!” your father exclaimed pridefully.
“Father! You promised that you wouldn’t marry me off! I am not an object that could be handled and passed,” you pleaded. Your voice was weak and cracking as your eyes welled up in tears from betrayal.
“Times change, my dear,” your father stated. Turning to your brother, “I will prepare the aerial ships and calvary for the upcoming attack. My son, travel to the other kingdom offering our proposal. My dearest daughter can marry their eldest, Bang Christopher Chan.”
“But father!” you tried to interject.
“Silence!” your father boomed. “You’re dismissed.”
You dashed out of the room feeling utterly destroyed and betrayed. The clinking of your heels echo loudly throughout the marble floors of the hallways. Tears free fell from your eyes as your check constricted painfully. Pulling open the door of your room and slamming it shut behind you, you threw yourself onto your bed sobbing into your arms. You remained in bed for a couple of hours wallowing in your self pity. The sun had set and your room became enveloped in darkness.
Sniffling softly you looked to your bedside table. Resting atop of it in a delicate frame was a past picture of your family. It displayed the smiling faces of your younger parents, you of your childhood years and your elder brother of his teenage years. The family of yours… of the past-- of your childhood. They were not your family anymore. This was no longer your home. Blinking your stray tears away, you stood up, kicking away your heels, unwrapping your blue wrap and letting your hair free from its comb. You slid on a pair of comfortable flats as you rummage through your room, pulling back at the week stones to reveal a hidden compartment. Your fingers delicately grasped at the item wrapped in lining. You dragged your fingers over the fabric as your heart beat in nostalgia. You quickly unwrapped the item revealing a custom rapier that your elder brother had gifted your years before. It was your most prized possession, it was the only thing you had left of your elder brother. You secured it to your waist via a simple black belt. You climbed out your window as you looked one last time at the room of your childhood as you turned away and disappeared into the night.
The night was Han Jisung’s veil. As soon as the daylight diminishes, Jisung slithers out of the darkness and begin to wreak havoc. Jisung hated the empire with a vengeance. His parents were victims of the empires unnecessary wars and conquests. While they gained, the people suffer. Whenever they boast and lie about their victories and gloat about the people’s sacrifice as honorable, another person pays the price. The person is the people.
Ever since the death of his parents, Jisung became a pirate and swore to take down the empire. He hardly had any empathy for the inhabitants of the empire. They blindly follow the empire like the sheeple they are without doubt that the empire is the sole reason for their suffering. They only see the glory and power, not the destruction and the pain.
Jisung befriended the bandits and ruffians of the empire that shared his view. One of which is his closest friend, Hwang Hyunjin. They bonded over their shared pain feeling empathy and condolences towards the other’s situation. He too lost his family due to the war. With the combined might and experience in the arts of deceit and manipulation, they’re able to secure an aerial ship from the military when they were beaten and battered by war. Together with his close friend, Hyunjin, they both lead that ship. Hyunjin and the ship were currently situated hidden deep outside the walls with Jisung within the main walls working as the inside man, learning information, gathering resources and weakening their supplies.
Jisung was currently jumping from roof to roof taking reconnaissance of the area he was in. In the dark veils of the night and the poorly lit streaks, he spotted a figure in pink dressed in the finest silk sticking out like a sore thumb. Jisung immediately recognized you. You were the crowned princess of this accursed empire. Hatred bubbled within his chest as he drew his blade. However, a thought did cross his mind. Why were you wandering the streets at night when pirates, bandits, rapists and murderers hiding in the shadow?
Speak of the devil because a group of men stumbled out of the speakeasy. The were obnoxiously loud and bordering the point of unconsciousness. They obviously were drunk with the stumble in their step, the slurs of their words and their reddened faces.
“Ayy, fellas. Look at this beauty,” the man slurred. The other men laughed as they surrounded her.
“Begone or you will regret it,” you threatened, your voice stern as you reached for your trusted sabre.
Jisung smirked at your bravado.
“The kitten wants the play,” another man chuckled as they all began to grab at you.
“Stop!” you commanded trying to tear away from their grip.
Although Jisung despised you, he despised victims being taken advantage of even more. Grumbling softly to himself, Jisung leapt off the roof landing before the men with a loud thud.
“Leave the young lady alone,” Jisung threatened, his voice dripping with venom.
“Mind your own business, kid,” one spat.
“How about you mind yours?”Jisung threatening unsheathing his blade.
Sensing Jisung’s heated aura and gazing upon on his blade, they realized he was deadly serious as they all scrambled off in fear.
“I- you didn’t have to, kind sir,” you bowed slightly. “I thank you.”
Jisung warily looks at you up and down and hesitantly accepts her gratitude.
“Do you not have anywhere to go?” Jisung started, sheathing his blade in the holdest by his side.
You shook your head. “Not anymore,” you whispered.
Jisung contemplates taking you in, after all you are the enemy, but a brilliant thought struck him. You were the crowned princess of the empire. He could use you as leverage to take down the empire.
“Would you like to stay with me? I know a place,” Jisung offered with a sickenly sweet smile.
You bit your lip contemplating your offer. It wouldn’t be long before you were noticed to be missing and you couldn’t risk being seen. There were a high rise of crime activity within the walls during the night. You sighed as you were left with no other option.
You nodded hesitantly. “If it wouldn’t bother you, I accept.”
Jisung smiled as he led you to his hidden spot. It was run down and broken. The old wood was splintering and wearing away with age. The building looked to be abandoned long ago. There were hardly any furniture, the ones that were there were in disrepair and dusty. There were several coarse cloths and rags lining the walls and the floors.
“What is your name? I would like to know the name for the kind man who has saved me,” you smiled politely.
“Jisung,” he stated. Jisung decided to give out his actual name to gain your trust. You were valuable to his plan to take down the empire.
“I am F/N,” you decided against revealing your true identity. Jisung scoffed internally. Of course you would give a fake name.
Time goes by and the pair become closer. Some nights where Jisung would sit at the window watching the stars, he thinks back to all the times he spent with his family and his close friend, Hyunjin. These were the nights Jisung felt the loneliness creep in. However, your presence made those nights feel a little easier. Jisung enjoyed the little talks you would have and you felt the same. You both had similar views about the victims of war. Like Jisung, you wanted to help. You both would bunker down during the day as Jisung occasionally left to gather some new clothes and supplies as well as bringing some food. You often wonder where Jisung would get the supplies and you were certain it wasn’t by legal ways, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. When night fell and you are fast asleep, Jisung tended to slip out and meet up with Hyunjin outside the walls to discuss future plans.
