#We call it Ex Villains Road Trip lmao
moecartoons · 2 years
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Some Blue Matt sketches mostly inspired by a discord RP between me and @sliding-into-space where a reformed but still Moon Chip Infused Matt helps a reformed Slider finally find his Pops.
They use this giant map device to find Coop's clues and occassionally Slider will look over Matt's shoulder at it. I find the idea of Sly becoming too comfortable around Matt and just hovering his head over his shoulder with spikes funny. Poor Mattie worries he'll accidentally stab the guy.
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falcqns · 4 years
Free Fall
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Reader
Summary: Henry meets your parents for the first time, and custody issues arise.
Warnings: fluff, angst, slight family drama, slight daddy issues, Lav being cute as always
A/N: Just me channeling my own problems into my writing as an emotional outlet lmao. Hope you enjoy!
Chapter 7
You heard the alarm go off, but groaned and rolled over, attempting to smother the sounds with your pillow. You heard Henry chuckle, and roll out of bed, before walking out of the room.
He poked his head into Lavender’s room, where she was safe and asleep, so he continued his journey down the stairs. He turned the coffee machine on, and grabbed two travel mugs.
Today, you and him would be heading to your home town, and he’d be meeting your family. To say he was nervous would be an understatement. He was absolutely terrified. He was terrified that they wouldn’t like him, or that they would think he’s not a good father to Lavender.
He also nervous because he knew Lavender’s birth father lived in the same town, and he honestly didn’t know what he would do if he came face to face with that asshole.
He had just finished making both your coffee’s, when he hears Lavender wake up over the baby monitor. He headed to her room, peaking his inside his to check on you, who was still sleeping.
Lavender stopped crying when Henry came in to her line of sight, and watched him intently as he picked her up and cradled her against his chest. He changed her diaper quickly, and got her dressed, before taking her down stairs. He placed her into the high chair, and tilted it back gently so it supported her back and head. She had gotten better at holding up her own head, but Henry didn’t want to take any chances. She cooed and watched as he moved around the kitchen, getting everything ready for the road trip.
She blew a raspberry, and Henry turned around. “What are you doing, boo boo?” He asked her, walking over to press a kiss to her forehead. She let out a giggle, and then began moving her arms around wildly, and squealing. Henry smiled and unbuckled her, picking her up. “Mama is still sleeping, and Dada doesn’t want to wake her up yet. We have to be quiet.” He whispered, and he got a huge smiled in return, before Lavender laid her head on his shoulder.
Henry continued what he was doing, until Lavender let out a cry, signalling that she was hungry. Henry smushed her, but began prepping a bottle for her before walking into the living room with her, and sitting down to feed her. He gazed down at her as she happily ate her breakfast. “You are so beautiful, you know that?” He said. She gazed up at him in a way that almost made him believe that she understood what he was saying. “i’m gonna take care of you the way a father should. I don’t care that you’re biologically not mine, you’re my baby girl, and that’s all that matters,” He whispered, before pressing a kiss to her forehead. He watched as her eyes drifted shut.
You came down the stairs a few minutes later with all the pre-packed bags, and smiled at Henry who was holding Lavender.
“I didn’t hear her wake up,” You said, and Henry chuckled as he stood up.
“She woke up about an hour ago, but you were still sleeping so I got her. She’s eaten, and everything is ready to go,” He said. You nodded as you took a sip of your coffee. “Okay, thank you.” You said, and Henry walked over to you to give you a kiss.
“I’ll load the car up, if you get her in her car seat,” Henry suggested, passing Lavender to you. You took your daughter, and cradled her against your chest. She opened her eyes, and looked up at you. “We’re you being good for Dada?” You asked her, and she cooed in response.
A few minutes later, Lavender was secure in her car seat, and the car was packed. Henry carried the car seat to the car, and you climbed into the passengers seat, Kal following to lay on your feet. Henry got in the drivers seat, and the four of you were off. The drive went fairly well, with Lavender sleeping the majority of the time, in between feedings, where you would have to get in the back to help feed her.
You arrived at your parents house just before midnight, and both were relieved when you could see lights on, signifying that your family was still awake. Sneaking into your childhood home with a baby and dog didn’t seem like the most enjoyable thing.
You took Lavender and Kal, while Henry took the bags out.
“Y/N!” Your mom said, opening the door for you. “Hey, mom,” You said as you gave her a hug. Your dad came up and gave you one as well, before taking the car seat from you. Kal looked up at you for permission to follow Lavender, and you nodded, before he scurried off to protect his sister. You stepped away from the door to allow Henry through with the bags, which you took from him while he met your mom.