“What do you want to do?” Hyunjin asked. “Are you still going to use her?”
Jisung contemplated it. His heart ached at the thought of deceiving you.
“I want to let her in,“ Jisung whispered.
“What?” Hyunjin breathed out. “But she’s the enemy?”
“I can’t leave her alone. She isn’t like what we thought at all,” Jisung looked directly at his best friend’s eyes. Jisung expect Hyunjin to blow up at him and shouting profanities at him and how he’s risking it all. He didn’t expect for Hyunjin to smile at him fondly.
“Are you sure?” Hyunjin asked with sincerity.
“Really?” Jisung stuttered.
“You’re not going to give me shit?”
“No, you deserve to be happy,” Hyunjin smiled.
Jisung couldn’t ignore the change he’s been feeling. He’s grown fond of you. His heart would beat rapidly whenever in close proximity with you. Jisung could swear his cheeks were beet red whenever you smiled and let out a whole hearted laugh. His heart skipped a beat whenever your eyes would shut whenever you laughed. Your laugh was like music to his ears. Whenever you were happy, he was as well.
Currently, you both were sitting under the shade of a tree just outside the walls watching the sunset. The atmosphere was tense and quiet, but they found comfort just being in close proximity of each other. Both were looking off to the side, distracted by the thoughts running through your minds. You were debating on whether or not to reveal your true identity and Jisung was thinking the same. What if you wouldn’t stay? Would you hate him?
“Jisung?” you soft voice broke through the silence and snapped him out of his thoughts.
“Y-yea?” Jisung cursed at himself mentally for stuttering.
“I have something to tell you,” you gulped. “I would like for you to listen to what I have to say fully before you say anything.”
“Of course.”
Letting out a shaky exhale, you began to reveal everything. Your real name and how you ran away from the empire. You didn't like their militaristic ideas and the monsters they’ve become because of power. They weren’t your family anymore. Your voice was weak and was cracking as you continued on, pausing every once in a while to sniffle and gasp, wiping away your tears.
Jisung pulled you into his arms and comforted you. He rubbed small circles onto your back as he pulled you into his chest. Your fingers reach up for the fabric and gripped it, letting the tears flow. Jisung could feel the wet spots forming on his shirt, but he couldn’t care less.
“I’m scared,” you whispered out. “I don’t want to go back. I don’t want to be taken back.”
“You won’t. I promise,” Jisung’s words were sincere.
You both made eye contact and it seemed fireworks exploded. Both your hearts lept in your chests as lingering gazes fell straight to the lips. Getting caught up in the moment, the two lean in. Their noses touch lightly as rubbed against each other softly. Both erupted into big smiles and small giggles. They leaned in ever so closer as a harsh gush of wind snaps them out of the moment. They quickly pull away and blush.
“Well, well,” a voice started. You both jumped up at the voice. You squeaked as you recognized the figure before you
“B-big brother!” You hide behind Jisung.
He chuckles darkly. “Little sister, it’s been so long. Don’t you know how worried I was?”
“Leave her alone,” Jisung threatened, recognizing the lies weaved within his sweet words.
“You never cared about me,” you accused as you glared at him, willing away the tears that threatened to spill.
“But I have, I always did. Do you really think this boy going to protect you?”
“Better than you…” you spat.
“Dear sis, I would like to have you know is that this man has been lying to you all along,” your elder brother smirked.
“W-what are you talking about?” Jisung stammered. “I haven’t lied to her.”
He smirked, ignoring Jisung. “Dearest sister. Han Jisung here is a pirate! Did you really believe he cares for you? He’s our enemy!”
“W-what?” you choked, feeling your heart shatter. “Y-Y/N,” Jisung stammered as tears welled up in his eyes.
“Is...is it true?” you whispered.
Jisung wept as he nodded pathetically. “Y-yes. Yes, I am. I’m a pirate, but I meant everything I sa-”
You shove him back. “Don’t. You-You lied to me. You were going to use me all along were you.” Tears now ran down your cheeks in waterfalls as you backed away from him. You felt the familiar sting of betrayal as you did back then.
“Y/N please, I'm not using you. I really care for you. Y/N, I love-” .”
You cut him off, placing your hands over your ears and screamed, “Stop. Stop it. I don't wanna hear any more of your lies!”
You ran off sobbing profusely.
“Wait!” Jisung tried to chase after you, but your older brother cut him off. He chuckles at Jisung with a dark look in his eyes. Growling at the elder, Jisung unsheathed his knife as he took a swing at him. Your brother easily dodging Jisung’s attack. As if he was playing with a baby, your brother easily sidestepped the flurry of Jisung’s attack. Jisung lunged at him with a loud roar as he sidestepped Jisung and bringing a hand down to the back of his neck. Jisung’s eyes widen as he gasped. Jisung fell unconscious to the floor upon contact.
You were found huddling behind a bush, your knees pulled to your chest. You sobbed pathetically as your body shook. You gasped and wheezed as you tried to control your tears, but they kept coming out in never ending streams. A pair of legs appeared into view. You looked up at the figure.
“B-big brother.”
“Baby,” he smirked using the nickname he always referred to you by in your younger years. He outstretched his arms, prompting you to run into them. Your elder brother enveloped your sobbing form in a big hug.
“Poor baby got her heart broken by the pirate, haven’t she?.” He paused.
You sobbed, nodding pathetically in his chest.
“I’m sor-” You gasped as your eyes widen.
He ran you through with a small blade with it piercing through her heart. “This is your punishment for defying the empire.” The fabric of began to stain a brilliant red from your blood.
He gently set you down on the soft grass and delicately closed your eyes, planting a small kiss on your forehead..
“Rest well, little sister.”
“Jisung,” a voice echoed. “Jisung!”
Jisung slowly opens his eyes and groaned. The back of his head was throbbing from where he was struck.
His eyes widened as he quickly sat up. “Y/N!”
“Jisung? What’s the matter?” Hyunjin asked with worry etched on his face.
“I need to- I need to find Y/N!”
“What has happened?”
“Her brother! He found her.”
Hyunjin nodded, understanding the situation. He offered Jisung his hand. “We’ll find her.”
They went their separate ways. Jisung looked around the surrounding locale as he went in to investigate the outskirts of the woods. Jisung froze in his tracks. His eyes are wide as he gazed at the sight before him. Horror was etched on his face. Jisung dropped to his knees. His breath was taken away and his heart was hammering in his chest. Tears began welling up in his eyes.
“Y/N?” He choked out.
You was lying there with you hands neatly folded over her body in a pool of your own blood. Dried tears decorated your cheeks. You looked to be at peace. Despite the dried tears, your face was free of any pain and appeared as you were having a peaceful slumber. Jisung slowly crawled his way over to you. He reached out to touch you. His fingers were feathering over your cheeks as if he was afraid of breaking you even more. Jisung carefully brought you up to his chest and delicately wrapped his arms around you as he erupted into loud sobs.
He screamed out, his voice tearing through the silence of the night. “I’m-I’m sorry… I’m so so so sorry. I love you, I love you so much.”
Jisung let out one last sob as he collapsed with you in his arms.
#stray kids#skz#stray kids angst#stray kids imagines#stray kids han#skz han#han jisung#stray kids jisung#skz jisung
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LFL ~ Heaven and Hell
DivineBeing! Felix x DivineBeing! Reader
Fantasy! AU
Word Count: 3555
Genre: Angst
A/N: Feathery light inspirations from the story of Hades and Persephone if you squint hard enough
A/N: Not Proofread. #WeDyingLikeMen
Have you ever heard the story of how the world came to be? How about the story of how the world ended? This story is merely one of thousands.
Several divine beings that fill the pantheon. They all had their own unique power. Some control seasons, some controlled weather, some controlled elements. Some could speak to animals. Some can control life and death itself. Together they formed the world, shaped the continents, raised the mountains, filled the oceans and let life thrive. Each divine being tended to their own share of the earth.
There is a divine being that everyone love, praise and worship with all their hearts and every fiber of their being, Felix. Felix, the divine being of fire. He had an ethereal appearance: youthful, dewy, clear sunkissed tan skin with freckles that gave him a boyish beautiful appearance. Despite what you think, this divine being isn’t filled with hatred and anger. His heart is warm and benevolent. His love for man burned so true, he gave them the gift of life, his fire. For warmth throughout the cold nights, for light to illuminate the darkness and for life to cook.
But life is about balance. Where there’s fire, there’s ice. Where there’s love, there’s hate. Whereas there’s beautiful warm and loved Felix, there’s beautiful, cold and hated you. You were as pale as a sheet with skin white as snow. Your white skin is accented with a brilliant pale blue. When positioned perfectly and the sun’s rays refracted off of your skin at the perfect angle, you would shine and shimmer as beautiful as the moonlit reflected snow after a light snowfall. You brought winter to the world. Cold harsh winds and unforgiving snow storms. Your heart was as cold as ice while Felix’s was as warm as fire.
You were overwhelmed with anger and envy. You hated the people as passionately as they hated you. You hated how people admired the fire being and showered him with love. Were you not enough? Did they not appreciate the periods of hibernation the animals go through? Perhaps they would enjoy it if man hibernated? Were they so blind that their eyes can not perceive the beauty of snow?
Apparently so. Man lived their life in harvest and enjoying the beautiful skies and the cool breeze. Man gathered by Felix’s fire and celebrated with songs and stories. In a fit of envy and spite, you wanted to rid the world of Felix’s warmth. And thus, the Ice Age began. Temperatures fell, the skies darken and every animal known to man huddled and retreated to hibernation. Life in itself withered as wasted away as an unforgiving blizzard overtook the earth.
And still. Man huddled by Felix’s fire. You could feel your cold heart hardened even more. As the unforgiving winds and cold temperatures continue to batter and beat man, they begged for the sun to rise. They knelt and prayed hoping for their deity to respond. He has heard their plight. He watched the world shrivel and withered away. He watched you try to freeze over the world they all collectively nurtured.
But Felix wasn’t a spiteful being.
With tight lips and a held back tongue, Felix granted the people’s wishes. He heard their pleas and begs. Over time, years for man, mere moments for deities, the darkest cold nights ended and the sun finally rose. The bright yellow rays pierced through the dark clouds as warmth settled over the earth like a warm blanket. The snow melted, the rivers and lakes thawed and the herd and animals had returned.
Once again, man celebrated. They praised the fire being. They offer him gifts as thanks for blessing them once again. They laughed. They danced. They sang. You were only enraged more. Your cold heart is now as hard as stone. You watched the world celebrating, Felix watched you. Felix always had a large heart. Even though this momentous occasion is focused on him, he worried for you. However, you were so cold and distant and unapproachable. Felix feared his fire would harm your cold, so he watched you from afar.
But everyone has their limits. Everyone.
You bit your cheek as you felt your heart break. Even now, the people wouldn’t dare look at you. So you were to cause a second one. Again the earth froze over and clouds overtook the sky. The temperatures dropped far below zero and even oceans froze. Man began to fall like flies, along with the animals, along with every plant life. Maybe it’s better to be feared than loved because now, man saw you and only you. No longer did they beg for their fire deity for salvation. They begged you for forgiveness and mercy. You smile as your heart swelled with pride.
“I don’t suppose you would stop if I asked politely?” a voice broke through your thoughts.
A warm breeze passed through your haven. The footsteps in the snow seemed to glow orange as they spread out and melt. You frowned at the piercing heat surrounding your space as the fire deity walked ever so closer to you. He made sure to keep his heat suppressed in courtesy of your safe space, but heat always warmed up the cold.
“Felix,” you greeted spitefully.
“Y/N,” he replied with a frown, but his voice hinted at no hostility. He disapproved, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he was upset.
“What business would the deity of fire have within the domain of the frost deity?” you inquired staring down the male before you.
“I wanted to ask why are you doing this? Disrupting the balance of life the pantheon has worked eons to perfect?”
“Does it matter? They all smile upon you and I’m despised. They all think I’m cold and ruthless, might as well live up to it,” you smirked.
“I don’t think you’re as cold they make you to be,” Felix smiled.
“What?” you were interrupted with Felix’s outstretched hand.
“Let us begin again, I’m Felix.”
You eyed his hand warily. An unease bubbled within your chest. Never before in your long life has anyone offered themselves to you. Even your fellow deities ghosted you. They too are uncomfortable with your cold.
“Y/N,” you whispered taking his hand.
“Well, Y/N. Would you fancy a stroll with me?” Felix smiled, pulling your hand towards his lips and kissing your cool flesh delicately. Your hand tingled with warmth from the contact as you carefully settled within the warmth of his hand.