“You must be Henry!” Your mom said, pulling him into her arms for a hug. You giggled as Henry returned her hug.
“It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Y/L/N.” He said, and your mom instantly corrected him.
“Please, call me Y/M/N.”
They continued to talk, and you decided to get Lavender out of her seat, as she was looking quite done with being strapped in. You freed her, and she immediately cooed in happiness before snuggling into your chest. You glanced over at Henry, who was talking to your dad about football, and took a seat on the couch. Your mom came over, and took her from you so she could have some cuddles, and you took that opportunity to take the bags to your old bedroom. When you walked in, you smiled as you saw your parents had set up your crib that you had used for Lavender to sleep in.
Henry came in a while later, and helped you unpack the bags, and get everything ready for Lavender to go to sleep. You heard her crying from the living room, and Henry immediately went to her aid. He re-entered the bedroom with her in his arms moments later, and she was handed to you. “She’s hungry, I think. She wasn’t wet or anything.”
“Okay,” You said, and freed your breast to feed her. She latched on, and you sat down against the headboard. Henry watched you out of the corner of his eye as he moved about the room, getting ready for bed. He joined you moments later, and a kiss was pressed to your cheek before he did the same to Lavenders.
“Are you nervous to meet the rest of my family tomorrow?” You questioned Henry, and he gave you a small smile.
“No. I am nervous that I’m going to run into her birth father though. I don’t know how I would be able to stop myself from hurting him.” He admitted, and you grabbed his hand with your free one.
“Don’t worry about him. He won’t hurt us, okay?” You promised, and Henry smiled before laying his head on your shoulder and drifting off to sleep with his eyes locked on his little girl. She was safe.
But, he should have known that wasn’t true. The next morning, your parents had asked you to go on a grocery store run, and the three of you decided to go. Henry was pushing the cart, Lavender was enjoying her new surroundings in her car seat, while you were consulting the list, and putting things in the cart. Henry gazed around at the people also shopping, almost searching for your ex. He realized he shouldn’t be so suspicious, and focused on Lavender again, who was looking at the different coloured fruits and vegetables, her fingers being sucked on in her mouth.
The three of you made your way to the snack aisle, and that’s when it happened. Henry heard what sounded like a curse word come out your mouth just as a man, no older than 25 entered the same aisle as you. He locked eyes with you, and Henry watched as he approached you. Henry looked at you, and he instantly knew who it was.
Lavenders father.
Henry immediately moved the cart so Lavender couldn’t be seen, and stood in between the cart and you, so you were within reaching distance.
“Hey, Y/N.” He said. You rolled your eyes, but turned to face your ex.
“What do you want, Y/E/N?” You said in an exasperated voice.
“Where’s my daughter?” He asked, and Henry moved the cart behind his back a little more. This made your ex look at him, and notice the back of the car seat peaking out from behind Henry. “Who the hell are you?” He asked in a demanding tone.
“I’m Henry.” He stated plainly. He reached out and pulled you closer to him. You turned your head, and buried your face into his chest. You knew he’d protect you and Lavender; he was Superman after all.
“Why are you near my daughter?” Your ex asked in the same demanding tone. Henry felt the anger bubbling up, and did nothing to stop it.
“She’s not your daughter. She’s mine,” Henry said, in the same villainous tone that he had to use for Walker.
Y/E/N scoffed. “Like hell she is. Unless she was cheating on me with you, and I highly doubt that, there is no way in hell that she is your daughter.”
Henry narrowed his eyes before continuing. “You’re right. Biologically, she is not mine, but that doesn’t matter to me. She is my daughter in every other way. You left Y/N the second she told you she was pregnant. She had to be pregnant alone for 9 months, and then parent completely alone for another 2 because you decided you didn’t want the responsibility. She is my daughter. I stepped up when I didn’t have to, simply because I love her mother, and I love her. You don’t.”
“Well I’m here now. Shouldn’t that count for something?”
Henry laughed. “You have no rights to her. I’m the one waking up at night to take care of her so Y/N can sleep. I’m the one that bathes her, changes her, plays with her, and gives her love and protection. The night I met her, I made a promise to myself that I would protect her and her mother for the rest of my life and that is exactly what I am going to do. She is my daughter in every way that matters.”
Y/E/N narrowed his eyes and took a step towards Henry. Henry immediately moved you behind him, as he was anticipating this getting physical. You moved to your daughter, and pushed the cart to the end of the aisle. “I’ll take you to court.”