This became routine for you both. An evening stroll at the border of your haven. You remained under the light snowfall while Felix remained on the other side with the clear cool skies.
“I think I understand now,” Felix brought up one day.
“What is it?” you whispered facing him.
“You are not at all what man makes you to be. Just because you are frost, doesn’t mean your heart matches your icy exterior,” Felix stopped momentarily to turn and face you.
“The same can not be said about you,” you started. Felix waited patiently, deeply looking into your eyes. “Your heart is as bright and warm as your fiery exterior. Humanity loved you so and in return, you loved them as well.”
Your eyes trailed off to the side as a wave of loneliness overtook your form. “You’re a good person, Felix...”
“And you as well,” Felix smiled.
“No… I’m not...” you trailed off looking to the side.
“Yes you are,” Felix’s fingers lifted up your chin to face him. “All our strolls have been lovely.” Felix smiled brightly as you felt a warmth bloom within you. His hands find his way to yours and delicately grasped them rubbing small circles. Felix stepped forward, his front half barely peeking over the border. You see delicately snowflakes fall and get caught on his fringes and land on his nose. You both can’t help the smiles on both your faces as you both leaned closer and your lips met in a delicate kiss.
“Let me into your heart, Y/N. Don’t shut me out,” Felix smiled with raw emotions in his eyes.
Soon your strolls extended past the borders and he welcomed you within his warm beautiful haven. As promised you let him in. You told him all your maladies and emotions. You were a sobbing mess and tears continued to stream out in waterfalls. You hiccuped and gasp as you tried to continue on, but Felix was patient. He delicately grasped your hands and caressed them as he listened to your confession.
“It’s… so cold. The loneliness I feel is often unbearable. I am not loved by man, they only see you and the others. Sometimes I feel it would be better off if I didn’t exis-”
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence. You know that is not true.” Felix scolded you. “Not all man share the same mind. While there are those who adore me, there will always be those who long and yearn for a beautiful white night.”
“You can’t say that for certain.”
“I can and I’ll show you,” Felix reassured causing you to look at him with a doubtful expression. “Do you trust me?” Felix outstretched a hand. You reluctantly took his.
Since then the seasons were born. Six months a year, summer would grace the earth with bright sunny days as you granted a cool breeze to compliment Felix’s warmth. The other six months were winter as dark clouds cover the sky as light snow covered the earth. Your hands flew up to your mouth as you sobbed. You were touched by Felix’s actions. He allowed his heat to subside and allowed you to shine. He shared his pedestal and allowed you to stand by him side by side. At first it was beautiful, seeing the earth covered in your white blanket as Felix’s rays of sunshine glimmered off the settled snow. Even man was in awe with the beautiful sight.
Felix’s arm wrapped around your shoulders comfortably as he pulled your body into his and planting a small kiss on your temple.
“Thank you,” you sobbed. “Thank you so much.”
“You don’t need to thank me. This was all you, this was your creation,” Felix smiled wholeheartedly, prompting you to cry more. Felix cupped your cheeks delicately as he wiped your tears away.
“This was our creation,” you sniffled, smiling brightly.
“Yes, yes it was,” Felix smiled brightly, showcasing his pearly white teeth. His eyes formed into small crescents as he leaned his forehead against yours. Your noses rubbed lovingly against each other as your breaths intermingled. Finally, the gap was closed as your lips met. Wrapping your arms around his neck as he pulled you closer to him wrapping his arms around your waist, it felt as if sparks flew. You let Felix in and your cold heart has been melted. His warmth chased your cold nights away and your loneliness was a mere fragment of the past.
And thus,
Spring was born as a result of your love.
Your kiss and embraced was so beautiful that the snow melted, but the chilly air remained. The sun shone passionately as the melted snow seeped into the earth. As your love for each other bloomed and blossomed, so did the Earth. The grassed became more vibrant as specks of color began growing as well. Soon the Earth was covered in lavish flower fields and a gentle chilly breeze came and went. The sun was shining, the birds are singing, the bees are buzzing. Everything was beautiful.
But all good things must come to an end.
As beautiful winter may be, six months is too damn long. Beauty is nothing compared to death and starvation. Six months of endless cold. Six months of animal migration and hibernation and frozen rivers. Six months of dying plants and crops. No harvest. No hunting. Man were getting restless and man wanted winter out.
Time and time again, man has begged Felix to grant them his warmth. They begged and pleaded for longer days and shorter nights so they wouldn’t have to submit to the cold as long. With your thawed heart, you’re able to experience so much more than loneliness and envy, you are able to learn and understand empathy as well as grow to love man as well. However, as your heart thawed with Felix’s warmth, his froze with your cold.
Life was all about balance. Felix believed that wholeheartedly he thought man would understand and appreciate balance. He shared this balance with his love, his everything. Equal share of heat and cold. Felix was beyond livid. Flames of rage burned within him.
And thus, Autumn was born.
You have heard man’s pleas and cries of suffering and starvation. You wanted to relieve their pain by alleviating your winter gift, but Felix wasn’t having it. He wouldn’t allow man look down on you any longer. You deserved your spot in the world as much as he did. As you took away your cold, the cold could not completely dissipate. It needs warmth to completely expel it. The fire deity completely refused. The earth remained chilly throughout this season, but it was warm enough where harvest flourished. Agriculture was set and ready, but it wasn’t warm enough to support the other life. Trees began losing their vibrant green hues. They fade to various shades and tints of vibrant reds, oranges, yellow before finally dropping to the cold ground leaving trees naked and bare.
“Felix, my love. Please, bless the Earth with you warmth,” you pleaded as your hand gently rested on his chest.
“Absolutely not!” he roared, flames erupted from his skin. You yelped as the burning heat enveloped your fingertips. Your cool fingertips burned and throbbed as you saw light steam. “I refuse to let you rid the world of winter. You are a deity, you deserve this! Is this what you wanted?”
“Yes, love, but the peopl-”
“To hell with the people!” Felix threw his hands up, flames erupted his skin as his eyes glowed a menacing red. You whimpered at his fiery display as your body glowed blue in self defense. Your irises glowed blue as frost covered your skin to prevent the heat from directly harming you. “I won’t forgive them for the things they’ve said about you.”
You gulped walking towards him cautiously. You slowly outstretched a frosted hand and delicately caressed his burning cheek. A slight hissing came from the contact as perspiration appeared between the flesh of your hand and his cheek and a light steam flutter through the air.