Henry felt himself slip into his ‘Walker headspace’ as he called it, before he retaliated. “Good luck with that. See, unlike you, I am an actor. Not just any actor too. I’ve played Superman, Geralt of Rivia, Napoleon Solo, and I am now playing August Walker in Mission Impossible for the second time. And, Y/N told me that you’ve seen Fallout, so you know what Walker can do. I make a hell of a lot more money than you do, and I have a much better legal team than you. Not to mention, these muscles,” He motioned to his upper body. “aren’t just for my looks. They’re useful too.” he got right in your ex’s face, to intimidate him before continuing. “I can beat the shit out of little pussy men who think they can come here and threaten my girlfriend and my daughter. Now get the fuck out of here before I recreate the bathroom scene, right here in the aisle.” Henry finished, and turned to face you but not before your ex opened up his mouth again.
“This isn’t over, Y/N. she’s my daughter, and I WILL take her from you.” Henry’s eyes darkened, and turned around. He raised his fist and punched your ex square in the nose so hard that went flying back down the aisle. He walked and stood over him.
“So help me God, you contact me, Y/N or my daughter in ANY way, I will go all August Walker on your ass. I’m sure Tom Cruise would love to help as well.” He spat in your ex’s face. He turned and saw that you were in tears. He ran up to you and enveloped you in a hug.
“It’s okay. He can’t hurt us.” Henry whispered in your ear, as Henry pushed the cart out of the aisle and towards the checkout. “Here,” he said, handing you his card. “Checkout. I’m going to go let the manager know what happened. I’ll see you in the car.” You nodded, and watched as he approached an employee.
You checked out silently, and headed to the car. Lavender had taken notice of how upset you were, and began bowing raspberries in the hopes of cheering you up, which worked. You loaded her, and then the groceries, into the car, before climbing in and fully breaking down. Henry joined you moments later and you were pulled back into his arms.
“You’re okay. I’m sorry I let my anger get the best of me.” he whispered into your hair. You shook your head.
“That’s not why I’m crying. I-I’m scared he’s going to take her away.” Henry hugged to tighter when he heard your broken voice.
“Not gonna happen. I won’t let anything happen to her.” He promised. You nodded, and pulled away so Henry could drive.
You were still shaken up over what happened when you arrived home, immediately disappearing to your bedroom with Lavender. Henry carried the groceries in the house, and helped your mom put them away.
“Did something happen at the store? Y/N seems upset.” She asked.
“Y/E/N was there and he threatened her with taking Lavender from us. I couldnt let that happen, so I threatened him a little, and ended up punching him in the face.” he winced as he finished talking, unsure of what your moms reaction was going to be.
She turned to him, and gave him a high five. “Thank you. I never liked him.” Henry busted out laughing seconds later.
Henry went out for a run with Kal a few hours later, and your mom came upstairs with some lunch for you. You were laying on the bed, watching a movie on on the TV while Lavender napped in the crib.
“Hey, Henry told me what happened. Are you okay?” She asked, offering you the plate with an egg salad sandwich on it. You took it and nodded.
“Yeah, I am. Just a little shaken up is all.” You said, and she took a seat on the bed.
“Okay. You know, your birth father threatened the same thing many times.” She admitted. Your head shot up to look at your mom.
Your mom nodded, and continued. “Yep. But, your dad never let that happen, and I know Henry won’t. I absolutely hate that you are going through what I did with your father, but we both know Henry is going to protect you and her the same way your dad protected you and I. If he becomes an issue, you can always get a restraining order.” You nodded, and watched as your mom pressed a kiss to your temple before walking out.
“Everything’s going to be fine,” You said, as you ate and watched your daughters chest move up and down rhythmically. She was safe.
A/N Pt 2: I just thought i’d clarify that when i say ‘father’ and ‘dad’ i mean two completely different things. To me, a ‘father’ is the one who is biologically related to the child, and a ‘dad’ is the one who raises the child. Anyone can be a father, but it takes a real man to be a dad.
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crimsonseekers · 3 years
Fic Writer Interview
Tagged by @aphrodaisyacs! Thank you! :D
Name(s): Crimson, or Crim as I've been assigned by friends
Fandom(s): Ones I've written for are BNHA, Transformers, Sk8, JJK, HTTYD, Pokemon, and Hetalia. Those last three are on an old FFnet account I refuse to let see the light of day.
Where you post: AO3 (but as stated before I used to write on FFnet lmao)
Most popular one-shot (by kudos): League of Villains? League of Flat Earthers
I won't lie, I wrote that fic in maybe three or four hours on a whim following the unexpected success of my first bnha fic. Which brings me to my next point of why is it always the fics I put the least effort into or write on a whim that do the best (*side eyes entire [insert tragic backstory] series*)
Most popular multi-chap (also by kudos): area cryptid upset no one bothered to inform him of his tragic backstory
this is my most popular fice by a not insignificant margin lmao. i tell this story in discord all the time but i literally wrote it while dissociating during zoom calls and then decided to post it because it got long so why not? and then it got popular so i kept writing bnha fic and now i'm here.
Favorite story you've written so far: i'd say either a blood crown for two or love is stored in the medical stapler hidden in the anti paparazzi blanket
blood crown was a self-indulgent project that i didn't think there would be any audience for, so i was super happy that other people enjoyed it as well. the other one was a joke fic written when i joined CTABB in roughly two and a half hours, and is honestly one of the best times i ever had writing a fic.
Fics you were nervous to post: mmmm i don't really get nervous when posting, but if i had to point at one, then it'd probably be catch me when i fall (rated E). it was just a fic written in a fever dream, a weirdly charged emotional study of hawks and nagant's relationship, published within roughly 36 hours of me learning she had a name. it was just i knew that with her being such a new character, it was definitely going to be niche, so i wasn't sure what the reaction was going to be
How do you choose your titles: it kind of depends on the type of fic i'm writing, to be honest. with crack/humor fics, i just come up with the worst possible way of describing the premise (ex. "area cryptid upset no one bother to inform him of his tragic backstory," "diamonds are capitalism, shiny pebbles are forever,"). for fics with a more serious tone, i try to choose something that alludes to the climax or main plot point/emotional core (ex. "a blood crown for two," "where we fly on metal wings," "This Address Does Not Exist"), and sometimes i use the ye olde song lyric method if i'm really stuck (ex. "don't forget me when i let the water take me," "because with us you're free to sea,")
Do you outline?: lmao no.
okay, it's a bit more complicated than that. I've outlined maybe four or five fics ever - two of them were for zine fics because words weren't coming easily enough for the check-in, one was just because i thought that's what the multi-chap process was supposed to look like and was honestly more of a meme than an outline, and i currently have one that's an actual outline because it's a very plot-heavy au
Complete: like,,,, five zine fics (soon to be six since i need to finish one before the deadline in two hours lmao) that are locked in zine jail, the next installment of f1 au that's locked in beta jail, and a few fics that i wrote out by hand an still haven't typed up despite the fact they have started gathering visible dust
In-progress: A DabiHawks Pathologic AU, a sword spirit road trip AU, a catbi fic, another seven zine fics, four big bang fics, cyberpunk au sequel, and probably another five i'm forgetting because my life has spiraled out of control and this is less an interview than a desperate cry for help-
Coming soon: ....i uh.... am a tad burned out as the kids say, so the only thing i can definitively say is coming soon is my dabi bang fic, for which the premise is "the entire league thinks dabi is touch starved and thus touch avoidant but he's actually just severely immunocompromised" because i have a deadline on that lmao
Not started: more than i'm willing to admit - if i've ever mentioned or shown off an au that i didn't list as "in progress," chances are i haven't started it or have just put it on the back burner
Prompts? area cryptid and league of flat earthers actually both stemmed from the same prompt, but apart from those two the only fics i've written from prompts were for a valentines exchange i did with some friends last year - "Ritus," "Uncouth," "Not Exactly Procedure," and "Just Us"
Upcoming work you're most excited about: hmmmm my Whump Bang fic and my Hawks Bang fic are both going to cause significant pain and i can't wait to show them off, but my pathologic and sword spirit fics are also going to be excellent (once i actually work on them lmao)
No pressure tags: (i'm sorry if you've already been tagged, but it's been pre-established that i'm very out of the loop) @theycallmebol @amethystunarmed @draphrawrites @bittermoonswrites
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denkimystery · 4 years
Denki Mystery Series - 1st Episode: 『Six Men Getting Sick』
ー Midorito House, Eve of the Jyushimatsu Festival
A Voice: ... Come to think of it, the owner of my cab company… I wonder if he’s one of those people who's into the occult?
Ozo: I only come to the office sometimes. And whenever I’m there that’s all we talk about.
Ozo: Like, strange stories of this area? I’ve heard a lot about that too. I've heard it all from that person.