“My love, you’ve always spoke of balance. Can you not see the balance? Life flourishes during the spring. Warmth blesses the Earth during the summer as harvests are almost at his prime. Then Autumn comes with my cool chill. Harvests are ready to be gathered to prepare for the winter and finally winter, where animal life are able to hibernate and thrive,” you spoke carefully to not prod his fire.
“But then, we aren’t equal,” Felix sniffled, feeling pain for you. “Three months for you, but nine for me? It just isn’t fair.”
“Felix, love. Do you recall what you said to me back then? Why are you disturbing the balance that the pantheon has spent eons to perfect? This is the perfect balance we all strived for,” you smiled as your other hand found his other cheeks. “I finally understand now. You’ve taught me this. We are not doing this for ourselves or each other. Just because we’re deities doesn’t mean we command man. We serve man.”
“I- Of course,” Felix sighed in defeat.
“So you understand?” you whispered cautiously.
“Yes, thank you, love. I’m sorry I frightened you,” you shook your head as you both shared a kiss.
Taking your words to heart, he watched over man during the summer months. You were currently occupied at the southern pole of the Earth ensuring the summer months do not harm the life at the Earth’s extremities. Felix smiled fondly at the farmers below plowing land and sowing seeds.
“I do not look forward to the upcoming months,” Felix frowned at one of the farmer’s statements.
“I agree, the cold is insufferable. Why can’t the great Felix just warm up the Earth year long?” the other farmer contributed.
“That sounds amazing. The frost deity Y/N is not needed. All the deity bring is death and suffering.”
Felix balled his hands in rage. As his flames of hatred and anger burned, his benevolent heart froze. He could never bring himself to forgive man for their cruel words. Your words held truth, the Earth was in perfect balance, but why aren’t man appreciative of this balance. Why did man still despised the beautiful you that captured his entire being and soul?
We don’t command man, we serve man.
He held you true to your words.
If man wanted him to heat up the world, then he shall. The lovely summers are now grueling. Water sources evaporated quickly as temperatures spiked up and continued to rise. Life was suffering under the grueling heat. Felix could only smirk at their suffering. It was him inflicting punishment on man who had done you wrong.
You felt strange draft on your back. The penguin chick within your hands flailed and struggled and you set it down carefully, the animal quickly crawled and shuffled to the water, disappearing under the surface. Something wasn’t right. You were at the extreme southern pole of the Earth. Snow and blizzards surrounded you, but why did the air feel… warmer?
“Felix, my love. Explain yourself,” you demanded storming into his haven.
“My love,” Felix stood to greet you with a bright smile on his face. You brought your hand up to stop his advancement.
“Love, why are you raising the temperatures? Man is suffering.”
“This is what man wanted,” Felix stated calmly pulling you closer to his body by your waist and softly planting a kiss on your lips.
“But, love-”
“Shhh,” Felix shushed you by pressing a finger to your lips and planting another soft kiss.
“Promise me,love. Promise me that this is what man truly wanted.”
“I promise, my love. You are absolutely correct. We serve man. They pleaded for warmer temperatures so I granted it to them.”
You bit your lip in concern. Felix had no reason to lie to you, but you found his temperature to be too extreme. The heat and the cold comes hand in hand, when it’s out of balance. There are terrible consequences. From once man pleaded for warmth, they now pleased for cooling. So you complied. Autumn is more breezy and is generally cooler, while winter now dropped far below freezing. However, despite this,life still suffered.
“Felix, my love. Things are going far off balance,” you pleaded to the fire deity. “Please lower your temperatures. We’re reaching the extremities. Life can not sustain this.”
“But, love. This is what the people wanted. We serve man remember?” Felix smiled with naivete.
“But man. Can’t you see they’re suffering? There are droughts and their crops can’t prosper. Man are starving,” you pressed trying to convince your lover.
His answer shattered your heart completely.
“I don’t care about man,” Felix chuckled dryly. "They've lost all my respect when they've disrespected you and the balance we created. This is just their punishment for their sins."
Tears fell down your cheeks as you shook your head in disbelief. Felix was no longer the man you fell in love with. His heart has completely froze over and you can not do a thing to undo it. After all, things always happens both ways. Your heart thawed with his heat, his heart froze with your cold. It was all your fault. You left Felix that day completely shutting him out as you prayed for the day that his fiery heat will thaw his heart.
But that day never came.
Felix's love for you still burned strong and true. He was so madly in love with you. He blamed man for tearing you away from him. The combined might of Felix's passionate feelings towards you, his heartbreak of you leaving and his rage for man was too much for the Earth to bear.
Not only did the oceans, rivers and lakes rapidly evaporate, the polar ice caps all melted and contributed to the rising sea levels. The extreme heat is slowly turning the Earth to desert. Soil erosion was happening too rapidly and could no longer support man's agricultural needs.
You tried to cover the Earth in your cold temperatures in hopes of offsetting Felix's raging flames, but that disrupted the fragile balance even more. His hot air collided with your cool air causing the two to swirl and chase each other at dangerous speeds. Storms and natural disasters now wracked the earth. The rapid warming is melting the North and South poles. The rising sea levels are now swallowing lands up. The oceans are filled with countless hurricanes and the land with countless tornadoes.
And all man could do is cry and weep.
And as we reach the end of this story.
Lee Felix, the fire deity, and Y/N, the ice deity: a match made in heaven that ignited hell on Earth.
#stray kids#skz#stray kids felix#skz felix#lee felix#stray kids angst#stray kids imagines#stray kids x reader
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YJI ~ And Now It’s Going Around
Genre: Angst, Fluff? Idk what this is lol
Word Count: 2702
A/N: This story is going to have a lot of imagery and symbolism, so I suggest focusing on the symbols to fully understand the story. If not, the ending may be confusing.
A/N 2: I’m dedicating this to my love, @okayseungmin. Sorry it took so long, I hope you enjoy it! T^T I love you~ 💖💕💓💕💓💖💓💕💓💖💖 Take care of yourself and rest well!
A/N 3: Not proofread! I know, very shocking. #WeDyingLikeMen!
It’s a dreary day.
The sun is out. The clouds are nowhere to be found. Birds are singing. A soft spring breeze came and went. The sun lit courtyard is filled with flowers that seemed to sway and dance along to the wind and the song of spring.
A beautiful day,
But it doesn’t match the dreary atmosphere.