Takashi: Ah! I know who you’re talking about. He came to my store, too. He kept chattering on and on about how I should get out of this place before I am unable to leave, and then he just left.
Hajime: Wow. Is that person a local from here?
Ozo: No, it's nothing like that. I heard that he came here a long time ago, and then he was given the job and entrusted with the company. You're very curious, aren't you.
Karatsugu: I wonder what he was doing before that. He’s not from around here, but he knows a lot about it, right? The stories of this place, I mean.
Ozo: Come to think of it, people wouldn't talk so openly about that kind of stuff if they were from here. I wouldn't ask or deny it, though.
Ozo: He said I drive too rough, so he started calling me “Cowboy”.
Toshio: You sound like a villainous pro wrestler. It’s kinda cool.
Ozo: Right? But I'm not that buff! … Phew, that was a nice time. It's been about half an hour since we got back from the factory?
Ozo pops open a beer. The sound of the fizz is replaced by the sounds of him gulping his drink.
Chorosuke: It’s a bit late, but we've prepared a midnight snack.
Ozo: Whaaat, I didn't think the Master was here, but he cooked for me? That's very kind of you.
Takashi: Let me help, Chorosuke-san.
[[Takashi gets up to help Chorosuke set the food down.]]
Takashi: Wah, this looks so good.
Ozo: Ahhh! I'm so hungry!! … Ah, can you let me borrow your phone before we start?
Chorosuke: Sure, be my guest. … Dayoko, escort him please.
[[Ozo follows Dayoko out of the room.]]
Toshio: You have some for me too? Wah... It's mushroom soup! Looks good.
Chorosuke: Everyone, you must be hungry. After you eat, let's rest for today. We still have tomorrow.
[[Ozo comes back to the room.]]
Ozo: Thanks for letting me call. It was the president. I told him I was sick.
Ozo: Since we have a private gathering tomorrow, I told him I was gonna stay up and he replied with a resounding OK. Heheh!
Ozo: If it had been the old lady in the office, she would have told me to go home for sure!
Takashi: That’s the normal reaction. I think you're being underestimated by your president.
Karatsugu: Well, let's eat before it gets cold. Thanks for the food.
Toshio: Thanks for the fooood!
[[Toshio shoves a spoonful into his mouth, chewing eagerly. Everyone else follows suit.]]
Hajime: These mushrooms are delicious.
Chorosuke: These are the mushrooms that my student grew. He often gives me some, they are very fragrant and delicious.
Toshio: Are there other ways to eat it other than miso soup?
Chorosuke: You can also roast it, it’d still be delicious.
「Thank you for the meal.」 Everyone says when they’re finished.
Chorosuke: Did you all like it? Then, let's brew some tea. ... Dayoko, your big bwother*** will also help.
[[Chorosuke leaves the room.]]
Takashi: … Huh?
[[Takashi’s gaze is pointed down. Staring at something.]]
Takashi: ……. Jyushimatsu-niisan, why are you buried in the ground. Heyyy… Ah, another Jyushimatsu-niisan.
[[Hajime looks at where Takashi was looking at. There’s nothing but the floor.]]
Hajime: Ta-Takashi-kun? What’s wrong? … Are you ok!?
Ozo: … Hm? When did I get back to the car?
[[Ozo notices he’s not alone, looking into his rearview mirror he sees someone on the passenger’s seat.]]
Ozo: Customer-san, why are you wearing a paper bag?
Ozo: … Hie! [Ozo flinches as the customer removes his paper bag.]
Ozo: … You look just like me…!?
[[Toshio seems to be struggling.]]
Toshio: Uwah! What’s this thing in front of me! ... A big dog!
Chorosuke: Dayoko! I won’t hand Dayoko over to you!! Dayoko!? Where-? Dayoko?
Karatsugu: ... huh. I feel like my back is…
[[Karatsugu focuses on the feeling in his back before realizing that it’s sharp and he’s in deep pain.]]
Karatsugu: … W-Waaah!! I-I’ve been stabbed! I’m dead! I’m cuuursed!
Hajime: Eh... Where am I?
[[Hajime looks around.]]
Hajime: It’s pitch black.
Hajime: H-HIEEEEEEE!!! [[All of a sudden Hajime screams. Thrashing and flinging.]]
Hajime: H-Help meeee!!! SOMEBODY, HELP ME!
Takashi: Waaaaaah…!! … Huh. What was that?
Ozo: Wah! What the-? A-are these mushrooms safe to eat!? I just had a scary dream!****
Chorosuke: Huh? What’s the matter? Nothing happened to me, I’m fine. Here, have some tea.