In the same place, at the same time, there were two figures occupying opposite ends of the courtyard. One was donning a brilliant white outfit, the sleeves, long and thin, extended passed the hands by a few good centimeters. They were sat on an old worn bench. The once polished wood was now dull and splintering, the cracking and moaning of the joints reminded of its old age. Within the hand, lost within the fabric, held a brush pressed to canvas. The figure wore a dull, tired expression. Their face was long and decorated with dark circles and droopy eyes. The strokes were long, slow and dragging. The strokes of white contrast the green dabbles on the canvas.
The other figure, also in a brilliant white, was crouched before a bed of flowers. His knees were pulled into his chest as his cheek rested on his knees for support. An arm was loosely slung over his feet while the other plucked the brown and bruised white flowers. His expression was also long and gloomy. His lips were in a permanent frown as dark circles rested neatly under his eyes.
It’s been a long day despite the day barely beginning. The sun has yet to reached its prime.
A cool yet particularly strong breeze swept through the courtyard and caused the flowers to lean and rustle harshly. The dripping white paint was caught by the wind from the brush and splattered to the concrete bricks below. The cool breeze swept through the two figure’s faces sweeping up their hair and drying out their eyes. Both their heads jolted up from the sudden chill, now more awake and sober than their previously drowsy state. They two stood up abruptly and made eye contact with each other. Both heads tilt slightly as two shy hands come up in a small wave. Each person finally realized that they were not alone in the courtyard and the other shared the space with them.
The boy walked forward with a toothy smile showing off his pearly whites that was decorated with braces.
“Hi,” he breathed out sheepishly. “I’m Jeongin.”
“Y/N,” you smiled. Both your cheeks were lightly dusted pink, flustered from not realizing the other was there. Your eyes traveled to his clenched hand and his to your canvas.
“What do you have there?” you both inquired simultaneously, prompting you both to erupt in small giggles.
“White poppies,” you both stated in unison, smiling at each other.
Ever since that encounter in the courtyard, you both had become more aware of how you both existed in the same place without realization. Now, you both were content just being in each other’s company. Conversations were minimal and rare, but every single little conversation, every single little word etched themselves in each other’s hearts.
Jeongin and you were gathered around a table seated opposite of each other. Jeongin had a lovely lavender vase before him. His delicate hands expertly arranged the flowers to be just right, constantly rotating the vase to ensure every single petal, bud and leaf were in the right place.
You were in the seat opposite of him, with a canvas on an easel stood beside you. Various tubes of acrylics and several brushes of different lengths and sizes were scattered throughout the table before you. Within one hand, hooked on your thumb and supported your fingers as a wooden palette as colorful and vibrant as the gardens of flowers outside. Your other hand held a brush and delicately brushing on strokes of brilliant flowers.
“Jeongin, what is your dream?” you asked. Your soft voice prompted the boy to temporarily pause what he was doing to gaze at you.
“I’ll tell you if you tell me yours,” Jeongin said softly, smiling at you.
You smiled in return. After making brief eye contact, you nodded softly in agreement.
“I want to be a painter, an artist. I want to express my colors on canvas,” you whispered out. Despite the hushed tone, your voice was filled with passion of your desires. Jeongin smiled and chuckled at your passion. It was inspiring whenever you talked about your passions.
“I want to be a florist,” Jeongin responded. “I believe you can pour out an entire heartfelt message in a bouquet of flowers. Each flower has its own meaning and stories. In a perfect combination, you can tell your colorful stories.”
Yours dreams were no stranger. Many of their conversations revolve around their dreams. No matter how many times it’s said, each seemed more beautiful the more it’s repeated and expressed. Jeongin stood with the delicate glass vase within his hands, finished off with a delicate yellow ribbon. His fingers laid the final touches and adjustments. Jeongin walked over to the windowsill and left the vase of brilliant, vibrant purple poppies by the slightly ajar window.
“It’s late,” Jeongin turned and smiled fondly. “Let’s go call it a night.”
“Ok,” you nodded, rinsing your brush in your jar of water as you take a nice long look at your recreation of Jeongin’s vase of flowers.
So what are your dreams?
Are dreams a longing for something you can never grasp? Is it something that lingers throughout a lifetime? Or something that can be easily crumbled and tossed aside? Are dreams achievable or is it only for sleeping?
It’s barely midday. The sun was slowly inching towards its prime as the rays shone relentlessly. The wispy rare clouds that come and go provide some relief from the bright rays. The cool breezes perfectly balances out the warmth of the sun. Jeongin and you were sitting in a patch of blooming Dogwoods.
“Have you taken them yet?” Jeongin asked softly, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear delicately braiding it.
You lightly groaned. “No, I forgot. We should match so we don’t forget.”
“Alright,” Jeongin chuckled softly. He delicately plucked a blooming white flower. It had several white thin petals surrounding the yellow pollen core in many layers. Jeongin’s fingers comb through your hair, flattening loose strands and detangle the strands. He expertly wove smaller strands over and under each other as he inserted the stem of the dogwood and braided it in one after another. Satisfied with the braided flower clown that created, “Beautiful.”
Your cheeks brightened up as a warmth flushed through your body. You quickly turned to face him as you sat on your knees. You leaned forward resting your hands on your knees as support. Jeongin smiled fondly as he unrolled his sleeves, letting the long fabric cascade down.
“Do you think we could ever leave together?” you whispered softly.
“Maybe,” Jeongin’s voice was soft, but it held a distasteful bitterness where the pair knew that such a thing was not possible.
“Do you think we’ll be able to reach our dreams?”
As both pairs of glimmering eyes met, it was as if the world stopped around them as sparks erupt from within.
“Yes,” Jeongin paused. “But not in the way you expect.”
What is your dream?
You smiled fondly at the boy before you, and he you. You brought your hands up to cup his cheeks within your sweater paws. A soft breeze came by, fluttering both your hairs and rustled the flowers setting the mood. Their hearts fluttered in unison as their breaths mingled. You slowly leaned forward as his eyes trailed down to your lips. Your lips softly met and molded together. It was magical as if it was a beautiful spring day, flowers bloom, many birds singing the sweet song of spring, and bees buzzing from flower to flower for a harvest in the later seasons.
In that moment of time and intimacy, a thought went through both your minds, ‘you are my new dream.’