[[Chorosuke starts pouring tea.]]
Toshio: I'm fine too.
[[Toshio starts munching on some of the snacks Chorosuke offered with the tea.]]
Toshio: Delicious! Where did you get these snacks?
Ozo: Eh ~ !? You're always eating them, so you've built up a tolerance? I don't remember it clearly, but I was really scared!
Toshio: Aah! Are you okay, Karamatsu-niisan? The corner of the desk is digging into your back.
Karatsugu: Eh!? The corner of the table? … Ah, thank goodness. I thought I was stabbed in the back…
Hajime: Haa~. [[Hajime releases a sigh he’s been holding.]]
Hajime: …. What was that. Just now. I’m not immune to these mushrooms… What did I just see…? Th-That was scary.
Toshio: Aaaa, that was delicious. … Well, I’m going home now. I’ll see you all tomorrow. My big brothers and Todomatsu!
Takashi: I'm getting a little used to it. That “Todomatsu”. Jyushimatsu-niisan.
Ozo: You live on the other side of the mountain, right? Why don't you just stay the night? Or, do you want me to drive you home?
Toshio: The roads are dangerous at night. I can take a shortcut.
[[Toshio stands up quickly in one fell swoop.]]
Toshio: Nanna is waiting for me.
Chorosuke: Here you go. Didn’t something break just earlier?
Toshio: Thank you, Choroma- Chorosuke-san. Todomatsu, my bigger brothers. Good night!
Thump, thump... Rustle, rustle, rustle. [[Toshio takes off running, his footsteps landing heavy on the dirt path. Soon after he runs through the bushes and into the forest.]]
Takashi: Ah…! He jumped into the bushes. I-I hope he’s ok.
Chorosuke: Ogami’s fine. Oh, and he’s always running around in the mountains.
[[Dayoko walks in to tell Chorosuke something.]]
Chorosuke: Hm, what. … Aah. Thank you, Dayoko. Everyone. The bath is ready. Please, help yourselves.
Ozo: Ah~, I'm going to catch my breath ‘cause my eyes are getting tired*****!
Chorosuke: Eh!?
Ozo: If we're going to talk about scary stories, how about we tell a “Hundred Stories” while drinking?
Chorosuke: Can you stop doing that I don’t want to get in trouble if something weird happens!?
ーThe Endー
Original Event
Summer Arc: 1 | 2 | 3
Mod Note: This came from the Stories that came with the Akatsuka Mansion Attraction from Trashneyland. All 4 and 3 star attractions have 3 stories, often related to the theme of the building. (ex. Akatsuka Mansion has 3 stories related to Denki Mystery. Geruge Castle also has 3 stories related to the Geruge Set).
The original title is 二豎(にじゆ)と六人の男 (lit. The Evil Spirits of Illness and the Six Men). *Nijiyu (二豎) is a term that originated from the legends of Zheng Chenggong. Unfortunately it’s all in Chinese and I’m already at my wit’s end so I can’t give you an exact origin lmao. I’m not sure what exactly happened but there’s this Duke who was cursed to not be able to eat anything new. He is feeling ill, he dreams of his illness and the doctor says that the illness can’t be healed because the cause is somewhere even his medicine can’t reach. That’s my rough understanding of what happened. Anw, that illness became known as the Nijiyu. Edit: I looked up David Finch's filmography again and turns out that the original title is referencing his 1967 work "Six Men Getting Sick (Six Times)". I've changed the title to make more sense to English readers, but I've kept the original title in the mod notes. If the stage names are references to David Lynch's movies then the story names are references to David Lynch's short films. And unlike the stage names, the titles of each story is relevant to what happens in the story.
*** Chorosuke uses Anii-chama again. Which is a cutesy way of saying bigger brother: Nii-san > Nii-sama > Anii-chama. He’s acting like a sis-con btw.
**** If you haven’t noticed, their mushroom trip is based on their original attack sprites. Ozo’s hallucination is a combination of his (Taxi + Passenger) and Toshio (Removing Mask)’s attacks. Karatsugu, Hajime and Takashi are slightly different from their original attack sprites (Karatsugu doesn’t write a dying message, Hajime doesn’t wield an axe and bolo, Takashi isn’t screaming). Chorosuke and Toshio’s hallucinations are original. Chorosuke is hallucinating about Dayoko being taken away and Toshio’s hallucinations involve a big dog, most likely the Inugami Youkai.
*****I think the original text is an idiom? I don’t know what it exactly means though so I did my best approx.
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