Since then, you’ve both been inseparable. It was as if you both were attached by the hip. You were always seated together with arms linked no matter that you did whether you were painting, Jeongin was trimming flowers or even eating. The only thing the young lovers were barred from was sharing the same bed, but that didn’t deter them from their blossoming relationship.
“Innie, can you help me with still life realism?” you asked politely as you set up your canvas and easel in the center of the courtyard, using the sun as natural light. Jeongin nodded as a bright idea came into mind. He always enjoys delicately putting together bouquets and flower decorations for you and in return, you would capture the bouquets in a still art as you both presented each other with them as heartfelt gifts.
Smiling softly to himself, he held a small rounded glass jar, similar to a fish bowl, and headed towards the fountain in the center. Holding the glass under the cascading waters of the fountain, letting the bowl fill up halfway. He used his sleeve to wipe off the stray droplets on the sides of the glass. He returned back to you and delicately placed the bowl at the center of the worn bench. Jeongin stepped away momentarily to the small man made pond and rolled up his long sleeves. Smiling brightly as his eyes scoped out the one flower in its prime: full bloom and vibrant colors. Dipping his fingers into the cool liquid he reached under the flower between the stem and gently picked up the delicate flower. Returning back to where you were, he separated the stem and gently floated the beautiful vibrant pink lotus into the bowl, letting the lingering water drip from his fingers onto the petals of the lotus. Each droplet perfectly refracted the sun’s rays making it seem as if it’s glimmering.
Your face soured a bit seeing Jeongin’s lackluster display. Jeongin turned towards you with a prideful smile expecting your reaction. You forced out a smile, not trying to hurt his feelings. Jeongin’s smile faltered slightly as worry flashed in his eyes.
“What?” Jeongin asked. “Do you not… like it?”
“No… no, it isn’t like that,” you stuttered, trying to collect and piece your words carefully. “It’s just that… I expected more?”
“Is this not enough? A lotus in full bloom floating on water with droplets reflecting off the sunlight?” his words were pained as he stated, offended.
“I wanted something beautiful and vibrant,” you stated firmly as your eyebrows furrowed. “Something, perhaps like a bouquet of impatiens-”
“This isn’t beautiful and vibrant enough? The lotus is in full bloom. Are you so blind that you can not see the vibrant hue of the pink?” Jeongin spat, his gaze hardened at you.
“It’s too simplistic!” you snapped, throwing up your hands. Your paintbrush fell to the ground. The atmosphere was so tense and silent, you both can hear the paintbrush clatter almost deafeningly loud. “I don’t need simplicity. I need a challenge. I need several colors, textures and shapes. Give me a bouquet of impatiens, pink petunias or even purple petunias!”
“Might as well add sweet briars to it, yea?” Jeongin returned sarcastically through clenched teeth. Despite his harsh tone, his eyes showed pain. “Why can’t you just appreciate what I’ve given you?”
“Why can’t you appreciate my art? You’re undermining me aren’t you? You think I lack the skill so you give me a simple flower?”
Jeongin scoffed, turning away and rolling your eyes prior to raising a finger up to you. “Are you even listening to yourself? That’s absolutely ridiculous. Well two can play at this game,” Jeongin tilted his head and blew his fringe out of his eyes as his gaze darkened. “Maybe you’re undermining me by not appreciating my art. Sometimes less is more! You are blind to beauty!”
“You’re kidding, right? You’re absolutely fucking kidding me? Art is vibrant and colorful! Art is an expression of color!”
“Art is more than fucking color!” Jeongin growled, stomping towards you. “Art is an expression of self! There is meaning behind each object. Art is about expressing your feelings and using underlying meanings to tell your story!”
Your eyebrows furrowed as your nose scrunched up. Rage bubbled within you as you clenched your fists. Your breathing became more labored as you wracked your brain to form words, but it was blinded by rage. Seeing red, you shoved Jeongin roughly backwards. Jeongin stumbled over his feet as his arms flailed trying to catch his balance, accidentally knocking over the lotus bowl. The glass broke and shattered on the concrete bricks as water spilled everywhere and the lotus rolled and gathered dirt.
Jeongin’s eyes widened at the fallen flower and felt as if he was the one who broke and shattered. Enraged as well, his nose scrunched up and his upper lip twitched as he stomped forward grabbing at your canvas and angrily tossed it towards the ground. The canvas bounced pathetically as the wood splintered and broke upon impact. The fabric tore as the wood finally separated.
You felt your overflowing dam within you on the verge of bursting as tears welled up as your hands found their way to the fabric of Jeongin’s shirt. Jeongin’s hands shot up to grasp at yours to in retaliation. You both were hurting. You both knew your argument was petty and pointless, but your were young and naive. Too stubborn to stand down, but not wanting to hurt the other. So your fight elevated to a series of pushing and pulling as your both stumbled over each other’s feet as both your dams erupted. With one particular push from Jeongin and you pulling him down as you stumbled losing your balance, you both crashed into your easel. The wood frame knocked over as your open jar of paint bounced and spilled into the garden of flowers. The vibrant splash the colors dyed the once white poppies to a menacing red.
You both were sobbing as words that wish to be spoken latched themselves in your throats causing you both to choke on your sobs as you continued your pathetic fight of pushing and pulling. Your heart palpitated in your chest as it felt like you were inhaling pins and needles. Your stomach churned as your hands and feet shook, a sharp stinging pain began growing in your head. Two men in white interfered and tried to separate the two of you. With the forceful separation despite the ongoing fight, you both still reached for each other, the tips of your fingers barely within reach. With a simultaneous cry of each other’s names, the doors shut as you both were pulled into opposite buildings.
Everything hurt. You were curled up into a ball under the warmth of your sheets. The pain in your chest felt heavy and unbearable. You tried to swallow the lump in your throat as you tried to will away the nausea. Despite all this, despite all the tears, the pounding in your head was unbearable. It felt as if it was eating away at you devouring you whole with no hope of mercy. You cracked your eyes a bit, wincing at the bright light. The bright unforgiving light of the sun coming in through the window worsened your migraine. Your eyes screwed shut as you pulled the sheet over your head as you fell unconscious due to the unbearable pain, the last thing you saw was the daylilies in full bloom swaying in the wind.
It’s a dreary day. Beautiful, yet dreary.
The sun is out, the clouds are nowhere to be found, birds are singing as a gentle breeze completed the setting. A cool yet particularly strong breeze swept through the courtyard and caused the flowers to lean and rustle harshly. The two figures in the courtyard stood abruptly due to the sudden chill.
The boy walked forward with a small, bright smile showing off his braces and a shy wave.
“Hi,” he breathed out sheepishly. “I’m Jeongin.”
“Y/N,” you smiled.
#stray kids#skz#stray kids angst#stray kids i.n#skz i.n#yang jeongin#stray kids imagines#stray kids x reader
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SKZ ~ Masterlist
They’re all angst, just FYI
Also, i can’t find the original owners of the gifs, help.
Most if not all aren’t proofread and they’re probably not going to be because I’m too lazy for that.
Vote for the next #WeDyingLikeMen fic!
Kim Woojin | 김우진
~ I am You (Minor! Bang Chan)
~ Shifting Tides (Mentioned! Woojin) // SCB
Bang Chan | 방찬
~ I am You (Minor! Bang Chan) // KWJ
~ Corpse Party
~ The Princess and the Pirate (Mentioned! Bang Chan) // HJS
~ Shifting Tides (Mentioned! Bang Chan) // SCB
~ 20:48
Lee Know/Lee Minho | 리노/이민호
~ The Deep End
~ Shifting Tides (Mentioned! Lee Know) // SCB
~ Date With Death
Seo Changbin | 서창빈
~ Words From the Heart Often Cuts Deep
~ Shifting Tides
Hwang Hyunjin | 황현진
~ Tragic Fairytale
~ Date With Death (Platonic! Hyunjin)
Han/Han Jisung | 한/한지성
~ The Princess and the Pirate
Lee Felix | 이필릭스
~ Golden Wattle Counter
~ Heaven and Hell
Kim Seungmin | 김승민
~ Aloha Oe
I.N/Yang Jeongin | 아이엔/양정인
~ The Collapse
~ And Now It’s Going Around
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author be like: *let me just drop this chonky piece of angst out of nowhere 🤪🤪 #WeDyingLikeMEN* and I be like: *reading at 12 am noises* 💕💕💞💞💖💕💘💗💗💝 take my love ily 💕💕💗💘💞💖💝💝
LOL. My angsts always come at inconvenient and random times because my upload schedule is as non existent as my motivation to not be a failure at life 🤣🤣🤣 Ily too 💖💖💖💕💕💞💞💝💗💓💓💞💝💓💗💕💖💞💝💓 be sure to take care of yourself <3 if you get hurt, i will lovingly nurse you back to full health, and then kill you. 💖
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My loveeeeeeeeeee 💕💕💝💝💝💗💗💗💘💞💞💞💓💖💖✨✨✨💓💖💖 Aiya, the break zoomed by and it’s monday tomorrow wtf. I said that I was going to catch up on sleep before the break started but I lied 💁🏻♀️💁🏻♀️ I hope you had a good break overall. I have you to pull me through school days so I know I can do it :) 💖💖💗💗💗💘💘💕💕💓💝💞💞💓💓💕💕💖💖💖💗💘💘 I love you mostest
My lovveeee 💞💞💞💞 i know right? The break is suddenly gone 😭 I'm currently going through Thanksgiving round 2 and I don't wanna be here. 😒
It's at a seafood buffet and I high key can't eat anything here because I don't eat seafood. Worst of all it's all asian people and my mom wouldn't shut up so she's constantly like "LOOK LOOK, IT'S MY DAUGHTER. COME SAY HI"
So there like 2847294729742 people saying hi like "Hi, I havent seen you since you were a baby, do you remember me?" And I'm like "I have never seen you in my life?"
Plus they're all touchy touchy, throwing an arm around my shoulder, randomly hugging me from behind and rubbing my back. 😒😒😒 and idk who any of these people are?
Like leave me alone, I'm trying to finish a #WeDyingLikeMen
Kill me.
I know you can power through school. I'll always be here 💖 Because I know you would be there for me too 💖💖💖 I believe in you.
I love youuuu, take care of yourself 💛💘💜💗❤💟💙💟💛💓💖💘💗💜💘💙💛💚🖤❤🧡💜💚💓💝💗💜💞💛💓💕🧡💚❤💚💚💙💓💝💗❤💛💘💛💞💓💟❤💓💗🧡💙🧡💝🖤💌❤💕💗💙🧡💝💌💓💙💌💛💚💖💌💝💟💙💌💛🧡
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On the bus to go home right now and what better way to spend it than to die ☺️ like always WEDYINGLIKEMEN dropped out of nowhere 😳💕💗💝💘💖💓💜💜💞 I’ll shut up to go read now💕💕💗💘💝💞 I love you mostest :) take care of yourself
#WeDyingLikeMen waits for no one 💀
Today seemed like a good day to die! But then again, any day is a good day to die 👀
I also high key wrote it in one sitting in my computer science class and wasn't paying attention 🙃
But I hope you enjoy it 💝
Ngl Heaven and Hell sounded better in theory than on paper 👀 oop
Edit: Impossible. I love you more 😤😤😤🧡💙💕💓❣🧡💙💗💚💚💞💖🖤💕🧡💙❣💗💚💖💙❣💗💙💚
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Thank you all for following 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
I love all of you for helping complete the Road to 200. 💙💝💚💖💓💗💘💗💚💛💕💛🧡❤💜❣💘💙💛💚❤💖💕💛💕💓🧡💘💜💝💙❤💖💝💖❤💕💕💛❣❤💜💘💞
Thank you for reading all my #WeDyingLikeMen and/or Operation Miroh and dealing with my non existent uplaod schedule 💖
Road to 300? 👀
Road to 100 👀

Thank you all for helping reach triple digits! I love you all so much for supporting me on my road to 100 😭😭😭💖💖😭💖😭💖😭💖💖💖💞💞💕💕💝💝💗💗💓💓💓💗💗💝💝💕💞
Now up next: The Road to 200!
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Reblogging for clout lmao. I'll start writing after my finals 💖
You can technically vote multiple times if you cheese it and like close it and reopen it..... so go ham lmao.
Also hepp the one i didnt want to win is winning
Also I linked this survey/form on my profile and it will basically stay there and the story options will be adjusted accordingly whenever i finish a story or get a new idea
Hey y'allsters. Which #WeDyingLikeMen fic do you want to read next? (Basically if you don't know, a #WeDyingLikeMen fic is basically a SKZ angst that I write)
Pls vote on this form.
I think it's anonymous, I've never actually made a form/survey before. LMAO
If the link doesnt work or if it's not anonymous, tell me. Lol K thanks, bye.
Please vote 💖
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